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-Inverted-triangle- broad at the top and pointed and the base.

General statement

Point of research -Narrative introduction- opening with a story to dram readers into a topic, keep story short so that it connects to essay easily. - Interrogative introduction- invited readers into the conversation by asking one or more questions, which the essay goes on to answer or consider. -Minding-the-gap- a writer calls the readers attention to a gap in the research on an issue and then uses the rest of the essay to fill in the gap. I would write a story about myself and the expectations of everyday girls and everyday athletes. I would start out with all athletes and then zone in on females. Do you watch the Olympics for the competition? Or to check out body and attractive level of the athletes? Do you turn on your tv to watch any sport to check out the bod on the athlete? Or do you want to see how your team is performing this year?

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