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Nichole Brown 4/4/14 Humanities 1100 Friday at 10:00 am E-portfolio Assi nment !

1 1" #ecently$ the main focus of con%ersations and readin s in class has &een non-%iolent protests$ &ut there are also other forms of protest" 'hese could in%ol%e other attri&utes$ mainly the difference of %iolent measures &ein ta(en$ or there may also &e some protests that are in the middle$ not considered non-%iolent$ &ut also not outri ht %iolent either" )rotestors may attac( the police$ or people they feel are limitin freedom" 'hey may hurt citi*ens$ or anyone they feel is playin a part in whate%er it is they are protestin " + thin( that we as people ha%e a responsi&ility to &e mindful of our actions" ,e need to consider what repercussions are resultin from the actions we ta(e$ whether throu h %iolent or non%iolent protestin " ,e also need to consider if what we are fi htin for is -worth it." -/o the ends 0ustify the means1. is an important 2uestion to as( yourself if you decide to ta(e action a ainst what you see as an in0ustice" ,e should all desire a life of freedom" +t is our ri ht in this country to &e free" Howe%er$ often times we oursel%es are what is ettin in the way of us truly &ecomin free" + thin( we should all ta(e time to 2uestion what it is that may &e limitin our freedom$ and sometimes need to reali*e that often$ it is in fact oursel%es" 3" A4 5iti*ens of a country should not fully trust the -powers that &e. to tell them what is in their collecti%e &est interest" Howe%er le islatures$ and other people in similar positions$ do ha%e a different perspecti%e than the a%era e citi*en" 'hey ha%e a lot more (nowled e of what thin s are truly ta(in place state$ nation$ or worldwide" As citi*ens we should ta(e into account the opinions that they are &rin in to us$ howe%er we must reco ni*e that it is an opinion$ and 0ust &ecause it is from a le islator$ does not ma(e it 1006 correct" E%ery sin le person has &iases" 'hese &iases are manifested at different times throu hout our li%es due to the specific circumstances we o throu h" As a citi*en it is %itally important to reco ni*e this opinion$ other opinions$ and our own$ then come to a lo ical decision as to what we &elie%e is truly our &est interest as an indi%idual" B4 )atriotism$ 7ood 5iti*en$ 8ustice$ 9orality$ Freedom$ ,hat is -ri ht.$ :o%e$ 7od$ 7ood )erson$ )eace$ Happiness$ and so many more" ,ords and phrases li(e this are so hard to define$ &ecause e%ery person that loo(s at that one word$ comes to it with different opinions$ different &iases$ different life e;periences" E%en thou h we may not notice it$ e%erythin in our own indi%idual life will affect the reaction that we et when we loo( at a certain word" <pecific words mean different thin s to different people" 5ertain words can &e %ery wei hted to someone &ecause of past e;periences$ &ut mean nothin to another person" ,ords are 0ust mi;ed up letters$ and what more are letters than lines drawn on paper1 'here are so many different attri&utes that can ma(e up these words$ that often times people may disa ree on what the real meanin of the word e%en is"

=" A4 -'he mass of men ser%e the state thus$ not as men mainly$ &ut as machines$ with their &odies" 'hey are the standin army$ and the militia$ 0ailers""" they put themsel%es on a le%el with wood and earth and stones""" <uch command no more respect than men of straw or a lump of dirt" 'hey ha%e the same sort of worth only as horses and do s" >et such as these e%en are commonly esteemed ood citi*ens" ?thers- as most le islators$ politicians$ lawyers$ ministers$ and office-holders- ser%e the state chiefly with their heads@ and$ as they rarely ma(e any moral distinctions$ they are as li(ely to ser%e the de%il$ without intendin it$ as 7od" A %ery few- as heroes$ patriots$ martyrs$ reformers in the reat sense$ and men- ser%e the state with their consciences also$ and so necessarily resist it for the most part@ and they are commonly treated as enemies &y it". - 'horeau 'his was a lon 2uote$ &ut one + en0oyed from 'horeau" He is statin that many men who are often deemed to &e - ood citi*ens. are truly 0ust &odies actin as machines" Also these office-holders$ he states$ are ser%in solely with their heads$ and -rarely ma(e any moral distinctions." He says that the few men who ser%e the state with their conscience also$ are the ood citi*ens$ &ut are treated as enemies due to it" -,ithout free$ self-respectin $ and autonomous citi*ens there can &e no free and independent nations" ,ithout internal peace$ that is$ peace amon citi*ens and &etween the citi*ens and the state$ there can &e no uarantee of e;ternal peace". -9ohandas 7andhi 'o 7andhi$ a ood citi*en is one who is free$ self-respectin $ and autonomous" He &elie%es that a ood citi*en is one who is at peace with his fellow citi*ens$ and he felt %ery stron ly a&out non%iolent measures &ein ta(en" He also &elie%ed in acceptin the punishment if you &rea( the law$ similar to 9artin :uther Ain 8rBs &eliefs" -An indi%idual who &rea(s a law that conscience tells him is un0ust$ and who willin ly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community o%er its in0ustice$ is in reality e;pressin the hi hest respect for the law. - 9artin :uther Ain 8r" :uther &elie%ed that if a person feels a law is un0ust$ then they should &rea( that law$ &ut also accept the punishment$ in order to show the community the in0ustice of the law" 'his also relates to &ein a ood citi*en" :uther does say to &rea( the law$ &ut only if you feel it is un0ust$ and also to accept the punishment" 'he reasonin &ehind this must also &e to show the community the in0ustice of the law" -'here are two &asic moti%atin forces: fear and lo%e" ,hen we are afraid$ we pull &ac( from life" ,hen we are in lo%e$ we open to all that life has to offer with passion$ e;citement$ and acceptance" ,e need to learn to lo%e oursel%es first$ in all our lory and our imperfections" +f we cannot lo%e oursel%es$ we cannot fully open to our a&ility to lo%e others or our potential to create" E%olution and all hopes for a &etter world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted %ision of people who em&race life". - 8ohn :ennon 8ohn :ennon descri&es a ood citi*en as a person who faces life with passion$ e;citement$ and acceptance" He &elie%es we should all &e fearless$ open-hearted$ lo%in $ people who em&race life" + thin( no matter your reli ion or &eliefs$ 8ohn :ennon is ma(in a ood point here" <imply people &ein happy$ e;cited$ and en0oyin life ma(e a &etter citi*en$ ma(e a &etter community$ and ma(e a &etter people"

B4 + &elie%e that there are many attri&utes to &ein a ood citi*en$ and you could o on and on ma(in list after list of what types of thin s ma(e up a ood person$ so + will 0ust point out a few characteristics that + thin( stand out to me the most" + would ha%e to a ree with 8ohn :ennon" + thin( a ood citi*en$ or a ood person$ is a happy person" ?ne who en0oys life$ and em&races life" + thin( a ood citi*en canBt always &e characteri*ed &y actions$ &ut moti%es also need to &e accounted for" A ood deed may ha%e ne ati%e moti%es$ so + donBt thin( la&els can &e i%en solely upon actions" A ood citi*en is a person who desires ood$ and who stri%es for happiness$ contentment$ and peace" <ome thin s that + would characteri*e as not &ein a ood citi*en would &e ne ati%e$ selfish$ and la*y people" + &elie%e those who stri%e for their &est$ and encoura e others to do the same$ are the main attri&utes that ma(e up a ood citi*en"

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