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Carmen Burgess English 1102 Reflection: EIP The EIP was the final product from the proposal,

o ser!ations, inter!iew, ethnograph", and annotated i liograph"# I can sa" I am proud of m"self of the effort I ha!e put towards the EIP# I chose to use digital media instead of writing a paper for m" EIP# $t the eginning we were told for our EIP presentations we ha!e to show and con!ince our classes this is an important topic, and I felt I would e a le to get m" message across est " digital media# The pre%i presentation allows the reader to ha!e a etter understanding of what nursing homes are due to the m"ths# &n m" pre%i presentation I ha!e used pictures and !ideos to get a etter grasp on what I want m" EIP to accomplish# I used two particular !ideos in m" pre%i to e'emplif" different things people often associate nursing homes with# The first one is a clip from (hutter Island) while the man wal*s onto the island a creep" old woman loo*s at him and seems to scare the man# People sometimes thin* this what people li!ing in the nursing home loo* li*e# The second !ideo is a clip from the +ote oo*, when the man reads stories to his wife with dementia ,ust so his wife can remem er for a few minutes the life she once had# -an" times the elder generation is forgotten a out and people feel the" are less important# Through m" research I was a le to understand that residents. health li!ing in the nursing home were positi!el" effected# I had the opportunit" to !olunteer at a local nursing home, The Pines at /a!idson, for the past "ear and I was a le to use this place for m" o ser!ations# I felt pri!ileged to o ser!e and wor* with the residents e!er" -onda" to

reall" to get *now and understand the residents and their en!ironment at the Pines# This pro,ect was o!erall eneficial to clearl" understand the residents at the nursing home ecause of the ma,or I am pursuing#

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