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Lindsay Loechler Project 3: Toy Project Brief Description: Petal Play is a toy that is educational by teaching children how

plants are grown and also encourages creativity.

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Plant your seed! Give it lots of sunshine & water! Stem & roots begin to grow

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Leaves will begin to appear Flower bud appears! Bud blossoms into a flower

Logo: Petal Play Logo Description: When making my logo I wanted to create something that was connected with my actual toy. I choose to use the two Ps as a break in my design by using the letterforms as the petals to my flower. I also think placing the two words together creates a harmonious flow with the curves of the letterforms. Theme: Process of flower growth Theme Description: Since this is an education toy I wanted that to be the focus of my info-graphic. Throughout my info graphic I show the process of a growing a flower. Having this included in the toy will hopefully help children visualize the flower actually growing while they build it!

Plant the seed to creativity!


Little ones can grow their own owers! Simply add petals, leaves and the stem to create a unique blossom in seconds! This is sure to plant the seed to your childs creativity!

Packaging: Petal Play Packaging Description: For the packaging, these two banners are placed on the front and back of the planter box. I wanted these banners to be playful and welcoming. For the front banner i choose to use the text from my logo and expand the size to grab the attention of the buyer. I choose to add the dirt texture to the background to give depth to my design.

Color Palette

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