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Conf. Dr.

Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti

Grafica pe calculator / Geometrie computationala

Computer Graphics / Computation Geometry

Titular curs : Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti


E-mail: marinvlada[at], marinvlada[at]

Course: COMPUTER GRAPHICS | Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)

Software: C++, OpenGL, Java 3D, Java Script, VRML, SVG
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti

PROIECT – generare curbe plane remarcabile

Nota: Codul in C++

REFERINTA: M. Vlada, A,.Posea,…, Grafica pe calculator in limbajele Pascal si C, vol. I,II, ,

Implementare si aplicatii, Ed. Tehnica,1992

cout <<"*******************************************************"<<"\n";
cout <<" autor : M . Vlada "<<"\n";
cout <<"*******************************************************"<<"\n";
cout <<" 1 =concoida NICOMEDE 2 =melcul lui PASCAL "<<"\n";
cout <<" 3 =cisoida DIOCLES 4 =cisoida elipsei "<<"\n";
cout <<" 5 =trisectoarea MAC-LAURIN 6 =trisectoarea LONGCHAMPS"<<"\n";
cout <<" 7 =cicloida 8 =epicicloida "<<"\n";
cout <<" 9 =hipocicloida 10=astroida "<<"\n";
cout <<" 11=strofoida 12=bucla MARIA AGNESI "<<"\n";
cout <<" ( centrul ecranului = originea sistemului cartezian ) "<<"\n";
cout <<"*******************************************************"<<"\n";

//program CURBE ; curbe plane remarcabile - ecuatii parametrice
#include <graphics.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define pi M_PI

double round(double number)

double x = ceil(number)-number;
if( number >= 0 )
{if(x <= 0.5) return ceil(number);
else return floor(number);}
{if(x < 0.5) return ceil(number);
else return floor(number);}

char solid[8]={255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255};
int graphdriver , graphmode;
char ch;
int graphX[740], graphY[740]; //array[-319..319] of integer;
double a , b , arg , val1 , val2;
int i , t1 , t2 , flag;


void INIT()
graphdriver = DETECT;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
initgraph (&graphdriver ,&graphmode , "C:\\Borlandc\\bgi"); //init
mod grafic
setfillpattern ( solid , 15);
bar ( 0,0 ,700,500 );
setcolor( 0 ) ;
setviewport ( 320 , 175 , 500 , 200 , 0 );//fixare origine
rectangle ( -150 , -150 , 150 , 150 ); //deseneaza un chenar
setviewport ( 170 , 25 , 470 , 325 , 1 ); //fixare fereastra

void STOP()
//iesire din modul grafic
getch(); // inghetare imagine
closegraph(); // iesire mod grafic

void AXE()
// deseneaza axele (format mic) in origine
moveto ( 120 , 150 );
lineto ( 180 , 150 );
moveto ( 150 , 120 );
lineto ( 150 , 180 );

void GRAPH1 (int t1 ,int t2)

//deseneaza curba data de ecuatiile parametrice
// x = f (t) , y = g(t) pe intervalul [t1 ,t2]
int i;
moveto ( graphX[t1+319] , graphY[t1+319] ) ; // fara trasare
for(i = t1+1; i <= t2; i++)
lineto ( graphX [ i+319 ] , graphY [ i+319 ] );// trasare
// main
void main()

cout <<"*******************************************************"<<"\n";
cout <<" autor : M . Vlada "<<"\n";
cout <<"*******************************************************"<<"\n";
cout <<" 1 =concoida NICOMEDE 2 =melcul lui PASCAL "<<"\n";
cout <<" 3 =cisoida DIOCLES 4 =cisoida elipsei "<<"\n";
cout <<" 5 =trisectoarea MAC-LAURIN 6 =trisectoarea LONGCHAMPS"<<"\n";
cout <<" 7 =cicloida 8 =epicicloida "<<"\n";
cout <<" 9 =hipocicloida 10=astroida "<<"\n";
cout <<" 11=strofoida 12=bucla MARIA AGNESI "<<"\n";
cout <<" ( centrul ecranului = originea sistemului cartezian ) "<<"\n";
cout <<"*******************************************************"<<"\n";
cout <<" precizitati numarul de ordine pentru curba dorita : "<<"\n";
cin >> flag;
switch (flag){
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti

case 1:
{ // ================= curba lui NICOMEDE ===============
cout <<" curba lui NICOMEDE ";
cout <<" dati parametri a , b = "; cin >> a; cin>>b;
t1 = round( (- pi / 2.0)*100) ; t2 =round( (pi / 2.0)*100);
//factorul 100 reprezinta scalarea imaginii
for(i = t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 100.00 ;
//vectorii graphX, graphY retin coordonatele pentru
graphX [i+319] = round( ( a + b * cos (arg) ) * 100 )+150
graphY [i+319] = round( ( a*sin(arg)/cos(arg) +
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 );
for(i = t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 100.00 ;
graphX[i+319] = round( ( a - b * cos(arg) ) *100
)+150 ;
graphY[i+319] = round( ( a*sin(arg)/cos(arg) -
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ; break;
// =================== melcul lui PASCAL ===================
case 2 :
{ cout <<" melcul lui PASCAL "<<"\n";
cout <<" dati parametri a ,b = ";
cin >> a;
cin >> b;
t1 = round( -pi * 90 ) ; t2 = - t1 ;
for(i = t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 90.00 ;
graphX[i+319] = round( ( 2 *(a * cos(arg) +
b)*cos(arg) ) * 90 );
graphY[i+319] = round( ( 2 *(a * cos(arg) +
b)*sin(arg) ) * 90 );
graphX[i+319] = graphX[i+319] + 150 ; graphY[i+319] =
graphY[i+319] + 150;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ; break;
// =========== cisoida lui DIOCLES ( cisoida cercului =========
case 3 :
cout <<" cisoida lui DIOCLES ( cisoida cercului "<<'\n';
cout<<" dati parametrul a = "; cin >> a;
t1 = round ( (-pi /2.0 ) * 90 ) ; t2 = - t1 ;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
for(i = t1; i <=t2; i++)
arg = i / 90.0 ;
graphX[i+319] = round( ( 2*a*sin(arg) *sin(arg) ) * 90 ) + 150 ;
graphY[i+319] = round( ( 2*a*sin(arg)*sin(arg)*sin(arg)
/cos(arg) )
* 90 ) + 150 ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ; break;
// ========================= cisoida elipsei ====================
case 4 :
cout <<" cisoida elipsei ";
cout<<" dati parametri a , b = "; cin >> a>> b;
t1 = round( ( - pi / 2.0 ) * 90 ) ; t2 = - t1 ;
for( i = t1; i<= t2; i++)
arg = i / 90.0 + 0.01 ;
graphX[i+319] = round( ( 2*a*a*a / ( a*a + b*b*
pow(( cos(arg) / sin(arg) ),2)
) ) * 90 ) + 150 ;
graphY[i+319] = round( ( 2*a*a*a / ( a*a * cos(arg) / sin(arg) +
b*b * pow( ( cos(arg) / sin(arg)
),2) *
( cos(arg) / sin(arg) ) ) ) * 90
) + 150 ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ; break;
// ================== trisectoarea lui MAC - LAURIN ==================
case 5 :
cout <<" trisectoarea lui MAC - LAURIN "<<"\n";
cout <<" dati parametrul a = "; cin>> a;
t1 = round ( ( - pi / 2.0 ) * 90 ) ; t2 = - t1 ;
for( i= t1; i<=t2; i++)
arg = i / 90.0 + 0.01 ;
graphX[i+319] = round ( ( 4 * a * cos(arg) * cos(arg) - a) *
graphY[i+319] = round ( ((4 * a * cos(arg) * cos(arg) - a) *
sin(arg) / cos(arg) ) * 90 )
+ 150 ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ; break;
// ==================== trisectoarea lui LONGCHAMPS ===================
case 6 :
cout <<" trisectoarea lui LONGCHAMPS ";
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
cout <<" dati parametrul a = "; cin >> a;
t1 = round ( ( - pi / 2.0 ) * 50 ) ; t2 = - t1 ;
for( i = t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 50.0 + 0.01 ;
graphX[i+319] = round ( ( a / ( 4 * cos(arg)*cos(arg) -3) ) *50)
graphY[i+319] = round ( ( ( a* sin(arg) /cos(arg) ) / ( 4 *
cos(arg) * cos(arg) - 3 ) ) *
50 ) + 150 ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ; break;

