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To Lucy and Matthew First published in 1987 by Methuen & Co.

Ltd Reprinted 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 199 , 1997, 1999 by Routled!e 11 "e# Fetter L$ne, London %C4& 4%% 29 'est 3 th (treet, "e# )or*, ") 10001 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group +his edition published in the +$ylor & Fr$n,is e-Libr$ry, 2001. . 1987 /ohn Fis*e &rinted in 0re$t 1rit$in by +/ 2ntern$tion$l Ltd, &$dsto#, Corn#$ll 3ll ri!hts reser4ed. "o p$rt o5 this boo* 6$y be reprinted or reprodu,ed or utili7ed in $ny 5or6 or by $ny ele,troni,, 6e,h$ni,$l, or other 6e$ns, no# *no#n or here$5ter in4ented, in,ludin! photo,opyin! $nd re,ordin!, or in $ny in5or6$tion stor$!e or retrie4$l syste6, #ithout per6ission in #ritin! 5ro6 the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication ata Fis*e, /ohn +ele4ision ,ulture8 popul$r ple$sures $nd politi,s. 1. +ele4ision pro!r$6s 2. +itle 791.4 97 &"1992. Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication ata Fis*e, /ohn +ele4ision ,ulture. 1iblio!r$phy8 p.

2n,ludes inde:es. 1. +ele4ision $nd politi,s. 2. &opul$r ,ulture. 2. +itle &"1992.;. F 7 1987 302.2934 87-20399 2(1" 0-203-13344-7 M$ster e-boo* 2(1" 2(1" 0-41 -03934-7 <&rint %dition= -i4Contents 3,*no#led!6ents 4ii 1

1 (o6e tele4ision, so6e topi,s, $nd so6e ter6inolo!y +he ,odes o5 tele4ision > (o6e ter6inolo!y 2 Re$lis6 21

+he 5or6 o5 re$lis6 > Re$lis6 $nd r$di,$lis6 3 Re$lis6 $nd ideolo!y 37

&opul$rity > Re$lis6 $nd dis,ourse > +ele4ision $nd so,i$l ,h$n!e 4 (ub?e,ti4ity $nd $ddress 48

+he so,i$l sub?e,t > +he dis,ursi4e sub?e,t > 3ddressin! the sub?e,t > &sy,ho$n$lysis $nd the sub?e,t 3,ti4e $udien,es ;2

+e:t $nd so,i$l sub?e,ts > M$*in! 6e$nin!s > Modes o5 re,eption > 0ossip $nd or$l ,ulture > +he so,i$l deter6in$tions o5 6e$nin!s ; 3,ti4$ted te:ts 84

+he polyse6y o5 the tele4ision te:t > @pen, #riterly te:ts > &rodu,erly te:ts > (e!6ent$tion $nd 5lo# > +ele4ision $nd or$l ,ulture 7 2nterte:tu$lity 108

Aori7ont$l interte:tu$lity > 0enre > 2nes,$p$ble interte:tu$lity > Berti,$l interte:tu$lity8 re$din! the se,ond$ry te:t > +he terti$ry te:t > 2nterte:tu$lity $nd polyse6y 8 "$rr$ti4e 128

Re$lis6 re4isited > (tru,tur$list $ppro$,hes to n$rr$ti4e > Mythi, n$rr$ti4e > "$rr$ti4e stru,tures > "$rr$ti4e ,odes > +ele4isu$l n$rr$ti4e 9 Ch$r$,ter re$din! 149

Re$list $nd stru,tur$l $ppro$,hes > Re$din! ,h$r$,ter 5ro6 the pri6$ry te:t > Re$din! ,h$r$,ter8 the se,ond$ry te:ts > 2denti5i,$tion, i6pli,$tion, $nd ideolo!y 10 0endered tele4ision8 5e6ininity 179

(o$p oper$ 5or6 > Cisruption > Ce5er6ent $nd pro,ess > (e:u$lity $nd e6po#er6ent > %:,ess > &lenitude $nd polyse6y > +he 5e6inine $s de,entered 11 0endered tele4ision8 6$s,ulinity 198 +he stru,ture o5 the 6$s,uline 3-+e$6 > +he $bsen,e o5 #o6en > +he $bsen,e o5 #or* $nd 6$rri$!e > +he 3-+e$6 $s $,hie4e6ent > +he ph$llus, the penis, $nd porn > M$le bondin! $nd the hero te$6 > 0ender $nd n$rr$ti4e 5or6 12 &le$sure $nd pl$y 224 &sy,ho$n$lysis $nd ple$sure > &le$sure $nd so,i$l ,ontrol > &le$sure, pl$y, $nd ,ontrol > &le$sure $nd rule bre$*in! > %6po#erin! pl$y > &le$sure $nd te:tu$lity 13 C$rni4$l $nd style 240 Ro,* DnD 'restlin! > (tyle $nd 6usi, 4ideo > +he ple$sures o5 Mi$6i Bi,e > Co66odi5ied ple$sure 14 Eui77i,$l ple$sures 2;

0$6e $nd ritu$l > Fno#led!e $nd po#er > Lu,* > Co66odities > +he $,ti4e $udien,e > 3rti,ul$tin! Gui7 sho#s 1 "e#s re$din!s, ne#s re$ders 281

+he str$te!ies o5 ,ont$in6ent > C$te!ori7$tion > (ub,$te!ories > @b?e,ti4ity > %:no6in$tion $nd ino,ul$tion > Met$phor > "e#s n$rr$ti4e > "e#s $n$lysis > +he 5or,es o5 disruption 1; Con,lusion8 the popul$r e,ono6y 309

+he proble6 o5 the popul$r > +he t#o e,ono6ies > &opul$r ,ultur$l ,$pit$l > Resist$n,e $nd se6ioti, po#er > Ci4ersity $nd di55eren,e Re5eren,es "$6e inde: 327 343

(ub?e,t inde: 348 -4iChapter 1 Some television, some topics, and some terminology 3ny boo* $bout tele4ision ,ulture is i66edi$tely 5$,ed #ith the proble6 o5 de5inin! its ob?e,t. 'h$t is tele4isionH 3nd, eGu$lly proble6$ti,$lly, #h$t is ,ultureH 2n this boo* 2 #or* #ith $ de5inition o5 tele4ision $s $ be$rerI pro4o*er o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures, $nd o5 ,ulture $s the !ener$tion $nd ,ir,ul$tion o5 this 4$riety o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures #ithin so,iety. +ele4ision-$s-,ulture is $ ,ru,i$l p$rt o5 the so,i$l dyn$6i,s by #hi,h the so,i$l stru,ture 6$int$ins itsel5 in $ ,onst$nt pro,ess o5 produ,tion $nd reprodu,tion8 6e$nin!s, popul$r ple$sures, $nd their ,ir,ul$tion $re there5ore p$rt $nd p$r,el o5 this so,i$l stru,ture. +ele4ision, its 4ie#ers, $nd the #$ys it 5un,tions in so,iety, $re so 6ulti5$rious th$t no ti!htly 5o,used theoreti,$l perspe,ti4e ,$n pro4ide us #ith $deGu$te insi!ht. +he theoreti,$l $nd 6ethodolo!i,$l roots o5 this boo* lie in th$t loosely deline$ted $re$ *no#n $s J,ultur$l studiesK #hi,h deri4es 5ro6 p$rti,ul$r in5le,tions o5 M$r:is6, se6ioti,s, post-stru,tur$lis6, $nd ethno!r$phy. +his $re$ en,o6p$sses both te:tu$lly in5le,ted $nd so,i$lly in5le,ted theories o5 ,ulture, $nd reGuires theoreti,$l, $n$lyti,$l, $nd e6piri,$l $ppro$,hes to rub to!ether in $ 6utu$lly ,riti,$l $nd produ,ti4e rel$tionship. +he boo* #ill 5o,us on the proble6 o5 ho# the te:tu$lity o5 tele4ision is 6$de 6e$nin!5ul $nd ple$sur$ble by its 4$riously situ$ted 4ie#ers, thou!h it #ill $lso ,onsider the rel$tionship bet#een this ,ultur$l di6ension $nd tele4isionDs st$tus $s $ ,o66odity in $ ,$pit$list e,ono6y. 1ut #e st$rt by ,onsiderin! tele4ision $s $ ,ultur$l $!ent, p$rti,ul$rly $s $ pro4o*er $nd ,ir,ul$tor o5 6e$nin!s. Ao# 6e$nin!s $re produ,ed is one o5 the ,entr$l proble6$ti,s o5 the boo*, but $ ,on4enient pl$,e to st$rt is #ith the si6ple notion th$t tele4ision bro$d,$sts pro!r$6s th$t $re replete #ith potenti$l 6e$nin!s, $nd th$t it $tte6pts to ,ontrol $nd 5o,us this 6e$nin!5ulness into $ 6ore sin!ul$r pre5erred 6e$nin! th$t per5or6s the #or* o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 'e sh$ll need to interro!$te this notion l$ter, but 2 propose to st$rt #ith $ tr$dition$l se6ioti, $,,ount o5 ho# tele4ision 6$*es, or $tte6pts to 6$*e, 6e$nin!s th$t ser4e the do6in$nt interests in so,iety, $nd ho# it ,ir,ul$tes these 6e$nin!s $6on!st the #ide 4$riety o5 so,i$l !roups th$t ,onstitute its $udien,es. 2 sh$ll do this by $n$ly7in! $ short se!6ent o5 t#o s,enes 5ro6 $ typi,$l, pri6e-ti6e, lon!-runnin! series, !art to !art, in order to de6onstr$te so6e b$si, ,riti,$l

6ethodolo!y $nd to r$ise so6e 6ore ,o6ple: theoreti,$l Guestions th$t #ill be $ddressed l$ter on in the boo*. +he A$rts $re $ #e$lthy, hi!h-li4in! husb$nd $nd #i5e dete,ti4e te$6. 2n this p$rti,ul$r episode they $re posin! $s p$ssen!ers on $ ,ruise ship on #hi,h there h$s been $ ?e#el robbery. 2n s,ene 1 they $re !ettin! re$dy 5or $ d$n,e durin! #hi,h they pl$n to te6pt the thie5 to rob the6, $nd $re dis,ussin! ho# the robbery 6$y h$4e been e55e,ted. 2n s,ene 2 #e 6eet the 4ill$in $nd 4ill$iness, #ho h$4e $lre$dy noti,ed /enni5er A$rtDs ostent$tiously displ$yed ?e#els. L "cene # A%R@8 Ae *ne# #h$t he #$s doin! to !et into this s$5e. A%R@2"%8 Cid you try the nu6bers th$t 0r$n4ille !$4e youH A%R@8 )eh. 2 tried those e$rlier. +hey #or*ed per5e,tly. A%R@2"%8 'ell you s$id it #$s $n inside ?ob, 6$ybe they h$d the ,o6bin$tion $ll the ti6e. A%R@8 /ust tryin! to eli6in$te $ll the possibilities. C$n you ,he,* this out 5or 6e. <!e gestures to his bow tie$= A%R@2"%8 M6. )es 2 ,$n. <!e hugs her$= M6. Li!ht 5in!ers. @h, /on$thon. A%R@8 /ust tryin! to *eep 6y tou,h in sh$pe. A%R@2"%8 'h$t $bout the *eys to the door. A%R@8 +hose *eys ,$nDt be dupli,$ted be,$use o5 the ,ode nu6bers. )ou h$4e to h$4e the ri!ht 6$,hines. -2A%R@2"%8 'ell, th$t le$4es the #indo#. A%R@8 +he porthole. A%R@2"%8 @h yes. +he porthole. 2 *no# they $re supposed to be ,h$r6in!, but they $l#$ys re6ind 6e o5 $ l$undro6$t. A%R@8 2 too* $ pee* out o5 there $ #hile $!o. 2tDs $bout $ll you ,$n do. 2tDs thirty 5eet up to the de,* e4en i5 you ,ould 6$*e it do#n to the #indo#, porthole. )ouDd h$4e to be the thin 6$n to sGuee7e throu!h. A%R@2"%8 'h$t do you thin*H <"he shows her %ewelry$= %nou!h honey to $ttr$,t the beesH

A%R@8 'ho *no#sH +hey 6$y not be $ble to see the honey 5or the 5lo#ers. A%R@2"%8 @h, th$tDs the ,utest thin! youD4e e4er s$id to 6e, su!$r. 'ell, sh$ll #eH <Gestures towards the door$= L "cene & B2LL32"8 2 suppose you noti,ed so6e o5 the i,in! on Ch$6berl$inDs ,up ,$*e. 2 didnDt h$4e 6y ?e#elerDs !l$ss, but th$t br$,eletDs !ot to be #orth $t le$st 5i5ty thous$nd. 'holes$le. B2LL32"%((8 &$tri,*, i5 youDre thin*in! #h$t 2 *no# youDre thin*in!, 5or!et it. 'eD4e 6$de our Guot$ one hit on e$,h ship. 'e s$id #e #erenDt !oin! to !et !reedy, re6e6ber. -3B2LL32"8 1ut d$rlin!, itDs you 2D6 thin*in! o5. 3nd 2 donDt li*e you t$*in! $ll those ,h$n,es. 1ut i5 #e ,ould !et enou!h 6$ybe #e #ouldnDt h$4e to !o b$,* to the Ri4ier$ ,ir,uit 5or ye$rs. B2LL32"%((8 +h$tDs #h$t you s$id #hen #e #ere there. B2LL32"8 'ell 6$ybe $ 5e# !ood in4est6ents $nd #e ,$n pit,h the #hole bloody business. 1ut #e $re !oin! to need $ bit 6ore 5or our retire6ent 5und. The codes of television Fi!ure 1.1 sho#s the 6$in ,odes th$t tele4ision uses $nd their rel$tionship. 3 ,ode is $ rule-!o4erned syste6 o5 si!ns, #hose rules $nd ,on4entions $re sh$red $6on!st 6e6bers o5 $ ,ulture, $nd #hi,h is used to !ener$te $nd ,ir,ul$te 6e$nin!s in $nd 5or th$t ,ulture. <For $ 5uller dis,ussion o5 ,odes in se6ioti,s see Fis*e 1983 or @D(ulli4$n et al$ 1983. = Codes $re lin*s bet#een produ,ers, te:ts, $nd $udien,es, $nd $re the $!ents o5 interte:tu$lity throu!h #hi,h te:ts interrel$te in $ net#or* o5 6e$nin!s th$t ,onstitutes our ,ultur$l #orld. +hese ,odes #or* in $ ,o6ple: hier$r,hi,$l stru,ture th$t Fi!ure 1.1 o4ersi6pli5ies 5or the s$*e o5 ,l$rity. 2n p$rti,ul$r, the ,$te!ories o5 ,odes $re $rbitr$ry $nd slippery, $s is their ,l$ssi5i,$tion into le4els in the hier$r,hyM 5or inst$n,e, 2 h$4e put spee,h $s $ so,i$l ,ode, $nd di$lo!ue <i.e. s,ripted spee,h= $s $ te,hni,$l one, but in pr$,ti,e the t#o $re $l6ost indistin!uish$ble8 so,i$l psy,holo!ists su,h $s 1erne <19;4= h$4e sho#n us ho# di$lo!ue in Jre$l li5eK is 5reGuently s,ripted 5or us by the inter$,tion$l ,on4entions o5 our ,ulture. (i6il$rly, 2 h$4e ,$lled ,$stin! $ ,on4ention$l represent$tion$l ,ode, $nd $ppe$r$n,e $ so,i$l one, but the t#o di55er only in intention$lity $nd e:pli,itness. &eopleDs $ppe$r$n,e in Jre$l li5eK is $lre$dy en,oded8 in so 5$r $s #e 6$*e sense o5 people by their $ppe$r$n,e #e do so $,,ordin! to ,on4ention$l ,odes in our ,ulture. +he ,$stin! dire,tor is 6erely usin! these ,odes 6ore ,ons,iously $nd 6ore ,on4ention$lly, #hi,h 6e$ns 6ore stereotypi,$lly.

+he point is th$t Jre$lityK is $lre$dy en,oded, or r$ther the only #$y #e ,$n per,ei4e $nd 6$*e sense o5 re$lity is by the ,odes o5 our ,ulture. +here 6$y be $n ob?e,ti4e, e6piri,ist re$lity out there, but there is no uni4ers$l, -4Figure 1.1 The codes of television 3n e4ent to be tele4ised is $lre$dy en,oded by social codes su,h $s those o58 Le4el one8 REALIT ! $ppe$r$n,e, dress, 6$*e-up, en4iron6ent, beh$4ior, spee,h, !esture, e:pression, sound, et,.

these $re en,oded ele,troni,$lly by technical codes su,h $s those o58 Le4el t#o8 RE"RESE#TATI$# ,$6er$, li!htin!, editin!, 6usi,, sound

#hi,h tr$ns6it the con'entional representational codes, #hi,h sh$pe the represent$tions o5, 5or e:$6ple8 n$rr$ti4e, ,on5li,t, ,h$r$,ter, $,tion, di$lo!ue, settin!, ,$stin!, et,.

Le4el three8 I%E$L$& #hi,h $re or!$ni7ed into ,oheren,e $nd so,i$l $,,ept$bility by the ideological codes( su,h $s those o58 indi4idu$lis6, p$tri$r,hy, r$,e, ,l$ss, 6$teri$lis6, ,$pit$lis6, et,. ob?e,ti4e #$y o5 per,ei4in! $nd 6$*in! sense o5 it. 'h$t p$sses 5or re$lity in $ny ,ulture is the produ,t o5 th$t ,ultureDs ,odes, so Jre$lityK is $l#$ys $lre$dy en,oded, it is ne4er Jr$#. K 25 this pie,e o5 en,oded re$lity is tele4ised, the te,hni,$l ,odes $nd represent$tion$l ,on4entions o5 the 6ediu6 $re brou!ht to be$r upon it so $s to 6$*e it <$= tr$ns6itt$ble te,hnolo!i,$lly $nd <b= $n $ppropri$te ,ultur$l te:t 5or its $udien,es.

(o6e o5 the so,i$l ,odes #hi,h ,onstitute our re$lity $re rel$ti4ely pre,isely de5in$ble in ter6s o5 the 6ediu6 throu!h #hi,h they $re e:pressed - s*in ,olor, dress, h$ir, 5$,i$l e:pression, $nd so on. - @thers, su,h $s those th$t 6$*e up $ l$nds,$pe, 5or e:$6ple, 6$y be less e$sy to spe,i5y syste6$ti,$lly, but they $re still present $nd #or*in! h$rd. Ci55erent sorts o5 trees h$4e di55erent ,onnot$ti4e 6e$nin!s en,oded into the6, so do ro,*s $nd birds. (o $ tree re5le,ted in $ l$*e, 5or e:$6ple, is 5ully en,oded e4en be5ore it is photo!r$phed $nd turned into the settin! 5or $ ro6$nti, n$rr$ti4e. (i6il$rly the te,hni,$l ,odes o5 tele4ision ,$n be pre,isely identi5ied $nd $n$ly7ed. +he ,hoi,es $4$il$ble to the ,$6er$ person, 5or e:$6ple, to !i4e 6e$nin! to #h$t is bein! photo!r$phed $re li6ited $nd spe,i5i$ble8 they ,onsist o5 5r$6in!, 5o,us, dist$n,e, 6o4e6ent <o5 the ,$6er$ or the lens=, ,$6er$ pl$,in!, or $n!le $nd lens ,hoi,e. 1ut the ,on4ention$l $nd ideolo!i,$l ,odes $nd the rel$tionship bet#een the6 $re 6u,h 6ore elusi4e $nd 6u,h h$rder to spe,i5y, thou!h it is the t$s* o5 ,riti,is6 to do ?ust th$t. For inst$n,e, the ,on4entions th$t !o4ern the represent$tion o5 spee,h $s Jre$listi, di$lo!ueK in s,ene 1 <pp. 2-3= result in the heroine $s*in! Guestions #hile the hero pro4ides the $ns#ers. +he represent$tion$l ,on4ention by #hi,h #o6en $re sho#n to l$,* *no#led!e #hi,h 6en possess $nd !i4e to the6 is $n e:$6ple o5 the ideolo!i,$l ,ode o5 p$tri$r,hy. (i6il$rly the ,on4ention$l represent$tion o5 ,ri6e $s the5t o5 person$l property is $n en,odin! o5 the ideolo!y o5 ,$pit$lis6. +he Jn$tur$lnessK #ith #hi,h the t#o 5it to!ether in the s,ene is e4iden,e o5 ho# these ideolo!i,$l ,odes #or* to or!$ni7e the other ,odes into produ,in! $ ,on!ruent $nd ,oherent set o5 6e$nin!s th$t ,onstitute the common sense o5 $ so,iety. +he pro,ess o5 6$*in! sense in4ol4es $ ,onst$nt 6o4e6ent up $nd do#n throu!h the le4els o5 the di$!r$6, 5or sense ,$n only be produ,ed #hen Jre$lity, K represent$tions, $nd ideolo!y 6er!e into $ ,oherent, see6in!ly n$tur$l unity. (e6ioti, or ,ultur$l ,riti,is6 de,onstru,ts this unity $nd e:poses its Jn$tur$lnessK $s $ hi!hly ideolo!i,$l ,onstru,t. 3 se6ioti, $n$lysis $tte6pts to re4e$l ho# these l$yers o5 en,oded 6e$nin!s $re stru,tured into tele4ision pro!r$6s, e4en in $s s6$ll $ se!6ent $s the one #e $re #or*in! #ith. +he s6$ll si7e o5 the se!6ent en,our$!es us to per5or6 $ det$iled $n$lyti,$l re$din! o5 it, but pre4ents us t$l*in! $bout l$r!er-s,$le ,odes, su,h $s those o5 the n$rr$ti4e. 1ut it does pro4ide $ !ood st$rtin! point 5or our #or*. CA'ERA ($R) +he ,$6er$ is used throu!h $n!le $nd deep 5o,us to !i4e us $ per5e,t 4ie# o5 the s,ene, $nd thus $ ,o6plete underst$ndin! o5 it. Mu,h o5 the ple$sure o5 tele4ision re$lis6 ,o6es 5ro6 this sense o5 o6nis,ien,e th$t it !i4es us. Ch$pter 2 de4elops this point in 6ore det$il. C$6er$ dist$n,e is used to s#in! our sy6p$thies $#$y 5ro6 the 4ill$in $nd 4ill$iness, $nd to#$rds the hero $nd heroine. +he nor6$l ,$6er$ dist$n,e in tele4ision is 6id-shot to ,lose-up, #hi,h brin!s the 4ie#er into $n inti6$te, ,o65ort$ble rel$tionship #ith the ,h$r$,ters on the s,reen. 1ut the 4ill$in $nd 4ill$iness $re $lso sho#n in e:tre6e ,lose-up <%CN=. +hrou!hout this #hole episode o5 !art to !art there $re only three

s,enes in #hi,h %CNs $re used8 they $re used only to represent heroIine $nd 4ill$inIess, $nd o5 the t#enty-one %CNs, ei!hteen $re o5 the 4ill$inIess $nd only three o5 the heroIine. %:tre6e ,lose-ups be,o6e $ ,odi5ied #$y 5or representin! 4ill$iny. -;+his en,odin! ,on4ention is not ,on5ined to 5i,tion$l tele4ision, #here #e 6i!ht thin* th$t its #or* upon the $li!n6ent o5 our sy6p$thies, $nd thus on our 6or$l ?ud!6ent, is ?usti5ied. 2t is $lso used in ne#s $nd ,urrent $55$irs pro!r$6s #hi,h present the6sel4es $s brin!in! re$lity to us Job?e,ti4ely. K +he ,ourt $,tion resultin! 5ro6 0ener$l 'est6orel$ndDs libel suit $!$inst the C1( in 198 re4e$led these ,odes 6ore Guestion$bly $t #or* in tele4ision reportin!. 3le: /ones re,ounts their use in his report o5 the tri$l 5or the )ew *or+ Times8 36on! the 6ore ,ontro4ersi$l te,hniGues is pl$,in! $n inter4ie#ee in p$rti$l sh$do# in order to lend dr$6$ to #h$t is bein! s$id. 3lso deb$ted is the use o5 e:tre6e ,lose-ups th$t tend to e6ph$si7e the tension 5elt by $ person bein! inter4ie#edM 4ie#ers 6$y $sso,i$te the $ppe$r$n,e o5 tension #ith lyin! or !uilt. +he e:tre6e ,lose-up ,$n be espe,i$lly d$6$!in! #hen $n inter4ie# is ,$re5ully s,ripted $nd $ ,$6er$6$n is instru,ted to 5o,us ti!htly on the personDs 5$,e $t the point #hen the tou!hest Guestion is to be $s*ed. (o6e do,u6ent$ry 6$*ers #ill not use su,h ,lose-ups $t $ll in inter4ie#s be,$use they ,$n be so 6isle$din!. +he C1( do,u6ent$ry ,ont$ined both $ sh$do#ed inter4ie# o5 $ 5riendly #itness $nd Jti!ht shotsK o5 0ener$l 'est6orel$nd. (u,h te,hniGues h$4e been used in do,u6ent$ries by other net#or*s $s #ell. %4en the #$riest 4ie#er is li*ely to 5ind it di55i,ult to dete,t so6e other ,o66on te,hniGues. J2 ,$nDt i6$!ine $ !ener$l 4ie#er !ettin! so sophisti,$ted #ith te,hniGues th$t they ,ould dis,ount the6, K s$id Reu4en Fr$n*, $ 5or6er president $t "1C "e#s #ho h$s been 6$*in! do,u6ent$ries 5or $bout 30 ye$rs. <)*T, Febru$ry 17, 198 8 8%= +here $re t#o possible sour,es o5 the ,on4entions th$t !o4ern the 6e$nin!s !ener$ted by this ,ode o5 ,$6er$ dist$n,e. @ne is the so,i$l ,ode o5 interperson$l dist$n,e8 in #estern ,ultures the sp$,e #ithin $bout 24 in,hes <;0 ,6= o5 us is en,oded $s pri4$te. 3nyone enterin! it is bein! either hostile, #hen the entry is un#el,o6e, or inti6$te, #hen it is in4ited. %CNs repli,$te this, $nd $re used 5or 6o6ents o5 tele4isu$l inti6$,y or hostility, $nd #hi,h 6e$nin!s they ,on4ey depends on the other so,i$l $nd te,hni,$l ,odes by #hi,h they $re ,onte:tu$li7ed, $nd by the ideolo!i,$l ,odes brou!ht to be$r upon the6. Aere, they $re used to ,on4ey hostility. +he other sour,e lies in the te,hni,$l ,odes #hi,h i6ply th$t seein! ,losely 6e$ns seein! better - the 4ie#er ,$n see into the 4ill$in, see through his #ords, $nd thus !$ins po#er o4er hi6, the po#er $nd the ple$sure o5 Jdo6in$nt spe,ul$rityK <see ,h$pter 2=. +hese te,hni,$l $nd so,i$l ,odes 6$ni5est the ideolo!i,$l en,odin! o5 4ill$iny.

-7Most o5 the other te,hni,$l ,odes ,$n be de$lt #ith 6ore Gui,*ly, #ith only brie5 ,o66ents. LI&*TI#& +he heroDs ,$bin is lit in $ so5t, yello#ish li!ht, th$t o5 the 4ill$ins in $ h$rsh, #hiter one. <2 $6 re6inded o5 Ao!benDs <1982= $ne,dote $bout the o,,$sion #hen he #$s !i4en $ hostile tre$t6ent in $ tele4ision inter4ie#. Ae did, ho#e4er, 6$n$!e to ,on4in,e the inter4ie#er th$t his point o5 4ie# deser4ed 6ore sy6p$thy, #hereupon the inter4ie#er insisted they re,ord the inter4ie# $!$in, but this ti6e #ithout the !reenish-#hite studio li!htin!. = E%ITI#& +he heroes $re !i4en 6ore ti6e <72 se,s= th$n the 4ill$ins <49=, $nd 6ore shots <10 $s $!$inst 7=, thou!h both h$4e $n $4er$!e shot len!th o5 7 se,onds. 2t is re6$r*$ble ho# ,onsistent this is $,ross di55erent 6odes o5 tele4ision <see Fis*e 198;b=8 it h$s be,o6e $ ,on4ention$l rhyth6 o5 tele4ision ,o66on to ne#s, dr$6$, $nd sport. '+SIC +he 6usi, lin*in! the t#o s,enes st$rted in $ 6$?or *ey, $nd ,h$n!ed to 6inor $s the s,ene ,h$n!ed to the 4ill$ins. CASTI#& +his te,hni,$l ,ode reGuires $ little 6ore dis,ussion. +he $,tors $nd $,tresses #ho $re ,$st to pl$y heroIines, 4ill$inIesses $nd supportin! roles $re re$l people #hose $ppe$r$n,e is $lre$dy en,oded by our so,i$l ,odes. 1ut they $re eGu$lly 6edi$ people, #ho e:ist 5or the 4ie#er interte:tu$lly, $nd #hose 6e$nin!s $re $lso interte:tu$l. +hey brin! #ith the6 not only residues o5 the 6e$nin!s o5 other roles th$t they h$4e pl$yed, but $lso their 6e$nin!s 5ro6 other te:ts su,h $s 5$n 6$!$7ines, sho#bi7 !ossip ,olu6ns, $nd tele4ision ,riti,is6. L$ter on in the boo* #e #ill dis,uss interte:tu$lity $nd ,h$r$,ter portr$y$l in !re$ter depth8 here #e need to note th$t these di6ensions o5 6e$nin! $re 4it$l in the ,ode o5 ,$stin!, $nd th$t they $re 6ore i6port$nt in the ,$stin! o5 heroIines th$n o5 4ill$inIesses. -8Ch$r$,ters on tele4ision $re not ?ust represent$tions o5 indi4idu$l people but $re en,odin!s o5 ideolo!y, Je6bodi6ents o5 ideolo!i,$l 4$luesK <Fis*e 1987$=. 0erbnerDs <1970= #or* sho#ed th$t 4ie#ers #ere ,le$r $bout the di55erent ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 tele4ision heroes $nd 4ill$ins on t#o di6ensions only8 heroes #ere 6ore $ttr$,ti4e $nd 6ore su,,ess5ul th$n 4ill$ins. +heir $ttr$,ti4eness, or l$,* o5 it, is p$rtly the result o5 the #$y they $re en,oded in the te,hni,$l $nd so,i$l ,odes - ,$6er$ #or*, li!htin!, settin!, ,$stin!, et,., but the ideolo!i,$l ,odes $re $lso i6port$nt, 5or it is these th$t 6$*e sense

out o5 the rel$tionship bet#een the te,hni,$l ,ode o5 ,$stin! $nd the so,i$l ,ode o5 $ppe$r$n,e, $nd th$t $lso rel$te their tele4isu$l use to their bro$der use in the ,ulture $t l$r!e. 2n his $n$lysis o5 4iolen,e on tele4ision, 0erbner <1970= 5ound th$t heroes $nd 4ill$ins $re eGu$lly li*ely to use 4iolen,e $nd to initi$te it, but th$t heroes #ere su,,ess5ul in their 4iolen,e, #here$s 4ill$ins 5in$lly #ere not. 0erbner #or*ed out $ *illers-to-*illed r$tio $,,ordin! to di55erent ,$te!ories o5 $!e, se:, ,l$ss, $nd r$,e. +he *illers ,$te!ory in,luded heroes $nd 4ill$ins, but the *illed ,$te!ory in,luded 4ill$ins only. Ae 5ound th$t $ ,h$r$,ter #ho #$s #hite, 6$le, 6iddle ,l$ss <or ,l$ssless= $nd in the pri6e o5 li5e #$s 4ery li*ely, i5 not ,ert$in, to be $li4e $t the end o5 the pro!r$6. Con4ersely ,h$r$,ters #ho de4i$ted 5ro6 these nor6s #ere li*ely to be *illed durin! the pro!r$6 in proportion to the e:tent o5 their de4i$n,e. 'e 6$y use 0erbnerDs 5indin!s to theori7e th$t heroes $re so,i$lly ,entr$l types #ho e6body the do6in$nt ideolo!y, #here$s 4ill$ins $nd 4i,ti6s $re 6e6bers o5 de4i$nt or subordin$te sub,ultures #ho thus e6body the do6in$nt ideolo!y less ,o6pletely, $nd 6$y, in the ,$se o5 4ill$ins, e6body ideolo!ies th$t oppose it. +he te:tu$l opposition bet#een heroIine $nd 4ill$inIess, $nd the 4iolen,e by #hi,h this opposition is ,o66only dr$6$ti7ed, be,o6e 6et$phors 5or po#er rel$tionships in so,iety $nd thus $ 6$teri$l pr$,ti,e throu!h #hi,h the do6in$nt ideolo!y #or*s. <+his theory is dis,ussed 6ore 5ully in Fis*e $nd A$rtley 1978 $nd in Fis*e 1982. = +he 4ill$in in this se!6ent h$s hints o5 non-36eri,$nnessM so6e 4ie#ers h$4e ,l$ssed his $,,ent, 6$nner, $nd spee,h $s 1ritish, 5or others his $ppe$r$n,e h$s see6ed Aisp$ni,. 1ut the hero $nd heroine $re both ,le$rly 6iddle,l$ss, #hite 36eri,$ns, $t ho6e $6on! the '3(&s <'hite 3n!lo-($:on &rotest$nts=. +he 4ill$iness is 3ry$n, blonde, pretty, $nd youn!er th$n the 4ill$in. 0erbnerDs #or* #ould le$d us to predi,t th$t his ,h$n,es o5 sur4i4in! the episode $re sli6, #here$s hers $re 6u,h better. +he predi,tion is ,orre,t. (he 5in$lly ,h$n!es sides $nd helps the heroIine, #here$s he is *illedM hints o5 this $re ,ont$ined in her ,onde6n$tion o5 the 4ill$inDs !reed, #hi,h positions her 6ore ,entr$lly in the ideolo!i,$l dis,ourse o5 e,ono6i,s <see belo#=. -9+hese te,hni,$l ,odes o5 tele4ision tr$ns6it, $nd in so6e ,$ses 6er!e into, the so,i$l ,odes o5 le4el 1. Let us loo* $t ho# so6e o5 the6 $re #or*in! to !ener$te 6e$nin!s $nd ho# they e6body the ideolo!i,$l ,odes o5 le4el 3. SETTI#& A#% C$ST+'E +he heroIineDs ,$bin is l$r!er th$n th$t o5 the 4ill$inIess8 it is hu6$ni7ed, 6$de 6ore $ttr$,ti4e by dr$pes $nd 5lo#ers, #here$s the other is $ll sh$rp $n!les $nd h$rd lines. +he 4ill$in #e$rs $ uni5or6 th$t pl$,es hi6 $s $ ser4$nt or e6ployee $nd the 4ill$inessDs dress is less t$ste5ul, less e:pensi4e th$n the heroineDs. +hese physi,$l di55eren,es in the so,i$l ,odes o5 settin! $nd dress $re $lso be$rers o5 the ideolo!i,$l ,odes o5 ,l$ss, o5 herois6 $nd 4ill$iny, o5 6or$lity, $nd o5 $ttr$,ti4eness. +hese $bstr$,t ideolo!i,$l ,odes $re ,ondensed into $ set o5 6$teri$l so,i$l ones, $nd the 6$teri$lity o5 the di55eren,es o5 the so,i$l ,odes is used to !u$r$ntee the truth $nd n$tur$lness o5 the ideolo!i,$l. 'e 6ust note, too, ho# so6e ideolo!i,$l ,odes $re 6ore e:pli,it th$n others8 the ,odes o5 herois6, 4ill$iny, $nd $ttr$,ti4eness $re #or*in! 5$irly openly $nd $,,ept$bly. 1ut under the6 the ,odes o5 ,l$ss, r$,e, $nd 6or$lity $re #or*in! less openly $nd 6ore

Guestion$bly8 their ideolo!i,$l #or* is to n$tur$li7e the ,orrel$tion o5 lo#er-,l$ss, non36eri,$n #ith the less $ttr$,ti4e, less 6or$l, $nd there5ore 4ill$inous. Con4ersely, the 6iddle,l$ss $nd the #hite 36eri,$n is ,orrel$ted #ith the 6ore $ttr$,ti4e, the 6ore 6or$l $nd the heroi,. +his displ$,e6ent o5 6or$lity onto ,l$ss is $ ,o66on 5e$ture o5 our popul$r ,ulture8 Cor56$n $nd M$ttel$rt <197 = h$4e sho#n ho# '$lt Cisney ,$rtoons ,onsistently e:press 4ill$iny throu!h ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 #or*in!-,l$ss $ppe$r$n,e $nd 6$nnerM indeed they $r!ue th$t the only ti6e the #or*in! ,l$ss $ppe$r in the 6iddle,l$ss #orld o5 Cu,*s4ille it is $s 4ill$ins. Fis*e <1984= h$s 5ound the s$6e te:tu$l str$te!y in the r ,ho tele4ision series. 'A)E,+" +he s$6e 6er!in! o5 the ideolo!i,$l ,odes o5 6or$lity, $ttr$,ti4eness, $nd herois6I4ill$iny, $nd their ,ondens$tion into $ 6$teri$l so,i$l ,ode, ,$n be seen in so6ethin! $s $pp$rently insi!ni5i,$nt $s lipsti,*. +he 4ill$iness h$s $ nu6ber o5 si!ns th$t ,ontr$di,t her 4ill$iny <she is blonde, #hite 36eri,$n, pretty, $nd 6ore 6or$l th$n the 4ill$in=. +hese predi,t her e4entu$l ,on4ersion to the side o5 the hero $nd heroine, but she ,$nnot loo* too li*e the6 $t this e$rly st$!e o5 the n$rr$ti4e, so her lips $re 6$de up to be thinner $nd less se:u$lly $ttr$,ti4e th$n the 5uller lips o5 the heroine. +he ideolo!y o5 lipsti,* 6$y see6 $ stret,hed ,on,ept, but it is in the $!!re!$te o5 $pp$rently insi!ni5i,$nt en,odin!s th$t ideolo!y #or*s 6ost e55e,ti4ely. -10 ACTI$# +here $re $ nu6ber o5 si!ni5i,$nt si6il$rities $nd di55eren,es bet#een the $,tions o5 the heroIine $nd the 4ill$inIess. 2n both ,$bins the #o6en $re prettyin! the6sel4es, the 6en $re pl$nnin!. +his n$tur$li7es the 6$nDs e:e,uti4e role <0o556$n 1979= o5 insti!$tin! $,tion $nd the #o6$nDs role $s ob?e,t o5 the 6$le !$7e - noti,e the 6irror in e$,h ,$bin #hi,h en$bles her to see hersel5 $s Jbe$rer o5 her o#n i6$!eK <1er!er 1972=8 the 5$,t th$t this is ,o66on to both heroIine $nd 4ill$inIess puts it beyond the re$l6 o5 ,on5li,t in the n$rr$ti4e $nd into the re$l6 o5 e4eryd$y ,o66on sense #ithin #hi,h the n$rr$ti4e is en$,ted. +he other $,tion ,o66on to both is the !ettin! $nd *eepin! o5 #e$lth $s $ 6oti4e 5or $,tion, $nd $s $ 6otor 5or the n$rr$ti4e8 this $lso is not p$rt o5 the ,on5li,t-tobe-resol4ed, but p$rt o5 the ideolo!i,$l 5r$6e#or* throu!h #hi,h th$t ,on5li,t is 4ie#ed $nd 6$de sense o5. 3 di55eren,e bet#een the t#o is th$t o5 ,ooper$tion $nd ,loseness. +he hero $nd heroine ,o-oper$te $nd ,o6e physi,$lly ,loser to!ether, the 4ill$in $nd 4ill$iness, on the other h$nd, dis$!ree $nd pull $p$rt physi,$lly. 2n $ so,iety th$t pl$,es $ hi!h 4$lue on $ 6$n $nd #o6$n bein! $ ,lose ,ouple this is $nother be$rer o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y. %IAL$&+E +he di$lo!ue $lso is used to $55e,t our sy6p$thy. +h$t o5 the 4ill$in $nd 4ill$iness is restri,ted to their ne5$rious pl$ns $nd their 6utu$l dis$!ree6ent, #here$s the hero $nd heroine $re $llo#ed $ ?o*e <#indo#IportholeIl$undro6$t=, $n e:tended 6et$phor <honey

$nd the bees=, $nd the n$rr$ti4e ti6e to est$blish $ #$r6, ,o-oper$ti4e rel$tionship. 1oth the heroIine $nd 4ill$inI ess $re $llo#ed irony, the use o5 #hi,h #ill be theori7ed $nd $n$ly7ed in ,h$pter ;. I%E$L$&ICAL C$%ES +hese ,odes $nd the tele4isu$l ,odes #hi,h brin! the6 to the 4ie#er $re both deeply e6bedded in the ideolo!i,$l ,odes o5 #hi,h they $re the6sel4es the be$rers. 25 #e $dopt the s$6e ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e in the de,odin! $s the en,odin! #e $re dr$#n into the position o5 $ #hite, 6$le, 6iddle-,l$ss 36eri,$n <or #esterner= o5 ,on4ention$l 6or$lity. +he re$din! position is the so,i$l point $t #hi,h the 6i: o5 tele4isu$l, so,i$l, $nd ideolo!i,$l ,odes ,o6es to!ether to 6$*e ,oherent, uni5ied sense8 in 6$*in! sense o5 the pro!r$6 in this #$y #e $re indul!in! in $n ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e oursel4es, #e $re 6$int$inin! $nd le!iti6$tin! the do6in$nt ideolo!y, $nd our re#$rd 5or this is the e$sy ple$sure o5 the re,o!nition o5 the 5$6ili$r $nd o5 its $deGu$,y. 'e h$4e $lre$dy be,o6e $ Jre$din! sub?e,tK ,onstru,ted by the te:t, $nd, $,,ordin! to 3lthusser <1971=, the ,onstru,tion o5 sub?e,ts-in-ideolo!y is the 6$?or ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e in ,$pit$list so,ieties. -11+his ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e is #or*in! $t its h$rdest in three n$rr$ti4e de4i,es in this se!6ent. +he 5irst is the #indo#IportholeIl$undro6$t ?o*e, #hi,h, $s #e h$4e seen, is used to 6$rsh$l the 4ie#erDs $55e,ti4e sy6p$thy on the side o5 the heroIine. 1ut it does 6ore th$n th$t. Freud tells us th$t ?o*es $re used to relie4e the $n:iety ,$used by repressed, un#el,o6e, or t$boo 6e$nin!s. +his ?o*e re4ol4es $round the J5e6inineK <$s de5ined by our do6in$nt ,ulture= in$bility to underst$nd or use te,hni,$l l$n!u$!e, $nd the eGu$lly J5e6inineK tenden,y to 6$*e sense o5 e4erythin! throu!h $ do6esti, dis,ourse. J&ortholeK is te,hni,$l dis,ourse - 6$s,uline8 J#indo#-l$undro6$tK is do6esti,-nurturin! dis,ourse - 5e6inine. +he $n:iety th$t the ?o*e relie4es is th$t ,$used by the 5$,t th$t the heroine is $ dete,ti4e, is in4ol4ed in the ,$t,hin! o5 ,ri6in$ls $,ti4ities th$t $re p$rt o5 the te,hni,$l #orld o5 6en in p$tri$r,hy. +he ?o*e is used to re,uper$te ,ontr$di,tory si!ns b$,* into the do6in$nt syste6, $nd to s6ooth o4er $ny ,ontr$di,tions th$t 6i!ht disrupt the ideolo!i,$l ho6o!eneity o5 the n$rr$ti4e. +he $ttr$,ti4eness o5 the heroine 6ust not be put $t ris* by $llo#in! her ,h$llen!e to p$tri$r,hy to be too st$r* - 5or $ttr$,ti4eness is $l#$ys ideolo!i,$l, ne4er 6erely physi,$l or n$tur$l. +he 6et$phor th$t e:presses the se:u$l $ttr$,ti4eness o5 #o6en 5or 6en in ter6s o5 the $ttr$,tion o5 honey $nd 5lo#ers 5or the bees #or*s in $ si6il$r #$y. 2t n$tur$li7es this $ttr$,tion, 6$s*in! its ideolo!i,$l di6ension, $nd then e:tends this n$tur$lness to its e:pl$n$tion o5 the $ttr$,ti4eness o5 other peopleDs ?e#elry 5or lo#er-,l$ss non-36eri,$n 4ill$insO +he 6et$phor is #or*in! to n$tur$li7e ,ultur$l ,onstru,tions o5 !ender, ,l$ss, $nd r$,e. +he third de4i,e is th$t o5 ?e#elry itsel5. 3s #e h$4e seen, the !ettin! $nd *eepin! o5 #e$lth is the 6$?or 6otor o5 the n$rr$ti4e, $nd ?e#elry is its 6$teri$l si!ni5ier. +hree

ideolo!i,$l ,odes interse,t in the use o5 ?e#elry in this n$rr$ti4e8 they $re the ,odes o5 e,ono6i,s, !ender, $nd ,l$ss. 2n the ,ode o5 e,ono6i,s, the 4ill$in $nd 4ill$iness stress the ?e#elryDs in4est6entIe:,h$n!e 5un,tion8 it is J#orth $t le$st 5i5ty thous$nd #holes$le, K it 5or6s J$ retire6ent 5und. K For the hero $nd heroine $nd 5or the ,l$ss they represent this 5un,tion is le5t unst$ted8 ?e#elry, i5 it is $n in4est6ent, is one to hold, not ,$sh in. 2t is used r$ther $s $ si!n o5 ,l$ss, o5 #e$lth, $nd o5 $estheti, t$ste. +he $estheti, sense, or !ood t$ste, is typi,$lly used $s $ be$rer $nd n$tur$li7er o5 ,l$ss di55eren,es. +he heroine deliber$tely o4erdoes the ?e#elry, 6$*in! it 4ul!$r $nd t$steless in order to $ttr$,t the lo#er-,l$ss 4ill$in $nd 4ill$iness. +hey, in their turn, sho# their deb$sed t$ste, their $estheti, insensiti4ity, by li*enin! it to the i,in! on $ ,up,$*e. 3s 1ourdieu <19;8= h$s sho#n us, the 5un,tion o5 $estheti,s in our so,iety is to 6$*e ,l$ssb$sed $nd ,ulture-spe,i5i, di55eren,es o5 t$ste $ppe$r uni4ers$l $nd there5ore n$tur$l. +he t$ste o5 the do6in$nt ,l$sses is uni4ers$li7ed by $estheti, theory out o5 its ,l$ss ori!inM the 6et$phor o5 Jt$steK #or*s in $ si6il$r #$y by displ$,in! ,l$ss di55eren,es onto the physi,$l, $nd there5ore n$tur$l, senses o5 the body. -12+he 6e$nin! o5 ?e#elry in the ,ode o5 !ender is ,le$r. /e#els $re the ,oins by #hi,h the 5e6$le-$s-p$tri$r,h$l-,o66odity is bou!ht, $nd #e$rin! the6 is the si!n both o5 her possession by $ 6$n, $nd o5 his e,ono6i, $nd so,i$l st$tus. 2nterestin!ly, in the ,ode o5 !ender, there is no ,l$ss di55eren,e bet#een heroIine $nd 4ill$inIess8 the e,ono6i,s o5 p$tri$r,hy $re the s$6e 5or $ll ,l$sses, thus 6$*in! it $ppe$r uni4ers$l $nd n$tur$l th$t 6$n pro4ides 5or his #o6$n. +his $n$lysis h$s not only re4e$led the ,o6ple:ity o5 6e$nin!s en,oded in #h$t is 5reGuently t$*en to be sh$llo# $nd super5i,i$l, but it $lso i6plies th$t this ,o6ple:ity $nd subtlety h$s $ po#er5ul e55e,t upon the $udien,e. 2t i6plies th$t the #ide 4$riety o5 ,odes $ll ,ohere to present $ uni5ied set o5 6e$nin!s th$t #or* to 6$int$in, le!iti6$te, $nd n$tur$li7e the do6in$nt ideolo!y o5 p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6. +heir ideolo!i,$l e55e,ti4ity $ppe$rs irresistible. +he resistibility o5 ideolo!y is one o5 the the6es th$t runs throu!h this boo*, $nd l$ter on, in ,h$pters $nd ;, #e #ill return to this $n$lysis, ,o6pli,$te it, $nd ,ontr$di,t its 6$in i6pli,$tions. For the 6o6ent, ho#e4er, it ser4es to de6onstr$te th$t popul$r tele4ision is both ,o6ple: $nd deeply in5used #ith ideolo!y. Some terminology +his boo* is not ,on,erned #ith tele4ision $s $n industri$l pr$,ti,e or $s $ pro5it-6$*in! produ,er o5 ,o66odities, thou!h it is ob4iously both o5 these, but $tte6pts to underst$nd it 5ro6 the perspe,ti4e o5 its $udien,es. For our purposes, then, tele4ision ,onsists o5 the pro!r$6s th$t $re tr$ns6itted, the 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures th$t $re produ,ed 5ro6 the6, $nd, to $ lesser e:tent, the #$y it is in,orpor$ted into the d$ily routine o5 its $udien,es. 'e #ill ,on,entr$te on Jtypi,$lK tele4ision - the 6ost popul$r, 6$instre$6, intern$tion$lly distributed pro!r$6s, 5or these $re the ones o5 !re$test si!ni5i,$n,e in popul$r ,ulture.

+o underst$nd tele4ision in this #$y #e need to see it $nd its pro!r$6s $s potenti$ls o5 6e$nin! r$ther th$n $s ,o66odities. 3 pro!r$6 is $ ,le$rly de5ined $nd l$beled 5r$!6ent o5 tele4isionDs output. 2t h$s ,le$r bound$ries, both te6por$l $nd 5or6$l, $nd it rel$tes to other pro!r$6s in ter6s o5 !eneri, si6il$rity $nd, 6ore essenti$lly, o5 di55eren,e. 'e *no# th$t $n $d is not p$rt o5 $ pro!r$6, #e *no# #hen one pro!r$6 5inishes $nd $nother st$rts. &ro!r$6s $re st$ble, 5i:ed entities, produ,ed $nd sold $s ,o66odities, $nd or!$ni7ed by s,hedulers into distribution p$,*$!es. allas is the s$6e pro!r$6 #hether it is bro$d,$st in the N(3, "orth 35ri,$, or 3ustr$li$. -13-

3 te:t is $ di55erent 6$tter $lto!ether. &ro!r$6s $re produ,ed, distributed, $nd de5ined by the industry8 te:ts $re the produ,t o5 their re$ders. (o $ pro!r$6 be,o6es $ te:t $t the 6o6ent o5 re$din!, th$t is, #hen its inter$,tion #ith one o5 its 6$ny $udien,es $,ti4$tes so6e o5 the 6e$nin!sIple$sures th$t it is ,$p$ble o5 pro4o*in!. (o one pro!r$6 ,$n sti6ul$te the produ,tion o5 6$ny te:ts $,,ordin! to the so,i$l ,onditions o5 its re,eption. C$ll$s is $ di55erent te:t in the N(3, in "orth 35ri,$, $nd in 3ustr$li$, indeed, it is 6$ny di55erent te:ts in the N(3 $lone. +e:ts $re the site o5 ,on5li,t bet#een their 5or,es o5 produ,tion $nd 6odes o5 re,eption. +he $n$lysis #e h$4e ?ust per5or6ed sho#s ho# the do6in$nt ideolo!y is stru,tured into popul$r te:ts by the dis,ourses $nd ,on4entions th$t in5or6 the pr$,ti,es o5 produ,tion $nd th$t $re $ p$rt o5 their re,eption. 1ut #h$t it h$s not sho#n is ho# other dis,ourses, other ,on4entions ,$n be brou!ht to be$r upon it th$t 6$y ,on5li,t #ith the do6in$nt ones stru,tured into it. 3 te:t is the site o5 stru!!les 5or 6e$nin! th$t reprodu,e the ,on5li,ts o5 interest bet#een the produ,ers $nd ,onsu6ers o5 the ,ultur$l ,o66odity. 3 pro!r$6 is produ,ed by the industry, $ te:t by its re$ders. +o underst$nd both the produ,tion o5 pro!r$6s $nd the produ,tion o5 6e$nin!s 5ro6 the6, #e need to underst$nd the #or*in!s o5 dis,ourse. +his is, in itsel5, $ 6ultidis,ursi4e ter6M th$t is, its us$!e 4$ries $,,ordin! to the dis,ourse in #hi,h it is situ$ted. 3t its si6plest, dis,ourse is the or!$ni7$tion o5 l$n!u$!e $bo4e the le4el o5 the senten,e8 it is thus $n e:tensi4e use o5 l$n!u$!e. 1y e:tension it ,$n ,o4er non4erb$l l$n!u$!es so th$t one ,$n t$l* o5 the dis,ourse o5 the ,$6er$ or o5 li!htin!. +his 5or6$listi, use does not !et us 4ery 5$r, 5or it i!nores the so,i$l $nd ideolo!i,$l di6ension. Cis,ourse is $ l$n!u$!e or syste6 o5 represent$tion th$t h$s de4eloped so,i$lly in order to 6$*e $nd ,ir,ul$te $ ,oherent set o5 6e$nin!s $bout $n i6port$nt topi, $re$. +hese 6e$nin!s ser4e the interests o5 th$t se,tion o5 so,iety #ithin #hi,h the dis,ourse ori!in$tes $nd #hi,h #or*s ideolo!i,$lly to n$tur$li7e those 6e$nin!s into ,o66on sense. JCis,ourses $re po#er rel$tionsK <@D(ulli4$n et $l. 19838 74=. Cis,ourse is thus $ so,i$l $,t #hi,h 6$y pro6ote or oppose the do6in$nt ideolo!y, $nd is thus o5ten re5erred to $s $ Jdis,ursi4e pr$,ti,e. K 3ny $,,ount o5 $ dis,ourse or $ dis,ursi4e pr$,ti,e 6ust in,lude its topi, $re$, its so,i$l ori!in, $nd its ideolo!i,$l #or*8 #e should not, there5ore, thin* $bout $ dis,ourse o5 e,ono6i,s, or o5 !ender, but o5 $ ,$pit$list <or so,i$list= dis,ourse o5 e,ono6i,s, or the p$tri$r,h$l <or 5e6inist= dis,ourse o5 !ender. (u,h dis,ourses 5reGuently be,o6e institution$li7ed, p$rti,ul$rly by the 6edi$ industries, in so 5$r $s they $re stru,tured by $ so,i$lly produ,ed set o5 ,on4entions th$t $re t$,itly $,,epted by both industry $nd ,onsu6ers. 2n this sense #e ,$n t$l* $bout the dis,ourse o5

ne#s, or o5 $d4ertisin!8 these dis,ourses still e:hibit our three de5inin! ,h$r$,teristi,s - $ topi, $re$, $ so,i$l lo,$tion, $nd the pro6otion o5 the interests o5 $ p$rti,ul$r so,i$l !roup. -14Cis,ourses 5un,tion not only in the produ,tion $nd re$din! o5 te:ts, but $lso in 6$*in! sense o5 so,i$l e:perien,e. 3 p$rti,ul$r dis,ourse o5 !ender, 5or e:$6ple, #or*s not only to 6$*e sense o5 $ tele4ision pro!r$6 su,h $s Charlie-s .ngels( but $lso to 6$*e $ p$rti,ul$r p$ttern o5 sense o5 !ender in the 5$6ily, in the #or*pl$,e, in s,hool, in so,i$l ,lubs - in 5$,t, in our !ener$l so,i$l rel$tions. (o,i$l e:perien,e is 6u,h li*e $ te:t8 its 6e$nin!s depend upon the dis,ourses th$t $re brou!ht to be$r upon it. /ust $s t#o di55erently so,i$lly situ$ted people 6$y 6$*e $ di55erent sense o5 the s$6e te:t, so they 6$y 6$*e $ di55erent sense o5 the s$6e so,i$l e:perien,e. +his brin!s us to $nother ,h$r$,teristi, o5 dis,ourse8 dis,ourses $re not produ,ed by the indi4idu$l spe$*er or $uthor, they $re so,i$lly produ,edM the 6e$nin!s th$t they be$r pree:ist their use in $ny one dis,ursi4e pr$,ti,e. 2t is o5ten s$id, so6e#h$t eni!6$ti,$lly, th$t #e do not spe$* our dis,ourse bur our dis,ourse spe$*s us. +his 6e$ns th$t dis,ourse not only 6$*es sense o5 its topi, $re$, it $lso ,onstru,ts $ sense, or so,i$l identity, o5 us $s #e spe$* it. 'e $ll o5 us h$4e $n e:tensi4e repertoire o5 dis,ourses th$t #e need in order to 6$*e sense o5 the 4$riety o5 te:ts $nd so,i$l e:perien,es th$t ,onstitute our ,ulture. +he $n$lysis o5 $ pro!r$6 ,$n identi5y the 6$in dis,ourses out o5 #hi,h it is stru,tured, but it ,$nnot o5 itsel5 identi5y the dis,ourses th$t the 4ie#er #ill brin! to be$r upon it to 6$*e it into $ te:t th$t be$rs 6e$nin!s 5or hi6 or her. +he dis,ourses o5 the pro!r$6 $tte6pt to ,ontrol $nd ,on5ine its potenti$l 6e$nin!s8 the dis,ourse o5 the re$der 6$y resist this ,ontrol. (o te:ts $re unst$ble, un,on5ined. +he $d $nd the pro!r$6 6$y be p$rt o5 the s$6e te:t in their inter$,tion in the produ,tion o5 6e$nin! $nd ple$sure. Me$nin!s $re not ,on5ined by produ,ersD bound$ries bet#een pro!r$6s, but $re p$rt o5 the J5lo#K o5 tele4ision $s e:perien,ed by its $udien,es. "either is the tele4ision te:t ,on5ined by the bound$ries o5 its 6ediu68 re$din! $nd t$l*in! $bout tele4ision $re p$rt o5 the pro,ess o5 6$*in! $ te:t out o5 it $nd $re deter6in$nts o5 #h$t te:t is $,tu$lly 6$de. (o, too, is our e:perien,e o5 other ,ultur$l 6edi$ - boo*s, 5il6s, ne#sp$pers, son!s, $nd so on. +he te:tu$lity o5 tele4ision is essenti$lly interte:tu$l. 3n essenti$l ,h$r$,teristi, o5 tele4ision is its polyse6y, or 6ultipli,ity o5 6e$nin!s. 3 pro!r$6 pro4ides $ potenti$l o5 6e$nin!s #hi,h 6$y be re$li7ed, or 6$de into $,tu$lly e:perien,ed 6e$nin!s, by so,i$lly situ$ted 4ie#ers in the pro,ess o5 re$din!. +his polyse6i, potenti$l is neither boundless nor stru,tureless8 the te:t deline$tes the terr$in #ithin #hi,h 6e$nin!s 6$y be 6$de $nd pro55ers so6e 6e$nin!s 6ore 4i!orously th$n others. +he $n$lysis o5 the !art to !art se!6ent h$s sho#n ho# the ,on4ention$l use o5 tele4isu$l ,odes h$s pre5erred $ set o5 6e$nin!s th$t, $nd this is typi,$l, 5it #ell #ith the 4$lues o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 1ut other 6e$nin!s 6$y be 6$de <see ,h$pter ;=8 the te:tDs polyse6y or 6e$nin! potenti$l 6$y be re$li7ed di55erently. 3 #hite #o6$n, 5or e:$6ple, 6$y 5ind the #indo#I portholeIl$undro6$t ?o*e o55ensi4e, $nd 6$y re$d the

heroineDs ,on,ern 5or her $ppe$r$n,e $s e4iden,e o5 her ,le4erness in bein! $ble to out#it the 4ill$in $nd 4ill$iness. +he point to 6$*e here is th$t the 6oti4$tion to e:ploit the polyse6y o5 the pro!r$6 is so,i$l8 the polyse6y o5 the te:t is ne,ess$ry i5 it is to be popul$r $6on!st 4ie#ers #ho o,,upy $ 4$riety o5 situ$tions #ithin the so,i$l stru,ture. +his 4$riety o5 so,i$l situ$tions is no h$r6onious rel$tionship o5 rou!hly eGu$l !roups $s 6odeled by liber$l plur$lis6, but 6ust $l#$ys be understood in ter6s o5 do6in$tion $nd sub?u!$tion. +he uneGu$l distribution o5 po#er in so,iety is the ,entr$l stru,turin! prin,iple in underst$ndin! the rel$tionship o5 $ny one !roup to others, or to the so,i$l syste6 $s $ #hole. 3s so,i$l !roups $re neither $utono6ous nor eGu$l, so too the 6e$nin!s they produ,e 5ro6 the te:t $re neither sel5-,ont$ined nor eGu$l. +he 6ore positi4e, 5e6inine re$din! o5 the heroineDs e55orts to in,re$se her $ttr$,ti4eness is not $ sel5-,ont$ined, sel5-su55i,ient one8 $n essenti$l p$rt o5 its 6e$nin! is its rel$tionship #ith, $nd di55eren,e 5ro6, the do6in$nt 6e$nin!s o5 5e6$le $ttr$,ti4eness in p$tri$r,hy. 3s the #o6$n re$der is so,i$lly positioned in $ po#er rel$tionship #ith p$tri$r,hy, so her re$din!s o5 $ te:t enter $ po#er rel$tionship #ith those pre5erred by the ideolo!i,$l stru,ture o5 the ,odes th$t ,o6prise it. &olyse6y is $l#$ys bounded $nd stru,tured, 5or polyse6y is the te:tu$l eGui4$lent o5 so,i$l di55eren,e $nd di4ersity. -1 3 te:tu$l study o5 tele4ision, then, in4ol4es three 5o,i8 the 5or6$l Gu$lities o5 tele4ision pro!r$6s $nd their 5lo#M the interte:tu$l rel$tions o5 tele4ision #ithin itsel5, #ith other 6edi$, $nd #ith ,on4ers$tionM $nd the study o5 so,i$lly situ$ted re$ders $nd the pro,ess o5 re$din!. +he ter6 Jre$dersK 6$y see6 in$ppropri$te 5or the #$t,hers o5 tele4ision, but it is the ter6 2 use 6ost 5reGuently in this boo*. 2 $lso use the rel$ted ter6s o5 J4ie#ers, K J$udien,es, K $nd J$udien,eK to re5er in di55erent #$ys to the people #ho #$t,h tele4ision. J3udien,e, K in the sin!ul$r, is the e$siest ter6 to underst$nd - $nd dis6iss. 2t i6plies th$t tele4ision re$,hes $ ho6o!eneous 6$ss o5 people #ho $re $ll essenti$lly identi,$l, #ho re,ei4e the s$6e 6ess$!es, 6e$nin!s, $nd ideolo!ies 5ro6 the s$6e pro!r$6s $nd #ho $re essenti$lly p$ssi4e. +he in$bility o5 the ter6 J$udien,eK to $,,ount 5or so,i$l di55eren,es $nd ,onseGuent di55eren,es o5 6e$nin!s 6e$ns th$t it $s,ribes !re$t ,entr$li7in!, ho6o!eni7in! po#er to tele4ision $nd its produ,ers. ConseGuently it sees the $udien,e $s rel$ti4ely po#erless $nd undis,ri6in$tin!, $t the 6er,y o5 the b$rons o5 the industry. 2t sees 4ie#ers, in (tu$rt A$llDs <1982= produ,ti4e phr$se, $s J,ultur$l dopesK #ho $re un$ble to per,ei4e the di55eren,e bet#een their interests $nd those o5 the produ,ers. (u,h $ 4ie# o5 the tele4ision $udien,e is surprisin!ly #idely held, o5ten by people #ho, on other topi,s, $re ,$p$ble o5 thin*in! Guite ,le$rly. -1;&lur$li7in! the ter6 into J$udien,esK $t le$st re,o!ni7es th$t there $re di55eren,es bet#een the 4ie#ers o5 $ny one pro!r$6 th$t 6ust be t$*en into $,,ount. 2t re,o!ni7es th$t #e $re not $ ho6o!eneous so,iety, but th$t our so,i$l syste6 is ,riss,rossed by $:es o5 ,l$ss, !ender, r$,e, $!e, n$tion$lity, re!ion, politi,s, reli!ion, $nd so on, $ll o5 #hi,h produ,e 6ore or less stron!ly 6$r*ed di55eren,es, $nd th$t these so,i$l di55eren,es rel$te $6on! e$,h other in $ ,o6ple:ity o5 #$ys th$t $l#$ys in4ol4es the di6ension o5 po#er.

(o,i$l po#er is uneGu$lly distributed in so,iety, so $ny set o5 so,i$l rel$tions ne,ess$rily in4ol4es po#er $nd resist$n,e, do6in$tion $nd subordin$tion. +he ter6 J$udien,esK re,o!ni7es the hetero!eneity o5 so,iety $nd $llo#s 5or th$t hetero!eneity to be understood in ter6s o5 po#er rel$tions. +he ter6s J4ie#erK $nd Jre$derK $re 6ore $,ti4e th$n either J$udien,eK or J$udien,esKM 2 use the6 #ith $ ,onsider$ble o4erl$p o5 6e$nin!, $nd thus, $t ti6es, inter,h$n!e$bly. 1ut there $re di55eren,es o5 e6ph$sis bet#een the6. 3 J4ie#erK is so6eone #$t,hin! tele4ision, 6$*in! 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures 5ro6 it, in $ so,i$l situ$tion. +his so,i$l situ$tion is ,o6pounded o5 both the so,i$l rel$tionsIe:perien,e o5 the 4ie#er <,l$ss, !ender, et,. = $nd o5 the 6$teri$l, usu$lly do6esti,, situ$tion <#hi,h is $lso $ produ,t o5 hisIher so,i$l rel$tions= #ithin #hi,h tele4ision is #$t,hed. +he tele4ision 4ie#er e:perien,es $ 5$r !re$ter 4$riety o5 6odes o5 #$t,hin! th$n does the ,ine6$ spe,t$tor. JBie#in!, K then, is $n $,ti4e pro,ess th$t brin!s to tele4ision the so,i$l rel$tions o5 the 4ie#er <herIhis point o5 4ie#= $nd the 6$teri$l situ$tion8 4ie#in! tele4ision ne#s #ill be Guite di55erent 5or the #o6$n #ho is ,oo*in! the 5$6ily 6e$l th$n 5or the 6$n slu6ped in $n $r6,h$ir in 5ront o5 the set. 3 4ie#er is en!$!ed #ith the s,reen 6ore 4$riously, $,ti4ely, $nd sele,ti4ely th$n is $ spe,t$tor. JBie#in!K is spe,i5i, to tele4ision, Jre$din!K is ,o66on to $ll te:ts. (o the ter6 Jre$derK 6e$ns Jthe produ,er o5 te:ts, the 6$*er o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures. K +his produ,ti4e $bility is the result o5 so,i$l e:perien,e or tr$inin!, #hether 5or6$l or in5or6$l. 2t is not $n inn$te !i5t, but $n $,Guired $bility. 2t is $ so,i$l pr$,ti,e, is ideolo!i,$l, $nd is the 6e$ns by #hi,h so,io,ultur$l e:perien,e, the te:t in Guestion, $nd its interte:tu$l rel$tionships, $re brou!ht to!ether in $ produ,ti4e 6o6ent o5 inter$,tion. +he Jre$derK is less ,on,retely situ$ted th$n the J4ie#erK $nd is r$ther the e6bodi6ent o5 th$t ,entr$l ,ultur$l pro,ess - the produ,tion o5 6e$nin!. -17Cultur$l pro,esses $re o5ten re5erred to 6et$phori,$lly $s thou!h they #ere e,ono6i, ones. 1ourdieuDs <1980= 6et$phor o5 ,ultur$l ,$pit$l is typi,$l. 1y this he 6e$ns th$t $ so,ietyDs ,ulture is $s uneGu$lly distributed $s its 6$teri$l #e$lth $nd th$t, li*e 6$teri$l #e$lth, it ser4es to identi5y ,l$ss interests $nd to pro6ote $nd n$tur$li7e ,l$ss di55eren,es. +hus, those ,ultur$l 5or6s #hi,h $ so,iety ,onsiders to be Jhi!h, K 5or e:$6ple, ,l$ssi,$l 6usi,, 5ine $rt, liter$ture, or b$llet, ,oin,ide #ith the t$stes o5 those #ith so,i$l po#er, #here$s lo#bro# or 6$ss ,ultur$l 5or6s $ppe$l to those r$n*ed lo# on the so,i$l stru,ture. +he point o5 this is th$t ,ulture $nd ,l$ss $re ,losely interrel$ted but the dis,ourse o5 ,ulture dis!uises its ,onne,tion #ith ,l$ss. 1y usin! #ords li*e Jt$ste, K $nd Jdis,ri6in$tion, K $nd by $ppe$lin! to $pp$rently uni4ers$l 4$lues su,h $s those o5 $estheti,s, the dis,ourse o5 ,ulture !rounds ,ultur$l di55eren,es in uni4ers$l hu6$n n$ture or in uni4ers$l 4$lue syste6s. 2t pretends th$t ,ulture is eGu$lly $4$il$ble to $ll, $s de6o,r$ti, ,$pit$lis6 pretends th$t #e$lth is eGu$lly $4$il$ble to $ll. +he 5$,t th$t 5e# $,Guire either ,ulture or #e$lth is e:pl$ined by re5eren,e to n$tur$l di55eren,es bet#een indi4idu$ls, #hi,h $re e:pressed $s di55eren,es in their n$tur$l t$lents or t$steM this e:pl$n$tion hides the role o5 so,i$l ,l$ss. +he upshot o5 this is th$t n$tur$lly JbetterK people <i.e. those #ith JbetterK t$ste= $ppre,i$te JbetterK $rt <i.e. th$t #hi,h is JinherentlyK 6ore uni4ers$l, $estheti,= $nd there5ore the 4$lue syste6 th$t 4$lid$tes

Jhi!hK $rt $nd deni!r$tes Jlo#K $rt is b$sed in n$ture, $nd not in the uneGu$l distribution o5 po#er in $ ,l$ss-di4ided so,iety. 1ourdieuDs $,,ount o5 ,ultur$l ,$pit$l re4e$ls the $tte6pt o5 the do6in$nt ,l$sses to ,ontrol ,ulture 5or their o#n interests $s e55e,ti4ely $s they ,ontrol the ,ir,ul$tion o5 #e$lth. +he ,onsistent deni!r$tion o5 popul$r ,ulture, su,h $s tele4ision, $s b$d 5or people indi4idu$lly $nd b$d 5or so,iety in !ener$l is ,entr$l to the str$te!y. +his theory o5 ,ultur$l ,$pit$l e:pl$ins the so,i$l 5un,tion o5 ,ulture $s the pro4ision o5 $ syste6 o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures th$t under#rites the so,i$l syste6 stru,tured $round e,ono6i,, ,l$ss, $nd other 5or6s o5 so,i$l po#er. Cultur$l ,$pit$l under#rites e,ono6i, ,$pit$l. 1ut the 6et$phor o5 the ,ultur$l e,ono6y 6ust not be ,on5ined to its si6il$rities #ith the 6$teri$l e,ono6y. +he ,ir,ul$tion o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures in $ so,iety is not, 5in$lly, the s$6e $s the ,ir,ul$tion o5 #e$lth. Me$nin!s $nd ple$sures $re 6u,h h$rder to possess e:,lusi4ely $nd 6u,h h$rder to ,ontrol8 po#er is less e55e,ti4ely e:erted in the ,ultur$l e,ono6y th$n it is in the 6$teri$l. 'e need to e:tend the 6et$phor o5 ,ultur$l ,$pit$l to in,lude th$t o5 $ popul$r ,ultur$l ,$pit$l th$t h$s no eGui4$lent in the 6$teri$l e,ono6y. &opul$r ,ultur$l ,$pit$l is $n $,,u6ul$tion o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures th$t ser4es the interests o5 the subordin$ted $nd po#erless, or r$ther the dise6po#ered, 5or 5e# so,i$l !roups $re utterly #ithout po#er. &opul$r ,ultur$l ,$pit$l ,onsists o5 the 6e$nin!s o5 so,i$l subordin$tion $nd o5 the str$te!ies <su,h $s those o5 $,,o66od$tion, resist$n,e, opposition, or e4$sion= by #hi,h people respond to it. +hese 6e$nin!s o5 subordin$tion $re not 6$de $,,ordin! to the do6in$nt 4$lue syste6, they $re not ones th$t 6$*e $ ,o65ort$ble sense o5 subordin$tion $nd thus #or* to 6$*e people ,ontent #ith their so,i$l situ$tion. R$ther they $re 6e$nin!s 6$de by $ 4$lue syste6 th$t opposes or e4$des the do6in$nt ideolo!y8 they $re 6e$nin!s th$t 4$lid$te the so,i$l e:perien,e o5 the subordin$te but not their subordin$tion. -18+his popul$r ,ultur$l ,$pit$l reGuires $ set o5 ,ultur$l ,o6peten,ies to Jre$dK it. 1runsdon <1981=, 5or e:$6ple, $r!ues th$t #o6en 5$ns o5 so$p oper$ $re hi!hly J,o6petentK re$ders. Cultur$l ,o6peten,e in4ol4es $ ,riti,$l underst$ndin! o5 the te:t $nd the ,on4entions by #hi,h it is ,onstru,ted, it in4ol4es the brin!in! o5 both te:tu$l $nd so,i$l e:perien,e to be$r upon the pro!r$6 $t the 6o6ent o5 re$din!, $nd it in4ol4es $ ,onst$nt $nd subtle ne!oti$tion $nd rene!oti$tion o5 the rel$tionship bet#een the te:tu$l $nd the so,i$l. Cultur$l ,$pit$l $nd ,ultur$l ,o6peten,e $re both ,entr$l to peopleDs $bility to 6$*e so,i$lly pertinent $nd ple$sur$ble 6e$nin!s 5ro6 the se6ioti, resour,es o5 the te:t. &le$sure results 5ro6 $ p$rti,ul$r rel$tionship bet#een 6e$nin!s $nd po#er. &le$sure 5or the subordin$te is produ,ed by the $ssertion o5 oneDs so,i$l identity in resist$n,e to, in independen,e o5, or in ne!oti$tion #ith, the stru,ture o5 do6in$tion. +here is no ple$sure in bein! $ J,ultur$l dopeK8 there is, ho#e4er, re$l ple$sure to be 5ound in, 5or e:$6ple, so$p oper$s th$t $ssert the le!iti6$,y o5 5e6inine 6e$nin!s $nd identities #ithin $nd $!$inst p$tri$r,hy. &le$sure results 5ro6 the produ,tion o5 6e$nin!s o5 the #orld $nd o5 sel5 th$t $re 5elt to ser4e the interests o5 the re$der r$ther th$n those o5 the do6in$nt. +he subordin$te 6$y be dise6po#ered, but they $re not po#erless. +here is $ po#er in

resistin! po#er, there is $ po#er in 6$int$inin! oneDs so,i$l identity in opposition to th$t proposed by the do6in$nt ideolo!y, there is $ po#er in $ssertin! oneDs o#n sub,ultur$l 4$lues $!$inst the do6in$nt ones. +here is, in short, $ po#er in bein! di55erent. +hese e:ertions o5 po#er $re $ll $4$il$ble to the subordin$te $nd $s su,h $re $ll potenti$l sour,es o5 popul$r ple$sure. &le$sure reGuires $ sense o5 ,ontrol o4er 6e$nin!s $nd $n $,ti4e p$rti,ip$tion in the ,ultur$l pro,ess. @ne o5 the ,entr$l $r!u6ents o5 this boo* is th$t tele4ision is so popul$r, th$t is, it is ,$p$ble o5 o55erin! su,h $ 4$riety o5 ple$sures to su,h $ hetero!eneity o5 4ie#ers, be,$use the ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 its te:ts $nd o5 its 6odes o5 re,eption en$ble $n $,ti4e p$rti,ip$tion in th$t sense-6$*in! pro,ess #hi,h #e ,$ll J,ulture. K +ele4ision $nd its pro!r$6s do not h$4e $n Je55e,tK on people. Bie#ers $nd tele4ision inter$,t. (o in this boo* 2 sh$ll not t$l* $bout tele4isionDs Je55e,t, K thou!h 2 sh$ll re5er to its Je55e,ti4ity. K +his r$ther u!ly 5or6 o5 the #ord 6$*es it 6ore di55used $nd !ener$li7ed, less spe,i5i,. 2n p$rti,ul$r it t$*es it out o5 $ny dire,t rel$tionship #ith $ J,$use. K +ele4ision does not J,$useK identi5i$ble e55e,ts in indi4idu$lsM it does, ho#e4er, #or* ideolo!i,$lly to pro6ote $nd pre5er ,ert$in 6e$nin!s o5 the #orld, to ,ir,ul$te so6e 6e$nin!s r$ther th$n others, $nd to ser4e so6e so,i$l interests better th$n others. +his ideolo!i,$l #or* 6$y be 6ore or less e55e,ti4e, $,,ordin! to 6$ny so,i$l 5$,tors, but it is $l#$ys there, $nd #e need to thin* o5 it in ter6s o5 its e55e,ti4ity in so,iety $t l$r!e, not o5 its e55e,ts upon spe,i5i, indi4idu$ls or !roups. J%55e,ti4ityK is $ so,io-ideolo!i,$l ter6, Je55e,tK $n indi4idu$lbeh$4ioristi, one. -193nd 5in$lly, in this pre4ie# o5 so6e o5 the ter6s used in this boo*, #e ,o6e to th$t 6ost i6port$nt $nd slippery ,on,ept o5 $ll - J,ulture. K Culture is ,on,erned #ith 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures8 our ,ulture ,onsists o5 the 6e$nin!s #e 6$*e o5 our so,i$l e:perien,e $nd o5 our so,i$l rel$tions, $nd there5ore the sense #e h$4e o5 our Jsel4es. K 2t $lso situ$tes those 6e$nin!s #ithin the so,i$l syste6, 5or $ so,i$l syste6 ,$n only be held in pl$,e by the 6e$nin!s th$t people 6$*e o5 it. Culture is deeply ins,ribed in the di55erenti$l distribution o5 po#er #ithin $ so,iety, 5or po#er rel$tions ,$n only be st$bili7ed or dest$bili7ed by the 6e$nin!s th$t people 6$*e o5 the6. Culture is $ stru!!le 5or 6e$nin!s $s so,iety is $ stru!!le 5or po#er. +his boo* is stru,tured into t#o uneGu$l se,tions. +he ne:t t#o ,h$pters, li*e the 5irst h$l5 o5 this one, in4esti!$te the 5or,es o5 ,ultur$l do6in$tion. +hey e:pl$in ho# the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd the so,i$l !roups th$t it 5$4ors h$4e their politi,$l $nd ,ultur$l interests pro6oted by tele4ision. +he rest o5 the boo* e:plores the #$ys in #hi,h tele4ision ,$n ser4e the interests o5 subordin$ted $nd oppressed !roups. For tele4ision is $ ,o6ple: ,ultur$l 6ediu6 th$t is 5ull o5 ,ontr$di,tory i6pulses #hi,h en$ble it, on the one h$nd, to 6$*e pro5its 5or, $nd pro6ote the ideolo!y o5, the 5e#, but, on the other h$nd, to pro6ote $n opposition$l, intr$nsi!ent, or, $t le$st, different ,ultur$l ,$pit$l 5or the subordin$ted !roups th$t ,onstitute the 6$?ority o5 our di4ided so,iety. -20Chapter -

Realism +he !art to !art se!6ent is Jre$listi,, K not be,$use it reprodu,es re$lity, #hi,h it ,le$rly does not, but be,$use it reprodu,es the do6in$nt sense o5 re$lity. 'e ,$n thus ,$ll tele4ision $n essenti$lly re$listi, 6ediu6 be,$use o5 its $bility to ,$rry $ so,i$lly ,on4in,in! sense o5 the re$l. Re$lis6 is not $ 6$tter o5 $ny 5idelity to $n e6piri,$l re$lity, but o5 the dis,ursi4e ,on4entions by #hi,h $nd 5or #hi,h $ sense o5 re$lity is ,onstru,ted. +he 6ost ob4ious is th$t it presents itsel5 $s $n un6edi$ted pi,ture o5 e:tern$l re$lity. +his 4ie# o5 tele4ision re$lis6 is o5ten e:pressed by the 6et$phors o5 tr$nsp$ren,y or re5le,tion - tele4ision is seen either $s $ tr$nsp$rent #indo# on the #orld or $s $ 6irror re5le,tin! our o#n re$lity b$,* to us. 2t is si!ni5i,$nt th$t both these 6et$phors in4o*e $ sheet o5 !l$ss $s $n i6person$l, non,ultur$l 6ediu6 o5 reprodu,tion - the hu6$n or ,ultur$l $!en,y in the pro,ess is 6$s*ed8 this 6e$ns th$t the 5inished represent$tion is n$tur$li7ed, th$t it is 6$de to $ppe$r the result o5 n$tur$l r$ther th$n ,ultur$l pro,esses, it is t$*en $#$y 5ro6 the re$l6 o5 history $nd ,ulture $nd 6o4ed to#$rds th$t o5 uni4ers$l truth. +$*in! the 6et$phors to their lo!i,$l e:tre6e li*e this re4e$ls their ob4ious in$deGu$,y to e:pl$in the #$y th$t tele4ision !i4es us represent$tions o5 the #orld, but so6e pro5ession$ls still ,lin! to #h$t 6edi$ theorists ,$ll Jthe tr$nsp$ren,y 5$ll$,yK <the 5irst o5 our 6et$phors=, $nd the use o5 the re5le,tion one is Guite ,o66on e4en in rel$ti4ely thou!ht5ul dis,ussions o5 the 6ediu6. +he #$y th$t 2 phr$sed it $t the be!innin! o5 this p$r$!r$ph does $llo# it so6e 4$lidity, 5or it does $ssu6e th$t it is our re$lity, not the re$lity, th$t is re5le,tedM in other #ords it $d6its th$t re$lity is the produ,t o5 people, $nd not $ uni4ers$l ob?e,t th$t people 6erely obser4e 5ro6 the outside. 'h$t 2 #ish to do in this ,h$pter is to study the #$ys by #hi,h tele4ision produ,es Jre$lityK r$ther th$n re5le,ts it. Re$lis6 ,$n be de5ined in $ nu6ber o5 #$ys, 5or it is $,tu$lly $ 5$irly slippery ,on,ept ,$p$ble o5 $ 4$riety o5 in5le,tions. 2$n '$tt <19 7= $nd R$y6ond 'illi$6s <1977= tend to de5ine it by its ,ontent. '$tt tr$,es its ori!ins to the rise o5 the no4el in the se4enteenth $nd ei!hteenth ,enturies. Re$lis6 de4eloped $lon!side e6piri,is6, indi4idu$lis6, hu6$nis6, $nd the bour!eoisie, so it is not surprisin! th$t it should sh$re ,h$r$,teristi,s #ith $ll o5 the6. For '$tt re$lis6 depends on the belie5 in $n ob?e,ti4e re$lity th$t ,$n be $,,ur$tely e:perien,ed by the hu6$n senses8 this re$lity is 6$de up o5 $n in5inity o5 uniGue ob?e,ts, people, pl$,es, $nd $,tions. (o 5or hi6 re$lis6 ,h$r$,teristi,$lly represents p$rti,ul$r e4ents h$ppenin! to indi4idu$li7ed people in spe,i5ied pl$,es $nd ti6e sp$ns. +he senses $nd e:perien,e o5 the indi4idu$l $re seen $s the pri6e #$y o5 6$*in! sense o5 this uni4erse o5 pheno6en$, $nd i5 so,i$l, 6or$l, reli!ious, or politi,$l ide$s intrude, they 6ust $l#$ys be e:pressed #ithin the 5or6s o5 indi4idu$l e:perien,e. -21R$y6ond 'illi$6s <1977=, #hose histori,$l perspe,ti4e ,o4ers the nineteenth $nd t#entieth ,enturies, lists three 6$in ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 re$lis6 in dr$6$8 he 5inds th$t it h$s $ ,onte6por$ry settin!, th$t it ,on,erns itsel5 #ith se,ul$r $,tion - th$t is, #ith hu6$n $,tion des,ribed in e:,lusi4ely hu6$n ter6s - $nd th$t it is Jso,i$lly e:tended. K 1y this he 6e$ns th$t it de$ls #ith the li4es $nd e:perien,es o5 ordin$ry people, not *in!s $nd

so,i$l le$dersM in p$rti,ul$r, th$t in5le,tion o5 re$lis6 #hi,h #e 6$y ,$ll Jso,i$l re$lis6K $nd #hi,h 'illi$6sDs de5inition is in,linin! to#$rds de$ls #ith the #or*in! ,l$ssDs e:perien,e o5 subordin$tion in $n industri$l so,iety. 2n so 5$r $s this is portr$yed sy6p$theti,$lly <thou!h not un,riti,$lly=, 'illi$6s is $ble to $dd $ 5ourth ,h$r$,teristi, o5 re$lis6, th$t it ,ons,iously interprets this e:perien,e 5ro6 $ p$rti,ul$r politi,$l point o5 4ie#, nor6$lly 5ro6 the le5t. +he 5irst three ,h$r$,teristi,s e:pl$in re$lis6Ds p$rti,ul$r suit$bility 5or tele4ision8 tele4isionDs $udien,e, li*e re$lis6Ds ,ontent, is so,i$lly e:tended, unli*e the 6ore sele,ti4e $udien,es o5 the$ter or 6$ny ,ine6$ 5il6sM tele4ision is p$rti,ul$rly #ell suited to representin! hu6$n $,tion in hu6$n ter6s - its s6$ll s,reen $nd ,o6p$r$ti4ely poor de5inition le$d it to ,on,entr$te on 6idshots $nd ,lose-ups o5 people $,tin!, re$,tin!, $nd inter$,tin!. 2ts repetition $nd its ori!ins in studios r$ther th$n e:terior lo,$tions le$d it to rely on 5$6ili$r interior settin!s o5 $ hu6$n do6esti, s,$le th$t 5it ,o65ort$bly into the 5$6ily roo6 #ithin #hi,h it is usu$lly 4ie#ed. +ele4ision typi,$lly de$ls #ith the ,onte6por$ry - this holds !ood $s $ !ener$li7$tion despite the popul$rity o5 histori,$l dr$6$ $s $ !enre. 2ndeed, ,riti,s li*e Feuer <1983= $nd Ae$th $nd (*irro# <1977= h$4e identi5ied $s one o5 the de5inin! ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 tele4ision its Jno#ness, K the sense o5 bein! $l#$ys Jli4eK #hi,h it ,onst$ntly tries to pro6ote. Fil6 presents itsel5 $s $ re,ord o5 #h$t h$s h$ppened, tele4ision presents itsel5 $s $ rel$y o5 #h$t is h$ppenin!. %4en $t the 6i,ro le4el this sense o5 the present is ,on4eyed by tele4isionDs te,hni,$l pro,esses. Che$ply produ,ed dr$6$s, su,h $s so$ps $nd sit,o6s, $re nor6$lly shot #ith 6ultiple ,$6er$s in the studio $nd h$4e li6ited or no postprodu,tion editin!. +his 6e$ns th$t the ti6e t$*en to per5or6 $n $,tion on tele4ision ,oin,ides pre,isely #ith the ti6e t$*en to per5or6 it in Jre$l li5eK - de$d ti6e in the 6iddle ,$nnot be edited out $s it is on 5il6. +his $bsen,e o5 $uthori$l <or editori$l= inter4ention $dds subtly to the sense o5 re$listi,ness, the sense th$t the ,$6er$ is 6erely re,ordin! #h$t h$ppened, $nd to the sense o5 li4eness, th$t it is h$ppenin! no# - the s$6e per5e,t 6$t,h bet#een represented tele4ision ti6e $nd the li4ed Jre$lK ti6e o5 the 4ie#er is, $5ter $ll, ,h$r$,teristi, o5 !enuinely li4e tele4ision, su,h $s sport. -22M$rion /ord$n <1981=, in her e:,ellent dis,ussion o5 the so,i$l re$lis6 o5 the %n!lish so$p oper$ Coronation "treet( lists ,h$r$,teristi,s th$t $re per5e,tly ,o6p$tible #ith those o5 '$tt $nd 'illi$6s8 1rie5ly the !enre o5 (o,i$l Re$lis6 de6$nds th$t li5e should be presented in the 5or6 o5 $ n$rr$ti4e o5 person$l e4ents, e$,h #ith $ be!innin!, $ 6iddle $nd $n end, i6port$nt to the ,entr$l ,h$r$,ters ,on,erned but $55e,tin! others in only 6inor #$ysM th$t thou!h these e4ents $re ostensibly $bout social proble6s they should h$4e $s one o5 their ,entr$l ,on,erns the settlin! o5 people in li5eM th$t the resolution o5 these e4ents should $l#$ys be in ter6s o5 the e55e,t o5 person$l inter4entionsM th$t ,h$r$,ters should be either #or*in!,l$ss or o5 the ,l$sses i66edi$tely 4isible to the #or*in! ,l$sses <shop*eepers, s$y, or the t#o-6$n business= $nd should be ,redibly $,,ounted 5or in ter6s o5 the Jordin$rinessK o5 their ho6es, 5$6ilies, 5riendsM th$t the lo,$le should be urb$n $nd pro4in,i$l <pre5er$bly in the industri$l north=M th$t the settin!s should be ,o66onpl$,e $nd re,o!nis$ble <the pub, the street, the 5$,tory, the ho6e $nd 6ore p$rti,ul$rly the *it,hen=M th$t the ti6e should be Jthe presentKM th$t the style should be su,h $s to su!!est $n un6edi$ted,

unpre?udi,ed $nd ,o6plete 4ie# o5 re$lity, to !i4e, in su66$ry, the i6pression th$t the re$der, or 4ie#er, h$s spent so6e ti6e $t the e:pense o5 the ,h$r$,ters depi,ted. <p. 28= 'illi$6sDs e6ph$sis on so,i$l e:tension $nd /ord$nDs on the #or*in! ,l$ss should $lert us to the 5$,t th$t 6ost 36eri,$n tele4ision re$lis6 is not Jso,i$l re$lis6K #ith its i6plied ,riti,is6 o5 Jdo6in$ntK re$lis6. +ele4isionDs #orld is 6u,h 6ore ,entered on the 6iddle ,l$ss #hi,h pro4ides its typi,$l ,ontent $nd 4ie#in! position. @ur dis,ussion o5 re$lis6 so 5$r h$s ,on,entr$ted on its ,ontent $nd the de5inition o5 the so,i$l #orld #hi,h it pro4ides. 'e h$4e loo*ed $t its 5or6 only to stress its so-,$lled tr$nsp$ren,y. 1ut 5or6 is ?ust $s 6u,h $ be$rer o5 6e$nin! $nd ,ulture $s is ,ontent, $nd 6$ny #ould $r!ue th$t, $s $ be$rer o5 ideolo!y, 5or6 is ,onsider$bly 6ore e55e,ti4e th$n ,ontent. @b4iously the de5inition o5 the #orld $nd the $!end$ th$t ,onstitutes the #orld $re i6port$nt, but it is the 5or6 th$t they $re !i4en th$t produ,es the point o5 4ie# 5ro6 #hi,h #e loo* $t the6, $nd thus the sense #e 6$*e o5 the6, $nd, p$r$do:i,$lly, the sense they 6$*e o5 us. For 6$*in! sense is $l#$ys $ t#o-#$y pro,ess8 underst$ndin! the ob?e,t ne,ess$rily in4ol4es de5inin! the sub?e,t #ho is doin! the underst$ndin!. -23L +he 5or6 o5 re$lis6 (o re$lis6 ,$n be de5ined by its 5or6, $s #ell $s by its ,ontent. +his rel$tes it to #h$t it does r$ther th$n to #h$t it is or #h$t it sho#s <its ,ontent=. Re$lis6 does not ?ust reprodu,e re$lity, it 6$*es sense o5 it - the essen,e o5 re$lis6 is th$t it reprodu,es re$lity in su,h $ 5or6 $s to 6$*e it e$sily underst$nd$ble. 2t does this pri6$rily by ensurin! th$t $ll lin*s $nd rel$tionships bet#een its ele6ents $re ,le$r $nd lo!i,$l, th$t the n$rr$ti4e 5ollo#s the b$si, l$#s o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t, $nd th$t e4ery ele6ent is there 5or the purpose o5 helpin! to 6$*e sense8 nothin! is e:tr$neous or $,,ident$l. +hus the 5lo#ers in the A$rtsD ,$bin $re not ?ust $,,ident$l de,or$tion, they si!ni5y the A$rtsD ,l$ss, t$ste, $nd #e$lth, $nd they $lso ,$rry the 4$lues o5 bein! $ popul$r heroIine, those th$t ,onstitute $ttr$,ti4eness. 2 h$4e $ssu6ed th$t re$lis6 is typi,$lly n$rr$ti4e in 5or6, $nd this $ssu6ption holds !oodM indeed so6e, su,h $s 1$rthes <197 $=, i6ply th$t re$lis6 is $l#$ys n$rr$ti4$lM e4en $ photo or $ re$listi, p$intin! is $ 5ro7en 6o6ent in $ n$rr$ti4e, $nd underst$ndin! it in4ol4es re,onstru,tin! the n$rr$ti4e on either side o5 the 6o6ent presented to us. +his de5inition o5 re$lis6 is p$rti,ul$rly rele4$nt 5or tele4ision be,$use it $d6its o5 5$nt$sy. 'onder#o6$n or the (i: Million Coll$r M$n $re Jre$listi,K be,$use their J5$nt$sti,K $,tions $nd $bilities ,on5or6 to the l$#s o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t, they $re rel$ted lo!i,$lly to other ele6ents o5 the n$rr$ti4e, $nd #or* $,,ordin! to #h$t 1elsey <1980= ,$lls $ Jre,o!ni7$ble syste6. K C$4ies <1978I9= de4elops this point in her $r!u6ent th$t Aolly#ood ,ine6$ $ppe$ls $s #idely $s it does not be,$use it is $ 4isu$li7$tion o5 the nineteenth-,entury re$list no4el, but be,$use its re$lis6 is $ble to e6body $ 4$riety o5 popul$r 5or6s8

'h$t #e h$4e in Aolly#ood ,ine6$ is not so 6u,h $ tr$ns5eren,e onto the s,reen o5 the do6in$nt re$list n$rr$ti4e 5or6 <#hi,h #$s prin,ip$lly ,on,erned #ith interior 6or$l li5e= but $ 5usin! o5 popul$r 5or6s <6elodr$6$, ro6$n,e, $d4enture, 0othi, thriller, dete,ti4e story, et,. = #ith $ re$list politiGue. <p. ;1= Aer use o5 the #ord JpolitiGueK is si!ni5i,$nt 5or it i6plies th$t the 6ode o5 re$lis6 itsel5 is politi,$l, is ideolo!i,$l. +he politi,s lie in the #$y it J,ont$insK the #orld #ithin 1elseyDs Jre,o!ni7$ble syste6. K Re$lis6 is thus de5ined by the #$y it 6$*es sense o5 the re$l, r$ther th$n by #h$t it s$ys the re$l ,onsists o5. '$tt <19 7= re5ers to this #$y o5 underst$ndin! re$lis6 #hen he points to its histori,$l ,on?un,ture #ith e6piri,is6, indi4idu$lis6, hu6$nis6 <or se,ul$ris6=, $nd bour!eois ,$pit$lis6. +he #$y #e 6$*e sense o5 $ re$listi, te:t is throu!h the s$6e bro$d ideolo!i,$l 5r$6e $s the #$y #e 6$*e sense o5 our so,i$l e:perien,e in the industri$li7ed #est <the $rt o5 non- or pre-,$pit$list so,ieties is r$rely re$listi,=, $nd both in4ol4e the #$y #e 6$*e sense o5 oursel4es, or r$ther, the #$y #e $re 6$de sense o5 by the dis,ourses o5 our ,ulture. -24@ne #$y in #hi,h #e $re 6$de sense o5 is des,ribed in s,reen theory by the phr$se Jthe positionin! o5 the re$din! <or 4ie#in!= sub?e,t. K 'e #ill be e:plorin! the issues in4ol4ed in the Guestion o5 sub?e,ti4ity in ,h$pter 48 5or the 6o6ent #e need to note th$t the te:t produ,es $ so,i$lly lo,$ted position th$t it in4ites the 4ie#er to o,,upy in order to underst$nd it e$sily $nd unproble6$ti,$lly. +hus the !art to !art se!6ent in4ites the 4ie#er to JbeK #hite 36eri,$n, 6$le, $nd 6iddle-,l$ss. Re$lis6 $,hie4es this positionin! o5 the re$din! sub?e,t throu!h its 5or6. M$,C$be <1981$= ,l$i6s $n essenti$l 5or6$l ,h$r$,teristi, o5 re$lis6 is th$t it is $l#$ys stru,tured by $ Jhier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses. K 1y this he 6e$ns th$t $ re$listi, n$rr$ti4e #ill ,ont$in $ r$n!e o5 di55erent $nd o5ten ,ontr$di,tory dis,ourses, #hi,h $re usu$lly e:pli,itly re,o!ni7ed $s su,h, but th$t these $re lo# do#n in the dis,ursi4e hier$r,hy. +$*in! pre,eden,e o4er the6 is $n Jun#rittenK $nd there5ore unre,o!ni7ed dis,ourse #hi,h tells the Jtruth, K th$t is, it pro4ides us <the re$der-spe,t$tor= #ith $ position o5 $ll*no#in!ness 5ro6 #hi,h #e ,$n underst$nd $nd e4$lu$te the 4$rious dis,ourses o5 the n$rr$ti4e. 2n 5i,tion, this is pro4ided by the i6plied $uthor, in 5il6 $nd tele4ision by the 5il6i,Itele4isu$l dis,ourse throu!h #hi,h the story is toldM this ,o6es do#n 5in$lly to ho# the ,$6er$ $nd the 6i,rophone represent the re$l $nd ho# the editor puts the results to!ether. +hus in the !art to !art se!6ent there is $ dis,ourse o5 heroes $nd $ dis,ourse o5 4ill$ins, but the tele4isu$l dis,ourse <#hi,h #e h$4e $lre$dy $n$ly7ed into its ele6ents o5 settin!, li!htin!, di$lo!ue, 6usi,, et,. = !i4es us the 6e$ns to underst$nd $nd e4$lu$te both dis,ourses $nd set the6 in $ sense-6$*in! rel$tionship to e$,h other. +his unspo*en, unre,o!ni7ed dis,ourse #hi,h M$,C$be ,$lls the J6et$dis,ourseK !i4es us $ 6ore pri4ile!ed position th$n either the heroIine or the 4ill$ins. +his position o5 spe,t$tori$l pri4ile!e 5ro6 #hi,h the #orld 6$*es per5e,t re$listi, sense M$,C$be ,$lls Jdo6in$nt spe,ul$rity. K

+his position o5 pri4ile!e is, $s the #ord i6plies, one th$t is ideolo!i,$lly $,ti4e. +he !art to !art se!6ent $tte6pts to position us $s #hite, 6$le, 6iddle-,l$ss 36eri,$ns, $nd by $doptin! this ,o65ort$ble $nd ideolo!i,$lly re#$rded position #e $re not ?ust 6$*in! e$sy sense o5 the te:t, #e $re reprodu,in! the do6in$nt ideolo!y in our re$din! pr$,ti,e $nd $re thus 6$int$inin! $nd 4$lid$tin! it. 2deolo!y, $,,ordin! to 3lthusser <1971=, is not $n $bstr$,t, st$ble set o5 ide$s th$t #e un,ons,iously $dopt, but $ pr$,ti,e8 it e:ists $nd #or*s only throu!h pr$,ti,es, $nd here #e $re ,on,erned #ith the si6ult$neous $nd insep$r$ble pr$,ti,es o5 6$*in! sense o5 the te:t $nd thus o5 ,onstitutin! oursel4es $s sub?e,ts-in-ideolo!y. 1y this 2 re5er to the pro,ess #hereby underst$ndin! the re$listi,, ob4ious sense o5 the se!6ent reGuires 4ie#ers to $dopt the so,i$l position $nd thus the so,i$l identity th$t the te:t h$s prep$red 5or the6. 2n this ,$se it is th$t o5 the #hite, 6iddle-,l$ss 6$le. 2n doin! this 4ie#ers $re 6$*in! $ p$rti,ul$r sense o5 the6sel4es $nd o5 their so,i$l rel$tions $nd $re thus $,ti4ely p$rti,ip$tin! in the pr$,ti,e o5 6$int$inin! the do6in$nt ideolo!y. -2 Closely rel$ted to the hier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses $nd do6in$nt spe,ul$rity in M$,C$beDs theory is re$lis6Ds in$bility to de$l #ith the re$l $s ,ontr$di,tory. Contr$di,tions th$t 6$y e:ist in re$lity $re ine4it$bly resol4ed in re$lis6 by the dis,ourse $t the top o5 the hier$r,hy. Colin M,3rthur <1981= $r!ues $!$inst M$,C$be here by ,itin! $n inst$n,e o5 tele4ision h$ndlin! ,ontr$di,tion8 2n ays of !ope( there is $ s,ene in #hi,h &rit,h$rd, the !entle6$nly "orthern ,o$l o#ner, le,tures 1en $nd the three $rrested Curh$6 6iners on the e:,ellen,e o5 the 1ritish tr$dition o5 pe$,e5ul, !r$du$l $nd ,onstitution$l re5or6 #hile, in the b$,*!round, the soldiers brou!ht in to suppress dissent in the ,o$l5ield indul!e in b$yonet pr$,ti,e. <p. 308= M$,C$beDs <1981b= $ns#er to this ,l$ri5ies the #or*in! o5 the hier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses in the resolution o5 ,ontr$di,tions8 'h$t M,3rthur here ,on5uses is the n$rr$ti4eDs $bility to st$te $ ,ontr$di,tion #hi,h it h$s $lre$dy resol4ed, $nd the n$rr$ti4eDs $bility to produ,e $ ,ontr$di,tion #hi,h re6$ins unresol4ed $nd is thus le5t 5or the re$der to resol4e $nd $,t out. 2n other #ords #hile M,3rthur loo*s si6ply 5or ,ontr$di,tion in the te:t, #e 6ust loo* $t ho# ,ontr$di,tion is produ,ed in the $udien,e. 2n the e:$6ple M,3rthur ,ites there is $ ,ontr$di,tion bet#een #h$t the 6ine-o#ner s$ys $nd #h$t the pi,ture sho#s. 1ut this is e:$,tly the ,l$ssi, re$list 5or6 #hi,h pri4ile!es the i6$!e $!$inst the #ord to re4e$l th$t #h$t the 6ineo#ner s$ys is 5$lse. 2n this 6$nner our position o5 *no#led!e is !u$r$nteed - #e 6$y ,hoose to dis$!ree #ith #h$t the n$rr$ti4e tells us but i5 it h$s $lre$dy pl$,ed us in the position #here #e $re sure #e $re ri!ht, it h$s not Guestioned the 4ery ,onstru,tion o5 th$t position. <p. 312= +his tele4isu$l 6et$dis,ourse #hi,h produ,es this position o5 Jdo6in$nt spe,ul$rityK 5or us uses $ nu6ber o5 5or6$l de4i,es de4eloped by Aolly#ood 5or #h$t Mon$,o <1977= ,$lls the Jo6nis,ient styleK o5 the ,l$ssi, Aolly#ood re$list 5il6. +his depends on 6oti4$ted editin! <so6eti6es ,$lled ,ontinuity editin!, e.!. by 1ord#ell $nd +ho6pson

198;=, $nd its essenti$l ,o6ponents, the shotIre4erse shot te,hniGue $nd the 180P rule, the eyeline 6$t,h $nd the $,tion 6$t,h. Moti4$ted editin!, #hi,h de4eloped $s the ,l$ssi, Aolly#ood re$list style, tries to 6$*e the #or* o5 the editor $nd dire,tor $s in4isible $s possible. 2t does this by !i4in! the i6pression th$t the edits $re $l#$ys reGuired or 6oti4$ted by the e4ents in the Jre$lityK th$t the ,$6er$ is re,ordin!M they $re ne4er the result o5 the desire to tell $ story in $ p$rti,ul$r #$y. +his produ,es the e55e,t o5 se$6lessness, o5 $ ,ontinuous 5lo#, #ith no 6$nu5$,tured ?oins or ed!es. @5 ,ourse this is, in pr$,ti,e, $ll nonsense - tele4ision is he$4ily edited, #ith ,uts o,,urrin! on $4er$!e $bout e4ery se4en or ei!ht se,onds. +his 6$int$ins $ hi!h de!ree o5 4isu$l sti6ul$tion - ,onst$ntly ,h$n!in! si!ni5iers is $ tele4isu$l ,h$r$,teristi, - $nd see6s to be reGuired by tele4isionDs less th$n i6posin! 4isu$l i6$!e $nd its typi,$l 6ode o5 re,eption. -2;+he shotIre4erse shot <or shotI,ountershot= is $ typi,$l stylisti, de4i,e o5 6oti4$ted editin!, $nd it is #orth loo*in! $t in so6e det$il to #or* out ho# it produ,es this Jre$lis6 e55e,t. K Let us t$*e $ spe,i5i,, but typi,$l, e:$6ple, $ short seGuen,e 5ro6 $n episode o5 Cagney and Lacey$ 3s C$!ney repl$,es the phone $5ter $ ,$ll 5ro6 $ 6$n she h$s ?ust 6et, the ,$6er$ holds L$,ey $nd her in $ t#o-shot, est$blishin! the sp$ti$l rel$tionship bet#een the6. 2t is shot 6ore 5ro6 C$!neyDs point o5 4ie# th$n L$,eyDs, $nd thus h$s L$,ey in $l6ost 5ull 5$,e. +his is J6oti4$tedK $s it is she #ho opens the ,on4ers$tion, $nd C$!neyDs 4ie# o5 the phone ,$ll th$t #e $re 6ost interested in8 L Camera "hot #/ +#o-shot, 5o,used on L$,ey "hot &/ CN o5 C$!ney "hot 1/ CN o5 L$,ey "hot 2/ CN o5 C$!ney "hot 3/ CN o5 L$,ey <Cu Q Close Np= L ialogue L3C%)8 (o heDs !or!eous $nd heDs not $ poli,e6$n. Cid he $s* you outH 0cut0 C30"%)8 Ae !$4e 6e his nu6ber. @FH 0cut0 L3C%)8 'ell, did you tell hi6 you #ould !o out #ith hi6H 0cut0 C30"%)8 Cid you he$r the #ord JyesK p$ss these lipsH 0cut0 L3C%)8 2 didnDt he$r the #ord JnoK either. 0cut0

-27%$,h ,ut ,oin,ides pre,isely #ith $ ,h$n!e o5 spe$*er, so the editin! $nd ,$6er$ #or* $ppe$r to be deter6ined by the $,tion8 it dis!uises its hi!hly ,on4ention$l, pl$nned 5or6 in 5$4our o5 $n $ppe$r$n,e o5 n$tur$lness. C$u!hie <1981= distin!uishes use5ully bet#een the types o5 ,$6er$ #or* th$t $re $ppropri$te to the t#o styles o5 re$lis6 th$t he ,$lls the dr$6$ti, loo* $t the re$l $nd the do,u6ent$ry loo*. 1y the dr$6$ti, loo* he re5ers to8

the syste6 o5 loo*s $nd !l$n,es #hi,h is 5$6ili$r 5ro6 5i,tion$l 5il6, $nd #hi,h #or*s to produ,e the ,onsisten,y $nd 6o4e6ent o5 the n$rr$ti4e, pl$,in! the spe,t$tor in rel$tion to it - the rhetori,, th$t is, o5 n$rr$ti4e re$list 5il68 eye-line 6$t,h, 5ieldIre4erse-5ield, point-o5-4ie#. +his rhetori, ,entres the n$rr$ti4e8 it est$blishes, #ithin $ #orld o5 e4ents, s,enes, ,h$r$,ters, $nd little n$rr$ti4es, the line $nd the ,onne,tions #hi,h $re to be pri4ile!ed. 2t orders the #orld into $ re$d$ble hier$r,hy. <p. 342= +his Cagney and Lacey seGuen,e e:e6pli5ies his de5inition pre,isely. +he shotI,ountershot <or 5ieldIre4erse 5ield= p$ttern is #or*in! here to position the spe,t$tor in M$,C$beDs do6in$nt spe,ul$rity. +he est$blishin! t#o-shot !i4es us *no#led!e o5 the #hole s,ene8 #e then see e$,h spe$*er 5ro6 ne$rly the point o5 4ie# o5 the listener. 'e *no#, in shots 2 to , throu!h the ,on4entions o5 eyeline 6$t,h $nd the 180P rule, e:$,tly #ho6 e$,h spe$*er is loo*in! $t $nd t$l*in! to, e4en thou!h she is not sho#n on the s,reen. +his *no#led!e !i4en by the 6et$dis,ourse o5 ,$6er$ #or* $nd editin! is superior to th$t possessed by either o5 the ,h$r$,ters8 #e JseeK into e$,h, under their #ords, $nd into the rel$tionship bet#een the6 6ore ,le$rly th$n either o5 the6 ,$n. +hus it is i6port$nt th$t the ,$6er$ does not repl$,e one o5 the ,h$r$,ters, does not position us e:$,tly in her position, 5or this #ould position us $s one o5 the6 $nd deny us this superiority. More i6port$ntly, it #ould $lso 6e$n th$t the spe$*er #ould $ppe$r to $ddress the $udien,e dire,tly $nd #ould thus $ppe$r to re,o!ni7e our presen,e. +he o6nis,ien,e !i4en us by this do6in$nt dis,ourse o5 the ,$6er$ depends $lso upon our position $s $n in4isible e$4esdropper-4oyeur #ho ,$n he$r, see, $nd underst$nd $ll #ithout the ,h$r$,tersD *no#led!e. JRe$lityK is l$id b$re be5ore us. 3nother e55e,t o5 these ,on4entions o5 shotIre4erse shot $nd 6oti4$ted editin! is #h$t is ,$lled Jsuture. K +his liter$lly 6e$ns Jstit,hin!, K $nd #or*s in t#o di6ensions. +he 5irst is #ithin the 5il6 <or pro!r$6= itsel5 #here it re5ers to the #$y th$t the ,onstru,tion o5 the 5il6, the #$y it is stit,hed to!ether, is 6$de in4isible by these ,on4entions so th$t our e:perien,e o5 it is one o5 Jse$6lessness. K +he se,ond is the #$y th$t it stit,hes the spe,t$tor into the n$rr$ti4e8 by $llo#in! the spe,t$tor to see $nd underst$nd the $,tion 5ro6 <ne$rly= the points o5 4ie# o5 the ,h$r$,ters it 6$int$ins the i6pression th$t the s,reen !i4es us dire,t un6edi$ted $,,ess to the $,tion, $nd thus $llo#s the 5il6i,Itele4isu$l 6et$dis,ourse to re6$in in4isible, unspo*en. -28+his $tte6pt $t se$6lessness is not ,on5ined to 5i,tion$l re$lis6. 2n ne#s or ,urrent $55$irs pro!r$6s lo,$tion inter4ie#s $re nor6$lly shot #ith $ sin!le ,$6er$ tr$ined on the inter4ie#ee. 35ter the inter4ie# is 5inished, the ,$6er$ is then turned onto the inter4ie#er #ho $s*s so6e o5 the Guestions $!$in $nd !i4es $ series o5 Jnoddies, K th$t is, re$,tion shots, nods, s6iles, or e:pressions o5 sy6p$theti, listenin!. +hese $re used to dis!uise l$ter edits in the inter4ie#eeDs spee,h. 'hen $ se,tion o5 this spee,h is edited out, the ,ut is dis!uised by insertin! $ Jnoddy, K thus hidin! the 5$,t th$t $ny editin! o5 the spe$*erDs #ords h$s o,,urred. 'ithout the Jnoddy, K the 4isu$ls #ould sho# $n ob4ious J?u6pK th$t #ould re4e$l the edit. +he ,$6er$ #or* $nd editin! in this Cagney and Lacey seGuen,e h$4e produ,ed $ Jhier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses. K +he lo#er positions in the hier$r,hy $re o,,upied by the

dis,ourses o5 C$!ney $nd L$,ey #hi,h ,o6e 5ro6 the so,i$l b$ses o5 the tr$dition$l #o6$n #ho belie4es th$t $ #o6$nDs h$ppiness depends upon her h$4in! $ J6e$nin!5ulK rel$tionship #ith $ 6$n, $nd th$t o5 the ne#er Jliber$tedK #o6$n #ho ,h$llen!es this. +hese $re both #h$t M$,C$be <1981$= ,$lls J#rittenK or Jspo*enK be,$use they $re e:pli,itly p$rt o5 the dr$6$. +he in4isible 6et$dis,ourse, ho#e4er, #hi,h t$*es hier$r,hi,$l pre,eden,e o4er the6, is not8 it is the 5il6i,Itele4isu$l dis,ourse #hi,h, by e:pl$inin! $nd 6$*in! sense o5 the lo#er dis,ourses, ,on5ers upon the 4ie#er the position o5 o6nis,ien,e. Fro6 here the 4ie#er ,$n underst$nd the p$rti$lity o5 e$,h #o6$nDs dis,ourse, $nd thus ,$n see th$t in Jre$lityK the JtruthK lies so6e#here bet#een the t#o. C$u!hie <1981= ,ontr$sts these ,on4entions o5 dr$6$ti, re$lis6 #ith those o5 do,u6ent$ry re$lis68 1y the Jdo,u6ent$ry loo*K 2 6e$n the syste6 o5 loo*s #hi,h ,onstru,ts the so,i$l sp$,e o5 the 5i,tion, $ so,i$l sp$,e #hi,h is 6ore th$n si6ply $ b$,*!round, but #hi,h, in $ sense, ,onstitutes #h$t the do,u6ent$ry dr$6$ #ishes to be $bout, the Jdo,u6entK #hi,h is to be dr$6$tised. +hus, Cathy Come !ome $nd The "pongers #ish to be $bout the so,i$l en4iron6ent o5 se,tions o5 the ,o66unity $nd the bure$u,r$,y #hi,h oppresses the6M ays of !ope ,l$i6s $s its sub?e,t the #hole o5 the l$bour 6o4e6ent 5ro6 rur$l ,o66unity to or!$nised l$bour. +his $ttention to the so,i$l en4iron6ent $nd to the ,o66unity is #h$t ,onne,ts do,u6ent$ry dr$6$ #ith the ideolo!y o5 n$tur$lis6. <p. 342= Ae !oes on to !i4e $ !ood e:$6ple o5 this do,u6ent$ry loo*8 3t $nother, $nd 2 thin* 6ore 5und$6ent$l le4el, the do,u6ent$ry loo* 5inds its ,onsisten,y in the rhetori, o5 the Junpl$nnedK or Junpre6edit$tedK shot8 the ,$6er$ surprised by the $,tion. 2n the l$st episode o5 ays of !ope( ($r$h $nd &hilip $re in $ pubM ($r$h r$ises her pint o5 beer $nd proposes $ to$st to the su,,ess o5 the 0ener$l (tri*eM $ 4oi,e o55-,$6er$ responds, J2Dll drin* to th$tKM ($r$h, still in 6id ,lose-up, $,*no#led!es the spe$*er, still o55-,$6er$M $nd only then does the ,$6er$ p$n round to loo* 5or the person #ho h$d t$*en it by surprise. +he little s,ene denies $ s,ript, denies pl$nnin!, denies rehe$rs$l, $nd est$blishes in their pl$,e $ ,o6plete #orld #hi,h the ,$6er$ ,$n only ,$pture, ,$nnot h$4e ,onstru,ted, $ #orld #hi,h !oes on beyond the 5i,tion. . . . 2t is spont$neous, there5ore true. <p. 344= -29@ther di55eren,es th$t C$u!hie notes bet#een dr$6$ti, $nd do,u6ent$ry re$lis6 in,lude the dr$6$ti,Ds reli$n,e on $n in4isibility o5 5or6 $nd on $ spe,t$tor #ho 5or!ets the ,$6er$, #here$s the do,u6ent$ry $ppe$rs to use $n ob?e,ti4e, but re,o!ni7ed ,$6er$, $nd thus uses ,on4entions li*e the h$ndheld ,$6er$, the ,r$6ped shot, $nd Jn$tur$lK li!htin!, o5ten supported by un,le$r or in$udible <$nd there5ore Jn$tur$lK= sound. +he do,u6ent$ry ,on4entions $re desi!ned to !i4e the i6pression th$t the ,$6er$ h$s h$ppened upon $ pie,e o5 unpre6edit$ted re$lity #hi,h it sho#s to us ob?e,ti4ely $nd truth5ully8 the dr$6$ti, ,on4entions, on the other h$nd, $re desi!ned to !i4e the i6pression th$t #e $re #$t,hin! $ pie,e o5 un6edi$ted re$lity dire,tly, th$t the ,$6er$

does not e:ist. +his 6$y see6 p$r$do:i,$l in 4ie# o5 the ,$re5ul 6$t,hin! o5 ,$6er$ s,riptin! to di$lo!ue $nd $,tion, but the ,on4entions o5 dr$6$ti, re$lis6 $bound #ith su,h p$r$do:es, $ll ,$re5ully dis!uised. +he ,on4entions o5 the dr$6$ti, loo* $re ide$lly suited to the ,l$ssi, re$lis6 th$t 6$*es the indi4idu$lDs e:perien,e the Jn$tur$lK #$y o5 underst$ndin! re$lity. +hose o5 the do,u6ent$ry, ho#e4er, shi5t the e6ph$sis onto the en4iron6ent o5 the prot$!onists, onto so,i$l 5$,tors, $nd $#$y 5ro6 the indi4idu$l. +hey $re thus better suited to the politi,$lly $#$re so,i$l re$lis6 th$t 'illi$6s <1977= 5inds in The Big Flame( $nd th$t 6$y be ,$lled Jpro!ressi4eK i5 not Jr$di,$lK <see p. 4;-7=8 they $re ,onseGuently less ,o66on in typi,$l pri6e-ti6e tele4ision. +here is $nother s,ene, l$ter in the s$6e episode o5 Cagney and Lacey( #hen the ,on4entions o5 6oti4$ted editin! $nd shotIre4erse shot $re used di55erently. +he s,ene opens #ith $ shot o5 Christine C$!ney $t $ rest$ur$nt t$ble. +he 6$n she is #$itin! 5or <#ho is the one #ho h$d phoned her in the e$rlier s,ene= is seen throu!h the #indo# behind her. Ae enters the rest$ur$nt o55-,$6er$, spe$*s his 5irst lines o55-,$6er$, $nd then enters the 5r$6e to ?oin C$!ney $t her t$ble. 3s he does so the ,$6er$ pulls b$,* to !i4e the est$blishin! t#o-shot8 L Camera L ialogue M3" <off camera=8 Ai Christine,

C30"%)8 @h, sorry, 2 ?ust #ent $he$d $nd ordered, 2 hope you donDt 6ind, 2D6 *ind$ pressed 5or ti6e. "hot #/ %st$blishin! shot8 C$!ney #$its, the 6$n enters the 5r$6e, $nd 5or6s $ t#o-shot M3"8 @h no, oh no, itDs 5ine, 2 hope thereDs no proble6. C30"%)8 "o, 2 h$4e si: $nd one h$l5 6inutes. 1esides, 2 #$nted to see you. 0cut0 M3"8 @h !ood, listen, 2 donDt re6e6ber i5 2 told you but 0cut0 l$st ni!ht #$s . . . di55erent.

"hot &/ %CN o5 6$n

C30"%)8 'ell the rest$ur$nt #$s $ny#$y. "hot 1/ CN o5 C$!neyDs re$,tionsM his shoulder is 4isible M3"8 Co you *no# #h$t 2D6 s$yin!, ChristineH C30"%)8 )es 2 do 0cut0 4she pauses5 0cut0 $s 2 s$id, 2 #ent $he$d $nd ordered b$si,$lly #h$te4er they h$d prep$red, be,$use - er - the truth is 2 donDt *no# #h$t "hot 28%CN o5 6$n you li*e to e$t. "hot 3/ CN o5 C$!ney, ti!hter th$n shot 3 M3"8 2D6 $n $d4enturer, re6e6berH C30"%)8 +h$tDs ri!ht, #here did you s$y you #ent to s,hoolH 0cut0 M3"8 Nni4ersity o5 &ennsyl4$ni$. 0cut0 C30"%)8 Ri!ht, in &hil$delphi$.

"hot 6/ %CN o5 6$n "hot 7/ CN o5 C$!ney

M3"8 Nhu6. C30"%)8 Ri!ht . . . )ou #ent on $ b$s*etb$ll s,hol$rshipH M3"8 Nhu6. C30"%)8 Ri!ht. M3"8 2s e4erythin! @FH C30"%)8 2tDs per5e,t. 'hyH M3"8 )ou ?ust see6 $ little ner4ous. C30"%)8 @h no, 2D6 ?ust interested, 2 #ould li*e to !et to *no# you. 0cut0 M3"8 2 thin* #e *no# e$,h other pretty #ell. 0cut0 <Cagney loo+s at him$= 0cut0 C30"%)8 @h th$n* you <to waitress bringing their meal=. -30<CN Q Close-up, %CN Q %:tre6e Close-Np= Aere the n$rr$ti4e e6ph$sis $nd 4ie#er interest 5o,us upon C$!neyDs suspi,ion o5 the 6$n $nd o5 her o#n $ttr$,tion to hi6, so this 6oti4$tes the editin! to *eep the ,$6er$ on her $nd her re$,tions e4en #hen he is spe$*in!, thus *eepin! her in shot 5or 6u,h lon!er th$n hi6. Aer suspi,ion o5 hi6 is ,on4eyed to us by her tone o5 4oi,e $nd di$lo!ue8 the unspo*en tele4isu$l 6et$dis,ourse o5 the editin!, ,$6er$ #or*, $nd li!htin! JtellsK us th$t her suspi,ion is ?usti5ied. +he JtruthK o5 the s,ene lies in her e:perien,e o5 it, not in his. +he editin! #e h$4e $lre$dy 6entioned, but it is #orth noti,in! ho# the ,$6er$ uses the 4$ri$nts o5 the ,lose-up sho#n in shots 2, 3, $nd . +he 6$n <shots 2, 4, ;, 8= is $l#$ys shot in ti!hter ,lose-up th$n C$!ney is, $nd in ,h$pter 1 #e h$4e noted th$t e:tre6e ,lose-up is 6ore li*ely to be used to portr$y 4ill$ins th$n heroesM this is not to su!!est th$t the 6$n is $ 4ill$in, but to s#in! our sy6p$thy $#$y 5ro6 hi6, to see hi6 5ro6 C$!neyDs point o5 4ie#. C$!ney, $t the be!innin! $nd endin! o5 the s,ene <shots 3, 9=, is shot in Jnor6$lK ,lose-up. 2n shots $nd 7, ho#e4er, she is 6ore #orried $bout hi6 $nd $bout her 5eelin!s ,on,ernin! hi6, so the ,$6er$ 6o4es in sli!htly to ,on4ey this $n:iety, but not 5$r enou!h 5or the shot to be,o6e $n $lien$tin! e:tre6e ,lose-up. +he ,$6er$Ds $tte6pt to position us physi,$lly $nd e6otion$lly #ith C$!ney is supported by the li!htin!8 the 6$nDs 5$,e is sli!htly less #ell lit th$n C$!neyDs, $nd her h$ir h$s b$,*li!htin! to !i4e her $ Jh$loK e55e,t. 1oth o5 these $re st$nd$rd ,on4entions o5 re$listi, li!htin! used to position the 4ie#er J#ithK one ,h$r$,ter $nd J$!$instK the other.

"hot 8/ %CN o5 6$n "hot 9/ CN o5 C$!ney "hot #:/ +#o-shot, $s shot 1

-31+he 6et$dis,ourse o5 tele4ision re$lis6 is !i4in! C$!neyDs dis,ourse hier$r,hi,$l pre,eden,e o4er the 6$nDs, $nd 6$*es the s,ene e$sily re$d$ble by us in our position o5 do6in$nt spe,ul$rity. 2t #or*s to de5use the ,ontr$di,tions in C$!neyDs e:perien,e by Je:pl$inin!K to us her suspi,ions o5 the 6$n $nd o5 her 5eelin!s 5or hi6. @ur underst$ndin! o5 the s,ene is o6nis,ient, $nd there5ore hier$r,hi,$lly superior e4en to C$!neyDs. Realism and radicalism +he theory o5 re$lis6 th$t #e h$4e been 5ollo#in! so 5$r is le$din! us to the ,on,lusion th$t re$lis6 is ine4it$bly re$,tion$ry, it 5in$lly represents the #orld to us in $ #$y th$t n$tur$li7es the st$tus Guo. +his pro4ides us #ith $ point o5 entry to the deb$te th$t h$s l$sted 5or $t le$st the l$st t#enty ye$rs $bout tele4isionDs role in $n industri$li7ed so,iety. +his deb$te 5o,uses $round the Guestion o5 #hose interests does tele4ision ser4e, $nd #hose, i5 $ny, $re dis$d4$nt$!ed by it. 2t is $ deb$te th$t, in one 5or6 or $nother, underlies the #hole o5 this boo*. For the 6o6ent 2 #ish to ,on5ine it to the rel$tionship bet#een re$lis6 $nd r$di,$lis6, $nd by r$di,$lis6 2 6e$n $ ,riti,$l interro!$tion o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd o5 the so,i$l syste6 #hi,h it h$s produ,ed $nd underpinsM this ent$ils $n $#$reness o5 the ineGu$lities $nd o5 the $rbitr$riness o5 l$te ,$pit$lis6, #hi,h in turn produ,es the desire to h$sten so,i$l ,h$n!e $nd the #illin!ness to #or* 5or it. 3n$lyti,$lly it is ,on4enient to identi5y t#o 6$in 5o,i o5 this de5inition o5 r$di,$lis6, #hi,h ,orrespond rou!hly to our t#o #$ys o5 theori7in! re$lis6 - 4i$ its ,ontent $nd 4i$ its 5or6. +he ,le$rest e:$6ple o5 the deb$te is th$t ,entered $round the 1ritish tele4ision 6iniseries ays of !ope in "creen in the l$te 1970s. +he 6$in p$rti,ip$nts #ere M$,C$be $nd M,3rthur, thou!h +ribe $nd C$u!hie $lso 6$de 4$lu$ble ,ontributions. +heir $rti,les h$4e been ,olle,ted in 1ennett et al., 19818 pp. 28 -3 2. ays of !ope #$s $ series o5 5our tele4ision pl$ys th$t told the story o5 the rise o5 the 1ritish l$bor 6o4e6ent 5ro6 191; to the 0ener$l (tri*e o5 1928 throu!h the e:perien,es o5 three 6$in 5i,tion$l ,h$r$,ters. 2t pro4o*ed nu6erous publi, ,o6pl$ints, #hi,h 5ell into t#o 6$in ,$te!ories those ob?e,tin! to the 11CDs s,reenin! o5 Jle5t-#in! prop$!$nd$K $nd those Guestionin! the histori,$l $,,ur$,y o5 its det$ils, #hether o5 dress, settin!, or $,tion. 2t is si!ni5i,$nt th$t the ,o6pl$ints brou!ht to!ether Guestions o5 ideolo!i,$l truth or 5$lsity $nd ones o5 re$listi, $,,ur$,y or in$,,ur$,y. 2deolo!y $nd re$lis6 $re insep$r$ble. -33+ribe <1981= 6$*es the point th$t the letters 5ro6 the publi, ,on,ernin! the 4er$,ity o5 the i6$!e - the ,lothes, the buttons, #hether the $r6y 6$r,hed in threes or 5ours in 191; - #ere not ?ust ,on,erned #ith histori,$l $,,ur$,y, but th$t this ,on,ern #$s itsel5 $n ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e $nd rel$ted to the ideolo!i,$l #or* o5 the te:t8

2t ,$n be su!!ested th$t this 4er$,ity o5 the i6$!e is the 4ehi,le 5or the 4er$,ity o5 the history th$t it ,onstru,ts. +his history is itsel5 ,on,ei4ed $s the truth o5 $ p$st, $ set o5 politi,$l e4ents th$t #e ,$n dr$# lessons 5ro6. +he pro?e,t o5 ays of !ope is thus $sso,i$ted #ith the #ritin! o5 $ popul$r history $lon! histori,ist lines. +his history is ho#e4er re,o!nised $s +ruth by the 4ie#er not by 4irtue o5 the J5$,tsK bein! ,orre,t, but be,$use the i6$!e loo*s ri!ht. +he re,o!nition e55e,t Jth$tDs the #$y it #$sK is $ produ,t not o5 the histori,ity o5 the plot but o5 the 6$nipul$tion o5 the i6$!e. <p. 324= +he re$listi,ness o5 the i6$!e dire,tly $55e,ts its belie4$bility $nd thus is $ 4it$l p$rt o5 the ,ultur$l 5or6 throu!h #hi,h the ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e oper$tes. @b4iously, ays of !ope #$s $ potenti$lly r$di,$l tele4ision dr$6$, $nd #$s seen $s un$,,ept$bly so by <presu6$bly= ri!ht-#in! 6e6bers o5 its $udien,es. 2ts r$di,$lis6 l$y in the #$y it pro4ided $ re$listi, 4ie# o5 re,ent history 5ro6 $ sel5-,ons,iously le5t-#in! politi,$l 4ie#point8 it thus ,on5or6ed per5e,tly to 'illi$6sDs <1977= de5inin! ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 re$lis6 - it #$s ,onte6por$ry <or ne$rly=, se,ul$r, so,i$lly e:tended, $nd e:pli,itly politi,$l. 2t #$s bro$d,$st in $ ,$pit$list so,iety, $nd it $tte6pted to present $ le5t-#in!, ,riti,$l 4ie# o5 th$t so,iety. (o its ,ontent ,h$llen!ed the do6in$nt ideolo!y o5 the ti6e, $nd e4en its h$rshest politi,$l ,riti,s, o5 #ho6 M$,C$be #$s the 6ost $rti,ul$te, $llo#ed th$t it #$s Jpro!ressi4eK i5 not r$di,$l. 2ts pro!ressi4eness l$y in the #$y th$t its ,ontent opposed the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd its ,on,o6it$nt so,i$l syste6. 1ut, $,,ordin! to M$,C$be, it 5$iled to $,hie4e the st$tus o5 the r$di,$l be,$use its 5or6 #$s th$t o5 ,on4ention$l dr$6$ti, re$lis6. M$,C$be $d6its the pro!ressi4eness o5 the ,ontent o5 ays of !ope( but 5in$lly ,onde6ns it politi,$lly be,$use its potenti$l is de5used by the #$y it is 6$de sense o5 $nd understood #ithin the ideolo!i,$l 5r$6e o5 bour!eois ,$pit$lis6 $s it is $,ti4$ted by the dr$6$Ds re$listi, 5or6. -34+his 6$y see6 $ tortuous $r!u6ent, $nd to underst$nd its 6ore !ener$l theoreti,$l i6pli,$tions #e need to !o b$,* to the notions o5 the hier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses, o5 do6in$nt spe,ul$rity, o5 ,ontr$di,tions, $nd o5 tr$nsp$ren,y. Re$lis6 5or M$,C$be is ne,ess$rily re$,tion$ry be,$use it proposes $ notion o5 the JtruthK th$t is seen $s 5$,tu$l, not $s $ ,onstru,t o5 dis,ourse $nd ,ulture. +his J5$,tu$l truthK is ,on4eyed by the unspo*en dis,ourse $t the top o5 the hier$r,hy, #hi,h he ,$lls the 6et$dis,ourse, $nd #hi,h positions the 4ie#er $t the point 5ro6 #hi,h this truth is 6$de to see6 ob?e,ti4e, $deGu$te, $nd there5ore n$tur$l8 +he si6ple $,,ess to truth #hi,h is !u$r$nteed by the 6et$-dis,ourse depends on $ repression o5 its o#n oper$tions $nd this repression ,on5ers $n i6$!in$ry unity o5 position on the re$der 5ro6 #hi,h the other dis,ourses in the 5il6 ,$n be re$d. <M$,C$be 1981$8 310= 2t is the tr$nsp$ren,y o5 the 6et$dis,ourse <the Jrepression o5 its o#n oper$tionsK= th$t !u$r$ntees its truth5ulness be,$use it dis!uises its $rbitr$riness $nd there5ore its politi,$l e55e,ti4ity. 2t positions the 4ie#er in J$n i6$!in$ry unity o5 positionK #hi,h is $ ,ru,i$l point in M$,C$beDs $r!u6ent, 5or it is this th$t denies ,ontr$di,tions, or r$ther pro4ides $

6e$ns o5 resol4in! ,ontr$di,tions th$t 6$y be e:pressed lo#er in the dis,ursi4e hier$r,hy. +he point is th$t re$lis6 resol4es ,ontr$di,tions $nd does not le$4e the6 unresol4ed $nd re4erber$tin! in the re$der. Nnresol4ed, $,ti4e ,ontr$di,tions #or*in! in the re$derDs ,ons,iousness #ould destroy the uni5ied position o5 do6in$nt spe,ul$rity, $nd the ,o6pl$,ent $,,ept$n,e o5 o6nis,ien,e th$t !oes #ith it, $nd produ,e inste$d dis,o65ort, un,ert$inty, $nd $n $,ti4e desire to thin* throu!h these ,ontr$di,tions not ?ust in te:tu$l ter6s but in ter6s o5 the re$derDs so,i$l e:perien,e. +his is the r$di,$l 5r$6e o5 6ind th$t is the ne,ess$ry ,ondition 5or the desire 5or so,i$l ,h$n!e. +he ,ru,i$l distin,tion is the one bet#een ,ontr$di,tions in the te:t <#hi,h re$lis6 ,$n h$ndle ,o65ort$bly #ithout disturbin! its re$,tion$ry entren,h6ent= $nd ,ontr$di,tions in the re$der <#hi,h $re $ pre,ondition 5or r$di,$lis6, $nd #hi,h the 5or6 o5 re$lis6 ,$n ne4er produ,e=. 2n ,h$pter ; #e #ill dis,uss $n $ltern$ti4e, $nd 6ore produ,ti4e, theory o5 ,ontr$di,tions in the te:t, one th$t e6ph$si7es the i6possibility o5 resol4in! the6 5in$lly. M$,C$beDs theory stresses the po#er o5 re$lis6, e4en #hen de$lin! #ith r$di,$l ,ontent, to le$4e 4ie#ers $l#$ys in $ re$,tion$ry 5r$6e o5 6ind be,$use its 5or6 en$bles the6 to use the do6in$nt ideolo!y to 6$*e do6in$nt sense o5 $ r$di,$l 6o4e6ent $nd thus to de5use its r$di,$lis6. -3 Re$lis6, in this 4ie#, is $ re$,tion$ry 6ode o5 represent$tion th$t pro6otes $nd n$tur$li7es the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 2t #or*s by 6$*in! e4erythin! $ppe$r Jre$listi,, K $nd Jre$listi,nessK is the pro,ess by #hi,h ideolo!y is 6$de to $ppe$r the produ,t o5 re$lity or n$ture, $nd not o5 $ spe,i5i, so,iety $nd its ,ulture. +hus, i5 the Aisp$ni, 4ill$in in !art to !art h$d triu6phed o4er the #hite hero, it #ould, in our so,iety, h$4e $ppe$red Junre$listi,. K (i6il$rly, thou!h di55erently, i5 the shipDs ,$bin h$d h$d sGu$re #indo#s inste$d o5 portholes it #ould h$4e $ppe$red Junre$listi,. K Re$lis6 in4ol4es $ 5idelity both to the physi,$l, sensu$lly per,ei4ed det$ils o5 the e:tern$l #orld, $nd to the 4$lues o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 2n this #$y ideolo!y is 6$pped onto the ob?e,ti4e #orld o5 Jre$lity, K $nd the $,,ur$,y o5 re$lis6Ds represent$tion o5 the det$ils o5 this Jre$lK #orld be,o6es the 4$lid$tion o5 the ideolo!y it h$s been 6$de to be$r - $nd 2 use the ter6 J6$de toK in both its senses o5 J,onstru,ted in order toK $nd JreGuired to. K Re$lis6Ds desire to J!et the det$ils ri!htK is $n ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e, 5or the belie4$bility o5 its 5idelity to Jthe re$lK is tr$ns5erred to the ideolo!y it e6bodies. +he ,on4entions o5 re$lis6 h$4e de4eloped in order to dis!uise the ,onstru,tedness o5 the Jre$lityK it o55ers, $nd there5ore o5 the $rbitr$riness o5 the ideolo!y th$t is 6$pped onto it. 0roundin! ideolo!y in re$lity is $ #$y o5 6$*in! it $ppe$r un,h$llen!e$ble $nd un,h$n!e$ble, $nd thus is $ re$,tion$ry politi,$l str$te!y. -3;Chapter . Realism and ideology "op/larity

+here $re $ nu6ber o5 Guestions r$ised by the pre4ious ,h$pterDs dis,ussion o5 re$lis6 $nd the ,onstru,tion o5 the 4ie#in! sub?e,t, p$rti,ul$rly ones $bout its pertinen,e to tele4ision. For its ori!in is in 5il6 theory, $nd $lthou!h 5il6 $nd tele4ision sh$re 6$ny ,h$r$,teristi,s, they $lso h$4e ,ru,i$l di55eren,es. +he 6ost i6port$nt o5 these ,luster $round the di55erent ,onditions o5 4ie#in!, but there $re $lso rel$ted di55eren,es in the n$ture o5 the te:t, $nd in the ,onditions o5 produ,tion. +hese 5or6 the subst$n,e o5 l$ter ,h$pters in this boo*. For the 6o6ent 2 #ish to dis,uss the rele4$n,e o5 the ,on,ept o5 $ r$di,$l te:t to 6$instre$6 bro$d,$st tele4ision. +ele4ision is, $bo4e $ll else, $ popul$r ,ultur$l 6ediu6. +he e,ono6i,s th$t deter6ine its produ,tion $nd distribution de6$nd th$t it re$,hes $ 6$ss $udien,e, $nd $ 6$ss $udien,e in #estern industri$li7ed so,ieties is ,o6posed o5 nu6erous sub,ultures, or sub$udien,es, #ith $ #ide 4$riety o5 so,i$l rel$tions, $ 4$riety o5 so,io,ultur$l e:perien,e $nd there5ore $ 4$riety o5 dis,ourses th$t they #ill brin! to be$r upon the pro!r$6 in order to underst$nd $nd en?oy it. For its o#n purposes tele4ision $tte6pts to ho6o!eni7e this 4$riety so th$t the one pro!r$6 ,$n re$,h $s 6$ny di55erent $udien,es $s possible. 2t tries to #or* #ithin #h$t these di55erent $udien,es h$4e in ,o66on, but it $lso h$s to le$4e $ sp$,e 5or their di55eren,es to ,o6e into pl$y in their re$din!s o5 the pro!r$6. 'e #ill !o into this 6ore 5ully in ,h$pter , but 5or the 6o6ent #e should note th$t the #$y th$t M$,C$be !i4es the te:t $l6ost tot$l po#er to position the 4ie#in! sub?e,t denies the di55eren,es bet#een di55erent $udien,es $nd bet#een the 6e$nin!s they ,$n, $nd do, ,onstru,t 5ro6 the s$6e pro!r$6. 1ut these di55eren,es oper$te in $ ,onst$nt tension #ith ,ultur$l ho6o!eneity. +his ,o66on !round is to be 5ound 5irstly in $ sh$red do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd se,ondly in $ set o5 te:tu$l ,on4entions th$t produ,ers $nd re$ders sh$re be,$use they $re p$rt o5 $ ,o66on history $nd e:perien,e. +ele4ision is $ ,on4ention$l 6ediu6 - its ,on4entions suit both the $udien,es #ith their needs 5or 5$6ili$rity $nd routini7$tion $nd the produ,ers, 5or est$blished ,on4entions not only *eep the ,osts o5 produ,tion do#n, they $lso 6ini6i7e the ris*s in the 6$r*etpl$,e. +he e,ono6i, di6ension o5 tele4ision !i4es it $ ,on4ention$l 5or6, e4en #hen its ,ontent is 6ore pro!ressi4e. -37+hus Cagney and Lacey ,$n represent the so,i$l #orld 5ro6 $ 5e6inine or e4en 5e6inist point o5 4ie# in $ 5or6 <the ,on4ention$l poli,e series= #hi,h is ,on4ention$lly 6$s,uline in its ideolo!y. 3d6ittedly this 6$s,uline 5or6 is te6pered #ith ele6ents 5ro6 the 6ore 5e6inine 5or6 o5 the so$p oper$, but the pri6e ,on4entions, $nd there5ore the do6in$nt ideolo!y, $re those o5 the p$tri$r,h$l bour!eois 5or6 o5 the poli,e series. 3s #e h$4e seen, the e55e,t o5 puttin! $ so,i$lly interro!$ti4e 4ie# o5 the #orld into $ ,on4ention$l 5or6 is deb$t$ble. M$,C$be $lso $r!ues th$t the ,on4ention$lity o5 the 5or6 #ill $l#$ys, 5in$lly, de5use $ny r$di,$lis6. For hi6, the un#ritten dis,ourse $t the top o5 the hier$r,hy, the 6et$dis,ourse, 6$*es su,h per5e,t $nd ,o65ort$ble sense th$t it denies the need 5or $ny 5urther interro!$tion on the p$rt o5 the 4ie#er by produ,in! $ 5r$6e o5 6ind, th$t o5 o6nis,ien,e, th$t 6$*es 5urther so,i$l interro!$tion not ?ust unne,ess$ry, but $,tu$lly i6possible.

+his $r!u6ent ends in $ si6il$r pl$,e, $lthou!h it !ets there by $ 4ery di55erent route, to th$t o5 the pessi6isti, M$r:is6 o5 the Fr$n*5urt (,hool. +heir 4ie# #$s th$t the ,ulture industry o5 ,$pit$lis6 ho6o!eni7ed people into $ 6$ss, $nd deindi4idu$li7ed the6 by deb$sin! their t$ste into th$t o5 the lo#est ,o66on deno6in$tor. +he ,o6bin$tion o5 e,ono6i,s $nd ideolo!y #$s so po#er5ul th$t $ny opposition$l or r$di,$l 6o4e6ent #$s i66edi$tely s#$llo#ed up or in,orpor$ted into the do6in$nt ideolo!y. +hus $ sho# li*e Charlie-s .ngels( popul$r in the l$te 1970s, ,ould be s$id to h$4e $n ele6ent o5 r$di,$lis6 in th$t it sho#ed three 5e6$le dete,ti4es in roles th$t #ere nor6$lly ,on5ined to 6en. 1ut the 5$,t th$t they #ere ,$st $nd photo!r$phed to 5ore!round their se:u$l $ttr$,ti4eness ,ould be seen $s $ de4i,e o5 in,orpor$tionM th$t is, their r$di,$lis6 #$s in,orpor$ted into the do6in$nt se:ist ideolo!y throu!h the 5or6 o5 their represent$tion in su,h $ #$y $s to sho# th$t p$tri$r,hy ,$n $,,o66od$te Jthe ne# #o6$nK into its 4ie# o5 the #orld #ithout h$4in! to 6$*e $ny $d?ust6ents o5 prin,iple, only 6inor ones o5 det$il. (i6il$rly, the 5e6$le #indo#IportholeIl$undro6$t ?o*e in our !art to !art se!6ent ,$n be seen $s $n in,orpor$tin! de4i,e. 2n both ,$ses the e55e,t o5 in,orpor$tin! si!ns o5 Jthe ne# #o6$nK into p$tri$r,hy is to de5use $ny thre$t it 6i!ht ,ont$in $nd to de6onstr$te p$tri$r,hyDs $bility to $,,o66od$te potenti$lly r$di,$l 6o4e6ents #ithin the e:istin! po#er stru,ture. 2n this #$y its !rip on our so,i$l 6e$nin!s o5 !ender is $,tu$lly stren!thened. @ne o5 the e55e,ts o5 in,orpor$tion th$t is rele4$nt here is its $bility to rob the r$di,$l o5 its 4oi,e $nd thus o5 its 6e$ns o5 e:pressin! its opposition. 'hen the i,ono!r$phy o5 the pun* style o5 dress #$s in,orpor$ted into J5$shionK by the industry, the pun* sub,ulture #$s robbed o5 one o5 its 6$in 6e$ns o5 e:pressin! its opposition to the do6in$nt order. (o, too, the in,orpor$tion o5 $ le5t-#in! or 5e6inine dis,ourse into bour!eois p$tri$r,hy ,$n rob these dis,ourses o5 their r$di,$l Gu$lities. 2n,orpor$tion is $ po#er5ul ideolo!i,$l de5ense 6e,h$nis6. -381$rthes <1973= uses the 6et$phor o5 ino,ul$tion to e:pl$in $ si6il$r ideolo!i,$l pro,ess8 @ne i66uni7es the ,ontents o5 the ,olle,ti4e i6$!in$tion by 6e$ns o5 $ s6$ll ino,ul$tion o5 $,*no#led!ed e4ilM one thus prote,ts it $!$inst the ris* o5 $ !ener$li7ed sub4ersion. <p. 1 0= +hus tele4ision ne#s #ill o5ten in,lude r$di,$l 4oi,es, spo*espeople 5ro6 tr$de unions, 5ro6 pe$,e de6onstr$tors, or 5ro6 en4iron6ent$lists, but these #ill be ,ontrolled doses #hose e:tent $nd positionin! in the ne#s story #ill be ,hosen by the $!ents o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y. (i6il$rly, bour!eois re$lis6 ,$n ,ont$in r$di,$l $nd sub4ersi4e dis,ourses, but it pl$,es the6 lo# do#n in the hier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses $nd thus en$bles the6 to Jino,ul$teK the do6in$nt ideolo!y $!$inst the r$di,$lis6 #hi,h it is $pp$rently $llo#in! to spe$*. +he i6pli,$tion o5 this 6et$phor is th$t the do6in$nt ideolo!y stren!thens its resist$n,e to $nythin! r$di,$l by in?e,tin! itsel5 #ith ,ontrolled doses o5 the Jdise$se. K +he in,orpor$tion theory o5 the Fr$n*5urt (,hool #or*s the s$6e #$y ,$pit$lis6 is stren!thened by the ele6ents it in,orpor$tes 5ro6 the opposition$l, $nd by the 4oi,es it h$s robbed 5ro6 the r$di,$l.

