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Jade Dickson-Hill


Course Prefi !Num"er-#ec$ion


Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

%ri$e a paragraph on each of $&e follo'in()
1* %&a$ did +ou learn a"ou$ ,lifelon( 'ellness- from $akin( $&is .eneral /duca$ion class0 1 learned lifelon( 'ellness "+ $akin( $&is (olf class "ecause i$ is some$&in( +ou can pla+ e2en in +our old a(e* 3ur coac& spoke of 4 "ro$&ers all in a"ou$ $&eir 405s '&o 'ould come $o $&e course e2er+ 6rida+ and pla+ 17 &oles* 2 &a2e passed no' "u$ $&e o$&er 2 s$ill come ou$ and pla+ e2er+ 6rida+* 1$ is $&e kind of spor$ +ou can al'a+s prac$ice and pla+ and $&ere is al'a+s room $o impro2e*

2* Ho' 'ould +ou appl+ $&is informa$ion $o +our life0 1 &ope $o s$ill "e (olfin( in m+ 405s* 1$ is a no impac$ spor$ and a spor$ $&a$ can "e pla+ed and 'orked on +our en$ire life* 1 &a2e "een pla+in( (olf for a '&ile and am (e$$in( m+ &us"and in$o i$ as 'ell* 1 &ope $o (olf 'i$& &im and &a2e i$ "e our $&in( $&a$ 'e can al'a+s do $o(e$&er* 1$ is an ac$i2i$+ $&a$ can "e en8o+ed in $&e sun and $o (e$ us ou$side more* 1$ is also an ama9in( spor$ $&a$ allo's +ou $o mee$ ne' people*

3* %&a$ is +our in$en$ion $o con$inue $o prac$ice '&a$ +ou &a2e learned in +our life and '&+0 1 &a2en5$ pla+ed in $ournamen$s for a '&ile and $&ou(&$ $&is class could (e$ me mo$i2ia$ed a"ou$ (olf a(ain* 1 plan on si(nin( up for a$ leas$ one %omens .olf :ournamen$ $&is #ummer* 1 lo2e "ein( ou$side and lo2e pla+in( (olf a(ain* 1 see $&e areas 1 need $o 'ork on so $&a$ 1 can lo'er m+ score* :&is class &as &elped (e$ m+ confidence "ack and &as mo$i2a$ed me $o 'an$ $o pla+ more of$en and compe$i$i2el+ a(ain* 1$ is impor$an$ $o do $&e $&in(s +ou lo2e i$ 'ill lead $o a &appier life* 1$ is also impor$an$ $o main$ain a &eal$&+ lifes$+le* %&ile (olf isn5$ a cardio2ascular spor$ i$ promo$es a &eal$&ier ac$i2e lifes$+le* 4* .eneral ideas for impro2in( $&is course0 1 reall+ en8o+ed $&is course* Ho'e2er 1 'is& 'e &ad more oppor$uni$ies $o pla+ 4 &oles* %e 'ere supposed $o (e$ 2 da+s ou$ of $&e 6 $o (o pla+ 4 "u$ (o$ rained ou$ on 2 da+s* 1 'is& $&ere 'as an op$ion $o pla+ 4 eac& da+* ;ou (e$ so muc& prac$ice pla+in( 4 and can 'ork on all areas of +our (ame* 1 unders$and $&a$ $&e "e(inners 'ould no$ 'an$ $o $&ou(& and $&ou(&$ i$ 'as (rea$ $&a$ $&ere 'as a coac& 'i$& $&em on $&e ran(e $o $eac& $&em $&e "asics*

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