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Using Showme to Demonstrate Understanding of the Associative Property of Multiplication

Teacher name Subject Grade Level Time duration Materials needed

Describe what you are going to need to have ready at hand for the lesson

Mrs. Bard Math 4th Grade 45 minutes Smart Board Teachers exemplar Showme screencast Ipads with Showme app Pencils Math notebooks 1. Students will investigate and describe the associative property of multiplication. SOL 4.16b. 2. Students will demonstrate an operational knowledge of various technologies by using various types of technology devices to perform learning tasks. SOL C/T 3-5.1a

Lesson Objective
The objective of the lesson is what students will be able to do as they leave your class. For this objective, use the Standards of Learning (SOL) to say what you want to focus on. You can find the SOLs at look on the right of the screen for the subjects and go from there.

Purpose of the lesson This

connects with the lesson objective, but in this section of your lesson plan you will describe what you want students to be able to do in your own words. Be specific in this section. Why do the students need to learn it? What will they be able to do at the end of the lesson to show that learning has taken place?

The purpose of the lesson is to help students to understand and be able to orally describe and mathematically represent the associative property of multiplication. Students will be able to observe the teachers exemplar Showme video about the associative property of multiplication in order to create their own screencast that demonstrates understanding of the associative property of multiplication.

Activity Describe what the learning

activity will be. Include: -Exactly what the teacher and students will be doing each step of the way. For example, at first, will the teacher be modeling something, or describing what they are doing. -Explain if the teacher be asking questions, holding a discussion? -Explain if the students will be

The teacher will introduce the lesson by posting a question on the Smart Board of Does (4x5) x6 = 4 x (5x6)? The teacher will ask the students if this is a true statement. By a show of hands, the teacher will ask the class how many believe it is a true statement and how many believe it is false. The results will be recorded on the Smart Board. The teacher will instruct students that they have three minutes to work out the problem at their desk and to try to think of a reason why the statement is true or false.

working independently, in pairs, groups etc.

The teacher will reengage the class for a discussion about the question Does (4x5) x6 = 4 x (5x6)? The teacher will ask students who thought the statement was false why they believe it is so. Then the teacher will ask the students who thought the statement is true why it is so. Then the teacher will explain the reasoning behind the associative property and why it is true for multiplication. The teacher will work through the problem on both sides of the equation using the order of operations to show that the statement is true. The teacher will give the class the definition of the associative property of multiplication. The associative property states that you can add or multiply regardless of how the numbers are grouped. Grouping means how the numbers are placed in parenthesis. The placement of the parenthesis in a multiplication problem does not change the result. The teacher will also show that (a x b) x c = a x (b x c). The teacher will give students another example to work at their desk in their math notebook. The example is (3x4)x5 = 3x(4x5). After three minutes the teacher will work through the problem on the white board for the class. Using the above formula, the students will substitute their own numbers for a, b and c and work the multiplication equation to show that the results are equal. The teacher will show the exemplar video describing the associative property of multiplication from the Showme app on the Smart board for the class to see. Using the Smart board, the teacher will give directions on how the students will create their own screencast using Showme to explain the associative property of multiplication. The students have the rest of the class to prepare their own screencast that demonstrates and describes the associative property of multiplication.

Assessment How will you as the

teacher check to see if the learning objectives have been met. The assessment must match the lesson objectives and the purpose of the lesson.

The teacher can assess student learning of the objectives by teacher observation and notes based on participation in the class discussion. The teacher can use the individual Showme videos to assess the students understanding of the associated property of multiplication as well an understanding of the use of technology to complete the assignment.

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