+his position ends up by i6plyin! th$t $ll popul$r ,ulture ine4it$bly ser4es the interests o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y, 5or it is this th$t pro4ides the ,o66on !round bet#een produ,ers $nd $udien,e-seen-$s-,onsu6ers, $nd bet#een di55erent $udien,e !roups #hose di55eren,es $re thus 6ini6i7ed. 2t then produ,es the ,on4ention$l 5or6 o5 the popul$r #or* o5 $rt #hi,h per5or6s its #or* o5 positionin! the 4ie#er $s $ sub?e,t o5 $nd in the do6in$nt ideolo!y so e55e,ti4ely th$t $ny r$di,$lis6 o5 the ,ontent is ne,ess$rily de5used by the ,on4ention$lity o5 the 5or6. +his opens up the Guestion o5 the n$ture o5 the 4ie#in! pro,ess by #hi,h sense is 6$de o5 both the pro!r$6 $nd the 4ie#er. +his 5or6s the subst$n,e o5 the ne:t ,h$pterM here 2 si6ply #ish to point to one i6pli,$tion o5 M,3rthurDs position th$t M$,C$be denies this is the $bility $nd 5reedo6 o5 the 4ie#er to brin! e:tr$-te:tu$l e:perien,e $nd $ttitudes to be$r upon the re$din! o5 the pro!r$6. +hus #o6en h$4e told 6e ho# 6u,h they en?oyed Charlie-s .ngels #hen it $ppe$red on their s,reens in the 1970s, $nd th$t their ple$sure in seein! #o6en t$*in! $,ti4e, ,ontrollin! roles #$s so !re$t th$t it o4errode the in,orpor$tin! de4i,es th$t #or*ed to re,uper$te the 5e6inist ele6ents in its ,ontent b$,* into p$tri$r,hy. +he ideolo!i,$l tension bet#een p$tri$r,hy $nd 5e6inis6 #$s not resol4ed $s ,le$rly or ,o6pletely $s the theory o5 the hier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses #ould h$4e us belie4eM #hile the hier$r,hy is undoubtedly there in the pro!r$6, it 6$y #ell be th$t its ideolo!i,$l e55e,ti4ity #$s ,on5ined to those 4ie#ers #ho li4ed their li4es throu!h the do6in$nt ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e, or $ ,lose in5le,tion o5 it, #here$s those #ho 5ound th$t the do6in$nt ideolo!y did not en$ble the6 to 6$*e $deGu$te sense o5 their so,i$l e:perien,e, $nd #ho thus turned to $n opposition$l or $ltern$ti4e one, #ere $ble to brin! this di55erent ideolo!i,$l 5r$6e to be$r upon the pro!r$6 $nd still 6$*e $ sense out o5 it $nd 5ind $ ple$sure in it th$t #$s their sense, their ple$sure, not the one proposed by the pro!r$6. 2n other #ords, the pro!r$6 ,$n 6e$n di55erent thin!s to di55erent people - $ 6$le re$din! 6$y di55er 5ro6 $ 5e6$le, 5e6$le ple$sure 5ro6 6$le ple$sure. 2n l$ter ,h$pters #e #ill e:plore the i6pli,$tions o5 this 6ore 5ully. For the 6o6ent #e need to note th$t there is so6e e4iden,e th$t the tele4ision pro!r$6 is $ rel$ti4ely open te:t <th$t is, $ 4$riety o5 6e$nin!s ,$n be, $nd $re, 6$de 5ro6 it=, th$t these 6e$nin!s 6$y be so,i$lly deter6ined r$ther th$n te:tu$lly deter6ined, $nd th$t it is throu!h this openness $nd polyse6y th$t the s$6e pro!r$6 ,$n be popul$r #ith $ 4$riety o5 $udien,es. -39+he 5in$l in$bility o5 the te:t to i6pose its J6e$nin!K upon its re$ders reGuires us to re,onsider the e:tent o5 the po#er th$t 3lthusser !r$nts to ideolo!y. +his po#er to ,onstitute people $s sub?e,ts-in-ideolo!y $ppe$rs to be so !re$t th$t resist$n,e is $l6ost i6possible, yet #ithout resist$n,e to ideolo!y, resistin! or opposition$l re$din!s o5 te:ts #ould be unli*ely, i5 not i6possible. 0r$6s,iDs theory o5 he!e6ony !r$nts resist$n,e $ 5$r 6ore i6port$nt role th$n does 3lthusserDs theory o5 ideolo!y. 1rie5ly, he!e6ony 6$y be de5ined $s th$t pro,ess #hereby the subordin$te $re led to ,onsent to the syste6 th$t subordin$tes the6. +his is $,hie4ed #hen they J,onsentK to 4ie# the so,i$l syste6 $nd its e4eryd$y e6bodi6ents $s J,o66on sense, K the sel5-e4idently n$tur$l. 0itlinDs <1982= se6in$l $,,ount o5 the he!e6ony o5 tele4ision 5or6s !i4es due stress to the role o5 resist$n,e, but his $n$lysis $ppe$rs to de6onstr$te th$t this he!e6ony is $l6ost irresistible. Ao#e4er, he does ,ite 1lu6Ds <19;4= 5indin!s th$t bl$,* $udien,es 5reGuently

put do#n tele4ision pro!r$6s #hile #$t,hin! the6 $s e4iden,e th$t the ,onsent o5 the subordin$te is ne4er ,o6pletely nor 5in$lly $,hie4ed. Mer,er <198;$= $r!ues th$t this Guestion o5 ,onsent is one th$t h$s been in$deGu$tely in4esti!$ted. Consent h$s been $ssu6ed to t$*e one o5 t#o 5or6s8 either this ,onsent is - p$r$do:i,$lly; forced by 6e$ns o5 $ le!iti6isin! Jdo6in$nt ,ultureK or the 5or,e is consented to 4i$ $ liber$l ,on,eption #hi,h holds th$t the 6$insprin! o5 ,onsent resides in the so4erei!n $nd le!$l ,$te!ory o5 the indi4idu$l. %ither #$y the site o5 ,onsent is redu,ed to $ 4$,uous ti6idity $nd its ,ousins Jple$sureK $nd the Jpopul$rK $re si6il$rly $ssi6il$ted to either ideolo!i,$l e55e,ts or person$l pre5eren,es. <p. 0= -40Mer,er $r!ues th$t su,h si6plisti, notions o5 ,onsent 5$il to lo,$te it #ithin $ ,o6ple:, el$bor$ted ,ulture su,h $s those o5 industri$li7ed so,ieties. Consent ,$n t$*e $s 6$ny di55erent 5or6s $s there $re di55erent so,i$l $nd histori,$l 6o6ents o5 its ne!oti$tion. 3nd ,onsent ,$n only be ne!oti$ted #ithin stru,tures o5 do6in$tion, subordin$tion, $nd resist$n,e. Ae!e6ony is $ ,onst$nt stru!!le $!$inst $ 6ultitude o5 resist$n,es to ideolo!i,$l do6in$tion, $nd $ny b$l$n,e o5 5or,es th$t it $,hie4es is $l#$ys pre,$rious, $l#$ys in need o5 re-$,hie4e6ent. Ae!e6onyDs J4i,toriesK $re ne4er 5in$l, $nd $ny so,iety #ill e4iden,e nu6erous points #here subordin$te !roups h$4e resisted the tot$l do6in$tion th$t is he!e6onyDs $i6, $nd h$4e #ithheld their ,onsent to the syste6. ($id <1984= lin*s 0r$6s,iDs notion o5 he!e6ony to th$t o5 el$bor$tion8 Jel$bor$tion is the ense6ble o5 p$tterns 6$*in! it 5e$sible 5or so,iety to 6$int$in itsel5K <p. 171=. 3n el$bor$ted ,ulture is dense, ,o6ple:, $nd $bo4e $ll di4erse8 Jthe re$l depth in the stren!th o5 the 6odern 'estern st$te is the stren!th $nd depth o5 its ,ulture, $nd ,ultureDs stren!th is its 4$riety, its hetero!eneous plur$lityK <p. 171=. 3n el$bor$ted ,ulture is one th$t is stru,tur$lly opposed to the ho6o!eni7in! 5or,e o5 the do6in$nt ,on,eption o5 #h$t $ so,iety $nd its sub?e,ts ou!ht to be li*e, $nd its el$bor$tion ,onsists o5 $ #ide di4ersity o5 5or6s o5 resist$n,e. 0r$6s,iDs insi!ht is to h$4e re,o!ni7ed th$t subordin$tion, 5r$,turin!, di55usion, reprodu,in!, $s 6u,h $s produ,in!, ,re$tin!, 5or,in!, !uidin!, $re $ll ne,ess$ry $spe,ts o5 el$bor$tion. <($id 19848 171, ,ited in Mer,er 198 8 1= Ae!e6ony ,h$r$,teri7es so,i$l rel$tions $s $ series o5 stru!!les 5or po#er. Cultur$l studies 4ie# te:ts si6il$rly, $s the site o5 $ series o5 stru!!les 5or 6e$nin!. +he do6in$nt ideolo!y, #or*in! throu!h the 5or6 o5 the te:t, ,$n be resisted, e4$ded, or ne!oti$ted #ith, in 4$ryin! de!rees by di55erently so,i$lly situ$ted re$ders. Realism and disco/rse

Re$lis6 sh$res 6$ny o5 the ,h$r$,teristi,s th$t 1$rthes <1973= $s,ribes to 6yth <see ,h$pter 8=, $nd these $ll ste6 5ro6 its bein! $ dis,ourse <or, $s 1$rthes ,$lls it, $ l$n!u$!e= th$t hides its dis,ursi4e n$ture $nd presents itsel5 $s n$tur$l r$ther th$n ,ultur$l, th$t is, $s $n un6edi$ted produ,t o5, or re5le,tion o5, $n inno,ent re$lity. 'hen @D(ulli4$n et al$ <1983= de5ine re$lity $s $ produ,t o5 dis,ourse they $re, $lbeit so6e#h$t 6is,hie4ously, ,ontr$di,tin! he$d-on the belie5 in $n ob?e,ti4e re$lity, $,,essible to $ll on eGu$l ter6s $nd represent$ble ob?e,ti4ely or tr$nsp$rently. (tru,tur$lis6 $nd post stru,tur$lis6 do not deny the e:isten,e o5 re$lity8 #h$t they Guestion is its ob?e,ti4ity, its $,,essibility, its represent$bility, $nd, there5ore, its n$tur$lness. Re$lity, the $r!u6ent !oes, is only $,,essible throu!h the dis,ourses #e h$4e $4$il$ble to 6$*e sense o5 it. &er,eption is $ pro,ess o5 6$*in! sense, $nd sense is $ produ,t o5 dis,ourse. "$ture, or ob?e,ti4e re$lity, does not J6$*e senseK on its o#n - #e h$4e only to loo* $t the 4$stly di55erent interpret$tions di55erent ,ultures 6$*e o5 uni4ers$l n$ture to see e4iden,e 5or this $ssertion. Cis,ourse, $s #e h$4e seen, is not only $ produ,t o5 ,ulture, it is $lso, in industri$li7ed so,ieties $t le$st, the produ,t o5 so,iety, $nd the po#er o5 politi,$l rel$tions #ithin th$t so,iety. 3 dis,ourse #ill $l#$ys ste6 5ro6 $ so,i$lly <politi,$lly= identi5i$ble point $nd #ill ser4e the interests o5 the !roups $round th$t point by 6$*in! their sense o5 the re$l $ppe$r common sense8 $nd ,o66on sense is, $s 1$rthes <1973= s$ys, Jtruth #hen it stops on the $rbitr$ry order o5 hi6 #ho spe$*s itK <p. 1 0=. (o, $s ,riti,s, #e 6ust ne4er be ,ontent #ith $s*in! $nd re4e$lin! #h$t 4ie# o5 the #orld is bein! presented, but 6ust re,o!ni7e th$t so6eoneDs 4ie# o5 the #orld is i6pli,itly or e:pli,itly, ob4iously or subtly, ins,ribed #ithin it. Re4e$lin! the who #ithin the what is possibly the 6ost i6port$nt t$s* o5 ,riti,is6. -41+his is i6port$nt, be,$use in industri$l so,ieties resour,es $nd so,i$l po#er $re distributed uneGu$lly. +his 6$y be ob4ious in the do6$in o5 e,ono6i,s, but it is eGu$lly true, i5 less ob4ious, in the rel$ted do6$ins o5 ,ulture $nd l$n!u$!e8 indeed it is one o5 the !re$t 6yths o5 bour!eois ,$pit$lis6, ,entr$lly ins,ribed into, $nd $ssiduously pro6ul!$ted by, the edu,$tion$l syste6, th$t $ n$tionDs ,ultur$l $nd lin!uisti, resour,es $re 5reely $nd eGu$lly $4$il$ble to $ll. (tu$rt A$ll <1982= bris*ly opposes this8 @5 ,ourse $ n$ti4e l$n!u$!e is not eGu$lly distributed $6on!st $ll n$ti4e spe$*ers, re!$rdless o5 ,l$ss, so,io-e,ono6i, position, !ender, edu,$tion $nd ,ulture8 nor is ,o6peten,e to per5or6 in l$n!u$!e r$ndo6ly distributed. Lin!uisti, per5or6$n,e $nd ,o6peten,e is so,i$lly distributed, not only by ,l$ss but $lso by !ender. <p. 79, Guoted by A$rtley 1984$= Cis,ursi4e po#er, th$t is, the po#er to 6$*e ,o66on sense o5 $ ,l$ss-b$sed sense o5 the re$l, is held by the s$6e so,i$l !roups #ho e:er,ise e,ono6i, po#er. 1ut the di55eren,e bet#een the e:er,ise o5 po#er in these do6$ins is ,ru,i$l8 e,ono6i, po#er is open $nd ob4ious, dis,ursi4e po#er is hidden, $nd it is its hiddenness, its Jrepression o5 its o#n oper$tions, K th$t en$bles it to present itsel5 $s ,o66on sense, $s $n ob?e,ti4e, inno,ent re5le,tion o5 the re$l. 1$rthes <1973= ,$lls this sel5-dis!uisin! pro,ess Je:no6in$tionK8

-42"o# $ re6$r*$ble pheno6enon o,,urs in the 6$tter o5 n$6in! this re!i6e8 $s $n e,ono6i, 5$,t, the bour!eoisie is named #ithout $ny di55i,ulty8 ,$pit$lis6 is openly pro5essed. 3s $ politi,$l 5$,t, the bour!eoisie h$s so6e di55i,ulty in $,*no#led!in! itsel58 there $re no Jbour!eoisK p$rties in the Ch$6ber. 3s $n ideolo!i,$l 5$,t, it ,o6pletely dis$ppe$rs8 the bour!eoisie h$s obliter$ted its n$6e in p$ssin! 5ro6 re$lity to represent$tion, 5ro6 e,ono6i, 6$n to 6ent$l 6$n. 2t ,o6es to $n $!ree6ent #ith the 5$,ts, but does not ,o6pro6ise $bout 4$lues, it 6$*es its st$tus under!o $ re$l e<; nominating oper$tion8 the bour!eoisie is de5ined $s the social class which does not want to be named$ <p. 138= %:no6in$tion 6$s*s the politi,$l ori!in o5 dis,ourse, $nd thus 6$s*s ,l$ss, !ender, r$,i$l, $nd other di55eren,es in so,iety. 2t est$blishes its sense o5 the re$l $s the common sense $nd, #hen it $,hie4es this, in4ites <1$rthes $nd M$,C$be #ould s$y JreGuiresK= the subordin$te sub,ultures to 6$*e sense o5 the #orld, o5 the6sel4es, $nd o5 their so,i$l rel$tions, throu!h the do6in$nt, e:no6in$ted dis,ourse, $nd thus, $,,ordin! to 1$rthes, to identi5y ideolo!i,$lly #ith their oppressor8 1y spre$din! its represent$tions o4er $ #hole ,$t$lo!ue o5 ,olle,ti4e i6$!es 5or petitbour!eois use, the bour!eoisie ,ounten$n,es the illusory l$,* o5 di55erenti$tion o5 the so,i$l ,l$sses8 it is $s 5ro6 the 6o6ent #hen $ typist e$rnin! t#enty pounds $ 6onth recogni=es herself in the bi! #eddin! o5 the bour!eoisie th$t bour!eois e:-no6in$tion $,hie4es its 5ull e55e,t, <p. 141= 2n pre,isely the s$6e #$y, re$lis6 in4ites <or reGuires= !roups subordin$ted by ,l$ss, !ender, $nd r$,e to <6is=re,o!ni7e the6sel4es in the e:no6in$ted 6et$dis,ourse o5 the !art to !art se!6ent. Cis,ourses lo#er do#n the hier$r,hy ,$n be n$6ed, $nd this in itsel5 be,o6es $ si!n o5 their lo#er dis,ursi4e st$tus. +o n$6e $ dis,ourse, s$y, J5e6inistK or JM$r:istK is to i6ply th$t other dis,ourses, other points o5 4ie#, $re possible. @nly th$t #hi,h is not n$6ed $ppe$rs to h$4e no $ltern$ti4e, only th$t #hi,h is not n$6ed ,$n $,hie4e the st$tus o5 the n$tur$l, o5 ,o66on sense. 2n M$,C$beDs theory, the Jun#rittenK 6et$dis,ourse #or*s so #ell be,$use it is Je:no6in$ted. K 2t h$s been one o5 the $,hie4e6ents o5 M$r:ist ,ultur$l ,riti,is6 in the thirty ye$rs sin,e 1$rthes 5irst proposed this theory th$t ,$pit$lis6 ,$n be n$6ed in the ,ultur$l $nd dis,ursi4e do6$ins $s #ell $s in the e,ono6i,8 5e6inis6 h$s $,hie4ed the n$6in! o5 p$tri$r,hy in $ 4ery 6u,h shorter period. +he repression o5 the role o5 dis,ourse in de5inin! the re$l le$ds to t$utolo!y - the re$l is #h$t is re$l, not the re$l is #h$t 2 s$y is re$l. +ele4ision re$lis6 $rti,ul$tes J$ ,l$ssi, rel$tion bet#een n$rr$ti4e $nd 4ision in #hi,h #h$t #e see is true $nd this truth ,on5ir6s #h$t #e seeK <M$,C$be 1981,8 31 =. 1$rthes <1973= des,ribes t$utolo!y $t #or* in 6ore det$il8 -43+$utolo!y is the indi!n$nt Jrepresent$tionK o5 the rights o5 re$lity o4er $nd $bo4e l$n!u$!e. (in,e it is 6$!i,$l, it ,$n o5 ,ourse only t$*e re5u!e behind the $r!u6ent o5

$uthority8 thus p$rents $t the end o5 their tether reply to the ,hild #ho *eeps on $s*in! Guestions8 because that-s how it is$ <p. 1 3= +hose !roups #ith $uthority <those th$t ,onstitute #h$t 1$rthes ,$lls the bour!eoisie= try to pre4ent $ stru!!le o4er 6e$nin! by n$tur$li7in! their 6e$nin! - their e,ono6i, $nd so,i$l po#er is 6obili7ed dis,ursi4ely, ideolo!i,$lly, $nd ,ultur$lly to e:no6in$te itsel5 beyond the re$l6 o5 potenti$l opposition. M$,C$beDs $,,ount o5 the oper$tion o5 the 6et$-dis,ourse in re$lis6 is identi,$l. 3s those #ith so,i$l po#er $re, $6on!st other thin!s, #hite, 6$le, 6iddle-,l$ss, o5 ,onser4$ti4e reli!ion, 6iddle$!ed, $nd li4in! in $n e,ono6i,$lly $nd politi,$lly po#er5ul re!ion, #e 6$y e:pe,t the 6et$dis,ourse o5 tele4ision re$lis6 to ori!in$te 5ro6 th$t so,i$l point #here these dis,ourses interse,t, $nd there5ore to n$tur$li7e th$t point o5 4ie# $nd to #or* to#$rds est$blishin! it $s the ,o66on-sense ,onsensus o5 the n$tion. 2t denies the subordin$te <those !roups th$t 1$rthes ,$lls the oppressed= the 6e$ns o5 $rti,ul$tin! $nd underst$ndin! their subordin$tion by denyin! the6 $ dis,ourse #ith #hi,h to spe$* $nd thin* their opposition. 3s 1$rthes <1973= puts it8 +he oppressed is nothin!, he h$s only one l$n!u$!e, th$t o5 his e6$n,ip$tionM the oppressor is e4erythin!, his l$n!u$!e is ri,h, 6ulti5or6, supple, #ith $ll the possible de!rees o5 di!nity $t its dispos$lM he h$s $n e:,lusi4e ri!ht to 6et$-l$n!u$!e. +he oppressed ma+es the #orld, he h$s only $n $,ti4e, tr$nsiti4e <politi,$l= l$n!u$!eM the oppressor ,onser4es it, his l$n!u$!e is plen$ry, intr$nsiti4e, !estur$l, the$tri,$l8 it is Myth. +he l$n!u$!e o5 the 5or6er $i6s $t tr$ns5or6in!, o5 the l$tter $t etern$li7in!. <p. 149= 'h$t is i6port$nt here is 1$rthesDs su!!estion th$t the oppressed 6ust h$4e one dis,ourse th$t deri4es 5ro6 their 6$teri$l so,i$l e:isten,e, the dis,ourse o5 e6$n,ip$tion th$t $i6s $t tr$ns5or6in! the #orld, #hi,h no $6ount o5 so,i$l, e,ono6i,, or ,ultur$l po#er ,$n deny the6. +here is thus $l#$ys $ point 5ro6 #hi,h he!e6ony ,$n be resisted $nd so,i$l ,h$n!e 6oti4$ted. M$,C$be see6s to deny the possibility o5 this point preser4in! its e:isten,e #ithin or in spite o5 the stru,tures o5 po#er $nd do6in$tion r$n!ed $!$inst it. -44 Television and social change +he $r!u6ents th$t tele4ision is $l#$ys $n $!ent o5 the st$tus Guo $re ,on4in,in!, but not tot$lly so. (o,i$l ,h$n!e does o,,ur, ideolo!i,$l 4$lues do shi5t, $nd tele4ision is p$rt o5 this 6o4e6ent. 2t is #ron! to see it $s $n ori!in$tor o5 so,i$l ,h$n!e, or e4en to ,l$i6 th$t it ou!ht to be so, 5or so,i$l ,h$n!e 6ust h$4e its roots in 6$teri$l so,i$l e:isten,eM but tele4ision ,$n be, 6ust be, p$rt o5 th$t ,h$n!e, $nd its e55e,ti4ity #ill either h$sten or del$y it. +hus series li*e Charlie-s .ngels $nd Police ,oman in the 1970s, despite their nu6erous in,orpor$tin! de4i,es, #ere p$rt o5 the ,h$n!in! st$tus o5 #o6en in our so,iety, $nd ,ould not h$4e been popul$r in $ period #hen #o6en #ere 5ir6ly ,on5ined to do6esti, $nd tr$dition$l 5e6$le roles. +he tension in the pro!r$6s bet#een the portr$y$l o5 the liber$ted, $,ti4e, stron! #o6$n $nd the in,orpor$tin! de4i,es o5 p$tri$r,hy #$s ne4er #holly resol4ed to p$tri$r,hyDs $d4$nt$!e, ho#e4er 6u,h te:tu$l theorists 6i!ht point to te:tu$l e4iden,e th$t Jde6onstr$tesK th$t it #$s. "ot $ll 4ie#ers

re$d tele4ision pro!r$6s $,,ordin! to the te:tu$l str$te!ies en,oded in the6. +he proble6 #ith 6u,h tr$dition$l te:tu$l $n$lysis, #hether its i6pulse h$s been ideolo!i,$l or $estheti,, is th$t it h$s tended to produ,e $n $uthorit$ri$n, e4en J,orre,t, K re$din! o5 $ te:t, $nd h$s tended to $s,ribe to the te:t the po#er to i6pose this re$din! on the 4ie#er. 'e $re only ?ust be!innin! to produ,e $ theory o5 the te:t $nd ,onseGuent 6ethods o5 $n$lysis th$t ,$n ,$ter 5or the $,ti4ity o5 the 4$riety o5 4ie#ers to 6$*e $ 4$riety o5 6e$nin!s out o5 the s$6e te:t. 3 si6il$r proble6 ,on5ronts theorists, li*e M$,C$be $nd F$pl$n, #ho ,$ll 5or $ r$di,$l te:t. F$pl$n <1983$=, #ho is pri6$rily ,on,erned #ith !ender politi,s r$ther th$n ,l$ss politi,s, 5inds 5our 6$in ,h$r$,teristi,s in r$di,$l 5e6inist 5il6s8 her list su66$ri7es the str$te!ies th$t r$di,$l theorists in !ener$l ,$ll 5or to de5e$t re$lis6 $s the do6in$nt 6ode o5 p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6, $nd $s su,h is e$sily $d$pted to $pply to tele4ision $nd 5il6 in !ener$l, r$ther th$n to 5e6inist 5il6 spe,i5i,$lly. +he 5irst o5 her 5our 5e$tures o5 r$di,$l te:ts is8 1. +hey 5o,us on the 6ode o5 represent$tion, on 5il6 or tele4ision $s $ 6$,hine produ,in! illusions o5 the re$l, they dr$# $ttention to the <tele4isu$l= pro,ess $nd use te,hniGues to bre$* the illusion th$t #e $re not #$t,hin! tele4ision, but Jre$lityK <p. 138=. +his e,hoes M$,C$beDs ,l$i6 th$t p$rt o5 the sub?e,t 6$tter o5 $ny r$di,$l 5il6 or tele4ision pro!r$6 6ust be the pro,ess o5 6$*in! the pro!r$6. Cl$ire /ohnston <1973=, Guoted by F$pl$n, 6$*es $ si6il$r point in her ,$ll 5or $ r$di,$l 5e6inist ,ine6$8 -4 3ny re4olution$ry 6ust ,h$llen!e the depi,tion o5 re$lityM it is not enou!h to dis,uss the oppression o5 #o6en #ithin the te:t o5 the 5il68 the l$n!u$!e o5 the ,ine6$Idepi,tion o5 re$lity 6ust $lso be interro!$ted, so th$t $ bre$* bet#een ideolo!y $nd te:t is e55e,ted. <p. 28= (i6il$rly, C$u!hieDs <1981= Jdo,u6ent$ry loo*K $t le$st ,$lls $ttention to the role $nd presen,e o5 the ,$6er$ - it re6inds us th$t #e $re #$t,hin! $ represent$tion o5 the re$l. 3!$inst this, #e 6ust note th$t it does not 6$*e e:pli,it the so,i$l point o5 ori!in o5 its 6et$dis,ourse, but inste$d presents this 6et$dis,ourse $s one o5 ob?e,ti4e 5$,ti,ity, o5 the Jtruth. K +his 6$y be #hy its te,hniGues $ppe$r to be 6ore suited to pro!ressi4e so,i$l re$lis6 th$n to r$di,$lis6. F$pl$nDs other 5e$tures o5 r$di,$l te:ts $re8 2. +hey re5use to ,onstru,t $ 5i:ed spe,t$tor, but position the spe,t$tor so th$t sIhe h$s to be in4ol4ed in the pro,esses o5 the 5il6, r$ther th$n p$ssi4ely bein! ,$ptured by it. Cist$n,i$tion te,hniGues ensure the di4or,e o5 spe,t$tor 5ro6 te:t. 3. +hey r$ther deliber$tely re5use the ple$sure th$t usu$lly ,o6es 5ro6 the 6$nipul$tion o5 our e6otions. . . . +hey try to repl$,e ple$sure in re,o!nition #ith ple$sure in le$rnin! - #ith ,o!niti4e pro,esses, $s $!$inst e6otion$l ones. 4. 3ll 6i: do,u6ent$ry $nd 5i,tion either <$= $s p$rt o5 the belie5 th$t the t#o ,$nnot ulti6$tely be distin!uished $s 5il6i, 6odels or <b= to ,re$te $ ,ert$in tension bet#een the so,i$l 5or6$tion, sub?e,ti4ity, $nd represent$tion. <p. 138= +his sort o5 i6plied ,$ll to $,tion on the p$rt o5 the produ,ers deri4es 5ro6 $ belie5 in the po#er o5 the te:t to produ,e $ r$di,$l 5r$6e o5 6ind in the spe,t$tor $nd thus to e55e,t, i5 not ori!in$te, so,i$l ,h$n!e. +his see6s to 6e to o4eresti6$te the po#er o5 the te:t, to 6ispl$,e the ori!ins o5 r$di,$lis6 $nd o5 so,i$l ,h$n!e, $nd to underesti6$te the role o5 the re$der in the ,onstru,tion o5 6e$nin!. 2n the rest o5 this boo* 2 sh$ll $r!ue th$t

tele4ision inherently h$s the 5irst t#o o5 F$pl$nDs ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 $ r$di,$l te:t, $nd th$t their ,oe:isten,e #ith the opposin! ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 $ re$,tion$ry re$list te:t is the re$son #hy tele4ision ,$n be popul$r #ithout bein! tot$lly re$,tion$ry. F$pl$n $nd M$,C$be both h$4e doubts $bout #hether the sort o5 r$di,$l 5il6 or tele4ision pro!r$6 they #$nt #ould be popul$r, but neither o5 the6 $ddresses the proble6 o5 popul$rity $nd its rel$tionship to r$di,$lis6 or pro!ressi4eness. +he r$di,$l te:t, in its re?e,tion o5 the do6in$nt ,on4entions 5or representin! re$lity, tries to e:,lude the do6in$nt ideolo!y 5ro6 $ny role in the produ,tion o5 6e$nin!s 5ro6 the te:t. 1ut in $ 6$ss-industri$li7ed so,iety, #here our ,ultur$l li5e is do6in$ted by the produ,ts o5 industri$li7ed ,ultur$l produ,tion $nd distribution, the ,on4entions o5 th$t ,ulture industry, #ith their ne,ess$rily ,lose rel$tionship to the do6in$nt ideolo!y, h$4e be,o6e the $!ents o5 popul$rity, $,,essibility, $nd underst$nd$bility, $nd thus h$4e to be t$*en into $,,ount in $ theory o5 popul$r 6e$nin!s #ithin $ 6$ss ,ulture. -4;(o,i$l ,h$n!e in industri$l de6o,r$,ies r$rely o,,urs throu!h re4olution, #hi,h is the so,iopoliti,$l eGui4$lent o5 the r$di,$l te:t. R$ther it o,,urs $s $ result o5 $ ,onst$nt tension bet#een those #ith so,i$l po#er, $nd subordin$te !roups tryin! to !$in 6ore po#er so $s to shi5t so,i$l 4$lues to#$rds their o#n interests. +he te:tu$l eGui4$lent o5 this is the pro!ressi4e te:t, #here the dis,ourses o5 so,i$l ,h$n!e $re $rti,ul$ted in rel$tionship #ith the 6et$dis,ourse o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y. Cagney and Lacey is $ pro!ressi4e te:t be,$use the dis,ourses o5 5e6inis6 $re $rti,ul$ted in $ ,onst$nt tension #ith those o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y o5 p$tri$r,hy. +he presen,e o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd the ,on4ention$l 5or6 o5 re$lis6 throu!h #hi,h it #or*s $re ne,ess$ry to ensure the pro!r$6Ds popul$rity $nd $,,essibility, but do not ne,ess$rily deny the pro!ressi4e, opposition$l dis,ourses $ sp$,e 5or the6sel4es. R$ther they pro4ide $ 5r$6e #ithin #hi,h su,h opposition$l dis,ourses ,$n be he$rd $nd their opposition$lity 6$de p$rt o5 the subst$n,e o5 the dr$6$. +he $bility o5 the re$listi, 5or6 to ,ont$in opposition$l dis,ourses #ithout de5usin! the6 ,o6pletely is predi,$ted on the $bility o5 the 4ie#er to re$d r$di,$lly, $nd to !i4e these dis,ourses se6ioti, priority o4er the do6in$nt ideolo!i,$l 5r$6e#or*. +his is the ,on,ern o5 ,h$pter M 2 #ish to ,lose this one on $ note o5 doubt th$t re$listi, tele4ision is ne,ess$rily re$,tion$ry. -47Chapter 0 S/12ectivity and address +he role o5 the sub?e,t $s the ,entr$l site o5 the sense-6$*in! pro,ess h$s been !i4en $ lot o5 $ttention in re,ent ,riti,$l theory in !ener$l $nd s,reen theory in p$rti,ul$r. 2t is not $n e$sy ,on,ept to !r$sp, 5irst be,$use the #ord itsel5 h$s su,h $ lon! history o5 4$ried $nd $bstr$,t us$!es $nd se,ond be,$use the ,on,ept is in ,on5li,t #ith th$t ,o66onsensi,$l notion th$t is the b$si, $ssu6ption o5 so 6u,h ,$pit$list $nd e6piri,ist thou!ht, the notion o5 the indi4idu$l. +heories deri4in! 5ro6 both stru,tur$lis6 $nd M$r:is6 reGuire us to repl$,e the notion o5 the indi4idu$l #ith th$t o5 the sub?e,t. +his is not to deny th$t #e $re $ll indi4idu$ls, th$t is, th$t #e inh$bit di55erent bodies #ith di55erent $nd uniGue

!eneti, stru,tures, but it is to s$y th$t th$t p$rt o5 us #hi,h 5or6s our indi4idu$lity is essenti$lly biolo!i,$l, p$rt o5 n$ture, $nd does not, there5ore, 5or6 $ 6$?or p$rt o5 the study o5 ,ulture. 'h$t ,ultur$l studies $re ,on,erned #ith, o5 ,ourse, is the sense th$t 4$rious ,ultures 6$*e o5 Jthe indi4idu$l, K $nd the sense o5 sel5 th$t #e, $s indi4idu$ls, e:perien,e. +his ,onstru,ted sense o5 the indi4idu$l in $ net#or* o5 so,i$l rel$tions is #h$t is re5erred to $s Jthe sub?e,t. K @D(ulli4$n et al$ <19838 231-2= tr$,e three 6$in us$!es o5 the #ord sub?e,t8 <1= sub%ect as in political theory ; the ,iti7en $s sub?e,t o5 the st$te or l$#. +his sense i6plies the sub?e,tDs l$,* o5 5reedo6 o5 $,tion #ith respe,t to the po#er to #hi,h sIhe is sub?e,ted. <2= sub%ect as in idealist philosophy ; the thin*in! sub?e,tM the site o5 ,ons,iousness. +his sense i6plies $ di4ision bet#een sub?e,t $nd ob?e,t, bet#een thou!ht $nd re$lity, or bet#een sel5 $nd other. Aen,e sub?e,ti4ity in this sense is the represent$tion o5 th$t #hi,h $ppe$rs to the sel5 $s opposed to th$t #hi,h is t$*en to e:ist in 5$,t. <3= sub%ect as in grammar ; the sub?e,t o5 $ senten,e <$s in sub?e,t-4erb-predi,$te=, $nd hen,e the sub?e,t o5 $ dis,ourse or te:tM th$t #hi,h the $,tion is $bout or deter6ined by. -48+he 5irst us$!e o5 the #ord o5ten ,$rries the i6pli,$tions o5 bein! sub?e,t to 5or,es o5 so,i$l po#er - #e $re sub?e,t <or sub?e,ted= to the l$#, 5or inst$n,e, or to p$rent$l $uthority. +he phr$se Jloy$l sub?e,t o5 the GueenK is $n e:$6ple o5 this us$!e #ith its ,onnot$tions not ?ust o5 so,i$lly deter6ined beh$4ior $nd the $ttitudes th$t !o #ith it, but $lso o5 $ sense o5 identity th$t ori!in$tes 5ro6 outside, r$ther th$n inside, the indi4idu$l. +his l$st is i6port$nt 5or it points to the 6$?or di55eren,e bet#een sub?e,ti4ity $nd indi4idu$lity8 sub?e,ti4ity is the produ,t o5 so,i$l rel$tions, #here$s indi4idu$lity is seen $s the produ,t o5 n$ture, or biolo!y. @D(ulli4$n et al$ <1983= dis6iss the se,ond us$!e r$ther brusGuely on the !rounds th$t in this sense, sub?e,ti4ity is the site o5 ,ons,iousness but it su!!ests $ 5ree-5lo$tin! ,ons,iousness or unit$ry identity #hi,h then $ppe$rs $s the source o5 $,tion $nd 6e$nin! r$ther th$n their produ,t. +he i6pli,it indi4idu$lis6 o5 this philosophi,$l position 5$ils to $,,ount 5or the role pl$yed by so,i$l rel$tions $nd l$n!u$!e in deter6inin!, re!ul$tin! $nd produ,in! #h$t $ny one Jthin*in! sub?e,tK ,$n be. <p. 232= +heir dis6iss$l o5 ide$list philosophy is ?usti5ied, but they ,ould h$4e pointed out th$t the theories o5 Freud $nd L$,$n h$4e produ,ed $ rel$tion bet#een the indi4idu$l $nd sub?e,ti4ity th$t stresses the so,i$l $nd lin!uisti, di6ensions, $nd thus ,ontr$sts #ith the indi4idu$lis6 o5 ide$list philosophy. +he third us$!e brin!s the role o5 l$n!u$!e, o5 dis,ourse, $nd there5ore o5 te:ts into the dis,ussion. +he theory here is th$t $ pie,e o5 dis,ourse is not only uttered or re,ei4ed by the sub?e,ti4ity, but $lso produ,es it. @ur sub?e,ti4ity is the site o5 the sense th$t #e 6$*e #hen #e $re spe$*in! or listenin! but the sense th$t #e 6$*e is not only $ sense o5 the te:t or dis,ourse, but is $lso $ sense o5 our sel5, o5 our sub?e,ti4ity itsel5.

@ur sub?e,ti4ity, then, is the produ,t o5 so,i$l rel$tions th$t #or* upon us in three 6$in #$ys, throu!h so,iety, throu!h l$n!u$!e or dis,ourse, $nd throu!h the psy,hi, pro,esses throu!h #hi,h the in5$nt enters into so,iety, l$n!u$!e, $nd ,ons,iousness. @ur sub?e,ti4ity is not inherent in our indi4idu$lity, our di55eren,e 5ro6 other people, r$ther it is the produ,t o5 the 4$rious so,i$l $!en,ies to #hi,h #e $re sub?e,t, $nd thus is #h$t #e sh$re #ith others. +hese so,i$l $!en,ies $re so nu6erous $nd inter$,t #ith e$,h other $nd #ith the so,i$l e:perien,e or history o5 e$,h o5 us in so 6$ny di55erent #$ys th$t the theory does not le$d us to $ redu,tionist, ,on5or6ist 4ie# o5 so,iety - ,le$rly $ll sub?e,ts o5 #hite, p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6 do not thin* in the s$6e #$y, nor do they ,onstru,t identi,$l senses o5 their o#n identitiesM but eGu$lly ,le$rly, $ll su,h sub?e,ts do h$4e so6ethin! in ,o66on th$t distin!uishes the6 5ro6 sub?e,ts o5 other so,i$l syste6s. +his sep$r$tion o5 the sub?e,t 5ro6 the indi4idu$l $llo#s us to underst$nd #hy biolo!i,$l 5e6$les, 5or inst$n,e, ,$n h$4e $ 6$le sub?e,ti4ity, #hy bl$,*s ,$n 6$*e #hite sense o5 the #orld, $nd #hy 6e6bers o5 the #or*in! ,l$ss ,$n underst$nd the6sel4es $nd their so,i$l e:perien,e in #$ys th$t ser4e the interests o5 the 6iddle ,l$sses. +he theory o5 the sub?e,t $lso denies the unity o5 the indi4idu$l $nd herIhis e:perien,e8 indi4idu$lis6 te$,hes th$t our e:perien,e $nd history $re uni5ied by our un,h$n!in! sel5 into $ ,oherent, uni5ied de4elop6ent throu!h ti6e <i5 there $re dis,ord$nt bits th$t re5use uni5i,$tion, there is $ #hole industry o5 psy,hother$py to help ,ure the proble6=. +he theory o5 the sub?e,t, ho#e4er, proposes th$t $s there $re ,ontr$di,tions bet#een the $!en,ies o5 so,iety, so there #ill be ,ontr$di,tions in the sub?e,t. 'e 6$y, 5or inst$n,e, h$4e !ro#n up in $n un,h$llen!ed p$tri$r,hy, but h$4e been sub?e,t to 5e6inist dis,ourses $nd $!en,ies, $nd thus h$4e ,ontr$di,tions built into our sub?e,ti4ity #hi,h en$ble us to #$t,h $nd !$in ple$sure 5ro6 sho#s $s di55erent $s !art to !art $nd Cagney and Lacey$ 3s @D(ulli4$n et al$ <1983= put it, J?ust $s #e $re sub?e,ts o5 $nd sub?e,ted to these 4$rious $!en,ies, so our sub?e,ti4ity is $ ,ontr$di,tory 6i: o5 ,on5ir6in! $nd ,ontendin! RidentitiesDK <p. 232=. -49 The social s/12ect Let us loo* 5irst $t the #$y th$t our sub?e,ti4ity is ,onstru,ted on the so,i$l di6ension. A$rtley <1983= lists se4en types o5 sub?e,ti4ity <#hi,h he de5ines $s $ Jstru,ture o5 $,,essed identi5i,$tionsK=8 2Dll su!!est se4en o5 the 6ore i6port$nt identi5i,$tions th$t $re $4$il$ble or en,our$!ed. +hey $re #h$t 2D6 te6pted to ,$ll the se4en types o5 sub?e,ti4ity8 n$6ely self, gender, age;group, family, class, nation, ethnicity. +he list is both $bstr$,t $nd $n$lyti,$l <2 donDt h$4e $ te:tu$l #$rr$nt 5or it=, $nd in the ,on,rete inst$n,e o5 tele4ision it is not e4en $ list, sin,e the se4en ,$te!ories !et 4ery 6i:ed up, $nd so6e $re en,our$!ed 6ore th$n others <5$6ily 6ore th$n ,l$ss=, #hilst others donDt ,o-e:ist 4ery pe$,e5ully <so6e notions o5 n$tion #ith so6e types o5 ethni,ity=. <pp. ;9-70= 'h$t A$rtley is loo*in! 5or here is #h$t he ,$lls te:tu$l pro,esses $nd represent$tions th$t 6$y en,our$!e re$der identi5i,$tions. 2n order to 6$*e sense o5 the !art to !art se!6ent, the 4ie#er is en,our$!ed to identi5y #ith #hite, 6$le 36eri,$ns, 5$6ilyoriented <the A$rts $re $ ,lose 6$rried ,ouple, the 4ill$in $nd 4ill$iness $ di4ided p$ir=, in

the pri6e o5 li5e <#hi,h is $ 6i: o5 hi!h physi,$l $nd se:u$l $ttr$,ti4eness to!ether #ith $ de!ree o5 e:perien,e, 6$turity, $nd #isdo6=. +hese $bstr$,t so,i$l 4$lues or $!en,ies $re !i4en ,on,rete represent$tion in the pro!r$6, $nd to!ether produ,e $ uni5ied sub?e,t position th$t the re$der is in4ited to o,,upy in order to 6$*e e$sy, ob4ious sense o5 the te:t. +he unity o5 this sub?e,t position is #h$t 6$*es it so $,,ept$ble in $n indi4idu$list ideolo!y <in #hi,h the indi4idu$l is seen $s both uniGue $nd uni5ied= $nd this unity is the ine4it$ble e55e,t o5 re$lis6 #hi,h, $s M$,C$be <1981$= e:pl$ins, is in,$p$ble o5 h$ndlin! ,ontr$di,tions. +his uni5ied sub?e,t position denies $ny possible ,ontr$di,tions $6on! these se4en so,i$l $!en,ies, $nd brin!s the6 to!ether in $ ,oherent #hole #ithin #hi,h e$,h supports the others. (o, 5or inst$n,e, there $re no ,ontr$di,tions bet#een #hiteness $nd 6$s,ulinity <despite the 6yth o5 bl$,* 4irility=, there $re no ,ontr$di,tions bet#een #hiteness $nd 36eri,$nness <despite the 6$teri$l e:isten,e o5 6illions o5 non-#hite 36eri,$ns= $nd there $re no ,ontr$di,tions $6on! ,l$ss, !ender, $nd $!e <despite the 5$,t th$t they distribute po#er 4ery di55erently in so,iety=. A$rtleyDs list o5 se4en is pro4o,$ti4e $nd illustr$ti4e r$ther th$n e:h$usti4e8 he ,ould #ell h$4e $dded so,i$l $!en,ies su,h $s edu,$tion, reli!ion, politi,$l $lle!i$n,e, re!ion, urb$n or rur$l, $nd so on. +hus #e so6eho# J*no#K <there is no #$rr$nt 5or it in the te:t= th$t the A$rts $re, 5or inst$n,e, better edu,$ted th$n the 4ill$ins, th$t they $re urb$n, 5ro6 the north <there is $ te:tu$l #$rr$nt 5or this, /enni5er $dopts $n e:$!!er$ted southern $,,ent to s$y J+h$tDs the ,utest thin! youD4e e4er s$id to 6e, su!$rK in $ #$y th$t ,onstru,ts the south $s de4i$nt, the north $s nor6$l=. 'e J*no#K $ll this be,$use o5 the uni5yin!, 6utu$lly supportin! #$y in #hi,h these $!en,ies #or*. - 0+his support is or!$ni7ed by the ideolo!i,$l ,odes on the third le4el o5 Fi!ure 1.18 they or!$ni7e the so,i$l $!en,ies $nd their 6e$nin!s into ,oheren,e #ith e$,h other, $nd then insert this te:tu$l ,oheren,e into the 6u,h bro$der $nd e:tr$-te:tu$l ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e o5 6$*in! $nd pro6otin! common sense. +he point to 6$*e here is th$t these so,i$l $!en,ies $re not ,on5ined to tele4ision8 indeed, they #or* so e$sily in tele4ision re$lis6 only be,$use they $re represent$tions o5 $!en,ies $,ti4ely $t #or* in so,iety. +ele4ision is $ble to ,onstru,t $ sub?e,t position 5or us only be,$use these so,i$l $!en,ies h$4e been #or*in! $ll our li4es to ,onstru,t our sub?e,ti4ities in eGui4$lent #$ys. 2deolo!y in !ener$l $nd tele4ision in p$rti,ul$r try to deny ,ontr$di,tions bet#een these $!en,ies $nd to uni5y the6 into $ 6utu$lly supporti4e stru,ture, but our so,i$l e:perien,e is 6u,h 6ore li*ely to 6$*e us $#$re o5 ,ontr$di,tions, tensions, $nd di55eren,es. +ele4ision tries to ,onstru,t $n ide$l sub?e,t position #hi,h it in4ites us to o,,upy, $nd, i5 #e do, re#$rds us #ith the ideolo!i,$l ple$sure th$t is pro4ided by e:perien,in!, on,e $!$in, th$t our do6in$nt ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e, $pp$rently, wor+s8 the 6e$nin!s o5 the #orld $nd o5 our sub?e,ti4ities th$t it produ,es $ppe$r to 6$*e sense. 2t is, there5ore, the ple$sure o5 re,o!nition. @5 ,ourse, the de!ree o5 5it bet#een these 6e$nin!s $nd tele4isionDs pre5erred ones #ill be deter6ined by ho# ,losely the ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,es o5 our e4eryd$y li5e 5it #ith the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 25 our sub?e,ti4ity ,on5or6s e$sily to the do6in$nt ideolo!y #e #ill 5ind little str$in in $doptin! the sub?e,t position th$t tele4ision ,onstru,ts 5or us8 but so6e 5e6inists, 5or inst$n,e, #ho oppose p$tri$r,hyDs de5inition o5

!ender di55eren,e, 6$y 5ind it i6possible to 6$t,h their sub?e,ti4ities to the ide$l sub?e,t position o5 the te:t, $nd thus #ould 5ind the pro!r$6 un#$t,h$ble <unless they #$t,hed it theoreti,$lly $nd politi,$lly, re$din! it $s $nother e:$6ple o5 p$tri$r,hy $t #or*, 5ro6 #hi,h they ,ould deri4e $ #ry, opposition$l ple$sure=. 2deolo!y 6$y #or* h$rd throu!h so,i$l $nd te:tu$l $!en,ies to produ,e ,on5or6in! sub?e,ts, but it ,$n ne4er be tot$lly su,,ess5ul $nd in the ne:t ,h$pter #e sh$ll re4ie# #or* th$t re4e$ls the po#er people h$4e to resist the #or*in!s o5 ideolo!y. - 1-

The disc/rsive s/12ect 1ut 5or the 6o6ent #e need to loo* 5urther $t the #$y our lin!uisti, or sy6boli, syste6s #or* to#$rds ,onstru,tin! our sub?e,ti4ities. L$n!u$!e does not represent the #orld, but 6$*es sense o5 it, 5or the #orld is not $lre$dy di4ided up into ne$t ,$te!ories th$t l$n!u$!e n$6es. 1ut i5 l$n!u$!e 6$*es sense o5 the #orld, it 6$*es th$t sense 5ro6 $ p$rti,ul$r point o5 4ie#. 3ny syste6 o5 represent$tion is ine:tri,$bly lin*ed to the so,i$l syste6 in #hi,h it oper$tes, $nd this lin*$!e is $,ti4e, not re5le,ti4e. 3s A$ll <1984= s$ys, J$ set o5 so,i$l rel$tions ob4iously reGuires 6e$nin!s $nd 5r$6e#or*s #hi,h underpin the6 $nd hold the6 in pl$,e. K Li*e $ll ,$te!ori7$tions, our di4ision o5 the ,onstru,tors o5 sub?e,ti4ity into the so,i$l, the lin!uisti,, $nd the psy,holo!i,$l is use5ul 5or $n$lysis only8 in pr$,ti,e the ,$te!ories le$* into e$,h other, so th$t l$n!u$!e $nd so,iety $re re6$r*$bly h$rd to sep$r$te out. %$,h o5 A$rtleyDs <1983= se4en types o5 sub?e,ti4ity h$s its dis,ourse throu!h #hi,h 6u,h o5 its in5luen,e is e:erted. 3 tele4ision ne#s report on t#o #hite 3ustr$li$ns senten,ed to de$th in M$l$ysi$ #$s #orded8 J+he t#o 3ustr$li$ns #ill be the 5irst #esterners to die under M$l$ysi$Ds stri,t $nti-dru! l$#sK <Ch$nnel 9, /$nu$ry 8, 198 =. Aere the o4ert dis,ourse o5 n$tion$lity displ$,es the so,i$lly t$boo one o5 r$,e8 the report in4ites us to 6$*e sense o5 the situ$tion by usin! the ,$te!ories o5 #hiteInon-#hite r$ther th$n M$l$ysi$nInonM$l$ysi$n, despite the #$y th$t J#hitenessK h$s been dis!uised by the less politi,$lly lo$ded ter6 J#esterner. K 2n the se,ond Cagney and Lacey s,ene <see pp. 30-2= the dis,ourse o5 !ender is #or*in! in subtler #$ys, 5or it under#rites $ nu6ber o5 ,odes to dis,our$!e us 5ro6 $doptin! the 6$s,uline point o5 4ie# th$t is nor6$l in p$tri$r,h$l tele4ision. +he n$rr$ti4e ,ode !i4es the 5e6$le the $,ti4e role in the e:,h$n!e, she ,ontrols the 5lo# o5 *no#led!e $nd underst$ndin!. +he ,$6er$ ,on,entr$tes on her, but di55erently 5ro6 the #$y th$t $ttr$,ti4e blonde #o6en $re nor6$lly represented in p$tri$r,hy8 it inter$,ts #ith the ,odes o5 $,tin!, li!htin!, 6$*e-up, dress so $s to deliber$tely 6$*e C$!ney see6 di55erent 5ro6 the p$ssi4e be$rer o5 the 6$le se:u$l loo*. 2nste$d, she is represented $s $ ,ontrollin!, $,ti4e person upon #ho6 the ,$6er$ d#ells not in order to displ$y her se:u$l $ttr$,ti4eness 5or the 4ie#er-4oyeur, but to e:plore $nd ,on4ey the 6$nner in #hi,h she is ,ontrollin! the s,ene. - 2-

3lthusser <1971= pl$,es !re$t i6port$n,e on th$t $spe,t o5 dis,ourse #hi,h he ,$lls Jinterpell$tionK $nd #hi,h ,orresponds rou!hly #ith #h$t lin!uists ,$ll J6ode o5 $ddress. K 1oth these ter6s re5er to the 5$,t th$t $ny dis,ourse is ne,ess$rily p$rt o5 $ rel$tionship bet#een $ddresser $nd $ddressee, $nd th$t $ny su,h interperson$l rel$tionship is, in turn, ne,ess$rily p$rt o5 #ider so,i$l rel$tions. 2nterpell$tion re5ers to the #$y th$t $ny use o5 dis,ourse Jh$ilsK the $ddressee. 2n respondin! to the ,$ll, in re,o!ni7in! th$t it is us bein! spo*en to, #e i6pli,itly $,,ept the dis,ourseDs de5inition o5 Jus, K or, to put it $nother #$y, #e $dopt the sub?e,t position proposed 5or us by the dis,ourse. +he ne#s story $bout the t#o #hite 3ustr$li$ns senten,ed to de$th in M$l$ysi$ interpell$tes us $s #hite, post-Christi$n hu6$nists #ith $ history o5 ,oloni$l superiority, $nd, in 6$*in! sense o5 the ite6 in this #$y, #e $dopt th$t sub?e,t position $nd thus, in the $,t o5 4ie#in!, ,onstitute oursel4es $s ,ontributin! to the ,onst$nt pro,ess #hi,h ,onstitutes us $s sub?e,ts-in-ideolo!y. +ele4ision $dopts $ 4$riety o5 e:pli,it 6odes o5 $ddress besides the indire,t ones o5 the ne#s report or the denied ones o5 dr$6$ti, re$lis6. +hese interpell$ti4e str$te!ies in,lude, $t the other e:tre6e, 6odes o5 dire,t $ddress su,h $s J+hereDs nothin! you ,$nDt do in your Aolden ?$,*$rooK <$ ,o66er,i$l 5or $ 5our-#heel-dri4e 4ehi,le=, or8 2 #onder i5 you re6e6ber this dr$6$ti, pi,ture #e sho#ed you $ 5e# #ee*s $!o o5 Mrs 1$rb$r$ C$rter o5 A$leso#en. (he #$s $tt$,*ed by lions in the 'est Midl$nds ($5$ri &$r*. 'ell $5ter $n e:perien,e li*e th$t youDd h$rdly e:pe,t Mrs C$rter to be *een on uh seein! lions $!$in. 1ut tod$y she 4isited $ 5$r6 ne$r (tr$t5ord on 34on to do ?ust th$t. 3 report 5ro6 3l$n +o#ers . . . . <Guoted by 1runsdon $nd Morley 19788 47= +his lin!uisti, re,o!nition o5 the 4ie#erDs presen,e h$s its 4isu$l ,ounterp$rt in the #$y th$t tele4ision person$lities <ne#s re$ders, hosts $nd hostesses, et,. = loo* $t the ,$6er$ $nd $ddress it dire,tly. +his non4erb$l dire,t $ddress #or*s throu!h eyes, tone o5 4oi,e, 5$,i$l e:pression, $nd !esture in the s$6e #$y $s dire,t 4erb$l $ddress to ,onstru,t $n inti6$te, e:pli,it 4ie#in! rel$tionship. 1runsdon $nd Morley <1978= $nd Feuer <1983= in their studies o5 1ritish $nd 36eri,$n ne#s 6$!$7ine pro!r$6s note ho# the inti6$,y o5 this 6ode o5 $ddress #or*s to ,onstru,t $ ,o6pli,ity bet#een presenter $nd 4ie#er th$t pro4ides $ tele4isu$l #$y o5 li4in! the ideolo!y o5 the 5$6ily8 it re,o!ni7es $nd ,onstru,ts the do6esti,ity o5 the 4ie#in! sub?e,t $s the $ppropri$te site #here 6e$nin!s $re 6$de $nd thus $s $ sele,tor o5 the dis,ourses #hi,h ,onstitute those 6e$nin!s. - 3+hus, the rel$tionships #hi,h $re est$blished bet#een pro!r$66e $nd $udien,e, #hi,h set the 4ie#er in pl$,e in $ ,ert$in rel$tion to the dis,ourse - here, $ rel$tion o5 identity $nd ,o6pli,ity - $re sust$ined in the 6e,h$nis6s $nd str$te!ies o5 the dis,ourses o5 popul$r tele4ision the6sel4es, but $lso by the presenters, #ho h$4e $ *ey role in $n,horin! those positions $nd in i6person$tin! - personi5yin! - the6. +he lin*in!I5r$6in! dis,ourse . . . re-positions JusK into - inside - the spee,h o5 the pro!r$66e itsel5, $nd sets us up in $ p$rti,ul$r position o5 J*no#led!eK to the pro!r$66e by <$lso= positionin! us #ith Jthe te$6KM i6pli,$tin! JusK in #h$t the te$6

*no#s, #h$t it $ssu6es, in the te$6Ds rel$tionships #ith e$,h other, $nd the te$6Ds rel$tion to Jth$t other, 4it$l p$rt o5 )ationwideK - us, the $udien,e. <1runsdon $nd Morley 19788 22= )ationwide-s te$6 o5 presenters #or* to est$blish $n inti6$te rel$tionship #ith the 4ie#er th$t $tte6pts to o4er,o6e the ,ontr$di,tions inherent in the ineGu$lity o5 th$t rel$tionship. @n the one h$nd they #or* to#$rds $n identi5i,$tion bet#een JusK $nd Jthe6K into the J#eK o5 the pro!r$6-plus-$udien,e. 2n this they $ssu6e the position o5 JourK represent$ti4es $s*in! the Guestions $nd 6$*in! the ,o66ents th$t they $ssu6e deri4e 5ro6 our <$nd their= ,o66on sense. 1ut, on the other h$nd, J#eK ,$n ne4er be eGu$l to Jthe6K8 5or the presenters ,ontrol the te:tu$l dis,ourse $nd propose the re$din! str$te!ies $ppropri$te to the ite68 M18 3nd #hile #e 6o4e on #ith 1ob up ri4er to "or#i,h $nd the studio letDs he$r 5ro6 $nother p$rt o5 %$st 3n!li$, 5ro6 (u55ol* this ti6e $lthou!h you 6i!ht thin* it #$s $ bit o5 36eri,$. 2n 1i,entenni$l ye$r $ report 5ro6 Lu*e C$sey in Lei!hton Ae$th8 LC8 +his is p$rt o5 $ 4ery polite in4$sion. +hree ti6es $ #ee* $n 36eri,$n $ir,r$5t ,ourteously deposits its ,$r!o o5 Nnited (t$tes ,iti7ens onto this se$soned soil o5 1rit$in. For 6ost, %$st 3n!li$ is their 5irst, ?et-l$!!ed loo* $t Little @ld %n!l$nd, #here e4en the l$n!u$!e is di55erent. (oon theyDll be h$ppily, i5 predi,t$bly, pit,hin! into the b$ttle bet#een to6$toes $nd to6atoes, $nd the 6ystery o5 'orcestershire ($u,e. 1ut 5irst, they le$rn o5 our 6ore pressin! e,,entri,ities. <1runsdon $nd Morley 19788 0= - 4+his in4ites us to re$d the presen,e o5 N( $ir6en in %$st 3n!li$ in ter6s o5 do6esti,ity $nd touris6. +hey $re indi4idu$ls sli!htly be6used by their 5irst step on JLittle @ld %n!l$nd, K not 6e6bers o5 5orei!n $r6ed 5or,es here to 5ly nu,le$r bo6bers. +he lin* $tte6pts to rule out $ politi,$l dis,ourse $s $ re$din! str$te!y. (u,h lin*$!es #or* $lso to ,onstru,t $ unity in 4$riety th$t is the h$ll6$r* o5 the pro!r$6, $nd #hi,h, indeed, ,ould be $r!ued to be the h$ll6$r* o5 tele4ision itsel5. +he pre,edin! ite6 h$d been $bout $ trip on $ s$ilin! bo$t on the "or5ol* 1ro$ds $nd the lin*$!e used !eo!r$phi,$l pro:i6ity, touris6, $nd $ tone o5 ?o*ey do6esti,ity to ,onstru,t $ unity bet#een the t#o di55erent $nd potenti$lly ,ontr$di,tory ite6s. 2t is e$sy to i6$!ine the di55erent 5r$6in! th$t ,ould h$4e been !i4en to ?u:t$posed ite6s on %$st 3n!li$ $s $ holid$y pl$y!round, $nd %$st 3n!li$ $s $ 5rontline nu,le$r b$se. Addressing the s/12ect +his ,onstru,t o5 unity in the pro!r$6 $lso #or*s to ,onstru,t $n eGui4$lent unity in the 4ie#in! sub?e,t. 3s the presenters e6body the unity o5 the pro!r$6, so #e, in identi5yin! #ith the6, $re interpell$ted $s uni5ied sub?e,ts repressin! $ny dis,o65ortin! ,ontr$di,tions in the sense th$t #e 6$*e o5 the pro!r$6 $nd o5 oursel4es.

/$ne Feuer <1983= 5inds th$t C$4id A$rt6$nDs 6ode o5 $ddress in Good Morning( .merica #or*s si6il$rly to identi5y 4ie#ers #ith hi6 in $ #$y th$t produ,es $ ,o6prehensi4e unity in di4ersity8 For - $t le$st in the ,$se o5 Good Morning( .merica ; the 6ode o5 $ddress is to $ !re$t e:tent its ideolo!i,$l proble6$ti,. 2t #ould not be $,,ur$te to s$y th$t the sho# J,$rriesK ,ert$in ideolo!ies #hi,h the 4ie#er 6$y then $,,ept or re?e,t. Good Morning( .merica-s 6ode o5 $ddress both produ,es $nd reprodu,es its ideolo!i,$l proble6$ti, o5 5$6ily unity $nd n$tion$l unity-#ithin-di4ersity. 3,,ordin! to $n 31( 4i,e-president, J+he i6$!e o5 C$4id . . . is one o5 tr$dition$l 4$luesM heDs per,ei4ed $s $ 5$6ily 6$n. K 2t does not t$*e $ psy,ho$n$lyti, re$din! to see the 6e6bers o5 the sho#Ds 5$6ily $re 6e$nt $s $n ide$l 5$6ily 5or us, $n ide$li7ed bour!eois nu,le$r 5$6ily #ith $ d$ddy $nd <4$rious= 6o66ies, brothers $nd sisters, 5r$!6ented by sp$,e but to!ether in ti6e throu!h the po#er o5 the tele4ision i6$!e itsel5. 2t is $ 5$6ily si6il$r to 6$ny 36eri,$n 5$6ilies in its 5r$!6ent$tion, its 6obility, its $lien$tion, yet the Good Morning( .merica 5$6ily is uni5ied $s $ dire,t <it is i6plied= ,onseGuen,e o5 tele4ision te,hnolo!y. +h$t is to s$y, tele4ision brin!s 5$6ilies to!ether $nd *eeps the6 to!ether. <pp. 19, 20= -

%llis <1982= pl$,es si6il$r e6ph$sis on tele4isionDs interpell$tion o5 the 4ie#er $s $ 5$6ily 6e6ber, but, use5ully, be!ins to Guestion tele4isionDs po#er to uni5y. Ae $r!ues th$t s,hedulin! is p$rt o5 tele4isionDs 6ode o5 $ddress to the do6esti, 4ie#er. 2t is b$sed upon the pre6ise o5 the #i5eI 6other bein! $t ho6e durin! the d$y $nd then bein! ?oined by the ,hildren ho6e 5ro6 s,hool $t $bout 4.30. +his shi5t is 6$r*ed eGu$lly ,le$rly by $ ,h$n!e in both pro!r$6 type $nd $d4ertise6ents. +hen, $t $bout ;.00, the 5$ther o5 the household is e:pe,ted to return 5ro6 #or*, so the e$rly e4enin! ne#s is bro$d,$st to !$ther hi6 into the $udien,e. +his is typi,$lly 5ollo#ed by $ Jso5terK lo,$l ne#s $nd ne#s 6$!$7ine pro!r$6 $i6ed $t brin!in! the 6other b$,* $nd ,onsolid$tin! the 5$6ily $udien,e 5or the pri6e-ti6e 4ie#in! to 5ollo#. 2n 1rit$in $nd 3ustr$li$, ,hildren $re $ssu6ed to !o to bed $t 7.30, so sli!htly r$un,hier pro!r$6s ,$n be s,reened then. &ri6e ti6e dri5ts to $ ,lose $s the Jnor6$lK 5$6ily !ets re$dy 5or bed $t $bout 9.30-10.00 p.6., le$4in! the $ir#$4es 5or 6ore 6inority or serious <or ,he$p= pro!r$6s. @nly those #ith $ p$rti,ul$r interest or oddb$lls su,h $s inso6ni$,s $re predi,ted to #$t,h l$te-ni!ht tele4ision, those th$t 5$ll outside the ,onsensu$l J$4er$!eK 5$6ily. A$rtley <198 = in $ sti6ul$tin! $rti,le t$*es the ide$ o5 the 4ie#er $s 5$6ily 6e6ber e4en 5urther. Ae $r!ues th$t tele4ision $tte6pts to spe$* to its $udien,e $s ,hildren8 J+B is $ p$edo,r$ti, re!i6eM th$t is, the $udien,e is i6$!ined $s h$4in! ,hild-li*e Gu$lities $nd $ttributes, +B $ddresses its $udien,e $s ,hildren, $nd is ,h$r$,teri7ed by ,hild-li*e preo,,up$tions $nd $,tionsK <p. 9=. +here $re bene5its to the industry in su,h $ ,onstru,tion o5 the $udien,e $s it pro4ides $ *ind o5 ben,h 6$r* $!$inst #hi,h produ,ers ,$n 6e$sure their pr$,ti,e. Ae !i4es $ nu6ber o5 e:$6ples o5 produ,ers spe$*in! o5 the $udien,e $s ,hildren <5ro6 0itlin 19838 138, 188, 324=. +he 3ustr$li$n pro!r$6 6$n$!er Guoted by +ullo,h $nd Mor$n <198;= #$s e4en 6ore e:pli,it in the e,ono6i,s o5 this str$te!y8 J0et the *ids in $t ;, 7, or 7.30 $nd the p$rents #ill #$t,h too. @lder people #ill #$t,h sho#s 5or youn!er people, but

not 4i,e 4ers$K <p. 198=. +he hu!e, di4erse $udien,e is, by these institution$l ,onstru,ts, 6$de *no#$ble $nd sin!ul$r. +his ,on,eptu$li7$tion is sh$red by institutions other th$n those o5 the produ,ers. +he net#or*s pr$,ti,e their so,i$l responsibility by $,tin! in loco parentis, $nd re!ul$tory bodies $nd ,odes o5 industri$l pr$,ti,e de5ine st$nd$rds o5 spee,h $nd beh$4ior $,,ordin! to $ 5$6ilyDs ,on,ern 5or the 6or$l #el5$re o5 its ,hildren. 2n the 3nn$n Report, 5or inst$n,e, e4en #here $dults $re spe,i5ied $s 4ie#ers, they $re identi5ied $s 6e6bers o5 $ 5$6ily by their rel$tionship to ,hildren8 - ;&eople #$t,h $nd listen in the 5$6ily ,ir,le, in their ho6es so th$t 4iol$tions o5 the t$boos o5 l$n!u$!e $nd beh$4iour, #hi,h e:ist in e4ery so,iety, $re #itnessed by the #hole 5$6ily - p$rents, ,hildren $nd !r$ndp$rents - in e$,h otherDs presen,e. <p. 24;M Guoted in A$rtley 198 8 11= 2n FeuerDs <1983= e:tended 5$6ily o5 Good Morning( .merica, tele4ision be,o6es the ,on,erned $nd responsible p$rent, the 4ie#ers the sheltered $nd ,osseted ,hildren. +his e6ph$sis on the 5$6ily 4ie#er h$s so6e 5urther ,onseGuen,es 5or tele4ision. +he 5$6ily 4ie#er o5 tele4ision is Guite di55erent 5ro6 the isol$ted indi4idu$l spe,t$tor o5 ,ine6$ posited by s,reen theory. +he 5$6ily 4ie#er does not $l#$ys !i4e the s,reen su,h ,on,entr$ted $ttention, but #$t,hes 6ore spor$di,$lly in bet#een or #hile re$din! the p$per, e$tin!, or holdin! sn$t,hes o5 ,on4ers$tions. +ele4ision then h$s to #or* h$rder th$n ,ine6$ to dr$# the 4ie#er in8 its 6ode o5 $ddress re,o!ni7es $ 5or6 o5 4ie#in! resist$n,e or e4$sion in $ #$y th$t ,ine6$Ds h$s no need to. +he tele4ision 4ie#erDs response to interpell$tion is p$rti$l, not tot$l8 the po#er o5 the te:t to position the re$din! sub?e,t is 6u,h less th$n ,ine6$Ds. %llis su!!ests th$t tele4ision #or*s to ,onstru,t $ J,o6pli,ityK #ith the 4ie#er th$t is 6ore th$n the ,onstru,tion o5 the ide$l 5$6ily out o5 the J+B 5$6ilyK $nd the Jre$lK 4ie#in! 5$6ily o5 Feuer. Ae $r!ues th$t tele4ision uses this ,o6pli,ity to #in the 4ie#erDs ,onsent to tele4isionDs role $s herIhis JeyeK on the #orld. +he ,ru,i$l Jloo*K 5or ,ine6$ is th$t o5 the spe,t$tor $t the s,reen, in tele4ision it is th$t o5 tele4ision upon the #orld. +he loo* o5 the 4ie#er is one o5 !l$n,es r$ther th$n the ,ontrolled !$7e o5 the ,ine6$ spe,t$tor. +his h$s so6e si!ni5i,$nt ,onseGuen,es. Firstly it sets up Jthe #orld out thereK in opposition to Jthe 5$6ily in here. K +he position 5ro6 #hi,h +BDs in4esti!$tions o5 the #orld, both 5i,tion$l $nd 5$,tu$l, ,$n t$*e pl$,e is deter6ined by the ,re$tion o5 ,o6pli,ity. +B $ssu6es th$t it h$s ,ert$in *inds o5 4ie#ers $nd th$t it spe$*s 5or the6 $nd loo*s 5or the6. 2nter4ie#ers b$se their Guestions on J#h$t the 4ie#ers $t ho6e #$nt to *no#K, dr$6$ b$ses itsel5 on the notion o5 the 5$6ily. <%llis 19828 1;4- =

J+he #orldK be,o6es so6ethin! th$t is potenti$lly disrupti4e to the 5$6ily, so the ne#s ,onstru,ts essenti$lly ne!$ti4e $nd thre$tenin! 4ersions o5 Jout there, K sit,o6s en$,t the #ee*ly ,ontest bet#een the 5or,es th$t $tte6pt to disrupt the 5$6ily $nd the Jn$tureK th$t holds the 5$6ily to!ether, so$p oper$s e:plore the intern$l stresses o5 the 5$6ily $!$inst the r$rely $,hie4ed but po#er5ul ide$l o5 the Jnor6$lK 5$6ily. %llis $r!ues th$t tele4isionDs e55e,t is to Jisol$teK the 5$6ily 4ie#er 5ro6 the #orld, to ,enter hi6Iher in the ho6e, $nd to ,onstru,t $ sub?e,ti4ity th$t is entirely 5$6ili$l8 - 71ro$d,$st +B ,on5ir6s the nor6$lity $nd s$5ety o5 the 4ie#erDs presu6ed do6esti, situ$tion. +he 4ie#er dele!$tes the $,ti4ity o5 in4esti!$tory loo*in! to +B itsel5. +B returns $ p$rti,ul$r o4er$ll sense o5 the outside #orld to the 4ie#er $!$inst #hi,h the nor6$lity o5 the do6esti, is ,on5ir6ed. <%llis 19828 1;7= 1ut $!$inst this, %llis $r!ues th$t tele4ision does not tot$li7e its 4ie#s o5 the #orld into $ ,oherent pi,ture 4ie#ed 5ro6 $n un,ontr$di,tory 4ie#point, be,$use to do so #ould Js$,ri5i,e the !ener$li7ed do6esti, $ddressK #hi,h is ne,ess$ry i5 tele4ision is to re$,h the #ide 4$riety o5 people #ho ,$n be spo*en to throu!h the !ener$l interpell$tion $s J6e6ber-o5-$-5$6ily. K +he 4ie#er #ho J!l$n,esK is $ 6u,h 6ore di4ersi5ied sub?e,t #ith $ 6ore di4erse set o5 rel$tions to the s,reen th$n is the ,ine6$ spe,t$tor #ho Jloo*sK or J!$7es. K +ele4isionDs thrust to#$rds unity in di4ersity ne4er tot$lly $,hie4es its ob?e,t8 the di4ersity is $l#$ys there, both in Jthe #orldK th$t tele4ision loo*s $t 5ro6 the loun!e roo6 $nd in the rel$tionships th$t its 4ie#ers t$*e up #ith the s,reen. A$rtleyDs <198 = $,,ount o5 the ,on,eptu$l str$te!ies by #hi,h tele4ision institutions ,onstru,t 5or the6sel4es $n i6$!e o5 the $udien,e-$s-,hild, $nd the proble6s th$t it ent$ils, h$s si6il$rities #ith %llis8 su,h $ sin!ul$r 5o,us #or*s $lso to Juni5yK the $udien,e. 1ut the ,on4enien,e o5 this ,on,eptu$l str$te!y 5or the institutions does not 6e$n th$t the $udien,es the6sel4es h$4e to sh$re it, $nd ,le$rly they do not. +he ple$sures th$t Prisoner <see ,h$pter = or The .;Team <see ,h$pter 11= o55er ,hildren liber$te the6 5ro6 their role o5 subordin$tion in the 5$6ily. (i6il$rly 6usi, 4ideos 5or teen$!ers $nd sport 5or 6en o55er e:tr$-5$6ili$l re$din! positions $nd ple$sures. 'hile tele4ision sport 6$y $ddress 6en $s e:tr$-5$6ili$l 6$tes in 6$le-bondin!, Morse <1983= h$s sho#n th$t its eroti,i7$tion o5 the 6$le body ,$n $ddress #o6en $s 5e6inine se:u$l sub?e,ts, not $s 6other-#i5e-,onsu6er. A$rtley <198 = !oes on to $r!ue th$t tele4ision is ,$u!ht bet#een ,o6petin! needs - the need to $ppe$l to $nd #in o4er $ #ide di4ersity o5 $udien,es $nd the need to dis,ipline $nd ,ontrol those $udien,es so th$t they ,$n be re$,hed by $ sin!le, industri$lly produ,ed, ,ultur$l ,o66odity. 2n order to $,hie4e this, tele4ision h$s to re,o!ni7e th$t $ di4ersity o5 $udien,es reGuires $ di4ersity o5 6odes o5 $ddress8 F$r 5ro6 see*in! to 5i: ?ust one sub?e,t position <le$st o5 $ll th$t o5 %llisDs Jnor6$l ,iti7enK=, tele4ision h$s de4eloped $ hetero!eneity o5 6odes o5 $ddress, o5 points o5 4ie#, o5 pro!r$6 !enres, o5 styles o5 present$tion. 2t is ,h$r$,teri7ed, in short, by e:,ess, pro4idin! its $udien,e #ith $n e:,ess o5 JpositionsK #hi,h ne4ertheless ,$n be e$sily

re,o!ni7ed, $nd o55erin! $n e:,ess o5 ple$sures #hi,h ne4ertheless ,$n be dis,iplined into 5$6ili$r, predi,t$ble 5or6s. <A$rtley 198 8 1;= - 8 "sychoanalysis and the s/12ect +he inter$,tion bet#een l$n!u$!es, their 6ode o5 $ddress, $nd other so,i$l $!en,ies is the one th$t best $,,ounts 5or the role o5 the sub?e,t in the tele4ision 4ie#in!8 ho#e4er, #e 6ust not i!nore the rel$tionship bet#een l$n!u$!e $nd psy,ho$n$lysis in the ,onstru,tion o5 6e$nin!s, $nd in the 5or6$tion o5 the sub?e,ti4ity #hi,h is the site o5 the 6e$nin!6$*in! pro,ess. +his h$s been p$rti,ul$rly in5luenti$l in the de4elop6ent o5 s,reen theory, but less help5ul in de4elopin! $ theory o5 tele4ision $nd tele4ision ,riti,is6. 3t the he$rt o5 this $ppro$,h lies L$,$nDs belie5 th$t the un,ons,ious is stru,tured li*e $ l$n!u$!e $nd th$t the in5$ntDs $,Guisition o5 ,ons,iousness is in 5$,t the $,Guisition o5 l$n!u$!e, or r$ther o5 the 6e$ns o5 6$*in! 6e$nin!. 2n e$rly in5$n,y, the ,hild does not distin!uish bet#een inside $nd outside, bet#een sel5 $nd not-sel58 his or her per,eptions o5 the e:tern$l #orld t$*e the s$6e 5or6 $s the per,eptions o5 hisIher intern$l st$tes. +he $#$reness th$t sel5 is di55erent 5ro6 not-sel5, or the other, is the 5irst 6e$nin! th$t the ,hild 6$*es $nd the 5irst ,onstru,tion o5 di55eren,e upon #hi,h $ll 6e$nin!s depend. +his $#$reness o5 di55eren,e is $t the he$rt o5 L$,$nDs 4ie# o5 in5$n,y $s the period in #hi,h the ,hild si6ult$neously de4elops the $bility to 6$*e 6e$nin! $nd enters into the 6e$nin! syste6 $l#$ys $lre$dy $#$itin! her or hi6. +he t#o pro,esses $re re$lly one, 5or the ,hild ,$nnot, to use $n inst$n,e ,entr$l to 5e6inist thin*in!, ,onstru,t th$t 6ost b$si, 6e$nin! o5 sel5, the one b$sed on !ender di55erenti$tion, #ithout enterin! into the syste6 o5 !ender di55eren,es $nd the po#er rel$tions bet#een the6 th$t the ,ulture $lre$dy uses $nd #hi,h $#$its the entry o5 the ne# $rri4$l. L$,$nDs $,,ount o5 the 6irror ph$se is $lso b$sed upon di55eren,e. 2n this, the in5$nt sees herIhi6sel5 re5le,ted in $ 6irror $nd, in the re$li7$tion th$t re5le,tion $nd sel5 $re di55erent but rel$ted, enters the #orld o5 the sy6boli,, the #orld #here ob?e,ts $re not essen,es, but be$rers o5 6e$nin!. 1ut the re5le,tion is ne4er 6erely th$t, 5or th$t #ould i6ply th$t it #$s in5erior to the re$l, $nd L$,$n $r!ues th$t the re5le,tion is 6ore th$n the re$l $nd Ji6pro4esK on it. +he 6irror ph$se o,,urs #hen the ,hildDs body is still in$deGu$te $nd ine55e,ti4e, $nd #h$t the ,hild sees re5le,ted is hisIher i6$!in$ry body, shorn o5 its physi,$l li6it$tions, so the sy6boli, is ,o6posed o5 both the i6$!in$ry $nd the re$l. +hus $ photo!r$ph o5 $ s,ene <#hi,h 6$y be understood $s $ J5i:edK re5le,tion= is o5ten 6ore ple$sur$ble to loo* $t th$n the s,ene itsel5, 5or it ,$n ,lose the !$p bet#een the i6$!in$ry $nd the re$l, $nd ple$sure deri4es 5ro6 the e:tent to #hi,h this unity is $,hie4ed, this !$p is ,losed. - 9+hus $ ,hild !ets ple$sure 5ro6 hisIher re5le,tion to the e:tent th$t the $,t o5 loo*in! $llo#s the sy6boli, sel5 in the 6irror to 6er!e the i6$!in$ry sel5 #ith the per,ei4ed re$l sel5. (i6il$rly i6$!es o5 #o6en $nd 6en on the tele4ision or 5il6 s,reen produ,e ple$sure in the 4ie#er in so 5$r $s they $llo# the i6$!in$ry to be !rounded in the

represent$tion o5 the re$l $nd thus to !$in the !u$r$ntee th$t the i6$!in$ry is $deGu$te be,$use o5 its ,lose rel$tion to, i5 not tot$l identi5i,$tion #ith, the re$l. 'e 6ust not $llo# this theory to i6ply th$t the i6$!in$ry depends upon $n essenti$l ide$l o5 the sel5 th$t is p$rt o5 $ uni4ers$l, un,h$n!in! hu6$n n$ture. +he 5$,t th$t the uni5ied i6$!in$ry #orld pre,edes the entry into the sy6boli, 4i$ di55eren,e 6e$ns th$t the desire to re!$in this unity 6$y #ell be $ uni4ers$l p$rt o5 hu6$n n$ture, but the 5or6 o5 this unity $nd there5ore the #$ys in #hi,h the desire is e:pressed $nd s$tis5ied $re deter6ined by ,ulture $nd $re there5ore ideolo!i,$l. +he ,hildDs e:perien,e o5 the re$l o,,urs only $5ter its entry into the sy6boli, $nd is deter6ined by the sy6boli, syste6 into #hi,h sIhe h$s entered. 25 both the sy6boli, $nd the re$l $re ,ultur$lly deter6ined, $s $ny syste6 o5 di55eren,e 6ust be, the 5or6 th$t the i6$!in$ry t$*es in its stru!!le to unite the6 6ust $lso be the produ,t o5 ,ulture, not n$ture. +his is i6port$nt, be,$use it 6e$ns th$t the i6$!in$ry, the sub,ons,ious, ple$sure, $nd desire $re $ll ,ultur$l ,onstru,ts, or $t le$st ,ultur$lly in5le,ted, $nd $re not un,h$n!in! $nd un,h$n!e$ble $spe,ts o5 hu6$n n$ture. 3n essenti$list re$din! o5 Freud $nd L$,$n is politi,$lly unprodu,ti4e in th$t it 6isrepresents ,onstru,ts o5 $ p$tri$r,h$l so,iety, su,h $s ph$llo,entri, l$n!u$!e $nd the L$# o5 the F$ther, $s hu6$n n$ture $nd thus e:,ludes the6 5ro6 the $!end$ o5 so,i$l ,h$n!e. (u,h $n essenti$l 4ie# o5 the sub?e,ti4ity #ould 5irst deny the po#er o5 di55erent so,i$l e:perien,es to produ,e di55erent sub?e,ti4ities $nd thus di55erent #$ys o5 underst$ndin!, $nd se,ond, #ould see the l$n!u$!e syste6, p$rti,ul$rly $s 6$ni5est in $ 5il6 te:t, $s ne,ess$rily rein5or,in! the sub?e,ti4ity th$t h$s $lre$dy been produ,ed by the sy6boli, syste6 th$t both produ,er $nd re$der o5 the te:t sh$re. L$,$nDs $nd FreudDs theories on the ,re$tion o5 the sub?e,ti4ity <$nd o5 the un,ons,ious= in the in5$nt need to be !i4en $ ,ultur$l r$ther th$n $n essenti$list in5le,tion, 5or only then ,$n they $,,o66od$te the role o5 so,i$l e:perien,e in the ,onstru,tion o5 the sub?e,t, $nd the de4elop6ent o5 ,ontr$di,tions #ithin the sub?e,ti4ity, $nd its $bility to ,h$n!e o4er ti6e. +ele4ision is e:perien,ed by, $nd ,onstru,ts, $ 4$riety o5 so,i$l sub?e,ts r$ther th$n $ sin!ul$r psy,ho$n$lyti, one, $nd the L$,$ni$n $,,ount o5 the ,onstru,tion o5 sub?e,ti4ity #hi,h h$s pro4ed 5ruit5ul in the study o5 ,ine6$ is not so $ppli,$ble to tele4ision. Feuer <198;= su!!ests th$t the Jindi4idu$lK spe,t$tor posited by ,ine6$ is pre-@edip$l $nd thus is $ppropri$tely understood by $ L$,$ni$n 6odel, but the 5$6ily tele4ision 4ie#ers $re post-@edip$l, so,i$li7ed, $nd thus reGuire $ so,i$lly deri4ed theory o5 sub?e,ti4ity r$ther th$n $ psy,ho$n$lyti, one. +his reGuires us to de4elop $ 6odel o5 the re$din! sub?e,t $nd hisIher rel$tionships to the te:t th$t ,$n $,,ount 5or di55eren,es $6on!st so,i$lly ,onstru,ted sub?e,ti4ities. (,reen theory, #ith its e6ph$sis on the te:t th$t is ,o66on to $ll re$ders, $nd on psy,ho$n$lyti, pro,esses #hi,h $re eGu$lly ,o66on, h$s produ,ed $ 6odel o5 sin!ul$r te:tu$l e55e,ti4ity $nd sin!ul$r re$din! sub?e,ts. 2n the ne:t three ,h$pters #e #ill di4ersi5y our $,,ount o5 $udien,es, o5 the 6e$nin!s proposed by the te:t, $nd o5 the re$din! rel$tions throu!h #hi,h te:t $nd re$din! sub?e,t inter,onne,t. -;0Chapter 3 Active a/diences

Te4t and social s/12ects 'hen $udien,es $re understood $s te:tu$l sub?e,ts, $s in M$,C$beDs #or*, they $re seen $s rel$ti4ely po#erless $nd in$,ti4e $nd M$,C$be $nd others su,h $s Ae$th de4eloped this 4ie# into the orthodo:y o5 s,reen theory. 1ut $ 5e# dissentin! notes #ere stru,* in the p$!es o5 "creen $nd $ nu6ber o5 #riters su,h $s Morley <1980b=, 'ille6$n <1978=, $nd "e$le <1977= be!$n to ,h$llen!e this 4ie# o5 the sub?e,t, p$rti,ul$rly by insistin! on the di55eren,e bet#een the so,i$lly $nd the te:tu$lly produ,ed sub?e,ts. +he so,i$l sub?e,t h$s $ history, li4es in $ p$rti,ul$r so,i$l 5or6$tion <$ 6i: o5 ,l$ss, !ender, $!e, re!ion, et,. =, $nd is ,onstituted by $ ,o6ple: ,ultur$l history th$t is both so,i$l $nd te:tu$l. +he sub?e,ti4ity results 5ro6 Jre$lK so,i$l e:perien,e $nd 5ro6 6edi$ted or te:tu$l e:perien,e. +he $,tu$l tele4ision 4ie#er is $ pri6$rily so,i$l sub?e,t. +his so,i$l sub?e,ti4ity is 6ore in5luenti$l in the ,onstru,tion o5 6e$nin!s th$n the te:tu$lly produ,ed sub?e,ti4ity #hi,h e:ists only $t the 6o6ent o5 re$din!. 'ille6$n <1978= #rites8 +here re6$ins $n unbrid!e$ble !$p bet#een Jre$lK re$dersI$uthors $nd Jins,ribedK ones, ,onstru,ted $nd 6$r*ed in $nd by the te:t. Re$l re$ders $re sub?e,ts in history, li4in! in so,i$l 5or6$tions, r$ther th$n 6ere sub?e,ts o5 $ sin!le te:t. +he t#o types o5 sub?e,t $re not ,o66ensur$te. 1ut 5or the purposes o5 5or6$lis6, re$l re$ders $re supposed to ,oin,ide #ith the ,onstru,ted re$ders. <p. 48, Guoted in Morley 1980$8 1 9= Morley <1980$= #ent on to in4esti!$te e6piri,$lly this di55eren,e. Ae too* the issue o5 )ationwide th$t 1runsdon $nd he <1978= h$d $n$ly7ed $nd sho#ed it to !roups o5 bet#een 5i4e $nd ten 4ie#ers. Ae $lso sho#ed $ l$ter issue to $nother !roup. +he !roups #ere de5ined pri6$rily by o,,up$tion, thou!h he $lso noted their !ender $nd r$,e. +he o,,up$tions in,luded $pprenti,es, b$n* 6$n$!ers, te$,her-tr$inin! students, $rts students, bl$,* !irls, tr$de unionists, $nd so on. +he s,reenin! o5 the pro!r$6s #$s 5ollo#ed by $n open dis,ussion, usu$lly o5 $bout thirty 6inutes8 re,ordin!s o5 these dis,ussions $re the pri6e d$t$ #ith #hi,h he #or*ed. -;2Ae ,hose !roups be,$use he #$nted to tr$,e the responses o5 so,i$lly produ,ed sub?e,ts, $nd the so,i$l di6ension #ould e6er!e 5ro6 #h$t !roups h$d in ,o66on. @,,up$tion #$s the pri6e de5iner o5 the !roup be,$use it is $ pri6e de5iner o5 ,l$ss, $nd ,l$ss, $,,ordin! to &$r*in <1972= $nd A$ll <1980$=, is the 6ost i6port$nt 5$,tor in produ,in! so,i$lly 6oti4$ted di55eren,es o5 re$din!. 'h$t Morley 5ound #$s th$t A$ll, in 5ollo#in! &$r*in <1972=, h$d o4ere6ph$si7ed the role o5 ,l$ss in produ,in! di55erent re$din!s $nd h$d underesti6$ted the 4$riety o5 deter6in$nts o5 re$din!s. +hus the re$din!s sho#ed so6e interestin! $nd une:pe,ted ,ross-,l$ss si6il$rities8 b$n* 6$n$!ers $nd $pprenti,es, 5or e:$6ple, produ,ed bro$dly si6il$r re$din!s despite their ,l$ss di55eren,esM so, too, did so6e uni4ersity students $nd tr$de unionists. 'e ,ould e:pl$in these $pp$rent $no6$lies by su!!estin! th$t the $pprenti,es $nd b$n* 6$n$!ers #ere si6il$rly ,onstru,ted $s sub?e,ts o5 $ ,$pit$list ideolo!y in th$t they #ere both insertin! the6sel4es into the do6in$nt syste6 <$lbeit $t

di55erent points= $nd thus h$d $ sh$red interest in its sur4i4$l $nd su,,ess. Nni4ersity students $nd tr$de unionists, ho#e4er, #ere in institutions th$t pro4ided the6 #ith #$ys o5 ,riti,i7in! the do6in$nt syste6 $nd they thus produ,ed si6il$r $nd 6ore opposition$l re$din!s. +his #or* o5 Morley helped to est$blish ethno!r$phy $s $ 4$lid 6ethod o5 studyin! tele4ision $nd its 4ie#ers. +he ob?e,t o5 ethno!r$phi, study is the #$y th$t people li4e their ,ulture. 2ts 4$lue 5or us lies in its shi5t o5 e6ph$sis $#$y 5ro6 the te:tu$l $nd ideolo!i,$l ,onstru,tion o5 the sub?e,t to so,i$lly $nd histori,$lly situ$ted people. 2t re6inds us th$t $,tu$l people in $,tu$l situ$tions #$t,h $nd en?oy $,tu$l tele4ision pro!r$6s. 2t $,*no#led!es the di55eren,es bet#een people despite their so,i$l ,onstru,tion, $nd plur$li7es the 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures th$t they 5ind in tele4ision. 2t thus ,ontr$di,ts theories th$t stress the sin!ul$rity o5 tele4isionDs 6e$nin!s $nd its re$din! sub?e,ts. 2t en$bles us to $,,ount 5or di4ersity both #ithin the so,i$l 5or6$tion $nd #ithin the pro,esses o5 ,ulture. %thno!r$phi, study 6$y t$*e the obser4$tion$l 5or6 o5 AobsonDs <1980, 1982= #or* in #hi,h she #ent into ho6es to see ho# #o6en inte!r$ted tele4ision into their do6esti, $nd 5$6ily li4es. @r li*e MorleyDs <1980$, 198;= or 3n!Ds <198 = #or*, it 6$y use 4ie#ersD 4erb$li7$tions o5 their responses to tele4ision, in #hi,h ,$se it 6o4es to $n ethno!r$phy o5 dis,ourse. @5 ,ourse, Aobson t$l*ed #ith her sub?e,ts, too, $nd their dis,ourses $bout the 6edi$ in their li4es $re $n i6port$nt p$rt o5 her d$t$. &$l6er <198;= ,o6bined obser4$tions o5 ,hildren 4ie#in! in their ho6es #ith inter4ie#s $nd Guestionn$ires. 3ll these studies, in one #$y or $nother, tr$,e di55eren,es $6on!st 4ie#ers, 6odes o5 4ie#in!, $nd the 6e$nin!s or ple$sures produ,ed. +his re4$lu$tion o5 the 4ie#er reGuires $ si6il$r re4$lu$tion o5 the te:t. +e:tu$l studies o5 tele4ision no# h$4e to stop tre$tin! it $s $ ,losed te:t, th$t is, $s one #here the do6in$nt ideolo!y e:erts ,onsider$ble, i5 not tot$l, in5luen,e o4er its ideolo!i,$l stru,ture $nd there5ore o4er its re$der. 3n$lysis h$s to p$y less $ttention to the te:tu$l str$te!ies o5 pre5eren,e or ,losure $nd 6ore to the !$ps $nd sp$,es th$t open tele4ision up to 6e$nin!s not pre5erred by the te:tu$l stru,ture, but th$t result 5ro6 the so,i$l e:perien,e o5 the re$der. -;3A$llDs <1980$= pre5erred re$din! theory #$s $n e$rly $tte6pt to $,,ount 5or this theoreti,$lly. 1rie5ly, he $r!ued th$t 4ie#ers #hose so,i$l situ$tion, p$rti,ul$rly their ,l$ss, $li!ned the6 ,o65ort$bly #ith the do6in$nt ideolo!y #ould produ,e do6in$nt re$din!s o5 $ te:tM th$t is, they #ould $,,ept its pre5erred 6e$nin!s $nd their ,lose 5it #ith the do6in$nt ideolo!y. @ther 4ie#ers, #hose so,i$l situ$tion pl$,ed the6 in opposition to the do6in$nt ideolo!y, #ould oppose its 6e$nin!s in the te:t $nd #ould produ,e opposition$l re$din!s. +he 6$?ority o5 4ie#ers, ho#e4er, $re prob$bly situ$ted not in positions o5 ,on5or6ity or opposition to the do6in$nt ideolo!y, but in ones th$t ,on5or6 to it in so6e #$ys, but not othersM they $,,ept the do6in$nt ideolo!y in !ener$l, but 6odi5y or in5le,t it to 6eet the needs o5 their spe,i5i, situ$tion. +hese 4ie#ers #ould, A$ll $r!ued, produ,e ne!oti$ted re$din!s o5 the te:tM these $re re$din!s th$t in5le,t the 6e$nin!s pre5erred by the do6in$nt ideolo!y, to t$*e into $,,ount the so,i$l di55eren,es o5 di55erent 4ie#ers.

+hus $ do6in$nt re$din! o5 the !art to !art se!6ent in ,h$pter 1 #ould be 6$de by $ #hite, 6iddle-,l$ss, urb$n, northern 6$le, $nd #ould ,on5or6 to the do6in$nt ideolo!y $s it is en,oded in the te:t. 3n opposition$l re$din! 6i!ht be 6$de by $ Aisp$ni, 6e6ber o5 the #or*in! ,l$sses, #ho #ould re?e,t the do6in$nt 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures o55ered by the pro!r$6 be,$use they opposed his interestsM he 6i!ht support the ,ri6es o5 the Aisp$ni, 4ill$in $s re4olution$ry $,ts $!$inst #hite ,$pit$lis6. 3 #o6$n, ho#e4er, 6i!ht produ,e $ ne!oti$ted re$din!, #hi,h $,,epted the ideolo!i,$l 5r$6e#or* o5 the n$rr$ti4e, but ne!oti$ted #ithin it $ spe,i$l si!ni5i,$n,e 5or the heroine, her $,tions, $nd the 4$lues she e6bodies. (he #ould thus see the heroineDs ,$pit$li7$tion on her loo*s $nd her ?e#elry $s 6e$ns o5 e:er,isin! 5e6$le po#er #ithin, but not $!$inst, p$tri$r,hy. +he li6it$tions o5 this theory $re th$t it o4ere6ph$si7es ,l$ss in rel$tion to other so,i$l 5$,tors $nd th$t it i6plies th$t the three types o5 re$din! $re rou!hly eGu$l. 2n pr$,ti,e, there $re 4ery 5e# per5e,tly do6in$nt or purely opposition$l re$din!s, $nd ,onseGuently 4ie#in! tele4ision is typi,$lly $ pro,ess o5 ne!oti$tion bet#een the te:t $nd its 4$riously so,i$lly situ$ted re$ders. +he 4$lue o5 the theory lies in its 5reein! the te:t 5ro6 ,o6plete ideolo!i,$l ,losure, $nd in its shi5t $#$y 5ro6 the te:t $nd to#$rds the re$der $s the site o5 6e$nin!. -;4/ust ho# 5$r this shi5t !oes is, o5 ,ourse, $ 6$tter o5 deb$te. A$ll $r!ues th$t #hile tele4ision pro!r$6s $llo# $ 4$riety o5 ne!oti$ted or opposition$l 6e$nin!s, their stru,ture $l#$ys pre5ers $ 6e$nin! th$t !ener$lly pro6otes the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 2t is the ideolo!y in this 6e$nin! th$t is ne!oti$ted #ith or opposed. 2t is 6ore produ,ti4e to thin* not so 6u,h o5 $ sin!ul$r pre5erred 6e$nin!, but o5 stru,tures o5 pre5eren,e in the te:t th$t see* to pre5er so6e 6e$nin!s $nd ,lose others o55. +his is $n el$bor$tion o5 A$llDs 6odel, not $ re?e,tion o5 it, 5or it still sees the te:t $s $ stru,tured polyse6y, $s $ potenti$l o5 uneGu$l 6e$nin!s, so6e o5 #hi,h $re pre5erred o4er, or pro55ered 6ore stron!ly th$n, others, $nd #hi,h ,$n only be $,ti4$ted by so,i$lly situ$ted 4ie#ers in $ pro,ess o5 ne!oti$tion bet#een the te:t $nd their so,i$l situ$tion. %,oDs <1972= theory o5 $berr$nt de,odin! is essenti$lly si6il$r. 2n this %,o $r!ues th$t #hene4er there $re si!ni5i,$nt so,i$l di55eren,es bet#een the en,oders $nd de,oders o5 $ te:t, then de,odin! #ill ne,ess$rily be J$berr$nt. K 1y this he 6e$ns th$t the te:t #ill be de,oded by $ di55erent set o5 ,odes $nd ,on4entions 5ro6 those oper$tin! durin! its en,odin! or produ,tion, $nd the resultin! 6e$nin!s #ill thus be deter6ined 6ore by the so,i$l situ$tion o5 the de,oder th$n by th$t o5 the en,oder. Ae ,on,ludes th$t 5or 6$ss ,o66uni,$tion, #hose te:ts by de5inition $re de,oded by $ #ide 4$riety o5 so,i$l !roups, $berr$nt de,odin!s $re, p$r$do:i,$lly, the nor6. 2n the rest o5 this ,h$pter 2 sh$ll det$il so6e re,ent ethno!r$phi, studies o5 tele4ision 4ie#ers, $nd the e4iden,e they pro4ide o5 the 4ie#ersD $bility to 6$*e their o#n so,i$lly pertinent 6e$nin!s out o5 the se6ioti, resour,es pro4ided by tele4ision. +hese studies 6$*e this ,h$pter $ pi4ot$l one in the boo*. +he pre,edin! ,h$pters h$4e $n$ly7ed tele4isionDs po#er to ,onstru,t its pre5erred re$din!s $nd re$ders. (ubseGuent ones #ill e:plore tele4isionDs openness, its in4it$tions to its 4ie#ers to ,onstru,t their 6e$nin!s out

o5 its te:ts, $nd #ill thus reGuire us to ree4$lu$te the rel$ti4e po#er o5 te:ts $nd 4ie#ers in the produ,tion o5 6e$nin! $nd ple$sure. 'a5ing meanings Morley <1980$= #$s the 5irst to put this se6ioti, $nd ,ultur$l theory throu!h $n e6piri,$l in4esti!$tion. Ais #or* ,$lls into Guestion *ey $spe,ts o5 the s,reen theory o5 ,l$ssi, re$lis6, $nd its 4ie# o5 the rel$tionship bet#een the te:t $nd the re$din! sub?e,t, 5or it re5utes the $r!u6ent th$t the ideolo!y in the stru,ture o5 the te:t #or*s $l6ost irresistibly to position $nd ,onstru,t the sub?e,ti4ity o5 the re$der $s $ sub?e,t in ideolo!y. 1$n* 6$n$!ers $nd $pprenti,es $re already positioned to#$rds the do6in$nt ideolo!y, so too $re students $nd tr$de unionists. Re$din! the tele4ision te:t is $ pro,ess o5 ne!oti$tion bet#een this e:istin! sub?e,t position $nd the one proposed by the te:t itsel5, $nd in this ne!oti$tion the b$l$n,e o5 po#er lies #ith the re$der. +he 6e$nin!s 5ound in the te:t shi5t to#$rds the sub?e,t position o5 the re$der 6ore th$n the re$derDs sub?e,ti4ity is sub?e,ted to the ideolo!i,$l po#er o5 the te:t. -; +o be popul$r, the tele4ision te:t h$s to be re$d $nd en?oyed by $ di4ersity o5 so,i$l !roups, so its 6e$nin!s 6ust be ,$p$ble o5 bein! in5le,ted in $ nu6ber o5 di55erent #$ys. +he tele4ision te:t is there5ore 6ore polyse6i, $nd 6ore open th$n e$rlier theorists $llo#ed 5or. 3s Aobson <1982= puts it8 J+he 6ess$!e is not solely in the Jte:tK, but ,$n be ,h$n!ed or J#or*ed onK by the $udien,e $s they 6$*e their o#n interpret$tion o5 $ pro!r$66eK <p. 10;=. +his 6e$ns th$t re$din! is not $ !$rnerin! o5 6e$nin!s 5ro6 the te:t but is $ di$lo!ue <Bolosino4 1973= bet#een te:t $nd the so,i$lly situ$ted re$der. 3s Morley <1980$= s$ys8 +hus the 6e$nin! o5 the te:t 6ust be thou!ht in ter6s o5 #hi,h set o5 dis,ourses it en,ounters in $ny p$rti,ul$r set o5 ,ir,u6st$n,es, $nd ho# this en,ounter 6$y restru,ture both the 6e$nin! o5 the te:t $nd the dis,ourses #hi,h it 6eets. +he 6e$nin! o5 the te:t #ill be ,onstru,ted di55erently $,,ordin! to the dis,ourses <*no#led!es, pre?udi,es, resist$n,es, et,. = brou!ht to be$r on the te:t by the re$der $nd the ,ru,i$l 5$,tor in the en,ounter o5 $udien,eIsub?e,t $nd te:t #ill be the r$n!e o5 dis,ourses $t the dispos$l o5 the $udien,e. <p. 18= +he !art to !art e:tr$,t in ,h$pter 1 pro4ides us #ith $n e:$6ple o5 $ dis,ourse in $ te:t th$t ,$n be re$d di55erently by the dis,ursi4e pr$,ti,es o5 di55erent re$ders. +he #indo#IportholeIl$undro6$t ?o*e o,,urs #ithin the dis,ourse o5 !ender. 2ts so,i$l do6$in is !ender di55eren,e, its lo,$tion is the 6$s,uline position. 2t s$ys th$t #o6en ,$n only 6$*e sense o5 the te,hni,$l #orld by redu,in! it to the do6esti,. 2t there5ore 6$*es sense o5 the 5e6inine in $ #$y th$t ser4es the interests o5 the 6$s,uline, be,$use it reser4es ,o6peten,e in the te,hni,$l, publi, #orld 5or 6en. 2t is there5ore $ be$rer $nd produ,er o5 $ p$tri$r,h$l ideolo!y. 1ut it 6$y 6eet $ nonp$tri$r,h$l sub?e,t, $nd 6ust be ,$p$ble o5 bein! re$d 5ro6 this sub?e,t position.

@ne #$y o5 underst$ndin! our sub?e,ti4ity is th$t it is ,o6posed o5 the 4$riety o5 dis,ourses th$t #e use to 6$*e sense o5 the so,i$l do6$ins th$t ,onstitute our so,i$l e:perien,e. 1e,$use our so,i$l e:perien,e h$s 4$ried, $nd does 4$ry, so 6u,h, our sub?e,ti4ities $re li*ely to be ,o6posed o5 $ nu6ber o5 di55erent, possibly ,ontr$di,tory dis,ourses, e$,h be$rin! tr$,es o5 $ di55erent spe,i5i, ideolo!y. <3 dis,ourse be$rs $ spe,i5i, ideolo!y $nd throu!h th$t rel$tes to the do6in$nt ideolo!y or ideolo!y in !ener$l. = (tu$rt A$ll <1983= $r!ues persu$si4ely 5or the ,ontr$di,toriness o5 the spe,i5i, ideolo!ies $nd dis,ourses th$t ,o6prise our sub?e,ti4ity #hi,h reGuires us to see the sub?e,ti4ity $s disunited, $s $ site o5 stru!!le, not $s $ uni5ied site o5 ideolo!i,$l re,on,ili$tion8 -;;3s 0r$6s,i s$id $!$in, our person$lities $re not $t $ll $s #e i6$!ine the6, $s sort o5 uni5ied bo:es, but $re 5ull o5 4ery ,ontr$di,tory ele6ents - pro!ressi4e ele6ents $nd stone-$!e ele6ents. +here is $ true do6esti, #o6$n inside the #o6$n #ho is stru!!lin! to be $ liber$ted 5e6inist, there is the reli!ious tr$,e inside those o5 us #ho thin* #e $re 5ully se,ul$ri7ed 6odern ,iti7ens, #e $re 5ull o5 the r$!-b$! $nd debris o5 $n,ient ideolo!ies #hi,h h$4e lost their syste6$ti, 5or6, but still h$n! $bout. %4en #hen #e donDt thin* #ith these bits, #e 5eel #ith the6, #hi,h is one o5 the re$sons #hy people in the 6odern #orld, #ho *no# th$t, 5or inst$n,e, se:u$l ?e$lousy is one o5 the 6ost e:tr$ordin$ry #$ys o5 dispensin! #ith e6otion$l ener!y . . . on,e it h$ppens !et into $n $bsolutely pri6iti4e r$!e. . . . +he notion th$t #e $re t$l*in! $bout $ *ind o5 r$tion$lly ,$l,ul$ti4e syste6 $nd 5i!ures o5 thou!ht th$t ?ust ,orrespond to $ r$tion$lly !i4en e,ono6i, interest does not des,ribe the 6$elstro6 o5 potenti$l ideolo!i,$l sub?e,ts th$t #e $re. +he re$der o5 the #indo#IportholeIl$undro6$t ?o*e is not reGuired to re$d it in the #$y pre5erred by the te:t. 25 the te:tDs ,onser4$ti4e p$tri$r,h$l dis,ourse o5 !ender 6eets either $ 6ore liber$l or 6ore r$di,$l one in the re$der, the ?o*e #ill be de,oded 4ery di55erently <see ,h$pter ;=. 1ut A$ll i6plies th$t su,h $ ?o*e 6$y be de,oded in t#o #$ys si6ult$neously by the s$6e 4ie#er. 3 one-ti6e se:ist #ho is no# liber$ted #ill be $ble to respond doubly $,,ordin! to both !ender dis,ourses #hi,h still e:ist, e4en i5 uneGu$lly, in his or her sub?e,ti4ity. 1oth the te:t $nd the sub?e,ti4ity $re dis,ursi4e ,onstru,ts $nd both ,ont$in si6il$r ,o6petin! or ,ontr$di,tory dis,ourses. 2t is out o5 these ,ontr$di,tions th$t the polyse6y o5 the te:t $nd the 6ultipli,ity o5 re$din!s $rise. Aod!e $nd +ripp <198;= pro4ide !ood e:$6ples o5 6ultiple or ,ontr$di,tory re$din!s 6$de by 4ie#ers. +hey did not $s* #h$t e55e,t tele4ision h$s on its $udien,e, nor #h$t use does the $udien,e 6$*e o5 tele4isionM r$ther they $s*ed ho# $ p$rti,ul$r tele4ision te:t, seen $s $ polyse6i, potenti$l o5 6e$nin!s, ,onne,ts #ith the so,i$l li5e o5 the 4ie#er or !roup o5 4ie#ers. +hey #ere ,on,erned #ith ho# $ tele4ision te:t is re$d, #ith ho# 6e$nin!s $re 6$de by the $,ti4e re$din! o5 $n $udien,e, $nd ho# this $,ti4ity o5 re$din! ,$n be e:pl$ined in ter6s o5 $ theory o5 ,ulture, th$t is, the pro,ess o5 6$*in! ,o66on sense out o5 so,i$l e:perien,e. +heir re$ders #ere s,hool ,hildren $nd their #or* is b$sed on $n $ssu6ption $bout ,hildren th$t needs spellin! out, be,$use it di55ers

5ro6 th$t #hi,h underlies so 6u,h o5 the rese$r,h in this $re$8 Aod!e $nd +ripp $ssu6e th$t ,hildren $re not 5ools or p$ssi4e dupes $ble to be $55e,ted $!$inst their #ill $nd $!$inst their interests by the #i,*ed step6other ,$lled tele4ision. R$ther, they $ssu6e th$t ,hildren $re en!$!ed in $ ,onst$nt $,ti4e stru!!le to 6$*e sense out o5 their so,i$l e:perien,e, $nd th$t tele4ision pl$ys $n i6port$nt role in th$t stru!!le. -;7-

M$r*et rese$r,h h$d 5ound th$t one o5 the 6ost popul$r pro!r$6s #ith 3ustr$li$n s,hool ,hildren #$s &risoner, $ so$p oper$ set in $ #o6enDs prison, $nd s,reened in the N(3 under the title &risoner8 Cell 1lo,* A. +his $ppe$red, on the 5$,e o5 it, to be $ surprisin! ,hoi,e 5or ?unior hi!h s,hool students. Aod!e $nd +ripp dis,o4ered th$t 6$ny o5 the ,hildren 5ound, $t 4$ryin! le4els o5 ,ons,iousness, $nd #ere $ble to $rti,ul$te #ith 4$ryin! de!rees o5 e:pli,itness, use5ully si!ni5i,$nt p$r$llels bet#een the prison $nd the s,hool. +hey per,ei4ed the 5ollo#in! 6$in si6il$rities bet#een prisoners $nd s,hool students8 1. pupils $re shut inM 2. pupils $re sep$r$ted 5ro6 their 5riendsM 3. pupils #ould not be there i5 they #ere not 6$de to beM 4. pupils only #or* be,$use they $re punished i5 they do not, $nd it is less borin! th$n doin! nothin! $t $llM . pupils h$4e no ri!hts8 they ,$n do nothin! $bout $n un5$ir te$,herM ;. so6e te$,hers 4i,ti6i7e their pupilsM 7. there $re !$n!s $nd le$ders $6on!st the pupilsM 8. there $re silly rules #hi,h e4eryone tries to bre$*, <p. 49=

2n their dis,ussions the ,hildren sho#ed th$t they 6$de 6e$nin!s out o5 &risoner th$t ,onne,ted the pro!r$6 to their o#n so,i$l e:perien,e. 3 te:tu$l study re4e$led 6$ny p$r$llels bet#een prison $nd s,hool. 2n both there #ere re,o!ni7$ble role types $6on!st st$55 $nd prisoners th$t 5or6ed re,o!ni7$ble $nd us$ble ,$te!ories #ith #hi,h students ,ould Jthin*K their s,hool e:perien,e - the h$rd-bitten old #$rdenIte$,her, the so5t ne# one, the one you ,$n t$*e $d4$nt$!e o5, the one you ,$nDt, $nd so on. (i6il$rly there #ere prisoners #ho resisted the institution $nd 5ou!ht it in $ll #$ys, those #ho pl$yed $lon! #ith it $nd #ere the !oody !oodies, those #ho pl$yed $lon! #ith it on the sur5$,e, but opposed it underne$th, $nd so on. +here #ere $lso str$te!ies o5 resist$n,e th$t $pplied to both8 prisoners used $ se,ret l$n!u$!e, so6eti6es o5 spe,i$l pri4$te #ords, but 6ore

o5ten o5 nud!es, #in*s, !l$n,es, $nd doubles entendres to ,o66uni,$te $6on!st the6sel4es under the noses o5 $nd in resist$n,e to the #$rdensIte$,hers. +here #$s $n opposition$l sub,ulture o5 the publi, $re$s o5 the prison, p$rti,ul$rly the l$undry #here 6$ny o5 the6 #or*ed, th$t p$r$lleled the opposition$l s,hool sub,ulture o5 the l$4$tories, the lo,*er roo6s, $nd spe,i$l ,orners o5 the y$rd. 3nd in both institutions there #$s $ ,onsistent $tte6pt by the o55i,i$l ,ulture to ,oloni7e $nd ,ontrol these $re$s, #hi,h #$s resisted $nd resented by the in6$tes #ho stru!!led to *eep the6 #ithin their o#n ,ultur$l ,ontrol.


&$l6er <198;= 5ound $ !roup o5 11- $nd 12-ye$r-old !irls #ho re!ul$rly reen$,ted the pre4ious ni!htDs episode o5 Prisoner in the s,hooly$rd, so6eti6es e4en ,ooptin! $ 5riendly te$,her to pl$y one o5 the #$rdens8 3""%++% <11=8 25 #e pl$yed Prisoner, #ell, Miss #ould be one o5 the o55i,ers, li*e, be,$use she h$d the loudh$iler $nd she used to s,re$6 $t us throu!h it. 2"+%RB2%'%R8 Cid she #$t,h PrisonerH 3""%++%8 2 donDt thin* so, but #eDd tell her #h$t to s$y. 2"+%RB2%'%R8 'hi,h #$rden did you 6$*e her intoH 3""%++%8 'e 6$de her one o5 the re$l b$d ones, @55i,er &o#ell, sheDs $ re$l b$ddie but sheDs $ll ri!ht no# be,$use thereDs $ #orse one th$n her, Miss Fer!uson. <p. 111= 2t is si!ni5i,$nt th$t the te$,her, #ith her sy6bol o5 $uthority <the loudh$iler=, #$s ,$st $s J$ re$l b$ddie. K +he te$,herDs !ood-hu6ored in4ol4e6ent in the !$6e is $ 6$r* o5 her popul$rity, yet the !irlsD $,,ept$n,e o5 this indi4idu$l te$,her ,oe:isted #ith $ resist$n,e to the $uthority she represented. &$l6er ,o66ents8 Fro6 the !irlsD des,ription, it see6s there #$s 6u,h !ood hu6our !ener$ted on both sides by the te$,herDs p$rti,ip$tion in su,h $ #$y. 1oth ,hildren $nd te$,her #ere $,*no#led!in! the disp$rity in their o#n positions in the s,hool by pl$yin! it out but they #ere $lso enterin! into $ *ind o5 5riendly ,onspir$,y to l$u!h $bout it. <p. 111= Prisoner pro4ided 3ustr$li$n s,hool students #ith $ l$n!u$!e, $ set o5 ,ultur$l ,$te!ories ,o6plete #ith ,onnot$tions, 4$lue syste6s, $nd ideolo!i,$l in5le,tion #ith #hi,h to thin* throu!h their e:perien,e o5 s,hool 5ro6 their o#n position, to 6$*e $ *ind o5 sense o5 s,hool th$t suited their so,i$l interests in th$t it en$bled the6 to $rti,ul$te their po#erlessness $nd o55ered the6 positi4e #$ys o5 underst$ndin! it. +hese in,luded $ r$n!e o5 ,$te!ori7ed $nd there5ore us$ble ,on,eptu$l str$te!ies to $dopt in underst$ndin! institution$l $nd so,i$l po#er rel$tions, ,on,eptu$l str$te!ies #hi,h r$n!ed 5ro6 the

opposition$l, throu!h de!rees o5 $,,o66od$tion, to 6odes o5 $,,ept$n,e. +he ,hildren inserted the 6e$nin!s o5 the pro!r$6 into their so,i$l e:perien,e o5 s,hool in $ #$y th$t in5or6ed both - the 6e$nin!s o5 s,hool $nd the 6e$nin!s o5 Prisoner #ere e$,h in5luen,ed by the other, $nd the 5it bet#een the6 ensured th$t e$,h 4$lid$ted the other. -;9+urnbull <1984= h$s 5ound th$t youn! !irl 5$ns o5 the pro!r$6 5ind in it 6e$nin!s th$t they ,$n use to produ,e $ sense o5 sub,ultur$l identity $nd estee6 5or the6sel4es. 26$!es o5 stron!, $,ti4e #o6en 5i!htin! the syste6, !$inin! 6inor 4i,tories <$lthou!h 5in$lly su,,u6bin! to it=, !i4e the6 ple$sure <in the resist$n,e= $nd $ 6e$ns o5 $rti,ul$tin! $ dis,ourse o5 resist$n,e to the do6in$nt ideolo!y th$t p$r$lleled the dis,ourse <o5ten ,$lled rebelliousness= th$t they used to 6$*e sense o5 their so,i$l e:isten,e. +he ,ontr$di,tions $nd stru!!le bet#een $uthority $nd resist$n,e to it e:isted in both the pro!r$6 $nd their sub?e,ti4ities, $nd the 6e$nin!s th$t #ere $,ti4$ted $nd the ple$sures th$t #ere !$ined #ere the ones th$t 6$de so,i$l sense to the subordin$te $nd the po#erless. (,hool ,hildren h$4e 5ound $nd used $ potenti$l dis,ourse o5 resist$n,e in the pro!r$6 $nd, interestin!ly, $ nu6ber o5 te$,hers h$4e ,o6pl$ined to the produ,ers th$t the pro!r$6 te$,hes insubordin$tion. (i6il$rly, R$d#$y <1984= h$s 5ound th$t so6e #o6en re$ders o5 ro6$n,es h$4e been $ble to be 6ore $sserti4e to#$rds their husb$nds $s $ result o5 their re$din!. +his 6$y h$4e resulted 5ro6 the $,t o5 re$din! itsel5 - it #$s so6ethin! they did 5or the6sel4es, in opposition to their ideolo!i,$l role o5 ,onst$ntly ,$rin! 5or others $nd the ho6e - or it 6$y h$4e resulted 5ro6 their re$din!s o5 the te:ts the6sel4es. +hese re$din!s s$# the pro!ress o5 the n$rr$ti4e $s one o5 the 5e6ini7$tion o5 the hero8 $t the st$rt he #$s ,ruel, un5eelin!, re6ote <$ 5e6inine 4ie# o5 6$s,ulinity=, but by the end he h$d be,o6e sensiti7ed enou!h to the heroineDs 5iner 5e6inine sensibility 5or hi6 to be 5it 5or her to 6$rry. +here is so6e e4iden,e th$t 5indin! $ dis,ourse in $ te:t th$t 6$*es sense o5 oneDs e:perien,e o5 so,i$l po#erlessness in $ positi4e #$y is the 4it$l 5irst step to#$rds bein! $ble to do so6ethin! to ,h$n!e th$t po#erlessness. Aod!e $nd +rippDs <198;= study o5 the #$ys th$t 3ustr$li$n 3bori!in$l ,hildren 6$de sense o5 tele4ision is o5 si!ni5i,$n,e here. +hey 5ound th$t the ,hildren ,onstru,ted $ ,ultur$l ,$te!ory th$t in,luded 36eri,$n bl$,*s, 36eri,$n 2ndi$ns, $nd the6sel4es. +his ,ultur$l ,$te!ory, $ tool to thin* #ith, ,on,eptu$li7ed the politi,$l $nd n$rr$ti4e po#erlessness o5 non-#hites in #hite so,iety, $nd #$s used in 6$*in! sense both o5 tele4ision $nd o5 so,i$l e:perien,e. 3 p$rti,ul$rly popul$r pro!r$6 $6on! these ,hildren #$s iff-rent "tro+es( #hose le$din! ,h$r$,ter, $n 36eri,$n bl$,* ,hild $dopted by $ #hite 5$6ily, they s$# $s 3bori!in$l. @ne ,$n i6$!ine the sort o5 sense they 6$de o5 his s6$ll si7e, his etern$l ,hildishness, $nd the ,onsisten,y #ith #hi,h he is J6isunderstoodK $nd set ri!ht by his #hite J5$therK $nd Jelder sister, K p$rti,ul$rly #hen #e re6e6ber th$t 36eri,$n 2ndi$ns $re p$rt o5 the s$6e ,ultur$l ,$te!ory. 'h$t the 3bori!in$l re$ders #ere de6onstr$tin! #$s the $bility o5 $ sub,ulture to 6$*e its o#n sense out o5 $ te:t th$t ,le$rly be$rs the do6in$nt ideolo!y. +he dis,ourses o5

po#erlessness throu!h #hi,h they li4ed their li4es $,ti4$ted $ set o5 6e$nin!s th$t resisted those pre5erred by the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 'hen they supported $nd identi5ied #ith 36eri,$n 2ndi$ns in their 5i!hts $!$inst #hite ,o#boys, they *ne# both th$t their side #$s doo6ed to lose, $nd th$t they #ere bein! obtuse or $#*#$rd in re$din! $ #estern in this #$y. Re$din! tele4ision in this #$y pro4ided the6 #ith $ 6e$ns o5 $rti,ul$tin! their e:perien,e o5 po#erlessness in $ #hite-do6in$ted so,iety $nd the $bility to $rti,ul$te oneDs e:perien,e is $ ne,ess$ry prereGuisite 5or de4elopin! the #ill to ,h$n!e it. -70M$ttel$rt <1980=, in his studies o5 the +hird 'orld re,eption o5 Aolly#ood tele4ision, ,o6es to $ si6il$r ,on,lusion8 +he 6ess$!es o5 6$ss ,ulture ,$n be neutr$li7ed by the do6in$ted ,l$sses #ho ,$n produ,e their o#n $ntidotes by ,re$tin! the so6eti6es ,ontr$di,tory seeds o5 $ ne# ,ulture. <p. 20= 3nother e:$6ple o5 the sub,ultur$l re$din! o5 $ tele4ision pro!r$6 is pro4ided by the #$y th$t ynasty h$s be,o6e $ ,ult sho# $6on!st !$ys in the N(3 <(,hi55 198 =. C&C p$rties <Cinner $nd ynasty= $re 5$shion$ble, $nd $ !$y b$r in Los 3n!eles sho#s endless 4ideo-loops o5 ,$t5i!hts bet#een 3le:is $nd Frystle. +he pro!r$6Ds e6ph$sis on hi!h style, hi!h 5$shion, $nd its portr$y$l o5 interperson$l rel$tions $s ,o6petiti4e points,orin! $re $ll re$dily inserted by $ !$y sub,ulture into the dis,ourse o5 ,$6p. +he ,h$r$,ter o5 3le:is, pl$yed by /o$n Collins, is Jnor6$llyK seen $s the $potheosis o5 the se:u$lity o5 the older #o6$n, but !$ys 6$y re$d her not $s $ represent$tion o5 5e6ininity, but r$ther $s $ destroyer o5 se:u$l di55eren,e8 5or this sub,ulture, her style o5 dress #ith its bro$d shoulders $nd so6eti6es se4ere lines ,o6bines #ith her interperson$l $!!ression to deny tr$dition$l distin,tions bet#een 6$s,ulinity $nd 5e6ininity, $nd her in,orpor$tion o5 6$s,uline tr$its into $ 5e6inine body produ,es $n in4ersion o5 the 6$le !$y th$t is eGu$lly sub4ersi4e o5 do6in$nt !ender roles. +his ,riti,$l sub4ersion o5 the ideolo!y o5 the h$ute bour!eoisie #hi,h is $ subte:t to the pre5erred stru,ture o5 the pro!r$6 pro4ides the sub,ulture #ith $ 6e$ns o5 $rti,ul$tin! its o#n 5or6 o5 opposition$l rel$tionship to the do6in$nt syste6. F$t7 $nd Liebes <1984= 5ound th$t di55erent ethni, !roups ne!oti$ted the inter$,tion o5 allas #ith their o#n sub,ultures in #$ys th$t in,luded 6isre$din!s o5 the te:t. 3 !roup o5 3r$b 4ie#ers 5ound it in,o6p$tible #ith their ,ulture th$t (ue %llen, h$4in! run $#$y #ith her b$by 5ro6 her husb$nd /. R., should !o to her 5or6er lo4erDs house, $nd inste$d they Jre$dK into the pro!r$6 th$t she returned to her o#n 5$ther - $n $,tion 6ore ,o6p$tible #ith 3r$b ,ulture. 3t other ti6es the di55eren,es bet#een the ,ultur$l 4$lues o5 allas $nd o5 the 4ie#ers #ere 6obili7ed to support those o5 the 4ie#ers in opposition to the pro!r$6Ds. 3 Moro,,$n /e# s$ys8 -712 le$rned 5ro6 this series to s$y JA$ppy is our lot, !oodly is our 5$teK th$t #eDre /e#ish. %4erythin! $bout /. R. $nd his b$by, #ho h$s 6$ybe 5our or 5i4e 5$thers, #ho *no#sH

+he 6other is (ue %llen, o5 ,ourse, $nd the brother o5 &$6 le5t, 6$ybe heDs the 5$ther . . . 2 see theyDre $l6ost $ll b$st$rds. <p. 31= 'odes of reception +he study o5 ,ulture 6ust not be ,on5ined to the re$din!s o5 te:ts, 5or the ,onditions o5 $ te:tDs re,eption ne,ess$rily be,o6e p$rt o5 the 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures it o55ers the 4ie#er. +ele4ision ethno!r$phers h$4e be!un to study the #$ys in #hi,h tele4ision is inte!r$ted #ith the ,ulture o5 the ho6e. For tele4ision is essenti$lly $ do6esti, 6ediu6, the routines o5 4ie#in! $re p$rt o5 the do6esti, routines by #hi,h ho6e li5e is or!$ni7ed. Aobson <1982= #ent into the ho6es o5 4ie#ers o5 the e$rly e4enin! so$p oper$ Crossroads, #$t,hed it #ith the #o6en $nd their 5$6ilies, $nd t$l*ed #ith the6 $bout the role the pro!r$6 pl$yed in their li4es. Aer obser4$tions en$ble us to tr$,e $ nu6ber o5 #$ys in #hi,h the pro!r$6, $s $n e:$6ple o5 tele4ision in !ener$l, is inte!r$ted into the routines o5 the ho6e. @ne proble6 5$,in! the house#i4es #ho #ere AobsonDs 6$in sub?e,ts #$s th$t Crossroads #$s s,reened $t $bout the ti6e o5 the 5$6ily te$, $nd the prep$r$tion $nd ser4in! o5 this #$s, in the ,ulture o5 the ho6es she 4isited, p$rt o5 #o6enDs #or*, p$rt o5 the de5inition o5 !ender roles $nd the 6e$nin!s o5 !ender di55eren,e. 2n this ,ulture, then, it #$s i6possible 5or the 6$n to prep$re the te$ #hile the #o6$n #$t,hed tele4ision. (o6e #o6en or!$ni7ed te$ to ,o6e either be5ore or $5ter Crossroads, but 5or others the ,l$sh see6ed ine4it$ble. (o6eti6es this #$s the result o5 $ re,$l,itr$nt husb$nd #ho insisted th$t his te$ be ser4ed $t the ti6e he 5ound ,on4enient, so6eti6es the #o6$n $ppe$red not to Guestion the need o5 her 5$6ily to h$4e te$ $t this ti6e, she $,,epted her ideolo!i,$lly !i4en position $s nurturerIser4$nt #hose needs $l#$ys too* se,ond pl$,e to those o5 her husb$nd $nd ,hildren. +he #o6en e4ol4ed t#o ,opin! str$te!iesM one #$s to listen to the tele4ision in the li4in! roo6 $s they #or*ed in the *it,hen, $nd the other #$s to h$4e $ bl$,* $nd #hite set in the *it,hen 5or the6 to #$t,h #hile they #or*ed. 2n both ,$ses the ,olored tele4ision in the li4in! roo6 #$s the ,ultur$l ,enter, the *it,hen one #$s se,ond$ryM $nd the #o6en used to nip into the li4in! roo6 i5 there #$s $nythin! th$t the sound tr$,* or the bl$,* $nd #hite dre# their $ttention to. For those #ith bl$,* $nd #hite sets, this #$s 6ost 5reGuently the ,olor o5 so6eoneDs ,lothes or h$t, 5or tele4ision is $n i6port$nt p$rt o5 the ,ulture o5 5$shion, $s the produ,ers o5 sho#s li*e ynasty #ell *no#. For these #o6en, ho#e4er 6u,h they 6$y h$4e #ished tele4ision to o,,upy the pri6$ry pl$,e in their ,ulture, it #$s, in 5$,t, se,ond$ry, $nd its se,ond$riness #$s p$rt o5 the 6e$nin! o5 their subordin$te position in the p$tri$r,h$l 5$6ily. For other #o6en, ho#e4er, su,h $s those #ith 6ore $,,o66od$tin! husb$nds, or those #ho li4ed $lone, Crossroads #$s their pri6$ry ,ultur$l $,ti4ity $t its ti6e o5 s,reenin!, $nd they #$t,hed it #ith undi4ided $ttention. -72&$l6er <198;= in her ethno!r$phi, study o5 ho# ,hildren inter$,t #ith tele4ision reported si6il$r 5indin!s. ChildrenDs reports on their tele4ision-#$t,hin! sho#ed ho# they inte!r$ted it into the household routine8

2n the $5ternoon 2 #$t,h "imon Townsend-s ,onder ,orld $nd $5ter th$t 2 #$t,h Matchmates $nd then 2 ?ust !o $nd do so6ethin!, 6$ybe ho6e#or* or so6ethin!, $nd #hen 2 ,o6e b$,* 2 #$t,h Family Feud $nd then The )ew Price >s Right, $nd 2 #$t,h so6e ne#s $nd in th$t ,$se 2 h$4e to do the #$shin! up $nd 2 #$t,h "ons and aughters $nd on Mond$y $t 7.30 2 #$t,h !art to !art $nd $5ter th$t 2 #$t,h Prisoner $nd then !o to bed. <p. 48= (he $lso 5ound th$t ,hildren #$t,hed #ith $ #ide 4$riety o5 6odes o5 $ttention th$t 4$ried 5ro6 r$pt, tot$l $bsorption o5ten #ith the ,hild #ithin $ ,ouple o5 5eet o5 the s,reen, to $ 4ery loose J6onitorin!, K #hen, 5or inst$n,e, $ ,hild #ould pl$y ,$rds #ith herIhis b$,* to the s,reen $nd #ould turn round to loo* only #hen so6ethin! on the sound tr$,* <o5ten l$u!hter= ,$u!ht hisI her $ttention. &eriods o5 r$pt $ttention r$rely l$sted 5or 6ore th$n ten 6inutes $t $ ti6e, $nd the r$n!e o5 $,ti4ities th$t ,hildren ,o6bined #ith their #$t,hin! o5 tele4ision #$s re6$r*$bly #ide. &$l6er <198;8 ;3= lists t#enty di55erent ,o66on $,ti4ities th$t r$n!e 5ro6 doin! ho6e#or*, throu!h buildin! 6odels or doin! ,r$5t #or*, to sin!in!, d$n,in!, t$l*in!, ?u6pin!, $nd 5i!htin!. '$t,hin! #ith pets #$s 4ery ,o66on, e4en the 5$6ily !old5ish #hi,h #ere repe$tedly reported to sh$re the ,hildrenDs 4ie#in! by s#i66in! on the side o5 the t$n* ne$rest to the tele4ision setO 'hile su,h studies do not tell us $bout the 6e$nin!s th$t 4ie#ers 6$*e o5 tele4ision, they do sho# us ho# 4ie#ers in,orpor$te tele4ision into their d$ily li4es $nd $re r$rely do6in$ted or ,ontrolled by it $s so 6$ny o5 its ,riti,s #ould ,l$i6. +ele4ision, to be popul$r, 6ust not only ,ont$in 6e$nin!s rele4$nt to $ #ide 4$riety o5 so,i$l !roups, it 6ust $lso be ,$p$ble o5 bein! #$t,hed #ith di55erent 6odes o5 $ttention, #h$t A$rtley <1984b= ,$lls Jre!i6es o5 #$t,hin!. K Bie#ers 6$y #$t,h tele4ision $s $ pri6$ry $,ti4ity #hen they $re J!lued to the s,reenKM they 6$y, li*e so6e o5 AobsonDs house#i4es, relu,t$ntly !i4e it se,ond pl$,e in their $ttention #hile they do so6ethin! elseM or they 6$y h$4e it on $s b$,*!round #hile they re$d the p$per, ,on4erse, or do ho6e#or*M it !$ins their 5ull $ttention only #hen $n ite6 6$*es $ stron! $nd su,,ess5ul bid 5or their interest. 3 198 study o5 1ritish 4ie#ers by the 213 5ound th$t 6ost people #ere doin! so6ethin! else #hile they #ere #$t,hin! tele4ision - ,uddlin!, *nittin!, t$l*in! to e$,h other $nd to the tele4ision set, espe,i$lly #hen $lone in the roo6. +ullo,h $nd Mor$n <198;= 6$*e the point #ell8 -73+o sit $nd #$t,h $ pro!r$6 li*e . Country Practice #ith $ household is to be re6inded #h$t $n intensely so,i$l $,ti4ity tele4ision is. Bie#ers t$l* to e$,h other #hile the pro!r$6 is in pro!ress. +hey 6o4e in $nd out o5 the roo6 in the ,ourse o5 doin! household t$s*s or ho6e#or*. +he +B set $nd the pro!r$6 $re ?ust p$rt o5 $ !ener$l en4iron6ent in #hi,h 4ie#in! o,,urs. <p. 23;= (o6e 6$y listen to it r$ther th$n #$t,h - M,Eu$il, 1lu6ler, $nd 1ro#n <1972= 5ound th$t 6$ny #o6en $lone in the house durin! the d$y h$d the tele4ision on be,$use the sound o5 its 4oi,es 6$de the6 5eel less lonely $nd +ullo,h $nd Mor$n <198;= $nd Aobson <1982= h$4e both sho#n ho# i6port$nt this ,o6p$nionship is 5or the elderly. +he ne:t

,h$pter #ill e:plore the e55e,ts th$t this 4$riety o5 re!i6es o5 #$t,hin! h$s upon the n$ture o5 the tele4ision te:t8 5or the 6o6ent #e need to note th$t tele4ision is not the do6in$tin! 6onster it is o5ten thou!ht to beM 4ie#ers h$4e ,onsider$ble ,ontrol, not only o4er its 6e$nin!s, but o4er the role th$t it pl$ys in their li4es. +his is $nother #$y in #hi,h tele4ision di55ers 5ro6 5il6, #hi,h h$s to ,$ter 5or only $ sin!le 6ode o5 #$t,hin! $nd does not h$4e to ,o6pete 5or the 4ie#erDs $ttention. (,reen theoryDs e6ph$sis on the po#er o5 the te:t o4er the re$der is 6ore ?usti5i$ble 5or ,ine6$ th$n 5or tele4ision, $nd the ,ine6$ $udien,e 6$y #ell be rel$ti4ely 6ore po#erless th$n the tele4ision $udien,e. +ele4ision is nor6$lly 4ie#ed #ithin the do6esti, 5$6ili$rity o5 the li4in! roo6, #hi,h ,ontr$sts si!ni5i,$ntly #ith the publi,, i6person$l pl$,e o5 ,ine6$. 2n !oin! out to ,ine6$ #e tend to sub6it to its ter6s, to be,o6e sub?e,t to its dis,ourse, but tele4ision ,o6es to us, enters our ,ultur$l sp$,e, $nd be,o6es sub?e,t to our dis,ourses. +he li4in! roo6 $s ,ultur$l sp$,e be$rs di55erent 6e$nin!s 5or di55erent 6e6bers o5 the 5$6ily - $ 5ullti6e housep$rent 6$y #$t,h d$yti6e tele4ision $s p$rt o5 the ,ulture o5 do6esti, l$bor, $nd ni!htti6e tele4ision $s p$rt o5 the ,ulture o5 5$6ily rel$tionships, #here$s $ 5ullti6e #$!e e$rner 6$y insert tele4ision 4ie#in! into the ,ulture o5 leisure. +hese di55erent 6e$nin!s o5 the ,ultur$l sp$,e o5 4ie#in! result in di55erent so,i$l dis,ourses bein! brou!ht to be$r upon tele4ision, $nd thus in di55erent re$din!s o5 it. 1ut tele4isionDs si!ni5i,$n,e is not ,on5ined to the #$y it is #$t,hed, nor to the 6e$nin!s th$t $re 5ound #ithin it. (o6eti6es the $,t o5 #$t,hin! tele4ision $nd o5 ,hoosin! #h$t is #$t,hed ,$n itsel5 pl$y $n i6port$nt role in the ,ulture o5 the ho6e, #hi,h is, $s #e h$4e seen, !ener$lly p$tri$r,h$l. +he p$rt th$t tele4ision pl$ys #ithin this ,ulture ,$n 4$ry $,,ordin! to the 4ie#erDs position to#$rds this ideolo!y. Aobson <1982= h$s sho#n us ho# house#i4es #ho $,,ept their subordin$tion in p$tri$r,hy $llo# their tele4ision interests only $ se,ond$ry role. 1ut other o5 AobsonDs house#i4es $re $#$re o5 $nd so6eti6es *i,* $!$inst p$tri$r,h$l do6in$tion, $nd tele4ision ,$n be,o6e p$rt o5 their resist$n,e. M$ny #o6en *ne# th$t their husb$nds despised Crossroads $nd disli*ed their #$t,hin! it. '$t,hin! it be,$6e 5or the6 $ <6inor= $,t o5 de5i$n,e, $ ,l$i6in! o5 $ pie,e o5 5e6inine ,ultur$l territory #ithin the 6$s,uline he!e6ony. Li*e R$d#$yDs <1984= ro6$n,e re$ders, this ,re$tion o5 their o#n ,ultur$l sp$,e en$bled $ sel5-!ener$ted sense o5 5e6inine identity8 the pro!r$6 be,$6e $ pie,e o5 popul$r ,ultur$l ,$pit$l <see ,h$pter 1= th$t #o6en possessed, but 6en did not. +he #o6enDs sense o5 ,ultur$l possession o5 the pro!r$6, th$t it #$s their ,ulture, #$s pro5oundly outr$!ed by ,h$n!es 6$de to it by the produ,ers in 1981. +hese in,luded ,h$n!in! its slot in the s,hedule, redu,in! it 5ro6 5our to three episodes $ #ee*, $nd, 6ost e6ph$ti,$lly o5 $ll, de,idin! to #rite out the 6$in 5e6$le ,h$r$,ter. +his outr$!e #$s ,onsistently e:pressed in ter6s o5 #h$t ri!ht h$d they !ot to do this to usH 3nd the they #$s seen $s 6en $nd $uthority in !ener$l $,tin! $!$inst the interests o5 #o6en. Crossroads, in opposition to the J5$,tsK o5 its produ,tion, #$s 6$de into #o6enDs ,ulture, by the #o6en 4ie#ers the6sel4es. -74+he pro!r$6 $nd the #$t,hin! o5 it <5or the t#o $re insep$r$ble= ,$n ,onstitute $ pie,e o5 ,ultur$l ,$pit$l 5or #o6en. (o6eti6es this #o6enDs ,ulture #$s e:pressed in dire,t opposition to th$t o5 6en8 Crossroads #$s o5ten ,ontr$sted #ith the ne#s, #hi,h either

pre,eded or 5ollo#ed it in the 5lo# o5 e$rly e4enin! s,hedulin!. +he ne#s, #ith its 6urders, 6u!!in!s, politi,s, $nd sport, #$s seen $s 6enDs ,on,ern - $ 5indin! supported by e$rlier #or* by Aobson <1980= in #hi,h she 5ound th$t #o6en 5reGuently 5elt it their duty to *eep the ,hildren Guiet #hile their 5$thers #$t,hed the ne#s. '$t,hin! Crossroads in the 5$,e o5 6$s,uline dis$ppro4$l, $nd underst$ndin! it in ter6s o5 its opposition to the 6$s,uline ,ulture o5 the ne#s, be,$6e $n $ssertion o5 the #o6$nDs ri!ht to ,ontribute to the ,ulture o5 the ho6e $nd e4en to ,ontrol $ p$rt o5 it. +ele4ision, then, pl$ys $ 4it$l role in #h$t Morley <198;= ,$lls Jthe politi,s o5 the 5$6ily. K 1y this he re5ers to the p$tterns o5 po#er $nd resist$n,e #ithin the e4eryd$y ,ulture o5 the ho6e. +he t#o 6$in $:es o5 this po#er $re bet#een p$rents $nd ,hildren, $nd 6en $nd #o6en. &$rents 5reGuently use tele4ision $s $ 6e$ns o5 dis,ipline, p$rti,ul$rly by depri4in! ,hildren o5 4ie#in! $s $ 6e$ns o5 punish6ent. Ro!!e <1987= re,ords $ typi,$l inst$n,e #hi,h is 6et #ith $n eGu$lly typi,$l t$,ti, o5 resist$n,e. 3 sin!le 6other o5 three so6eti6es uses this 5or6 o5 dis,ipline on her ;- $nd 11-ye$r-old sons, Jbut then neither o5 the6 #ill t$l* to 6e. +heyD4e re$lly !ot 6e #here they #$nt 6e. +hey *no# 2 donDt li*e bein! on 6y o#n. 2 ne$rly $l#$ys !i4e in. K -7 &$rents $nd s,hoolte$,hers 5reGuently 5eel it is their responsibility $nd ri!ht to J!uideK ,hildrenDs 4ie#in! pre5eren,es - su,h !uid$n,e typi,$lly ,onsists o5 $n $tte6pt to i6pose $dult ,ultur$l t$stes upon ,hildren $nd to deni!r$te ,hildrenDs ,ultur$l t$stes. &o#er $ll too o5ten oper$tes under the 6$s* o5 responsibility, $nd is $s 5reGuently e:er,ised throu!h s$r,$s6 $nd s,orn $s throu!h dire,t ,ontrol or prohibition. Aod!e $nd +ripp <198;= !i4e $ use5ul insi!ht into this $dult po#er. +hey 5ound th$t ,hildren le$rned Gui,*ly to distin!uish bet#een the di55erent 6od$lities o5 tele4isionDs 6odes o5 represent$tion <6od$lity is the $pp$rent dist$n,e bet#een the te:t $nd the re$l=. C$rtoons $re $ 6ode o5 lo# 6od$lity, 5or6ul$i, n$rr$ti4es su,h $s The .;Team $re $l6ost $s lo#, #here$s the ne#s, #ith its 5ore!rounded Jtruth, K oper$tes in $ 5$r hi!her le4el o5 6od$lity. 2n !r$66$ti,$l ter6s, ,$rtoons $nd The .;Team oper$te in the ,ondition$l 6ode o5 the #orld o5 the J$s i5. K "e#s, on the other h$nd, oper$tes in the indi,$ti4e 6ode, the #orld th$t Jis. K 1y the $!e o5 8 or 9 ,hildren h$d le$rned to distin!uish bet#een 6od$lities $nd thus #ere $ble to ,ope e$sily #ith 4iolen,e in ,$rtoons $nd The .;Team8 #h$t they 5ound h$rdest to h$ndle #$s 4iolen,e on the ne#s, yet it #$s the ne#s th$t p$rents $nd te$,hers #$nted the6 to #$t,h. ChildrenDs ple$sure in ,$rtoons $nd 5or6ul$i, n$rr$ti4es is $ sour,e o5 #orry to 6$ny p$rents #ho deni!r$te these t$stes #ith $ 4$!uely de5ined ,riti,is6 th$t they $re Jb$dK 5or ,hildren. (i6il$rly, 6en deni!r$te #o6enDs t$stes in tele4ision <espe,i$lly 5or so$p oper$=, #o6enDs 6ode o5 #$t,hin! <di55used r$ther th$n ,on,entr$ted= <see Morley 198; su66$ri7ed in ,h$pter 11=, $nd #o6enDs t$l* $bout it, #hi,h 6en ,$ll J!ossipK in opposition to their o#n t$l* $bout their pro!r$6s #hi,h they typi,$lly re5er to $s Jdis,ussionK <+ullo,h $nd Mor$n 198;=. (o6e #o6en h$4e $dopted this 6$s,uline 4$lue syste6 $nd deni!r$te their o#n t$stes <J+ypi,$l 36eri,$n tr$sh, re$lly, 2 lo4e itK <Morley 198;8 72== #hile others $re 6ore $sserti4e o5 the 4$lue o5 their o#n ,ultur$l t$stes. 1ut #h$te4er their orient$tion to this 5$6ily po#er stru,ture, the point re6$ins th$t the

6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures th$t #o6en 5ind in so$p oper$s $nd ,hildren in ,$rtoons $re ine4it$bly in5le,ted by their situ$tion in the politi,s o5 the 5$6ily, $nd p$rt o5 the ple$sure in 4ie#in! the6 lies in their 5elt de5i$n,e o5 6$s,uline or p$rent$l po#er. (i6il$rly, the 6$leDs pre5eren,e 5or ne#s, do,u6ent$ry, sport, $nd re$listi, or J6us,leK dr$6$ be,o6es tr$nsl$ted into the Jn$tur$lK superiority o5 these !enres, #hi,h, in turn, $llo#s the 6$le to i6pose his 4ie#in! t$stes upon the household, not be,$use he is 6ore po#er5ul, but be,$use the pro!r$6s he pre5ers $re inn$tely Jbetter. K +his $lso !i4es hi6 the ri!ht to i6pose his 4ie#in! h$bits, !ener$lly those o5 undistr$,ted $ttention, upon the rest o5 the household $nd to de6$nd th$t the #o6en $nd ,hildren re5r$in 5ro6 t$l*in! #hile he is 4ie#in! <Morley 198;, Aobson 1980=. -7;ele4ision, #ith its $lre$dy politi,i7ed pi,tures o5 the #orld, enters $ ,onte:t th$t is 5or6ed by, $nd sub?e,ted to, si6il$r politi,$l lines o5 po#er $nd resist$n,es. +he interse,tion o5 its te:tu$l politi,s $nd the politi,s o5 its re,eption is $ ,ru,i$l point in its e55e,ti4ities $nd 5un,tions in our ,ulture. &ossip and oral c/lt/re +he #ord !ossip is ,le$rly 5ro6 $ ph$llo,entri, dis,ourse8 its ,onnot$tions $re o5 tri4i$lity $nd 5e6ininity, $nd it is opposed, by i6pli,$tion, to serious 6$le t$l*. 1ut these ne!$ti4e ,onnot$tions ,$n only !et in the #$y o5 our underst$ndin! its role in tele4ision ,ulture. 2t is $ 5or6 o5 Jso,i$l ,e6entK <0er$!hty 1981= #hi,h binds to!ether ,h$r$,ters $nd n$rr$ti4e str$nds in so$p oper$, binds 4ie#ers to e$,h other $s they !ossip $bout the sho#, $nd est$blishes $n $,ti4e rel$tionship bet#een 4ie#er $nd pro!r$6. 2t is p$tri$r,h$lly #ron! to see #o6enDs !ossip $bout so$p oper$s $s e4iden,e o5 their in$bility to tell 5$,t 5ro6 5i,tion8 it is, r$ther, $n $,ti4e en!$!e6ent #ith the issues o5 the pro!r$6 $nd $ desire to re$d the6 in $ #$y th$t 6$*es the6 rele4$nt to the rest o5 their li4es. 3s F$t7 $nd Liebes <1984= s$y, Jit is ,le$r 5ro6 these e:$6ples th$t people $re dis,ussin! $nd e4$lu$tin! not only the issues o5 the %#in! 5$6ily but the issues in their o#n li4esK <p. 31=. M,Eu$il, 1lu6ler, $nd 1ro#n <1972= $nd others #or*in! #ith the uses $nd !r$ti5i,$tions $ppro$,h h$4e sho#n ho# ,o66on it is 5or tele4ision to be used $s so6ethin! to t$l* $bout, #hether $t the 5$,tory te$ bre$*, $t the suburb$n ,o55ee 6ornin!, or in the s,hooly$rd. 3s one o5 &$l6erDs <198;= sub?e,ts put it8 )ou ,o6e b$,* the ne:t d$y $nd ?ust s$y i5 you li*e it. J@h, see #hen th$t h$ppenedK $nd so $nd so. )ou *no#, th$tDs re$lly the best p$rt o5 it, $bout +B, *ind o5 t$l*in! #ith your 5riends $bout it. &rob$bly 2 thin* you prob$bly en?oy it 6ore then. <Michael, 12= <pp. 923= Nses $nd !r$ti5i,$tion theory $nd ethno!r$phy $ll too 5reGuently $ssu6e th$t su,h $ so,i$l use is in itsel5 $n $deGu$te e:pl$n$tion, $nd they 5$il to $s* 5urther ho# !ossip ,$n be re$d b$,* into the pro!r$6, ,$n $,ti4$te ,ert$in o5 its 6e$nin!s, $nd ,$n be,o6e p$rt o5 the ,ritiGue o5 its 4$lues.

(o 6u,h ,riti,$l $nd theoreti,$l $ttention h$s been de4oted to the mass 6edi$ in $ mass so,iety th$t #e h$4e tended to i!nore the 5$,t th$t our urb$ni7ed, institution$li7ed so,iety 5$,ilit$tes or$l ,o66uni,$tion $t le$st $s #ell $s it does 6$ss ,o66uni,$tion. 'e 6$y h$4e ,on,entr$ted 6u,h o5 our leisure $nd entert$in6ent into the ho6e <see 0$rnh$6 1987, A$rtley $nd @DRe!$n, 1987= but #e $ttend l$r!e s,hools $nd uni4ersities, 6$ny o5 us #or* in l$r!e or!$ni7$tions, $nd 6ost belon! to or $ttend so6e sort o5 ,lub or so,i$l or!$ni7$tion. 3nd #e li4e in nei!hborhoods or ,o66unities. 3nd in $ll o5 these so,i$l or!$ni7$tions #e t$l*. Mu,h o5 this t$l* is $bout the 6$ss 6edi$ $nd its ,ultur$l ,o66odities $nd 6u,h o5 it is per5or6in! $ si6il$r ,ultur$l 5un,tion to those ,o66odities - th$t is, it is representin! $spe,ts o5 our so,i$l e:perien,e in su,h $ #$y $s to 6$*e th$t e:perien,e 6e$nin!5ul $nd ple$sur$ble to us. +hese 6e$nin!s, these ple$sures $re instru6ent$l in ,onstru,tin! so,i$l rel$tions $nd thus our sense o5 so,i$l identity. -77Fe6inists <e.!. Aobson 1982, 1ro#n 1987$, 1ro#n $nd 1$r#i,* 198;= h$4e be!un to re4$lu$te !ossip $s p$rt o5 #o6enDs or$l ,ulture $nd to $r!ue th$t it ,$n be both ,re$ti4e $nd resisti4e to p$tri$r,hy. +ullo,h $nd Mor$n <198;= $lso 5ind positi4e 4$lue 5or #o6en in !ossip8 $r!u$bly it is 6$lesD re5us$l to be open in their e6otions, $nd to !ossip, #hi,h is $ 6$?or re$son 5or their put do#n o5 so$ps. +hey displ$,e their o#n in$deGu$,ies onto the 4ie#in! h$bits o5 #o6en. 3nd in $ssertin! the 4$lue o5 !ossip $nd e6otion$l rele$se, #o6en $re insistin! on their o#n $deGu$,y, their o#n person$l $nd so,i$l sp$,e, in the 5$,e o5 6$le do6in$ted ,ulture. <pp. 247-8= +he 5$,t th$t 6en ,onsistently deni!r$te !ossip is $t le$st $ sy6pto6 th$t they re,o!ni7e it $s $ ,ultur$l 5or6 th$t is outside their ,ontrol. +he di55i,ulty o5 ,ontrollin! or$l ,ulture $nd its potenti$l $s $ site $nd 6e$ns o5 resist$n,e #$s 6ore 5or6$lly re,o!ni7ed in the history o5 %n!lish i6peri$lis6 o4er (,otl$nd, 2rel$nd, $nd '$les8 one o5 the 5irst $,ts o5 the %n!lish ,onGuerors #$s to outl$# the n$ti4e l$n!u$!e 5or they #ell *ne# th$t politi,$l ,ontrol reGuired lin!uisti, ,ontrol, $nd ,on4ersely, th$t politi,$l resist$n,e depended upon $ l$n!u$!e o5 the oppressed #ith #hi,h to thin* $nd t$l* th$t resist$n,e. @r$l ,ulture is responsi4e to $nd is p$rt o5 its i66edi$te ,o66unity. 2t resists ,entr$li7$tion $nd the ideolo!i,$l ,ontrol th$t !oes #ith it, $nd it pro6otes ,ultur$l di4ersity. Li*e 6$ss ,ulture, it is hi!hly ,on4ention$l - t$l* $nd !ossip $re $s ,le$rly 5or6ul$i, $s $ny +B ,ri6e-buster series - but the ,on4entions o5 t$l* 4$ry $s #idely $s the so,i$l situ$tions or so,i$l !roup #ithin #hi,h th$t t$l* oper$tes. +een$!e !irl t$l* di55ers 5ro6 6$le #or*er t$l*, loun!e roo6 t$l* di55ers 5ro6 publi, b$r t$l*, $nd the di55eren,es $re in the ,on4entions. 'hen this t$l* is $bout tele4ision it #or*s to $,ti4$te $nd ,ir,ul$te 6e$nin!s o5 the te:t th$t reson$te #ith the ,ultur$l needs o5 th$t p$rti,ul$r t$l* ,o66unity. F$t7 $nd Liebes <1984, 198 = in their study o5 ethni, $udien,es o5 allas 5ound th$t -78-

durin! $nd $5ter the pro!r$66e, people dis,uss #h$t they h$4e seen, $nd ,o6e to ,olle,ti4e underst$ndin!s . . . . Bie#ers sele,ti4ely per,ei4e, interpret $nd e4$lu$te the pro!r$66e in ter6s o5 lo,$l ,ultures $nd person$l e:perien,es, sele,ti4ely in,orpor$tin! it into their 6inds $nd li4es. <19848 28= +his in,orpor$tion o5 the pro!r$6 into lo,$l ,ulture is $n $,ti4e, or$l pro,ess th$t denies $ny o4er#hel6in! pre,eden,e to the Aolly#ood ,ulture. +he $udien,es p$rti,ip$te in the 6e$nin!s o5 the pro!r$6 in $ #$y th$t the Aolly#ood 6o!uls ,$n neither 5oresee nor ,ontrol. For or$l ,ulture is $,ti4e, p$rti,ip$tory. 1e,$use the ,on4entions $re so #ell *no#n $nd so ,losely rel$ted to the so,i$l situ$tion o5 the ,o66unity, $ll 6e6bers o5 th$t ,o66unity ,$n p$rti,ip$te 6ore or less eGu$lly in the produ,tion $nd ,ir,ul$tion o5 6e$nin!s8 t$l* does not distin!uish bet#een produ,ers $nd ,onsu6ers. 2n its inter5$,e #ith 6$ss ,ulture, or$l ,ulture ne,ess$rily brin!s its $,ti4eness to th$t pro,ess by #hi,h the 4ie#er be,o6es the produ,er o5 6e$nin!s. 3n i6port$nt p$rt o5 $ 6$ss-produ,ed te:tDs $bility to $ppe$l to $ #ide di4ersity o5 $udien,es is the e$se #ith #hi,h its ,on4entions ,$n be 6$de to inter$,t produ,ti4ely #ith the ,on4entions o5 the spee,h ,o66unity #ithin #hi,h it is ,ir,ul$tin!. +hus 0er$!hty <1981=, 1ro#n <1987$=, $nd others h$4e sho#n ho# the ,on4entions o5 d$yti6e so$p oper$ <its Jne#ness, K its ,on,ern #ith rel$tionships $nd re$,tions, the re$lsee6in!ness o5 its ,h$r$,ters= en$ble it to inter$,t 5ruit5ully $nd ,re$ti4ely #ith #o6enDs !ossip. F$t7 $nd Liebes <1984, 198 = 5ound th$t p$rt o5 the $ppe$l o5 allas to non-36eri,$n $udien,es #$s the #$y th$t it #$s so e$sily in,orpor$ted, 4i$ !ossip, into lo,$l, or$l ,ulture. +hey ,on,lude th$t the 5eelin! o5 inti6$,y #ith the ,h$r$,ters . . . h$s $ J!ossipyK Gu$lity #hi,h see6s to 5$,ilit$te $n e$sy tr$nsition to dis,ussion o5 onesel5 $nd oneDs ,lose $sso,i$tes. 2t is li*ely th$t the ,ontinuous $nd indeter6in$te 5lo# o5 the pro!r$66e, 5ro6 #ee* to #ee*, in the 5$6ily s$lon in4ites 4ie#ers to in4est the6sel4es in 5$nt$sy, thou!ht $nd dis,ussion. <19848 32= 'h$t F$t7 $nd Liebes <198 8 188= ,$ll J,on4ers$tions #ith si!ni5i,$nt othersK help 4ie#ers sele,t J5r$6es 5or interpretin! the pro!r$66e $nd, possibly, in,orpor$tin! it into their li4esK <198 8 188=. +$l* pl$ys $ ,ru,i$l role in Jthe so,i$l dyn$6i,s o5 6e$nin!6$*in!K <F$t7 $nd Liebes 19848 28=. 3s +ullo,h $nd Mor$n <198;= put it, Jthis pro,ess o5 #$t,hin! $loud is i6port$nt be,$use it en$bles the 4ie#er to !o beyond his or her indi4idu$lity $nd ,$ll on !roup re$,tions, !roup *no#led!eK <p. 244=. -79-

Aobson <1982= h$s sho#n ho# the 4ie#ers o5 Crossroads #ere o4er#hel6in!ly ,on,erned #ith the pro!r$6Ds re$listi,ness8 they h$d $n intern$li7ed set o5 so,i$l nor6s th$t en$bled the6 to e4$lu$te ho# Jre$lK $n in,ident, $ re$,tion, or $ pie,e o5 di$lo!ue $ppe$red to be, $nd the 6ore re$l, the better. +he nor6s the6sel4es $nd their $ppli,$tion to the pro!r$6 #ere in5luen,ed by !ossip. +$l*in! $bout tele4ision is $ pro,ess o5 brin!in! out the 6e$nin!s th$t J#or*K 5or $ p$rti,ul$r $udien,e !roup, #hi,h then, in turn, 5un,tions to $,ti4$te those 6e$nin!s in the ne:t 4ie#in!. 2n this #$y solit$ry 4ie#in! ,$n be e:perien,ed $s !roup 4ie#in!, be,$use the 4ie#er *no#s #ell th$t other 6e6bers o5 herIhis !roup $re 4ie#in! $t the s$6e ti6e. 0ossip #or*s $,ti4ely in t#o #$ys8 it ,onstru,ts $udien,e-dri4en 6e$nin!s $nd it ,onstru,ts $udien,e ,o66unities #ithin #hi,h those 6e$nin!s ,ir,ul$te. +he Jtre**iesK <the 5$ns o5 "tar Tre+= $re $ p$rti,ul$rly $,ti4e $nd ,re$ti4e +B $udien,e <see /en*ins 198;=. +hey publish $ nu6ber o5 ne#sletters in #hi,h 5$ns i6$!ine the ,ontinuin! li4es o5 the ,h$r$,ters in the seri$l. (o6e o5 these i6$!inin!s h$4e !ro#n to no4el len!th $nd there $re e4en so5t-porn no4els o5 (po,* $nd his se: li5e in ,ir,ul$tion. +hose pri4$tely produ,ed $nd ,ir,ul$ted publi,$tions $re e:pli,it $nd e:tre6e 6$ni5est$tions o5 the $udien,e $,ti4ity in #hi,h 4ie#ers, p$rti,ul$rly o5 seri$ls, #rite 5uture Js,riptsK in their he$ds $nd then ,he,* these s,ripts $!$inst the bro$d,$st ones. +hey $re $lso !ossip #hi,h h$s h$d to re4ert to the type#riter in order to o4er,o6e the proble6s o5 $ !eo!r$phi,$lly dispersed $udien,e ,o66unity. Co66er,i$lly published so$p oper$ 6$!$7ines ser4e $ si6il$r 5un,tion8 they pro6ote $nd ,ir,ul$te !ossip #ithin $ ,o66unity th$t is de5ined not !eo!r$phi,$lly but by $ ,o66on$lity o5 t$ste deri4in! 5ro6 $ sh$red so,i$l situ$tion. Children, too, h$4e $ dyn$6i, or$l ,ulture th$t inter$,ts #ith the ,ulture o5 tele4ision. +hey 5reGuently in,orpor$te tele4ision into their !$6es, son!s, $nd sl$n!, $nd, indeed, use tele4ision $s the r$# 6$teri$l out o5 #hi,h to ,re$te ne# !$6es $nd ne# son!s. 3ll o5 this su!!ests th$t $ 5ol*, or$l ,ulture still li4es despite the dislo,$tions o5 6$ss so,iety, $nd th$t tele4ision is not only re$dily in,orpor$ble into this, but th$t it is $,tu$lly essenti$l to its sur4i4$l. For tele4ision pro4ides $ ,o66on sy6boli, e:perien,e $nd $ ,o66on dis,ourse, $ set o5 sh$red 5or6$l ,on4entions th$t $re so i6port$nt to $ 5ol* ,ulture. 3nd $n or$l or 5ol* ,ulture pro4ides the tele4ision 4ie#er #ith $ set o5 re$din! rel$tions th$t $re essenti$lly p$rti,ip$tory $nd $,ti4e, $nd th$t re,o!ni7e only 6ini6$l di55erenti$tion bet#een per5or6er $nd $udien,e or produ,er $nd ,onsu6er. The social determinations of meanings Me$nin!s $re deter6ined so,i$lly8 th$t is, they $re ,onstru,ted out o5 the ,on?un,ture o5 the te:t #ith the so,i$lly situ$ted re$der. +his does not 6e$n th$t $ re$derDs so,i$l position 6e,h$nisti,$lly produ,es 6e$nin!s 5or hi6 or her in $ #$y th$t #ould p$r$llel the $uthorit$ri$n #$y th$t te:ts used to be thou!ht to #or*. +he #ord Jdeter6ineK does not re5er to su,h $ 6e,h$nisti,, sin!ul$r, ,$use $nd e55e,t pro,essM r$ther it 6e$ns to deli6it or set the bound$ries. 2t #ould be ridi,ulous to su!!est th$t $ll 6e6bers o5 the #or*in! ,l$ss or $ll #o6en #ould ,onstru,t identi,$l 6e$nin!s th$t #ere deter6ined dire,tly by their so,i$l situ$tion. Ao#e4er, it #ould be eGu$lly ridi,ulous to su!!est th$t there is no su,h thin! $s $ #or*in!-,l$ss re$din! or $ 5e6inine re$din!. +he bound$ries o5 #or*in!-,l$ss e:perien,e or o5 5e6$le e:perien,e le$4e plenty o5 roo6 5or di55erent

in5le,tions, 5or $ny one person is sub?e,ted to $ #ide 4$riety o5 so,i$l deter6in$tions. (o, to t$*e $n e:$6ple, $ C$tholi, tr$de unionist #or*in! in $ Cetroit ,$r pl$nt #ill in5le,t #or*in!-,l$ss so,i$l e:perien,e Guite di55erently 5ro6, s$y, $ &rotest$nt, Jnonpoliti,$l, K $!ri,ultur$l #or*er in 'is,onsin. +he r$n!e o5 in5le,tions o5 5e6$le so,i$l e:perien,e in $ p$tri$r,hy is prob$bly e4en #ider, $nd in the l$st ,h$pter #e loo*ed $t so6e o5 the 4$riety o5 so,i$l 5or,es th$t #or* to de4elop $ so,i$l sub?e,ti4ity. +he $r!u6ent th$t peopleDs sub?e,ti4ities, their ,ons,iousness o5 sel5, $nd their so,i$l rel$tions $re produ,ed so,i$lly r$ther th$n !eneti,$lly or n$tur$lly, does not 6e$n th$t $ll people $re ,lones o5 e$,h other, the 6$ss produ,ts o5 $n identi,$l so,i$l 6old. +he so,i$l histories o5 people in so,ieties $s di4erse $s #estern ,$pit$list de6o,r$,ies $re ,onstru,ted out o5 su,h $ 4$riety o5 so,i$l e:perien,es $nd so,i$l 5or,es $s to pro4ide 5or $l6ost $s 6u,h indi4idu$l di55eren,e $s $ny n$tur$l !ene b$n*. 3 theory o5 so,i$l deter6in$tion not only le$4es roo6 5or indi4idu$l $nd other di55eren,es, it e6ph$si7es the68 but it $lso e6ph$si7es th$t the si!ni5i,$nt di55eren,es $re produ,ed so,i$lly r$ther then !eneti,$lly, $nd th$t these di55eren,es e:ist #ithin $nd $!$inst $ 5r$6e#or* o5 si6il$rity. -80+his di4ersity o5 so,i$l histories ne,ess$rily in4ol4es ,ontr$di,tions #ithin the sub?e,t. 3s Morley <198;= puts it8 the s$6e 6$n 6$y be si6ult$neously $ produ,ti4e #or*er, $ tr$de union 6e6ber, $ supporter o5 the (o,i$l Ce6o,r$ti, &$rty, $ ,onsu6er, $ r$,ist, $ ho6e o#ner, $ #i5e be$ter $nd $ Christi$n. <p. 42=. Morley t$*es p$ins to point out th$t these ,ontr$di,tory sub?e,t positions $re not $ll eGui4$lently e55e,ti4e, but th$t so6e #ill be 6ore po#er5ul th$n others, $nd so6e dependent on others. Ais $,,ount o5 ho# these di55erent so,i$l positions, interse,tin! in $ histori,$l <thou!h hypotheti,$l= 4ie#er, ,$n produ,e ,ontr$di,tory re$din!s o5 the s$6e pro!r$6 is so ,le$r $nd e:e6pl$ry th$t 2 ,$n do no better th$n Guote it $t len!th8 &erh$ps this issue ,$n be 6$de ,le$rer i5 #e t$*e $ hypotheti,$l #hite 6$le #or*in!-,l$ss shop ste#$rd <identi5ied in the )ationwide pro?e,t= $nd 5ollo# hi6 ho6e, $nd loo* $t ho# he 6i!ht re$,t to $nother )ationwide pro!r$66e, this ti6e in his ho6e ,onte:t. First, it #ould see6 li*ely th$t in his do6esti, ,onte:t, $#$y 5ro6 the supporti4eIre!ul$ti4e 6ores o5 the !roup o5 5ello# shop ste#$rds #ith #ho6 he 4ie#ed the J"e#sK t$pe in the )ationwide inter4ie#, the intensity o5 his Jopposition$lK re$din!s #ill be li*ely to di6inish. 1ut let us $lso loo* $t ho# he 6i!ht respond to $ 5e# ite6s in this hypotheti,$l )ationwide on di55erent topi,s. (o, his #or*in!-,l$ss position h$s led hi6 to be in4ol4ed in tr$de union dis,ourses $nd thus, despite the #e$*er 5r$6e supplied by the do6esti, ,onte:t, he 6$y #ell still produ,e $n opposition$l re$din! o5 the 5irst ite6 on the l$test round o5 redund$n,ies. Ao#e4er, his #or*in!-,l$ss position h$s $lso tied hi6 to $ p$rti,ul$r 5or6 o5 housin! in the inner ,ity, #hi,h h$s, sin,e the #$r, been tr$ns5or6ed be5ore his eyes ,ultur$lly by 3si$n i66i!r$nts, $nd the "$tion$l Front ,o6e ,losest to e:pressin! his lo,$l ,h$u4inist 5e$rs $bout the tr$ns5or6$tion o5 JhisK $re$M so he is in,lined to r$,is6 #hen he he$rs on the ne#s o5 bl$,* youth street ,ri6es - th$t is to s$y, he is !ettin! ,lose to $ do6in$nt re$din! $t this point. 1ut then $!$in his o#n e:perien,e o5 li5e in $n inner ,ity $re$ in,lines hi6 to belie4e the poli,e $re no $n!els. (o

#hen the ne:t ite6 on the pro!r$66e turns out to be on the 1ri:ton riots he produ,es $ ne!oti$ted re$din!, suspi,ious both o5 bl$,* youth $nd $lso o5 the poli,e. 1y no# he tires o5 )ationwide, $nd s#it,hes o4er to $ situ$tion ,o6edy in #hi,h the 6$n $nd #o6$n o,,upy tr$dition$l positions, $nd his insertion #ithin $ #or*in!-,l$ss ,ulture o5 6$s,ulinity in,lines hi6 to 6$*e $ do6in$nt re$din! o5 the pro!r$66e. <pp. 42-3= -81+he $bility o5 #h$t 0rossber! <5orth,o6in!= h$s ,$lled Jthe no6$di, sub?e,ti4ityK to produ,e 6e$nin!s th$t sp$n the #hole r$n!e 5ro6 the do6in$nt to the opposition$l is e4iden,e o5 the $,ti4ity o5 the 4ie#er in produ,in! 6e$nin!s $nd o5 the so,i$l deter6in$tions th$t underlie this $,ti4ity. "e!oti$tin! 6e$nin!s #ith the tele4ision te:t is $ dis,ursi4e, $nd there5ore so,i$l, pro,ess, $nd not $n indi4idu$listi, one, but it still $llo#s the so,i$lly situ$ted 4ie#er $n $,ti4e, se6i-,ontrollin! role in it. Morley ,o66ents on his hypotheti,$l 4ie#er8 Ae is indeed $ Jsub?e,t ,rossed by $ nu6ber o5 dis,oursesK, but it is he, the p$rti,ul$r person <#ho represents $ spe,i5i, ,o6bin$tion o5Iinterse,tion o5 su,h dis,ourses=, #ho 6$*es the re$din!s, not the dis,ourses #hi,h Jspe$*K to hi6 in $ny si6ple sense. R$ther, they pro4ide hi6 #ith the ,ultur$l repertoire o5 resour,es #ith #hi,h he #or*s. <p.43= +he produ,tion o5 6e$nin! 5ro6 $ te:t 5ollo#s 6u,h the s$6e pro,ess $s the ,onstru,tion o5 sub?e,ti4ity #ithin so,iety. +he re$der produ,es 6e$nin!s th$t deri4e 5ro6 the interse,tion o5 hisIher so,i$l history #ith the so,i$l 5or,es stru,tured into the te:t. +he 6o6ent o5 re$din! is #hen the dis,ourses o5 the re$der 6eet the dis,ourses o5 the te:t. 'hen these dis,ourses be$r di55erent interests re$din! be,o6es $ re,on,ili$tion o5 this ,on5li,t. For M$,C$be $nd e$rly s,reen theorists, this re,on,ili$tion in4ol4ed the surrender o5 the so,i$l interests o5 the re$der to those o5 the te:t. For Aod!e $nd +ripp <198;=, ho#e4er, e:$,tly the opposite is the ,$se. +heir studies J,onstitute $ ,o6pellin! $r!u6ent 5or the pri6$,y o5 !ener$l so,i$l rel$tions in de4elopin! $ re$din! o5 tele4ision, r$ther th$n the other #$y $boutK <p. 1 8=. -82+his is be,$use so,i$l rel$tionships ,$rry Ji66edi$te re#$rds $nd s$n,tionsK <p. 1 8= #hi,h 6$*e the6 6u,h 6ore po#er5ul in their e55e,ti4ity th$n $ny tele4ision pro!r$6. Children, $s #ell $s $dults, $re $#$re o5 the !$p bet#een tele4isionDs represent$tions $nd re$lity, $ !$p th$t does not $ppe$r to e:ist in the e:perien,e o5 so,i$l rel$tions. +he e55e,ti4ity o5 so,i$l rel$tionships in the ,onstru,tion o5 sub?e,ti4ity $nd 6e$nin!s is !re$ter th$n th$t o5 tele4ision to the e:tent th$t these so,i$l rel$tionships $ppe$r 6ore Jre$l. K J'e 6ust be prep$red to 5ind th$t non-tele4ision 6e$nin!s $re po#er5ul enou!h to s#$6p tele4ision 6e$nin!sK <Aod!e $nd +ripp 198;8 144=. +hese Jnon-tele4ision 6e$nin!s, K th$t is, those th$t deri4e 5ro6 the dis,ourses o5 the re$der r$ther th$n those o5 the te:t, $re ones th$t $re 5reGuently pro6oted $nd ,ir,ul$ted or$lly. 25 the tele4ision pro!r$6 5$ils to $llo# sp$,e 5or these non-tele4ision 6e$nin!s to be !ener$ted 5ro6 it, it is unli*ely to be popul$r. Morley <1980$= 5ound th$t bl$,* #o6en, 5or e:$6ple, si6ply re?e,ted )ationwide be,$use it held nothin! 5or the68 it

5$iled to pro4o*e the6 to produ,e 6e$nin!s $nd 5$iled to pro4ide the sp$,es #ithin #hi,h su,h 6e$nin!s ,ould be in5le,ted to represent their so,i$l interests. +o be popul$r #ith $ di4ersity o5 $udien,es tele4ision 6ust both pro4o*e its re$ders to the produ,tion o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures, $nd 6ust pro4ide the te:tu$l sp$,e 5or these 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures to be $rti,ul$ted #ith the so,i$l interests o5 the re$ders. Re$ders #ill only produ,e 6e$nin!s 5ro6, $nd 5ind ple$sures in, $ tele4ision pro!r$6 i5 it $llo#s 5or this $rti,ul$tion o5 their interests. +he te:tu$l $nd interte:tu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s by #hi,h this is $,hie4ed 5or6 the sub?e,t 6$tter o5 the ne:t t#o ,h$pters. -83Chapter 6 Activated te4ts +he l$st ,h$pter $r!ued t#o 6$in propositions8 th$t the tele4ision $udien,e is ,o6posed o5 $ #ide 4$riety o5 !roups $nd is not $ ho6o!eneous 6$ssM $nd th$t these !roups $,ti4ely re$d tele4ision in order to produ,e 5ro6 it 6e$nin!s th$t ,onne,t #ith their so,i$l e:perien,e. +hese propositions ent$il the ,oroll$ry th$t the tele4ision te:t is $ potenti$l o5 6e$nin!s ,$p$ble o5 bein! 4ie#ed #ith $ 4$riety o5 6odes o5 $ttention by $ 4$riety o5 4ie#ers. +o be popul$r, then, tele4ision 6ust be both polyse6i, $nd 5le:ible. 2n this ,h$pter 2 sh$ll ,h$r$,teri7e the tele4ision te:t $s $ st$te o5 tension bet#een 5or,es o5 closure, #hi,h $tte6pt to ,lose do#n its potenti$l o5 6e$nin!s in 5$4or o5 its pre5erred ones, $nd 5or,es o5 openness, #hi,h en$ble its 4$riety o5 4ie#ers to ne!oti$te $n $ppropri$te 4$riety o5 6e$nin!s. +he l$st ,h$pter dre# $ttention to the so,i$l 5or,es th$t #or*ed to open the te:t up to this pro,ess o5 ne!oti$tion8 in this one 2 sh$ll e:plore the 6$in te:tu$l de4i,es th$t ,onstitute this openness. +his reGuires $ 5le:ible de5inition o5 the tele4ision te:t. 3t one le4el there is no proble68 the pri6$ry tele4ision te:t is th$t p$ttern o5 si!ni5iers on the s,reen $nd in the $ir#$4es $t $ny one ti6e. 1ut no te:t is si6ply $ p$ttern o5 si!ni5iers8 $ te:t is $ be$rer o5 6e$nin!s, $nd rel$tin! si!ni5iers to 6e$nin!s is not ?ust $ 6$tter o5 supplyin! the6 #ith $ppropri$te si!ni5ieds. R$ther, they identi5y $nd li6it the $ren$ #ithin #hi,h the 6e$nin!s 6$y be 5ound. 3 5i,tion$l i6$!e o5 $ #hite hero shootin! $ Aisp$ni, 4ill$in ,$n ne4er 6e$n $nythin! outside those ter6s. 1ut #ithin those ter6s there is ,onsider$ble sp$,e 5or the ne!oti$tion o5 6e$nin!8 the re$der ,$n brin! le5t- or ri!ht-#in! politi,s to be$r, r$,ist or nonr$,ist ideolo!ies, tele4ision J*no#led!esK either o5 pre4ious episodes o5 the s$6e series $nd thus the $,,u6ul$ted J6e$nin!sK o5 the hero, or o5 other si6il$r series $nd thus o5 $ !eneri, +B hero $nd 4i,ti6s or 4ill$ins. @r re$ders 6$y, ,ons,iously or un,ons,iously, brin! to be$r e:tr$-!eneri, tele4ision 6e$nin!s - $ ne#s ite6 $bout N( $,tion in "i,$r$!u$, 5or e:$6ple, 6$y #ell 5or6 p$rt o5 the 6e$nin!s o5 our hypotheti,$l, but not untypi,$l, in,ident. +hese tele4ision *no#led!es $re not ,on5ined to tele4ision itsel5. +here is $ #hole publi,ity industry produ,in! se,ond$ry te:ts, #ritin! $bout tele4ision in $ #ide 4$riety o5 5or6s - ?ourn$listi, ,riti,is6, !ossip $bout the st$rs, spe,i$list 6$!$7ines 5or 5$ns <p$rti,ul$rly o5 so$p oper$=, Jno4eli7$tionsK o5 the tele4ision s,ripts <e.!. ones o5 r

,ho, or The .;Team=, $d4ertise6ents, posters, $nd tele4ision pro6os. +hese 6$y be se,ond$ry te:ts, but they ,$n be re$d b$,* into the pri6$ry te:t, the tr$ns6itted i6$!e. -84+here is $lso $ third le4el o5 te:t - the re$din!s th$t people 6$*e o5 tele4ision, the t$l* $nd !ossip they produ,e8 these too $re p$rt o5 this #eb o5 interte:tu$l rel$tions th$t 6ust be t$*en into $,,ount #hen #e #ish to study tele4ision $s $ ,ir,ul$tor o5 6e$nin!s in the ,ulture. The polysemy of the television te4t 1ut #e h$4e to st$rt so6e#here. 2 propose to ,ontinue the ,lose $n$lysis o5 the t#o s,enes 5ro6 !art to !art th$t opened ,h$pter 1. @ur initi$l re$din! sho#ed ho# the do6in$nt ideolo!y is stru,tured into the te:t $nd, by i6pli,$tion, ho# the te:t est$blishes the bound$ries o5 the $ren$ #ithin #hi,h the stru!!le 5or 6e$nin! ,$n o,,ur. 'e 6ust no# e:tend the $n$lysis to re4e$l so6e o5 the te:tu$l de4i,es #hi,h open it up to polyse6i, re$din!s, #hi,h there5ore #or* $!$inst the $tte6pted ideolo!i,$l ,losure, $nd #hi,h 6$*e it $,,essible to, $nd popul$r #ith, its 4$riety o5 $udien,es. IR$# @ne o5 these de4i,es is irony. +he ,l$ssi, $nd si6ple de5inition o5 irony is $ st$te6ent th$t $ppe$rs to s$y one thin! #hile $,tu$lly 6e$nin! $nother. +hus #hen the 4ill$in s$ys, J'ell 6$ybe $ 5e# !ood in4est6ents $nd #e ,$n pit,h the #hole bloody business. 1ut #e $re !oin! to need $ bit 6ore 5or our retire6ent 5und. K his #ords $re tre$ted by the te:t ironi,$lly. +he %CN o5 his 5$,e, the he$4y irony in his %n!lish $,,ent, $nd the 5$,t th$t the pretty 36eri,$n 4ill$iness h$s ?ust ,h$r$,teri7ed his $ttitude $s !reed ,o6bine to le$d the 4ie#er not to t$*e his #ords $t 5$,e 4$lue. 'e J*no#K th$t he is t$l*in! $bout ,ri6e $nd not $ pension 5und. 2n other #ords, #e *no# th$t this is irony, $nd th$t the unst$ted 6e$nin!s t$*e pre,eden,e o4er the st$ted ones. 1ut our spe,t$tori$l ,on5iden,e 6$y not be $s se,ure $s this $,,ount su!!ests. For the position o5 o6nis,ien,e !r$nted us by the irony in this re$list te:t 6$y be ,h$llen!ed by the so,i$l dis,ourses brou!ht to be$r on it. 3 subordin$te non-#hite or non-36eri,$n, #hether in the N(3 or the rest o5 the #orld, ,ould re$d this to be $ sub4ersi4e use o5 the dis,ourse $nd ethi,s o5 ,$pit$lis6 #hi,h turns the syste6 b$,* on itsel5. -8 +he irony brin!s to!ether the dis,ourses o5 ,$pit$list e,ono6i,s #ith those o5 r$,e $nd o5 ,ri6e, $nd this ,ollision o5 dis,ourses ,$nnot be tot$lly ,ontrolled by the te:t or by the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 2t ,ould be re$d to 6e$n th$t the only #$y in #hi,h $ 6$le 6e6ber o5 $ subordin$te r$,e or ,l$ss ,$n p$rti,ip$te in the 4$lid$ted $,ti4ities o5 p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6 <loo*in! $5ter his #o6$n $nd pro4idin! 5or their old $!e= is by #h$t the do6in$nt ,l$ss ,$lls J,ri6e. K (u,h $ re$din! #ould shi5t the responsibility 5or the ,ri6e $#$y 5ro6 the <e4il= indi4idu$l $nd pl$,e it 5ir6ly onto the so,i$l syste6, $nd thus 6$*e

$ sense ser4i,in! the interests o5 $n opposition$l sub,ulture by ,ontestin! the do6in$nt sense proposed by the irony. 2rony, $s $ rhetori,$l de4i,e, is $l#$ys polyse6i, $nd is $l#$ys open to $pp$rently Jper4erseK re$din!s be,$use it ne,ess$rily #or*s by si6ult$neously opposin! 6e$nin!s $!$inst e$,h other. (,reen theory, li*e the pre5erred re$din! one, #ould pl$,e these 6e$nin!s in $ hier$r,hi,$l rel$tionship #ith e$,h other - #e J*no#K th$t the do6in$nt one <this 6$n is e4il= t$*es pre,eden,e o4er, $nd is used to e:pl$in, the 6$ni5est J6e$nin!K o5 the #ords <he is beh$4in! responsibly=. 2n this ,$se irony pre5ers one 6e$nin! o4er the other, $nd is seen to #or* in the s$6e #$y $s the per5e,t ,$6er$ 4ie#point does8 it !i4es the re$derIspe,t$tor pri4ile!ed *no#led!eM #e underst$nd the 4ill$inDs #ords better th$n he does, #e h$4e $ pri4ile!ed insi!ht into hi6, $nd our underst$ndin! is ,o6plete $nd $deGu$te. 2rony is, in this re$din!, $l#$ys p$rt o5 M$,C$beDs <1981$= Jhier$r,hy o5 dis,oursesK th$t ,onstru,t 5or the re$der this position o5 Jdo6in$nt spe,ul$rity. K 1ut the te:t ,$nnot en5or,e its pre5erred 6e$nin!. 3n opposition$l re$der 6$y #ell $,ti4$te those 6e$nin!s ,lustered $round Jthis-6$n-isbeh$4in!-responsibly. K +his shi5t o5 the 6or$l ?ud!6ent o5 the irony $#$y 5ro6 the indi4idu$l to#$rds the so,i$l syste6 re4erses the politi,s o5 the 6e$nin!. 2rony ,$n ne4er be tot$lly ,ontrolled by the stru,ture o5 the te:t8 it $l#$ys le$4es se6ioti, sp$,e 5or so6e re$ders to e:ploit. +here is irony, too, in the #$y th$t the heroine $ssu6es $ southern $,,ent to respond to $ ,o6pli6ent8 J@h, th$tDs the ,utest thin! youD4e e4er s$id to 6e, su!$r. K +he p$tri$r,h$l 6e$nin! o5 this is borne by its re5eren,e to the tr$dition$l 6yth o5 the southern belle $s the 6ost ,ontentedly $nd se4erely subordin$te o5 $ll 5e6$le stereotypesM the irony lies in the tension bet#een our liber$ted, northern heroine $doptin! this role $nd the sel5-$#$re, p$rodi, #$y in #hi,h she does it. +his ,ould be re$d $s 5ore!roundin! the !ender politi,s o5 the 6yth $s she tri!!ers it8 in #hi,h ,$se the irony #ould use the dis,ourse o5 the northern liber$ted #o6$n to ,o66ent ,riti,$lly upon the 6yth o5 the southern belle. +his $ppe$rs to be the pre5erred re$din!, but $ se:u$l ,h$u4inist ,ould #ell re4erse the pre5eren,e $nd re$d her ironi, tone o5 4oi,e $s $ 5or6 o5 se:u$l pl$y5ulness th$t #ould !i4e the Jsubordin$teK dis,ourse pre,eden,e o4er the pre5erred, Jliber$tedK one. -8; 'ETA"*$R +he heroineDs ironi, response is to $ ,o6pli6ent ,ou,hed in 6et$phori,$l ter6s. Li*e irony, 6et$phor ne,ess$rily in4ol4es t#o dis,ourses, 5or it $l#$ys des,ribes one thin! in ter6s o5 so6ethin! else. 3!$in, $ hier$r,hi,$l rel$tionship bet#een these t#o dis,ourses ,$n be pre5erred, but it ,$n ne4er be en5or,ed. +he 6et$phor th$t e:pl$ins $ #o6$nDs $ttr$,ti4eness to $ 6$n in ter6s o5 bees, honey, $nd 5lo#ers ob4iously #or*s to !round $ p$tri$r,h$l 4ie# o5 !ender rel$tions in n$ture $nd thus, liter$lly, to n$tur$li7e it. 1ut the 6et$phor is spo*en in $n e:$!!er$ted tone o5 4oi,e th$t dr$#s $ttention to its 6et$phori,$l n$ture $nd thus its $rti5i,i$lity. 2t ,ould #ell #or* to de6ysti5y the ,on4entions by #hi,h 6en $nd #o6en $re so,i$li7ed into rel$tin! to e$,h other in our so,iety, $nd ,ould there5ore be re$d $s $ ,riti,$l ,o66ent on the ideolo!y ins,ribed in the pr$,ti,e.

