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Joilene Sandoval Matt Upson UL 100 5 March 2014 Search Statements My topic is about how the world of fashion is being portrayed by the media and is causing eating disorders among adolescents and women. According to an article by Julie Shaw, the images that magazines contain are of thin women. These type of images are sending a message that says ideal body for women is a thin body which is causing women and teenagers in particular to feel dissatisfaction with their bodies (Shaw, 1). My topic focuses on women, fashion, the media and eating disorders. The focus of my topic are the most appropriate keywords that I have been using in search statements. Other keywords include anorexia, bulimia, and females. The top search statement that I have used throughout my research is fashion and eating disorders. Other search statements I have used are effects of media on women and media and eating disorders. All of the search statements have provided me with useful information. The keywords that have mainly worked are media, women, eating disorders and fashion. When I use the other keywords, I have difficulty finding information. The sources I have found include books and online articles. When I used the search statement fashion and eating disorder, I found a book about eating disorders and society. I also found a book called Fashion, Culture, and Identity using the keyword fashion. When using the search statement effects of media on women, I found several articles. The keywords media and eating disorders finds useful information as well as the other search statements.

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Bibliography Davis, Fred. Fashion, Culture, and Identity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992. Print. Gordon, Richard A, and Richard A. Gordon. Eating Disorders: Anatomy of a Social Epidemic. Oxford, U.K: Blackwell Publishers, 2000. Print. Shaw, Julie Effects of fashion magazines and on body dissatisfaction and eating psychopathology in adolescent and adult females. Academic Journal (n.d): n. pag. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Mar. 2014.

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