// ======================= cicloida ================================

case 7 :
cout <<" cicloida ";
cout<<" dati parametri a , b = "; cin >> a>>b;
t1 = round ( ( - 2 * pi* 1.4 )* 35 ) ; t2 = - t1 ;
for(i= t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 35.0 ;
graphX[i+319] = round ( ( a * arg - b*sin(arg) ) * 35 ) + 150 ;
graphY[i+319] = round ( ( a - b * cos(arg) ) * 35 ) + 150 ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ;break;

// ===================== epicicloida ===============================

case 8 :{
cout <<" epicicloida ";
cout <<" dati parametri a , b = "; cin>> a>> b ;
t1 = 0 ; t2 = round ( 10 * pi * 10) ;
for(i = t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 10.00 ;
val1 = b *arg / a ; val2 = arg + b * arg / a;
graphX[i+319] = round( ( ( a + b) * cos( val1 ) - b *
cos( val2 ) ) * 60 ) + 150;
graphY[i+319] = round( ( (a + b) * sin( val1 ) - b *
sin( val2 ) ) * 60 ) + 150 ;
INIT() ;
AXE() ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ); break;
// ======================== hipocicloida =============================
case 9 :
cout <<" hipocicloida ";
cout <<" dati parametri a , b = "; cin>> a >> b;
t1 = 0 ; t2 = round ( 10 * pi * 10 ) ;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
for(i = t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 10.00 ;
val1 = b * arg / a ; val2 = arg - b * arg / a ;
graphX[i+319] = round( (( a-b ) * cos( val1 ) + b * cos( val2 ))
150 ) + 150 ;
graphY[i+319] = round( (( a-b ) * sin( val1 ) - b * sin( val2 ))
150 ) + 150 ;
INIT() ;
AXE() ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ; break;
// ======================== astroida ===============================
case 10 :
cout <<" astroida ";
cout <<" dati parametrul a = "; cin >> a;
t1 = 0 ; t2 = round ( 2 * pi * 10 ) ;
for(i = t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 10.00 ;
graphX[i+319] = round ( ( a * cos(arg) * cos(arg) * cos(arg) )
60 ) + 150 ;
graphY[i+319] = round ( ( a * sin(arg) * sin(arg) * sin(arg) )
60 ) + 150 ;

INIT() ;
AXE() ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ; break;

// ========================= strofoida ==============================

case 11 :
cout <<" strofoida ";
cout <<" dati parametrul a = "; cin >> a;
t1 = round ( ( - pi / 2 ) * 60 ) ; t2 = -t1 ;
for(i = t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 60.0 + 0.01 ;
graphX[i+319] = round( ( a + a * sin(arg) ) * 60 ) + 150 ;
graphY[i+319] = round( ( a*sin(arg)/cos(arg) + a * sin(arg) *
sin(arg) / cos(arg) ) * 60 )
+ 150 ;
INIT() ;
AXE() ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ;
for(i = t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 60.0 + 0.01 ;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
graphX[i+319] = round( ( a - a * sin(arg) ) * 60 ) + 150 ;
graphY[i+319] = round( ( a*sin(arg)/cos(arg) - a * sin(arg) *
sin(arg) / cos(arg) ) * 60 )
+ 150 ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ; break;
// ==================== bucla MARIA AGNESI ======================
case 12 :
cout <<" bucla MARIA AGNESI ";
cout <<" dati parametrul a = "; cin >> a;
t1 = 1 ; t2 = round( pi * 60 ) - 1;
for(i = t1; i <= t2; i++)
arg = i / 60.0 ;
graphX[i+319] = round ( a * cos(arg) / sin(arg) * 60 ) + 150 ;
graphY[i+319] = round ( a * sin(arg) * sin(arg) * 60 ) + 150 ;
INIT() ;
AXE() ;
GRAPH1 ( t1 , t2 ) ;break;
case 13: exit(0);
//sfirsit program

PROIECT – mini editor grafic

Nota: Codul Visual Studio (Visual C++); Visual Studio .NET 2003
Autor: Lucian Codita, sudent Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica,
Universitatea din Bucuresti
-Utilizeaza algoritmul Bresenham pentru trasarea liniei si cercului