+he ,ollision o5 dis,ourses in irony $nd 6et$phor produ,es $n e:plosion o5 6e$nin! th$t ,$n ne4er be tot$lly ,ontrolled by the te:t $nd 5or,ed into $ uni5ied sense produ,in! $ uni5ied $nd sin!ul$r position 5or the re$din! sub?e,t. +he ,ontr$di,tions $re $l#$ys le5t re4erber$tin! enou!h 5or sub,ultures to ne!oti$te their o#n in5le,tions o5 6e$nin!. 7$)ES /o*es, li*e irony, li*e 6et$phor, #or* throu!h $ ,ollision o5 dis,ourses. +he l$st ,h$pter h$s sho#n ho# the #indo#IportholeIl$undro6$t ?o*e $tte6pts to !i4e the 6$s,uline te,hni,$l dis,ourse hier$r,hi,$l pre,eden,e o4er the 5e6inine do6esti, one8 it #$nts us to l$u!h $t the in$deGu$,y o5 the #o6$n. 1ut its o55ensi4eness to #o6en ,$n be re$d $s $ p$rodi, displ$y o5 p$tri$r,hy $t #or*, or e4en $s $ ,o66ent on the in$bility o5 p$tri$r,hy to ,ope #ith the ,h$n!in! de5initions o5 !ender. Ao#e4er h$rd it 6$y try, the te:t ,$n ne4er 5in$lly ,ontrol the 6e$nin!s th$t 6$y be !ener$ted #hen the dis,ourse o5 p$tri$r,h$l ,ontrol ,ollides #ith th$t o5 5e6inine liber$tion. C$#TRA%ICTI$# Contr$di,tion, liter$lly Jspe$*in! $!$inst, K 6ust be $deGu$tely $,,ounted 5or in $ny theory o5 tele4isionDs popul$rity in $ hetero!eneous so,iety, 5or ,ontr$di,tions $re $nother $!ent o5 polyse6y. M$,C$be <1981$= $r!ues th$t t#o o5 the de5inin! ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 bour!eois re$lis6 $re its in$bility to tre$t the re$l $s ,ontr$di,tory, $nd the #or* o5 its 6et$dis,ourse in resol4in! $ny lo#-le4el ,ontr$di,tions in the te:t. Ais $,,ount does $t le$st sho# us th$t ,ontr$di,tion is $n issue in both Jthe re$lK $nd the te:t, or r$ther, in the underst$ndin! o5 both. -872deolo!y, $s theori7ed by 3lthusser, #or*s to iron out ,ontr$di,tions bet#een its sub?e,tsD re$l $nd i6$!in$ry so,i$l rel$tions. 2t ,onstru,ts $ J,onsensusK $round the point o5 4ie# o5 the bour!eoisie $nd e:,ludes the ,ons,iousness o5 ,l$ss ,on5li,t. Con5li,t o5 interest ,$n only be e:pressed throu!h contradiction, spe$*in! $!$inst, so the repression o5 ,ontr$di,tions in Jthe re$lK is $ re$,tion$ry ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e 5or it 6obili7es $ ,onsensus $round the st$tus Guo $nd thus 6ilit$tes $!$inst so,i$l ,h$n!e. +e:tu$l $nd re$din! str$te!ies $re si6il$rly ideolo!i,$l $nd #or* in $ si6il$r #$y. +e:tu$l str$te!ies <su,h $s th$t o5 M$,C$beDs J6et$dis,ourseK= th$t propose $ unit$ry, 5in$l JtruthK o5 the te:t #or* by resol4in! ,ontr$di,tions $nd thus deny the 5or,e 5or so,i$l ,h$n!e, or $t le$st so,i$l interro!$tion, th$t is e6bedded in the6. 3 re$din! str$te!y th$t ,ooper$tes #ith this te:tu$l str$te!y is si6il$rly re$,tion$ry8 its $,,ept$n,e o5 $ 5in$l JtrueK 6e$nin! o5 the te:t ,$n only be $,hie4ed by the $doption o5 the s$tis5ied re$,tion$ry re$din! position o5 Jdo6in$nt spe,ul$rityK <M$,C$be 1981$=. Con4ersely, 6ore r$di,$l so,i$l $nd te:tu$l theories see* to e:pose the #or* o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y in n$tur$li7in! $ bour!eois resolution o5 ,ontr$di,tions, $nd #or* to re,o4er $nd re$,ti4$te the6. +his need not be $ ,ons,ious theoreti,$l pro?e,t. Aod!e $nd +rippDs <198;= s,hool ,hildren $,ti4$ted the ,ontr$di,tions in Prisoner $nd used the6 to Jspe$* $!$instK their subordin$tion by the s,hool syste6. 25 te:ts th$t be$r the do6in$nt

ideolo!y $re to be popul$r $6on!st those #ho $re oppressed or subordin$ted by th$t ideolo!y, they 6ust ,ont$in ,ontr$di,tions, ho#e4er repressed, th$t opposition$l re$ders ,$n $,ti4$te to ser4e their ,ultur$l interests. 'ithout the6, the te:t ,ould be popul$r only $6on!st those #ho $,,o66od$te the6sel4es 6ore or less ,o65ort$bly #ith the do6in$nt ideolo!y. Fellner <1982= $lso sees ,ontr$di,tions $s ,entr$l to tele4isionDs $bility to $ppe$l to $ di4ersity o5 so,i$l !roups. Ais ,ontr$di,tions #or* on $ l$r!er s,$le, 5or they $re to be 5ound bet#een di55erent pro!r$6s8 #here they o,,ur #ithin $ pro!r$6 they $re resol4ed by the n$rr$ti4e #or*in! throu!h M$,C$beDs 6et$dis,ourse8 +ele4ision 6ytholo!ies o5ten $tte6pt to resol4e so,i$l ,ontr$di,tions. For inst$n,e, the ,op sho# "tars+y and !utch de$ls #ith the 5und$6ent$l 36eri,$n ,ontr$di,tion bet#een the need 5or ,on5or6ity $nd indi4idu$l initi$ti4e, bet#een #or*in! in $ ,orpor$te hier$r,hy $nd bein! $n indi4idu$l. (t$rs*y $nd Aut,h $re $t on,e ,on4ention$l $nd hipM they do poli,e #or* $nd #e$r 5l$shy ,lothes and h$4e lots o5 !ood ti6es. +hey sho# th$t it is possible to 5it into so,iety $nd not lose oneDs indi4idu$lity. +he series 6ythi,$lly resol4es ,ontr$di,tions bet#een the #or* ethi, $nd the ple$sure ethi,, bet#een duty $nd en?oy6ent. +ele4ision 6ytholo!y spe,iously resol4es ,on5li,ts to en$ble indi4idu$ls to $d?ust. <p. 400= -88"e#,o6b <1984= turns to the theories o5 1$*htin <1981= to dis,uss tele4isionDs 6ulti4o,$lity, its ,oll$!e o5 dis,ourses #hi,h 6ust ne,ess$rily in,lude ,ontr$di,tory ones. 1$*htinDs distin,tion bet#een $ Jhetero!lotK te:t, th$t is, one ,o6posed o5 6$ny 4oi,es, $nd $ J6ono!lotK one #hi,h is sin!ul$r in its dis,ourse $nd 4ie# o5 the #orld, 5its #ell the theory o5 1$rthes <197 $=, #ho su!!ests th$t $ll n$rr$ti4es $re ,o6posed o5 $n inter#e$4in! o5 4oi,es th$t ,$nnot 5in$lly be stru,tured into $ny ,ontrollin! hier$r,hy <see ,h$pter 8 $nd 1 =. 3s $ so,iety ,ont$ins 6$ny 4oi,es $ll stri4in! to be he$rd o4er the others, so too 6ust te:ts th$t ,ir,ul$te popul$rly in th$t so,iety. 1$*htin <1981= e:pl$ins hetero!lossi$ in ter6s th$t see it $s #or*in! eGu$lly e55e,ti4ely in both so,iety $nd te:tsM the hetero!lossi$ o5 so,iety is stru,tured in the dis,ourse8 1$*htinDs b$si, s,en$rio 5or 6odellin! 4$riety is t#o $,tu$l people t$l*in! to e$,h other in $ spe,i5i, di$lo!ue $t $ p$rti,ul$r ti6e $nd in $ p$rti,ul$r pl$,e. 1ut these persons #ould not ,on5ront e$,h other $s so4erei!n e!os ,$p$ble o5 sendin! 6ess$!es to e$,h other throu!h the *ind o5 un,luttered sp$,e en4isioned by the $rtists #ho illustr$te 6ost re,ei4er-sender 6odels o5 ,o66uni,$tion. R$ther, e$,h o5 the t#o persons #ould be $ ,ons,iousness $t $ spe,i5i, point in the history o5 de5inin! itsel5 throu!h the ,hoi,e it h$s 6$de - out o5 $ll the possible e:istin! l$n!u$!es $4$il$ble to it $t th$t 6o6ent - o5 $ dis,ourse to tr$ns,ribe its intention in this specific e<change$ <p. ::, in "e#,o6b 19848 40= 1$*htin is ,$re5ul to set this hetero!lossi$ #ithin $ ,onte:t o5 po#er rel$tions. %$,h so,i$l !roup rel$tes di55erently to the lin!uisti, ,o66unity, $nd e$,h is in $ ,onst$nt

stru!!le to dr$# #ords $nd 6e$nin!s into its o#n sub,ulture in order to re$,,ent the6 5or its o#n purposes. +he l$n!u$!es o5 those #ith so,i$l po#er $tte6pt to e:tend their ,ontrol, $nd the l$n!u$!es o5 the subordin$te try to resist, ne!oti$te, or e4$de th$t po#er. 3 sin!le 4oi,e, or 6ono!lossi$, is one th$t $tte6pts to e:ert ,ontrol 5ro6 the ,enter $nd to 6ini6i7e the disrupti4e $nd 4it$li7in! di55eren,es bet#een !roups. Aetero!lossi$ not only results 5ro6 $ di4ersity o5 4oi,es e6$n$tin! 5ro6 $ di4ersity o5 so,i$l positions, it $lso helps to 6$int$in this di4ersity $nd its resist$n,e to the ho6o!eni7$tion o5 so,i$l ,ontrol. SAetero!lossi$ isT th$t #hi,h ensures the pri6$,y o5 ,onte:t o4er te:t . . . $ll utter$n,es $re hetero!lot in th$t they $re 5un,tions o5 $ 6$tri: o5 5or,es pr$,ti,$lly i6possible to re,oup, $nd there5ore i6possible to resol4e. Aetero!lossi$ is $s ,lose $ ,on,eptu$li7$tion $s is possible o5 th$t lo,us #here ,entripet$l $nd ,entri5u!$l 5or,es ,ollide. <1$*htin 19818 27;= -89Aetero!lossi$, polyse6y, $nd ,ontr$di,tions $re inter,onne,ted ,on,epts 5or they $re $ll #$ys in #hi,h so,i$l di55eren,es $nd ineGu$lities $re represented te:tu$lly. 3s so,iety ,onsists o5 $ stru,tured syste6 o5 di55erent, uneGu$l, $nd o5ten ,on5li,tin! !roups, so its popul$r te:ts #ill e:hibit $ si6il$r stru,tured 6ultipli,ity o5 4oi,es $nd 6e$nin!s o5ten in ,on5li,t #ith e$,h other. 2t is the hetero!lossi$ o5 tele4ision th$t $llo#s its te:ts to en!$!e in di$lo!i, rel$tionships #ith its 4ie#ers. JCi$lo!i,K is $nother ter6 5ro6 1$*htin th$t re5ers to the 5$,t th$t $ny use o5 l$n!u$!e ne,ess$rily in4ol4es $ di$lo!ue bet#een histori,$lly $nd so,i$lly situ$ted people. L$n!u$!e, $nd th$t in,ludes tele4ision, ,$nnot be $ one-#$y 6ediu6. +he l$st ,h$pter h$s sho#n ho# 4ie#ers, di55erently situ$ted so,i$lly, enter into $ Jdi$lo!ueK #ith the tele4ision pro!r$6, ,ontributin! their point o5 4ie#, their 4oi,e, to the e:,h$n!e o5 6e$nin!. Bolosino4 <1973= <#ho #$s p$rt o5 the s$6e !roup $s 1$*htin, i5 not $,tu$lly the s$6e person= uses the ter6 J6ulti$,,entu$lityK to re5er to the di$lo!i, $spe,t o5 l$n!u$!e. 3ll l$n!u$!e ,$n be spo*en in di55erent $,,ents, th$t is, it ,$n be in5le,ted di55erently $,,ordin! to the so,i$l ,onte:t in #hi,h it is used $nd the so,i$l situ$tion o5 the people usin! it. allas need not spe$* only #ith the $,,ent o5 ,$pit$lis6M in di$lo!ue #ith $ M$r:ist or $ 5e6inist, 5or e:$6ple, it ,$n be spo*en #ith $ r$di,$l $,,ent th$t ,riti,i7es ,$pit$list or p$tri$r,h$l 4$lues <see 3n! 198 = $nd 5or Moro,,$n /e#s it s$id ,le$rly th$t 6oney did not brin! h$ppiness <F$t7 $nd Liebes 198 =. (i6il$rly, the physi,$lIr$,i$l ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 the 4ill$in in the !art to !art se!6ent 6$y not Jspe$*K only #ith $ '3(& $,,ent, but 6$y be in5le,ted to 4oi,e the ,on,erns $nd 4ie#point o5 subordin$ted ethni, 6inorities. +he stru,ture o5 the tele4ision te:t $nd its ideolo!i,$l role in $ ,$pit$list so,iety 6$y #ell try h$rd to iron out $nd resol4e the ,ontr$di,tions #ithin it, but, p$r$do:i,$lly, its popul$rity #ithin th$t so,iety depends upon its 5$ilure to $,hie4e this end su,,ess5ully.

E8CESS +he ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 e:,ess h$4e been #idely noted in re,ent ,riti,is6, p$rti,ul$rly by 5e6inist #riters on 5il6 $nd tele4ision. %:,ess ,$n t$*e t#o 5or6s, both o5 #hi,h $re polyse6i,. +he 5irst is e<cess as hyperbole, #hi,h is $ spe,i5i, te:tu$l de4i,e, $ 5or6 o5 e:$!!er$tion #hi,h 6$y $ppro$,h the sel5-*no#in!ness o5 J,$6pK $s in ynasty or sel5p$rody $s in M$donn$Ds 6usi, 4ideos. +he other is $ 6ore !ener$l semiotic e<cess #hi,h is $ ,h$r$,teristi, o5 $ll tele4ision, not ?ust o5 p$rti,ul$r pro!r$6s. 'hen the heroine o5 !art to !art dresses up $s b$it 5or the ,ri6in$ls, she deliber$tely #e$rs e:,essi4e ?e#elry. +his is e<cess as hyperbole, $nd #or*s p$rtly to ,on4ey ,l$ssb$sed 6e$nin!s - lo#er-,l$ss t$stelessness is e:,essi4e, 6iddle-,l$ss t$ste is restr$ined, or so the do6in$nt dis,ourse #ould h$4e us belie4e. 1ut its 5un,tion does not stop here. %:,essi4e ?e#elry dr$#s $ttention to the role o5 ?e#elry in p$tri$r,hy $nd interro!$tes it. -90(i6il$rly, the e:$!!er$ted ,hi4$lry o5 the hero $s he s$ys Jthey 6$y not be $ble to see the honey 5or the 5lo#ersK $nd the e:$!!er$ted southern $,,ent o5 the heroine $s she replies ,$n both be re$d $s e:,essi4e. +heir e:,ess en$bles the6 to ,$rry ,ontr$di,tory 6e$nin!s8 there is $ str$i!ht 6e$nin! #hi,h is borne by the 5$,e 4$lue o5 the #ords $nd 5its the do6in$nt ideolo!y, $nd there is $n e:,ess o5 6e$nin! le5t o4er on,e this do6in$nt 6e$nin! h$s been 6$de th$t is $4$il$ble 5or 4ie#ers to use to under,ut the str$i!ht 6e$nin!. +he ,o6pli6ent $nd response ,$n be seen $s $n e:$6ple o5 Jn$tur$lK !ender rel$tions in p$tri$r,hy, or $s $ p$rodi, e:posure o5 the $rti5i,i$lity o5 the ,on4entions th$t !o4ern those rel$tions $nd there5ore o5 the ideolo!y ins,ribed in the6. ?<cess as hyperbole #or*s throu!h $ double $rti,ul$tion #hi,h is ,$p$ble o5 be$rin! both the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd $ si6ult$neous ,ritiGue o5 it, $nd opens up $n eGui4$lent du$l sub?e,t position 5or the re$der. +he re$der ,$n both en?oy the ,o6pli6ent $nd response $nd $t the s$6e ti6e be <sli!htly= ,riti,$l o5 herIhi6sel5 5or doin! so. (o$p oper$s $re o5ten derided 5or their e:,ess, yet it is pre,isely this ,h$r$,teristi, th$t $llo#s the ,o6ple: re$din! positions $ssu6ed by 6$ny 5$ns. +hese 5$ns tre$t the oper$s $s i5 they #ere re$l $nd so6eti6es rel$te to their ,h$r$,ters $s thou!h they #ere their o#n 5$6ily. )et they *no# #h$t they $re doin!, they *no# th$t their ple$sure in re$din! so$p oper$ $s re$l li5e is illusory $nd th$t they $re, $,,ordin! to their 6ore nor6$l st$nd$rds, bein! so6e#h$t silly in doin! so. +he 4ie#er o5 so$ps ,$n be si6ult$neously n$i4e $nd *no#in! ?ust $s ,$n the hero o5 !art to !art $s he e:$!!er$tes the ,hi4$lry o5 his ,o6pli6ent. %:,ess $llo#s 5or $ sub4ersi4e, or $t le$st p$rodi,, subte:t to run ,ounter to the 6$in te:t $nd both Jte:tsK ,$n be re$d $nd en?oyed si6ult$neously by the 4ie#er, $nd hisIher disunited sub?e,ti4ity. "emiotic e<cess 5un,tions si6il$rly, but di55ers 5ro6 hyperboli, e:,ess in th$t it is not $ spe,i5i, te:tu$l de4i,e, but $ ,h$r$,teristi, o5 tele4ision in !ener$l8 there is $l#$ys too 6u,h 6e$nin! on tele4ision to be ,ontroll$ble by the do6in$nt ideolo!y. +here $re

$l#$ys tr$,es o5 ,o6petin! or resistin! dis,ourses $4$il$ble 5or $ltern$ti4e re$din!s. 3s A$rtley <1983=, ,o6p$rin! tele4ision #ith the press, points out8 @n tele4ision the 6ore ,o6ple: 6odes o5 represent$tion !ener$te $n e4en !re$ter e:,ess o5 6e$nin!5ulness, sin,e +B si!ni5ies by ,olour, 6otion, sound $nd ti6e $s #ell $s by pi,tures, #ords $nd ,o6position. 3ll these $re 4$riously $55e,ted by their intern$l ?u:t$positions $nd their e:tern$l rel$tions #ith dis,ourses $nd so,i$l rel$tions o55-s,reen. 2t is h$rdly surprisin!, then, to 5ind tele4ision itsel5 ,h$r$,teri7ed by $ #ill to li6it its o#n e:,ess, to settle its si!ni5i,$tions into est$blished, t$*en 5or !r$nted, ,o66on senses, #hi,h 4ie#ers ,$n be dis,iplined to identi5y with$ Cis,iplinin! is done p$rtly by tele4isionDs ,on4ention$lised ,odes o5 ,o6position, li!htin!, 6o4e6ent, n$rr$ti4e, !enre, et,., $nd p$rtly by Je:tern$lK li6its su,h $s those pro5ession$l, le!$l $nd other e:,lusion de4i,es #hi,h li6it #ho $nd #h$t !ets on $ir. -91Ao#e4er, 2 #ould $r!ue th$t tele4ision ,$n ne4er su,,eed in its #ill to li6it its o#n e:,esses o5 6e$nin!5ulness. <pp. 7 -;= +his Je:,ess o5 6e$nin!5ulnessK ,$n be ,le$rly tr$,ed in the ,o6pli6ent $nd response in our e:tr$,t 5ro6 !art to !art$ Aere $ nu6ber o5 ,odes $re ?u:t$posed in $ 4$riety o5 $sso,i$ti4e rel$tions th$t ,$n there5ore produ,e $ 4$riety o5 6e$nin!s 5or di55erent $udien,es. +hus $ 6$le ,h$u4inist ,ould $sso,i$te the 6$*e-up, the ?e#elry <not seen $s e:,essi4e=, $nd the bees-honey-5lo#ers 6et$phor in $ 6utu$lly supporti4e rel$tionship th$t #ould then deny the irony o5 the ,o6pli6ent $nd its response, $nd #ould re$d the e:$!!er$ted southern $,,ent $s se:u$l pl$y5ulness. 3n $nti-p$tri$r,h, on the other h$nd, 6i!ht $,ti4$te the ,ontr$di,tions bet#een the ,odes, su,h $s those bet#een the e:,ess o5 the ?e#elry, the nor6$l,y o5 the 6$*e-up, $nd the #$y th$t both o5 these $re in $sso,i$tion #ith $n $ssu6ed southern $,,ent, to 5ore!round their ideolo!i,$l ori!in, $nd the $6ount o5 ideolo!i,$l l$bor th$t is reGuired to 6$*e the6 5it to!ether #ell enou!h to deny their 6utu$l ,ontr$di,tions. (u,h $ re$din! #ould $lso ,o66ent ,riti,$lly on the ple$sure 5elt by the se:ist #ith #hi,h hisIher ideolo!i,$l l$bor is re#$rded. +he point to 6$*e here is th$t the ,on?un,tion o5 these 6ultiple ,odes $nd te:tu$l de4i,es !ener$tes 5$r 6ore 6e$nin!5ulness th$n the te:t ,$n ,ontrol. 3nd this is typi,$l o5 tele4ision. 3s A$rtley <1983= puts it8 +ele4isionDs si!ni5yin! pr$,ti,es $re necessarily ,ontr$di,tory - they 6ust produ,e 6ore th$n they ,$n poli,e. Con,o6it$ntly, 5or the 4ie#er, the dis,ipline o5 the Jpre5erred re$din!K 6ust be disrupted ,ontinuously by the presen,e o5 the 4ery $6bi!uities it is produ,ed out o5. 2t see6s then th$t the si!ni5yin! practice o5 6$instre$6, bro$d,$st net#or* tele4ision is not so 6u,h to e:ploit $s to ,ontrol tele4isionDs se6ioti, potenti$l. <pp. 7;-7= 2n the di$lo!ue $bout the porthole, the heroine s$ys, J2 *no# they $re supposed to be ,h$r6in!, but they $l#$ys re6ind 6e o5 $ l$undro6$t. K +he pre5erred re$din!, $s #e s$# e$rlier, 6$y #ell be #or*in! to de5use $ny potenti$l thre$t th$t $ 5e6$le dete,ti4e 6i!ht pose to 6$s,uline do6in$tion by sho#in! her h$4in! to tr$nsl$te the te,hni,$l

dis,ourse o5 portholes into the do6esti, one o5 #indo#s $nd l$undro6$ts. 1ut in this ,o66ent she dist$n,es hersel5 5ro6 the tr$dition$l, senti6ent$l 5e6inine 4ie# o5 portholes $s ro6$nti,M this dist$n,e 6$y #ell be !re$t enou!h, 5or so6e re$ders, to resist her te:tu$lly pre5erred re,uper$tion into p$tri$r,hy. %nou!h o5 the 6odern 5e6inine dis,ourse es,$pes #h$t A$rtley ,$lls the Jpoli,in!K o5 6e$nin! by p$tri$r,hy to disrupt the s6ooth sur5$,e o5 the pre5erred re$din!. 'hen the heroineDs dis6issi4e tone o5 4oi,e is t$*en into $,,ount $s #ell, the disrupti4e re$din! is stren!thened so th$t the ?o*e ,ould 6e$n, to so6e 4ie#ers, th$t #o6en $re not the senti6ent$l 5ools th$t they $re 6$de out to be, $nd th$t there is no need 5or the6 to ?oin in 6enDs !$6es o5 usin! te,hni,$l ?$r!on in order to pro4e it. +his sort o5 disrupti4e re$din! is not only 6$de possible by the polyse6y o5 the tele4ision te:t, it is 6$de ne,ess$ry by the di4ersity o5 the $udien,es $6on!st #ho6 tele4ision 6ust be popul$r. -92+he tele4ision te:t is, li*e $ll te:ts, the site o5 $ stru!!le 5or 6e$nin!. +he stru,ture o5 the te:t typi,$lly tries to li6it its 6e$nin!s to ones th$t pro6ote the do6in$nt ideolo!y, but the polyse6y sets up 5or,es th$t oppose this ,ontrol. +he he!e6ony o5 the te:t is ne4er tot$l, but $l#$ys h$s to stru!!le to i6pose itsel5 $!$inst th$t di4ersity o5 6e$nin!s th$t the di4ersity o5 re$ders #ill produ,e. 1ut this polyse6y is not $n$r,hi, $nd unstru,tured8 the 6e$nin!s #ithin the te:t $re stru,tured by the di55erenti$l distribution o5 te:tu$l po#er in the s$6e #$y th$t so,i$l !roups $re rel$ted $,,ordin! to the di55erenti$l distribution o5 so,i$l po#er. 3ll 6e$nin!s $re not eGu$l, nor eGu$lly e$sily $,ti4$ted, but $ll e:ist in rel$tions o5 subordin$tion or opposition to the do6in$nt 6e$nin!s proposed by the te:t. 2nterestin!ly, tele4isionDs e,ono6i,s, #hi,h de6$nd th$t it ,$n be 6$de popul$r by $ #ide 4$riety o5 so,i$l !roups, #or* $!$inst its $pp$rent $bility to e:ert ideolo!i,$l ,ontrol o4er the p$ssi4e 4ie#er. +he 5e$rs o5 the pessi6isti, M$r:is6 th$t ,h$r$,teri7es in di55erent #$ys both the Fr$n*5urt (,hool $nd the s,reen theorists $re ,ontr$di,ted by this ,ultur$list $nd ethno!r$phi, $ppro$,h to the underst$ndin! o5 tele4ision. (o, too, $re the 5e$rs o5 the 6or$lists, su,h $s M$ry 'hitehouse or the Re4. Fred "ile8 tele4isionDs e:,ess o5 6e$nin!5ulness 6$y $,,ount 5or their terror o5 its e55e,ts, but their terror is 6ispl$,ed 5or it is b$sed upon $ 5$ll$,ious 6odel o5 the $udien,e $s p$ssi4e $nd helpless be5ore this se6ioti, po#er, r$ther th$n one o5 $,ti4e 4ie#ers e:ploitin! this e:,ess 5or their o#n purposes. +he po#er o5 the people to 6$*e their ,ulture out o5 the o55erin!s o5 the ,ulture industry is !re$ter th$n either o5 these s,hools o5 thou!ht re$li7ed, $nd so too is their po#er to re?e,t those o55erin!s o5 the ,ulture industry #hi,h do not o55er the6 th$t opportunity. 2t is the $udien,es #ho 6$*e $ pro!r$6 popul$r, not the produ,ers. -93 $pen, 9riterly te4ts +ele4isionDs need to be popul$r in $ so,iety ,o6posed o5 $ 4$riety o5 !roups #ith di55erent, o5ten ,on5li,tin! interests, reGuires its te:ts to be #h$t %,o <1979= ,$lls Jopen. K 1y this he 6e$ns te:ts th$t do not $tte6pt to ,lose o55 $ltern$ti4e 6e$nin!s $nd n$rro# their 5o,us to one, e$sily $tt$in$ble 6e$nin!, but r$ther ones th$t $re open to $ ri,hness

$nd ,o6ple:ity o5 re$din!s th$t ,$n ne4er be sin!ul$r. +he open te:t resists ,losure, #hether this ,losure be e:erted by the do6in$nt ideolo!y #or*in! throu!h its dis,ursi4e stru,ture or by the $uthor e:ertin! his or her $uthority o4er the re$der. %,o !oes on to $r!ue th$t open te:ts $re !ener$lly $sso,i$ted #ith liter$ture $nd hi!hbro#, or 6inority, t$stes, #here$s the 6$ss 6edi$ ,h$r$,teristi,$lly produ,e ,losed te:ts. +his #ould see6 to ,ontr$di,t his e$rlier $ssertion <%,o 1972= th$t $berr$nt de,odin!s $re the nor6 in 6$ss ,o66uni,$tion, $nd is ,ert$inly ,ontr$di,ted by the studies o5 the ,ultur$lists $nd the ethno!r$phers. "e4ertheless the ,on,epts o5 open $nd ,losed te:ts $re use5ul, p$rti,ul$rly #hen #e $lly the6 #ith the notion o5 $ stru!!le 5or 6e$nin!. 'e ,$n then ,h$r$,teri7e the tele4ision te:t $s $ site o5 stru!!le bet#een the do6in$nt ideolo!y #or*in! to produ,e $ ,losed te:t by ,losin! o55 the opportunities it o55ers 5or resisti4e re$din!s, $nd the di4ersity o5 $udien,es #ho, i5 they $re to 6$*e the te:t popul$r, $re ,onst$ntly #or*in! to open it up to their re$din!s. 1$rthesDs <197 $= ,$te!ori7$tion o5 te:ts into the re$derly $nd the #riterly h$s so6e si6il$rities #ith %,oDs into the ,losed $nd open. 3 re$derly te:t is one th$t $ppro:i6$tes to #h$t M$,C$be ,$lls $ J,l$ssi, re$list te:t, K th$t is, one #hi,h Jre$dsK e$sily, does not 5ore!round its o#n n$ture $s dis,ourse, $nd $ppe$rs to pro6ote $ sin!ul$r 6e$nin! #hi,h is not th$t o5 the te:t, but o5 the re$l. 3s (il4er6$n <1983= s$ys8 +he re$derly te:t thus $tte6pts to ,on,e$l $ll tr$,es o5 itsel5 $s $ 5$,tory #ithin #hi,h $ p$rti,ul$r so,i$l re$lity is produ,ed throu!h st$nd$rd represent$tions $nd do6in$nt si!ni5yin! pr$,ti,es. <p. 244= +he #riterly te:t, on the other h$nd, is 6ultiple $nd 5ull o5 ,ontr$di,tions, it 5ore!rounds its o#n n$ture $s dis,ourse $nd resists ,oheren,e or unity. "one o5 its ,odes is !r$nted priority o4er others, it re5uses $ hier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses. +he re$derly te:t is $ ,losed one, the #riterly te:t $n open one. (il4er6$n <1983= des,ribes the #riterly te:t $s one th$t repl$,es the ,on,epts o5 Jprodu,tK $nd Jstru,tureK #ith those o5 Jpro,essK $nd Jse!6ent$tion. K (e!6ent$tion is one o5 the b$si, prin,iples o5 the tele4ision te:t <see belo#= $nd #or*s to 5r$!6ent its unity $nd destroy its tr$nsp$ren,y8 it #or*s $!$inst the ,l$ssi, re$list, or re$derly, te:t. 2n "0@ 1$rthes se!6ents 1$l7$,Ds no4ell$ "arrasine into its s6$llest units or Jle:i$s, K so6eti6es $ sin!le #ord, so6eti6es $ phr$se, r$rely 6ore th$n $ senten,e. +his se!6ent$tion 5or,es the le:i$s to re4e$l their ,ultur$l ,onstru,tion, their en,odedness, $nd denies the6 the lu:ury o5 $ppe$rin! Jre$lK or n$tur$l. 1$rthesDs re$din! o5 "arrasine is $n el$bor$tion o5 the #$y th$t tele4ision h$s to be re$d by 6$ny o5 its 4ie#ers. +he #riterly te:t, #hi,h the tele4ision te:t o5ten is $nd $l#$ys ,$n be, reGuires us, its re$ders, to p$rti,ip$te in the produ,tion o5 6e$nin! $nd thus o5 our o#n sub?e,ti4ities, it reGuires us to spe$* r$ther th$n be spo*en $nd to subordin$te the 6o6ent o5 produ,tion to the 6o6ent o5 re,eption. -94 "rod/cerly te4ts 'hile tele4ision e:hibits 6$ny o5 the ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 open or #riterly te:ts, it $lso di55ers 5ro6 the6 in one 5und$6ent$l ,h$r$,teristi,8 tele4ision is popul$r, #here$s open, #riterly te:ts <in the #$y th$t %,o $nd 1$rthes ori!in$lly theori7ed the6= $re typi,$lly

$4$nt-!$rde, hi!hbro# ones #ith 6inority $ppe$l. +ele4ision, $s $ popul$r 6ediu6, needs to be thou!ht o5 $s Jprodu,erly. K 3 produ,erly te:t ,o6bines the tele4isu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 $ #riterly te:t #ith the e$sy $,,essibility o5 the re$derly. Nnli*e the #riterly $4$nt-!$rde te:t, tele4ision does not #or* #ith $n $uthori$l 4oi,e th$t uses un5$6ili$r dis,ourse in order to dr$# $ttention to its dis,ursi4ity. +he $4$nt!$rde $uthor$rtist #ill sho,* the re$der into re,o!nition o5 the te:tDs dis,ursi4e stru,ture $nd #ill reGuire the re$der to le$rn ne# dis,ursi4e ,o6peten,ies in order to p$rti,ip$te #ith it in $ #riterly #$y in the produ,tion o5 6e$nin! $nd ple$sure. +he produ,erly te:t, on the other h$nd, relies on dis,ursi4e ,o6peten,ies th$t the 4ie#er $lre$dy possesses, but reGuires th$t they $re used in $ sel5-interested, produ,ti4e #$y8 the produ,erly te:t ,$n, there5ore, be popul$r in $ #$y th$t the #riterly te:t ,$nnot. (i6il$rly, the produ,erly te:t sho#s 6$ny o5 the ,h$r$,teristi,s th$t F$pl$n <1983b= ,$lls 5or in the r$di,$l te:t <see ,h$pter 3=8 it dr$#s $ttention to its o#n te:tu$lity, it does not produ,e $ sin!ul$r re$din! sub?e,t but one th$t is in4ol4ed in the pro,ess o5 represent$tion r$ther th$n $ 4i,ti6 o5 it, it pl$ys #ith the di55eren,e bet#een the represent$tion $nd the re$l $s $ produ,erly eGui4$lent o5 the #riterly 6i:in! o5 do,u6ent$ry $nd 5i,tion$l 6odes, $nd it repl$,es the ple$sures o5 identi5i,$tion $nd 5$6ili$rity #ith 6ore ,o!niti4e ple$sures o5 p$rti,ip$tion $nd produ,tion. 1ut it does not do this in $ so-,$lled Jr$di,$lK #$y8 it does not e6ph$si7e di55eren,es bet#een itsel5 $nd 6ore 5$6ili$r 6odes o5 represent$tion, it does not $ddress itsel5 to $ 6inority, $lien$ted !roup in so,iety. R$ther it tre$ts its re$ders $s 6e6bers o5 $ se6ioti, de6o,r$,y, $lre$dy eGuipped #ith the dis,ursi4e ,o6peten,ies to 6$*e 6e$nin!s $nd 6oti4$ted by ple$sure to #$nt to p$rti,ip$te in the pro,ess. Nnderst$ndin! tele4ision $s $ produ,erly te:t lo!i,$lly reGuires us to plur$li7e the ter6 $nd spe$* only o5 its te<ts #hi,h $re produ,ed by the 4ie#ers $t the 6o6ents o5 4ie#in!, or o5 its te<tuality, the 6ore $bstr$,t se6ioti, potenti$l 5ro6 #hi,h these te<ts $re produ,ed. +his distin,tion bet#een tele4isionDs te:tu$lity $nd its te:ts deri4es 5ro6 1$rthesDs <1977b= bet#een $ wor+ $nd $ te<t$ 3 #or* o5 liter$ture is $ li5eless ob?e,t, $ 5i:ed p$ttern o5 si!ni5iers on the p$!es o5 $ boo*8 this only be,o6es $ te:t #hen the boo* is opened up $nd re$d. 3 #or* is potenti$lly 6$ny te:ts, $ te:t is $ spe,i5i, re$li7$tion o5 th$t potenti$l produ,ed by the re$der. -9 +he produ,erly te:t, then, needs to be understood $s $ ,$te!ory th$t need not be deter6ined only by the stru,ture o5 the #or*, but one th$t ,$n be entered by the str$te!y o5 re$din!. +hus ,h$pter 1 tre$ted the episode o5 !art to !art on its o#n ter6s $s $ re$derly te:t, but e$rlier in this ,h$pter #e brou!ht di55erent re$din! str$te!ies to be$r th$t $,ti4$ted its polyse6i, potenti$l $nd tre$ted it 6ore produ,erly. +he J#riterK does not put 6e$nin! into the te:t, but r$ther $sse6bles $ 6ultitude o5 4oi,es #ithin it, #h$t 1$*htin <1981= ,$lls hetero!lossi$. +hese 4oi,es ,$nnot 5in$lly be pinned do#n in $ Jhier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses, K 5or di55erent re$ders ,$n JlistenK 6ore or less $ttenti4ely to di55erent 4oi,es. +he re$der 6$*es his or her te:t out o5 this J#e$4in! o5 4oi,esK by $ pro,ess th$t is 5und$6ent$lly si6il$r to th$t o5 the #riter #hen sIhe ,re$ted the #or* out o5 the 6ultitude o5 4oi,es $4$il$ble in the ,ulture.

+ele4isionDs Jno#nessK in4ites the 4ie#er to $dopt $ produ,erly st$n,e to#$rds the te:t, so6eti6es $l6ost liter$lly. 1runsdon <1984= tells ho# she, $s $ so$p oper$ 5$n, J#ritesK in $d4$n,e the s,ript 5or the so$p oper$ Broo+side8 3t the 6o6ent, 2 donDt re$lly thin* th$t (heil$ 0r$nt is !oin! to h$4e the b$by th$t she is pre!n$nt #ith. My re$sons $re p$rtly !eneri, - 2 *no# th$t $ 4ery hi!h proportion o5 so$p oper$ pre!n$n,ies ,o6e to little 6ore th$n $ 5e# 6onthsD story. +hey $re p$rtly #h$t 2 e:perien,e $s Jintuiti4eK - she is in her 5orties, she h$s $lre$dy !ot three ,hildren, the house isnDt bi! enou!h. &$rtly ,yni,$l - sheDs the only ,h$r$,ter o5 ,hild-be$rin! $!e on the Close #ho #ouldnDt h$4e $n $bortion <Ae$ther, F$ren, Mi,helle <H== or h$snDt $lre$dy !ot youn! ,hildren <M$rie=, so sheDs the only one th$t pre!n$n,y #ill be $ bi! issue 5or. 25 2D6 ri!ht, #h$t 2 donDt *no# is ho# she is not !oin! to h$4e it. (o 6y ple$sure <r$ther unple$s$ntly, in this ,$se= is in ho# 6y predi,tion ,o6es true. <p. 83= Aere the 4ie#er $ssu6es the role o5 $uthor $nd sets her Js,riptK $!$inst the one to be bro$d,$st in the 5uture. +his Js,ript produ,tionK is re6$r*$bly si6il$r to the $,tu$l s,ript#ritin! pro,ess in th$t both $re #ritin! pro,esses #hi,h dr$# upon the s$6e *no#led!e o5 the ,on4entions o5 so$p oper$ in !ener$l $nd the stru,ture o5 ,h$r$,ter rel$tionships #ithin this one in p$rti,ul$r. +hey $lso sh$re $ sense o5 #h$t #ould be Jre$listi,K in $ #$y th$t ,on5l$tes te:tu$l *no#led!e #ith so,i$l *no#led!e. +his sort o5 J#ritin!K is only 6$de possible be,$use o5 tele4isionDs sense o5 h$ppenin! in the present in the s$6e ti6e s,$le $s th$t o5 its 4ie#ers. +he 5uture o5 $ tele4ision seri$l $ppe$rs to be Jun#ritten, K li*e the re$l 5uture, but unli*e th$t in $ boo* or 5il6, #hose re$ders *no# th$t the end h$s $lre$dy been #ritten $nd #ill e4entu$lly be re4e$led to the6. -9;+he suspense in tele4ision, its resolution o5 un,ert$inty, en!$!es the 4ie#er 6ore intensely be,$use its eni!6$s $ppe$r to be unresol4ed $nd the 4ie#er is in4ited to e:perien,e their resolution, not 6erely to le$rn o5 it. (o6eti6es this en!$!e6ent ,$n be so stron! $s to le$d the 4ie#er to $tte6pt to inter4ene in the $,tu$l s,ript#ritin!. +ullo,h $nd Mor$n <198;= 5ound th$t 5$ns o5 . Country Practice 5reGuently #rote to the produ,ers $tte6ptin! to in5luen,e 5uture s,ripts. @ne 5$n, 5or e:$6ple, h$4in! he$rd !ossip th$t Bi,*y #$s !oin! to die on her honey6oon, #rote desper$tely tryin! to pre4ent the s,ript bein! #ritten. Aer $r!u6ents sh$re the s$6e sort o5 *no#led!e o5 4ie#ersD ple$sures $nd identi5i,$tions th$t the pro5ession$l s,ript#riters need to #or* #ith8 2 $6 14 $nd $ re!ul$r 4ie#er o5 . Country Practice $nd 2 h$4e he$rd th$t Bi,*y #hilst on her honey6oon, is to be *illed. 25 this is true 2 thin* you #ill lose 6$ny 4ie#ers be,$use the youn!er 6e6bers o5 the ,$st $re the 6$in re$son #hy 6$ny o5 the 4ie#ers #$t,h it. %4en 6ore, Bi,*y $nd (i6on h$4e $ttr$,ted 4ie#ers. 25 Bi,*y does die 2 belie4e the r$tin!s 5or .$ C$ P$ #ill drop dr$6$ti,$lly $nd you #ill lose 4ie#ers $nd there #ill be no #$y you #ill be $ble to 5ind $ repl$,e6ent 5or Bi,*y. For the s$*e o5 .$ C$ P$ $nd Ch$nnel 7 2 hope th$t this is not true. 25 this is true 2 hope 2 $6 not too l$te in 5or#$rdin! this i6port$nt letter.

<p. 232= +he 4ie#er en!$!e6ent ent$iled by tele4isionDs Jno#nessK is ob4iously e:ploited by ne#s, by sport, $nd by Gui7 sho#s. Eui7 $nd !$6e sho#s !o to !re$t len!ths to dis!uise the 5$,t th$t they $re prere,orded, $nd the #inners $re *no#n, in order to !i4e the 4ie#ers the ple$sures o5 en!$!in! #ith the un,ert$inty, o5 predi,tin! $nd then e:perien,in! its resolution. +ele4ision produ,ers re,o!ni7e ho# i6port$nt this J#ritin!K by the 4ie#er is. +ullo,h $nd Mor$n <198;= Guote one #ho h$s $ 6ore respe,t5ul $nd, 2 #ould $r!ue, 6ore $,,ur$te, 4ie# o5 the $udien,es th$n those inter4ie#ed by 0itlin <1983= $nd Guoted in ,h$pter 4. J3nti,ip$tion is $ 4ery i6port$nt thin! 5or tele4ision 4ie#ers. +ele4ision . . . needs to $llo# people to be s6$rter th$n the s,ript#riters. K <p. 200=. -97+his J#ritin!K by the 4ie#er is 5reGuently p$rt o5 the !ossip dis,ussed in the l$st ,h$pter, $nd is en,our$!ed by the 5$n7ines th$t #e #ill dis,uss in the ne:t. +ele4ision h$s in the p$st been tre$ted by 6ost ,riti,s $s $ re$derly or ,losed te:t. +his $ppro$,h 5$ils to $,,ount not only 5or 6$ny o5 its te:tu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s, but $lso 5or its 4$rious 6odes o5 re,eption $nd its hetero!eneous $udien,es. 'hile #e ,$n ,ert$inly see in it 5or,es o5 ,losure, these $re 6et by the opposin! desires o5 its $udien,es to e:ploit its #riterly potenti$l by 6$*in! their Jte:tsK out o5 its J#or*. K +his s$6e stru!!le bet#een openness $nd ,losure ,$n be seen in the l$r!er stru,ture o5 the tele4ision te:t, $s #ell $s $t the 6i,ro le4el o5 our re$din! o5 the !art to !art e:tr$,t. +#o opposin! #$ys o5 or!$ni7in! te:ts $nd there5ore 6e$nin!s $re rele4$nt here. +he 5irst is one b$sed upon lo!i, $nd ,$use $nd e55e,t. +his is essenti$lly $ str$te!y o5 ,losure be,$use it $tte6pts to spe,i5y rel$tions bet#een in,idents or ele6ents in $ n$rr$ti4e $,,ordin! to uni4ers$l l$#s o5 lo!i, th$t $re the s$6e 5or e4eryone $nd there5ore 6$*e <liter$lly= common sense. Cl$ssi, re$lis6 is $ pri6e e:$6ple o5 this prin,iple in pr$,ti,e8 in it $ll $,tions h$4e both $ ,$use $nd $ ,onseGuen,e, $ll n$rr$ti4es st$rt #ith $ disruption to the st$tus Guo #hi,h is then #or*ed throu!h to $ resolution th$t ,o6pletes <or ,loses o55= the ,h$in o5 in,idents $nd le$4es both the n$rr$ti4e $nd the 4ie#er in $ st$te o5 5in$l eGuilibriu6. +here $re no une:pl$ined irrele4$n,ies in $ ,l$ssi, re$list te:t, e4erythin! is lo!i,$lly rel$ted to e4erythin! else, $nd e4erythin! ,ontributes to the sense o5 the n$rr$ti4e. Re$lis6Ds ,onstru,tion o5 $ #eb o5 r$tion$lly e:pli,$ble ,onne,tions bet#een $ll its ele6ents lies behind its sel5-present$tion $s the n$tur$l, ,o66on-sense #$y o5 6$*in! sense o5 the #orld in $ s,ienti5i,, e6piri,ist, r$tion$list so,iety su,h $s ,onte6por$ry #estern so,iety. 2t sh$res #ith s,ien,e the $tte6pt to ,lose o55 the 6e$nin!s o5 the #orld to $ uni5ied, uni4ers$l set $nd to e:,lude $s Junre$listi,K or Juns,ienti5i,K those $spe,ts o5 e:perien,e th$t disrupt or de5y the s,he6$. Re$lis6 $nd e6piri,is6 $re both $!ents o5 ideolo!i,$l ,losure, but neither is tot$lly e55e,ti4e. +he se,ond or!$ni7in! prin,iple is one b$sed upon the l$#s o5 $sso,i$tion r$ther th$n those o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t. +his is $ 6u,h 6ore JopenK prin,iple 5or it $llo#s o5 $ 5$r !re$ter 4$riety o5 $sso,i$ti4e rel$tions $nd thus 6e$nin!s to be 6$de. 2t is $lso 6ore

typi,$l o5 the #or*in!s o5 the sub,ons,ious th$n the ,ons,ious 6ind, $nd thus #or*s di55erently, not to s$y disrupti4ely, to the dis,ipline o5 re$son $nd lo!i,. %$rlier in this ,h$pter #e noted so6e o5 the te:tu$l de4i,es <irony, 6et$phor, ?o*es, ,ontr$di,tions= #hi,h ,re$te the possibility 5or resisti4e re$din!s8 $ll o5 these #or* by the l$#s o5 $sso,i$tion, $nd, $s #e s$#, they $re un$ble to spe,i5y #ith $ny 5in$l $uthority the rel$tions th$t the re$der should 6$*e bet#een their di55erent ele6ents or dis,ourses. +he re$der o5 $n $sso,i$ti4e te:t is less Jdis,iplinedK th$n the re$der o5 $ lo!i,$l te:t. @5 ,ourse, no te:t is either purely $sso,i$ti4e or purely lo!i,$l, $ll te:ts ,ont$in both prin,iples $nd the tension bet#een the6 is p$rt o5 the te:tu$l stru!!le bet#een openness $nd ,losure, bet#een do6in$tion $nd resist$n,e. +ele4ision e:hibits the ,ontr$di,tions bet#en these ,on5li,tin! prin,iples 6ore st$r*ly th$n $ny other 6ediu6. 3s #e s$# in ,h$pter 2, its typi,$l 6ode is re$lis6, #hi,h is $ lo!i,$l #$y o5 or!$ni7in! our represent$tion o5 the #orldM yet, $s %llis <1982= $nd 'illi$6s <1974= h$4e pointed out, its typi,$l #$y o5 or!$ni7in! its te:ts $t the 6$,ro le4el is essenti$lly $sso,i$ti4e. 'illi$6s uses the ter6 J5lo#K to e:press this prin,iple, %llis the ter6 Jse!6ent$tion, K $nd the di55eren,e bet#een the t#o #ords indi,$tes the di55eren,e bet#een the t#o $ppro$,hes to #h$t is essenti$lly the s$6e prin,iple, th$t o5 $sso,i$tion. -98 Segmentation and flo9 'hen 'illi$6s t$l*s $bout the tele4ision e:perien,e $s bein! one o5 J5lo#K he 6e$ns th$t tele4ision is $ ,ontinuous su,,ession o5 i6$!es #hi,h 5ollo#s no l$#s o5 lo!i, or ,$use $nd e55e,t, but #hi,h ,onstitutes the ,ultur$l e:perien,e o5 J#$t,hin! tele4ision. K Ae !losses the phr$se by ,ontr$stin! it to the #$y #e nor6$lly spe,i5y the title o5 $ boo* or $ 5il6M boo*s $nd 5il6s $re spe,i5i, te:ts, tele4ision is $ !ener$li7ed te:tu$l e:perien,e. M$r, <1984= 6$*es $ si6il$r point. (u66$ri7in! $ t#o-ye$r rese$r,h pro!r$6 by $n $udien,e rese$r,h 5ir6 he #rites th$t Jthe 4ie#er does not turn on the set so 6u,h to 4ie# this or th$t pro!r$6 $s to 5ul5ill $ desire Rto #$t,h tele4isionD. K Ae Guotes8 JMost o5 us si6ply sn$p on the set r$ther th$n sele,t $ sho#. +he 5irst 5i4e 6inutes $re spent prospecting ,h$nnels, loo*in! 5or !rippin! i6$!esK <p. 31=. +he ,on,ept o5 5lo# su!!ests t#o 6$in ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 tele4ision, both o5 #hi,h ,ontribute to its te:tu$l openness. +he 5irst is this $sso,i$ti4e seGuen,e o5 i6$!es in #hi,h $ny re$listi, seGuen,e #ithin 5il6s or pro!r$6s is ,onst$ntly interrupted by ,o66er,i$ls, by ne#s bre$*s, by pro6os. 'illi$6s, used to the 6ore or!$ni,$lly or!$ni7ed liter$ry #or* $nd to the less interrupted 5lo# o5 1ritish tele4ision, #$s initi$lly ,on5used by his 5irst e:perien,e o5 36eri,$n tele4isu$l 5lo#8 @ne ni!ht in Mi$6i, still d$7ed 5ro6 $ #ee* on $n 3tl$nti, liner, 2 be!$n #$t,hin! $ 5il6 $nd $t 5irst h$d so6e di55i,ulty in $d?ustin! to $ 6u,h !re$ter 5reGuen,y o5 ,o66er,i$l Jbre$*sK. )et this #$s $ 6inor proble6 ,o6p$red to #h$t e4entu$lly h$ppened. +#o other 5il6s, #hi,h #ere due to be sho#n on the s$6e ,h$nnel on other ni!hts, be!$n to be inserted $s tr$ilers. 3 ,ri6e in ($n Fr$n,is,o <the sub?e,t o5 the ori!in$l 5il6= be!$n to oper$te in $n e:tr$ordin$ry ,ounterpoint not only #ith the deodor$nt $nd ,ere$l ,o66er,i$ls but #ith $ ro6$n,e in &$ris $nd the eruption o5 $ prehistori, 6onster #ho l$id #$ste "e# )or*. 2 ,$n still not be sure #h$t 2 too* 5ro6 th$t #hole 5lo#. 2 belie4e 2

re!istered so6e in,idents $s h$ppenin! in the #ron! 5il6, $nd so6e ,h$r$,ters in the ,o66er,i$ls $s in4ol4ed in the 5il6 episodes, in #h$t ,$6e to see6 - 5or $ll the o,,$sion$l bi7$rre disp$rities - $ sin!le irresponsible 5lo# o5 i6$!es $nd 5eelin!s. -99<19748 91-2= 'illi$6sDs use o5 the #ord JirresponsibleK see6s to deri4e 5ro6 his liter$ry desire 5or $ n$6ed $uthor to be responsible 5or $ te:t, $nd 5or this responsibility to be e:er,ised in the produ,tion o5 $ ,oherent, uni5ied te:t. @5 ,ourse, no indi4idu$l is responsible 5or tele4isionDs 5lo# in this sense, but th$t does not 6e$n th$t the 5lo# is r$ndo6 or unstru,tured. 2ndeed, 'illi$6s !oes on to pro4ide t#o le4els o5 $n$lysis o5 this 5lo# in order to un,o4er its stru,ture. Ais 5irst le4el he ,$lls $ Jlon!-r$n!e $n$lysis o5 seGuen,e $nd 5lo#K <pp. 97-8= #hi,h ,onsists o5 $ dis,ussion o5 $n e4enin!Ds typi,$l s,hedules 5or si: ,h$nnels. Ais $n$lysis is rel$ti4ely super5i,i$l. 3p$rt 5ro6 so6e !ener$li7$tions $bout ho6o!eneity $nd ,ontr$st he h$s little to s$y $bout ho# the s,hedulin! poli,y does, in 5$,t, $,t $s $n J$uthorK $t this le4el o5 5lo#, $nd, unli*e 6ost liter$ry $uthors, h$s $n e:pli,it $nd st$ted intention - to build $n identi5i$ble $udien,e #hi,h ,$n then be JsoldK to $d4ertisers. +his institution$l, $nony6ous $uthor, o5 ,ourse, *no#s $ll too #ell the li6its o5 his or her $uthority - the 4ie#er is 5ree to ,onstru,t his or her o#n 5lo# by s#it,hin! bet#een ,h$nnels, $nd thou!h J,h$nnel loy$ltyK e:ists, it is only $ tenden,y $nd is ne4er tot$l. 'illi$6sDs J6ediu6-r$n!e $n$lysis o5 5lo# $nd RseGuen,eDK <pp. 100-4= is 6ore interestin!. Ae lists 5orty ,onse,uti4e se!6ents o5 $ ne#s pro!r$6 in,ludin! its ,o66er,i$ls $nd pro6os 5or pro!r$6s l$ter in the e4enin!. Ae notes, 5or e:$6ple, the l$,* o5 e:pli,it ,onne,tions bet#een $ ne#s report $bout 5$lse ,l$i6s in dru! $d4ertisin! $nd t#o dru! ,o66er,i$ls l$ter on in the bulletin. Ae points to $ si6il$r l$,* o5 ,onne,tion bet#een pro6os 5or $ #estern 5il6 $nd ne#s stories $bout the 2ndi$n protest $,tion $t 'ounded Fnee, $nd bet#een ne#s stories $bout $ C23 $!ent bein! rele$sed 5ro6 Chin$ $nd 36eri,$n soldiers bein! rele$sed 5ro6 Jti!er-,$!esK in Bietn$6. Ais re!ret o5 this l$,* o5 e:pli,it or intention$l ,onne,tions in #h$t he ,$lls Jundis,ri6in$tin! seGuen,eK is e4iden,e not only o5 his liter$ry b$,*!round, but $lso o5 his l$,* o5 sy6p$thy #ith the n$ture o5 tele4ision $nd the re$din! rel$tions it sets up #ith its $udien,es. 1ut he does dis,ern under this seGuen,e $ re6$r*$bly ,onsistent set o5 ,ultur$l rel$tionships8 $ 5lo# o5 ,onsu6$ble reports $nd produ,ts, in #hi,h the ele6ents o5 speed, 4$riety $nd 6is,ell$neity ,$n be seen $s or!$nisin!8 the re$l be$rers o5 4$lue. <p. 10 = -100'h$t he does not see is th$t the l$,* o5 ,onne,tions opens the te:t up - the rel$tionship bet#een the 'ounded Fnee ite6 $nd the pro6o 5or the #estern, 5or inst$n,e, ,$n be re$d 5ro6 $ pro!ressi4e or $ re$,tion$ry position. +he te:tu$l ,ontr$di,tions re5le,t ,ontr$di,tory positions in so,iety $bout the Jproble6K o5 the 36eri,$n 2ndi$ns $nd their rel$tionship to #hite po#er.

1udd, Cr$i!, $nd (tein6$n <198 = $lso 5ind $ deep stru,tur$l ,oheren,e underlyin! $pp$rently dis,onne,ted se!6ents o5 tele4isionDs 5lo#, $nd their $n$lysis ine4it$bly J,losesK the te:t do#n to its ideolo!i,$l, ,o66er,i$l 6e$nin!. +hey $n$ly7e the $d4ertise6ents inserted into $n episode o5 Fantasy >sland $nd tr$,e ,le$r lin*s bet#een the 5irst $d o5 e$,h ,o66er,i$l bre$* $nd the pre,edin! n$rr$ti4e seGuen,e. For inst$n,e, $ n$rr$ti4e seGuen,e de$lin! #ith $ 6otherDs ,on,ern 5or her ,hildDs h$ppiness is i66edi$tely 5ollo#ed by $ ,o66er,i$l 5or $ ,ere$l #hi,h 6$*es ,hildren h$ppy. (i6il$rly, the seGuen,e in #hi,h $ 6other per,ei4es $ proble6 is 5ollo#ed by $ ,o66er,i$l 5or $n oint6ent #hi,h sol4es $n it,hin! proble6, $nd $ seGuen,e in #hi,h the 6other reunites the 5$6ily $,ross !ener$tions is 5ollo#ed by t#o ,o66er,i$ls, one o5 #hi,h sho#s ho# Cre$6 o5 'he$t reunites old 5riends $nd !ener$tions, $nd the other in #hi,h 3. +. &+. does the s$6e. +hey ,on,lude th$t ,o66er,i$ls respond 5$irly dire,tly to the proble6s, desires $nd 5$nt$sies $rti,ul$ted in the pro!r$6Ds n$rr$ti4e by pro6isin! !r$ti5i,$tion throu!h produ,ts. <p.297= +he lin*s they des,ribe 6$y #ell be there, but they $re lin*s o5 $sso,i$tion, not o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t, $nd so6e o5 the6, 5or inst$n,e the se,ond, $re ,ontr$di,tory r$ther th$n ,o6ple6ent$ry. 1e,$use seGuen,e $nd 5lo# $re or!$ni7ed $,,ordin! to $sso,i$ti4e r$ther th$n lo!i,$l rel$tions, the ,onne,tions $re not 6$de e:pli,itly in the te:t, but $re de4ol4ed to the 4ie#er #here their $sso,i$ti4e n$ture #ill $llo# the6 to be 6$de sub,ons,iously. +hese ,onne,tions #ill then not ne,ess$rily #or* to uni5y the se!6ents o5 the te:t <$s 'illi$6s #ishes the6 to= but 6$y le$4e the ,ontr$di,tions bet#een se!6ents $,ti4e $nd unresol4ed. +e:tu$l unity is $n $!ent o5 ideolo!i,$l ,losure, $nd resistin! th$t uni5i,$tion resists th$t ,losure. +he other ,h$r$,teristi, su!!ested by the #ord J5lo#K is th$t tele4ision should be ,ontinuous $nd should not end. 2t is ,o66onpl$,e in the N(3 5or tele4ision to be bro$d,$st t#enty-5our hours $ d$y, but this is still ,o6p$r$ti4ely unusu$l else#here, #here there is o5ten pressure 5ro6 the publi, <$nd the bro$d,$sters= to e:tend the hours o5 tr$ns6ission. +his does not ne,ess$rily 6e$n th$t people #$nt to #$t,h t#enty-5our hours $ d$y, but r$ther th$t they #ish to de,ide 5or the6sel4es #hen to stop #$t,hin!, $nd not to h$4e th$t de,ision 6$de 5or the6 by !o4ern6ent re!ul$tion or by the e,ono6i, ,on,erns o5 the net#or*s. -1013lt6$n <198;= rel$tes the e:tent o5 the 5lo# o5 tele4ision to its e,ono6i, ,onte:t $nd use5ully re6inds us th$t 5lo# pro6otes $nd is e:ploited by the ,o66er,i$l interests o5 tele4ision. 1y dis!uisin! the bound$ries bet#een pro!r$6s, it dis!uises potenti$l s#it,ho55 points8 &ro4ision$lly, 2 #ould su!!est the 5ollo#in! hypothesis8 5lo# repl$,es dis,rete pro!r$66in! to the e:tent th$t 1= ,o6petition 5or spe,t$tors is $llo#ed to !o4ern the bro$d,$st situ$tion, $nd 2= tele4ision re4enues in,re$se #ith in,re$sed 4ie#in!. <p. 40=

2n support o5 this he $r!ues th$t tele4ision pro!r$66in! is 6ost dis,rete in e$stern blo, ,ountries, but th$t in Gu$si-st$te ,ontrolled, Gu$si-independent syste6s, su,h $s those o5 Fr$n,e $nd 1rit$in, $ 6e$sure o5 5lo# $ppe$rs in the s,hedulin!, #here$s net#or* N( tele4ision is do6in$ted by $ he$4ily pro6oted 5lo# o5 i6$!es. N( publi, ,$ble ,h$nnels, on the other h$nd, $ppro:i6$te 6ore to the 1ritish $nd Fren,h situ$tions. 2n the N(3 t#o sorts o5 str$te!y h$4e e4ol4ed to pro6ote 5lo# $nd en,our$!e ,h$nnel loy$lty, one o5 s,hedulin!, $nd one o5 pro6otion. (,hedulin! str$te!y desi!ns the seGuen,e $nd ,hoi,e o5 pro!r$6s in $n $tte6pt to build $nd hold $ l$r!e pri6e-ti6e $udien,e #hose de6o!r$phi,s $re desired by $d4ertisers. 2t #ill typi,$lly use $ stron! Jle$d-inK pro!r$6 to be!in pri6e ti6e $nd $ttr$,t the $udien,e th$t 6ust then be held. +hen t#o $ltern$ti4e, or $ltern$tin!, str$te!ies $re used. J+ent-polin!K ,onsists o5 pl$,in! $ stron!, popul$r pro!r$6 $t the pe$* o5 pri6e ti6e $nd Jh$n!in!K less popul$r ones on either side o5 it. JA$66o,*in!K ,onsists o5 suspendin! $ #e$*er or ne#er pro!r$6 bet#een t#o stron!, #ell-est$blished ones. 1oth str$te!ies, $s their 6et$phori,$l n$6es su!!est, $i6 to tie pro!r$6s to!ether into $n unbro*en 5lo# $nd to produ,e eGui4$lently unbro*en 4ie#in! in the $udien,e. +his s,hedulin! str$te!y is then supported by the pro6otion$l, in #hi,h Jpro6osK 5or pro!r$6s l$ter in the e4enin! $re inserted e$rly into the 5lo#, so th$t l$ter pro!r$6s $re tied in to e$rlier ones. (i6il$rly, pro!r$6s $re ,onsistently $d4ertised in ?ourn$ls su,h $s TA Guide $s lin*ed p$irs, threes, or !roups. (o B-!ara, 8.00 p.6., $nd "penser for !ire, 9.00 p.6., sh$re the s$6e TA Guide $d4ertise6ent under the he$dline J+op 0unsK <3pril ;-10, 1987=, $nd in the s$6e issue C1( t$*es $ p$!e to $d4ertise its Mond$y ni!htDs 5lo# o5 #o6enDs sit,o6s, Cate and .llie, 7.00 p.6., My "ister "am, 7.30 p.6., )ewhart, 8.00 p.6. $nd esigning ,omen, 8.30 p.6. (u,h $n $,,ount o5 the e,ono6i, purpose o5 tele4isu$l 5lo# should not blind us to its te:tu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s. 2t is e55e,ti4e in the e,ono6i, sphere only be,$use its te:tu$lity $ppe$ls to popul$r t$stes $nd 6odes o5 4ie#in!. +hou!h 'illi$6s does not use the #ord Jse!6ent, K his $n$lysis re4e$ls ho# se!6ented the tele4ision 5lo# is. %llis <1982= $r!ues th$t it is ,h$r$,teristi, o5 tele4ision to bro$d,$st its te:t in rel$ti4ely dis,rete se!6ents, Js6$ll, seGuenti$l unities o5 i6$!es $nd sounds #hose 6$:i6u6 dur$tion see6s to be $bout 5i4e 6inutesK <p. 112=. +hese se!6ents $re or!$ni7ed into !roups li*e ne#s stories, ,o66er,i$ls, or s,enes o5 $ n$rr$ti4e, $nd the 5lo# o,,urs $,ross these se!6ents. +hese se!6ents typi,$lly 5ollo# e$,h other #ith no ne,ess$ry ,onne,tions, $nd indeed, %llis $r!ues, ne#s $nd ,urrent $55$irs pro!r$6s h$4e 6$de $ 4irtue o5 this ne,essity by deliber$tely 6i:in! ite6s. +itle seGuen,es 5reGuently e:ploit this se!6ent$tion by editin! to!ether shots 5ro6 the 5orth,o6in! or p$st pro!r$6s in $ r$pid, hi!hly eni!6$ti, #$y. Musi, 4ideo is $nother e:$6ple o5 e:$!!er$ted se!6ent$tion. %4en dr$6$ series $nd seri$ls, #here the n$rr$ti4e reGuires the prin,iples o5 lo!i, $nd ,$use $nd e55e,t, 6$y be se!6ented into short s,enes #ith lo!i,$l lin*s o6itted. +he s#it,hin! bet#een one n$rr$ti4e str$nd $nd $nother in 6ultin$rr$ti4e pro!r$6s su,h $s so$p oper$s is 5reGuently r$pid $nd un6oti4$ted. -102-

(e!6ent$tion is 6ore ,h$r$,teristi, o5 open or #riterly te:ts th$n o5 ,losed or re$derly ones. 3llen <198 = 5inds so$p oper$Ds $brupt ,h$n!es 5ro6 plotline to plotline $ de4i,e th$t opens the te:t up $nd reGuires $n $,ti4e re$der8 +he 6ere synt$!6$ti, ?u:t$position o5 t#o $pp$rently unrel$ted s,enes represents $ p$r$di!6$ti, indeter6in$,y 5or the re$der8 ,ould the rel$tionship bet#een the6 be 6ore th$n seGuenti$lH <p. 80= +his Jindeter6in$,yK is, o5 ,ourse, $ !ener$l e55e,t o5 se!6ent$tion $nd is not uniGue to so$p oper$s, thou!h it is e6ph$si7ed in the6. 2ndeed, 3llenDs 5in$l Guestion ,ould eGu$lly #ell be $s*ed o5 the Jsynt$!6$ti, ?u:t$positionK in the ne#s o5 the J$pp$rently unrel$tedK stories o5 $ Jstri*eK $nd o5 risin! une6ploy6ent <see ,h$pter 1 =. %llis <1982= $!rees th$t the disrupti4e bre$*s bet#een se!6ents out#ei!h $ny $tte6pts o5 ,ontinuity or ,onseGuen,e to uni5y the te:t. (ynt$!6$ti, lin*s $re $!ents o5 ,losure <#hi,h is #hy re$listi, n$rr$ti4e insists on proper ,onseGuen,e r$ther th$n 6ere seGuen,e=, $nd their $bsen,e opens up Jsynt$!6$ti, !$psK throu!h #hi,h the Jre$der inserts hi6sel5 or hersel5 into the te:tK <3llen 198 8 78=. L$r!er 4ersions o5 these !$ps o,,ur bet#een episodes, $nd in these the 4ie#er Jenters the te:tK in the i6$!in$ti4e $nd ,re$ti4e #$y th$t #e tr$,ed e$rlier in this ,h$pter $nd in ,h$pter . +hese !$ps Guite liter$lly 6$*e the so$p oper$ $ produ,erly te:t, 5or they in4ite the re$der to J#rite inK their $bsen,es, $nd the in4it$tion is re$dily $,,epted by 6$ny 4ie#ers, o5 #ho6 &$l6erDs <198;= sub?e,ts $re typi,$l8 S3bout FameT 'e usu$lly !et to!ether $nd st$rt t$l*in! $bout it, D,$use itDs re$lly !ood $nd you re6e6ber #h$t h$ppened, $nd you #onder #h$tDs !oin! to h$ppen ne:t in it. <Clara, 11= <p. 101= 'e ,ould both tell e$,h other $bout it i5 #e 6issed $ny o5 the +B $nd #e ,ould both thin* o5 #h$t is !oin! to h$ppen i5 it is ,ontinued. <Philippa, 8= <p. 101= -1033d4ertisers, #ith their po#er5ul e,ono6i, 6oti4e, h$4e been ,on,erned to e:ploit this produ,erly $,ti4ity o5 tele4ision $udien,es. M$rtin 1u,*l$nd, $n e:e,uti4e #ith N(& "eedh$6, Melbourne, s$ys8 2n te,hniGues $nd style, there is $ trend to#$rds $d4ertise6ents in #hi,h the 4ie#er is $s*ed to ,o6plete the ,ir,le8 the 6ess$!e is i6plied r$ther th$n st$ted, $nd it is up to the publi, to t$*e the 5in$l step in underst$ndin!. +his h$s ,o6e $bout be,$use o5 in,re$sin! $udien,e sophisti,$tion - l$r!ely $s $ result o5 !ro#in! up #ith tele4ision. <Guoted in Ae#itt 198;8 14= 3n $d 5or 6enDs toiletries by M$ne!e e:e6pli5ies this8

L Aisual %CN o5 bottle - #o6$nDs h$nd - rubbin! it on 6$nDs ?$#, h$nd slippin! do#n 6$nDs ,hest, pl$yin! #ith the button on his deni6 ?$,*et.

L Aoice;o'er 'hen $ #o6$n puts M$ne!e on $ 6$n he *no#s th$t the 6ore she puts on . . . <lon! p$use= . . . the 6ore li5e #ill t$*e o55.

+he lon! p$use in4ites the 4ie#er to J,o6plete the ,ir,le, K to #rite JsheK inste$d o5 Jli5e. K +he Jne#ly #rittenK 4ie#er-s,ript, #hi,h s$ys #h$t the o55i,i$l one d$re not, e:ploits the polyse6y o5 l$n!u$!e in its pun, 5or it 6e$ns si6ult$neously Jthe 6ore o5 his ,lothes she t$*es o55K <supportin! the 4isu$l 6ess$!e=, Jthe 6ore o5 her ,lothes she t$*es o55K <the s,$nd$lous, unspe$*$ble 6ess$!e=, $nd Jthe 6ore she R5lies hi!hDK <$s in the 4erb$l 6ess$!e=. +he #ritin! by the 4ie#er e:,eeds th$t o5 the o55i,i$l s,ript, 5or it ,ont$ins three, $s opposed to t#o, p$tterns o5 6e$nin! $nd it i6pli,$tes the 4ie#er into the pro,ess o5 6$*in! 6e$nin!s 5or the produ,t. @b4iously the $d4ertiser hopes th$t this i6pli,$tion #ill en!$!e the desires o5 the 4ie#er $nd tr$ns5er the6 to the produ,t. 1ut, $s 2 sh$ll $r!ue in ,h$pters 13 $nd 1;, the 4ie#ersD ple$sures o5 6$*in! 6e$nin!s, o5 J#ritin!, K $re not ne,ess$rily tr$ns5erred to the interests o5 the $d4ertiser8 6$ny 6ore 4ie#ers !$in ple$sure 5ro6 $d4ertise6ents th$n buy the produ,ts bein! pro6oted. (e!6ent$tion $llo#s $nother 5or6 o5 J#ritin!K by the $,ti4e 4ie#er - 7$ppin!. U$ppin! ,onsists o5 5li,*in! throu!h the ,h$nnels #$t,hin! sn$t,hes o5 e$,h, $nd 6o4in! on $s soon $s $ttention or ple$sure is lost. Co66er,i$l bre$*s o5ten tri!!er the 5in!er on the ,h$nnel s#it,her $nd the N( net#or*s pl$n their s,hedules so th$t their $d bre$*s o,,ur $t the s$6e ti6e in $n $tte6pt to ensure both th$t their $udien,e #$t,hes the $ds #hi,h pro4ide the net#or*sD in,o6e $nd th$t they JholdK their $udien,e throu!h the $ds. +he $d4ent o5 ,$ble h$s nulli5ied $ny e55e,ti4eness this str$te!y 6$y h$4e h$d. +he tele4ision 4ie#er ,$n #$t,h $ pro!r$6 under rou!hly si6il$r ,onditions to the #$t,hin! o5 $ 5il6, or $ tele4isu$lly liter$te 4ie#er <$nd 6$ny youn!er 4ie#ers $re p$rti,ul$rly liter$te= ,$n #$t,h t#o pro!r$6s si6ult$neously by 7$ppin! b$,* $nd 5orth bet#een the6, usin! his or her tele4isu$l liter$,y to 5ill in the enl$r!ed synt$!6$ti, !$ps produ,ed by the pr$,ti,e #hi,h &$l6er <198;8 79= ,$lls Jsyste6$ti, s#it,hin!K in order to distin!uish it 5ro6 the 6ore r$ndo6 ,h$nnel se$r,hes o5 7$ppin!. -104U$ppin! $llo#s the 4ie#er to ,onstru,t $ 4ie#in! e:perien,e o5 5r$!6ents, $ post6odern ,oll$!e o5 i6$!es #hose ple$sures lie in their dis,ontinuity, their ?u:t$positions, $nd their ,ontr$di,tions. +his is se!6ent$tion t$*en to the e:tre6e o5 5r$!6ent$tion $nd 6$*es o5 tele4ision the 6ost open produ,erly te:t 5or it e4$des $ll $tte6pts $t ,losure. 2t is $ 5or6 o5 s,r$t,h 4ideo th$t produ,es $n indi4idu$li7ed tele4ision te:t out o5 its 6$ss-produ,ed #or*s. +he tele4ision te:t, then, is ,o6posed o5 $ r$pid su,,ession o5 ,o6pressed, 4i4id se!6ents #here the prin,iple o5 lo!i, $nd ,$use $nd e55e,t is subordin$ted to th$t o5 $sso,i$tion $nd ,onseGuen,e to seGuen,e. Flo#, #ith its ,onnot$tions o5 $ l$n!uid ri4er, is perh$ps $n un5ortun$te 6et$phor8 the 6o4e6ent o5 the tele4ision te:t is dis,ontinuous, interrupted, $nd se!6ented. 2ts $tte6pts $t ,losure, $t $ unit$ry 6e$nin!, or $ uni5ied 4ie#in! sub?e,t, $re ,onst$ntly sub?e,ted to 5r$,turin! 5or,es.

Television and oral c/lt/re +ele4isionDs distin,ti4e te:tu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s, Guite di55erent 5ro6 those o5 liter$ture or 5il6, h$4e deri4ed 5ro6 $nd $re inserted into $ popul$r ,ulture in #hi,h or$lity pl$ys $ ,entr$l role. +ele4ision is so o5ten tre$ted $s $n in5erior ,ultur$l 6ediu6 #ith in5erior te:tu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s be,$use our ,ulture is one th$t 4$lid$tes the liter$ry, or r$ther the liter$te, $nd ,onseGuently de4$lues the or$l. Fis*e $nd A$rtley <1978= list so6e o5 the 6$in di55eren,es bet#een or$l $nd liter$te 6odes o5 ,o66uni,$tion8 L Bral modes dr$6$ti, episodi, 6os$i, dyn$6i, $,ti4e ,on,rete ephe6er$l so,i$l 6et$phori,$l rhetori,$l di$le,ti,$l L Literate modes n$rr$ti4e seGuenti$l line$r st$ti, $rti5$,t $bstr$,t per6$nent indi4idu$l 6etony6i, lo!i,$l uni4o,$lIJ,onsistentK -10 +he list o5 or$l ,h$r$,teristi,s needs to be e:tended to in,lude Jne#ness, K $ sense o5 the 5uture th$t !oes #ith $n Jun#rittenK te:t, $nd $ dire,t, person$li7ed $ddress $nd its produ,tion o5 $ te:tu$l or ,ultur$l e<perience, r$ther th$n o5 sep$r$te, l$beled #or*s o5 $rt. +he 5or6$l ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 tele4ision $re essenti$lly those o5 or$l r$ther th$n liter$te 6odes o5 ,o66uni,$tion. +his does not 6e$n th$t tele4ision is $n or$l ,ulture, but th$t its popul$rity is due, in p$rt, to the e$se #ith #hi,h its pro!r$6s ,$n be inserted into those 5or6s o5 or$l ,ulture #hi,h h$4e sur4i4ed in $ 6$ss, industri$li7ed so,iety. @n! <1982= su!!ests th$t $n Jele,troni,K so,iety produ,es $ 5or6 o5 se,ond$ry or$lity #hi,h is b$sed upon $nd deri4ed 5ro6 liter$,y, r$ther th$n 4i,e 4ers$8 #ith telephone, r$dio, tele4ision $nd 4$rious *inds o5 sound t$pe, ele,troni, te,hnolo!y h$s brou!ht us into the $!e o5 Jse,ond$ry or$lityK. +his ne# or$lity h$s stri*in! rese6bl$n,es to the old in its p$rti,ip$tory 6ystiGue, its 5osterin! o5 $ ,o66un$l sense, its ,on,entr$tion on the present 6o6ent, $nd e4en its use o5 5or6ul$s <@n! 1971, 284303M 1977, 1;-49, 30 -41=. 1ut it is essenti$lly $ 6ore deliber$te $nd sel5-,ons,ious or$lity, b$sed per6$nently on the use o5 #ritin! $nd print, #hi,h $re essenti$l 5or the 6$nu5$,ture $nd oper$tion o5 the eGuip6ent $nd 5or its use $s #ell. <p. 13;=

@n! ri!htly e6ph$si7es the p$rti,ip$tory n$ture o5 this Jse,ond$ry or$lityK but o4ere6ph$si7es its dependen,e upon the #ritten #ord. +he or$lity o5 tele4ision is not ?ust $ spo*en 4ersion o5 $ liter$te ,ulture8 its te:tu$l 5or6s, not ?ust its Jspo*enness, K $re or$l, $nd, 6ore si!ni5i,$ntly, it is treated $s or$l ,ulture by 6$ny o5 its 4ie#ers. +hey enter into $ Jdi$lo!ueK #ith it, they !ossip $bout it, they shi5t $nd sh$pe its 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures. @r$l ,ulture is e6bedded in e4eryd$y li5e unli*e #ritin! #hi,h produ,es $n $bstr$,t *no#led!e th$t is disen!$!ed 5ro6 i66edi$te so,i$l e:perien,e8 5or $n or$l ,ulture le$rnin! or *no#in! 6e$ns $,hie4in! ,lose, e6p$theti,, ,o66un$l identi5i,$tion #ith the *no#n <A$4elo,* 19;3, 14 -;=, J!ettin! on #ith itK. 'ritin! sep$r$tes the *no#er 5ro6 the *no#n $nd thus sets up ,onditions 5or Job?e,ti4ityK, in the sense o5 person$l disen!$!e6ent or dist$n,in!. <@n! 19828 4 -;= +he J*no#in!K or Jle$rnin!K o55ered by allas or Prisoner is deeply e6bedded in the so,i$l ,onte:t o5 their re,eption $nd use. +he J*no#led!eK is essenti$lly or$l. 2ts 6e$nin!s $re deter6ined 6ore by the ,onte:ts o5 its re$din!s th$n by the ,entr$l syste6 o5 tele4ision $nd ,$n thus t$*e $n opposition$l st$n,e #ith little sense o5 str$in. 3s 1$*htin <1981= $r!ues, or$l ,ulture, espe,i$lly in liter$te so,ieties, is typi,$lly $sso,i$ted #ith sub4ersi4e or s,$nd$lous 6o4e6ents $nd st$n,es. 2t is the essenti$lly or$l 5or6s o5 tele4ision th$t $llo# it to be e6bedded so 5ir6ly in the so,i$l-,ultur$l li5e o5 its 4ie#ers $nd th$t en$ble su,h $n $,ti4e, p$rti,ip$tory, sele,ti4e set o5 re$din! rel$tions. -10;+his 6e$ns th$t tele4ision is $ble to pl$y in industri$l so,ieties $ si6il$r role to th$t pl$yed by 5ol* ,ulture in 6ore ho6o!eneous ones. +his is not to ro6$nti,i7e tele4ision, nor to ho6o!eni7e it, 5or tele4ision is ,le$rly not Jo5 the 5ol*. K )et the 6e$nin!s 6$de 5ro6 it $re re$dily in,orpor$ted into the ,ultur$l li4es o5 4$rious so,i$l 5or6$tions in su,h $ #$y th$t they #or* $s 5ol* ,ulture. (e$l <198;= lists 5our ,riteri$ 5or de5inin! $ 5ol* ,ulture $nd it is re6$r*$ble ho# ,losely #$t,hin! $nd t$l*in! $bout tele4ision ,$n 6eet the6. +hey $re8 1. Fol*lore de5ines $nd identi5ies the 6e6bership o5 $ !roup 5or its 6e6bers, o5ten in opposition to other !roups. 2. Fol*lore is tr$ns6itted in5or6$lly, either or$lly or by e:$6ple, $nd ,onseGuently does not distin!uish ,le$rly bet#een tr$ns6itters $nd re,ei4ers. 3. Fol*lore oper$tes outside est$blished so,i$l institutions su,h $s the ,hur,h, the edu,$tion$l syste6 or the 6edi$, $lthou!h it ,$n inter$,t #ith the6 $nd tr$4erse the6. 4 +here is no st$nd$rd 4ersion o5 $ 5ol* te:t - it e:ists only $s p$rt o5 $ pro,ess. +here 6$y be $ bro$d,$st 4ersion o5 $ tele4ision pro!r$6, but the te:t th$t $ p$rti,ul$r sub,ulture 6$y 6$*e o5 it e:ists only $s p$rt o5 the ,ultur$l pro,ess o5 th$t $udien,e8 the s,hool studentsD Prisoner is p$rt o5 their pro,ess o5 6$*in! sense o5 their e:perien,e o5 subordin$tion $nd o5 their resisti4e st$n,e to it.

+ele4isionDs openness, its te:tu$l ,ontr$di,tions $nd inst$bility, en$ble it to be re$dily in,orpor$ted into the or$l ,ulture o5 6$ny $nd di4erse !roups in 6$ny $nd di4erse #$ys so th$t, #hile it 6$y not in its bro$d,$st 6ode be $ 5or6 o5 5ol*lore, it is $t le$st $ble to ser4e 5ol*lori, 5un,tions 5or so6e o5 its $udien,es. 2ts popul$rity $6on! its di4ersity o5 $udien,es depends upon its $bility to be e$sily $nd di55erently in,orpor$ted into $ 4$riety o5 sub,ultures 8 popul$rity, $udien,e $,ti4ity, $nd polyse6y $re 6utu$lly ent$iled $nd interdependent ,on,epts. -107-

Chapter : Interte4t/ality +he theory o5 interte:tu$lity proposes th$t $ny one te:t is ne,ess$rily re$d in rel$tionship to others $nd th$t $ r$n!e o5 te:tu$l *no#led!es is brou!ht to be$r upon it. +hese rel$tionships do not t$*e the 5or6 o5 spe,i5i, $llusions 5ro6 one te:t to $nother $nd there is no need 5or re$ders to be 5$6ili$r #ith spe,i5i, or the s$6e te:ts to re$d interte:tu$lly. 2nterte:tu$lity e:ists r$ther in the sp$,e between te:ts. M$donn$Ds 6usi, 4ideo Material Girl pro4ides us #ith $ ,$se in point8 it is $ p$rody o5 M$rilyn MonroeDs son! $nd d$n,e nu6ber JCi$6onds $re $ 0irlDs 1est FriendK in the 6o4ie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes/ su,h $n $llusion to $ spe,i5i, te:t is not $n e:$6ple o5 interte:tu$lity 5or its e55e,ti4eness depends upon spe,i5i,, not !ener$li7ed, te:tu$l *no#led!e - $ *no#led!e th$t, in,ident$lly, 6$ny o5 M$donn$Ds youn! !irl 5$ns in 198 #ere unli*ely to possess. +he 4ideoDs interte:tu$lity re5ers r$ther to our ,ultureDs i6$!e b$n* o5 the se:y blonde st$r #ho pl$ys #ith 6enDs desire 5or her $nd turns it to her $d4$nt$!e. 2t is $n elusi4e i6$!e, si6il$r to 1$rthesDs notion o5 6yth, to #hi,h M$donn$ $nd M$rilyn Monroe ,ontribute eGu$lly $nd 5ro6 #hi,h they dr$# eGu$lly. +he 6e$nin!s o5 Material Girl depend upon its allusion to Gentlemen Prefer Blondes $nd upon its interte:tu$lity #ith all te:ts th$t ,ontribute to $nd dr$# upon the 6e$nin! o5 Jthe blondeK in our ,ulture. 2nterte:tu$l *no#led!es pre-orient the re$der to e:ploit tele4isionDs polyse6y by $,ti4$tin! the te:t in ,ert$in #$ys, th$t is, by 6$*in! so6e 6e$nin!s r$ther th$n others. (tudyin! $ te:tDs interte:tu$l rel$tions ,$n pro4ide us #ith 4$lu$ble ,lues to the re$din!s th$t $ p$rti,ul$r ,ulture or sub,ulture is li*ely to produ,e 5ro6 it. 'e ,$n en4is$!e these interte:tu$l rel$tions on t#o di6ensions, the hori7ont$l $nd the 4erti,$l. Aori7ont$l rel$tions $re those bet#een pri6$ry te:ts th$t $re 6ore or less e:pli,itly lin*ed, usu$lly $lon! the $:es o5 !enre, ,h$r$,ter, or ,ontent. Berti,$l interte:tu$lity is th$t bet#een $ pri6$ry te:t, su,h $s $ tele4ision pro!r$6 or series, $nd other te:ts o5 $ di55erent type th$t re5er e:pli,itly to it. +hese 6$y be se,ond$ry te:ts su,h $s studio publi,ity, ?ourn$listi, 5e$tures, or ,riti,is6, or terti$ry te:ts produ,ed by the 4ie#ers the6sel4es in the 5or6 o5 letters to the press or, 6ore i6port$ntly, o5 !ossip $nd ,on4ers$tion. -108 *ori;ontal interte4t/ality

+he 6ost in5luenti$l $nd #idely dis,ussed 5or6 o5 hori7ont$l interte:tu$lity is th$t o5 !enre, $nd it is this th$t #e #ill ,on,entr$te on 5irst. 1ut there $re other $:es o5 hori7ont$l interte:tu$lity su,h $s ,h$r$,ter8 1. 3., 5or inst$n,e, one o5 the ,h$r$,ters o5 the $d4enture series The .;Team( is $lso $ hero o5 $ ,$rtoon series, $nd the $,tor #ho pl$ys hi6, Mr +, not only introdu,es the ,$rtoon series but $lso $ppe$rs on tele4ision $s $ #restler or $ !uest on t$l* sho#s. +he 6e$nin! o5 Mr +I1. 3. <5or the ,h$r$,ter $nd $,tor $re $l6ost indistin!uish$ble= does not reside in $ny one o5 his s,reen $ppe$r$n,es but in the interte:tu$lity #hi,h is the $!!re!$te o5 $ll $nd $n essenti$l p$rt o5 the re$din! o5 $ny one. @5 ,ourse, di55erent 4ie#ers #ill h$4e di55erent interte:tu$l $!!re!$tes o5 Mr +I1. 3. $,,ordin! to the 4$ri$tions in their interte:tu$l e:perien,e o5 hi6. 3dult 4ie#ers o5 The .;Team 6$y #ell not see the ,$rtoon series $nd so JtheirK 1. 3. #ill di55er 5ro6 th$t o5 their ,hildren #ho do #$t,h it. M$donn$ is si6il$rly $ #eb o5 interte:tu$l 6e$nin!s ,rossin! 6edi$ bound$ries, JsheK is $ si!n 5or6ed by tele4ision, 5il6, re,ords, the press, $nd the publi,ity industry. 'illi$6sDs <1974= $n$lysis o5 tele4isionDs flow h$s sho#n ho# interte:tu$l rel$tions o5 ,ontent ,$n e$sily ,ross !enre bound$ries8 the 6e$nin! o5 $ tr$dition$l #estern is interte:tu$lly in5le,ted by its ?u:t$position #ith $ ne#s ite6 $bout 36eri,$n 2ndi$ns protestin! their pl$,e in $ #hite-do6in$ted so,iety. 3d4enture 5il6s t$*in! pl$,e in unspe,i5ied +hird 'orld ,ountries run by ,orrupt re!i6es rel$te $ll too re$dily #ith ne#s reports 5ro6 35ri,$ or L$tin 36eri,$. 1ut despite the e$se #ith #hi,h interte:tu$l rel$tions ,ross !enre bound$ries, !enre still or!$ni7es interte:tu$l rel$tions in p$rti,ul$rly in5luenti$l #$ys. &enre 0enre is $ ,ultur$l pr$,ti,e th$t $tte6pts to stru,ture so6e order into the #ide r$n!e o5 te:ts $nd 6e$nin!s th$t ,ir,ul$te in our ,ulture 5or the ,on4enien,e o5 both produ,ers $nd $udien,es. +ele4ision pro!r$6s $ppe$r to 5$ll Job4iouslyK into ,le$r !eneri, ,$te!ories ,op sho#s, so$p oper$s, sit,o6s, hospit$l dr$6$s, Gui7 $nd !$6e sho#s, $nd so on. +ele4ision is $ hi!hly J!eneri,K 6ediu6 #ith ,o6p$r$ti4ely 5e# one-o55 pro!r$6s 5$llin! outside est$blished !eneri, ,$te!ories. %4en sin!le dr$6$s typi,$lly h$4e their !eneri, ,h$r$,teristi,s e6ph$si7ed8 on 1ritish tele4ision, 5or e:$6ple, they $re s,reened under !eneri, titles su,h $s Play for Today #hose title seGuen,e ,onsists o5 $ r$pid 6ont$!e o5 stills 5ro6 pre4ious pl$ys in the series - $ sort o5 interte:tu$l 6e6ory ?o!!er. -109+hin*in! o5 tele4ision !eneri,$lly reGuires us to prioriti7e the si6il$rities bet#een pro!r$6s r$ther th$n their indi4idu$l di55eren,es. +he ,on4entions sh$red bet#een di55erent pro!r$6s or series in $ !enre $re o5ten disp$r$!ed by bein! re5erred to $s J$ 5or6ul$, K $nd popul$r $rt is then l$beled J5or6ul$ $rt. K C$#elti <1970= opposes 5or6ul$ $rt to $rt #ith in4ented or ori!in$l stru,tures8 Li*e the distin,tion bet#een ,on4ention $nd in4ention, the distin,tion bet#een 5or6ul$ $nd stru,ture ,$n be en4is$!ed $s $ ,ontinuu6 bet#een t#o polesM one pole is th$t o5 $ ,o6pletely ,on4ention$l stru,ture o5 ,on4entions - $n episode o5 the Lone R$n!er or one

o5 the +$r7$n boo*s ,o6es ,lose to this poleM the other end o5 the ,ontinuu6 is $ ,o6pletely ori!in$l stru,ture #hi,h orders in4entions - Finnegans ,a+e is perh$ps the ulti6$te e:$6ple. <p. 29= +he distin,tion is not ?ust bet#een the poles o5 ,on4ention $nd in4ention, but bet#een hi!hbro# $nd lo#bro# $rt #ith $ll the 4$lue ?ud!6ents th$t those 6et$phors i6ply. Ai!hbro#, elitist #or*s o5 $rt $re typi,$lly 4$lued 5or their uniGue Gu$lities, $nd $ #hole ,riti,$l pr$,ti,e is de4oted to det$ilin! $nd pr$isin! these ele6ents th$t di55erenti$te one p$rti,ul$r #or* o5 $rt 5ro6 others, 5or it is in its uniGueness th$t its 4$lue is belie4ed to reside. Nnderst$ndin! #or*s o5 $rt !eneri,$lly, ho#e4er, lo,$tes their 4$lue in #h$t they h$4e in ,o66on, 5or their sh$red ,on4entions 5or6 lin*s not only #ith other te:ts in the !enre, but $lso bet#een te:t $nd $udien,es, te:t $nd produ,ers, $nd produ,ers $nd $udien,es. 0eneri, ,on4entions $re so i6port$nt in tele4ision be,$use they $re $ pri6e #$y o5 both underst$ndin! $nd ,onstru,tin! this tri$n!ul$r rel$tionship bet#een produ,er, te:t, $nd $udien,e. Con4entions $re the stru,tur$l ele6ents o5 !enre th$t $re sh$red bet#een produ,ers $nd $udien,es. +hey e6body the ,ru,i$l ideolo!i,$l ,on,erns o5 the ti6e in #hi,h they $re popul$r $nd $re ,entr$l to the ple$sures $ !enre o55ers its $udien,e. Con4entions $re so,i$l $nd ideolo!i,$l. 3 5or6ul$, on the other h$nd, is $n industri$l $nd e,ono6i, tr$nsl$tion o5 ,on4entions th$t is essenti$l to the e55i,ient produ,tion o5 popul$r ,ultur$l ,o66odities $nd should not be e4$lu$ted by $estheti, ,riteri$ th$t dis6iss it $s 6ere l$,* o5 i6$!in$tion. 0ettin! the ri!ht 5or6ul$ th$t tr$ns5or6s the ri!ht ,on4entions into $ popul$r $rt 5or6 is no e$sy t$s*, but !i4en the hi!h ,ost o5 ,ultur$l produ,tion $nd the unpredi,t$bility o5 the ,ultur$l 6$r*etpl$,e, 5or6ul$ $rt is $n inte!r$l p$rt o5 the ,ulture industries $nd needs to be in4esti!$ted, not dis6issed. Feuer <1987= su!!ests there $re three 6$in str$te!ies 5or ,onstru,tin! !eneri, ,$te!ories. +he 5irst is the aesthetic, #hi,h ,on5ines itsel5 to te:tu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s. +he se,ond she ,$lls the ritual, #hi,h sees !enre $s $ ,on4ention$l repe$ted Je:,h$n!e bet#een industry $nd $udien,e, $n e:,h$n!e throu!h #hi,h $ ,ulture spe$*s to itsel5. K 0eneri, ,on4entions $llo# the ne!oti$tion o5 sh$red ,ultur$l ,on,erns $nd 4$lues $nd lo,$te !enres 5ir6ly #ithin their so,i$l ,onte:t. +he third $ppro$,h she ,$lls ideological $nd this is her 6ost proble6$ti, one. 3t one le4el, this 4ie# o5 !enre $,,ounts 5or the #$y th$t !enres ,$n be ,$lled upon to deli4er $udien,es to $d4ertisers, $nd stru,ture the do6in$nt ideolo!y into their ,on4entions. More produ,ti4ely, ho#e4er, Feuer su!!ests th$t the 6e$nin!s o5 pro!r$6s 5or 4ie#ers $re in5luen,ed, e4en 6$nipul$ted, by the !enres they $re 5itted into. -110+he le$st produ,ti4e is the $estheti, or te:tu$l8 0enres $re not to be seen $s 5or6s o5 te:tu$l ,odi5i,$tions, but $s syste6s o5 orient$tions, e:pe,t$tions $nd ,on4entions th$t ,ir,ul$te bet#een industry, te:t $nd sub?e,t. <"e$le 19818 ;=

0enres $re interte:tu$l or e4en pre-te:tu$l, 5or they 5or6 the net#or* o5 industri$l, ideolo!i,$l, $nd institution$l ,on4entions th$t $re ,o66on to both produ,er $nd $udien,es out o5 #hi,h $rise both the produ,erDs pro!r$6 $nd the $udien,esD re$din!s. 3s Ferr <19818 73= points out, !enres predeter6ine te:ts $nd re$din!s. +he di55i,ulty #ith $ purely te:tu$l de5inition o5 !enre is th$t it tends to 5i: ,h$r$,teristi,s #ithin !enre bound$ries in $ #$y th$t r$rely 5its $ny spe,i5i, inst$n,e. +he ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 the ,ri6e thriller listed by Ferr <1981= $re $ !ood distill$tion o5 the !enre, but $ny one ,ri6e thriller is unli*ely to e:hibit $ll o5 the6, $nd is eGu$lly li*ely to in,lude others8 1rie5ly the re$list ,ri6e thriller is ,o6prised o5 $ net#or* o5 ,on4ention$l pr$,ti,es in,ludin! $ teleolo!i,$l $nd 5or6ul$i, n$rr$ti4e stru,ture <$n eGuilibriu6 posed, 5r$,tured by 4ill$iny $nd re,o4ered by herois6=M ,redible ,h$r$,teris$tion <$ 5$6ily $lle!ory peopled by ,oherent, pl$usibly 6oti4$ted, r$,i$l, se:u$l $nd ,l$ss stereotypes, ,ruder in the b$,*!round th$n the 5ore!round=M identi5i$ble i,ono!r$phi, ele6ents <$s illustr$ted, 5or e:$6ple, by the dis,ussion in both studies o5 the i6$!ery o5 the title seGuen,e, e6ph$sisin! ,ostu6e, de,or $nd the tools o5 the heroDs tr$de=M 6ilieu <the use o5 J$uthenti,K lo,$tions, the ,ontr$st bet#een ,l$ss settin!s, et,. =M $nd 5in$lly the 5il6 $nd 4ideo ,on4entions 5or the ,onstru,tion o5 these 5i,tions <,on4entions o5 5r$6in!, shootin!, li!htin!, editin!, sound re,ordin!, ,o6posin!, n$rr$tin!, plottin!, ,$stin!, $,tin!, #ritin! $nd dire,tin!=. <p. 74= 3 !enre seen te:tu$lly should be de5ined $s $ shi5tin! pro4ision$l set o5 ,h$r$,teristi,s #hi,h is 6odi5ied $s e$,h ne# e:$6ple is produ,ed. 3ny one pro!r$6 #ill be$r the 6$in ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 its !enre, but is li*ely to in,lude so6e 5ro6 others8 $s,ribin! it to one !enre or $nother in4ol4es de,idin! #hi,h set o5 ,h$r$,teristi,s $re the 6ost i6port$nt. !ill "treet Blues $nd Cagney and Lacey $re either ,op sho#s #ith ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 so$p oper$, or 4i,e 4ers$. Remington "teele $nd "carecrow and Mrs Cing $re ,op sho#s #ith ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 the sit,o6, Miami Aice $ ,op sho# #ith ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 6usi, 4ideo. %$,h ne# sho# shi5ts !enre bound$ries $nd de4elops de5initions. +here is $n inter!eneri, net#or* o5 ,on4entions #ith 4$rious points o5 ,on4er!en,e th$t 5or6 the 5o,i but not the bound$ries o5 the 4$rious !enres #hen de5ined te:tu$lly. -111+he di55i,ulty o5 tyin! do#n the te:tu$l di6ension o5 !enre le$ds us to predi,t th$t $ !re$ter 4$lue #ill lie in the ritu$l $ppro$,h #hi,h sp$ns the re$l6s o5 the produ,ersIdistributors $nd o5 the $udien,esM here !enre $,ts $s $n $!reed ,ode th$t lin*s the t#o. For the produ,ers its $d4$nt$!es $re pri6$rily e,ono6i,. +he 6$r*et response to $ ,ultur$l ,o66odity is notoriously h$rd to predi,t, $nd upd$tin! or 6odi5yin! $ pre4iously su,,ess5ul !enre ,$n 6ini6i7e this unpredi,t$bility. 0enres rise $nd 5$ll in popul$rity $s popul$r t$ste shi5ts #ith so,i$l $nd histori,$l ,h$n!es. +he rise o5 Re$!$nis6 $nd the reh$bilit$tion o5 the N( e:perien,e in Bietn$6 h$s 6odi5ied the ,op sho# $nd re$sserted its popul$rity. "ot only do 6$ny sho#s h$4e heroes #ho le$rned their ideolo!i,$lly 4$lid$ted s*ills in Bietn$6 <e.!. Magnum p$i$( The .;Team( "imon and "imon5 but the n$rr$ti4es ,ontinu$lly reen$,t the ri!ht o5 those in ,ontrol o5 J+he L$#K to i6pose th$t l$# upon others. 'hen this l$# is rel$ted to L$,$nDs JL$# o5 the F$ther, K

the lin*s bet#een Re$!$nis6, 6$s,ulinity, the e:er,ise o5 so,i$l po#er, $nd the 5or6 o5 the !enre in the 1980s be,o6e ,le$rer <see ,h$pter 11=8 Miami Aice $nd its 6o6ent in 36eri,$n +B history ,o6es $t the end o5 $ de,$de o5 $tte6pts to re,onstru,t the ,redibility o5 6$le institution$l $uthority 5ro6 the 4$,uu6 ,re$ted by Bietn$6 - $ pro,ess o5 re,onstru,tion th$t h$s, in $ sense, been ,on,o6it$nt #ith the re#ritin! o5 the history o5 th$t #$r. <Ross 198;8 1 0= 0enres $re popul$r #hen their ,on4entions be$r $ ,lose rel$tionship to the do6in$nt ideolo!y o5 the ti6e. +he o4erl$p bet#een the ritu$l $nd ideolo!i,$l $ppro$,hes to dr$6$ should not le$d us to the 4ie# th$t ,h$n!es in so,io,ultur$l ,onditions produ,e ,h$n!es in !eneri, ,on4entions dire,tly. +he industry pl$ys $ 4it$l 6edi$tin! role in identi5yin! potenti$l shi5ts in the ,ulture $nd Jtestin!K the6 #ith $ ne# in5le,tion o5 $ !enre. Feuer <1987= !i4es $ !ood $,,ount o5 ho# M+M %nterprises in the 1970s produ,ed sit,o6s th$t pi,*ed up $nd de4eloped ,ultur$l ,on,erns #ith shi5tin! de5initions o5 5e6ininity, $nd produ,ed sho#s li*e The Mary Tyler Moore "how( Rhoda( $nd The Bob )ewhart "how$ +his hi!her pro5ile !i4en to the ri!hts o5 #o6en $lso be!$n to in5luen,e ,op sho#s, $nd 6odi5ied the !enre #ith the introdu,tion o5 5e6$le ,op heroines <Charlie-s .ngels( Police ,oman=, $nd the 6$leI5e6$le hero ,ouple o5 MacMillan and ,ife/ the 6$s,uline ,ontrol o5 the L$# #$s ?oined by 6ore 5e6inine 4$lues, but by the 1980s, the s#in! to the ri!ht $nd the re$ssertion o5 6$s,ulinity be!$n to stress the ,ontr$di,tions 6ore ,le$rly. -112+hese ,ontr$di,tions o,,$sion$lly resulted in sho#s li*e Cagney and Lacey #here they #ere de$lt #ith seriously $s $ 6$insprin! o5 the dr$6$, but 6ore o5ten in sho#s th$t de$lt #ith the6 hu6orously li*e Remington "teele or "carecrow and Mrs Cing$ +he ideolo!i,$l ,ontr$di,tions bet#een the rise o5 5e6inis6 $nd the re$ssertion o5 6$s,uline po#er reGuired the 6i:in! o5 !enres <,op sho# #ith so$p oper$ or ,op sho# #ith sit,o6=8 the !enre 6i: #$s $lso $ !ender 6i: - ,op sho#s $re $ 6$inly 6$s,uline !enre, sit,o6s $nd so$p oper$s $re 6ore 5e6inine. <(ee ,h$pters 10 $nd 11. = +his 6$r*et-dri4en desire to predi,t $nd produ,e popul$rity lies behind s,hedulin! pr$,ti,e $s #ell. 1y $ ,$re5ul 6i: o5 !enres - ne#s, so$p oper$, ,op sho#s, $nd sit,o6s the s,heduler hopes to build $n $udien,e 5or the net#or* or ,h$nnel th$t is o5 6$:i6u6 si7e $nd th$t ,ont$ins the ri!ht 6i: o5 so,i$l !roups to be sold to $d4ertisers. +he s,hedulin! o5 Cagney and Lacey pro4ides $ !ood e:$6ple not only o5 its $bility to build $n $udien,e, but $lso to $55e,t 6e$nin!s $nd popul$rity by in5luen,in! $ sho#Ds !eneri, $55ili$tions. 'hen C1( s,heduled Cagney and Lacey $5ter Magnum on $ +hursd$y e4enin!, it r$ted poorly. 1ut #hen res,heduled on $ Mond$y to 5ollo# "carecrow and Mrs Cing( Cate and .llie $nd )ewhart it topped the r$tin!s. Mond$y be,$6e *no#n $s J#o6enDs ni!htK $nd Cagney and Lacey #$s shi5ted $#$y 5ro6 the

6$s,uline !eneri, rel$tions #ith Magnum $nd to#$rds 6ore 5e6inine ones. 1e,$use Cagney and Lacey sho#s $ p$rti,ul$rly e4en 6i: o5 !eneri, ,h$r$,teristi,s, its pri6e !enre #$s in so6e doubt, $nd so s,hedulin! #$s $ble to tip the b$l$n,e $#$y 5ro6 6$s,uline ,op sho# to#$rds so$p oper$ or #o6$nDs sho#. +he ,ultur$l pr$,ti,es o5 produ,ers $nd $udien,es $re 5in$lly 6ore in5luenti$l th$n te:tu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s in deter6inin! !enre. 3 6ore e:tre6e e:$6ple o5 !enre-shi5tin! is !i4en by /en*ins <198;= in his study o5 the 5$ns o5 "tar Tre+$ +he nu6erous 5$n ,lubs ,onsist 6$inly o5 #o6en #ho run $ #hole se,ond$ry publi,$tion industry o5 ne#sletters $nd 5$n7ines, $nd /en*ins 5inds $6ple e4iden,e in these publi,$tions th$t the 5$ns h$4e ,h$n!ed "tar Tre+-s !enre to th$t o5 the ro6$n,e. +he popul$rity o5 the sho# 5or its 5e6$le 5$ns is ,entered $round the person$l, espe,i$lly ro6$nti,, rel$tionships o5 the sp$,eshipDs ,re# $nd the #o6en 5$ns #ere e:pli,itly ,riti,$l o5 the #$y th$t the 6$s,uline !eneri, ,on4entions o5 s,ien,e 5i,tion ne!le,ted this 5e6inine 5o,us. Re$s,ribin! the !enre o5 $ te:t is $ t$,ti, o5 popul$r re$din! th$t t$*es ple$sure in its $bility to e4$de or redire,t the ,ultur$l str$te!y th$t ser4es the interests o5 the do6in$nt e,ono6i, or !ender po#er stru,tures. -113(ho#s $re ,on4ention$lly 6$r*eted to net#or*s $nd $d4ertisers, $nd presented to re4ie#ers $nd the publi,, $s ne# in5le,tions o5 $ popul$r !enre. 0enre ser4es the du$l needs o5 $ ,o66odity8 on the one h$nd st$nd$rdi7$tion $nd 5$6ili$rity, $nd on the other, produ,t di55erenti$tion. 1ut the #or* o5 !enre is 6ore th$n e,ono6i,, it is ,ultur$l $s #ell, $nd this is $nother $spe,t o5 FeuerDs <1987= ideolo!i,$l $ppro$,h. 0enre spells out to the $udien,e the r$n!e o5 ple$sures it 6i!ht e:pe,t $nd thus re!ul$tes $nd $,ti4$tes 6e6ory o5 si6il$r te:ts $nd the e:pe,t$tions o5 this one. For C$4ies <1978I9= !enre *no#led!e is ,ru,i$l to the ple$sure o5 the 6ysteryIthrillerI$d4enture 5il6, 5or it #or*s to ,o6pens$te 5or potenti$l unple$sures in the plot stru,ture8 +he 6ysteryIthrillerI$d4enture plot #or*s throu!h otherness. 'e h$4e less *no#led!e $nd ,ontrol $s the n$rr$ti4e pro!resses $nd the 6ystery is ,o6pounded #ith 5urther 6ystery. 'hy, then, $re #e not deeply disturbed by su,h $ n$rr$ti4e p$tternH . . . 2n su,h plots the re$der 5inds !eneri, r$ther th$n psy,holo!i,$l points o5 re5eren,e. +he disturbin! e55e,t o5 6ystery $nd suspense is b$l$n,ed by $ ,on5iden,e in the ine4it$bility o5 !enre. <p. ;2= 0enre #or*s to pro6ote $nd or!$ni7e interte:tu$l rel$tions, p$rti,ul$rly $6on!st pri6$ry te:ts. 2t $lso #or*s #ithin the pr$,ti,e o5 re$din!. "e$le <1981= $r!ues th$t it li6its $nd ,onditions the $udien,e response, $nd #or*s to ,ont$in the possibilities o5 re$din!. 0enre is p$rt o5 the te:tu$l str$te!ies by #hi,h tele4ision $tte6pts to ,ontrol its polyse6i, potenti$l. 3s A$rtley <198 = puts it8

3udien,esD di55erent potenti$l ple$sures $re ,h$nneled $nd dis,iplined by !enres, #hi,h oper$te by produ,in! re,o!nition o5 the $lre$dy *no#n set o5 responses $nd rules o5 en!$!e6ent. 3udien,es $renDt supposed to ?ud!e $ #estern 5or not bein! 6usi,$l enou!h, $ 6usi,$l 5or not bein! 4ery horri5i,, or $ sit,o6 5or not bein! su55i,iently eroti,. (u,h is the J,ontr$,tK o5 !enre. 2t ent$ils $ loss o5 5reedo6 o5 desire $nd de6$nd in order to $,hie4e e55i,ien,y $nd properly l$beled p$,*$!in!. <p. 18= 0enre is $ 6e$ns o5 ,onstru,tin! both the $udien,e $nd the re$din! sub?e,t8 its #or* in the e,ono6i, do6$in is p$r$lleled by its #or* in the do6$in o5 ,ultureM th$t is, its #or* in in5luen,in! #hi,h 6e$nin!s o5 $ pro!r$6 $re pre5erred by, or pro55ered to, #hi,h $udien,es. 2t does this by pre5errin! so6e interte:tu$l rel$tions $nd their $sso,i$ted 6e$nin!s o4er others $nd in so 5$r $s the rel$tions it pre5ers $re those proposed by the industry, its #or* is li*ely to be re$,tion$ry. Re$din! the pro!ressi4e 6e$nin!s o5 !ill "treet Blues or Cagney and Lacey reGuires the re$der to dist$n,e the6 5ro6 their $pp$rent !enre o5 ,op sho#, $nd to re$d the6 $s $ ,ontr$di,tory 6i: o5 the 6$s,uline $nd 5e6inine, o5 the ,op sho# $nd so$p oper$, o5 bour!eois re$lis6 $nd so,i$l re$lis6. -114 Inescapa1le interte4t/ality 0eneri,$lly dri4en interte:tu$lity is 5in$lly ,onstr$inin! $nd does little to open the te:t up to the re$der8 si6il$rly, it does little to $d4$n,e our underst$ndin! o5 the ine4it$bility o5 interte:tu$lity, o5 the interte:tu$l $s the pri6e site o5 ,ulture. +his is the 4ie# proposed by 1$rthes <197 $= #ho $r!ues th$t interte:tu$l rel$tions $re so per4$si4e th$t our ,ulture ,onsists o5 $ ,o6ple: #eb o5 interte:tu$lity, in #hi,h $ll te:ts re5er 5in$lly to e$,h other $nd not to re$lity. "one o5 the 5i4e ,odes th$t stru,ture $ll n$rr$ti4es $nd our underst$ndin! o5 the6 re5er to Jthe re$lK or rel$te the n$rr$ti4e to it <see ,h$pter 8=. For 1$rthes Jthe re$lK is ne4er $,,essible in its o#n ter6s, $nd is there5ore not p$rt o5 the study o5 6e$nin! or o5 n$rr$ti4e. Ae repl$,es the notion o5 the re$l #ith th$t o5 ,ultureDs ,onstru,tion o5 the re$l, #hi,h ,$n be 5ound only in ,ultur$l produ,ts <su,h $s te:ts= $nd not in re$lity itsel5. %4ery te:t, in this theory, re5ers not to re$lity but to $ll the other te:ts in $ ,ulture 5or the sense th$t it 6$*es, e4en i5 this sense is $ sense o5 re$lity. Codes $re the brid!es bet#een te:ts th$t en$ble this ,onst$nt interte:tu$l interpl$y to t$*e pl$,e. For 1$rthes, then, the *no#led!e o5 re$lity, $nd there5ore, 5or pr$,ti,$l purposes, re$lity itsel5, is interte:tu$l8 it e:ists only in the interrel$tions bet#een $ll th$t $ ,ulture h$s #ritten, spo*en, 4isu$li7ed $bout it. 2n this sense, $ll te:ts re5er to J#h$t h$s been #ritten, i.e. to the 1oo* <o5 ,ulture, o5 li5e, o5 li5e $s ,ulture=, it <the ,ode= 6$*es the te:t into $ prospe,tus o5 this boo*K <pp. 20-1=. 2n this 4ie#, $ tele4ision pro!r$6 ,$n only be understood by its rel$tionship to other tele4ision pro!r$6s, not by $ny rel$tionship to the re$l. (o $ represent$tion o5 $ ,$r ,h$se only 6$*es sense in rel$tion to $ll the others #e h$4e seen - $5ter $ll, #e $re unli*ely to h$4e e:perien,ed one in re$lity, $nd i5 #e did, #e #ould, $,,ordin! to this 6odel, 6$*e sense o5 it by turnin! it into $nother te:t, #hi,h #e #ould $lso underst$nd interte:tu$lly, in ter6s o5 #h$t #e h$4e seen so o5ten on our s,reens. +here is then $ ,ultur$l *no#led!e o5 the ,on,ept J,$r ,h$seK th$t $ny one te:t is

$ prospe,tus 5or, $nd th$t is used by the 4ie#er to de,ode it, $nd by the produ,er to en,ode it. +here is, $,,ordin! to 1$rthes, $n $deGu$te but li6ited nu6ber o5 su,h ,ultur$l *no#led!es, #hi,h he usu$lly identi5ies by 4erb$l nouns, be,$use they $re 5or6s o5 $,tion. %:$6ples o5 these $re J+he Fidn$ppin!, K J+he Meetin!, K J+he (edu,tion, K $nd so on. %$,h n$rr$ti4e is $ re#ritin! o5 these $lre$dy #ritten J*no#led!esK o5 the ,ulture $nd e$,h te:t 6$*es sense only in so 5$r $s it re#rites $nd re-presents the6 5or us. Liter$ry $nd hi!h $rt ,riti,s, #ho set $ hi!h 4$lue on ori!in$lity $nd ,re$ti4ity, 6$y be o55ended by this theory, but those o5 us ,on,erned #ith $s ,on4ention$l $nd repetitious $ 6ediu6 $s tele4ision, should 5ind it 6ore re$dily $,,ept$ble. -11 1$rthes #$s interested e:,lusi4ely in liter$ture $s he de4eloped his theory, $nd liter$ture di55ers 5ro6 tele4ision in th$t it is, in !ener$l, e:pli,itly 5i,tion$l. 2t is pro4o,$ti4e, then, to $pply these ide$s to J5$,tu$lK tele4ision, su,h $s ne#s. +his #ould e:pl$in our underst$ndin! o5 $ ne#s ite6 not in ter6s o5 its rel$tion to the Jre$l e4entK but $s $ prospe,tus o5 the $lre$dy #ritten <$nd thus $lre$dy re$d= J1oo*. K (o $ ne#s ite6 o5 politi,i$ns 6eetin! $ di!nit$ry $t $n $irport is en,oded $nd de,oded $,,ordin! to our ,ultur$l *no#led!e o5 J+he 0reetin!. K 3n e$rthGu$*e, $ 5ire, $nd $ 5$6ine $re si6il$rly understood $s spe,i5i, tr$ns5or6$tions o5 J+he Cis$sterK #ith $ll its ,onnot$tions o5 the 5r$!ility o5 ,ultureDs ,ontrol o4er n$ture. +he interte:tu$lity o5 ne#s is not 6erely !eneri, <in #hi,h $ll Je,ono6i,K stories re5er to e$,h other= but is $lso 6ore bro$dly ,ultur$l8 ne#s, $s $ n$rr$ti4e, re5ers to $ll other n$rr$ti4es $nd their *no#led!es. Represent$tion, then, be,o6es $ re#ritin!, r$ther th$n $ spe,i5i, response to $ spe,i5i, e4ent or to $n ori!in$l, ,re$ti4e Jide$. K (tu$rt A$ll <198;= h$s noted th$t the t#entieth ,enturyDs 6$ssi4e de4elop6ent o5 the 6e$ns o5 reprodu,in! $nd ,ir,ul$tin! i6$!es h$s pushed represent$tion into the ,enter o5 the ,ultur$l $ren$. +he nineteenth-,enturyDs e6piri,ist ,on,ern #ith the reprodu,tion o5 the re$l h$s re,eded $s the re$l h$s 5$ded behind the i6per$ti4e, in,ess$nt i6$!es o5 our ,ulture. 26$!es $re ,le$rer, 6ore i6pressi4e th$n the re$lity they ,l$i6 to represent, but they $re $lso 5r$!6ented, ,ontr$di,tory $nd e:hibit $ 4$st 4$riety th$t Guestions the unity o5 the #orld o5 e:perien,e. 26$!es $re 6$de $nd re$d in rel$tion to other i6$!es $nd the re$l is re$d $s $n i6$!e. +ele4ision ,o66er,i$ls $re not J$boutK produ,ts, but $re i6$!es o5 desire $nd ple$sure th$t o4er#hel6 the produ,t they $re $tt$,hed to. +B ne#s is $ 6os$i, o5 i6$!es o5 elite persons, horri5i, n$ture, $nd hu6$n 4iolen,e. +B sport is $ *$leidos,ope o5 i6$!es o5 6us,le, o5 s*ill, o5 p$in. +he i6$!es $re #h$t 6$tter, they e:ist in their o#n 5li,*erin! do6$in $nd ne4er ,o6e to rest in $ 5ir6 $n,hor$!e in the re$l. &ost6odernis6 posits the re?e,tion o5 6e$nin! in its $55ir6$tion o5 the i6$!e $s si!ni5ier #ith no 5in$l si!ni5iedM i6$!es e:ist in $n in5inite ,h$in o5 interte:tu$lity. +his deni$l o5 $ 5in$l 6e$nin! 5or i6$!es h$s si6il$rities #ith the de,onstru,tionistsD re$din! o5 Cerrid$8 the in5initely re,edin! si!ni5ied redu,es l$n!u$!e to $ 5ree pl$y o5 si!ni5iers th$t denies the possibility o5 $ny 5i:ed or 5in$l 6e$nin!. 'h$t is #el,o6e in these 4ie#s is their e6ph$sis upon the inst$bility o5 sy6boli, syste6s $nd the $bsen,e o5 $ 5in$l $uthorit$ti4e J6e$nin!K $!$inst #hi,h the J,orre,tnessK or JtruthK o5 spe,i5i,

re$din!s ,$n be ?ud!ed. 'h$t is unprodu,ti4e, ho#e4er, is the belie5 in the i6possibility o5 $ 6e$nin!, be,$use 6e$nin! is ne,ess$rily in5initely elusi4e $nd thus the se$r,h 5or it is 6isdire,ted. +o ,ounter$,t this #e need to shi5t our 5o,us 5ro6 the te:t to its 6o6ents o5 re$din!M points o5 st$bility $nd $n,hored 6e$nin!s <ho#e4er te6por$ry= $re to be 5ound not in the te:t itsel5, but in its re$din! by $ so,i$lly $nd histori,$lly situ$ted 4ie#er. (u,h $ 6e$nin! is, o5 ,ourse, not 5i:ed in $ uni4ers$l, e6piri,$l Jre$lity, K but in the so,i$l situ$tion o5 the 4ie#er. Ci55erent re$din!s 6$y st$bili7e te:ts di55erently $nd 6o6ent$rily, but they do $,hie4e 6o6ents o5 st$bility, 6o6ents o5 6e$nin!. -11; <ertical interte4t/ality= reading the secondary te4t Cenyin! $ny 5in$l te:tu$l 6e$nin! $n,hored in re$lity is only pushin! the notion o5 polyse6y to its e:tre6e. 2t is p$rt o5 the s$6e 4ie# o5 the te:t #hi,h stresses its in$bility to poli,e or 5i: its o#n 6e$nin!s. &olyse6y #or*s throu!h te:tu$l de4i,es #hi,h $d6it o5 $ 4$riety o5 re$din!s. +his 4$riety is not $n$r,hi,, but is deli6ited by the stru,ture o5 the te:t, $nd the re$din!s th$t ,o6prise it $re $l#$ys 6$de in rel$tion to those pre5erred by the te:t itsel5. 1e,$use tele4ision is institution$l $rt #ith $ stron! e,ono6i, 6oti4e, this pre5erred re$din! #ill nor6$lly be$r the do6in$nt ideolo!y, $nd the rel$tion o5 $ny one sub,ultureDs re$din! to the pre5erred re$din! reprodu,es the rel$tion o5 th$t sub,ulture to the do6in$nt ideolo!y. Re$din! rel$tions $nd so,i$l rel$tions reprodu,e e$,h other. Ch$pter h$s sho#n so6e o5 the #$ys in #hi,h the so,i$l situ$tion o5 4ie#ers in5luen,es the re$din!s they 6$*e o5 tele4ision, $nd thus ho# they 6obili7e its polyse6y to ser4e their ,ultur$l interests. Mobili7in! its polyse6y in4ol4es $,ti4$tin! one set o5 6e$nin!s r$ther th$n $ny o5 the others, or respondin! to so6e ,ontr$di,tions r$ther th$n others. +his sele,tion is r$rely $ ,ons,ious or intention$l pro,ess, but it is none the less $n $,ti4e one, so the phr$se J$,ti4$tin! $ set o5 6e$nin!sK is $pt. 1ut besides bein! polyse6i,, the tele4ision te:t h$s le$*y bound$ries, $nd 4ie#ers brin! to be$r on it not only their 6$teri$l so,i$l e:isten,e, but $lso their ,ultur$l e:perien,e o5 other te:ts into #hi,h it le$*s. Berti,$l interte:tu$lity ,onsists o5 $ pri6$ry te:tDs rel$tions #ith other te:ts #hi,h re5er spe,i5i,$lly to it. +hese se,ond$ry te:ts, su,h $s ,riti,is6 or publi,ity, #or* to pro6ote the ,ir,ul$tion o5 sele,ted 6e$nin!s o5 the pri6$ry te:t. +he terti$ry te:ts $re the 5in$l, ,ru,i$l st$!e o5 this ,ir,ul$tion, 5or they o,,ur $t the le4el o5 the 4ie#er $nd hisIher so,i$l rel$tions. (tudyin! the6 !i4es us $,,ess to the 6e$nin!s th$t $re in ,ir,ul$tion $t $ny one ti6e. +his 4erti,$l interte:tu$lity #or*s not only to pro4ide the $n$lyst #ith e4iden,e o5 ho# tele4isionDs polyse6i, potenti$l is spe,i5i,$lly 6obili7ed, but $lso to ser4e $s $n $!ent o5 this 6obili7$tion 5or the 4ie#er. 3s Aod!e $nd +ripp <198;= s$y8 -117-

Cis,ourse $bout tele4ision is itsel5 $ so,i$l 5or,e. 2t is $ 6$?or site o5 the 6edi$tion o5 tele4ision 6e$nin!s, $ site #here tele4ision 6e$nin!s 5use #ith other 6e$nin!s into $ ne# te:t to 5or6 $ 6$?or inter5$,e #ith the #orld o5 $,tion $nd belie5. <p. 143= 3n essenti$l ele6ent o5 tele4ision is its interte:tu$lity #ith #h$t is #ritten $nd spo*en $bout it. (e,ond$ry te:ts pl$y $ si!ni5i,$nt role in in5luen,in! #hi,h o5 tele4isionDs 6e$nin!s 6$y be $,ti4$ted in $ny one re$din!. +ele4isionDs per4$si4eness in our ,ulture is not due si6ply to the 5$,t th$t so 6u,h o5 it is bro$d,$st $nd th$t #$t,hin! it is our 6ost popul$r leisure $,ti4ity, but be,$use it per4$des so 6u,h o5 the rest o5 our ,ultur$l li5e ne#sp$pers, 6$!$7ines, $d4ertise6ents, ,on4ers$tions, r$dio, or style o5 dress, o5 6$*eup, o5 d$n,e steps. 3ll o5 these enter interte:tu$l rel$tions #ith tele4ision. 2t is i6port$nt to t$l* $bout their rel$tions #ith tele4ision, $nd not to des,ribe the6 $s spin-o55s 5ro6 it, 5or the in5luen,e is t#o-#$y. +heir 6e$nin!s $re re$d b$,* into tele4ision, ?ust $s produ,ti4ely $s tele4ision deter6ines theirs. +o illustr$te this 2 #ish to ,on,entr$te on the role pl$yed by ?ourn$listi, #ritin! $bout tele4ision. 2t 6$y be help5ul to i6$!ine e:$6ples o5 this #ritin! $rr$n!ed on $ s,$le #hose t#o ends represent the produ,ersD interests $nd the 4ie#ersD interests. 3t the produ,ersD end lie pro!r$6 publi,ity $nd $rti,les he$4ily dependent on studio press rele$ses. 3t the 4ie#ersD end, there is independent ,riti,is6 #hi,h see*s to ser4e the interests o5 the 4ie#er, either by helpin! hi6 or her to ,hoose $nd dis,ri6in$te, or by pro4idin! $ response to $ pro!r$6 to ,on5ir6 or ,h$llen!e his or hers. (o6e#here in the 6iddle ,o6e the 5$n 6$!$7ines th$t purport to be independent o5 the studios, but ob4iously rely on studio press rele$ses $nd ,ooper$tion 5or their 6$teri$l $nd $,,ess to the pl$yers 5or inter4ie#s. (tudio !ossip, ,o66ent$ry, inter4ie#s in 6$!$7ines #hose 6$in sub?e,t 6$tter is other th$n tele4ision #ill $lso 5$ll so6e#here to#$rds the 6iddle o5 the s,$le. 1ennett <1982, 1983b= $nd 1ennett $nd 'ooll$,ott <1987= h$4e theori7ed the role th$t se,ond$ry te:ts 5ro6 the produ,ersD end o5 the s,$le pl$y in helpin! to pro6ote ,ert$in re$din!s o5 the pri6$ry te:t. 2n their ,$se, the pri6$ry te:t #$s th$t interte:tu$l pheno6enon, /$6es 1ond. +hey sho# ho# pro6otion$l 6$teri$l h$s in5le,ted the 6e$nin!s o5 1ond di55erently in the di55erent periods o5 his popul$rity. +heir e6ph$sis di4er!es sli!htly 5ro6 ours, be,$use their interest lies in ho# the do6in$nt or pre5erred re$din!s ,$n ,h$n!e o4er ti6e, #here$s ours, 6ore $ppropri$te to the tr$nsien,e o5 tele4ision th$n to the 6ore per6$nent 5or6s o5 no4el $nd 5il6, is ,on,erned #ith ho# the pri6$ry te:t ,$n si6ult$neously !i4e rise to di55erent re$din!s, ,orrespondin! to the di55erent $udien,e !roups. 1ut their #or* still sho#s ho# se,ond$ry te:ts ,$n $,ti4$te the pri6$ry te:t in di55erent #$ys. +hus, in the l$te 19 0s $nd e$rly 19;0s, 1ond #$s seen $s the Cold '$r #$rrior - the publi,ity $nd boo*?$,*ets 5ore!rounded !uns $nd p$r$phern$li$ o5 spyin! - but $ de,$de l$ter 1ond be,$6e the de5iner o5 the ne# se:u$lity. 2n this period the publi,ity 5or the 5il6s $nd no4els e6ph$si7ed the 1ond !irl, $nd the i6port$nt eni!6$ o5 the n$rr$ti4e be,$6e i5, or ho#, 1ond #ould #in the !irl r$ther th$n de5e$t the 4ill$in. 1ond, $t this ti6e, liber$ted the b$,helor 5ro6 the ide$l o5 6$rri$!e, $nd the !irl liber$ted the ne# #o6$n 5ro6 the restri,tion o5 se:u$lity to 6$rri$!e.

-118Criti,is6 $nd publi,ity $re, $,,ordin! to 1ennett, $n ideolo!i,$l syste6 o5 bids $nd ,ounterbids 5or the 6e$nin!s o5 te:ts8 they $,t $s te:tu$l shi5ters 5or J1ond, K #ho h$s no st$ble set o5 6e$nin!s dis,ernible in the pri6$ry te:ts the6sel4es. @ne o5 the 6ost in5luenti$l o5 these se,ond$ry te:ts #$s (e$n Connery hi6sel5 <the st$r o5 the e$rly 1ond 5il6s=, #hose Jre$lK bio!r$phy $nd opinions #ere re$d into the pri6$ry te:ts to 5lesh out the ,h$r$,ter o5 the 5i,tion$l 1ond. 'e #ill dis,uss the notion o5 ,h$r$,ter 6ore 5ully in ,h$pter 9, but it is i6port$nt to note here ho# 6u,h $ttention these se,ond$ry te:ts de4ote to the li4es $nd opinions o5 the $,tors $nd $,tresses #ho pl$y the ,h$r$,ters in tele4ision dr$6$, $nd ho# these re$l-li5e bio!r$phies $re 6obili7ed to 6$*e the 5i,tion$l ,h$r$,ters $ppe$r 6ore re$l. +he ,on,ern o5 AobsonDs <1982= sub?e,ts #ith the re$listi,ness o5 Cross;roads 5o,used pri6$rily on the belie4$bility o5 the ,h$r$,ters $nd their $,tions or re$,tions. 3n!Ds <198 = 4ie#ers o5 allas e:pressed $ si6il$r ,on,ern in their e4$lu$tion o5 4$rious ,h$r$,tersD J!enuineness. K +he #$y th$t 4ie#ers rel$te to ,h$r$,ters is not $s str$i!ht5or#$rd $s the J,ultur$l dopeK 5$ll$,y #ould h$4e us belie4e, $nd #ill be dis,ussed in 6ore det$il in ,h$pter 9, but it is ,ert$inly $ ,o66on desire o5 4ie#ers th$t ,h$r$,ters should $ppe$r Jre$l. K (o it is no surprise to 5ind in so$p oper$ 5$n7ines, 5or e:$6ple, photo!r$phs th$t $re $6bi!uously o5 the pl$yer or the ,h$r$,ter, $s thou!h the t#o #ere indistin!uish$ble. 2n Fi!ure 7.1 <$=, 5or e:$6ple, it is not ,le$r i5 the photo!r$phs $re o5 the $,tors or o5 their ,h$r$,ters. +he ,odes o5 dress, e:pression, $nd 6$*e-up $re $6bi4$lentM only the ,ode o5 the ,$6er$ indi,$tes th$t these i6$!es $re prob$bly o5 the $,tors. 3,tors, #ho $re Jre$lK people, ,on4ention$lly $,*no#led!e the presen,e o5 the ,$6er$ $nd there5ore o5 the spe,t$tor, by loo*in! $t the lens, ,h$r$,ters r$rely do. <+his ,on4ention, li*e $ll others, is ne4er in4iol$ble8 Fi!ure 7.1 <b= sho#s ,h$r$,ters $,*no#led!in! the still ,$6er$ $s they #ould ne4er $,*no#led!e the tele4ision one. = 1ut the he$dline ,ontr$di,ts the ,$6er$ ,ode8 it is, $5ter $ll, the ,h$r$,ters $nd not the $,tors #ho li4e in &ine B$lley. +his pro6otion o5 $ re$din! str$te!y th$t pl$ys #ith the bound$ry bet#een the 5i,tion$l $nd the re$l o,,urs in the #ords o5 these se,ond$ry te:ts $s #ell8 -119Figure 7.1 Am1ig/o/s photographs= actors or characters>

<$= &hoto!r$phs $re $6bi!uously o5 the ,h$r$,ter or o5 the pl$yer. 2n <$=, the dress, settin!s, $nd he$dline su!!est they $re o5 the ,h$r$,ter, but the ,$ption $nd the loo* $t the ,$6er$ su!!est the opposite. 2n <b=, the photo!r$ph is 6ore ,le$rly o5 the ,h$r$,ters, yet they loo* $t the ,$6er$ $s thou!h they #ere Jre$lK people. Mer!in! pl$yer #ith ,h$r$,ter is $nother inst$n,e o5 h$4in! 5un #ith the bound$ry bet#een the 5i,tion$l $nd the re$l.

<b= -1202t see6s odd, doesnDt it, th$t one d$y $ A$rdy boy #ould end up 6$rryin! $ Bul,$nH 2tDs not re$lly $s str$n!e $s it sounds, but it is entirely trueO A$ndso6e &$r*er (te4enson, the e4il $nd dirty /oel M,C$rthy o5 Falcon Crest, h$s 5ound h$ppiness in the $r6s o5 $n $lien. +he e:-A$rdy boy <he st$rred #ith (h$un C$ssidy= 6et his #i5e-to-be #hile she #$s 5il6in! the 5e$ture "tar Tre+/ the ,rath of Chan$ < aytime0)ighttime "oap "tars "o. 7, Febru$ry 198 8 7 = +he l$n!u$!e slips e$sily, #ith no sense o5 str$in, bet#een th$t o5 represent$tion, #hi,h sep$r$tes pl$yer 5ro6 ,h$r$,ter - Jst$rred, K J5il6in!K - $nd th$t #hi,h identi5ies pl$yer #ith ,h$r$,ter - J$ A$rdy boy 6$rryin! $ Bul,$n, K J&$r*er (te4enson, the e4il $nd dirty /oel M,C$rthy. K aytimers <M$y 198 = ,$rried $n $rti,le J#rittenK by the ,h$r$,ter $bout the pl$yer, #hi,h is only ,$rryin! to its lo!i,$l e:tre6e the ,o66on pr$,ti,e o5 h$4in! the pl$yer t$l* $bout his or her ,h$r$,ter $s i5 it #ere $ re$l person. +his sort o5 se,ond$ry te:t, $,,ordin! to 1ennett <1983b=, ,onstru,ts J$ series o5 6i,ro-n$rr$ti4es in #hi,h the Rre$lD bio!r$phies, 4ie#s $nd 4$lues o5 the st$rs 5ill out, but $re $lso 5illed out by, the ,h$r$,ter o5 the hero <or heroine=K <p. 21;=. 'e 6ust be ,$re5ul not to let the J,ultur$l dopeK 5$ll$,y le$d us to belie4e th$t the so$p 5$ns $re in,$p$ble o5 distin!uishin! bet#een ,h$r$,ter $nd pl$yer8 the ?o*ey tone o5 the pie,e $bout the A$rdy boy 6$rryin! $ Bul,$n is typi,$l, $nd indi,$tes th$t this is $n intention$l illusion, $ ,onspir$,y entered into by 4ie#er $nd ?ourn$list in order to in,re$se the ple$sure o5 the pro!r$6. 3 si6il$r sense o5 sel5-delusion lies behind the photo!r$phs $nd their he$dlines o5 Fi!ure 7.1. +his deliber$te sel5-delusion is 5un8 it in4ol4es pl$yin! #ith the bound$ry bet#een the represent$tion $nd the re$l, $nd pl$yin! #ith the du$lity o5 the 4ie#ersD re$din! position $s it s#it,hes bet#een in4ol4e6ent $nd det$,h6ent. 1oth Aobson <1982= $nd 3n! <198 = 5ound this to be $ ,o66on re$din! str$te!y #hi,h $llo#ed 4ie#ers to en?oy the ple$sure o5 the illusion #ithout surrenderin! the6sel4es tot$lly to it. +he n$ture o5 tele4ision $s represent$tion is ne4er lost si!ht o5 despite the deliber$te deni$l. +hese se,ond$ry te:ts $re eGu$lly ,on,erned to ,elebr$te the h$rd #or* $nd the pro5ession$lis6 o5 the $,tors $nd $,tresses. +hey 5reGuently t$*e the re$der on to the set to sho# ho# the pro!r$6 is 6$de, they 5reGuently tr$,e the person$l history o5 the $,tor or $,tors throu!h $ nu6ber o5 di55erent roles in di55erent so$p oper$s, $nd they 5reGuently dr$# $ttention to the $,tin! s*ills reGuired to produ,e this illusion o5 the re$l <see Fi!ure 7.2=. +hese se,ond$ry te:ts, then, $re no 6ore uni4o,$l th$n the pri6$ry ones. +hou!h they pro6ote $ re$listi, re$din! o5 tele4ision, they $re shot throu!h #ith ,le$r re5eren,es to

tele4ision $s $ syste6 o5 represent$tion. 'hen #e $re re6inded #hi,h ,h$r$,ter $ p$rti,ul$r pl$yer pl$ys the tone is 5$,tu$l $nd -121-

ob?e,ti4e in ,ontr$st to the e:,essi4eness o5 the l$n!u$!e #hen the 5i,tion$l is tre$ted $s thou!h it #ere the re$l. +hese 6$!$7ines en,our$!e the re$der to enter into the delusion o5 re$lis6 not ?ust to in,re$se the ple$sure o5 th$t delusion, but $lso to in,re$se the $,ti4eness $nd sense o5 ,ontrol th$t !o #ith it. +he $rti,le th$t #$s he$ded by Fi!ure 7.1 be!ins8 Co6petition. 2tDs so6ethin! .ll My Children-s Mi,h$el Fni!ht $nd (te4e C$55rey h$4e been lo,*ed into 5or o4er $ ye$r no#. @n-s,reen their popul$r ,h$r$,ters, pl$yboy +$d M$rtin $nd 6$n-$bout-to#n 3ndre# &reston, $re in hot pursuit o5 the s$6e &ine B$lley ,utie - Cottie +hornton. @55-s,reen Mi,h$el $nd (te4e #ere re,ently 4yin! 5or the s$6e d$yti6e %66y $#$rd . . . . 1ut #hen you !et do#n to b$si,s, ?ust #hi,h one o5 these .MC heroes is re$lly the hottest !uy in to#nH &erh$ps $n indepth loo* $t both these 5ine $,tors $nd #h$t 6$*es the6 ti,* ,$n help you de,ide. < aytime TA( "o4e6ber 198 8 1;= +his is Guite typi,$l - the bio!r$phies o5 the $,tors, in re$l ,o6petition, $re 6obili7ed to $uthenti,$te the 5i,tion$l ,o6petiti4eness o5 the ,h$r$,ters, so e4$lu$tin! the se:iness o5 the ,h$r$,ter in4ol4es $n in-depth study o5 the $,tor. +here is $lso $n $tte6pt to 6obili7e the $,ti4ity o5 the re$der. +hese 6$!$7ines $bound #ith Guestions $ddressed to the re$der $s*in! his or her opinion on ,h$r$,ters, on plotlines, or on in,idents. F$ns $re $s*ed both to e4$lu$te $nd predi,t8 J'ill (h$n$Ds <(us$n Felly= lo4e 5or F$ther /i6 <&eter C$4ies= ruin $ny ,h$n,e o5 h$ppiness she 6$y h$4e #ith Mi*e </$6es Filberd=HK 4"oap Bpera igest, 3u!ust 27, 198 8 71=. +hese opinions $re 5reGuently 5or6$li7ed into polls, so th$t 5$ns ,$n ,o6p$re their opinions #ith those o5 others. +hus the $rti,le $bout the ri4$l .MC heroes Guoted $bo4e ends #ith $ b$llot 5or6 so th$t e4ery re$der ,$n ,ontribute to $ns#erin! the Guestion J'ho is the se:iest !uy in &ine B$lleyHK. F$ns $re en,our$!ed both to J!ossipK $nd to J#riteK their o#n s,ripts8 +he identity o5 the 6ysterious priest <pl$yed by Fen @lin= in Falcon Crest ne:t se$son is $ se,ret, but #e suspe,t he #ill turn out to be /uli$Ds <3bby C$lton= ille!iti6$te son. +hin* o5 the possibilities. <"oap Bpera igest, 3u!ust 27, 198 8 73= &olls ,$n be used to 6$*e this solit$ry i6$!in$ti4e $,ti4ity into $ ,olle,ti4e publi, one $nd thus use it to help ,onstru,t $ sense o5 the ,o66unity o5 4ie#ers. +hese 6$!$7ines do not ,re$te this $,ti4ity, but they *no# it is there, en,our$!e it, $nd !i4e it $ publi, st$tus in their letter ,olu6ns $nd polls in order to enh$n,e the ple$sures o5 the $,ti4e

4ie#er. +hey $lso enh$n,e the produ,erly $,ti4ity o5 the 4ie#er, 5or the industri$l produ,ers do re$d the6 $nd do t$*e $,,ount o5 the6 in their de,isions $bout the de4elop6ent o5 plotlines. -123 The tertiary te4t +his le$ds us on to the third le4el o5 the interte:tu$lity o5 tele4ision. +hese $re the te:ts th$t the 4ie#ers 6$*e the6sel4es out o5 their responses, #hi,h ,ir,ul$te or$lly or in letters to the press, $nd #hi,h #or* to 5or6 $ ,olle,ti4e r$ther th$n $n indi4idu$l response. +his is then re$d b$,* into the pro!r$6 $s $ te:tu$l $,ti4$tor. +hese third-le4el te:ts 5or6 6u,h o5 the d$t$ 5or the ethno!r$phi, study o5 $udien,es, they $re Jethnose6iolo!i,$l d$t$K <F$t7 $nd Liebes 198 8 189=. +hey ,$n be publi,, su,h $s letters to the p$pers or the results o5 opinion polls, or pri4$te, su,h $s the ,on4ers$tion bet#een 6e6bers o5 the 5$6ily, or !ossip bet#een 5riends <see ,h$pter =. @r they ,$n be so6e#here in bet#een su,h $s the responses !i4en to rese$r,hers li*e Morley <1980$=, Aobson <1982=, 3n! <198 =, F$t7 $nd Liebes <1984, 198 =, Aod!e $nd +ripp <198;=, or +ullo,h $nd Mor$n <198;=. (tudyin! the6 ,$n !i4e us insi!hts into ho# the pri6$ry $nd se,ond$ry te:ts $re re$d $nd ,ir,ul$ted in the ,ulture o5 the 4ie#ers. +he 5ollo#in! letter !i4es us so6e ,lues $s to ho# $ General !ospital 5$n re$ds her 5$4orite pro!r$68 +hey $re the shinin! st$rs o5 General !ospital $nd 2 ,ouldnDt i6$!ine the sho# #ithout the6. @n the other h$nd, #hen Lu*e $nd L$ur$ le5t &ort Ch$rles, their dep$rture see6ed li*e the n$tur$l ,on,lusion to $ p$ir o5 pre4iously belo4ed ,h$r$,ters #ho, 5or #h$te4er re$son, h$d be!un to 5i77le out. 2 $d6it 2 6issed +ony 0e$ry $nd 0enie Fr$n,is $t 5irst, but 2D6 !l$d they !ot out be5ore their ,h$r$,ters be,$6e su,h o4erpo#erin! bores th$t #e 5or6er 5$ns #ould be!in to despise the6 on si!ht. +hey h$d so 6$ny unre$l $d4entures, #h$t else #$s le5t 5or the6 to do or s$yH Aolly $nd Robert, by ,o6p$rison, h$4e their 5eet pl$nted 5ir6ly on the !round. 'e 4ie#ers ,$n e:perien,e their true ro6$n,e. +heir ,he6istry is so ri!ht-on $nd their lo4e s,enes so belie4$ble th$t 2 re$lly en4y %66$ ($66s. 2 ne'er #$nted to step into 0enie Fr$n,isD shoesO 3ll she e4er !ot #$s !rie5. < aytimers( /une 198 8 ;= +his letter sho#s the 5$6ili$r desire to see the 5i,tion$l $s re$l, $ desire th$t both pri6$ry $nd se,ond$ry te:ts pl$y on, $nd is $n e:$6ple o5 $ tenden,y noted by both Aobson $nd 3n! in #hi,h #h$t is li*ed is seen $s re$l, $nd #h$t is disli*ed $s unre$l. 1ut it $lso sho#s $n $#$reness o5 the represent$tion$l ,on4entions o5 so$p oper$ re$lis6, th$t ,h$r$,ters $nd stories h$4e only so 6u,h li5e or interest in the6, th$t they $re, in other #ords, ,re$ted to entert$in the 4ie#ers r$ther th$n to represent the re$l in $ tr$nsp$rent or ob?e,ti4e #$y. -124-

+he ple$sure o5 General !ospital, 5or this 5$n $t le$st, is the ple$sure o5 Ji6pli,$tionK <see ,h$pter 9=, $ ,ontrolled identi5i,$tion #ith ,h$r$,ters th$t ne,ess$rily in4ol4es Jbelie4$bilityK $nd Jtruth. K +he t#o #ords $re $l6ost inter,h$n!e$ble, but the ,riteri$ upon #hi,h their 4$lues $re ?ud!ed $re not the ob?e,ti4e ones o5 e6piri,is6 but the sub?e,ti4e ones o5 intern$li7ed nor6s o5 5eelin! $nd beh$4ior. +hese nor6s deri4e pri6$rily 5ro6 the ,on4entions o5 so$p oper$ re$lis6 #hi,h reGuire, 5or inst$n,e, th$t #hen $ p$ir o5 ,h$r$,ters be!in to J5i77le outK their plotline should re$,h $ Jn$tur$l ,on,lusion. K +hese ,on4entions produ,e $n i6pression o5 JtruthK resultin! in $ Jbelie4$bilityK th$t 6$y #ell be stron!er th$n th$t produ,ed by $,tu$l so,i$l e:perien,e, be,$use the so,i$l nor6s $re 6ore ,le$rly en,oded in the ,on4entions th$n in so,i$l e:perien,e. 'here the ,on4entions de4i$te 5ro6 so,i$l e:perien,e is $ point o5 possible interro!$tion o5 th$t e:perien,e, or o5 the nor6s, or o5 other, possibly 6ore do6in$nt $nd less Jpopul$r, K 4$lues. %thno!r$phi, studies pro4ide us #ith nu6erous e:$6ples o5 these terti$ry te:ts, but ethno!r$phy typi,$lly tends to re$d these te:ts $s responses, th$t is, $s the result o5 4ie#in!8 it does not see the6 $s bein! re$d b$,* into the pro!r$6 $nd $,ti4$tin! its 6e$nin!s in $ p$rti,ul$r #$y. 3ny $,ti4ity it 5inds in the6, $ny $bility to initi$te ,onseGuen,es, is ,on5ined to so,i$l e:perien,e, not tele4ision. )et the #$y th$t Aod!e $nd +rippDs <198;= s,hool ,hildren, 5or e:$6ple, re$d Prisoner 6ust h$4e #or*ed upon their ,ontinuous 4ie#in! o5 the pro!r$6 ?ust $s 6u,h $s it did upon their e:perien,e o5 s,hool, $nd F$t7 $nd Liebes <1984, 198 = 5ound 6$ny e:$6ples o5 !ossip helpin! 4ie#ers to $,ti4$te ,ert$in 6e$nin!s o5 allas in pre5eren,e to others. 2n $ study o5 the ,ultur$l 6e$nin!s o5 M$donn$ <Fis*e 1987$=, 2 used t#o sorts o5 terti$ry te:ts $s e4iden,e o5 youn! !irl 5$nsD $bility to 6$*e their sub,ultur$l 6e$nin!s out o5 the pri6$ry te:t o5 M$donn$ hersel5. 2n $ dis,ussion bet#een 5$ns, one 14-ye$r-old !irl s$id8 (heDs t$rty $nd sedu,ti4e . . . but it loo*s $lri!ht #hen she does it, you *no# #h$t 2 6e$n, i5 $nyone else did it, it #ould loo* ri!ht t$rty, $ ri!ht t$rt you *no#, but #ith her itDs @F, itDs $,,ept$ble . . . #ith $nyone else it #ould be $bsolutely outr$!eous, it sounds silly, but itDs @F #ith her, you *no# #h$t 2 6e$n. 2n this #e ,$n see her stru!!le to e:press her 6e$nin!s o5 M$donn$ th$t ,ontr$di,t the do6in$nt p$tri$r,h$l ones o5 t$rtiness $nd to 5ind ones J$,,ept$bleK to the !irl 5$ns, #hose interests $re ,le$rly di55erent 5ro6 those o5 the do6in$nt p$tri$r,hy, but #ho l$,* $ 5or6$l l$n!u$!e in #hi,h to e:press the68 the te:ts o5 M$donn$ 5ill this l$,* 5or the6. -12 3 less dire,t terti$ry te:t th$t ser4es the s$6e purpose, is the #ords o5 other M$donn$ 5$ns Guoted in Time <M$y 27, 198 8 47=8 (heDs se:y $nd she doesnDt need 6en . . . sheDs *ind o5 there $ll by hersel5 or (he !i4es us ide$s. 2tDs re$lly #o6enDs lib, not bein! $5r$id o5 #h$t !uys thin*.

