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March 17-21 2014

Heather Pappas Ball State University Circle Classroom Spring 2014

Discovery Table
Throughout the entire week the discovery table had a large photograph of a birds eye view of the Child Study Center placed in the bottom of the table. Shaving cream was placed on top of the photograph. The shaving cream and birds eye view were both used to simulate what a child may see if he or she traveled on an airplane and looked through the clouds at the houses below. Watercolors were used in spray bottles and in the form of ice cubes along with the shaving cream. The light table also displayed a street map that the children could manipulate the cars through.
Indiana Foundations: P .4.3 Uses both hands in the midline of body. SC.1.47 Enjoy filling and dumping activities. SC.1.48 Explore objects with various properties

Dramatic Play
The Circle Room Airway dramatic play area was created to give children the opportunity to experience different concepts that they may encounter while at a real airport. The area included an airplane, small brown suitcases, and a fabric conveyer belt.
Indiana Foundations: PC.1.14 Identify and solve problems through active explorations. FA.1.41 Participate freely in dramatic play activities that become more extended and complex. P .5.4 Explore the environment

For this week, the children were given opportunities to explore several concepts that related to traveling. These concepts included traveling by airplane, packing, and coming and going. The developmentally appropriate activities that were created to build upon the children's understanding of traveling are displayed in the photographs.

A variety of art activities were implemented this week. At the beginning of the week the class painted portions of a large cozy cubby that was assembled at the end of the week. The children were given the opportunity to take self photographs to hang on the inside of the cubby. Towards the end of the week, a variety of materials were available for the children to create sticky art collages on the art easel.
Indiana Foundation: FA.1.64-Focus on motions and movement FA.1.88- Demonstrate increasing skill in using different art materials FA.1.55- show individuality in artwork Wendy (1yr. 10 mo.) looked down toward the direction of the iPad that she held with both hands. As she grinned she pressed the camera button several times.

Blue frozen ice cube paints were added to the discovery table. As the ice cubes melted and incorporated into the shaving cream, Maggie (2 yr. 6 mo.) covered both hands in the blue shaving cream. Tudor (1yr. 3 mo.) pushed the cars in an upward motion using both hands on the light table road map.

Grant (10 mo.) used both hands to bend the red propeller back. Isaac (10 mo.) stood up inside the box while he held onto the top of the airplane.

Abel (2 yrs.) sat in the airplane while he grasped one of the small brown suitcases. While he held the handle he opened the suitcase and glanced inside.

Sebastian (1yr. 6 mo.) pushed one hand into the shaving cream. He manipulated his hand to the bottom of the table so his hand was no longer visible.

Maggie (2yr. 6 mo.) and Berenger (1 yr. 11 mo.) sat in the airplane together with the suitcases inside.

Evey (2 yr. 6 mo.) placed several pieces of tissue paper and feathers onto the middle portion of the sticky contact paper.

Infant Activity
A sensory board was created for the infants in the classroom. The boards included a variety of clothing fabrics and objects that the children may be familiar traveling with. The materials could be used for both warm and cold weather destinations. Pictures were clearly displayed above the samples of clothing so the children would have the opportunity to visually see the object as they were feeling a portion of it. The sensory board was available for children during the entire week.

Circle Time
During circle time the children were read several books that pertained to different forms of transportation as well as the concept of, Coming and going. After each book was read for that particular day the song, We All Go Traveling By, was played and the children were able to place the photograph of the corresponding vehicle to the felt board as the song prompted.
Indiana Foundations: ELA.1.2- Actively attends to things that an adult is showing ELA.2.2- Visually engages with book Liam (1yr. 1 mo.) Placed one hand on the top of the bottle. As he squeezed the top of the bottle be grinned and laughed. Evey (2yr. 6mo.) Maggie (2yr. 6mo.) and Abel (2yrs.) all sat in the front during circle time as I read the book, Pilot Pups, by Michelle Meadows. I asked the children if the airplane in the book looked like anything that was in the room. In response, Maggie pointed to the blue airplane in the dramatic play area.

During art, Gabriel (1 yr. 3 mo),Grant (10 mo.) Berenger (1yr. 11 mo.) and Maggie (2yr. 6 mo.) used scrubbers to paint the top portion of the cozy cubby.

Gross Motor
Throughout the week the children were taught gross motor movements that mimicked the movements of an airplane. These movements included airplane arms, getting ready for take- off, and preparing to land.
Indiana Foundations: P .3.13 Perform stability skills alone and/or with a partner. P .3.8 Repeat actions and gain strength

Indiana Foundations:
SC.1.38 Use their five senses to learn about the environment. P.4.1 Reaches for, grasps and releases objects. P.1.2 Tolerates a variety of sensory of input

Issac (10mo.) placed one hand on the material that originated from a small red jacket. He moved his hand in a vertical motion across the fabric.

Gabriel (1yr. 3 mo.) crawled over to the sensory board and moved his hand up and down the small brown teddy bear.

Maggie (2yr. 6 mo.) and Abel (2yrs.) looked at the book, Train Trip, by Deanna Caswell during circle time. Maggie pointed to the women in the photograph and said, Thats his mommy.

Abel (2 yrs.) placed the photograph of the bright red truck on the felt board during the song, We All Go Traveling By.

Maggie (2yrs. 6 mo.) and Wendy (1 yr. 10 mo.) held their arms out towards their sides. Maggie followed me towards the sand box with her arms in the same position. Maggie (2yrs. 6 mo.) stood on the jump boxes outside as we both used airplane arms to jump off the box.

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