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Disability Medical Care

Abstract More than a quarter of the worlds population is affected by disabilities and two-thirds of the disabled population lives in developing or low-income countries. Attaining general medical care is difficult for all people living within developing countries, however it is even more challenging for those with disabilities. Currently in low-income countries in Africa, the poverty level and decline of general health care pose an even greater challenge to disabled people who need medical care. Many barriers exist that prevent disabled people from receiving necessary health care and as a result, these people become burdens within their communities. Unfortunately, stigmas are associated with disabled people and the culture of developing countries encourages violence and discrimination towards those with disabilities. Consequently, people with disabilities become outcasts within society and are never given the chance to attain treatment for their medical problems. The purpose of this paper is to present the obstacles faced by disabled people in developing countries and to provide strategies that can be used to improve the disability medical care within low-income countries. It is hoped that the provided improvement plan can be implemented in a developing country to make a difference in the way people with disabilities are treated.

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