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Grafica
static class Program
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Grafica
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Bitmap buffer; // va contine figura ce se deseneaza la
un moment dat; dupa ce am terminat, se va salva figura pe canvas
private Bitmap canvas; // va contine imaginea finala
private Graphics canvasGraphics;
private Graphics bufferGraphics;

private int Ax; // punctul de unde incep sa desenez

private int Ay;
private int Bx; // punctul unde termin de desenat
private int By;

private Color color; //culoarea cu care se picteaza

private Boolean drawMode = false; // desenez in momentul asta
sau nu ?
private String operation; // operatia ce se desfasoara

public Form1()

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

buffer = new Bitmap(400, 300,
canvas = new Bitmap(400, 300,
canvasGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(canvas);
bufferGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(buffer);
color = Color.DarkCyan;
operation = "circle";
panel1.Cursor = Cursors.Cross;

private void panel1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

Ax = e.X;
Ay = e.Y;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
drawMode = true;
private void panel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (!drawMode)
Bx = e.X;
By = e.Y;
if (operation == "circle")
if (operation == "line")
if (operation == "erase")
if (operation == "brush")
this.panel1.Invalidate(); // fortez redesenarea panel-ului
private void panel1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
drawMode = false;
// salvez figura curenta pe poza principala (canvas) :
ImageAttributes attr = new ImageAttributes();
attr.SetColorKey(Color.White, Color.White);
Rectangle dstRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, buffer.Width,
canvasGraphics.DrawImage(buffer, dstRect, 0, 0,
buffer.Width, buffer.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, attr);

private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)

Graphics objGraphics = e.Graphics;
// afisez mai intai poza principala :
objGraphics.DrawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
// fac bufferul (ce contine figura curenta) transparent si
il afisez :
ImageAttributes attr = new ImageAttributes();
attr.SetColorKey(Color.White, Color.White);
Rectangle dstRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, buffer.Width,
objGraphics.DrawImage(buffer, dstRect, 0, 0, buffer.Width,
buffer.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, attr);
private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
// sterg totul:
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
* - functii grafice ------------------------------------
void drawCircle()
int radius = (int)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt((Bx - Ax) * (Bx -
Ax) + (By - Ay) * (By - Ay)));
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(1, 1);
bm.SetPixel(0, 0, color);
int D = 1 - radius;
int x = 0;
int y = radius;
int i = 0;
while (x <= y)
if (D < 0)
D += 2 * x + 3;
D += 2 * (x - y) + 5;

bufferGraphics.DrawImage(bm, Ax + x, Ay + y);
bufferGraphics.DrawImage(bm, Ax + y, Ay + x);
bufferGraphics.DrawImage(bm, Ax - y, Ay - x);
bufferGraphics.DrawImage(bm, Ax - x, Ay - y);
bufferGraphics.DrawImage(bm, Ax + x, Ay - y);
bufferGraphics.DrawImage(bm, Ax - x, Ay + y);
bufferGraphics.DrawImage(bm, Ax + y, Ay - x);
bufferGraphics.DrawImage(bm, Ax - y, Ay + x);

void drawLine() // algoritmul bresenham

Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(1, 1);
bm.SetPixel(0, 0, color);
int x0 = Ax;
int y0 = Ay;
int x1 = Bx;
int y1 = By;
bool steep = Math.Abs(y1 - y0) > Math.Abs(x1 - x0);
if (steep) // daca panta dreptei e mai mare ca 1 inversez
coordonatele x si y
swap(ref x0, ref y0);
swap(ref x1, ref y1);
if (x0 > x1) // daca linia se indreapta spre stanga
inversez capetele
swap(ref x0, ref x1);
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
swap(ref y0, ref y1);
int deltax = x1 - x0;
int deltay = Math.Abs(y1 - y0);
int error = -deltax / 2;
int ystep;
int y = y0;
if (y0 < y1) // daca linia se indreapta in sus adaug -1
variabilei y la fiecare pas
ystep = 1;
else ystep = -1;
for (int x = x0; x<= x1; x++)
if (steep)
bufferGraphics.DrawImage(bm, y, x);
else bufferGraphics.DrawImage(bm, x, y);
error = error + deltay;
if (error >= 0)
y = y + ystep;
error = error - deltax;
void erase()
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(20, 20);
Graphics objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bm);
canvasGraphics.DrawImage(bm, Bx, By);
void brush()
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(5, 5);
Graphics objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bm);
canvasGraphics.DrawImage(bm, Bx, By);

private void button15_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button15.BackColor;

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button2.BackColor;

private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button3.BackColor;

private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button4.BackColor;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti

private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = this.color =

private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button6.BackColor;

private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button5.BackColor;

private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button9.BackColor;

private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button10.BackColor;

private void button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button11.BackColor;

private void button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button12.BackColor;

private void button13_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button13.BackColor;

private void button14_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button14.BackColor;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button1.BackColor;

private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

info.BackColor = this.color = button8.BackColor;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
private void swap(ref int x, ref int y)
int a = y;
y = x;
x = a;

private void button16_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

operation = "circle";

private void button18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

operation = "line";

private void button19_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

operation = "erase";

private void button20_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

operation = "brush";

private void newToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender,

EventArgs e)

private void exitToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender,

EventArgs e)

// un panel special, ce nu clipeste atunci cand se deseneaza pe el

public class NewPanel : System.Windows.Forms.Panel
public NewPanel()
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti

PROIECT – aplicatie privind aria uni poligon oarecare

Nota: Codul Visual Studio (Visual C++); Visual Studio .NET 2003

Într-un sistem cartezian de axe XOY, considerăm un domeniu ce este determinat de o linie
poligonală oarecare şi închisă P = P1P2 ... Pn , unde punctele Pi (xi , yi ), i= 1…n sunt
determinate de coordonatele carteziene (xi , yi ), i= 1…n . Aria domeniului este data de
urmatoarea formula:

Ca exemplu, prezentăm în figura de mai jos un domeniu oarecare determinat de 11

puncte date prin coordonate carteziene. Valoarea absolută din formula de mai sus este
necesară, deoarece introducerea coordonatelor punctelor ce determină domeniu poate fi
în sens trigonometric sau în sens invers celui trigonometric, aşa cum este în figura de mai

Programul va afisa fereastra prezentata mai jos (Height = 300, Width = 450)
si care ofera un meniu in partea inferioara, format din butoane pentru actiuni utile pentru
• Erase all (New) - stergerea tuturor elementelor din zona de editare
• Load from file - incarcarea unui fisier deja creat
• Save to a file - salvarea coordonetelor punctelor intr-un fisier
• Edit – modificarea / editarea punctelor deja introduse
• Compute Area – activ (se va calcula aria domeniului poligonal) dupa
introducerea in zona de editare a punctelor poligonului
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti

