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Fakhrana Nur Hanifati

Jl Mega Mekar No 3, Perum Mega Raya, Sukaraja 2 Bandung 40175.West Java. 08122046528.

OBJECTIVE Employment in your company.

EDUCATION UniversitasPendidikan Indonesia Bandung.Bachelor in Biology Major. GPA 3.08 very satisfying. UniversitasPadjajaran Bandung. GPA 3.25 3 semesters. Currently last semester, and about to write a thesis. Completed : 2012

Environmental Economics Major. 2012-present

SKILLS Ms. Office.

EMPLOYMENT Trainee in Little Farmers. Own by Bio Farma. Bandung. Farming activities and as a co-assistant for group visiting activity. 2013 2013-present 2010

Private piano teacher Outbound facilitator.CV Primary Indonesia Bandung.

Giving instructions about the game, how the game would relate to the real situation at work.

TEAMWORK English Club Field Trip committee 2003; 2006 2009 2011

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