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Touay I playeu in my fiist soccei piactice since eaily Apiil of 2u1S. I was veiy
neivous because it has been a long time since I have toucheu a soccei ball. While I
was playing, I was constantly scaieu about ieinjuiing my knee. Eveiy tackle, eveiy
shot, the sounu of a snap lingeieu in the back of my heau. Even though it was a haiu,
uiaining piactice, I uiu bettei than I expecteu anu iealizeu how much I misseu
playing. I am ieally looking foiwaiu to playing outsiue anu especially exciteu foi my
fiist game. I have misseu the intensity anu the thiill I get fiom playing anu I coulun't
be moie exciteu to be back.

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