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Ian Pizarro Garca 4B

Summary: Chapter I While Winston is working, the dark-haired girl fall and Winston help her, but at that moment the girl gave him a note, that later Winston will read and was wrote: I love you. Firstly he doesnt know what that means, but after this, Winston started feeling something with her, it was in LOVE, now he founds sense to life. Several days later, Winston and the girl plan a meeting in Victory Square where they will be able to hide from cameras and they will have the chance to talk without been observe. In that meeting they manage to hold their hands, so they feel a new stimulus, they were in love! Summary: Chapter II Winston and the girl were one in front of the other behind the bushes, without knowing what to do, so she introduce herself, she was named Julia, after that, they have sex. After that passionate moment, Winston asked her if she had do that with others, because in that case they will be breaking the law.

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