Erase Load from file Save to a file

Introducerea punctelor se face folosind mouse-ul prin actiunea de click-stanga in

zona de editare, fiecare punct fiid numerotat si colorat cu verde (punctul initial fiind
colorat cu albastru). Ultimul punt trebuie sa fie obtinut prin click-stanga pe primul
introdus in scopul inchiderii domeniului poligonal. Dupa obtinerea poligonului dorit se
pot face modificari ale coordonatelor punctelor prin click-stanga pe punct si „tragere” in
zona dorita.
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti

Calculul ariei

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace PolygonalArea
static class Program
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault( false
Application.Run( new Form1() );


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace PolygonalArea
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

private graphicArea mainZone;

private void Form1_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
mainZone = new graphicArea( graphicAreaMode.Polygon
mainZone.Location = placeHolder.Location;
this.Controls.Add( mainZone );

private void Form1_Resize( object sender, EventArgs e )

if( this.Height < 300 )
this.Height = 300;
if( this.Width < 450 )
this.Width = 450;
mainZone.Height = this.Height - 60;
mainZone.Width = this.Width - 35;

private void Form1_FormClosing( object sender,

FormClosingEventArgs e )
mainZone.closingASAP = true;


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace PolygonalArea
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
internal struct Edge
public int v1, v2;

public Edge( int v1, int v2 )

this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;

public enum graphicAreaMode


public enum graphicAreaStatus


public partial class graphicArea : UserControl

private List<Point> v = new List<Point>();
private List<Edge> e = new List<Edge>();
graphicAreaMode mode;
internal bool closingASAP = false;

public graphicArea( graphicAreaMode mode )

this.mode = mode;
cmdAction.Text = actionName;
cmdAction.Enabled = chkEdit.Checked = false;
picBox.Image = new Bitmap( picBox.Width,
picBox.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb );
tooltips.SetToolTip( cmdNew, "Erase all (New)" );
tooltips.SetToolTip( cmdLoad, "Load from file" );
tooltips.SetToolTip( cmdSave, "Save to a file" );

public graphicAreaStatus status()

if( !chkEdit.Checked )
return graphicAreaStatus.Place;
return graphicAreaStatus.Edit;
//to-do: other statuses?

private Point startedAt;

private Label editing = null;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
private void picBox_MouseDown( object sender,
MouseEventArgs e )
if( ( chkEdit.Checked ) && ( editing != null ) )
editing.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
editing = null;
startedAt = e.Location;

private void vertex_MouseDown( object sender,

MouseEventArgs e )
if( chkEdit.Checked )
editing = ( Label )sender;
editing.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
startedAt = ( ( Label )sender ).Location;
startedAt.Offset( e.Location ); //updates the global

private /*const*/ int RADIUS = 10;

private List<int> getTouchyPoints( int x, int y )

return getTouchyPoints( x, y, -1 );
private List<int> getTouchyPoints( int x, int y, int
excluding )
List<int> result = new List<int>();
int minDist = 7 * RADIUS / 2;
for( int i = 0; i < v.Count; i++ )
if( i != excluding )
if( distance( x, y, v[ i ].X, v[ i ].Y )
< minDist )
result.Add( i );
return result;

private double distance( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
return Math.Sqrt( ( ( x1 - x2 ) * ( x1 - x2 ) ) + ( (
y1 - y2 ) * ( y1 - y2 ) ) );

private double getDistance( Point p1, Point p2 )

return distance( p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y );

private Label makeVertex( int x, int y, string tag )

return makeVertex( x, y, tag, Color.LightGreen );
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti

private Label makeVertex( int x, int y, string tag, Color c

Label vertex = new Label();
vertex.BackColor = c;
vertex.Height = vertex.Width = 2 * RADIUS;
vertex.Location = new Point( x - RADIUS, y - RADIUS
vertex.Tag = tag;
//todo: use a flag to set if the number is shown or
vertex.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
vertex.Text = tag;
GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
path.AddEllipse( 0, 0, 2 * RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS );
vertex.Region = new Region( path );
//event handlers
vertex.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(
vertex_MouseDown );
vertex.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(
vertex_MouseUp );
vertex.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(
vertex_MouseMove );
//the end
return vertex;

private void makeLine( int p )

makeLine( p, p + 1, Pens.Black );
private void makeLines( int point, Pen pen )
if( point < 0 )
int max = v.Count - 1;
if( point > 0 )
makeLine( point - 1, point, pen );
makeLine( max, 0, pen );
if( point < max )
makeLine( point, point + 1, pen );
makeLine( max, 0, pen );
private void makeLine( int p1, int p2, Pen pen )
//Pen p = new Pen( Color.Black, 1 );
//Graphics g = picBox.CreateGraphics();
//g.DrawLine( p, v[ p1 ], v[ p2 ] );
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Graphics.FromImage( picBox.Image ).DrawLine( pen, v[
p1 ], v[ p2 ] );

private void vertex_MouseUp( object sender, MouseEventArgs

e )
Point displacement = ( ( Label )sender ).Location;
MouseEventArgs actualEvent = new MouseEventArgs(
e.Button, e.Clicks,
e.X + displacement.X, e.Y + displacement.Y,
e.Delta );
picBox_MouseUp( sender, actualEvent );

private void cmdNew_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )

Graphics.FromImage( picBox.Image ).Clear( Color.White
cmdAction.Enabled = chkEdit.Checked = false;

private void cmdLoad_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )

OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
dialog.CheckFileExists = true;
dialog.Multiselect = false;
dialog.Title = "Select the input file...";
if( dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel )
List<Edge> incomingLines = null;
List<Point> newData = loadDataFromFile(
dialog.FileName, ref incomingLines );
if( newData.Count < 3 )
MessageBox.Show( "Not enough points were
specified!" );
if( v.Count > 0 )
DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show( "You have
already drawn some points! Replace them?", "Caution: overwriting
existing data", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo );
if( res == DialogResult.No )
cmdNew_Click( null, null );
v = newData;
this.e = incomingLines;
//create labels and lines:
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti

int minXpt, maxXpt, minYpt, maxYpt;

private List<Point> loadDataFromFile( string fileName, ref
List<Edge> edges )
System.IO.TextReader reader = new
System.IO.StreamReader( fileName );
string count = reader.ReadLine();
if( notAnInt( count ) )
return new List<Point>();
List<Point> result = new List<Point>(
System.Convert.ToInt32( count ) );
progressBarContainer.Text = "Loading Vertices...";
progressBarContainer.Visible = true;
progressBar.Maximum = result.Capacity;

readPoints( result, reader );

progressBarContainer.Text = "Analyzing Vertices...";
double minDist = findExtremes( result );
lblResult.Text = "d: " + minDist.ToString();
if( minDist < ( 3 * RADIUS ) )
RADIUS = ( int )Math.Round( minDist / 3 );
lblResult.Text = "new r: " + RADIUS.ToString();
//Graphics.FromImage( picBox.Image ).DrawRectangle(
Pens.LightGray, result[ minXpt ].X - 1, result[ minYpt ].Y - 1, 2 +
result[ maxXpt ].X - result[ minXpt ].X, 2 + result[ maxYpt ].Y -
result[ minYpt ].Y );
//resize to fit:
int dx = 0, dy = 0;
if( ( result[ maxXpt ].X + 2 * RADIUS ) >
picBox.Width )
dx = result[ maxXpt ].X + 2 * RADIUS -
if( ( result[ maxYpt ].Y + 2 * RADIUS ) >
picBox.Height )
dy = result[ maxYpt ].Y + 2 * RADIUS -
if( ( dx > 0 ) || ( dy > 0 ) )
this.Parent.Width += dx;
this.Parent.Height += dy;

count = reader.ReadLine();
if( notAnInt( count ) )
return new List<Point>();
edges = new List<Edge>( System.Convert.ToInt32( count
) );
progressBarContainer.Text = "Loading Edges...";
progressBar.Maximum = edges.Capacity;
for( int j = 0; j < edges.Capacity; j++ )
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
progressBar.Value = j;
string endPoints = reader.ReadLine();
string[] index = endPoints.Split( ' ' );
int v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
if( notAnInt( index[ 0 ] ) || notAnInt( index[
1 ] ) )
//todo: warn: not an int
v1 = Convert.ToInt32( index[ 0 ] );
v2 = Convert.ToInt32( index[ 1 ] );
edges.Add( new Edge( v1, v2 ) );
progressBarContainer.Visible = false;
chkEdit.Enabled = true;
return result;

private void readPoints( List<Point> points,

System.IO.TextReader reader )
for( int i = 0; i < points.Capacity; i++ )
progressBar.Value = i;
string location = reader.ReadLine();
string[] coords = location.Split( ' ' );
int x = 0, y = 0;
if( notAnInt( coords[ 0 ] ) || notAnInt(
coords[ 1 ] ) )
//todo: warn: not an int
x = Convert.ToInt32( coords[ 0 ] );
y = Convert.ToInt32( coords[ 1 ] );
points.Add( new Point( x, y ) );

private double findExtremes( List<Point> points )

double minDist = -1.0;
minXpt = maxXpt = minYpt = maxYpt = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++ )
progressBar.Value = i;
if( points[ i ].X < points[ minXpt ].X )
minXpt = i;
if( points[ i ].X > points[ maxXpt ].X )
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
maxXpt = i;
if( points[ i ].Y < points[ minYpt ].Y )
minYpt = i;
if( points[ i ].Y > points[ maxYpt ].Y )
maxYpt = i;
if( minDist < 0 )
if( i == 1 )
minDist = getDistance( points[ 0 ],
points[ 1 ] );
int j = i - 1;
double currentDist = 0;
for( int k = 0; k < j; k++ )
currentDist = getDistance( points[
k ], points[ j ] );
if( currentDist < minDist )
minDist = currentDist;
return minDist;

private bool notAnInt( string count )

int i = System.Convert.ToInt32( count );
return false;
catch( FormatException )
return true;
catch( OverflowException )
return true;

private void cmdSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )

SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
dialog.OverwritePrompt = true;
dialog.Title = "Select the input file...";
if( dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel )
System.IO.TextWriter writer = new
System.IO.StreamWriter( dialog.FileName, false );
writer.WriteLine( v.Count );
for( int i = 0; i < v.Count; i++ )
writer.WriteLine( "{0} {1}", v[ i ].X, v[ i ].Y
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
writer.WriteLine( this.e.Count );
for( int j = 0; j < this.e.Count; j++ )
writer.WriteLine( "{0} {1}", this.e[ j ].v1,
this.e[ j ].v2 );

private void tmrRefresher_Tick( object sender, EventArgs e


private void graphicArea_Resize( object sender, EventArgs e

picBox.Height = this.Height - 60;
picBox.Width = this.Width - 20;
panelTools.Top = picBox.Top + picBox.Height;
//instead of moving all of:
//cmdLoad + cmdSave
//cmdAction + chkShowAll
//also, do something about the bitmap too:
//picBox.Image = new Bitmap( picBox.Width,
picBox.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb );
Bitmap old = ( Bitmap )picBox.Image;
int newWidth = ( picBox.Width > old.Width ?
picBox.Width : old.Width );
int newHeight = ( picBox.Height > old.Height ?
picBox.Height : old.Height );
picBox.Image = new Bitmap( newWidth, newHeight,
PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb );
Graphics.FromImage( picBox.Image ).DrawImage( old,
new Point( 0, 0 ) );


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace PolygonalArea
//class polygonalArea : action

public partial class graphicArea : UserControl

Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
private string actionName = "Compute Area";
private List<Label> VL = new List<Label>();

Point previousLocation = Point.Empty;

void vertex_MouseMove( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
if( previousLocation != Point.Empty ) //erase
previous circle
Graphics.FromImage( picBox.Image ).DrawEllipse(
Pens.White, previousLocation.X - RADIUS, previousLocation.Y - RADIUS, 2
previousLocation = Point.Empty;
if( ( chkEdit.Checked ) && ( editing != null ) )
//find relative location
Label vertex = ( Label )sender;
Point location = e.Location;
location.Offset( vertex.Location );
previousLocation = location;
Graphics.FromImage( picBox.Image ).DrawEllipse(
Pens.LightGray, location.X - RADIUS, location.Y - RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS, 2
private void picBox_MouseMove( object sender,
MouseEventArgs e )
if( previousLocation != Point.Empty ) //erase left-
over circle
Graphics.FromImage( picBox.Image ).DrawEllipse(
Pens.White, previousLocation.X - RADIUS, previousLocation.Y - RADIUS, 2
previousLocation = Point.Empty;

private void picBox_MouseUp( object sender, MouseEventArgs

e )
lblResult.Visible = true;
if( !chkEdit.Checked ) //placement of new points
//if( startedAt == e.Location ) //click
Control child = picBox.GetChildAtPoint(
e.Location );
if( child != null )
Point location = child.Location;
location.Offset( RADIUS, RADIUS );
//move to center of Label
if( location == v[ 0 ] )
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
int max = v.Count - 1;
this.e.Add( new Edge( max, 0
) );
makeLine( max, 0, Pens.Black
chkEdit.Checked = true;
//picBox.GetChildAtPoint( e.Location )
has some drawbacks:
//1. ignores the circle "leftovers"
//2. doesn't compute overlaps

//todo: also move away from margin!

