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How Has the Sacrament of Baptism Changed

Baptism is the first of 7 sacraments; it is a sign of joining the Christian family. It symbolises an outpouring of the Holy Spirit within you. A baptism ceremony will include water, white garments and numerous other symbolisations. Back in Jesus day the proceedings of a baptism included: The person would remove their sandals and change into the white garment. They would then step in to the river Jordan and John, Jesus or one of his disciples would baptise the person with holy water and immerse them in holy water Today baptisms are run differently. Here are the proceedings to a baptism now-a-days: The person comes in to the church and if a baby is immersed in to the water. If adult, then the priest will sprinkle the holy water on to your forehead and pray the prayers. Then you recite the promises, or if baby parents recite prayers. After the Baptism many people like to acknowledge the priests and pay them as a sign of thanks, however this is not compulsory. You may have noticed some similarities in those two paragraphs. Here, I have highlighted those facts: Both the times used holy water, in both circumstances you could be baptised at any age, and both symbolised an outpouring of the Holy Spirit Among those similarities there were also some differences: Oil is only used in baptisms today. Back in Jesus day you could only be baptised by John the Baptist, Jesus and his disciples, now you have to be Baptised y a Priest. In earlier times you had to be baptised in the river Jordan, today you can be baptised any where there is a church. Like I said, Baptism is the first sacrament and there for the most important. It symbolises a new beginning in life. Words= 298

"Catholic Australia - Baptismal Ceremony." Catholic Australia - Baptismal Ceremony. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>. "Baptism of Jesus." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Mar. 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <

The Catholic youth Bible: New Revised Standard Version, Catholic edition.. 3rd ed. Winona, MN: Saint Mary's Press, 2010. Print. Matthew 3:12-14 Mark 1:8-10 Luke 3:20-22

Thomas PS

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