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Structured Academic Controversy (SAC) Rubric

Criteria Organization & Preparation Student was prepared for debate and knowledgeable with background research on role and side. se o! Arguments and "#amp$es Student defended reasons with factual information; student harnessed emotion positively and constructively %istening S&i$$s Student listened and was open to other ideas. Pro!essiona$ism Student displays professional demeanor during the debate. 'ota$ Points SAC Preparation & (ebate Points SAC )or&s*eet (complete during SA#). SAC Participation (based on rubric above). 'O'A% 'eac*er Comments+ ////+ 0////+ ,////+ 11 Position was weak and ideas were unclear. 3 Ideas were acceptable, but left out crucial information. Ideas were clear in some parts. 5 Strong understanding of position as well as aware of other side; organized and very clear presentation of ideas. #ontrolled emotion with factual evidence used to support case. $ostly relevant reasons and supporting e!amples were given. &ery open to other views and ideas. Able to reverse perspectives. #onsensus* maker; follows rules and seeks both sides of the issue (good eye contact and body language). +,Points

All emotion with no facts to support argument. ew or no relevant reasons and supporting e!amples.

"motion was still high but some facts were given. Some relevant reasons and supporting e!amples were used.

%arrow minded and only saw one side. 'ude; did not follow rules (little eye contact and poor body language).

#onsidered other views.

#hatty; followed rules (some eye contact and body language).

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