+he ,ontr$di,tions in the pri6$ry te:ts o5 M$donn$, her 6usi, 4ideos, $re e:pressed in the opposition bet#een these 5$nsD ,o66ents $nd th$t o5 Playboy <(epte6ber 198 8 122= on beh$l5 o5 its re$ders <$ 4ery di55erent sub,ultur$l !roup=8 1est o5 $ll, her onst$!e ,ontortions $nd 1oy +oy 4oi,e h$4e put soppin! se: #here it belon!s - 5ront $nd ,enter in the li6eli!ht. Interte4t/ality and polysemy 2t is the polyse6y o5 M$donn$ th$t $llo#s her to $ppe$l to su,h di55erent $udien,es $s youn! !irls $nd Playboy re$ders, the 5irst $ resisti4e sub,ulture, the se,ond one th$t $,,o66od$tes e$sily $nd e:$,tly to the do6in$nt p$tri$r,h$l ideolo!y. 2nterte:tu$l ,riti,is6 sho#s ho# the one pri6$ry te:t ,$n be $rti,ul$ted <A$ll 198;= #ith others, or #ith other ,ultur$l do6$ins, to e:ploit its polyse6y. A$ll uses the ter6 J$rti,ul$tionK in its du$l senses o5 Jspe$*in!K $nd Jlin*$!eK <see belo#, ,h$pter 14=. 'hen M$donn$Ds pri6$ry te:ts $re Jlin*edK to the subordin$te ,ulture o5 youn! !irls in p$tri$r,hy they Jspe$*K Guite di55erently 5ro6 #hen they $re Jlin*edK #ith the se:ist 6$s,uline ,ulture o5 Playboy$ Re$din! the se,ond$ry $nd terti$ry te:ts ,$n help us see ho# the pri6$ry te:t ,$n be $rti,ul$ted into the !ener$l ,ulture in di55erent #$ys, by di55erent re$ders in di55erent sub,ultures. +he plur$lity o5 these 6e$nin!s $nd $rti,ul$tions is not, o5 ,ourse, $ stru,tureless plur$lis6, but is ti!htly or!$ni7ed $round te:tu$l $nd so,i$l po#er. +he 5$,t th$t allas h$s 6ore 6e$nin!s th$n Aolly#ood ,$n ,ontrol or $ny one $udien,e !roup ,$n $,ti4$te, does not ne!$te tele4isionDs stru!!le to ,ontrol its 6e$nin!s, $nd pre5er so6e o4er others. +he pre5erred 6e$nin!s in tele4ision $re !ener$lly those th$t ser4e the interests o5 the do6in$nt ,l$sses8 other 6e$nin!s $re stru,tured in rel$tions o5 do6in$n,e-subordin$tion to those pre5erred ones $s the so,i$l !roups th$t $,ti4$te the6 $re stru,tured in $ po#er rel$tionship #ithin the so,i$l syste6. +he te:tu$l $tte6pt to ,ont$in 6e$nin! is the se6ioti, eGui4$lent o5 the e:er,ise o5 so,i$l po#er o4er the di4ersity o5 subordin$te so,i$l !roups, $nd the se6ioti, po#er o5 the subordin$te to 6$*e their o#n 6e$nin!s is the eGui4$lent o5 their $bility to e4$de, oppose, or ne!oti$te #ith this so,i$l po#er. "ot only is the te:t polyse6i, in itsel5, but its 6ultitude o5 interte:tu$l rel$tions in,re$ses its polyse6i, potenti$l. -12;Chapter ? #arrative +he n$rr$ti4es o5 the #orld $re nu6berless. "$rr$ti4e is 5irst $nd 5ore6ost $ prodi!ious 4$riety o5 !enres, the6sel4es distributed $6on!st di55erent subst$n,es - $s thou!h $ny 6$teri$l #ere 5it to re,ei4e 6$nDs stories. 3ble to be ,$rried by $rti,ul$ted l$n!u$!e, spo*en or #ritten, 5i:ed or 6o4in! i6$!es, !estures, $nd the ordered 6i:ture o5 $ll these subst$n,esM n$rr$ti4e is present in 6yth, le!end, 5$ble, t$le, no4ell$, epi,, history, tr$!edy, dr$6$, ,o6edy, 6i6e, p$intin! <thin* o5 C$rp$,,ioDs "aint Drsula=, st$ined-!l$ss #indo#s, ,ine6$, ,o6i,s, ne#s ite6s, ,on4ers$tion. Moreo4er, under this $l6ost in5inite di4ersity o5 5or6s, n$rr$ti4e is present in e4ery $!e, in e4ery pl$,e, in e4ery so,ietyM it

be!ins #ith the 4ery history o5 6$n*ind $nd there no#here is nor h$s been $ people #ithout n$rr$ti4e. 3ll ,l$sses, $ll hu6$n !roups, h$4e their n$rr$ti4es, en?oy6ent o5 #hi,h is 4ery o5ten sh$red by 6en #ith di55erent, e4en opposin!, ,ultur$l b$,*!rounds. C$rin! nothin! 5or the di4ision bet#een !ood $nd b$d liter$ture, n$rr$ti4e is intern$tion$l, tr$nshistori,$l, tr$ns,ultur$l8 it is si6ply there, li*e li5e itsel5. <1$rthes 1977$8 79, 19828 2 1= "$rr$ti4e $nd l$n!u$!e $re t#o o5 the 6$in ,ultur$l pro,esses sh$red by $ll so,ieties8 they $re Jsi6ply there, li*e li5e itsel5. K Li*e l$n!u$!e, n$rr$ti4e is $ b$si, #$y o5 6$*in! sense o5 our e:perien,e o5 the re$l, $nd stru,tur$lists h$4e $r!ued th$t it sh$res 6$ny o5 l$n!u$!eDs properties, th$t it is stru,tured $lon! the t#in $:es o5 the p$r$di!6$ti, $nd synt$!6$ti,, th$t there 6$y be $ uni4ers$l n$rr$ti4e stru,ture, the eGui4$lent o5 langue, o5 #hi,h spe,i5i, n$rr$ti4es $re the paroles, $nd th$t its si!ni5i,$tion ne,ess$rily #or*s $t denot$ti4e $nd ,onnot$ti4e le4els. Further6ore it is li*e l$n!u$!e in th$t its denot$ti4e rel$tionship #ith the re$l is illusory $nd its si!ni5yin! $bility deri4es 5ro6 its syste6i, n$ture $nd its intern$rr$ti4e <interte:tu$l= rel$tions8 th$t is, its ,$te!ori7in! $nd stru,turin! pro,esses si!ni5y not be,$use o5 their oper$tion upon re$lity, but be,$use o5 their rel$tionship to these pro,esses in other n$rr$ti4es $nd other si!ni5yin! 5or6s. 0i4en th$t n$rr$ti4e is su,h $ 5und$6ent$l ,ultur$l pro,ess, it is not surprisin! th$t tele4ision is predo6in$ntly n$rr$tion$l in its 6ode. +ele4ision dr$6$ is ob4iously n$rr$ti4e, but so too is ne#sM do,u6ent$ries i6pose $ n$rr$ti4e stru,ture upon their sub?e,t 6$tterM sport $nd Gui7 sho#s $re presented in ter6s o5 ,h$r$,ter, ,on5li,t, $nd resolution. M$ny ,o66er,i$l $nd ro,* 4ideos $re 6ini-n$rr$ti4esM $r!u$bly only 6usi, l$,*s $ n$rr$ti4e stru,ture, $nd e4en th$t h$s si6il$rities in its $bility to stru,ture ti6e. -128"$rr$ti4e #or*s $s $ sense-6$*in! 6e,h$nis6 pri6$rily throu!h t#o di6ensions. +he synt$!6$ti, is the di6ension upon #hi,h it lin*s e4ents r$tion$lly, $,,ordin! to the l$#s o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t or to those o5 $sso,i$tion. 'hi,he4er prin,iple it e6ploys, it lin*s e4ents to!ether so $s to 6$*e their rel$tionship 6e$nin!5ul $nd there5ore underst$nd$ble. +his re5us$l o5 r$ndo6ness ,re$tes ,onseGuen,e out o5 seGuen,e $nd in so doin! pro4ides the 6e$ns o5 underst$ndin! th$t 6ost elusi4e di6ension - ti6e. 2n the p$r$di!6$ti, di6ension, n$rr$ti4e t$*es ,h$r$,ter $nd settin!s $nd 6$*es $ non-te6por$l sense o5 the6 th$t ser4es $s $n $ddition$l uni5yin! $!en,y upon the synt$!6$ti, ,h$in o5 e4ents. "$rr$ti4e stru,ture de6onstr$tes th$t people $nd pl$,es $re not $n$r,hi, $nd r$ndo6, but sensible, $nd then ,o6bines the p$r$di!6$ti, sense o5 pl$,es $nd people #ith the synt$!6$ti, sense o5 e4ents $nd ti6e into $ !r$nd si!ni5yin! p$ttern <Ch$t6$n 1978=. LV4i-(tr$uss 5inds $ deep stru,ture o5 6e$nin!s in 6ythi, n$rr$ti4es th$t ,$n only be !r$sped by t$*in! ,h$r$,ters, settin!s, $nd $,tions out o5 the synt$!6$ti, 5lo#, $nd by $n$ly7in! their p$r$di!6$ti, rel$tions o5 si6il$rity $nd di55eren,e, usu$lly in ter6s o5 bin$ry oppositions. For hi6, the ,h$in o5 e4ents is sur5$,e stru,ture $nd is thus less si!ni5i,$nt th$n the deep stru,ture th$t he re4e$ls bene$th it. +his deep stru,ture is sh$red #ith other 6yths, other n$rr$ti4es, 5or LV4i-(tr$uss is 5in$lly interested only in n$rr$ti4e langue, not indi4idu$l paroles$

Re$listi, n$rr$ti4e is, $s #$s $r!ued in ,h$pter 2, the do6in$nt 6ode o5 represent$tion on tele4ision, but re$listi, n$rr$ti4e #$s de4eloped essenti$lly throu!h the no4el $nd 5il6, $nd tele4ision re$lis6 dep$rts si!ni5i,$ntly 5ro6 $ nu6ber o5 the ,on4entions th$t $re ,entr$l to liter$ry $nd ,ine6$ re$lis6. 'ords li*e Jre$listi,K th$t $re used to de5ine $nd ,$te!ori7e n$rr$ti4es #or* on t#o di6ensions. First they $lert us to ,ert$in te:tu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 the n$rr$ti4e8 $n episode o5 !art to !art is ,le$rly !eneri,$lly di55erent to the %s*i6o 6yth o5 the ,$pture o5 the south #ind. 1ut se,ondly, these #ords $lert us $lso to re$din! str$te!ies, #hi,h, $s 2 #ill $r!ue in the ne:t ,h$pter, $re $s ideolo!i,$lly dri4en $s si!ni5yin! pr$,ti,es. 'e ,$n re$d !art to !art $s $ re$list n$rr$ti4e or $s ,onte6por$ry urb$n 6yth. Re$din! it re$listi,$lly reGuires us to !i4e pri6e $ttention to su,h 5$,tors $s the psy,holo!i,$l re$lis6 o5 its ,h$r$,ters $nd their indi4idu$lity, $nd to the ,oheren,e o5 its spe,i5i, ,h$in o5 e4ents $nd their belie4$bility $,,ordin! to the Jn$tur$lK l$#s o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t. 2n other #ords, #e re$d it $s $ uniGue represent$tion o5 uniGue indi4idu$ls $nd e4ents th$t is stru,tured $,,ordin! to uni4ers$l n$tur$l l$#s not ,ultur$l ,on4entions. -129Re$din! it stru,tur$lly, ho#e4er, reGuires us to 5o,us on the ,on4entions by #hi,h this sense o5 the re$l is est$blished. 2t reGuires us to see th$t ,h$r$,ter $,ts pri6$rily $s $ 5un,tion o5 the plotM only then is it !i4en indi4idu$li7in! ,h$r$,teristi,s $s $n ideolo!i,$l hoo* 5or the $udien,e. %4en these indi4idu$li7in! ,h$r$,teristi,s $re best understood not in their uniGueness, but in ter6s o5 the o4er$ll stru,ture o5 so,i$l 4$lues th$t $re e6bodied in the stru,ture o5 ,h$r$,ters <hero W heroine W 4ill$in W 4ill$iness=. Re$din! it 6ythi,$lly #ill le$d us to#$rds its JdeeperK 6e$nin!. 2n LV4i-(tr$ussi$n ter6s, e$,h episode o5 $ series #ould be $ tr$ns5or6$tion o5 $ ,o66on deep stru,ture, #hi,h 6$y #ell, 5in$lly, be sh$red #ith other series in the s$6e !enre. (o !art to !art #ould sh$re $ deep stru,ture #ith Remington "teele, "carecrow and Mrs Cing $nd MacMillan and ,ife, to n$6e $ 5e# e:$6ples o5 the ,op sho# #ith $ 6$le $nd 5e6$le hero p$ir. 1ut the point to 6$*e $t this st$!e is th$t l$bels su,h $s Jre$listi,K or J6ythi,K $re not ?ust des,riptors o5 te:tu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s but $re $,ti4e8 they pro6ote p$rti,ul$r re$din! str$te!ies #hi,h $,ti4$te p$rti,ul$r 6e$nin!s in the te:t. Realism revisited Cl$ssi, re$list n$rr$ti4e $nd its pre5erred re$din! str$te!y try to ,onstru,t $ sel5,ont$ined, intern$lly ,onsistent #orld #hi,h is re$l-see6in!. 1y this, 2 6e$n not th$t it is $n ob?e,ti4e reprodu,tion o5 the re$l #orld, but th$t it $ppe$rs to be, $nd this $ppe$r$n,e is !o4erned by the e:tent to #hi,h the ,o66on-sense ,on4entions th$t stru,ture our underst$ndin! o5 the re$l #orld $ppe$r $deGu$te to de,ode the 5i,tion$l #orld, th$t o5 the die!esis. Berisi6ilitude is b$sed not on i,oni, represent$tion, but upon repli,$tin! the ,on4entions by #hi,h sense is 6$de. 2t is thus $n ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e. 'e $ppro$,h the 5i,tion$l #orld o5 re$lis6 #ith the s$6e e$sy 5$6ili$rity #ith #hi,h #e $ppro$,h the #orld o5 our so,i$l e:perien,e8 the t#o #orlds $re eGui4$lent in th$t they $re open to the s$6e ideolo!i,$l re$din! pr$,ti,es. 1ut the dis!uised ,o66on sense upon #hi,h these pr$,ti,es rest 6$s*s the di55eren,es bet#een the t#o #orlds.

Re$lis6 i6poses ,oheren,e $nd resolution upon $ #orld th$t h$s neither. 2n $ re$list n$rr$ti4e, e4ery det$il 6$*es sense, it ,ontributes to th$t 5in$l o4er$ll underst$ndin! !r$nted to the re$der in hisIher position o5 Jdo6in$nt spe,ul$rityK <M$,C$be 1981$=. +his intern$l ,oheren,e reGuires th$t the die!eti, #orld 6ust $ppe$r sel5-su55i,ient $nd unbro*en8 e4erythin! th$t #e need to *no# in order to underst$nd it 6ust be in,luded, $nd $nythin! th$t ,ontr$di,ts or disturbs this underst$ndin! 6ust be e:,ised. +he die!eti, #orld 6ust not reGuire the re$der to turn beyond it to 5ind the 6e$ns to underst$nd it, but it 6ust, li*e the re$l #orld, $ppe$r to 6$*e its o#n sense $,,ordin! to the Jl$#s o5 n$ture, K not the ,on4entions o5 ,ulture. -130+hese Jl$#s o5 n$tureK $re those o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t, those o5 the psy,holo!y o5 hu6$n n$ture, $nd those o5 n$tur$l $nd physi,$l s,ien,e, $nd $ll $re tre$ted $s uni4ers$l l$#s th$t reGuire e:plor$tion but not interro!$tion. Fuhn <198 = su66$ri7es the 5e$tures o5 the ,l$ssi, re$list n$rr$ti4e thus8 1 line$rity o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t #ithin $n o4er$ll tr$?e,tory o5 eni!6$ resolution 2 $ hi!h de!ree o5 n$rr$ti4e ,losure 3 $ 5i,tion$l #orld !o4erned by sp$ti$l $nd te6por$l 4erisi6ilitude 4 ,entr$lity o5 the n$rr$ti4e $!en,y o5 psy,holo!i,$lly rounded ,h$r$,ters. <p. 21;= Str/ct/ralist approaches to narrative Re$lis6 is $ tr$nsp$rent 6ode th$t $tte6pts to hide its n$ture $s dis,ourse. (tru,tur$lis6 $nd its de4elop6ents $re ,on,erned to re4e$l $nd in4esti!$te the dis,ursi4e n$ture o5 $ll ,ultur$l ,onstru,ts, so stru,tur$list theories o5 n$rr$ti4e h$4e sou!ht to e:pl$in the l$#s th$t !o4ern its stru,ture, not the $,,ur$,y o5 its represent$tion o5 the re$l. %$rly stru,tur$lis6 $tte6pted to 5ind $ uni4ers$l n$rr$ti4e stru,ture, the eGui4$lent o5 langue, $nd #hile this dri4e h$s no# been spent it did pro4ide so6e use5ul b$si, prin,iples - p$rti,ul$rly it sho#ed us th$t n$rr$ti4es h$4e 6u,h in ,o66on $nd need to be studied in ter6s o5 their rel$tionship to others8 $ n$rr$ti4e, ho#e4er re$listi,, is not $ uniGue set o5 e4ents #hose only 4$lid rel$tionship is th$t o5 its 4erisi6ilitude to the re$l #orld. 'ythic narrative @ne o5 the #$ys in #hi,h stru,tur$lis6 h$s sou!ht to e:pl$in #h$t $ r$n!e o5 $pp$rently di4erse n$rr$ti4es h$4e in ,o66on is throu!h the ,on,ept o5 6yth. +#o #riters h$4e been 6ost in5luenti$l here, LV4i-(tr$uss, $ stru,tur$l $nthropolo!ist, $nd 1$rthes, $ M$r:ist se6ioti,i$n. +heir t#o $ppro$,hes h$4e little in ,o66on e:,ept 5or their insisten,e th$t 6yth-6$*in! is $ uni4ers$l ,ultur$l pro,ess $nd th$t the deeper JtruerK 6e$nin!s o5 6yths $re not i66edi$tely $pp$rent but ,$n only be re4e$led by theoreti,$l $n$lysis.

For LV4i-(tr$uss 6yth is $n $n:iety-redu,in! 6e,h$nis6 th$t de$ls #ith unresol4$ble ,ontr$di,tions in $ ,ulture $nd pro4ides i6$!in$ti4e #$ys o5 li4in! #ith the6. +hese ,ontr$di,tions $re usu$lly e:pressed in ter6s o5 bin$ry oppositions, $nd 5or6 the deep stru,ture o5 $ nu6ber o5 $pp$rently unrel$ted 6yths. +hese bin$ry oppositions $re l$r!e $bstr$,t !ener$li7$tions su,h $s !ood8e4il, n$ture8,ulture, or hu6$n*ind8!ods. Myths #or* 6et$phori,$lly to tr$ns5or6 these oppositions into ,on,rete represent$tions by $ pro,ess th$t LV4i-(tr$uss ,$lls the Jlo!i, o5 the ,on,rete. K +hus in the #estern !enre, ,ulture8n$ture is tr$ns5or6ed into indoors8outdoors $nd is stru,tur$lly $sso,i$ted #ith 4$lues su,h $s l$# $nd order l$#lessness, #hite8 2ndi$n, hu6$ne8inhu6$ne, $nd so on. (o $ s,ene o5 2ndi$ns $tt$,*in! $ #hite ho6este$d is $ ,on,rete 6et$phori,$l tr$ns5or6$tion o5 the opposition bet#een n$ture $nd ,ulture, $nd the n$rr$ti4e is $n $r!u6ent, 4i$ Jthe lo!i, o5 the ,on,rete, K $bout the ,h$r$,teristi,s $nd ,onseGuen,es o5 this opposition. -1312n LV4i-(tr$ussDs ter6s the deep stru,ture o5 !art to !art ,$n be 6odeled $s in Fi!ure 8.1. Figure 8.1 The deep str/ct/re of Hart to Hart !ood 8 e4il hero 8 4ill$in metaphorically transformed into concrete representations 36eri,$n 8 non-36eri,$n 6iddle ,l$ss 8 lo#er ,l$ss $ttr$,ti4e li!ht <,$bin= so5tened, indi4idu$li7ed <,$bin= ,lose ,ouple hu6orous ,lose-up 8 8 8 8 8 8 un$ttr$,ti4e d$r* <,$bin= h$rd, i6person$l <,$bin= sep$r$ted ,ouple hu6orless e:tre6e ,lose-up


6et$phori,$l tr$ns5or6$tion


+he opposed 4$lues $re then !i4en the n$rr$ti4e ,onseGuen,es o5 su,,ess5ul8unsu,,ess5ul. 3lon!side this is $nother deep stru,ture8 6$s,uline $,ti4e thin*in! ,ontroller 8 8 8 8 5e6inine p$ssi4e ob?e,t o5 loo* ,ontrolled

1oth these deep stru,tures $re e4iden,e o5 ,ultur$l inse,urity $bout the 6e$nin!s $nd ,onseGuen,es o5 the opposed 4$lues8 the 6yths do not sol4e this un,ert$inty <5or e:$6ple, th$t o5 !ender di55eren,e= but they pro4ide $n i6$!in$ti4e stru,ture by #hi,h

the ,ontr$di,tions ,$n be thou!ht throu!h8 the stru,ture 6$*es the ,ontr$di,tions ,on,eptu$lly $nd ,ultur$lly ,$p$ble o5 bein! h$ndled $nd thus not dys5un,tion$l. -132A$rtley <1982= $n$ly7es in si6il$r ter6s $ ne#s story $bout $ dispute in4ol4in! he$lth ser4i,e #or*ers. +he story ,on,entr$ted on the e55e,ts o5 $ #ithdr$#$l o5 l$bor upon hospit$l p$tients, p$rti,ul$rly ,hildren. 35ter $n$ly7in! the present$tion o5 the story, A$rtley ,on,ludes8 +his is not $n industri$l dispute $t $ll. 2t is $ politi,$l dispute bet#een ,hildren !o4ern6ent de,ent tr$de unionists us 8 8 8 8 publi, ser4i,e #or*ers stri*ers irresponsible 6inority the6 <p. 127=

+he !$p bet#een su,h ,le$rly opposed ,$te!ories o5ten see6s so st$r* $s to be unbrid!e$ble $nd the ,ontr$di,tions too 4iolent to be ,oped #ith. 2n these ,$ses, 6yth o5ten produ,es $ hero or heroine #ith ,h$r$,teristi,s 5ro6 both ,$te!ories. +he hero thus h$s e:,essi4e 6e$nin!, e:tr$ordin$ry se6ioti, po#er, $nd $,ts $s $ 6edi$tor bet#een the opposin! ,on,epts. 2n trib$l 6yth su,h $ 5i!ure is desi!n$ted either s$,red or t$boo $s $ #$y o5 si!ni5yin! or ,ontrollin! hisIher e:,ess o5 6e$nin!. +hus the heroes o5 6$ny ,ri6e sho#s dr$# ,h$r$,teristi,s 5ro6 both the 4$lue syste6 o5 so,iety $nd th$t o5 the ,ri6in$ls. +hey $,Guire the st$ture o5 heroi, 5i!ures be,$use o5 this e:,ess o5 6e$nin!. 3ddition$lly, in the 6ythi, n$rr$ti4e, they $,t $s 6edi$tors, $s e6bodied resolutions o5 the ,on5li,t bet#een the 5or,es o5 order $nd those o5 disorder. Cro,*ett $nd +ubbs, o5 Miami Aice, 6o4e liter$lly bet#een the #orlds o5 the 4i,e sGu$d $nd the dru! runners, $nd, in e6bodyin! ,ert$in 4$lues o5 both, they $,t 6ythi,$lly $s 6edi$tors bet#een both sides o5 the opposition. +heir e6bodi6ent o5 the 4$lues $nd li5estyle o5 both de6onstr$tes $n i6$!in$ti4e #$y o5 ,opin! #ith the ,on5li,t, #hi,h is $ ,ru,i$l 6ythi, 5un,tion, 5or the ,on5li,t itsel5 ,$n ne4er be resol4ed. +he Jsu,,essK o5 the 4i,e sGu$d $t the end o5 e$,h episode is only te6por$ry $nd in no #$y o55ers $ per6$nent resolution o5 the ,on5li,t. 2t is only the hero 5i!ures o5 Cro,*ett $nd +ubbs #ho de6onstr$te th$t so,iety h$s #$ys o5 li4in! #ith $nd ,opin! #ith the opposition, e4en i5 not o5 resol4in! it. For LV4i-(tr$uss, ,ulture is $ ho6o!eneous ,on,ept8 his theory does not $d6it th$t so6e ,l$sses 6$y h$4e di55erent 6ythi, needs 5ro6 others, or th$t 6yths 6$y #or* he!e6oni,$lly. +his 6$y #ell be be,$use his theories #ere deri4ed 5ro6 his #or* on trib$l so,ieties #hi,h $re 6ore e$sily ,on,ei4ed $s ho6o!eneous. 1$rthes <1973=, on the other h$nd, #$s ,on,erned #ith the role o5 6yth in industri$li7ed ,$pit$list so,ieties 6$r*ed by ,l$ss ,on5li,t r$ther th$n ho6o!eneity. Ais theory o5 6yth, then, is 4ery di55erent 5ro6 LV4i-(tr$ussDs. For 1$rthes 6yth #or*s to n$tur$li7e $nd uni4ers$li7e the ,l$ss interests o5 the bour!eoisie. 2t is not $ n$rr$ti4e but $n $sso,i$ti4e ,h$in o5 ,on,epts th$t #or*s belo# the

threshold o5 ,ons,iousness. +he users o5 LV4i-(tr$ussDs 6yths 6$y not *no# the deeper 6e$nin!s o5 the6, but they do *no# th$t they $re he$rin! or tellin! $ 6yth8 the user o5 1$rthesDs 6yths, on the other h$nd, is un$#$re e4en th$t he or she is h$ndlin! $ 6yth. Myths 5or 1$rthes $re ideolo!i,$l $nd p$rt o5 the po#er-,l$ss stru,ture o5 ,$pit$list so,ieties. -133-

Myths #or* to n$tur$li7e history. Aistory is the $,,u6ul$ted so,i$l e:perien,e th$t h$s produ,ed the di4isions $nd di55erenti$l po#er rel$tions in our so,iety, $nd thus 5or6s $n essenti$l b$se 5or underst$ndin! th$t so,iety. Myth o4errides this. For inst$n,e, the A$rt to A$rt episode $n$ly7ed in ,h$pter 1 is typi,$l in h$4in! $ 4ill$in #ith Aisp$ni, 5e$tures. +his depends, in p$rt, upon the #hite 6yth th$t Aisp$ni,s $re de4ious, untrust#orthy, $nd ,ri6in$lly in,lined. +he history o5 the #hite ,oloni7$tion $nd oppression o5 L$tin 36eri,$ $nd the interr$,i$l rel$tions it h$s produ,ed $re e55$,ed in the 6yth. Cri6e st$tisti,s 6$y #ell sho# th$t Aisp$ni,s in the N(3 $re 6ore li*ely to ,o66it ,ri6es th$n #hite 6iddle-,l$ss 36eri,$ns, but the 6yth 5inds the re$son 5or this in their r$,i$l ,h$r$,teristi,s, not in the history o5 #hite oppression. +he 6yth tre$ts the belie5 th$t 6iddle-,l$ss 3n!lo-($:ons $re trust#orthy, #here$s s#$rthy lo#er-,l$ss 6$les $re not, $s ob4ious ,o66on sense $nd n$tur$l. (i6il$rly, the typi,$l tele4ision pr$,ti,e o5 !i4in! ,ri6in$ls #or*in!-,l$ss or ethni, $,,ents is not $ st$te6ent $bout the st$tisti,$l prob$bility th$t 6e6bers o5 lo#er so,ioe,ono6i, !roups $re 6ore li*ely to turn to ,ri6e, be,$use it does not reGuire us to thin* throu!h the rel$tionships bet#een so,i$l position $nd ,ri6in$lity. R$ther it is $ si!n o5 $ 6iddle-,l$ss 6yth th$t denies the history o5 ,l$ss rel$tions $nd n$tur$li7es the e:pl$n$tion o5 ,l$ss di55eren,es into the J5$,tsK o5 hu6$n n$ture.

1$rthes belie4es th$t in ,$pit$list so,ieties $ll 6yth is bour!eois, th$t is, it $l#$ys pro6otes the interests o5 the do6in$nt ,l$sses by 6$*in! the 6e$nin!s th$t ser4e these interests $ppe$r n$tur$l $nd uni4ers$l. R$di,$l 6yth is i6possible e:,ept in the li6ited sphere o5 politi,s #here r$di,$lis6 h$s $,hie4ed $ de!ree o5 institution$li7$tion $nd so ,$n be t$*en 5or !r$nted, $nd thus ,$n #or*, #ithin its o#n sphere, to n$tur$li7e the interests o5 the po#er5ul. 3 le5t-#in! 6yth o5 union solid$rity is, there5ore, possible, #here$s $ le5t-#in! 6yth o5, 5or inst$n,e, the 5$6ily is not. R$di,$l #$ys o5 underst$ndin! the 5$6ily need to be ,ons,ious $nd r$tion$lly $r!ued $!$inst the st$tus Guo8 the only 4ie#s th$t need no e:pl$n$tion or de5ense $re those th$t h$4e been n$tur$li7ed or e:no6in$ted into ,o66on sense by the oper$tion o5 6yth. For 1$rthes then, A$rt to A$rt #or*s 6ythi,$lly to pro6ote the point o5 4ie# o5 the #hite, 6$le 6iddle ,l$sses $s the Jn$tur$lK point 5ro6 #hi,h to 6$*e sense o5 e:perien,e, $nd to dis!uise the se,tion$l n$ture o5 this pro,ess by uni4ers$li7in! it.


1$rthesi$n $n$lysis ,$n $ll too e$sily stop $t the identi5i,$tion $nd n$6in! o5 the bour!eois 6yths th$t $re pro6oted by tele4ision. +his sho#s $n in,o6plete underst$ndin! o5 1$rthesDs theory, 5or he insists th$t 6yth is $ 5or6 o5 spee,h, th$t it is $ syste6 by #hi,h 6e$nin!s $re 6$de $nd ,ir,ul$ted. +he ,ontent o5 6yths ,$n ,h$n!e r$pidly, but the 6ytholo!i7in! pro,ess is ,onst$nt $nd uni4ers$l. 2n this respe,t, he is si6il$r to LV4i-(tr$uss #ho $lso 5ound $ uni4ers$l ,ultur$l pro,ess in the #$y th$t 6ythi, thou!ht #$s stru,tured. 1$rthesDs e:plor$tion o5 this prin,iple, ho#e4er, is $rti,ul$ted in histori,$lly $nd ,ultur$lly spe,i5i, ter6s, p$rti,ul$rly those o5 6id-t#entieth-,entury ,$pit$lis6, #here$s LV4i-(tr$uss e6ph$si7es his se$r,h 5or hu6$n uni4ers$ls. Mythi, $ppro$,hes to n$rr$ti4e $re essenti$lly p$r$di!6$ti, in th$t they e6ph$si7e the ,ultur$lideolo!i,$l syste6 th$t underlies the synt$!6$ti, 5lo# o5 the n$rr$ti4e. #arrative str/ct/res &roppDs #or* <19;8= pro4ides the 6ost e:tre6e e:$6ple o5 synt$!6$ti, stru,tur$list $n$lysis. Ae $n$ly7ed one hundred Russi$n 5ol* t$les $nd 5ound $n identi,$l n$rr$ti4e stru,ture in e$,h o5 the6. Ae des,ribed this stru,ture $s $ seGuen,e o5 thirty-t#o n$rr$ti4e 5un,tions, di4ided into si: se,tions. 'e ,$n su66$ri7e the6 thus8 L Preparation 1 3 6e6ber o5 $ 5$6ily le$4es ho6e. 2 3 prohibition or rule is i6posed on the hero. 3 +his prohibitionIrule is bro*en. 4 +he 4ill$in 6$*es $n $tte6pt $t re,onn$iss$n,e. +he 4ill$in le$rns so6ethin! $bout his 4i,ti6. ; +he 4ill$in tries to de,ei4e the 4i,ti6 to !et possession o5 hi6 or his belon!in!s. 7 +he 4i,ti6 un*no#in!ly helps the 4ill$in by bein! de,ei4ed or in5luen,ed by the 4ill$in. L Complication 8 +he 4ill$in h$r6s $ 6e6ber o5 the 5$6ily. 8$ 3 6e6ber o5 the 5$6ily l$,*s or desires so6ethin!. 9 +his l$,* or 6is5ortune is 6$de *no#nM the hero is !i4en $ reGuest or ,o66$nd, $nd he !oes or is sent on $ 6issionIGuest. 10 +he see*er <o5ten the hero= pl$ns $,tion $!$inst the 4ill$in. -13 L Transference 11 +he hero le$4es ho6e. 12 +he hero is tested, $tt$,*ed, interro!$ted, $nd, $s $ result, re,ei4es either $ 6$!i,$l $!ent or $ helper. 13 +he hero re$,ts to the $,tions o5 the 5uture donor. 14 +he hero uses the 6$!i,$l $!ent. 1 +he hero is tr$ns5erred to the !ener$l lo,$tion o5 the ob?e,t o5 his 6issionIGuest. L "truggle 1; +he hero $nd 4ill$in ?oin in dire,t ,o6b$t. 17 +he hero is br$nded. 18 +he 4ill$in is de5e$ted.

19 +he initi$l 6is5ortune or l$,* is set ri!ht. L Return 20 +he hero returns. 21 +he hero is pursued. 22 +he hero is res,ued 5ro6 pursuit. 23 +he hero $rri4es ho6e or else#here $nd is not re,o!ni7ed. 24 3 5$lse hero 6$*es 5$lse ,l$i6s. 2 3 di55i,ult t$s* is set 5or the hero. 2; +he t$s* is $,,o6plished. L Recognition 27 +he hero is re,o!ni7ed. 28 +he 5$lse heroI4ill$in is e:posed. 29 +he 5$lse hero is tr$ns5or6ed. 30 +he 4ill$in is punished. 31 +he hero is 6$rried $nd ,ro#ned. &ropp ,$lled these thirty-t#o n$rr$ti4e 6orphe6es J5un,tionsK be,$use he #$nted to e6ph$si7e th$t #h$t they do to $d4$n,e the n$rr$ti4e is 6ore i6port$nt th$n #h$t they are$ +he 5un,tion o5 the 6$!i,$l $!ent, 5or e:$6ple, ,$n be per5or6ed by $ ,lo$*, $ s#ord, or $ purse. 2n tele4ision n$rr$ti4e this 5un,tion 6$y be per5or6ed by, 5or inst$n,e, the super-te,hnolo!i,$l li6bs o5 the "i< Million ollar Man, the ,o6puteri7ed ,$r o5 Cnight Rider, or the <$l6ost= superhu6$n 6e,h$ni,$l $bility o5 The .;Team. +he n$rr$ti4e 5un,tions $re, $,,ordin! to &ropp, $l#$ys in the s$6e seGuen,e $nd they $re ,o66on to $ll 5$iry t$les, thou!h not e4ery t$le #ill h$4e e4ery 5un,tion. -13;(i6il$rly, &roppDs $,,ount o5 ,h$r$,ter is ,on,erned only #ith #h$t $ ,h$r$,ter does in the n$rr$ti4e stru,ture, not #ith #ho6 he or she is $s $n indi4idu$l. Ch$r$,ter is de5ined in ter6s o5 $ Jsphere o5 $,tionK8 thus the 4ill$in 5i!hts, opposes, or pursues the hero $nd ,o66its $,ts o5 4ill$iny. Ci55erent indi4idu$l ,h$r$,ters 6$y per5or6 the 5un,tion <or ,h$r$,ter role= o5 4ill$in $t di55erent ti6es in the s$6e n$rr$ti4e. +his le$ds &ropp to the ,on,lusion th$t Jthe 5un,tions o5 ,h$r$,ters $re st$ble ,onst$nt ele6ents in $ t$le, independent o5 ho# $nd by #ho6 they $re 5ul5illed. +hey ,onstitute the 5und$6ent$l ,o6ponents o5 $ t$le. K +here $re ei!ht J,h$r$,ter rolesK #hi,h $re lo,$ted in se4en Jspheres o5 $,tionK8 L Character Role 1 Bill$in 2 Conor <pro4ider= L "phere of .ction Bill$iny, 5i!htin!, $,tion 0i4in! 6$!i,$l $!ent or helper Mo4es the hero, 6$*es !ood $ l$,*, res,ues 5ro6 pursuit, sol4es 3 Aelper di55i,ult t$s*s, tr$ns5or6s the hero. 4 +he prin,ess $nd 3 sou!ht-5or person8 $ssi!ns di55i,ult t$s*s, br$nds, e:poses, her 5$ther re,o!ni7es, punishes. +he disp$t,her (ends hero on GuestI6ission. ; +he hero <see*er or Cep$rts on se$r,h, re$,ts to donor, $tte6pts di55i,ult t$s*s,

4i,ti6= 7 +he 5$lse hero

6$rri$!e. Nn5ounded ,l$i6s to heroDs sphere o5 $,tion

+his 6orpholo!y o5 5un,tions $nd ,h$r$,ters h$s been $pplied in det$il to ,onte6por$ry 5il6s $nd tele4ision <e.!. 'ollen 1982, (il4erstone 1981= $nd 6ost popul$r tele4ision n$rr$ti4es ,on5or6 6ore or less pre,isely to this stru,ture. 3t ti6es the ,on5or6ity is $stonishin! in its pre,ision. 2 tested the stru,ture on $n episode o5 Bionic ,oman $nd 5ound th$t the pre-title seGuen,e ,on5or6ed to J&rep$r$tion. K JCo6pli,$tionK too* the n$rr$ti4e to the ne:t ,o66er,i$l bre$* $nd so on. (o6e se,tions $nd 5un,tions $re 6ore e6ph$si7ed in tele4ision n$rr$ti4e th$n others, 5or inst$n,e J(tru!!leK ,$n be lon! $nd el$bor$te, JReturnK $nd JRe,o!nitionK ,$n be 4ery r$pid. (o6eti6es 5un,tions 1; to 19 $re repe$ted to e6ph$si7e $,tion $nd so6eti6es the 5un,tions o5 the 5$lse hero $re 4ery 6uted. 1ut in !ener$l the stru,ture underlies the typi,$l tele4ision n$rr$ti4e #ith re6$r*$ble ,onsisten,e. -137+he ,h$r$,ter roles, too, re,ei4e di55erent de!rees o5 e6ph$sis. +h$t o5 the prin,ess <o5ten $ pri4$te eyeDs ,lient, #ho 6$y be 6$le or 5e6$le but is $l#$ys ,o6p$r$ti4ely po#erless= is 5reGuently per5or6ed by the s$6e ,h$r$,ter $s her 5$ther. +he disp$t,her is o5ten the hero or $ 6e6ber o5 the hero te$6. +he 4i,ti6 is one o5 the 6ost 6ultiple o5 these ,h$r$,ter roles #hose 5un,tion ,$n be 5ul5illed by $ ,h$r$,ter #ho else#here in the n$rr$ti4e pl$ys the hero, the helper, the prin,ess, the disp$t,her, or $ny role th$t opposes th$t o5 the 4ill$in. @n the e4iden,e o5 &ropp $nd his su,,essors, there $ppe$rs to be so6ethin! ,lose to $ uni4ers$l stru,ture o5 popul$r n$rr$ti4e <$ n$rr$ti4e eGui4$lent o5 langue= o5 #hi,h indi4idu$l stories $re tr$ns5or6$tions or paroles$ +he ,ultur$l spe,i5i,ity or ideolo!y o5 $ n$rr$ti4e lies in the #$y this deep stru,ture is tr$ns5or6ed into $pp$rently di55erent stories, th$t is, in #hi,h $,tions $nd indi4idu$ls $re ,hosen to per5or6 the 5un,tions $nd ,h$r$,ter roles. +he possibility o5 $ uni4ers$l n$rr$ti4e stru,ture r$ises so6e intr$,t$ble theoreti,$l proble6s. LV4i-(tr$uss #$s $ble to !round his uni4ers$l prin,iple o5 6$*in! 6e$nin!s by bin$ry oppositions in the #or*in! o5 the hu6$n br$in $nd thus e:pl$in its uni4ers$lity. 2t is di55i,ult to en4is$!e the physiolo!y o5 the hu6$n br$in produ,in! thirty-t#o 5un,tions in seGuen,e. 2t is s$5er not to t$l* in ter6s o5 hu6$n uni4ers$ls, ori!in$tin! in hu6$n n$ture, but r$ther to see* the ori!ins o5 $ ,o66on stru,ture in hu6$n so,iety, 5or $ll hu6$ns li4e in so,i$l or!$ni7$tions. "$rr$ti4e ,$n then be seen $s the 6e$ns o5 $rti,ul$tin! the pro5ound $nd un,ert$in rel$tionship o5 the indi4idu$l #ith the so,i$l. 3nthropolo!i,$lly, &roppDs n$rr$ti4e s,he6$ tells the $r,hetyp$l story o5 the youn! 6$leDs $,,ept$n,e into 6$turity $nd so,iety8 6$rri$!e is the $,hie4e6ent o5 indi4idu$l 6$turity $nd the insertion o5 th$t 6$ture person into $ net#or* o5 so,i$l roles $nd obli!$tions. The .;Team, $s 2 #ill $r!ue in ,h$pter 11, en$,ts 6$s,ulinityI6$turity $nd its ,on5li,tI$,,o66od$tion #ith so,i$l responsibility <The .;Team episodes 5ollo# &roppDs stru,ture p$rti,ul$rly ,le$rly $nd ,losely. =

2n su,h $n e:pl$n$tion o5 &roppDs stru,ture, the stru!!le bet#een the hero $nd 4ill$in is $ 6et$phori,$l tr$ns5or6$tion o5 th$t bet#een the 5or,es o5 order $nd those o5 disorder, !ood $nd e4il, or ,ulture $nd n$ture. (u,h $ stru!!le is 5und$6ent$l to $ll so,ieties, $nd the n$rr$ti4e e:plores the role o5 hu6$n $nd so,i$l $!ents in it. +odoro4Ds <1977= 6odel o5 n$rr$ti4e $lso e6ph$si7es the so,i$l o4er the indi4idu$l. For hi6, n$rr$ti4e be!ins #ith $ st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 or so,i$l h$r6ony. +his is disrupted, usu$lly by the $,tion o5 $ 4ill$in. +he n$rr$ti4e ,h$rts the ,ourse o5 this diseGuilibriu6 $nd its 5in$l resolution in $nother, pre5er$bly enh$n,ed or 6ore st$ble, st$te o5 eGuilibriu6. J+he se,ond eGuilibriu6 is si6il$r to the 5irst, but the t#o $re ne4er identi,$lK <p.11=. 2n &roppDs s,he6$, J&rep$r$tionK $nd JCo6pli,$tionK ,h$rt the 5or,es o5 disruption th$t h$4e disturbed the ori!in$l h$r6ony. J+r$ns5eren,eK $nd J(tru!!leK ,h$rt the heroDs 5i!ht $!$inst these 5or,es8 in this 5i!ht the hero e6bodies the so,i$l 4$lues th$t st$bili7e so,iety. +he 4ill$in e6bodies the 5or,es o5 disruption $nd the ,on5li,t bet#een the6 is the ,on5li,t bet#een eGuilibriu6 $nd diseGuilibriu6. JReturnK $nd JRe,o!nitionK resol4e the ,on5li,t $nd #or* to restore $ ne# h$r6ony. "$rr$ti4e here is less the $,,o66od$tion o5 the indi4idu$l #ith the so,i$l, $nd 6ore the e:plor$tion, #ithin the so,i$l, o5 the opposin! 5or,es o5 st$bility $nd disruption. +he ideolo!i,$l #or* o5 the n$rr$ti4e ,$n, in this 6odel, be dis,erned in t#o #$ys8 the 5irst is the ,o6p$rison o5 the openin! $nd ,losin! st$tes o5 eGuilibriu6, $nd the se,ond is in identi5yin! #h$t ,onstitutes $ 5or,e o5 disruption, $nd #h$t $ 5or,e o5 st$bility. -138+odoro4Ds 6odel is p$rti,ul$rly use5ul 5or its $bility to e:pl$in ne#s stories $nd to 6odel ne#s $s the so,i$l n$rr$ti4e o5 the ,on5li,t bet#een the so,i$l order $nd disrupti4e 5or,es <see ,h$pter 1 =. +odoro4 spe,i5ies t#o *inds o5 ele6ents in n$rr$ti4e, $ st$te <either o5 eGuilibriu6 or diseGuilibriu6= $nd $ p$ss$!e 5ro6 one st$te to $nother, usu$lly throu!h $n e4ent or ,h$in o5 e4ents. "e#s#orthy e4ents, then, $re those th$t disrupt or restore eGuilibriu6. +he st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 is not itsel5 ne#s#orthy $nd is ne4er des,ribed e:,ept i6pli,itly in its opposition to the st$te o5 diseGuilibriu6 #hi,h, typi,$lly, is des,ribed in det$il. Aere, the ideolo!i,$l #or* is $t its ,le$rest in the sele,tion o5 which e4ents $re ,onsidered to disrupt or restore which eGuilibriu6 $nd in the des,ription o5 #h$t ,onstitutes diseGuilibriu6. +hus the e4ent ,on4ention$lly sele,ted $s $ ,$use o5 $n industri$l dispute is $n $,tion o5 $ #or*er or union, #here$s the e4ent sele,ted to restore order is eGu$lly ,on4ention$lly $n $,t o5 6$n$!e6ent or !o4ern6ent $!en,y. 2n the n$rr$ti4e stru,ture this puts unions into the role o5 4ill$ins $nd 6$n$!e6ent into th$t o5 heroes. (i6il$rly, the des,ription o5 the diseGuilibriu6 #ill usu$lly be in ter6s o5 the disputeDs e55e,t upon ,onsu6ers, $nd r$rely in ter6s o5 the h$rdships under!one by the stri*in! unionists. +his $!$in ser4es to position the re$der #ith the heroI4i,ti6 <i.e. 6$n$!e6ent-,onsu6er= $nd in hostility to the 4ill$in <union=. 1ell <1983= sho#s ho# these ,h$r$,ter roles o5 hero-helper-4i,ti6-4ill$in 5or6 the underlyin! stru,turin! prin,iple o5 dru!s stories in the ne#s 6edi$ <see ,h$pter 1 =. +his sort o5 6odel ,$n $lso re4e$l si6ply the ideolo!y $t #or* in 5i,tion$l stories. 2n the !art to !art episode $n$ly7ed in ,h$pters 1 $nd ; the disrupti4e e4ent is the ?e#el the5t, the restor$ti4e e4ent is the ,$t,hin! o5 the thie4es. Cisruption $nd restor$tion o,,ur $t the le4el o5 indi4idu$l or uniGue e4ents, $nd thus the so,i$l syste6 underlyin! the st$te o5

eGuilibriu6 is sho#n $s ,opin! #ith disruption $nd there5ore $s $deGu$te. 3nother 4ersion o5 the story, ho#e4er, ,ould present the disrupti4e e4ent $s $n $tte6pt by $ 6e6ber o5 $ dis$d4$nt$!ed 6inority to pro4ide 5or his #i5e $nd his retire6ent. 2n this ,$se the restor$ti4e e4ent ,ould be the ne!oti$tion o5 $ 6ini6u6 #$!e $nd n$tion$l pension ri!htsO 1ut th$t #ould be $ 4ery di55erent story $nd $ 4ery di55erent ideolo!y. -139+odoro4Ds 6odel does not i6ply th$t n$rr$ti4e in itsel5 is either r$di,$l or re$,tion$ry. 1ut in popul$r ,ulture the n$rr$ti4e stru,ture is li*ely to be used in 5$4or o5 the st$tus Guo. 2n re$list n$rr$ti4e the eGuilibriu6 is $ reprodu,tion o5 the 4$lues o5 the ,urrent so,i$l order th$t is r$rely represented dire,tly, but only indire,tly in ter6s o5 its disruption. 2t is, there5ore, 6ytholo!i7ed into the t$*en-5or-!r$nted, the ,o66on-sense 4ie# o5 ho# thin!s re$lly $re, #hi,h is ne,ess$rily supporti4e o5 the st$tus Guo. +o present $ ,riti,$l 4ie# o5 the so,i$l order, it #ould be ne,ess$ry to t$*e it out o5 the re$l6 o5 the t$*en-5or!r$nted, to Jno6in$teK it, to represent it dire,tly $nd ,riti,$lly, $nd thus to de6ytholo!i7e it. Most tele4ision n$rr$ti4e does not do this. 25 the n$rr$ti4eDs ori!in$ry st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 is $ssu6ed to be 5$ir $nd !ood, then the 5or,es o5 disruption <#hi,h in,lude 5or,es 5or so,i$l ,h$n!e= ne,ess$rily t$*e the role o5 the 4ill$in $nd the restor$ti4e e4ent is ne,ess$rily per5or6ed by the so,io,entr$l hero #ho restores the st$tus Guo, or pre5er$bly $n enh$n,ed 4ersion o5 it. +he Jre#ritin!K o5 the !art to !art episode <$bo4e= posits $n un?ust st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 $t the st$rt in #hi,h st$bility is 6$int$ined only by the e:er,ise o5 ,l$ss $nd e,ono6i, po#er. +he represent$tion o5 su,h $n eGuilibriu6 in $ bour!eois so,iety ,ould not be ,o66onsensi,$l8 r$ther it #ould need to be e:pli,itly represented in opposition to ,on4ention$l represent$tions $nd their 5urther$n,e o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 25 $n un$,,ept$ble st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 e:ists $t the be!innin! o5 the n$rr$ti4e, then ,le$rly the 5or,es o5 disruption ,$n pl$y the hero role, $nd the restor$ti4e e4ent produ,es $ ,o6pletely ne# eGuilibriu6. +he ,onser4$ti4e dri4e o5 the n$rr$ti4e stru,ture 6$y be undeni$ble, but its e55e,ti4ity is 5$r 6ore open to doubt. 2t #or*s to ,enter the 6e$nin!s #ithin the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd to ,lose o55 $ltern$ti4e ones. 1ut, $s ,h$pter h$s sho#n, $ltern$ti4e $nd resist$nt re$din!s $re possible #ithin $nd $!$inst $ny do6in$nt te:tu$l stru,ture. 3 te:tu$l stru,ture is $ he!e6oni, line o5 5or,e th$t 6$y, $t $ny ti6e, 6eet $n eGui4$lent line o5 resist$n,e. +he stru,tur$list $,,ounts o5 n$rr$ti4e th$t #e h$4e loo*ed $t so 5$r tend, throu!h their e6ph$sis on stru,ture, to i6ply $ unity #ithin e$,h n$rr$ti4e $s #ell $s bet#een n$rr$ti4es. 1$rthesDs e$rly #or* J3n 2ntrodu,tion to the (tru,tur$l 3n$lysis o5 "$rr$ti4eK <197;= sh$res this ,on,ern #ith stru,ture $s $ produ,er o5 6e$nin!, but his l$ter #or* "I@ <S1970T 197 = brin!s $ ,o6pletely di55erent perspe,ti4e to be$r. -1402n The "tructural .nalysis of )arrati'e 1$rthes uses the ,lose $n$lo!y bet#een l$n!u$!e $nd n$rr$ti4e to $r!ue th$t n$rr$ti4e is open to the s$6e sort o5 des,ripti4e $n$lysis $s l$n!u$!e, #hi,h ,$n be $,hie4ed $t di55erent Jle4els o5 des,riptionK <1$rthes 1977$8 8 =.

L$n!u$!e ,$n be des,ribed 5irst $t the le4el o5 phone6es $nd 6orphe6es, then the des,ription ,$n 6o4e JupK $ le4el to th$t o5 #ords, then to th$t o5 phr$ses, then to the senten,e, the p$r$!r$ph, $nd so on. &roppDs 5un,tions $re, $,,ordin! to his theory, the eGui4$lent o5 6orphe6es - the s6$llest si!ni5yin! units. 1$rthes t$*es this $n$lysis $ st$!e 5urther by ,l$ssi5yin! the 5un,tions into di55erent types, not by rel$tin! the6 synt$!6$ti,$lly. Ais 5irst le4el o5 ,l$ssi5i,$tion is th$t bet#een 5un,tions $nd indi,es. Functions $re e4ents th$t $re strun! to!ether to 5or6 the seGuen,e o5 the n$rr$ti4e. >ndices $re the ,onst$nts th$t $re in4ol4ed in this seGuen,e, but do not $d4$n,e it - ,h$r$,ters, settin!s, $t6osphere, $nd so on. Fun,tions $re distribution$l $nd synt$!6$ti,, #here$s indi,es $re inte!r$tion$l $nd p$r$di!6$ti,. 3ll n$rr$ti4es ,ont$in both, but in so6e the 5un,tions predo6in$te $nd in others the indi,es. +hus 5ol* t$les $re predo6in$ntly 5un,tion$l, psy,holo!i,$l no4els predo6in$ntly indi,i$l. &opul$r tele4ision series, espe,i$lly ,op $nd $d4enture sho#s $i6ed $t 6en $nd ,hildren, tend to#$rds the 5un,tion$l, #here$s seri$ls, su,h $s so$p oper$s, o5ten $i6ed $t #o6en, tend to put 6ore stress on the indi,i$l. Fun,tions $re then subdi4ided into t#o types - nuclei <or cardinal functions= #hi,h $re essenti$l to the pro!ress o5 the n$rr$ti4e, $nd cataly=ers #hi,h J5ill inK bet#een the nu,lei $nd ,ould, lo!i,$lly, be dispensed #ith. +his does not 6e$n th$t they $re redund$nt, but th$t they $re not ,ru,i$l to $d4$n,in! the n$rr$ti4e. 2nste$d they $,,eler$te it or slo# it do#n, they ,$n su66$ri7e, $nti,ip$te, re,$ll, or e4en 6isle$d. "u,lei h$4e $nte,edents $nd ,onseGuen,es, ,$t$ly7ers do not. +hus in the !art to !art s,ene the heroineDs puttin! on the ostent$tious ?e#elry is $ nu,leus, it h$s the ,onseGuen,e o5 $ttr$,tin! the thie4es. +he heroDs dis,ussion o5 the robbery is $ ,$t$ly7er, it su66$ri7es $nd slo#s the n$rr$ti4e. 2ndi,es $re di4ided into indices proper, #hi,h $re the n$rr$ti4e $!ents, $t6osphere, 6ood, $nd informants, #hi,h identi5y or lo,$te in ti6e $nd sp$,e. 'e h$4e loo*ed $lre$dy $t the indi,es #hi,h indi,$te #hi,h t#o ,h$r$,ters $re pl$yin! the role o5 the hero, $nd #hi,h t#o the role o5 the 4ill$in. >nformants $re those 5un,tions th$t indi,$te the settin! on $ ship, the ,onte6por$ry ti6e period, the lo,$tion in 36eri,$. 2n5or6$nts $re $lso ,$lled by 1$rthes Jre$lis6 oper$torsK $nd #or* to 6$*e the #orld o5 the n$rr$ti4e $ppe$r to rel$te ,losely to the Jre$lK #orld o5 our e:perien,e. +hey per5or6 the i6port$nt ideolo!i,$l 5un,tion o5 4erisi6ilitude. +hese 5un,tions $re then, $,,ordin! to 1$rthes, stru,tured into JseGuen,es, K $s #ords $re stru,tured into phr$ses. 3 seGuen,e is $ Jlo!i,$l su,,ession o5 nu,lei bound to!ether by $ rel$tion o5 solid$rityK #hi,h ,$n be Jn$6ed, K usu$lly by $ 4erb$l noun th$t des,ribes $,tion - Fr$ud, 1etr$y$l, (edu,tion, Contr$,t, 0reetin!, et,. +he !art to !art s,ene is p$rt o5 the seGuen,e J(ettin! the (n$re. K +hese seGuen,es or phr$ses ,$n be ,o6bined into l$r!er seGuen,es or senten,es $nd so on. -141 #arrative codes +his $tte6pt to pro4ide $ stru,tur$l lin!uisti,s o5 n$rr$ti4e is use5ul in so 5$r $s it pro4ides $ 4o,$bul$ry 5or the ,lose $n$lysis o5 n$rr$ti4e seGuen,es8 it is $ 6i,ro-

!r$66$r. 1$rthesDs l$ter #or* "I@ <197 $= ,on,entr$tes on the dis,ourse o5 n$rr$ti4e, th$t is, its stru,ture $bo4e the le4el o5 the senten,e, $nd this h$s produ,ed $ 6ore #idely used 6odel. "I@ is $ 4ery det$iled $n$lysis o5 1$l7$,Ds short no4el "arrasine 5ro6 #hi,h 1$rthes deri4es 6$?or ,on,lusions $bout n$rr$ti4e in !ener$l. Nnli*e his e$rlier #or*, $nd th$t o5 &ropp, 1$rthesDs $i6 here is to re4e$l not $ stru,ture, but $ Jstru,tur$tion, K the pro,ess by #hi,h 6e$nin! is stru,tured into n$rr$ti4e by the #riter-re$der, 5or i5 there is $ uni4ers$l in n$rr$ti4e it lies in this stru,tur$tion in #hi,h the #riter $nd re$der en!$!e on eGu$l ter6s. 1$rthesDs shi5t in e6ph$sis is $#$y 5ro6 the 5or6$l stru,ture o5 the te:t $nd to#$rds the re$din!I#ritin! pro,ess th$t ,re$tes 6e$nin! 5ro6 th$t stru,ture $nd its interte:tu$l rel$tions. For the stru,ture o5 the te:t is, 5in$lly, $n inter#e$4in! o5 4oi,es #hi,h $re sh$red by re$der $nd #riter $nd #hi,h ,ross the bound$ries o5 the te:t itsel5 to lin* it to other te:ts $nd to ,ulture in !ener$l. +hese 4oi,es $re, $,,ordin! to 1$rthes, or!$ni7ed into 5i4e ,odes. +he symbolic code or!$ni7es the 5und$6ent$l bin$ry oppositions th$t $re i6port$nt in $ p$rti,ul$r ,ulture. +hese in,lude 6$s,uline85e6inine, !ood8e4il, n$ture8,ulture, $nd so onM they $re the $ntitheses upon #hi,h the n$rr$ti4e is 5ounded. +his is the ,ode th$t LV4i(tr$uss #ould prioriti7e $bo4e $ll others. +he semic code, or the 4oi,e o5 the person, #or*s in $ si6il$r #$y to ,onstru,t the 6e$nin! o5 ,h$r$,ter, ob?e,ts, or settin!s. 1$rthes ,on,entr$tes on its oper$tion in ,onstru,tin! ,h$r$,ter to e:pl$in the #$y it #or*s. J(e6es, K or b$si, units o5 6e$nin! in the te:t, $re repe$tedly $tt$,hed to $ proper n$6e in order to ,re$te $ ,h$r$,ter. +hey be$r the 6e$nin!s o5 spee,h, ,lothin!, !esture, $,tion, $nd $re the 6e$ns by #hi,h $ J5i!ureK is indi4idu$li7ed into $ J,h$r$,ter. K 3 J5i!ureK is $ ,ultur$l stereotype ,o66on to 6$ny n$rr$ti4es - Jthe distr$u!ht 6other, K Jthe 6isunderstood son, K Jthe ,ruel *in!I5$ther. K +hese J5i!uresK $re si6il$r to &roppDs ,h$r$,ter roles in th$t they e:ist be5ore $nd independent o5 $ny notion o5 the indi4idu$l, but they di55er in th$t they $re deter6ined not by the needs o5 the n$rr$ti4e stru,ture, but by the needs o5 the ,ulture o5 #hi,h th$t n$rr$ti4e is $ p$rt. +hey $re $ LV4i-(tr$ussi$n r$ther th$n $ &roppi$n ,on,ept. -142+his J,ultureK #or*s 6ost dire,tly, $nd p$r$do:i,$lly, throu!h #h$t 1$rthes ,$lls the referential code$ +his is the ,ode throu!h #hi,h $ te:t re5ers out beyond itsel5, but this re5eren,e is not, $s in so 6$ny other theories <e.!. those o5 /$*obson $nd &eir,e, see Fis*e 1982=, to Jre$lityK in $n ob?e,ti4e, e6piri,$l sense, but r$ther to ,ultur$l *no#led!es. J+he re$lK is the ,o66on sto,* o5 $ ,ulture $s it is e:pressed in the J$lre$dy #rittenK *no#led!es o5 6or$lity, politi,s, $rt, history, psy,holo!y, $nd so on. +hese *no#led!es, $s they per4$de the te:ts o5 our ,ulture, ,onstitute our sense o5 Jli5e, K o5 Jre$lity. K +hey $re the ,o66onpl$,es o5 $ ,ulture to #hi,h $ #riter re5ers or #hi,h sIhe Guotes, in order to produ,e $ sense o5 re$lity. JRe$lityK is Jthe produ,t o5 dis,ourseK <@D(ulli4$n et al$ 1983=, $nd in so 5$r $s its *no#led!es $re $lre$dy #ritten, Jre$lityK is interte:tu$l <see ,h$pter 7=.

+he code of actions <the pro$ireti, ,ode= is si6il$rly interte:tu$l $nd is the one #hi,h rel$tes 6ost dire,tly to 1$rthesDs e$rlier stru,tur$list ende$4ors. 2t su!!ests th$t #e underst$nd $ny $,tion in $ n$rr$ti4e by our e:perien,e o5 si6il$r $,tions in other n$rr$ti4es, $nd th$t our n$rr$ti4e e:perien,e is $n $!!re!$tion o5 det$ils $rr$n!ed in !eneri, ,$te!ories o5 $,tions - 6urder, rende74ous, the5t, perilous 6ission, 5$llin! in lo4e, et,. 1$rthesDs 5in$l ,ode is the hermeneutic$ +his ,ode sets $nd resol4es the eni!6$s o5 the n$rr$ti4e $nd is 6oti4$ted by the desire 5or ,losure $nd Jtruth. K 2t ,ontrols the p$,e $nd style o5 the n$rr$ti4e by ,ontrollin! the 5lo# o5 in5or6$tion th$t is desired by the re$der to sol4e the eni!6$ or 6$*e !ood $ l$,*. 2t 5irst proposes the eni!6$ or 6ystery, 5in$lly resol4es it, but in bet#een #or*s by del$yin! our $,,ess to the desired in5or6$tion. 2t is thus the 6otor o5 the n$rr$ti4e. 1$rthes su!!ests th$t it #or*s throu!h ten 6orphe6es #hi,h 6$y o,,ur si6ply, in $ny ,o6bin$tion or in $ny order. (il4er6$n <1983= su66$ri7es the6 $s Jthe6$ti7$tion, propos$l o5 the eni!6$, 5or6ul$tion o5 the eni!6$, reGuest 5or $n $ns#er, sn$re, eGui4o,$tion, ?$66in!, suspended $ns#er, p$rti$l $ns#er $nd dis,losureK <p. 2 7=. 1$rthesDs $,hie4e6ent in "I@ #$s to dest$bili7e the notions o5 te:t $nd re$der so th$t neither is seen $s $n entity or essen,e, but r$ther $s interdependent pro,esses by #hi,h 6e$nin!s $re ,onstru,ted $nd ,ir,ul$ted, $nd by #hi,h, p$r$do:i,$lly, Jre$lityK is ,re$ted. +he te:t #or*s in t#o di6ensions, the intr$-te:tu$l $nd the interte:tu$l. 3s /ohnston <198 = e:pl$ins8 +he 4$rious . . . de4i,es identi5ied in "I@ $s 5or6in! the intr$-te:tu$l syste6 illustr$te the hi!hly ,r$5ted $nd sele,ti4e n$ture o5 the pro,edures throu!h #hi,h the re$list #orld is built up. @n the other h$nd, the #or* depends upon $ set o5 e:tern$l rel$tionships, its position #ithin $ !rid o5 other ,ultur$l te:tsM its interte<tuality$ Re$lis6, 1$rthes $r!ues, J,onsists not in ,opyin! the re$l, but in ,opyin! $ depi,ted ,opy o5 the re$lK 4"I@ pp. 4;=. <p. 239= -1431$rthesDs des,ription o5 the #riterly n$rr$ti4e $s $ Jli6ited plur$lityK e,hoes MorleyDs <1980$= des,ription o5 $ te:t $s Jstru,tured polyse6yK $nd both $re $tte6ptin! to 6odel ho# $ te:t ,$n $llo# 5or $ 6ultipli,ity o5 6e$nin!s #ithin bound$ries th$t its stru,ture sets. For Morley, the 6otor o5 polyse6y is the di4ersity o5 so,i$l situ$tions o5 the te:tDs re$ders #hi,h produ,es the 6ultipli,ity o5 dis,ourses they brin! to be$r on the te:t. For 1$rthes, the Jli6ited plur$lityK o5 $ te:t is $ result o5 ,oll$psin! the role o5 the re$der into th$t o5 the #riter in the ,onstru,tion o5 $ te:t 5ro6 $ #or*. 3 ,ode is $ brid!e bet#een te:ts, $nd 6e$nin! is en,oded 4i$ interte:tu$lity. 2nterte:tu$lity is not $ syste6 o5 $llusions bet#een spe,i5i, te:ts, or o5 re5eren,es bet#een one te:t $nd spe,i5ied others8 r$ther it is lo,$ted in th$t sp$,e bet#een te:ts to #hi,h $ll te:ts $nd re$dersI#riters re5er 6ore or less eGu$lly, but #hi,h $ll $,ti4$te di55erently. %$rly stru,tur$list $,,ounts o5 n$rr$ti4e tended to see it $s $ ,losed syste6. 1$rthes in "I@ h$s de6onstr$ted th$t e4en the 6ost $pp$rently ,losed n$rr$ti4e, $ re$list one #ith its

,losin! reli$n,e upon Jtruth to re$lityK $s its 5in$l ple$sure, is $4$il$ble to open, J#riterlyK re$din!s $nd, indeed, reGuires the6. Televis/al narrative Feuer <198;= $r!ues th$t tele4ision h$s produ,ed $nd de4eloped distin,ti4e 5or6s o5 n$rr$ti4e th$t in4ite #h$t 2 h$4e ,$lled Jprodu,erlyK rel$tions #ith the te:t. +he series $nd the seri$l, #hi,h she ,h$r$,teri7es $s tele4isionDs do6in$nt n$rr$ti4e 5or6s, $re, she $r!ues, inherently 6ore open te:ts th$t the one-o55, ,o6pleted, ,losed n$rr$ti4es typi,$l o5 the no4el $nd 5il6. +he tele4ision seri$l, typi5ied by the so$p oper$ <see ,h$pter 10=, dep$rts 5ro6 tr$dition$l n$rr$ti4e stru,ture in $ nu6ber o5 #$ys, the 6ost ob4ious bein! the #$y th$t its 6$ny plots ne4er re$,h $ point o5 ,losure, $nd its $bsen,e o5 $ny ori!in$ry st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 5ro6 #hi,h they dep$rted. 1ut Feuer <198;= does point out th$t there is $n un#ritten $nd un$,hie4ed ide$l o5 the st$ble, h$ppy 5$6ily $!$inst #hi,h $ll the disruptions $re plotted. (he $lso 6$*es the point th$t tr$dition$l n$rr$ti4e theories $re better $t des,ribin! J6$s,ulineK n$rr$ti4e, su,h $s the ,opI$d4enture sho#, th$n J5e6inineK n$rr$ti4e, su,h $s the so$p oper$. %4en so, the series, #hile re$,hin! $ resoundin! ,on,lusion to e$,h episode, ne4er resol4es the on!oin! situ$tion. +he poli,e 5or,e is en!$!ed in $ ,onst$nt #$r $!$inst ,ri6e, The .;Team h$s $ ,onst$nt supply o5 Jlittle peopleK #ho need its help be,$use o5 the li6it$tions o5 the o55i,i$l $!en,ies o5 l$# $nd order. (i6il$rly %$ton <1981= $r!ues th$t in tele4ision sit,o6s, the ,o6edy 6$y be resol4ed e$,h #ee*, but the situ$tion ne4er is. +he synt$!6$ti, ,h$in o5 e4ents 6$y re$,h $ ,losure, but the p$r$di!6$ti, oppositions o5 ,h$r$,ter $nd situ$tion ne4er ,$n. 2t is $ reGuire6ent o5 tele4isionDs routine repetition th$t its stories ,$n ne4er be 5in$lly resol4ed $nd ,losed o55. (i6il$rly, ,h$pter 1 $r!ues th$t the ,on4ention$l, repetitious n$ture o5 the ne#s 6e$ns th$t its stories, ho#e4er 5or6$lly they 6$y be ,losed o55, ne4er re$lly end8 there #ill $l#$ys be 6ore terrorists, 6ore politi,$l ,on5eren,es, 6ore 6urders, 6ore dis$sters, 6ore *ittens in trees, to6orro#, ne:t #ee*, or ne:t 6onth. +he n$rr$ti4e tension bet#een eGuilibriu6 $nd disruption is $l#$ys there. -144+ele4isionDs sense o5 ti6e is uniGue in its 5eel o5 the present $nd its $ssu6ption o5 the 5uture. 2n so$p oper$, the n$rr$ti4e ti6e is $ 6et$phori,$l eGui4$lent o5 re$l ti6e, $nd the $udien,es $re ,onst$ntly en!$!ed in re6e6berin! the p$st, en?oyin! the present, $nd predi,tin! the 5uture. 2n series, the 5uture 6$y not be p$rt o5 the die!eti, #orld o5 the n$rr$ti4e, but it is ins,ribed into the institution o5 tele4ision itsel58 the ,h$r$,ters 6$y not $,t $s thou!h they #ill be b$,* #ith us ne:t #ee*, but #e, the 4ie#ers, *no# th$t they #ill. +he sense o5 the 5uture, o5 the e:isten,e o5 $s yet un#ritten e4ents, is $ spe,i5i,$lly tele4isu$l ,h$r$,teristi,, $nd one th$t #or*s to resist n$rr$ti4e ,losure. 2t $lso 6$*es the her6eneuti, ,ode #or* di55erently. +ele4isionDs Jne#nessK 6$*es suspense see6 re$l, not 6$nu5$,tured, $nd in4ites the 4ie#er to Jli4eK the e:perien,e o5 sol4in! the eni!6$, r$ther th$n be told the pro,ess o5 its $lre$dy $,hie4ed $nd re,orded resolution. +he story $ppe$rs to be h$ppenin! now, its 5uture to be still un#ritten. (o in

so$p oper$, in sport, in Gui7 sho#s, the her6eneuti, ,ode is 6ore i6per$ti4e, the en!$!e6ent it reGuires is 6ore JeGu$l, K 5or both n$rr$ti4e $nd 4ie#er $ppe$r to be eGu$lly l$,*in! in *no#led!e $s they li4e throu!h the eni!6$Ds resolution. +his is $ 6ore en!$!ed $nd e6po#erin! re$din! rel$tion th$n th$t o55ered by the no4el or by 5il6. Ch$pter ; $r!ued th$t the tele4ision te:t #$s typi,$lly se!6ented. %llis <1982= s$ys th$t $n e55e,t o5 this is su,,ession, r$ther th$n ,onseGuen,e. +he ine4it$ble seGuen,e o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t th$t 6$r*s the pro!ression o5 the tr$dition$l n$rr$ti4e to its point o5 resolution is ,onst$ntly interrupted in tele4ision by $d4ertise6ents, pro6os, spot $nnoun,e6ents, $nd so on. +he sel5-su55i,ien,y o5 the sin!le die!eti, #orld o5 tr$dition$l re$list n$rr$ti4e ,$n ne4er be 6$int$ined in tele4ision. @n si6il$r lines Feuer <198;= $r!ues th$t tele4ision h$s three die!eti, #orlds th$t ,onst$ntly interse,t $nd interrupt e$,h other - th$t o5 the tele4ision pro!r$6, th$t o5 the $ds $nd pro6os, $nd th$t o5 the 4ie#in! 5$6ily. +hese interruptions o5 the n$rr$ti4e th$t 5r$,ture its die!eti, #orld $re ,h$r$,teristi, o5 the $pp$r$tus o5 tele4ision, th$t is, o5 its ,o66er,i$l 6i: o5 pro!r$6s $nd $d4ertise6ents $nd o5 its do6esti, 6ode o5 re,eption, #hi,h 6e$ns th$t it 6$y be #$t,hed either ,ontinuously or interruptedly, $,,ordin! to the #$y the 4ie#er inserts it into herIhis do6esti, routine. 2t is $r!u$ble th$t #o6enDs do6esti, routine is the 6ost insistent $nd interrupti4e <see ,h$pter 10= so the 5e6inine n$rr$ti4e o5 the so$p oper$ is le$st li*e the tr$dition$l ,losed n$rr$ti4e $nd 6ost $6en$ble to bein! 4ie#ed #ith di55erenti$l 6odes o5 $ttention. 2ts die!eti, #orld is not only 5r$!6ented into its 6ultiple plots, but is interrupted by its $d4ertise6ents in $ #$y th$t Flitter6$n <1983= $r!ues is uniGue. (he su!!ests th$t the $ds $i6ed $t #o6en $nd inserted in the d$yti6e so$ps $re 6inin$rr$ti4es th$t be$r $n in4erse rel$tionship to the n$rr$ti4e stru,ture o5 the pro!r$6s. +he $ds $re ,losed n$rr$ti4es th$t re$,h $ su,,ess5ul, i5 te6por$ry, ,losure. +he proble6 o5 st$ined shirts, 5$,i$l #rin*les, or 6uddy 5loors #hi,h disrupts the Jnor6$lK st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 <ideolo!i,$lly proposed $s $ st$te o5 per5e,t hy!iene, be$uty, $nd $!elessness= is sol4ed by the hero-produ,t #hi,h restores $n enh$n,ed order. 1ut, li*e the episodi, sit,o6, the resolution is te6por$ry $nd 5r$!ile, $nd in no #$y tou,hes the b$si, situ$tion o5 dirt-be$rin! ,hildrenIhusb$nds or the p$ss$!e o5 ti6eIyouthIbe$uty #hi,h ,onstitutes the on!oin! proble6s o5 the house#i5e. +he $ds, Flitter6$n $r!ues, ,o6ple6ent the pro!r$6 by pro4idin! $ li6ited sense o5 $,hie4e6ent $nd s$tis5$,tion #hi,h is ,onst$ntly de5erred in the n$rr$ti4e o5 the pro!r$6 itsel5. 1ut they do 6ore th$n this, they 5reGuently $ddress the 4ie#er dire,tly, $,*no#led!in! the brid!e$ble !$p bet#een their die!eti, #orld $nd th$t o5 the 4ie#in! house#i5e. +hey 6$*e e:pli,it the sense o5 inti6$,y bet#een the tele4isu$l #orld $nd th$t o5 the 4ie#er in $ #$y th$t bre$*s the sel5-,ont$inedness o5 tele4isionDs die!esis by presentin! it not $s $ sep$r$te #orld <li*e th$t o5 $ 5il6 or $ boo*= but $s $ p$rt o5 the Jre$lK #orld o5 the 4ie#er. +he 4ie#er #illin!ly enters into this illusion to in,re$se her ple$sure <see ,h$pters $nd 9= $nd in so doin! inter$,ts #ith the #orld o5 tele4ision in order to ,re$te $ 6e$nin!5ul rel$tionship bet#een it $nd her #orld. (he uses 1$rthesDs re5erenti$l $nd se6i, ,odes positi4ely in order to ,onstru,t brid!es bet#een her Jli5e $s ,ultureK $nd the represent$tion$l #orld on tele4ision. (he is $ #riterly 4ie#er o5 $ #riterly te:t. -14 -

M$s,uline n$rr$ti4es, su,h $s The .;Team( $lso inter$,t #ith their $ds in $ si6il$r #$y, thou!h here the rel$tionship is re4ersed. +he 6$s,uline pro!r$6 ,loses #ith su,,ess5ul $,hie4e6ent, but the $ds o5ten e6ph$si7e the 6e$ns to th$t $,hie4e6ent r$ther th$n the $,hie4e6ent itsel5. 3ds 5or ,$rs $nd po#er tools e6ph$si7e the 6e,h$ni,$l e:tensions o5 the 6$s,uline body, $nd beer $ds pro6ise 6$le bondin! $nd the J5eelK o5 6$s,ulinity <see ,h$pter 11=. 1ut the e55e,t is the s$6e, the $ds 6edi$te bet#een the die!eti, #orld o5 the pro!r$6 $nd the #orld o5 the 4ie#er - they sho# th$t the die!eti, #orld is not ,o6plete #ithin itsel5, but th$t its bound$ries ,$n be bro*en #here it interse,ts #ith the Jre$lK #orld o5 the 4ie#er. -14;Re,ent 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4es, su,h $s Miami Aice $nd, o,,$sion$lly, !unter, do not #$it 5or the $ds to 5r$,ture their die!eti, #orld, but use pop son!s in the sound tr$,* to rel$te out o5 the #orld o5 the n$rr$ti4e $nd into the ,ultur$l li5e o5 the 4ie#erDs pre4ious e:perien,e o5 the son! or, interte:tu$lly, to ro,* 4ideo or M+B <see ,h$pter 13=. +he die!esis is 5r$,tured by e6ph$si7in! $nd e:ploitin! the ,ultur$l #or* o5 1$rthesDs re5erenti$l ,ode. +he interte:tu$lity o5 tele4ision #hi,h ,rosses die!eti, #orlds is typi,$lly 6ore e:pli,it th$n th$t o5 the no4el or 5il6. Feuer <198;= notes so6e e:$6ples o5 deliber$te e:ploit$tion o5 this, su,h $s #hen $ tr$u6$ dr$6$ on teen$!e sui,ide is 5ollo#ed by $ dis,ussion pro!r$6 on the proble6. (i6il$rly Threads, $ 5i,tion$l tele6o4ie on the e55e,ts o5 $ nu,le$r #$r $nd the nu,le$r #inter, #$s 5ollo#ed by e:pert ,o66ent by s,ientists $nd politi,i$ns on the Jre$l #orldK proble6. Co66er,i$lly the interdie!eti, re5eren,es $re e:ploited by insertin! $ds sho#in! FrystleILind$ %4$ns e:tollin! her br$nd o5 ,os6eti,s in ynasty, in #hi,h she is $ 6$?or ,h$r$,ter. 3ds in #hi,h sports6en or sports#o6en endorse $ produ,t $re 5reGuently inserted into sports bro$d,$sts in #hi,h they $re per5or6in!. 3 less intention$l, but no less si!ni5i,$nt, 3ustr$li$n e:$6ple o,,urred in $ ,o66er,i$l bre$* th$t ,ont$ined $ st$tion identi5i,$tion 5or Ch$nnel "ine $nd $ pro6o 5or The Flying octors, $ pro!r$6 to be s,reened l$ter in the e4enin!. +he pro6o pre4ie#ed one o5 the plotlines #hi,h ,on,erned the dr$6$ o5 $ pre!n$nt #o6$n in $ re6ote rur$l $re$ needin! the ser4i,es o5 the Flyin! Co,torsD te$6. Ch$nnel "ineDs identi5i,$tion ,onsisted o5 $ r$pid series o5 portr$its o5 typi,$l Jre$lK 'est 3ustr$li$ns, one o5 #hi,h sho#ed $ pre!n$nt #o6$n bein! helped into $ Jre$lK Flyin! Co,torsD $ir,r$5t. +his blurrin! o5 the distin,tions bet#een the 5i,tion$l $nd re$l repli,$tes the deni$l o5 !enre di55eren,es bet#een 5i,tion, 5$,t, $nd $d4ertise6ent, $nd redu,es the po#er o5 the te:t to ,onstru,t $ 4ie#in! sub?e,t position. +he te:t ,$n only su!!est th$t the 4$rious die!eti, #orlds $re rel$ted, not sel5-,ont$ined8 it ,$nnot spe,i5y the lin*s th$t the 4ie#er 6$*es bet#een the6. +ele4ision 4ie#in! is 6ore inter$,ti4e th$n either ,ine6$ spe,t$tin! or no4el re$din! $nd ,onseGuently its n$rr$ti4es $re 6ore open to ne!oti$tion. +he se!6ented, 5r$,tured n$ture o5 tele4ision, its produ,erly te:ts, $nd its $,ti4e $udien,es, ,o6e to!ether to oppose $ny 5or,es o5 ,losure #ithin its n$rr$ti4e stru,tures. +he stru,tur$list theories o5 n$rr$ti4e 2 h$4e outlined here h$4e de4eloped l$r!ely 5ro6 studies o5 5ol* t$les or le!ends8 the 6ore sophisti,$ted n$rr$ti4e 5or6s o5 so6e no4els

$nd 5il6s h$4e !i4en rise to di55erent theories, in p$rti,ul$r ones th$t stress the di55eren,e bet#een story $nd dis,ourse <Ch$t6$n 1978= or 5$bul$ $nd syu7het <1ord#ell 198 =. -147"$rr$ti4e theory #hi,h is deri4ed 5ro6 5ol* t$le, #ith its e6ph$sis on ,o66on stru,tures $nd ,on4entions th$t rel$te dire,tly to its so,i$l ,onte:t, #ould see6 6ore pertinent to $ popul$r 6ediu6 li*e tele4ision, #ith its si6ple, repe$ted stru,tures. 1ut 5ol* t$les de4eloped in essenti$lly ho6o!eneous trib$l so,ieties, or in si6ple $!r$ri$n ones, #here$s tele4ision n$rr$ti4es h$4e to be popul$r in hetero!eneous so,ieties $6on!st $udien,es #ith di55erent $nd o5ten ,on5li,tin! so,i$l interests $nd e:perien,es. (o tele4ision n$rr$ti4e 6ust be 6ore open $nd 6ultiple th$n the sin!ul$r 5ol* n$rr$ti4e #ith its ,o6p$r$ti4ely ti!ht ,losure. +ele4ision n$rr$ti4es 6$y e6body the repetitious, str$i!ht5or#$rd stru,ture o5 the 5ol* t$le, but they 6ust be $ble to build into it ,ontr$di,tions th$t #e$*en its ,losure, $nd 5r$!6ent$tions th$t deny its unity. -148Chapter @ Character reading +ele4ision is ,entr$lly ,on,erned #ith the represent$tion o5 people - its 6ost typi,$l i6$!e is $ 6id-shot or ,lose-up o5 so6eone t$l*in! or re$,tin!. +#o-$nd three-shots est$blish identities, sp$ti$l rel$tionships $nd lo,$tion, $nd then the ,$6er$ 6o4es in on the indi4idu$l. %4en the ne#s is person$li7ed $nd ne#s re$ders re,ei4e si6il$r 5$n 6$il to th$t o5 so$p oper$ st$rs. +he produ,ers *no# the i6port$n,e o5 ,h$r$,ter, too. 3bout 80 per ,ent o5 pri6e-ti6e N( net#or* tele4ision is 5i,tion, $nd this is typi,$lly presented in ter6s o5 its le$din! ,h$r$,ters. (eries titles ,o66only $re those o5 their le$din! ,h$r$,ters <"tars+y and !utch, T$ E$ !oo+er, Magnum, "imon and "imon, Cagney and Lacey, et,. = $nd studio publi,ity he$4ily pro6otes the sho#s in ter6s o5 their st$r person$lities. +he ,o4er pi,ture o5 TA Guide is $l6ost in4$ri$bly o5 the st$r or st$rs o5 one o5 the #ee*Ds series. 3n interestin! e:,eption to this n$6in! poli,y is pro4ided by d$yti6e $nd ni!htti6e so$p oper$s, #hose titles stress pl$,e, 5$6ily, or !ener$li7$tions $bout so,i$l e:perien,e < allas, ynasty, Cnots Landing, ays of Bur Li'es, The *oung and the Restless=. (i6il$rly, the poli,e sho#s th$t $ppropri$te ele6ents o5 so$p oper$ 5or6 $ppropri$te their titlin! str$te!ies too <!ill "treet Blues SN(3T, Cop "hop S3ustr$li$T, @ Cars SNFT=. 1ut e4en thou!h so$p oper$s $ppe$r, by their titles $t le$st, to de4i$te 5ro6 tele4isionDs typi,$l str$te!y o5 in4itin! us to re$d dr$6$ throu!h its ,h$r$,ters, their 5$ns $nd their industry o5 se,ond$ry te:ts <5$n7ines, 5e$ture $rti,les in 6$!$7ines, et,. = !i4e ,h$r$,ter hi!h priority. +he di55eren,e in titlin! str$te!y bet#een so$p oper$s $nd other tele4ision dr$6$ is due r$ther, $s #e sh$ll see in the ne:t ,h$pters, to the so$psD e6ph$sis on $ 5$6ily or nei!hborhood o5 ,h$r$,ters r$ther th$n $n indi4idu$l heroIine, or heroIine p$ir or te$6.

Ch$r$,ter represent$tion on tele4ision di55ers si!ni5i,$ntly 5ro6 the ,ine6$ or the$ter, $nd this di55eren,e $rises 5ro6 t#o pri6e tele4isu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s8 its series or seri$l 5or6, $nd its Jne#nessK or Jli4eness. K +ele4ision relies on re!ul$rity o5 s,hedulin! to est$blish $ routine. +he ,o66er,i$l intentions o5 this $re ob4ious - it !ets people into the h$bit o5 4ie#in! $ p$rti,ul$r pro!r$6 $t $ p$rti,ul$r ti6e e$,h d$y or #ee*, it $llo#s 5or proper pl$nnin! o5 produ,tion resour,es, it en$bles $n $udien,e to be predi,ted in $d4$n,e $nd thus sold to $d4ertisers, $nd so on. +hus produ,tion houses li*e produ,in! series $nd seri$ls. 3 series h$s the s$6e le$d ,h$r$,ters in e$,h episode, but e$,h episode h$s $ di55erent story #hi,h is ,on,luded. +here is Jde$d ti6eK bet#een the episodes, #ith no 6e6ory 5ro6 one to the other, $nd episodes ,$n be s,reened or repe$ted in $ny order. +he le$d ,h$r$,ters $ppe$r to h$4e $ li5e only in e$,h episode, not bet#een the6, $nd do not !ro# or ,h$n!e $s episode 5ollo#s episode. (eri$ls, on the other h$nd, h$4e the s$6e ,h$r$,ters, but h$4e ,ontinuous storylines, nor6$lly 6ore th$n one, th$t ,ontinue 5ro6 episode to episode. +heir ,h$r$,ters $ppe$r to li4e ,ontinuously bet#een episodes, they !ro# $nd ,h$n!e #ith ti6e, $nd h$4e $,ti4e J6e6oriesK o5 pre4ious e4ents. +he ne:t t#o ,h$pters #ill e:plore in 6ore det$il the di55eren,es bet#een series $nd seri$ls $nd #hy one $ppe$ls to $ pri6$rily 6$s,uline $udien,e $nd the other to $ 5e6inine. For the 6o6ent 2 #ish to ,o66ent on their si6il$rity, #hi,h lies in their ,onst$nt use o5 the s$6e ,h$r$,ters $nd o5 their ,on5l$tion o5 pl$yer #ith ,h$r$,ter. -149+he ,onst$nt repetition o5 $ ,h$r$,ter 6e$ns th$t ,h$r$,ters Jli4eK in si6il$r ti6e s,$les to their $udien,e. +hey h$4e $ p$st, $ present, $nd $ 5uture th$t $ppe$r to e:,eed their te:tu$l e:isten,e, so th$t $udien,e 6e6bers $re in4ited to rel$te to the6 in ter6s o5 5$6ili$rity $nd identi5i,$tion <$ proble6$ti, ter6 th$t #ill be e:$6ined 6ore 5ully l$ter in this ,h$pter=. +B ,h$r$,ters h$4e $ 5utureM they #ill return to6orro#, or ne:t #ee*, $nd the end o5 e$,h episode h$s built into it the e:pe,t$tion o5 the ne:t, either e:pli,itly in seri$ls or i6pli,itly in series. +his o55ers the 4ie#er $ Guite di55erent rel$tionship to the ,h$r$,ter 5ro6 th$t o55ered by 5il6, #here the end o5 the 5il6 is nor6$lly the end o5 the ,h$r$,ter. 2n this respe,t, popul$r ,ine6$ rese6bles tele4ision in its produ,tion o5 6ini$ture series, #hi,h it ,$lls JseGuelsK - Roc+y >, >>, >>>, $nd >A, Mad Ma< >, >>, $nd >>>, Rambo > $nd >>, the /$6es 1ond 5il6s, $nd so on. Cyer <1979= h$s sho#n ho# tr$dition$l ,ine6$ st$rs brin! the ,ontinuity o5 their presen,e to the 4$rious ,h$r$,ters they pl$y - the /ohn '$yne #estern hero is $l6ost the s$6e 5ro6 5il6 to 5il6 despite the di55erent J,h$r$,terK 5illin! the hero role. 1ut they $re stars ; the ,ontinuity lies in their Jre$l li5eK presen,e, not in th$t o5 the ,h$r$,ters they portr$y. L$n!er <1981= 6$*es the point th$t +B de$ls not #ith st$rs but #ith person$lities - st$rs h$4e $ !l$6or th$t sets the6 $p$rt 5ro6 $nd $bo4e their 5$ns8 person$lities h$4e $ 5$6ili$rity th$t o55ers their 5$ns $ 6u,h 6ore inti6$te, eGu$l rel$tionship. Cl$ssi, Aolly#ood st$rs #ere bi!!er th$n their roles, $nd #ere re6e6bered or pro6oted by their o#n n$6es not those o5 their ,h$r$,ters. +ele4ision person$lities 6er!e into their ,h$r$,ters or $re sub6er!ed by the6. /. R. %#in! $nd L$rry A$!6$n $re $l6ost indistin!uish$ble. +o6 (elle,* is M$!nu6 or M$!nu6 is +o6 (elle,*. Mr + $nd 1. 3. $re so ,on5used th$t so6e 5$ns $re un,ert$in #hi,h is the $,tor $nd #hi,h is the ,h$r$,ter. 'here ,ine6$ produ,es series o5 5il6s, $nd thus #here it 6ost ,losely rese6bles

tele4ision, the s$6e 6er!in! o,,urs - (il4ester (t$llone is Ro,*y, Clint %$st#ood is Cirty A$rry8 the trend #$s st$rted, $s #ere so 6$ny, by the /$6es 1ond 5il6s - (,$n Connery #$s 6ore ,o6pletely $nd ,o6ple:ly /$6es 1ond <see 1ennett 1983b, $nd 1ennett $nd 'ooll$,ott 1987= th$n $l6ost $ny other st$r-,h$r$,ter ,on5l$tion. -1 0-

+he Jre$lnessK !i4en to the ,h$r$,ter by its 6er!in! #ith the pl$yer, ,o6bined #ith its 5$6ili$rity $nd its Jne#ness, K !i4e tele4ision ,h$r$,ters $ uniGue rel$tionship #ith their 5$ns. +hese ,h$r$,teristi,s $lso blur the di55eren,e bet#een 5$,t $nd 5i,tion8 &hil Conohue, '$lter Cron*ite, Robin C$y, $nd $ll the hosts $nd hostesses o5 ,h$t $nd !$6e sho#s, the ne#s re$ders, the reporters, $nd the ,o66ent$tors use their o55-s,reen or re$lli5e person$lities to 6$*e their on-s,reen roles $ppe$r 6ore Jre$lK in pre,isely the s$6e #$y th$t the pl$yers do in series $nd seri$ls. Aobson <1982= h$s sho#n ho# the pl$yers in the %n!lish so$p oper$ Crossroads ,hoose their o#n ,ostu6es - ,ostu6in! the ,h$r$,ter be,o6es the s$6e $s dressin! the6sel4es $nd their t$ste !u$r$ntees the $uthenti,ity o5 the ,h$r$,terDs $ppe$r$n,e. 3ll this su!!ests th$t ,h$r$,ter portr$y$l on tele4ision #or*s to deny the di55eren,e bet#een the re$l $nd the represent$tion in both the produ,tion $nd the re,eption pro,esses. +his 4ie# $,,ords #ell #ith the theory o5 re$lis6 outlined in ,h$pter 2 #hi,h $r!ues th$t denyin! or dis!uisin! the di55eren,e bet#een the re$l $nd its represent$tion h$s $ nu6ber o5 ideolo!i,$l e55e,ts. +hese e55e,ts ste6 5ro6 the #$y th$t Jthe re$lK is used to $uthenti,$te the represent$tion #hi,h is thus !r$nted $n ob?e,ti4e st$tus - the re$l $ppe$rs to e:ist in its o#n ri!ht $nd the represent$tion is ?ud!ed $,,ordin! to ho# ,losely it $ppro:i6$tes to it8 the represent$tion is seen $s re5le,ti4e, not produ,ti4e. (tru,tur$lis6, #ith its e6ph$sis on dis,ourse, re4erses this $nd uses the represent$tion to Guestion #h$t is $,,epted $s the re$l. 2n its e:pl$n$tion o5 represent$tion $nd, $s #e sh$ll tr$,e in this ,h$pter, in its re$din! str$te!ies, stru,tur$lis6 thus opposes re$lis6. Realist and str/ct/ral approaches 'hen studyin! the represent$tion $nd re,eption o5 ,h$r$,ter on tele4ision #e ,$n use5ully be!in by usin! theories o5 re$lis6 $nd stru,tur$lis6 $s opposin! pol$rities, #hi,h $,tu$lly ,onstitute di55erent ideolo!i,$l re$din! str$te!ies. <2t is, by no#, #idely $,,epted th$t the produ,tion o5 i6$!es is $n ideolo!i,$l pro,ess, but 5e#er re,o!ni7e th$t Jre$din!K is eGu$lly ideolo!i,$l. = 3t one end o5 the s,$le, then, #e h$4e #h$t 2 sh$ll ,$ll the re$listi, theory o5 ,h$r$,ter, $t the other the stru,tur$l or dis,ursi4e. Re$lis6 proposes th$t $ ,h$r$,ter represents $ re$l person. +he te:t pro4ides us #ith $,,ur$te $nd $deGu$te 6etony6i, pointers to the ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 the person bein! portr$yed 8 #e, the 4ie#ers, then ,$ll upon our li5e e:perien,e o5 underst$ndin! re$l people <5or so,i$l e:perien,e $lso !i4es us only 6etony6i, pointers o5 #h$t so6eone is Jre$llyK li*e= to 5ill out these ,h$r$,teristi,s in our i6$!in$tion so th$t #e 6$*e the ,h$r$,ter into $ Jre$lK person #ho6 #e J*no#K $nd #ho h$s $ Jli5eK outside the te:t.

-1 1'h$t 3n! <198 = ,$lls the Jideolo!y o5 popul$r ,ultureK in4ites us to e4$lu$te this pro,ess in t#o #$ys. 2n liter$ture or hi!hbro# dr$6$, it is the 6$r* o5 the s*ill $nd $rt o5 the $uthor to ,re$te su,h ,h$r$,ters, the ones th$t %. M. Forster ,$lls round, $s opposed to 5l$t. Ch$t6$n <1978= #rites8 'e re6e6ber Sround ,h$r$,tersT $s re$l people. +hey see6 str$n!ely 5$6ili$r. Li*e re$l li5e 5riends $nd ene6ies it is h$rd to des,ribe #h$t they $re e:$,tly li*e. . . . Round ,h$r$,ters 5un,tion $s open ,onstru,ts, sus,eptible o5 5urther insi!ht. @ur Jre$din!s outK $re not li6ited to the $,tu$l period o5 i66edi$te ,ont$,t #ith the te:t. +he ,h$r$,ter 6$y h$unt us 5or d$ys or ye$rs. <p. 132= 1r$dleyDs <1904= #or* on (h$*espe$reDs tr$!edies is o5ten seen $s the one th$t est$blished $nd 4$lid$ted this tr$dition8 in it he tre$ts (h$*espe$reDs heroes $nd heroines $s i5 they #ere re$l people #ith independent li4es outside the pl$ys, $nd uses this psy,holo!i,$l re$lis6 to pro4e (h$*espe$reDs !enius. 'hen this ,on5usion bet#een $ ,h$r$,ter $nd $ re$l person o,,urs, ho#e4er, in 5or6s th$t the ideolo!y o5 popul$r ,ulture de4$lues, su,h $s so$p oper$, its e55e,ts $re derided, not pr$ised. +he so$p oper$ 5$ns #ho 5$nt$si7e ,h$r$,ters into re$l people <so6eti6es to the e:tent o5 #ritin! the6 letters= $re derided 5or their stupidity #hile ,riti,s su,h $s Ch$t6$n or 1r$dley $re pr$ised 5or their insi!ht. 2n 5$,t, the 5$ns $nd the liter$ry or dr$6$ti, ,riti,s both ret$in, e4en i5 in $ suppressed 5or6, the $#$reness o5 the di55eren,e bet#een $ ,h$r$,ter $nd $ person8 the illusion o5 re$lis6 is only $s ,o6plete $s #e $llo# or #ish it to be. Nsin! psy,holo!i,$l re$lis6 $s $ #$y o5 underst$ndin!, respondin! to, $nd e4$lu$tin! ,h$r$,ter portr$y$l is $s #idespre$d $s it is $nd $ppe$rs $s n$tur$l $nd $s ,o66onsensi,$l $s it does, be,$use it 5its so #ell into the ideolo!y o5 indi4idu$lis6 #ith its insisten,e on the uniGueness $nd ,onsisten,y o5 the sel5. Li*e re$lis6, indi4idu$lis6 sees the sel5 $s the pri6e site 5or uni5yin! $nd 6$*in! sense o5 e:perien,eM $ uni5ied sense o5 e:perien,e produ,es $nd is produ,ed by $ uni5ied sense o5 the sel5. +his sel5 is uniGue $nd di55erent 5ro6 other sel4es8 its ori!ins $re r$rely e:$6ined but $re $ssu6ed to be n$tur$l, or biolo!i,$l, r$ther th$n so,i$l. +he uniGueness $nd n$tur$lness o5 the hu6$n body $re o5ten used $s $ dis!uised 6et$phor to $uthenti,$te the uniGueness o5 the sel5. +hus the uniGue physi,$l ,h$r$,teristi,s $nd bio!r$phies o5 $,tors $nd $,tresses $re used to $uthenti,$te the uniGue Jsel4esK o5 the ,h$r$,ters they portr$y. +his 5ore!roundin! o5 the sel5 pushes the so,i$l or politi,$l di6ension into the b$,*!round, #hi,h is #hy this 5or6 o5 ,l$ssi, re$lis6 is o5ten ,riti,i7ed 5or its tenden,y to depoliti,i7e so,i$l issues $nd to resol4e the6 throu!h indi4idu$li7$tion. +hus, the proble6 o5 $ so,i$lly depri4ed ,hildhood ,$n be Jsol4edK by $ h$ppy 6$rri$!e8 the solution is 5ound in the re$l6 o5 the indi4idu$l #here$s the proble6 is lo,$ted in the so,i$l. 2ndi4idu$lis6 di4erts $ttention $#$y 5ro6 $ny Guestionin! o5 the so,i$l syste6, 5or indi4idu$l JsolutionsK to so,i$l proble6s $re $l#$ys possible, $nd this, #hen ,oupled #ith the belie5 in the pri6$,y o5 the sel5, 5its #ith $nd underpins the role o5 re$lis6 in n$tur$li7in! bour!eois ideolo!y. -1 2-

2n ,ontr$st to re$lis6, stru,tur$lis6 $nd dis,ourse theory 5o,us on the 6ode $nd 6e$ns o5 represent$tion. 2n this $ppro$,h ,h$r$,ter is seen $s $ te:tu$l de4i,e, ,onstru,ted, li*e other te:tu$l de4i,es, 5ro6 dis,ourse. @n tele4ision the physi,$l presen,e o5 the pl$yer is used, not to $uthenti,$te the indi4idu$l sel5, but to e6body <liter$lly= dis,ourse $nd ideolo!y. 2n the stru,tur$list in5le,tion o5 this position, $ ,h$r$,ter ,$nnot be understood $s $n indi4idu$l e:istin! in his or her o#n ri!ht, but only $s $ series o5 te:tu$l <$nd interte:tu$l= rel$tions. +he 6ost ob4ious o5 these $re the rel$tionships #ith other ,h$r$,ters. (ue %llen in allas ,$n only be understood in ter6s o5 her sub?e,tion to /. R. $nd in her rel$tionship to &$6el$ $nd &$6el$Ds lo4in! rel$tionship to 1obby. (ue %llen is de5ined in p$rt by her rel$tionship o5 si6il$rity $nd di55eren,e to &$6el$ - both $re #o6en 6$rried to 6$r*edly p$tri$r,h$l %#in!s, but both e:hibit di55erent 5e6inine ,h$r$,teristi,s #ithin the p$tri$r,h$l p$r$di!68 one is #h$t the other is not $nd the 6e$nin!s o5 one $re e:pli,$ble only in ter6s o5 the 6e$nin!s o5 the other. +he 5$ns studied by 3n! <198 = $re $#$re o5 this - thou!h they try to des,ribe e$,h #o6$n $s $n indi4idu$l, they ,onst$ntly 5$ll b$,* on her di55eren,e 5ro6 the other, they 4eer bet#een re$list $nd dis,ursi4e re$din! str$te!ies8 &$6el$8 $ ni,e !irl <2 5ind her $ #o6$n o5 ,h$r$,ter8 she ,$n be ni,e, but n$sty too=. (ue %llen8 h$s h$d b$d lu,* #ith /. R., but she 6$*es up 5or it by bein! $ 5lirt. 2 donDt li*e her 6u,h. 3nd sheDs too sh$rp-ton!ued. <Letter 1= 'hy do 2 #$t,h allas e4ery +uesd$yH M$inly be,$use o5 &$6el$ $nd th$t #onder5ul lo4e bet#een her $nd 1obby. 'hen 2 see those t#o 2 5eel #$r6th r$di$tin! 5ro6 the6. . . . 2 $lso 5ind the rel$tionship bet#een Miss %llie $nd /o,* ni,e, but 2D6 s,$r,ely interested $t $ll in /. R. $nd (ue %llen. <Letter 8= (ue %llen8 ?ust fantastic, tre6endous ho# th$t #o6$n $,ts, the 6o4e6ents o5 her 6outh, h$nds, et,. +h$t #o6$n re$lly enters into her role, loo*in! 5or lo4e, snobbish, in short $ re$l #o6$n. &$6el$8 $ 1$rbie doll #ith no 5eelin!s, ,o6es o4er $s 5$lse $nd unsy6p$theti, <$ #$:en robot=. <Letter #&= -1 3(ue %llen is de5initely 6y 5$4ourite. (he h$s $ psy,holo!i,$lly belie4$ble ,h$r$,ter. 3s she is, 2 $6 6ysel5 to $ lesser de!ree <J*no,*in! oneDs he$d $!$inst $ #$ll on,e too o5tenK= $nd 2 #$nt to be S$ttr$,ti4eT. . . . &$6el$ pouts, $nd is too s#eet. <Letter #7= <p.124= +he ide$ o5 ,h$r$,ter $s $ dis,ursi4e, te:tu$l stru,ture 5its #ith the notion o5 the sub?e,t r$ther th$n the sel5. +he sub?e,t is itsel5 $ so,i$l $nd dis,ursi4e stru,ture, #hi,h ,ont$ins ,ontr$di,tions $s our so,i$l e:perien,e ,ont$ins the6. +hese ,ontr$di,tions 6$y be suppressed, but they $re ne4er resol4ed, $nd $re $l#$ys there #$itin! to be re$,ti4$ted. Re$lis6, #ith its n$rr$ti4e ,losure $nd stress on the unity o5 the sel5, #or*s to deny ,ontr$di,tions in both the te:t $nd the re$din! sub?e,t8 dis,ourse theory $nd l$ter de4elop6ents o5 stru,tur$lis6, on the other h$nd, #or* to e:ploit these ,ontr$di,tions $nd $,ti4$te the6. +his dis,ursi4e 4ie# o5 ,h$r$,ter $lso sees ,h$r$,ter $s h$4in! $ so,iopoliti,$l di6ension8 thus (ue %llenDs drin*in! ,$n be re$d $s $ 6et$phor, or displ$,ed $rti,ul$tion, o5 #o6enDs helplessness in the 5$,e o5 their subordin$tion in

p$tri$r,hy8 it is less $n insi!ht into her person$lity th$n $ te:tu$l e:pression o5 her po#erlessness in the 5$,e o5 /. R. Ds se:u$l $nd e,ono6i, politi,s. @5 ,ourse, the te:t ,$n be re$d either #$y, or both #$ys, (ue %llenDs drin*in! ,$n be either $n insi!ht into her ,h$r$,ter or $n en$,ted 6et$phor o5 5e6inine helplessness in the 5$,e o5 p$tri$r,h$l po#er, or both8 the point is th$t it is the re$der $nd his or her ideolo!y o5 re$din! th$t $,ti4$tes either the indi4idu$l psy,holo!i,$l re$din!, or the dis,ursi4e so,io-politi,$l one, or both in 4$ryin! proportions o5 e6ph$sis. Re$lis6 in4ites us to re$d ,h$r$,ter psy,holo!isti,$lly $s the represent$tion o5 $ uniGue indi4idu$l8 this in4it$tion is li*ely to be $,,epted by those #ho $,,o66od$te the6sel4es ,o65ort$bly to the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd the indi4idu$lis6 th$t is so ,entr$l to it. 1ut those #ho $re positioned 6ore opposition$lly $re 6ore li*ely to re$d ,h$r$,ter dis,ursi4ely, $s $n e6bodi6ent o5 so,i$l 4$lues $nd their 5un,tions in the n$rr$ti4e. Cis,ursi4e re$din! str$te!ies dis,our$!e identi5i,$tion $nd pro6ote $ 1re,hti$n ,riti,$l $lien$tion bet#een 4ie#er $nd ,h$r$,ter <see belo#=. Cis,ursi4e re$din!s e6ph$si7e the so,i$l, re$listi, re$din!s the indi4idu$l8 dis,ursi4e re$din!s $re thus 6ore r$di,$l, re$listi, ones 6ore re$,tion$ry. +he ,on4entions by #hi,h ,h$r$,ter is represented on tele4ision $re open enou!h to $llo# either re$din! str$te!y, or $ ,o6bin$tion o5 or $ltern$tion bet#een the6, $,,ordin! to the politi,$l orient$tion o5 the 4ie#er. -1 4 Reading character from the primary te4t +hese di55erent re$din! str$te!ies $nd the ideolo!ies th$t underlie the6 #ill be,o6e ,le$rer #ith $n $n$lysis o5 5our s,enes 5ro6 $ double episode o5 Cagney and Lacey. +he 6$in plot ,on,erns L$,eyDs possible bre$st ,$n,er $nd her re$,tions to it, the 6$in subplot is $bout the dis$ppe$r$n,e o5 $n 8-ye$r-old boy $nd the $bility o5 his bl$,* sin!le p$rent, Mrs +$!!$rt, to ,$re 5or hi6 $deGu$tely. (,enes 1 $nd 2 in the tr$ns,ript #ere sep$r$ted in the pro!r$6 5ro6 3 $nd 4 by $ ,o66er,i$l bre$*, ne#s he$dlines, $nd three other s,enes l$stin! $ tot$l o5 si: 6inutes8 L "cene # Mrs Taggart-s +itchen( she is pouring a cup of tea for Lacey$ L3C%)8 'eDll h$4e 5liers 6$de up #ith th$t pi,ture you !$4e us o5 Fe4in - the uni5or6ed o55i,ers $re !oin! to h$nd th$t out, plus #e $lso put his n$6e $nd des,ription in the n$tion$l ,o6puter 5ile. +h$n*s. <"he ta+es cup. = +3003R+8 2 #$l*ed $ll o4er the nei!hborhood yesterd$y. 2 #$l*ed 5or blo,*s. L3C%) 8 2 *no#, itDs $ hopeless 5eelin!. +3003R+8 'hy #ould he #$nt to do so6ethin! li*e this to 6eH )ou *no# 2 6issed t#o d$ys out o5 #or* $lre$dy $nd 2 t$l*ed to 6y super4isor $nd she tells 6e th$t 2 6i!ht not h$4e $ ?ob to ,o6e b$,* to.

C30"%)8 <enters with portable radio;cassette player. = Mrs +$!!$rt, did you buy this 5or your sonH +3003R+8 CoesnDt belon! to Fe4in, he doesnDt h$4e $nythin! li*e th$t. C30"%)8 2 5ound it st$shed #$y under his bed. 'here dDyou thin* he !ot the 6oney to p$y 5or itH +3003R+8 (o #h$t $re you tryin! to s$y, he stole itH My son doesnDt ste$l. L3C%)8 "obody s$ys he did, 6$D$6. 'ould you e:,use us, #e h$4e to !o $pply 5or th$t #$rr$nt, $nd the o55i,e ,loses $t 5i4e oD,lo,*. CD6on Christine. 'eDll be in tou,h. <They lea'e. = L "cene & The stairs outside Mrs Taggart-s apartment$ C30"%)8 )ou he$rd her, sheDs 6ore #orried $bout her ?ob. L3C%)8 (heDs not thin*in! str$i!ht, her *idDs been 6issin! 23 hours. C30"%)8 M$ybe he #ouldnDt h$4e i5 sheDd t$*en better ,$re o5 hi6. -1 L3C%)8 %$sy to s$y. C30"%)8 @h M$ry 1eth, #e *no# she hit hi6 $t le$st on,e, she le$4es hi6 $lone 5or hours e4ery d$y . . . . <They lea'e the building and wal+ down the street. = L3C%)8 (o #h$t $re you s$yin!H Ae r$n $#$yH 25 th$tDs true, then ho# ,o6e he didnDt t$*e his br$nd ne# r$dioH "o# 2 #$s $ l$t,h-*ey *id 6ysel5 be5ore they ,$lled it th$t 6y 5$ther too* o55, 6y 6other h$d to !o to #or* e$,h d$y, 2 #$s by 6ysel5 e4ery d$y $5ter s,hool #hen 2 #$s 8. 2 didnDt turn into $ thie5 $nd 2 didnDt run $#$y 5ro6 ho6e. C30"%)8 +h$tDs ,o6pletely di55erent, M$ry 1eth. L3C%)8 'hyH 1e,$use 2D6 #hiteH C30"%)8 "o, $nd you *no# 2 didnDt 6e$n th$t. 3nd 2 #$nt to !i4e you so6ethin! here. 2tDs the n$6e $nd telephone nu6ber o5 $ do,tor . . . L3C%)8 @h. -

C30"%)8 . . . the one 2 told you $bout. M$ry 1eth, heDs $ ,$n,er spe,i$list $nd 2 thin* you should see hi6 no#. . . . Listen to 6e, 2 *no# youDre 5ri!htened, 2Dll !o #ith you i5 you #$nt 6e to. . . . M$ry 1eth, #ill you t$l* to 6eH L3C%)8 +$l*H C30"%)8 )es. L3C%)8 )ou #$nt to t$l* $bout ho# #e 5eel in ,$se 6$ybe 2 h$4e bre$st ,$n,er . . . @F . . . in ,$se 6$ybe 2 h$4e bre$st ,$n,er. )ou !o 5irst. . . . +h$n*s 5or the ,h$t, Christine. 2tDs best i5 only one o5 us $pplies 5or the #$rr$nt, so 2Dll !o do#n to#n $nd you 5ind out #hether or not the 5liers $re re$dy. <"he wal+s off lea'ing Cagney. = C30"%)8 <"houts down the street after her. = 2t doesnDt 6$tter ho# 2 5eel $bout it, it 6$tters ho# you 5eel. <Two passing blac+ youths turn and loo+ at her. = L "cene 1 Mrs Taggart-s +itchen$ +3003R+8 (o th$tDs it. +h$tDs $ll youDre !oin! to do to try to 5ind hi6. L3C%)8 1elie4e 6e, Mrs +$!!$rt, i5 #e ,ould be doin! $nythin! else #eDd be doin! it. +3003R+8 2tDs been $l6ost three d$ys. 2 !uess you donDt send ,ops out there to loo* 5or $ lo# in,o6e ,hild. -1 ;-

L3C%)8 M$D$6, e4en i5 #e h$d the personnel, #e donDt *no# #here else to loo* 5or hi6. Ae ,ould be $ny#here.

+3003R+8 Loo*, i5 he #$s ri,h $nd #hite 2 tell you #here heDd be. AeDd be ho6e be,$use youDd 6o4e he$4en $nd e$rth to try to 5ind hi6.

C30"%)8 Aey l$dy, 2D6 !ettin! re$l tired o5 your $ttitude. 'eDre doin! e4erythin! #e ,$n, #eD4e !ot nothin! else to !o on. "obody *no#s #here your son !oes or #h$t . . . .

L3C%)8 Chris

C30"%)8 . . . he does $5ter s,hool . . . .

+3003R+8 (o #h$t $re you tryin! to s$y to 6e, you thin* 2 ne!le,t hi6H

C30"%)8 2 ?ust donDt underst$nd ho# you ,ould le$4e $ ,hild . . . .

+3003R+8 "o, youDre d$6n ri!ht you donDt underst$nd. )ou 6$*e $ ni,e s$l$ry p$id you by the City, you ,$n $55ord $ b$bysitter or pri4$te d$y ,$re. 2 6$*e 80 ,ents $bo4e 6ini6u6 #$!e $nd 2 t$*e ho6e less th$n X130 $ #ee* $nd 2 !ot $ ,hoi,e, ri!ht, bi! ,hoi,e, 2 ,$n either p$y 5or d$y ,$re or p$y 6y rent.

L3C%)8 Mrs +$!!$rt, thereDs City $!en,ies th$t . . . .

+3003R+8 3h. Ch$rity. 'el5$re. +he 3CC $nd 5ood st$6ps is the s$6e $s 2 6$*e 5or 40 hours . . . 2 didnDt #$nt Fe4in to !ro# up on h$ndouts, so 2 #ent out $nd !ot 6ysel5 tr$ined $nd 2 !ot $ ?ob so he ,ould see so6ebody st$ndin! on their o#n t#o 5eet. 3nd #h$t did it !et 6eH &eople !oin! $round here tellin! 6e 2D6 $ b$d 6other be,$use 2 donDt #$nt to st$y ho6e on #el5$re. 'ell, you $s* yoursel5, l$dy, #h$t #ould you do i5 you #ere 6eH

L (,ene 4

+he steps outside Mrs +$!!$rtDs $p$rt6ent buildin!.

C30"%)8 &er5e,t end to $ per5e,t d$y.

L3C%)8 'h$t do you e:pe,tH (heDs in $ hell o5 $ bind tryin! to do it $ll by hersel5 e4eryd$y.

C30"%)8 Co6e on, e4eryoneDs !ot proble6s. 2t shouldnDt 6$tter to you . . . .

<3 youn! !irl runs p$st, ,h$sed by $ boy. = 'ho$, loo* outO

L3C%)8 <!r$bs the boy by the l$pels $nd sh$*es hi6 4iolently. = Aey, you le$4e her $loneO

C30"%)8 M$ry 1ethO

Let us use the dis,ursi4e re$din! str$te!y 5irst. A$6on <1977=, Guoted in Fro# <198;=, de5ines ,h$r$,ter $s

-1 7-$ bundle o5 rel$tions o5 si6il$rity, opposition, hier$r,hy $nd disposition <its distribution= #hi,h it enters into, on the pl$ne o5 the si!ni5ier $nd si!ni5ied, su,,essi4ely $ndIor si6ult$neously, #ith other ,h$r$,ters or ele6ents o5 the #or*. +he rel$tions o5 si6il$rity, in this ,$se those o5 !ender, n$tion, pl$,e, ti6e, $nd $!e, 5or6 the so,i$l 5r$6e th$t is not ,$lled into Guestion by the n$rr$ti4e but r$ther 5or6s the ,o66on ideolo!i,$l !round upon #hi,h the di55eren,es pl$y out their oppositions in the n$rr$ti4e. Fro# !oes on to e:pl$in th$t the si!ni5ied o5 ,h$r$,ter is ,onstituted not only by repetition, $,,u6ul$tion, $nd tr$ns5or6$tion, but $lso by its opposition$l rel$tion to other ,h$r$,ters.

+here $re three #o6en in these s,enes. +#o o5 the6 $re the ,onst$nt ,h$r$,ters in the series #ho h$4e $,,u6ul$ted, by repetition, $ set o5 ,h$r$,ter tr$its #ith #hi,h the re!ul$r 4ie#er is 5$6ili$r. (o C$!neyDs sp$ti$l dist$n,e $s she st$nds $p$rt 5ro6 L$,ey $nd +$!!$rt is e$sily re$d $s her ,oldness, $loo5ness, #here$s L$,eyDs physi,$l pro:i6ity to +$!!$rt is re$d $s her ,h$r$,teristi, o5 #$r6th. +$!!$rt, on the other h$nd, is $ ,onstru,tion o5 this episode, so she h$s 6ore li6ited $nd less 6$r*ed ,h$r$,ter tr$its, $nd those th$t she h$s $re !ener$l r$ther th$n indi4idu$li7ed ones li*e the distr$u!ht 6other, the e,ono6i,$lly depri4ed, the sin!le p$rent, the bl$,*. (he is #h$t 1$rthes <197 $= ,$lls $ 5i!ure r$ther th$n $ ,h$r$,ter, th$t is, $n e6bodi6ent o5 $lre$dy en,oded ,ultur$l Jse6esK <in this ,$se Jthe #o6$n 4i,ti6, K Jthe robbed 6otherK= upon #hi,h the 6ore indi4idu$li7in! se6es o5 ,h$r$,ter $re o4erl$id. +$ble 9.1 6odels the rel$tions o5 opposition $nd si6il$rity $6on! the #o6en <the p$renthesi7ed ,h$r$,teristi,s 5or +$!!$rt $re te:tu$lly un6$r*ed $nd thus rel$ti4ely unsi!ni5yin!8 they $re the se6es th$t, i5 6$r*ed, #ould help to li5t her 5ro6 5i!ure to ,h$r$,ter=. 'h$t is stri*in! $bout this list is the preponder$n,e o5 tr$its th$t $re not deri4ed 5ro6 the n$ture o5 the indi4idu$l, but $re so,i$l, politi,$l, or e,ono6i, in ori!in. 3nd, in the ,$se o5 +$!!$rt, #ith its $bsen,e o5 $,,u6ul$tion $nd repetition, they $re $l6ost e:,lusi4ely so. +his dis,ursi4e or stru,tur$list re$din! str$te!y re4e$ls ho# e$sily ,h$r$,ter in +B dr$6$ 6$y be re$d not $s the represent$tion o5 psy,holo!i,$lly l$yered $nd 6oti4$ted indi4idu$ls but $s $ 6etony6i, represent$tion o5 so,i$l positions $nd the 4$lues e6bodied in the6. +hese 4$lues $re deeply en,oded in the Jsy6boli, ,odesK <1$rthes 197 $= o5 the ,ulture, the ,odes th$t or!$ni7e our underst$ndin!s $round su,h 5und$6ent$l oppositions $s 6$le85e6$le, 6$rried8sin!le, or 5$6ily8 ,$reer. +hese $re the the6$ti, eGui4$lent o5 the pre-psy,holo!i,$l, ,ultur$l ,odin!s th$t 1$rthes ,$lls J5i!ure. K +hey $re tr$ns5or6ed 5irst #hen they $,Guire so,i$l $nd politi,$l 4$lues $nd then #hen they $re !i4en the tr$ppin!s o5 indi4idu$li7$tion th$t 1$rthes ,$lls J,h$r$,ter. K +his sur5$,e is #h$t the psy,holo!isti,, re$listi, re$din! str$te!y re$ds. +he dis,ursi4e re$din!, ho# -1 8Ta1le @A1 The value structure of characters Character trait Cagney Lacey Taggart "imilarities 0ender Fe6$le Fe6$le Fe6$le "$tion N( N( N( &l$,e Nrb$n <")= Nrb$n <")= Nrb$n <")= +i6e "o# "o# "o# 3!e &ri6e <plus= &ri6e <plus= &ri6e <plus= ifferences (o,i$l R$,e 'hite 'hite <ethni,= 1l$,* Cl$ss Middle Lo#er Lo#est

Character trait Ao6e Money &ro5ession$l +ype o5 ?ob /ob 6oti4$tion /ob re#$rd (o,io-(e:u$l +ype o5 #o6$n M$rit$l st$tus Lo4e st$tus &$rent$l st$tus &hysi,$l 1ody A$ir F$,e &erson$l (tyle o5 Cressin! o5 C$rin! 2nterperson$l

Cagney +rendy Co65ort$ble

Lacey +r$dition$l +i!ht

Taggart 0hetto <not slu6= &oor (e,ret$ry (el5-su55i,ien,y Money Bi,ti6 (ep$r$ted Lost Lost ,hild <(li6= <1l$,*= <&retty=

&otenti$l dete,ti4e ser!e$nt Cete,ti4e 36bition ($tis5$,tion C$reer CutyI(er4i,e Modern (in!le "ot yet "o ,hildren (li6 1londe &retty M$nnish-trendy +ou!h, so5t-,entered Cet$,hed 3n$lyti,$l /ud!e6ent$l +ou!h, 6$s,uline +r$dition$l M$rried 2n lo4e Children &ud!y 1runette Ao6ely


Motherly-5ru6pish <Fe6$le= (o5t, tou!h-,entered %6otion$l, in,o6petent 2n4ol4ed <&roud= %:peri6ent$l <%6otion$l= (y6p$theti, <Cependent= (o5t, 5e6inine Co#n to e$rth

e4er, p$sses throu!h this $ttr$,ti4e sur5$,e to see ,h$r$,ter $s $n e6bodi6ent o5 $bstr$,t so,i$l $nd politi,$l 4$lues, $nd ,on5li,t bet#een ,h$r$,ters $s $n en$,t6ent o5 so,i$l ,on5li,t. +he ,h$r$,ter tr$its o5 C$!ney, L$,ey, $nd +$!!$rt ,$ll 5or so6e *ind o5 ,$te!ori7$tion, but resist it. +here is $ di55eren,e bet#een so,i$l 6$r*ers o5 ,h$r$,ter di55eren,e su,h $s r$,e, ,l$ss, 6$rit$l st$tus, $nd 6ore psy,holo!i,$lly presented ones su,h $s the one 2 h$4e ,$lled Jstyle o5 ,$rin!K in order not to 5ore!round too stron!ly its psy,holo!isti, di6ension. +here is $lso $ potenti$l ,$te!ory o5 physi,$l $ppe$r$n,e $nd 6$nneris6s. +here $re $ nu6ber o5 proble6s th$t o,,ur #ith $ny ,$te!ori7in! syste6. +he ,hoi,e o5 ,$te!ories is ne4er sel5-e4ident, nor is the $s,ription o5 $ de5ined unit to its $ppropri$te ,$te!ory8 5or inst$n,e, J$ttitude to #or*K ,$n be, dependin! on the str$te!y o5 the re$der, $ psy,holo!i,$l tr$it or $ so,i$l one. &sy,holo!i,$lly, C$!neyDs $6bition ,$n be seen $s $ 5un,tion o5 her ,h$r$,ter, but dis,ursi4ely, it is re$d $s the politi,$l re$,tion o5 $ #o6$n to p$tri$r,h$l subordin$tion. 1ut e4en #hen $ ,$te!ori7$tion h$s been ,o6pleted, ho#e4er $rbitr$rily, #e $re still no 5urther to#$rds underst$ndin! the rel$tionship bet#een the ,$te!ories, 5or 6e$nin! deri4es 5ro6 rel$tionship, not 5ro6 essen,es. For inst$n,e, do #e re$d C$!neyDs 6$rit$l st$tus $s $n e55e,t o5 her ,$reer $6bitions, or $ ,$use o5 the6H 3nd ho# do both rel$te to her physi,$l ,h$r$,teristi,sH -1 9-

+he ,$te!ories $nd their rel$tionships $re not inherent in the te:t, but $re #$ys o5 thin*in!M they $re 6e$nin!-6$*in! pro,esses o5 the re$der, not p$rt o5 the physi,$l stru,ture o5 the te:t, $nd e:pl$n$tion 5or the6 6ust be sou!ht in the so,i$l rel$tions o5 re$din!. +he dis,ursi4e theory o5 underst$ndin! o5 ,h$r$,ter is polyse6i,, be,$use te:ts $re. 3 ,h$r$,ter is $ p$r$di!6$ti, set o5 4$lues th$t $re rel$ted throu!h stru,tures o5 si6il$rity $nd di55eren,e to other ,h$r$,ters8 ,h$r$,ter is $ ,on?un,ture o5 so,i$l dis,ourses held in $ 6et$phori,$l rel$tionship to notions o5 indi4idu$lity $nd e6bodied in the $ppe$r$n,e $nd 6$nneris6s o5 $n indi4idu$l $,tor or $,tress. Ch$r$,ter, then, is $n e6bodied ideolo!y, $nd is used to 6$*e sense o5 the #orld by the rel$tions o5 dis,ourses $nd ideolo!y th$t it e6bodies. +he re$listi, re$din! o5 ,h$r$,ter, on the other h$nd, proposes th$t the #orld is 6$de sense o5 throu!h the per,eptu$l $nd ,o!niti4e pro,esses o5 the indi4idu$l <ori!in$lly the ,h$r$,ter $s indi4idu$l, but 5in$lly the indi4idu$l 4ie#er=. 3,tions $nd e4ents $re #h$t h$ppen to indi4idu$ls $nd #h$t indi4idu$ls do, $nd 6$*in! sense o5 the6 is essenti$lly 5indin! $ ,oheren,e into #hi,h to uni5y the6. Nni5yin! 6e$ns ,losin! o55 $ltern$ti4es $nd 5indin! JtheK <s$tis5$,tory= 6e$nin!. (o, in this str$te!y, the ,onne,tions bet#een s,enes 1 $nd 2 #ould be 6$de Jpsy,holo!i,$lly, K #ithin the ,oheren,e $nd ,onst$n,y o5 the ,h$r$,ters. L$,eyDs in$bility to de$l #ith +$!!$rtDs so,i$l $nd p$rent$l proble6 is p$rt o5 the Je:pl$n$tionK o5 her in$bility to ,o6e to ter6s #ith her o#n physi,$l proble6 $nd si6il$rly, C$!neyDs ,riti,$l 4ie# o5 +$!!$rtDs person$l responsibility 5or her pli!ht Je:pl$insK her h$rsh deter6in$tion to 6$*e L$,ey $#$re o5 her person$l responsibility to $,t. C$!neyDs 6is?ud!6ent o5 +$!!$rt ,$n be e:pl$ined in person$l ter6s - be,$use she is sin!le, #ell o55, $nd not $ p$rent she ,$nnot e6p$thi7e #ith +$!!$rtDs position in the #$y th$t L$,ey ,$n. +he te:t ,$nnot tell us ho# to $,ti4$te it, the di55eren,e in re$din! deri4es 5ro6 $ di55eren,e o5 ,riti,$l $nd ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e. +he dis,ursi4e re$din! o5 ,h$r$,ter loo*s $lso to#$rds its uni5yin! po#er, but $,,ounts 5or this di55erently. +hese t#o p$irs o5 s,enes $re rel$ted intern$lly $nd #ith e$,h other be,$use C$!ney $nd L$,ey $re in e$,h, $nd it is their ,o66on presen,e th$t rel$tes the so,iopoliti,$l ,risis o5 the bl$,*, sin!le 6other $nd her delinGuent ,hild in $ !hetto to the !ender-politi,$l ,risis o5 the #or*in! 6other-#i5e #ith bre$st ,$n,er. -1;0Ch$r$,ter still rel$tes $,tions $nd e4ents, but not intern$lly. R$ther it pro4ides $ 5r$6e#or* o5 4$lues by #hi,h to 6$*e sense o5 the6, it pro4ides the 6e$ns o5 6$*in! sense r$ther th$n the site o5 th$t sense. +he $pp$rently unrel$ted e4ents in s,enes 1 $nd 2 $re, in 5$,t, rel$ted by the ,onsistent 5r$6e o5 4$lues pro4ided by the ,h$r$,ter stru,ture o5 the three #o6en in4ol4ed. +hus the t#o bl$,*s #ho, $t the end o5 (,ene 2 loo* in $6$7e6ent $s C$!ney shouts her ,on,ern 5or L$,ey $re not ?ust lo,$l ,olor, or #h$t 1$rthes <1977$= ,$lls Jre$lis6 oper$tors, K but in4ite us to 6$*e sense o5 L$,eyDs terror o5 bre$st ,$n,er by $ set o5 4$lues #hi,h in,lude 6$s,uline85e6inine, #hite8 bl$,*, $d4$nt$!ed8dis$d4$nt$!ed, $nd #hi,h, throu!h their bl$,*ness, rel$te to +$!!$rt. Nsin!

the s$6e set o5 4$lues $s $ 6e$ns o5 ,oheren,e en$bles us to see $ si!ni5i,$nt rel$tionship bet#een +$!!$rtDs physi,$l he$lth but e,ono6i,, so,i$l, $nd 6$rit$l si,*ness $nd L$,eyDs physi,$l si,*ness but e,ono6i,, so,i$l, $nd 6$rit$l he$lth. +$!!$rtDs bl$,*ness $nd po4erty enter $ rel$tionship #ith L$,eyDs physi,$l si,*ness th$t is 6utu$lly 4$lid$tin!. 1re$st ,$n,er $nd possible 6$ste,to6y $re physi,$l si!ns o5 the 4i,ti6i7$tion o5 #o6en in p$tri$r,hyM +$!!$rtDs po#erlessness is $ so,i$l si!n o5 the s$6e 4i,ti6i7$tion. %$,h is $ 6et$phor 5or the other. +yne C$ly, #ho pl$ys L$,ey, is #ell $#$re o5 this ,onne,tion8 'hen C$ly 5irst le$rned 5ro6 the s,ript#riters th$t she #ould h$4e to pl$y $ ,$n,erous L$,ey, she #$s upset. J2 didnDt #$nt to see the 4i,ti6i7$tion o5 M$ry 1eth, K she s$ys. J2 si!ned on to pl$y the hero not the 4i,ti6. 3nd sort o5 $s $ !ener$l rule o5 thu6b, 2 donDt #$nt to pl$y 4i,ti6s. 2D6 not 6$d 5or #o6en-in-?eop$rdy $s $n $rt 5or6. K (he s$ys the sho#Ds #riters thou!ht the bre$st ,$n,er story line #$s Jso ?ui,y. 2 #ish it #$snDt so ?ui,y. 2 ?ust #ish it #$snDt ?ui,y $ny6ore in our so,iety to see #o6en thre$tened. . . . 2D6 #e$ry o5 th$t, not only $s $n $,tress but $s $n 36eri,$n ,iti7en. K <D". Today, Febru$ry 11, 198 8 C3= +his sense-6$*in! rel$tionship bet#een the physi,$l $nd so,i$l 4i,ti6i7$tion o5 #o6en oper$tes only #hen ,h$r$,ter is re$d $s $ dis,ursi4e ,onstru,t8 it is not p$rt o5 the per,eptu$l $nd ,o!niti4e li5e o5 the ,h$r$,ters 5or it 5or6s no p$rt o5 the sense th$t they 6$*e o5 their e:perien,e. R$ther it is sense th$t is 6$de #hen the dis,ourses by #hi,h the re$der 6$*es sense o5 herIhis so,i$l e:perien,e $re used to Jre$dK the te:t, $nd thus to re$d the ,h$r$,ters $s p$rt o5 th$t te:t. +he dis,ourses <o5 !ender, r$,e, e,ono6i,s, he$lth= th$t 6$*e sense o5 the in,idents $nd settin!s $lso 6$*e sense o5 the ,h$r$,ters. +he ,h$r$,ters uni5y disp$r$te $,tions not throu!h their person$l e:perien,e o5 the6, but throu!h their dis,ursi4e stru,ture $s $n e6bodi6ent o5 $n $bstr$,t 4$lue syste6 by #hi,h sense is 6$de o5 the in,idents. For 1$rthes <1977$= J,h$r$,ters 5or6 $ ne,ess$ry pl$ne o5 des,ription outside o5 #hi,h the sli!htest reported R$,tionsD ,e$se to be intelli!ibleK <p. 10 =. +he ,h$r$,ters not only uni5y s,enes #ithin $n episode, but episodes #ithin the series, they $re the J,h$r$,terK o5 the series in so 5$r $s they be$r its distin,ti4e 5e$tures, its ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e, $nd $re the 6$in $!ents 5or Jh$ilin!K $nd then interpell$tin! the prospe,ti4e $udien,e. 2t is ,h$r$,ters #ho turn settin!s into $,tions $nd e4ents, $nd in so doin! oper$tion$li7e the ideolo!i,$l 4$lues o5 settin!s into the ,on5li,ts $nd ,losures o5 the plot. Fi!ure 9.1 6odels this bro$d rel$tionship bet#een settin!s, 4$lues, $nd ,h$r$,ters. -1;1Figure 9.1 Settings, val/es, and characters

$ Q 'h$t L$,ey brin!s to the street. b Q 'h$t C$!ney brin!s to the street. $ & b Q +he su,,ess o5 the p$ir in 6edi$tin! bet#een top $nd botto6. , Q 'h$t the Jne#K #o6$n brin!s to the #orlds o5 #or* $nd ho6e. C$!neyIL$,ey $s $ rel$tionship 6edi$te bet#een le5t $nd ri!ht. 2n ter6s $s !ener$l $s these, o5 ,ourse, ,h$r$,ters ,$nnot be seen $s indi4idu$li7ed persons8 here their 5un,tion $s produ,ers o5 $n identity or J,h$r$,terK 5or the series is p$r$6ount, $nd #h$t #e need to stress here is th$t this ,h$r$,ter is ,o6posed o5 ,ontr$di,tions $nd di55eren,es. Ao# 5ully the ,h$r$,ters o5 C$!ney $nd L$,ey per5or6 their 5un,tion $s 6edi$tors bet#een these ,ontr$di,tions is open to Guestion. "o episode e4er resol4es the hori7ont$l or 4erti,$l oppositions into $ 5in$l ,losure - they $re $l#$ys le5t re4erber$tin!, $,ti4e, $nd re$dy 5or ne:t #ee*. (o the sense o5 unity bet#een our 5our s,enes is not $ ,losed unity, but one th$t depends upon the s$6e p$r$di!6$ti, set o5 opposed 4$lues to pro4ide the ideolo!i,$l 5r$6e #ithin #hi,h the possible 6e$nin!s $re ne!oti$ted. -1;2+his openness o5 4$lues $llo#s us to re$d L$,eyDs ho6eliness in ter6s o5 C$!neyDs re5us$l to 6$rry $nd $6bition to su,,eed in her ,$reer8 in this dis,ourse o5 the ne# ,$reer #o6$n, her tr$dition$l 5$6ily-,entered 4$lues 6$y be re$d $s old-5$shioned or re$,tion$ry. Con4ersely, in the Jne#K 5$6ily dis,ourse #here the #i5e h$s $ JbetterK ?ob th$n the husb$nd, but the 6$rri$!e is still h$ppy 5or both, C$!neyDs ,$reeris6 6$y be seen to h$4e been bou!ht $t too hi!h $ pri,e. +he te:t does not resol4e the ,ontr$di,tion, nor ,enter the re$din! sub?e,t in one dis,ourse or the other. +he re$der is neither ne,ess$rily ,entered, nor uni5ied, but ,$n o,,upy both re$din! positions si6ult$neously be,$use her or his sub?e,ti4ity 6$y #ell <by the l$te 1980s= h$4e been 5or6ed by e:perien,in! both the ho6e-,entered $nd the ,$reer-,entered dis,ourses $s #$ys o5 6$*in! sense o5 so,i$l e:perien,e8 these dis,ourses 6$y #ell h$4e #or*ed ,onse,uti4ely $s one repl$,ed the other - prob$bly the ,$reer-,entered one repl$,ed the ho6e-,entered one $s 6e$ns o5 6$*in! sense o5 5e6inine priorities. 1ut the e$rlier one, $nd the ideolo!y it $rti,ul$ted, #ill not h$4e been #iped out ,o6pletely, but 6erely o4erl$id by the ne#er one. +he tr$,es o5 the 4$lue syste6s $nd ideolo!ies #e on,e held $re still there ,ontr$di,tin! the ne#er ones th$t our ,h$n!ed so,i$l e:perien,e h$s brou!ht, $nd the t#o #ill e:ist si6ult$neously in the re$din! sub?e,t. 3 5e6inist 6$y #ell 5ind ple$sure in the p$tri$r,h$l represent$tions o5 #o6en in allas, $nd 6$y be #ell $#$re o5 the ,ontr$di,tions, the disunity in her sub?e,ti4ity th$t this ent$ils. @ne o5 3n!Ds <198 = sub?e,ts #rote to her8 'hy does $ person #$t,h allas $nd in 6y ,$se, #hy does $ serious intelli!ent 5e6inist li*e #$t,hin! allasH 2t rele$ses pri6iti4e 5eelin!s in 6e, 2 !o di77y, h$te, lo4e, lo$the, 5eel dis!usted, ,onde6n $nd o5ten d$sh $#$y $ te$r. &erson$lly 2 *eep $loo5 5ro6 Mills $nd 1oon, but 2D6 re$dy to pl$y tru$nt 5ro6 e4enin! s,hool 5or allas. . . . My leisure

re$din! ,onsists 90 per ,ent o5 5e6inist boo*s, but #hen 2D6 #$t,hin! allas #ith 6y !irl 5riend $nd &$6el$ ,o6es do#n the st$irs #e$rin! $ lo#-ne,*ed dress, then #e shout #ildly8 ?ust loo* $t th$t slut, the #$y she pr$n,es $round, she ou!ht to be ,$lled &r$n,el$. 1obby is $ de,ent ,h$p, li*e 6y eldest brother, $nd /o,* is li*e 6y 5$ther, so 2 ,$n h$te the6 intensely too. 2 ,$n st$nd (ue %llen, neuroti, $s she is, $nd /. R. l$u!hs ?ust li*e 'ie!el S$ Cut,h ri!ht-#in! politi,i$nT $nd th$t h$s 6e ?u6pin! #ith r$!e. Lu,y is too be$uti5ul to be true $nd 2 donDt 5ind Miss %llie $ll th$t 6$r4ellous sin,e her bre$st oper$tion. . . . 2 li*e to let it $ll h$n! out, $ sort o5 !roup ther$py, 6ostly to!ether #ith 5riends. <Letter &2, p. 99-100= (i6il$rly $ le5t-#in! 4ie#er #rites8 -1;3allas. . . 0od, donDt t$l* to 6e $bout it. 2D6 ?ust hoo*ed on itO 1ut you #ouldnDt belie4e the nu6ber o5 people #ho s$y to 6e, J@h, 2 thou!ht you #ere $!$inst ,$pit$lis6HK 2 $6, but allas is ?ust so tre6endously e:$!!er$ted, it h$s nothin! to do #ith ,$pit$lists $ny 6ore, itDs ?ust sheer $rtistry to 6$*e up su,h nonsense. <Letter &3, p. 9;= 1oth these sub?e,ts h$4e $ stru!!le to re,on,ile #ithin the6sel4es the ,ontr$di,tions in the re$din! pro,ess $nd the disunity o5 the sub?e,t position they $dopt to#$rds the te:t. 2t is si!ni5i,$nt th$t they both try to 5ind $ unity th$t re,on,iles the ,ontr$di,tions $nd th$t it is the Je:,essi4enessK o5 the pro!r$6 th$t $llo#s the6 to o,,upy $pp$rently ,ontr$di,tory sub?e,t positions si6ult$neously. +heir position $s so,i$l sub?e,ts di55ers 5ro6 the re$din! sub?e,t proposed by the te:t, but the re$ders $ppe$r ,$p$ble o5 o,,upyin! both positions thou!h not #ithout $ stru!!le. Reading character= the secondary te4ts +he se,ond$ry te:ts ,$n sho# us ho# these re$din! str$te!ies ,$n be $,ti4$ted to 6$*e $ p$rti,ul$r sense o5 the ,h$r$,ter. Mu,h o5 the e6otion$l i6p$,t o5 the episode o5 Cagney and Lacey #e $re studyin! ,o6es 5ro6 L$,eyDs re$,tions to her possible bre$st ,$n,er. 2n the ideolo!y o5 indi4idu$lis6 $nd in the ,on4entions o5 re$lis6, the body is seen $s $ po#er5ul 6et$phor 5or the sel5, so po#er5ul, in 5$,t, th$t its 6et$phori,$l n$ture is dis!uised or 5or!otten. +hus bre$st ,$n,er 6$y be seen $s $ thre$t to the sel5 - L$,ey ,ries to her husb$nd, J+heyDre !oin! to ,ut me upOK <e6ph$sis 6ine= - but it ,$n $lso be re$d $s $ 6et$phor o5 #o6enDs 4i,ti6i7$tion in p$tri$r,hy, p$rt o5 the te:tu$l ,on4entions #hi,h $llo# #o6en to be !i4en stron!, ,entr$l roles only #hen they $re neuroti, or 4i,ti6i7ed. +yne C$ly, Guoted $bo4e, is #ell $#$re o5 these ,on4entions. +he 5e6$le bre$st is $ p$rti,ul$rly po#er5ul sy6bol in p$tri$r,hy be,$use it represents both sides o5 #o6$n, the 6other $nd the #hore8 the be$rer o5 6$nDs ,hildren $nd the $rouser o5 his lusts. 2ts po#er ,$n be 6obili7ed by either the dis,ursi4e, or the re$listi,, re$din! str$te!y dependin! on the ideolo!y o5 the re$der. 2t is not surprisin!, !i4en the inter,onne,tions o5 indi4idu$lis6 $nd re$lis6 #ith p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6, th$t 6$ny o5 the se,ond$ry te:ts

pro6ote the indi4idu$listi,, re$listi, re$din! str$te!y. People <Febru$ry 11, 198 = !i4es $n $,,ount o5 the shootin! o5 this episode8 Bisitin! +yne C$ly in her tr$iler is li*e enterin! $ si,*roo6. For $ #ee* she h$s been li4in! #ith the ,ert$inty o5 i6pendin! doo6. J+yne is $ 4ery intelle,tu$l $,tress, K s$ys 1$rney Rosen7#ei!, the e:e,uti4e produ,er. 3s $ 6ethod $,tress, she intern$li7es the proble6s $nd $ttitudes o5 her role, $nd h$n!s on to the6 #ith $ terrierDs ten$,iousness, 6$*in! the6 her o#n 5or $s lon! $s she needs the6. J1e5ore this episode st$rted, K (h$ron 0less s$ys, J+yne ,$6e to 6e $nd s$id, R"o# listen, ho#e4er 2 tre$t you, donDt t$*e it person$lly. 2 h$4e ,$n,er. D (he 5eels th$t she is li4in! #ith this dise$se. 1e,$use #e *no# her $nd #e lo4e her, #eDre !entle ri!ht no#. (heDs Guite 5r$!ile. K <p. 9 = -1;43,tin! is $s 6u,h $n ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e $s re$din! is. JMethodK $,tin! is ,h$r$,teristi, o5 $ bour!eois ideolo!y th$t e6ph$si7es the indi4idu$l8 1re,hti$n $,tin! styles, ho#e4er, 6ini6i7e indi4idu$lis6 $nd stress the so,i$l $nd politi,$l di6ension o5 ,h$r$,ter, $nd $re thus typi,$l o5 $ le5t-#in! or 6ore r$di,$l ideolo!i,$l st$n,e. 2t is not surprisin!, then, th$t 6ethod $,tin! is $ ,h$r$,teristi,$lly 36eri,$n s,hool, in th$t it 6ini6i7es the di55eren,e bet#een ,h$r$,ter $nd pl$yer, 6obili7es the psy,holo!y o5 the pl$yer to ,onstru,t $ re$l-see6in! psy,holo!i,$l e:isten,e 5or the ,h$r$,ter, $nd in so doin! 6$*es the body o5 the pl$yer deny the te:tu$lity o5 the ,h$r$,ter8 M$ry 1eth L$,ey tr$ns6its the p$in throu!h her 5$,e, her eyes, her #$l*, her 4oi,e, e4ery p$t,h o5 her body e:,ept, perh$ps, her h$ir. For $ #ee* no# she h$s *no#n she h$s ,$n,er, $nd the $#5ul truth h$s rede5ined her li5e. 2t h$s li*e#ise possessed $nd re6$de the li5e o5 +yne C$ly, the #o6$n #hose body she sh$res. 3t the C & L studios in %$st Los 3n!eles, M$ry 1eth h$s ?ust 5inished t$pin! $ s,ene in #hi,h she tries to sub6er!e her $n:iety $bout the lu6p in her bre$st #hile ,ounsellin! $ #o6$n #hose 8-ye$r-old son h$s be,o6e in4ol4ed #ith dru! de$lers. 2t is M$ry 1eth, not +yne C$ly, #ho 6$*es her #$y b$,* to the st$rDs tr$iler durin! $ bre$* in the t$pin!. <People, Febru$ry 11, 198 8 94= +he l$n!u$!e is interestin! here, 5or $t one point it su!!ests th$t the ,h$r$,ter ,onstru,ts the $,tress8 J2t h$s li*e#ise possessed $nd re6$de the li5e o5 +yne C$ly, the #o6$n #hose body she sh$res. K +he body be,o6es the 6et$phori,$l ,ont$iner o5 the eGu$l identities o5 M$ry 1eth L$,ey $nd +yne C$ly, the site o5 their ,o6plete identi5i,$tion. +horburn <1982= pro6otes the s$6e ideolo!i,$l 4ie# o5 $,tin! $lthou!h 5ro6 $n $estheti, position8 +he tele4ision-$,tor <sic= ,re$tes $nd ,ontrols the 6e$nin! o5 #h$t #e see on the s,reen. . . . +ele4ision h$s $l#$ys ,h$llen!ed the $,tor. . . . 2ts el$bor$te, en5or,ed obedien,e to 4$rious 5or6ul$s 5or plot $nd ,h$r$,teri7$tion 4irtu$lly reGuire hi6 to re,o4er 5ro6 #ithin hi6sel5 $nd 5ro6 his bro$dly stereotyped $ssi!n6ent nu$n,es o5 !esture, in5le,tion $nd 6o4e6ent th$t #ill $t le$st hint $t indi4idu$l or idiosyn,r$ti, Gu$lities, <p. 34=

-1; (e,ond$ry te:ts $,t, $s 1ennett <1983b= puts it, $s J,ultur$l oper$tors #hi,h be$r dire,tly on those <pri6$ry= te:ts $nd preorient$te their re$din! by ,ultur$lly $,ti4$tin! the6 in p$rti,ul$r #$ys. K 1ut these J,ultur$l oper$torsK do not ori!in$te, but typi5y, the do6in$nt re$din! pr$,ti,e. 'e do not need to h$4e re$d either People or +horburn in order to re$d the ,h$r$,ter o5 L$,eyIC$ly in the #$y they propose, 5or both the do6in$nt re$din! str$te!y $nd the $rti,le in People $re produ,ts $nd produ,ers o5 the s$6e do6in$nt ideolo!y. +here5ore, si6il$r re$din! str$te!ies $re pro6oted e4en in p$pers #ith $s #idely di55erin! re$derships $s The )ew *or+ Times, M", $nd People$ The )ew *or+ Times <3pril 3, 1984= Guotes C$ly re!rettin! the ,$n,ell$tion o5 $n e$rly series o5 the sho#8 J+he ,h$r$,ter h$dnDt stopped t$l*in! to 6e. K M" <3pril 1984= Guotes her on resu6in! t$pin! $5ter $ bre$*8 JM$ry 1eth L$,ey #$s still inside o5 her. R2 re6e6ber this #o6$n, D she 5ound hersel5 thin*in! #hen she #$l*ed onto the set the 5irst d$y. K Ch$r$,teri7in! the sho# $s $n e:$6ple o5 $ p$rti,ul$r !enre ,$n $lso #or* $s $ ,ultur$l oper$tor, 5or, $s #e s$# in ,h$pter 7, !enres $lso $,ti4$te re$din! str$te!ies. +he #$y th$t tele4ision ?ourn$lists $s,ribe Cagney and Lacey 4$riously to J,op sho#sK or J#o6enDs sho#sK #ill $,ti4$te di55erent re$din!s. (,hedulin! #or*s si6il$rly $s #ell. +he sho# r$ted b$dly #hen s,heduled $t 9.00 p.6. $5ter Magnum p$i$ #hi,h i6plied $ !eneri, ,l$ssi5i,$tion $s J$,tion dr$6$K sho#, but #hen 6o4ed to 10.00 p.6. on $ Mond$y, #ith th$t !eneri, $s,ription o5 J$dultK or J#o6enDsK sho#, it topped the r$tin!s <thou!h $d6ittedly in $ period o5 reruns=. +he 6ethodolo!i,$l point here is th$t 1ennettDs notion o5 J,ultur$l oper$torsK #hi,h $,ti4$te the te:t in 4$rious #$ys !i4es us $ use5ul #$y o5 #$t,hin! re$din! str$te!ies $t #or*. Most o5 these se,ond$ry te:ts pro6ote re$din!s th$t support the do6in$nt ideolo!y. +here $re, ho#e4er, $ 5e# e:$6ples th$t $,ti4$te 6ore politi,$lly interro!$ti4e re$din!s o5 the sho# $nd its ,h$r$,ters. +hus TA Guide tells us th$t 1$rney Rosen7#ei!, the produ,er, #$s re$din! $ 5e6inist boo* #hen the ide$ 5or the series stru,* hi68 A$4in! ?ust 6et the 4ery 6odern #o6$n #ho #$s e4entu$lly to be,o6e his #i5e, 1$rney Rosen7#ei! #$s pl$yin! ,ons,iousness ,$t,hup by re$din! From Re'erence to Rape, Molly A$s*ellDs $n$lysis o5 #o6en in 5il6. 2n the boo* he ,$6e upon the notion th$t Jne4er in the history o5 Aolly#ood 6o4ies or tele4ision h$4e t#o #o6en rel$ted to e$,h other li*e "e#6$n $nd Red5ord in Butch Cassidy and the "undance Cid$K 2t sounded li*e $ !ood ide$, $nd C$!ney $nd L$,ey #$s the result. <Febru$ry 1;, 198 8 2;= 1oth (h$ron 0less $nd +yne C$ly $re $#$re o5 the politi,$l i6port$n,e o5 the sho# 5or #o6en, thou!h it is si!ni5i,$nt th$t the 6edi$ typi,$lly pl$,e the e4iden,e o5 this $#$reness in Guot$tion 6$r*s, so th$t it $ppe$rs to be si6ply the opinion o5 $n indi4idu$l. +his ,ontr$sts 6$r*edly #ith the #$y th$t the 6ore bour!eois re$din!s $re !i4en $ superior position in the Jhier$r,hy o5 dis,oursesK <M$,C$be 1981$= by not bein! $s,ribed to $ n$6ed indi4idu$l $nd thus bein! tre$ted $s J,o66on sense. K +he bour!eois 4oi,e is, on,e $!$in, e:no6in$ted. (o the politi,$l i6port$n,e o5 the sho# to #o6en is no#here

st$ted ob?e,ti4ely in the J,o66on senseK dis,ourse o5 ?ourn$lis6, but is $l#$ys $ttributed to $ n$6ed, usu$lly 5e6$le, indi4idu$l. +hus (h$ron 0less is Guoted8 -1;;J'e #ere told $ lot #$s ridin! on the su,,ess o5 the sho#, K 0less s$ys. J+h$tDs #hy #e 5elt b$dly #hen it #$s ,$n,elled - 5or tele4ision, 5or the 5uture o5 #o6en in tele4ision. K <,ashington Post, 3pril 23, 1984= 3 6ore in,isi4e politi,$l $#$reness #$s sho#n by +yne C$ly on le$rnin! th$t L$,ey #$s to su55er 5ro6 bre$st ,$n,er <Guoted $bo4e=. Aer #ish th$t Jit #$snDt ?ui,y $ny6ore in our so,iety to see #o6en thre$tened. . . . 2D6 #e$ry o5 th$t, not only $s $n $,tress but $s $n 36eri,$n ,iti7en, K preorients the re$der to eGu$te the politi,$l 4i,ti6i7$tion o5 #o6en in p$tri$r,hy #ith L$,eyDs physi,$l 4i,ti6i7$tion by bre$st ,$n,er. (h$ron 0less, too, is $#$re o5 the #$y th$t di55erent !ender politi,s ,$n produ,e di55erent re$din!s o5 C$!neyDs ,h$r$,terI0lessDs body. 'hen she too* o4er the role o5 C$!ney, the press didnDt 6$*e her ?ob $ny e$sier, b$d!erin! her $bout #hether she #ould brin! 6ore Jse:inessK to the sho#. J+h$t bothered 6e $ lot be,$use it su!!ested there #$s no femininity on the sho# be5ore her. 2 6$de sure to 6$*e her $ re$l stron! l$dy. K <,ashington Post, 3pril 23, 1984= 0lessDs le:i,$l shi5t 5ro6 Jse:inessK throu!h FfemininityG to J$ re$l stron! l$dyK is $ dis,ursi4e shi5t $nd there5ore h$s $ so,iopoliti,$l di6ension. J(e:inessK is 5ro6 $n e:pli,itly p$tri$r,h$l dis,ourse, J5e6ininityK is 5ro6 $ dis,ourse th$t $tte6pts to n$tur$li7e !ender ,onstru,tion $nd di55eren,e in ter6s o5 the st$tus Guo $nd is there5ore i6pli,itly p$tri$r,h$l, #here$s Jre$l stron! l$dyK is 5ro6 $ dis,ourse th$t ,ons,iously opposes $nd e:poses both the e:pli,it $nd i6pli,it p$tri$r,hy o5 Jse:inessK $nd J5e6ininity. K 1ut not $ll the se,ond$ry te:ts pro6ote $ politi,$l re$din! o5 the pro!r$6. 2ndeed, 6$ny sho# ho# it is possible to Jre$d $!$instK its potenti$lly interro!$ti4e politi,s, $nd ne!oti$te its 6e$nin!s b$,* into the do6in$nt ideolo!y by l$belin! it J5e6inistK $nd so pro4idin! it #ith $ no6in$ted, $nd thus ,ont$in$ble, rel$tionship to the do6in$nt ideolo!y. +he ?<aminer Guotes M$rtin Fo4e, #ho pl$ys the p$rodi,$lly 6$,ho Bi,tor 2sbe,*i8 J2tDs re$lly $ 5e6inist sho# th$t 6$*es $ll the 6en loo* li*e #i6ps or stupid or ?ust pl$in b$d . . . itDs $pp$llin! ho# 6$ny ti6es 2D4e been e6$s,ul$ted on the sho#. K +he $rti,le is he$dlined JC$!ney $nd L$,ey 3re (h$6in! the Men o5 36eri,$K $nd ends #ith the 5e$r o5 $ <6$le= psy,hother$pist th$t the sho# J,ould $lter the 4ie# th$t the rest o5 the #orld h$s $bout the N(K <3pril 2, 198 =. -1;7-

+he rel$tionship bet#een the !ender politi,s o5 ,h$r$,ter $nd the bro$der so,i$l politi,s o5 the sho# is only r$rely 6entioned, $nd then sneerin!ly8 Penthouse ,$lls it $ ,op sho# 5or the Jso,i$lly ,orre,tK <M$r,h 198 =, $nd Aogue #rites8 +he t#o dete,ti4es ro$6 "e# )or* City s$yin!, J3$$hhh *iss o55OK $nd J1utton it, #ill y$HK $s they 5i!ht ,ri6e. 1ut the ,ri6e they 5i!ht is not ordin$ry ,ri6e. 2tDs so,i$lly si!ni5i,$nt ,ri6e. (pe,i5i,$lly, itDs ,ri6e rel$tin! to #o6$n. . . . C$!ney $nd L$,ey, $,e dete,ti4es bu,*in! the pre?udi,es o5 6$le ,ops, $re re$lly ?ust +BDs upd$ted p$,*$!in! 5or th$t old 5e6inist $n$the6$8 the J#o6$nDs pi,ture. K <3u!ust 1984= +he politi,$l si6il$rity o5 the re$ders o5 Aogue $nd Penthouse is ob4iously !re$ter th$n their !ender di55eren,e. Re$din! ,ri6e politi,$lly inste$d o5 indi4idu$lly is p$rt o5 the s$6e re$din! str$te!y $s the dis,ursi4e re$din! o5 ,h$r$,ter, $nd is 6oti4$ted by the s$6e ideolo!i,$l st$n,e in the 4ie#er. 2t is in the interests o5 the st$tus Guo to re$d ,h$r$,ter $s the represent$tion o5 $ re$l person r$ther th$n $s $ bundle o5 so,i$l dis,ourses $nd ,ri6e $s indi4idu$lly, r$ther th$n so,i$lly, 6oti4$ted be,$use this $llo#s the so,i$l syste6 to es,$pe interro!$tion, $nd $llo#s 5or $n indi4idu$l solution to $ so,i$l proble6. 2n this ,$se, +$!!$rtDs lo4e 5or her son Jsol4esK the proble6 o5 poor, bl$,*, sin!le 6others $nd denies the need to Guestion the syste6 in #hi,h they stru!!le to sur4i4e. Cyer <1981= 6$*es the point #ell #hen he ,l$i6s th$t the psy,holo!isti, theory o5 ,h$r$,ter represent$tion is essenti$lly bour!eois8 +he pe,uli$rities o5 the bour!eois ,on,eption o5 the indi4idu$lI,h$r$,ter $re, 5irst, th$t the stress on p$rti,ul$rity $nd uniGueness tends to b$r, or render in5erior, represent$tion o5 either ,olle,ti4ity $nd the 6$sses or the typi,$l personI,h$r$,ter <types bein! rele!$ted to $ 6erely 5un,tion$l role in pro6otin! the ,entr$l ,h$r$,ter=M $nd se,ond, th$t the ,on,ern #ith interior 6oti4$tion rein5or,es $ 6odel o5 history $nd so,i$l pro,ess in #hi,h e:pl$n$tion is rooted in the indi4idu$l ,ons,ien,e $nd ,$p$,ity r$ther th$n in ,olle,ti4e $ndIor stru,tur$l $spe,ts o5 so,i$l li5e. <p. 242= -1;8 Identification, implication, and ideology +he ideolo!i,$lly do6in$nt re$din! $nd $,tin! str$te!ies $re those o5 re$lis6. +hey #or* to suppress the so,iopoliti,$l 6e$nin!s o5 the te:t in 5$4or o5 the indi4idu$listi,, $nd in so doin! pro6ote $ p$rti,ul$r rel$tionship o5 the 4ie#er to the te:t. +his rel$tionship is o5ten ,$lled Jidenti5i,$tion. K 1re,ht, in his theories on the$ter, #$s $6on! the 5irst to point out th$t the identi5i,$tion o5 $udien,e #ith per5or6er #$s $ re$din! rel$tion o5 ,$pit$lis6. Ae sou!ht to 5r$,ture this #ith $ style o5 #ritin!, $,tin!, $nd produ,tion th$t #$s desi!ned to $lien$te $udien,e 5ro6 per5or6$n,e. +he $lien$ted $udien,e #$s one th$t #$s $#$re o5 the per5or6$n,e $s $n $rbitr$ry ,onstru,tion o5 the re$l, o5 the di55eren,e bet#een pl$yers $nd ,h$r$,ters, $nd #$s there5ore $#$re th$t the people $nd in,idents on st$!e #ere there to per5or6 so,i$l $nd ideolo!i,$l $,tions th$t ,ould only be understood in ter6s o5 their

rel$tionship to the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 3lien$tion produ,ed $ thin*in!, interro!$ti4e, so,i$lly $#$re $udien,e. @n the other h$nd, identi5i,$tion $s $ rel$tionship o5 $udien,e to per5or6$n,e dis!uised the $rbitr$rily ,onstru,ted n$ture o5 the per5or6$n,e $nd en,our$!ed the $udien,e to e<perience the represent$tion $s thou!h it #ere the re$l, $nd, in p$rti,ul$r, to see ,h$r$,ters $s indi4idu$lly re$l people. +his blurrin! o5 the distin,tion bet#een the represent$tion $nd the re$l dis!uised the 5$,t th$t people $nd in,idents #ere on st$!e to per5or6 ideolo!i,$lly deter6ined $,tions $nd 6$de the6 $ppe$r $s inno,ent, ob?e,ti4e re5le,tions o5 re$lity. 2t 6$de the6 $ppe$r produ,ts o5 n$ture, not o5 ,ulture. 2denti5i,$tion en,our$!ed the $udien,e to sh$re the e:perien,es $nd e6otions o5 the ,h$r$,ters $nd thus produ,ed $ 5eelin! $udien,e, not $ thin*in! one, $n $,,eptin! not $n interro!$ti4e one, $nd one th$t understood in,idents $nd $,tions throu!h indi4idu$l e:perien,e r$ther th$n throu!h $ so,iopoliti,$l 5r$6e#or*. 2denti5i,$tion, 5or 1re,ht, #$s, li*e the re$lis6 th$t pro6oted it, $l#$ys $n $!ent o5 the st$tus Guo. (u,h $n $,,ount 6$y 5ore!round the i6port$n,e o5 ho# $n $udien,e rel$tes to represented ,h$r$,ters, but it o4ersi6pli5ies the ,o6ple:ity o5 the pheno6enon. 2n order to thin* throu!h so6e o5 its i6pli,$tions, 2 propose to dis,uss it under the three he$din!s o5 psy,holo!i,$l identi5i,$tion, i6pli,$tion, $nd ideolo!y. "S C*$L$&ICAL I%E#TIBICATI$# 2denti5i,$tion 5or Freud #$s the pro?e,tion o5 person$l ,h$r$,teristi,s onto $n e:tern$l body or ob?e,t in order to underst$nd the6 better. 2t #$s $ psy,holo!i,$l pr$,ti,e en!$!ed in by the sub?e,t 5or the sub?e,tDs o#n bene5it, 5ro6 $ 6oti4$tion buried in the sub,ons,ious. 'hen $pplied to tele4ision it i6plies both $n underst$ndin! o5 the 4ie#er $s $ uni5ied indi4idu$l $nd o5 ,h$r$,ter $s the represent$tion o5 $n eGui4$lent re$l $nd uni5ied indi4idu$l. +he t#o $re 6er!ed, by this 6e,h$nis6 o5 pro?e,tion, into e$,h other in $n $,t o5 re$din! th$t is the eGui4$lent o5 6ethod $,tin!. +he pro?e,tion o5 the 4ie#er into the ,h$r$,ter $ppe$rs to be in4olunt$ry, $s thou!h he or she is sedu,ed by the $ttr$,ti4eness o5 the te:t to sub6er!e his or her o#n identity into th$t o5 $ 5i,tion$l ,h$r$,ter. Centr$l to this pro,ess is $ *ind o5 #ish 5ul5ill6ent, 5or the sedu,in! ,h$r$,ter is ,l$i6ed to e6body 6$ny o5 the uns$tis5ied desires <e.!. 5or !l$6or, #e$lth, su,,ess= o5 the 4ie#er. -1;9+hese desires $re $6bi!uously indi4idu$l or so,i$l in ori!in $nd $re $ssu6ed to be ,entr$l to the $ppe$l o5 the pro!r$6 5or 6ost, i5 not $ll, o5 its $udien,e. 2denti5i,$tion then be,o6es $ pro,ess o5 i6$!in$ti4e #ish 5ul5ill6ent #hi,h ,$n be, $nd is, ,riti,i7ed 5ro6 $t le$st t#o points o5 4ie#. +he 6or$lists ,riti,i7e it on the !rounds th$t it is 6ere es,$pis6, $nd in en,our$!in! people to i6$!ine $ better e:isten,e 5or the6sel4es dis,our$!es the6 5ro6 #or*in! to $,hie4e it in re$lity. 3t the other end o5 the spe,tru6, the ideolo!ists $r!ue th$t identi5i,$tion is the pro,ess #hereby the 4$lues o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y $re n$tur$li7ed into the desires, $l6ost the instin,ts, o5 the indi4idu$l, $nd $re thus endlessly reprodu,ed $nd perpetu$ted.

