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What does it mean to be a good citizen?

Lesson Plan
Emma Starre Grade level- 1st grade 1. Objective- The students will learn about what it means to be a good citizen and create their own good deed to follow through the legend of Johnny Appleseed. 2. Content standards- Civic ideals and practices 3. Materials- picture books: Johnny Appleseed and Seed by Seed, poster board, paper, markers/crayons, paint, and apples. 4. Step 1- Introduce Johnny Appleseed by reading the picture books and playing video. Step 2- Sing the Johnny Appleseed song with sign language as an activity to remember the lesson. Step 3- Create a list on the poster board of what makes a good citizen, based on the lesson and other ideas. Allow students to input their own thoughts. This list can include community service, sharing, respecting others, kindness and recycling etc. Step 4- Have each student complete the What would Johnny Appleseed do? worksheet (attached). Step 5- Each student can create their own Johnny Appleseed pledge as a promise to do one small deed each day that can help make the world a better place (ex. picking up their toys). They will write their pledges on paper and decorate it with apple stamps (apples cut in half and dipped in paint). Have each student make two copies of their pledge, one to take home and one to hang up in the classroom. Encourage and praise the students when you witness them acting upon their pledge.

Step 6- Lead a class discussion on citizenship activities the whole class can do together. Write these ideas on the poster board. 5. Formative assessments- Check to make sure the students understand citizenship, by what ideas they have for their pledges and their answers on the worksheet. 6. Summative assessments- Interview each student on what citizenship means to them and examples of when they lived out their pledge. 7. Academic Vocabulary- Citizenship: your membership in, responsibility toward, or contribution to your community, and your conduct within your community and nation. Kindness: being loving and courteous to everyone. Community Service: helping out in the local area or giving back to the community through your time, talents and resources. 8. E-learning- You Tube video American Legends Volume 1: Johnny Appleseed.

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