Point result = e.Location;
if( solveOverlaps( ref result ) )
Label vx;
if( v.Count > 0 )
vx = makeVertex( result.X,
result.Y, v.Count.ToString() );
vx = makeVertex( result.X,
result.Y, v.Count.ToString(), Color.LightBlue );
picBox.Controls.Add( vx );
v.Add( result );
int i = v.Count - 2;
if( i >= 0 )
this.e.Add( new Edge( i, i +
1 ) );
makeLine( i );
//else //drag
// lblResult.Text = "drag what?!?";
else //editing
if( startedAt == e.Location ) //click --
if( editing != null )
//todo: if rightclick, delete
lblPreview.Visible = false;
editing.BackColor =
editing = null;
lblResult.Text = "inconsistent action";
else //dragged
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
lblPreview.Visible = false;
if( editing == null )
return; //draging action, but
nothing had been selected...
int i = System.Convert.ToInt32(
editing.Tag );
makeGraphLines( i, Pens.White );
int dx = e.X - startedAt.X;
int dy = e.Y - startedAt.Y;
//lblResult.Text = "moving! " +
dx.ToString() + ", " + dy.ToString();
//lblResult.Text += ":\n(" + v[ i
].X.ToString() + ", " + v[ i ].Y.ToString() + ")";
Point p = v[ i ];
p.Offset( dx, dy );
if( !solveOverlaps( ref p, i ) )
//todo: warn: you can't move
dx = p.X - startedAt.X;
dy = p.Y - startedAt.Y;
v[ i ] = p; //v[ i ].Offset did not work
as expected :(
//lblResult.Text += "-> (" + v[ i
].X.ToString() + ", " + v[ i ].Y.ToString() + ")";
p = editing.Location;
p.Offset( dx, dy );
editing.Location = p;
editing.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
editing = null;
//lblResult.Text = "moved.";
//todo: fix different offsets :(

private void checkIntersections()

int max = v.Count;
Point p = new Point();
bool intersections = false;
lblPreview.Text = "";
for( int i0 = 0; i0 < max; i0++ )
for( int i1 = i0 + 2; i1 < max; i1++ )
int i2 = i1 + 1;
if( i2 == max )
i2 = 0;
if( i2 == i0 ) // and both are 0
lblPreview.Text += Environment.NewLine +
"Checking intersection of " + i0.ToString() + " and " + i1.ToString();
if( intersect( v[ i0 ], v[ i0 + 1 ], v[
i1 ], v[ i2 ], ref p ) )
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
lblPreview.Text += "... Found!";
intersections = true;
//draw red circle at p:
Label circle = new Label();
circle.BackColor =
circle.BorderStyle =
circle.Height = circle.Width = 2 *
circle.Location = new Point( p.X -
//make red border:
circle.Paint += new
PaintEventHandler( circle_RedBorder );
picBox.Controls.Add( circle );
lblPreview.Text, true );
cmdAction.Enabled = ( !intersections ) && ( e.Count >
0 ? ( e[ e.Count - 1 ].v2 == 0 ) : true );
if( cmdAction.Enabled )
cmdAction.Text = actionName;
cmdAction.Text = "Cannot continue";

void circle_RedBorder( object sender, PaintEventArgs e )

base.OnPaint( e );
//int borderWidth = 1;
Color borderColor = Color.Red;
ControlPaint.DrawBorder( e.Graphics, e.ClipRectangle,
borderColor, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid );
//, borderWidth (!!!), ButtonBorderStyle.Solid
//, borderColor, borderWidth,
//, borderColor, borderWidth,
//, borderColor, borderWidth,
ButtonBorderStyle.Solid );

private bool intersect( Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point
p4, ref Point i )
if( p1.Y == p2.Y )
if( p3.Y == p4.Y ) //both pairs of Y's are
if( p1.Y != p3.Y )
return false;
i.X = getMiddle( p1.X, p2.X, p3.X,
p4.X );
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
i.Y = p1.Y;
return ( i.X > 0 );
double m34 = System.Convert.ToDouble(
p3.X - p4.X ) / ( p3.Y - p4.Y );
i.Y = p1.Y;
i.X = ( int )Math.Round( p4.X + m34 * (
i.Y - p4.Y ) );
return isBetween( p1, p2, i ) &&
isBetween( p3, p4, i );
if( p3.Y == p4.Y )
double m12 = System.Convert.ToDouble(
p1.X - p2.X ) / ( p1.Y - p2.Y );
i.Y = p4.Y;
i.X = ( int )Math.Round( p1.X + m12 * (
i.Y - p1.Y ) );
return isBetween( p1, p2, i ) &&
isBetween( p3, p4, i );
else //both pairs of Y's are different
double m12 = System.Convert.ToDouble(
p1.X - p2.X ) / ( p1.Y - p2.Y );
double m34 = System.Convert.ToDouble(
p3.X - p4.X ) / ( p3.Y - p4.Y );
if( p1.X == p2.X )
i.X = p1.X;
if( p3.X == p4.X )
if( p1.X == p4.X )
i.Y = getMiddle( p1.Y,
p2.Y, p3.Y, p4.Y );
return ( i.Y > 0 );
return false;
i.Y = ( int )Math.Round( p3.Y
+ ( i.X - p3.X ) / m34 );
return isBetween( p1, p2, i )
&& isBetween( p3, p4, i );
else //m12 <> 0
if( p3.X == p4.X )
i.X = p4.X;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
i.Y = ( int )Math.Round( p1.Y
+ ( i.X - p1.X ) / m12 );
return isBetween( p1, p2, i )
&& isBetween( p3, p4, i );
else //m34 <> 0 too, so both pairs
of X's are also different
if( ( p1.X - p2.X ) * ( p3.Y
- p4.Y ) == ( p1.Y - p2.Y ) * ( p3.X - p4.X ) )
double m14 =
System.Convert.ToDouble( p1.X - p4.X ) / ( p1.Y - p4.Y );
if( ( ( int
)Math.Round( 1000 * ( m12 - m14 ) ) ) == 0 )
i.Y = getMiddle(
p1.Y, p2.Y, p3.Y, p4.Y );
i.X = p1.X + (
int )Math.Round( m12 * ( i.Y - p1.Y ) );
return ( i.Y > 0
return false;
i.Y = ( int
)Math.Round( ( ( m34 * p3.Y - m12 * p1.Y ) + ( p1.X - p3.X ) ) / ( m34
- m12 ) );
i.X = p1.X + ( int
)Math.Round( m12 * ( i.Y - p1.Y ) );
if( Math.Abs( ( i.X -
p3.X ) - m34 * ( i.Y - p3.Y ) ) > 6 )
i.X = p3.X + (
int )Math.Round( m34 * ( i.Y - p3.Y ) );
return isBetween( p1,
p2, i ) && isBetween( p3, p4, i );

