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Functional classification of exocrine glands

Merocrine glands:
-Synthesized on ribosomes attached to rough ER
-Processed, sorted, packaged by Golgi Complex
-released from cell by secretory vesicles

Apocrine glands:
-accumulate secretory product at apical surface of secreting cell
-that portion pinches off from rest of cell to release secretion
-remaining part repairs itself and repeats process

Holocrine glands:
-Accumulate secretory product in cytosol
-as secretory cell matures it ruptures, becomes secretory product
-sloughed off cell replaced by new cell

Outline of connective tissue classification

I. Embryonic connective tissue
A. Mesenchyme
B. Mucous connective tissue (fibroblasts)
II. Mature connective tissue
A. Loose connective tissue
1.Areolar connective tissue (fibroblasts)
2.Adipose tissue
3.Reticular connective tissue
B. Dense connective tissue
1.Dense regular connective tissue- fibroblasts
2.Dense irregular connective tissue- fibroblasts
3.Elastic connective tissue0 fibroblasts
C. Cartilage
1.Hyaline Cartilage
3.Elastic cartilage
D. Bone Tissue (compact and spongy)
E. Liquid connective tissue
1.Blood tissue
Epidermal and Deep Wound Healing

1. Basal cells enlarge, migrate across wound until advancing cells from opposite ends
2. Epidermal growth factor stimulate basal stem cells to divide, replace cells that have
moved into wound
3. Replacement continued until wound resurfaced
4. Relocated cells divide to build new strata, thickening epidermis

Deep wound healing:

Inflammatory phase:
1.Blood clot forms in wound, unites wound edges, inflammation
A. Vasodilation and increased capillary permeability enhance delivery of repair cells:
neutrophils, monocytes, menchymal cells

Migratory phase:
1. clot becomes scab, epithelial cells migrate beneath scab to bridge wound
2. Fibroblasts synthesize scar tissue
3. Damaged blood vessels begin to regrow

Proliferative stage:
1. Extensive growth of epithelial cells beneath scab, fibroblasts produce collagen fibers,
continued growth of blood vessels

Maturation phase:
1. Scab sloughs off once epidermis restored
2. Collagen fibers organized, fibroblasts increase, blood vessels return to normal

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