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Mentor Interview
Prepared by: Amal J. Azoury

From your perspective, what accomplishments might be attributed to this leadership initiative? Looking back to the last six month, we have to be grateful for the safety of the school and the minimal number of accidents happening at the school due to your vigilance and being proactive and having safe plan ahead of time always

If I could rewind and do this again, what might have improved the results? For sure there is always area for improvement. I believe you have done an amazing job and the only thing I would improve on is the first aid and fire training of our staff at the start of the academic year and the display of the first aid trains names and pictures in public places to become the to go to person in case of emergency

What changes have you seen in me as a teacher and teacher leader as a result of this course work and leadership initiative? I am so proud of you being such a lifelong learner and always ready to learn and listen. I have seen you growing and maturing into the fine administrator you are today and this is only due to your commitment to learn and grow as a professional

What would you recommend as next steps in developing as a teacher leader? I would recommend that the same way you had access to professional development to grow as a professional and help the people around you by providing similar opportunity for them to learn and grow

What are the next steps for this initiative? Implementation of all policies and procedures and sharing with the wider community all our safety policies and have a safety campaign with students, parents, teachers and staff

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