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What Are Electrolytes?

If you have ever heard a Gatorade or any other sports drink commercial youve probably heard the term electrolytes Well, an electrolyte is any substance that contains free ions that behaves as an electrically conductive medium.

Some Common Electrolytes

Sodium Ions: Aid in neuron communication Chloride Ions: Aid in nerve impulse Magnesium Ions: Manipulates iimportant polyphophate compounds (ATP,RNA, and DNA) Calcium Ions: Aid in muscle contraction Potassium Ions: Aids in nerve transmission

Electrolytes are so important because they are literally electric!

These electrical charges that are produced help things such as neuron cells in the body transmit information to and from the brain, and also throughout the nervous system. If you are exercising and experience a huge drop in sodium ions because they are being loss through sweat, the neurons in your body would not be able to transmit vital information as efficently.

So this vital role electrolytes play in human physiology might be why sport drink companies advertise around their importance.

Levels to Electrolyte Functions in Human Physiology

Some electrolytes that are referred to as weak electrolytes, because certain ions consumed by the body do not dissociate completely, but still play a vital role

For example, Carbonic acid is a relatively weak for m of electrolyte produced in the body, however, carbonic acid plays a crucial role in balancing the pH in blood and in regulating respiratory functions

Although, the majority of electrolytes derive from trace minerals (small amounts), and even though the ion concentration of certain elements vary in the body greatly. All of these ions play a vital role when they come in contact with an aqueous solutions because they produce specific electrolytes for the regulation of human physiology.

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