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Raz 1 Kristin Raz Educ 215 October 7, 2013 Critical Literacy Lessons I was glancing at the different online

journals from the CSI library website, and reading the words, critical lessons in early literacy caught my eye. Language Arts, vol 82 No.5 March 2005, Remembering Critical Lessons in Early Literacy Research had some great information that I can relate too in my job. Being one of the first responders in childrens development and literacy is very critical. According to Goodman, Smith, Meredith, and Goodman (1987) the language is generated by the child, but it is changed in transactions with others by their responses. Children do not wait for formal instruction before they read and write. Working in the field of educating children at a young age, I know I have an important job to do. There are several critical lessons in this article. I really enjoyed, Critical Lesson: Children Simultaneously Develop as Readers, Writers, and Meaning Makers from Birth. It talks about how literacy is being developed way before it is formally taught. For Doakes (1988) son Raja, literacy development begins at 6 hours of age when he is read to for the first time. According to research, it is confirmed that songs, story reading and rhymes support young children from their earliest days as active and purposeful readers and writers in the family context. This is a great reminder to parents, caregivers and siblings; it is never too early to start early literacy lessons.

Children do not wait for formal instruction before they read and write.

Raz 2 Reminders: 1) Read to child at young age 2) Tell your child nursery rhymes 3) Sing to and with your child

Critical Lessons

Literacy is Individual

Children Simultaneously Develop as Readers, Writers, and Meaning makers from Birth

Literacy is Social

Literacy is Cultural practice






Simultaneously and siblings are the words I used for Find and Replace.

Raz 3

Reference page Doake, D. (1988). Reading begins at birth. New York: Scholastic Goodman, K. S., Smith, E.B., Meredith, R., Goodman, Y.M. (1987). Language and thinking in school (3rd Ed.). New York: Richard Owen.

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