+he re#$rd 5or identi5i,$tion is ple$sure. +his is not ?ust the ideolo!i,$lly deri4ed ple$sure o5 seein! oneDs 4$lues $nd those o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y ,onst$ntly re4$lid$ted, but one th$t in4ol4es $ !re$ter sense o5 ,ontrol o5 the rel$tionship bet#een 4ie#er $nd ,h$r$,ter. M$ny 4ie#ers report th$t one o5 the 6$in sour,es o5 the ple$sure o5 tele4ision is the opportunities it o55ers to identi5y #ith ,ert$in ,h$r$,ters, to sh$re their e6otions $nd e:perien,es8 1ut allas ,ould re$lly h$ppen. . . . For e:$6ple, 2 ,$n sit 4ery h$ppy $nd 5$s,in$ted #$t,hin! so6eone li*e (ue %llen. +h$t #o6$n ,$n re$lly !et round us, #ith her proble6s $nd troubles. (he is re$lly hu6$n. 2 ,ould be so6eone li*e th$t too. 2n $ 6$nner o5 spe$*in!. <3n! 198 8 44= +his sort o5 identi5i,$tion en$bles $ 4ie#er to enter the ,h$r$,terDs s*in in $ #$y th$t is i6possible #ith re$l people 5or ,h$r$,ters $re ne4er 5ully represented in the te:t - they $re 6etony6s th$t in4ite the 4ie#er to 5ill in the rest. 1ut 4ie#ers J*no#K $t so6e le4el th$t ,h$r$,ters $re not re$l, $nd th$t identi5yin! #ith the6 is $ 5or6 o5 intention$l sel5delusion. +he thro#n-$#$y phr$se, Jin $ 6$nner o5 spe$*in!, K is e4iden,e th$t this 4ie#er, $t le$st, is $#$re o5 #h$t she is doin! $s she Jidenti5iesK #ith (ue %llen. +his pro,ess ,$n $lso be ,re$ti4e, or i6$!in$ti4e, p$rti,ul$rly #hen it in4ol4es $ pro?e,tion o5 the sel5 into #h$t the ,h$r$,ter #ill do in the 5uture or 6i!ht h$4e done h$d thin!s been di55erent. +his pro?e,tion 5reGuently t$*es the 5or6 o5 the 4ie#er i6$!inin! ho# he or she #ould h$4e beh$4ed h$d they been in $ ,h$r$,terDs shoes $t $ p$rti,ul$r 6o6ent, $n $,ti4e identi5i,$tion th$t h$s the re$der sh$rin! the role o5 #riter, 5or re$din! ,re$tes sense in $ #$y th$t p$r$llels the $,t o5 #ritin!8 J2 try to 5ind 6ore $nd 6ore in the 4$rious ,h$r$,ters. 35ter e$,h sho,*in! e4ent 2 try to i6$!ine #h$t theyDll doK <3n! 198 8 0=. +his sort o5 identi5i,$tion is Guite di55erent 5ro6 th$t in #hi,h the 4ie#erDs identity is JlostK in the ,h$r$,ter. 2t is $,ti4e $nd in4ol4es the 4ie#er in ,o6pletin! the 6e$nin! o5 ,h$r$,ter or in,ident 5ro6 his or her *no#led!e o5 hi6- or hersel5. +he 4ie#er is less $ sub?e,t o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd 6ore in ,ontrol o5 the pro,ess o5 identi5i,$tion $nd thus o5 his or her o#n 6e$nin!s. +his is $ppro$,hin! #h$t 2 sh$ll ,$ll l$ter on Ji6pli,$tion. K Aobson <19828 133- = !i4es 5urther e:$6ples o5 4ie#ers ,ontributin! to the 6e$nin! o5 $ p$rti,ul$r in,ident by pro?e,tin! the6sel4es into the ,h$r$,ters in4ol4ed. (he ,o66ents $ppro4in!ly on t#o o5 her sub?e,tsD re$,tions to $ 5i,tion$l in,ident8 -1702 thin* this is $ #onder5ul e:$6ple o5 the supre6$,y o5 the $udien,eDs o#n per,eption o5 the re$lity o5 the pro!r$66e. 2t is so 5ir6ly b$sed in the #o6enDs o#n 5eelin!s o5 #h$t they 6i!ht do in the s$6e situ$tion $s Ci$ne. <p. 134= 3n! <198 = Guotes one o5 her sub?e,ts #ho is eGu$lly deser4in! o5 AobsonDs $ppro4$l8 2 thin* itDs 6$r4ellous to pro?e,t 6ysel5 into allas $nd in 6y 6ind to !i4e /. R. $ !ood hidin! #hen heDs ?ust pulled o55 yet $nother dirty tri,*, or $d6ire Miss %llie be,$use she $l#$ys tries to see the best in e4eryone, or to brin! it out in the6. <p. 2 =

+his $,ti4e en!$!e6ent o5 the 4ie#er in brin!in! her o#n li5e e:perien,e to the re$din! o5 the ,h$r$,ter is Guite di55erent to the 4ie# th$t the ,h$r$,ter or the pro!r$6 o4er#hel6s the helpless 4ie#er #ith its re$l-see6in!ness, so th$t he or she is rendered in,$p$ble o5 distin!uishin! bet#een represent$tion $nd re$lity. @5 ,ourse, stories $bound o5 4ie#ers tre$tin! ,h$r$,ters $s i5 they #ere re$l people. +ypi,$l is one e:$6ple 5ro6 Crossroads, Guoted by Aobson <1982=8 F$thy (t$55, #ho pl$ys Miss Lu*e, t$l*ed $bout this $spe,t o5 the letters #hi,h she re,ei4es8 F(8 +here $re people #ho re$li7e th$t you $re $n $,tress $nd $re doin! $ ?ob, then you do !et the others th$t re$lly belie4e in you $s $ ,h$r$,ter $nd they #rite to you $s Coris Lu*e. For inst$n,e, #hen, $ ,ouple o5 ye$rs $!o, 1enny #$s h$d up - #ell, the poli,e #ere loo*in! 5or 1enny 5or 6urder $nd it #$snDt 1enny $t $ll. @5 ,ourse it #$s the 6$n$!er o5 the !$r$!e th$t pushed the !irl do#n $nd then #hipped o55 $nd 1enny ,$6e in $nd 5ound her. 3nd 2 6e$n, the letters 2 !ot tellin! 6e #h$t h$ppened, J)ou !o, Miss Lu*e, you !o to the poli,e $nd tell the6, 2 s$# it on 6y tele4ision. 2t #$snDt 1enny $t $ll. K 3nd 2 6e$n they re$lly belie4ed it $nd they #ere #ritin! to 6e $s 1ennyDs best 5riend, $nd li*e $ 6other ,h$r$,ter, to !et hi6 out o5 trouble. <p. 14 = -171+his sort o5 JdeludedK beh$4iour is #idely belie4ed to be ,o66on, i5 not typi,$l, $nd $pp$rent inst$n,es o5 it $re 5reGuently Guoted in the press $nd in ,on4ers$tion. 1ut #h$t is si!ni5i,$nt is th$t none o5 AobsonDs nor 3n!Ds sub?e,ts reported bein! duped by the represent$tion in this n$i4e #$y. R$ther they pl$yed !$6es #ith its rel$tionship to the re$l. Aobson <1982= tells o5 o4erhe$rin! 5our old people tre$tin! !ossip $bout their re$l 5$6ilies in the s$6e ter6s $s !ossip $bout so$p oper$ ,h$r$,ters, $s thou!h there #ere no distin,tion. (he ,o66ents8 )et 5ro6 the ,on4ers$tion it #$s ob4ious th$t the spe$*ers #ere pl$yin! $ !$6e #ith the series. +hey did not $,tu$lly belie4e th$t the ,h$r$,ters e:isted, they #ere si6ply sh$rin! $ 5$nt$sti, interest in the ,h$r$,ters outside the seri$l. <p. 12 = 3n! <198 = ,o6es to $ si6il$r ,on,lusion. @ne o5 her sub?e,ts e:pl$ins the ple$sure she !ets 5ro6 allas8 +he re$son 2 li*e #$t,hin! it is th$t itDs ni,e to !et di77y on their proble6s. 3nd you *no# $ll $lon! th$t e4erythin! #ill turn out $ll ri!ht. 2n 5$,t itDs $ 5li!ht 5ro6 re$lity. 2 6ysel5 $6 $ re$listi, person $nd 2 *no# th$t re$lity is di55erent. (o6eti6es too 2 re$lly en?oy h$4in! $ !ood old ,ry #ith the6. 3nd #hy notH 2n this #$y 6y other bottled-up e6otions 5ind $n outlet. <p. 49= 3n! ,o66ents8

+he J5li!htK into $ 5i,tion$l 5$nt$sy #orld is not so 6u,h $ deni$l o5 re$lity $s pl$yin! #ith it. 3 !$6e th$t $llo#s one to pl$,e the li6its o5 the 5i,tion$l $nd the re$l under dis,ussion, to 6$*e the6 5luid, $nd in th$t !$6e $n i6$!in$ry p$rti,ip$tion in the 5i,tion$l #orld is e:perien,ed $s ple$sur$ble. <p. 49= (o the 4ie#ers o5 Crossroads #ho reportedly #rote to the $,tress F$thy (t$55 $s thou!h she #ere the ,h$r$,ter Miss Lu*e 6$y not h$4e been duped by the re$lis6 o5 the ,h$r$,ter portr$y$l, or by the ideolo!i,$l #or* o5 se,ond$ry te:ts, but 6$y #ell h$4e been ,ontributin! to their o#n ple$sure by deciding to belie4e in the represent$tion $s thou!h it #ere the re$l. +ullo,h $nd Mor$n <198;= ,o66ent on $ si6il$r 5$nDs letter8 -1722tDs i6possible to tell 5ro6 su,h $ letter #hether the #riter $,,epts Bi,*y, +eren,e, (i6on $nd so on $s re$l people or #hether he <sic= is deliber$tely $nd ,ons,iously re4ellin! in the open-endedness o5 the seri$l. <p. 227= +he letter $ppe$red to tre$t the ,h$r$,ters $s thou!h they #ere re$l, yet the #riter si!ned it J3 6ost de4oted 5$n 5or $ll ti6e <espe,i$lly &enny Coo* $nd 0r$nt Cod#ell=. K &enny Coo* $nd 0r$nt Cod#ell pl$y Bi,*y $nd (i6on, so it #ould $ppe$r th$t the #riter #$s $#$re o5 the sel5-delusion in4ol4ed in this ple$sur$ble identi5i,$tion. Consistently, #hen 5$ns t$l* $s i5 they belie4ed in the re$lity o5 the ,h$r$,ters they !i4e so6e indi,$tion th$t they *no# th$t they $re p$rti,ip$tin! in their o#n sel5-delusion8 M8 'ell, 2 6e$n /ill h$d her ups $nd do#ns, didnDt she, $nd so did Me!, $nd #h$tsit #ith her *iddie #ho she #$nts 5ro6 36eri,$, 2 6e$n th$t ,$n h$ppen in re$l li5e, ,$nDt it. +o 6e itDs thin!s in there th$t ,$n h$ppen in re$l li5e. 2tDs not 5i,tion to 6e. +o 6e itDs $ re$l 5$6ily story. CA8 "o#, #hen you s$y th$t, you donDt 6e$n you thin* theyDre re$l, do youH M8 "o, they portr$y th$t $nd they do it #ell. <Aobson 19828 122= +he e55e,ti4ity o5 the re$lis6 in the pri6$ry te:t $nd o5 the re$din! str$te!ies pro6oted by the se,ond$ry te:ts is ne4er tot$l8 i5 it #or*s, it #or*s be,$use the 4ie#er de,ides to !o $lon! #ith it in order to in,re$se his or her 4ie#in! ple$sure. 1ut this ,ooper$tion #ith the re$list te:t in4ol4es $ du$l positionin! o5 the re$der, 5or it in4ol4es $ si6ult$neous $#$reness o5 the de,eption o5 re$lis6 th$t is #illin!ly sub6itted to. I'"LICATI$# +ot$l identi5i,$tion, in #hi,h the 4ie#er is lost in the represented ,h$r$,ter or #orld, r$rely, i5 e4er, o,,urs. 'h$t is 6ore typi,$l is #h$t 1ro#n <1987$=, $5ter C$4ies <1984b=, ,$lls Ji6pli,$tion. K 1ro#n su66$ri7es C$4ies8

on,e Jhoo*ed, K people 4$,ill$te bet#een their need to *no#, or the ple$sure o5 $nti,ip$tion, $nd $n implication #ith ,h$r$,ters #hi,h is 6ore ,o6pli,$ted th$n identi5i,$tion. 3n i6pli,$tory re$din! #ould i6ply th$t $n $udien,e ,hooses $ re$din! position #hi,h re,o!ni7es dis,ursi4e possibilities. <pp. 18-19= @ne o5 C$4iesDs sub?e,ts !i4es $n e:$6ple o5 the 4ie#erDs po#er to i6pli,$te hersel5 #ith, or e:tri,$te hersel5 5ro6, the 5i,tion$l ,h$r$,ter8 &$rt o5 6e is inside Lind$ - it 5eels rude #hen she t$*es o55 her sto,*in!s - it 5eels lo4ely #hen they *iss - but #hen she !ets sl$pped 2D6 ri!ht b$,* in our sittin! roo6. <pp. 90-1= -173-

(i6il$rly, in $n $rti,le on +he M$n-ipul$tors, th$t is, #o6en #ho indu,e 6en to do #h$t they #$nt the6 to, $ so$p 5$n7ine #rites8 3 Gui,* sur4ey re4e$ls #e #ish #e ,ould be 6ore li*e the 6$n-ipul$tors only #hen theyDre su,,ess5ully pullin! so6e 6$nDs strin!s. 'hen theyDre !ettin! the tou!h end o5 li5e, #hen their s,he6es 5$il $nd theyDre out in the blo#in! sno#, #e donDt 5eel th$t 6u,h en4y or $d6ir$tion. <C$yti6ers, /une 1984b= 3n!Ds <198 8 10;-8= sub?e,ts sho#ed $ si6il$r si6ult$neous in4ol4e6ent #ith, $nd det$,h6ent 5ro6, C$ll$s. (o r$ther th$n t$l*in! o5 i6pli,$tion it 6$y #ell be 6ore produ,ti4e to t$l* o5 i6pli,$tion-e:tri,$tion $s $ double rel$tionship o5 the re$der #ith the te:t. 26pli,$tion-e:tri,$tion is ,losely ,onne,ted #ith ple$sure $nd unple$sure, #ith li*in! $nd disli*in!, $nd #ith the re$l $nd the unre$l. 1oth AobsonDs $nd 3n!Ds sub?e,ts ?ud!ed ,h$r$,ters on ho# re$l they see6ed, but re4e$led th$t the ,h$r$,ters they li*ed $ppe$red 6ore re$l th$n those they disli*ed. +he Jre$lK ,h$r$,ters #ere the ones they identi5ied #ith8 3n! <198 8 30-1= $lso reports th$t her sub?e,ts #ere det$,hed 5ro6 the ,h$r$,ters they disli*ed, $nd #ere there5ore 6ore in,lined to re$d the6 $s e6bodi6ents o5 so,iopoliti,$l 4$lues. Ci55erent 4ie#ers Jli*edK di55erent ,h$r$,ters $nd thus 5ound di55erent ,h$r$,ters to be J!enuineK or Jre$l. K +he re$l-see6in!ness o5 the ,h$r$,ter results 5ro6 the 4ie#erDs pro?e,tion o5 herIhis o#n Jre$lK sel5 into the ,h$r$,ter in the pro,ess o5 identi5i,$tion. +his pro,ess is 6oti4$ted by the 4ie#erDs Jli*in!K 5or the ,h$r$,ter, so identi5i,$tion, li*in!, $nd re$l-see6in!ness $re $ll inte!r$l p$rts o5 the s$6e re$din! pro,ess. (tudents 5ro6 ethni, 6inorities #ho see the A$rt to A$rt e:tr$,t $n$ly7ed in ,h$pter 1 $re $l#$ys Gui,*er th$n #hites to re,o!ni7e the non-36eri,$n st$tus o5 the 4ill$in. +his re,o!nition ,ould #ell be the 5irst st$!e o5 their i6pli,$tion in his situ$tion $nd their ple$sure in 5indin! in his J,ri6eK $n $rti,ul$tion o5 their o#n $lien$tion 5ro6 do6in$nt #hite 4$lues.

C$4ies <1984b= $r!ues th$t e4en i6pli,$tion #ith $ p$in5ul situ$tion or $n unli*e$ble ,h$r$,ter ,$n be $ sour,e o5 ple$sure in th$t it ,$n 6$*e the re$l situ$tion o5 the 4ie#er see6 better by ,o6p$rison8 +he splittin! o5 Jidenti5i,$tionK into 4i,$rious s$tis5$,tion in the J!ood bitsK <$nd the illusion o5 po#er= on the one h$nd, $nd into sel5-sust$inin! ,o6p$risons in the Jb$d bitsK <$nd the re$lity o5 po#erlessness= on the other, h$ppens 4irtu$lly inst$nt$neously. 3 4ie#er i6pli,$tes hi6- or hersel5 #ith $ ,h$r$,ter #hen th$t ,h$r$,ter is in $ si6il$r so,i$l situ$tion or e6bodies si6il$r 4$lues to the 4ie#er, $nd #hen this i6pli,$tion o55ers the re#$rd o5 ple$sure. 1ut it is $l#$ys $,,o6p$nied by the *no#led!e th$t i6pli,$tion is $ #illin! $,t o5 the 4ie#er $nd th$t e:tri,$tion is inst$ntly possible. Nsin! the ter6 Ji6pli,$tion-e:tri,$tionK 5ore!rounds the 4ie#erDs $,ti4ity $nd #ill8 the ,hoi,e o5 i6pli,$tin! onesel5 or not is $n i6port$nt sour,e o5 the ple$sure o5 i6pli,$tion8 bein! indu,ed by $ te:t to 6$*e $ 5ool o5 onesel5 ,$n brin! ple$sure to 5e#, i5 $ny. -174+he si6ult$neous or seGuenti$l pro,esses o5 i6pli,$tion $nd e:tri,$tion $re re$din! rel$tions th$t $,ti4$te the ,ontr$di,tions in $ te:t $nd th$t ne4er tot$lly lose si!ht o5 its te:tu$lity. +hey $llo# sp$,e 5or the 4ie#er to re$d ,h$r$,ter $nd in,ident $s be$rers o5 so,i$l 4$lue, $nd thus to ne!oti$te re$din!s th$t rel$te to his or her so,i$l position. (eiter et al$ <1987= h$4e re4e$led $n i6port$nt so,io-e,ono6i, di6ension to this pro,ess. (o6e o5 the #or*in!-,l$ss so$p oper$ 5$ns in their study #ere $ble to 5ind points o5 identi5i,$tion on the person$l le4el #ith the 6iddle-,l$ss, pro5ession$l ,h$r$,ters in their d$yti6e so$p oper$s, but #ere si6ult$neously $#$re o5 the ,l$ss, $nd p$rti,ul$rly the e,ono6i,, di55eren,es bet#een the6 $nd their o#n so,i$l situ$tion. +he e:perien,e o5 #or*in!-,l$ss #o6en ,le$rly ,on5li,ts in subst$nti$l #$ys #ith the so$p oper$Ds represent$tion o5 $ J#o6$nDs proble6, K proble6s so6e #o6en identi5ied $s upper or 6iddle ,l$ss. <(eiter et al$ 19878 28= (i6il$rly, F$t7 $nd LiebesDs study <198 , 1987= sho#s th$t non-36eri,$n ethni, !roups 4ie#in! allas ,$n 5reGuently 5ind the ple$sures o5 identi5i,$tion #ith the %#in!s in the do6$in o5 *inship, #hile si6ult$neously dist$n,in! the6sel4es 5ro6 the %#in!s $s be$rers o5 36eri,$nness. Mu,h o5 the ple$sure o5 tele4ision 4ie#in! deri4es 5ro6 this ,o6ple: 4ie#in! position in #hi,h the 4ie#er is si6ult$neously sel5-i6pli,$ted in, $nd sel5-e:tri,$ted 5ro6, the te:t. +he 4ie#erDs ,hoi,e o5 ,ert$in points o5 identi5i,$tion does not pre,lude the $bility to $,hie4e $n $,ti4ely ,riti,$l dist$n,e 5ro6 other points, $nd these du$l rel$tionships #ith the te:t ,$n be en!$!ed in si6ult$neously. +here is no ple$sure in bein! JdupedK by the te:t into $ helpless 4ie#er, but there is ,onsider$ble ple$sure in sele,ti4ely 4ie#in! the te:t 5or points o5 identi5i,$tion $nd dist$n,e, in ,ontrollin! oneDs rel$tionship #ith the represented ,h$r$,ters in the li!ht o5 oneDs o#n so,i$l $nd psy,holo!i,$l ,onte:t.

1ro#n <198;=, in her study o5 ho# #o6en !ossip $bout so$p oper$s, identi5ies three 6$in #$ys in #hi,h they t$l* $bout ,h$r$,ter $nd e6ph$si7es ho# the s$6e 4ie#er ,$n slip e$sily 5ro6 one to the other. +he 5irst is one th$t sees ,h$r$,ter ,le$rly $s $ 6ode o5 represent$tion8 it typi,$lly in4ol4es t$l* $bout ho# so$ps $re produ,ed, !oin!s-on on the set, $nd e4$lu$tions o5 the st$nd$rd o5 $,tin!. 2n the se,ond ,$te!ory, the bound$ry bet#een the re$l $nd the represent$tion be,o6es 5luid, $nd ,h$r$,ters or pl$yers $re t$l*ed $bout $s thou!h they #ere eGu$lly re$l or eGu$lly 5i,tion$l. 1ut the ,h$r$,ters still li4e, ho#e4er re$lly or 5i,tion$lly, in the sep$r$te die!eti, #orld o5 the so$p oper$. +he third type o5 t$l* bro*e this sep$r$tion8 in it the ,h$r$,ters #ere !ossiped $bout $s thou!h they #ere p$rt o5 the #orld o5 the 4ie#er. -17 (u,h or$l 6e$nin!s e:ist only in the inti6$,y o5 person$l rel$tionships bet#een 4ie#ers $nd in the deliber$te reprodu,tion o5 this inti6$,y in the #illed identi5i,$tion o5 4ie#er #ith ,h$r$,ter. 0ossip is not only e4iden,e o5 $ re$din! str$te!y, it is the 6e$ns by #hi,h th$t str$te!y is put into pr$,ti,e to enh$n,e the ple$sure o5 the 4ie#er. F$t7 $nd Liebes <1984= report si6il$r di55eren,es in their sub?e,tsD $ssess6ent o5 the Jre$lityK o5 allas, but in their ,$se the di55eren,es #ere bet#een !roups, not bet#een di55erent re$din!s in the s$6e !roup8 +hus so6e !roups #ill J!ossipK $bout the ,h$r$,ters $s i5 they #ere re$l people, $n$ly7in! their 6oti4$tions in e4eryd$y ter6s. 3t the other e:tre6e, ,ert$in !roups #ill dis,uss $ttributes or $,tions $s J5un,tionsK in $ dr$6$ti, 5or6ul$, !ropin!, $s ,riti,s do, to#$rds $ de5inition o5 the !enre to #hi,h allas belon!s. <p. 29= 1ut the point re6$ins, the re$din! str$te!ies $re p$rt o5 the ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e o5 4ie#in!8 they $re not $ 5un,tion o5 the te:t $lone. +he se,ond$ry te:ts, not surprisin!ly in 4ie# o5 their 5un,tion $s published !ossip, e:hibit the s$6e three #$ys o5 t$l*in! $bout ,h$r$,ters $s did 1ro#nDs sub?e,ts <see ,h$pter 7=. +hey $lso 6$de the 5irst t#o types o5 !ossip possible by pro4idin! in5or6$tion $bout produ,tion pro,esses, $nd bio!r$phies o5 pl$yers. +his sort o5 6$teri$l ,$nnot, ob4iously, be p$rt o5 the pri6$ry te:ts the6sel4es but is $n i6port$nt p$rt o5 their re,eption 5or 6$ny 4ie#ers. 2n the !ener$tion $nd ,ir,ul$tion o5 the 6e$nin!s o5 tele4ision #ithin $n or$l ,ulture, it is o5ten di55i,ult, $nd perh$ps pointless, to de,ide #hi,h o5 the pri6$ry, se,ond$ry, or terti$ry te:ts h$s the !re$test e55e,t. 2t is the 4ie#er #ho is the site o5 this interte:tu$lity $nd #ho deter6ines the 5or6 it should t$*e in $ny one inst$n,e. I%E$L$&ICAL I%E#TIBICATI$# Re$din! is $ so,i$lly deter6ined $,ti4ity, $nd the 4ie#er 6ust not be understood $s $ 5ree-5lo$tin! indi4idu$l, but $s $ sub?e,t in ideolo!y. 3lthusser <1979= $r!ues stron!ly the need 5or $ popul$r dr$6$ <$nd by e:tension tele4ision= th$t is not ,onstr$ined by the do6in$tin! notion o5 the indi4idu$l sel5, either in the portr$y$l o5 ,h$r$,ter or in the

,ons,iousness o5 the 4ie#er or the$ter spe,t$tor. (u,h $ do6in$tion, he $r!ues, dis!uises the ideolo!i,$l rel$tion o5 people to their so,i$l e:perien,e8 +his rel$tion is ne,ess$rily l$tent in so 5$r $s it ,$nnot be e:h$usti4ely the6$ti7ed by $ny J,h$r$,terK #ithout ruinin! the #hole ,riti,$l pro?e,t8 th$t is #hy, e4en i5 it is i6plied by the $,tion $s $ #hole, by the e:isten,e $nd 6o4e6ents o5 $ll the ,h$r$,ters, it is their deep 6e$nin!, beyond their ,ons,iousness - $nd thus hidden 5ro6 the6M 4isible to the spe,t$tor in so 5$r $s it is in4isible to the $,tors - $nd there5ore 4isible to the spe,t$tor in the 6ode o5 $ per,eption #hi,h is not !i4en, h$s to be dis,erned, ,onGuered $nd dr$#n 5ro6 the sh$do# #hi,h initi$lly en4elops it, $nd yet produ,ed it. <pp. 14 -;= -17;@ne #$y to per,ei4e this rel$tion #hi,h ,onstitutes the politi,$l di6ension o5 the te:t is by $ re$din! str$te!y #hi,h underst$nds Jthe e:isten,e $nd 6o4e6ents o5 $ll the ,h$r$,tersK r$ther th$n by $n identi5i,$tion #ith $ny one or 6ore o5 the6. +his ,$n be seen in the dis,ursi4e rel$tionship bet#een C$!ney, L$,ey, $nd +$!!$rt <see +$ble 9.1=. 2t is this stru,ture #hi,h is J4isible to the spe,t$torK but Jin4isible to the $,torsK $nd #hi,h h$s to be Jdis,ernedK by $ dis,ursi4e re$din! str$te!y #hi,h ,$n dr$# it 5ro6 the Jsh$do#K o5 re$lis6 $nd into the li!ht o5 d$y. +his stru,tur$l 6i: o5 ideolo!i,$l, so,i$l, $nd person$l 4$lues is the te:tu$l eGui4$lent o5 the re$din! sub?e,t th$t does not re5le,t the unity o5 the sel5 but the di4ersity o5 so,i$l e:perien,e, $nd #hi,h there5ore dis,our$!es $ny identi5i,$tion bet#een $ uni5ied spe,t$tor $nd $n indi4idu$li7ed ,h$r$,ter. 3lthusser <1979= re?e,ts $s in$deGu$te this pro,ess o5 identi5i,$tion by #hi,h the 4ie#er-spe,t$tor pro?e,ts hi6sel5 or hersel5 onto $ ,h$r$,ter, p$rti,ul$rly the hero8 1ut it 6ust be s$id th$t the pheno6en$ o5 pro?e,tion, subli6$tion, et,., th$t ,$n be obser4ed, des,ribed $nd de5ined in ,ontrolled psy,holo!i,$l situ$tions ,$nnot by the6sel4es $,,ount 5or ,o6ple: beh$4iour $s spe,i5i, $s th$t o5 the spe,t$tor-$ttendin!-$per5or6$n,e. +his beh$4iour is pri6$rily so,i$l $nd ,ultur$l-$estheti,, $nd $s su,h it is $lso ideolo!i,$l. . . . 25 the ,ons,iousness ,$nnot be redu,ed to $ purely psy,holo!i,$l ,ons,iousness, i5 it is $ so,i$l, ,ultur$l $nd ideolo!i,$l ,ons,iousness, #e ,$nnot thin* its rel$tion to the per5or6$n,e solely in the 5or6 o5 $ psy,holo!i,$l identi5i,$tion. 2ndeed, be5ore <psy,holo!i,$lly= identi5yin! itsel5 #ith the hero, the spe,t$tori$l ,ons,iousness re,o!ni7es itsel5 in the ideolo!i,$l ,ontent o5 the pl$y, $nd in the 5or6s ,h$r$,teristi, o5 this ,ontent. 1e5ore be,o6in! the o,,$sion 5or $n identi5i,$tion <$n identi5i,$tion #ith sel5 in the spe,ies o5 $nother=, the per5or6$n,e is, 5und$6ent$lly, the o,,$sion 5or $ ,ultur$l $nd ideolo!i,$l re,o!nition. <p. 149= 3lthusser re5uses to $,,ept psy,holo!i,$l identi5i,$tion $s $n $deGu$te $,,ount o5 $udien,e $,ti4ity, but he re,o!ni7es ho# stron!ly it is pro6oted $s $ re$din! str$te!y 5or $n $udien,e #hose Jideolo!i,$l $nd so,i$l rel$tions o5 re$din!K <1ennett 1983b= $re so 6u,h $ pr$,ti,e o5 the ideolo!y o5 indi4idu$lis6 $s ours $re. 1ut e4en #ithin this ideolo!y, it is 6ore produ,ti4e to use $ notion o5 6ultiple identi5i,$tion, #hi,h $t le$st ,$n $llo# 5or $ disuni5ied spe,t$tin! sel5. 3ny one spe,t$tor 6$y 5ind in herIhi6sel5 $ nu6ber o5 points o5 rel$tionship #ith th$t stru,ture o5 ideolo!i,$l-so,i$l-person$l 4$lues th$t is C$!ney-L$,ey-+$!!$rt.

-1771y i6pli,$tion-e:tri,$tion the 4ie#er ,$n sele,ti4ely identi5y #ith, or insert hi6Ihersel5 into, this stru,ture o5 ,h$r$,ters, $nd 6$int$in so6e ,ontrol o5 the pro,ess $nd there5ore o5 the 6e$nin!s #hile doin! so. 3lthusser <1979= stresses th$t $ny psy,holo!isti, identi5i,$tion, #hether 6ultiple or not, 6ust be pre,eded by $n ideolo!i,$l identi5i,$tion. 2n the 5our s,enes o5 Cagney and Lacey, this identi5i,$tion #ould not be 6$de bet#een the indi4idu$l 4ie#er $nd one or 6ore o5 the ,h$r$,ters represented8 but #ould r$ther be $n eGu$lly ple$sur$ble identi5i,$tion $t the le4el o5 dis,ourse. +his is $n identi5i,$tion #ith the dis,ursi4e stru,ture o5 the te:t th$t re,o!ni7es th$t its pl$y o5 si6il$rity $nd di55eren,e $lon! the $:es o5 n$tion, r$,e, ,l$ss, !ender, po#er, #or*, et,., 5its #ith the dis,ursi4e stru,ture o5 the re$din! sub?e,t. +he ple$sure depends not on $!ree6ent #ith the sense th$t is 6$de, but on the $!ree6ent #ith the way th$t it is 6$de, #ith the $deGu$,y o5 our dis,ourses $nd their ,ultur$l ,$te!ories $s $ 6e$ns o5 orderin! our per,eption o5 both te:t $nd #orld. Ch$r$,ter in $ re$listi, dr$6$ is $ ,o6ple: 5or6 o5 represent$tion 5or it is ,onstru,ted 5ro6 one dire,tion by the te:t $nd the n$rr$ti4e, $nd 5ro6 the other by the body $nd per5or6$n,e o5 the pl$yer. Re$din! ,h$r$,ter reGuires the 4ie#er to ne!oti$te #ith !re$t deli,$,y th$t bound$ry bet#een the represent$tion $nd the re$l $nd the ideolo!i,$l rel$tionship bet#een the6. +his ne!oti$tion 6ust be ,ondu,ted in t#o 6odes, the rel$tionship bet#een the re$l #orld o5 the pl$yer $nd the represented one o5 the ,h$r$,ter, $nd th$t bet#een the re$l #orld o5 the 4ie#er $nd the ,o6bined re$l-represented #orld o5 the pl$yer-,h$r$,ter. 2n this ,h$pter 2 h$4e outlined so6e o5 the 6e$ns by #hi,h the 4ie#er ,ondu,ts these ne!oti$tions, the $ltern$te or $ltern$ti4e re$din! str$te!ies, $nd the 4$riety o5 5or6s o5 identi5i,$tion or $lien$tion th$t $re both $4$il$ble $nd $dopted. &l$yers ,$n $lso use $,tin! str$te!ies $nd 5or6s o5 identi5i,$tion th$t $re the eGui4$lent o5 those $4$il$ble to the 4ie#ers, 5or their role in the represent$tion o5 ,h$r$,ter is the 6irror i6$!e o5 the 4ie#ersD. 1oth 6$int$in $ rel$ti4ely unst$ble b$l$n,e bet#een the 6odes o5 represent$tion or re$din! th$t 2 h$4e ,$lled the re$listi, or the dis,ursi4e, the indi4idu$listi, or the so,iopoliti,$l. M$*in! sense o5 ,h$r$,ter is $ pre,$rious $nd s*ill5ul re$din! pro,ess th$t reGuires hi!hly de4eloped ,ultur$l ,o6peten,ies #hi,h en$ble 4ie#ers to ,ontrol their rel$tionships to the te:t so $s to 6$:i6i7e the ple$sure they ,$n !ener$te 5ro6 it. -178Chapter 1C &endered television= femininity +he 4ie#erDs po#er to 6$*e the 6e$nin!s th$t suit his or her so,i$l e:perien,e is not, o5 ,ourse, unli6ited. +e:ts see* to pre5er ,ert$in 6e$nin!s, $nd #hile o55erin! sp$,e 5or open or resisti4e re$din!s, si6ult$neously $tte6pt to li6it th$t sp$,e to 4$ryin! de!rees. (o6e te:ts $re 6ore open th$n others, $nd this openness is ,ontrolled by di55erent te:tu$l str$te!ies. 3ddin! these 5or6$l ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 te:ts to their 6$ni5estly di55erent sub?e,t 6$tter en$bles us to see so6e ,onne,tions bet#een the 4$riety o5 tele4isionDs pro!r$6s $nd the di4ersity o5 its $udien,es. &ut si6ply, di55erent pro!r$6s $re desi!ned <usu$lly 5$irly su,,ess5ully= to $ttr$,t di55erent $udien,es. 2n these ne:t t#o ,h$pters 2 #ish to

e:plore so6e o5 the str$te!ies by #hi,h tele4ision ,opes #ith, $nd helps to produ,e, $ ,ru,i$l ,$te!ori7$tion o5 its 4ie#ers into 6$s,uline $nd 5e6inine sub?e,ts. Mellen,$6p <198 = tr$,es this b$,* to the 19 0s, #here she 5inds the ori!in o5 Jthe R!ender b$seD o5 tele4ision, #ith sport $nd ne#s sho#s 5or 6en, ,oo*in! $nd 5$shion sho#s 5or #o6en, $nd R*id4idD 5or ,hildrenK <p. 31=. +ele4isionDs te,hniGues 5or !enderin! its $udien,e h$4e !ro#n 6ore sophisti,$ted, $nd no#here 6ore so th$n in its de4elop6ent o5 !enderspe,i5i, n$rr$ti4e 5or6s. 2n this ,h$pter 2 propose to loo* $t so$p oper$ $s $ 5e6inine n$rr$ti4e, in the ne:t to study the $,tion series $s $ 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e, $nd to dr$# 5ro6 both the p$r$6eters o5 !ender de5inition th$t #e 6$y use to underst$nd the en!enderin! #or* o5 other tele4ision !enres. Soap opera form 1ro#n <1987= lists ei!ht !eneri, ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 so$p oper$s8 1. seri$l 5or6 #hi,h resists n$rr$ti4e ,losure 2. 6ultiple ,h$r$,ters $nd plots 3. use o5 ti6e #hi,h p$r$llels $,tu$l ti6e $nd i6plies th$t the $,tion ,ontinues to t$*e pl$,e #hether #e #$t,h it or not 4. $brupt se!6ent$tion bet#een p$rts . e6ph$sis on di$lo!ue, proble6 sol4in!, $nd inti6$te ,on4ers$tion -179-

;. 6$le ,h$r$,ters #ho $re Jsensiti4e 6enK 7. 5e6$le ,h$r$,ters #ho $re o5ten pro5ession$l $nd other#ise po#er5ul in the #orld outside the ho6e 8. the ho6e, or so6e other pl$,e #hi,h 5un,tions $s $ ho6e, $s the settin! 5or the sho#. <p.4= %$,h o5 these ,h$r$,teristi,s 6erits ,onsider$ble dis,ussion, p$rti,ul$rly i5 $nd #hy they ,onstitute $ 5e6inine $estheti,. 2 #ish to ,on,entr$te on the 5irst t#o ,h$r$,teristi,s, th$t is, so$p oper$Ds on!oin!, seri$l 5or6 #ith its ,onseGuent l$,* o5 n$rr$ti4e ,losure, $nd the 6ultipli,ity o5 its plots. 3s #e s$# in ,h$pter 8, tr$dition$l re$list n$rr$ti4es $re ,onstru,ted to h$4e $ be!innin!, $ 6iddle, $nd $n end, but so$p oper$ re$lis6 #or*s throu!h $n in5initely e:tended 6iddle. +r$dition$l n$rr$ti4e be!ins #ith $ st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 #hi,h is disturbed8 the plot tr$,es the e55e,ts o5 this disturb$n,e throu!h to the 5in$l resolution, #hi,h restores $ ne# $nd possibly di55erent eGuilibriu6. Co6p$rin! the st$tes o5 eGuilibriu6 #ith #hi,h it be!ins $nd ends $nd spe,i5yin! the n$ture o5 the thre$t o5 disturb$n,e is $ !ood #$y o5 identi5yin! the ideolo!i,$l thrust o5 $ story. +he end o5 su,h $ n$rr$ti4e is the point o5 both n$rr$ti4e ,losure $nd ideolo!i,$l ,losure. +he n$rr$ti4e resol4es the Guestions it posed, 6$*es !ood its l$,*s $nd de5i,ien,ies, $nd de5uses its thre$ts. +he resolutions o5 these disturb$n,es pre5er $ p$rti,ul$r ideolo!i,$l re$din! o5 its e4ents, settin!s, $nd ,h$r$,ters. For the $i6 o5 re$list n$rr$ti4e is to 6$*e sense o5 the #orld, $nd the ple$sure it o55ers deri4es 5ro6 the $pp$rent ,o6prehensi4eness o5 this sense. +his ,o6prehensi4eness is e4$lu$ted $,,ordin! to rel$tion to the ideolo!ies o5 the re$der, $nd throu!h the6, to the do6in$nt ideolo!y o5 the

,ulture. (o $ n$rr$ti4e #ith no endin! l$,*s one o5 the 5or6$l points $t #hi,h ideolo!i,$l ,losure is 6ost po#er5ully e:erted. @5 ,ourse, indi4idu$l plotlines ,$n end, o5ten #ith the dep$rture or de$th o5 the ,h$r$,ters ,entr$l to the6, but su,h endin!s h$4e none o5 the sense o5 5in$lity o5 no4el or 5il6 endin!s. Cep$rted ,h$r$,ters ,$n, $nd do, return, $nd e4en $pp$rently de$d ,h$r$,ters ,$n return to li5e $nd the pro!r$6 - 5our did so #ithin t#o ye$rs on C$ys o5 @ur Li4esO 1ut e4en #ithout physi,$l presen,e, the dep$rted ,h$r$,ters li4e on in the 6e6ory $nd !ossip both o5 those th$t re6$in, $nd o5 their 4ie#ers. L Cisruption +his in5initely e:tended 6iddle 6e$ns th$t so$p oper$s $re ne4er in $ st$te o5 eGuilibriu6, but their #orld is one o5 perpetu$l disturb$n,e $nd thre$t. +he eGuilibriu6 o5 $ h$ppy, st$ble 5$6ily is ,onst$ntly there in the b$,*!round, but is ne4er $,hie4ed. %4en $ so$p oper$ 6$rri$!e, $nd 6$rri$!es $re ritu$l hi!h points to be !re$tly s$4ored, is not the s$6e $s $ 6$rri$!e in $ tr$dition$l ro6$n,e in #hi,h the ,ouple $re e:pe,ted to li4e h$ppily e4er $5ter. 3ll so$p oper$ 6$rri$!es h$4e #ithin the6 the seeds o5 their o#n destru,tion. @n one le4el the 5$ns *no# th$t this is be,$use $ h$ppy, unthre$tened 6$rri$!e is borin! $nd in,$p$ble o5 produ,in! !ood plotlines. 1ut these !eneri, ,on4entions h$4e not !ro#n 5ro6 so6e 5or6$list ide$l #orld o5 J!ood plotlinesK8 they h$4e $ so,i$l b$se. M$rri$!e is not $ point o5 n$rr$ti4e $nd ideolo!i,$l ,losure be,$use so$p oper$s interro!$te it $s they ,elebr$te it. 1uildin! the thre$t into the ,elebr$tion opens 6$rri$!e up to re$din!s other th$n those pre5erred by p$tri$r,hy. +his double e4$lu$tion is !eneri, to so$p oper$, $nd is p$rt o5 the re$son 5or its openness. 3 #i5eDs e:tr$-6$rit$l se:, 5or inst$n,e, is e4$lu$ted both p$tri$r,h$lly $s un5$ith5ulness, but $lso, 6ore resistin!ly, $s $ #o6$nDs independen,e $nd ri!ht to her o#n se:u$lity. (u,h $55$irs o5ten sprin! 5ro6 the 6$nDs, or the 6$rri$!eDs, in$bility to s$tis5y her. 3 #i5eDs Jun5$ith5ulness, K then, is ,$p$ble o5 bein! re$d by both 6$s,uline $nd 5e6inine 4$lue syste6s si6ult$neously.

-1803s (eiter et al$ <1987= 5ound in their study o5 so$p oper$ 5$ns, #o6en openly $nd enthusi$sti,$lly $d6itted their deli!ht in 5ollo#in! so$p oper$s $s stories o5 5e6$le tr$ns!ressions #hi,h destroy the ideolo!i,$l nu,leus o5 the te:t8 the priority $nd s$,redness o5 the 5$6ily. <p. 27= +#o o5 the #o6en to #ho6 they t$l*ed e:pressed their ple$sure in seein! 6$rri$!e disrupted $nd one #ent so 5$r $s to use this in $ pl$y5ul, but $,tu$l, ,h$llen!e to the po#er o5 her husb$nd $s it is ins,ribed in the ,on4entions o5 6$rri$!e8 ('8 1ut thereDs lots o5 ti6es #hen you #$nt the person to du6p the husb$nd $nd !o on #ith this . . . .

/(8 @h 1ru,e Sher husb$ndT !ets so $n!ry #ith 6e #hen 2D6 #$t,hin! the sho# $nd theyDre 6$rried $nd 2D6 $ll 5or the $55$ir. <Laughter. = 2tDs li*e, itDs li*e <'oice changed= J2 donDt li*e this. 2 donDt *no# $bout you. K <Laughter. = Cu6p hi6. <p. 27= +he do6in$nt ideolo!y is ins,ribed in the st$tus Guo, $nd so$p oper$s o55er their subordin$ted #o6en 4ie#ers the ple$sure o5 seein! this st$tus Guo in $ ,onst$nt st$te o5 disruption. Cisruption #ithout resolution produ,es openness in the te:t. 2t ,$n be re$d do6in$ntly <p$tri$r,h$lly=8 su,h re$din!s #ould produ,e 5$ns #ho return to their 6ore Jnor6$lK 6$rri$!es #ith $ sense o5 relie5. 1ut disruption ,$n $lso ser4e to interro!$te the st$tus Guo. 3s #e sh$ll see in our dis,ussion o5 so$p oper$ ,h$r$,ters, the po#er5ul #o6en #ho disrupt 6enDs po#er $re both lo4ed $nd h$ted, their $,tions pr$ised $nd ,onde6ned. +he 6$rit$l rel$tionship is not the only one bein! si6ult$neously $55ir6ed $nd Guestioned. @ne o5 the ,o66onest plot the6es is th$t o5 5$6ily ties $nd rel$tionships. +his ,on,ern to ,l$ri5y rel$tionships #ithin the disrupted $nd unst$ble 5$6ily 6$y be seen $s J#o6enDs 6$tters, K th$t is, $s $ do6$in #here p$tri$r,hy !r$nts #o6en $ position o5 so6e po#er. 1ut i5 it is, its represent$tion $nd the ple$sure it o55ers o4erspill these ideolo!i,$l ,onstr$ints. +he $bility to underst$nd, 5$,ilit$te, $nd ,ontrol rel$tionships is o5ten sho#n $s $ sour,e o5 #o6enDs po#er, used disrupti4ely by the bit,hes $nd 6ore ,onstru,ti4ely by the 6$tri$r,hs. Men $re o5ten sho#n $s de5i,ient in these $bilities $nd *no#led!es, $nd ,$use 6$ny proble6s by this 6$s,uline l$,*. +his set o5 $bilities $nd *no#led!es, nor6$lly de4$lued by p$tri$r,hy, is !i4en $ hi!h 4$lu$tion $nd le!iti6$tion in so$p oper$s, $nd ,$n ser4e $s $ sour,e o5 sel5-estee6 5or the 5$ns $nd $s $n $ssertion o5 #o6enDs 4$lues $!$inst the pl$,e $ssi!ned to the6 in p$tri$r,hy. -181+his ,on,ern #ith rel$tionships o5ten 6$ni5ests itsel5 in $n e:tre6e 5or6 in the the6e o5 in,est. %:plorin! the bound$ries o5 per6itted se:u$l $nd 5$6ily rel$tionships in this #$y 6$y #or* not only to ,l$ri5y those bound$ries, but $lso to interro!$te the6 $nd the syste6 th$t est$blished the6. 25 LV4i-(tr$ussDs theory o5 *inship syste6s is $,,epted, the in,est t$boo is $n $!ent o5 p$tri$r,hy, 5or it de5ines #hi,h #o6en ,$n, or ,$nnot, be !i4en in 6$rri$!e to #hi,h 6en. Centr$l to it is the ,onstru,tion o5 #o6en $s ob?e,ts o5 e:,h$n!e, $nd o5 the *inship syste6 $s bein! p$tri$r,h$lly deter6ined. FreudDs @edipus theory is ,on,erned #ith $ si6il$r $re$, $nd o55ers $n eGu$lly p$tri$r,h$l e:pl$n$tion o5 se:u$lity, desire, $nd e55e,t upon 5$6ily rel$tionships. +he ,o66onness o5 in,est $s $ topi, in so$p oper$s, $nd its $bsen,e 5ro6 6ore J6$s,ulineK tele4ision !enres, su!!ests, $t the 4ery le$st, th$t #o6en 5ind 6ore ple$sure in interro!$tin! the bound$ries th$t it $ssu6es, $nd thus in interro!$tin! the syste6 th$t h$s set the6 in pl$,e. %eferment and process Cisruption is not the only e55e,t o5 the in5initely e:tended J6iddleKM de5er6ent is $n eGu$lly i6port$nt ,h$r$,teristi,. 3s Modles*i <19828 88= puts it, so$p oper$ Jby pl$,in! e4er 6ore ,o6ple: obst$,les bet#een desire $nd 5ul5il6ent, 6$*es $nti,ip$tion o5 $n end $n end in itsel5. K 3 so$p oper$ n$rr$ti4e str$nd h$s no ,li6$: to ,lose it o55, no point $t #hi,h it is seen to h$4e 5inished8 indeed, the out,o6e o5 6ost plotlines is rel$ti4ely

uni6port$nt, $nd o5ten not re$lly in doubt. 'h$t 6$tters is the pro,ess th$t people h$4e to !o throu!h to $,hie4e it. 3s 1runsdon <1984= $r!ues, the ple$sure in so$p oper$ lies in seein! ho# the e4ents o,,ur r$ther th$n in the e4ents the6sel4es. 2ndeed, the so$p oper$ press o5ten su66$ri7es 5uture plotlines8 the re$der *no#s the e4ents be5ore they o,,ur, her interest lies in ho# the ,h$r$,ters beh$4e $nd 5eel $s they re$,t to the e4ents. %$,h e4ent $l#$ys h$s ,onseGuen,es, 5in$l out,o6es $re inde5initely de5erred, $nd n$rr$ti4e ,li6$: is r$rely re$,hed. 2nste$d there is $ su,,ession o5 obst$,les $nd proble6s to be o4er,o6e $nd the n$rr$ti4e interest ,enters on peopleDs 5eelin!s $nd re$,tions $s they li4e throu!h $ ,onst$nt series o5 disruptions $nd di55i,ulties. "o solutions $re 5in$l, s6ooth p$t,hes $re ne4er 5ree 5ro6 the sense o5 i6pendin! dis$sters. +he triu6phs $re s6$lls,$le $nd te6por$ry, but 5reGuent. +hey pro4ide $ 6und$ne, $l6ost routine, set o5 s$tis5$,tions o5 desire <#h$t 1$rthes 197 b #ould ,$ll JplaisirK Ssee ,h$pter 12T=, but the 5in$l ,li6$,ti, %ouissance <1$rthes 197 b= o5 desire s$tis5ied is ,onst$ntly de5erred. 2ndeed, the 6ini-,li6$:es ,o6pli,$te $s 6u,h $s they resol4e. +his 6i!ht #ell be seen $s he!e6ony $t #or*8 the so$p oper$s te$,h #o6en by e:$6ple to 5or!o the re$l, 5in$l s$tis5$,tion o5 desire in 5$4or o5 $ series o5 unre$l, 6inor ple$sures. +hese 6inor ple$sures JbuyK the 4ie#ers, $nd #in their $pp$rently #illin! ,onsent to the syste6 th$t subordin$tes the6. 'o6en, this $r!u6ent runs, h$r6 the6sel4es $s $ ,l$ss by their ple$sure $s indi4idu$ls. -1821ut this endless de5er6ent need not be seen si6ply $s $ te:tu$l tr$ns5or6$tion o5 #o6enDs po#erlessness in p$tri$r,hy. 2t ,$n be seen 6ore positi4ely $s $n $rti,ul$tion o5 $ spe,i5i, 5e6inine de5inition o5 desire $nd ple$sure th$t is ,ontr$sted #ith the 6$s,uline ple$sure o5 the 5in$l su,,ess <see ,h$pter 11=. +he e6ph$sis on the pro,ess r$ther th$n the produ,t, on ple$sure $s on!oin! $nd ,y,li,$l r$ther th$n ,li6$,ti, $nd 5in$l, is ,onstituti4e o5 $ 5e6inine sub?e,ti4ity in so 5$r $s it opposes 6$s,uline ple$sures $nd re#$rds. +his 5e6inine sub?e,ti4ity $nd the ple$sures #hi,h re#$rd $nd le!iti6$te it $re not bound to be understood $,,ordin! to their do6in$nt ,onstru,tion $s in5erior to their 6$s,uline ,ounterp$rts. 2ndeed, so$p oper$ n$rr$ti4es ,onsistently 4$lid$te these 5e6inine prin,iples $s $ sour,e o5 le!iti6$te ple$sure #ithin $nd $!$inst p$tri$r,hy. Ce5er6ent $nd pro,ess $re en$,ted in t$l* $nd 5$,i$l e:pression. +he sound tr$,* o5 so$p oper$s is 5ull o5 #ords, $nd the s,reen is 5ull o5 ,lose-ups o5 5$,es. +he ,$6er$ lin!ers on the tellin! e:pression, !i4in! the 4ie#ers ti6e not ?ust to e:perien,e the e6otion o5 the ,h$r$,ter, but to i6$!ine #h$t ,onstitutes th$t e6otion. &orter <19778 78;= su!!ests th$t J$ 5$,e in ,lose-up is #h$t be5ore the $!e o5 5il6 only $ lo4er or $ 6other s$#. K Close-ups $re, $,,ordin! to Modles*i <19828 99-100=, $n i6port$nt 6ode o5 represent$tion in 5e6inine ,ulture 5or $ nu6ber o5 re$sons. +hey pro4ide tr$inin! in the 5e6inine s*ills o5 Jre$din! people, K $nd $re the 6e$ns o5 e:er,isin! the 5e6inine $bility to underst$nd the !$p bet#een #h$t is 6e$nt $nd #h$t is s$id. L$n!u$!e is used by 6en to e:ert ,ontrol o4er the 6e$nin!s o5 the #orld but #o6en Guestion its e55e,ti4ity in this, $nd 5ind ple$sure in the *no#led!es th$t es,$pe it. Close-ups $lso en,our$!e #o6enDs desire to be i6pli,$ted #ith the li4es o5 the ,h$r$,ters on the s,reen, $ desire th$t is $lso s$tis5ied by the ,o6p$r$ti4ely slo# 6o4e6ent o5 so$p oper$ plots #hi,h $llo# re$,tions $nd 5eelin!s to be s$4ored $nd d#elt on. 3s 1ro#n <1987$= s$ys, Jso$ps $llo# us to

lin!er, li*e the ple$sure o5 $ lon! ,on4ers$tion #ith $n old 5riend. K Feuer <1984= su!!ests th$t the $,tin! style o5 so$ps is e:,essi4e $nd e:$!!er$tes the hyperintensity o5 e$,h e6otion$l ,on5ront$tion. %ditin! ,on4entions #or* in the s$6e #$y8 -183Follo#in! $nd e:$!!er$tin! $ ,on4ention o5 d$yti6e so$ps, allas $nd ynasty typi,$lly hold $ shot on s,reen 5or $t le$st $ Jbe$tK $5ter the di$lo!ue h$s ended. . . . S+hisT le$4es $ residue o5 e6otion$l intensity ?ust prior to $ s,ene ,h$n!e or ,o66er,i$l bre$*. <pp. 1011= 3n e4ent, ho#e4er 6o6entous or ,li6$,ti,, is ne4er si!ni5i,$nt 5or itsel5, but r$ther 5or the re$,tions it #ill ,$use $nd the e55e,ts it #ill h$4e. %4ents ori!in$te or re$,ti4$te plots inste$d o5 ,losin! the6. Se4/ality and empo9erment 3s C$4ies <1984$= $r!ues, so$p oper$ se:u$lity is ,on,erned #ith sedu,tion $nd e6otion r$ther th$n, $s 6$s,uline se:u$lity is, #ith $,hie4e6ent $nd ,li6$:. 25 $ #o6$nDs body $nd se:u$lity $re $ll th$t p$tri$r,hy $llo#s her, then, $,,ordin! to C$4ies, so$ps sho# her ho# to use the6 $s $ #e$pon $!$inst 6en. 2t h$s been pointed out <e.!. by 0er$!hty 1981= th$t so$ps sho# $nd ,elebr$te the se:u$lity o5 the 6iddle-$!ed #o6$n, $nd thus $rti,ul$te #h$t is repressed else#here on tele4ision $s in the ,ulture !ener$lly. 2n the pri6e-ti6e so$ps the se:u$l po#er o5 the 6iddle-$!ed #o6$n !oes h$nd in h$nd #ith her e,ono6i, po#er in $ si!ni5i,$nt re4ers$l o5 ,on4ention$l !ender $s,ription. For in p$tri$r,hy, e,ono6i, $nd se:u$l po#er h$4e been ,losely interdependent ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 6$s,ulinity, but #hen re4ersed into 5e6ininity they under!o $ ne,ess$ry ,h$n!e o5 5un,tion 5ro6 possession to ,ontrol. +he tr$dition$l p$tri$r,h$l eGu$tion o5 possession o5 !oods #ith possession o5 #o6en is so ,o66only represented $s to need no el$bor$tionM #e si6ply need to point out th$t it is $ state to be $,hie4ed. Control, ho#e4er, is $ process th$t needs ,onst$nt stru!!le to e:er,ise it, it is on!oin!, ne4er 5in$lly $,hie4$ble, $nd is thus $n $ppropri$te result o5 the 5e6ini7$tion o5 the lin*in! o5 se:u$l #ith e,ono6i, po#er. +he po#er5ul #o6en in so$p oper$ ne4er $,hie4e $ settled st$te o5 po#er, but $re in $ ,ontinu$l pro,ess o5 stru!!le to e:er,ise ,ontrol o4er the6sel4es $nd others. +here is so6e e4iden,e, too, o5 $ si6il$r 5e6ini7$tion o5 $ nor6$lly 6$s,uline ple$sure, th$t o5 porno!r$phy. 3ll so$ps $re hi!hly se:u$l, $nd -184Figure 10.1 Se4 in the soaps and their press +he photo!r$phs o5 the hun*s $nd their bodies $ppro:i6$te to $ 5e6$le porno!r$phy, $n eroti, 5$nt$sy th$t the so$ps $pp$rently $rouse <in so6e=, but le$4e to the press to s$tis5y. +he re$l e:,ite6ent deri4es 5ro6 eroti, rel$tionships #here the 5$nt$sies $re less e!o,entered, 6ore other-dire,ted, $nd 6ore 5e6inine. -18 -

6$ny #o6en use ter6s 6ore ,on4ention$lly $pplied to 6$le porno!r$phy to des,ribe their re$,tion to the6 <see Fi!ure 10.1=. +he so$p oper$ press 5reGuently e6ph$si7e se:u$lity, 6ost ,o66only either in $ dis,ussion o5 lo4e s,enes or in des,riptions $nd photo!r$phs o5 the 6$le hun*s. Letters to these 6$!$7ines e4iden,e the se:u$l re$din!s th$t so6e #o6en 6$*e o5 the pro!r$6s. 2t is possible, then, to see so$p oper$s $s porno!r$phy 5or so6e #o6en. +he response to the 6$le Jhun*K is $ 5$nt$sy th$t $ppe$rs 4ery si6il$r to the 6$s,uline porno!r$phi, 5$nt$sy, in4ol4in! $ 5$nt$si7ed identi5i,$tion #ith $ se: ob?e,t o5 the opposite se:, but there $re ,ru,i$l di55eren,es. +he se:u$lity o5 the Jhun*K is not $l#$ys ,on5ined to his body, but is o5ten ,onte:tu$li7ed into his rel$tionships $nd interperson$l style. (i6il$rly, the eroti, turn-on o5 the lo4e s,enes is ,onsistently des,ribed $s resultin! 5ro6 the represent$tion o5 $ rel$tionship, not the body o5 $n indi4idu$l. 1ro#n <1987$= $r!ues th$t the se:u$lity o5 so$ps is Jnot ,onstru,ted $round the 6$le !$7e, but it is he$rd $nd spo*en. K 2t is thus p$rt o5 $ rel$tionship bet#een people, $nd it is rel$tionships, r$ther th$n the body o5 the 6$le, th$t $re the sour,e o5 the eroti, ple$sure o55ered by so$ps. 'o6enDs 4ie# o5 6$s,ulinity, $s e4iden,ed in so$p oper$s, di55ers 6$r*edly 5ro6 th$t produ,ed 5ro6 the 6$s,uline $udien,e <see ne:t ,h$pter=. +he J!oodK 6$le in the d$yti6e so$ps is ,$rin!, nurturin!, $nd 4erb$l. Ae is prone to 6$*in! ,o66ents li*e J2 donDt ,$re $bout 6$teri$l #e$lth or pro5ession$l su,,ess, $ll 2 ,$re $bout is us $nd our rel$tionship. K Ae #ill t$l* $bout 5eelin!s $nd people $nd r$rely e:presses his 6$s,ulinity in dire,t $,tion. @5 ,ourse he is still de,isi4e, he still h$s 6$s,uline po#er, but th$t po#er is !i4en $ J5e6inineK in5le,tion. +his produ,es di55erent !ender roles $nd rel$tionships8 'o6en $nd 6en in the so$p oper$s $re prob$bly 6ore eGu$l th$n in $ny other 5or6 o5 $rt or dr$6$ or in $ny $re$ o5 re$l li5e. 1y pl$yin! do#n 6enDs do6in$tion o4er #o6en <$nd ,hildren= the so$ps $nd the !$6e sho#s 6$*e the 5$6ily p$l$t$ble. @n d$yti6e +B the 5$6ily is not $ hier$r,hy, st$rtin! #ith the 5$ther $nd endin! #ith the youn!est !irl, but $n inti6$te !roup o5 people, ,onne,ted to e$,h other inti6$tely throu!h ties o5 lo4e $nd *inship. <Lop$te 19778 0-1, in A$rtley 198 8 23= +he J6$,hoK ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 !o$l ,enteredness, $sserti4eness, $nd the 6or$lity o5 the stron!est th$t identi5y the hero in 6$s,uline tele4ision, tend here to be ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 the 4ill$in. 2t is not surprisin! th$t, in #o6enDs ,ulture, 5e6ini7ed 6en should be seen positi4ely #hile the 6$s,uline 6en $re 6ore $sso,i$ted #ith 4ill$iny, but the re4ers$l is not $ si6ple one. +he 4ill$ins $re typi,$lly 4ery !ood-loo*in!, $nd $re o5ten 5e$tured in the press $s desir$ble Jhun*sKM they $re lo4ed $nd h$ted, $d6ired $nd despised. (i6il$rly, the !ood, 5e6ini7ed 6en, p$rti,ul$rly the youn!er ones, typi,$lly h$4e the stron! !ood loo*s $sso,i$ted #ith ,on4ention$l heterose:u$l 6$s,ulinity. 2t is r$re to 5ind sensiti4e, 5e6ini7ed loo*s <#ith their possible thre$t o5 ho6ose:u$lity= !oin! #ith the sensiti4ity o5 the ,h$r$,ter. -18;+his opens their se:u$lity up to di55erent re$din!s. +heir sensiti4ity $nd their p$ssion $re sho#n in their rel$tionships #ith other ,h$r$,ters. 1ut their 6$,ho loo*s in4ite $ 5$nt$sy

rel$tionship #ith so6e 4ie#ers $t le$st. +he pri6$ry te:ts ,on,entr$te on the rel$tionship, #here$s the se,ond$ry te:ts o5ten e6ph$si7e the physi,$l, ,o6pens$tin! 5or the so$psD re5us$l to se:u$li7e the body o5 the 6$le in $ 5e6ini7ed in5le,tion o5 4oyeuris6. +he so$p oper$ press, ho#e4er, h$s no su,h inhibitions. +he ,o66onest pin-up photo!r$ph is $ ,lose-up o5 the 5$,e, but there $re 5reGuent ones o5 6$le so$p $,tors posed #ith b$re torsos in tr$dition$l bee5,$*e style <see Fi!ure 10.1= #hi,h see6 to in4ite $ 5e6inine eGui4$lent o5 the 6$s,uline porno!r$phi, 5$nt$sy. 2t 6$y be $r!ued th$t su,h $ppropri$tions do $t le$st 6$*e $ J6$s,ulineK ple$sure $4$il$ble 5or #o6en, in $ddition to the 6ore 5e6inine eroti,is6 o5 the represented rel$tionship, but they do nothin! to Guestion th$t ple$sure, nor to su!!est $ltern$ti4es to it. 1ro#n <1987$=, on the other h$nd, $r!ues th$t so$ps $re positi4e $nd e6po#erin! in the #$y they h$ndle se:u$lity $nd se:u$l ple$sure8 +hus the i6$!e o5 the body $s se:u$l ,urren,y is $bsent, but the spo*en dis,ourse o5 the po#er o5 the 5e6$le body to ,re$te is !i4en ,ru,i$l i6port$n,e. +here is no need to reiter$te here the nu6ber o5 pre!n$n,ies, the i6port$n,e $tt$,hed to p$ternity $nd so6eti6es to 6$ternity or the l$r!e nu6ber o5 se:u$l li$isons bet#een ,h$r$,ters in so$p oper$s. Ao#e4er, ,ontr$ry to the dis,ourse #hi,h pl$,es the pre!n$nt #o6$n $s po#erless o4er n$tur$l e4ents, o5ten #o6en in so$ps use pre!n$n,y $s po#er o4er the 5$ther o5 the unborn ,hild. +he 5$ther #ill usu$lly 6$rry the 6other o5 his ,hild, #hether or not he lo4es her <or #hether or not the pre!n$n,y is re$l=, thereby $,hie4in! the #o6$nDs 5elt need to be t$*en ,$re o5 in the only #$y th$t is $4$il$ble to her in the do6in$nt syste6. 'o6en ,h$r$,ters, then, use their bodies to $,hie4e their o#n ends. <pp. 19-20= 3 #o6$nDs se:u$lity does not, in so$p oper$, result in her ob?e,ti5i,$tion 5or the 6$le. R$ther it is $ positi4e sour,e o5 ple$sure in $ rel$tionship, or $ 6e$ns o5 her e6po#er6ent in $ p$tri$r,h$l #orld. +he #o6$nDs po#er to in5luen,e $nd ,ontrol the 6$le ,$n ne4er be 5in$lly $,hie4ed but is ,onst$ntly in pro,ess. 2t is $ 5or6 o5 po#er not le!iti6$ted by the do6in$nt ideolo!y, $nd ,$n thus e:ist only in the ,ontinuous stru!!le to e:er,ise it. 3 6$nDs J,onGuestK o5 $ #o6$n, his possession o5 her, 6$y be s$id to h$4e been $,hie4ed $t the 6o6ent o5 se:u$l ,li6$:8 $ #o6$nDs ,ontrol o4er $ 6$n, ho#e4er, h$s no su,h 5in$l $,hie4e6ent. +he e6ph$sis on sedu,tion $nd on its ,ontinuous ple$sure $nd po#er is $ppropri$te to $ ,onte6por$ry 5e6inine sub?e,ti4ity, 5or th$t sub?e,ti4ity h$s ne,ess$rily been 5or6ed throu!h $ ,onst$nt e:perien,e o5 po#erlessness $nd subordin$tion. -187C$4ies <1984$= !oes on to sho# ho# $d4ertise6ents in so$p oper$ 6$!$7ines lend support to the theory th$t #o6enDs bodies $nd se:u$lity $re the 6$in 6e$ns open to the6 to $,hie4e po#er in $ p$tri$r,hy. +he ,o66onest type o5 $d4ertise6ent is 5or produ,ts to i6pro4e the se:u$l po#er o5 the 5e6$le body - losin! #ei!ht, enl$r!in! bre$sts, i6pro4in! s*in or h$ir, sh$pin! butto,*s - the list is li6ited only by the p$rts o5 the 5e6$le body th$t ,$n be ,onstituted $s $ proble6 5or $ produ,t to sol4e. +hese $d4ertise6ents $re ob4iously p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6 e:ploitin! the l$,* o5 sel5-estee6 th$t the syste6 produ,es in #o6en, but they $re not ?ust th$t. +hey e:ist $lon!side $nother

,$te!ory o5 $ds #hi,h $lso pl$y on #o6enDs desire to i6pro4e their situ$tion $nd thus their po#er in so,iety. +hese $re 5or ,ourses to i6pro4e their Gu$li5i,$tions, 5or ide$s to st$rt $nd run $ business 5ro6 ho6e, or e4en 5or lu,*y ,h$r6s. +hese 6$!$7ines $re 5or #o6en in #ho6 p$tri$r,hy h$s produ,ed $ lo# sel5-estee6 but #ho h$4e $ desire 5or the so,i$l po#er th$t is denied the6 but #hi,h they ,l$i6 is ri!ht5ully theirs. +he $d4ertise6ents ,$pit$li7e on this #ith $ r$n!e o5 e:ploit$ti4e produ,ts8 the so$p oper$s the6sel4es, ho#e4er, sho# ho# su,h $ po#er 6$y be $,hie4ed by 5e6inine 4$lues r$ther th$n the produ,ts o5 p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6. 1ut this desire 5or 5e6inine po#er is ne4er si6ple, be,$use it is $ desire born in p$tri$r,hy $nd 6ust ,ont$in those ,ontr$di,tions #ithin it. 3n $rti,le in aytimers, /une 198 , #ith the title J+hose M$n-ipul$tors8 Con,h$ Lo4e 'o6en 'ho Control +heir MenHK, e:plores these ,ontr$di,tory ple$sures8 +hese $re $ 5e# o5 the 6$n-ipul$tors, those #o6en #ho ,ontrol 6en $nd o5ten 6$*e the6 loo* 5oolish. 'o6en #ho ,ontrol their 6$n. 'o6en #ho ,ontrol all 6en. 'o6en #e #ish #e ,ould be 6ore li*e. @r do #eH Co #e re$lly #$nt to ,ontrol the 6en in our li4esH Co #e $,tu$lly desire they do #h$t #e #$nt, ho# #e #$nt $nd #hen #e #$ntH Co #e truly ye$rn 5or their ,o6plete obedien,e under $ny $nd $ll ,ir,u6st$n,esH . . . Co #e, $s $4er$!e #o6en, re$lly #$nt $ll this ,ontrolH )ouDre d$6n ri!ht #e do. 3nd th$tDs #hy #e prob$bly $d6ire those 6$n-ipul$tors #e see on the tube. 3d6ire $nd 5$nt$si7e $bout bein! $s 6$n-ipul$ti4e $s they $re. (till . . . $ ,ontr$di,tion. ConDt #e 6utter $t the +B set #hen #itnessin! $ 6$n-ipul$tor 6$n-ipul$tin!, J2 sure hope she !ets #h$tDs ,o6in! to herOKH +he subordin$tion o5 #o6en in p$tri$r,hy is ,h$llen!ed by the po#er o5 their 6$nipul$tion, but re$sserted in the $,,ept$n,e o5 the punish6ent th$t is its $pp$rently ine4it$ble 5in$l out,o6e. +he ,ontr$di,tory $ppe$l o5 these ,h$r$,ter roles $nd 4ie#in! positions produ,es the ,ontr$di,tory pro,ess o5 i6pli,$tion-e:tri,$tion o5 the 4ie#in! rel$tions. -188-

'ith these $utopsies o5 the 6$n-ipul$tors, itDs h$rd to i6$!ine $nyone 5eelin! en4y 5or the6. 1ut #e o5ten do 5eel $ t#in!e o5 $d6ir$tion $nd $ Gui,* sur4ey re4e$ls #e #ish #e ,ould be 6ore li*e the 6$n-ipul$tors only #hen theyDre su,,ess5ully pullin! so6e 6$nDs strin!s. 'hen theyDre !ettin! the tou!h end o5 li5e, #hen their s,he6es 5$il $nd theyDre out in the blo#in! sno#, #e donDt 5eel th$t 6u,h en4y or $d6ir$tion. (till . . . to ,ontrol the 6en in our li4es does sound li*e it #ould be 5un - i5 only 5or $ #hile. aytimers /une 198 +he pro,ess o5 i6pli,$tion-e:tri,$tion is here des,ribed seGuenti$lly, thou!h, $s #e h$4e seen <,h$pter 9=, it is 6ore ,h$r$,teristi,$lly $nd ,o6ple:ly si6ult$neous. +his double $rti,ul$tion o5 $ re$din! position ,h$llen!es the po#er o5 the te:t to prop$!$te the do6in$nt ideolo!y 4i$ its ,onstru,tion o5 $ uni5ied re$din! sub?e,t. +he ple$sure o5 i6pli,$tion #ith the ,h$r$,ter #hen she is e:ertin! po#er 6$y #ell be stron!er th$n th$t o5 e:tri,$tion #hen she is bein! punished. +he di55eren,e in #h$t Freud ,$lls J$55e,t, K in the intensity o5 the e:perien,e, 6$y #ell be !re$t enou!h to pre4ent the ideolo!i,$l e55e,ti4ity o5 the punish6ent. For inst$n,e, Charlie-s .ngels, 5irst s,reened in the e$rly 1970s, 5e$tured three be$uti5ul #o6en dete,ti4es in $n $!en,y run by JCh$rlie, K #ho #$s ne4er seen, but only he$rd on the inter,o6 $s $ ,ontrollin! 6$le 4oi,e. %$,h #ee* the #o6en #ould sol4e the ,$se, e4en i5 they JneededK 6$s,uline help 5ro6 Ch$rlieDs $!ent, 1osney, $nd, $5ter the n$rr$ti4e ,li6$:, #ould $l#$ys return to the $!en,y $nd the ,ontrol o5 Ch$rlieDs 4oi,e. &$tri$r,hy #$s deeply ins,ribed in the series, p$rti,ul$rly by this 6$s,uline ,losure o5 e$,h episode $nd in the 4oyeuristi, ,$6er$ #or* on the three heroines. 1ut it #$s ,h$llen!ed by the $!!ressi4eness $nd su,,ess o5 the #o6en dete,ti4es, $nd, $s 6entioned e$rlier, 6$ny #o6en h$4e reported to 6e th$t their ple$sure in this #$s stron! enou!h to o4er#hel6 the p$tri$r,h$l 5r$6e $nd blo,* the e55e,ti4ity o5 the ideolo!i,$l ,losure. "either Charlie-s .ngels nor the so$p oper$ Jman;ipulatorsK is $ 5e6inine te:t in $n essenti$list sense. +hey $re histori,$lly $nd ,ultur$lly produ,ed, #hi,h 6e$ns th$t the 5e6inine re$din!s they o55er $re #ithin $nd $!$inst p$tri$r,hy. +he stru!!le o5 #o6en 4ie#ers to ,re$te $ 5e6inine sp$,e #ithin p$tri$r,hy is p$r$lleled by the stru!!le in these te:ts bet#een 5e6inine ple$sure $nd po#er on the one h$nd, $nd p$tri$r,h$l ,ontrol on the other. Fuhn <1984= tr$,es $ si6il$r du$lity #hi,h she ter6s th$t bet#een 6$stery $nd 6$so,his6. +he ple$sure o5 6$stery is pro4ided not only by the 5reGuent represent$tion o5 stron! #o6en, but $lso by the po#er o5 the 5e6inine spe,t$tor to Jsol4eK the eni!6$s o5 the plots. M$so,his6, ho#e4er, is $ spe,t$tin! position or ple$sure produ,ed by J5or e4er $nti,ip$tin! $n endlessly held o55 resolutionK <Fuhn 19848 27=. 'o6enDs <$nd 6enDs= su55erin! is $s ,entr$l $ the6e $s #o6enDs po#er. Fuhn !oes on to su!!est th$t the 6i: o5 6$stery $nd 6$so,his6 produ,es in the 4ie#er $n Jinterpl$y bet#een 6$s,uline $nd 5e6inine sub?e,t positions. K Aer $,,ount is l$r!ely psy,ho$n$lyti,8 $ 6ore ,ultur$lly in5le,ted one 6i!ht e:pl$in this interpl$y $s $n e:$6ple o5 the pro,ess o5

i6pli,$tion-e:tri,$tion or o5 the doubly $rti,ul$ted re$din! position th$t #o6en h$4e le$rned to $dopt. -189Modles*iDs <1982= $,,ount o5 the so$p oper$ 4ill$iness re4e$ls si6il$r ,ontr$di,tions. (he $r!ues th$t the 4ill$iness is $ ne!$ti4e i6$!e o5 the 4ie#erDs ide$l sel5, #hi,h is ,onstru,ted by the so$ps $s the ide$l 6other, $ble to sy6p$thi7e #ith $nd underst$nd $ll the 6e6bers o5 her <$nd the so$p oper$Ds= e:tended 5$6ily. (u,h $ 6other role is, o5 ,ourse, spe,i5i, to the p$tri$r,h$l 5$6ily, 5or it denies the 6other $ny ,l$i6s on hersel5, $nd reGuires her to 5ind her s$tis5$,tion in helpin! her ,hildren to ,o6e to ter6s #ith $nd resol4e their 6ultiple di55i,ulties. (he is other-dire,ted $nd de,entered. Modles*iDs $,,ount deri4es 5ro6 te:tu$l $nd psy,ho$n$lyti, $n$lysis $nd thus ,$n identi5y only the ideolo!i,$l thrust o5 the te:t, but #e ,$n be ,h$ry o5 $ssu6in! its e55e,ti4eness in $ll situ$tions. (eiter et al$ <1987=, 5or inst$n,e, 5ound th$t 6$ny o5 their sub?e,ts e:pli,itly re?e,ted this te:tu$lly ,onstru,ted role8 'hile this position Sthe 2de$l MotherT #$s p$rti$lly t$*en up by so6e o5 our 6iddle,l$ss, edu,$ted in5or6$nts, it #$s $lso ,ons,iously resisted $nd 4ehe6ently re?e,ted by 6ost o5 the #o6en #e inter4ie#ed, espe,i$lly by #or*in!-,l$ss #o6en. <p. 24= +he 4ill$iness turns tr$dition$l 5e6inine ,h$r$,teristi,s <#hi,h $re o5ten seen $s #e$*nesses ensurin! her subordin$tion= into $ sour,e o5 stren!th. (he uses pre!n$n,y <re$l or $lle!ed= $s $ #e$pon, she uses her insi!ht into people to 6$nipul$te the6, $nd she uses her se:u$lity 5or her o#n ends, not 5or 6$s,uline ple$sure. (he re4erses 6$le $nd 5e6$le roles <#hi,h prob$bly e:pl$ins #hy 3le:is in ynasty is popul$r #ith the !$y ,o66unity= $nd, $bo4e $ll, she e6bodies the 5e6$le desire 5or po#er #hi,h is both produ,ed $nd 5rustr$ted by the so,i$l rel$tions o5 p$tri$r,hy. +he 5in$l ,ontrol th$t the 4ill$iness stri4es 5or is, Modles*i $r!ues <p. 97=, ,ontrol not o4er 6en, but o4er 5e6inine p$ssi4ity. (eiter et al$ <1987= 5ound ,le$r e4iden,e o5 the $ppe$l o5 the stron! 4ill$iness 5or #o6en ,h$5in! $!$inst their sub?e,tion in p$tri$r,hy8 3ll o5 these #o6en ,o66ented on their pre5eren,e o5 stron! 4ill$inesses8 the youn!er respondents e:pressed their ple$sure in $nd $d6ir$tion 5or the po#er5ul 5e6$le ,h$r$,ters #hi,h #ere $lso dis,ussed in ter6s o5 tr$ns!ressin! the bound$ries o5 $ tr$dition$l p$ttern o5 resist$n,e 5or #o6en #ithin p$tri$r,hy8 -190LC8 )e$h, they 4$n be 4ery 4i,ious <laughs= the 5e6$les ,$n be 4ery 4i,ious. /(8 (ee6s li*e 5e6$les h$4e 6ore o5 $n i6p$,t th$n the 6$les $nd they h$4e su,h $ 66 . . . ,onni4in! . . ('8 br$inO )e$hO <Laughter$=

LC8 +heyDre sne$*yOOO )e$hO ('8 +hey use their br$in 6ore <laughter= inste$d o5 their bodyO +hey 6$nipul$te, you *no#O <pp. 2 -;= 1ut there #$s little e4iden,e o5 $ny h$tred 5or the 4ill$iness, r$ther the respondents despised the #o6$n #ho su55ered despite her 6iddle-,l$ss pri4ile!es, $ ,h$r$,ter type they ,$lled the J#hiner, K or Jthe #i6py #o6$nK <pp. 24- =. 1ut, in the portr$y$l o5 the 4ill$iness, so$p oper$s set these Jpositi4eK 5e6inine ,h$r$,teristi,s in $ 5r$6e#or* o5 6or$l dis$ppro4$l, $nd 5ollo# the6 $t #or* throu!h $ repe$ted n$rr$ti4e stru,ture th$t denies their ulti6$te su,,ess. +he #o6$n 4ie#er lo4es $nd h$tes the 4ill$iness, sides #ith her, $nd desires her do#n5$ll. +he ,ontr$di,tions in the te:t $nd its re$din! position re5le,t the ,ontr$di,tions inherent in the $tte6pt to $ssert 5e6inine 4$lues #ithin $nd $!$inst $ p$tri$r,h$l so,iety. +he te:t ,$nnot $nd does not resol4e these ,ontr$di,tions. 2t ,$n be $r!ued th$t de4$lued represent$tions o5 5e6inine ,ontrol le$4e p$tri$r,hy un,h$llen!ed, so th$t the 4ill$iness $,ts $s $ 6ere s$5ety 4$l4e 5or 5e6inine $n!er, or $s $ 6ere 5$nt$sy o5 5e6inine po#er. 1ut i5 the 4ill$iness ne4er su,,eeds, i5, in $,,ord$n,e #ith the spe,t$torsD ,on5li,tin! desires, she is doo6ed to etern$l repetition, then she ob4iously ne4er per6$nently 5$ils either. . . . 3nd i5 the 4ill$iness ,onst$ntly su55ers be,$use she is $l#$ys 5oiled, #e should re6e6ber th$t she su55ers no 6ore th$n the !ood ,h$r$,ters, #ho donDt e4en try to inter5ere #ith their 5$tes. <Modles*i 19828 98= +he ,ontr$di,tions in the 4ill$iness th$t en$ble her to be$r 6e$nin!s th$t 4$riously ?usti5y or ,h$llen!e 5e6$le po#erlessness $re typi,$l o5 the openness o5 so$p oper$ te:ts. Represent$tions o5 6$rri$!e $nd the 5$6ily $re shot throu!h #ith si6il$r ,ontr$di,tions. "either is e4er st$ble, both $re ,onst$ntly in tur6oil, thre$tened by in,ess$nt disrupti4e 5or,es th$t ste6 l$r!ely 5ro6 indi4idu$lsD desires or de5i,ien,ies. +he di55i,ulty e:perien,ed by su,h do6in$nt institutions $s 6$rri$!e $nd the 5$6ily in ,opin! #ith peopleDs desires $nd beh$4ior is ,le$rly not $n uneGui4o,$l $ssertion o5 their 4$lue, but sets the6 up, r$ther, $s $ site o5 ,ontest$tion #ithin #hi,h person$l ,on5li,t ,$n $,Guire $ so,iopoliti,$l di6ension. +he ide$l o5 $ h$ppy 6$rri$!e $nd $ st$ble 5$6ily 6$y ne4er be e:pli,itly $tt$,*ed, but it is brou!ht into Guestion by the $pp$rent i6possibility o5 $,hie4in! it. -191 E4cess 'e h$4e noted <,h$pter ;= th$t e:,ess is $ ,h$r$,teristi, o5 tele4ision in !ener$l th$t #or*s to open the te:t to $ltern$ti4e re$din!s. Feuer <1984= re4ie#s $ nu6ber o5 ,riti,$l $,,ounts o5 6elodr$6$ <Mul4ey $nd A$llid$y 1972, 1our!et 1977I8, 'ille6$n 1978,

%ls$esser 1973, "o#ell-(6ith 1977, Mul4ey 1977-8, Fleinh$ns 1978= #hi,h $r!ue th$t #h$t 2 h$4e ,$lled hyperboli, e:,ess is espe,i$lly si!ni5i,$nt in the ideolo!y o5 6elodr$6$ 5or its $bility to open up J$ te:tu$l sp$,e #hi,h 6$y be re$d $!$inst the see6in!ly he!e6oni, sur5$,eK <Feuer 19848 8=. Feuer $r!ues th$t 6elodr$6$ <$nd so$p oper$s $re the pri6e tele4isu$l e:$6ple o5 the !enre= produ,es t#o te:ts. +he 5irst or 6$in te:t is th$t pre5erred by the do6in$nt ideolo!y, $nd is $,,essible $t the super5i,i$l, Job4iousK le4el. +he se,ond te:t, ho#e4er, is 6$de $4$il$ble by the Je:,essK #hi,h o4erspills the ,ontrol o5 the 6$in te:t $nd sub4erts the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 1ro#n <1987$= in her dis,ussion o5 (ho#$lter <198 b= $lso r$ises the notion o5 $ double te:t, but rel$tes it spe,i5i,$lly to 5e6inine ,ulture. (he $r!ues th$t #o6en in p$tri$r,hy ne,ess$rily le$rn to use $ double-4oi,ed dis,ourse #hi,h $llo#s the6 to p$rti,ip$te in both the do6in$nt dis,ourse <(ho#$lterDs J6$le ,res,entK= $nd $ 5e6inine dis,ourse #hi,h (ho#$lter ,$lls Jthe #ild 7one. K +he J6$le ,res,entK is #here ideolo!i,$l ,ontrol is $sserted, the J#ild 7oneK #here 6e$nin!s es,$pe th$t ,ontrol $nd #here <$l6ost= $nythin! ,$n h$ppen. Melodr$6$ti, e:,ess ,onstitutes this #ild 7one in so$p oper$. Aod!e $nd +rippDs <198;= ethno!r$phi, #or* pro4ides so6e e4iden,e in support o5 this. +hey 5ound th$t !irls tended to identi5y #ith both 6$le $nd 5e6$le hero 5i!ures on tele4ision, #here$s boys identi5ied #ith 6$le heroes only. +he !irls #ere le$rnin! e$rly to h$ndle $ Jdouble-4oi,ed dis,ourseK8 the boys 5elt no su,h ne,essity $nd thus de4eloped $ 6u,h 6ore li6ited dis,ursi4e repertoire. Mul4ey <1977-8= $lso 5inds so6e positi4e 4$lue in 6edodr$6$Ds e:,ess $nd su!!ests th$t it ,$n #or* to $,ti4$te ideolo!i,$l ,ontr$di,tions in notions o5 the ho6e $nd 5$6ily. 1ut, she !oes on to $r!ue, it 5in$lly 5un,tions $s $ Js$5ety 4$l4eK #hose e55e,t is he!e6oni,. Feuer <1984= dis$!rees #ith this, $r!uin! th$t the e:,ess o5 tele4ision 6elodr$6$s !i4es the6, $t le$st, $ r$di,$l potenti$l8 -192+he e6er!en,e o5 the 6elodr$6$ti, seri$l in the 1980s represents $ radical response to $nd e:pression o5 ,ultur$l ,ontr$di,tions. 'hether th$t response is interpreted to the Ri!ht or to the Le5t is not $ Guestion the te:ts the6sel4es ,$n $ns#er. <p. 1;= Feuer is ,on,erned 6$inly #ith pri6e-ti6e so$ps, but $r!ues th$t her ,on,lusions $re eGu$lly $ppli,$ble to the d$yti6e ones. %:,ess 6$y be ,o6p$r$ti4ely e$sy to theori7e, but it is not $l#$ys e$sy to oper$tion$li7e the theory $nd $pply it to $ spe,i5i, e:$6ple. 3nn$Ds 6is$d4entures in ays of Bur Li'es pro4ide $ typi,$l e:$6ple o5 e:,ess. (he h$s been $#$y 5or 5i4e ye$rs, $nd on her return #e le$rn th$t she h$s been *idn$pped $nd held ,$pti4e in $ bo$t #here she h$d been dru!!ed, prob$bly 5or,ed into prostitution, st$r4ed ne$rly to de$th $nd #hipped so th$t her b$,* is still s,$rred. (he h$s 6ultiple s,lerosis $nd is o55erin! Ro6$n, her husb$nd, $ di4or,e so th$t he #ill be 5ree to 6$rry M$rlene, the #o6$n he 5ell in lo4e #ith durin! her $bsen,e. @n her return, she is ne$rly $rrested by Ro6$n, $ poli,e6$n, 5or un*no#in!ly h$4in! thous$nds o5 doll$rs hidden in $ 5$lse ,o6p$rt6ent in her suit,$se. (u,h $ ,$t$lo!ue o5 si!ns o5 #o6$n-$s-4i,ti6 6$y see6 to push e:,ess into the ludi,rous, but #e le$rn o5 the det$ils slo#ly o4er $ nu6ber o5 s,enes $nd episodes. +he pro,ess o5 re4el$tion builds horror $nd sy6p$thy #hi,h ,$nnot be ,on5ined to 6$so,histi, identi5i,$tion #ith the su55erin! o5 the #o6$n-4i,ti6, but ,$n

o4erspill into $n $#$reness o5 the 6$le po#er th$t produ,es the 4i,ti6i7$tion. +he e:tent to #hi,h 3nn$Ds su55erin!s e:,eed the 4i,ti6i7$tion 6ore nor6$lly e:perien,ed by #o6en in p$tri$r,hy opens up $ !$p th$t ,$n #or* in $ nu6ber o5 #$ys. Lo!i,$lly, it #ould $ppe$r th$t it ,ould produ,e the ideolo!i,$l ,losure o5 re$lis6, but 5or the 5$n, this does not h$ppen. 2t ,ould eGu$lly #ell le$d to de6ysti5i,$tion o5 those nor6s o5 4i,ti6i7$tion #hi,h $re usu$lly n$tur$li7ed $nd unnoti,ed, but #hi,h e:,ess 5ore!rounds, thus re4e$lin! their p$tri$r,h$l $rbitr$riness. +he te:t itsel5 ,$nnot resol4e these doubts. %:,ess does not ne,ess$rily le$d to sub4ersi4e or interro!$ti4e re$din!s8 it $llo#s 5or $n o4erspill o5 6e$nin! th$t es,$pes ideolo!i,$l ,ontrol $nd th$t 6$*es $ltern$ti4e re$din!s possible. Feuer <1984= h$s si6il$r doubts $bout #hether the 4isu$l opulen,e o5 allas $nd ynasty #or*s $s $ 5or6 o5 sub4ersi4e e:,ess. (he points out th$t the ,h$r$,ters e:,eed the nor6s o5 their 4ie#ers both 6or$lly $nd e,ono6i,$lly, but $r!ues th$t this e:,ess is not 5in$lly sub4ersi4e be,$use the te:t itsel5 !i4es no indi,$tion th$t it is to be used $s $ ,ounterte:t. Ao#e4er, su,h $ te:tu$l indi,$tor 6$y not be ne,ess$ry. 1runsdon <1981= $r!ues th$t #$t,hin! $ so$p su,,ess5ully de6$nds $ de!ree o5 ,ultur$l ,$pit$l ,onstituted by the *no#led!e o5 this p$rti,ul$r seri$l $s #ell $s the ,on4entions o5 the !enre. (he $lso $r!ues th$t the sub?e,t position o55ered by the te:t 6$y not 6$t,h the position o5 the 4ie#er $s $ Jso,i$l sub?e,t, K $nd th$t in su,h $ ,$se the 4ie#er 6$y not $,,ept the sub?e,t position produ,ed by the te:t. +he ,ontr$di,tions bet#een the so,i$l dis,ourses th$t ,onstitute the 4ie#er $s Jso,i$l sub?e,tK $nd those in the te:t th$t ,onstitute her $s Jre$din! sub?e,tK 6$y #ell be used to interro!$te the nor6s o5 the te:t. +he e:tent by #hi,h allas e:,eeds the 6or$l $nd e,ono6i, nor6s o5 its 4ie#ers 6$y ?ust $s #ell put those nor6s under Guestion $s rein5or,e the6M indeed, it 6$y do both si6ult$neously. +he desire 5or 6$teri$l #e$lth 6$y be sti6ul$ted $t the s$6e ti6e $s the re$li7$tion th$t it #ill not brin! the h$ppiness or s$tis5$,tion it pro6ises. +he nor6s o5 5$6ily 6or$lity 6$y be upheld $s the ple$sure $nd ne,essity o5 bre$*in! the6 is e:perien,ed. -193 "lenit/de and polysemy (o$p oper$s $re ,h$r$,teri7ed by $ 6ultipli,ity o5 ,h$r$,ters $nd plotlines, $nd this plenitude opens the6 up to $ 4$riety o5 re$din!s $nd re$din! positions. +horburn <1982= e6ph$si7es the e55e,t o5 this J6ultipli,ity prin,ipleK in openin! the te:t up8 be,$use o5 it, J5$6ili$r ,h$r$,ter-types $nd situ$tions be,o6e 6ore su!!esti4e $nd less i6prisonin!K <p. 39=. +he Jpopul$tionsK o5 d$yti6e so$ps ,$n nu6ber $s 6$ny $s 5orty, #hi,h produ,es #h$t 3llen <198 = re5ers to $s p$r$di!6$ti, ,o6ple:ity. +he ,h$r$,ters in this popul$tion $re re$d <see ,h$pter 9= both $s indi4idu$ls o55erin! opportunities 5or identi5i,$tion, $nd $s be$rers o5 so,i$l or 6or$l 4$lues. +he net#or* o5 rel$tionships by #hi,h $ re$der underst$nds J#ho $ ,h$r$,ter isK is i66ensely ,o6ple: $nd i6possible 5or the n$rr$ti4e stru,ture to ,ontrol, $nd its ,o6ple:ity resists the sort o5 stru,tur$l $n$lysis #e #ere $ble to per5or6 on C$!ney, L$,ey, $nd +$!!$rt in ,h$pter 9. 3llen $r!ues th$t so$p oper$Ds repetitiousness, its synt$!6$ti, redund$n,y o5 repe$ted t$l*

$bout the s$6e e4ents or rel$tionships by di55erent ,h$r$,ters in di55erent situ$tions, is 6ore th$n ?ust $ 6e$ns o5 brin!in! up to d$te $ 4ie#er #ho 6issed $ p$rti,ul$r episode8 it is, 5or the re!ul$r 4ie#er, $n in4o*in! o5 the p$r$di!6$ti, net#or*. Ae ,on,ludes th$t Jto the e:perien,ed re$der, ho#e4er, so$p oper$Ds distin,ti4e net#or*s o5 ,h$r$,ter rel$tionships open up 6$?or sour,es o5 si!ni5yin! potenti$l th$t $re si6ply unre$d$ble to the n$i4e re$derK <p. 71=. @n the synt$!6$ti, di6ension, the 6ultipli,ity o5 plotlines $llo#s $ 4$riety o5 topi,s to be introdu,ed $nd e:plored 5ro6 $ 4$riety o5 positions. J&ro!ressi4eK sub?e,ts, su,h $s $bortion, test-tube b$bies, or interr$,i$l 6$rri$!e ,$n be introdu,ed $nd e:plored throu!h the di55erent e:perien,es o5 $ nu6ber o5 ,h$r$,ters. +he 4ie#er o5 so$p oper$ is ne4er $llo#ed $ st$ble re$din! position8 no sooner h$s she understood $nd e6p$thi7ed #ith one ,h$r$,terDs re$,tion to $n e4ent th$n the 5o,us ,h$n!es $nd she is reGuired to shi5t her e:perienti$l *no#led!e to th$t e6bodied by $nother. 3ll sides o5 $n issue ,$n be e:plored $nd e4$lu$ted 5ro6 $ 4$riety o5 so,i$l points o5 4ie#, $nd, in ,ontr$st to the 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e in4esti!$ted in the ne:t ,h$pter, no point o5 4ie#, no e4$lu$ti4e nor6, is !i4en ,le$r hier$r,hi,$l pre,eden,e o4er $ny other. -1943llen <198 = su!!ests th$t this $nti-hier$r,hi,$l openness h$s been de4eloped o4er ti6e by tele4ision so$p oper$s. %$rly e:$6ples h$d $n e:tr$die!eti, n$rr$tor #hose dis$ppe$r$n,e not only produ,ed $ !re$ter sense o5 4erisi6ilitude, but $lso re5used $ny Jperspe,ti4$l hier$r,hy. K Ae $r!ues th$t thou!h there is $n Junderlyin! nor6$ti4e perspe,ti4e, K ne# nor6$ti4e positions ,$n be e:plored8 the so$p oper$Ds te:tu$l openness $llo#s it to ,oloni7e ne# nor6$ti4e territory $t little ,ost - in the pro,ess openin! up sp$,es 5or ne# !roups o5 re$ders. "e# ,h$r$,ters $nd situ$tions ,$n be introdu,ed in $n $tte6pt to $ttr$,t ne# $udien,e 6e6bers, but sin,e the ne# n$rr$ti4e str$nds $re positioned $lon!side other, 6ore Jtr$dition$lK ones, there is little ris* o5 $lien$tin! e:istin! 4ie#ers. <p. 17 = +he $bsen,e o5 ,losure pre4ents these ,ontr$di,tions bein! resol4ed, $nd $llo#s the ?u:t$position o5 tr$dition$l 4$lues #ith ne# ones to be re$d either pro!ressi4ely or ,onser4$ti4ely. +he 6ultipli,ity o5 plots $llo#s the so$p oper$ to o55er $ 4$riety o5 ple$sures $nd identi5i,$tions to $ 4$riety o5 4ie#ers. 3 plotline th$t see6s silly is ,o6pens$ted 5or by one th$t is en?oyed, $nd the so$p oper$ press is 5ull o5 4ie#ersD opinions $bout #hi,h plotlines $re JsillyK $nd #hi,h Jen?oy$bleK or Jbelie4$ble. K +he 6$r*ed l$,* o5 ,onsensus $6on!st these opinions is e4iden,e o5 so$p oper$Ds $bility to $ppe$l to $ 4$riety o5 $udien,es. +he ob4ious e,ono6i, $d4$nt$!e to the produ,ers o5 this n$rr$ti4e plenitude does not pre4ent the resultin! polyse6y $nd openness bein! $,ti4$ted in the ,ultur$l interests o5 the $udien,es <see ,h$pter 1;=. The feminine as decentered 3 de5inin! ,h$r$,teristi, o5 so$p oper$ is its deni$l o5 $ uni5ied re$din! position $nd o5 $ ,oherent 6e$nin! o5 the te:t. 2ts te:ts $nd its re$din! sub?e,ts $re de,entered. Chodoro#

<19748 44= su!!ests th$t the 5e6inine sub?e,ti4ity is less ,entered th$n the 6$s,uline. 2ts l$,* o5 ,enter produ,es $n inse,ure bound$ry to the 5e6inine e!o8 in $ny !i4en so,iety, 5e6inine person$lity ,o6es to de5ine itsel5 in rel$tion $nd ,onne,tion to other people 6ore th$n 6$s,uline person$lity does <in psy,ho$n$lyti, ter6s, #o6en $re less indi4idu$ted th$n 6enM they h$4e 6ore 5le:ible e!o bound$ries=. Moreo4er, issues o5 dependen,y $re h$ndled $nd e:perien,ed di55erently by 6en $nd #o6en. For boys $nd 6en, both indi4idu$tion $nd dependen,y issues be,o6e tied up #ith the sense o5 6$s,ulinity, or 6$s,uline identity. For !irls $nd #o6en, by ,ontr$st, issues o5 5e6ininity, or 5e6inine identity, $re not proble6$ti, in the s$6e #$y. +he stru,tur$l situ$tion o5 ,hild re$rin!, rein5or,ed by 5e6$le $nd 6$le role tr$inin!, produ,es those di55eren,es, #hi,h $re repli,$ted $nd reprodu,ed in the se:u$l so,iolo!y o5 $dult li5e. -19 <Guoted in 1ro#n 198;= 'hether this is $n inherent, n$tur$l di55eren,e bet#een 5e6$les $nd 6$les or $ so,i$lly produ,ed one is $ sub?e,t o5 ,onsider$ble deb$te. 'h$t is not $t issue, ho#e4er, is th$t the ,ultur$l 5or6$tions o5 p$tri$r,hy ,onst$ntly reprodu,e $nd re4$lid$te these di55eren,es, $nd so$p oper$s #or* 6ore e:pli,itly th$n 6ost $rt 5or6s to ,onne,t #ith #o6enDs de,entered sub?e,ti4ity, their so,i$l rel$tions in p$tri$r,hy, $nd the stru,ture o5 te:ts th$t $re popul$r #ith the6. +he de,enteredness o5 the so$p oper$ 5or6 #ith its 6ultiple re$din! positions is $r!ued by theorists su,h $s Modles*i <1982= to be the te:tu$l eGui4$lent o5 #o6$nDs role in the p$tri$r,h$l 5$6ily. Aere she is de,entered, 5indin! her identity only in her rel$tionships #ith ,hildren $nd husb$nd, ,onst$ntly re,onstitutin! hersel5 to $,,o66od$te the ,h$n!in! de6$nds o5 these rel$tionships. (i6il$rly, the ,onst$nt repetition o5 plot the6es <'iebel 1977, in Modles*i 1982, lists ei!ht $s the 6ost 5reGuent= $nd the ine4it$bility o5 their out,o6es ,$n be seen $s $ 5or6$l eGui4$lent o5 the do6esti, routine i6posed upon house#i4es. 2n this 4ie# the 6ultipli,ity o5 ,h$r$,ters $nd plots is eGui4$lent to the 6ultipli,ity o5 si6ult$neous t$s*s th$t 6$*e up house#or*. +he 5reGuent interruptions o5 the tele4ision te:t <o5 one plotline by $nother, o5 pro!r$6 by ,o66er,i$l= $re the te:tu$l eGui4$lent o5 the ,onst$nt interruptions o5 house#or*, $nd the l$,* o5 n$rr$ti4e ,losure p$r$llels the unendin! n$ture o5 house#or*. +he di55eren,e bet#een #o6enDs $nd 6enDs 6odes o5 4ie#in! in the 5$6ily 5ollo#s $ si6il$r p$ttern. Morley <198;= h$s sho#n ho# #o6en typi,$lly 4ie# #hile doin! so6ethin! else, o5ten house#or*, #hile 6en tend to 4ie# 6ore ,on,entr$tedly. Fe6inine #or*, 5e6inine 4ie#in! pr$,ti,es, $nd 5e6inine te:ts ,o6bine to produ,e de,entered, 5le:ible, 6ulti5o,used 5e6inine sub?e,ti4ities. 3ll o5 these ele6ents $re ,ontr$sted #ith 6$le #or*, 6$s,uline te:ts, $nd $ 6$s,uline sub?e,ti4ity.

+hese $,,ounts 6$y #ell ,l$ri5y the rel$tion $6on! te:tu$l ,h$r$,teristi,s, #o6enDs so,i$l roles, $nd their de,entered sub?e,ti4ity. 1ut #h$t is proble6$ti, is the e55e,t o5 this rel$tionship. 2t ,$n be $r!ued th$t these $re the de4i,es o5 6$s,uline he!e6ony, #or*in! to n$tur$li7e p$tri$r,hy in the 5e6inine sub?e,ts #ho su55er 5ro6 it. 3ltern$ti4ely, it ,$n be $r!ued, $s Modles*i <1982= does, th$t these $re the ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 $ 5e6inine $estheti,. +hey ,onstitute not $n opposition$l 5e6inist ,ulture, but $ 5e6inine ,ulture th$t $sserts the 4$lue o5 5e6inine ,h$r$,teristi,s $nd ple$sures #ithin $nd $!$inst p$tri$r,hy. Lo4ell <1980= 6$*es $ si6il$r point $bout popul$r entert$in6ent in !ener$l $nd so$p oper$ in p$rti,ul$r8 -19;(o6e o5 the ple$sures o5 entert$in6ent #ill be re$dily 6obilised 5or do6in$tion. @thers 6$y be 6ore intr$,t$ble. 36on! the l$tter #ill be those e:pressin! the hopes $nd $spir$tions o5 the do6in$ted #hi,h $re th#$rted under p$tri$r,hy. +o be sure, these #ill be deeply e6bedded $lon!side the ,ontr$di,tory sensibilities o5 do6in$tion . . . . 1ut their e:pression $nd de4elop6ent in ho#e4er ,ontr$di,tory $ 6$nner #ithin popul$r ,ulture ensures th$t they re6$in $li4e $nd $4$il$ble 5or di55erent 6obilis$tions $nd $rti,ul$tions. <p. 49= 2n ne!oti$tin! $ 5e6inine terr$in #here 5e6inine 6e$nin!s ,$n be 6$de $nd ,ir,ul$ted, they *eep p$tri$r,hy under ,onst$nt interro!$tion, they le!iti6$te 5e6inine 4$lues $nd thus produ,e sel5-estee6 5or the #o6en #ho li4e by the6. +hey pro4ide, in short, the 6e$ns 5or $ 5e6inine ,ulture th$t pr$!6$ti,$lly is the only sort possible be,$use it t$*es $,,ount o5 ,urrent so,i$l rel$tions. 2t is $ 5e6inine ,ulture in ,onst$nt stru!!le to est$blish $nd e:tend itsel5 #ithin $nd $!$inst $ do6in$nt p$tri$r,hy. 'hile it 6$y not ,h$llen!e th$t p$tri$r,h$l do6in$tion in $ny dire,t or r$di,$l #$y, $t the 4ery le$st it ,onst$ntly #hittles $#$y $t p$tri$r,hyDs po#er to sub?e,t #o6en $nd $t best it pro4ides both $ 6$s,uline-5ree 7one 5ro6 #hi,h $ dire,t ,h$llen!e 6$y be 6ounted $nd the sel5-estee6 th$t su,h $ ,h$llen!e #ould reGuire. -197Chapter 11 &endered television= masc/linity M$s,ulinity is $s 6u,h $ ,ultur$l ,onstru,t $s 5e6ininity but its di55erent rel$tionship to p$tri$r,hy produ,es di55erent te:tu$l ,onstru,tions $nd re$din! pr$,ti,es. (ho#s li*e The .;Team, #hi,h ,$ter 5or l$r!ely 6$le $udien,es, h$4e less need to produ,e $ double te<t th$t $llo#s 5or opposition$l or resisti4e 6e$nin!s to be ,ir,ul$ted. +heir te:ts $re stru,tured to produ,e !re$ter n$rr$ti4e $nd ideolo!i,$l ,losure, $nd there is little e4iden,e th$t this ,losure needs to be resisted by $ si!ni5i,$nt nu6ber o5 $udien,e !roups. +he 6ore typi,$l re$din! str$te!y is li*ely to be one o5 ne!oti$tion, $s 6$le sub,ultures, situ$ted di55erently in the so,i$l syste6, see* to $,,o66od$te their so,i$l situ$tion #ith the do6in$nt ideolo!y. M$s,uline te:ts $ppe$r to be less polyse6i, th$n 5e6inine ones be,$use 6$s,ulinityDs rel$tionship to p$tri$r,hy is less resisti4e th$n 5e6ininityDs.

+his is not to s$y th$t 6en do not e:perien,e proble6s #ith p$tri$r,hyDs ,onstru,tion o5 6$s,ulinity8 they ,ert$inly do, $nd the popul$rity o5 pro!r$6s li*e The .;Team depends, to $ !re$ter or lesser e:tent, on the de!ree to #hi,h they o55er 6e$nin!s th$t $re o5 use in ,o6in! to ter6s #ith the di55eren,es bet#een the e:perien,es o5 6en in their 4$rious so,i$l positions $nd the ideolo!i,$l ,onstru,tion o5 6$s,ulinity #hi,h is o55ered $s the #$y to 6$*e sense o5 those e:perien,es. The str/ct/re of the masc/line A,Team The .;Team $nd 6$s,ulinity, then, $re both ,ultur$l ,onstru,ts #or*in! to set up 6e$nin!s $,,ordin! to $ stru,ture o5 si6il$rities $nd di55eren,es. +he 3-+e$6 ,onsists o5 5our 6en <there #$s ori!in$lly $ #o6$n in the te$6 but she #$s #ritten out $5ter the 5irst se$son=. +hey $re Bietn$6 4eter$ns, 6e6bers o5 $ ,r$,* ,o66$ndo unit #ron!ly $,,used o5 $ #$r ,ri6e. +hey es,$ped $nd oper$te no#, outside the o55i,i$l l$#, helpin! po#erless but #orthy people to de5end the6sel4es $!$inst ,ri6in$l $nd e4il 5or,es in $re$s #here the o55i,i$l syste6 o5 l$# $nd order is ine55e,ti4e. %$,h o5 the J,lientsK h$s to 6eet t#o ,riteri$ - they 6ust be $ble to p$y, $nd they 6ust h$4e the initi$ti4e $nd deter6in$tion to 5ind the 3-+e$6. +here is ,ert$inly no so,i$list 6oti4$tion o5 helpin! the #e$* $s $ ,l$ss - only those #ho e:hibit the ,o6petiti4e, indi4idu$listi,, $nd e,ono6i, 6oti4$tions $ppropri$te to ,$pit$lis6. -198+he te$6 is led by A$nnib$l (6ith <pl$yed by 0eor!e &epp$rd=, $ 6$n in l$te 6iddle $!e, s$rdoni,, $ 6$ster o5 dis!uise, physi,$lly 5it, #ho is prone to li!htin! $ ph$lli, ,i!$r $t 6o6ents o5 $,hie4e6ent $nd s$tis5$,tion. Ais se,ond in ,o66$nd is +e6pleton JF$,eK &e,* <Cir* 1enedi,t=, $ !ood-loo*in!, ,h$r6in! 6$n, !ood $t $doptin! $ 4$riety o5 so,i$l roles in order to ,on his #$y into so,i$l !roups $nd situ$tions. Ais #e$*ness is #o6en8 he o5ten 5$lls 5or 5e6$le ,lients $nd h$s to be torn $#$y 5ro6 the $r6s o5 $ pretty !irl $t the end o5 $n episode. 1. 3. 1$rr$,us <pl$yed by Mr += is the J6us,leK o5 the te$6. Ae is $ hu!e bl$,* #ith $ Mohi,$n h$ir,ut #ho #e$rs l$r!e Gu$ntities o5 !old ,h$ins $round his ne,* $nd b$n!les on his #rists. Ae is the dri4er o5 the te$6Ds 4$n, their en!ineerin! $nd e:plosi4es e:pert. +he 5in$l 6e6ber is JAo#linD M$dK Murdo,* <C#i!ht (,hult7=, #ho li4es in $ 6ent$l hospit$l <presu6$bly $s $ result o5 the Bietn$6 tr$u6$= 5ro6 #hi,h he h$s to be sprun! 5or e$,h 6ission. Ais 6ent$l inst$bility is o5ten 6$ni5est in ,hildish beh$4ior $nd e:pressions, but he is $n e:pert heli,opter pilot $nd $ !ood b$,*-up dri4er. +he stru,ture o5 si6il$rities $nd di55eren,es underlyin! the 3-+e$6 $nd 6$s,ulinity ,$n be 6odeled $s sho#n in Fi!ure 11.1. Figure 11.1 Str/ct/re of masc/linity in The A-Team -199+he te$6 $s $ #hole ,$n be seen $s $ ,o6posite stru,ture e6bodyin! those ,ontr$di,tions o5 6$s,ulinity th$t proble6$ti7e it 5or 6en li4in! in p$tri$r,hy. Let us $n$ly7e this stru,ture in so6e det$il to re4e$l ho# it #or*s $s $ stru,ture o5 6$s,ulinity.

@ne $spe,t o5 6$s,ulinity in our ,ulture is its ,onne,tion #ith 6$turity. J1e $ 6$nK is $ 5reGuent $d6onition to youn! boys th$t reGuires the6 to beh$4e 6ore 6$turely th$n their physi,$l $!e. M$ny popul$r n$rr$ti4es dr$6$ti7e the Jbound$ry ritu$lsK #hereby $ youth ,rosses into 6$nhood. 2n The .;Team, the di$,hroni, pro,ess o5 6$tur$tion is presented syn,hroni,$lly. Murdo,*, unso,i$li7ed $nd so6e#h$t #ild, represents the in5$nt instin,tu$l 6$le. 1. 3. 1$rr$,us is the youn! boyDs 5$nt$sy o5 6$s,ulinity $s physi,$l stren!th <in,ludin! its 6e,h$ni,$l e:tension into !uns, ,$rs, $nd 6$,hinery=. 1. 3. is p$rti,ul$rly popul$r #ith boys $t the $!e $t #hi,h they h$4e le$rnt th$t their 6$s,ulinity reGuires the6 to be do6in$nt, but #ho h$4e neither the physi,$l stren!th nor the so,i$l position to 6eet this reGuire6ent. A$nnib$l $nd F$,e, on the other h$nd, represent $dult 6$s,ulinity. +heir po#er is e:er,ised 6ore by so,i$l 6e$ns th$n physi,$lM they pl$n $nd s,he6e #here$s Murdo,* $nd 1. 3. $,t. +hey $re the br$ins o5 the Murdo,*-1. 3. body. A$nnib$l is the 6ore 6$ture $nd h$s the $uthority o5 his e:perien,e $nd $bility to pl$n su,,ess5ully. F$,e is the youn! $dult, #ho i6poses his #ill on others by so,i$l 6e$ns su,h $s ,h$r6 or role pl$yin!, but #hose ro6$nti, #e$*ness sho#s $ p$rti$l loss o5 sel5-,ontrol th$t 6$*es hi6 Jyoun!erK th$n A$nnib$l $nd ,loser to Murdo,*. Ae is ,lose to the bound$ry bet#een the $doles,ent $nd the 6$ture $dult. A$nnib$l, on the other h$nd, is the 6$ture 5$ther 5i!ure. A$nnib$lDs sel5-,ontrol is $uthenti,$ted by the 5reGuent press $,,ounts o5 0eor!e &epp$rdDs pre4ious reput$tion $s $ h$rd-drin*in! hell-r$iser8 $ JMurdo,*i$nK #ildness th$t h$d to be ,ontrolled be5ore he ,ould be $llo#ed to pl$y A$nnib$l (6ith. A$nnib$l, $s le$der o5 the te$6, e:hibits 6ost o5 our ,ultureDs ,onstru,ts o5 6$s,ulinity. 3s (here Aite <1981= dis,o4ered, in her sur4ey o5 #h$t 6en thou!ht 6$s,ulinity ,onsisted o5, J$ 6$n should be sel5-$ssured, un$5r$id, in ,ontrol $nd $utono6ous or sel5su55i,ient, not dependentK. @ther Gu$lities th$t e6er!ed #ere those o5 le$dership, the $bility to t$*e ,h$r!e, $nd depend$bility. Root <19848 1;= des,ribes $ si6il$r study in #hi,h in4esti!$tors $s*ed do,tors, psy,hi$trists $nd so,i$l #or*ers 5or de5initions o5 Jnor6$l $dultsK, Jnor6$l he$lthy 6enK $nd Jnor6$l he$lthy #o6enK. +he lists in the 5irst t#o ,$te!ories, $dults $nd 6en, #ere $l6ost identi,$l, #ith independen,e, sel5-reli$n,e $nd resilien,e stron!ly 5e$tured. 3 Jnor6$l he$lthy #o6$nK, ho#e4er, turned out to be $l6ost the opposite o5 $ Jnor6$l he$lthy personK, $nd #$s des,ribed $s 4ulner$ble, dependent $nd in 6$ny #$ys ,hildish. -200-

M$turity $nd 6$s,ulinity ,o6e to!ether in $ ,on5ident de5inition #hi,h 6$s*s $ host o5 ,ontr$di,tions. 2n order to li4e up to it in ,$pit$lis6 6en 6ust under!o $ ,o6ple: set o5 e:perien,es in4ol4in! repressions, !uilt, $nd ,ontr$di,tory 5eelin!s. +hese $re ,entered on the roles o5 #o6en $nd 6$rri$!e, $nd the or!$ni7$tion o5 #or* $nd so,ietyM $nd they in4ol4e the ,onst$nt rede5inition o5 6$s,uline identity in $ ,$pit$list p$tri$r,hy. (o6e o5 the ter6s #e #ill use to e:plore these $re$s $re psy,holo!i,$l ones, but the ,ontr$di,tions in the 6$s,uline psy,he $re l$r!ely so,i$lly produ,ed $nd ,ert$inly reprodu,ed in so,i$l

,onditions. 2n other #ords, they $re not p$rt o5 the n$ture o5 the 6$le, but p$rt o5 our so,i$l ,onstru,tion o5 6$s,ulinity. +he ,h$r$,teristi,s eli,ited by Aite $re $ll e:pressions either o5 indi4idu$lis6 or o5 po#er $nd ,ontrol. 1ut so,iety 5reGuently denies 6$les the 6e$ns to de4elop these Gu$lities by pl$,in! the6 in institutions <su,h $s #or*= #hi,h deny the6 the opportunity either to e:press their indi4idu$lity or to e:ert $ny po#er or ,ontrol. +his is p$rti,ul$rly true o5 6en in lo#er so,ioe,ono6i, !roups $nd 6$y #ell underlie the $!!ressi4eness o5 6u,h #or*in!-,l$ss JstyleK $nd the se:is6 o5 6u,h #or*in!-,l$ss $nd lo#er-6iddle-,l$ss sub,ulture. 1e,$use 6enDs ide$ o5 6$s,ulinity ,$n r$rely be re$li7ed $t #or* they h$4e de4eloped $ 6$s,uline style 5or their leisure $nd so,i$l $,ti4ities th$t ,onsists o5 e:,essi4e si!ns o5 6$s,ulinity in $n e:$!!er$ted $nd ,o6pens$tory displ$y. +he s$6e !$p bet#een the ideolo!i,$l ide$l $nd so,i$l e:perien,e $lso e:pl$ins the se:is6 $nd $!!ressi4eness o5 6u,h $doles,ent 6$le style, 5or, li*e lo#er-,l$ss 6en, youn! boys $re $lso denied the so,i$l 6e$ns to e:er,ise the po#er th$t our ideolo!y tells the6 is the prereGuisite o5 their 6$s,ulinity. Aero 5i!ures su,h $s 1. 3., the 2n,redible Aul*, the (i: Million Coll$r M$n, or (uper6$n $re popul$r $6on! youn! boys #hose bodies $re not stron! enou!h to !r$nt the6 the po#er th$t is their ideolo!i,$l reGuire6ent, $nd #ho $lso o,,upy po#erless so,i$l positions in the 5$6ily $nd s,hool. +he physi,$l stren!th o5 su,h heroes is 5reGuently e:tended by ,$rs, !uns, $nd 6$,hinery. 2n this 4ie# 1. 3. Ds 6e,h$ni,$l $nd dri4in! s*ills $re e:tensions o5 his physi,$l stren!th, $nd the ,$rs in pro!r$6s su,h $s The u+es of !a==ard or Cnight Rider $re p$rt o5 the 6$s,uline identity o5 the heroes. L$,$nDs theory o5 the 6irror ph$se in #hi,h the in5$nt sees in the 6irror not $ re5le,tion o5 his or her re$l body-sel5, but o5 the i6$!in$ry one th$t h$s none o5 the de5i,ien,ies o5 the re$l, 6$y $,,ount 5or this ple$sure in p$rt. 1ut it ,$n do so only i5 #e in5le,t his theory so,i$lly $s #ell $s psy,ho$n$lyti,$lly8 the !$p bet#een the i6$!in$ry $nd the re$l #hi,h desire stri4es to ,lose is ,$used not ?ust by the hu6$n ,ondition, but by so,i$l ,onditions #hi,h ensure th$t the 6$teri$l e:perien,e o5 6$s,uline sub?e,ts ne4er 6e$sures up to their ideolo!i,$lly produ,ed e:pe,t$tions. +his !$p, ine4it$bly, is #ider th$n 6en #ould #ish, 5or our so,iety denies 6ost 6$les $deGu$te 6e$ns o5 e:er,isin! the po#er upon #hi,h their 6$s,ulinity $pp$rently depends. M$s,ulinity is thus so,i$lly $nd psy,holo!i,$lly inse,ureM $nd its inse,urity produ,es the need 5or its ,onst$nt re$,hie4e6ent in sho#s li*e The .;Team. Li*e $ny ideolo!y, p$tri$r,hy #or*s throu!h $libis, $bsen,es, $nd redu,ti4e 6isrepresent$tions to dis!uise the 6$s,uline inse,urity upon #hi,h it is b$sed. -201Li*e 6ost 6$s,uline te:ts, The .;Team #or*s by #ritin! out o5 its #orld three o5 the 6ost si!ni5i,$nt ,ultur$l produ,ers o5 the 6$s,uline identity - #o6en, #or*, $nd 6$rri$!e. The a1sence of 9omen

M$s,ulinity in p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6 is shot throu!h #ith ,ontr$di,tions $nd repressions. Freud $r!ues th$t the 6$le ,hild !i4es up $ se:u$l desire 5or his 6other 5ro6 5e$r o5 ri4$lry #ith the 5$ther $nd the thre$t o5 ,$str$tion #hi,h this #ould brin!. For, in psy,ho$n$lyti, theory, one o5 $n in5$ntDs 5irst ,onstru,tions o5 identity is th$t o5 !ender, $nd 6$le in5$nts le$rn Gui,*ly th$t 6$s,ulinity brin!s #ith it so,i$l po#er. 1ut, in order to $,hie4e this po#er, the boy h$s to re?e,t his 6other $nd suppress both his lo4e 5or her $nd the 5e6inine in hi6sel5 in order to identi5y #ith the 5$ther $nd the po#er o5 the 6$s,uline. %$sle$ <1983= su!!ests th$t in 6$ny trib$l so,ieties this in4ol4es $,,ess to the po#er o5 J6enDs 6$!i,. K 'e h$rdly need LV4i-(tr$uss to re6ind us th$t in our so,ieties te,hnolo!y $nd s,ien,e h$4e repl$,ed J6$!i,, K $s the so,i$l 6$ni5est$tions o5 6$le po#er. For boys, !uns $nd 6$,hinery $re not ?ust sy6boli, ,o6pens$tions 5or their l$,* o5 physi,$l stren!th, nor #$ys o5 ,o6pens$tin! 5or their en4y o5 #o6enDs pro,re$ti4e po#er, they $re their 6e$ns o5 entry into the 6$s,uline. Chodoro# <1978= e:pl$ins the boyDs entry into the #orld o5 6$le po#er 6ore psy,ho$n$lyti,$lly8 3 boy !i4es up his 6other in order to $4oid punish6ent, but identi5ies #ith the 5$ther be,$use he ,$n then !$in the bene5its o5 bein! the one #ho !i4es punish6ent, o5 bein! 6$s,uline $nd superior. . . . Co6p$red to $ !irlDs lo4e 5or her 5$ther, $ boyDs @edip$l lo4e 5or his 6other, be,$use it is $n e:tension o5 the intense 6other-in5$nt unity, is 6ore o4er#hel6in! $nd thre$tenin! 5or his e!o $nd sense o5 <6$s,uline= independen,e. . . . +his 6other-son lo4e thre$tens her husb$nd $nd ,$uses hi6 to resent his son. +he intensity o5 the @edip$l 6other-son bond <$nd the 5$ther-son ri4$lry= thus ,$uses its repression in the son. <p. 131= &sy,ho$n$lyti, theory tells us th$t the repression o5 the 5e6inine in the 6$le $nd the re?e,tion o5 the 6other #ith its subseGuent @edip$l !uilt $re the ori!ins o5 the 6$ss o5 ,ontr$di,tions $nd repressions th$t ,onstitutes 6$s,ulinity in p$tri$r,hy. 2t proposes th$t #o6en, $s e6bodi6ents o5 the 5e6inine, thre$ten the 6$s,uline by brin!in! #ith the6 the 6$leDs !uilt $nd 5e$r o5 ,$str$tion. 'o6en st$nd 5or the repressed in the 6$le $nd the de4$lued in p$tri$r,h$l so,iety, th$t is, the 4ulner$ble, the senti6ent$l, e6otion, ,o66it6ent, nurturin!, ,$rin!. 3s Aollo#$y puts it8 -202S'o6enT h$4e $lre$dy been ,onstru,ted in su,h $ #$y th$t they 6$ni5est the Se6otion$lT ,h$r$,teristi,s th$t 6en $re suppressin!. Li*e#ise S#o6enT e:perien,e the6sel4es $s #$ntin! ,o66it6ent $nd, 6$teri$lly, $re 6ore li*ely to be in $ position o5 needin! it, be,$use this is ho# they h$4e been positioned histori,$lly. <in Moye 198 8 1= +he repressed 5e6inine is de5ined opposition$lly to the 5ore!rounded 6$s,uline, $nd "elson <198 = h$s ,olle,ted so6e o5 the se6ioti, $re$s upon #hi,h this !ender di55eren,e is ,o66only ,onstru,ted in our so,iety8 6$s,uline $,ti4e 8 8 5e6inine p$ssi4e

presen,e 4$lid$ted su,,ess superior pri6$ry independent unity or!$ni7ed intelle,t lo!i,$l de5ined depend$ble he$d 6ind sub?e,t penis 5ir6 s*y d$y $ir 5or6 tr$ns,enden,e ,ulture lo!os <Guoted in 1ro#n 1987b=

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

$bsen,e e:,luded 5$ilure in5erior se,ond$ry dependent 6ultipli,ity s,$ttered i6$!in$tion illo!i,$l unde5ined ,$pri,ious he$rt body ob?e,t 4$!in$ so5t e$rth ni!ht #$ter 6$tter inure6ent n$ture p$thos

-2032t is i6port$nt to re6e6ber here th$t these ,h$r$,teristi,s $re ,ultur$l ,onstru,ts o5 6$s,ulinity $nd 5e6ininity $nd in no #$y 5or6 $ set o5 n$tur$l di55eren,es bet#een 6$les $nd 5e6$les, ho#e4er 6u,h the physi,$l di55eren,es bet#een the se:es 6$y be 6obili7ed in $n $tte6pt to n$tur$li7e the6. Cespite J,o66on sense, K the !re$ter stren!th o5 the 6$le body is not $ re$son 5or the so,i$l po#er o5 the 6$s,ulineM si6il$rly the 5e6$leDs ,o6p$r$ti4e #e$*ness does not e:pl$in the J5e6inineK desire 5or ,o66it6ent, nor does her $bility to be$r ,hildren ne,ess$rily produ,e the J5e6inineK Gu$lities o5 nurturin! $nd ,$rin!. Cultur$l ,onstru,ts, ho#e4er n$tur$li7ed, $re not produ,ed by n$ture. +hese oppositions $re p$tri$r,h$l ones 5or they ,$rry the ,onnot$tions deri4ed 5ro6 their history th$t the J6$s,ulineK ,h$r$,teristi,s $re po#er5ul $nd 4$lued #here$s the J5e6inineK ones $re #e$*er $nd de4$lued. @ur ,ultur$l de4elop6ent o5 6$s,uline $nd 5e6inine identities h$s built into it notions o5 6$le superiority. +hese Jin5eriorK $nd J#e$*K ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 the 5e6inine $re repressed in the 6$s,uline psy,he $nd e<scribed 5ro6 the 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e. %:s,ription, the opposite

o5 ins,ription, is the pro,ess #hereby $ dis,ourse #rites out o5 itsel5 topi,s th$t $re ideolo!i,$lly or psy,holo!i,$lly dis,o65ortin!. +he 5e6inine is e:s,ribed 5ro6 the 6$s,uline dis,ourse o5 The .;Team ?ust $s #o6en $re #ritten out o5 the n$rr$ti4e. F$,e is typi,$l o5 6$ny 6$le heroes in so 5$r $s p$rt o5 the n$rr$ti4e ,losure ,onsists o5 hi6 re?e,tin!, ho#e4er relu,t$ntly, $ #o6$n 5or #ho6 he h$s 5$llen. Ais senti6ent is seen $s $ #e$*ness th$t detr$,ts 5ro6 the 6$s,uline business o5 the 3-+e$6, but his possession o5 this J#e$*ness, K $nd the ,onst$nt need to ,onGuer it, is $ n$tur$li7ed p$rt o5 the 6$s,uline proble6. Re?e,tion o5 the #o6$n is the n$rr$ti4e e:s,ription o5 the 5e6inine th$t is #or*in! h$rd to deny the ,ontr$di,tions in 6$s,ulinity by redu,in! it to un,ontr$di,tory notions o5 po#er $nd independen,e. 2t $lso redu,es the 5e6inine, 5or #o6en $re represented solely $s thre$ts to 6$s,ulinity. +heir nurturin! $nd their desire 5or inti6$,y <#ith its thre$t to 6$s,uline independen,e= $re the repressed $spe,ts o5 6$s,ulinity $nd 6ust thus su55er reiter$ted n$rr$ti4e re?e,tion. +he e:s,ription o5 the 5e6inine is the n$rr$ti4e eGui4$lent o5 the 6$leDs repression o5 his @edip$l !uilt. +he 6$le heroDs re?e,tion o5 the #o6$n $t the end o5 the episode le!iti6$tes the re?e,tion o5 the 6other by $55ir6in! the 6$s,uline need 5or independen,e. +here is, o5 ,ourse, $n in4ersion here bet#een 6$s,uline ideolo!y $nd 6$le so,i$l re$lity8 the so,i$l 6$le desires both to possess the 5e6$le $nd to li4e in $ so,iety in #hi,h both !enders h$4e their pl$,e. 1ut the ideolo!y o5 6$s,ulinity, $t odds #ith its so,i$l 6$teri$lity, de6$nds $ re?e,tion $t the le4el o5 represent$tion. Ross <198;= notes this in4ersion in $ ,o6p$rison o5 the pri6$ry $nd se,ond$ry te:ts o5 Miami Aice$ +he ,o4er o5 Ds 6$!$7ine pro6otes $ 5e$ture $rti,le on Con /ohnson <#ho pl$ys Cro,*ett= thus8 J3 #o6$nDs lo4e s$4es $ t$rnished !olden boy 5ro6 the 4i,es o5 $l,oholis6, dru!s $nd deb$u,hery. K +he story tells ho# $ st$ble lo4e li5e h$s en$bled $ pre4iously de!ener$te st$r to re5or6 his li5e8 the 5e6inine is #ritten in po#er5ully $s $ sour,e o5 so,i$l $nd e6otion$l st$bility 5or the $,tor <the so,i$l 6$le=. For the ,h$r$,ter <the ideolo!i,$l 6$s,uline=, the opposite is the ,$se, 5or in the n$rr$ti4e the Jt$rnished !olden boyK ,$n s$4e others 5ro6 Jthe 4i,es o5 $l,oholis6, dru!s $nd deb$u,heryK only by re?e,tin! the 5e6inine. (o the pilot episode sho#s Cro,*ett in the pro,ess o5 di4or,in! his #i5e $nd $ll the usu$l n$rr$ti4e ,on4entions s$4e hi6 5ro6 other #o6en 5or the rest o5 the series. 3s Ross ,o66ents, Jit is the publi, ser4i,e o5 l$# $nd order th$t s$4es $ 6$n 5ro6 the ,orrosi4e e55e,ts o5 heterose:u$l lo4eK <p. 149=. -204+he ,o4er o5 Ds si!n$ls $ p$r$do: here, 5or it he$dlines its 5e$ture story J+he (e:iest M$n on +BK #hi,h sets up /ohnsonICro,*ett not only $s $n ob?e,t o5 n$r,issisti, identi5i,$tion 5or the 6$le, but $lso $s $n ob?e,t o5 desire 5or the 5e6$le 4ie#er. M$les 6$y 5ind 5e# ,ontr$di,tions in p$tri$r,h$l represent$tions o5 6$s,ulinity th$t sep$r$te it 5ro6 the 5e6inine. 1ut 5e6$les $re t$u!ht to $d6ire $nd desire th$t #hi,h re?e,ts the6 in $ typi,$l pie,e o5 ideolo!i,$l double-t$l*. +here h$4e been $tte6pts re,ently to $,,ount 5or this p$r$do: #ithout puttin! #o6en in the position o5 J,ultur$l dopes. K "e$le <1983= h$s $r!ued th$t ,ine6$ is st$rtin! to ,onstru,t the 6$s,uline $s spe,t$,le, $s the ob?e,t o5 n$r,issisti, identi5i,$tion 5or 6en

$nd o5 eroti, desire 5or #o6en. Flitter6$n <198 = $r!ues th$t Magnum p$i$ h$s, o4er its run, !r$du$lly pl$,ed !re$ter e6ph$sis on the spe,t$,le o5 the st$r, +o6 (elle,*, $s $n eroti, ob?e,t. (he !oes 5urther th$n "e$le in $r!uin! th$t this is p$rt o5 $ 5e6ini7$tion o5 the series #hi,h, by re$din! (elle,*IM$!nu6Ds body $s en,oded in the s$6e #$y $s the lush, sensuous be$uty o5 the A$#$ii$n s,enery, opens up the series to nonp$tri$r,h$l ple$sures 5or #o6en. Morse <1983= $lso 5inds in tele4isionDs displ$y o5 6$le bodies, this ti6e in sport, e4iden,e th$t the $pp$rent !lori5i,$tion o5 6$s,uline pro#ess need not $l#$ys be re$d in th$t #$y. +here is $ re$din! th$t $llo#s #o6en to ob?e,ti5y the 6$le body $nd subordin$te it to their desires. Miami Aice displ$ys $s 6u,h 6$le 5lesh $s 5e6$le, i5 not 6ore, $nd the n$rr$ti4es o5 Magnum p$i$ $re re!ul$rly interrupted by shots o5 (elle,*IM$!nu6 in the sur5 or on the be$,h, ser4in! $ n$rr$ti4e $nd ideolo!i,$l 5un,tion th$t p$tri$r,hy ,on4ention$lly reser4es 5or shots o5 the 5e6$le body <see ,h$pter 12=. +he 6$le b$thin! be$uty is $ 6odi5i,$tion o5 tr$dition$l represent$tions o5 6$s,ulinity, $lbeit $ proble6$ti, one. The a1sence of 9or5 and marriage 'or*, in p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6, pl$ys $ ,entr$l role in produ,in! $ 6$s,uline identity, but is not #ithout its ,ontr$di,tions. For 6$ny 6en, i5 not 6ost, the ,onditions o5 #or* $re su,h th$t it sub?e,ts the6 $nd #or*s to ,onstru,t the6 $s dependent $nd po#erless. )et it is upon the 6$nDs position $s the bre$d-#inner th$t his 6$s,ulinity $nd po#er in the 5$6ily depends. Men typi,$lly report <see +olson 1977= th$t unp$l$t$ble #or* is 6$de be$r$ble only be,$use it pro4ides the6 #ith the s$tis5$,tion o5 pro4idin! 5or the 5$6ily <$nd #ith the po#er th$t this brin!s=. &$tri$r,h$l resist$n,e to #or*in! #i4es is o5ten stron!est in ,l$sses $nd ethni, !roups #here the 6en h$4e lo# st$tus, lo# so,i$l po#er, $nd lo# in,o6es. +he need 5or #o6en to ,ontribute to the 5$6ily in,o6e is o5ten e,ono6i,$lly stron!est #hen ideolo!i,$lly 6ost thre$tenin! $s it $ppe$rs to under,ut the 6$nDs only re6$inin! sour,e o5 po#er. -20 1ut e4en 6en #ho $re $ble to pro4ide $deGu$te in,o6e 5or their 5$6ilies do not es,$pe the ,ontr$di,tions o5 6$s,ulinity. +he Jbre$d#innerK role 6$y be $ sour,e o5 po#er, but it $lso 5or6s $ prison #hi,h denies 6$s,uline independen,e $nd 5reedo6. +he ,on,ept Jbre$d#innerK ,ont$ins #ithin it the do6$ins o5 #or* $nd o5 the 5$6ily $nd the ,ontr$di,tions in both, 5or in it the 6$s,uline role is e:perien,ed $s $ ,onst$nt 4$,ill$tion bet#een po#er $nd sub?e,tion, bet#een 5reedo6 $nd restr$int. The .;Team is 5ull o5 i6$!es o5 restr$int $nd the 6$s,uline desire to bre$* the6. Mr + <#ho pl$ys 1. 3. = #e$rs !old ,h$ins $nd b$n!les $s $ re6inder o5 the re,ent sl$4ery o5 bl$,* people in 36eri,$. +his intended 6e$nin! is not, ho#e4er, ,on5ined to its intention. +he ,ontr$di,tions in h$4in! the sy6bols o5 sl$4ery 6$de in !old <the sy6bol o5 su,,ess= $nd 6ultiplied e:,essi4ely <see Fi!ure 11.2= open the6 up to $ 4$riety o5 6e$nin!s ne!oti$ble by di55erently situ$ted 6$les #ithin this di$lo!ue bet#een 5reedo6 $nd restr$int. +he 6e$nin!s o5 !old 6$y be 6ore i6port$nt 5or #hites th$n bl$,*s, the #ei!ht $nd stren!th o5 the ,h$ins 6$y be 6ore i6port$nt 5or so6e 6$les, their stylishness 5or others, but $ll 6en $re o55ered the opportunity to ne!oti$te $ppropri$te

6e$nin!s 5or the6sel4es #ithin the se6ioti, e:,ess !ener$ted by the ,on?un,ture o5 !old, ,h$ins, style, physi,$l stren!th, $nd bl$,*ness. 2n the sho#Ds title seGuen,e, 1. 3. bursts onto the s,reen by s6$shin! throu!h $ door, $nd ,$rs bre$* throu!h #indo#s $nd #$lls. +he 4oi,e-o4er tells us th$t the 3-+e$6 es,$ped 5ro6 their $r6y $,,users in Bietn$6. +hese i6$!es o5 6$le po#er bre$*in! 5ree $re 6et$phors 5or 6$s,ulinityDs desire to bre$* throu!h the l$#s $nd the so,i$l ,onstr$ints #ith #hi,h so,iety tries to ,ont$in it. M$le se:u$lity is understood to h$4e $ Jn$tur$lK #ildness th$t is d$n!erous $nd in need o5 ,ontrol. +he tension bet#een so,iety $s $ syste6 o5 $rti5i,i$l restr$ints $nd 6$s,ulinity $s n$tur$lly #ild $nd i6per$ti4e produ,es $ set o5 ,ontr$di,tions th$t $re e6bodied in Murdo,*. Ais #ildness reGuires hi6 to be lo,*ed up in $n institution 5ro6 #hi,h he h$s to be 5reed 5or spe,i$l -20;Figure 11.2 'r T -207-

pro?e,ts, in ?ust the s$6e #$y $s Jre$l 6$s,ulinityK ,$n only be 5reed 5ro6 its so,i$l ,ontrol on spe,i$l o,,$sions. +he so,i$l de5inition o5 Murdo,* $s Jins$neK is ,ontr$di,ted by his 4$lue $nd su,,ess #hen inte!r$ted into the 6$s,uline stru,ture o5 The .;Team, $nd yet his 4$lue to the te$6 hin!es on the 5$,t th$t he needs to be lo,*ed up 5or 6ost o5 the ti6e. 2t is #orth pointin! out here the sy6boli, role o5 Cro,*ettDs pet $lli!$tor in the eGu$lly, but 4ery di55erently, 6$s,uline sho# Miami Aice$ +he $lli!$tor <the #ild pri6iti4e side o5 6$n= is *ept ,h$ined up but o,,$sion$lly bre$*s 5ree to !o on $ r$6p$!e o5 destru,tion. M$s,ulinity is $ p$r$do: o5 po#er $nd dis,ipline. +he pri4ile!e o5 $uthority is bou!ht by the dis,ipline o5 duty $nd ser4i,e. M$nDs $,hie4e6ent $t #or* is in the ser4i,e o5 his 5$6ily, $t #$r in the ser4i,e o5 his n$tion, in sport in the ser4i,e o5 his te$6 or ,ountry. +he 3-+e$6 h$s the pri4ile!e o5 $,tion $nd po#er but only in the ser4i,e o5 the #e$*, o5 those su55erin! in?usti,e. 3s +olson <1977= puts it8 2n the 5in$l $n$lysis, J6$s,ulinityK is $ *ind o5 ,ultur$l bribe. 3 boyDs so,i$l ,o66it6ent is #on $t the pri,e o5 his independen,e - 5or #hi,h he is o55ered the e6pty pro6ise o5 J6$nhoodK. +he 4ery notion o5 J6$nhoodK is intern$lly p$r$do:i,$l - o55erin! $ dre$6 o5 5ul5il6ent on ,ondition th$t the boy sub6its to $uthority $nd ,on4ention. . . . +his p$r$do: points the #$y to #or*, #hi,h be,o6es $ 6$nDs ,entr$l e:perien,e. <p. 4;= 2n p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6 6$s,ulinity is $ proble6 stru,tured $round notions o5 po#er $nd ser4i,e, 5reedo6 $nd dis,ipline, indi4idu$tion $nd dependen,y. +his proble6 is ,onst$ntly $,ti4$ted by the se:u$l so,iolo!y o5 $dult li5e in the 5$6ily, in the #or*pl$,e, $nd in so,iety $t l$r!e, $nd it needs ,onsistent sy6boli, solutions i5 6$s,ulinity is to

$ppe$r in its o#n eyes $s ,le$rly de5ined $s the 6en sur4eyed by Aite <1981= ,l$i6ed th$t it #$s. +he tension bet#een po#er $nd dis,ipline, 5reedo6 $nd restr$int, $uthority e:erted $nd sub6itted to, is built into the stru,ture o5 The .;Team <see Fi!ure 11.1= $s it is into our ,ultur$l de5inition o5 6$s,ulinity. +he interte:tu$l rel$tions $,ti4$te re$din!s $round these ,ontr$di,tions. Mr + h$s be,o6e $l6ost indistin!uish$ble 5ro6 1. 3. 1$rr$,us, p$rtly be,$use the $ppe$r$n,e, dress, $nd style $re identi,$l in both J,h$r$,ters, K $nd p$rtly be,$use o5 the e:$,tness o5 the 5it bet#een the Jre$lK Mr + $s portr$yed in the se,ond$ry te:ts, the 5i,tion$l Mr + in the ,$rtoon pro!r$6 n$6ed $5ter hi6, $nd the 5i,tion$l 1. 3. in The .;Team$ <(ee Fi!ure 11.2. = 2t is #idely reported th$t Mr + used to be $ pro5ession$l body!u$rd, usin! his stren!th in the ser4i,e o5 others. Ais stren!th is $lso ,ont$ined $nd ,ontrolled by his stron! reli!ious $nd 6or$l ,on4i,tions. 2n the ,$rtoon series he <$6bi!uously Mr + or 1. 3. = $ppe$rs in $ 5il6ed insert $t the st$rt $nd 5inish o5 e$,h $d4enture to point the 6or$l, so,i$lly ,on5or6in! 6ess$!e. -208+his insert is interestin! 5or it not only 6$*es 4erti,$l $nd hori7ont$l interte:tu$l rel$tions 6ore e:pli,itly th$n is typi,$l, but it $lso ,on5uses 6od$lities. C$rtoons be$r $ J,ondition$lK rel$tionship to the sense o5 re$lityM they do not #or* in the indi,$ti4e 6ode o5 re$lis6 #hi,h s$ys J+his is h$ppenin!, K but in the ,ondition$l 6ode - J+his #ould <or ,ould= h$ppen i5 . . . . K Aod!e $nd +ripp <198;= h$4e sho#n ho# Gui,*ly youn! 4ie#ers o5 tele4ision le$rn to de,ode the 4$rious 6od$l rel$tionships bet#een the represent$tion $nd the re$l. +hey do not ,on5use the lo# 6od$lity o5 ,$rtoons #ith the hi!h 6od$lity o5 ne#s. Aenderson <198;= $nd @sborn <1984= h$4e 5ound th$t ,hildren re,o!ni7e the ,o6p$r$ti4ely lo# 6od$lity o5 The .;Team, they *no# th$t no one is hurt by the 4iolen,e $nd th$t 6u,h o5 the $,tion is Ji6possible. K Lo# 6od$lity ,le$rly in4ites 5$nt$sy, $nd Mr +Ds re$listi,, hi!h-6od$lity 5il6 inserts #or* to ,onne,t th$t 5$nt$sy to so,i$l re$lity. Mr +Ds 6$s,ulinity $lso #or*s throu!h his ,onne,tion #ith sport. 2n the ,$rtoon series he runs $ !y6n$siu6 5or ,hildren $nd teen$!ers #ho $lso $,,o6p$ny hi6 on his $d4entures. +he !y6 is #here physi,$l $bilities $re both built up $nd ,ontrolled. (i6il$rly, Mr + $lso t$*es p$rt in pro5ession$l #restlin!. +his is the tele4ision spe,t$,le #here the so,i$l ,ontrol o4er the n$tur$l #ildness $nd $!!ression o5 6$s,ulinity is $t its 6ost 5r$!ile. +he rel$ti4e i6poten,e o5 the re5eree <the 6etony6 5or so,i$l ,ontrol= to pre4ent the ,$re5ully st$!ed 5i!hts $nd rule bre$*in! is $ ,entr$l p$rt o5 the spe,t$,le. For ?ust underne$th $ll o5 Mr +Ds i6$!e $s the prote,ti4e, responsible 6$le, lies JAo#linD M$d Murdo,*. K Ae is Guoted8 2 re$lly h$4e $ split person$lity, so6ethin! li*e Cr /e*yll $nd Mr Ayde. 2D6 ni,e $nd *ind - i5 you le$4e 6e $lone. 1ut i5 2D6 ,rossed, then you $s*ed 5or itO <Fame, Febru$ry 10, 198;83 =

Ae is $s po#er5ul $ 6e$nin! !ener$tor $s he is be,$use he e6bodies so pre,$riously the tension bet#een the un,ontroll$ble n$tur$l 5or,es o5 6$s,ulinity $nd the opposin! 5or,es o5 so,iety. The A-Teamas achievement M$s,ulinity ,$n ne4er be t$*en 5or !r$nted. 1oys le$rn to pro4e it ,onst$ntly in 4$rious 5or6s o5 ,o6petition #ith e$,h other. +olson <1977= $r!ues th$t 5or 6iddle-,l$ss boys, this ,o6petiti4e proo5 is o5ten ,h$nneled into s,hool $nd sport. For #or*in!-,l$ss boys, #ho 6$y 5ind s,hool 4$lues $lien, 6$s,ulinity is 5ound in the peer !roup or !$n!. M$int$inin! their 6e6bership in4ol4es $ ,onst$nt per5or6$n,e o5 $!!ression $nd tou!hness typi5ied by !$6es o5 d$res $nd ,h$llen!es. 3!!ression is the b$sis o5 6u,h #or*in!-,l$ss style, $nd o5 6$le youth style in !ener$l. M$s,ulinity is per5or6$n,e. The .;Team e6bodies ele6ents o5 the 6iddle-,l$ss te$6 or so,i$l or!$ni7$tion $lon! #ith those o5 the $!!ressi4e #or*in!-,l$ss !$n!, #hi,h 6$*es it se6ioti,$lly $,,essible to $ 4$riety o5 di55erently situ$ted 6$les. -209Men $re ,$st into ,e$seless #or* $nd $,tion to pro4e their #orth. +he inse,ure b$se o5 6$s,ulinity 6e$ns th$t it is ,onst$ntly h$4in! to be re$,hie4ed p$rti,ul$rly in the eyes o5 others. JM$s,ulinity, K then, is ,onstru,ted $s $n $!ent o5 ,$pit$lis6, be,$use it both 6oti4$tes the 6$n to $,hie4e in #or*, $nd *eeps hi6 $ prisoner in #or* #hen he 5inds th$t his $,hie4e6ent is hollo#, th$t it is 5or the bene5it o5 others <his 5$6ily or his boss=, not 5or hi6sel5. C$pit$list ideolo!y is eGu$lly #ell ser4ed by the ide$ th$t $ 6$n 6ust be $ble to ,ope #ith $ny situ$tion. M$s,ulinity be,o6es $l6ost $ de5inition o5 the superhu6$n, so it be,o6es th$t #hi,h ,$n ne4er be $,hie4ed. C$pit$lis6 needs this !$p bet#een the 6$teri$l e:perien,e o5 6en $nd the ideolo!i,$l ,onstru,tion o5 6$s,ulinity to *eep 6en stri4in! 5or 6ore $nd 6ore $,hie4e6ent in order to 6$int$in the Jn$tur$lnessK o5 the ideolo!i,$l ,on,ept o5 pro!ress, #hi,h is so ,entr$l to ,$pit$lis6. 3,hie4e6ent $nd su,,ess5ul per5or6$n,e <the pri6$ry de5iners o5 6$s,ulinity= $re the 5und$6ent$l reGuire6ents o5 ,$pit$lis6. The .;Team $nd other tele4ision $d4enture sho#s pl$y $ 4it$l p$rt in the ,ir,ul$tion $nd 6$inten$n,e o5 these 6e$nin!s o5 6$s,ulinity. +heir reGuire6ent th$t e$,h episode ends in su,,ess #hi,h is $,hie4ed by $ ,onst$nt displ$y o5 6$s,uline per5or6$n,e di55erenti$tes the6 sh$rply 5ro6 the so$p oper$s, $nd $sso,i$tes the6 #ith porno!r$phy. The phall/s, the penis, and porn MoyeDs <198 = $,,ount o5 porno!r$phy $lso stresses the role o5 per5or6$n,e. &orno!r$phy redu,es 6$s,ulinity to penile per5or6$n,e un,o6pli,$ted by $ny 5e6inine notions o5 ,$rin! or inti6$,y. +he ob?e,ti5i,$tion o5 the #o6$n is $nother #$y o5 e:s,ribin! her 5e6ininity $nd di55eren,e 5ro6 the 6$le. 3s the 6yth o5 6$s,uline tot$l ,o6peten,e produ,es $n ideolo!y o5 the super6$n #hi,h the $,tu$l 6$n ,$n ne4er $,hie4e, so the $,tu$l penis ,$n ne4er, $s Moye points out, 6e$sure up to the ph$llus. +he

ph$llus is $ ,ultur$l ,onstru,t8 it be$rs $ ,ultureDs 6e$nin!s o5 6$s,ulinity $nd $tte6pts to n$tur$li7e the6 by lo,$tin! the6 in the physi,$l si!n o5 6$leness - the penis. +his use o5 the n$tur$l to dis!uise the $rbitr$riness o5 the ,ultur$l is $r!ued by LV4i-(tr$uss to be ,o66on to $ll so,ieties, e4en thou!h the 6e$nin!s o5 the ,ultur$l #ill 4$ry 5ro6 so,iety to so,iety. +he use o5 !uns $nd 4ehi,les <or other 6$,hinery= $s #h$t ,$n be ,$lled Jpenile e:tendersK is $n $tte6pt to ,lose the !$p bet#een the penis $nd the ph$llus, bet#een the re$l $nd the i6$!in$ry, or the 6$teri$l $nd the ideolo!i,$l. +hey oper$te in L$,$nDs #orld o5 the i6$!in$ry #here $,tu$l 6$le per5or6$n,e is uni5ied #ith the ideolo!y o5 6$s,ulinity $nd the !$p bet#een the6 is er$sed. +hey $tte6pt to deny the 6$s,uline inse,urity, #hether #e underst$nd this $s psy,holo!i,$l <e.!. @edip$l !uilt $nd the suppression o5 the 5e6inine= or so,i$l <e.!. the deni$l o5 so,i$l po#er to so6e #or*in!,l$ss 6en or to those o5 Jde4$luedK r$,es, or the l$,* o5 physi,$l $nd so,i$l po#er in boys=. -210M$le per5or6$n,e in The .;Team, $s in Magnum, $s in "tars+y and !utch $nd the rest o5 the !enre, is $l#$ys e55e,ti4e, $nd $l#$ys ideolo!i,$lly s$n,tioned. 2t is not $l#$ys so,i$lly s$n,tioned, ho#e4er. The .;Team $re on the run 5ro6 the 6ilit$ry poli,e, $nd other dete,ti4e heroes 5reGuently oper$te outside, or in ,on5li,t #ith, o55i,i$l l$# en5or,e6ent $!en,ies. %4en poli,e6en, su,h $s (t$rs*y $nd Aut,h, $re in ,onst$nt ,on5li,t #ith their superiors $nd the bure$u,r$,y o5 their institutions. +his is h$rdly surprisin!, 5or so,iety is, $s #e h$4e $r!ued, in ,on5li,t #ith the 5reedo6 $nd #ildness o5 6$s,ulinity. 2t is eGu$lly in ,on5li,t #ith th$t ,losely ,onne,ted ideolo!y o5 indi4idu$lis6. (o the institution$l $!en,ies o5 so,iety o5ten be,o6e the ideolo!i,$l ene6y. 2n M$ .$ "$ !$ the re$l ene6y o5 A$#*eye $nd his 5riends is not the "orth Fore$ns, but the $r6y $s $ bure$u,r$ti, institution. %:,essi4e bure$u,r$,y is $ ,o66on si!n, in ,$pit$list popul$r ,ulture, o5 Co66unis6. C$pit$lis6 $s su,h is ne4er n$6ed in this ,ulture8 r$ther it lur*s bene$th 6ore $,,ept$ble ,on,epts su,h $s 5reedo6 $nd de6o,r$,y $nd is $li!ned #ith su,h n$tur$li7ed ,on,epts $s the indi4idu$l. +hus /$6es 1ond de5e$ts the 4ill$in be,$use he is $ 5ree indi4idu$l, $ble to thin* Gui,*ly $nd respond 5le:ibly. +he 4ill$in, on the other h$nd, loses despite his #e$lth, his te,hnolo!i,$l stren!th, $nd his 6$npo#er be,$use he is so bure$u,r$ti, $nd Jpro!r$66edK th$t he is out#itted by 1ond. Ae is $ prisoner o5 his so,i$l or!$ni7$tion, 1ond is 5ree. Aen,e 1ond is $n e6bodi6ent o5 ,$pit$lis6 <,$lled 5ree de6o,r$,y=, the 4ill$in $n e6bodi6ent o5 Co66unis6 <or, $t le$st, o5 the #estDs popul$r ,onstru,tion o5 it=. +he set o5 oppositions th$t stru,tures this rel$tionship is indi4idu$l 5reedo6 n$tur$l true !ood 8 8 8 8 8 so,iety ,onstr$int $rti5i,i$l 5$lse e4il.

