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Date: November 23, 2013 Teaching Standard Address: InTASC Nine Course: Teacher Academy Tit e o! Arti!

act: "ie d #$%erience &ourna s

I chose the arti!act "ie d #$%erience &ourna s because that assignment best !it this standard' It best !it this standard because it goes above and beyond !or students' (ou)re observing di!!erent teachers and the *ay they run their c assroom' It)s giving you %ractice so you can run your c assroom the *ay you *ant to' #very teacher is di!!erent and that)s *hat these +ourna s describe'

,y re! ection to %ro!essiona earning and ethica %ractices is the teacher does go above and beyond !or their students' It ta-es a ot o! %ractice and %atience' The *ay their c assrooms are set u% is the *ay you can usua y te ho* that teacher)s %ersona ity is' This standard re! ects sho*ing evidence to continua y eva uate his.her %ractice to meet the needs o! each earner because you have to have variations o! earning to meet a the needs o! each student so they can become a teacher in the !uture i! they *ant to teach a so' It)s the choices you ma-e that e!!ect the students earning'

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