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Blaize Meyerholtz 3-5-2014 ENGL10600-670 Halliday Geertz Thick Description excerpt There a few lines from Geertz that

I understand completely and that can relate to me and anyone else who reads it. Culture is public because meaning is. You cant wink (or burlesque one) without knowing what counts as winking or how, physically, to contract your eyelids, and you cant conduct a sheep raid (or mimic one) without knowing what it is to steal a sheep and how practically to go about it. These lines describe perfectly how everyone experiences culture. You learn culture through everything you do as the quote explains, you wouldnt know how to do something if it wasnt for culture and learning from it. Geertz also talks about ethnographers and describes them and what they do. He mentions they present a thick description which is composed not only of facts but also of commentary, interpretation and interpretations of those comments and interpretations. Meaning that ethnographers are very descriptive, and involve a lot of other factors to help them be more in depth. He explains how they extract the structures that make up a culture. He believes that culture and the structures are layered and that everything intercrosses and is involved in some way. This article is mainly appointed to explain what ethnographers do and how they do their work. It also helps us understand culture and how it affects us daily. Overall he does a good job at describing these different subjects, and it gives a good description on the differences between them.

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