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SEPTEMBER University of California Cooperative Extension Common Ground Garden Program http: !elosangeles"u!

davis"edu Common#Ground#Garden#Program
So$ in Septem%er: beets bok choy broccoli Brussels sprouts cabbage carrots cauliflower celery chard chervil chives collards endive garlic kale kohlrabi leeks lettuce (heading types) green onions short-day bulb onions (like Grano, Granex and Walla Walla) parsley (flat-leaf) parsnips peas white potatoes radishes spinach turnips Transplant in Septem%er: herbs lettuce (heading types) fruit and nut trees So$ or transplant in Septem%er: ageratums alyssums asters astilbes baby blue eyes baby s breath (gypsophila) bachelor s buttons (cornflower) begonias calendulas (winter or pot marigold) campanulas (bellflower, canterbury bells) candytufts (iberis) carnations (dianthus, pinks, sweet William) chrysanthemums clarkias (godetia) columbines (a!uilegia) coral bells (heuchera) coreopsis (pot of gold, calliopsis) gloriosa daisy (rudbeckia, black-eyed-"usan, coneflower) "hasta daisy #nglish daisy (bellis) delphiniums forget-me-nots (myosotis) foxgloves gaillardias (blanket flower) gerberas ($ransvaal daisy) geums hollyhocks impatiens larkspur linarias lobelias lunarias (honesty, silver dollar plant) nemesias nigellas (love-in-a-mist, %ersian &ewel) pansies penstemons (bearded tongue) phloxes 'celand, (riental and )alifornia poppies primroses (primula) salvias snapdragons statice (limonium, sea lavender) stocks sweet peas verbena viola )alifornia wildflowers Plant fall&!olor perennials in Septem%er' in!luding: cyclamen fortnight lily *affir lily primroses Transplant in Septem%er: perennials ground covers shrubs vines trees Plant shru%s' in Septem%er' $ith !olorful %erries for fall and $inter a!!ents: abelia barberry bottlebrush forsythia holly hydrangea oleander pyracantha !uince toyon Plant in Septem%er: iris rhi+omes daylily crowns lily bulbs Bul%s to plant in Septem%er for spring %loom' in!luding: alliums amaryllis anemones brodiaeas crocuses daffodils freesias fritilarias galanthus baby glads glory-of-the-snows grape, ,utch and wood hyacinths ,utch irises ixias leuco&ums lycoris montbretias narcissus paperwhites peonies ranunculus scilla snowdrops sparaxis tigridia tritonia triteleia dogtooth violets watsonias winter aconites Bul%s to !hill in Septem%er: crocus daffodil hyacinth narcissus tulips

Start or reseed la$ns in Septem%er

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