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Seven Things Students Want to Know Douglas Brooks says that students want to know seven things on the

first day of school, thus, effective teachers plan their first day of school accordingly. The seven things students want to know on the first day of school are 1. Am I in the right room? I will address this issue by checking the roster to be sure that the correct students are in my classroom. I will also help students to get to their correct room quickly. 2. Where am I supposed to sit? This issue will be addressed by having assigned seating throughout the year and make accommodations as needed. Students feel a sense of belonging when they know they have a place to sit. 3. What are the rules in this classroom? My classroom rules will be visible in the classroom and procedures will be put into place on the first day of school. My rules are as follows: THE 5 PS 1. I will be prompt 2. I will be prepared 3. I will be patient 4. I will be polite 5. I will be productive Above all Have Fun! 4. What will I be doing this year? As I mentioned before with rules I will have procedures as well implemented on the first day and practiced for the next 3 weeks. Procedures are a very important part of classroom management it teaches students how to you want things done. 5. How will I be graded? Students grades are based upon the statewide grading system. But an effective teacher is more concerned with the students completing their assignments, passing their tests, and being prompt on his/her feedback.

6. Who is the teacher as a person? As a teacher I will address this issue by first dressing the part! I want to be a role model for all of my children and be able to inspire every one of them. I believe sharing your personal life, work, and family with your students will allow them to see you as a person and in return you will gain their trust. 7. Will the teacher treat me as a human being? As the article stated, everyone wants to be treated with respect, dignity, and love. My classroom will be well organized, inviting, structured, and a place where everyone will be respected. I have high expectations of my students and I expect them to do their best at all times.

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