2t ,$n be tr$ns5or6ed eGu$lly #ell into the pri4$te eye the 3-+e$6 de6o,r$,y A$#*eye 8 8 8 8 the poli,eIle!$l syste6 the 6ilit$ry poli,e ,o66unis6 the $r6y. -211'h$t interests here, o5 ,ourse, is ho# the 4$lues on the le5th$nd side o5 the stru,ture be,o6e in,orpor$ted into 6$s,ulinity, #here$s those on the ri!ht $re 6$ni5est$tions o5 the proble6s $nd oppositions th$t 6$s,ulinity 5$,es in so,iety. +he #$y our ideolo!y 6er!es its ,onstru,tion o5 the 6$s,uline #ith th$t o5 the indi4idu$l $nd the n$tur$l underlies CyerDs <198 = $r!u6ent th$t the penis-#e$pon $bsol4es 6$n 5ro6 responsibility 5or $ny h$r6 ,$used in the e:er,ise o5 his po#er. +he n$tur$l #ildness o5 6$s,ulinity <typi5ied 6ost i6pressi4ely $nd 5ri!htenin!ly by the i6$!e o5 Murdo,* #ith $ 6$,hine !un= reGuires so,i$l ,ontrol or ,h$nnelin! into the ide$ls o5 ser4i,e $nd responsibility. 1. 3. $nd Murdo,* need the so,i$l ,ontrol o5 A$nnib$l (6ith. 'hen $ 6$le hero *ills, he h$s $ psy,holo!i,$l $libi th$t p$r$llels the so,i$l $nd 6or$l $libi pro4ided by the plot. 2t ,$n $lso be $r!ued th$t the $libi o5 the penis-#e$pon ,$n be used to ?usti5y 6enDs se:u$l po#er o4er #o6en $nd, 5in$lly, r$pe. +he typi,$l p$tri$r,h$l $nd ,$pit$list str$te!y o5 bl$6in! the 4i,ti6 is only the re4erse o5 the s$6e ,oin. +he heroine-in-?eop$rdy $nd the #o6$n-$s-4i,ti6 $re produ,ts o5 the s$6e p$tri$r,h$l ideolo!y. +he heroine-in-?eop$rdy ,orresponds to the repressed side o5 6$s,ulinity, #hose repression $nd #e$*ness $re thus n$rr$ti4ely ?usti5ied. 1ut $lso, $,,ordin! to Cyer, in her role $s #o6$n-$s-4i,ti6, she le!iti6$tes 6$le re4en!e 5or the thre$t she poses to 6$s,ulinity $nd 5or the !uilt she inspires. 1ut, p$r$do:i,$lly, the 6$le still h$s to s$4e her. Cyer <198 = de6onstr$tes ho#, $t the points o5 6$:i6u6 d$n!er or terror 5or the heroine, the ,$6er$ typi,$lly positions the spe,t$tor $s r$pistIterrori7er, #here$s the n$rr$ti4e positions hi6 or her #ith the hero $s s$4ior. +he 6$le is thus doubly positioned $s oppressorIr$pist $nd s$4ior #hi,h is $ p$r$llel p$r$do: to the 6u,h 6ore ,o66only re,o!ni7ed one o5 #o6$n $s 4ir!in $nd #hore. +he ,ontr$di,tions bet#een the so,i$l $nd the physi,$l in The .;Team $re those bet#een the 6$le $s oppressor $nd $s s$4ior. +he su,,ess5ul per5or6$n,e does not #or* si6ply to ,lose the !$p bet#een the penis $nd the ph$llus, but to en$,t the ,ontr$di,tions bet#een oppressin! $nd prote,tin!. +he s$6e Gu$lities th$t en$ble the 6$le to s$4e the 5e6$le $re those th$t en$ble hi6 to oppress <$nd r$pe= her. &opul$r n$rr$ti4es $nd so,i$l ,onditions $re shot throu!h #ith the s$6e ,ontr$di,tions. +he une$siness o5 the resolutions th$t popul$r n$rr$ti4es $,hie4e is e4iden,ed by the need 5or the6 to be ,onst$ntly re$,hie4ed ni!ht $5ter ni!ht in pri6e-ti6e tele4ision. 'ale 1onding and the hero team

+he e:s,ription o5 #o6en le$ds to $ 6$le bondin! #hi,h is $ ,lose rel$tionship prote,ted 5ro6 the thre$t o5 inti6$,y. +he bond o5 the 3-+e$6, o5 M$!nu6 $nd his ,o-heroes, is !o$l-oriented, not rel$tionship-oriented. +he rel$tionship is there to ser4e $ ,o66on !o$l, not the needs o5 the rel$tionship itsel5M it depends on $,tion not on 5eelin!. +he need to depend on others is there, but it is e:tern$li7ed onto $ !o$l, not intern$li7ed into $ b$si, need o5 the 6$le. +he ,loseness o5 the ensuin! rel$tionship does not, there5ore, thre$ten 6$s,uline independen,e, $nd the ?usti5i,$tion o5 this inti6$,y by the e:tern$l !o$l 6e$ns th$t the rel$tionship ,$n ,ont$in ho6ose:u$l desire $nd ple$sure #ithout either the !uilt or the un6$nnin! th$t typi5y represent$tions o5 the ho6ose:u$l in $ heterose:u$l ideolo!y. -212(t$rs*y $nd Aut,h e:hibited 6$ny si!ns o5 $ ho6ose:u$l rel$tionship, but their physi,$l $nd e6otion$l inti6$,y #$s not, in itsel5, $ sour,e o5 s$tis5$,tion $nd ple$sure to the6. +heir 5ul5ill6ent ,$6e 5ro6 the !o$ls th$t their rel$tionship en$bled the6 to $,hie4e, not 5ro6 the rel$tionship itsel5. Chodoro# <1978= su!!ests th$t the #$y th$t 6$les $nd 5e6$les $re brou!ht up in our so,iety te$,hes 6$les to 5ind their identity in !o$ls $nd $,hie4e6ents $nd 5e6$les to 5ind theirs in rel$tionships #ith other people. 0o$ls $re 6ore sin!ul$r th$n people $nd tend to be 6ore ,le$rly prioriti7ed, thus 6$les de4elop $ 6ore ,entered sub?e,ti4ity th$n do 5e6$les. +hus 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e tends to de$l 6ore #ith sin!ul$r !o$ls $nd $,hie4e6ents, 5e6inine n$rr$ti4e 6ore #ith people $nd rel$tionships. +he 6ultiple plots $nd 6ultipli,ity o5 ,h$r$,ters in so$ps $re re5le,ti4e o5 $ 5e6inine sub?e,ti4ity $nd produ,ti4e o5 $ 5e6inine ple$sure. Con4ersely, the sin!ul$r or ,le$rly prioriti7ed plot stru,ture o5 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4es is ,h$r$,teristi, o5 $ 6$s,uline sub?e,ti4ity $nd produ,ti4e o5 $ 6$s,uline ple$sure. 1ut the $4oid$n,e o5 inti6$,y pl$,es the 6$le in $ terrible isol$tion, hen,e his need 5or $ !o$l-oriented, nonthre$tenin! 6$le bondin!. +he te$6 hides the inse,urity o5 the indi4idu$l #ithout thre$tenin! his independen,e. "o 6$n, despite the 6yth, ,$n be tot$lly ,o6petent, unless he h$s J6$!i,K $bilities <(uper6$n, the (i: Million Coll$r M$n=, but the hero te$6 ,$n 6old indi4idu$l ,o6peten,ies into so6ethin! $ppro$,hin! tot$l ,o6peten,e. +he 3-+e$6 ,loses the !$p bet#een the penis $nd the ph$llus. 1ut the hero te$6 does 6ore th$n e6body the need 5or 6$le bondin! th$t our ,onstru,tion o5 !ender de5inition $nd di55eren,e h$s produ,ed. 2t $lso pro4ides the 4ie#ers #ith 6ultiple points o5 entry 5or their identi5i,$tion #ith the hero. For those #hose sense o5 6$s,ulinity see6s to be best $,hie4ed throu!h physi,$l or 6e,h$ni,$l po#er, throu!h $n $!!ressi4e style, 1. 3. #ill pro4ide the point o5 entry. +hose #hose sense o5 6$s,uline identity depends 6ore upon le$dership $nd pl$nnin!, prob$bly di55erent in so,i$l situ$tion $nd $!e, #ill 5ind their 6e$ns o5 identi5i,$tion in A$nnib$l. (i6il$rly, F$,e $nd Murdo,* pro4ide other #$ys o5 prioriti7in! the ,on,epts $nd $bilities th$t ,onstitute 6$s,ulinity 5or di55erently situ$ted 6$les. %lse#here <Fis*e 1987$= 2 h$4e sho#n ho# the hero te$6 o5 Magnum p$i$ #or*s si6il$rly, #ith, brie5ly, +. C., the bl$,*, e6bodyin! physi,$l $nd 6e,h$ni,$l po#er, Ai!!ins, the 6$?ordo6o,

e6bodyin! so,i$l ,onstr$int $nd responsibility, $nd M$!nu6 hi6sel5, e6bodyin! 5reedo6, indi4idu$lis6, le$dership, $nd po#er in the ser4i,e o5 the #e$*. -213+hese hero te$6s, or hero p$irs, $re $l#$ys hier$r,hi,$l #ith $ distin,t le$der. +hey e6body po#er rel$tions #hi,h $ppe$r to be so ,ru,i$l to 6$s,ulinity #ithin their o#n stru,ture. +his po#er di55erenti$l is 5reGuently e:pressed in r$,i$l di55eren,e. +he te$6s o5ten in,lude $ bl$,*, #ho $l6ost ine4it$bly is the dri4er - Mr +, +. C., or M$r* in >ronsideM (t$rs*y, the urb$n /e#, #$s the dri4er 5or the br$inier, ,olle!e-edu,$ted Aut,hinson #ho Jh$ppenedK to be blond $nd 3ry$n. (u,h 6i:ed-r$,e hero p$irs h$4e lon! roots in ,ultur$l history $nd in,lude the Lone R$n!er $nd +onto, C$pt$in 3h$b $nd EueeGue!, $nd Au,* Finn $nd /i6. 2n 6ore re,ent series, su,h $s Miami Aice, the po#er di55erenti$l o5 the 6i:ed-r$,e p$ir is less 6$r*ed, thou!h the r$,e di55eren,e is still there. +he 6ore 5e6inine dr$6$ o5 Cagney and Lacey presents $ 6u,h 6ore eGu$l p$rtnership, thou!h C$!ney is both 6iddle-,l$ss $nd blonde 3n!lo-($:on, #here$s L$,ey is #or*in!,l$ss $nd 5ro6 $n 2t$li$n 5$6ily. 2n our so,iety po#er is distributed $lon! $:es o5 !ender, ,l$ss, $nd r$,e, $nd the ,orresponden,e bet#een the do6$ins $,ts to n$tur$li7e the st$tus Guo, $nd the ,lose rel$tionship #ithin #hi,h th$t po#er is e:er,ised #or*s to 6ini6i7e !ender, ,l$ss, $nd r$,i$l di55eren,es in $ displ$y o5 so,i$l ,ohesion. 1ut despite these uni5yin! 5or,es in the te:t, the ,ontr$di,tions bet#een the 6ore $nd the less po#er5ul still e:ist, $s they do in so,iety, $nd the hero te$6s $re open to this sort o5 re$din!. +hose denied po#er by their so,i$l position $re the 6ore li*ely to $,ti4$te these sorts o5 re$din!s, $nd the se,ond$ry te:ts 5reGuently ,$ter 5or the6. +he o55-s,reen dis$!ree6ents bet#een 0eor!e &epp$rd, #ho pl$ys A$nnib$l, $nd Mr +, #ho pl$ys 1. 3., #ere #idely reported in the press in 198 $nd 198;. +hey #or*ed interte:tu$lly to $,ti4$te the po#er di55eren,es in the pri6$ry te:t, $nd to $,t $s re$lis6 oper$tors th$t blurred the distin,tion bet#een the represent$tion $nd the re$l by 6obili7in! $n $,,ount o5 the <$pp$rently= re$l to $uthenti,$te the represented rel$tionship. Mr +, in one in,ident, ,o6pl$ined e:,essi4ely $bout the ser4i,e on $ ship on #hi,h the te$6 #ere 5il6in!. 0eor!e &epp$rd tried to ,$l6 hi6 do#n, $nd the $r!u6ent es,$l$ted. 2n it, &epp$rd #$s pl$yin! the 5$ther role $nd Mr + th$t o5 the #ill5ul ,hild bu,*in! $!$inst dis,ipline $nd so,i$l restr$int. +he po#er di55erenti$l bet#een 5$ther $nd son $nd its ,onseGuent tension is r$rely $s e:pli,it $s this in the 5i,tion$l 3-+e$6, but is there $s $ subte:t $4$il$ble to youn! or bl$,* re$ders #hose so,i$l interests #ould be ser4ed by $,ti4$tin! it. -214 &ender and narrative form 1ro#nDs <1987$= ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 so$p oper$s 5or6 $ use5ul 5r$6e#or* 5or ,o6p$rin! 6$s,uline dr$6$ su,h $s The .;Team $nd 5e6inine dr$6$ su,h $s so$p oper$. 1 (o$p oper$s not only l$,* narrati'e closure, but $ppe$r to $,ti4ely $4oid itM The .; Team, on the other h$nd, h$s to ,lose the te$6Ds n$rr$ti4e in e$,h episode. @5 ,ourse, this ,losure is not $s 5in$l $s th$t o5 $ boo* or $ 5il6, 5or #e *no# th$t the s$6e ,h$r$,ters

#ill return ne:t #ee* in $ si6il$r $d4enture $nd the ,ontr$di,tions e6bodied in the stru,ture o5 the te$6 re6$in unresol4ed. "one the less they 6ust $,hie4e their ob?e,ti4e, usu$lly in $ ,li6$: desi!ned to displ$y 6$s,uline per5or6$n,e. +he #ord J,li6$:K is si!ni5i,$nt 5or it h$s both $ se:u$l $nd $ n$rr$ti4e $ppli,$tion. Cyer <198 = su!!ests th$t this is no ,oin,iden,e, $nd $r!ues th$t the e6ph$sis on the ,li6$: $nd resolution in 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e p$r$llels the i6port$n,e !i4en to the ,li6$: in 6$s,uline se:u$lity. 2 (o$p oper$s e6ph$si7e the pro,ess o5 problem sol'ing( intimate con'ersation( and the feelings th$t people under!o. The .;Team e6ph$si7es $,tion, di$lo!ue is 6ini6$l $nd o5ten ,urt <5or ,urtness ,onnotes 6$s,ulinity=. Ceter6in$tion to su,,eed repl$,es 5eelin!s, 6e,h$ni,$l in!enuity repl$,es insi!ht into people, $nd su,,ess in proble6 sol4in! repl$,es the pro,ess. Cyer <198 = su!!ests th$t in 6$s,uline se:u$lity $nd n$rr$ti4e, sedu,tion $nd 5orepl$y $re 6e$ns to $n endM #here$s in the 5e6inine they $re sour,es o5 ple$sure in their o#n ri!ht. +hey in4ol4e, in both n$rr$ti4e $nd se:u$lity, the 5e6inine 4$lues o5 inti6$,y $nd ,$rin!. 3 si6ple, i5 not si6plisti,, su66$ry o5 this position #ould be th$t 5e6inine se:u$lity $nd n$rr$ti4e e6ph$si7e the pro,ess o4er the end produ,t, #here$s the 6$s,uline !i4es the produ,t priority o4er the pro,ess. Chodoro#, Guoted by Modles*i <19828 99=, su!!ests th$t the di55eren,es bet#een 6$le $nd 5e6$le #or* in our so,iety reprodu,e the s$6e stru,ture. MenDs #or* is produ,t-oriented, #o6enDs house#or* <$nd their lo#er p$id #$!e #or*= is $ repetiti4e, endless pro,ess. 'or* p$tterns, n$rr$ti4e 5or6, $nd the 6e$nin!s !i4en to !ender di55eren,e $re $ll ,onstru,ts o5 the s$6e p$tri$r,h$l ,ulture so it is not surprisin! th$t they $re b$sed on the s$6e stru,tur$l pl$y o5 si6il$rity $nd di55eren,e. +heir e55e,ti4ity in !ender politi,s deri4es 5ro6 their rel$ti4e $utono6y #ithin $n o4erdeter6ined syste68 th$t is, #or*, n$rr$ti4e, $nd se:u$lity $ppe$r to be sep$r$te ,ultur$l do6$ins, but in 5$,t they $re $ll sub?e,t to the s$6e p$tri$r,h$l o4erdeter6in$tion so th$t they $ll tell the s$6e story. +his ,orresponden,e bet#een $pp$rently $utono6ous do6$ins 6$*es the JstoryK $ppe$r n$tur$l, $nd not $ ,ultur$l produ,t, so it be,o6es $ll too e$sy to $,,ept th$t these !ender di55eren,es deri4e 5ro6 the physi,$l di55eren,es bet#een 6$le $nd 5e6$le. +his, o5 ,ourse, is #h$t p$tri$r,hy desires 5or it n$tur$li7es 6$le do6in$tion $nd renders it $pp$rently un,h$llen!e$ble. -21 -

C$4ies <1984b= $r!ues th$t the pri6e se:u$l ple$sure o55ered by so$p oper$s is th$t o5 the pro,ess o5 sedu,tion, not its su,,ess. +his 5its #ell #ith Modles*iDs <1982= belie5 th$t so$p oper$ ple$sure deri4es 5ro6 the ,onst$nt de5er6ent o5 $ !o$l, 5ro6 the e:perien,e o5 obst$,le $5ter obst$,le to the 5ul5ill6ent o5 desire. (ho#s li*e Cagney and Lacey $nd !ill "treet Blues $re interestin! 6i:tures o5 6$s,uline $nd 5e6inine 5or6. 2n Cagney and Lacey the 6$s,uline JendK o5 the n$rr$ti4e is o5ten ne!le,ted in 5$4or o5 $ 5e6inine e6ph$sis on the pro,ess by #hi,h th$t end is $,hie4ed. 2n one episode ,on,ernin! porno!r$phy the n$rr$ti4e $pp$rently posed 6$s,uline

Guestions8 #ill the t#o 5e6$le dete,ti4es su,,eed in ,on4in,in! the J6$leK poli,e 5or,e $nd le!$l syste6 th$t porno!r$phy is not $ 4i,ti6less ,ri6e but th$t $ll #ho $re in4ol4ed in it $re its 4i,ti6sH 'ill they $lso brin! $ su,,ess5ul ,on4i,tion $!$inst the produ,erIdistributor o5 porno!r$phi, 5il6sH +heir ,$se hin!ed on the e4iden,e o5 $ #o6$n st$rI4i,ti6 o5 his 5il6s. (he #$s relu,t$nt to testi5y $!$inst hi6 be,$use she #ould lose her only sour,e o5 in,o6e. 2n the 5in$l s,ene she entered the pre,in,t $nd 6et C$!ney $nd L$,ey8 the episode ends #ith ,lose-ups o5 the three #o6en s6ilin! in their solid$rity, their $#$reness o5 their ,o66on interests $s #o6en. +he eni!6$ o5 the n$rr$ti4e h$s been shi5ted 5ro6 the 6$s,uline - J'ill they n$il the porno!r$pherHK - to the 5e6inine - J1y #h$t 6e$ns ,$n #o6en le$rn to identi5y $nd $,t on their ,o66on interests in p$tri$r,hyHK +he st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 #ith #hi,h the episode opens is one th$t be$rs the nor6s o5 $ so,iety th$t dis$ppro4es o5 porno!r$phy $nd the e:ploit$tion o5 #o6en #hile re6$inin! p$tri$r,h$l, but the one on #hi,h it 5inishes le$4es the porno!r$phy proble6 unresol4ed $nd, inste$d, sho#s the #o6enDs re$li7$tion th$t in su,h $ #orld they 6ust st$nd to!ether. +he 6is6$t,h bet#een the t#o st$tes deri4es 5ro6 the pro!r$6Ds 6i: o5 6$s,uline $nd 5e6inine 5or6s. &$rt o5 the represent$tion o5 the st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 o5 the 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e is $ ?o*ey s,ene #hi,h turns out to be the eni!6$ o5 the 5e6inine n$rr$ti4e. 2n it C$!ney $nd L$,eyDs ,$r bre$*s do#n. C$!ney tries to 5i: it, but 5$ils $nd loudly dre$ds the $rri4$l o5 the poli,e 6e,h$ni, $nd his ine4it$ble se:ist re6$r*s $bout #o6enDs 6e,h$ni,$l in,o6peten,e. 'hile they $re #$itin! 5or hi6 they in4esti!$te $ shot <#hi,h turns out to be p$rt o5 the 5il6in! o5 $ porno!r$phi, 6o4ie=. @n their return, they 5ind the le!s o5 the 6e,h$ni, sti,*in! out 5ro6 under their ,$r. +he 6e,h$ni, slides out, they see th$t she is 5e6$le, $nd C$!neyDs 5$,e re!isters the ,on5li,tin! e6otions o5 relie5 $nd disbelie5. @n seein! th$t the ,ops $re #o6en, the 6e,h$ni, r$ises her eyebro#s in 6$s,uline disd$in $nd sneers, J2t 5i!uresOK +he s,ene, o5 ,ourse, is no ?o*e, but sets up the ,o6ple:ities $nd ,ontr$di,tions o5 5e6$leness $nd 5e6ininity #ithin p$tri$r,hy. 2t est$blishes the eni!6$ o5 the 5e6inine n$rr$ti4e - ,$n #o6en $,hie4e solid$rityH - $nd sets up the eGuilibriu6 o5 $ so,iety in #hi,h p$tri$r,h$l he!e6ony is l$r!ely su,,ess5ul8 #o6en li*e the 6e,h$ni, under#rite the syste6 by su,,eedin! in it, thou!h their su,,ess is only possible throu!h the $doption o5 6$s,uline h$bits o5 thou!ht. +his ensures th$t #o6en $re *ept di4ided 5ro6 e$,h other $nd thus un$ble to re,o!ni7e their !ender-,l$ss interests. -21;2n the in4esti!$tion, $s in the openin! o5 the episode, this 5e6inine n$rr$ti4e pl$ys se,ond 5iddle to the 6$s,uline one, but the end o5 the episode re4erses this priority, le$4in! the 6$s,uline unresol4ed $nd the 5e6inine $t $ 6o6ent o5 politi,$lly pro!ressi4e re,o!nition. +he pro!ressi4e end is $,hie4ed only by denyin! the ,losure o5 the J6$inK n$rr$ti4e. 'e ne4er le$rn i5 the porno!r$pher is 5ound !uilty, or e4en i5 he is brou!ht to tri$l8 #e le$rn only o5 the pro,ess throu!h #hi,h #o6en re,o!ni7e their !ender-,l$ss interests. (i6il$rly, the episode in #hi,h C$!ney brin!s $ se:u$l h$r$ss6ent $,tion $!$inst $ 6$le superior ends #ithout our *no#in! i5 her $,tion is su,,ess5ul. +he 5in$l shot is o5 $nother poli,e#o6$n ,o6in! 5or#$rd to testi5y $!$inst hi6 despite her pre4ious relu,t$n,e to do so.

3 (o$p oper$s h$4e multiple characters and plots, #hile The .;Team $nd other 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4es h$4e $ sin!le plot, or $ ,le$rly de5ined hier$r,hy o5 6$in $nd subplots. (o$p oper$s ,$n h$4e up to 5orty ,h$r$,ters, o5 #ho6 $ do7en or 6ore 6$y be i6port$nt. M$s,uline n$rr$ti4es usu$lly h$4e $ sin!le hero or $ ti!htly *nit hero p$ir or hero te$6. (o$p oper$s en,our$!e 6ultiple identi5i,$tion $nd the $bility to see $n e4ent 5ro6 $ nu6ber o5 di55erent points o5 4ie# or sh$re $ 4$riety o5 peopleDs re$,tions to the s$6e in,ident. M$s,uline n$rr$ti4es $re told 5ro6 $ 6ore sin!ul$r point o5 4ie#, they produ,e $ ,entered re$din! sub?e,t $s opposed to the de,entered re$din! sub?e,t th$t so$p oper$s produ,e. Modles*i <1982= su66$ri7es the issue ne$tly8 +he ,l$ssi, <6$le= n$rr$ti4e 5il6, is, $s L$ur$ Mul4ey <197 = points out, stru,tured J$round $ 6$in ,ontrollin! 5i!ure #ith #ho6 the spe,t$tor ,$n identi5y. K (o$p oper$s ,ontinu$lly insist on the insi!ni5i,$n,e o5 the indi4idu$l li5e. 3 4ie#er 6i!ht $t one 6o6ent be $s*ed to identi5y #ith $ #o6$n 5in$lly reunited #ith her lo4er, only to h$4e th$t identi5i,$tion bro*en in $ 6o6ent o5 intensity $nd $ttention 5o,used on the su55erin!s o5 the #o6$nDs ri4$l. <p. 91= +his ,$n be lin*ed to Chodoro#Ds $ssertion th$t J5e6inine person$lity ,o6es to de5ine itsel5 in rel$tion $nd ,onne,tion to other people 6ore th$n 6$s,uline person$lity does. <2n psy,ho$n$lyti, ter6s, #o6en $re less indi4idu$ted th$n 6en8 they h$4e 6ore 5le:ible e!o bound$ries. =K -217+o ,l$ri5y 6y $r!u6ent 2 h$4e ,ou,hed it in o4erly si6ple bin$ry oppositions, but not $ll tele4ision is !endered $lon! su,h ,le$r !enre lines. !ill "treet Blues, 5or e:$6ple, 6i:es both 6$s,uline $nd 5e6inine ,h$r$,teristi,s, $nd $s $ result is $ ,op sho# th$t is popul$r #ith 6$ny #o6en $nd, si!ni5i,$ntly, #ith pro!ressi4e, i5 not r$di,$l, 6en. +he di55eren,e bet#een ,entered $nd de,entered re$din! sub?e,ts is p$rtly e:pl$ined by their di55erent rel$tions to the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 2deolo!y #or*s to produ,e $ ,entered sub?e,t, $nd $ ,entered sub?e,t is thus 6ore li*ely to li4e throu!h the pr$,ti,e o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y. Con4ersely, $ de,entered sub?e,t is potenti$lly resisti4e in th$t it pro4ides 5or $ltern$ti4e or opposition$l 6e$nin!s. MorleyDs <198;= #or* h$s sho#n the di55eren,es bet#een 6$le $nd 5e6$le 6odes o5 4ie#in! $nd it is instru,ti4e to lin* these #ith the di55eren,es bet#een J6$s,ulineK $nd J5e6inineK n$rr$ti4es. +he 6en in his s$6ple o5 #or*in!-,l$ss $nd lo#er-6iddle-,l$ss London 5$6ilies tended to #$t,h tele4ision #ith $ sin!ul$r ,on,entr$tion, hushin! ,ryin! ,hildren $nd #o6en #ho #$nted to t$l* or en!$!e in other distr$,tin! $,ti4ities. 'o6en, on the other h$nd, #ere ne$rly $l#$ys doin! so6ethin! else #hile they #$t,hedM they t$l*ed, *nitted, ironed, or 5olded ,lothes. +hey #$t,hed #ith $ dispersed $ttention th$t p$r$lleled the dispersed n$rr$ti4e stru,ture o5 the J5e6inineK !enres. +his di55eren,e, o5 ,ourse, 6ust not be seen $s indi,$tin! essenti$l di55eren,es bet#een 6en $nd #o6en8 r$ther it is $ produ,t o5 the politi,s $nd pr$,ti,es o5 the 5$6ily in ,$pit$lis6. For the 6$le, the ho6e is $ pl$,e o5 leisure $nd rel$:$tion th$t he h$s Je$rnedK by his #$!e #or* outside. Ae ,$n there5ore indul!e his ple$sures in it

undistr$,tedly $nd !uiltlessly. For the 5e6$le, ho#e4er, the ho6e is the pl$,e o5 #or*, not leisure, $nd su,h leisure $,ti4ities $s #$t,hin! tele4ision h$4e to be 5itted in #ith the unendin! 5lo# o5 do6esti, duties. Aouse#i4es in $ nu6ber o5 studies <Morley 198;, (eiter et al$ 1987= report $ 5eelin! o5 !uilt i5 they #$t,h tele4ision #hile doin! nothin! else. @n the other h$nd, #o6en #or*in! outside the house 5eel no su,h J!uiltK in #$t,hin! their 5$4orite pro!r$6s in $ J6$s,ulineK 5$shion <(eiter et al$ 1987=. (i6il$rly, ho6ebound #o6en #ill o5ten use the 4ideo re,order to ti6e-shi5t their pro!r$6s to their Jo55 dutyK hours - usu$lly 4ery e$rly or 4ery l$te in the d$y or o,,$sion$lly in 6id-$5ternoon - #hen the rest o5 the 5$6ily is not $round. 2t is the presen,e o5 husb$nd $nd ,hildren th$t deter6ines these #o6enDs hours o5 #or*8 in the 5$6ilyDs $bsen,e they 5eel 5ree to indul!e the6sel4es in their ,ultur$l ple$sures undistr$,tedly $nd !uiltlessly <Morley 198;, Ro!!e 1987=. +he 4ideo re,order pl$ys $n i6port$nt role in #o6enDs $bility to $4oid r$ther th$n ,on5ront 6$le po#er, $nd to ,re$te sp$,es, ho#e4er 6$r!in$li7ed, 5or their o#n ,ultur$l ple$sures. -2184 'e h$4e $r!ued $bo4e th$t tele4ision in !ener$l 6$int$ins $ ,loser ,orresponden,e bet#een its ti6e $nd re$l ti6e, th$n do 5il6s or boo*s. 1ut #ithin tele4ision, so$p oper$s ma+e this correspondence as close as possible, #here$s 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4es #or* to ,o6press ti6e. +heir e6ph$sis on $,hie4e6ent le$ds the6 to ,on,ertin$ the pro,ess to ,on,entr$te on the per5or6$n,e-,li6$: th$t produ,es the result. +hey do not !i4e the s$6e i6pression th$t their ,h$r$,ters $re Jli4in!K in the !$p bet#een episodes, $nd ,ont$in little or no J6e6oryK bet#een one episode $nd $ny other. +he 6$s,uline ,h$r$,ters $nd n$rr$ti4es Jli4eK in their 6o6ents o5 per5or6$n,e only, $nd in these 6o6ents ti6e is 6$nipul$ted to 6$:i6i7e the 6$s,uline per5or6$n,e. +i6e is not only ,o6pressed to speed throu!h the non$,tion s,enes, it is e:tended by slo# 6otion to d#ell on those o5 $,tionIper5or6$n,e. (o the shots o5 ,$rs 6$*in! hu!e le$ps or o4erturnin! $re $l#$ys enh$n,ed by lo# ,$6er$ $n!les $nd slo# 6otion #hi,h 6$!ni5ies the po#er $nd the be$uty o5 the per5or6$n,e. (lo# 6otion is used in sport to ,elebr$te $nd displ$y the 6$le body in $,tion, to produ,e $ sense o5 $#e by 6$*in! the physi,$l per5or6$n,e $ppe$r be$uti5ul. +he 6$le body in tele4ision sport does not ,onsist 6erely o5 brutish 6us,ul$rity, but is $estheti,i7ed $nd thus !i4en positi4e ideolo!i,$l 4$lues <see ,h$pter 13=. (o in $,tion dr$6$, slo# 6otion is used to eroti,i7e po#er, to e:tend the 6o6ent o5 ,li6$:. 2n Aolly#oodDs e:posV o5 its o#n tri,*s o5 the tr$de, its ,ondu,ted tours o5 Nni4ers$l (tudios, there is $ Jre$l-li5eK displ$y by the 3-+e$6, or r$ther by st$nd-ins 5or the Jre$lK 3-+e$6. 2ts intention is to !lori5y the te$6Ds pro#ess, but its e55e,t is the opposite. +he r$6ps 5ro6 #hi,h ,$rs 5ly throu!h the $ir $re less th$n $ 6eter hi!h, the le$ps $re ,o6pleted $l6ost $s they be!in, $nd 4ie#ed 5ro6 $bo4e on the r$n*ed se$tin!, the #hole per5or6$n,e is 6ini6i7ed. 'ithout the 6$s,ulinity intensi5iers o5 slo# 6otion, lo# ,$6er$ $n!le, $nd ,elebr$tory editin!, the ,li6$,ti, per5or6$n,e o5 the 3-+e$6 $ppe$rs dis$ppointin!ly ordin$ry.

"egmentation $lso is $ ,h$r$,teristi, o5 tele4ision in !ener$l, but it is 6ore pronoun,ed in so$p oper$s th$n in 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4es. +he $brupt s#it,hin! 5ro6 plot to plot is $bsent in the sin!ul$r plotted n$rr$ti4e, #here the se!6ent$tion is ,on5ined to r$pid s#it,hes bet#een s,enes o5 the s$6e plot. +his se!6ent$tion 5ollo#s 6ore ,losely the J6$s,ulineK l$#s o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t #ith their ,onseGuent n$rr$ti4e $nd ideolo!i,$l ,losure. +he 5reer se!6ent$tion o5 so$p oper$, ho#e4er, e4o*es the 6ore open J5e6inineK l$#s o5 $sso,i$tion. !ill "treet Blues #ith its 6ultiple plots $nd ,h$r$,ters, its r$pid s#it,hin! 5ro6 plot to plot, its sense th$t ,h$r$,ters li4e bet#een episodes, its J6e6oryK 5ro6 episode to episode ,o6bines 6$ny o5 the ele6ents o5 so$p oper$ #ith the $,tion $nd $,hie4e6ent ,h$r$,teristi, o5 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e. 2t is, si!ni5i,$ntly, one o5 the 6ost popul$r ,op sho#s #ith #o6en. -219; $nd 7 2n so$p oper$s ma%or male characters are often sensiti'e men $nd ma%or female characters tend to be professionals, or other#ise po#er5ul outside the ho6e. 2n 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4es sensiti4ity is seen $s $ thre$t to 6$s,ulinity $nd #o6en $re 4i,ti6s in need o5 6$le su,,or. &o#er is ,on5ined to the 6en, sensiti4ity to the #o6en. 8 2n so$p oper$s the setting is home or $ pl$,e #hi,h 5un,tions $s ho6e, $ pl$,e #here people 6eet, t$l*, $nd $re est$blished in their rel$tionships. 2n 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e the $,tion is publi,, not do6esti,, it is 4isible $nd e:terior 5or 6$s,uline su,,ess needs publi, $,,l$i6 $nd 4isibility. +he issues it de$ls #ith $re publi, ones o5 6urder, 6oney, po#er, terroris6, #here$s so$p oper$s de$l #ith do6esti, issues o5 rel$tionships $nd J#o6enDs issuesK su,h $s ,hild $buse. Cri6e 6$y be $ re!ul$r in!redient o5 so$p oper$s but it is not tre$ted $s $ proble6 to be sol4ed $nd ,le$red up, but r$ther $s $ sour,e o5 re$,tions to be e:perien,ed $nd t$l*ed $bout. Morley <198;= reports ,le$r !enre pre5eren,es bet#een 6en $nd #o6en. Men ,l$i6 to pre5er pro!r$6s th$t in,re$se their *no#led!e o5 the J#orld out there, K $nd there5ore o5 their po#er o4er it $nd their $bility to $,t in it. +he 6en in his study ,onsistently e:pressed pre5eren,es 5or the n$tion$l ne#s, do,u6ent$ries, $nd sport. 'hen they li*ed 5i,tion, they tended to li*e Jre$listi,K 5i,tion. 'o6en, on the other h$nd, li*ed 5i,tion$l pro!r$6s, su,h $s so$ps, #hi,h #ere ,on,erned #ith #h$t 3n! <198 = ,$lls Je6otion$l re$lis6, K sensiti4ity, $nd e:pressi4eness, in ,ontr$st to the Je6piri,$l re$lis6K pre5erred by 6en. @ne e:,eption to this #$s #o6enDs stron! pre5eren,e 5or the lo,$l ne#s, p$rti,ul$rly o5 ,ri6e8 Crime ,atch- th$tDs $ !ood pro!r$6 to #$t,h be,$use it !i4es you so6e ide$ o5 #h$t to loo* out 5or - #h$t the *ids should loo* out 5or $s #ell. <Morley 198;8 73= +his 5indin! is supported by Ro!!eDs <1987= #or* in 0er6$ny. 3 sin!le 6other o5 three reported to hi68 +$*e the poli,e report, 5or e:$6ple. 2 thin* 2rene should st$rt to loo* $t th$t, too . . . so6eti6es theyD4e !ot to le$rn to t$*e ,$re. <Ro!!e 19878 12-13=

Lo,$l ne#s, $nd ,ri6e ne#s, #ith its pi,ture o5 the i66edi$te outside #orld $s $ thre$t, is re$dily in,orpor$ted in the 6$tern$l ,$rin! role th$t #o6en ,on4ention$lly 5ill in our so,ietyDs 4ersion o5 the 5$6ily. +he lo,$l ne#s is the inter5$,e bet#een the do6esti, $nd the publi,. M$s,uline n$rr$ti4es use these ,h$r$,teristi,s to e6body si6ple oppositions to 6$r* !ender di55eren,e8 -220sensiti4e do6esti, pri4$te indoors 8 8 8 8 tou!h pro5ession$l publi, outdoors.

+hey then $dd wea+ / strong $s $n ideolo!i,$l 4$lue ?ud!6ent to the stru,ture. Fe6inine n$rr$ti4es re5use su,h ,le$r 4$lue ?ud!6ents. (i6il$rly, they re5use to ,on5ine 5e6ininity to the le5th$nd side o5 the stru,ture $nd 6$s,ulinity to the ri!ht $nd thus deny the $bility o5 su,h oppositions to ,onstru,t 6e$nin!s o5 !ender. M$s,uline n$rr$ti4es ,le$rly pl$,e 6$s,ulinity on the ri!ht o5 the stru,ture $nd 5e6ininity on the le5tM so$p oper$s deny su,h $ si6ple str$te!y o5 !ender de5inition. Ross <1987= su!!ests th$t this si6plisti, represent$tion o5 6$s,ulinity is bein! 6odi5ied in $ #$y th$t so5tens Jthe ,ontours o5 $ tr$dition$l i6$!e o5 the redblooded 6$le, ,o6petiti4e o6nipotent, irredee6$bly se:ist $nd e6otion$lly illiter$teK <p. 147=. +his Jso5tenin!K is o,,urrin! 6ost 6$r*edly outside tele4ision, in 5$shion 6$!$7ines, 5or e:$6ple, but Ross $r!ues th$t in Miami Aice, $s in 6usi, 4ideo, tele4ision is be!innin! to 6odi5y its tr$dition$l represent$tion o5 6$s,ulinity. @n one le4el, the sho# is $s tr$dition$lly 6$s,uline $s $ny other ,op sho#. Cro,*ett $nd +ubbs $re $ typi,$l hero te$6, #hose di55eren,es supply e$,h otherDs l$,*8 both $re tou!h, ,o6petiti4e, bonded in $ 6$le heterose:u$lity, $nd #o6en $re re!ul$rly e:s,ribed 5ro6 the n$rr$ti4e. 1ut $!$inst this, Ross $r!ues, $re si!ns o5 $ ne# 6$s,ulinity8 3s $n e:pression o5 $ !enre soundly ,o66itted to deli4erin! 6ess$!es $bout so,i$l di55eren,e Miami Aice presents $ 6et$st$te6ent $bout this !eneri, i6per$ti4e #hen, in its h$bitu$l ,on5usion $bout the respe,ti4e identities o5 under,o4er poli,e, de,oys, stool pi!eons, $nd ,ops #ho h$4e $,tu$lly ,rossed the line, the ,entr$l represent$tion$l proble6 is the di55i,ulty o5 e:hibitin! di55eren,e $t $ll. 2n the ,$se o5 Cro,*ett $nd +ubbs, po#er is $s,ribed in the 6ost super5i,i$l s$rtori$l 5lourishes $nd in the ob4ious superiority o5 their !ood loo*s. <p. 1 2= +he ide$ th$t 6$s,ulinity is e:pressed throu!h sur5$,e $ppe$r$n,e, throu!h the l$n!u$!e o5 p$stel-sh$ded 5$shion, does not sub4ert the tr$dition$l 6$s,ulinity o5 $,tion, but brin!s to it $ potenti$lly ,ontr$di,tory, potenti$lly Jso5tenin!, K di6ension. Miami Aice sho#s the tr$dition$lly tou!h, bonded, 6$s,uline hero p$ir $,,o66od$tin! the ne#er, style-

,ons,ious, less di55erenti$ted 6$s,ulinity #ithout $pp$rently !i4in! up $ny o5 its est$blished n$rr$ti4e terr$in. 1ut the ,ontr$di,tions $re there, $nd they open the n$rr$ti4e up to ple$sures other th$n those o55ered by The .;Team, the ple$sures o5 style, loo*, $nd $ppe$r$n,e th$t our ,ulture h$s tr$dition$lly $sso,i$ted #ith the 5e6inine. (i6il$rly, the openin! up o5 the 6$le hero p$ir to $ 6$leI5e6$le p$ir ,$n be seen $s tr$dition$l 6$s,ulinity $,,o66od$tin! the ne# #o6$n #ithin its po#er stru,ture, $nd $tte6ptin! to e:tend the ple$sures o5 $ 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e to 5e6$le $udien,es. -221-

+he ,op sho# !enre, li*e $ll !enres, 6odi5ies its ,on4entions in $ di$le,ti,$l rel$tionship #ith ,h$n!es in so,i$l 4$lues. +he e:tre6e 6$s,ulinity o5 The .;Team is ,h$llen!ed by the $d6ission o5 5e6inine 4$lues, #e$*ly in "carecrow and Mrs Cing $nd !art to !art, but 6ore stron!ly in Remington "teele, $nd 4ery thre$tenin!ly indeed in Cagney and Lacey$ Miami Aice-s ,h$llen!e to the 6e$nin!s o5 6$s,ulinity 6$y be the 6ost insidious $nd politi,$lly e55e,ti4e, be,$use it o,,urs not $t the le4el o5 what is represented, but how it is represented. +he other sho#s 6$y represent #o6en per5or6in! J6$s,ulineK roles, but Miami Aice en,odes 6$s,ulinity di55erently. 3s Cagney and Lacey re5uses <so6e o5= the ,on4ention$l en,odin!s o5 the 5e6inine, so Miami Aice, 6ore e:pli,itly, de6$nds $ ,h$n!e in the en,odin!s o5 the 6$s,uline. +he ,lose ,onne,tion bet#een !enre $nd !ender is e4iden,e o5 the so,i$l ,onstru,tion o5 both. +he psy,holo!i,$l di6ension o5 !ender be,o6es $ proble6 th$t reGuires n$rr$ti4e e:pression only #hen it 6eets our ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,es $nd the !ender roles they produ,e $nd 6$int$in the6sel4es in. +here $re i6port$nt di55eren,es in the so,i$l 6e$nin!s o5 6$s,ulinity $nd 5e6ininity in ,$pit$lis6, $nd it is not surprisin! th$t these di55eren,es $re tr$nsposed into te:tu$l di55eren,es bet#een !enres. +he rel$tionship bet#een the so,i$l $nd the te:tu$l is ne4er ,le$r or sin!ul$r $nd is ,ert$inly o4er-si6pli5ied to the point o5 distortion by the belie5 th$t the !eneri, ,on4entions by #hi,h !ender is represented te:tu$lly do nothin! 6ore th$n reprodu,e $nd 6$int$in the so,i$l. +he ,ru,i$l di55eren,es bet#een ,op $d4enture sho#s $nd so$p oper$s $re not to be 5ound in their te:tu$l ,on4entions, but r$ther in the re$din! rel$tions they in4ite. Fe6inine !enres, be,$use they $rti,ul$te the ,on,erns o5 $ !ender #hose interests $re denied by the do6in$nt ideolo!y, 6ust, i5 they $re to be popul$r, be open enou!h to $d6it o5 $ 4$riety o5 opposition$l, or, $t le$st, resisti4e re$din!s. +he !enre, then, h$s 5e#er $tte6pts $t ,losure or $t ,enterin! the re$din! sub?e,t. M$s,uline !enres, on the other h$nd, spe$* to $udien,es #ho $re positioned Guite di55erently to the do6in$nt ideolo!y, $nd #hose re$din! str$te!y is 6ore li*ely to be one o5 ne!oti$tion by #hi,h they see* to $,,o66od$te their so,i$l di55eren,es #ith p$tri$r,hy, r$ther th$n one o5 resist$n,e. 2n ter6s o5 ,l$ss, r$,e, or $!e, ho#e4er, opposition$l or resistin! st$n,es $re 6ore li*ely. +he tension bet#een A$nnib$l $nd 1. 3. is not $l#$ys resol4ed in the ter6s 5$4ored by the po#er in their rel$tionship, th$t is, it is not $l#$ys the 4$lues o5 the #hite, older

o55i,er ,l$ss th$t pro4ide the point o5 resolution. +hose to #ho6 1. 3. o55ers $n $rti,ul$tion o5 their sense o5 so,i$l subordin$tion 6$y #ell 5ind opposition$l or resistin! ple$sures in the i6possibility o5 e4er subordin$tin! tot$lly su,h $ po#er5ul $nd intr$nsi!ent 5i!ure $s he. 1ut the !enre does not o55er si6il$r opportunities to interro!$te the p$tri$r,h$l 4$lues o5 6$s,ulinity. 2n the ideolo!y o5 !ender, its ,losure $ppe$rs to be $l6ost ,o6plete8 in the ideolo!ies o5 ,l$ss, r$,e, $nd $!e it o55ers 6u,h 6ore open sp$,es #ithin #hi,h to resist or e4$de its he!e6oni, thrust. -222Chapter 1"leas/re and play 'h$te4er the ,ontro4ersy $bout tele4isionDs role in our ,ulture, there is no doubt th$t people en?oy it, $nd th$t #$t,hin! it is $ 6$?or sour,e o5 ple$sure in our li4es. +his #ord Jple$sureK o,,urs #idely in re,ent ,riti,$l #ritin!s $nd $ppe$rs to be ,ru,i$l to our underst$ndin! o5 popul$rity. 1ut, li*e 6$ny #idely used ter6s, it is re6$r*$bly di55i,ult to pin do#n $nd de5ine. 2t is $lso 6ultidis,ursi4e, th$t is, it 6e$ns di55erently in di55erent dis,ourses. +hus, the psy,ho$n$lyti, use o5 the ter6 tends to rel$te it #ith desire $nd pl$,es it $s the 6$in 6oti4$tor o5 hu6$n $,tion. Fe6inist #or* deri4in! 5ro6 L$,$n su!!ests th$t #hile 6$s,uline $nd 5e6inine ple$sures 6$y be e:perien,ed di55erently in p$tri$r,hy, in !ener$l the ori!in o5 ple$sure $nd unple$sure is lo,$ted in the e$rly psy,hi, pro,ess ,o66on to $ll hu6$n in5$nts, $nd its essenti$l stru,ture is l$id do#n be5ore so,i$l in5luen,es su,h $s !ender, ,l$ss, r$,e, edu,$tion, or reli!ion ,o6e into the pi,ture. 2n psy,ho$n$lyti, ter6s, the ple$sure prin,iple ,o6es ,lose to bein! $ hu6$n uni4ers$l. 1$rthes <197 b=, ho#e4er, uses the #ord JplaisirK to re5er to $ ple$sure #hi,h is essenti$lly ,ultur$l in ori!in, $nd the 6ore e,st$ti, J%ouissanceK to re5er to $ physi,$l ple$sure, lo,$ted, li*e se:u$l or!$s6, in the senses o5 the body r$ther th$n in the #or*in!s o5 the sub,ons,ious. JEouissanceK h$s si6il$rities #ith FreudDs J$55e,tK in #hi,h the intensity o5 the e:perien,e is its i6port$nt di6ension. +hen there is $ third dis,ursi4e use, #hi,h is bro$dly so,i$l in e6ph$sis. 2t see*s the 6e$nin! o5 ple$sure in its rel$tionship to the so,i$l stru,ture $nd to the so,i$l pr$,ti,es o5 the sub?e,ts #ho e:perien,e it. 'hile the 5irst t#o uses loo* 5or essenti$lly $bstr$,t $nd sin!ul$r 6e$nin!s, this third one tends to#$rds 6ore ,on,rete $nd plur$l ones. +hese three ,$te!ories, the psy,ho$n$lyti,, the physi,$l, $nd the so,i$l, ,onst$ntly le$* into e$,h other, $nd the ple$sure or ple$sures e:perien,ed $t $ny one ti6e $re li*ely to in,lude ele6ents o5 $ll. +he ,$te!ories $re, li*e $ll ,$te!ories, e:pl$n$tory str$te!ies, they e:ist 5or $ heuristi, purpose, not in their o#n ri!ht. 1ut #hile it is i6port$nt to insist on the di55eren,es bet#een the6, it is eGu$lly i6port$nt to point out th$t $ll o5 the6 depend, to $ !re$ter or lesser e:tent, on the rel$tionship bet#een ple$sure $nd po#er. 1ro$dly, the psy,ho$n$lyti, 4ie# o5 ple$sure sees it $s the produ,t o5 $,,o66od$tion to the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 3,,ordin! to Mul4ey <197 =, ple$sure is the re#$rd o55ered to the ,on5or6in! spe,t$tor by p$tri$r,h$l ,ine6$8 it is the pri6e he!e6oni, $!ent.

-2242n both its other dis,ourses, ho#e4er, ple$sure ,$n be $sso,i$ted #ith resist$n,e $nd sub4ersion. For 1$rthes $s 5or 6$ny o5 the post6odernists, ple$sure ,$n be the opposite o5 ideolo!y, not, $s 5or Mul4ey, its re#$rd. "sychoanalysis and pleas/re Mul4ey <197 = in her in5luenti$l $rti,le JBisu$l &le$sure $nd "$rr$ti4e Cine6$K turned 5or her theoreti,$l b$se to FreudDs theory o5 4oyeuris6 - the ple$sure $nd po#er o5 loo*in!. (he $r!ues th$t the spe,t$tor o5 6$instre$6 Aolly#ood ,ine6$ is positioned li*e the peepin! +o68 the s,reen is li*e the #indo# o5 the li!hted roo6 throu!h #hi,h the in4isible, un$,*no#led!ed 4oyeur loo*s. Ais <5or 4oyeuris6 is $ 6$s,uline ple$sure= $bility to see the se,ret, the pri4$te li4es o5 others, !i4es the 4oyeur $ po#er o4er the6. +his 4oyeuristi, ple$sure is produ,ed by the 6$s,uline loo* $t the 5e6$le body, so the typi,$l pro!ress o5 Aolly#ood n$rr$ti4e is 6$le $,tion th$t $d4$n,es the plot $ltern$tin! #ith interruptions durin! #hi,h the 5e6$le body is !$7ed $t or possessed by the 6$le prot$!onist. +he 6$le prot$!onist be,o6es the e6bodi6ent o5 the 6$s,uline spe,t$tor $nd the 6$s,uline Jloo*K o5 the ,$6er$ upon the pro-5il6i, e4ent. +he 4isu$l ple$sure o5 loo*in! $t $nd possessin! the 5e6$le is $ re#$rd 5or su,,ess5ul 6$le $,tion in the pre,edin! se!6ent o5 n$rr$ti4e. +his produ,es $ 6$s,uline re$din! sub?e,t, e4en thou!h the ,ine6$ $udien,e 6$y be ,o6posed o5 both 6$les $nd 5e6$les. 2n p$tri$r,hy, #o6en ,$n be ,onstru,ted $s 6$s,uline sub?e,ts $nd ,$n ,onseGuently e:perien,e 6$s,uline ple$sures. +hey, li*e 6en, ,$n sub?e,t the 5e6$le body to $ 6$s,uline !$7e. 3lon!side the po#er o5 4oyeuris6 !oes the ,ine6$ti, pr$,ti,e o5 the 5etishi7$tion o5 the 5e6$le. 3 5etish, $,,ordin! to Freud, is the o4er4$lu$tion o5 $ thre$t. +he 6o4ie ,$6er$ J#orshipsK the 5e6$le 5or6 to e:,ess, $s $ #$y o5 de5usin! the ,$str$tion thre$t $nd @edip$l !uilt th$t the #o6$n be$rs. +his produ,es the ,ine6$ti, 5r$!6ent$tion o5 the 5e6$le body, $s the ,$6er$ #orships, in ,lose-up, the eyes, lips, thi!hs, h$ir, $nd $l6ost $ny p$rt o5 the 5e6$le body. For Mul4ey, the ple$sures produ,ed by the s$tis5$,tion o5 the 4oyeuristi, desire $re per5e,tly $li!ned #ith the reGuire6ents o5 p$tri$r,hy $nd she ,o6es ,lose to ,onstru,tin! $n unbre$*$ble rel$tionship $6on! p$tri$r,hy, ple$sure, $nd the n$tur$l di55eren,es bet#een 6$le $nd 5e6$le. (he $ppe$rs to !round p$tri$r,hy in hu6$n n$ture $nd to e:pl$in the ple$sure o5 ,ine6$ by tre$tin! p$tri$r,h$l po#er $s indistin!uish$ble 5ro6 the n$ture o5 hu6$n se:u$lity. 3s $ 5e6inist, she is thus led to $ ,$ll 5or $ destru,tion o5 ple$sure $s #e ,urrently e:perien,e it, $nd 5or its repl$,e6ent by $ ne# ple$sure, the ple$sure o5 de5$6ili$ri7in! #h$t is t$*en 5or !r$nted $nd in produ,in! $ ne# #$y o5 seein!. -22 1ut 6$instre$6 ple$sure results 5ro6 5indin! the stru,tures o5 in5$nt se:u$lity reprodu,ed in the stru,tures o5 6$instre$6 ,ine6$, #hi,h le$ds the spe,t$tor to $,,o66od$te hi6sel5 or hersel5 to the do6in$nt ideolo!y, by $doptin! the te:tu$lly produ,ed sub?e,t position #ith $ll its sub?e,tion to the de6$nds o5 p$tri$r,hy $nd o5

hu6$n se:u$lity. &le$sure is thus re$,tion$ry, 5or both the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd Freudi$n e:pl$n$tions o5 se:u$lity #or* to n$tur$li7e the p$tri$r,h$l st$tus Guo. Mul4ey does, ho#e4er, $d6it o5 the possibility o5 $ r$di,$l ple$sure, but does not el$bor$te in $ny det$il ho# this 6$y be produ,ed. Mul4eyDs $r!u6ent 6$y hold up #ell 5or ,ine6$, but it tr$nsl$tes less ,on4in,in!ly to tele4ision. +he hu!e, bri!ht ,ine6$ s,reen $nd the $nony6ous d$r*ness o5 the $uditoriu6 reprodu,e 6u,h 6ore pre,isely the situ$tion o5 the peepin! +o6 th$n does the 5$r less i6per$ti4e tele4ision s,reen situ$ted in the 5$6ily li4in! roo6 in the 6iddle o5 ordin$ry 5$6ily li5e. +ele4ision is 6ore inter$,ti4e th$n 4oyeuristi,. 2ts re$lis6, #hi,h ,ert$inly h$s $ 4oyeuristi, di6ension, is ,onst$ntly 5r$,tured both by the se!6ent$tion o5 the tele4ision te:t $nd by its 6ode o5 re,eption. 2ts 4ie#ers, unli*e ,ine6$ spe,t$tors, $re not !r$nted the s$6e 4oyeuristi, po#er o4er, $nd ple$sure in, the i6$!e, ?ust $s they $re less sub?e,ted to the positionin! o5 the re$list n$rr$ti4e. 'hile there $re proble6s #ith $pplyin! Mul4eyDs theory o5 ple$sure to tele4ision, it still h$s so6e e:pl$n$tory po#er. +he 5r$!6ent$tion o5 the 5e6$le body into $ 5etish ob?e,t is ,o66onpl$,e in ,o66er,i$ls, p$rti,ul$rly those 5or ,os6eti, produ,ts. +he 6obili7$tion o5 6$s,uline desire in the 5e6$le 4ie#er $nd the ,onstru,tion 5or her o5 $ 6$s,uline re$din! position 5ro6 #hi,h she ,$n 6$*e sense o5 her o#n body throu!h 6$s,uline eyes is $n ob4ious e,ono6i, str$te!y o5 the industry. (i6il$rly, there $re nu6erous represent$tions o5 the 5e6$le body $s $n ob?e,t o5 the 6$s,uline !$7e $nd $ produ,er o5 the 4oyeuristi, po#erI ple$sure. +he 6odels th$t de,or$te the pri7es in !$6e sho#s, or th$t pro4ide 6u,h o5 the Js,eneryK in sho#s li*e Miami Aice or Mi+e !ammer, $re ,le$r e4iden,e o5 this 4oyeuristi, ple$sure $t #or*. (o, too, is tele4isionDs tenden,y to ,on5ine #o6en on the s,reen to the $!e o5 6$:i6u6 se:u$lity $nd to physi,$l types th$t ,on5or6 to the p$tri$r,h$l sense o5 $ttr$,ti4eness $nd nor6$l,y 5or the #o6en. F$t #o6en, 5or inst$n,e, $ppe$r only r$rely, $s do pre!n$nt #o6en. 2n 3ustr$li$, 198 , $ 5e6$le $nnoun,erIreporter #$s b$rred 5ro6 $ppe$rin! on s,reen #hen she #$s 4isibly pre!n$nt. (he in4o*ed the l$# on se:u$l dis,ri6in$tion, #on her ,$se, $nd #$s $llo#ed to introdu,e $n oper$. 1ut the 4oyeuristi, ple$sure o5 the 6$le reGuires $n J$4$il$bleK #o6$n, so th$t she ,$n be possessed by the loo*8 $ pre!n$nt #o6$n, ho#e4er se:u$lly $ttr$,ti4e, is not $4$il$ble 5or possession in the s$6e #$y. -22;1ut this 4ie# o5 ple$sure ,$n only $,,ount 5or some o5 tele4isionDs $ppe$l. 2n p$rti,ul$r, it $llo#s 5or no possibility o5 resist$n,e to the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd no possibility o5 4ie#er-!ener$ted 6e$nin!s, or $t le$st, th$t there is no ple$sure to be !$ined 5ro6 these possibilities. "leas/re and social control 1$rthesDs <197 b= t#o5old notion o5 ple$sure pro4ides one #$y o5 $ddressin! these di55i,ulties. Ae uses the #ords plaisir $nd %ouissance to distin!uish bet#een t#o di55erent types o5 ple$sure produ,ed in the re$din! o5 $ te:t. Ae stresses th$t ple$sure, o5 either type, is not to be 5ound in the te:t itsel5, but in its ,on?un,ture #ith the re$derM the theory

is ,on,erned not #ith #h$t the te:t is but #ith #h$t it does$ Ae 5reGuently uses the 6et$phor o5 the e,ono6y o5 the te:t, $ 6et$phor th$t li*ens the !ener$tion $nd ,ir,ul$tion o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures to the !ener$tion $nd ,ir,ul$tion o5 #e$lth. +he #ords or i6$!es in the te:t $re e:,h$n!ed 5or ple$sure, the ,o66odity th$t the re$der buys is not $ sense o5 the #orld, but ple$sure in the pro,esses o5 representin! $nd 5i!urin! th$t #orld. Freud, thou!h not Guoted dire,tly by 1$rthes, is lur*in! ?ust belo# the sur5$,e o5 his theory, 5irstly in 1$rthesDs $ssu6ption th$t hu6$n bein!s $l#$ys see* ple$sure $nd $4oid unple$sure, $nd se,ondly in his belie5 th$t ple$sure in our so,iety $l#$ys produ,es t#o poli,e6en - $ politi,$l one $nd $ psy,ho$n$lyti, one. &le$sure is, in #estern so,ieties, typi,$lly ,l$ssed $s $n indul!en,e, the e:pression o5 sel5ishness, idleness, 4$nity $nd thus produ,ti4e o5 !uilt. +he Chur,hDs ,onst$nt $tte6pt to ,urb the Jple$suresK o5 the 5lesh #$s e$!erly t$*en up by ,$pit$lis6 $nd tr$ns5or6ed into the &rotest$nt #or* ethi, #ith its $,,ept$n,e o5 only th$t ple$sure #hi,h h$d been Je$rnedK $nd #hi,h #$s used responsibly <i.e. to prep$re the #or*er 5or 6ore #or*=. 1ennett <1983$= h$s tr$,ed the #$ys in #hi,h the nineteenth-,entury 6iddle ,l$sses $tte6pted to ,ontrol $nd ,h$nnel the leisure o5 the e6er!in! #or*in! ,l$ss into ideolo!i,$lly $,,ept$ble 5or6s. +he lon! tr$dition o5 $tt$,*s on tele4ision <pre,eded by $tt$,*s on ,o6i,s $nd other popul$r 5or6s= is p$rt o5 this 6o4e6ent. +he $tt$,*s use the dis,ourses o5 6or$lity, le!$lity, or $estheti,s in order to displ$,e their $,tu$l ori!in in ,l$ss-b$sed so,i$l po#er. +ele4ision is i66or$l, the $r!u6ents typi,$lly run, be,$use it sho#s e:tr$6$rit$l se:, or it under6ines l$# $nd order in its !lori5i,$tion o5 4iolen,e $nd ,ri6e, $nd it de!r$des peopleDs $bility to dis,ri6in$te throu!h its ,rudities, its ,r$ssness, $nd its $ppe$l to the lo#est ,o66on deno6in$tor. (i6il$r $r!u6ents #ere used to b$n the popul$r 5$irs $nd 5esti4$ls in the nineteenth ,entury <see '$ites, 1ennett, $nd M$rtin 1982= $nd ste6 5ro6 the s$6e un4oi,ed 5e$r th$t the ple$sures o5 the subordin$te ,l$sses $re ne,ess$rily disrupti4e be,$use they lie outside the ,ontrol o5 the bour!eoisie. 1ut ,l$ss po#er is ob4iously open to ,ontest$tion, so ple$sure ,$nnot be suppressed openly in the n$6e o5 ,l$ss8 r$ther $tte6pts to ,ontrol it h$4e to be seen to #or* throu!h 6ore uni4ers$lly $,,epted $nd thus less ,h$llen!e$ble dis,ourses su,h $s those o5 6or$lity, the l$#, or $estheti,s. -227C$stin! the popul$r $s the de!r$ded, the ille!$l, or the i66or$l ?usti5ies the poli,in! $,tion o5 the bour!eoisie in their ,onst$nt $tte6pts to de4$lue or ,urb it. 2t $lso le!iti6$tes 1$rthesDs psy,ho$n$lyti, poli,e6$n $nd the !uilt throu!h #hi,h he #or*s. +he histories o5 ,$pit$lis6 $nd o5 Christi$nity sho# ho# their 5e$r o5 ple$sure $s disrupti4e, $s hostile to their so,i$l po#er, produ,es the desire to sub?e,t it to 6or$l, e,ono6i,, $nd politi,$l ,ontrol. For 1$rthes ple$sure is opposed to ideolo!i,$l ,ontrol, thou!h plaisir less so th$n %ouissance$ Plaisir is $ 6und$ne ple$sure th$t is essenti$lly ,on5ir6in!, p$rti,ul$rly o5 oneDs sense o5 identity. 2t is $ produ,t o5 ,ulture $nd the sense o5 identity produ,ed by th$t ,ulture. 'hile Mul4eyDs <197 = 6$s,uline ple$sure o5 6$instre$6 ,ine6$ 6$y be si6il$r to plaisir, 1$rthes $llo#s, in the #$y th$t Mul4ey does not, 5or $n opposition$l ple$sure.

+he ple$sure e:perien,ed by 6ore liber$l or e4en r$di,$l 4ie#ers o5 !ill "treet Blues or Cagney and Lacey is $ 5or6 o5 plaisir to be 5ound in ,on5ir6in! their so,i$l identity $s one th$t opposes or $t le$st interro!$tes do6in$nt so,i$l 4$lues. 1$rthes !i4es ,o6p$r$ti4ely little $ttention to plaisir, yet it is this 6ore 6und$ne, e4eryd$y sort o5 ple$sure th$t is prob$bly 6ore typi,$l o5 tele4ision. +he ,onditions under #hi,h tele4ision is nor6$lly #$t,hed $re not ,ondu,i4e to th$t intensity o5 e:perien,e #hi,h is ne,ess$ry 5or %ouissance$ 1ut plaisir, #ith its stron!er politi,$l $nd so,i$l di6ension, 6$y be $t le$st $s pro!ressi4e $nd interro!$ti4e $ 5or6 o5 ple$sure $s %ouissance #hose roots see6 to lie pri6$rily in ideolo!i,$l e4$sion. Plaisir, too, is plur$l8 the 4$riety o5 so,i$l identities it ,on5ir6s reGuires us to thin* o5 $ di4ersity o5 plaisirs, #here$s there is only one %ouissance$ 3nd di4ersity is, itsel5, both $n $!en,y $nd $n e55e,t o5 resist$n,e. Eouissance is tr$nsl$ted into %n!lish $s bliss, e,st$sy, or or!$s6, $nd 1$rthes ,onst$ntly uses se:u$l 6et$phors to e:pl$in it. 2t is $ ple$sure o5 the body, e:perien,ed throu!h hei!htened sensu$lities th$t rel$te it to hu6$n n$ture, r$ther th$n ,ulture. 2t is produ,ed by the physi,$l si!ni5iers o5 the te:t - the J!r$inK th$t so6e sin!in! 4oi,es h$4e, but others, te,hni,$lly $s per5e,t, l$,*. 2t is lo,$ted in the body o5 the te:t $nd is responded to by the body o5 the re$der - 1$rthes <197 b= uses #ords li*e 5lesh, thro$t, p$tin$, 4oluptuousness, to des,ribe it. 2t is, he s$ys, $n $rti,ul$tion o5 the body, not o5 6e$nin! or o5 l$n!u$!e8 -228the l$n!u$!e lined #ith 5lesh, $ te:t #here #e ,$n he$r the !r$in o5 the thro$t, the p$tin$ o5 ,onson$nts, the 4oluptuousness o5 4o#els, $ #hole ,$rn$l stereophony8 the $rti,ul$tion o5 the body, o5 the ton!ue, not th$t o5 6e$nin!, o5 l$n!u$!e. 3 ,ert$in $rt o5 sin!in! ,$n !i4e $n ide$ o5 this lo,$l #ritin!M but sin,e 6elody is de$d, #e 6$y 5ind it 6ore e$sily tod$y $t the ,ine6$. 2n 5$,t, it su55i,es th$t the ,ine6$ ,$pture the sound o5 spee,h close up <this is, in 5$,t, the !ener$li7ed de5inition o5 the J!r$inK o5 #ritin!= $nd 6$*e us he$r in their 6$teri$lity, their sensu$lity, the bre$th, the !uttur$ls, the 5leshiness o5 the lips, $ #hole presen,e o5 the hu6$n 6u77le <th$t the 4oi,e, th$t #ritin!, be $s 5resh, supple, lubri,$ted, deli,$tely !r$nul$r $nd 4ibr$nt $s $n $ni6$lDs 6u77le= to su,,eed in shi5tin! the si!ni5ied $ !re$t dist$n,e $nd in thro#in!, so to spe$*, the $nony6ous body o5 the $,tor into 6y e$r8 it !r$nul$tes, it ,r$,*les, it ,$resses, it !r$tes, it ,uts, it ,o6es8 th$t is bliss <%ouissance=$ <pp. ;;-7= Eouissance es,$pes the ,ontrol o5 ,ulture $nd o5 6e$nin! by Jdist$n,in! the si!ni5iedK $nd thus 5ore!roundin! the si!ni5ier, p$rti,ul$rly the #$y it is 6$teri$li7ed <the !r$in, the bre$th o5 the 4oi,e, the 5leshiness o5 the lips=. 2t is 5ound in the 6$teri$l body o5 the si!n, in the sensu$lity o5 the body o5 the re$der. 2n this #$y it is $l#$ys eroti, $nd its pe$* is properly des,ribed $s or!$s6. Eouissance o,,urs $t the 6o6ent o5 the bre$*do#n o5 ,ulture. J"either ,ulture nor its destru,tion is eroti,8 it is the se$6 bet#een the6, the 5$ult, the 5lo#, #hi,h be,o6es soK <1$rthes 197 b8 7=. (e:u$l or!$s6 is the 6o6ent #hen the body es,$pes ,ulture, or, $t le$st, 6$*es th$t es,$pe $ppe$r possible. +he body $nd its sensu$lities oppose sub?e,ti4ity, they pro4ide $ ple$sure th$t is not to be 5ound in the sub?e,t $nd its ,onstru,tion in ,ulture by ideolo!y.

+he ,lose-ups in so$p oper$ 6$y produ,e %ouissance$ +he intense 6$teri$lity o5 e6otion in the 6$!ni5ied Gui4er o5 the 6outhDs ,orner, the n$rro#in! o5 the eyes, the bre$thy #etness o5 the 4oi,e 6$y produ,e te$rs in the 4ie#er Guite independent o5, or e4en ,ounter to, the n$rr$ti4e o5 #h$t is s$id, o5 #h$t is 5elt, $nd the #$y they #or* in the sub?e,ti4ity. +he loss is e:perien,ed in the body $s the loss o5 sub?e,ti4ity. <%,st$sy or or!$s6 ,$n, o5 ,ourse, produ,e te$rs $s $n $ppropri$te physi,$l response. = J3 !ood ,ryK #hi,h 1ro#n <1987$= identi5ies $s one o5 the ple$sures o5 so$p oper$ is not only the plaisir o5 e:pressin! e6otions $nd $n identity #hi,h so,i$l li5e 5reGuently represses, but o5ten the %ouissance o5 re$din! #ith the body, o5 est$blishin! $ presen,e th$t is outside ,ulture, outside ideolo!y, be,$use it is not ,on,erned #ith 6e$nin! <either o5 sel5 or o5 the #orld= but #ith presen,e $nd intensity. -229'hile the distin,tion bet#een plaisir $nd %ouissance is o5ten di55i,ult to 6$*e in pr$,ti,e, the i6port$n,e o5 1$rthesDs theory lies in its shi5t o5 $ttention to re$ders in their di55eren,es $#$y 5ro6 the ,entr$l, uni4ers$l notions o5 ple$sure deri4in! 5ro6 $ 6i: o5 psy,ho$n$lysis $nd ideolo!y. &le$sure is de,entr$li7ed $nd is p$rt o5 the re$din! th$t ,re$tes $ te:t out o5 $ #or* <see ,h$pter ;=M ,entr$l to it, then, is the sense th$t the re$der h$s so6e ,ontrol o4er the produ,tion o5 6e$nin!. Lo4ell <1983= o55ers $n $,,ount o5 ple$sure th$t h$s super5i,i$l si6il$rities to Mul4eyDs be,$use it is !ender-spe,i5i,, $nd to 1$rthesDs, be,$use it $d6its o5 resistin! ple$sures, but di55ers 5ro6 both in its histori,$l spe,i5i,ity #hi,h inserts it into p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6. (he su!!ests th$t the ,le$r di4ision est$blished by nineteenth-,entury ,$pit$lis6 bet#een the publi,-politi,$l #orld o5 the 6$n $nd the pri4$te-do6esti, #orld o5 the #o6$n h$s resulted in the 5e6ini7$tion o5 ple$sure in the #$y it h$s been ,on5ined to pri4$te $nd person$l li5e, #hile the #orld o5 Jthe seriousK h$s been le5t to the 6$s,uline. 1ut her e$rlier #or* <Lo4ell 1980= h$s sho#n ho# popul$r ple$sures ,$n be resisti4e, so #e 6$y $r!ue th$t the pri4$ti7$tion o5 ple$sure $llo#s 5or its $rti,ul$tion in the body $nd the senses, $nd its 5e6ini7$tion $llo#s it to be $rti,ul$ted #ith the ,ulture o5 the repressed. (,h#i,htenbur! <198;= insists th$t Jit is i6port$nt . . . to render ple$sure out o5 bounds, K 5or this sort o5 ple$sure lies in the re5us$l o5 the so,i$l ,ontrol ins,ribed in the Jbounds. K 'hile there is ,le$rly $ ple$sure in e:ertin! so,i$l po#er, the popul$r ple$sures o5 the subordin$te $re ne,ess$rily 5ound in resistin!, e4$din!, or o55endin! this po#er. &opul$r ple$sures $re those th$t e6po#er the subordin$te, $nd they thus o55er politi,$l resist$n,e, e4en i5 only 6o6ent$rily $nd e4en i5 only in $ li6ited terr$in. "leas/re, play, and control 1$rthes <1977,= su!!ests th$t the ple$sure o5 ,re$tin! $ te:t out o5 $ #or* in4ol4es pl$yin! #ith the te:t, $nd he e:ploits the 5ull polyse6y o5 Jpl$yK in his ide$s. Firstly, he s$ys, the te:t h$s Jpl$yK in it, li*e $ door #hose hin!es $re loose. +his Jpl$yK is e:ploited by the re$der #ho Jpl$ysK the te:t $s $ 6usi,i$n pl$ys $ s,ore8 sIhe interprets it, $,ti4$tes it, !i4es it $ li4in! presen,e. 2n doin! this, the re$der pl$ys $ te:t $s one pl$ys $ !$6e8 sIhe 4olunt$rily $,,epts the rules o5 the te:t in order to p$rti,ip$te in the pr$,ti,e th$t those rules 6$*e possible $nd ple$sur$bleM the pr$,ti,e is, o5 ,ourse, the produ,tion o5 6e$nin!s $nd identities. 2n $ te:t, $s in $ !$6e, the rules $re there to ,onstru,t $ sp$,e

#ithin #hi,h 5reedo6 $nd ,ontrol o5 sel5 $re possible. 0$6es $nd te:ts ,onstru,t ordered #orlds #ithin #hi,h the pl$yersI re$ders ,$n e:perien,e the ple$sures o5 both 5reedo6 $nd ,ontrol8 in p$rti,u l$r, 5or our purposes, pl$yin! the te:t in4ol4es the 5reedo6 o5 6$*in! $nd ,ontrollin! 6e$nin!s. -230Freud dr$#s our $ttention to the in5$ntDs J5ort-d$K !$6e in #hi,h the ,hild ,ontinu$lly thro#s $#$y $ lo4ed ob?e,t only to de6$nd its return. Ais e:pl$n$tion is th$t the !$6e is en$,tin! the dis$ppe$r$n,e $nd re$ppe$r$n,e o5 the 6other, $nd th$t in pl$yin! it the ,hild is not only sy6boli7in! his or her $n:ieties $bout the 6otherDs return, but is $lso be!innin! to use sy6bols to ,ontrol the 6e$nin!s o5 his or her en4iron6ent, $nd in so doin! is e:plorin! the rel$tionship bet#een the re$l $nd its represent$tion. &$l6er <198;= pro4ides 6$ny e:$6ples o5 ,hildren pl$yin! #ith tele4ision. 3t the si6plest le4el, ,hildren en?oyed the ,ontrol th$t the set !$4e the6 o4er the si!ni5iers the6sel4es - they pl$yed #ith the ,h$nnel s#it,hes or tunin! buttons to distort the i6$!e or 6$*e it dis$ppe$r $nd re$ppe$r in $ sort o5 ele,troni, 5ort-d$ !$6e. (he ,o66ents on one, not untypi,$l, p$ir8 J&$rt o5 the deli!ht o5 36y $nd her brother see6ed to ,o6e 5ro6 pl$yin! out their 6$stery o4er the little bo:K <p. 8=. +his e6po#erin! pl$y #ith the 6e,h$nis6 o5 reprodu,tion e:tended to pl$yin! #ith the represent$tions the6sel4es. (o6eti6es this too* the 5or6 o5 5$irly str$i!ht5or#$rd reen$,t6ent, $s #hen !irls in the s,hooly$rd repl$yed s,enes 5ro6 the pre4ious ni!htDs episode o5 Prisoner, but so6eti6es these reen$,t6ents #ere s$tiri,$l - they #ere ,riti,$l re5or6ul$tions o5 represent$tions o5 #hi,h the ,hildren dis$ppro4ed. +he 5$,t th$t ,hildren e:plored their tele4ision sho#s 5ro6 inside their e:perien,e o5 #$t,hin! the6 inste$d o5 $doptin! the $dult ,riti,$l 6ethod o5 tre$tin! the6 $s ob?e,ts 5or $n$lysis in no #$y in4$lid$tes the ,riti,$l pro,ess in #hi,h they #ere en!$!ed. 2ndeed, ,hildrenDs pl$y 6$y be 6ore produ,ti4e th$n $dult ,riti,is6, 5or it ,$n in4ol4e $ re6$*in! o5 the pro!r$6 to suit their so,i$l e:perien,e th$t is 6ore ,re$ti4e th$n the dis6issi4e ne!$ti4ity typi,$l o5 so 6$ny $dults. +his Jre6$*in!K is $ sour,e o5 ple$sure $nd po#er8 M$*e-belie4e pl$y $nd pretendin! is ,o66only $sso,i$ted #ith !ood 5eelin!s, #ith Jinterest $nd ?oyK. Rese$r,hers h$4e su!!ested th$t this is be,$use pl$y is $ *ind o5 Jpo#er tr$ns5or6$tion by #hi,h the ,hild . . . re,onstitutes $ 6ini$ture #orld #hi,h 5ollo#s his or her rulesK <(in!er $nd (in!er 19808 1=. <&$l6er 198;8 113= (i6il$rly, (e$l $r!ues th$t ,hildrenDs !$6es 5reGuently e:plore the bound$ry bet#een the sy6boli, $nd the re$l. +he $r!u6ents bet#een the ,hild #ho pl$ys $,,ordin! to the rules - J)ouDre de$dK - $nd the one #ho brin!s Jre$lityK into it - J"o 2D6 not - see 2D6 still bre$thin!K - $re $r!u6ents $bout #ho h$s the po#er to ,onstru,t $ represent$tion o5 re$lity th$t is bindin! upon others. -231+his is 5und$6ent$lly si6il$r to the pl$y o5 #o6en 4ie#ers o5 so$p oper$ th$t both 3n! <198 = $nd Aobson <1982= report. +he ple$sure o5 these 4ie#ers in pl$yin! #ith the

rel$tionship bet#een the represent$tion $nd the re$l Guestions the po#er o5 the pro!r$6 to ,ontrol the represent$tion$l illusion $nd is $ #$y o5 e:er,isin! ,ontrol o4er their o#n 4ie#in! pr$,ti,es. +heir $,ti4e ,hoi,e o5 #ho6 to Jidenti5yK #ith <e.!. (ue %llen or &$6el$ in allas= $nd their ,hoi,e to identi5y or not in the pro,ess th$t 2 h$4e ,$lled Ji6pli,$tion-e:tri,$tionK $re both e:$6ples o5 e:ertin! ,ontrol throu!h pl$y. +he pl$y 6$y not in itsel5 be resisti4e or sub4ersi4e, but the ,ontrol or e6po#er6ent th$t it ent$ils produ,es $ sel5-estee6 in the subordin$te th$t $t le$st 6$*es resist$n,e or sub4ersion possible. R$d#$y <1984= h$s 5ound th$t so6e #o6en re$ders o5 ro6$n,e no4els reported th$t they ,hose to re$d the no4els in the 5$,e o5 husb$ndly dis$ppro4$l $nd 5ound 6e$nin!s in the6 th$t supported 5e6inine 4$lues $nd ,riti,i7ed 6$s,uline ones. +his ,hoi,e $nd this 4$lid$tion o5 $ subordin$ted 4$lue syste6 !$4e the6 the sel5,on5iden,e to $ssert the6sel4es 6ore stron!ly $nd to resist the p$tri$r,h$l po#er o5 the 6$le in the 5$6ily. (i6il$rly, $ study o5 youn! !irl 5$ns o5 M$donn$ <Fis*e 1987$= sho#ed th$t $ 6$?or sour,e o5 their ple$sure #$s M$donn$Ds ,ontrol o4er her o#n i6$!e <or 6e$nin!= $nd the sense th$t this ,ontrol ,ould be de4ol4ed to the6. +hey ,onsistently s$# M$donn$ $s $ #o6$n #ho used the dis,ourse o5 p$tri$r,h$l se:u$lity to $ssert her ,ontrol o4er th$t dis,ourse $nd there5ore o4er her o#n se:u$lity. Aer se:u$lity #$s not represented in 6usi, 4ideo $s $ sour,e o5 ple$sure 5or 6en, but 5or hersel5 $nd her !irl 5$ns. (he used si!ns $nd i6$!es 5ro6 $ 6$s,uline dis,ourse in order to $ssert her independen,e 5ro6 6en, 5ro6 6$le $ppro4$l, $nd there5ore 5ro6 th$t dis,ourse. +his #$s $ p$rti,ul$rly i6port$nt sour,e o5 ple$sure 5or youn! !irls be,$use, $s 'illi$6son <198;= points out8 she ret$ins $ll the br$4$do $nd e:hibitionis6 th$t 6ost !irls st$rt o55 #ith until the onset o5 J#o6$nhoodK *no,*s it out o5 the6. . . . (he does in publi, #h$t 6ost !irls do in pri4$te, li*e $ little !irl in $n $dult #orld #ith no one to s$y J"oK. +his !i4es $n enor6ous sense o5 rele$sed ener!y, #hi,h is itsel5 positi4e. . . . 3nd M$donn$ is ne4er $ 4i,ti6, ne4er p$ssi4e, SherT person$ is one o5 ,ons,ious ebullient ,on5iden,e in her se:u$l i6$!e, utterly une6b$rr$ssed8 this is the e:$,t opposite o5 the sense o5 sh$6e th$t poisons youn! !irlsD en?oy6ent o5 their o#n bodies 5ro6 the 6o6ent they open $ teen$!e 6$!$7ine. <p. 47= M$donn$Ds 6usi, 4ideos e:plore this bound$ry bet#een the rules th$t ,on4ention$lly !o4ern the represent$tion o5 se:u$lity in p$tri$r,hy $nd the so,iose:u$l e:perien,e o5 youn! !irls $nd their sub,ultur$l needs. +hey r$pidly $dopted the M$donn$ Jloo*K #hi,h tore the si!ns o5 ,on4ention$l 5e6$le 5$shion <l$,y !lo4es, ribbons, reli!ious ?e#elry, pero:ided h$ir, et,. = out o5 their ori!in$l ,onte:t $nd thus 5reed the6 5ro6 their ori!in$l 6e$nin!s. +he 6e$nin!s o5 the M$donn$ loo*, $s o5 the M$donn$ 4ideos, ,$nnot be pre,isely spe,i5ied. 1ut th$t is pre,isely the point, the ple$sure th$t they !i4e is not the ple$sure o5 what they s$y, but o5 their $ssertion o5 the ri!ht $nd the po#er o5 $ se4erely subordin$ted sub,ulture to 6$*e their o#n st$te6ents, their o#n 6e$nin!s. M$donn$Ds in4it$tion to her !irl 5$ns to pl$y #ith the ,on4entions o5 p$tri$r,hy sho#s the6 th$t they $re not ne,ess$rily sub?e,t to those ,on4entions but ,$n e:er,ise so6e ,ontrol o4er their rel$tionship to p$tri$r,hy $nd thus o4er the sense o5 their identity. -232-

M$donn$Ds e6ph$sis on style, on Jthe M$donn$ loo*, K is $ deni$l o5 6e$nin! $nd o5 the ideolo!y $nd po#er th$t it #ould be$r. 2t is $n $ssertion o5 the sur5$,e - the ,ru,i5i: is $ sh$pe not $ 6e$nin! - o5 the si!ni5ier, $nd o5 the e$se #ith #hi,h the po#erless ,$n pl$y #ith i6$!esI,o66odities to !$in the po#er $nd ple$sure o5 6$*in! their o#n person$li7ed i6$!e-identity. Rules h$4e ins,ribed #ithin the6 both the po#er they ,on4ey $nd its ori!in. 0illi!$n <1982= 6$*es the point th$t 6en in p$tri$r,hy thin* $nd #or* throu!h rules, be,$use rules $llo# the6 to do6in$te8 the #o6en pl$yin! #ith the syste6 o5 represent$tion in so$p oper$ $re li*e ,hildren pl$yin! in th$t both subordin$ted J,l$ssesK $re usin! pl$y to Guestion the rules th$t 6$int$in their subordin$tion. Rules, then, #or* in $ si6il$r #$y to ideolo!y to 6$int$in the po#er b$se in its ,urrent lo,$tion. Li*e ideolo!y, they e6$n$te 5ro6 $ so,io,entr$l sour,e $nd $tte6pt to ,onstru,t so,i$l identities in rel$tion to this so,io,entr$lity. 1ut ple$sure is not produ,ed or e:perien,ed ,entr$lly8 ple$sure is de,entered or ,entri5u!$l. (o the s,hool studentsD re$din!s o5 Prisoner <,h$pter = #ere ple$sur$ble be,$use they #ere ,entered in their interests, #ere in their ,ontrol, $nd be,$use they resisted the ,entered, ,entripet$l po#er th$t ,onst$ntly #or*ed to sub?e,t the6. M$ny o5 the pro!r$6s th$t $re 6ost popul$r #ith ,hildren $re produ,ti4e o5 this ,entri5u!$l ple$sure th$t Guestions the rules $nd the ,entr$l ,ontrol o5 the syste6. 1$rthesDs shi5t 5ro6 his e$rlier #or* #here he s$# ideolo!y $s ,entr$l to the underst$ndin! o5 te:ts in ,ulture <e.!. Mythologies= to his 5ore!roundin! o5 ple$sure <e.!. The Pleasure of the Te<t= is $ shi5t 5ro6 the ,entripet$l to the ,entri5u!$l. +he ,entri5u!$l 6odel o5 ple$sure $llo#s 5or $ di4ersity o5 ple$sures J$round the ,ir,u65eren,eK $nd su!!ests $ line o5 5or,e in $,ti4e opposition to the ,entripet$l 5or,e th$t $tte6pts to ,enter ,ontrol $t $ point o5 ideolo!i,$l $nd so,i$l unity. (o 1$rthes 6o4es $#$y 5ro6 see*in! to e:pl$in $ te:t by re5errin! to its sin!ul$r ideolo!y to#$rds the plur$lity o5 ple$sures it ,$n o55er in its 6o6ents o5 re$din!. &le$sure 6$y be pro'o+ed by the te:t, but it ,$n only be e<perienced by the re$der in the re$din!. 2t ,$n thus di55er 5ro6 re$der to re$der, $nd e4en 5ro6 re$din! to re$din!. 1$rthes su!!ests th$t $ny one re$der re$din! $ny one te:t $t di55erent ti6es 6$y e:perien,e di55erent ple$sures, or none, $t e$,h re$din!. 'hile this notion lo,$tes ple$sure in the re$der r$ther th$n the te:t $nd e6ph$si7es di55eren,e r$ther th$n ho6o!eneity, it does i6ply $ r$ndo6ness #hi,h is little help in e:pl$inin! the pro,ess. -2332 #ould pre5er to su!!est th$t the 4$riety o5 ple$sures is $ 5un,tion o5 the 4$riety o5 so,i$lly situ$ted 4ie#ers. For those in e$sy $,,o66od$tion #ith the do6in$nt ideolo!y, this ple$sure #ill be ,on5or6in! $nd re$,tion$ry, but it #ill still be e:perien,ed $s sel5!ener$ted8 the sub?e,t #ill 5eel th$t he or she is 4olunt$rily $doptin! $ so,i$l position th$t h$ppens to ,on5or6 to the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd is 5indin! !enuine ple$sure in it. +his, o5 ,ourse, is ple$sure $,tin! $s the 6otor o5 he!e6ony. 1ut 5or those #hose $,,o66od$tion to the syste6 is less ,o6plete, $n essenti$l ,o6ponent o5 ple$sure 6ust be $n e4$sion, or $t le$st $ ne!oti$tion, o5 do6in$nt

ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e, the $bility to sh$*e onesel5 5ree 5ro6 its ,onstr$ints. +his then opens up sp$,es 5or sub,ultures or !roups to 5ind their o#n ple$sures in rel$tionship to the ideolo!y they $re e4$din!. &le$sure, in this sub,ultur$l role, helps to preser4e $nd le!iti6$te the hetero!eneity o5 so,iety $nd is thus properly seen $s opposition$l to the ho6o!eni7in! 5or,e o5 ideolo!y $nd ,$n be su66ed up $s the ple$sureIpo#er to be di55erent. +ele4ision, li*e the so,iety it ser4es, ,ont$ins both tenden,ies in $,ti4e ,ontr$di,tion. "leas/re and r/le 1rea5ing @ne o5 the ple$sures o5 pl$y is its $bility to e:plore the rel$tionships bet#een rules $nd 5reedo6. Rules $re the 6e$ns by #hi,h so,i$l ,ontrol is e:er,ised, $nd result in $ so,i$l order th$t #or*s to ,ontrol the disrupti4e, $n$r,hi, 5or,es o5 n$ture. &l$y en$,ts the opposition bet#een 5reedo6 $nd ,ontrol, bet#een n$ture $nd ,ulture. Aui7in!$ <1949= ,on,ludes th$t pl$y, or the spirit o5 pl$y, is essenti$l to $ll ,ultur$l 5or6s, in,ludin! those o5 l$#, #$r, diplo6$,y, business, 6$rri$!e, edu,$tion, $nd the $rts. +he essen,e o5 pl$y is th$t it is 4olunt$ry $nd there5ore 5ree, $nd th$t it ,re$tes order. +he order th$t it ,re$tes is in the ,ontrol o5 the pl$yers or, $t le$st, is one 4olunt$rily $,,epted by the6, but the orderliness is ne4er tot$l, 5or it h$s built into it ,h$n,iness, the i6possibility o5 *no#in! #h$t #ill h$ppen. +he 6$in stru,turin! prin,iple o5 pl$y is the tension bet#een so,i$l order $nd the J5reedo6K o5 $n$r,hy or ,h$n,e. 2n sport this tension is $s ,ontrolled $s possible, te,hni,$lly by the re5eree $nd so,i$lly by the surroundin! 6or$l syste6 o5 JresponsibilityK th$t ,enters sport into the do6in$nt ideolo!y. (o JresponsibleK tele4ision ,o4er$!e $nd ,o66ent$ry underpins the $uthority o5 the re5eree $nd the ideolo!y o5 J5$ir pl$yK #hi,h 6e$ns pl$yin! both #ithin the rules $nd the l$r!er JspiritK o5 the !$6e. 1ut Jpopul$rK t$ste de6$nds th$t tele4ision 7oo6 in on the 6o6ents o5 rule-bre$*in!, the 5ouls $nd 5i!hts, the pro5ession$l Jpl$ysK th$t oper$te on or beyond the bound$ries o5 the rules. -2342n Roc+ -n- ,restling <see ,h$pter 13=, 5or e:$6ple, the i6poten,e o5 the re5eree is $ 6$?or p$rt o5 the ple$sure. +he ,onst$nt rule bre$*in! o5 the #restlers $nd their ,o$,hes indi,$tes their re5us$l to $,,ept the so,i$l roles i6posed upon the6. +his ,$n be re$d spe,i5i,$lly, $s the ,on5li,t bet#een #ild, Jn$tur$lK 6$s,ulinity $nd so,i$l ,ontrol, or it ,$n si!ni5y 6ore !ener$lly the $rbitr$riness o5 rules $nd roles, $nd the Jn$tur$lnessK o5 bre$*in! or e:,eedin! the6. (i6il$rly, in TA Bloopers and Practical Eo+es #h$t $ppe$rs to be the Jn$tur$lness o5 the re$lK bre$*s throu!h the roles $nd the rules o5 nor6$l, ,on4ention$l tele4ision. 1oth pro!r$6s $re pl$y5ul $nd ple$sur$ble in si6il$r #$ys 5or they de6onstr$te th$t rule-!o4erned syste6s $re both $rbitr$ry $nd 5r$!ile. Rules $re one o5 the he!e6oni, 5or,es throu!h #hi,h the do6in$nt try to #in the ,onsent o5 the subordin$te to the ,ontrol o5 their Junruliness. K +he ple$sures o5 bre$*in! rules or e:posin! their $rbitr$riness $re resisti4e ple$sures o5 the subordin$te. M$ny o5 the sho#s th$t !i4e ple$sure to ,hildren pl$y #ith the li6its o5 rule-!o4erned syste6s. (ho#s li*e Ripley-s Belie'e >t or )ot, or .rthur C$ Clar+e-s Mysterious ,orld,

e:plore the #onders o5 n$ture th$t e:ist on or beyond the 6$r!in o5 r$tion$l s,ienti5i, e:pl$n$tion. +he sho#s de6onstr$te ho# n$ture itsel5 *eeps bre$*in! throu!h the rules th$t h$4e been de4ised in order to underst$nd $nd 6$ster it. "$tur$l history do,u6ent$ries, #hi,h $re $dult 4ersions o5 these sho#s, $re 6u,h less interro!$ti4e $nd s*epti,$l o5 the rules. +hey tend to be either s,ienti5i, $nd edu,$tion$l, in #hi,h ,$se they e:e6pli5y s,ien,eDs po#er to e:pl$in $nd $,,ount 5or the #onders o5 n$ture, or they $re un$b$shedly $nthropo6orphi,, su,h $s 6$ny o5 those produ,ed by '$lt Cisney. 2n this ,$se they either ,onstru,t n$ture $s $ 6i,ro,os6 o5 the 36eri,$n suburbs, in #hi,h ,ute b$by $ni6$ls $re prote,ted $nd pro4ided 5or by their h$rd-pressed p$rents until they $re old enou!h to 5end 5or the6sel4es, or they 6$*e n$ture into so6ethin! 5or hu6$n bein!s to #onder $t, $ #onder th$t ,elebr$tes $n in!enious $nd intri,$te syste6 o5 li5e on e$rth o5 #hi,h #e $re i6pli,itly $ p$rt <see +urner 198 =. 2n either ,$se they $re rule-bound, $nd their ple$sures $re ideolo!i,$lly ,on5or6ist $nd ,elebr$tory, $nd $4$il$ble 6$inly to those #ho h$4e $,,o66od$ted, or $re in the pro,ess o5 $,,o66od$tin!, the6sel4es to the so,i$l syste6. +his type o5 n$tur$l history pro!r$6 is 5reGuently p$rent$lly $ppro4ed 4ie#in! 5or ,hildren8 Ripley-s Belie'e >t or )ot is 6ore li*ely to be p$rent$lly 5ro#ned upon but en?oyed by the ,hildren. -23 Empo9ering play +he pl$y th$t produ,es this 6ultipli,ity o5 ple$sures 5or the subordin$te h$s $ nu6ber o5 de5inin! ,h$r$,teristi,s. First, it is stru,tured $,,ordin! to rules $nd ,on4entions th$t repli,$te, but o5ten in4ert, those th$t oper$te in so,iety. Nnli*e the rules o5 the so,i$l #orld, the rules o5 pl$y $re 4olunt$rily $dopted 5or they deli6it the sp$,e #ithin #hi,h the pl$yer ,$n e:er,ise ,ontrol o4er 6e$nin!s $nd e4ents. (e,ond, the pl$yer $dopts $ role o5 his or her ,hoosin!8 e4en thou!h the repertoire o5 roles 6$y be li6ited, the sense o5 ,hoi,e is 5$r !re$ter th$n in the $doption o5 the $lre$dy #ritten roles th$t so,iety prep$res 5or us. +his 4olunt$ry $doption o5 pl$yer-,hosen roles #ithin pl$yer-,hosen rules is liber$tin! in th$t it in4erts the pro,ess o5 so,i$l sub?e,tion. +he pl$yer ,$n i6pli,$te hi6- or hersel5 into $ role in pl$y in $ #$y th$t 6$*es th$t role $ppe$r $s Jre$lK $s the roles pl$yed in so,i$l li5e8 the di55eren,e lies in the pl$yerDs $bility to i6pli,$te hi6Ihersel5 in, or e:tri,$te hi6Ihersel5 5ro6, the role $t #ill in $n e6po#erin! $nd ,ontrolled 6o4e6ent bet#een the #orld o5 pl$y $nd the #orld o5 the so,i$l. 2n so 5$r $s pl$y is $ represent$tion o5 ,ert$in $spe,ts o5 the so,i$l #orld, the po#er o5 pl$y in4ol4es the po#er to pl$y #ith the bound$ry bet#een the represent$tion $nd the re$l, to insert onesel5 into the pro,ess o5 represent$tion so th$t one is not sub?e,ted by it, but, ,on4ersely, is e6po#ered by it. +he ple$sures o5 pl$y deri4e dire,tly 5ro6 the pl$yersD $bility to e:ert ,ontrol o4er rules, roles, $nd represent$tions - those $!en,ies th$t in the so,i$l $re the $!en,ies o5 sub?e,tion, but in pl$y ,$n be $!ents o5 liber$tion $nd e6po#er6ent. &l$y, 5or the subordin$te, is $n $,ti4e, ,re$ti4e, resisti4e response to the ,onditions o5 their subordin$tion8 it 6$int$ins their sense o5 sub,ultur$l di55eren,e in the 5$,e o5 the in,orpor$tin! 5or,es o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y. +he ple$sures o5 tele4ision $re best understood not in ter6s o5 $ ho6o!eneous psy,holo!i,$l 6odel, but r$ther in those o5 $ hetero!eneous, so,io,ultur$l one.

2n 6$ny #$ys pl$y is $ 6ore produ,ti4e ,on,ept th$n ple$sure be,$use it $sserts its $,ti4ity, its ,re$ti4ity. &l$y is $,ti4e ple$sure8 it pushes rules to the li6its $nd e:plores the ,onseGuen,es o5 bre$*in! the6M ,entr$li7ed ple$sure is 6ore ,on5or6ist. +ele4ision 6$y #ell produ,e both sorts o5 ple$sure, but its typi,$l one is the pl$y5ul ple$sure th$t deri4es 5ro6, $nd en$,ts, th$t sour,e o5 $ll po#er 5or the subordin$te, the po#er to be di55erent. "leas/re and te4t/ality +ele4isionDs pl$y5ulness is $ si!n o5 its se6ioti, de6o,r$,y, by #hi,h 2 6e$n its dele!$tion o5 produ,tion o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures to its 4ie#ers. +he re$din! rel$tions th$t it in4ites $re ones o5 !re$ter or lesser eGu$lity. 2ts un#rittenness 6e$ns th$t it does not set itsel5 up $s the authority <the pun bet#een J$uthorK $nd J$uthorityK is 5$r 5ro6 $,,ident$l=8 it h$s no sin!ul$r $uthori$l 4oi,e proposin! $ sin!ul$r #$y o5 loo*in! $t the #orld. +he $uthor role is dele!$ted to, or $t le$st sh$red #ith, its 4ie#ers. +ele4ision is $ produ,erly te:t th$t in4ites $ produ,erly set o5 re$din! rel$tions8 the produ,tion o5 6e$nin! is sh$red bet#een te:t $nd 4ie#er so th$t tele4ision does not preser4e its $uthori$l po#er $nd pri4ile!e. -23;1y 5ore!roundin! its $uthori$l role $nd there5ore its te:tu$lity, it o55ers the 4ie#er $,,ess to its dis,ursi4e pr$,ti,e. 2n sport $nd ne#s, 5or inst$n,e, the dis,ursi4e stru!!le o5 the $uthor 5un,tion th$t is in4ol4ed in 6$*in! sense o5 e4ents $s they h$ppen is 6$de 4isible $nd there5ore $,,essible. (ho#in! e4ents, or r$ther represent$tions o5 the6, $lon!side their n$rr$ti4i7$tion into ,o66ent$ry or ne#s story, opens up the pro,ess o5 th$t n$rr$ti4i7$tion, $nd the di55eren,e bet#een it $nd the Jli4eK e4ents di55erently represented by the ,$6er$ 6$*e the pro,ess o5 represent$tion 4isible $nd thus p$rt o5 the 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures o5 the pro!r$6. 2n sport the $uthori$l role is pl$yed by the ,o66ent$tors - but their JstoryK is told $s the 4ie#er #$t,hes the !$6e Jli4e. K +his Jli4eK !$6e is, o5 ,ourse, still 6edi$ted but it h$s $ hi!her 6od$lity th$n the ,o66ent$ry, $nd $ny ,ontr$di,tions bet#een the hi!h 6od$lity o5 the <less #ritten= !$6e $nd the lo# 6od$lity o5 the ,o66ent$torDs story o5 the !$6e in4ite the 4ie#er to dis$!ree, to produ,e his or her 6e$nin!s <$nd one h$s only to #$t,h $ 5ootb$ll !$6e #ith $ !roup o5 5$ns to see ho# e$!erly this in4it$tion is $,,epted=. +ele4ision sport sets itsel5 up to be dis$!reed #ith, its produ,erliness in4ites 4ie#er-6$de 6e$nin!s. +his in4it$tion to dis$!ree ,$n be p$rt o5 the $uthori$l 5un,tion, $s #hen t#o or 6ore o5 the on-s,reen ,o66ent$torsIe:perts o55er di55erent JstoriesK o5 e4ents in the !$6e. More i6port$ntly, ho#e4er, tele4isionDs o#n dis,ursi4e repertoire !i4es to the 4ie#er $uthori$l *no#led!e $nd the po#er to produ,e 6e$nin!s th$t !oes #ith it. +he ,onst$nt 5lo# o5 b$,*!round $nd st$tisti,$l in5or6$tion, o5 repl$ys 5ro6 $ll $n!les $nd $t $ll speeds, o5 di$!r$66$ti, e:pl$n$tions o5 t$,ti,s, $ll !i4e the 4ie#er the insider in5or6$tion th$t is nor6$lly the preser4e $nd pri4ile!e o5 the $uthor, to be rele$sed by hi6Iher in ,ontrolled doses throu!hout the pro!ress o5 the n$rr$ti4e. 'e donDt need Fou,$ult to tell us th$t *no#led!e $nd po#er $re ,losely lin*ed, thou!h he #$s the 5irst to propose th$t the 6$tri: o5 *no#led!eI po#erIple$sure 5or6ed one o5 the 6ost i6port$nt 5or,es in so,iety. +he sh$rin! o5 $uthori$l *no#led!e $nd $uthori$l po#er is produ,ti4e o5 ple$sure.

2n tele4ision ne#s <$s #e sh$ll see in ,h$pter 1 = the $uthor role o5 the studio $n,hor is set in $ si6il$r rel$tionship to the e4ents represented in the $,tu$lity 5il6 or inter4ie#s $s th$t o5 the sports ,o66ent$tors to the !$6e. (o #hen the J$uthorK 6$*es $ J6$n$!e6ent senseK o5 $n industri$l dispute resultin! in po#er ,uts, but the union spo*esperson on 5il6 s$ys th$t it #$s 6$n$!e6ent #ho s#it,hed o55 the li!hts <see ,h$pter 1 =, the in4it$tion to the 4ie#er to dis$!ree 6$y be less e:pli,it th$n in sport, but it is there none the less, $nd is $n essenti$l p$rt o5 the ple$sure o5 #$t,hin! it. "e#s, li*e sport, $lso uses ele,troni, e55e,ts $nd !r$phi,s th$t dr$# $ttention to its o#n te:tu$lity, its o#n ,onstru,tedness. -237+here is $ si6il$r trend, too, in the tele4ision sho#s th$t $ppe$r to be 6ost Jre$listi,, K by #hi,h 2 6e$n the ones th$t $re 6ost si6il$r to $ no4el or $ 5il6 #ith their in4isible $uthors. Cop $nd ,ri6e sho#s $re in,re$sin!ly 5ore-!roundin! their o#n te:tu$lity. 2n Moonlighting, perh$ps the 6ost sophisti,$ted o5 the6, the ,h$r$,ters C$4id $nd M$ddy 6$y suddenly #$l* o55 the set, or in their di$lo!ue bl$6e the #riters 5or its short,o6in!s. 2n one episode, 5or e:$6ple, M$ddy is depressed $nd re5uses to rise to C$4idDs te$sin!. 'hen she $s*s #hy they h$4e to $r!ue, his reply is, J)ou *no# #e $l#$ys do, you #$t,h the sho# on +uesd$y ni!hts. K 'hen ,$u!ht in $ lo,*ed hotel roo6 #ith $ ,orpse $nd $ !un in his h$nd, C$4id loo*s $t the ,ops $nd s$ys, J'h$t $ situ$tionO +h$n* 0od 2D6 only $n $,torOK +his sel5-re5le:i4ity <#hi,h M$,C$be $nd F$pl$n list $s $ reGuire6ent o5 $ r$di,$l te:t= h$s lon! been $ st$ple o5 ,o6edy8 sho#s li*e "aturday )ight Li'e <see M$r, 1984=, $nd Monty Python-s Flying Circus depend upon their 4ie#ersD $#$reness o5 tele4isionDs dis,ursi4e pr$,ti,es 5or their hu6or. 3 6ore re,ent e:$6ple o5 this te:tu$lly de,onstru,ti4e ,o6edy is The *oung Bnes$ 2n one episode o5 this, 5or inst$n,e, the 5ollo#in! di$lo!ue o,,urs8 R2CF8 <loo+ing out of the window= 3h, here ,o6es the post6$n. B2B8 Ri,*, youDre so borin!, #hy do you $l#$ys tell us #h$tDs !oin! to h$ppenH R2CF8 1e,$use this is $ studio sho# $nd they ,$nDt $55ord to use lo,$tion shots. +ele4isionDs 5ore!roundin! o5 its o#n te:tu$lity is not $l#$ys $s e:pli,it $s here or in Moonlighting$ 2n sho#s li*e Miami Aice $nd others th$t h$4e been in5luen,ed by it, su,h $s "tingray, or, to $ lesser e:tent, !unter, de4i,es su,h $s e:,essi4e stylishness, sel5,ons,ious ,$6er$ #or*, un6oti4$ted editin!, $nd the o,,$sion$l bre$*in! o5 the 180P rule, brin! its te:tu$lity 5or#$rd $s $ sour,e o5 ple$sure in its o#n ri!ht. +he 6ode o5 represent$tion is 6$de 4isible $nd thus the rel$tionship bet#een the represent$tion $nd the re$l is brou!ht into Guestion. @5 ,ourse, the 4ie#ers #ere $he$d o5 the produ,ers in this. Aobson <1982= $nd 3n! <198 = h$4e both sho#n th$t 6u,h o5 the ple$sure o5 the 4ie#ers o5 so$p oper$ lies in pl$yin! #ith the bound$ry bet#een the represent$tion $nd the re$l. +heir po#er to do this h$s been in,re$sed by the 5$n 6$!$7ines $nd other se,ond$ry te:ts #hi,h !i4e the6 $n insider *no#led!e th$t is bro$dly si6il$r to th$t !i4en by tele4ision itsel5 to the sports 5$n or the ne#s 4ie#er. +his ,$n, in so6e inst$n,es, double the te:tu$l ple$sure by pro4idin!

$ J!host te:tK li*e the !host i6$!e on $ poorly tuned tele4ision set. (o the 5$n #ith the insider *no#led!e o5 the Jre$lK rel$tionship bet#een, s$y, 0eor!e &epp$rd $nd Mr +, ,$n re$d the !host i6$!e o5 this rel$tionship $s sIhe #$t,hes A$nnib$l $nd 1. 3. inter$,t on The .;Team$ +he presen,e o5 this !host te:t, o5 ,ourse, dr$#s $ttention, ho#e4er 6utedly, to the te:tu$lity o5 the represent$tion. -238+ele4isionDs in,re$sin!ly sophisti,$ted 4ie#ers $re de6$ndin! $,,ess to tele4isionDs 6ode o5 represent$tion. +heir ple$sure in tele4ision is not e:pl$ined by the e$se #ith #hi,h they ,$n $,,o66od$te the6sel4es to its ideolo!i,$lly produ,ed 6e$nin!s $nd sub?e,t positions. 3 better e:pl$n$tion o5 the ple$sures o5 tele4ision lies in underst$ndin! it $s $ te:t o5 ,ontest$tion #hi,h ,ont$ins 5or,es o5 ,losure $nd o5 openness $nd #hi,h $llo#s 4ie#ers to 6$*e 6e$nin!s th$t $re sub,ultur$lly pertinent to the6, but #hi,h $re 6$de in resist$n,e to the 5or,es o5 ,losure in the te:t, ?ust $s their sub,ultur$l identity is 6$int$ined in resist$n,e to the ideolo!i,$l 5or,es o5 ho6o!eni7$tion. 1ut #e need $ theory o5 ple$sure th$t !oes beyond 6e$nin!s $nd ideolo!y, $ theory o5 ple$sure th$t ,enters on the po#er to 6$*e 6e$nin!s r$ther th$n on the 6e$nin!s th$t $re 6$de. +his is the thrust o5 #h$t 2 h$4e ,$lled tele4isionDs Jse6ioti, de6o,r$,y, K its openin! up o5 its dis,ursi4e pr$,ti,e to the 4ie#er. +ele4ision is $ Jprodu,erlyK 6ediu68 the #or* o5 the institution$l produ,ers o5 its pro!r$6s reGuires the produ,erly #or* o5 the 4ie#ers $nd h$s only li6ited ,ontrol o4er th$t #or*. +he re$din! rel$tions o5 $ produ,erly te:t $re essenti$lly de6o,r$ti,, not $uto,r$ti, ones. +he dis,ursi4e po#er to 6$*e 6e$nin!s, to produ,e *no#led!es o5 the #orld, is $ po#er th$t both pro!r$6 produ,ers $nd produ,erly 4ie#ers h$4e $,,ess to. +ele4isionDs 5ore!roundin! o5 its dis,ursi4e repertoire, its de6ysti5i,$tion o5 its 6ode o5 represent$tion, $re the ,entr$l ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 its produ,erliness. +hey reGuire, $nd, 6ore i6port$ntly, $re reGuired by, the $,ti4e, sophisti,$ted, $nd tele4isu$lly liter$te 4ie#er. +hey o55er the 4ie#er t#o sorts o5 produ,erly ple$sures8 the one is the ple$sure o5 6$*in! sub,ultur$lly pertinent 6e$nin!s, but the 6ore i6port$nt one is the ple$sure in the pro,ess o5 6$*in! 6e$nin!s, th$t is, o4er $nd $bo4e $ny ple$sure in the 6e$nin!s th$t $re 6$de. +he ple$sure $nd the po#er o5 6$*in! 6e$nin!s, o5 p$rti,ip$tin! in the 6ode o5 represent$tion, o5 pl$yin! #ith the se6ioti, pro,ess - these $re so6e o5 the 6ost si!ni5i,$nt $nd e6po#erin! ple$sures th$t tele4ision h$s to o55er. -239Chapter 1. Carnival and style 2n the l$st ,h$pter 2 $r!ued th$t popul$r ple$sure ne,ess$rily ,ont$ined ele6ents o5 resist$n,e. +he ideolo!i,$l ple$sure o5 re,o!nition, by #hi,h the 4ie#er re,o!ni7es $nd ,on5ir6s his or her ideolo!i,$lly ,onstru,ted sub?e,ti4ity, is essenti$lly $ lo# le4el o5 ple$sure, i5, indeed, it is ple$sur$ble $t $ll. Co65ort $nd ple$sure do not ne,ess$rily !o to!ether. 2n this ,h$pter 2 #ish to e:plore #$ys in #hi,h so6e o5 the popul$r ple$sures o55ered by tele4ision ,$n e4$de, resist, or s,$nd$li7e ideolo!y $nd so,i$l ,ontrol. +his tenden,y ,$n o5ten be seen 6ost ,le$rly in Je:tre6eK 5or6s o5 tele4ision, su,h $s

#restlin! or ro,* 4ideo, but 2 #ish to sho# th$t these Je:tre6itiesK $re not $,tu$lly untypi,$l, but th$t the s$6e tenden,ies ,$n be 5ound in sho#s li*e Miami Aice or in ,o66er,i$ls. +he line o5 $r!u6ent th$t 2 #ish to 5ollo# to lin* su,h $pp$rently disp$r$te sho#s is one th$t ,enters on the role o5 the si!ni5ier, on the body, $nd on the sur5$,e. 2ts ,ore is the notion th$t ideolo!y #or*s throu!h the si!ni5ieds $nd the sub?e,ti4ity to ,onstru,t $nd ,ontrol 6e$nin!s o5 sel5 $nd o5 so,i$l rel$tions. +his ,$n be resisted on its o#n ter6s by produ,in! ,ounter-ideolo!ies, ,ounter-6e$nin!s th$t ser4e the interests o5 the subordin$te r$ther th$n those o5 the do6in$nt. 1ut there is $n $ltern$ti4e se6ioti, str$te!y o5 resist$n,e or e4$sion th$t re5uses to $,,ept the terr$in #ithin #hi,h ideolo!y #or*s so #ell, $nd inste$d substitutes one th$t 5$4ors popul$r ple$sures r$ther th$n so,i$l ,ontrol. +his terr$in en,o6p$sses the si!ni5ier, the body, $nd physi,$l sens$tion. +hese t#o opposin! terr$ins ,$n be rel$ted in ter6s o5 the 5ollo#in! oppositions8 >deology si!ni5ied 6e$nin!s depth sub?e,ti4ity responsibility sense unity ho6o!eneity +A% +%RR32" @F C@"+R@L 8 Popular pleasures 8 si!ni5ier 8 physi,$l sens$tions 8 sur5$,e 8 the body, physi,$lity 8 5un 8 non-sense 8 5r$!6ent$tion 8 hetero!eneity 8 +A% +%RR32" @F R%(2(+3"C%IR%FN(3L -240+he ter6 Jresist$n,eK is used in its liter$l sense, not in its 6ore o4ertly politi,$l or e4en re4olution$ry one o5 $tte6ptin! to o4erthro# the so,i$l syste6. R$ther it re5ers to the re5us$l to $,,ept the so,i$l identity proposed by the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd the so,i$l ,ontrol th$t !oes #ith it. +he re5us$l o5 ideolo!y, o5 its 6e$nin!s $nd ,ontrol, 6$y not o5 itsel5 ,h$llen!e the do6in$nt so,i$l syste6 but it does resist in,orpor$tion $nd it does 6$int$in $nd stren!then $ sense o5 so,i$l di55eren,e th$t is $ prereGuisite to $ny 6ore dire,t so,i$l ,h$llen!e. +he opposition o5 popul$r ple$sures to so,i$l ,ontrol 6e$ns th$t they $l#$ys ,ont$in the potenti$l 5or resist$n,e or sub4ersion8 the 5$,t th$t this sub4ersi4e or resisti4e $,ti4ity is se6ioti, or ,ultur$l r$ther th$n so,i$l or e4en 6ilit$ry does not denude it o5 $ny e55e,ti4ity. (o,iopoliti,$l syste6s depend 5in$lly upon ,ultur$l syste6s, #hi,h is to s$y th$t the 6e$nin!s people 6$*e o5 their so,i$l rel$tions $nd the ple$sures th$t they see* ser4e in the l$st inst$n,e to st$bili7e or dest$bili7e th$t so,i$l syste6. Me$nin!s $nd ple$sures h$4e $ !ener$l $nd dispersed so,i$l e55e,ti4ity, thou!h 6$ybe not $ dire,t $nd de6onstr$ble so,i$l e55e,t. @ne o5 the ,ru,i$l Guestions then is #hose $re the 6e$nin!s, #hose $re the ple$suresH 1$*htin <19;8= $ppro$,hed this throu!h his theory o5 ,$rni4$l #hi,h he de4eloped in order to $,,ount 5or the popul$rity o5 R$bel$is. +he physi,$l e:,esses o5 R$bel$isDs #orld $nd their o55ensi4eness to the est$blished order e,hoed ele6ents o5 the 6edie4$l ,$rni4$l8

both #ere ,on,erned #ith bodily ple$sure in opposition to 6or$lity, dis,ipline, $nd so,i$l ,ontrol. +ele4isionDs sense o5 the body 6$y be 6ore 6uted th$n #$s R$bel$isDs, but the #orld o5 the ,$rni4$l, $s theori7ed by 1$*htin, ,$n ne4ertheless pro4ide so6e use5ul points o5 ,o6p$rison #ith the popul$r ple$sures th$t tele4ision o55ers. +he ,$rni4$l, $,,ordin! to 1$*htin, #$s ,h$r$,teri7ed by l$u!hter, by e:,essi4eness <p$rti,ul$rly o5 the body $nd the bodily 5un,tions=, by b$d t$ste $nd o55ensi4eness, $nd by de!r$d$tion. +ele4ision is 5reGuently $,,used o5, or 6ore r$rely pr$ised 5or, these s$6e 4i,es or 4irtues. +he R$bel$isi$n 6o6ent $nd style #ere ,$used by $ ,ollision o5 t#o l$n!u$!es, the hi!h, 4$lid$ted l$n!u$!e o5 ,l$ssi,$l le$rnin!, $nd the lo#, 4ern$,ul$r l$n!u$!e o5 the 5ol*. 3 si6il$r se6ioti, tension e:ists in tele4ision bet#een its o55i,i$l, ideolo!i,$l l$n!u$!e, $nd the 4ern$,ul$r, lo# l$n!u$!es it ,$rries, thou!h ,ont$ins #ith di55i,ulty, $nd th$t 6$y ,ollide he$lthily #ith its o55i,i$l 4oi,e. +he ,$rni4$lesGue is the result o5 this ,ollision $nd is $ test$6ent to the po#er o5 the Jlo#K to insist upon its ri!hts to $ pl$,e in the ,ulture. +he ,$rni4$l ,onstru,ts $ Jse,ond #orld $nd $ se,ond li5e outside o55i,i$ldo6K <p. ;=, $ #orld #ithout r$n* or so,i$l hier$r,hy. C$rni4$l ,elebr$ted te6por$ry liber$tion 5ro6 the pre4$ilin! truth $nd 5ro6 the est$blished order8 it 6$r*ed the suspension o5 $ll hier$r,hi,$l r$n*, pri4ile!es, nor6s $nd prohibitions. <p. 10= -2412ts 5un,tion #$s to liber$te, to $llo# $ ,re$ti4e pl$y5ul 5reedo6, +o ,onse,r$te in4enti4e 5reedo6 . . . to liber$te 5ro6 the pre4$ilin! point o5 4ie# o5 the #orld, 5ro6 ,on4entions $nd est$blished truths, 5ro6 ,li,hVs, 5ro6 $ll th$t is hu6dru6 $nd uni4ers$lly $,,epted. <p. 34= 2n ,$rni4$l li5e is sub?e,t only to Jthe l$#s o5 its o#n 5reedo6K <p. 7=. C$rni4$l is $n e:$!!er$tion o5 pl$y, the sp$,e 5or 5reedo6 $nd ,ontrol th$t !$6es o55er is opened up e4en 5urther by the #e$*enin! o5 the rules th$t ,ont$in it. Li*e pl$y, ,$rni4$l $bides by ,ert$in rules th$t !i4e it $ p$ttern, but unli*e pl$y <#hose rules tend to repli,$te the so,i$l=, ,$rni4$l in4erts those rules $nd builds $ #orld upside do#n, one stru,tured $,,ordin! to the lo!i, o5 the Jinside outK th$t pro4ides J$ p$rody o5 the e:tr$,$rni4$l li5eK <p. 7=. 3s #e s$# in the l$st ,h$pter, 6$ny ,hildrenDs sho#s test the bound$ries o5 the rules $nd sho# $ #orld th$t es,$pes their ,ontrol. C$rtoons $nd ,o6edies 5reGuently in4ert Jnor6$lK rel$tionships $nd sho# the $dult $s in,o6petent, un$ble to underst$nd, $nd the ,hildren $s superior in insi!ht $nd $bility. 3ltern$ti4ely Jin4ertedK $dults $re ,onstru,ted 6ore sy6p$theti,$lly $nd $re tre$ted $s honor$ry ,hildren. 1. 3. in The .;Team is $ ,$rni4$lesGue 5i!ure8 he is $n in4erted $dult, $n honor$ry ,hild, he is e:,essi4e, is $ll body, $nd 4er!es on the !rotesGue. Ais bl$,*ness spe$*s the Jlo#K l$n!u$!e o5 ,$rni4$l. Ae o55ers, in $ 6uted 5or6, to those #ho identi5y #ith hi6, the in4it$tion to p$rti,ip$te in the 6o6ent$ry liber$tion 5ro6 the l$#s o5 so,i$l ,ontrol, $s, be5ore hi6, did the !rotesGue !reen torso o5 The >ncredible !ul+$

+he pr$,ti,$l ?o*es pl$yed on the st$rs in TA Bloopers and Practical Eo+es $nd on the publi, in Candid Camera #or* $,,ordin! to the Jlo!i, o5 the inside out. K +hey depend on rules #hi,h $re in4ersions o5 the nor6$l $nd #hi,h the pl$yersIspe,t$tors *no# but the J4i,ti6sK do not. +he Candid Camera l$dy #ho ,o$sted $ ,$r #ithout $n en!ine into $ 5illin! st$tion $t the botto6 o5 $ hill $nd $s*ed the $ttend$nt to ,he,* the oil $nd plu!s #$s in4ertin! the Jpre4$ilin! truth, K #$s es,$pin! 5ro6 J$ll th$t is hu6dru6 $nd uni4ers$lly $,,epted. K 3llo#in! the 4ie#er to be Jin the *no#K $nd to p$rti,ip$te in the ?o*e re4erses the po#er rel$tions in4ol4ed in #$t,hin! nor6$l tele4ision, #hen it is the 4ie#er #ho l$,*s *no#led!e #hi,h those on the s,reen possess $nd i6p$rt. +here is $ si6il$rly e6po#erin! in4ersion o5 4ie#in! rel$tions in the pr$,ti,$l ?o*es pl$yed on the st$rs in TA Bloopers and Practical Eo+es8 the 4ie#er *no#s th$t the pr$t5$ll #ill ,o6e, the 4ie#er *no#s the s,ript in $d4$n,eM it is the st$r, the per5or6er, in the position o5 i!nor$n,e. +hese 6o6ents ,ont$in other ele6ents o5 the ,$rni4$lesGue8 JS+he ,$rni4$lT belon!s to the borderline bet#een $rt $nd li5e. 2n re$lity, it is li5e itsel5, but sh$ped $,,ordin! to $ ,ert$in p$ttern o5 pl$yK <p.7=. -242JLi5eK eruptin! throu!h $rt, $s st$rs 5or!et their lines or !et the !i!!les, or $s sports6en lose their te6pers $nd bre$* the rules, ,rosses th$t borderline bet#een re$lity $nd represent$tion in the s$6e #$y $s do the 4ie#ers o5 so$p oper$. +he ple$sure in4ol4ed is ,$rni4$lesGue, 5or it is the ple$sure o5 the subordin$te es,$pin! 5ro6 the rules $nd ,on4entions th$t $re the $!ents o5 so,i$l ,ontrol. C$rni4$l is ,on,erned #ith bodies, not the bodies o5 indi4idu$ls, but #ith the Jbody prin,iple, K the 6$teri$lity o5 li5e th$t underlies $nd pre,edes indi4idu$lity, spiritu$lity, $nd so,iety. +he st$!e prop th$t re5uses to #or*, the door th$t intr$nsi!ently re5uses to open, redu,es the indi4idu$l per5or6er to $ body #restlin! #ith $n ob?e,t8 it is $ represent$tion o5 the le4el o5 6$teri$lity on #hi,h $ll $re eGu$l, #hi,h suspends the hier$r,hi,$l r$n* $nd pri4ile!e th$t nor6$lly !r$nts the st$r po#er o4er the 4ie#er. +he st$r redu,ed to helpless l$u!hter is ?oined in l$u!hter by the 4ie#er $nd both be,o6e eGu$l l$u!hin! bodies. +he de!r$d$tion o5 ,$rni4$l is liter$lly $ brin!in! do#n o5 $ll to the eGu$lity o5 the body prin,iple. Rock !restli g Roc+ -n- ,restling is $ ,$rni4$l o5 bodies, o5 rule-bre$*in!, o5 !rotesGuerie, o5 de!r$d$tion $nd spe,t$,le. 1$rthes <1973= $lerts us to the 5un,tion o5 #restlin! $s $ popul$r spe,t$,le in ter6s th$t $re re6$r*$ble si6il$r to those used by 1$*htin to des,ribe ,$rni4$l. 1oth $uthors re5er to the commedia dell-arte $s $n institution$li7ed 5or6 o5 popul$r spe,t$,le th$t ,$n $,t $s $n e:pl$n$tory re5eren,e point. 1oth point to the ,entr$lity o5 the body, to e:,ess, e:$!!er$tion, $nd !rotesGueness. 1oth re5er to the spe,t$,le $s $n i6port$nt prin,iple, $nd to the #$y th$t #restlin! or ,$rni4$l e:ists on the borderline o5 $rt $nd not-$rt <or li5e=. 1$*htin <19;88 , 11= 5inds three 6$in ,ultur$l 5or6s o5 5ol* ,$rni4$l8 <1= ritu$l spe,t$,les <2= ,o6i, <4erb$l= ,o6positions - in4ersions, p$rodies, tr$4esties, hu6ili$tions, pro5$n$tions, ,o6i, ,ro#nin!s $nd un,ro#nin!s

<3= 4$rious !enres o5 1illin!s!$te - ,urses, o$ths, popul$r bl$7ons. +he spe,t$,ul$r in4ol4es $n e:$!!er$tion o5 the ple$sure o5 loo*in!. 2t e:$!!er$tes the 4isible, 6$!ni5ies $nd 5ore!rounds the sur5$,e $ppe$r$n,e, $nd re5uses 6e$nin! or depth. 'hen the ob?e,t is pure spe,t$,le it #or*s only on the physi,$l senses, the body o5 the spe,t$tor, not in the ,onstru,tion o5 $ sub?e,t. (pe,t$,le liber$tes 5ro6 sub?e,ti4ity. 2ts e6ph$sis on e:,essi4e 6$teri$lity 5ore!rounds the body, not $s $ si!ni5ier o5 so6ethin! else, but in its presence$ 1$rthes $r!ues th$t the physi,$lity o5 the #restlers is their 6e$nin!8 +h$u4in does not st$nd 5or i!nobility $nd e4il, 5or his body, his !esture, his posture are i!nobility $nd e4il. 3ll #restlers in Roc+ -n- ,restling h$4e e:,essi4e bodies $nd the ritu$ls they per5or6 $re e:,essi4ely physi,$l - the 5ore$r6 s6$sh, the 5lyin! body sl$6, the h$66er, the pile-dri4er $re 6o4e6ents #hose 6e$nin! is the ,l$sh o5 5lesh on 5lesh8 the 5or6s they t$*e e6ph$si7e the spe,t$,ul$r, the physi,$l 5or,e, r$ther th$n their e55e,ti4ity in J#innin!K the ,ontest8 the i66obility o5 $ #restler in $ hold is Jthe spe,t$,le o5 su55erin!K <1$rthes 19738 20=. For they $re 6o4e6ents o5 ritu$l, not the s*ills o5 sport. 3s 1$rthes s$ys, the 5un,tion o5 $ #restler is not to #in or lose, but Jto !o e:$,tly throu!h the 6otions #hi,h $re e:pe,ted o5 hi6K <p. 1;=. +he hu6ili$tion $nd de!r$d$tion o5 de5e$t e:ist only in the body $nd helpless 5lesh o5 the 5$llen #restler, not in $ stru,ture o5 6or$l $nd so,i$l 4$lues th$t !i4es the6 J6e$nin!. K Aen,e the $udien,e, $nd the J4i,tor, K $re li,ensed to !lo$t o4er $nd !lory in the ,ru6pled body, $nd indeed the 4i,tor #ill 5reGuently ,ontinue his $tt$,*s on $nd de!r$d$tions o5 the 4$nGuished body $5ter he h$s been de,l$red the #inner, $5ter the bout h$s o55i,i$lly ended. 2n de5e$t, Jthe #restlerDs 5lesh is no lon!er $nythin! but $n unspe$*$ble he$p spre$d out on the 5loor, #here it soli,its relentless re4ilin! $nd ?ubil$tionK <1$rthes 19738 21= -2433 bout bet#een 3ndre the 0i$nt $nd 1i! /ohn (tud 5inished #ith 3ndre the J#inner. K Fin! Fon! 1undi, 1i! /ohnDs p$rtner in Jt$! #restlin!, K tore into the rin!, $pp$rently in $n un,ontroll$ble r$!e. 1i! /ohn suddenly !r$bbed 3ndreDs le!s, thro#in! hi6 on to his b$,*. 1undi, $ !ross 5i!ure #ith $ b$ld he$d $nd #ide e:p$nses o5 s6ooth #hite 5lesh, then e:e,uted $ nu6ber o5 body sl$6s upon the 0i$nt, brushin! the helpless re5eree out o5 the #$y $s he did so. +he ,o66ent$tor #$s e:,itedly $nd ?oy5ully s,re$6in!, J+his is despi,$ble, this is despi,$ble . . . ,o6e on re5eree, do so6ethin! e4en i5 itDs #ron!. +hereDs no #$y the re5eree . . . no #$y heDs !oin! to stop Fin! Fon! 1undi, #hoDs 5oulin! 3ndre . . . heDs ob4iously hurt, loo* $t th$t sternu6 bone ?ust sti,*in! ri!ht out thereOK. +he <$pp$rently= bro*en sternu6 bone o5 3ndre the 0i$nt be,$6e $n ob?e,t o5 spe,t$,le, di4or,ed 5ro6 the re$l so,i$l #orld o5 6or$l 4$lues $nd l$#, its 6e$nin! #$s its $ppe$r$n,e $s $ s#ellin! on the hu!e ,hest o5 3ndre th$t the ,$6er$ 7oo6ed in on, $s it did in the subseGuent inter4ie#. %$rlier in the bout, 1i! /ohn (tudDs 6$n$!er h$d thro#n hi6 $ hu!e p$ir o5 s,issors #ith #hi,h he #$s thre$tenin! to ,ut 3ndreDs h$ir. +he t#o 5ou!ht 5or the s,issors, #ith 3ndre 5in$lly 5or,in! 1i! /ohn to let the6 !o by sin*in! his teeth into the #rist o5 the h$nd holdin! the6. +he ,old steel o5 the s,issors $!$inst the s#e$tin! 5lesh o5 the #restlers, the

i6$!e o5 sh$rp teeth on yieldin! s*in, $ll hei!htened the physi,$lity o5 the ,ontest, the pl$ne o5 the body on #hi,h it o,,urred. -244+he ,$rni4$l 5or6 o5 in4ersion $nd p$rody is eGu$lly ,le$rly e:hibited. 3s #e noted in the l$st ,h$pter, the 6$in in4ersion is th$t bet#een ,ontrol $nd disruption. +he rules o5 the J!$6eK e:ist only to be bro*en, the re5eree only to be i!nored. 3 re!ul$r J,h$r$,terK on Roc+ -n- ,restling is JLord 3l5red A$yesK #ho pro4ides one or t#o Jupd$tesK o5 in5or6$tion $bout #restlers $nd the 'orld 'restlin! Feder$tion. Ais n$6e, his dress, $nd his $,,ent $ll p$rody the tr$dition$l %n!lish $risto,r$tM he is $ ,$rni4$lesGue 6et$phor o5 so,i$l po#er $nd st$tus #ho is there to be l$u!hed $t. +he so,i$l rules th$t he e6bodies $re to be bro*en $t the s$6e ti6e $s the in5or6$tion he i6p$rts is $,,epted. Rules or!$ni7e the so,i$l $nd the e4eryd$y $nd ,ontrol the sense #e 6$*e o5 it, they deter6ine not only beh$4iors $nd ?ud!6ents, but $lso the so,i$l ,$te!ories throu!h #hi,h #e 6$*e sense o5 the #orld. 2n ,$rni4$l ,$te!ories $re bro*en $s enthusi$sti,$lly $s rules8 the #restlersD 6$n$!ers 5i!ht $s o5ten $s the #restlers, #restlers not o55i,i$lly in4ol4ed ?oin in the bouts, the ropes #hi,h sep$r$te the rin! <the $re$ o5 ,ontest= 5ro6 the $udien,e $re i!nored $nd the 5i!ht spills into the $udien,e #ho be,o6e p$rti,ip$nts, not only 4erb$lly <see belo#= but physi,$lly. C$rni4$l does not *no# 5ootli!hts, in the sense th$t it does not $,*no#led!e $ny distin,tion bet#een $,tors $nd spe,t$tors. . . . C$rni4$l is not $ spe,t$,le seen by the people8 they li4e in it, $nd e4eryone p$rti,ip$tes be,$use its 4ery ide$ e6br$,es $ll the people. <1$*htin 19;88 7= +his p$rti,ip$tion r$n!es 5ro6 the physi,$l - r$inin! <ine55e,ti4e= blo#s on one #restler, or helpin! the other to his 5eet - throu!h the 4erb$l - shoutin! en,our$!e6ent $nd $buse or holdin! up pl$,$rds - to the sy6boli, - #$4in! 6$ni*in doll 6odels o5 oneDs 5$4orite #restler, or #e$rin! his i6$!e on +-shirts. +he tele4ision ,$6er$ pl$ys on the ,ro#d, #ho per5or6s 5or it $s 6u,h $s do the #restlers8 the ,$te!ori,$l distin,tion bet#een spe,t$,le $nd spe,t$tor is $bolished, $ll p$rti,ip$te spe,t$,ul$rly in this in4erted, p$rodi, #orld. For #restlin! is $ p$rody o5 sport8 it e:$!!er$tes ,ert$in ele6ents o5 sport so th$t it ,$n Guestion both the6 $nd the 4$lues th$t they nor6$lly be$r. 2n sport, te$6s or indi4idu$ls st$rt eGu$l <see the ne:t ,h$pter= $nd sep$r$te out into #inners $nd losers. 2n Roc+ -n,restling the difference is typi,$lly $sserted $t the be!innin! o5 the bout. 1outs o5ten st$rt #ith one #restler <or $ p$ir= $lre$dy in the rin!, dressed ,on4ention$lly $nd 6ini6$lly in shorts or ti!hts, $nd !i4en $n e4eryd$y n$6e su,h $s +erry 0ibbs. +he ,$6er$ then ,uts to his opponent ,o6in! throu!h the ,ro#d, spe,t$,ul$rly dressed in ,$rni4$lesGue ,ostu6e $nd eGuipped #ith $n outl$ndish n$6e su,h $s JR$ndy M$,ho M$n ($4$!e, K J0i$nt A$yst$,*s, K J/un*y$rd Co!. K +he ,ontest is bet#een the nor6$l $nd the $bnor6$l, the e4eryd$y $nd the ,$rni4$lesGue. -24 -

Roc+ -n- ,restling re5uses J5$irness. K 2t is unfair$ "obody is !i4en $ Jsportin! ,h$n,eK $nd $nyone #ho $tte6pts to Jpl$y 5$irK is t$*en $d4$nt$!e o5 $nd su55ers $s $ result. )et the ,o66ent$tors return us $!$in $nd $!$in to this re?e,ted st$nd$rd $s $ point 5ro6 #hi,h to 6$*e sense o5 the $,tion. +he ple$sure lies not in the 5$irness o5 the ,ontest, but in the 5oul pl$y #hi,h Je:ists only in its e:,essi4e si!nsK <1$rthes 19738 22=. 'restlin! is $ tr$4esty o5 ?usti,e, or r$ther, ?usti,e is the e6bodi6ent o5 its possible $nd 5reGuent tr$ns!ression. J"$tur$lK ?usti,e, enshrined in so,i$l l$#, is in4ertedM the deser4in! $nd the !ood lose 6ore 5reGuently th$n they #in. 2t is the e4il, the un5$ir, #ho triu6ph in $ re4ers$l o5 6ost dr$6$ti, ,on5li,t on tele4ision. +here is $ J!rotesGue re$lis6K here th$t ,ontr$sts #ith the ide$li7ed Jpre4$ilin! truthK o5 the so,i$l order8 despite the o55i,i$l ideolo!y, the e:perien,e o5 6$ny o5 the subordin$te is th$t the un5$ir $nd the u!ly do prosper, $nd the J!oodK !o to the #$ll. 2n sport, the loser is not hu6ili$ted, or de!r$ded, but in Roc+ -n- ,restling he is, e:,essi4ely. (portDs respe,t 5or $ J!ood loserK is p$rt o5 its ,elebr$tion o5 the #inner, #restlin!Ds Jli,enseK 5or the b$d to #in $llo#s $lso the de!r$d$tion $nd hu6ili$tion o5 the loserDs body. (portDs $l6ost reli!ious respe,t !r$nted to the hu6$n body $nd to the indi4idu$l is here pro5$ned, bl$sphe6ed $!$inst. 3nd this body is $l6ost in4$ri$bly the 6$le body. Fe6$le #restlin! o,,urs, thou!h r$rely on tele4ision. 2t is interestin! to note th$t in its nontele4isu$l 5or6 in ,lubs $nd pubs it 5reGuently e:$!!er$tes the hu6ili$tion $nd de!r$d$tion e4en 5urther by bein! held in #et slippery 6ud. 2n tele4ision sport the 6$le body is !lori5ied, its per5e,tion, stren!th, $nd !r$,e ,$ptured in ,lose-up $nd slo# 6otion. Morse <1983= su!!ests th$t slo# 6otion, #hi,h is so ,h$r$,teristi, o5 sport on tele4ision but used 6ore r$rely in Roc+ -n,restling, h$s the e55e,t o5 6$*in! the 6$le body $ppe$r l$r!er in s,$le, $nd thus 6ore po#er5ul, $nd o5 presentin! it $s $ per5e,tion o5 $l6ost spiritu$l be$uty. (he ,ites the 0ree* ide$l o5 J*$l$!$thon, K in #hi,h the be$uti5ul 6$le body #$s lin*ed to so,i$l $nd politi,$l po#er. Follo#in! Mul4ey <197 =, she su!!ests th$t there is $ di55eren,e bet#een the 6$s,uline !$7e on $,ti4e 6o4in! 6$le bodies $nd upon p$ssi4e 5e6$le ones. (he di4ides this 6$s,uline !$7e upon the 6$le into t#o - one is $ s,ienti5i, in4esti!$ti4e loo* o5 the #ill to *no#, #hi,h is $ subli6$tion o5 the 4oyeuristi, loo* $nd produ,es $ repressed ho6oeroti, ple$sure. +he other deri4es its ple$sure 5ro6 the slo# 6otion repl$ys th$t produ,e the repetition th$t is $sso,i$ted #ith desire. +he 5e6$le spe,t$tor, ho#e4er, is di55erent. (he is tr$dition$lly the unin4ited obser4er <#hi,h presu6$bly !i4es her the po#er5ul position o5 the 4oyeur=, but the tele4isin! o5 sport h$s, $,,ordin! to Morse, eroti,i7ed the 6$le body so th$t it ,$n be,o6e $n ob?e,t o5 5e6inine desire $nd ple$sure. (he #onders i5 there h$s been $ si!ni5i,$nt shi5t in #h$t she des,ribes $s sportDs pre,$rious b$l$n,e bet#een Jpl$y $nd displ$yK <p. 4 =. 2n Jpl$y, K the loo* upon the 6$le body is tr$ns5or6ed into $n inGuiry into the li6its o5 hu6$n per5or6$n,e, in Jdispl$yK the loo* h$s no su,h $libi. 2n this ,onte:t she Guotes $ #$rnin! sounded by (tone <1971= th$t ,o66er,i$li7$tion #$s tr$ns5or6in! the inherently noble game into the inherently i!noble spectacleM she ,o66ents so6e#h$t s$rdoni,$lly, Jthe surest si!n o5 the de!r$d$tion o5 sport into spe,t$,le - $s 5$r $s (tone #$s ,on,erned - #$s the predo6in$n,e o5 5e6$le spe,t$torsK <p. 4 =. -24;-

+he Jli4eK $udien,e o5 Roc+ -n- ,restling in,ludes 6$ny, o5ten 4ery p$rti,ip$tory, 5e6$le spe,t$tors <#hose presen,e is ,$tered 5or in the n$6es o5 one t$! #restlin! p$ir, J1ee5,$*eK $nd JB$lentineK= $nd it 6$y #ell be th$t the ,onstru,tion o5 the 6$le body $s spe,t$,le 5or the 5e6$le 4ie#er is 6ore e6po#erin! th$n Morse $llo#s. Aer $,,ount o5 the ple$sures o55ered by the displ$y o5 the 6$le body in tele4ised sport le$4es it $estheti,i7ed $nd eroti,i7ed, $n ob?e,t o5 $d6ir$tion th$t ,$n still $ppropri$tely be$r the do6in$nt ideolo!y o5 p$tri$r,hy. 1ut in #restlin! the 6$le body is no ob?e,t o5 be$uty8 it is !rotesGue. 1$*htin su!!ests th$t the !rotesGue is lin*ed to $ sense o5 e$rthy re$lis6, indeed he t$l*s $bout J!rotesGue re$lis6. K +he re$lis6 o5 the !rotesGue is opposed to the J$estheti,s o5 the be$uti5ulK <p. 29= represented in sportDs 4ision o5 the per5e,t body. +he !rotesGue body is J,ontr$ry to the ,l$ssi, i6$!es o5 the 5inished, ,o6pleted 6$nK <p. 2 =M ,le$nsed o5, or liber$ted 5ro6, the so,i$l ,onstru,tion $nd e4$lu$tion o5 the body, it e:ists only in its 6$teri$lity. +he ple$sure o5 the 5e6$le 4ie#er here is di55erent 5ro6 th$t theori7ed by Morse. (eein! 6$s,uline stren!th $nd po#er e6bodied in u!liness $nd en!$!ed in e4il sets up ,ontr$di,tory ple$sures o5 $ttr$,tion $nd repulsion. +he e:,essi4eness o5 this stren!th, in $lli$n,e #ith its u!liness, opens $ sp$,e 5or opposition$l $nd ,ontr$di,tory re$din!s o5 6$s,ulinity8 the !rotesGueness o5 the bodies 6$y e6body the u!liness o5 p$tri$r,hy, $n u!liness th$t is te6pered #ith ,ontr$di,tory ele6ents o5 $ttr$,tion. +here is $ sense, too, in #hi,h this !rotesGueness liber$tes the 6$le 4ie#er 5ro6 the tyr$nny o5 the un$tt$in$bly per5e,t 6$le body th$t o,,upies so 6u,h o5 the Jnor6$lK tele4ision s,reen. 'restlin!Ds ,$rni4$l in4erts tele4isu$l nor6s $s su,,ess5ully $s so,i$l ones. +he third ,o6ponent o5 5ol* ,$rni4$l is its J1illin!s!$te, K its ,urses, o$ths, i6pre,$tions. 2n Roc+ -n- ,restling these $re both 4erb$l $nd non4erb$l, thou!h the 6ost e6ph$ti, $re o5ten the non4erb$l, ,$rried in #h$t 1$rthes ,$lls the J!r$ndiloGuen,eK <liter$lly, the e:,essi4e spee,h= o5 !esture, o5 posture $nd the body. +he #restlers Js#e$rK *ineti,$lly $t e$,h other, $t the re5eree, $t the spe,t$tors8 the spe,t$tors si6il$rly ,urse $nd ,heer, hold up pl$,$rds. +he bre$*in! o5 lin!uisti, ,on4entions is ob4iously J6odi5ied 5or +B, K in th$t $,tu$l obs,enities $nd bl$sphe6ies $re not per6itted, but the pro,ess o5 b$d 6outhin!, o5 insultin!, is enthusi$sti,$lly entered into. +he inter4ie#s bet#een the bouts ,onsist l$r!ely o5 #restlers l$udin! the6sel4es $nd b$d 6outhin! opponents. +his J1illin!s!$teK is typi,$lly deli4ered, not to the inter4ie#er, but dire,t to ,$6er$, in4ol4in! the ho6e 4ie#er in the pro,ess $s $,ti4ely $s the li4e $udien,e. J1illin!s!$teK is or$l, opposition$l, p$rti,ip$tory ,ulture, 6$*in! no distin,tion bet#een per5or6er $nd $udien,e. -247+he ,$rni4$lesGue p$rody o5 po#er $nd $uthority Guestions the #$y th$t po#er is e:er,ised in the e4eryd$y #orld, $nd ,entr$l to this irre4erent Guestionin! is its use o5 the body. Fou,$ult h$s re4e$led in det$il the #$ys in #hi,h #estern so,ieties h$4e 6$de the body into the site #here so,i$l po#er is 6ost ,o6pellin!ly e:erted. +he body is #here the po#er-be$rin! de5initions o5 so,i$l $nd se:u$l nor6$lity $re, liter$lly, e6bodied, $nd is ,onseGuently the site o5 dis,ipline $nd punish6ent 5or de4i$tion 5ro6 those nor6s. Cyer <198;= $r!ues th$t our ,ultureDs obsession #ith 6$*in! sense o5 the body is bour!eois ideolo!y $t #or*8 the se:u$li7$tion o5 the body, its $estheti,i7$tion, $nd its

si!ni5i,$tion o5 so,i$l nor6s $nd de4i$tion, $ll #or* to dis!uise the 5$,t th$t the body pro4ides the essenti$l l$bor o5 ,$pit$lis6. 2t is the bodies o5 the 6$?ority th$t 6$*e the pro5its 5or the 5e#8 +he proble6 o5 the body see6s to 6e to be rooted in the ?usti5i,$tion o5 the ,$pit$list syste6 itsel5. +he rhetori, o5 ,$pit$lis6 insists th$t it is ,$pit$l th$t 6$*es thin!s h$ppenM ,$pit$l h$s the 6$!i, property o5 !ro#in!, sti6ul$tin!. 'h$t this ,on,e$ls is the 5$,t th$t it is hu6$n l$bor $nd, in the l$st inst$n,e, the l$bor o5 the body, th$t 6$*es thin!s h$ppen. +he body is $ Jproble6K be,$use to re,o!ni7e it 5ully #ould be to re,o!ni7e it $s the 5ound$tion o5 e,ono6i, li5eM ho# #e use $nd or!$ni7e the ,$p$,ities o5 our bodies is ho# #e produ,e $nd reprodu,e li5e itsel5. <p. 13 = (portDs ,elebr$tion o5 the body be$uti5ul be,o6es $ depoliti,i7ed ,elebr$tion o5 physi,$l l$bor in ,$pit$lis6 $nd $estheti,s be,o6e the 6e$ns by #hi,h the be$uty o5 the 6$le body is lin*ed to so,i$l $nd politi,$l po#er in the ide$l o5 J*$l$!$thon. K +he sportin! 6$le body is, ,onseGuently, $n $,ti4e he!e6oni, $!ent 5or p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6, $nd $s su,h 5its ne$tly #ith sportDs e6bodi6ent o5 our do6in$nt ideolo!y. +he sportin! 4$lues o5 5$irness $nd eGu$lity 5or $ll its pl$yers, o5 respe,t 5or the loser $nd proper ,elebr$tion o5 the #inner, represent the do6in$nt ideolo!y by #hi,h de6o,r$ti, ,$pit$lis6 4$lues itsel5. +he !rotesGue re$lis6 o5 the u!ly, distorted body is there5ore opposed se6ioti,$lly $nd politi,$lly to the do6in$nt. 2t is $n $ppropri$te 6e$ns o5 $rti,ul$tin! the so,i$l e:perien,e o5 6$ny subordin$ted $nd oppressed !roups in ,$pit$lis6 #hose e4eryd$y sense o5 the so,i$l syste6 is not one o5 5$irness $nd eGu$lity8 positioned $s they $re $s Jlosers, K the subordin$ted <#hether by ,l$ss, !ender, or r$,e= h$4e little sense o5 bein! Jrespe,tedK by the #inners, nor do they ne,ess$rily 5eel $d6ir$tion 5or the so,i$lly su,,ess5ul. +he ,$rni4$l is both $ produ,t $nd $ ,elebr$tion o5 the y$#nin! !$p bet#een the interests $nd e:perien,es o5 the do6in$nt $nd the subordin$ted in #hite p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6. -248(port 6$y be $ he!e6oni, $tte6pt to ,ontrol the disrupti4e 5or,es produ,ed by this e:perienti$l !$p, but in ,$rni4$l these 5or,es bre$* th$t ,ontrol. +he ,$rni4$lesGue, there5ore, be,o6es the $ren$ #herein repressed e:perien,es ,$n be sy6boli7ed in $ #$y th$t $rti,ul$tes not only the 6e$nin! o5 the e:perien,e, but $lso the e:perien,e o5 the repression. 25 be$uty h$s been h$rnessed $s $ 6et$phor 5or the so,i$lly do6in$nt, then u!liness 6et$phori,$lly e:presses the e:perien,e $nd the essen,e o5 the subordin$te. +he !rotesGue is both #h$t 6ust be repressed $nd the i6possibility o5 repressin! it. 1ennett <198;= points out th$t 1$*htin did not see ,$rni4$l 6erely $s $ set o5 tr$ns!ressi4e ritu$ls, but e6ph$si7ed its positi4e $spe,ts8 +he 4$lue o5 e:,ess $sso,i$ted #ith ,$rni4$l . . . 5or6ed p$rt o5 $n i6$!e o5 the people $s $ boundless, unstopp$ble 6$teri$l 5or,e, $ 4$st sel5-re!ener$tin! $nd undi55erenti$ted body sur6ountin! $ll obst$,les pl$,ed in its p$th. <p. 148=

2t 6i!ht be t$*in! 1ennett too 5$r to su!!est th$t he h$s !i4en $n $,,ur$te des,ription o5 $ tele4ision #restler $s $ 4$st, sel5-re!ener$tin!, undi55erenti$ted body sur6ountin! $ll obst$,les in its p$th, or e4en th$t the #restler be,o6es the e6bodi6ent o5 the popul$r 5or,e #hi,h e:presses itsel5 in ,$rni4$l. 1ut #e 6ust not #rite ,$rni4$l o55 $s 6erely $ s$5ety 4$l4e th$t ulti6$tely $llo#s so,i$l ,ontrol to #or* 6ore e55e,ti4ely8 r$ther it is $ re,o!nition o5 the stren!th $nd endur$n,e o5 those opposition$l, disrupti4e, popul$r 5or,es. 2n the post6odern #orld, style per5or6s 6$ny o5 the 5un,tions o5 ,$rni4$l. 2t is essenti$lly liber$tin!, $,tin! $s $n e6po#erin! l$n!u$!e 5or the subordin$te. 2ts si6il$rities to ,$rni4$l lie in its insisten,e on the 6$teri$lity o5 the si!ni5ier, in its e:,essi4eness, its $bility to o55end !ood t$ste <bour!eois t$ste=. 'hile tele4ision 6$y pro4ide ,o6p$r$ti4ely little o5 the ,$rni4$lesGue, it is ,on,ernin! itsel5 6ore $nd 6ore #ith the l$n!u$!e o5 style. F$ns #ho pre5er ynasty to allas o5ten report th$t the pre5eren,e is deter6ined by ynasty-s Jstyle, K Miami Aice shot to popul$rity on its Jloo*, K 6usi, 4ideo ,ir,ul$tes ,o6positions o5 style $s the 4isu$l eGui4$lent o5 the 6usi,. (tyle is $ p$rti,ip$tory di6ension. +he M$donn$ J#$nn$ besK <Jloo*-$li*esK= ,$n ?oin #ith her in ,onstru,tin! her loo*. Miami Aice ,otton ?$,*ets in p$stel sh$des pri,ed $t X20 $ppe$red in the dep$rt6ent stores only 6onths $5ter the sho# #$s 5irst s,reened, $n inst$nt de6o,r$ti7$tion o5 its e:pensi4ely ,onstru,ted loo*, $nd youn! 5$ns used the slo# button on their 4ideo re,orders to $n$ly7e $nd le$rn $n intri,$tely ,horeo!r$phed h$ndsh$*e in one episode. +his is p$rti,ip$tion 5or it $llo#s the 4ie#er to be,o6e spe,t$,le r$ther th$n spe,t$tor, to e:perien,e the ple$sure o5 Jspe$*in!, K o5 ,onstru,tin! herIhis o#n i6$!eIidentity. -249+he ple$sure style $55ords is not o5 the s$6e intensity $s %ouissance, nor does it ent$il the loss o5 sub?e,ti4ity. R$ther it is $ ple$sure o5 ,ontrol $nd e6po#er6ent, $ ,$rni4$lesGue ,on,entr$tion on the 6$teri$lity o5 the si!ni5iers $nd the ,onseGuent e4$sion o5 the sub?e,ti4ity ,onstru,ted by the 6ore ideolo!i,$lly deter6ined si!ni5ieds. +his 5or6 o5 ple$sure $lso Guestions the unity $nd ,oheren,e o5 the #orld. 2t o,,urs in isol$ted 5r$!6ents o5 e:perien,e, #ith no history, #ith no ,ultur$l p$ttern. 2deolo!y insists on $n o4er$ll ,ontrollin! p$ttern o5 sense8 5r$!6entin! sense into the senses reprodu,es the liber$tion o5 ,$rni4$l. 2n these ter6s, 6usi, 4ideo is $r!u$bly the ,onte6por$ry ,$rni4$l on tele4ision. Style and m/sic video Morse <198;= h$s $r!ued th$t M+B de$ls #ith the produ,ts o5 bour!eois ,$pit$lis6 urb$n l$nds,$pes, 5$st ,$rs, 5l$shy, !lit7y style, in $ p$r$de o5 ,onsu6erist i6$!es th$t rel$te it ,losely to tele4ision ,o66er,i$ls. 1ut ,ounter to this runs the te:t o5 ple$sure th$t ,onsists o5 the 5$st ,uttin!, the hi!h 4isu$l !loss, the e:tre6e ,$6er$ $n!les $nd 4erti!inous 6o4e6ent th$t en$ble the si!ni5iers to o4er#hel6 the si!ni5ieds. +he 4isu$l i6$!es o5ten h$4e no 6e$nin!5ul ,onne,tion to the #ords o5 the lyri,, but $re ,ut to the be$t o5 the 6usi,. 'hen there $re ,onne,tions they $re tenuous, open-ended, $llo#ed 5or

r$ther th$n st$ted8 (tyle is $ re,y,lin! o5 i6$!es th$t #ren,hes the6 out o5 the ori!in$l ,onte:t th$t en$bled the6 to 6$*e sense $nd redu,es the6 to 5ree-5lo$tin! si!ni5iers #hose only si!ni5i,$tion is th$t they $re 5ree, outside the ,ontrol o5 nor6$l sense $nd sense-6$*in!, $nd thus $ble to enter the #orld o5 ple$sure #here their 6$teri$lity ,$n #or* dire,tly on the sensu$l eye, runnin! the bound$ry bet#een ,ulture $nd n$ture, bet#een ideolo!y $nd its $bsen,e. @5 ,ourse, their i6$!es $re i6$!es o5 p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6, but they $re $lso si!ni5iers dist$n,ed 5ro6 their ideolo!i,$l si!ni5ieds, e:plorin! the bound$ry bet#een sense $nd no sense, bet#een 5reedo6 $nd ,ontrol. M$donn$Ds 6usi, 4ideo >nto the Groo'e is $l6ost e:,lusi4ely $bout style. +he 4isu$l tr$,* ,onsists o5 $ series o5 shots 5ro6 her 5il6 esperately "ee+ing "usan #hi,h is essenti$lly $bout #o6en see*in! ,ontrol o4er their so,i$l identity in ,onte6por$ry 6etropolit$n ,ulture. 3nd one *ey to this identity is style, #ith its ,lose $sso,i$tions #ith Jli5estyle. K 3 he$4ily de,o r$ted bl$,* le$ther ?$,*et o5 M$donn$Ds street#ise ,h$r$,ter, (us$n, is $,Guired by Robert$, $ disillusioned yuppie #i5e, $nd $,ts $s one o5 her identity shi5ters $s she stru!!les to ,h$n!e her li5estyle. 3 shot o5 the b$,* o5 this ?$,*et opens the 6usi, 4ideo, $nd ,hro6$*eyed into the desi!n is M$donn$Ds boy5riend, $nd then M$donn$ hersel5. 2n one ,orner o5 the s,reen is $ pol$roid shot o5 $ stylish 6odelDs 5$,e. +he ,$6er$ pulls b$,*, $nd the #e$rer o5 the ?$,*et h$l5 turns to re4e$l hersel5 $s Robert$, not (us$nM the pol$roid sn$p be,o6es the person$l $d th$t sets up the Guest 5or sel5 o5 the 5il6, the $d th$t is JCesper$tely (ee*in! (us$n. K +his openin! shot, l$stin! only se,onds, ,$lls up the interte:tu$lity bet#een 5il6, 4ideo, re,ord, $nd M$donn$$ssi!n in $ ,oll$!e o5 si!ns o5 style, identity, !ender, ,ontrol, $nd the opposition bet#een the street#ise $nd the ho6e-do6in$ted. +he ,hro6$*ey not only liter$lly inserts M$donn$ into her ?$,*etDs person$li7ed e6ble6s, 6er!in! identity $nd $ppe$r$n,e, but it relo,$tes the si!n in the do6$in o5 the si!ni5iers. +he si!ni5ieds $nd their 4erisi6ilitude on #hi,h the tele4ision s,reen so 5reGuently depends, $re dist$n,ed8 the ele,troni, !$d!etry o5 ,hro6$*ey $nd spe,i$l e55e,ts !ener$tor $llo#s $ 5ree pl$y #ith the si!ni5iers, $ ,onstru,tion o5 the hyperre$l th$t e:ists only in this re$l6. +he i6$!e on the s,reen is its o#n re$lity, it needs no rese6bl$n,e to the re$l, no si!ni5ied, upon #hi,h to b$se its ple$sure. -2 0+ele4isionDs $bility to pl$y ele,troni,$lly #ith its si!ni5iers, to ,onstru,t #h$t it li*es out o5 the6, sub4erts its nor6$l re$lis6 $nd thus ,$n be indul!ed only in li6ited li,ensed 6o6ents. +here $re JseriousK uses o5 this ele,troni, 5le:ibility, su,h $s slo# 6otion $nd split s,reen e55e,ts in sport, or !r$phi, ,h$rts $nd di$!r$6s in the ne#s, #hi,h $re there to enh$n,e tele4isionDs represent$tion o5 the re$l, to !i4e 6ore *no#led!e $nd 6ore JtruthK th$n the ,$6er$ $lone is $ble to. 1ut there $re $lso 6ore J5ri4olousK uses #hose 5un,tion is not to produ,e the ple$sure o5 enh$n,ed do6in$nt spe,ul$rity, but $ 6ore ,$rni4$lesGue, liber$ted ple$sure. +hese 6o6ents o5 li,ensed pl$y #ith the si!ni5iers o,,ur 6ost 5reGuently in the three !enres o5 tele4ision th$t $re 6e$nt to be 4ie#ed 6ore th$n on,e, $nd th$t h$4e $n e:pli,itly ,o66er,i$l purpose8 6usi, 4ideo, title seGuen,es, $nd ,o66er,i$ls. %$,h o5 the6 h$s the e,ono6i, 5un,tion o5 sellin! $ ,o66odity - $ re,ord or 5il6, $ pro!r$6 or series, $nd $ 6$nu5$,tured produ,t or ser4i,e. +here $re 6$ny

stylisti, si6il$rities bet#een the three, they $re $ll <or ,$n be= produ,erly te:ts th$t reGuire ,re$ti4e #or* 5ro6 the 4ie#er #ho #ishes to en!$!e #ith the6, $nd they $re o5ten produ,ed by the s$6e spe,i$li7ed produ,tion houses. +he p$r$do:i,$l lin* bet#een e:pli,it ,o66er,i$l intention $nd the $pp$rent 5reedo6 o5 the produ,erly te:t is one th$t #e #ill e:plore 6ore 5ully in ,h$pter 1;, 5or the 6o6ent #e need only to note th$t tele4isionDs ele,troni, $bility to 5ree itsel5 5ro6 the tyr$nny o5 the Jre$lK o5 the l$#s o5 physi,s $nd ,onseGuen,e, is $llo#ed 5ree pl$y only in stri,tly li,ensed 6o6ents. -2 1Ma< !eadroom is $n $tte6pt to e:tend the ,onditions o5 this li,ense. JAeK is $ ,o6puter!ener$ted C/Iinter4ie#er #ho is $ p$rodi, tr$4esty o5 $ll the t$l*in! he$ds th$t 5ill the tele4ision s,reen. 3,tu$lly, the b$sis o5 M$: is $n $,tor, M$tt Fre#er, #ho is 5itted #ith $ rubberi7ed 6$s* th$t is 6olded into $ ,$rtoon p$rody o5 his o#n 5$,e. +his i6$!e is then J,hro6$*eyed, 5r$6e !r$bbed, di!iti7ed, 4ideo edited $nd s,r$t,h 6i:ed to $tt$in M$:Ds 5in$l pl$sti, per5or6$n,eK <)ational Times( M$r,h 21I27, 198;8 12=. +he 4oi,e is tre$ted in the s$6e #$y. +hen i6$!e $nd 4oi,e $re 6$de i6per5e,t - the i6$!e ?u6ps, the 4oi,e repe$ts itsel5 in $n ele,troni, stutter - 5ore!roundin! the pro,ess o5 6$nu5$,ture. 'ith Ma< !eadroom, tele4ision, the ele,troni, 6ediu6, is produ,in! its o#n ele,troni, Jre$lityK $nd inste$d o5 hidin! its pro,ess o5 ,onstru,tion is ,elebr$tin! it. @ne o5 M$:Ds ,re$tors, 3nn$bel /$n*el, ,l$i6s th$t M$: tou,hes $ ,hord #ith people #ho $re ,yni,$l $bout tele4ision8 J'eD4e 6$de our st$te6ent #ith M$:, $bout +B $nd t$l*in! he$ds $nd the ide$ th$t re$lity isnDt ne,ess$rily $s itDs represented on +B. K 2n rel$tion to e4eryd$y tele4ision, M$: Ae$droo6 is $ ,$rni4$lesGue in4ersion, $ liber$tion 5ro6 the tr$nsp$ren,y 5$ll$,y $nd the ideolo!y th$t it be$rs. Ae e:ists only in $ t#odi6ension$l interte:tu$lity, in $n in5inite p$rodi, pl$y o5 si!ni5iers, $ spe,t$,le, $ tr$4esty, $n $uthorless #or* o5 street $rt. 0r$,e /ones is $l6ost $ M$: Ae$droo6, her body is turned into $n i6$!e #hose $ppe$r$n,e be,o6es her re$lity. Aer e:,essi4e len!th o5 li6b $nd #idth o5 s6ile $re lo,$ted by the ,$6er$ $s thou!h they #ere its o#n ,onstru,tions, $s, in $ sense, they $re, $nd in her 4ideo "la'e to the Rhythm her i6$!e is ele,troni,$lly pl$yed #ith, distorted, 5r$!6ented, re,o6bined in $ tot$l liber$tion 5ro6 $ny ,on5inin! ide$ o5 J#hoK she Jre$llyK is. 26$!e $nd identity in this #orld $re no lon!er 5i:ed, but ,$n be pl$yed #ith, ,onstru,ted, $nd de,onstru,ted. (o M$donn$, in >nto the Groo'e, pl$ys #ith the ,onstru,tion o5 her o#n i6$!e. M$ny o5 the edits $re 6$r*ed by the 5l$sh o5 photo!r$phersD 5l$shbulbs, so6eti6es o5 her o#n ,$6er$ $s she t$*es $ pol$roid o5 hersel5, so6eti6es her <6o4in!= i6$!e $ppe$rs #ithin the 5r$6e o5 $ pol$roid photo!r$ph. (he ,onstru,ts her o#n loo* in $ !rotesGue bri,ol$!e th$t ,o6bines the ,ru,i5i: #ith l$,y under#e$r $nd 6enDs suspenders #ith $ pin* seethrou!h top. Li*e M$: Ae$droo6, she 5ore!rounds the pro,ess o5 her ,onstru,tion, but 6o4es beyond hi6 in $ssertin! her ,ontrol o4er this pro,ess8 she is not only the produ,t but $lso the produ,er. (he #ren,hes the ,ru,i5i: out o5 its ori!in$l dis,ourse #ith its reli!ious si!ni5ieds $nd $sserts her ri!ht to use it $s $ si!ni5ier8 si6il$rly she de6onstr$tes her ,ontrol o4er the Jl$n!u$!eK o5 porno!r$phy <5lesh, 5li6sy under#e$r, bl$,* le$ther= by usin! it nonporno!r$phi,$lly 5or her ple$sure, her identity, not those o5

6en. Co6binin! the ,ru,i5i: #ith the si!ns o5 porno!r$phy is $ ,$rni4$lesGue pro5$nity, but the ne# ,o6bin$tion does not J6e$nK $nythin! spe,i5i,, $ll it si!ni5ies is her po#er o4er dis,ourse, her $bility to use the $lre$dy #ritten si!ni5iers o5 p$tri$r,h$l Christi$nity, $nd to te$r the6 $#$y 5ro6 their si!ni5ieds so th$t she is not sub?e,ted by the dis,ourse $s she uses it. Aer liber$tion 5ro6 the si!ni5ieds is $ 6o6ent o5 e6po#er6ent. Le#is <1987= 5inds in +in$ +urnerDs hi!h heels, short le$ther s*irt, $nd e:,essi4ely se:u$l 6o4e6ents $ sel5-,on5ident $!!ressi4eness th$t $sserts th$t she is usin! these si!ni5iers o5 p$tri$r,h$l se:u$lity 5or her o#n ple$sure, to $ssert her o#n interests, her o#n stren!th. Conte6por$ry urb$n style is e6po#erin! to the subordin$te 5or it $sserts their ri!ht to 6$nipul$te the si!ni5iers o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y in $ #$y th$t 5rees the6 5ro6 th$t ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e $nd opens the6 up to sub,ultur$l $nd opposition$l uses. -2 2M$donn$Ds 6usi, 4ideos h$4e $ nu6ber o5 e:tre6e ,lose-ups o5 her 5$,e, her 6outh, her eyes, her 5eet, her n$4el in $ use o5 the ,ode th$t 6ore nor6$lly is one o5 the 6ost ob?e,tion$ble be$rers o5 p$tri$r,hy. +his is the ,$6er$ ,ode th$t 5r$!6ents $nd 5etishi7es the 5e6$le body, turnin! $ny p$rt o5 it into $ deperson$li7ed ob?e,t o5 6$s,uline desire. +his is one o5 the ,odes o5 ,l$ssi, Aolly#ood ,ine6$ #hose ,h$u4inisti, ple$sure Mul4ey <197 = ,onde6ns so roundly, but #hi,h h$s been enthusi$sti,$lly $dopted by $d4ertisin!, p$rti,ul$rly o5 ,os6eti,s $nd 5$shion. M$donn$Ds idiosyn,r$ti, se:u$li7$tion o5 her o#n n$4el is $ p$rody o5 this pro,ess th$t 6$*es her $ ,ontrollin! p$rt o5 it. 2n the s$6e #$y, the e:tre6e ,lose-ups o5 her 6outh or eyes in this 4ideo $re in her ,ontrol8 she loo*s this #$y 5or the ,$6er$ $nd reGuires the ,$6er$ to loo* $t her in this #$y. (he turns hersel5 into $ spe,t$,le $nd thus denies the spe,t$tor the e6po#ered position o5 the 4oyeur. (he does not sub?e,t hersel5 to the 4oyeuristi, !$7e, but inste$d ,ontrols the ,onditions o5 the loo*. 2n $,*no#led!in! the ,onstru,tion o5 both her loo* $nd the presen,e o5 the 4ie#er, she ,ontrols both the loo* $nd the loo*in!8 she is no ob?e,t !i4en 6e$nin! only by the 6$s,uline !$7e - she is her o#n spe,t$,le. +here ,$n be no 4oyeurs in spe,t$,leM the nor6$l po#er rel$tions o5 loo*in! $re in4erted, $nd, $s in ,$rni4$l, the loo*er $nd the loo*ed-$t p$rti,ip$te eGu$lly in the pro,ess o5 loo*in! $nd the 6$*in! o5 6e$nin!s th$t it ent$ils. +he ,$rni4$lesGue ele6ent o5 spe,t$,le denies both ,l$ss $nd !ender subordin$tion $nd thus re5uses to $,*no#led!e the so,i$l po#er o5 the dis,ourse it uses. >nto the Groo'e is $ ,oll$!e o5 si!ns o5 M$donn$Ds spe,t$,ul$r ,onstru,tion o5 her o#n i6$!e8 one shot ,$n ser4e $s $n e:$6ple - $n %CN o5 her 6outh is re,uper$ted into 5e6inine dis,ourse #here it 6e$ns di55erently 5ro6 its 6ore nor6$l 6$s,uline dis,ursi4e use. 1ro#n <1987b= 5inds $ si6il$r 5e6inine $ppropri$tion o5 6$s,uline dis,ourse in the ,o66er,i$l th$t 0er$ldine Ferr$ro $nd her d$u!hters 6$de 5or &epsi. +hese $ppropri$tions, or e:,orpor$tions, $re typi,$l o5 the #$y th$t ,onte6por$ry style is 5$shioned. +he subordin$te, in $ re4ers$l o5 in,orpor$tion, ste$l the dis,ourse o5 the do6in$nt $nd use its si!ni5iers 5or their o#n ple$sures, their o#n identities. -2 3@ne o5 the dis,ourses th$t is 6ost re$dily $4$il$ble 5or these $ppropri$tions is th$t o5 the ,o66odity, so the l$n!u$!e o5 style be,o6es $ ,re$ti4e use or reuse o5 ,o66odities th$t

ser4es the interests o5 both the subordin$te $nd the do6in$nt. +he !lit7y, 5l$shin! i6$!es o5 the 6$r*etpl$,e $re not restri,ted to their e,ono6i, 5un,tion o5 pro4idin! pro5it 5or their produ,ers, they $re $lso ,$p$ble o5 $ ple$sur$ble, e6po#erin! r$n!e o5 uses by the subordin$te. Musi, 4ideo h$s been ,$lled the 5irst post6odern tele4ision <see Fis*e 198;,, +et7l$55 198;=. (i6il$rly Miami Aice h$s $ttr$,ted the l$bel o5 the 5irst post6odern ,op sho# <Ross 198;, 1987=. &ost6odernis6 e6ph$si7es the 5r$!6ent$ry n$ture o5 i6$!es, their resist$n,e to sense, the #$y th$t i6$!es $re 6ore i6per$ti4e th$n the re$l $nd h$4e displ$,ed it in our e:perien,e. 2t re5uses sense, re5uses the notion o5 sub?e,ti4ity $s $ site #here sense is 6$de, 5or sense-6$*in! is the ulti6$te sub?e,tin! pro,ess. (ense, ,o66on sense, is the pri6e $!en,y #here the so,i$l 6$,hine enters $nd destroys the indi4idu$l, so, in re?e,tin! sense, post6odernis6 is re?e,tin! the so,i$l 6$,hine $nd its po#er to re!ul$te our li4es $nd thin*in!. For 1$udrill$rd this re?e,tin! o5 sense is the ulti6$te politi,$l $,t, $nd the only resisti4e one $4$il$ble to the po#erless 6$sses in l$te ,$pit$lis6. &ost6odernis6 re5uses ,$te!ories $nd the ?ud!6ents they ,ont$in8 it denies distin,tions bet#een 5ine $rt, the 6$ss 6edi$, 4ern$,ul$r sub,ultures, $nd it h$rnesses the ne# te,hnolo!ies to sh$tter these bound$ries. 2t re5uses ne$t !eneri, di55eren,es, so th$t in 6usi, 4ideo, $ds $nd pro!r$6s $re indistin!uish$ble, $nd in Miami Aice n$rr$ti4e, ,o66er,i$l, 6usi, 4ideo, 5$shion p$r$de $ll inter6in!le. 3s 'ollen <198;= points out, 6usi, 4ideo is $ spe,i$l 6i: o5 $d $nd pro!r$6, 5or the 4isu$ls $,t $s $n $d #here$s the sound tr$,* is $ s$6ple o5 the ,o66odity. Ae $lso ,o66ents th$t 5$shion e4ents h$4e t$*en on the style o5 6usi, 4ideo8 #e ,$n t$*e this 5urther by notin! ho# 6usi, 4ideo pro4ides the J$t6osphereK in trendy boutiGues, $nd ho#, in so6e, the ,lothes $nd style the boutiGue is o55erin! $re displ$yed in 6usi, 4ideo style on 6ultiple s,reens $round $nd outside the store. Co,$ Col$ h$4e been Gui,* to si!n M$: up 5or $ ,o66er,i$l, $nd JheK h$s $lre$dy opened super6$r*ets $nd 5e$tured in $ re,ord $nd 6usi, 4ideo in tot$l disre!$rd 5or !enre dis,ipline. +he post6odern style ,rosses !enre bound$ries $s e$sily $s those o5 !ender or ,l$ss. &ost6odern style $sserts its o#nership o5 $ll i6$!es. 3s M$donn$ ste$ls l$,y !lo4es $nd ,ru,i5i:es, so post6odernis6 Jplunders the i6$!e-b$n* $nd the #ord-ho$rd 5or the 6$teri$l o5 p$rody, p$sti,he $nd, in e:tre6e ,$ses, pl$!i$ris6K <'ollen 198;8 1;8=. Musi, 4ideo plunders old 5il6s, ne#sreels, $4$nt-!$rde $rt8 it p$rodies ro6$n,es, 6usi,$ls, ,o66er,i$ls. "othin! is in$ppropri$te, $ll is $ppropri$ted, e:,orpor$tedM the e:,lusi4e is in,luded, distin,tions $nd ,$te!ories dissol4ed into ,oeGu$l 5r$!6ents. +he post6odern style produ,es the ple$sures o5 the sur5$,e, o5 the body, o5 the liber$tion 5ro6 the so,i$l, the ,onte:tu$l, $nd sense. -2 4 The pleas/res of 'iami <ice +here is $ set o5 inter,onne,tions bet#een 6usi,, the 6$teri$lity o5 si!ni5iers, $nd $ liber$tin! ple$sure, th$t is ,o66on to Roc+ -n- ,restling, 6usi, 4ideo, ,o66er,i$ls, $nd

title seGuen,es, thou!h these ,onne,tions 6$y #ell be $rti,ul$ted di55erently. +hey ,o6e to!ether, too, in the ,op sho# Miami Aice$ @ne o5 the stylisti, inno4$tions o5 Miami Aice is the use o5 ,urrent top t#enty pop son!s $,,o6p$nied by 4isu$ls o5 6$s,ulinity, o5 ,ruisin! the urb$n l$nds,$pe, $s interruptions in the n$rr$ti4e. +heir style is typi,$lly borro#ed 5ro6 6usi, 4ideo or 5ro6 ,o66er,i$ls, $nd $s they r$rely $d4$n,e the n$rr$ti4e, or in,re$se our underst$ndin! o5 the ,h$r$,ters, plot, or settin!, or pro4ide $ny ,lues to the sol4in! o5 the eni!6$s th$t dri4e the n$rr$ti4e, it is 5$ir to $ssu6e th$t their 5un,tion is purely ple$sur$ble. 3 shot $n$lysis o5 one su,h se!6ent is !i4en in Fi!ure 13.1. 2t o,,urs in the n$rr$ti4e #hen Cro,*ett $nd +ubbs, #or*in! under,o4er $s usu$l, $re prep$rin! to 6eet the 4ill$ins in $ ni!ht,lub. 2t 5$lls into t#o p$rts stylisti,$llyM &$rt 3, Preparation, is shot in e:tre6e ,lose-up $nd its ei!hteen shots $re solely o5 ob?e,ts th$t $re be$rers o5 hi!h-style, hi!h-te,h, ,o66odi5ied 6$s,ulinity. Au6$n h$nds $ppe$r, identi5i$ble only by s*in ,olor $s those o5 Cro,*ett or +ubbs $nd only to h$ndle the ob?e,ts o5 style. 2n &$rt 1, Transference, the sound tr$,* ,ontinues, but the 4isu$l style shi5ts si!ni5i,$ntly $nd be,o6es 6ore ,on4ention$l. +heir Ferr$ri is sho#n in ni!htti6e streets in ,on4ention$l lo,$tin! shots <shots 19 $nd 24= th$t br$,*et $ shotIre4erse shot seGuen,e o5 Cro,*ett $nd +ubbs in ,on4ention$l ,lose-up inside the ,$r. +he se!6ent ends #ith $ series o5 Gui,* ,uts o5 ni!ht,lub 5l$shin! li!hts in #hi,h the ,$6er$ 6o4es r$pidly 5ro6 lon! shot to e:tre6e ,lose-up. +he repe$ted shotIre4erse shot seGuen,e <shots 20-3= is lon!er th$n ,on4ention$lly reGuired to est$blish th$t Cro,*ett $nd +ubbs $re in the ,$r $nd to person$li7e the Ferr$riDs 6o4e6ent. +here is no di$lo!ue to Jti6eK the ,uts, inste$d the pop son! di,t$tes the p$,e o5 the editin!. (i6il$rly, the 6o4e 5ro6 lon! shot to e:tre6e ,lose-up in $ r$pid seGuen,e o5 shots o5 the 5l$shin! li!hts not only ,onnotes the speed o5 their $rri4$l $nd the ur!ent, $n:ious J5eelK o5 the ,lub, but $lso illustr$tes the be$t o5 the 6usi,. +he 5irst p$rt, Preparation, is theoreti,$lly 6ore interestin!. 2t does h$4e $ n$rr$ti4e J$libiK o5 sho#in! the t#o 6en prep$rin! 5or their ni!ht out, but the $libi is #e$*. +he lin* bet#een the pre4ious s,ene, in #hi,h they -2 (hot no. ; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -

Figure 1".1 Analysis of a pop m/sic segment in #iami $ice (hot len!th Ces,ription <se,s= 2.2 'hite h$nds pi,*in! up $5tersh$4e bottle. 0un 4isible. 1.8 Front #heel o5 Ferr$ri $t speed. 2.0 'hite h$nds pi,* up $nd 5li,* throu!h roll o5 b$n*notes. 4.; 1l$,* h$nds pi,* up !old ne,*l$,e $nd ,$ress it in the 5in!ers. 2.8 'hite h$nds pi,* up ,redit ,$rds. 2. (hot o4er Ferr$ri hood, dri4in! $t speed. 2. 1l$,* h$nds rubbin! $5tersh$4e into their p$l6s. 2.; 'hite h$nds pi,*in! up $5tersh$4e bottle. 0un 4isible. 2.; 1l$,* h$nds $d?ust tie *not, bi! rin! 4isible on 5in!er.

