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Personal Profile Paper

By: Blaize Meyerholtz

Since the beginning of school I have learned a lot about myself, and the way I act in certain situations from having this course. After doing the self-analysis assignments and finding out my scores for them they have taught me things I wouldnt have ever known about myself, and they also helped my assure what I already knew about myself. I have thought about these ideas from their calculations, and formed opinions and ideas about how I see myself, how other people see me, how I work with others, goals that I have set for my life, and areas for improvement in my life, and this is what I will be referring to throughout this personal profile evaluation.

How Do You See Yourself?

When I view myself as an extroverted person, I see myself as being cooperative with others, and being a part of a group. I would also have the help of a team and be able to figure out problems with more than just myself. I feel a lot more confident, and able to complete problems better with other people. For example, according to exercise I.A.5 in my self-assessment tests, it distinguishes that I like to work with groups and learn best by working with others or that I am Bodily-Kinesthetic. If I would have the choice of working with my friends or being alone I would choose the group over myself. Going along with this assessment it shows me that I would rather be in a workplace that involves more people, and would get alone with them and work better than in an environment where I was by myself. After viewing myself as an extroverted person, I looked at myself as a leader and the selfassessment test that allowed me to gain insight on the part of myself was, How confident am I in my abilities to succeed, exercise IV.A.3. Since I scored a 37 on this test it showed me that I am pretty confident in my abilities to succeed and proved I am capable of doing so. Take the

group presentation for example, we never really selected an official leader, but I felt as if I was making sure we were getting together and getting it done. After a few meetings I felt like I kept our group together and cooperating. It also gave me a little more courage in my leadership skills and being able to keep things together. It may have been a little more stressful, but I felt like I had accomplished more which will help me later on.

How Do Other People See You?

During my conversation with my friend Jared Sparrow, I came to realize that people see me as a very friendly person and that I try to help others and take time to listen to their opinions and what they have to say before I can discuss my own beliefs. Along with this my friends see me as a resourceful person when it comes to helping them make decisions or solve problems reasonably. He said, You are someone who asserts yourself, and can take control of certain situations better than most people. That I am able to calm people and be a leader when the time is needed. I try to lead my friends or people I care about in a good direction and I feel that I accomplish this goal. I also feel as if I am improving this while taking this course and it is helping me a better leader. The assessment that helps prove these statements is Exercise II.B.4. Do others see me as trustworthy? I scored a 49 which is above the standard score saying that people are more likely to perceive me as a trustworthy person saying I can be a good leader when it comes down to it. Even though sometimes I feel like I am a pretty good leader I feel though there are some things that I need to work on.

How Do You Work With Others?

While working with my team on our project presentation I realized that I could stand out and be able to lead while not fully saying I was a leader. As I have learned in exercise IV.A3. I

scored a 37 on the test How confident am I in my abilities to succeed, which helped me understand that I can be confident in my abilities to help lead and stand out other than just sitting back and letting other people take control. Although I have some strengths in having confidence there are some things that I need to fix. According to exercise I.A.2, I am extroverted which means I like to work with people over working by myself. When it comes to my face-to-face communication style in exercise II.A.1, the way that I communicate with people the best are at a tie with being Dominant, Dramatic, Impression Leaving, and being Friendly. The ways I communicate really depends on the situation that I am in, and the people I am dealing with. I may be Dominant but sometimes doing so can lead to negatives. Depending on the person it can change the way I talk to them or view them. Also being too friendly can sometimes be taken advantage of and can lead me into getting into trouble. Sometimes you have to just say no or be more assertive and not so friendly. Another exercise that shows how I work with others is the self-assessment on my listening skills. Exercise II.A.2 explains that I am about in the middle or average with my listening skills. Once again I believe that this is another situation based idea for me. I like to listen to everyone elses ideas and thoughts in a group setting, but there are times when I get off track and do not pay attention when something doesnt catch my interest. For example, in a lecture hall full of students for History 151, I may tend to be distracted by almost anything. Finally, I have different ways in handling conflict and for the most part I like to think I am a pretty compromising person. In exercise II.C.5. I scored the highest in compromising and a close second was competing. In certain situations there is a need for quick action and choice making which is where competing comes into play. On the other hand, there are certain situations where there is time to make choices and where compromising is the most important

approach. Having these two ways of handling conflict leads me to believe that I choose to compromise before anything, but overall I look out for the best interest for myself while accounting for others as well. Overall I believe I am a good group member to have since I bring my own ideas to attention, and account for others ideas from the rest of the group.

What Are Your Goals In Life?

Throughout the next 10 years of my life I see myself graduating from college and moving on to a career in my major. I am not sure what branch of business I want to go in but that is something I am interested in, and I believe it will help me succeed wherever I go. I plan on one day running my familys furniture business, and that is part of the reason that I am interested in business because I have been around it my entire life. Part of the reason this is one of my life long goals is because I know I want to be around the people that I knew growing up and that I will always have my family there. There will always be wealth coming from running my own business, and it will make me happy knowing the people I work with. Even if there isnt as much money involved in the issue as I thought I would still be happy knowing that I am a leader, and knowing that the people I employ or work with have faith in me. In the self-assessment of values and attitudes, exercise I.B1, I recorded my top four terminal and instrumental values. According to the top 4 values for corporate managers my top 4 values dont really align creating a sense of change in my future if I want to be on the top of the managerial pyramid. Some of my terminal values are lasting friendship, prosperity and wealth, happiness and satisfaction in life, and peace and harmony in the world. To me these are the top priorities in my life at the moment considering that I am still a student and havent been to the working world yet. It is important to be satisfied with the way your life is headed as a young

adult because it is how you start the way you build your future career. Along with this it is important to take pride in the things I accomplish, and everyone should value this to be successful in the future. If someone was never to take pride in the tasks they completed there would be no reason for one to continue attacking future goals and aspirations. To go along with these terminal values are my instrumental values. These values are also a key to success in the working world. My top three instrumental values are being assertive, working hard, and being helpful and caring toward others. Once again these are my beliefs that I live by and they go hand-in-hand with something in the business field. Another key thing to look at as I set goals in my life is what motivates me. In exercise I.C.1, the self-assessment ranks the needs for growth, relatedness, and existence. In this exercise it shows that my need for growth is yet to be met, but this is a normal response in the case of a college students. The reason for this is because I am still growing as a young adult and trying to figure out my career path by setting goals for me to reach. On the other hand, it seems that my need for existence is about the same as my growth needs, but I have a base of friendship and security throughout the environment I live in. with everything being identified, it is clear to see my goals in life and where I am headed in the future. Along with some of the values I need to think about and work on so someday I can become a successful leader.

What Is One Area For Improvement?

In order to reach my goals in college and in my future career there may be some adjustments I need to make within my values. In the self-assessment on values and attitudes, studies show that corporate managers ranked self-respect and security as their top two terminal values, while ranking trustfulness and dependability as their top two for instrumental values.

In my assessment on values I did not have any of these as my top values. In order to achieve success in the workplace as a manager I am going to have to work on these 4 values to become a better leader. I need to gain the self-respect of my employees, and be able to have security in my career and where I live. I also need to be more trustful and depend on my workers more. These are all keys to the aspects of management because without being secure in ones self. How people that I am leading are supposed to feel secure in themselves let alone the company? By improving in all of these areas will help me become a successful leader, and will help me take on more challenging and power-oriented positions in the work place which are essential to my life-long goals.

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