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The game features an asynchronous multiplayer element.

The "multiplayer" experie nce is a one-on-one interaction between two human characters in which one player secretly joins the single player experience of another player.[17] The first pl ayer (which entered the other player's world) is tasked with finding the second player (who is initially unaware that another human is in their game session - n o notification is given to the second player). Once the first player finds the s econd player, the objective is updated. The first player's new objective involve s installing a back-door virus into the second player's smartphone, then hiding while the virus siphons a portion of the data the second player has collected. T he first player must stay within a certain radius of the second player for the d ownload to progress. Once the download is initiated, the second player is alerted that they have been hacked and that data is being stolen from their smartphone. Once the second pla yer has been alerted of the intrusion their objective is to locate the first pla yer who is stealing their data, and either kill the first player or cause them t o flee to such a distance that the download is halted (a certain minimum distanc e must be maintained for the download to progress). Any stolen information incre ases the first player's power once they return to their own single-player sessio n. It was recently confirmed that an online free roam mode will be featured in the game.[18] Other multiplayer modes include CtOS Mobile Challenge, Online Hacking, Decryption, and a racing mode.[19]

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