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Useful keys to access Charms in a touchless world Windows Key + C: Opens Charms Bar Windows Key + I: Access the settings or control panel for active app Windows Key + Q: Search your applications Windows Key + Z: Open the apps bar to see all your installed programs

Useful keys for display setup Windows Key + P: Switch displays Windows Key + D: Switch to Desktop Windows Key + Comma(,): Peek at Desktop

Useful keys for Search and multitasking Windows Key + Tab: Like alt tab, but for Modern UI Windows Key + Number (1,2,3...): Selects active apps on taskbar Windows Key + Period(.) or Windows Key + T: Cycle through open apps on the taskbar

Useful keys for active window Windows Key + Shift + Period(.): Snap current Modern app to the side Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow: Snap current window to the left/right Windows Key + Up Arrow: Maximize window Windows Key + Down: Minimize window Windows Key + Home: Minimize everything but the active window

Useful keys for power users Windows Key + Pause/Break: View machine and system info Win + X: Menu of advanced options for system management, command prompts, etc. Windows Key + E: Open Explorer Windows Key + R: Open Run command Windows Key + L: Enable Lock screen

Useful Keys for Accessibility Windows Key + Plus or Minus(+/-) Key: Enable magnifier to zoom in and zoom out Windows Key + Enter: Enable Narrator to read out text in active apps.

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