14 1 1; 17 18 Part B/ H 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 2; 27 28

2.3 7.8 .0 2.1 4.8 Transference7.; 3.0 2. 2. 4.4 9.8 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0

Aub-hei!ht shot o5 5ront #heel o5 Ferr$ri $t speed loo*in! 5or#$rd, p$ssin! other tr$55i,. 'hite h$nds ,$ress 6$!$7ine, insert it in !un, ,he,* it. 1l$,* h$nds insert bullets into re4ol4er ,h$6ber. Aub-hei!ht shot o5 Ferr$ri $t speed, loo*in! 5or#$rd, #hite-out in li!hts o5 $ppro$,hin! ,$r. 'hite h$nds pi,* up $nd test hi!h-te,h r$dio.

Lo,$tion shot o5 Ferr$ri dri4in! $lon! street. (hot o5 Cro,*ett in Ferr$ri. Re4erse shot o5 +ubbs in Ferr$ri. (hot o5 Cro,*ett in Ferr$ri. Re4erse shot o5 +ubbs in Ferr$ri. Lo,$tion shot o5 Ferr$ri dri4in! $lon! street. Lon! shot o5 5l$shin! ni!ht,lub li!hts. Mid-shot o5 5l$shin! ni!ht,lub li!hts. Close-up o5 5l$shin! ni!ht,lub li!hts. %:tre6e ,lose-up o5 5l$shin! ni!ht,lub li!hts.

,ords of lyric Le5t ho6e #ith $ 5riend o5 6ine 0$4e t#o ye$rs $nd 2 donDt *no# #hy "o# 2D6 h$ppy $ll the ti6e 2 ,$nDt thin* $nd 2 5eel inspired 3 !irl put 6e in $ situ$tion 2D6 !oin! throu!h so6e per6ut$tion Cid you he$r 6e tell the sport "o# youDre !onn$ he$r so6e 6ore 2 *no# $ pl$,e #here dre$6s !et ,rushed Aopes $re s6$shed but th$t $inDt 6u,h Bolunt$ry e:peri6ent$tion 2D6 !oin! throu!h so6e per6ut$tion

-2 ;dis,ussed their pl$ns #ith their boss, $nd the ne:t one in the ni!ht,lub #ould be $deGu$tely $,hie4ed by the 6ore ,on4ention$l Transference seGuen,e o5 &$rt 1. +he 4isu$l $nd editin! styles $lso under6ine the n$rr$ti4e $libi by disruptin! the ,hronolo!i,$l seGuen,e. +he inserts o5 the Ferr$ri tr$4elin! $t speed <shots ;, 10, 14, 17= bre$* the n$rr$ti4e seGuen,e 5or they $re inter,ut #ith shots o5 the 6enDs prep$r$tions be5ore they re$,h the ,$r. +he e:tre6e ,lose-ups $nd the su6ptuous li!htin! #or* to 6$*e the ob?e,ts be$rers o5 ple$sure in their o#n ri!ht, not 6ere 5un,tions o5 the n$rr$ti4e. R$ther th$n $d4$n,in! the n$rr$ti4e, the se!6ent interrupts it. +he pop son!, $ dri4in! r$p be$t, disrupts the n$rr$ti4e8 it is one-o55, not p$rt o5 the the6e 6usi, th$t lin*s the se!6ents #ithin the episode $nd the episodes #ithin the series. 2t 5r$,tures the sel5,ont$inedness o5 the die!eti, #orld, 6$*in! e:pli,it the interte:tu$l lin*s #ith the 4ie#ersD e$rlier e:perien,e o5 the son!8 it $lso e6ph$si7es the interte:tu$l lin*s o5 tele4ision #ith the #orld o5 pop 6usi, $nd #ith other ,ultur$l 5or6s th$t e:press $n $n:ious, urb$n li5estyle. +his 5r$!6ent #ithin the n$rr$ti4e lin*s #ith other 5r$!6ents o5 4ie#ersD ,ultur$l e:perien,e r$ther th$n #ith the rest o5 the n$rr$ti4e. +he bl$,* $,,ent $nd be$t o5 the son! $lso disrupt the so,i$l ,entr$lity o5 Cro,*ett $nd +ubbs8 its $,,ent is ,loser to th$t o5 the under#orld they $re 6e$nt to ,ontrol th$n o5 the 6$instre$6 so,iety they $re 6e$nt to prote,t. 1y pri7in! the6 loose, e4en i5 only 6o6ent$rily, 5ro6 their ideolo!i,$l role, it 6$*es their style $nd 6$s,ulinity $,,essible to 6ore th$n those #ho ,on5or6 to the do6in$nt 4$lue syste6. +hese n$rr$ti4e interruptions sh$re so6e si6il$rities #ith the son! $nd d$n,e nu6bers in the ,l$ssi,$l Aolly#ood 6usi,$l. Mellen,$6p <1977= $r!ues th$t these sel5-su55i,ient 5r$!6ents $re Jspe,t$,lesK th$t both 6irror $nd disrupt the stru,ture o5 the 5il6. 2n their 6irrorin! they #or* to support the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd its ple$sures, but in their disruption they $re e:,essi4e, ,ons,ious o5 their o#n $rti5i,e, $nd thus open to interro!$ti4e re$din!s. +he e:,essi4e 6$s,ulinity-$s-i6$!e o5 this 4ideo insert, presented $s $ sour,e o5 ple$sure 5or its o#n s$*e, 6$y interro!$te the nor6s th$t h$4e produ,ed the ,on4entions o5 6$s,ulinity-$s-$,tion, 5e6ininity-$s-i6$!e. Mul4ey <197 = su!!ests th$t in 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e the $,tion is nor6$lly interrupted by 6o6ents o5 ple$sur$ble 4isu$l ,onte6pl$tion o5 the 5e6$le body8 here 6$s,uline style is h$ndled by represent$tion$l ,on4entions nor6$lly reser4ed 5or the 5e6$le body. +he e55e,ti4ity o5 this, o5 ,ourse, is proble6$ti,. 2t 6$y be th$t the 6$s,uline be,o6es both the ob?e,t $nd the sub?e,t o5 the loo*, $nd the 5e6inine is tot$lly e:s,ribed 5ro6 the n$rr$ti4e. +he e:,essi4e s$rtori$l stylishness o5 Cro,*ett $nd +ubbs, their ine:h$ustible #$rdrobe o5 p$stel desi!ner ,lothes, ,ould eGu$lly #ell be $r!ued to be $ 6$s,uline $ppropri$tion o5 $ 5e6inine l$n!u$!e $nd ple$sure. @r it 6$y be the re4erse. 2t 6$y set up ,ontr$di,tions bet#een the e:,essi4ely 6$,ho beh$4ior $nd spee,h o5 the p$ir $nd the 5e6ini7ed style o5 their ,lothes $nd o5 the 4ideo inserts th$t turn the6 into the be$rers o5 the 4isu$l ple$sure o5 others, the be$rers o5 their o#n i6$!e. -2 7-

1ut, li*e $ll ,ontr$di,tions, these #or* #ithin $nd $!$inst si6il$rities. +heir spee,h 6$y be 6$,ho $nd l$,oni,, but it is stylish8 it h$s the de$dp$n #it o5 the Ch$ndleresGue pri4$te eye or the 5il6 noir hero. (u,h spee,h #or*s throu!h $n e:,ess o5 style $nd $ style th$t is re$dily $,,essible to $ll. @ne o5 the ,on4ention$l ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 these heroes is th$t their spee,h is 6ore stylishI#itty th$n th$t o5 other ,h$r$,ters. Fore!rounded style in spee,h, dress, $nd ,o66odity is $ 6$r*er o5 the popul$r urb$n hero. +he 4oluptuous 4isu$ls $re 6ore typi,$l o5 $d4ertisin! th$n o5 tele4ision re$lis6. 1er!er <1972= 6$*es the point th$t ,olor photo!r$phy h$s repl$,ed oil p$intin! in its $bility to ,onnote possession. @il p$int $nd !lossy ,olor prints represent the t$,tile uniGueness o5 ob?e,ts #hi,h positions the spe,t$tor $s sole possessor o5 the6. "ot only do the ,lose-ups produ,e $n e:,ess o5 the !$7e - only person$l possessions $re e:perien,ed $s inti6$tely $s this - but the 4isu$l e:,ess is tr$ns,oded into the sense o5 tou,h, o5 the 6$teri$lity o5 the ob?e,tsM tou,hin!, !r$spin!, po,*etin! #or*s 6ore i6per$ti4ely e4en th$n si!ht to est$blish possession. +he displ$y o5 ob?e,ts in shot 2, 5or inst$n,e, is 5or the o#ner only, the dise6bodied h$nds in4ite our bodies to 5ill the $bsen,e. +he sensuous h$nds ,$ressin! the !old ne,*let in shot 8, $nd the 5eel o5 the !old #ristlet $s it dr$pes itsel5 round the o#nerDs #rist, the sensu$lity o5 5li,*in! throu!h the b$n*notes in shot 7, $nd the eroti,is6 o5 lo$din!, ,he,*in!, $nd 5eelin! the #ei!ht o5 the !uns in the h$nds <shots 1 $nd 1;= $re the sensu$lities by #hi,h the body o5 the o#ner e:perien,es the ob?e,ts in their 6$teri$lity. @5 ,ourse these ob?e,ts $re ideolo!i,$lly lo$ded8 they be$r $ll the 6e$nin!s o5 hi!h-style, hi!h-te,h, urb$n, ur!ent, $55luent 6$s,ulinity. +he 5$st editin!, p$usin! to lin!er only on the !uns, be$rs the ideolo!y o5 $,tion, purpose5ulness, $nd po#er. 3s su,h, it pro6otes plaisir, $ ,on5ir6$tion o5 $ p$rti,ul$r 6$s,uline identity in $ ,onsu6erist so,iety8 $n identity th$t is bou!ht #ith ,o66odities $nd displ$yed throu!h style. +he Ferr$ri is the ulti6$te ,o66odity, $ po#er5ul be$rer o5 both ple$sure $nd ideolo!y. Cunneen <198 = sho#s th$t ,$r the5t is $ ,l$ss- $nd !enderspe,i5i, ,ri6e - pr$,ti,ed by youn! #or*in!-,l$ss 6$les. +he ,$r is 6ore th$n $ sy6bol o5 6$s,uline po#er, o5 5reedo6, o5 6obilityM dri4in! it is the practice o5 those 4$lues, it is not $ substitute 5or 6$s,ulinity, but $ 6e$ns o5 $,hie4in! it, p$rti,ul$rly 5or those #hose so,ioe,ono6i, position denies the6 other 6e$ns. 1ut the Ferr$ri is $lso e:,essi4e. 2t is 6ore ,$r $nd 6ore style th$n poli,e o55i,ers nor6$lly need or h$4e. 2ts e:,essi4eness e:tends its 6e$nin! beyond the ideolo!i,$l do6$in o5 6$s,ulinity $nd into th$t 5reer, less ,ontrolled one o5 style. 2ts e:pense 6$y li6it its $,tu$l $,,essibility, but its style is th$t o5 ,onsu6ption 5or ple$sure $nd this style is $,hie4$ble throu!h less e:,lusi4e ,o66odities. -2 8For in this #orld style is $ll $nd the style is double-4oi,ed - the re,l$i6ed be$,h bu6 o5 Cro,*ett, one-ti6e $l,oholi, #ith $n $4ersion to so,*s, the street,orner JdudeK o5 +ubbs #ith his 6i:ed r$,i$l ori!ins $nd his up-to-the-6inute dress $nd 6usi,. +he style is o5 the

lo# li5e be,o6e $55luent8 ho#e4er 0u,,i5ied the ,o66odities, the 6$nner o5 their use be$rs the $,,ent o5 de4i$nt, de4$lued, $nd opposition$l 4oi,es. For those #hose so,i$l identities $re not ,entered on the #orlds o5 #or* or o5 ho6e, 5or #ho6 the bre$d#inner role is irrele4$nt, ,o66odities be,o6e their $,,ess to 6$s,ulinity. +he 6e$nin!s o5 ,o66odities $re 6o4ed out o5 their ori!in$l e,ono6i, do6$in into the 6ore ple$sur$ble one o5 style. +he ,ir,ul$tion o5 ,o66odities in the 6$r*etpl$,e is, in the e,ono6y o5 style, the ,ir,ul$tion o5 6e$nin!s $nd identities. For those #ho re?e,t or $re re?e,ted by the syste6 o5 produ,ti4e l$bor, ,onsu6ption 5or6s their so,i$l rel$tions. 2n the e,ono6ies o5 l$te ,$pit$lis6 leisure displ$,es l$bor, ,onsu6ption displ$,es produ,tion, $nd ,o66odities be,o6e the instru6ents o5 leisure, identity, $nd so,i$l rel$tions. Co66odities, dist$n,ed 5ro6 their e,ono6i, 5un,tion $nd 5ro6 their si!ni5ieds o5 ,$pit$lis6, be,o6e the si!ni5iers o5 $ dis,ourse o5 style th$t the subordin$te ,$n ste$l 5ro6 the do6in$nt $nd use to $rti,ul$te their o#n opposition$l ple$sures, ?ust $s they ,$n ste$l the ,$rs 5or their o#n ?oyrides. Ch$6bers <198;= $r!ues th$t ,onte6por$ry 6etropolit$n so,iety produ,es $ ,ulture o5 the spe,t$,le in #hi,h the re$li7$tion o5 the Jsel5K is not $,hie4ed in the depth o5 oneDs inner bein!, but on the sur5$,e, throu!h style, throu!h i6$!e, throu!h J$ series o5 the$tri,$l !esturesK <p. 11=. +he distin,ti4e $nd the person$li7ed <th$t is, the stylish ,onstru,tion o5 the indi4idu$l= is $,hie4ed throu!h $ ,re$ti4e bri,ol$!e o5 the ,o66odities in the 6$r*etpl$,e. +he sel5 is $ shi5tin! tr$nsient identity, liter$lly sel5-,re$ted. J+he indi4idu$l ,onstru,ts her- or hi6sel5 $s the ob?e,t o5 street $rt, $s $ publi, i,onK <Ch$6bers 198;8 11= $nd in this spe,t$,le, the !$7e is neither 6$s,uline nor 5e6inine, 5or it is not the !$7e o5 $ st$ble sub?e,t upon $ st$ble ob?e,t8 both sub?e,t $nd ob?e,t ,onstru,t the6sel4es out o5 the tr$dition$l si!ns $nd positions o5 either !ender. +his ,ulture si!n$ls the de$th o5 $uthenti,ity, o5 $ny underlyin! JtrueK 6e$nin! o5 !ender or o5 $nythin! else. (tyle is #h$t it $ppe$rs to be, $ppe$r$n,e is the re$lity. 2n M$donn$Ds >nto the Groo'e there is $ shot o5 her $nd her boy5riend ,lose to $ ,usto6i7ed 4$n8 her style, his style, $nd the 4$nDs de,or$tion in !old s#irls on bl$,*, 5or6 $ per5e,t Jpubli, i,on, K the sel5 $s street $rt. +he bl$,* $nd sil4er h$tbo: #hi,h 5e$tures so stron!ly in both the 4ideo $nd the 5il6 esperately "ee+ing "usan J,ont$insK (us$nIM$donn$Ds Jsel5K - the ob?e,ts 5ro6 #hi,h she ,onstru,ts her loo*. -2 9Miami Aice, too, is its loo*. A. 0reene det$ils the $ttention !i4en to Jthe loo*, K the hu!e #$rdrobe o5 sele,ted p$stel ,lothes8 J"o e$rth tones, no reds, no rusts, no bro#ns, no or$n!es, no 6$roons. 'hen dressed in the $ppropri$te style, $n $,tor is R4i,ed out. DK %4en the props $re stylish8 JLi*e e4erythin! else on the set, the 6et$l dete,tor $nd the t$bles h$d been rep$inted 5or the RMi$6i Bi,eD loo*. +hey #ere no# $Gu$ $nd #hiteK <Times on "unday, 3u!ust 31, 198;, p. 27=. +he loo*, the style, o5 Miami Aice is its ,h$r$,ter, its spe,t$,le is the sour,e o5 its ple$sure. +his post6odern l$n!u$!e o5 urb$n style is essenti$lly de6o,r$ti,, 5or in it #e $re $ll e:perts, $ll $rtists. 'e use $nd ,onsu6e si!ns th$t ,ir,ul$te in the re$l6 o5 the h$bitu$l,

the si!ns h$4e no ori!in, no $uthor, no $uthority. +he ple$sure th$t results is $n e6po#erin! one 5or it is the ple$sureIpo#er o5 spe$*in! r$ther th$n o5 bein! spo*en. +hese i6$!es o5 style in Miami Aice, in 6usi, 4ideo, title seGuen,es, or ,o66er,i$ls open the 4ie#er to $ post6odernist ple$sure. +he 5$st editin!, the dislo,$tion o5 n$rr$ti4e seGuen,e, the disruption o5 the die!esis 6$y produ,e the sens$tion o5 5r$!6ent$riness, o5 i6$!es re6$inin! si!ni5iers, o5 the si!ni5ieds bein! not sold, but s#$6ped, by the sensu$lities, o5 the physi,$l uniGueness o5 e:perien,e r$ther th$n its 6e$nin!. 26$!es $re neither the be$rers o5 ideolo!y, nor the represent$tions o5 the re$l, but #h$t 1$udrill$rd ,$lls Jthe hyperre$lK8 the tele4ision i6$!e, the $d4ertise6ent, the pop son! be,o6e 6ore Jre$lK th$n Jre$lity, K their sensuous i6per$ti4e is so stron! th$t they are our e:perien,e, they $re our ple$sure. Cenyin! the n$rr$ti4e do6$in o5 these ob?e,ts dislo,$tes the6 5ro6 the ideolo!i,$l one $s #ell. +he ple$sure here is not in resistin! ideolo!y, nor in ,h$llen!in! it #ith $ JbetterK one, but in e4$din! it, in liber$tin! onesel5 5ro6 it. +he 6ore po#er5ully the te:t proposes the re$din! sub?e,t $s the possessin! 6$le, the !re$ter is the ple$sure o5 re?e,tin! th$t position, o5 re?e,tin! the sense o5 the i6$!es. Fou,$ult <1978= $lerts us to the ,lose rel$tionship o5 ple$sure $nd po#er. /ust $s there is ple$sure in e:ertin! po#er, so there is $ ple$sure Jth$t *indles $t h$4in! to e4$de this po#er . . . the ple$sure o5 sho#in! o55, s,$nd$li7in! or resistin!K <p. 4 =. +his ple$sure in resistin! $nd s,$nd$li7in! the 5or,es o5 so,i$l ,ontrol lies not only in the style $nd loo* o5 the pro!r$6, but $lso in the ,ontent o5 its n$rr$ti4e. Mi$6i is the Js,$nd$lousK pl$,e #here ple$sure rules in opposition to the #or* ethi, o5 tr$dition$l ,$pit$lis68 the ,ity is the represent$tion o5 $ ple$sure-,entered ,onsu6erist so,iety. +he p$stels o5 its loo* be$r this ple$sure, p$rtly throu!h their di55eren,e 5ro6 the !ri6y, inner,ity loo* o5 !ill "treet Blues or, less 6$r*edly, o5 Cagney and Lacey$ Consu6eris6 th$t pro4ides $ l$n!u$!e o5 style in #hi,h the subordin$te ,$n spe$* is ple$sur$ble in its e:,orpor$tion o5 ,$pit$lis6, its $bility to use the produ,ts o5 ,$pit$lis6 #hile re?e,tin! the ideolo!y they 6ore nor6$lly be$r. Ross <1987= $r!ues th$t the J4i,eK in Mi$6i is Jb$dK ,onsu6eris6. Cru!s, porno!r$phy $re the ,o66odities o5 ple$sure, they $re Jthe 6ost ,onsu66$te e:pression o5 e:,h$n!e-4$lue be,$use they do not hide their l$,* o5 use-4$lue. K Fl$untin! the l$,* o5 use-4$lue is J,ri6in$lK in ,$pit$lis6. Co66odities o5 pure ple$sure, pure #$ste, Guestion the nor6s o5 the ,o66odity itsel5, $nd ,r$,* the $libi th$t l$te ,$pit$lis6 tries to est$blish 5or itsel5 in the ideolo!y o5 ,onsu6eris6. -2;02n this 5r$!6ent the ,o66odities o5 6$s,ulinity e:ist on th$t point o5 5ri,tion bet#een J!oodK $nd Jb$dK ,onsu6eris6. +heir ple$sure, their style is ,lose to th$t o5 the b$d, $s Cro,*ett $nd +ubbs $re ,lose to 4oi,in! the under#orld they $re 6e$nt to ,ontrol. +he 4oluptuousness o5 the ob?e,ts liber$tes the6 5ro6 their J!oodK n$rr$ti4e 5un,tion. Li*e the ,$6er$ o5 the tele4ision ,o66er,i$l, the ,$6er$ ple$sures the 4ie#er into the role o5 ,onsu6er, but #h$t is ,onsu6ed is their sensu$lity, their l$,* o5 6e$nin!, their post6odern re?e,tion o5 use $nd o5 ideolo!y. +he ,$6er$ is $ Jb$dK ,onsu6er.

1ut tr$,es o5 !ood ,onsu6eris6 re6$in, the residue o5 their use-4$lue lin!ers on in their si!ni5ieds $nd be$rs #ith it their ideolo!i,$l 6e$nin!s. 1ut on,e these 6e$nin!s $re $,hie4ed, the e:,ess o5 the i6$!es $llo#s $ non-ideolo!i,$l ple$sure lo,$ted in the sensu$lities o5 the si!ni5iers, in the 5eel o5 the !old ,h$in $s it dr$pes itsel5 round the #rist, the tou,h o5 the 5in!ers $!$inst the ne,*let, the #ei!ht o5 the !un in the h$nd. 2n this #orld ple$sure is both $ produ,t o5 $ ,onsu6erist so,iety, $nd $ 6e$ns o5 interro!$tin! it. Cri6in$l 4$lues $re ,onsu6erist 4$lues t$*en to e:,ess, but not di55erent in *ind. +he bound$ries $re blurred bet#een the !ood $nd the b$d, $nd the po#er o5 the do6in$nt to ,ontrol both beh$4ior $nd 6e$nin!s is ,$lled into Guestion $s ple$sure $nd style produ,e $ 6ulti4o,$lity in #hi,h ,o66odities ,$n be $nybodyDs spee,h $nd not ?ust the be$rers o5 $ ,$pit$list e,ono6y. 2t is $ #orld o5 5r$!6ents #hose ple$sure lies in their 5r$!6ent$tion. +he sho#Ds title se!6ent is $ 6ont$!e o5 ple$sure $nd physi,$l sens$tions. Nnli*e $l6ost $ll other tele4ision title seGuen,es, it ,ont$ins no shots o5 the le$din! ,h$r$,ters, nor o5 e:$6ples o5 the $,tion they $re typi,$lly en!$!ed in8 it produ,es inste$d the sense $nd sens$tions o5 Mi$6i. 2t 4$ries sli!htly 5ro6 #ee* to #ee*, but the ,onst$nt 5e$ture, #hi,h o,,upies $l6ost h$l5 the ti6e o5 the se!6ents, is $ set o5 5our shots in #hi,h the ,$6er$ s*i6s $t speed ?ust o4er the sur5$,e o5 the o,e$n turnin! the #$4es $nd sur5 into di77yin! blurred i6$!es, !i4in! the o,e$n $n $pp$rently solid sur5$,e #ith no depth8 the hei!htenin! o5 physi,$l sens$tions produ,es disorient$tion, $s #ith dru!s. +he se,ond$ry e6ph$sis is on Mi$6i $s pl$y!round - shots o5 horse- $nd do!-r$,in!, o5 y$,htin! $nd #indsur5in!, $nd o5 sunb$thin! beside s#i66in! pools. +hen Mi$6i is sho#n in its 6odernity $nd #e$lth - the hi!h-rise buildin!s o5 ,onte6por$ry ,$pit$lis6 $nd hi!h est$blish6ent ,o66odities o5 nu6erous Rolls Roy,es. +his ,$pit$list pl$y!round e:ists in $n e:oti,, be$uti5ul settin!, $ pl$,e o5 sunsets, p$l6 trees, $nd 5l$6in!os. -2;1+he editin! is slo#-p$,ed to be!in #ith, thou!h the ,$6er$ 6o4e6ent is 5$st, $nd builds up to $ ,li6$: ?ust be5ore the end8 o4er it $ll is the r$pid, per,ussi4e, ele,troni, the6e 6usi,. +he ,$6er$ style e6ph$si7es the sensu$lities o5 the ob?e,ts $nd the sens$tions o5 the 4ie#er, either throu!h ti!ht ,lose-ups or by 4erti!inous s#oopin! $nd ,ir,lin!. +he title seGuen,e, then, sets up the 4ie#er to re$d 5or ple$sure $nd style, r$ther th$n ,h$r$,ter $nd $,tion. 3!$inst this, o5 ,ouse, the !eneri, stru,ture o5 the ,ops $nd robbers sho# stru!!les to 6$int$in ideolo!i,$l $nd n$rr$ti4e ,ontrol $nd to !$ther the 5r$!6ents into its 5lo#. 1ut the disrupti4e ple$sures $re b$rely ,ont$ined. Ao#e4er h$rd the n$rr$ti4e 5i!hts to ,lose e$,h episode #ith $ resolution in #hi,h sense, ,ontrol, $nd 6$s,uline ,losure $re $ll $,hie4ed, the style, the 6usi,, the loo*, the interruptions o5 the n$rr$ti4e re6$in open, $,ti4e, disrupti4e $nd lin!er on $s the ple$sures o5 Miami Aice$ Commodified pleas/re +he ,o66odity is double-4oi,ed $nd the 6$r*etpl$,e ,ir,ul$tes both 6e$nin!s $nd 6oney in p$r$llel but sep$r$te e,ono6ies <see ,h$pter 1;=. Le#is <198 = sho#s ho# shoppin! 6$lls o55er the ,o66odities th$t ,$n be used to 6$*e the M$donn$ loo* so th$t

the JM$donn$ #$nn$ beK ,$n ,onstru,t her person$li7ed 4ersion o5 the style. 1ut the shoppin! 6$lls $re not only used 5or buyin!. &ressde, <,ited in Fis*e, Aod!e, $nd +urner 1987= uses the ter6 Jprolet$ri$n shoppin!K to des,ribe #indo#-shoppin! #hen there is no intention to buy. Ae 5ound th$t une6ployed youths indul!ed in this pr$,ti,e in shoppin! 6$lls $s $ #$y o5 ,onsu6in! i6$!es $nd sp$,e, not ,o66odities, ,onsu6in! 5or their ple$sure, not 5or the pro5it o5 the produ,ers. Co66er,i$ls on tele4ision $re p$rti,ul$rly $4$il$ble 5or Jprolet$ri$n shoppin!K $nd 6$ny $ 4ie#er h$s reported lo4in! the ,o66er,i$l but h$tin! the produ,t. +here is $ #ide r$n!e o5 styles o5 ,o66er,i$l upon tele4ision but 6$ny o5 the 6ost e:pensi4e $nd 6ost $d6ired $re those th$t $ppro$,h 6usi, 4ideo. +ypi,$lly these #ill be $i6ed $t $ youn! $udien,e $nd #ill be $d4ertisin! 5$st 5ood, so5t drin*s, or youn! 5$shion. +hey o55er $ series o5 sensuous i6$!es o5 desire, o5 style, $nd o5 6$teri$lity. &$r$do:i,$lly, the produ,t o5ten $ppe$rs $ 6ini6$l p$rt o5 the 6ess$!e - Mi,h$el /$,*sonDs $ds 5or &epsi $nd so6e o5 the $ds 5or Le4i ?e$ns ,ould $l6ost be 6usi, 4ideo. +he $d4ertisersD purposes $re 5ul5illed i5 $ 5r$,tion o5 the 4ie#ers ,on4ert the ple$sure they o55er into pur,h$ses - but there $re no st$tisti,s o5 the nu6ber o5 Jprolet$ri$n shoppersK #hose ple$sure in the $ds re6$ins pre,isely th$t. Children, 5or inst$n,e, $re 4ery ,re$ti4e in re#ritin! ,o66er,i$l ?in!les into <usu$lly s,$tolo!i,$l= ne# 4ersions th$t they use in their pl$y!round !$6es $nd or$l ,ulture <see ,h$pter 1;=. -2;21ut 5or $ll this, ,o66er,i$ls tend to be less open th$n 6usi, 4ideo8 the ,ontr$di,tions bet#een their shots $re less sho,*in!, their synt$!6$ti, !$ps less #ide. +he intention o5 the $d4ertiser is to en!$!e $nd ,h$nnel the desires o5 the 4ie#er, not to !i4e the6 5ree pl$y. 2ne4it$bly, then, there is $n $tte6pted ,losure $round the produ,t #hi,h is desi!ned to $!!re!$te the 6e$nin!s $nd en,$psul$te the style. 1ut the hi!h produ,tion 4$lues, the !lossy sensu$lities o5 the i6$!e, $nd the ti!ht editin! ,$rry $ stylisti, ple$sure o5 their o#n th$t is e$sily det$,hed 5ro6 the ,o66odity on o55er. 3 Co,$ Col$ $d th$t #$s 3ustr$li$n $d o5 the ye$r in 1984 ,onsisted o5 $ su,,ession o5 Gui,* shots o5 be$uti5ul youn! people pl$yin! #ith $ hu!e in5l$t$ble Co*e ,$n on the be$,h $nd in the se$. +he sound tr$,* #$s $ so5t pop 4ersion o5 the Co*e son!, JCo*e is 2t. K +he s,reen #$s 5ull o5 5un, o5 youn! be$uti5ul bodies in ,onst$nt 6o4e6ent, o5 the sensu$lities o5 ,lose-ups o5 spl$shin! #$ter on t$nned s*in, o5 the s6ilin! ple$sure o5 the bodiesD $bility to di4e, ,li6b, 5$ll, slide do#n the pl$sti, Co*e ,$n into the se$8 youth is physi,$l sens$tion, liber$ted 5ro6 $ny so,i$l or histori,$l ,onte:t #ith its ,onstr$ints o5 so,i$l po#erlessness, o5 sub?e,tion $nd ,ontrol. +he Co*e bottle is p$rt o5 this 6o6ent o5 bodily liber$tion8 the ,$6er$ $nd editin! 6$de it p$rt o5 the body o5 youth. @ne shot o5 $ !irlDs l$u!hin! body bein! pulled up out o5 the #$ter by the hu!e re4ol4in! Co*e ,$n #$s ,ut to $ bottle o5 Co*e bein! pulled out o5 ,rushed i,e in $ per5e,t 4isu$l rhy6e. 3 shot o5 $ boy di4in! o55 the hu!e ,$n #$s ,ut into $ ,lose-up o5 $ !irl drin*in! 5ro6 $ Co*e bottle8 the $n!le o5 the di4er $nd the $n!le o5 the bottle 6$t,hed per5e,tly8 the di4erDs body 6o4in! throu!h the $ir $nd into the #$ter be,$6e the 6o4e6ent $nd the sens$tion o5 the Co*e 5lo#in! throu!h the bottle $nd into the 6outh. +he be$,h $s $ li,ensed sp$,e o5 5reedo6 5ro6 the so,i$l, the body $s 5reedo6 5ro6 ideolo!y $nd ,ontrol, 5un $s the ple$sures o5 physi,$lity, $nd youth $s 5unIbodyIbe$,h, $nd Co*e $s youth8 this is Co*eDs

rhetori, o5 style, $ ,$rni4$l o5 e:,essi4e sensu$lity $s $n in4ersion o5 the e4eryd$y. JCo*e is 2t, K $nd J2tK is the ob?e,t #hi,h resists n$6in!, #hi,h is presen,e, e:isten,e, but no 6e$nin!, $ si!ni5ier #ith no si!ni5ied, the body-prin,iple, not the body th$t be$rs indi4idu$lity $nd so,i$l 6e$nin!. +his popul$r !lit7y style is tele4isionDs 4ersion o5 the ,$rni4$lesGue. @nly in sho#s li*e Monty Python-s Flying Circus or The *oung Bnes ,$n tele4ision present the obs,enely !rotesGue in4ersions o5 the nor6$l th$t ,h$r$,teri7ed R$bel$isDs #orld. +ele4isionDs popul$r, post6odernist stylishness is 6ore do6esti, in s,$le, its !rotesGueries 6uted to 6ere b$d t$ste, its ,on,ern #ith the body tr$ns5or6ed into $ ,on,ern #ith the sur5$,e. For bro$d,$st tele 4ision !r$nts no li,ense to indul!e to e:,ess in the bodily ple$sures o5 e$tin!, drin*in!, $nd se:u$lity8 the li,ense is to pl$y #ith the sur5$,e o5 the body, to deny the interiority o5 sel5 or o5 re$lity. 1ut the p$rody, the tr$4esty is still there. +he M$donn$ loo* p$rodies ,onsu6eris6, the Miami Aice loo* turns style into spe,t$,le. +his spe,t$,le o5 tele4ision is not the !rotesGuerie o5 ,$rni4$l <thou!h Roc+ -n- ,restling $ppro$,hes ,lose to it=, nor is it the p$nor$6i, spe,t$,le o5 ,ine6$, it is $ street-s,$led spe,t$,le, di6ensioned $round $nd on the hu6$n body. 2t en!$!es not the po#er-be$rin!, sub?u!$tin! loo* o5 Mul4eyDs ,ine6$, but $ loo* o5 eGu$ls, 5or the loo*er p$rti,ip$tes in the spe,t$,le, the loo*er ,$n be the loo*ed $t. (o the ob?e,t o5 spe,t$,le is not sub?u!$ted to the po#er o5 the loo*, but in ,onstru,tin! herI hi6sel5 $s $ publi, i,on is in4itin!, ,ontrollin!, $nd p$rti,ip$tin! in the ple$sure o5 loo*in!. +he $6bi4$len,e o5 the #ord Jloo*K points to the si6il$rity bet#een the Jloo*K th$t is loo*ed $t $nd the Jloo*K th$t does the loo*in!. 2n tele4isionDs ,$rni4$l o5 style, the ple$sures o5 Jthe loo*K $re indistin!uish$bly o5 both sorts8 its loo* is p$rti,ip$tory, it destroys the po#er di55eren,e bet#een the ob?e,t $nd sub?e,t o5 the !$7e $nd produ,es e6po#erin! ple$sures 5or the subordin$te. -2;3Chapter 10 D/i;;ical pleas/res 36eri,$n tele4ision h$s bro$d,$st so6ethin! o4er 300 di55erent Gui7 $nd !$6e sho#s, the 6$?ority in d$yti6e, or, $t le$st, outside pri6e ti6e. 1ut one or t#o 5reGuently ed!e their #$y into pri6e ti6e $nd into top r$tin!s in 6ost #estern ,ountries. +hey $re $ 6$?or tele4ision !enre, #ith their roots in r$dio, $nd be5ore th$t in p$rty $nd ,o66unity !$6es. +heir !roundin! in or$l ,ulture !i4es the6 $ 4it$lity $nd $ stron!ly inter$,ti4e rel$tionship #ith the 4ie#ers, but it $lso 6$*es the6 one o5 the ne!le,ted $nd de4$lued 5or6s8 5or so 6u,h o5 tele4ision ,riti,is6 ste6s 5ro6 $ liter$ry b$se $nd there5ore 5ore!rounds those tele4isu$l 5or6s #hi,h $ppe$r to be 6ost liter$ry. 3lthou!h, $s #e #ill see, there is $ n$rr$ti4e stru,ture underlyin! Gui7 sho#s, their b$si, stru,ture lies in the nonliter$ry 5or6s o5 !$6e $nd ritu$ls. &ame and rit/al LV4i-(tr$uss distin!uishes bet#een !$6es $nd ritu$ls by de5inin! !$6es $s ,ultur$l 5or6s in #hi,h p$rti,ip$nts st$rt out eGu$l $nd 5inish di55erenti$ted into #inners $nd losers, #here$s ritu$ls t$*e di55erenti$ted !roups $nd pro4ide the6 #ith eGu$li7in! ,o66un$l

6e$nin!s or identities. 0$6es 6o4e 5ro6 si6il$rity to di55eren,e, ritu$ls 5ro6 di55eren,e to si6il$rity. Eui7 sho#s $re pri6$rily !$6es, thou!h there $re i6port$nt ritu$ls p$rti,ul$rly $t the be!innin! $nd so6eti6es $t the end. +hus "ale of the Century h$s the stru,ture o5 ritu$l!$6e-ritu$l. 3t the be!innin! the ,ontest$nts $re introdu,ed, their indi4idu$l di55eren,es n$6es, 5$6ily ,ir,u6st$n,es, o,,up$tions, $nd so6eti6es person$l det$ils su,h $s li*es $nd disli*es, hobbies, or $6bitions - $re !i4en $ ritu$l re,it$tion th$t 6o4es the6 5ro6 di55erenti$ted indi4idu$ls to eGu$l ,o6petitors. +he ,o66on 5or6 in #hi,h the det$ils $re !i4en o4errides their indi4idu$l di55eren,es. +hen the !$6e t$*es o4er #hen this eGu$lity is tested $nd 5ound to be $n eGu$lity o5 opportunity but not o5 $bility. +his !r$du$lly re4e$led ineGu$lity produ,es the #inner #ho is then $,,orded $ ritu$l o5 eGu$lity #ith the be$rer o5 so,i$l po#er - the Guestion-6$ster - #ho t$*es hi6 or her by the h$nd into the reser4ed p$rt o5 the studio #here the pri7es $re displ$yed in 5etishisti, splendor, $nd 6$de the ob?e,ts o5 $ ritu$listi, ,elebr$tion. -2; 2t is not di55i,ult to see th$t this ritu$l-!$6e-ritu$l is $n en$,t6ent o5 ,$pit$list ideolo!y. 2ndi4idu$ls $re ,onstru,ted $s di55erent but eGu$l in opportunity. Ci55eren,es o5 natural $bility $re dis,o4ered, $nd the re#$rd is up#$rd 6obility into the re$l6 o5 so,i$l po#er #hi,h Jn$tur$llyK brin!s #ith it 6$teri$l $nd e,ono6i, bene5its. (i6il$rly, $s 2 h$4e $r!ued else#here <Fis*e 1983=, this stru,ture o5 Gui7 sho#s reprodu,es the edu,$tion syste6 in #estern so,ieties8 in this, $ll students <supposedly= st$rt eGu$l8 those #ith n$tur$l $bility p$ss su,,essi4ely 6ore dis,ri6in$tin! tests <e:$6in$tions= $nd e6er!e $s the hi!hly Gu$li5ied 5e# #ho $re 5itted <by n$ture, so the story !oes= 5or the hi!h-in,o6e ?obs, $nd positions #ith hi!h de!rees o5 so,i$l po#er $nd in5luen,e. (u,h $n ideolo!y $nd its ritu$lI!$6e per5or6$n,es !rounds so,i$l or ,l$ss di55eren,es in indi4idu$l n$tur$l di55eren,es $nd thus n$tur$li7es the ,l$ss syste6. 1ourdieu <1980= in his theory o5 ,ultur$l ,$pit$l h$s re4e$led the ,ontr$di,tions 6$s*ed by su,h ideolo!i,$l 5or6$tions. For 1ourdieu the so,i$l role o5 ,ulture is to ,l$ssi5y people $nd thus under#rite $ str$ti5ied so,iety. Ae introdu,es the notion o5 ,ultur$l ,$pit$l #hi,h is possessed by those #ho h$4e t$ste $nd po#ers o5 dis,ri6in$tion. Cis,ri6in$tion $nd t$ste $re both $pp$rently n$tur$l $bilities o5 the indi4idu$l but $re $,tu$lly the produ,ts o5 $ spe,i5i, ,l$ss $nd edu,$tion$l syste6. 3,,ordin! to 1ourdieu, ,ulture, $nd the *no#led!e th$t is inte!r$l to it, $re repl$,in! e,ono6i,s $s $ 6e$ns o5 di55erenti$tin! ,l$sses. 2n l$te ,$pit$lis6 #hen 6$ny 6e6bers o5 the subordin$te ,l$sses $re ,o6p$r$ti4ely $55luent, 6oney loses its $bility to 6$s* ,l$ss di55eren,e $nd ,ulture 6o4es in to 5ill the !$p. +he edu,$tion$l syste6, 5or 1ourdieu, is the 6$in $!en,y o5 ,ultur$l prop$!$tion. 2t is stru,tured $round $ ,l$ssi5yin! pro,ess th$t is p$rti,ul$rly e55e,ti4e be,$use its ,l$ssi5i,$tion pro,eeds under the #idely $,,epted belie5 th$t edu,$tion is unbi$sed $nd neutr$l, th$t it o55ers e4eryone the s$6e opportunity. 2t pretends to 6e$sure $nd de4elop the n$tur$l t$lent o5 e$,h indi4idu$l #hile $,tu$lly pro6otin! 6iddle-,l$ss 4$lues $nd re#$rdin! 6iddle-,l$ss students. (o,i$l di55erenti$tion is thus displ$,ed into, $nd n$tur$li7ed by, $ notion o5 indi4idu$l di55eren,es. J3ll $re eGu$l in 5ront o5 the

e:$6in$tion p$perK is $s #idely belie4ed $ 6ispresent$tion o5 so,i$l e:perien,e $s is J%4eryone h$s eGu$l opportunities in de6o,r$ti, ,$pit$lis6. K Cultur$l ,$pit$l, li*e e,ono6i, ,$pit$l, is presented $s bein! eGu$lly $4$il$ble to $ll, but is $,tu$lly ,on5ined to those #ith ,l$ss po#er. )no9ledge and po9er Eui7 sho#s use *no#led!e in the #$y th$t 1ourdieu $r!ues ,ulture oper$tes, th$t is, to sep$r$te out #inners 5ro6 losers $nd to !round the ,l$ssi5i,$tion in indi4idu$l or n$tur$l di55eren,es. 1ut the *no#led!e th$t they use 4$ries throu!hout the !enre so 6u,h th$t #e need to di4ide it into ,$te!ories $nd re5er to the o4er$ll ,on,ept $s +nowledges$ -2;;+he type o5 *no#led!e th$t is 6ost ,losely ,onne,ted #ith the notion o5 po#er $nd ,ultur$l ,$pit$l is the J5$,tu$l, K J$,$de6i,K type used in sho#s su,h $s "ale of the Century$ +his *no#led!e h$s $n e6piri,$l b$se #hose J5$,ti,ityK 6$s*s its ori!in in, $nd 6$inten$n,e o5, $ syste6 o5 so,i$l po#er. 2t is ,ont$ined in re5eren,e boo*s, di,tion$ries, $nd en,y,lopedi$s, $nd re$,hes its 6ost elitist 6$ni5est$tion in sho#s li*e Mastermind$ 2n Mastermind ,ontest$nts $re 5irst tested on their *no#led!e o5 $ spe,i$list $re$ o5 their ,hoi,e $nd then on 6ore !ener$l *no#led!e. (pe,i$lis6s 4$ry 5ro6 the tr$dition$lly $,$de6i, <e.!. %n!lish Liter$ture 1890-1904= to the e,,entri, <e.!. %n!lish (te$6 %n!ines in the 1880s=, $nd the $t6osphere is tense, Guiet, $nd sole6n, li*e th$t o5 $n e:$6in$tion roo6. 2n the 1ritish 4ersion, the sho# is usu$lly bro$d,$st 5ro6 $ uni4ersityM in 3ustr$li$, the studio set is !i4en the s$6e hushed re4eren,e. "ale of the Century( Ford "uper Iui=, $nd Eeopardy $re sho#s #hi,h in5le,t the *no#led!e in Guestion to#$rds $ type o5 !ener$l *no#led!e, #hose ,ontent is less deter6ined by s,hool le$rnin!, but #hose 5or6 6$int$ins $ll the $uthority $nd un,h$llen!e$bleness o5 the s,hool e:$6in$tion. 2t is, ho#e4er, 6i:ed here #ith $ sho#bi7 sense o5 5un, o5 !litter $nd e:,ite6ent. +he e:,ite6ent $nd ple$sure o5 the ,$rni4$l is ?oined #ith the *no#led!e $nd dis,ipline o5 the s,hoolroo6 in $ set o5 ,ontr$di,tions th$t open the pro!r$6 up to $ r$n!e o5 re$din! positions. +he st$r person$lity o5 the sho# ,o6bines these ,ontr$di,tions in hi6sel5 <the role is in4$ri$bly 5illed by $ 6$le=8 he is both the !eni$l 6$ster o5 ,ere6onies $nd the stern <but 5$ir= s,hool6$ster-e:$6iner. 1oth roles $re ones o5 ,ontrol, but they ,o6e 5ro6 4ery di55erent ,ultur$l do6$ins. +he 6$ster o5 ,ere6onies role is dire,ted 6ore $t the studio $nd ho6e $udien,es, the s,hool6$ster $t the ,ontest$nts. 2n this role, he is the publi, !u$rdi$n o5 this *no#led!e #ho ,ontrols $,,ess to it, $nd #ho uses his possession o5 it $s $ 6e$ns o5 ,ontrollin! the ,o6petitors $nd the pro!ress o5 the !$6e. 2t !i4es hi6 the po#er o5 the hi!h priest in the ritu$l. +here is $nother type o5 5$,tu$l *no#led!e #hi,h is less $,$de6i,, 6ore e4eryd$y. 2n sho#s li*e The )ew Price >s Right the e4eryd$y *no#led!e o5 the pri,es o5 do6esti, $nd ,onsu6er !oods is on tri$l8 the #inner is the one #ho best *no#s the 4$lues o5 $ #ide r$n!e o5 ,o66odities. (i6il$rly, ,heel of Fortune reGuires $ !ener$l *no#led!e o5 #ords $nd popul$r s$yin!s <it is b$sed on the tr$dition$l p$rlor !$6e o5 JA$n!6$nK=. Fno#led!e o5 this type is not !$ined throu!h s,hool or re$din!, but r$ther throu!h

,o66on so,i$l e:perien,e $nd inter$,tion8 it is thus $4$il$ble to $ #ider r$n!e o5 people, it is de6o,r$ti, r$ther th$n elitist in te6per. 1ut there is $n entirely di55erent ,$te!ory o5 *no#led!e th$t produ,es entirely di55erent sorts o5 sho#s. +his is $ *no#led!e th$t resides in the hu6$n or so,i$l r$ther th$n in the 5$,tu$l. 2t h$s no $bsolute ri!ht $nd #ron! $ns#ers $nd thus ,$nnot be possessed or !u$rded by $n elite. 2t depends inste$d upon the $bility to underst$nd or Jsee intoK people, either in !ener$l or $s spe,i5i, indi4idu$ls. -2;7Nnderst$ndin! people in !ener$l produ,es sho#s su,h $s Family Feud$ +he #inner here is the 5$6ily #ho ,$n predi,t the so,i$l nor6s, #ho *no#s best #h$t 6ost people $re thin*in!. +he Guestions t$*e the 5or68 J'e $s*ed $ s$6ple o5 one hundred people to n$6e $ ?ob th$t reGuires people to !et up e$rly in the 6ornin!8 #h$t do you thin* they $ns#eredHK +he ,ontest$nts $re s,ored $,,ordin! to ho# ,losely their $ns#ers ,on5or6 to the nor6s est$blished by the sur4ey. +he #inner is 5in$lly the one #ho ,$n 6ost $,,ur$tely predi,t the so,i$l ,onsensus8 the #inner is, p$r$do:i,$lly, the 6ost ordin$ry. +his type o5 *no#led!e is, $,,ordin! to Mills $nd Ri,e <1982=, politi,$lly opposed to the elitist one, it is 6ore de6o,r$ti,, less di4isi4e. 2t depends less upon JtheirK ,ultur$l ,$pit$l $nd 6ore upon JourK ,ultur$l e:perien,e, $nd the s*ills th$t !$in $,,ess to it $re not the 5or6$lly t$u!ht s*ills o5 intelle,t $nd 6e6ory, but the hu6$n s*ills de4eloped by so,i$l e:perien,e, the s*ills o5 underst$ndin! people. Family Feud $nd Play *our Cards Right <$nother sho# b$sed on this type o5 *no#led!e= $re not pl$yed by indi4idu$ls but by 5$6ilies or 6$rried ,ouples, 5or this Jde6o,r$ti,K so,i$l *no#led!e 5its less #ell #ith indi4idu$lis6 th$n does the 6ore 5$,tu$l elitist *no#led!e. 1ut it ,$n be !i4en $ 6ore indi4idu$list in5le,tion #hen it tests insi!ht into, or *no#led!e o5, $ spe,i5i, person. (ho#s b$sed on this $re ones li*e Mr and Mrs( The )ewlywed Game( Blan+ety Blan+( or Perfect Match$ 2n Mr and Mrs or The )ewlywed Game one spouse 5irst $ns#ers $ nu6ber o5 Guestions8 the other, #ho h$s been in the soundproo5 booth, then h$s to !uess #h$t these $ns#ers #ere. +he #inners $re those ,ouples #ho J*no#K e$,h other best $s 6e$sured by their $bility to !uess the otherDs responses. 2n Blan+ety Blan+ the ,o6petitor h$s to !uess the #ord th$t $ p$nel o5 ,elebrities h$s $sso,i$ted #ith $ !i4en sti6ulus #ord or phr$se. +he #inner is the ,o6petitor #ho !uesses the #ord 6ost 5reGuently ,hosen by the ,elebrities. 2n The ating Game $ ,o6petitor h$s to ,hoose $ d$te 5ro6 three unseen 6e6bers o5 the opposite se: by their $ns#ers to his or her Guestions. +he J#innerK is the one #ho !ets ,hosen, $nd the ,ouple $re then sent on $ $lle:penses-p$id trip or d$te. Perfect Match is 6ore ,o6ple:, 5or there $re three sorts o5 *no#led!e $t #or* in it. +he intuiti4e, person$l *no#led!e or s*ill o5 the ,hooser in pi,*in! his or her Jper5e,t 6$t,hK is 5irst tested $!$inst the 6ore s,ienti5i,, e6piri,ist *no#led!e o5 the ,o6puter #hi,h sele,ts, $,,ordin! to s,ienti5i, prin,iples $nd d$t$, the Jre$llyK per5e,t 6$t,h. 25 the s,ienti5i, $nd hu6$n J*no#led!esK $!ree, th$t is, i5 the ,o6puter pi,*s the s$6e person $s the ,hooser, the doubly 4$lid$ted ,ouple $re !i4en $n e:tr$ pri7e. +hese t#o sorts o5 *no#led!e - the s,ienti5i, $nd the hu6$nintuiti4e - $re then put to the test o5 e:perien,e. A$l5 the ,ouples return to $ l$ter sho# to

tell ho# they !ot on on their trip8 the *no#led!e o5 $,tu$l e:perien,e is $dded to, $nd o5ten set $!$inst, the other t#o *no#led!es. -2;8Figure 1%.1 The hierarchy of E/i; sho9s

'e ,$n, then, ,$te!ori7e Gui7 sho#s $,,ordin! to their type o5 *no#led!e $nd its rel$tion to so,i$l po#er, $s sho#n in Fi!ure 14.1. +his produ,es $ hier$r,hy o5 Gui7 sho#s - those $t the top reGuire $n $,$de6i, or spe,i$list *no#led!e <Mastermind( J62(::: Iuestion= th$t h$s $ 6ore popul$r in5le,tion in J!ener$l *no#led!eK <"ale of the Century( Eeopardy=. +his ,$te!ory reprodu,es in !$6e 5or6 the s,hool syste6 o5 students, te$,hers, e:$6in$tions, $nd re#$rds - $ point th$t #ill be de4eloped in !re$ter det$il belo#. +hey tend to be pri6e ti6e $nd to be #$t,hed $nd pl$yed by $ !re$ter proportion o5 6en. Further do#n the list, $nd the hier$r,hy, the sho#s tend to be s,reened in d$y-ti6e or l$te $5ternoon, $nd $re thus #$t,hed by $udien,es o5 predo6in$ntly #o6en or #o6en $nd ,hildren. 3s the J*no#led!eK be,o6es 6ore de6o,r$ti7ed, so the popul$rity o5 the pro!r$6s shi5ts to#$rds those #ith less so,i$l po#er. L/c5 2n $ll the sho#s, #h$te4er the *no#led!e th$t is tested, there is $n ele6ent o5 lu,*. 2n so6e, su,h $s Pic+ a Bo<, lu,* is the 6oti4e 5or,e. 2n others, su,h $s Play *our Cards Right, the l$# o5 $4er$!es ,$n be in4o*ed to in,re$se $ ,o6petitorDs ,h$n,e o5 bein! Jlu,*yK - in this ,$se o5 !uessin! #hether $n unseen pl$yin! ,$rd is hi!her or lo#er th$n the re4e$led one. 2n sho#s su,h $s Mastermind( lu,* is *ept to $ 6ini6u6, to the e:tent th$t e$,h ,o6petitor ,hooses the topi, 5or his or her Jspe,i$listK Guestions8 in the se,ond p$rt o5 the sho#, #hen !ener$l *no#led!e Guestions, $lbeit esoteri, ones, $re $s*ed, lu,* pl$ys $ sli!htly !re$ter role. -2;9Lu,* is o5ten rel$ted to !$6blin! - ,o6petitors st$*e points or doll$rs $lre$dy #on, in the hope o5 #innin! 6ore. 2n "ale of the Century 6oney #on in the Jlu,*K se!6ents ,$n o4erride th$t #on in the J*no#led!eK se!6ents, so the o4er$ll #inner ,$n be the lu,*iest, not the ,le4erest. Lu,* pl$ys $ 4it$l role in the he!e6oni, stru,ture o5 so,ieties th$t $re both ,o6petiti4e $nd de6o,r$ti,. +he stru,ture o5 su,h so,ieties is ne,ess$rily hier$r,hi,$l $nd elitist, they $re li*e $ pyr$6id #ith the 6$ss o5 people $t the botto6 $nd 4ery 5e# $t the top. )et the do6in$nt ideolo!y insists th$t e4eryone h$s $ ,h$n,e to rise up throu!h the ,l$ss, e,ono6i,, $nd po#er syste6s. +he so,i$l syste6, not surprisin!ly, reprodu,es the edu,$tion$l syste6 in its ideolo!y o5 eGu$l opportunity 5or e4eryone, so th$t those o5 n$tur$l t$lent #ill rise up throu!h the stru,ture, $nd the resultin! ,l$ss di4isions #ill be

$ble to present their ineGu$lities $s 5$ir be,$use they $re b$sed upon the Jn$tur$llyK uneGu$l distribution o5 t$lent $6on!st other#ise eGu$l indi4idu$ls. +he ,oroll$ry o5 this, o5 ,ourse, is th$t those #ho h$4e not risen <by de5inition the 6$?ority= h$4e 5$iled to do so throu!h their o#n Jn$tur$lK de5i,ien,ies. Lu,* #or*s to 6iti!$te the h$rshness o5 this ?ud!6ent, 5or lu,* pro4ides $n ideolo!i,$lly $,,ept$ble e:pl$n$tion o5 su,,ess or 5$ilure - <s=he is 6ore su,,ess5ul th$n 6e be,$use <s=he #$s lu,*ier, not ?ust be,$use <s=he #$s ,le4erer. 2n $ so,iety th$t ,elebr$tes both the 6$teri$l re#$rds o5 #e$lth $nd the ri!ht o5 e4eryone to the6, but li6its the opportunities to $,Guire the6 to the 6inority, the $ppe$l o5 !$6blin!, o5 e$sy 6oney, is h$rdly surprisin!. +he he!e6oni, 5un,tion o5 lu,* is not ?ust to 6ini6i7e the person$l sense o5 5$ilure, but, 6ore i6port$ntly, to de6onstr$te th$t the re#$rds o5 the syste6 $re, in 5$,t, $4$il$ble to $ll, re!$rdless o5 t$lent, ,l$ss, !ender, r$,e, $nd so on. 2n the Jr$!s to ri,hesK story #hi,h is su,h $ potent 6yth in ,$pit$list so,ieties $nd is 6$ni5est in the popul$r bio!r$phies o5 6ost st$rs o5 sport $nd entert$in6ent, $nd o5 industri$l st$rs su,h $s Lee 2$,o,,$, h$rd #or* $nd lu,* $re interdependent ele6ents8 #or* $nd dedi,$tion #hi,h 6$*e the 6ost o5 Jn$tur$lK t$lents rely on the lu,* o5 bein! in the ri!ht pl$,e $t the ri!ht ti6e, or o5 $ ,h$n,e 6eetin! #ith the ri!ht person, to pro4ide the opportunities 5or th$t t$lent to 5lourish. B$nn$ 'hite, the hostess o5 the 36eri,$n 4ersion o5 ,heel of Fortune, is $n e6bodi6ent o5 this 6yth. 2n 198; she shot to ,elebrity st$tus, $ 6eteori, rise th$t ,ul6in$ted in her photo!r$ph on the ,o4er o5 )ewswee+$ +his $nd other se,ond$ry te:ts pro4ided 4ie#ers #ith bio!r$phi,$l in5or6$tion th$t 6$de her the li4in! 4$lid$tion o5 the role o5 lu,* in our ideolo!y. Aer 5$ther, so the stories #ent, #$s $ drun*en, spouse-$busin! &uerto Ri,$n #ho6 her 6other di4or,ed #hen B$nn$ #$s still $n in5$nt. Fro6 su,h $ so,i$lly dis$d4$nt$!ed st$rt she pro!ressed to $ nu6ber o5 undistin!uished 6odelin! ?obs. +hen she tried her lu,* in Aolly#ood, $uditioned 5or the ,heel of Fortune role, $nd 5ro6 ,ultur$l in4isibility, be,$6e, $l6ost o4erni!ht, $ ,elebrity. +he se,ond$ry te:ts ,onsistently e6ph$si7ed both her Jordin$ryK be!innin!s $nd her ,urrent su,,ess $nd li5estyle. Aer story is the JtrueK en$,t6ent o5 the J5ortuneK <in its double sense o5 Jlu,*K $nd J#e$lthK= th$t the sho# sy6boli,$lly o55ers. B$nn$ 'hite is proo5 th$t this 5ortune is $4$il$ble to e4eryone <!i4en $ little bit o5 lu,*=. -270Aui7in!$ <1949= su!!ests th$t !$6es stru,ture the tension bet#een ,h$n,e $nd rules, bet#een the unpredi,t$ble $nd the predi,t$ble, the un,ontroll$ble $nd the ,ontroll$ble. +he !$6es pl$yed by both ,hildren $nd tele4ision 4ie#ers $re ine4it$bly p$rt o5 the s$6e so,i$l syste6 $s the #orlds o5 #or* $nd e,ono6i,s in their en$,t6ent o5 the ,entr$lity o5 lu,*. 'hile *no#led!e 6$y be the so,i$lly 4$lid$ted #$y to po#er, in5luen,e, $nd 6$teri$l re#$rds, the elitis6 th$t is ent$iled by the ,o6petiti4eness #hi,h both produ,es $nd pro4es its uneGu$l distribution is !i4en $ de6o,r$ti, $libi by lu,*. 1ut the $libi 6$y not be si6ply he!e6oni, in its 5un,tion. +he !eneri, ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 Gui7 sho#s $re ,le$rly e55e,ti4e be$rers o5 ,$pit$list $nd p$tri$r,h$l ideolo!iesM they ,$n be $rti,ul$ted di55erently to pro4ide ple$sures $nd 6e$nin!s th$t $re less $,,o66od$tin!.

Commodities +he pri7es $re typi,$lly ,onsu6er !oods or ser4i,es, su,h $s 5orei!n tours or ,ruises. (o6eti6es 6oney is the re#$rd, $nd so6eti6es publi, respe,t $nd !lory <Mastermind, 5or e:$6ple, h$s no pri7es or re#$rds 5or #inners o5 the he$ts, $nd $ dis,reet $ntiGue or #or* o5 $rt 5or the #inner o5 the 5in$l=. +he ,o66er,i$l interests behind Gui7 sho#s, $s behind so 6u,h o5 tele4ision, press to h$4e their !oods displ$yed to $n $udien,e o5 6illionsM 5or the6 Gui7 sho#s $re the ,he$pest tele4ision ,o66er,i$l possible, $nd one th$t h$s the $dded bonus o5 presentin! the6 $s JsponsorsK not $s J$d4ertisers. K Eui7 sho#s $re o5ten ,h$r!ed #ith en,our$!in! 6$teri$lis6 $nd #ith positionin! the 4ie#er, p$rti,ul$rly the house#i5e, $s $ ,onsu6er. +here is no doubt th$t this 5or,e is po#er5ully $t #or* in the68 #e ,$n see it in the !l$6ori7in! o5 the pri7es $nd in the e,st$ti, e:,ite6ent <$l6ost %ouissanceO= o5 the #inners $nd the studio $udien,es. +here is $ sense in #hi,h the pri7es be,o6e the st$rs, $nd the 4isu$l ,li6$: o5 6$ny $ sho# is pro4ided by the ,$6er$ lu:uri$tin! $6on!st the !litterin!, bri!htly lit pri7es. -271C$4ies <1983= t$*es this e4en 5urther. 2n $ det$iled $n$lysis o5 the openin! seGuen,e o5 the 3ustr$li$n "ale of the Century he re4e$ls ho# the represent$tion o5 the st$r pri7e o5 the ,$r 6$y #or* subli6in$lly on the 4ie#er. +he ,$r re4ol4es on $ podiu6, surrounded by 5l$shin! li!hts, $nd the ,$6er$ 7oo6s in, not ste$dily, but in $ series o5 ?u6p ,uts, until it 5inishes in $ ,lose-up o5 the r$di$tor !rille. +he seGuen,e is $,,o6p$nied by $ dru6roll $nd 5ren7ied $ppl$use $nd its e55e,ti4ity is enh$n,ed, $,,ordin! to C$4ies, by $ 5or6 o5 subli6in$l per,eption. %$,h o5 the ele4en ?u6p ,uts in the 3.; se,ond seGuen,e is one-third o5 $ se,ond or ei!ht 5r$6es. +his editin! r$te o5 three shots per se,ond 5$lls #ithin the 5reGuen,y o5 strobos,opi, e55e,ts #hi,h oper$te physiolo!i,$lly upon the br$in. Eui7 sho#s, li*e $d4ertisin!, $re undoubtedly p$rt o5 ,o66odity ,$pit$lis6, $nd use 6$ny o5 the si6il$r ,ultur$l str$te!ies. For inst$n,e, !l$6orous 6odels $re used to displ$y the pri7es $nd thus $sso,i$te ,o66odities #ith se:u$lity, thereby lin*in! buyin! #ith se:u$l desire $nd s$tis5$,tion. Lin*in! the do6$in o5 se:u$lity #ith th$t o5 e,ono6i,s is ,o66onpl$,e in our so,iety. (ho#s li*e allas $re no di55erent 5ro6 the ,o66er,i$ls typi,$lly inserted into the6 in their eGu$tion o5 e,ono6i, po#er #ith se:u$l po#er $nd $ttr$,ti4eness. (e:u$l ,o6petition, #ith its C$r#ini$n e:pl$n$tion o5 the Jn$tur$lK sur4i4$l o5 the 5ittest, is e$sily 6obili7ed to n$tur$li7e e,ono6i, ,o6petition. +he Jn$tur$lK desir$bility o5 $ be$uti5ul #o6$n, or 6$n, is $ 6et$phor 5or the ,$pit$list desir$bility o5 the ,o66odity #ith #hi,h she, or he, is $sso,i$ted. +he person #ho is the ob?e,t o5 se:u$l desire be,o6es ob?e,ti5ied into the ,o66odity so th$t both $re pur,h$sed or #on si6ult$neously. 1ut the 6oti4$tions o5 the produ,ers o5 Gui7 sho#s th$t deter6ine the 6$in ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 the !enre do not ne,ess$rily deter6ine the #$ys th$t they $re re$d or used by the 4ie#ers. The active a/dience +he 5irst point to 6$*e is th$t Gui7 sho#s produ,e p$rti,ul$rly $,ti4e, p$rti,ip$tory 4ie#ers. +heir 6ini-n$rr$ti4es $re stru,tured $round the her6eneuti, ,ode #hi,h poses

$nd then resol4es eni!6$s. 1ut unli*e typi,$l n$rr$ti4es, Gui7 sho#s $re not presented $s en$,ted 5i,tion, but $s li4e e4ents. +he produ,ers !o to !re$t p$ins to dis!uise the 5$,t th$t $ll sho#s $re prere,orded - 5i4e or si: $re typi,$lly t$ped in one re,ordin! session. +heir Jli4enessK or Jno#nessK is ,ru,i$l to their $ppe$l 5or it positions the 4ie#er $s the eGu$l o5 the ,h$r$,ters in the n$rr$ti4e. +he n$rr$ti4e $ppe$rs un#ritten, the resolution is $s 6u,h $ 6ystery to the ,h$r$,ters $s to the 4ie#er, so the te:t h$s less $uthority to i6pose itsel5. 2n the Jun#rittenK n$rr$ti4e o,,urrin! Jno#K suspense $ppe$rs to be re$l, not 6$nu5$,tured $nd $uthori$lly ,ontrolled $s in $ no4el or 5il6, $nd thus the en!$!e6ent o5 the re$der is !re$ter. +he 4ie#er o5 Gui7 sho#s, li*e th$t o5 so$p oper$, is positioned acti'ely to#$rds the te:t by its un#rittenness, its sense o5 $ ti6e sp$n in #hi,h the present $nd 5uture $re eGu$l 5or both ,h$r$,ters $nd 4ie#ers. -272+he 4ie#ers $re thus en,our$!ed to ,o6pete #ith the per5or6ers, $nd, in Perfect Match, to set their insi!hts $!$inst those o5 the ,o6petitors $nd to test their hu6$n *no#led!e $!$inst th$t o5 the ,o6puter $nd o5 J$,tu$lK e:perien,e, 6u,h $s in so$p oper$s they test their Js,riptsK $!$inst the ones $,tu$lly bro$d,$st. 1ut the $,ti4ity o5 the $udien,e does not in itsel5 pro4ide e4iden,e th$t the ,o66er,i$l 5un,tions o5 Gui7 sho#s ,$n be e4$ded or resisted. 35ter $ll, $d4ertisers too #$nt $n $,ti4e $udien,e be,$use th$t is the $udien,e #hi,h #ill 6ost e55e,ti4ely in,orpor$te the i6$!e o5 their produ,t into its i6$!in$tion. 'illi$6son <1978=, 5or e:$6ple, h$s sho#n th$t 6$ny $d4ertise6ents ,ont$in puns or pu77les 5or the re$der to sol4e $nd in so doin! to en!$!e $,ti4ely #ith the ,re$tion o5 6e$nin! 5or the produ,t. 2n this ,$se, the $udien,e $,ti4ity is ,ontrolled $s ,$re5ully $s possible by the $d4ertiser, but the e55e,ti4ity o5 th$t ,ontrol is still 4ery li6ited. +here $re 6$ny 6ore 4ie#ers #ho !$in ple$sure 5ro6 $ #itty or punnin! $d4ertise6ent th$n there $re those #ho ,on4ert th$t ple$sure into $n $,tu$l pur,h$se. 3d4ertise6ents $re seen, re$d, $nd en?oyed by 6illions o5 people #ho #ill ne4er buy the ,o66odity on o55er. Children, 5or inst$n,e, $ppropri$te $d4ertisin! ?in!les into their !$6es, o5ten sub4ertin! the6 by ,h$n!in! the #ords. 2n,orpor$ted into ,hildrenDs ,ulture, the $d4ertisin! ?in!le be$rs 4ery little, i5 $ny, o5 its ori!in$l ,o66er,i$l 6e$nin! - prob$bly not 6u,h 6ore th$n nursery rhy6es su,h $s Little Eac+ !orner or Georgie Porgie ret$in their histori,$l $nd politi,$l sense. +he ori!in o5 $ te:t neither !u$r$ntees nor deter6ines its 6ode o5 re,eption, ho#e4er po#er5ul $ p$rty it 6$y be in the pro,ess o5 ne!oti$tion. Bie#ers #ho p$rti,ip$te in the ple$sures o5 Gui7 sho#s $re not ne,ess$rily in,orpor$ted into the ,onsu6erist ideolo!y. Artic/lating E/i; sho9s A$llDs <198;= theory o5 $rti,ul$tion is produ,ti4e here. +he #ord h$s t#o 6e$nin!s, $nd his theory uses both o5 the6 eGu$lly $nd interdependently. +o $rti,ul$te is, in one sense, to spe$* $nd Jspe$*in!, K #e 6ust re6e6ber, ne,ess$rily in4ol4es Jresponse, K it is $ t#o-#$y pro,ess. (o #hile Gui7 sho#s 6$y $rti,ul$te <spe$*= ,onsu6eris6 $s they ,$rry the 4oi,e o5 their pro du,ers, they 6$y $lso, $s 2 su!!est belo#, $rti,ul$te <spe$*= responses to th$t ,onsu6eris6 in $,,ents th$t spe$* the interests o5 the ,onsu6er.

-2731ut $rti,ul$tin! $lso 6e$ns lin*in! #ith $ 5le:ible 6o4$ble point o5 ,ont$,t $s in $ hin!e, or $s in the 1ritish n$6e 5or $ se6itr$iler - $n $rti,ul$ted lorry. +he 5irst 6e$nin! o5 $rti,ul$tion dire,ts our $ttention to the te:t, its produ,tion $nd re,eption, the se,ond reGuires us to loo* $t the #$y th$t the te:t <or the !$6e o5 #hi,h it is $n e:$6ple= is lin*ed to other ,ultur$l do6$ins. +hus, #hen M+B is $rti,ul$ted #ith the re,ord $nd 6usi, industry, its 6e$nin!s $re ,o66er,i$l $nd e,ono6i,, but #hen it is $rti,ul$ted #ith the do6$in o5 youth, possibly #ith $ dru!-sub,ulture, its !lossy, r$pid, ,onsu6erist i6$!es 6$y $rti,ul$te <spe$*= 6e$nin!s o5 opposition or e4$sion. +he 6e$nin!s o5 $rti,ul$tion le$* into e$,h other, 5or spee,h $l#$ys o,,urs in $ ,ultur$l do6$in th$t is rel$ted to others8 it is ne4er ,onte:t-5ree. A$llDs theory re6inds us th$t the s$6e spee,h, $rti,ul$ted to di55erent do6$ins, ,$n 6e$n Guite di55erently $nd ser4e Guite di55erent so,i$l $nd politi,$l interests. +he J6ultiple $rti,ul$tionK o5 Gui7 sho#s is $ 5un,tion both o5 their te:tu$l openness <their Jun#rittenness, K their use o5 e:,ess $nd 6et$phor= $nd o5 the #$y they ,$n be re$d in ter6s o5 their rel$tionship #ith $ nu6ber o5 ,ultur$l do6$ins, p$rti,ul$rly those o5 s,hool, o5 the 5$6ily, o5 shoppin!, o5 leisure, $nd o5 so,i$l rel$tionships. Eui7 sho#s $rti,ul$te #ith s,hool in $ nu6ber o5 #$ys. M,Eu$il, 1lu6ler, $nd 1ro#n <1972= h$4e 5ound th$t 4ie#ers 5ro6 hi!her so,ioe,ono6i, !roups <#ho $re li*ely to be the better edu,$ted= use Gui7 sho#s to ,he,* $nd test their J$,$de6i,K *no#led!e. Bie#ers 5ro6 lo#er so,ioe,ono6i, !roups, ho#e4er <li*ely to h$4e h$d $ shorter 5or6$l edu,$tion=, use the sho#s to Jpro4eK to the6sel4es th$t they $re $s ,le4er $s the ,ontest$nts, $nd th$t their 5or6$lly $ssessed $,$de6i, per5or6$n,e is not $ true 6e$sure o5 their $bility. (o6e used the sho#s $s $ b$sis 5or sel5-r$tin!, #ith responses li*e J2 i6$!ined th$t 2 #$s on the pro!r$6 $nd doin! #ell, K or J2 ,$n ,o6p$re 6ysel5 #ith the e:perts. K +hese sel5r$tin!s o5ten produ,ed the sort o5 sel5-estee6 th$t the edu,$tion syste6 denied the68 J2 5ind 2 *no# 6ore th$t 2 thou!ht, K or J2 5eel 2 h$4e i6pro4ed 6ysel5. K 2ts 6et$phori,$l rel$tionship #ith s,hool prob$bly lies behind the "ale of the Century-s popul$rity #ith 3ustr$li$n s,hool students <in 1983, it $nd Prisoner #ere the t#o 6ost popul$r pro!r$6s #ith s,hool students=. 2t o55ers 6et$phori,$l tr$ns5or6$tion o5 the s,hool syste6 #hi,h $llo#s sy6boli, su,,ess to those #ho J5$ilK $t s,hool. Li*e $ll 6et$phors, the rel$tionship bet#een the represent$tion $nd its re5erent oper$tes on $ interpl$y o5 si6il$rity $nd di55eren,e. +he si6il$rity bet#een the t#o is ob4ious8 but the di55eren,es $re eGu$lly i6port$nt to the pro!r$6Ds $ppe$l. +he s,hool syste6, 5or e:$6ple, sells itsel5 to its students by pro6isin! th$t !ood #or* $t s,hool #ill pro4ide $ !ood ?ob #hi,h in turn #ill pro4ide the J!ood li5e. K +he #or* h$s to be per5or6ed no#, but the 5in$l re#$rd is in the dist$nt 5uture. "ale of the Century( ho#e4er, ,oll$pses the ti6e !$p - the re#$rds $re inst$nt - $nd in so doin! sGuee7es the ?ob out o5 the eGu$tion. A$ll $nd 1ennett h$4e both noted ho# r$rely produ,ti4e l$bor is represented in ,$pit$list popul$r ,ulture8 6$teri$l re#$rds see6 to 5ollo# dire,tly $nd n$tur$lly 5ro6 t$lent, or e4en !ood loo*s $nd so,i$l position, so th$t, in ynasty or allas( physi,$l be$uty $nd #e$lth see6 to be n$tur$lly $nd ne,ess$rily p$rtners. +he e55$,in! o5 #or* 5ro6 our

s,reens, o5 ,ourse, e55$,es the 5$,t th$t industri$li7ed #or* bene5its one ,l$ss r$ther th$n $nother, $nd th$t its re#$rds $re not ne,ess$rily rel$ted to the e55ort or ti6e de4oted to it. 2n this, "ale of the Century is oper$tin! $s $ typi,$l ,$pit$list te:t. -274+he 5$,t th$t Gui7 sho#s $re typi,$lly pl$yed by $dults $lso inserts the6 e$sily into the 6$instre$6 o5 so,i$l 4$lues. 2t i6plies th$t the ,o6petiti4e testin! o5 s,hool is not ,on5ined to students, but ,ontinues into $dult li5e. 1ut this $dult-,hild re4ers$l 6$y $lso be utili7ed $s $ sour,e o5 ple$sure 5or ,hildrenM seein! $dults sub?e,ted to the sort o5 dise6po#erin! pro,ess th$t they under!o re!ul$rly $t s,hool, bein! $ble to ,o6pete #ith $dults on eGu$l ter6s $nd seein! $dults 6$*e 6ist$*es $nd su55er i66edi$te ,onseGuen,es 5ro6 the6 $re $ll #$ys in #hi,h ,hildren ,$n 5ind 6e$nin!s th$t 4$lid$te their interests, $nd th$t pro4ide the6 #ith $ sour,e o5 sel5-estee6 th$t their s,hool e:perien,e 5reGuently 5$ils to. (o6eti6es this $dult-,hild re4ers$l t$*es the opposite 5or6, 5or Gui7 sho#s $lso !i4e ,hildren the opportunity to pl$y $dult roles, p$rti,ul$rly those o5 te$,hers $s &$l6er <198;= dis,o4ered8 Eui7 !$6es #ere $lso popul$r in the pl$y!round8 %L2U31%+A <8=8 3t s,hool so6eti6es 2 6$*e so6e Guestions th$t $re h$rd $nd 2 $s* the6 to 3nn$ $nd she thin*s 5or $ 6inute . . . 2"+%RB2%'%R8 'h$t sho# is th$tH %L2U31%+A8 Matchmates( "ale of the Century( Ford "uper Iui=$ +he ones th$t 2 #$t,h. <p. 107= 3t other ti6es this role re4ers$l is done o55i,i$lly, $s #hen te$,hers $llo# ,hildren to pl$y the Guestion6$ster role in ,l$ssroo6 4ersions o5 tele4ision Gui7 sho#s. (u,h $n in,orpor$tion o5 the ple$sure o5 Gui7 sho#s into the ,l$ssroo6 6$y in4ol4e $n ele6ent o5 $,,o66od$tion to the so,i$l po#er syste6, but #e o4ersi6pli5y it $nd underesti6$te its e55e,ti4ity i5 #e $llo# $,,o66od$tion to be its sole ,o6ponent. +he interests o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y $re not ne,ess$rily #ell ser4ed by the e6po#er6ent o5 those sub?e,ted to it, nor by h$4in! its syste6s, #hen $rti,ul$ted #ith the do6$in o5 entert$in6ent, re$d in $ltern$ti4e #$ys. +his $r!u6ent #ill be de4eloped l$ter, 5or the 6o6ent #e need to note th$t the 6e$nin!s o5 the te:t, #hen it is $rti,ul$ted #ith edu,$tion, ,$n be 6obili7ed in #$ys th$t $55e,t the 6e$nin! o5 the edu,$tion$l do6$in $nd th$t reposition so6e students to#$rds it. -27 For inst$n,e, "ale of the Century re#$rds speed o5 physi,$l re5le:es $s 6u,h $s *no#led!e <the 5irst ,o6petitor to press the bu77er $tte6pts to $ns#er the Guestion= #hi,h both opens up the ,l$ss o5 J#innersK $nd pro4ides $ 5$,e-s$4in! $libi 5or the losers. 2t is $lso i6bued #ith $ sense o5 5un <#hi,h s,hool, 5or 6$ny people, is not=. 'hen the !$6e ends the losers $dd their ,onsol$tion pri7es to those they 6$y h$4e #on

durin! the pro!ress o5 the !$6e, $nd $re en,our$!ed to s$y ho# 6u,h 5un they h$4e h$d. 2n other #ords, they $re en,our$!ed to de-$rti,ul$te the sho# 5ro6 s,hool, $nd re$rti,ul$te it to the do6$in o5 entert$in6ent $nd leisure $s $ 6e$ns o5 5indin! $ positi4e 6e$nin! in their e:perien,e o5 losin!. (,hool h$s little ,h$n,e o5 bein! re-$rti,ul$ted in other do6$ins 5or those #ho $re the JlosersK in its syste6. +he 5ields o5 *no#led!e th$t $re used in "ale of the Century o4erl$p #ith those o5 s,hool - history, !eo!r$phy, liter$ture, s,ien,e, ,urrent $55$irs - but the sho# $dds to the6 5ields th$t $re e:,luded 5ro6 the o55i,i$l ,urri,ulu6 su,h $s sport, popul$r 6usi,, $nd entert$in6ent. +hese 5ields $re !i4en eGu$l #ei!ht #ith the 6ore $,$de6i, ones, $nd $re the 5ields in #hi,h the less $,$de6i, 4ie#ers $nd ,o6petitors $re 6ore li*ely to h$4e so6e e:pertise. +he 5or6$t o5 the sho# $llo#s 6$ny, i5 not 6ost, o5 its 4ie#ers to belie4e th$t they ,ould h$4e $ns#ered 6ost o5 the Guestions. +e$,hersD introdu,tion o5 Gui7 sho# 5or6$ts into the ,l$ssroo6, p$rti,ul$rly to#$rds the end o5 s,hool ter6s, is $n $pp$rent $tte6pt to 6obili7e so6e o5 the 4$lues o5 entert$in6ent $nd their po#er to de6o,r$ti7e *no#led!e. +his $d6its o5 $n interro!$tion o5 the elitis6 o5 s,hool-b$sed de5initions $nd use o5 *no#led!e $nd de6onstr$tes, ho#e4er i6pli,itly, the 4$lidity o5 $ltern$ti4e *no#led!es. 3 sho# th$t relies entirely on non$,$de6i, $nd de4$lued *no#led!es is The )ew Price >s Right$ 2ts s*ills $re those $sso,i$ted #ith #o6en, those o5 shoppin! $nd household 6$n$!e6ent, s*ills #hi,h $re o5ten de4$lued or $t le$st 6$de in4isible $nd ,on5ined to the pri4$te, do6esti, sphere. 2t is $rti,ul$ted not to edu,$tion, but to ,onsu6eris6. @5 ,ourse it oper$tes on one le4el $s $ n$tion$l shop #indo# 5or the ,o66odity produ,ers, $nd o5 ,ourse it tr$ins #o6en $s enthusi$sti, ,onsu6ers, but it ,ont$ins $lso the ele6ents o5 $ ,ounterte:t, one J#rittenK by the ,onsu6ers. 2n this sho# these s*ills $re 5irst o5 $ll 6$de publi, $nd the person #ho uses the6 best is !i4en $ publi, $,,l$i6 th$t $t ti6es 4er!es on the riotous. +r$nsl$tin! the #o6$nly s*ills $nd *no#led!e out o5 the pri4$te sphere into the publi, !i4es the6 $ st$tus nor6$lly reser4ed 5or the 6$s,uline $nd pri7es the6 loose 5ro6 the do6$ins in #hi,h they $re de4$lued. +he e,st$ti, publi, $,,l$i6 !i4en by the studio $udien,e to the #inner is Guite 5orei!n to e4eryd$y house#i5ely e:perien,e, $nd is 6ore or less e:pli,itly ,ontr$sted #ith the t$*en-5or-!r$ntedness o5 su,h s*ills in their nor6$l 5$6ily settin!. +he pro!r$6 is e:,essi4e8 it produ,es $n e:$!!er$ted sense o5 5un $nd o5 he,ti, p$,e. +here $re e:$!!er$ted e:pressions o5 el$tion or desp$ir 5ro6 ,o6petitors $nd $udien,e, $nd $n enor6ous $6ount o5 noise is !ener$ted. +he e:,ite6ent $nd 5ren7y sep$r$tes the !$6e o55 5ro6 Jnor6$lK shoppin! $nd shi5ts it to#$rds the ,$rni4$lesGue. -27;+he ,$rni4$l, $s 1$*htin <19;8= sho#s, is $ ti6e #hen the ,onstr$ints o5 the e4eryd$y $re e4$ded $nd its po#er rel$tions te6por$rily re4ersed. M$sters or 6istresses be,o6e ser4$nts, $nd 4i,e 4ers$, the ple$sures o5 the body, e$tin!, drin*in!, $nd se:u$lity, $re indul!ed to e:,ess #ithout !uilt, $nd those #ho $re nor6$lly sub?e,ted to $ ,o6ple: o5 po#er syste6s <e,ono6i,, politi,$l, 6or$l= $re 6o6ent$rily 5reed 5ro6 their sub?e,tion. C$rni4$l depends 5or its e55e,t upon the re,o!nition th$t the po#er5ul $nd the subordin$te h$4e opposin! interests, $ re,o!nition th$t ideolo!y nor6$lly #or*s h$rd to dis!uise $nd deny.

+his ,$rni4$l 6o6ent 6$y be $r!ued to be $ s$5ety 4$l4e th$t ulti6$tely #or*s to st$bili7e the st$tus Guo. 1ut it is $l#$ys potenti$lly 6ore th$n this8 the ple$sures th$t it produ,es ,$n ne4er be tot$lly re,uper$ted b$,* into the syste6, they $l#$ys produ,e $ thre$t th$t puts so,i$l ,ontrol $t ris*. <'e noted in ,h$pter 12 the #$y th$t those #ith so,i$l po#er h$4e ,onst$ntly 6obili7ed notions o5 6or$lity $nd l$# $nd order to erode $nd ,ontrol the ,$rni4$lesGue ple$sures o5 the subordin$te. = +he ,$rni4$lesGue ple$sures o5 The )ew Price >s Right $re not those o5 tot$l li,ense, but they do deri4e 5ro6 $ re4ers$l o5 the nor6$l po#er rel$tions bet#een ,onsu6ers $nd produ,ers. +he ,onsu6er is 6o6ent$rily liber$ted 5ro6 e,ono6i, sub?e,tion8 her *no#led!e o5 pri,es $nd 4$lue is no lon!er the produ,t o5 her e,ono6i, sub?e,tion to the syste6, deri4ed 5ro6 the need to 6$*e $ li6ited $6ount o5 6oney !o $s 5$r $s possible. +he rele$se o5 the e,ono6i, ,onstr$ints #hi,h ensure her subordin$tion $llo#s shoppin! s*ills to be,o6e $!ents o5 e6po#er6ent. +hey be,o6e the 6e$ns o5 be$tin! the e,ono6i, syste6 $nd o5 turnin! it to the interests o5 those nor6$lly subordin$ted to it. The )ew Price >s Right is not ?ust $ shopperDs #ish-5ul5illin! 5$nt$sy, it is $lso $n $ssertion th$t shoppersD interests $re opposed to those o5 the produ,ers $nd th$t the nor6$l ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e o5 6$*in! the produ,ersD interests $ppe$r identi,$l to those o5 ,onsu6ers is 6o6ent$rily disrupted. +his sense o5 the ,$rni4$lesGue $rti,ul$tes Gui7 sho#s #ith 5un $nd entert$in6ent. Ao#e4er po#er5ul their 6et$phori,$l $sso,i$tions #ith s,hool or do6esti, l$bor, they $l#$ys h$4e the tr$ppin!s o5 sho#bi7 - 5l$shin! li!hts, !litter, $ st$!e $nd $n $udien,e, 6usi,, $ppl$use, $nd so on. (,hool $nd shoppin! $re p$rt o5 the #orld o5 #or*, #here the indi4idu$l is sub?e,ted to e:tern$l dis,iplines. +he rel$tionship o5 leisure to #or* is ,o6ple:, but it $l#$ys in4ol4es opposition8 leisure is not-#or*. 'hether leisure is supporti4e o5 #or* or ,ontr$di,tory to it is 6u,h 6ore proble6$ti, $nd depends p$rtly on the leisure $,ti4ity th$t is ,hosen $nd p$rtly on the ple$sures !$ined 5ro6 th$t $,ti4ity. 1ut leisure $l#$ys $ppe$rs to be so6ethin! #e choose to do, so6ethin! th$t produ,es $ sense o5 identity th$t is in our ,ontrol. @5 ,ourse the 5or,es o5 ,$pit$l l$t,h on to this $nd industri$li7e it, so th$t leisure be,o6es $ ,onsu6er $,ti4ity. 1ut their $ppropri$tion ,$n ne4er be tot$l, 5or i5 it #ere it #ould destroy th$t #hi,h they $re tryin! to $ppropri$te8 the industri$li7ed or 6$ss 5or6s o5 leisure #ill ne,ess$rily be$r ,$pit$list ideolo!y $s #ill the industri$li7ed 5or6s o5 #or*, but the $bsen,e o5 e,ono6i, ne,essity positions the sub?e,t Guite di55erently. Choosing to $ns#er Guestions or to shop 5or the 5un o5 it is $ ,$rni4$lesGue, pl$y5ul in4ersion o5 ha'ing to sit $n e:$6in$tion or 6$*e the #ee*ly trip to the !ro,ery store. 3rti,ul$tin! the 5or6s o5 J#or*K #ith those o5 leisure 6$y either de5use the opposition bet#een the t#o $nd bind the6 into $n ideolo!i,$l ho6o!eneity, or it 6$y $,ti4$te those ,ontr$di,tions $nd thus 6$int$in $ set o5 opposition$l 6e$nin!s $nd sub?e,ti4ities. &le$sure 6$y be the b$it on the hoo* o5 he!e6ony, but it is $l#$ys 6ore th$n this, it $l#$ys in4ol4es $n ele6ent th$t es,$pes the syste6 o5 po#er. -277+he *no#led!e tested in The )ew Price is Right( despite its Jordin$riness, K is still 5ir6ly lo,$ted in the do6$in o5 e,ono6i, po#er. +he pri,es $nd 4$lues $re set by the ,o66odity produ,ers, not by the ,onsu6ers, $nd the pl$yer is re#$rded 5or her *no#led!e o5 their syste6. +he sho#s th$t rely on #h$t 2 h$4e ,$lled Jhu6$nK

*no#led!e re5use this positionin!. +he *no#led!e th$t they 4$lid$te is the *no#led!e o5 the people, o5 us $s opposed to them$ 2t in4ites us to $rti,ul$te it to the #orld o5 the e4eryd$y, o5 Jordin$ry people. K 3ll Gui7 sho#s produ,e the ple$sure o5 this p$rti,ul$r $rti,ul$tion, 5or they $ll !i4e Jordin$ry peopleK the role o5 Jspe,i$l peopleK - those on tele4ision. 1ut in the J5$,tu$lK *no#led!e sho#s, it is not their ordin$riness th$t is tested $nd ,elebr$ted, but their Jspe,i$lness, K their $bility to h$ndle the *no#led!e o5 those #ith so,i$l po#er. +he Jhu6$nK *no#led!e sho#s, ho#e4er, test $nd ,elebr$te Jordin$riness. K +he ,on,ept o5 the ordin$ry is, o5 ,ourse, ne4er de5ined by su,h sho#s, but is le5t open $nd $4$il$ble 5or $ #ide r$n!e o5 identi5i,$tions. 2t is $n open ,onstru,t o5 JusK opposed to $n eGu$lly !ener$li7ed Jthe6. K (o6eti6es JtheyK $re e6bodied in $uthority 5i!ures surrounded by en,y,lopedi$s, so6eti6es JtheyK $re dise6bodied 4oi,es th$t de,ide i5 $n $ns#er is ri!ht or #ron!. +he ,o6pere $nd hostess 6edi$te this bound$ry, they h$4e $,,ess to the po#er $nd *no#led!e o5 Jthe6, K but displ$y their ordin$riness $s $ 6$r* o5 $55inity #ith Jus. K M$ny o5 these sho#s, li*e Blan+ety Blan+( 6i: st$rs, or spe,i$l people, #ith the Jordin$ryK ,ontest$nts, $nd #h$t is displ$yed in the st$rs is not their !l$6or but their ordin$riness. 2n Blan+ety Blan+ the ,ontest$nts h$4e to !uess ho# $ p$nel o5 ,elebrities #ill ,o6plete $ !i4en seGuen,e o5 #ords. +he #inner is the ordin$ry person #ho is 6ost li*e the ,elebrities. 2n Family Feud the #inner is the 5$6ily #ho is 6ost li*e the so,i$l ,onsensus. +he de4olution o5 *no#led!e to the ordin$ry people ,$n !o no 5urther. -278+his is p$rt o5 the s$6e de6o,r$ti7$tion th$t in the do6$in o5 politi,s h$s produ,ed the do,trine o5 one person one 4ote, $nd the spre$d o5 opinion polls. 1ut in politi,s, $s in 6$r*et rese$r,h, the *no#led!e o5 #h$t Jordin$ry peopleK $re thin*in! is used in the interests o5 those #ith po#er8 in Family Feud there ,$n be no su,h $ppropri$tion o5 ordin$ry *no#led!e b$,* in to the syste6. Family Feud is $n e:pression o5 $n or$l popul$r ,ulture, not $ liter$te ,ontrollin! one, $nd the *no#led!e th$t it tests is one best !$ined by ordin$ry inter$,tion #ith ordin$ry people - $n or$l *no#led!e deri4ed 5ro6 so,i$l e:perien,e r$ther th$n $ liter$te *no#led!e t$u!ht by so,i$l institutions. @ne ordin$ry ,ultur$l do6$in to #hi,h the sho#s 5reGuently in4ite $rti,ul$tion is th$t o5 the 5$6ily. +his $rti,ul$tion ,$n t$*e $ nu6ber o5 5or6s. +he sho#s h$4e deri4ed not only 5ro6 the institution$l Jliter$teK e:perien,e o5 edu,$tion, but $lso 5ro6 the in5or6$l, Jor$lK tr$dition o5 5$6ily !$6es, or p$rlor !$6es $s pre-tele4ision !ener$tions ,$lled the6. (o6e o5 the tele4ised 4ersions $re still pl$yed in this 6$nner8 M,Eu$il, 1lu6ler, $nd 1ro#n <1972= 5ound th$t the 6ore edu,$ted 4ie#ers pl$yed the !$6es #ith their 5$6ilies in 5ront o5 the set. F$6ily 6e6bers #ould ,o6pete #ith e$,h other $nd #ith the tele4ision ,o6petitors to $ns#er the Guestion 5irst. +ele4ision be,$6e p$rt o5 the or$l ,ulture o5 the 5$6ily in $ #$y th$t p$r$llels the 5un,tion o5 !ossip in t$*in! so$p oper$ into the or$l ,ulture o5 #o6en. Fis*e $nd A$rtley <1978= h$4e sho#n ho# the ,o6pere $nd hostess pl$y the role o5 the J?olly un,le $nd $untK ,onstru,tin! the 4ie#ers into $n e:tended 5$6ily. 2n Family Feud so6e o5 the Guestions $re $ns#ered not indi4idu$lly, but by the 5$6ily $s $ ,onsensus 4oi,e $5ter $ period o5 ,on5errin!.

1ut the $rti,ul$tion o5 the Gui7 sho# #ith 5$6ily is not $l#$ys supporti4e. 2n The )ew Price >s Right the house#i5e-,o6petitor is 5reed 5ro6 the de6$nds o5 5$6ily shoppin!8 the 5$6ily here is not $ sour,e o5 5ul5ill6ent $nd ple$sure, but $n $!ent o5 ,onstr$int. (i6il$rly, Perfect Match liber$tes se:u$lity 5ro6 5$6ily 6or$lity $nd pl$,es it ,on5idently $nd sh$6elessly in the re$l6 o5 ple$sure. +he ,on4ention$l ro6$nti, n$rr$ti4e #hi,h underlies the sho# - boy 6eets !irl <or 4i,e 4ers$=, boy #ins !irl <or 4i,e 4ers$= $5ter $ period o5 testin!, $nd they $re ?oined h$ppily to!ether - ends not in 6$rri$!e, responsibility, $nd the $,,ept$n,e o5 $n $dult so,i$l role - but in $ #ee*end o5 ple$sure. (o$p oper$s, on,e #idely re!$rded $s es,$pist p$p, h$4e been retheori7ed $nd their #o6en $udien,es rein4esti!$ted. +hese studies h$4e re4e$led hitherto unsuspe,ted 4$lues in the !enre $nd in the ,ultur$l ,o6peten,ies o5 its 4ie#ers. Eui7 sho#s sh$re 6$ny ,h$r$,teristi,s #ith so$p oper$8 they $re #idely de4$lued, they $re e:,essi4e, they produ,e $ hi!h de!ree o5 4ie#er p$rti,ip$tion, they 6$*e 4isible $nd 4$lid$te 6$ny o5 the nor6$lly in4isible e4eryd$y li5e-s*ills o5 #o6en, they $re pri6$rily $ d$yti6e !enre thou!h there $re pri6e-ti6e e:$6ples, $nd they $ppe$l to the so,i$lly po#erless. +he re,o4ery o5 so$p oper$s $nd their $udien,es into ,ultur$l $nd politi,$l respe,t$bility is $l6ost ,o6plete $nd thorou!hly #el,o6e8 the s$6e sort o5 ree:$6in$tion o5 Gui7 sho#s $nd their $udien,es h$s h$rdly be!un, but $ si6il$r re,o4ery o5 the !enre $nd its $udien,es is not only theoreti,$lly possible, but $lso, 2 #ould $r!ue, both prob$ble $nd politi,$lly desir$ble. -279Chapter 13 #e9s readings, ne9s readers "e#s is $ hi!h-st$tus tele4ision !enre. 2ts ,l$i6ed ob?e,ti4ity $nd independen,e 5ro6 politi,$l or !o4ern6ent $!en,ies is $r!ued to be essenti$l 5or the #or*in!s o5 $ de6o,r$,y. +ele4ision ,o6p$nies $pplyin! 5or rene#$l o5 their li,enses turn to their ne#s $nd ,urrent $55$irs pro!r$6s $s e4iden,e o5 their so,i$l responsibility. 1ut the b$si, de5inition o5 ne#s $s 5$,tu$l in5or6$tion th$t its 4ie#ers need in order to be $ble to p$rti,ip$te in their so,iety !i4es us only h$l5 the story. "e#s is $lso $ ,o66odity. 2t is e:pensi4e to !$ther $nd distribute, $nd 6ust produ,e $n $udien,e th$t is o5 the ri!ht si7e $nd ,o6position to be sold to $d4ertisers. 2n $ ,yni,$l but produ,ti4e phr$se, ne#s h$s been de5ined $s Jth$t #hi,h is printed on the b$,* o5 $d4ertise6ents. K "e#s h$s to be popul$r, it h$s to produ,e $n $udien,e. 3ll tele4ision ,h$nnels or net#or*s use $n e$rly e4enin! ne#s pro!r$6 to le$d into their pri6e-ti6e s,hedules. +his is desi!ned to dr$# the 6$le o5 the household into the +B $udien,e. Ae is $ssu6ed to h$4e ?ust returned 5ro6 #or*, 5indin! his #i5e $nd ,hildren $lre$dy #$t,hin! the so5ter pro!r$6 pre,edin! JhisK ne#s. Aobson <1980= h$s 5ound th$t it is ,o66on 5or 6others to *eep ,hildren Guiet J#hile 5$ther #$t,hes the ne#s, K $nd in $ l$ter study <Aobson 1982= she 5ound #o6en #ho t$l*ed $bout J6yK so$p oper$ in ,ontr$st to JhisK ne#s. +he n$tion$l ne#s is pri6$rily 6$s,uline ,ulture, thou!h it o5ten ends #ith $ Jso5terK ite6 th$t is intended to brin! the 5e6$le b$,* into the $udien,e. 2t is typi,$lly 5ollo#ed by $ so5ter ne#s 6$!$7ine pro!r$6, o5ten o5 lo,$l $s opposed to n$tion$l

interest, #hi,h is desi!ned to $ppe$l to #o6en <see Morley 198;= $nd to ,onsolid$te the 5$6ily $udien,e in 5ront o5 the set 5or the pri6e-ti6e, pri6e-pro5it $d4ertise6ents th$t $re to be #ed!ed $p$rt by pro!r$6s 5or the ne:t t#o or three hours. (o #h$t is this !enre o5 ne#s to #hi,h so,iety $nd the s,hedulers $tt$,h su,h i6port$n,eH 2t is one o5 the 6ost ,o6ple: $nd #idely studied +B !enres $nd one th$t 6obili7es 6ost e55ortlessly so6e o5 the *ey de5inin! ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 the 6ediu6 Jno#ness, K se!6ent$tion, repetition. Most studies o5 tele4ision ne#s ,on,entr$te on the institution$l pro,esses th$t produ,e it, or else use ,ontent $n$lysis to re4e$l the ,$te!ories o5 e4ents th$t $re dee6ed ne#s#orthy $nd the proportion$te ti6e or sp$,e de4oted to e$,h. 2n this ,h$pter 2 study ne#s $s dis,ourse, th$t is, $s $ set o5 ,on4entions th$t stri4e to ,ontrol $nd li6it the 6e$nin!s o5 the e4ents it ,on4eys. +heories o5 ne#s #hi,h 5ore!round Guestions o5 $,,ur$,y, bi$s, or ob?e,ti4ity $re b$sed on $n e6piri,ist notion o5 re$lity th$t lies outside the theoreti,$l 5r$6e#or* o5 this boo*. +hese Guestions $re, ho#e4er, i6port$nt not be,$use they $llo# us to ?ud!e the Gu$lity o5 the ne#s but be,$use o5 the insi!ht they ,$n !i4e into the pro5ession$l ideolo!y o5 the ne#s 6$*ers. -281"e#s pro5ession$ls in p$rti,ul$r $nd bro$d,$sters in !ener$l $re *een to sep$r$te ne#s 5ro6 5i,tion, $nd to lo,$te it 5ir6ly in the in5or6$tion side o5 the popul$r but le$*y ,l$ssi5i,$tion o5 tele4ision pro!r$6s into the 6$,ro!enres o5 in5or6$tion $nd entert$in6ent. +he ide$ th$t tele4ision is $ #indo# on the #orld, no# *no#n $s the Jtr$nsp$ren,y 5$ll$,y, K still sur4i4es, i5 $ny#here, in +B ne#sroo6s. 0eneri, distin,tions bet#een in5or6$tion $nd entert$in6ent or 5$,t $nd 5i,tion $re ,ru,i$l 5or the produ,ers, 5or they des,ribe di55erent sorts o5 ethi,s, di55erent de5initions o5 responsible pro!r$66in!. For the 4ie#ers, too, this distin,tion 6$r*s $ di55eren,e in re$din! rel$tions, thou!h 2 sh$ll $r!ue l$ter th$t this is not $s ,le$rly ,ut $s it 5irst $ppe$rs. 1ut te:tu$lly, there is not $ lot o5 di55eren,e bet#een tele4ision ne#s $nd tele4ision series or seri$l dr$6$. +he 5ondness o5 tele4ision 5or do,udr$6$s is $ si!n o5 ho# e$sily its te:tu$l 5or6s ,ross the !eneri, bound$ries bet#een 5$,t $nd 5i,tion - $nd the publi, out,ry th$t these do,udr$6$s 5reGuently ,$use e4iden,es the publi,Ds belie5 in the need to *eep the !enres distin,t. 2n te:tu$l ter6s, the ne#s 6$y not be $ll th$t di55erent 5ro6 $ so$p oper$, but there $re 4ery re$l di55eren,es in the #$y th$t the $udien,es $nd produ,ers underst$nd $nd $ppro$,h the t#o !enres. +he 4ie#ers studied by +ullo,h $nd Mor$n <198;= not only *ept the !enres Guite distin,t but they politi,i7ed the distin,tion. +he s,hedulin! o5 the so$p oper$ . Country Practice $!$inst 6: Minutes on (und$y $nd The ,orld .round Ds on Mond$y split households $lon! !ender lines, #ith the 6$les pre5errin! the J5$,tu$lK pro!r$6s, $nd the 5e6$les $nd ,hildren the so$p. 3s +ullo,h $nd Mor$n put it8 3ll tele4ision pro!r$6s yield *no#led!e $nd ide$s $bout the #orld. F$ther, 6other $nd !irls donDt dispute th$t. 'h$t is in dispute is #h$t *no#led!e in #h$t 5or6 . . . Cr$6$ is ,on,erned pri6$rily #ith the pri4$te sphere, the e6otion$l $nd the do6esti, . . . "e#s, ,urrent $55$irs $nd do,u6ent$ries $re 6ore ,on,erned #ith the publi, sphere.

<198;8 239= 3 si6il$r !ender-!enre di55eren,e e6er!ed else#here in their studyM typi,$l #$s the 6$n #ho ,onsidered th$t the 6$s,uline J5$,tu$lK pro!r$6s sti6ul$ted Jdis,ussion, K or J,on4ers$tion, K #here$s the 5e6inine so$ps produ,ed only J!ossipK $t the le4el o5 J#h$tDs h$ppenin! to Ber$ in the ne:t episodeK <+ullo,h $nd Mor$n 198;8 23;=. -282+his J,o66on-senseK 4ie#, 5or $ll its !ender politi,s, th$t #h$t h$ppens on the ne#s is deter6ined by 5$,t, #here$s #h$t h$ppens in $ so$p oper$ is deter6ined by i6$!in$tion, is $ !ood enou!h pl$,e to st$rt our in4esti!$tion into the n$ture o5 tele4ision ne#s. +he ne#s tells the story o5 the *ey e4ents o5 the l$st t#enty-5our hours. +his si6ple de5inition introdu,es the ,ontr$di,tions th$t #e sh$ll e:plore in this ,h$pter. For e4ents see6 to be p$rt o5 n$ture, #here$s the tellin! o5 stories $nd the sele,tion o5 the +ey e4ents $re ,le$rly ,ultur$l $,ti4ities. +he 5irst stru!!le o5 ne#s is to i6pose the order o5 ,ulture upon the poly6orphous n$ture o5 Jthe re$l. K +he ne#s te:t is en!$!ed in $ ,onst$nt stru!!le to ,ont$in the 6ulti5$rious e4ents $nd their polyse6i, potenti$l #ithin its o#n ,on4entions. For ne#s is $s ,on4ention$l $s $ny other 5or6 o5 tele4isionM its ,on4entions $re so po#er5ul $nd so uninspe,ted be,$use the tyr$nny o5 the de$dline reGuires the speed $nd e55i,ien,y th$t only ,on4entions 6$*e possible. +he type o5 stories, the 5or6s th$t they #ill t$*e, $nd the pro!r$6 stru,ture into #hi,h they #ill be inserted $re $ll deter6ined lon! be5ore $ny o5 the e4ents o5 the d$y o,,ur. Curin! the 5or,ed #ithdr$#$l o5 1el!iu6 5ro6 the <then= 1el!i$n Con!o, $n 36eri,$n ?ourn$list l$nded $t Lus$*$ $irport $nd, on seein! $ !roup o5 #hite #o6en #$itin! 5or e4$,u$tion, rushed o4er to the6 #ith the ,l$ssi, Guestion, JA$s $nyone here been r$ped, $nd spe$*s %n!lishHK Ais story h$d been J#rittenK be5ore l$ndin!, $ll he needed #$s $ 5e# lo,$l det$ils. +he popul$rity o5 the ne#s is deter6ined l$r!ely by its !eneri, ,h$r$,teristi,s #hi,h ,onstitute the Jstr$te!ies o5 ,ont$in6entK #hi,h $tte6pt to ,ontrol Jre$lity. K 2n this ,h$pter 2 sh$ll 6odel tele4ision ne#s $s $ ,onst$nt stru!!le bet#een these str$te!ies $nd the disrupti4e 5or,es th$t $re ,h$r$,teristi, o5 both Jthe re$lityK th$t ne#s re5ers to $nd the so,i$l di55eren,es $6on!st its 4$rious $udien,es. The strategies of containment +he ne#sDs #$y o5 6$*in! sense o5 the re$l $nd o5 ,ontrollin! its potenti$lly $n$r,hi, polyse6y 5ollo#s those t#o 5$6ili$r se6ioti, $:es o5 the p$r$di!6$ti, $nd the synt$!6$ti,. +he p$r$di!6$ti, #or*s throu!h the pro,esses o5 sele,tion $nd ,$te!ori7$tion, the synt$!6$ti, throu!h ,o6bin$tion $nd n$rr$ti4i7$tion. Categori;ation 0$ltun! $nd Ru!e <1973= su!!est th$t 5or $n e4ent to be dee6ed ne#s#orthy it should be re,ent, ,on,ern elite persons, be ne!$ti4e, $nd be surprisin!. -283-

Re,en,y de6$nds th$t $ ne#s#orthy e4ent should h$4e o,,urred #ithin the l$st t#enty5our hours, $nd durin! th$t ti6e thin!s should h$4e h$ppened th$t ,$n be seen $s $n ori!in $nd $s $ point o5 $,hie4e6ent or ,losure. +here is little sense o5 ,ontinuous history in ne#s, $nd 5e# re5eren,es to pre4ious e4ents. %4en $n on!oin! story is di4ided into t#enty-5our hour sel5-,ont$ined se!6ents8 re,en,y $nd se!6ent$tion $re 6utu$lly supportin! ,h$r$,teristi,s. 3n e4ent should ,on,ern elite persons. +his 6e$ns th$t the people in the ne#s #ill $ll be 5$6ili$r, i5 not indi4idu$lly, then $t le$st in their so,i$l roles. Cert$in politi,$l, o55i,i$l, sportin!, $nd entert$in6ent people #ill be 5$6ili$r in their o#n ri!ht. 2n other ,$ses, the roles #ill be 5$6ili$r e4en i5 the indi4idu$ls 5illin! the6 6$y 4$ry - the tr$de unionist, the dis$ster sur4i4or, the 6inority spo*esperson, the 4i,ti6. +he so,i$lly po#er5ul tend to be 5$6ili$r to us $s indi4idu$ls, the po#erless or the 4oi,es o5 opposition $re 5$6ili$r 6$inly $s so,i$l roles, #hi,h $re 5illed by $ 4$riety o5 5or!ett$ble indi4idu$ls. +he elite, #ho $ppe$r repe$tedly, be$r the $,,u6ul$ted 6e$nin!s o5 their p$st $ppe$r$n,es. 1e,$use these $re e6bodied in $n indi4idu$l they ,$rry !re$ter se6ioti, #ei!ht in our indi4idu$listi, so,iety th$n do the $,,u6ul$ted 6e$nin!s o5 Jroles, K su,h $s union or!$ni7er, 4i,ti6, $nd so on. +he so,i$l po#er o5 elite persons is unders,ored by the n$rr$ti4e po#er th$t 5$6ili$rity ,on5ers. "e#s o,,urs in the publi, sphere <#hi,h is #here elite people ,ir,ul$te= r$ther th$n the do6esti,. +he do6esti, $ppe$rs only #hen it is the site o5 e:tre6e or 4iolent ,ri6e, $nd ,$n thus be ,onstru,ted $s $ 6$tter o5 publi, l$# $nd order. +he publi, sphere is one th$t our so,iety dee6s to be 6$s,uline $nd is thus peopled l$r!ely by 6en. "e#s is l$r!ely $bout Jthe 6$s,ulineK $nd $i6ed $t $ 6$le $udien,e, so it is h$rdly surprisin! th$t ne#s stories $re stru,tured to pro4ide $ point o5 n$rr$ti4e ,losure th$t $ppro:i6$tes th$t o5 6$s,uline 5i,tion$l n$rr$ti4e. "e#s stories h$4e to i6pose $ ,losure upon the openness o5 on!oin! e4ents8 re,en,y 6ust be te6pered by ,o6pletion. "e#s is ne!$ti4e. 'h$t is ne# is #h$t disrupts the nor6$l. 'h$t is $bsent 5ro6 the te:t o5 the ne#s, but present $s $ po#er5ul 5or,e in its re$din!, $re the unspo*en $ssu6ptions th$t li5e is ordin$rily s6ooth-runnin!, rule- $nd l$#-$bidin!, $nd h$r6onious. +hese nor6s $re o5 ,ourse pres,ripti4e r$ther th$n des,ripti4e, th$t is, they e6body the sense o5 #h$t our so,i$l li5e ou!ht to be r$ther th$n #h$t it is, $nd in doin! this they e6body the ideolo!y o5 the do6in$nt ,l$sses. +his sin!ul$r ,$te!ory o5 Jthe $bnor6$lK 6e$ns, 5or e:$6ple, th$t 6urder $nd $n industri$l dispute ,$n be seen $s si6il$rly disrupti4e, $nd the ,on,eptu$l str$te!ies th$t en$ble the ne#s $nd its re$ders to ,onstru,t si6il$r #$ys o5 underst$ndin! su,h $pp$rently disp$r$te e4ents $re $n i6port$nt p$rt o5 its ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e. +he unst$ted, ideolo!i,$l nor6s #hi,h 6$*e this ,on,eptu$l str$te!y possible $re those o5 our so,iety. "e!$ti4e e4ents in $nother p$rt o5 the #orld do not be$r the s$6e rel$tionship to these nor6s $nd $re there5ore re$d di55erently. +hird 'orld ,ountries $re, 5or e:$6ple, ,on4ention$lly represented in #estern ne#s $s pl$,es o5 5$6ines $nd n$tur$l dis$ster, o5 so,i$l re4olution, $nd o5 politi,$l ,orruption. +hese e4ents $re not seen $s disruptin! their so,i$l nor6s, but $s ,on5ir6in! ours, ,on5ir6in! our do6in$nt sense th$t #estern de6o,r$,ies pro4ide the b$si,s o5 li5e 5or e4eryone, $re st$ble, $nd 5$irly $nd honestly !o4erned. 'hen de4i$tions 5ro6 these nor6s o,,ur in our o#n ,ountries they

$re represented $s pre,isely th$t, de4i$tions 5ro6 the nor68 in +hird 'orld ,ountries, ho#e4er, su,h o,,urren,es $re represented $s their nor6s #hi,h di55er 6$r*edly 5ro6 ours. For the #estern ne#s 6edi$, the +hird 'orld is $ pl$,e o5 n$tur$l $nd politi,$l dis$sters $nd not 6u,h else. -284+he ,o66on ,o6pl$int th$t our ne#s is $l#$ys Jb$dK i!nores the 5$,t th$t Jthe b$dK is tre$ted $nd re$d $s $ de4i$tion 5ro6 the nor6, #hi,h is there5ore ,onstru,ted $s J!ood, K $nd th$t this nor6$ti4e $ssu6ption is $ll the 6ore po#er5ul 5or bein! unspo*en. 2t #ould be interestin! to *no# ho# +B ne#s is re$d by its 4ie#ers in the (o4iet Nnion, 5or it is $ ,on4ention o5 (o4iet ne#s to le$d #ith positi4e stories su,h $s 5$,tories 6eetin! their Guot$s or $!ri,ultur$l su,,esses. 2t is possible th$t $ se,tor o5 (o4iet 4ie#ers re$d su,h stories ,yni,$lly, th$t is, $s de4i$tions 5ro6 the nor6 o5 industri$l ine55i,ien,y. (u,h opposition$l re$din!s #ould o,,ur #hen the ,on4entions o5 ne#s 5$il to 6$t,h the ,on4entions by #hi,h people Jre$dK their so,i$l e:perien,e. +he rel$tionship bet#een these t#o sets o5 ,on4entions is inter$,ti4e8 the ,on4entions by #hi,h ne#s stories $re sele,ted $nd told, $nd thus the sense th$t they propose, ,$nnot i6pose the6sel4es upon $n un#illin! or opposition$l $udien,e. Re$din! the ne#s ,yni,$lly or $n!rily ,$n de,onstru,t its ,on4entions $nd de6ysti5y their $tte6pted ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e. +r$de unionists #ho $re $n!ered by the ne#s ,on4ention th$t their $,tions $re $l#$ys represented $s Jde6$ndsK #here$s e6ployers $re s$id to Jo55erK re$d this ,on4ention $s 5urther e4iden,e o5 the po#er o5 the do6in$nt ,l$sses to n$tur$li7e their so,i$l interests into Jordin$ryK ,o66on sense. 2t is, o5 ,ourse, only ,on4ention $nd its rel$tionship to so,i$l po#er th$t pre4ents the ne#s reportin! th$t the unions Jo55eredK to #or* 5or $ per ,ent #$!e in,re$se but the e6ployers Jde6$ndedK th$t they $,,ept 2 1I2 per ,ent. +he #ord Jo55erK su!!ests th$t its $!ents, those #ho o55er, $re !enerous, t$*e the interests o5 the other p$rty into $,,ount, $nd $re ,o65ort$bly in ,ontrol, #here$s Jde6$ndK su!!ests th$t its $!ents $re !reedy, sel5ish, $nd h$4in! to stru!!le to !$in ,ontrol o5 the situ$tion. Ce6$nd is $ disrupti4e #ord #hi,h pl$,es the Jde6$ndersK #ithin the ne!$ti4e 5or,es th$t 6$*e ne#s. Con4entions su,h $s these $re $n i6port$nt p$rt o5 ne#sDs stru!!le to ,ont$in $nd de5use the disrupti4e 5or,es $t #or* in so,iety #hile 5ul5illin! its obli!$tion to represent the6. -28 +here is, o5 ,ourse, $ ,onne,tion bet#een elitis6 $nd ne!$ti4ity8 the positi4e or Jnor6$lK $,tions o5 elite people #ill o5ten be reported #here$s those #ithout so,i$l po#er $re ,onsidered ne#s#orthy only #hen their $,tions $re disrupti4e or de4i$nt. 2n representin! the do6in$nt $s per5or6in! positi4e $,tions $nd the subordin$te $s per5or6in! de4i$nt or ne!$ti4e ones the ne#s is en!$!in! in the s$6e ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,es $s 5i,tion$l tele4ision. 'e s$# in ,h$pters 1 $nd 8 ho# heroes e6bodied so,i$lly ,entr$l 4$lues, #here$s 4ill$ins $nd 4i,ti6s e6bodied de4i$nt $nd disrupti4e ones. Biolen,e, #hi,h is the do6in$nt 6ode o5 representin! the rel$tionship bet#een heroes $nd 4ill$ins, is thus $ ,on,rete 6et$phor o5 so,i$l or ,l$ss ,on5li,t.

Con5li,t is $s i6port$nt in 6$*in! $ !ood ne#s story $s it is in 6$*in! $ !ood 5i,tion, $nd its rel$tionship to the so,i$l syste6 is si6il$r. "e#s 4$lues $nd 5i,tion$l 4$lues ste6 5ro6 the s$6e so,iety, they both be$r the s$6e need to be popul$r, $nd it is not surprisin! th$t they $re 5und$6ent$lly si6il$r. 'e #ill e:plore 6ore o5 these si6il$rities in this ,h$pter <see J"e#s n$rr$ti4e, K p. 293=. 2t is perh$ps p$r$do:i,$l th$t $ ,on4ention o5 ne#s should be its Jsurprisin!ness. K 1ut the tension bet#een the predi,t$bility o5 the ,on4entions $nd the $ssu6ed unpredi,t$bility o5 Jthe re$lK de6$nds so6e re,o!nition. +he #hole oper$tion o5 ne#s !$therin! $nd reportin! resists this unpredi,t$bility, 5or ne#s stories $re essenti$lly pre#rittenM $ll th$t the reporter does is 5ill in lo,$l det$ils. +his ,on4ention$li7$tion o5 the re$l 6ust ne4er be $,*no#led!ed, ho#e4er, 5or to do so #ould e:pose the tr$nsp$ren,y 5$ll$,y. (urprisin!ness is there5ore 4$lued $s $ si!n th$t the unpredi,t$bility o5 the re$l triu6phs o4er the ,on4ention$lity o5 ne#s, th$t it is, 5in$lly, re$lity th$t deter6ines the ne#s. (urprisin!ness is $ ne,ess$ry bed5ello# to the belie5 in the ob?e,ti4ity o5 the ne#s. S/1categories +he pri6$ry ,l$ssi5i,$tion, #hose ,riteri$ h$4e been outlined $bo4e, is th$t o5 ne#s or not-ne#s. @n,e $n e4ent or person h$s been sele,ted $s ne#s#orthy, $ 5urther ,$te!ori7$tion t$*es pl$,e <the seGuen,e o5 the le4els o5 ,$te!ori7$tion is $n$lyti,$l, not ,hronolo!i,$l=. A$rtley <19828 38-9= su!!ests th$t ne#s is subdi4ided into the 5ollo#in! ,$te!ories8 politi,s, the e,ono6y, 5orei!n $55$irs, do6esti, ne#s, o,,$sion$l stories, $nd sport. 'e 6$y #ish to 6odi5y these ,$te!ories, 5or inst$n,e, by $ddin! the ,$te!ory o5 entert$in6ent, or by di4idin! Jdo6esti, ne#sK <$s A$rtley does= into the Jh$rdK - stories o5 ,on5li,t $nd ,ri6e in the publi, sphere - $nd the Jso5tK - #$r6 he$rted or hu6$ninterest stories. (i6il$rly, #e 6$y #ish to 6$*e $ sub,$te!ory o5 Jindustri$lK ne#s #ithin Jthe e,ono6y. K +he $,tu$l ,$te!ories the6sel4es $re not h$rd $nd 5$st, but $re indi,$ti4e8 it is the pro,ess o5 ,$te!ori7$tion $s $ 6$?or sense-6$*in! $,t th$t is the point $t issue. C$te!ori7$tion ,onstru,ts $ ,on,eptu$l !rid #ithin #hi,h Jr$#K e4ents ,$n be inst$ntly lo,$ted $nd thus inserted into $ 5$6ili$r set o5 ,on,eptu$l rel$tionships. C$te!ories $re nor6$li7in! $!ents. +hey $lso ser4e $s si6ple but e55e,ti4e stru,turin! prin,iples 5or the buildin! o5 ne#s pro!r$6s. J2ndustri$l $55$irsK or J5orei!n $55$irsK ,$te!ories $re used to !roup stories $nd to pl$,e the6 in the ,on4ention$l seGuen,e o5 the ne#s 5lo#. +hese !roupin!s $re p$rt o5 the str$te!y by #hi,h ne#s 6$s*s its so,i$l pro,ess o5 represent$tion $nd presents itsel5 $s ob?e,ti4e, $s dri4en by e4ents in Jthe re$l. K +hus JindustryK $nd J5orei!n $55$irsK $ppe$r to be e6piri,$l ,$te!ories b$sed in n$ture, yet their oper$tion is hi!hly ideolo!i,$l. 3 story o5 $n industri$l dispute $ppe$rs to be n$tur$lly, r$ther th$n ideolo!i,$lly, lin*ed #ith one on e6ploy6ent or 5$llin! e:ports. (i6il$rly stories on $ 5$6ine in northern 35ri,$, politi,$l ,orruption in "i,$r$!u$, riots in 1en!$l, $nd !uerrill$ $,ti4ity in 2ndonesi$ $ll $ppe$r to be n$tur$lly lin*ed $s p$rt o5 J5orei!n $55$irs. K &uttin! the6 in one ,$te!ory in4ites the re$der to underst$nd the6 in ter6s o5 their si6il$rities r$ther th$n their di55eren,es, $nd the si6il$rities, in both the industri$l $nd 5orei!n e:$6ples, 6$*e $ sense th$t ser4es the interests o5 the #estern bour!eoisie. -28;-

1ut ,$te!ories do not only lin* stories, they $lso sep$r$te the6. Lin*in! $ story o5 $n industri$l dispute #ith one on une6ploy6ent is no 6ore si!ni5i,$nt th$n sep$r$tin! it 5ro6 stories o5 politi,s, o5 inner-,ity ,ri6e, or e4en o5 illiter$,y r$tes. C$te!ories 5r$!6ent $s #ell $s ,ohere, $nd ne#s 5ollo#s the pr$,ti,e o5 the publi, sphere in ,o6p$rt6ent$li7in! so,i$l li5e in order to 6$*e it both pr$,ti,$lly $nd se6ioti,$lly 6ore ,ontroll$ble. +he se6ioti, $nd politi,$l pr$,ti,e o5 ,$te!ori7in! so,i$l li5e into ne$t ,o6p$rt6ents - the e,ono6y, edu,$tion, ,ri6e, industry, et,. - is $n essenti$lly re$,tion$ry one, be,$use it i6plies th$t $ Jproble6K ,$n be understood $nd sol4ed #ithin its o#n ,$te!ory8 lo,$li7in! the de5inition o5 proble6s en,our$!es lo,$l JsolutionsK $nd dis,our$!es $ny ,riti,$l interro!$tion o5 the l$r!er so,i$l stru,ture. +r$,in! lin*s bet#een ,$te!ories, there5ore, sees $ny one proble6 $s sy6pto6$ti, o5 the so,i$l stru,ture $nd thus pro6otes $ 6ore r$di,$l, or so,i$lly liter$te, underst$ndin!. +he ,$te!ori7$tion o5 ne#s $nd its ,onseGuent 5r$!6ent$tion is $ str$te!y th$t $tte6pts to ,ontrol $nd li6it the 6e$nin!s o5 so,i$l li5e, $nd to ,onstru,t the interests o5 the #estern bour!eoisie into Jn$tur$lK ,o66on sense. Co6p$rt6ent$li7$tion is ,entr$l to ne#sDs str$te!y o5 ,ont$in6ent. -287 $12ectivity @b?e,ti4ity is $n e6piri,ist ,on,ept th$t h$s been under $tt$,* 5or 6ost o5 the t#entieth ,entury, espe,i$lly 5ro6 stru,tur$lis6, post-%insteini$n physi,s, $nd psy,ho$n$lysis, to n$6e only so6e o5 its 6$?or theoreti,$l ,h$llen!es. )et ne#s pro5ession$ls still ,lin! to it $s both $n $,hie4$ble !o$l $nd $ ,entr$l ?usti5i,$tion o5 their role in #estern de6o,r$,ies. 2t thus pl$ys $n i6port$nt role in the ideolo!y o5 ne#s $nd the re$din! rel$tions th$t ne#s $tte6pts to set up #ith its $udien,es. +he i6possibility o5 ob?e,ti4ity $nd the ,onseGuent irrele4$n,e o5 notions o5 bi$s <b$sed $s they $re upon $n $ssu6ption th$t non-bi$s is possible= should be ,le$r to re$ders o5 this boo*, but should not blind us to the ideolo!i,$l role th$t the ,on,ept o5 Job?e,ti4ityK pl$ys. +here $re 6od$l di55eren,es bet#een the ne#s $nd 5i,tion, despite their si6il$r ,on4entions o5 represent$tion. +he ne#s does $ppe$r to be$r $ ,loser rel$tionship to Jr$# re$lityK th$n does 5i,tion $nd ,onseGuently there $re i55eren,es in the #$y th$t 4ie#ers re$d it. Children, 5or e:$6ple, 5ind de$th in the ne#s 5$r 6ore disturbin! th$n de$th in 5i,tion tele4ision. "e#sDs hi!h 6od$lity, its ,loser rel$tionship to the indi,$ti4e 6ood by #hi,h #e nor6$lly represent the re$l, is ,entr$l to $ nu6ber o5 institution$l 4$lues $nd pr$,ti,es. 2t underlies, 5or inst$n,e, #h$t Fis*e $nd A$rtley <1978= h$4e ter6ed J,l$#b$,*. K +his is $ stru,ture o5 reportin! th$t #or*s to ,l$# b$,* potenti$lly de4i$nt or disrupti4e e4ents into the do6in$nt 4$lue syste6. +hus tele4ision ne#s typi,$lly #or*s #ith three st$!es o5 ,l$#b$,* th$t ,orrespond #ith sp$,es th$t $re both 6$teri$l $nd sy6boli,. +he ,entr$l sp$,e is th$t o5 the studio ne#s re$der, #ho does not $ppe$r to be $uthor o5 hisIher o#n dis,ourse, but #ho spe$*s the ob?e,ti4e dis,ourse o5 Jthe truth. K &$r$do:i,$lly, the ne#s re$derDs person$l tr$its, su,h $s reli$bility or ,redibility, $re o5ten used to under#rite the ob?e,ti4ity o5 the dis,ourse. Lo,$tin! this dis,ourse in the institution$l studio si!ni5ies its ideolo!i,$l ,on5or6ity8 no r$di,$l, disrupti4e 4oi,es spe$* in these $,,ents or 5ro6 this sp$,e.