private int getMiddle( int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4 )
int result = 0;
if( isBetween( p1, p2, p3 ) && isBetween( p1, p2, p4
) )
result = ( p3 + p4 ) / 2;
if( isBetween( p3, p4, p1 ) && isBetween( p3, p4, p2
) )
result = ( p1 + p2 ) / 2;
if( isBetween( p1, p2, p3 ) && isBetween( p3, p4, p1
) )
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
result = ( p1 + p3 ) / 2;
if( isBetween( p1, p2, p3 ) && isBetween( p3, p4, p2
) )
result = ( p2 + p3 ) / 2;
if( isBetween( p1, p2, p4 ) && isBetween( p3, p4, p1
) )
result = ( p1 + p4 ) / 2;
if( isBetween( p1, p2, p4 ) && isBetween( p3, p4, p2
) )
result = ( p2 + p4 ) / 2;
return result;

private bool isBetween( Point x1, Point x2, Point y )

return ( isBetween( x1.X, x2.X, y.X ) ) && (
isBetween( x1.Y, x2.Y, y.Y ) );

private bool isBetween( int x1, int x2, int y )

return ( ( x1 <= y ) && ( y <= x2 ) ) || ( ( x2 <= y
) && ( y <= x1 ) );
//return ( ( y - x1 ) * ( y - x2 ) <= 0 );

private void makeGraphLines( int point, Pen pen )

if( point < 0 )
for( int j = 0; j < e.Count; j++ )
makeLine( e[ j ].v1, e[ j ].v2, pen );

private bool solveOverlaps( ref Point current )

return solveOverlaps( ref current, -1 );
private bool solveOverlaps( ref Point current, int
excluding )
List<int> existing = getTouchyPoints( current.X,
current.Y, excluding );
int dx, dy;
double dist;
lblResult.Text = "!" + existing.Count.ToString();
switch( existing.Count )
case 0:
case 1:
lblResult.Text = "solved 1";
//make line from existing[ 0 ] and
dx = current.X - v[ existing[ 0 ] ].X;
dy = current.Y - v[ existing[ 0 ] ].Y;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
//move on that same line
dist = Math.Sqrt( ( dx * dx ) + ( dy * dy
) );
dx = ( int )Math.Round( dx * 3 * RADIUS /
dist );
dy = ( int )Math.Round( dy * 3 * RADIUS /
dist );
current.X = v[ existing[ 0 ] ].X + dx;
current.Y = v[ existing[ 0 ] ].Y + dy;
case 2:
lblResult.Text = "solved 2";
//move on the segment bisector
Point middle = new Point(
( v[ existing[ 0 ] ].X + v[
existing[ 1 ] ].X ) / 2,
( v[ existing[ 0 ] ].Y + v[
existing[ 1 ] ].Y ) / 2 );
dx = v[ existing[ 0 ] ].X - middle.X;
dy = v[ existing[ 0 ] ].Y - middle.Y;
//line eq: (x-x0)*dy-(y-y0)*dx=0
int value = ( current.X - middle.X ) * dy
- ( current.Y - middle.Y ) * dx;
int sign = ( value > 0 ? 1 : -1 );
dx = sign * ( v[ existing[ 0 ] ].Y -
middle.Y );
dy = -sign * ( v[ existing[ 0 ] ].X -
middle.X );
//move on the S.B. line
dist = Math.Sqrt( ( dx * dx ) + ( dy * dy
) );
dx = ( int )Math.Round( dx * 3 * RADIUS /
dist );
dy = ( int )Math.Round( dy * 3 * RADIUS /
dist );
current.X = middle.X + dx;
current.Y = middle.Y + dy;
MessageBox.Show( "Too close to too many
points!" );
return false;
return true;

private void recreatePicture()

recreatePicture( false );

private void recreatePicture( bool saveLabels )

Label temp = makeVertex( v[ 0 ].X, v[ 0 ].Y,
0.ToString(), Color.LightBlue );
if( saveLabels )
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
VL = new List<Label>( v.Count );
VL.Add( temp );
picBox.Controls.Add( temp );
for( int i = 1; i < v.Count; i++ )
temp = makeVertex( v[ i ].X, v[ i ].Y,
i.ToString() );
if( saveLabels )
VL.Add( temp );
picBox.Controls.Add( temp );
//makeLine( i - 1 );
//makeLine( v.Count - 1, 0, Pens.Black ); -- allow
incomplete polylines
chkEdit.Checked = ( e.Count > 0 ? ( e[ e.Count - 1
].v2 == 0 ) : false );

private void redrawAllEdges()

for( int j = 0; j < e.Count; j++ )
makeLine( e[ j ].v1, e[ j ].v2, Pens.Black );

private int dir = 0;

