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Judicious Discipline Update JD Survey Results (Beginning/End of 2nd Trimester) I know my educational rights in this classroom

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Disagree Not Sure Agree End Beginning

I can improve my reading and writing

140 120 100 80 End 60 40 20 0 Disagree Not Sure Agree Beginning

My teacher cares about me

70 60 50 40 End 30 20 10 0 Disagree Not Sure Agree Beginning

3rd Trimester Judicious Discipline 7th Grade Implemented JD Detention students who do not respond to teacher in the way of a democratic classroom and infringes on the learning abilities of his/her classmates then students will be given detention to go over the infraction with Mr. Babcock. Mrs. McGuire has yet to need a detention intervention in her class. Beginning of trimester students chose to work on being respectful to others and being responsible for their own learning as their main goal. Goals have been related to handing in homework on time and getting 100% on their spelling tests (to focus on the responsibility for learning). Students are also to be sitting at their desk when the bell rings to start the day ready to learn.

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