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According to UC Berkeley, Ethnic Studies is an interdisciplinary form of study that starts from the assumption that race and racism have been, and continue to be, profound, powerful social and cultural forces shaping American society at large. Originating at the university level, Ethnic Studies has also taken root in specific high schools around the nation as a curricular approach to engaging students towards post-secondary goals. Eventhough the social and academic benefits of Ethnic Studies have been welldocumented by research and scholarship, its legitimacy and validity remains under fire.

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You have thoroughly read the Ethnic Studies Synthesis Text Collection. Your task is synthesize well-selected information from 5-10 sources and incorporate it skillfully into a coherent, well-written essay that explains the validity (or questionability) of ethnic studies as a curricular approach and examines its implications for the larger community/society. Make sure your argument is central; use the sources to illustrate and support your reasoning. Avoid merely summarizing the sources. Indicate clearly which sources you are drawing from, whether through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. You may cite the sources as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the descriptions in parentheses. Source A (Savage)

QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER IN FAVOR OF ETHNIC STUDIES 1. Whats at STAKE for proponents of ES? IN OPPOSITION TO ETHNIC STUDIES 2. Whats at STAKE for opponents and critics of ES?

2. What does ES offer that is of benefit? What does it cultivate, promote? 3. What justifies the NEED for something like ES? 4. What makes ES seem like a valid approach for learning and education?

2. What does ES offer that is questionable or of detriment? What seems antagonistic about ES? 3. What justifies why ES is not necessary? 4. What makes ES a problematic approach to learning and education?

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