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Structure of the Planning Commission: The Prime minister is the chairman of the Planning Commission.

The Deputy Chairman and the full time members give advice and guidance for the formulation of Five Year Plan, Annual Plans, State Plans, Pro ects and Schemes etc. Currently the structure of the planning commission is li!e this" #. Chairman $ Dr. %anmohan Singh &. Deputy Chairman$ Shri %onte! Singh Ahlu'alia ( %inister of State$ Shri %.). *a she!haran +. %embers $ Dr. ,irit Pari!h,Prof. Abhi it Sen ,Dr. ).-. Chopra ,Dr. .halchandra %unge!ar ,Dr. /%s.0 Syeda 1ameed ,Shri ..2. Yugandhar ,Shri An'ar$ul$1oda, Shri .. ,. Chaturvedi 3. Secretary$ Dr. Subhas Pani Functions of the Planning Commission India: Following are the functions of the Planning Commission of India: To ma!e an assessment of the resources of the country and to see 'hich resources are deficient. To formulate plans for the most effective and balanced utili4ation of country5s resources. To indicate the factors 'hich are hampering economic development. To determine the machinery, that 'ould be necessary for the successful implementation of each stage of plan. Periodical assessment of the progress of the plan. 6ith the changing times, the Planning commission is preparing itself for long term vision for the future. The commission is seeing to ma7imi4e the output 'ith minimum resources. From being a centrali4ed planning system, the 8ndian economy is slo'ly progressing to'ards indicative planning 'herein the Planning Commission has set the goal of constructing a long term strategic vision for the future. 8t sets sectoral targets and provides the catalyst to the economy to gro' in the right direction. The Planning Commission plays an integrative role in the development of a holistic approach to the formulation of policies in critical areas of human and economic development.

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