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R0IT< of H-W-I=I

College of !ducation Department of Special Education

March 11, 2013 To Whom It May Concern, It is my pleasure to recommend Heather Regidor as a candidate for a scholarship Heather is a student in my !" 2#$ course% &'oundations of Inclusion in Teaching( at )ee*ard Community College Her academic performance indicates she has +ery diligent *or, ethics and astute attention to detail I am +ery pleased to ha+e a student li,e her pursuing a degree *ith the -ssociate of -rts in Teaching .rogram /ecause of her conscientious input, her thorough research, and her articulate *riting style 0he e1hi/its a +ery mature grasp of the material that relates /ac, to practical efficacy in the educational setting and al*ays offers insightful comments pertaining to the topic of the *ee, 0pecial !ducation is a +ery comple1 field that re2uires e1ceptional patience, ingenuity, fle1i/ility and tireless de+otion Heather demonstrates all of these characteristics as e+idenced /y her course*or, thus far 3ne of the hea+iest *eighted assignments in !" 2#$ focused on the tenets of educational instructional philosophy and Heather4s su/mission *as a stand out amongst her peers 0he pro+ided *ays to incorporate% 5elonging, 6enerosity, Independence and Mastery into the classroom culture and descri/ed ho* these e1amples support student learning Heather offered *ell7de+eloped and inno+ati+e ideas a/out integrating ser+ice learning, family in+ol+ement, and student7dri+en accounta/ility I /elie+e Heather is a *onderful asset to the education field and I am confident she *ould /e highly deser+ing of a scholarship to pursue her professional endea+ors 0incerely, Christina T 8eaulana Instructor, 9ni+ersity of Ha*aii

1776 University Avenue, Wist 120 Honolulu, Hawaii 96822-2463 Tele !one" #808$ 9%6-79%6 &a'" #808$ 9%6-434% An ()ual * ortunity+A,,ir-ative A.tion /nstitution

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