(p$ti$lly positioned 5urther $#$y $nd dis,ursi4ely subordin$ted is the reporter, #ho si!ns o55 $s both $n indi4idu$l $nd $n institution$l 4oi,e. AerI his 5un,tion is to 6edi$te bet#een Jr$# re$lityK $nd the 5in$l truth spo*en by the ne#s re$der. Ci55erent reporters ,$n 6$*e di55erent ,ontributions to the s$6e JtruthKM they need indi4idu$l si!n$tures so th$t their JtruthsK $ppe$r sub?e,ti4e, Jno6in$tedK <1$rthes 1973, see p. 290= $nd there5ore lo#er in the dis,ursi4e hier$r,hy th$n the JtruthK o5 the ne#s re$der. Furthest 5ro6 the studio, both !eo!r$phi,$lly $nd dis,ursi4ely, is the eye#itness, the in4ol4ed spo*esperson, the $,tu$lity 5il6, the 4oi,es th$t $ppe$r to spe$* the re$l, $nd th$t there5ore need to be brou!ht under dis,ursi4e ,ontrol. +here is $ 4it$l ,ontr$di,tion here. +he JtruthK e:ists only in the studio, yet th$t JtruthK depends 5or its $uthenti,ity upon the eye#itness $nd the $,tu$lity 5il6, those pie,es o5 Jr$# re$lityK #hose 6e$nin!s $re $,tu$lly 6$de by the dis,ourse o5 the studio, but #hose $uthenti,$tin! 5un,tion $llo#s th$t dis,ourse to dis!uise its produ,ti4e role $nd thus to situ$te the 6e$nin!s in the e4ents the6sel4es. +his J$,tu$lityK 5il6, o5 ,ourse, is 5reGuently not o5 the e4ents des,ribed in the s,ript, but 6$y be 5ile t$pe 5ro6 the libr$ry, or 5oot$!e shot so6e ti6e $5ter the e4ents o,,urred. +hus $ story o5 politi,$l *idn$ppin!s in Leb$non #$s, on the 31C ne#s o5 /$nu$ry 23, 1987, J$uthenti,$tedK by 5il6 o5 $n ordin$ry, pe$,e5ul 1eirut street8 #h$t 6$ttered #$s not the ,ontent o5 the 5il6, but its $uthenti,$tin! 5un,tion. Repressin! the ,ontent o5 the 5il6, #hi,h ,ontr$di,ted the 6e$nin!s !i4en to Jthe Middle %$stK by the story, is $nother typi,$l e:$6ple o5 ne#sDs str$te!ies o5 ,ont$in6ent $t #or*. -288Cl$#b$,* then is the pro,ess by #hi,h potenti$lly disrupti4e e4ents $re 6edi$ted into the do6in$nt 4$lue syste6 #ithout losin! their $uthenti,ity. +his $uthenti,ity !u$r$ntees the JtruthK o5 the interpret$tion th$t this 6edi$tin! in4ol4es $nd thus $llo#s, p$r$do:i,$lly, th$t #hi,h h$s been interpreted to present itsel5 $s ob?e,ti4e. @b?e,ti4ity is the Jun$uthoredK 4oi,e o5 the bour!eoisie. <(ee J%:no6in$tionK in ,h$pter 3, $nd p. 290. = A$nd in !lo4e #ith ob?e,ti4ity !o $uthenti,ity $nd i66edi$,y. 1oth these lin* ne#s 4$lues in p$rti,ul$r #ith Gu$lities o5 tele4ision in !ener$l. For $uthenti,ity lin*s #ith re$listi,ness, $nd i66edi$,y #ith Jno#nessK or Jli4eness, K both o5 #hi,h $re ,entr$l to the e:perien,e o5 tele4ision. 2n ne#s, both #or* to pro6ote the tr$nsp$ren,y 5$ll$,y $nd to 6$s* the e:tent o5 the ,onstru,tion or interpret$tion th$t ne#s in4ol4es. 266edi$,y is used not only to 6$s* the produ,tion o5 ne#s but $lso to pro6ote tele4ision o4er the press $nd to di4ert $ttention 5ro6 its 6e$ns o5 !$therin! $nd distribution. "e# distribution te,hnolo!ies, p$rti,ul$rly those o5 the s$tellite, h$4e en$bled the inst$nt$neous distribution o5 ne#s o4er the #hole #orld. +he inst$nt$neity i6plies th$t there h$s been no ti6e 5or editori$li7in! or re#or*in!, th$t tele4ision brin!s us e4ents-$s-they-h$ppen. (o tele4ision ,h$nnels o5ten pro6ote their ne#s pro!r$6s in ter6s o5 their i66edi$,y. +his e6ph$sis on speed h$s $nother ideolo!i,$l e55e,t. +his is to di4ert $ttention $#$y 5ro6 the 5$,t th$t s$tellites $re 4ery e:pensi4e 6e$ns o5 distribution $nd th$t only l$r!e 6ultin$tion$l ne#s ,orpor$tions ,$n $55ord to h$4e re!ul$r $,,ess to the6. "e#s is pro,essed into ti!ht s$tellite p$,*$!es to be sold in e4ery ,orner o5 the #orld. +he stress on speed $nd i66edi$,y di4erts $ttention 5ro6 the ,o66odi5i,$tion o5 ne#s #hose

,riteri$ o5 produ,tion $nd sele,tion $re deter6ined by the 6ultin$tion$l ,orpor$tions su,h $s "e#s Li6ited. "e#s !$therin! is $s e:pensi4e $s ne#s distribution, so poorer +hird 'orld ,ountries o5ten 5ind the6sel4es dri4en by e,ono6i, 5$,tors to buy J#hiteK ne#s o5 the6sel4es or o5 their nei!hbors. -289 E4nomination and inoc/lation +here $re $ nu6ber o5 te:tu$l de4i,es o5 ne#s th$t ,$n be thou!ht o5 $s the t$,ti,s throu!h #hi,h the str$te!ies o5 ,ont$in6ent $re $pplied. +he Ji6person$lK $uthority o5 the #ords o5 the studio ne#s re$der ,onstru,ts $ 5r$6e#or* o5 ob?e,ti4ity #ithin #hi,h the #ords $nd i6$!es #hi,h ,onstitute other le4els o5 reportin! $re situ$ted. +he i6person$l ob?e,ti4ity o5 this dis,ourse J!u$r$nteesK its truth8 it is $n e:$6ple o5 the ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e th$t 1$rthes <1973= ,$lls Je:no6in$tionK <see ,h$pter 3=. %:no6in$tion is the e4$,u$tion o5 $ ,on,ept 5ro6 the lin!uisti, syste6 #ith its stru,ture o5 di55eren,e $nd $ltern$ti4es. +h$t #hi,h is e:no6in$ted $ppe$rs to h$4e no $ltern$ti4e $nd is thus !r$nted the st$tus o5 the n$tur$l, the uni4ers$l, or th$t-#hi,h-,$nnot-be,h$llen!ed. +hus, in the ne#s story $n$ly7ed belo#, the union 4ie# o5 the dispute is nominatedM but th$t o5 the 6$n$!e6ent is e<nominated$ +he di55eren,es bet#een the t#o $re Guite ,le$r in both 4ision $nd sound. Bisu$lly, the union spo*espersons $re sho#n $s indi4idu$ls, their n$6es $nd union positions $re !i4en in subtitles, $nd $ shot o5 their union b$d!e on their o55i,e door 6erely underlines the pro,ess. +he 6$n$!e6ent point o5 4ie#, ho#e4er, is e:no6in$ted. +here is no spo*esperson, inste$d it is the Job?e,ti4eK 4oi,e o5 the ne#s re$der #hi,h spe$*s the 6$n$!e6ent sense. @n the sound tr$,*, or in the ne#s s,ript, the di55eren,e is 6ore subtle, but eGu$lly, i5 not 6ore, si!ni5i,$nt. +he di55eren,e bet#een the t#o so,i$l 4oi,es is e6bodied in the di55eren,e bet#een the !r$66$ti,$l 4oi,es o5 $,ti4e $nd p$ssi4e. +he $,ti4e 4oi,e h$s $ no6in$ted sub?e,t $nd is thus $ppropri$tely used 5or union $,tions. For e:$6ple, J+he union e:e,uti4e #$s 6$ppin! out str$te!yK or J3ssist$nt se,ret$ry /$,* M$r*s told the 6en the issue stru,* $t the ,ore o5 unionis6. K @n the other h$nd, 6$n$!e6ent ne4er $ppe$rs $s $n $!ent in the ,on5li,t, its $,tions $re des,ribed in the p$ssi4e 4oi,e or i6person$l 6ode8 JMr Cu*e ,ould be reinst$ted i66edi$telyK or J0eo55 Cu*e, #hose dis6iss$l $t &ort Aedl$nd, 5or $lle!ed 6is,ondu,t, tri!!ered the stri*e. K +he no6in$tion o5 the union 4oi,e $d6its th$t $ltern$ti4e 4ie#points $re possible $nd thus dis,redits its st$tus8 the e:no6in$ted 6$n$!e6ent 4oi,e, ho#e4er, is !i4en the st$tus o5 truth. +he pro,ess o5 no6in$tion is $ t$,ti, o5 M$,C$beDs hier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses <see ,h$pter 3=. "o6in$tin! dis,ourses pl$,es the6 lo# in the hier$r,hy $nd thus li,enses the6 to spe$* opposition$lly or r$di,$lly. +he e:no6in$ted 6et$dis,ourse, ho#e4er, spe$*s the 5in$l Jtruth, K $!$inst #hi,h the p$rti$lity o5 the subordin$ted dis,ourses ,$n be $ssessed. "o6in$tin! disrupti4e dis,ourses $nd e:no6in$tin! th$t o5 so,i$l ,ontrol is $ ,o66on t$,ti, o5 se6ioti, $nd ideolo!i,$l ,ont$in6ent. %Gu$lly ,o66on is the t$,ti, o5 Jino,ul$tionK <1$rthes 1973M see ,h$pter 3=. 2n this 6et$phor 1$rthes li*ens the so,i$l body to the physi,$l body. Liter$lly, ino,ul$tion is the pro,ess in #hi,h the physi,$l body t$*es into itsel5 $ ,ontrolled dose o5 $ dise$se th$t

thre$tens it in order to stren!then its de5enses $!$inst th$t dise$se. Fi!ur$ti4ely, the 6et$phor re5ers to ne#sDs ,on4ention o5 $llo#in! r$di,$l 4oi,es $ ,ontrolled 6o6ent o5 spee,h th$t is no6in$ted $nd inserted into the n$rr$ti4e in su,h $ #$y $s to ensure th$t the so,i$l body is stren!thened $nd not thre$tened by the ,ontr$st bet#een it $nd the r$di,$l. +he tr$ns,ript o5 $ +B ne#s story !i4en on pp. 29;-301 ,ont$ins e:$6ples o5 both e:no6in$tion $nd ino,ul$tion. -290 'etaphor "e#s, $s $ 5or6 o5 re$lis6, is !ener$lly ,onsidered to #or* throu!h 6etony6y <Fis*e 1982=, th$t is, by $ ,$re5ul sele,tion o5 people $nd in,idents th$t st$nd 5or $ 6ore ,o6ple: $nd 5uller 4ersion o5 re$lity. 1ut p$r$do:i,$lly <$nd the ne#s is 5ull o5 p$r$do:es= the ob?e,ti4ity o5 ne#s is 5reGuently ,on4eyed in l$n!u$!e th$t is 6et$phori,$l r$ther th$n liter$l. Nnli*e liter$ture, ne#s stories use 6et$phors th$t $re so ,on4ention$l th$t they h$4e be,o6e ,li,hVs $nd their 6et$phori,$l n$ture is ,onseGuently unre,o!ni7ed. 3 ,li,hV is $ pie,e o5 dis,ourse th$t is 5reGuently repe$ted be,$use it be$rs $ p$rti,ul$rly ,lose rel$tionship #ith the do6in$nt ideolo!y. 3 ,li,hV is $ ,on4ention in e<tremis $nd it is this e:,essi4e ,on4ention$lity th$t is the *ey to de5usin! the p$r$do:. JLiter$lK l$n!u$!e is no better th$n 6et$phori,$l l$n!u$!e $t ,on4eyin! re$lity, 5or Jre$lityK <or #h$t p$sses 5or it in $ny !i4en so,iety= is $ produ,t o5 the do6in$nt dis,ourse. 2t is this 4ie# th$t en$bles Fou,$ult to $r!ue th$t the distin,tion bet#een liter$l $nd 5i!ur$ti4e dis,ourse is unprodu,ti4e8 $ll l$n!u$!e is 5i!ur$ti4e $nd no l$n!u$!e ,$n be$r the ob?e,ti4e rel$tion to $n e6piri,$l re$lity th$t the des,ription Jliter$lK i6plies. Met$phors, then, $re not liter$ry de,or$tion or sti6ul$nts to the indi4idu$l i6$!in$tion, but $re #idespre$d $nd b$si, sense-6$*in! 6e,h$nis6s. 3 6et$phor e:pl$ins the un5$6ili$r in ter6s o5 the 5$6ili$r $nd is thus $ ,on4ention$li7in! $!ent. Follo#in! L$*o55 $nd /ohnson <1980=, Mu6by $nd (pit7$,* <198 = 6$de $ study o5 the l$n!u$!e o5 tele4ision ne#s in si: politi,$l stories on three N( net#or*s $nd 5ound $ !r$nd tot$l o5 1; 6et$phors. +$ble 1 .1 sho#s th$t #$r #$s the ,o66onest 6et$phor 5or des,ribin! politi,s, 5ollo#ed by sport $nd dr$6$. M$*in! sense o5 politi,s by 6et$phors o5 #$r or sport ,onstru,ts politi,s $s $ ,on5li,t bet#een p$rties $nd not $s $ publi, sphere ser4in! the !ood o5 the n$tion. Nsin! the 6et$phor o5 dr$6$ 6$*es sense o5 it $s $ Jst$!eK upon #hi,h t$lented indi4idu$ls Jper5or6K $s st$rs. -291Ta1le 13A1 &ccurre ce of the 'ri ci'al meta'hors i si( e)s stories Politics is war Politics is a game Politics is a drama 3'3C( (en$te 4ote 3 30 9 @&%C ne!oti$tions 4 3 1 Fin! Aussein 21 ; 'hite Aouse poli,y 19 0 Total 74 8 32 24

Re$!$n bud!et poli,y 3d6inistr$tion 5eud +ot$l

Politics is war 8 9 9;

Politics is a game 4 1 48

Politics is a drama 2 3 21

Total 14 13 1;

+he ori!ins o5 these ,li,hV 6et$phors lie in the institution$l dis,ourse sh$red bet#een the ne#s, the 4ie#ers, $nd, o5 ,ourse, the politi,i$ns. 'e should not Guestion the $,,ur$,y o5 su,h 6et$phors in ter6s o5 $ssessin! ho# $ppropri$tely they des,ribe the #$y th$t politi,i$ns $,tu$lly beh$4e, 5or su,h Guestions presu6e th$t politi,i$nsD beh$4ior pre,edes, $nd is independent o5, the dis,ourse by #hi,h they $re represented. 2t is 6ore produ,ti4e to !r$nt dis,ourse $ 6ore 5or6$ti4e role8 the dis,ourse is ,o66on to ne#s produ,ers $nd ,onsu6ers, #hi,h o5 ne,essity in,ludes politi,i$ns, $nd so the dis,ourse 5or6s the #$y politi,i$ns see the6sel4es $nd their $,tions $nd thus pl$ys $n $,ti4e role in sh$pin! those $,tions. Con4ention$li7ed 6et$phors 6$*e ,o66on sense. L$*o55 $nd /ohnson <1980= h$4e sho#n, 5or e:$6ple, ho# #idespre$d is the 6et$phor th$t Jti6e is 6oney. K +he ordin$riness o5 phr$ses su,h $s Js$4in!K or J#$stin! ti6e, K o5 Jspendin!K ti6e is e4iden,e o5 ho# #ell the 6et$phor ser4es the ideolo!y o5 the &rotest$nt #or* ethi, #ithin ,$pit$lis6. +he 3ustr$li$n ne#s story $n$ly7ed on pp. 29;-301 sho#s $ typi,$l use o5 6et$phor in ne#s. Aere it is not politi,s but $n industri$l dispute #hi,h is represented by the 6et$phor o5 #$r. +he e55e,t o5 this is to ,onstru,t the 6$n$!e6ent $s Jus, K $nd the unions $s Jthe6, K the hostile in4$ders, $nd to deny $ny sense th$t so,iety is ,o6posed o5 $ series o5 le!iti6$te $nd ne,ess$ry ,on5li,ts o5 interest th$t ,$nnot be properly understood 5ro6 one point o5 4ie# only. +hese ,on5li,ts o,,ur within so,iety, $nd not bet#een us $nd $n $lien. +he 6et$phor o5 #$r de5ines unionis6 $s non-3ustr$li$n $nd dele!iti6$tes the ,h$llen!e it poses to the bour!eoisie8 its ,li,hVd in4isibility !i4es to this ,onstru,tion the st$tus o5 ob?e,ti4e re$lity. +he 6et$phor is Je:no6in$ted. K 2t is not, li*e $ liter$ry one, 5ore!rounded $nd $s,ribed to $ n$6ed $uthor, but is p$rt o5 $ ,on4ention$l dis,ourse #hose ,on4entions ori!in$te 5ro6 $ so,i$l lo,$tion, not 5ro6 $n indi4idu$l i6$!in$tion. +his sort o5 6et$phor h$s none o5 the sel5-$#$reness or e:,ess o5 the bees honey-5lo#ers 6et$phor in the !art to !art se!6ent dis,ussed in ,h$pter ;. +he ,li,hVd 6et$phors o5 the ne#s do not dr$# $ttention to the6sel4es $s sense-6$*in! de4i,es8 they #or* to ,lose 6e$nin!s do#n r$ther th$n open the6 up $nd thus #or* Guite di55erently 5ro6 6et$phors in poetry or the sel5-p$rodi, e:,essi4e 6et$phor in !art to !art$ -292 #e9s narrative +he ,$te!ori7$tions $nd te:tu$l de4i,es th$t ,ontrol the sense o5 ne#s $re $ll e6bedded in $ n$rr$ti4e 5or6. 2n ,h$pter 8 #e outlined +odoro4Ds $,,ount o5 the b$si, n$rr$ti4e stru,ture in #hi,h $ st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 is disrupted, the 5or,es o5 disruption $re #or*ed

throu!h until $ resolution is re$,hed, $nd $nother st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 is $,hie4ed #hi,h 6$y di55er 5ro6 or be identi,$l to the 5irst. +his ,onstitutes the b$si, stru,ture o5 $ tele4ision ne#s story, ?ust $s it does o5 $ sit,o6 or $ ,op sho#. 2n $ll three !enres the 5in$l st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 is identi,$l to, or $t le$st ,losely $ppro:i6$tes, th$t o5 the 5irst $nd to this e:tent the 5or6 is re$,tion$ry or ,onser4$ti4e. +he 6$in n$rr$ti4e ener!y in ne#s, $s in other stories, lies in the ,entr$l se,tion in #hi,h the 5or,es o5 disruption $re e:plored $nd their ,on5li,t #ith the so,i$l order is en$,ted8 the ideolo!i,$l ener!y, ho#e4er, is e:pended in the resolution o5 this ,on5li,t $nd its rel$tionship to the st$tus Guo e6bodied in the openin! $nd ,losin! st$tes o5 eGuilibriu6. 2n ne#s stories the openin! st$te o5 eGuilibriu6 per5or6s its ideolo!i,$l #or* throu!h its $bsen,e8 it is the unspo*en nor6 #hose st$tus $s the t$*en-5or-!r$nted ,o66on sense ob4i$tes $ny need to $rti,ul$te it. For A$ll <1984= the ideolo!i,$l #or* per5or6ed by the 5or6 o5 ne#s stories is 6ore i6port$nt th$n $ny notion o5 ,ontent8 +hose stories, or r$ther those #$ys o5 tellin! the stories, #rite the ?ourn$lists. +he stories $re $lre$dy l$r!ely #ritten 5or the6 be5ore the ?ourn$lists t$*e 5in!ers to type#riters or pen to p$per. . . . Let 6e 6$*e the point th$t i5 you tell $ story in $ p$rti,ul$r #$y you o5ten $,ti4$te 6e$nin!s #hi,h see6 $l6ost to belon! to the sto,* o5 stories the6sel4es. 2 6e$n you ,ould tell the 6ost dr$6$ti, story, the 6ost !r$phi, $nd terrible $,,ount o5 $n e4entM but i5 you ,onstru,t it $s $ ,hildrenDs story you h$4e to 5i!ht 4ery h$rd not to #ind up #ith $ !ood endin!. 2n th$t sense those 6e$nin!s $re $lre$dy ,on,e$led or held #ithin the 5or6s o5 the stories the6sel4es. For6 is 6u,h 6ore i6port$nt th$n the old distin,tion bet#een 5or6 $nd ,ontent. 'e used to thin* 5or6 #$s li*e $n e6pty bo:, $nd itDs re$lly #h$t you put into it th$t 6$tters. 1ut #e $re $#$re no# th$t the 5or6 is $,tu$lly p$rt o5 the ,ontent o5 #h$t it is th$t you $re s$yin!. <p. 7= -293+he ,ontent o5 ne#s stories #ill ne,ess$rily 4$ry 5ro6 d$y to d$y, but their ,onst$nt 5or6 is one o5 their ,ru,i$l str$te!ies o5 ,ont$in6ent $nd is ,o66on to both 5i,tion $nd ne#s. A$ll <1984= belie4es th$t #e 6$*e $n $bsolutely too si6ple $nd 5$lse distin,tion bet#een n$rr$ti4es $bout the re$l $nd the n$rr$ti4es o5 5i,tion. 3nd you ,$n 5ind th$t in the ne#s8 the ne#s is 5ull o5 little stories #hi,h $re 4ery si6il$r to #$r ro6$n,es. 3nd so there isnDt, 2 thin*, $ny #$y o5 si6pli5yin! th$t rel$tionship bet#een re$lity $nd 5i,tion. <p. ;= +he +B net#or*s o5ten e:ploit this in,re$sin!ly un,ert$in rel$tionship. Feuer <198;= !i4es t#o e:$6ples o5 the ne#s $nd 5i,tion bein! e:pli,itly inter#o4en. 2n one, $ ne#s ite6 $bout ,olle!e students ritu$listi,$lly #$t,hin! ynasty #$s bro$d,$st $s $ pro6o durin! ynasty $nd $s $n ite6 in the ne#s th$t 5ollo#ed. (i6il$rly, 5ollo#in! $ Jtr$u6$ dr$6$K on teen sui,ide, the ele4en oD,lo,* ne#s $nnoun,ed $nd subseGuently presented Je:pertK psy,holo!i,$l $d4i,e on ho# to re,o!nise sui,id$l tenden,ies in JyourK ,hildren. <p. 10 =

2t is in the interests o5 the +B net#or*s to 6$*e the dr$6$ $ppe$r 6ore re$l, 5or Jre$listi,nessK is ,entr$l to the ideolo!y o5 ,$pit$list so,ieties $nd thus so i6port$nt in the re$din! pr$,ti,es in the6. 1ut they $re only $ble to e:ploit the si6il$rity be,$use Jne#sK is $ dis,ourse, $s is 5i,tion, $nd ne#s #or*s throu!h stories th$t 6$*e sense o5 re$lity in ?ust the s$6e #$y $s do 5i,tion$l stories. +his blurrin! o5 the distin,tion bet#een 5i,tion $nd re$lity is $lso seen in the ne#sDs tre$t6ent o5 ,h$r$,ter. Cle$rly the ne#s is peopled by re$l indi4idu$ls, but in representin! e4ents throu!h people the ne#s is 5ollo#in! the ,on4entions o5 ,l$ssi, re$lis6, 5or it $ssu6es th$t the #$y to ,onstru,t $n underst$nd$ble $nd $uthenti, 4ersion o5 the re$l is throu!h the $,tions, #ords, $nd re$,tions o5 the indi4idu$ls in4ol4ed. (o,i$l $nd politi,$l issues $re only reported i5 they ,$n be e6bodied in $n indi4idu$l, $nd thus so,i$l ,on5li,t o5 interest is person$li7ed into ,on5li,t bet#een indi4idu$ls. +he e55e,t o5 this is th$t the so,i$l ori!ins o5 e4ents $re lost, $nd indi4idu$l 6oti4$tion is $ssu6ed to be the ori!in o5 $ll $,tion. +he story o5 $ stri*e $nd the story o5 !art to !art $re identi,$l in this respe,t. 3s in ,l$ssi, re$lis6, the indi4idu$ls #ho people the ne#s $re 5irst ,$re5ully sele,ted $nd then ,$re5ully ,ontrolled by the #$y they $re inserted into the n$rr$ti4e stru,ture. 3 li6ited r$n!e o5 people is !i4en $,,ess to the ne#s, 4ery 5e# so,i$l positions $re $llo#ed to Jspe$*. K +he 1ritish !o4ern6ent, 5or inst$n,e, uses the ,on,ept o5 Jthe n$tion$l interestK to Jpersu$deK the 11C th$t "orthern 2rish JterroristsK <sic= should not be $llo#ed to put their side o5 $ story in their o#n #ords. +he J$,,essed 4oi,esK <A$rtley 1982= spe$* 5ro6 $ li6ited r$n!e o5 so,i$l positions, usu$lly those ,ont$ined #ithin the s$5e li6its o5 p$rli$6ent$ry de6o,r$,y. Boi,es th$t $ppe$r too r$di,$l $re not $llo#ed to spe$* dire,tly, but $re reported, th$t is, 6edi$ted, i5 their point o5 4ie# is represented $t $ll. -294+hese sele,ti4ely $,,essed 4oi,es $re ,ontrolled e4en 6ore by the #$y they $re #ritten into the ne#s n$rr$ti4e. A$rtley <1982= 6$*es the produ,ti4e $n$lo!y bet#een the $,,essed 4oi,es o5 ne#s $nd di$lo!ue in $ no4el8 %4en thou!h the di$lo!ue Jbelon!sK to the ,h$r$,ters #ho spe$* it, it is produced by the $uthor. 2n tele4ision ne#s the s$6e prin,iple holds. 'h$te4er $n indi4idu$l ,h$r$,ter 6$y s$y, its 6e$nin! #ill be deter6ined not by his or her intentions or situ$tion, but by the pl$,in! o5 the inter4ie# in the o4er$ll ,onte:t o5 the story. <pp. 109-10= +hus, in the story $n$ly7ed belo#, the tr$de unionist is only $llo#ed to spe$* $5ter the n$rr$ti4e h$s ,onstru,ted hi6 $s the ene6yI4ill$in. "e#s ,ontrols the 6ulti4o,$lity o5 the re$l by n$rr$ti4e stru,ture $nd $ ,$re5ul sele,tion o5 #hi,h 4oi,es $re $,,essed. +hese 4oi,es $re $l#$ys lo,$ted #ithin 5$6ili$r so,i$l roles - the politi,$l le$der, the unionist, the tr$u6$ 4i,ti6, $nd so on. +hese so,i$l roles $re then or!$ni7ed into n$rr$ti4e 5un,tions. 1ell <1983=, in his det$iled study o5 dru! stories in print $nd tele4ision ne#s, !i4es $ !ood e:$6ple o5 this pro,ess $t #or*. First indi4idu$ls #ere inserted into 5our 6$in so,i$l roles8 poli,e $nd l$# en5or,e6ent o55i,ers, so,i$l $nd #el5$re #or*ers, dru! runners $nd de$lers, $nd dru! users. +hen these so,i$l

roles #ere ,onstru,ted into the n$rr$ti4e 5un,tions o5 heroes, helpers, 4ill$ins, $nd 4i,ti6s. 1ell ,on,ludes th$t the 6edi$ posit heroes $nd helpers $,tin! on beh$l5 o5 the $d6inistr$ti4e $r6 o5 so,iety in ?ust the ri!ht proportion to $ll$y $ny e:,essi4e thre$t th$t the 4ill$iny o5 r$,*eteers $nd the #e$*ness o5 4i,ti6s 6i!ht $rouse. <p. 118= 1ell 5ound th$t these n$rr$ti4e $nd so,i$l roles #ere typi,$lly 5illed by the so,i$l types th$t e6body the s$6e ideolo!i,$l 4$lues $s they do in 5i,tion. +hus the 4ill$ins <or dru! runnersIde$lers= #ere typi,$lly not 3n!lo-($:on or, i5 they #ere, they h$d their 3si$n or L$tin ,onne,tions stressed. (o,i$l or r$,i$l de4i$n,e is the si!n $nd e6bodi6ent o5 e4il in ne#s $s in 5i,tion. +he 4i,ti6s ,$6e 5ro6 !roups o5 6ini6$l so,i$l po#er - the youn!, #o6en, lo#er ,l$sses, the une6ployed, the lo# $,hie4ers. +he thre$t th$t their #e$*ness posed #$s de5used by bein! lo,$ted in $ position in the so,i$l stru,ture desi!ned to $,,o66od$te it. +he heroes #ere $,ti4e in the 5i!ht $!$inst e4il $nd tended to be o5 so,i$lly ,entr$l types, #here$s the helpers #ere less $,ti4e $nd 6ore nurturin!, $nd 6i!ht be represented by so,i$l types #ho 6edi$ted bet#een the heroes $nd the 4i,ti6s, $nd h$d ,h$r$,teristi,s o5 both. -29 3s A$ll <1984= points out, these 5or6$l ,h$r$,teristi,s $re not ?ust $ 5$6ili$r 6old into #hi,h the be$rer o5 6e$nin!s, the ,ontent, is poured8 5or6 $nd ,ontent 6$*e 6e$nin! to!ether $nd to sep$r$te the6 out is 5in$lly $n unprodu,ti4e e:er,ise. +hese stories $re pre#ritten, they J#riteK the ?ourn$lists, $nd their 6e$nin!s $re $lre$dy in ,ir,ul$tion. 2n usin! their 5or6s, the ne#s is insertin! $pp$rently ne# or surprisin! e4ents into the 5$6ili$r8 their 5$6ili$rity is ,entr$l to ne#sDs str$te!ies o5 ,ont$in6ent. #e9s analysis +o tr$,e these str$te!ies o5 ,ont$in6ent $t #or*, let us loo* $t $ typi,$l ne#s story in so6e det$il. (ho#n on Ch$nnel "ine "e#s, it ,on,erns $n industri$l dispute in the (t$te %ner!y Co66ission <the (%C=, the pro4ider o5 ele,tri,ity $nd !$s in &erth, 'estern 3ustr$li$. 2t #$s the e4enin!Ds le$d story, $nd #$s 5ollo#ed by $nother Jindustri$lK one, this ti6e $bout risin! une6ploy6ent 5i!ures. C*A##EL #I#E #E(S "%'( R%3C%R, RN((%L +he 5$6ili$r ne#s re$der8 his indi4idu$lity 0@@CR2CF8 +he F12 in4esti!$tin! $ hoo*s the 4ie#er throu!h identi5i,$tion $nd bo6b e:plosion on bo$rd $ ?u6bo ?et in 5$6ili$rity, but does not $55e,t the 5li!ht bet#een /$p$n $nd A$#$ii. i6person$lity <ob?e,ti4ity= o5 his #ords. 0ood e4enin!. 3 s$tellite report 5ro6 satellite/ ,onnot$tion o5 i66edi$,y, Aonolulu shortly. 1ut toni!htDs le$d $uthenti,ity, speed report is the end o5 the po#er stri*e. 3lso in the bulletin, 3ustr$li$Ds #orst stri+e/ the ,hoi,e o5 the #ord i6plies union une6ploy6ent 5i!ures on re,ord. 3nd $!en,y. (tri*in! is #h$t unions do $nd in sport, '$lly.

6$n$!e6ent su55ers. 0roupin! o5 dispute $nd une6ploy6ent stories ,$n e$sily su!!est $ ,$use $nd e55e,t rel$tionship th$t i6putes bl$6e to the unions. (&@R+(C3(+%R, '3LL) F@RM3"8 +h$n*s Russ. 'ell, B$l Co6in$h #ill $tte6pt to #in her 5i5th st$te !ol5 title $t +he Jhe$dlinesK 5ore!round the se!6ented the Roy$l Fre6$ntle to6orro# $nd #e n$ture o5 the ne#s $nd the stru!!le reGuired !o hobie ,$ttin! on (ydney h$rbour. to ,ont$in its potenti$l unruliness. 1$rry h$s the #e$ther. '%3+A%RM3", 13RR) 13RFL38 +he ne#s Jte$6K is $n $tte6pt to uni5y the 'ell, thereDll still be $ 5$ir bit o5 ,loud 5r$!6ented ne#s ite6s. A$rd ne#s is $round, 6$ybe one or t#o drops, but 2 disruptions to the nor6 - $ bo6b, $ stri*e, #ouldnDt e4en #orry $bout t$*in! the $nd une6ploy6ent $re eGu$lly disrupti4e. u6brell$. Russ. (o5t ne#s $nd sport re$55ir6 the nor6. "%'( R%3C%R, RN((%L 0@@CR2CF8 crippling/ the ,onsu6er ,onstru,ted $s 4i,ti6 +he ,ripplin! st$te#ide po#er stri*e #ill end $t 6idni!ht $nd the thre$t o5 blac+outs8#$r 6et$phor 5urther bl$,*outs toni!ht is re,edin! $s !ener$tin! st$tions be!in #indin! up to Con,entr$tion on e55e,ts, not ,$uses, o5 the 5ull ,$p$,ity. +he dispute, #hi,h ,ost stri*e, ,onstru,ts the re$der $s ,onsu6er6illions o5 doll$rs in lost produ,tion, 4i,ti6, $ hostile 4ie#point 5ro6 #hi,h to plun!ed one-third o5 the ,ity into Junderst$ndK union $,ti4ity <,on4ention$l d$r*ness $nd ,ontributed to the de$th o5 ne#s pr$,ti,e=. $ pedestri$n in $ bl$,*ed-out street, h$s been settled throu!h $ ,o6pro6ise. Con5li,t <unions= 4. compromise <so,i$l nor6= R%&@R+%R, /@A" C@LL2( <B@2C%@B%R=8 battled/ on!oin! #$r 6et$phor8 (%C st$55 $s heroes, unions $s 4ill$ins 3s (t$te %ner!y Co66ission st$55 b$ttled to *eep the po#er !ener$tors grim;faced/ potenti$l ,ontr$di,tions #ith turnin!, hundreds o5 !ri6-5$,ed stri*ers 4isu$lsM 5i,tion$l ,on4ention 5or #ere 5or,ed to t$*e the st$irs to this representin! 4ill$ins ta+e the stairs $ $ $ 6ornin!Ds se,ond 5loor 6eetin! $t the second floor meetings/ Job?e,ti4eK 5$,ts, L$bour Centre. not o5 interest in the6sel4es, !u$r$ntee the JtruthK o5 the ,onstru,ted storyM 6or$l ?ud!6ent in the irony.

Jno6in$tionK - 4isu$l $nd 4erb$l mapping out strategy/ on!oin! #$r 6et$phor, #hi,h i6plies lin*s #ith the bo6b-on-$ir,r$5t story8 stri*es $re in the s$6e ,on,eptu$l ,$te!ory $s terroris6. +he sole 6ention o5 the ,$use o5 dispute - 4ery nonspe,i5i, ,o6p$red to its e55e,ts8 ,$use is indi4idu$li7ed, 6$n$!e6ent

2n $ ne$rby o55i,e the union e:e,uti4e #$s 6$ppin! out str$te!y 5or the 6eetin! #ith its shop ste#$rds. 36on! the6 24-ye$r-old 0eo55 Cu*e, #hose Je:no6in$tedK8 dismissal is Cu*eDs, not $n dis6iss$l $t &ort Aedl$nd, 5or $lle!ed $,t o5 6$n$!e6ent. 6is,ondu,t, tri!!ered the stri*e. +he Jdisrupti4e e4entK <+odoro4= is the $lle!ed 6is,ondu,t o5 $ #or*er <,5. Junion dutyK belo#=. .lleged by #ho6H 1y e:no6in$ted 6$n$!e6ent. R%&@R+%R, /@A" C@LL2( <L2B% (@N"C=8 2ndi4idu$li7$tion o5 re$,tion $nd responsibility depoliti,i7es the 6oti4e.

Ao# does it 5eel to h$4e bl$,*ed out Cu*e Jno6in$tedK by 4isu$ls the ,ity l$st ni!htH /3CF M3RF( <N"2@" 3((2(+3"+ (%CR%+3R)=8 &roble6 o5 ,ont$in6ent8 is this ino,ul$tion or disruptionH +he stru,ture o5 the story so /ust le$4e hi6 be, #ill you. 'e donDt 5$r le$ds us to re$d this $s Jth$tDs #h$t the #$nt $ny in5l$66$tory dis,ussions $t ene6y #ould s$y, #e h$4e to *no# their this st$!e. 'eDre tryin! to resol4e this point o5 4ie# in order to dis,ount itK - $ proble6. 25 $ny one #$nts to thro# $ ,le$r e:$6ple o5 ino,ul$tion. 1ut its bu,*et o5 *erosene on the 5ire, #ell e55e,ti4ity is doubt5ul <see pp. 301-8=. they ,$n do it. 1ut th$tDs not our position. 'eD4e !ot idiots rin!in! $nd M$r*s Jno6in$tedK by 4isu$ls thre$tenin! to shoot the lot o5 us $t the present ti6e. Nnionists ,onstru,ted $s e6otion$l, R%&@R+%R, /@A" C@LL2( <B@2C%- d$n!erous ideolo!uesM the li4e 5il6I sound @B%R=8 sho#s no ,heers. &otenti$l ,ontr$di,tion #ith the 4isu$ls #hi,h sho# the unionists $s ordin$ry people-li*e-us. +he stru,ture o5 the 36id ,heers o5 $ppro4$l, 3ssist$nt (e,ret$ry /$,* M$r*s told the 6en the story so 5$r h$s #or*ed to dele!iti6i7e this issue stru,* $t the ,ore o5 unionis6, the right$ 'h$t the union ,$lls Jhis union dutyK ri!ht o5 $ shop ste#$rd to do his union the Job?e,ti4eK ne#s re$der, throu!h J,l$#b$,*, K h$s ,$lled J$lle!ed duty. 6is,ondu,t. K

trump card/ !$6e 6et$phor been hammered out/ p$ssi4e 6ode denies the unions the po#er to $,t positi4ely.

1ut he s$4ed his tru6p ,$rd until l$ter. 3 ,o6pro6ise de$l h$d $lre$dy been could be reinstated/ p$ssi4e 6ode h$66ered out #ith &re6ier R$y e:no6in$tes 6$n$!e6ent, #hi,h is ne4er @DConnor. Mr Cu*e ,ould be reinst$ted 6entioned $nd !r$66$ti,$lly ,onstru,ted i66edi$tely in $ re4ie# o5 the s$,*in!. $s p$ssi4eM the union $ppe$rs the $!ent o5 +he 4ote to !o b$,* to #or* #$s disruption. +he restor$ti4e e4ent is the $,t un$ni6ous. 1ut i5 $ ,o6pro6ise h$d o5 $ !o4ern6ent $!en,y. been so e$sy, #$s yesterd$yDs ,h$os so ne,ess$ryH Con5li,t o5 interest is i6plied to be $ union in4ention8 the po#er o5 the bour!eoisie is s$id to #or* throu!h ,o6pro6iseI,onsensus. /3CF M3RF( <L2B%=8 3re the str$te!ies o5 ino,ul$tion $nd e:no6in$tion enou!h to ,ont$in this +he ,ity #$s plun!ed into d$r*ness l$st disruptionH M$r*s is shot in e:tre6e ,loseni!ht be,$use o5 6$n$!eri$l de,isions up - the ,ode o5 the 4ill$in <see p. 7=. by the (%C, not by us. R%&@R+%R, /@A" C@LL2( <B@2C%@B%R=8 +he 6en #ill be!in returnin! to #or* resolution8 return to the s$6e st$te o5 $5ter 6idni!ht, $nd $lthou!h po#er eGuilibriu6 $s $t the st$rt o5 the story restri,tions $re still in 5or,e, e4erythin! should be b$,* to nor6$l by 6ornin!. /ohn Collis, Ch$nnel "ine "e#s. "%'( R%3C%R, RN((%L 0@@CR2CF8

(%C $s heroes i6pro4in! on $n $lre$dy $,,ept$ble resolution. (%C $nd ,onsu6ers <i.e. the people= ,onstru,ted $s h$4in! 2n 5$,t, the (t$te %ner!y Co66ission identi,$l interests in Jde5e$tin!K the unions. s$ys it no# e:pe,ts to be $ble to li5t the But the unions $re $lso ,onsu6ersIpeople. po#er restri,tions by $bout se4en +he 6$n$!e6ent point o5 4ie# h$s, throu!h oD,lo,* this e4enin! but ,onsu6ers e:no6in$tion, be,o6e the ob?e,ti4e point h$4e been $s*ed to #$it 5or the o55i,i$l th$t re4e$ls the JtruthK8 the 6$n$!e6ent is $ll-,le$r $nd ,ontinue to ,onser4e the (%C8 the unions, p$r$do:i,$lly, $re not. po#er. "ource8 1ond Medi$, &erth, 'estern 3ustr$li$. -29; The forces of disr/ption

+he str$te!ies o5 ,ont$in6ent $re 6$ny, subtle, $nd tried $nd tested by ti6e. +hey $re essenti$lly 5or6$l ,h$r$,teristi,s $nd thus be$r the brunt o5 the ideolo!i,$l #or*. 1ut the intense need th$t the ne#s h$s 5or su,h str$te!ies should not be seen 6erely $s e4iden,e o5 the desire o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y to i6pose $nd n$tur$li7e itsel5, but $lso $s e4iden,e o5 the stren!th o5 the 5or,es o5 disruption. 1y the 5or,es o5 disruption 2 6e$n those $spe,ts o5 the te:t, o5 the re$l, $nd o5 the $udien,e, #hi,h thre$ten the sense th$t is used to ,ont$in opposition$l, $ltern$ti4e, or unruly ele6ents. -301+he so,i$l e:perien,e th$t ne#s brin!s to us is itsel5 unruly8 its e4ents do not e$sily 5it the ,on4ention$l sh$pes $nd seGuen,es th$t ne#s i6poses. +he JbitsK le5t out in the ne#sDs 6etony6i, sele,tion do not ne,ess$rily st$y silent $nd in4isible, but 6$y erupt $nd disrupt the s6ooth sur5$,e o5 the n$rr$ti4e. A$rtley <1984$= de6onstr$tes ho# $ 11C ne#s story on $ shootin! in "orthern 2rel$nd tried to set the in,ident #ithin $ do6esti, 5r$6e#or*. +he story ,onstru,ted the 4i,ti6 $s husb$ndI5$ther, his $!e, 6$rit$l st$tus, nu6ber $nd n$6es o5 ,hildren #ere !i4en, his ordin$ry house $nd nei!hbors #ere 5il6ed. 1ut durin! the 5il6in! o5 the house $nd inter4ie#s #ith nei!hbors, $ 6ilit$ry heli,opter #$s ho4erin! o4erhe$d, its en!ine ,le$rly $udible on the sound tr$,*. +he politi,$l6ilit$ry JsenseK o5 the in,ident disrupted the do6esti, JsenseK th$t the story #$s proposin!. +he Jre$lK is too 6ulti5$,eted, too ,ontr$di,tory, to sub6it e$sily to the ,ontrol o5 the ne#s ,on4entions. +here is si6ply Jtoo 6u,h re$lityK 5or it to be ,ont$ined. +he unruliness o5 the re$l $nd the se6ioti, e:,ess o5 tele4ision #or* to!ether to ensure th$t 6ultiple $nd ,ontr$di,tory 6e$nin!s ,$n ne4er be 5in$lly ruled out. +heir disrupti4e 5or,es $re $l#$ys there, ho#e4er 6$r!in$li7ed $nd silen,ed, 5i!htin! $!$inst the str$te!ies o5 ,ont$in6ent $nd $4$il$ble 5or the $ppropri$te re$der. 'e h$4e seen ho# hi!hly ne#s 4$lues the J4o: popK 5or its $uthenti,ity $nd i66edi$,y, but these 4$lues $re inherently ris*y, their ,ontinuity #ith Jthe re$lK #or*s not only to n$tur$li7e $nd !u$r$ntee the pro,ess o5 ob?e,ti5i,$tion <see $bo4e= but $lso, ,on4ersely, to disrupt it. /$,* M$r*sDs ,o66ent in the story $bo4e th$t Jthe ,ity #$s plun!ed into d$r*ness l$st ni!ht be,$use o5 6$n$!eri$l de,isionsK ,$nnot h$4e all its opposition$lity e4$,u$ted 5ro6 it by ino,ul$tion $nd n$rr$ti4e pl$,e6ent. 2ndeed, its 4ery $uthenti,ity p$r$do:i,$lly #or*s to enh$n,e its i6p$,t $nd thus to #or* $!$inst those str$te!ies. +he $uthenti,ity $nd i66edi$,y o5 the 4o: pop ne,ess$rily 6$*es it potenti$lly unruly $nd disrupti4e, $nd thus $4$il$ble 5or opposition$l re$din!s by re$ders #hose so,i$l position is ,loser to /$,* M$r*sDs th$n to the e:no6in$ted 6$n$!eri$l 4oi,e o5 the studio ne#s re$der. Le#is <198 = h$s sho#n ho# surprisin!ly ine55e,ti4e the n$rr$ti4e str$te!ies o5 ne#s stories $re in i6posin! their stru,ture $nd its $sso,i$ted 6e$nin!s upon the 4ie#ers. +he ,ontent o5 $ li4e J4o: popK se!6ent 6$de $ !re$ter i6pression on 6$ny o5 his sub?e,ts th$n did the studio-b$sed introdu,tion $nd n$rr$ti4e stru,ture #ithin #hi,h it #$s inserted. Le#isDs study o5 the ne#s $udien,es sho#s us ho# li6ited is the po#er o5 the ne#s ,on4entions to i6pose their pre5erred 6e$nin!s $nd ideolo!ies upon the di4erse $udien,es th$t ne#s re$,hes. 2n this bulletin there $re ,le$r ,ontr$di,tions bet#een /$,* M$r*sDs st$te6ent $nd the 6$in n$rr$ti4e str$te!ies o5 the rest o5 the story, $nd Le#isDs #or* sho#s us th$t e4en thou!h $ll the 5irepo#er $ppe$rs to be held by the ne#s

,on4entions, there is no !u$r$ntee th$t they #ill $l#$ys #in in the stru!!le 5or 6e$nin! bet#een the6 $nd the 4o: pop insert. +he i66edi$,y $nd $uthenti,ity o5 /$,* M$r*s Jli4eK #ill, 5or so6e re$ders, h$4e 6ore po#er th$n the n$rr$ti4e $tte6pts to ,ont$in $nd ,ontrol his 4oi,e. -302Le#isDs #or* 5ollo#s MorleyDs <1980$=, but unli*e Morley, Le#is lo,$tes the 4$riety o5 the re$din!s not in the so,i$l di4ersity o5 the $udien,e but in the ine55e,ti4eness o5 the ne#s ,on4entions. Ae su!!ests th$t tele4ision ne#s h$s inherited 5ro6 print ne#s the <5or it= in$ppropri$te ,on4ention o5 st$rtin! e$,h story #ith the 6ost i6port$nt point $nd !i4in! the other det$ils in des,endin! order o5 i6port$n,e. Cle$rly $ ne#sp$per $nd $ tele4ision ne#s bulletin reGuire di55erent 6odes o5 re$din!8 the re$der o5 the ne#sp$per ,$n sele,t #hi,h story to re$d, $nd, 6ore si!ni5i,$ntly 5or this $r!u6ent, ,$n sele,t ho# 6u,h o5 th$t story to re$d. +he ,on4ention$l stru,ture o5 $ ne#s story is, then, $ppropri$te 5or print ?ourn$lis6. 1ut tele4ision ne#s sele,ts both the order o5 stories $nd their len!th $nd so h$s no need to use the stru,ture o5 print stories. +he se!6ent$tion o5 the ne#s, #ith its $brupt ,h$n!es 5ro6 story to story, 6e$ns, $,,ordin! to Le#isDs 5indin!s, th$t the openin! 6o6ents o5 $ ne# story $re spent by the $udien,e in $d?ustin! to the ne# topi,. +he det$ils o5 the openin! senten,e $re li*ely to be sub6er!ed in this $d?ust6ent, so the print-deri4ed stru,ture o5 the tele4ision ne#s story Guite o5ten resulted in the loss o5 the in5or6$tion th$t the ne#s h$d de,ided #$s the *ey i6port$n,e. +his in$ppropri$te stru,ture #or*ed in $nother #$y to 6ini6i7e, or e4en ,ounter$,t, the e55e,ti4ity o5 the ne#s n$rr$ti4e. 1y ,on,entr$tin! on solutions $nd ,on,lusions, it denied #h$t 1$rthes <197 $= ,$lls Jthe her6eneuti, ,odeK o5 n$rr$ti4e. +his is the ,ode th$t pro4ides 6ost o5 the 6otor po#er o5 the plot, it is the ,ode th$t poses eni!6$s $nd ,ontrols the #$y they $re resol4ed. 3,,ordin! to Le#is, this ,ode is the one th$t en!$!es the $udien,e 6ost ,losely #ith the n$rr$ti4e, it is the one th$t 6$*es the $udien,e ,$re $bout the out,o6e. 2ts ,o6p$r$ti4e $bsen,e in tele4ision ne#s #e$*ens the hold o5 the pro!r$6 upon its $udien,e $nd thus opens up $ sp$,e in #hi,h J6isre$din!K or J6is6e6oryK ,$n o,,ur. +hus, the openin! st$te6ents in the (%C ne#s 6$y not position the re$der $s the ,onsu6er-4i,ti6 o5 the stri*in! unionists $s e55e,ti4ely $s our e$rlier $n$lysis o5 the te:t #ould le$d us to belie4e. 25 the $udien,es o5 this bulletin beh$4ed in the s$6e #$y $s Le#isDs there #ould be $ si!ni5i,$nt nu6ber #ho #ould h$4e no re,$ll o5 this openin!, 5r$6in! st$te6ent, but #ho #ould re6e6ber ,le$rly /$,* M$r*sDs ,o66ent th$t it #$s the 6$n$!e6ent #ho put out the li!hts. @5 ,ourse, they need not $,tu$lly re6e6ber these 5r$6in! st$te6ents in order to h$4e been positioned by the68 the st$te6entsD 5un,tion in settin! up the point o5 4ie# 5ro6 #hi,h to 6$*e sense o5 the rest o5 the story does not depend solely upon $ ,ons,ious re,$ll o5 their ,ontent. 1ut 6$ny o5 Le#isDs sub?e,ts re6e6bered $nd interpreted the li4e insert <the eGui4$lent o5 /$,* M$r*sDs ,o66ent= $pp$rently 5ree 5ro6 $ny positionin! e55e,t o5 the <5or!otten= introdu,tory re6$r*s. -303-

C$hl!ren <198 = l$ys 6ore stress on the di55eren,es bet#een 4ie#ers to e:pl$in the di55eren,es in ne#s re$din!s. Ais rese$r,h te$6 used the6sel4es $s sub?e,ts $nd tried to re$d the ne#s Jn$i4ely, K th$t is, in their e4eryd$y so,i$l roles. +hey ,o6p$red these Jre$din!sK #ith the ones they 6$de l$ter, in their roles $s rese$r,hers #hen they $n$ly7ed $ re,ordin!, $nd 5ound, not surprisin!ly, l$r!e di55eren,es bet#een the t#o sets o5 re$din!s. Firstly they 5ound th$t their 6e6ories #ere e4en 6ore ine55i,ient th$n they h$d e:pe,ted8 they inst$ntly 5or!ot enor6ous $6ounts o5 in5or6$tion, $nd ,$6e up #ith 4ery di55erent re$din!s. More surprisin!ly, perh$ps, their $,$de6i, re$din!s 4$ried $s 6u,h8 Moreo4er #e 5ound th$t the interpret$tion, the JsenseK o5 $ny !i4en story, ,ould 4$ry ,onsider$bly bet#een us, e4en $5ter repe$ted study. +his h$d to do not only #ith the 5r$6es o5 re5eren,e #e $pplied, our di55erent sto,*s o5 *no#led!e, dispositions, ,h$ins o5 $sso,i$tion, $nd so on, but $lso the J6ind setsK #ith #hi,h #e $ppro$,hed the stories. For e:$6ple, i5 one o5 us h$ppened to be on the $lert 5or the 6ess$!e di6ensions #hile the other #$s 6ore orient$ted to#$rds e:perien,in! the 4isu$ls, our respe,ti4e Jre$din!sK ,ould be Guite di55erent. <p. 237= +he ne#s is $ 6ont$!e o5 4oi,es, 6$ny o5 the6 ,ontr$di,tory, $nd its n$rr$ti4e stru,ture is not po#er5ul enou!h to di,t$te $l#$ys #hi,h 4oi,e #e should p$y 6ost $ttention to, or #hi,h 4oi,e should be used $s $ 5r$6e#or* by #hi,h to underst$nd the rest. "e#s is not uniGue in this. 1$rthes <197 $= su!!ests th$t $ll n$rr$ti4es $re $n inter#e$4in! o5 di55erent 4oi,es ,$rried by the 5i4e ,odes, $nd th$t there ,$n be no 5in$l hier$r,hi,$l order $6on!st the6. 3t $ny one re$din!, $ny one 4oi,e 6$y spe$* 6ore loudly th$n the rest. +he ,odes th$t be$r these 4oi,es $re the 6e$ns by #hi,h the te:t is in4$ded by other te:ts, by so,i$l e:perien,e o5 Jli5e $s ,ultureK <p. 21=. /$,* M$r*sDs st$te6ents #or*in! in 1$rthesDs re5erenti$l ,ode <see ,h$pter 8= 6$y be in4$ded by our te:tu$l e:perien,e o5 other unionists on the 6edi$, o5 other 6edi$ stories o5 industri$l disputes. For students o5 the 6edi$, they 6$y be in4$ded by the $n$lyti,$l $nd ,riti,$l 4oi,es o5 se,ond$ry te:ts su,h $s those o5 0l$s!o# Medi$ 0roup. For others #ith dire,t e:perien,e o5 industri$l disputes, either 6$n$!eri$l or union e:perien,e, their Jli5e $s ,ultureK #ill in4$de the te:t8 their ,on4ers$tions $nd !ossip, $s terti$ry te:ts, #ill be re$d b$,* into the ne#s itsel5. Codes, 5or 1$rthes, $re brid!es by #hi,h $ di4ersity o5 te:tu$lIso,i$l e:perien,e !$ins $,,ess to the pri6$ry te:t $nd 6$*es it 6e$nin!5ul $t the 6o6ent o5 re$din!. +his de-ori!in$tes the te:t in t#o senses8 it sho#s th$t the te:t-$s6e$nin! is produ,ed $t the 6o6ent o5 re$din!, not $t the 6o6ent o5 #ritin!, $nd it t$*es $#$y 5ro6 th$t te:t the st$tus o5 bein! the ori!in$tor o5 th$t 6e$nin!. +he 6e$nin!s pree:ist the te:t in ,ulture, $nd the te:t is $ 6ont$!e o5 Guot$tions 5ro6 #h$t h$s $lre$dy been s$idIthou!htIrepresented. 25 this is $n $ppropri$te des,ription o5 $ no4el $pp$rently ori!in$tin! in the i6$!in$tion o5 $ n$6ed $uthor, it is e4en 6ore ob4iously $n e:pl$n$tion o5 the $pp$rently un$uthored or 6ulti-$uthored ne#s, #hi,h l$ys no ,l$i6 to the uni5yin! $,tion o5 $ sin!le i6$!in$tion, but inste$d 5l$unts the di4ersity o5 the #orld th$t it ,o4ers $nd ,re$tes #hile hidin! the $uthori$l pro,ess o5 n$rr$ti4i7in! it. -3041$rthes does not theori7e the role o5 the so,i$l lo,$tion o5 the re$der in openin! up the polyse6y o5 the te:t, but he does de6onstr$te in det$il the e:tent o5 the #or* the re$der

h$s to per5or6 to 6$*e the te:t 6$*e sense. 3nd the re$derDs e:perien,e o5 the ,on4entions o5 ne#s is only $ ,o6p$r$ti4ely s6$ll p$rt o5 the ,ultur$l Jtr$inin!K th$t underlies this pro,ess. +he stron!ly 6$r*ed se!6ent$tion o5 the ne#s $lso 5i!hts $!$inst the stru,ture !i4en by its n$rr$ti4e $nd #or*s to open up its 6e$nin!s. +he ,ollisions, the l$,* o5 the l$#s o5 ,$use $nd e55e,t, $nd the surprisin! ,ontr$di,tions re6$in the 6$ni5est ,h$r$,ter o5 the ne#s despite $ny l$tent ideolo!i,$l ,oheren,e. 0roupin! o5 stories into Jpoliti,$l, K Jindustri$l, K J5orei!n, K $nd so on is $n $tte6pt to 6ini6i7e these ,ollisions but is o5 li6ited str$te!i, e55e,t. (e!6ent$tion is not only $ stru,turin! prin,iple o5 the bulletin itsel5, but it #or*s $lso on $ 6i,ro le4el within stories, $s #ell $s bet#een the6. +hus the (%C dispute story is ,o6posed o5 $ nu6ber o5 se!6ents - the studio ,o66ents, the prep$r$tion 5or the 6eetin!, the 6eetin! itsel5, M$r*sDs $ddress to ,$6er$, $nd so on. +he n$rr$ti4e 6$y h$4e $tte6pted to put these in $ ,hronolo!i,$l $nd se6ioti, order, but it ,ould ne4er 5in$lly dis!uise the 6ont$!e th$t is $ ,ontr$di,tory, $nd 6ore open, stru,turin! prin,iple. 2t is di55i,ult to e:tr$pol$te pre,isely 5ro6 $ pie,e o5 ethno!r$phi, rese$r,h to $nother situ$tion, but the #or* o5 Le#is $nd C$hl!ren does pro4ide e4iden,e in support o5 1$rthesDs theori7in! o5 the te:t $s $ ,onstru,t o5 the re$der. 1ut neither o5 these $uthors !oes on to see the ne#s te:t $s the site o5 $ stru!!le 5or 6e$nin!, $nd #e 6ust be#$re o5 $llo#in! the ethno!r$phi, perspe,ti4e on $ sin!le e6piri,$l 6o6ent to e4$,u$te this 6o6ent 5ro6 the l$r!er perspe,ti4e o5 the e:perien,e o5, $nd possible resist$n,e to, so,i$l po#er o5 #hi,h it is ne,ess$rily $ p$rt. +hus the di55erent re$din!s $nd re6e6berin!s o5 #hi,h C$hl!ren $nd his ,olle$!ues #ere ,ons,ious #ere situ$ted in $ 5r$6e#or* o5 un,ons,ious 6e$nin!s #hi,h #ere 6ore ideolo!i,$l $nd thus opposition$l to the $pp$rent J5reedo6K o5 the re$der. 'hen ,o66entin! on the in$deGu$,y o5 their 6e6ories durin! their n$i4e re$din!s, C$hl!ren <198 = #rites8 -30 )et, $t the s$6e ti6e, durin! these initi$l 4ie#in!s #e seldo6 felt 4ery le5t out. @ur 5$ilure in 5or6$l in5or6$tion $bsorption #$s $pp$rently dis!uised by $ stron! e:perien,e o5 re,o!nition o5 so6ethin! 5$6ili$r. 2ndeed, our spont$neous i6pressions #ere o5ten $ bit sel5-$ssured, $nd it #$s not until $5ter repe$ted 4ie#in!s o5 the 4ideot$pes $nd studies o5 the tr$ns,ripts th$t #e re$lised ?ust ho# 6u,h #e h$d 6issed. <pp. 23;-7= +he Je:perien,e o5 re,o!nition o5 so6ethin! 5$6ili$rK #$s due to the #$y th$t the do6in$nt ideolo!y #$s stru,tured, by the ne#s ,on4entions, into the 5or6 o5 the te:t. 2t is this th$t is ,onst$nt 5ro6 d$y to d$y $nd th$t pro4ides the !round rules by #hi,h #e $re led to interpret the d$ily di55eren,es, $nd it 6$y be $r!ued th$t this ,onst$n,y 6$*es the 5or6 o5 the ne#s ideolo!i,$lly 6ore po#er5ul th$n the indi4idu$l di55eren,es o5 re$din! #hi,h o,,ur l$r!ely $t the le4el o5 ,ontent $nd #hi,h $re #e$*ened by the ine55i,ien,y o5 6e6ory. 3nother un,ert$inty is the ori!in o5 C$hl!renDs Jsel5-$ssur$n,e. K 2t 6$y deri4e ideolo!i,$lly 5ro6 the po#er o5 these !round rules to pro4ide $n $deGu$te #$y o5 6$*in! sense th$t is ,o66on to the <,o6p$r$ti4ely 6inor= indi4idu$l di55eren,es o5 senses th$t $re $,tu$lly 6$de, or it 6$y deri4e 5ro6 the $deGu$,y o5 e$,h sense th$t is 6$de to the sub,ultur$l reGuire6ents o5 its re$derI6$*er. &rob$bly di55erent re$ders e:perien,e

di55erently deri4ed senses o5 Jsel5-$ssur$n,e. K +he un,ert$inty ,$nnot be resol4ed e6piri,$lly, but $t le$st the ,ontr$di,tions bet#een the in$deGu$,y o5 6e6ory $nd the sense o5 sel5-$ssur$n,e, bet#een the ne# in5or6$tion $nd the sense o5 5$6ili$rity, 6ust le$d us to re$li7e th$t re$din! the ne#s is $s ,o6ple: $ ,ultur$l pr$,ti,e $s re$din! $ny other te:t. +his si6il$rity bet#een re$din! the ne#s $nd re$din! 5i,tion is e4iden,ed 5urther by ,o6p$rin! so6e o5 C$hl!renDs 5indin!s #ith those o5 F$t7 $nd Liebes <198 =. 1oth turned to /$*obsonDs <19;0= distin,tion bet#een the re5erenti$l $nd poeti, 5un,tions o5 ,o66uni,$tion to e:pl$in $ di55eren,e o5 re$din! pr$,ti,es th$t they 5ound. +he re5erenti$l 5un,tion is th$t ser4ed by $ te:tDs re5eren,e out to $ sense o5 $n e:tr$-te:tu$l re$lity <,ontr$ 1$rthesDs re5erenti$l ,ode=8 the poeti, 5un,tion is the te:tDs re5eren,e to its o#n te:tu$lity, its stru,ture $nd ,on4entions. C$hl!ren ,o66ents th$t 5or so6e 4ie#ers o5 the ne#s, the re5eren,e to outer re$lity 6$y $ppe$r #e$*, $nd 6e$nin! 6$y be e6bodied 6ore in the 6ess$!eDs sel5-re5eren,e, 5osterin! $estheti, in4ol4e6ent o5 so6e 5or6. 2n Ro6$n /$*obsonDs ter6s, the Jre5erenti$l 5un,tionK 6$y $t ti6es be subordin$te to the Jpoeti, 5un,tion. K <p. 238= -30;F$t7 $nd Liebes <198 = 5ound th$t so6e non-36eri,$n ethni, !roups re$d allas re5erenti$lly, th$t is, $s represent$tion o5 the 36eri,$n #$y o5 li5e, #here$s others re$d it 6ore poeti,$lly, $s $ stru,ture o5 n$rr$ti4e ,on4entions, ,h$r$,teri7$tion, $nd dr$6$ti, ,on5li,t. 36eri,$n ethni, !roups, on the other h$nd, #ere 6ore 5le:ible $nd sho#ed si!ns o5 re$din! it both re5erenti$lly $nd poeti,$lly. Re5erenti$l re$din!s 5ore!round the represent$tion$l Gu$lities o5 the te:t $nd poeti, re$din!s its dis,ursi4ity. +he di55eren,e bet#een the t#o re$din! str$te!ies p$r$llels the opposition bet#een the ,on4entions o5 ne#s $nd the Jre$lityK they ,onstru,tI,ontrol. (o6eti6es these ,on4entions $re $pplied #ith su,h $ sense o5 str$in th$t one h$rdly needs e6piri,$l e4iden,e to ,$st doubt on their e55e,ti4eness. +he ,on4ention th$t e4ery story 6ust re$,h $ point o5 ,losure is $ ,$se in point. 2n this story, the dispute #$s settled, the li!hts ,$6e b$,* on, $nd li5e, $pp$rently, returned to nor6$l. 1ut the story, in the #$y it #$s told, #$s not $bout this dispute in p$rti,ul$r, but r$ther ,on,erned $ J#$rK bet#een the unions $nd the rest o5 so,iety. +his J#$rK #$s stru,tured by deep bin$ry oppositions su,h $s8 $llies 3ustr$li$n 4i,ti6s 6$n$!e6ent N( 8 8 8 8 8 ene6ies non-3ustr$li$n 4ill$ins unions +A%M

$nd there #$s no $tte6pt to su!!est th$t this deep ,on5li,t h$d been resol4ed by the <super5i,i$l= n$rr$ti4e ,losure o5 this indi4idu$l story. @n the ,ontr$ry, $s #ith 6ost ne#s stories the point o5 ,losure #$s 5or6$l $nd te6por$ry8 the ,on4ention$li7$tion o5 the

,on5li,t th$t underl$y it 6e$ns th$t the ,on5li,t is $l#$ys le5t unresol4ed $nd re$dy to disrupt the 5r$!ile eGuilibriu6 on,e $!$in. 2n this #$y, the ne#s is si6il$r to the series dr$6$ or sit,o6, 5or in $ll three !enres the b$si, situ$tion is ne4er 5in$lly resol4ed. %llis <1982= 6$*es the point th$t the tele4ision series Ji6plies the 5or6 o5 the dile66$ r$ther th$n th$t o5 resolution $nd ,losure, K $nd, li*e ne#s, is Jb$sed on the repetition o5 $ proble6$ti,K <p. 1 4=. +his proble6$ti, is 5in$lly one o5 e:ertin! dis,ursi4e $nd so,i$l ,ontrol o4er the unruliness $nd di4ersity o5 so,i$l li5e. 3r!u6ents th$t ne#s should be 6ore $,,ur$te or ob?e,ti4e $re $,tu$lly $r!u6ents in 5$4or o5 ne#sDs $uthority, $nd $re ones th$t see* to in,re$se its ,ontrol under the dis!uise o5 i6pro4in! its Gu$lity. "e#s, o5 ,ourse, ,$n ne4er !i4e $ 5ull, $,,ur$te, ob?e,ti4e pi,ture o5 re$lity nor should it $tte6pt to, 5or su,h $n enterprise ,$n only ser4e to in,re$se its $uthority $nd de,re$se peopleDs opportunity to J$r!ueK #ith it, to ne!oti$te #ith it. 2n $ pro!ressi4e de6o,r$,y, ne#s should stress its dis,ursi4e ,onstru,tedness, should no6in$te all its 4oi,es <not ?ust the subordin$ted, disrupti4e ones= $nd should open its te:t to in4ite 6ore produ,erly re$din! rel$tions. 1e,$use ne#s de$ls, in $ hi!h 6od$lity, #ith the 4ery stu55 o5 so,i$l ,on5li,t $nd so,i$l di55eren,es, it is politi,$lly he$lthy 5or ne#s to en,our$!e its re$ders to ne!oti$te <o5ten stubbornly= #ith it, to use its dis,ursi4e resour,es to pro4o*e $nd sti6ul$te 4ie#ers to 6$*e their sense o5, $nd 4$lid$te their point o5 4ie# on, the so,i$l e:perien,es it des,ribes. -307+he di55eren,es bet#een ne#s $nd 5i,tion $re only ones o5 6od$lity. 1oth $re dis,ursi4e 6e$ns o5 6$*in! 6e$nin!s o5 so,i$l rel$tions $nd it is i6port$nt th$t re$ders tre$t ne#s te:ts #ith the s$6e 5reedo6 $nd irre4eren,e th$t they do 5i,tion$l ones. 3 #ider $nd 6ore sel5-,on5ident re,o!nition o5 this essenti$l 5i,tion$lity o5 ne#s 6i!ht le$d its 6$s,uline 4ie#ers to tre$t its te:ts #ith the s$6e so,i$lly 6oti4$ted ,re$ti4ity $s do the 5e6inine 4ie#ers o5 so$p oper$s. (u,h $ produ,erly re$din! str$te!y is h$rder to $dopt 5or ne#s, be,$use the !enreDs 5or,es o5 ,losure $re stron!ly supported by its $uthorit$ti4e st$tus in our so,iety, $nd be,$use 6$s,uline 4ie#ers in $ p$tri$r,hy $re less li*ely to h$4e de4eloped these sorts o5 ,ultur$l ,o6peten,ies th$n $re 5e6inine ones. 2t be,o6es $n i6port$nt t$s* 5or the ,riti,, then, to de6ysti5y ne#sDs dis,ursi4e str$te!ies $nd to dis,redit its ideolo!y o5 ob?e,ti4ity $nd the truth. For $ll its $tte6pts to i6pose $ 6$s,uline ,losure $nd sense o5 $,hie4e6ent, the ne#s sh$res 6$ny ,h$r$,teristi,s #ith su,h dr$6$ $s so$p oper$ - l$,* o5 5in$l ,losure, 6ultipli,ity o5 plots $nd ,h$r$,ters, repetition $nd 5$6ili$rity. +he $pp$rent 5or6lessness o5 so$p oper$ $ppro:i6$tes to the 6ulti5$,etedness o5 the re$l, so the stru!!le #ithin the ne#s to ,ontrol the disrupti4e 5or,es o5 re$lity is re5le,ted in its 5or6$l di6ension by the stru!!le o5 $ 6$s,uline n$rr$ti4e 5or6 to i6pose its sh$pe upon the 5e6inine. +he 6$s,uline prin,iple in4o*es ,ontrol $nd rules, the 5e6inine disruption or $t le$st e4$sion. +he 6$s,uline $tte6pts to ,ontrol 6e$nin!s $nd ,enter the re$der, the 5e6inine to open the6 up $nd de,enter hi6 or her. +he 6$s,uline be$rs the do6in$nt ideolo!y, the 5e6inine en$,ts the str$te!ies o5 resist$n,e. 2t is this interpl$y o5 si6il$rity $nd di55eren,e

#ith $ 5i,tion$l 5or6 th$t under#rites our distrust o5 di4idin! tele4ision !eneri,$lly into 5$,t $nd 5i,tion, $nd ?usti5ies thin*in! o5 the ne#s $s 6$s,uline so$p oper$. -308Chapter 16 Concl/sion= the pop/lar economy The pro1lem of the pop/lar &opul$rity is sedu,ti4ely e$sy to underst$nd i5 #e persist in the 5$ll$,ious belie5 th$t #e li4e in $ ho6o!eneous so,iety $nd th$t people $re 5und$6ent$lly $ll the s$6e. 1ut it be,o6es $ 6u,h 6ore ,o6ple: issue #hen #e t$*e into $,,ount th$t l$te ,$pit$list so,ieties $re ,o6posed o5 $ hu!e 4$riety o5 so,i$l !roups $nd sub,ultures, $ll held to!ether in $ net#or* o5 so,i$l rel$tions in #hi,h the 6ost si!ni5i,$nt 5$,tor is the di55erenti$l distribution o5 po#er. 2n this boo* 2 h$4e $r!ued $!$inst the ,o66on belie5 th$t the ,$pit$list ,ultur$l industries produ,e only $n $pp$rent 4$riety o5 produ,ts #hose 4$riety is 5in$lly illusory 5or they $ll pro6ote the s$6e ,$pit$list ideolo!y. +heir s*ill in su!$r-,o$tin! the pill is so !re$t th$t the people $re not $#$re o5 the ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e in #hi,h they $re en!$!in! $s they ,onsu6e $nd en?oy the ,ultur$l ,o66odity. 2 do not belie4e th$t Jthe peopleK $re J,ultur$l dopesKM they $re not $ p$ssi4e, helpless 6$ss in,$p$ble o5 dis,ri6in$tion $nd thus $t the e,ono6i,, ,ultur$l, $nd politi,$l 6er,y o5 the b$rons o5 the industry. %Gu$lly 2 re?e,t the $ssu6ption th$t $ll th$t di55erent people $nd di55erent so,i$l !roups h$4e in ,o66on is b$seness, so th$t $rt th$t $ppe$ls to 6$ny ,$n only do so by $ppe$lin! to #h$t hu6$ns ,$ll Jthe $ni6$l instin,ts. K J+he lo#est ,o66on deno6in$torK 6$y be $ use5ul ,on,ept in $rith6eti,, but in the study o5 popul$rity its only possible 4$lue is to e:pose the pre?udi,es o5 those #ho use it. More re,ent M$r:ist thin*in! re?e,ts the notion o5 $ sin!ul$r or 6ono4o,$l ,$pit$list ideolo!y in 5$4or o5 $ 6ultipli,ity o5 ideolo!ies th$t spe$* ,$pit$lis6 in $ 4$riety o5 #$ys 5or $ 4$riety o5 ,$pit$list sub?e,ts. +heir unity in spe$*in! ,$pit$lis6 is 5r$!6ented by the plur$lity o5 $,,ents in #hi,h they spe$* it. (u,h $ 4ie# posits $ 6ultipli,ity o5 points o5 resist$n,e or $,,o66od$tions #hose only unity lies in the fact o5 their resist$n,e or $,,o66od$tion, but not in the form it 6$y t$*e. +his is $ 6odel th$t h$s 5$r !re$ter e:pl$n$tory po#er in l$te ,$pit$lis6 $nd is one th$t !r$nts so6e po#er to Jthe people. K Cespite the ho6o!eni7in! 5or,e o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y, the subordin$te !roups in ,$pit$lis6 h$4e ret$ined $ re6$r*$ble di4ersity o5 so,i$l identities, $nd this h$s reGuired ,$pit$lis6 to produ,e $n eGui4$lent 4$riety o5 4oi,es. +he di4ersity o5 ,$pit$list 4oi,es is e4iden,e o5 the ,o6p$r$ti4e intr$nsi!en,e o5 the subordin$te. -3093ny dis,ussion o5 popul$rity 6ust $,,ount 5or opposin! 5or,es #ithin it. +he de5inition th$t ser4es the interests o5 the produ,ers $nd distributors o5 the ,ultur$l ,o66odity is one o5 he$d ,ountin!, o5ten #ith so6e de6o!r$phi, sophisti,$tion so th$t he$ds o5 $

p$rti,ul$r so,ioe,ono6i, ,l$ss, $!e !roup, !ender, or other ,l$ssi5i,$tion ,$n be ,olle,ted, ,ounted, $nd then JsoldK to $n $d4ertiser. +he !re$ter the he$d ,ount, the !re$ter the popul$rity. @pposed to this is the notion th$t popul$r 6e$ns Jo5 the peopleK $nd th$t popul$rity sprin!s 5ro6, $nd ser4es the interests o5, the people $6on!st #ho6 it is popul$r. &opul$rity is here $ 6e$sure o5 $ ,ultur$l 5or6Ds $bility to ser4e the desires o5 its ,usto6ers. 2n so 5$r $s the people o,,upy di55erent so,i$l situ$tions 5ro6 the produ,ers, their interests 6ust ne,ess$rily di55er 5ro6, $nd o5ten ,on5li,t #ith, the interests o5 the produ,ers. +he ter6 Jthe peopleK h$s ro6$nti, ,onnot$tions #hi,h 6ust not be $llo#ed to le$d us into $ ide$li7ed notion o5 the people $s $n opposition$l 5or,e #hose ,ulture $nd so,i$l e:perien,e $re in so6e #$y $uthenti,. 'e need to thin* r$ther o5 the people $s $ 6ultiple $nd ,onst$ntly ,h$n!in! ,on,ept, $ hu!e 4$riety o5 so,i$l !roups $,,o66od$tin! the6sel4es #ith, or opposin! the6sel4es to, the do6in$nt 4$lue syste6 in $ 4$riety o5 #$ys. 2n so 5$r $s Jthe peopleK is $ ,on,ept #ith $ny 4$lidity $t $ll, it should be seen $s $n $lli$n,e o5 5or6$tions #hi,h $re ,onst$ntly shi5tin! $nd rel$ti4ely tr$nsient. 2t is neither $ uni5ied nor $ st$ble ,on,ept, but one #hose ter6s $re ,onst$ntly under re5or6ul$tion in $ di$le,ti, rel$tionship #ith the do6in$nt ,l$sses. 2n the ,ultur$l do6$in, then, popul$r $rt is $n ephe6er$l, 6ulti5$rious ,on,ept b$sed upon 6ultiple $nd de4elopin! rel$tionships #ith the pr$,ti,es o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y. +he ter6 Jpeople, K then, re5ers to so,i$l !roups th$t $re rel$ti4ely po#erless $nd $re typi,$lly interpell$ted $s ,onsu6ers, thou!h they 6$y not respond in this 6$nner. +hey h$4e ,ultur$l 5or6s $nd interests o5 their o#n th$t di55er 5ro6, $nd o5ten ,on5li,t #ith, those o5 the produ,ers o5 ,ultur$l ,o66odities. +he $utono6y o5 these !roups 5ro6 the do6in$nt is only rel$ti4e, $nd ne4er tot$l, but it deri4es 5ro6 their 6$r!in$li7ed $nd repressed histories th$t h$4e intr$nsi!ently resisted in,orpor$tion, $nd h$4e ret$ined 6$teri$l, $s #ell $s ideolo!i,$l, di55eren,es usu$lly throu!h de4$lued ,ultur$l 5or6s, 6$ny o5 #hi,h $re or$l $nd unre,orded. For so6e !roups these di55eren,es 6$y be s6$ll $nd the ,on5li,ts 6uted, but 5or others the !$p is enor6ous. For $ ,ultur$l ,o66odity to be popul$r, then, it 6ust be $ble to 6eet the 4$rious interests o5 the people $6on!st #ho6 it is popul$r $s #ell $s the interests o5 its produ,ers. -310 The t9o economies +he 6ultipli,ity $nd ,ontr$di,tory 4$lue o5 these interests does not 6e$n th$t they ,$nnot be 6et in the one ,o66odity8 they ,$n, thou!h only be,$use the ,ultur$l ,o66odity ,ir,ul$tes in di55erent thou!h si6ult$neous e,ono6ies, #hi,h #e 6$y ,$ll the 5in$n,i$l $nd the ,ultur$l. +he #or*in!s o5 the 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y ,$nnot $,,ount $deGu$tely 5or $ll ,ultur$l 5$,tors, but it still needs to be t$*en into $,,ount in $ny in4esti!$tion o5 popul$r $rt in $ ,onsu6ersD so,iety. 2t is use5ul, i5 only up to $ point, to be $ble to des,ribe te:ts $s ,ultur$l ,o66odities, but #e 6ust $l#$ys re,o!ni7e ,ru,i$l di55eren,es bet#een the6 $nd other !oods in the 6$r*etpl$,e.

For inst$n,e, ,ultur$l !oods do not h$4e $ ,le$rly de5ined use-4$lue, despite M$r:Ds $ssertion th$t the produ,tion o5 $estheti, ple$sure is $ use4$lue, but this see6s to be $ 6et$phori,$l use o5 the ter6 - the use-4$lue o5 $ #or* o5 $rt is di55erent 5ro6 th$t, s$y, o5 $ 6$,hine !un or $ ,$n o5 be$ns, i5 only th$t it is 4ery 6u,h 6ore di55i,ult to predi,t or spe,i5y. Cultur$l ,o66odities do, ho#e4er, h$4e $ 6ore ,le$rly identi5i$ble e:,h$n!e4$lue #hi,h the te,hnolo!y o5 reprodu,tion h$s put under se4ere pressure. &hoto,opiers, $udio $nd 4ideo re,orders $re $!ents o5 popul$r po#er, $nd thus the produ,ers $nd distributors h$4e h$d to $r!ue 5or el$bor$tions $nd e:tensions o5 ,opyri!ht l$#s to 6$int$in so6e ,ontrol o4er e:,h$n!e-4$lue $nd its b$se in s,$r,ity. (u,h le!isl$tion h$s l$r!ely 5$iled8 the ,opyin! o5 tele4ision pro!r$6s $nd o5 re,ords is not only #idespre$d, but $lso so,i$lly $,,ept$ble. +he ,ultur$l ,o66odity di55ers 5ro6 other ,o66odities in h$4in! ,o6p$r$ti4ely hi!h initi$l produ,tion ,osts $nd 4ery lo# reprodu,tion ,osts, so distribution o55ers $ s$5er return on in4est6ent th$n produ,tion. +e,hni,$l de4elop6ent $nd 4enture ,$pit$l h$4e, there5ore, been ,on,entr$ted on s$tellites, on ,$ble $nd 6i,ro#$4e distribution syste6s, or in the h$rd#$re o5 tele4isions, sound syste6s, $nd ho6e entert$in6ent ,enters. 1ut the ,ultur$l ,o66odity ,$nnot be $deGu$tely des,ribed in 5in$n,i$l ter6s only8 the ,ir,ul$tion th$t is ,ru,i$l to its popul$rity o,,urs in the p$r$llel e,ono6y - the ,ultur$l. 'h$t is e:,h$n!ed $nd ,ir,ul$ted here is not #e$lth but 6e$nin!s, ple$sures, $nd so,i$l identities. @5 ,ourse ,o66odities pri6$rily b$sed in the 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y #or* in the ,ultur$l e,ono6y too, ,onsu6er ,hoi,e bet#een si6il$r ,o66odities is o5ten not bet#een ,o6petin! use-4$lues, despite the e55orts o5 ,onsu6er $d4i,e !roups, but bet#een ,ultur$l 4$lues8 $nd the sele,tion o5 one p$rti,ul$r ,o66odity o4er others be,o6es the sele,tion o5 6e$nin!s, ple$sures, $nd so,i$l identity 5or the ,onsu6er. 'ith the shi5t o5 ,$pit$list e,ono6ies 5ro6 produ,tion to 6$r*etin!, the ,ultur$l 4$lue o5 6$teri$l ,o66odities h$s enor6ously in,re$sed in proportion$te i6port$n,e - one h$s only to loo* $t the 5$shion industry, or the 6otor ,$r industry, to 5ind e:$6ples. "one the less, su,h ,o66odities still ,ir,ul$te #ithin $ pri6$rily 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y th$t ret$ins their b$ses in use-4$lue. -311'e need to loo* in $ little 6ore det$il $t the inter$,tion bet#een these sep$r$te, thou!h rel$ted, e,ono6ies, the 5in$n,i$l $nd the ,ultur$l. +he 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y o55ers t#o 6odes o5 ,ir,ul$tion 5or ,ultur$l ,o66odities8 in the 5irst, the produ,ers o5 $ pro!r$6 sell it to distributors8 the pro!r$6 is $ str$i!ht5or#$rd 6$teri$l ,o66odity. 2n the ne:t, the pro!r$6-$s-,o66odity ,h$n!es role $nd it be,o6es $ produ,er. 3nd the ne# ,o66odity th$t it produ,es is $n $udien,e #hi,h, in its turn, is sold to $d4ertisers or sponsors. 3 ,l$ssi, e:$6ple o5 the interdependen,e o5 these t#o 5in$n,i$l Jsube,ono6iesK $nd the possibility o5 ,ontrollin! the6 is pro4ided by !ill "treet Blues$ M+M produ,es the series $nd sells it 5or distribution to "1C. "1C sells its $udien,e <$ hi!her so,ioe,ono6i, !roup o5 both !enders th$n 6ost +B $udien,es= to Mer,edes 1en7 #ho sponsor the series. +he sho# r$tes respe,t$bly, but not spe,t$,ul$rly. M+M ,ould, i5 they #ished, 6odi5y the 5or6$t $nd ,ontent o5 the series to in,re$se the si7e o5 the $udien,e. 1ut su,h $n in,re$se #ould be in $ lo#er so,ioe,ono6i, !roup, $nd this is not $ ,o66odity th$t

Mer,edes 1en7 #ish to buy. (o the sho# st$ys $s it is, one o5 the 5e# on 36eri,$n tele4ision th$t h$s $ stron! ,l$ss b$sis, thou!h noti,e$bly little ,l$ss ,on5li,t. Furillo $nd C$4enport, those e6bodi6ents o5 6iddle-,l$ss $n!st, ,$re $nd su55er 5or their te$6 o5 #or*in!-,l$ss ,ops. +he pro!r$6 is built $round the yuppie 4ie# o5 ,l$ss, so,i$l ,ons,ien,e, $nd 6or$l responsibility, #hi,h 5or6 the b$sis o5 the 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures th$t it o55ers in the ,ultur$l e,ono6y. +he 6o4e to the ,ultur$l e,ono6y in4ol4es yet $nother role-shi5t 5ro6 ,o66odity to produ,er. 3s the e$rlier role-shi5t ,h$n!ed the role o5 the pro!r$6 5ro6 ,o66odity to produ,er, so the 6o4e to the ,ultur$l e,ono6y in4ol4es the $udien,e in $ role-shi5t #hi,h ,h$n!es it $lso 5ro6 $ ,o66odity to $ produ,er8 in this ,$se $ produ,er o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures. +he !$p bet#een the ,ultur$l $nd the 5in$n,i$l e,ono6ies is #ide enou!h to !r$nt the ,ultur$l e,ono6y ,onsider$ble $utono6y, but not too #ide to be brid!e$ble. +he produ,ers $nd distributors o5 $ pro!r$6 ,$n e:ert so6e, i5 li6ited, in5luen,e o4er #ho #$t,hes $nd so6e, thou!h li6ited, in5luen,e o4er the 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures th$t the $udien,es <$nd #e 6ust shi5t to the plur$l in the ,ultur$l e,ono6y= 6$y produ,e 5ro6 it. +he ups,$le t$r!et $udien,e o5 !ill "treet Blues is 5$r 5ro6 its only $udien,e $nd the 4$riety o5 $udien,es #ill presu6$bly produ,e $ 4$riety o5 ple$sures $nd 6e$nin!s. allas not only tops the r$tin!s in the N(3 $nd thus 6ust !$in $ #ide di4ersity o5 36eri,$n $udien,es, it is $lso #idely e:ported $nd $r!u$bly h$s the l$r!est r$n!e o5 $udien,es o5 $ny 5i,tion$l +B pro!r$6. 3s #e s$# in ,h$pter ;, 2en 3n! <198 = 5ound $ Cut,h M$r:ist $nd $ 5e6inist #ho #ere $ble to 5ind ple$sure in the pro!r$6 by dis,o4erin! in its e:,ess o5 se:is6 $nd ,$pit$lis6 $ ,ritiGue o5 those syste6s th$t it #$s $pp$rently ,elebr$tin!. (i6il$rly, F$t7 $nd Liebes <1984, 198 = 5ound th$t 6e6bers o5 $ /e#ish *ibbut7 #ere ,le$r th$t the 6oney o5 the %#in!s did not brin! the6 h$ppiness, #here$s 6e6bers o5 $ rur$l "orth 35ri,$n ,ooper$ti4e #ere eGu$lly ,le$r th$t their #e$lth !$4e the6 $n e$sy li5e. F$t7 $nd LeibesDs 5i5ty di55erent ethni, lo#er-6iddle-,l$ss !roups produ,ed $ hu!e 4$riety o5 6e$nin!s $nd 5ound $n eGu$l 4$riety o5 ple$sures 5ro6 the s$6e sho#. -312+his boo* h$s $r!ued th$t the po#er o5 $udien,es-$s-produ,ers in the ,ultur$l e,ono6y is ,onsider$ble. +his is p$rtly due to the $bsen,e o5 $ny dire,t si!n o5 their <subordin$te= role in the 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y #hi,h liber$tes the6 5ro6 its ,onstr$ints - there is no e:,h$n!e o5 6oney $t the point o5 s$leI,onsu6ption, $nd no dire,t rel$tionship bet#een the pri,e p$id $nd the $6ount ,onsu6ed, people ,$n ,onsu6e $s 6u,h $s they #ish $nd #h$t they #ish, #ithout the restri,tion o5 #h$t they $re $ble to $55ord. 1ut 6ore i6port$ntly, this po#er deri4es 5ro6 the 5$,t th$t 6e$nin!s do not ,ir,ul$te in the ,ultur$l e,ono6y in the s$6e #$y th$t #e$lth does in the 5in$n,i$l. +hey $re h$rder to possess <$nd thus to e:,lude others 5ro6 possessin!=, they $re h$rder to ,ontrol be,$use the produ,tion o5 6e$nin! $nd ple$sure is not the s$6e $s the produ,tion o5 the ,ultur$l ,o66odity, or o5 other !oods, 5or in the ,ultur$l e,ono6y the role o5 ,onsu6er does not e:ist $s the end point o5 $ line$r e,ono6i, tr$ns$,tion. Me$nin!s $nd ple$sures ,ir,ul$te #ithin it #ithout $ny re$l distin,tion bet#een produ,ers $nd ,onsu6ers. 2n the 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y ,onsu6ption is ,le$rly sep$r$te 5ro6 produ,tion $nd the e,ono6i, rel$tions th$t bind the6 $re ,o6p$r$ti4ely ,le$r $nd $4$il$ble 5or $n$lysis. 1ut

the ,ultur$l e,ono6y does not #or* in the s$6e #$y. 2ts ,o66odities, #hi,h #e ,$ll Jte:ts, K $re not ,ont$iners or ,on4eyors o5 6e$nin! $nd ple$sure, but r$ther pro'o+ers o5 6e$nin! $nd ple$sure. +he produ,tion o5 6e$nin!Iple$sure is 5in$lly the responsibility o5 the ,onsu6er $nd is undert$*en only in hisIher interests8 this is not to s$y th$t the 6$teri$l produ,ersIdistributors do not $tte6pt to 6$*e $nd sell 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures they do, but their 5$ilure r$te is enor6ous. +#el4e out o5 thirteen re,ords 5$il to 6$*e $ pro5it, +B series $re $:ed by the do7en, e:pensi4e 5il6s sin* r$pidly into red 5i!ures <Raise the Titanic is $n ironi, e:$6ple - it ne$rly s$n* the Le# 0r$de e6pire=. +his is one re$son #hy the ,ultur$l industries produ,e #h$t 0$rnh$6 <1987= ,$lls JrepertoiresK o5 produ,tsM they ,$nnot predi,t #hi,h o5 their ,o66odities #ill be ,hosen by #hi,h se,tors o5 the 6$r*et to be the pro4o*er o5 6e$nin!sIple$sures th$t ser4e their interests $s #ell $s those o5 the produ,ers. 1e,$use the produ,tion o5 6e$nin!Iple$sure o,,urs in the ,onsu6ption $s #ell $s the produ,tion o5 the ,ultur$l ,o66odity the notion o5 produ,tion t$*es on $ ne# di6ension th$t dele!$tes it $#$y 5ro6 the o#ners o5 ,$pit$l. -313 "op/lar c/lt/ral capital Cultur$l ,$pit$l, despite 1ourdieuDs <1980= produ,ti4e 6et$phor, does not ,ir,ul$te in the s$6e #$y $s e,ono6i, ,$pit$l. AobsonDs <1982= 4ie#ers o5 Crossroads( 5or e:$6ple, #ere 4ehe6ent th$t the pro!r$6 #$s theirs, it #$s their ,ultur$l ,$pit$l. 3nd they 6$de it theirs by the ple$sures $nd 6e$nin!s they produ,ed 5ro6 it, th$t $rti,ul$ted their ,on,erns $nd identities. +here is $ popul$r ,ultur$l ,$pit$l in $ #$y th$t there is no popul$r e,ono6i, ,$pit$l, $nd thus 1ourdieuDs institution$lly 4$lid$ted ,ultur$l ,$pit$l o5 the bour!eoisie is ,onst$ntly bein! opposed, interro!$ted, 6$r!in$li7ed, s,$nd$li7ed, $nd e4$ded, in $ #$y th$t e,ono6i, ,$pit$l ne4er is. +his popul$r ,ultur$l ,$pit$l ,onsists o5 the 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures $4$il$ble to the subordin$te to e:press $nd pro6ote their interests. 2t is not $ sin!ul$r ,on,ept, but is open to $ 4$riety o5 $rti,ul$tions, but it $l#$ys e:ists in $ st$n,e o5 resist$n,e to the 5or,es o5 do6in$tion. Li*e $ny 5or6 o5 ,$pit$l, either e,ono6i, ,$pit$l or the ,ultur$l ,$pit$l o5 the bour!eoisie, it #or*s throu!h ideolo!y, 5or, $s A$ll <198;= points out, #e 6ust not li6it our underst$ndin! o5 ideolo!y to $n $n$lysis o5 ho# it #or*s in the ser4i,e o5 the do6in$nt. 'e need to re,o!ni7e th$t there $re resisti4e, $ltern$ti4e ideolo!ies th$t both deri4e 5ro6 $nd 6$int$in those so,i$l !roups #ho $re not $,,o66od$ted ,o65ort$bly into the e:istin! po#er rel$tions8 J$n ideolo!y e6po#ers people, en$blin! the6 to be!in to 6$*e so6e sense or intelli!ibility o5 their histori,$l situ$tion. K <p. 1;=. +hese ideolo!ies th$t e6po#er the subordin$te en$ble the6 to produ,e resisti4e 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures th$t $re, in their o#n ri!ht, $ 5or6 o5 so,i$l po#er. &o#er is not, $,,ordin! to Fou,$ult, $ one-#$y 5or,e, 5ro6 the top do#n. 'hen he t$l*s o5 po#er ,o6in! 5ro6 belo#, he $lerts us to the 5$,t th$t po#er is ne,ess$rily $ t#o-#$y 5or,e8 it ,$n only #or*, in either dire,tion, in opposition. +his is ?ust $s true 5or Jtop do#nK po#er $s it is 5or Jbotto6 upK po#er. 25 po#er is $ t#o-#$y 5or,e, so, too, is the ple$sure so ,losely $sso,i$ted #ith it.

+he ple$sure th$t ,o6es o5 e:er,isin! $ po#er th$t Guestions, 6onitors, #$t,hes, spies, se$r,hes out, p$lp$tes, brin!s to li!ht8 $nd, on the other h$nd, the ple$sure th$t *indles $t h$4in! to e4$de this po#er, 5lee 5ro6 it, 5ool it or tr$4esty it. +he po#er th$t lets itsel5 be in4$ded by the ple$sure it is pursuin!8 $nd opposite it, po#er $ssertin! itsel5 in the ple$sure o5 sho#in! o55, s,$nd$li7in!, resistin!. <Fou,$ult 19788 4 = +ele4ision p$rti,ip$tes in both these 6odes o5 po#er-ple$sure. 2t e:erts the po#er o5 sur4eill$n,e, re4e$lin! the #orld, spyin! out peopleDs se,rets, 6onitorin! hu6$n $,ti4ity, but $n inte!r$l p$rt o5 this po#er is the resist$n,e, or r$ther resist$n,es, to it. +he t#o#$y n$ture o5 po#er 6e$ns th$t its resist$n,es $re the6sel4es 6ultiple points o5 po#er. &o#er, p$r$do:i,$lly, ,$n thus liber$te people 5ro6 its o#n 5or,e to sub?e,t $nd dis,ipline the6. -314&l$y, besides bein! $ sour,e o5 ple$sure, is $lso $ sour,e o5 po#er. ChildrenDs Jpl$yK #ith tele4ision is $ 5or6 o5 po#er o4er it. 2n in,orpor$tin! its ,h$r$,ters $nd s,en$rios into their o#n 5$nt$sy !$6es they ,re$te their o#n or$l $nd $,ti4e ,ulture out o5 the resour,es it pro4ides. (ydney ,hildren in 1982 $nd 1983 #ere sin!in! their o#n 4ersion o5 $ beer ,o66er,i$l8 Ao# do you 5eel #hen youDre h$4in! $ 5u,* under $ tru,* $nd the tru,* rolls o55 2 5eel li*e $ +ooheysD, 2 5eel li*e $ +ooheysD 2 5eel li*e $ +ooheys or t#o. <ChildrenDs Fol*lore 3r,hi4es, 3ustr$li$n (tudies Centre, 'estern 3ustr$li$n 2nstitute o5 +e,hnolo!y= +he produ,tion o5 $ s,$tolo!i,$l pl$y!round rhy6e out o5 $ tele4ision ,o66er,i$l is $ typi,$l, $nd ,o6ple:, ,ultur$l $,ti4ity. 3t the 6ost ob4ious le4el it is $n e6po#erin!, ,re$ti4e response to tele4ision $nd $n opposition$l one. 2t is $ ,le$r e:$6ple o5 Je:,orpor$tion, K th$t pro,ess by #hi,h the po#erless ste$l ele6ents o5 the do6in$nt ,ulture $nd use the6 in their o#n, o5ten opposition$l or sub4ersi4e, interests. +his is the 4erb$l eGui4$lent o5 M$donn$Ds use o5 reli!ious in,ono!r$phy to ,on4ey her independent se:u$lity $nd the opposite o5 the 5$shion industryDs in,orpor$tion o5 ele6ents o5 pun* or o5 #or*in!-,l$ss dress into its o#n h$ute ,outure. 2t is $lso $n e:$6ple o5 Fou,$ultDs resisti4e po#er, the po#er to Jtr$4estyK the ori!in$l po#er, the ple$sure o5 Jsho#in! o55, s,$nd$li7in!, resistin!. K

+his ,hildrenDs rhy6e in4ol4es $ po#er5ul, pl$y5ul, ple$sur$ble 6isuse o5 tele4ision, in th$t the si!ni5iers $re ,h$n!ed $s #ell $s the si!ni5ieds. 2n ,h$pter #e noted $ si6il$r J6isuseK o5 allas <F$t7 $nd Liebes 198 =, in #hi,h the n$rr$ti4e #$s distorted to 6eet the ,ultur$l needs o5 $ p$rti,ul$r $udien,e. +he 3r$b !roup #ho Jre#roteK the pro!r$6 so th$t (ue %llen returned #ith her b$by to her 5$therDs ho6e inste$d o5 her 5or6er lo4erDs #ere Jre#ritin!K or tr$4estyin! tele4ision in $ 5und$6ent$lly si6il$r #$y to th$t o5 the (ydney s,hool ,hildren, $nd 5or 6u,h the s$6e purposes. Prisoner, too, is e$sily re#ritten in $ #$y th$t $llo#s s,hool students to tr$4esty its 6e$nin!s $nd to 6$*e it $ represent$tion not o5 prison but o5 s,hool <Aod!e $nd +ripp 198;=. +heir ideolo!y, deri4in! 5ro6, $nd 6$*in! sense o5, their so,i$l e:perien,e o5 subordin$tion in both the s,hool $nd the 5$6ily, en$bled the6 to p$rt$*e in $n $,ti4e ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e8 they #ere not ,ultur$l dopes $t the 6er,y o5 the te:t or its produ,ers, but #ere in ,ontrol o5 their o#n re$din! rel$tions. +hey #ere $,ti4e produ,ers o5 their o#n 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures 5ro6 the te:t. -31 @5 ,ourse, the se6ioti, e:,ess $nd the produ,erly re$din! rel$tions it reGuires $re not uniGue to tele4ision8 $ny $rt 5or6 th$t is popul$r $6on!st #idely di55erin! $udien,es 6ust $llo# 5or this o4erspill. +hus Mi,h$els <198;= sho#s th$t 3bori!in$l 4ie#ers o5 Rambo 5ound neither ple$sure nor sense in his n$tion$listi,, p$trioti, 6oti4$tion. 2nste$d, they J#roteK hi6 into $n el$bor$te *inship net#or* #ith those he #$s res,uin!, thus 6$*in! Jtrib$lK 6e$nin!s th$t #ere ,ultur$lly pertinent to the6sel4es. +he 5$,t th$t the 5il6 #$s popul$r #ith both the6 $nd Ron$ld Re$!$n 6ust not le$d us to $ssu6e $ny si6il$rity bet#een the t#o, nor th$t the 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures they produ,ed 5ro6 it #ere si6il$r. Resistance and semiotic po9er Resist$n,e is $ ,on,ept th$t h$s been #o4en throu!hout the $r!u6ent o5 this boo*, 5or it is ,entr$l to $n underst$ndin! o5 popul$rity in $ so,iety #here po#er is uneGu$lly distributed. 3s so,i$l po#er ,$n t$*e 6$ny 5or6s, so too ,$n the resist$n,es to it. +here is no sin!ul$r bl$n*et resist$n,e, but $ hu!e 6ultipli,ity o5 points $nd 5or6s o5 resist$n,e, $ hu!e 4$riety o5 resist$n,es. +hese resist$n,es $re not ?ust oppositions to po#er, but $re sour,es o5 po#er in their o#n ri!ht8 they $re the so,i$l points $t #hi,h the po#ers o5 the subordin$te $re 6ost ,le$rly e:pressed. 2t 6$y be help5ul to ,$te!ori7e these resist$n,es into t#o 6$in types, ,orrespondin! to t#o 6$in 5or6s o5 so,i$l po#er - the po#er to ,onstru,t 6e$nin!s, ple$sures, $nd so,i$l identities, $nd the po#er to ,onstru,t $ so,ioe,ono6i, syste6. +he 5irst is se6ioti, po#er, the se,ond is so,i$l po#er, $nd the t#o $re ,losely rel$ted, $lthou!h rel$ti4ely $utono6ous. +he po#er do6$in #ithin #hi,h popul$r ,ulture #or*s is l$r!ely, but not e:,lusi4ely, th$t o5 se6ioti, po#er. @ne 6$?or $rti,ul$tion o5 this po#er is the stru!!le bet#een ho6o!eni7$tion $nd di55eren,e, or bet#een ,onsensus $nd ,on5li,t. +he Jtop do#nK 5or,e o5 this po#er $tte6pts to produ,e $ ,oherent set o5 6e$nin!s $nd so,i$l identities $round $n un$rti,ul$ted ,onsensus #hose 5or6s ser4e the st$tus Guo. 2t $tte6pts to deny $ny

,on5li,t o5 interest $nd to 6obili7e so,i$l di55eren,es in $ stru,ture o5 ,o6ple6ent$rity. 2t is $ ho6o!eni7in!, ,entr$li7in!, inte!r$tin! 5or,e th$t $tte6pts to 6$int$in se6ioti, $nd so,i$l po#er $t the ,entre. Bolosino4 $r!ues th$t the 6ulti$,,entu$lity o5 the si!n is ,ru,i$l, 5or it is this th$t en$bles it to pl$y $n $,ti4e role in the ,l$ss stru!!le8 its polyse6i, potenti$l is $l#$ys 6obili7ed in $nd $!$inst $ stru,ture o5 do6in$tion, $nd the str$te!y o5 the do6in$nt is to ,ontrol polyse6y, to redu,e the 6ulti-$,,entu$l to the uni$,,entu$l. -31;+he rulin! ,l$ss stri4es to i6p$rt $ super,l$ss, e:tern$l ,h$r$,ter to the ideolo!i,$l si!n, to e:tin!uish or dri4e in#$rd the stru!!le bet#een so,i$l 4$lue ?ud!e6ents #hi,h o,,urs in it, to 6$*e the si!n uni$,,entu$l. <Bolosino4 1973823= Resistin! this is the di4ersity o5 so,i$l !roups #ith their di4ersity o5 so,i$l interests. +heir po#er is e:pressed in the resist$n,es to ho6o!eni7$tion, it #or*s $s $ ,entri5u!$l r$ther th$n $ ,entripet$l 5or,e, it re,o!ni7es ,on5li,t o5 interest, it proposes 6ultipli,ity o4er sin!ul$rity $nd it 6$y be su66ed up $s the e:er,ise o5 the po#er to be di55erent. +his po#er to ,onstru,t 6e$nin!s, ple$sures, $nd so,i$l identities th$t differ 5ro6 those proposed by the stru,tures o5 do6in$tion is ,ru,i$l, $nd the $re$ #ithin #hi,h it is e:er,ised is th$t o5 represent$tion. &opul$r ,ulture is o5ten deni!r$ted by its ,riti,s 5or $ppe$rin! to o55er not represent$tions o5 the #orld, but $4enues o5 es,$pe 5ro6 it8 J6ere es,$pis6K is $n e$sy #$y o5 dis6issin! popul$r ,ulture 5ro6 the ,riti,$l $nd so,i$l $!end$. Nnderlyin! this is the notion th$t representation h$s $ so,i$l di6ension, #here$s escapism is $ 6erely person$l 5li!ht into 5$nt$sy. (u,h $n e$sy dis6iss$l i!nores the 5$,t th$t es,$pis6 or 5$nt$sy ne,ess$rily in4ol4es both $n es,$pe 5ro6 or e4$sion o5 so6ethin! $nd $n es,$pe to $ pre5erred $ltern$ti4e8 dis6issin! es,$pis6 $s J6ere 5$nt$syK $4oids the 4it$l Guestions o5 what is es,$ped 5ro6, why es,$pe is ne,ess$ry, $nd what is es,$ped to. 3s*in! these Guestions !i4es es,$pis6 or 5$nt$sy $s stron! $ so,iopoliti,$l di6ension $s represent$tion, $nd be!ins to erode the di55eren,e bet#een the t#o. 1ut the di55eren,es $re still ,o66only belie4ed to e:ist, $nd 2 #ish to ,h$llen!e the6 be,$use 6$int$inin! the6 ser4es the interests o5 the do6in$nt by de4$luin! 6$ny o5 the ple$sures o5 the subordin$te. 3s #ith 6$ny o5 the e:perien,es o5 the subordin$te, 5$nt$sy or es,$pis6 is o5ten J5e6ini7ed, K th$t is, it is seen $s $ si!n o5 5e6inine #e$*ness resultin! 5ro6 #o6enDs in$bility to ,o6e to ter6s #ith <6$s,uline= re$lity. 2t is $ sort o5 d$ydre$6in! th$t $llo#s #o6en or ,hildren to $,hie4e their desires in $ #$y th$t they $re ne4er ,$p$ble o5 in the Jre$lK #orld, $ ,o6pens$tory do6$in #hi,h results 5ro6 $nd dis!uises their Jre$lK l$,* o5 po#er. Represent$tion, ho#e4er, is seen $s $ 6e$ns o5 e:er,isin! po#er8 not $ 6e$ns o5 es,$pin! 5ro6 the #orld but o5 $,tin! upon it. Represent$tion is the 6e$ns o5 6$*in! th$t sense o5 the #orld #hi,h ser4es oneDs o#n interests8 it is Jthe pro,ess o5 puttin! into ,on,rete 5or6s <th$t is, di55erent si!ni5iers= $n $bstr$,t ideolo!i,$l ,on,eptK <@D(ulli4$n et al$ 19838 199=. 2ts pro,ess o5 6$*in! ideolo!y 6$teri$l, $nd

there5ore n$tur$l, is $ hi!hly politi,$l one th$t in4ol4es the po#er to 6$*e 6e$nin!s both o5 the #orld $nd o5 oneDs pl$,e #ithin it8 it is there5ore J$ppropri$telyK thou!ht o5 $s do6in$nt or 6$s,uline8 it is seen $s $ site o5 stru!!le 5or po#er, in $ #$y th$t 5$nt$sy is not. (u,h $ si6plisti, distin,tion th$t is so 6u,h $ p$rt o5 the stru,tures o5 do6in$tion needs ,h$llen!in!. -317M,Robbie <1984= $rti,ul$tes this ,h$llen!e #hen she $r!ues ,on4in,in!ly th$t 5$nt$sy is $ pri4$te, inti6$te e:perien,e #hi,h ,$n be interpreted $s p$rt o5 $ str$te!y o5 resist$n,e or opposition8 th$t is, $s 6$r*in! out one o5 those $re$s th$t ,$nnot be tot$lly ,olonised. <p. 184= (he 6$*es the point th$t the $pp$rently ob4ious distin,tion bet#een 5$nt$sy $nd re$lity is open to Guestion8 S5$nt$sy isT $s 6u,h $n e<perience, $ pie,e o5 re$lity, $s is b$bysittin! or st$yin! in to do the #$shin!. <p. 184= F$nt$sy is $ 6e$ns o5 represent$tion #hose pri4$,y $nd inti6$,y do not pre4ent its $,tin! ?ust $s po#er5ully upon the 6e$nin!s o5 so,i$l e:perien,e $s do the 6ore publi, represent$tions o5 l$n!u$!e $nd the 6edi$. 2ts interiority does not disGu$li5y it 5ro6 politi,$l e55e,ti4ity8 the interior is, to ,oin $ phr$se, the politi,$l. +he $r!u6ent th$t this is $ pseudo-po#er th$t dissip$tes the dri4e to sei7e Jre$lK politi,$l or e,ono6i, po#er underesti6$tes the e:tent to #hi,h the ,onstru,tion o5 sub?e,ti4ity is politi,$l. &$rt o5 the $r!u6ent $sserts th$t resisti4e 5$nt$sies th$t o,,ur only in the interior e:perien,e o5 the sub?e,t $re not 5in$lly resisti4e $t $ll, 5or resist$n,e ,$n only o,,ur $t the le4el o5 the so,i$l or the ,olle,ti4e. +his $r!u6ent is b$sed upon the belie5 th$t the 6$teri$l so,i$l e:perien,e o5 the subordin$te ,$n, o5 itsel5, be the ori!in o5 resist$n,e. 3!$inst this 2 #ould $r!ue th$t the ori!ins o5 resist$n,e lie not ?ust in the so,i$l e:perien,e o5 subordin$tion, but in the sense people 6$*e o5 it. +here $re 6e$nin!s o5 subordin$tion th$t ser4e the interests o5 the do6in$nt, $nd there $re ones th$t ser4e those o5 the subordin$ted. 1ut the ,ru,i$l point is th$t the sep$r$tion o5 6$teri$l so,i$l e:perien,e 5ro6 the 6e$nin!s !i4en to it is $n $n$lyti,$l $nd theoreti,$l str$te!y only. 2n e4eryd$y li5e, there is no su,h ne$t distin,tion8 our e:perien,e is #h$t #e 6$*e o5 it. (i6il$rly, distin,tions bet#een the so,i$l $nd the interior $re 5in$lly unprodu,ti4e p$rti,ul$rly #hen they 4$lue one o4er the other8 so,i$l or ,olle,ti4e resist$n,e ,$nnot e:ist independently o5 JinteriorK resist$n,e, e4en i5 th$t is !i4en the de4$lued n$6e o5 J5$nt$sy. K +he ,onne,tions bet#een the interior $nd the so,i$l ,$nnot be 6odeled $lon! the si6ple ,$use $nd e55e,t lines th$t underlie the de4$lu$tion o5 interior resist$n,e be,$use it 6$y not h$4e the dire,t e55e,t o5 produ,in! resist$n,e $t the so,i$l le4el. +he rel$tionship bet#een the interior $nd the so,i$l ,$n only be e:pl$ined by $ 6odel o5 $ 6u,h 6ore dispersed $nd de5erred e55e,ti4ity. &opul$r ,ulture th$t #or*s in the interests o5 the subordin$te is o5ten $ pro4o*er o5 5$nt$sy. +hese 5$nt$sies 6$y t$*e 6$ny 5or6s, but they typi,$lly e6body the po#er o5

the subordin$te to e:ert so6e ,ontrol o4er represent$tion. (u,h $ 5$nt$sy is no es,$pe 5ro6 so,i$l re$lity, r$ther it is $ dire,t response to the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd its e6bodi6ent in so,i$l rel$tions. +he ,h$llen!e it o55ers lies both in what 6e$nin!s $re 6$de $nd in who h$s the po#er $nd the $bility to 6$*e the6. F$nt$sy, $t the 4ery le$st, 6$int$ins $ sense o5 sub,ultur$l di55eren,e, it is p$rt o5 the e:er,ise o5 se6ioti, po#er. -318 %iversity and difference +he Jpo#er to be di55erentK is the po#er th$t 6$int$ins so,i$l di55eren,es, so,i$l di4ersity. +he rel$tionship bet#een so,i$l di4ersity $nd $ di4ersity o5 4oi,es on tele4ision is one th$t needs to be ,$re5ully thou!ht throu!h. +here is $ 5$6ili$r rhetori, th$t proposes th$t di4ersity o5 pro!r$6s on tele4ision is $ !ood thin!, $nd 5e# #ould t$*e issue #ith th$t $s $ !ener$l prin,iple. Con4ersely, ho6o!eneity o5 pro!r$66in! is seen to be undesir$ble. +he proble6 lies in de,idin! #h$t ,onstitutes ho6o!eneity $nd #h$t di4ersity $nd, eGu$lly proble6$ti,$lly, #h$t ,onstitutes J$ !ood thin!. K 2n one sense, the ne# te,hnolo!ies o5 distribution, s$tellites, ,$bles, $nd opti,$l 5ibers, ,$n be 4ie#ed $s potenti$l $!ents o5 di4ersity, in th$t their e,ono6i,s de6$nd th$t more be tr$ns6itted. 1ut, $s 1$**e <198;= $r!ues, in the %urope$n ,onte:t, $t le$st, ne# te,hnolo!ies su,h $s s$tellites $lso per6it $ l$r!er $udien,e to be re$,hed #hi,h produ,es $ de6$nd 5or non,ontro4ersi$l ,ontent, $ bl$nd ho6o!eneity th$t #ill o55end no one $nd $ppe$l in so6e, rel$ti4ely super5i,i$l, #$y to e4eryone. &$r$do:i,$lly, then, the in,re$se in the 6e$ns o5 distribution 6$y $,tu$lly de,re$se the 4$riety o5 ,ultur$l ,o66odities th$t $re distributed. 1ut di4ersity is not si6ply to be 6e$sured in ter6s o5 the 4$riety o5 pro!r$6s tr$ns6itted8 di4ersity o5 re$din!s is eGu$lly, i5 not 6ore, i6port$nt. &$r$do:i,$lly, di4ersity o5 re$din!s 6$y best be sti6ul$ted by $ !re$ter ho6o!eneity o5 pro!r$66in!. 3 #idely distributed sin!le pro!r$6, su,h $s allas, #hose openness 6$*es it $ produ,erly te:t, 6$y not be su,h $n $!ent o5 ho6o!eni7$tion $s it $ppe$rs, 5or to re$,h its 6ultitude o5 di4erse $udien,es it 6ust $llo# 5or $ !re$t de$l o5 ,ultur$l di4ersity in its re$din!s, $nd 6ust thus pro4ide ,onsider$ble se6ioti, e:,ess 5or the re,ei4in! sub,ultures to ne!oti$te #ith in order to produ,e their 6e$nin!s, r$ther th$n the ones pre5erred by the bro$d,$sters. allas 6$y be $ sin!ul$r, $nd hi!hly pro5it$ble, ,o66odity in the 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y, but in the ,ultur$l it is $ 5ull repertoire o5 ,o66odities8 $s 3lt6$n <198;= s$ys, allas pro4ides $ J6enuK 5ro6 #hi,h the 4ie#ers ,hoose. 3 di4ersity o5 pro!r$6s is $ di4ersity th$t is deliber$tely ,onstru,ted by tele4ision produ,ers $nd s,hedulers in $n $tte6pt to se!6ent the $udien,e into the 6$r*ets reGuired by the $d4ertisers, #hi,h 6$y or 6$y not ,oin,ide #ith the sub,ultur$l 5or6$tions ,onstru,ted by the people. 3 !re$ter 4$riety o5 ,losed, re$derly te:ts th$t i6pose their 6e$nin!s 6ore i6peri$listi,$lly $nd th$t deli4er 6$r*et se!6ents to $d4ertisers 6$y not be $s so,i$lly desir$ble $s $ n$rro#er r$n!e o5 6ore open te:ts, #here the di4ersity is $ 5un,tion o5 the people r$ther th$n o5 the produ,ers. -319-

'ilson $nd 0utierre7 <198 = $r!ue th$t the ne# te,hnolo!ies, p$rti,ul$rly ,$ble, $llo# the 6edi$ to e:ploit sub,ultur$l di4ersity, $nd to ,o66odi5y ethni, $nd 6inority $udien,es in order to sell the6 to $d4ertisers. allas( 5or $ll its $pp$rent ho6o!eneity, 6$y #ell be $ 6ore di4ersi5ied pro!r$6 th$n the 4$riety o5 o55erin!s o5 su,h 6ultiple spe,i$l-interest ,h$nnels, $nd in so 5$r $s its di4ersi5i,$tion is $udien,e-produ,ed r$ther th$n ,entr$lly produ,ed, it is, 2 $r!ue, 6ore li*ely to 6$int$in ,ultur$l di55eren,es $nd to produ,e sub,ultur$lly spe,i5i, 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures. +he s$6e dile66$ ,on5ronts us in the $tte6pt to underst$nd tele4isionDs role $nd e55e,ts in the intern$tion$l $ren$. Aolly#ood, $nd, to $ lesser e:tent, %urope, 6$y do6in$te the intern$tion$l 5lo# o5 both ne#s $nd entert$in6ent pro!r$66in!, yet there is little e4iden,e o5 $ !lob$l sur!e o5 popul$rity 5or the #estern n$tions $nd their 4$lues. +he do6in$tion in the e,ono6i, do6$in 6$y not ne,ess$rily produ,e the eGui4$lent do6in$tion in the ,ultur$l. F$t7 $nd Liebes <1987= h$4e sho#n th$t Russi$n /e#s, ne#ly $rri4ed in 2sr$el, re$d allas $s ,$pit$lis6Ds sel5-,riti,is68 J,onsu6in!K the pro!r$6 did not ne,ess$rily in4ol4e ,onsu6in! the ideolo!y. 3 n$tion$l ,ulture, $nd the sense o5 n$tion$l identity #hi,h 6$ny belie4e it ,$n produ,e, #hi,h is ,onstru,ted by the ,ultur$l industries or by politi,i$ns or ,ultur$l lobbyists, 6$y not ,oin,ide #ith the so,i$l $lli$n,es th$t $re 5elt to be 6ost produ,ti4e by subordin$te !roups #ithin the n$tion. +hus 3bori!in$l ,ultur$l identity #ithin ,onte6por$ry 3ustr$li$ 6$y ser4e itsel5 best by $rti,ul$tin! itsel5 not #ith $n 3ustr$li$n n$tion, but #ith bl$,*s in other #hite-do6in$ted, e:-,oloni$l ,ountries. 3nd Mi,h$els <198;= h$s indi,$ted th$t the re,ent popul$rity o5 re!!$e $6on!st 3bori!in$l peoples is e:pl$ined by so6e 3bori!in$ls $s the per,eption o5 $ ,o66on so,i$l $lli$n,e $6on!st bl$,* sub?e,ted ,ultures. 1l$,* 6usi,, produ,ed #ithin $nd $!$inst ,oloni$lis6, h$s $ ,ultur$l $nd politi,$l e55e,ti4ity th$t tr$4erses n$tion$l bound$ries. Aod!e $nd +rippDs <198;= 3bori!in$l ,hildren #ho ,onstru,ted $ sin!le ,ultur$l ,$te!ory th$t in,luded the6sel4es, 36eri,$n 2ndi$ns, $nd 36eri,$n bl$,* ,hildren #ere si6il$rly 5or!in! their o#n ,ultur$l $lli$n,es in $ #$y th$t ,$n be neither ,ontrolled nor predi,ted by the ,ultur$l industries. (u,h $ ,ultur$l ,ons,iousness is $ prereGuisite 5or politi,$l $,tion, thou!h it #ill not, o5 itsel5, produ,e it. 1ut #ithout it, $ny politi,$l 6o4e6ent to i6pro4e the 3bori!in$l situ$tion #ill be inse,urely b$sed. M$,C$be <198;= 6$*es the point #ell8 +he ,ru,i$l ne,essity 5or politi,$l $,tion is $ 5elt ,olle,ti4ity. 2t 6$y be th$t ,ultur$l 5or6s indi,$te to us th$t politi,$lly en$blin! ,olle,ti4ities $re to be lo,$ted $,ross sub,ultures, be they n$tion$l or intern$tion$l. <pp. 9-10= -320Aebdi!e <1979, 1982, 1987= h$s sho#n ho# 36eri,$n popul$r ,ulture in the 19 0s $nd 19;0s #$s e$!erly t$*en up by 1ritish #or*in!-,l$ss youth #ho 5ound in its 5l$shy stre$6linin! $ #$y to $rti,ul$te their ne# ,l$ss ,on5iden,e $nd ,ons,iousness. (u,h sy6boli7$tions o5 their identity #ere si6ply not $4$il$ble in J1ritishK ,ulture #hi,h $ppe$red to o55er t#o eGu$lly un$,,ept$ble sets o5 $ltern$ti4es - the one $ ro6$nti,i7ed ,loth-,$p i6$!e o5 $n J$uthenti,K tr$dition$l #or*in!-,l$ss ,ulture, the other $ restr$ined, t$ste5ul, 11C-produ,ed in5le,tion o5 popul$r ,ulture. +he ,o66odities produ,ed by the 36eri,$n ,ultur$l industries #ere 6obili7ed to e:press $n intr$nsi!ent, youn!, urb$n,

#or*in!-,l$ss identity th$t s,$nd$li7ed both the tr$dition$l 1ritish #or*in! ,l$ss $nd the do6in$nt 6iddle ,l$sses. +he ,ultur$l $lli$n,e bet#een this 5r$,tion o5 the 1ritish #or*in! ,l$ss $nd their sense o5 36eri,$n popul$r ,ulture #$s one th$t ser4ed their ,ultur$lIideolo!i,$l needs $t th$t histori,$l 6o6ent. (i6il$rly, one 6i!ht spe,ul$te $bout the ,ultur$l 6e$nin!s o5 M$donn$ in Mos,o# <$t the ti6e o5 #ritin! it is reported th$t her $lbu6s $re ,h$n!in! h$nds 5or X7 on the bl$,* 6$r*et=. 2n $ si6il$r 4ein, 'orpole <1983= h$s sho#n ho# the style o5 pre-(e,ond 'orld '$r 36eri,$n 5i,tion, p$rti,ul$rly th$t o5 Ae6in!#$y, A$66ett, $nd Ch$ndler, $rti,ul$ted $ 4ern$,ul$r, 6$s,uline, ,riti,$l st$n,e to#$rds urb$n ,$pit$lis6 th$t the 1ritish #or*in! ,l$ss 5ound pertinent to their so,i$l position. 1ritish popul$r liter$ture, typi5ied by the bour!eois rur$l 6ilieu o5 3!$th$ Christie or the $risto,r$ti,, i6peri$list herois6 o5 1ulldo! Cru66ond, pro6oted $ nost$l!i, ,l$ss-spe,i5i, 1ritishness th$t #$s 6ore $lien $nd hostile to the 1ritish #or*in! ,l$ss th$n no4els produ,ed in 36eri,$. (i6il$rly Cohen $nd Robbins <1979= h$4e sho#n ho# Fun! Fu 6o4ies pl$y $ positi4e role $s $rti,ul$tions o5 the sub,ultur$l nor6s o5 #or*in!-,l$ss London boys. +he e,ono6i, ori!in o5 the ,ultur$l ,o66odity ,$nnot $,,ount 5or the ,ultur$l use-4$lue it 6$y o55er in its 6o6ent $nd pl$,e o5 re,eption $nd ,$n neither ,ontrol not predi,t the 4$riety o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures it 6$y pro4o*e. +he do6in$nt ideolo!i,$l interests o5 the so,iety th$t produ,es $nd deter6ines the industry 6$y #ell be i6bri,$ted in the ,on4entions $nd dis,ourses o5 the te:t, but they ,$nnot ,o6prise $ll o5 the te:tu$l 5$bri,. 2n order 5or the te:t to be popul$r $6on!st $udien,es #hose so,i$l position produ,es $ sense o5 di55eren,e 5ro6 th$t ideolo!y, it 6ust ,ont$in ,ontr$di,tions, !$ps, $nd tr$,es o5 ,ounterideolo!ies. 2ts n$rr$ti4e stru,ture $nd hier$r,hi7$tion o5 dis,ourses 6$y $tte6pt to produ,e $ resolution in 5$4or o5 the do6in$nt, but 4$rious 6o6ents o5 re$din! ,$n re4e$l this resolution to be 6u,h 6ore 5r$!ile th$n tr$dition$l te:tu$l $n$lysis #ould suppose it to be. 2ndeed, te:ts th$t $re popul$r $6on!st $ #ide 4$riety o5 $udien,es 6ust hold this b$l$n,e bet#een the do6in$nt ideolo!y $nd its 6ultiple oppositions on $ point o5 e:tre6e pre,$riousness8 it is no #ill5ul 6isre$din! to 5ind in allas $ ,ritiGue o5 p$tri$r,h$l ,$pit$lis6, nor in Prisoner $n e:posure o5 the insensiti4ities o5 institution$l po#er. -321+he unpredi,t$bility o5 the 6$r*et 5or ,ultur$l ,o66odities h$s 5or,ed the ,ultur$l industries into ,ert$in e,ono6i, str$te!ies, p$rti,ul$rly the produ,tion o5 $ repertoire o5 produ,ts <0$rnh$6 1987=, to ensure their pro5it$bility, $nd #hile these str$te!ies h$4e pro4ed su,,ess5ul in 6$int$inin! the industriesD do6in$tion in the 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y, they ne,ess$rily #e$*en their ideolo!i,$l po#er in the ,ultur$l. +hose o5 us on the le5t 6$y deplore the 5$,t th$t, #ith so6e e:,eptions, it is the ,o66er,i$lly produ,ed ,o66odities th$t 6ost e$sily ,ross the bound$ries o5 ,l$ss, r$,e, !ender, or n$tion $nd th$t thus $ppe$r to be 6ost re$dily $,,essible $nd ple$sur$ble to $ 4$riety o5 subordin$ted !roups. 1ut $ltern$ti4e str$te!ies $re not e$sy to 5ind, thou!h the su,,ess o5 the 11C #ith #or*in!-,l$ss re$list seri$ls li*e ?ast?nders or the ,o6edy series Bnly Fools and !orses does o55er so6e hope. @ther#ise, $tte6pts to produ,e tele4ision by $nd 5or the #or*in! ,l$sses or other subordin$te or 6inority !roups, h$4e only p$rti$lly su,,eeded, i5 $t $ll. 3n!Ds <198;= $,,ount o5 the proble6s 5$,ed by $

prolet$ri$n pro!ressi4e tele4ision ,h$nnel in Aoll$nd is e:e6pl$ry here, $nd 1l$n,h$rd $nd Morley <1984= h$4e !i4en $n eGu$lly thou!ht5ul $,,ount o5 the di55i,ulties 5$,ed by 1rit$inDs Ch$nnel 4. 2t 6$y #ell be th$t the subordin$te 6$int$in their sub,ultur$l identity by 6e$ns other th$n tele4ision <s,hooly$rd ,ulture 5or ,hildren, !ossip 5or #o6en, et,. =, $nd th$t tele4ision is popul$r to the e:tent th$t it interse,ts #ith these other ,ultur$l 5or,es. Cohen $nd Robbins <1979= try to $,,ount 5or the popul$rity o5 Fun! Fu 6o4ies #ith 1ritish urb$n #or*in!-,l$ss 6$les 4i$ the ,o6in! to!ether o5 t#o 5or6s o5 J,olle,ti4e represent$tions, K one o5 #hi,h is the or$l tr$dition $nd interperson$l style o5 #or*in!,l$ss ,ulture, $nd the other is the industri$lly produ,ed ,on4entions o5 the !enre. Morley <1981= su66$ri7es the $r!u6ent ne$tly8 +he or$l tr$ditions ,onstitute 5or6s o5 ,ultur$l ,o6peten,e $4$il$ble to these *ids #hi,h 6$*e it possible 5or the6 to $ppropri$te these 6o4ies - #ithout 5or6s o5 ,o6peten,e, the popul$rity o5 these 6o4ies #ould be ine:pli,$ble. <p. 11= +hese points o5 interse,tion bet#een 6$ss $nd lo,$l or or$l ,ulture ,$n only be $,ti4$ted by the 4ie#ers $nd ,$nnot be deliber$tely or $,,ur$tely produ,ed by the ,ultur$l industries the6sel4es, thou!h they ,$n, o5 ,ourse, be $i6ed $t. +he industri$l 6ode o5 produ,tion o5 tele4ision #ill ne,ess$rily sep$r$te its produ,ers 5ro6 its $udien,es ,ultur$lly, so,i$lly, $nd ideolo!i,$lly8 in the 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y this !$p ,le$rly #or*s to the $d4$nt$!e o5 the industry #hi,h ob4iously #ould not li*e to see $ series o5 popul$r, lo#-,ost ,o66unity st$tions de4elop, $nd thus it #or*s to 6$:i6i7e the di55eren,e by de4elopin! 6ore 5ully its hi!h-,ost produ,tion 4$lues. 1ut in the ,ultur$l e,ono6y, the !$p #or*s to the industryDs dis$d4$nt$!e $nd it see*s to ,lose it, to stress its ,ultur$l ,loseness to its $udien,es. 1ut in this it is r$ther li*e the lo4esi,* suitor #ho ,$n only hope to be ,hosen $nd #ho #ill ne4er *no# i5 he #ill be nor the re$sons #hy he #$s or #$s not. -322+he $tte6pt to produ,e $ ,ulture 5or others, #hether th$t otherness be de5ined in ter6s o5 ,l$ss, !ender, r$,e, n$tion, or #h$te4er, ,$n ne4er be 5in$lly su,,ess5ul, 5or ,ulture ,$n only be produ,ed 5ro6 #ithin, not 5ro6 outside. 2n $ 6$ss so,iety the 6$teri$ls $nd 6e$nin! syste6s out o5 #hi,h ,ultures $re 6$de #ill $l6ost ine4it$bly be produ,ed by the ,ultur$l industries8 but the 6$*in! o5 these 6$teri$ls into ,ulture, th$t is, into the 6e$nin!s o5 sel5 $nd o5 so,i$l rel$tions, $nd the e:,h$n!e o5 these 6$teri$ls 5or ple$sure is $ pro,ess th$t ,$n only be per5or6ed by their ,onsu6er-users, not by their produ,ers. +hus, in the sphere o5 $ Jn$tion$lK ,ulture, it 6$y be th$t Miami Aice is 6ore J3ustr$li$nK th$n $ 6ini-series th$t sets out to do,u6ent $nd ,elebr$te $ spe,i5i, 6o4e6ent in 3ustr$li$n history. Miami Aice is $ ,ultur$l 5or6 o5 $ l$te ,$pit$list, ,onsu6erist, ple$sure-,entered so,iety, #here dru!s, se:, sun, sensu$lity, leisure, 6usi,, $nd, $bo4e $ll, style $re the order o5 the d$yM its depi,ted so,iety is $ r$,i$l ,o,*t$il #here the #hite 3n!lo-($:on hero only ?ust 6$int$ins his position o5 n$rr$ti4e do6in$n,eM this #orld o5 Miami Aice 6$y o55er 6ost ,onte6por$ry 3ustr$li$ns $ 6ore pertinent set o5 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures th$n $ny o5 the 6ini-series, so belo4ed o5 the 3ustr$li$n

tele4ision industries, in #hi,h #hite, 6$le, 1ritish i66i!r$nts open up the bush $nd in so doin! build their o#n $nd their n$tionDs ,h$r$,ter. +he re,eption o5 Aolly#ood ,ultur$l ,o66odities into the ,ultures o5 +hird 'orld $nd de4elopin! n$tions 6$y be $ 4ery di55erent 6$tter indeed, thou!h the #or* o5 F$t7 $nd Liebes $nd o5 Mi,h$els h$s hinted $t si6il$r $,ti4e $nd dis,ri6in$tin! 4ie#in! pr$,ti,es. 3 lot 6ore #or* needs to be done on the intern$tion$l re,eption o5 both ne#s $nd entert$in6ent pro!r$6s $nd #$ys th$t the de4eloped n$tions ,$n help the less de4eloped to produ,e their o#n ,ultur$l ,o66odities th$t ,$n !enuinely ,h$llen!e Aolly#oodDs in the $ren$ o5 popul$r t$ste r$ther th$n o5 politi,$l or e,ono6i, poli,y. For this ,$n be $,hie4ed. 'hile it is ,le$r th$t the 6ost popul$r ,ultur$l ,o66odities tend to be produ,ed in $nd e:ported by Aolly#ood $nd other #estern ,ultur$l industries, this tenden,y is 5$r 5ro6 tot$l. +he top t#enty tele4ision pro!r$6s <$nd re,ords= in the N(3, the NF $nd 3ustr$li$ 6$y #ell e:hibit stri*in! si6il$rities but they $lso ,ont$in 4ery si!ni5i,$nt di55eren,es. +here $re lo,$lly popul$r ,ultur$l ,o66odities $s #ell $s intern$tion$lly popul$r ones. -323'e 6ust $lso be$r in 6ind th$t $tte6pts to produ,e or de5end $ n$tion$l ,ulture, #hether by $ n$tion$l bro$d,$stin! syste6 or other 6e$ns, h$4e histori,$lly been do6in$ted by 6iddle-,l$ss t$stes $nd de5initions o5 both n$tion $nd ,ulture, $nd h$4e sho#n re6$r*$bly little underst$ndin! o5 popul$r ple$sures or popul$r t$stes. +hus is it $l6ost #ithout e:,eption th$t in ,ountries th$t h$4e both $ n$tion$l publi, bro$d,$stin! syste6 $nd $ ,o66er,i$l one, th$t the ,o66er,i$l one #ill be 6ore popul$r #ith the subordin$ted !roups $nd ,l$sses, $nd the publi, one #ith the 6ore edu,$ted 6iddle ,l$sses. 2t is $lso !ener$lly true th$t the publi, ,h$nnels #ill sho# 6ore n$tion$lly produ,ed pro!r$6s, $nd the ,o66er,i$l ,h$nnels 6ore intern$tion$lly produ,ed, usu$lly 36eri,$n, ones. +he interestin! e:,eption to this is the publi, ,h$nnel in the Nnited (t$tes #hi,h tends to sho# 6ore 1ritish pro!r$6s, be,$use in the Nnited (t$tes J1ritishK ,ulture is stron!ly $sso,i$ted #ith hi!her-,l$ss, edu,$ted t$stes. 25 those #ith $ publi, or so,i$l 6oti4$tion #ish to inter4ene e55e,ti4ely in the ,ultur$l e,ono6y, they need to de4ote 6ore $ttention to underst$ndin! popul$r t$stes $nd ple$sures th$n they h$4e in the p$st. 2t is $ll too e$sy to $rri4e $t $ set o5 4$lues th$t $re dee6ed to be in the publi, interest, but sub6ittin! those 4$lues to the test o5 popul$r ple$sure $nd sub,ultur$l pertinen,e is $ 6u,h less ,o65ort$ble enterprise. +he re,on,ili$tion o5 $ sense o5 the publi, !ood #ith the di4erse de6$nds o5 popul$r ple$sure 6$y not be e$sy, but those #ho #ish to $tte6pt it h$4e 6u,h to le$rn 5ro6 Aolly#ood $nd its il*, 5or these industries $re so6eti6es $dept $t $,hie4in! $n eGu$lly di55i,ult re,on,ili$tion - th$t bet#een $n industri$lly ,entr$li7ed, e,ono6i,$lly e55i,ient 6ode o5 produ,tion $nd $ 6ultipli,ity o5 dispersed, sub,ultur$lly deter6ined, $s opposed to industri$lly deter6ined, 6o6ents o5 re,eption. +here #ill $l#$ys, in industri$li7ed ,ultures, be $ ,on5li,t o5 interest bet#een produ,ersIdistributors on the one h$nd $nd the 4$rious 5or6$tions o5 the people on the other. +he t#o e,ono6ies, the 5in$n,i$l $nd the ,ultur$l, $re the opposin! sides o5 this

stru!!le. +he 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y $tte6pts to use tele4ision $s $n $!ent o5 ho6o!eni7$tion8 5or it tele4ision is ,entered, sin!ul$r in its 5un,tion$lity, $nd is lo,$ted in its ,enters o5 produ,tion $nd distribution. 2n the ,ultur$l e,ono6y, ho#e4er, tele4ision is entirely di55erent. 2t is de,entered, di4erse, lo,$ted in the 6ultipli,ity o5 its 6odes $nd 6o6ents o5 re,eption. +ele4ision is the plur$lity o5 its re$din! pr$,ti,es, the de6o,r$,y o5 its ple$sures, $nd it ,$n only be understood in its 5r$!6ents. 2t pro6otes $nd pro4o*es $ net#or* o5 resist$n,es to its o#n po#er #hose $tte6pt to ho6o!eni7e $nd he!e6oni7e bre$*s do#n on the inst$bility $nd 6ultipli,ity o5 its 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures. Cespite $ !ener$tion o5 tele4ision, th$t 6ost ,entr$lly produ,ed $nd #idely distributed popul$r $rt 5or6, #estern so,ieties h$4e resisted tot$l ho6o !eni7$tion. Fe6inists h$4e sho#n th$t #e do not $ll o5 us h$4e to be p$tri$r,hsM other ,l$ss, ethni,, $!e, $nd re!ion$l di55eren,es $re $lso $li4e $nd #ell. 'ilson $nd 0utierre7 <198 = #hose boo* is $ppropri$tely subtitled i'ersity and the ?nd of Mass Communication sho# ho# ethni, 6inorities in the N(3 h$4e 6$int$ined $nd e4en stren!thened their sep$r$te identities, despite the ho6o!eni7in! thrust o5 the 6$ss 6edi$. L$bo4 h$s sho#n, too, th$t the di55eren,e bet#een bl$,* %n!lish $nd #hite %n!lish h$s #idened o4er the p$st ten ye$rs, despite the #hite do6in$n,e o5 the 6edi$ $nd edu,$tion$l syste6s. -324C$rey <198 = $r!ues th$t $ny theory o5 the popul$r 6edi$ 6ust be $ble to $,,ount 5or the di4ersity o5 so,i$l e:perien,es #ithin $ ,onte6por$ry so,iety, $nd there5ore the di4ersity o5 ple$sures th$t the 6edi$ o55er8 +o strip $#$y this di4ersity, e4en it i5 is des,ribed $s rel$ti4ely $utono6ous di4ersity, in order to re4e$l $ deep $nd uni4o,$l stru,ture o5 ideolo!y $nd politi,s, is to ste$6roller sub?e,ti4e ,ons,iousness ?ust $s e55e,ti4ely $s the beh$4iorists $nd 5un,tion$lists did. @ne does not, on this re$din!, #ish to tr$de the #ell-*no#n e4ils o5 the (*inner bo: 5or the less #ell-*no#n, but ?ust $s re$l, e4ils o5 the 3lthusseri$n bo:. 3ny 6o4e6ent, there5ore, to#$rd en,o6p$ssin! ele6ents o5 so,i$l stru,ture - ,l$ss, po#er, $uthority - #hi,h e:pl$in $#$y the di4ersity o5 ,ons,iousness is to he$d one do#n $ ro$d ?ust $s sel5en,losin! $s the beh$4iorist terr$in pheno6enolo!ists h$4e been tryin! to e4$,u$te 5or 6ost o5 this ,entury. <pp. 3 -;= Mer,er <198;$= $lso $r!ues th$t the shi5t o5 ,riti,$l $ttention 5ro6 ideolo!y to ple$sure is one th$t re?e,ts the supposed ho6o!eni7in! po#er o5 the do6in$nt ideolo!y8 +he ,on,ern #ith ple$sure then is $ ,orrespondin! interro!$tion o5 the J5$,tK o5 ideolo!y. 2t su!!ests $ re?e,tion o5 the $s,ribed unity $nd o6nis,ien,e, o5 its depth $nd ho6o!eneity, o5 its st$sis #ithin $ !i4en ,ultur$l 5or6. <p. 4= 3ny theory o5 the popul$r 6ust be $ble to $,,ount 5or this el$bor$ted di4ersity o5 so,i$l 5or6$tions. +he sort o5 di4ersity o5 pro!r$66in! th$t is o5ten ,$lled 5or on tele4ision is one th$t di4ersi5ies the so,i$l positions o5 those #ho $re !r$nted $,,ess to it. +his is unli*ely to o,,ur #ithin $ ,o66er,i$l bro$d,$stin! syste6, thou!h ,$ble net#or*s in the N(3 $nd Ch$nnel 4 in the NF $re 6$*in! so6e 6o4es in this dire,tion. 1ut, ho#e4er 4$lu$ble

these 6o4es $re, they still re6$in 6inority 4oi,es spe$*in! to 6inority $udien,es. +he politi,$l b$ttle o5 popul$rity is 5ou!ht in the $ren$ o5 ,o66er,i$l bro$d,$st tele4ision, $nd it is on this stru!!le th$t 2 h$4e ,on,entr$ted in this boo*. 2n this $ren$, the ine4it$ble <be,$use pro5it$ble= ho6o!eni7$tion o5 pro !r$66in!, #hi,h 6e$ns th$t one 5in$n,i$l ,o66odity is sold to $s 6$ny di55erent $udien,es $s possible, 6$y not be su,h $n $!ent o5 ,ultur$l do6in$tion $s 6$ny 5e$r. 2ndeed, 2 #ould $r!ue the opposite. Ci4ersity o5 re$din!s is not the s$6e $s di4ersity o5 pro!r$6s, $nd $ di4ersity o5 re$din!s $nd the ,onseGuent di4ersity o5 sub,ultur$l identities is ,ru,i$l i5 the popul$r is to be seen $s $ set o5 5or,es 5or so,i$l ,h$n!e. -32 +his brin!s us to the rel$tionship bet#een entert$in6ent $nd politi,s. +hese $re t#o sep$r$te ,ultur$l do6$ins #hi,h, in 3lthusseri$n ter6s, $re rel$ti4ely $utono6ous thou!h o4erdeter6ined. +he resisti4e re$din!s $nd ple$sures o5 tele4ision do not tr$nsl$te dire,tly into opposition$l politi,s or so,i$l $,tion. Rel$ti4ely $utono6ous ,ultur$l do6$ins do not rel$te to e$,h other in si6ple ,$use $nd e55e,t ter6s. 1ut the $bsen,e o5 $ dire,t politi,$l e55e,t does not pre,lude $ 6ore !ener$l politi,$l e55e,ti4ity <see ,h$pter 1=. Resisti4e re$din! pr$,ti,es th$t $ssert the po#er o5 the subordin$te in the pro,ess o5 represent$tion $nd its subseGuent ple$sure pose $ dire,t ,h$llen!e to the po#er o5 ,$pit$lis6 to produ,e its sub?e,ts-in-ideolo!y. +he #$y th$t people underst$nd the6sel4es $nd their so,i$l rel$tions is p$rt o5 the so,i$l syste6 itsel5. 3ny set o5 so,i$l rel$tions reGuires $ set o5 6e$nin!s to hold it in pl$,e <A$ll 1984=, $nd $ny set o5 so,i$l 6e$nin!s h$s to be produ,ed by, $nd in the interests o5, $ !roup or $ 5or6$tion o5 !roups situ$ted #ithin $ so,i$l syste6 o5 po#er rel$tions. +he ,l$sses #ho do6in$te so,i$l rel$tions $lso $tte6pt to do6in$te the produ,tion o5 6e$nin!s th$t underpin the68 so,i$l po#er $nd se6ioti, po#er $re t#o sides o5 the s$6e ,oin. Ch$llen!in! 6e$nin!s $nd the so,i$l !roup #ith the ri!ht to 6$*e the6 is $ ,ru,i$l p$rt o5 $ssertin! sub,ultur$l identities $nd the so,i$l di55eren,es th$t they 6$int$in. +he do6$in o5 entert$in6ent is one o5 ple$sures, 6e$nin!s, $nd so,i$l identity8 i5 this do6$in ,$nnot 6$int$in $nd pro6ote the po#er o5 the subordin$te to be di55erent, there #ill be se4erely redu,ed 6oti4$tion 5or ,h$n!e in the politi,$l do6$in. M$int$inin! sub,ultur$l di4ersity 6$y not, in itsel5, produ,e $ny dire,t politi,$l e55e,t, but $t the 6ore !ener$l le4el o5 e55e,ti4ity its po#er is ,ru,i$l. 3nd tele4ision is not neutr$l in this. 2ts su,,ess in the 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y depends upon its $bility to ser4e $nd pro6ote the di4erse $nd o5ten opposition$l interests o5 its $udien,es. 2n this sense it is the 6e$nin!s $nd ple$sures o5 the ,ultur$l e,ono6y th$t deter6ine the e:tent o5 the e,ono6i, return on th$t ,$pit$l8 the ,ultur$l e,ono6y dri4es the 5in$n,i$l in $ di$le,ti, 5or,e th$t ,ounters the po#er o5 ,$pit$l. +ele4ision, $s $ 6$ss-6edi$ted popul$r $rt, 6ust ,ont$in #ithin it the opposin! but lin*ed 5or,es o5 ,$pit$l $nd the people i5 it is to ,ir,ul$te e55e,ti4ely in both 5in$n,i$l $nd ,ultur$l e,ono6ies. F$r 5ro6 bein! the $!ent o5 the do6in$nt ,l$sses, it is the pri6e site #here the do6in$nt h$4e to re,o!ni7e the inse,urity o5 their po#er, $nd #here they h$4e to en,our$!e ,ultur$l di55eren,e #ith $ll the thre$t to their o#n position th$t this i6plies. -32;-

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S/12ect inde4 $berr$nt de,odin! ; , 94 $,tin! 121, 1 3, 1;4, 17 , 178, 184 $,tion #:, 28, 30, 124, 143, 1;0-2, 21 , 22 $,torI$,tress see pl$yer $ddress 48-;1, 14; $d4ertise6ent <,o66er,i$ls= 14-1 , 100-4, 11;, 14 , 14;-7, 188, 22;, 240, 2 01, 2 3-4, 2 , 2 8, &6&;2, 271-3, 281, 31 $estheti, 12-13, 18, 110, 1; , 197, 219, 227-8, 247-8, 30; $!e 9, 17, 0, 1, ;2, 1 8, 32 $lien$tion 1 4, 1;9 $rti,ul$tion ;8, 12;, 271, &71;8:, 314, 320 $udien,e 1, 13, 14, #6;#7, 2;, 28, 37, 4, ;, 8, ;2-83, 84, 8 , 92-4, 97-8, 107, 109, 111, 113, 12 , 147, 1;2, #69, 179, 272-3, 281, 303, 312-13, 323, 32; $uthor 1 , 22, 94-;, 100, 1 2, 237-9, 2;0, 273, 288, 292, 29 , 30 bin$ry opposition 129, #1&;1, 138, 142, 1;2-3, 307 body 13, 9, 1 2, 1;4- , 178, 18 -8, 200-1, 20 , 219, 224- , 228-30, 232, &2:; 3:, 2 , 2 7-8, 2;3-4, 277 ,$6er$ <#or*= , 6;8, 22, 27-33, 3, 119, 219, 22 , 238, 2;1-3 ,$6er$8 ,lose-up 7, 27, 31-3, 183-4, 22 , 229, 24;, 2 3, 2 , 2 8-9, 2;3 ,$6er$8 e:tre6e ,lose-up 7, 31-3, 8 , 2 3, 2 , 301 ,$6er$8 6id-shot 7 ,$pit$lis6 -;, 13, 18, 24, 33- , 38, 43, 49, 8 -;, 90, 134- , 1;4, 188, 201, 20 -;, 210-11, 230, 248, 2;1, 2;;, 27 , 309-10, 32; ,$rni4$l &2:;62, 2;7, 277 ,$rtoons 7;, 209, 242 ,$stin! 8 ,$te!ori7$tion 1 2, 1 9, 179, 28;-7, 293 ,entri5u!$l 89, 233, 317 ,entripet$l 89, 233, 317 ,h$r$,ter 9, 23, 28, 33, 77, 79-80, 9;, 109, 117, ##9;&3, 129-31, #17;8, 141-2, 14 , #29;78, 184, 193- , 20 , 217, 294,h$r$,ter roles #17;9, 142, 284, 29 ,l$ss 9, 10-13, 17-18, 42-3, 0-1, ;2-4, 81-2, 8;, 88, 90, 111, 132- , 1 8, 17 , 178, 190, 227-8, 2;;, 270, 27 , 28;, 322-4 ,l$#b$,* &88;9, 300 ,losure 84, 9 , 98;9, 101, 103, 10 , 131, 143-7, 1 4, 1;2, 179-80, 189, 19;, 198, 21 , 217, 239, 2;3, 284, 307-8 ,ode 2;#1, 1;, 1-2, ; , 92, 94, 112, ##3;#6, 119, #2&;2, 14;-7, 1 9, 272, 303-; ,o66odity 13-14, 8, 227, 2 1, 2 4- , &38;62, 271-2, 281, 289 ,o66onsense ;, 40, 42-3, 1, 4, 92, 98, 130, 134, 140, 1;7, 28 , 293 ,onsent 40-1, 183 ,onsu6er<is6= 39, 2 0, 2 8, 2;0-2, 2;4, 271, 273-4, 27;-8, 310-11 ,ont$in6ent &81;1:#

,ontent 21-4, 34- , 109, 177, 213, 29; ,ontr$di,tion 2;, 33, 3 , 0-1, 4- , ;0, ;7, 70, 81, 87;9:, 91-2, 94, 99, 101, 104, 107, 113, 12;, 131-3, 148, 1 4, 1;2-3, 188-9, 191, 201, 20 , 212, 2;3, 298, 300, 302, 30 , 321 ,on4ention 4-;, 1;, 19, 30, 37-8, ; , 80, 92, 9;, 110-1 , 124- , 130, 148, 283, 28 -;, 303, 307, 321 ,ostu6e 10 ,riti,is6 ##7;#9, 1;0, 231 ,ultur$l ,$pit$l #8;#9, 20, 7 , 193, 2;;, 2;8, 314-1; ,ultur$l ,o66odity 14, 8, 78, 110, 112, 114, 1#:;#1, 319, 321-3 ,ultur$l ,o6peten,e 19, 42, 308 ,ultur$l dope 17, 19, 119, 121, 309, 31 ,ultur$l <te:tu$l= e,ono6y 18, 227, 277, 1##;#1( 1&&;2, 32; ,ultur$l pro,ess 17-19 ,ulture 1, 4, #8;&:, 21, 2 , 3;, 41-2, 48, ;0, ;3, 72-7, 93, 9;, 11 , 143, 14;, 240, 2;;, 323 ,ulture industry 38, 47, 93, 110, 308, 320-3 de,enteredness 190, 19 -7, 217-18, 233, 308 de5er6ent #8&;2, 14;, 21; di$lo!i, 89, 90, 10; di$lo!ue -;, 11, 30, 32, 184, 21 , 29 die!esis 130-1, 14 -7, 17;, 19 , 2 7, 2;0 dis,ourse 12, #2;#3 21, 2 , 29, 3 , 37, 38, 41-4, 49, 2, 3- , ;3, ;;-7, 70, 74, 80, 82, 84-9 , 118, 131, 142, 144, #3#;62, 1;7, 192, 204, 232, 2 2-4, 282, 288-9, 291-2, 307-8, 321 disruption 7, 93, 98, 138-40, 14 -;, #8:;&, 183, 191, 228, 24 , 249, 2;0, 2;2, 283;, 288-9, 293, 297-8, 301-8 di4ersity 1;, , 8, ;3, ;;, 81, 89, 93, 94, 107, 12;, 144, 179, 228, 303, 307, 31;, 1#9;&6 do,u6ent$ry 28-30, 4 , 4;, 9 , 129 do6in$nt 20-1, 8;, 2;1, 28;, 317-19 do6in$nt spe,ul$rity 8, 2 , 2;, 28, 33, 3 , 8;, 87, 130, 2 1 do6in$tion 1;, 19, 40-1, 43, 44, 73, 8;, 92-3, 99, 12;, 18;, 197, 21;, 31;-17 editin! , 8, 22, 2 , &6;9, 111, 184, 219, 238, 2 -8, 2;0, 2;2-3, 272 e55e,t #9;&:, ;7, 93 e55e,ti4ity 13, 19-20, 3 , 40, 4 , ;1, 83, 140, 173, 189, 241, 299, 318, 32; e6po#er6ent 14 , 184-92, 231-2, 23;, 239, 242, 247, 249, 2 0, 2 3-4, 2;0, 2;4, 277, 314 entert$in6ent 27 -7, 282, 32; es,$pis6 317 ethno!r$phy ;3, 72, 73, 93, 94, 124, 12 , 30 e4$sion 19, 7, 89, 127, 230, 234, 240, 2;0, 273-4, 314, 317 e:,ess 9, 9:;1, 104, 122, 133, 1 0, 1;4, 184, 192-4, 20;, 240, 243-4, 24;-7, 249, 2 7-8, 2;1, 2;3-4, 277, 280, 293, 312 e:,orpor$tion 2 3-4, 31 e:no6in$tion 2&;2, 134, 1;7, 289, &9:;#, 292, 298-301 e:s,ription 204- , 210, 212, 221, 2 7 5$6ily 0, 4-8, ;1, ;3, 72, 7 -7, 134, 144- , 1;3, 181-2, 18;, 190, 19;, 20;, 218,

279, 281 5$n 19, 70, 8 , 91, 97, 113, 118, 119, 121, 123-7, 149- 4, 172-3, 17 , 181-2, 193, 21;, 237-8, 249 5$nt$sy 24, 79, 101, 1 2, 172, 18 -8, 200, 209, 277, 1#7;#9 5e6ininity 12, 1;, 19, 38, ;;, 70, 71, 7 , 77, 81, 90, 93, 112, 113, 11 , 144, 14;, 1 8, 1;1, 1;7, #79;97, 198, 232, 24;-7, 2 7, 308, 317 5e6inis6 39-40, 43, 4 , 47, 2, 9, ;7, 90, 1;3, 1;;-8, 32 5etish 22 -;, 2 3, 2;; 5i!ure 142-3, 1 9 5in$n,i$l e,ono6y 311-13, 324, 32; 5lo# 1 , 1;, 79, 99;#:3, 109 5ol* ,ulture 107, 13 -8, 141, 147-8 -3495or6 23, &2;11, 10;, 112, 177, 293, 29;, 30; 5or6ul$ 10;, 110, 1; Fr$n*5urt (,hool 38, 39, 93 5un,tion <o5 n$rr$ti4e= 13 -8, 141-2, 29 !$6e sho#s 97, 1 1, 18; !$7e 11, 7, 8, 18;, 22 , 24;-7, 2 3, 2 8, 2 9 !ender 9, 12, 13, 1 , 17, 38, 42, 43, 4 , 0-2, 9, ;2, ;;-7, 71-2, 8;-7, 111, 113, 132, 1 8, 1;0-1, 1;7-8, 178, #79;&&1( 230, 2 9, 282-3, 322-3 !enre 7;, 84, 92, 9;, #:8;#3, 128, 147, #66( 179-80, 193, 220-2, 2 4, 2;2, 271, 282 !l$n,e 28, 7, 8 !ossip 7;, 77;8:, 84, 97, 98, 10;, 108, 123, 17 -;, 179, 279, 282, 322 !rotesGue 242-3, &27;9, 2;3-4 h$66o,*in! 102 he!e6ony 40-1, 44, 7 , 93, 133, 140, 183, 192, 197, 217, 218-19, 223, 22 , 234- , 248-9, 270, 278 hero te$6 &#&;#2, 217, 221, 28;, 298 heroIine 7-13, 1;, 24- , 33, 3;, ;4, 84, 8;, 92, 93, 111, 121, 130, 132, 133, #13;2#, 14;, 149, 1;1, 177, 18;, 192, 201, 212, 2 8, 29 , 301 hetero!eneity 17, 19, 37, 41, 8, 87, 98, 147-8, 234, 23;, 240 hetero!lossi$ 89, 90, 9; hier$r,hy o5 dis,ourses 2 , 2;, 29, 33, 3 , 39, 40, 43, 8;, 94, 9;, 1;7, 288, 290, 321 ho6o!eneity 12, 1;, 17, 19, 38, 41, 84, 89, 100, 133, 147-8, 234, 23;, 240, 309, 31;, 319, 324-; hyperre$l 2 1, 2;0 identi5i,$tion 0, , 9 , 12 , 1 0, 1 4, 1; , #69;78, 194, 20 , 213, 217 ideolo!i,$l identi5i,$tion 17;-8 ideolo!i,$l ple$sure 240 ideolo!i,$l pr$,ti,e 11-12, 2 , 34, 3;, 1-2, 88, 130, 1;0, 277, 284-;, 290, 309, 31 ideolo!y 3;6, 8-17, 19-20, 24- , 11;27, ;0, ;3-4, ;;-7, 70, 88, 92-3, 110-14, 130, 138-40, 1 1, 1 3, 1;0, 1;3, 1;9, 201, 20 , 233, 240, 2 0, 2;0, 278, 284-9, 293, 30;, 309-10, 314, 317, 32 ideolo!y <do6in$nt= 1, 9, 11-12, 1;, 2 -;, 33, 3 -41, 47, 2, ;4, 8 , 88, 91, 93-4, 112, 117, 140, 1;;-7, 1;9-71, 181, 187, 192, 198, 218, 22 -7, 234, 247-8, 2 3, 27 ,

291, 30;, 32 i6pli,$tion 12 , 171, #71;6, 184, 189 i6pli,$tion e:tri,$tion 174-;, 178, 189-90, 232, 23; in,orpor$tion 38-9, 4 , 23;, 241, 273, 27 , 310, 31 indi,es <o5 n$rr$ti4e= 141-2 indi4idu$l 48- 1, 79, 88, 10 , 130, #3&;1( #38;66, 1;9-70, 17;-8, 201, 211, 24;, 2 9, 294, 299 ino,ul$tion 39, &9:;#, 299, 302 interpell$tion 31;8, 1;2, 310 interte:tu$lity 8, 9, 1 -17, 8 , #:8;&7, 128, 142, 143-4, 147, 17;, 208, 2 1-2, 2 9 interte:tu$lity, hori7ont$l #:8;#7, 208-9 interte:tu$lity, 4erti,$l 108, ##7;&6, 208-9 irony 11, 83;7, 92 ?o*e 11, 12, 1;, ;;-7, 87 %ouissance 183, 224, 227-30, 2 0 *no#led!e 27, 3-4, ;;, 79, 10;-8, 114-1;, 143, 242, 2;;-9, 274-9, 282, 304 l$n!u$!e 41, 42, 44, 49, 2, 7, 9, ;9, 78, 89, 90, 11;, 121, 122, 128, 141, 183, 229, 241, 318 langue 128, 129, 131, 138 li!htin! , 8, 30, 32, 33, 92, 111 li4eness 22, 23, 149, 272-3 loo* 28-30, 7, 8, 22 -7, 242-4, 24;-7, 2 2-3, 2 7, 2;1, 2;4 lu,* 2;9-71 -3 0porno!r$phy 184- , 210-12, 2 2 positionin! 2 , 33, 3 , 4, 9, 91, 139, 212, 22;, 2 8, 271, 303-4 post6odernis6 10 , 11;, 22 , 249, &32;3 po#er 8, 14, 1;-19, 42, 44, 47, ;9, 7 -7, 89, 93, 112, 12;, 134, 174, 178, #82;9&, 201-2, 20;, 212, 224- , 231, 233, 2;0, 2;;-9, 277, 308, 1#2;#9, 32; produ,ers 4, 14, 17, ;, 7 , 93, 97, 109-13, 11 , 118, 124, 149- 1, 239, 2 4, 2;2, 283, 310-12, 319, 322, 324 pro!r$6 14-17, 19, 4, 77, 81, 83, 88, 102, 107, 110, 111, 11 , 121, 14;, 312, 319 pro!ressi4e 30, 34, 4;, 47, ;7, 114, 194- , 228 prolet$ri$n shoppin! 2;2-3 psy,ho$n$lysis 9-;1 pun 104, 273 Gui7 sho#s 97, 129, 14 , 1 1, &63;8: r$,e , 9, 10, 17, 43, 2, ;2, 84, 8;, 111, 134, 1 8, 1;0-1, 178, 214, 32 r$di,$l 30, 33-8, 4 -7, 88, 9 , 134, 140, 1 4, 193, 198, 287, 290-1 re$der 14, 1;, #7, 3 , 41, 4;, ;2, 63;81, 84, 8;, 93-4, 9;, 98, 103, 114, 122, 142-4, 1;3, 194, 227, 230, 308 re$der <or 4ie#er or sub?e,t= positionin! 11, 2 , 39, 4;, 7, 91, 121, 1;3-4, 173, 18990, 194- , 22 , 2;0, 2;7 re$din! 1;, 19, 40, 4 , 47, ;2, 63;81, 8 , 92;9, 111, 114, 11;-18, 129-30, #29;78, 181, 193, 230, &11;2, 1:&;8, 319 re$din!I6e$nin! <do6in$nt= ;4, 82, 8;, 91, 118

re$din! <ne!oti$ted= ;4, 82 re$din! <opposition$l= ;3, ;4, 82, 88, 93, 107, 198, 222, 247, 28 , 302 re$din! <pre5erred= 62;3, 8;, 92, 93, 114, 117, 118 re$din! rel$tions ;1, 80, 100, 107, 117, 14 , 1;9, 17 , 222, 237, 239, 282, 288, 308, 31 re$din! str$te!y 4- , 88, 9;, 113, 119, 121, 129-30, 1 1, #31;68, 171, 17;-8, 198, 222, 307-8 re$lis6 ;, &#;27, 1, 80, 87, 97;9, 103, 11 , 121- , 129, #1:;#, 140, 143-4, #3#;2, 178, 209, 230, 294 re$lis6 oper$tor 141, 1;1, 214 re$lity <the re$l= 4-;, 21, 22-30, 41-7, ;0, 83, 11 -19, 121-3, 128, 131, #21, 147, #69;78, 231, 2 0, 283, 28;, 288-9, 291, 302 re,eption 14, 27, 71, 7&;7, 9 , 1 1 re5le,tion 21 repertoire 82, 192, 237, 313, 322 represent$tion , ;, 14, 21, 38, 43-7, 0, 2, ;0, 7;, 83, 91, 94- , 99, 11 -1;, 121-2, 124, 14;, 1 1, 1 3-4, 1 9, 1;8-78, 204- , 227, 231, 23;-9, 287, 307, 1#7 resist$n,e 19, 40-1, 2, ;8-70, 7 , 77-8, 94, 98-9, 12;, 140, 191, 198, 222-3, 227, 230, 232, 23 , 240-1, 2 4, 2;0, 273, 309, 1#2;#9 ritu$l 110-11, 244, 2; -; rules 82, 192, 237, 313, 322 s,hedulin! ;, 7 , 100, 102, 104, 113, #29;3:, 1;;, 282, 319 s,reen theory 2 , 48, 7, 9, ;1, 74, 83, 93 se$6lessness 27-9 se!6ent<$tion= 2, ;, 1;, 2 , 94, 99;#:3, 14 , 179, 219, 22;, 281, 284, 297, 303, 30 sel5 49- 0, 9-;0, #3&;2, 1;4- , 170, 174, 17;-8, 200, 240, 2 9-;0 se6ioti, 1, ;, 19, 8;, 92-3, 9;, 12;, 133, 203, 241, 248, 287, 30 se6ioti, de6o,r$,y 9 , 23;, 239 se6ioti, e:,ess 91-3, 20;, 302, 31;, 319 se6ioti, po#er 93, 12;, 133, 31;-19, 32; settin! 10, 141-2, 1;1-2, 188, 193-4, 220, 22 , 229, 240, 2 0, 318, 32; -3 2si!ni5ied 84, 11;, 1 8, 229, 240, 2 0-1, 2 3, 2 9-;1, 31 si!ni5ier 12, 84, 9;, 11;, 1 8, 228-9, 231, 233, 240, 243, 249- 3, 2 , 2 9-;1, 31 , 317 sit,o6 22, 7, 112-14, 14 , 307 so$p oper$ 19, 22-3, 38, 7, ;8, 7;-80, 8 -;, 91, 9;, 103, 112-13, 11 , 119, 121, 124, 141, 14 -;, 149, 1 2, 17 -;, #79;97, &#3;&1, 232, 273, 279, 282, 308 so,i$l ,h$n!e 33, 3 , 44-7, ;0, 88, 140, 32; so,i$l di55eren,e 1;-17, ; -8, 81, 90, 241, 308, 32; so,i$l re$lis6 22-3, 30, 4; so,i$l rel$tions 1 , 2;, 37, 41, 48-9, 2-3, 78, 81, 83, 87, 91, 117, 19;, 240, 2 9, 308-9, 32; spe,t$,le 20 , &21;7, 2 0, 2 2-3, 2 7, 2 9-;0, 2;4 spe,t$tor 17, 2 , 28, 7-8, ;1, 119, 177, 22 -;, 24 , 247, 2 0 sport 8, 7 -;, 97, 11;, 129, 14 , 179, 209, 234- , 237, &22;9, 2 1

st$r 121, 124, #29;3#, 242-3, 2;7, 270, 278-9 stru,tur$lis6 41-2, 48, 12 , 130, #1#;2&, 143, 147, #3#;2, 288 style 233, 249-;4 sub?e,t<i4ity= 12, 23, 2 , 37, 40, 28;67, 81-2, 87, 91, 9 , 147, #32, 188, 193-4, 22 , 229, 240, 2 0, 318, 32; subordin$te 19-20, 44, 8;, 127, 23 -;, 24;, 249, 2 4, 2;4, 2;;, 277, 28;, 310, 314, 31;-19, 320, 322, 324, 32; subordin$tion 40-1, 43-4, 47, 70, 73, 8 -;, 88-9, 93, 127, 1 4, 1 9, 188, 233, 240, 248-9, 2 4, 2 9, 277, 317 suture 28 synt$!6 128-9, 13 , 141, 14 , 194, 2;3, 283 tent-polin! 102 te:t 1, , #2;#3, 1;, 17, 19, 24, 2;, 34, 3 , 37, 41, 4 , 4;, 49, 0, 1, 6&;3, ;;-83, 82; #&7, #2:, 142-4, 1 3-4, 1;0, 170, 17;, 193, 19;-7, 198, 238-40, 1:2;6, 313, 321 te:t <,losed= ;4, 94- , 98, 103, 144, 322 te:t <!host= 239 te:t <open= 40, 94- , 103, 10 , 144, 147, 179, 320 te:t <pri6$ry= 84, 108, 114, 117-19, 124, 12;, 173, 17;, 187, 20 , 214 te:t <produ,erly= 9 -9, 103, 10 , 124, 14 , 147, 237, 239, 2 1, 308, 31;, 319 te:t <r$di,$l= 37, 23;7, 9 , 238 te:t <re$derly= 92;3, 9;, 98, 103, 322 te:t <se,ond$ry= 84- , 108, ##7;&2, 12;, #62;8, 173, 17;, 187, 20 , 237, 271, 304 te:t <terti$ry= 108, #&2;6, 17;, 304 te:t <#riterly= 92;3, 103, 144, 14; te:tu$lity 1 , 9 , 9;, 17 , &16;9, 30;-7 tr$nsp$ren,y <5$ll$,y= 21, 23, 3 , 2 2, 282, 28;, 289 uni$,,entu$l 31;-17 4i,ti6 9, 84, 139, 1 7-8, 1;1, 1;4, 1;7, 193, 212, 232, 28;, 29 , 297, 307 4ie#er 1, 7-9, 1;, #7, 19, 2 , 2;, 33, 3 , 3;, 4 , 4, 7, 8, ;3, ; , 74, 77, 78, 84, 8 , 92, 9;-8, 104, 111, 11 , 117, 14 -;, 171, 174-;, 22;, 239, 283 4ill$inI4ill$iness ;-11, 1 -1;, 2 , 33, 84-;, 90, 111, 130, 132, 134, 13 -8, 140-1, 18;, 190-2, 211, 28;, 29 , 298, 301, 307 4iolen,e 9, 209, 227, 28; 4oyeur 28, 3, 187, 189, 22 -7, 24;, 2 3 #or* 9;, 98, 10 , 144, 230 #restlin! 209, 240, &21;3: 7$ppin! 104-3 3-

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