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Hayden Benjamin Aria S.

Halliday English 106 4/15/14 Greene It is funny to hear how Greene thinks of arguments and how they are in his life. With my life arguments are making points that go against others, but often times they are not for any good reasons. The article explains that recently, many places have been making arguments to solve problems. It is a way to approach this is a way. This article mostly speaks on how to frame an argument and the questions that we ask of that argument. It relates to a part of the paper we are writing where we need to analyze what argument is being made in the paper. This is a part of the swales CARS model, but questions about an argument can also be related to the credibility of the source or author of the paper. The paper also has defined, writing as a form of dialogue, with writers responding to the ways others have defined problems and anticipating possible counterarguments. The idea of writing as a form of dialogue is big point of this class for two units now and is very related to class. Though we are not providing much of an argument towards anything in our upcoming paper, I do believe that this article could very much prepare somebody to make an argument. The paper is not hard to understand and gives important points on what an argument should be composed of. Research is often taugh as a process of collecting information for its own sake. On the other hand, research can also be conceived as the discovery and purposeful use of information. The author will continue to make a point that summarizes the whole reading. It is important to

make an argument, because a well shaped argument can help you enter into a conversation of discovering new things and doing research.

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