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January 22nd 2014 Monster Culture 1.

Entire cultures and groups are often seen as monsters through an opposing view. This is done when there is a misunderstanding between the two sides and they resort to violence. Such as the European settlers towards the natives, they did not understand one another, so the Europeans justified slaughtering them by calling them barbaric monsters and savages. 2. I believe this is done still today, people misconstrue things and something goes from bad to worse and each perspective side begins hating one another. An example is viewing all people a turban as a terrorist monster when it is a simple misidentification and misunderstanding. 3. By: Ashleigh I really liked your response to what you summarized I think that we do classify people we dont understand as monsters. We look at them from the outside and because they are different than us, they are monstrous. I also agree with your example of terrorism I have met people that the turbans and they turn out to the farthest thing from monsters! 4. Monsters wait at the beginning of all of our fears depending on us, like children, to fear them as a child depends on us to love them. We create monsters like we create children, they depend on us in very different ways.

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