private bool workTriangles;
private void cmdAction_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
if( dir == 0 )
area = 0.0;
//find the trigonometric circuit:
int start = getLowestPoint( v );
int prev = ( start == 0 ? v.Count : start ) -
int next = ( start + 1 ) % v.Count;
recreatePicture( true );
//VL[ 0 ].BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
//VL[ start ].BackColor = Color.Pink;
//VL[ prev ].BackColor = VL[ next ].BackColor =
//Point x = new Point( v[ start ].X, v[ start
].Y );
//x.Offset( 10, 0 );
double anglePrev = getAngle( v[ start ], v[
prev ] );
double angleNext = getAngle( v[ start ], v[
next ] );
VL[ 0 ].BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
if( anglePrev > angleNext )
dir = 1;
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
//VL[ next ].BackColor = Color.Pink;
dir = -1;
//VL[ prev ].BackColor = Color.Pink;
//compute area through direct formula
lblResult.Visible = true;
lblResult.Text = useFormula().ToString();
currentPoint = next;
prevPoint = startPoint = start;
//show step by step
tmrWorkDelay.Interval = 400;
tmrWorkDelay.Enabled = true;
tmrRefresher.Enabled = false;
if( !chkShowAll.Checked )
workTriangles = false;

private double useFormula()

double sum = 0.0;
for( int i = 0, j; i < v.Count; i++ )
j = ( i + 1 ) % v.Count;
sum += v[ i ].X * v[ j ].Y - v[ j ].X * v[ i
return Math.Abs( sum ) / 2;

private double getAngle( Point origin, Point dest )

int opp = origin.Y - dest.Y;
int adj = dest.X - origin.X;
if( adj == 0 )
return ( Math.PI / 2 );
double angle = Math.Atan( System.Convert.ToDouble(
opp ) / adj );
if( angle < 0 )
angle = Math.PI + angle;
return angle;

private double getAngle( Point from, Point corner, Point

dest )
// based on: http://www.vb-
// Find the dot product AB * BC. Note that AB * BC =
|AB| * |BC| * Cos(theta).
Point CF = new Point( corner.X - from.X, corner.Y -
from.Y );
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Point CT = new Point( corner.X - dest.X, corner.Y -
dest.Y );
double dotProduct = ( CF.X * CT.X ) + ( CF.Y * CT.Y
//Find the length of the cross product AB x BC. It
equals |AB| * |BC| * Sin(theta)
double crossProductLength = ( CF.X * CT.Y ) - ( CF.Y
* CT.X );
double angle = 0;
if( Math.Abs( dotProduct ) < 0.0001 )
angle = Math.PI / 2;
// angle = Math.Atan( crossProductLength /
dotProduct );
angle = Math.Abs( Math.Atan( crossProductLength
/ dotProduct ) );
// Test for quadrants 2 or 3.
if( dotProduct < 0 ) // angle > PI/2 or angle < -
angle = Math.PI - angle;
// Test for quadrants 3 or 4.
if( crossProductLength < 0 )
angle = -angle;
return angle;

private int getLowestPoint( List<Point> v )

int result = 0;
for( int i = 1; i < v.Count; i++ )
if( ( v[ i ].Y > v[ result ].Y ) ||
( ( v[ i ].Y == v[ result ].Y ) && ( v[ i
].X < v[ result ].X ) ) )
result = i;
return result;

private void stepThroughPoints()

//for( int i = next, p = start, n; i != start; p = i,
i = n )
// VL[ i ].BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
// picBox.Refresh();
// n = ( i + 1 ) % v.Count;
// double degrees = 180 * getAngle( v[ start ], v[
i ] ) / Math.PI;
// string info = System.Convert.ToInt32( degrees
// //thanks to:
// double change = Math.Atan2( v[ n ].Y - v[ i
].Y, v[ n ].X - v[ i ].X ) -
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
// Math.Atan2( v[ i ].Y - v[ p ].Y, v[ i ].X -
v[ p ].X );
// change = 180 * change / Math.PI;
// while( change > 180 )
// change -= 360;
// while( change < -180 )
// change += 360;
// tooltips.SetToolTip( VL[ i ], info + " / " +
System.Convert.ToInt32( change ).ToString() );
// if( closingASAP )
// return;
// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 400 );
// Application.DoEvents();
// if( ( change * dir ) > 0 )
// VL[ i ].BackColor = Color.Pink;
// else
// VL[ i ].BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
tmrWorkDelay.Enabled = false;
if( currentPoint == startPoint )
workTriangles = true;
tmrWorkDelay.Interval = 2800;
tmrWorkDelay.Enabled = ( !chkShowAll.Checked );
remaining = new List<int>( v.Count );
for( int q = 0; q < v.Count; q++ )
remaining.Add( q );
//int max = v.Count, delta = max + dir;
//remaining.Add( startPoint );
//for( int q = ( ( startPoint + delta ) % max
); q != startPoint; q = ( ( q + delta ) % max ) )
// remaining.Add( q );
VL[ currentPoint ].BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
int i = currentPoint, n = ( i + 1 ) % v.Count, p =
double degrees = 180 * getAngle( v[ startPoint ], v[
currentPoint ] ) / Math.PI;
string info = System.Convert.ToInt32( degrees
double change = getAngleAt( p, i, n );
tooltips.SetToolTip( VL[ i ], info + " / " +
System.Convert.ToInt32( change ).ToString() );
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 200 );
if( ( change * dir ) > 0 )
VL[ i ].BackColor = Color.Pink;
VL[ i ].BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
//picBox.Refresh(); //will be done automatically, it
seems :|
prevPoint = i;
currentPoint = n;
tmrWorkDelay.Enabled = ( !chkShowAll.Checked );
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
private double getAngleAt( int p, int i, int n )
//thanks to:
double result = Math.Atan2( v[ n ].Y - v[ i ].Y, v[ n
].X - v[ i ].X ) -
Math.Atan2( v[ i ].Y - v[ p ].Y, v[ i ].X - v[ p
].X );
result = 180 * result / Math.PI;
while( result > 180 )
result -= 360;
while( result < -180 )
result += 360;
return result;

private int startPoint, currentPoint, prevPoint;

private List<int> remaining;
private double area;
private void tmrWorkDelay_Tick( object sender, EventArgs e
if( !workTriangles )
//step through the points, marking concave ones
with Pink:
lblResult.Text = "tri!";
string output = "";
tmrWorkDelay.Enabled = false;
if( remaining.Count == 2 )
//double final = getTriangleArea(
remaining[ 0 ], remaining[ 1 ], remaining[ 2 ] );
//output = area.ToString() + " + " +
final.ToString() + " = ";
//area += final;
//output += area.ToString();
//fillTriangle( remaining[ 0 ],
remaining[ 1 ], remaining[ 2 ], Brushes.LightGreen );
//VL[ remaining[ 0 ] ].BackColor = VL[
remaining[ 1 ] ].BackColor = VL[ remaining[ 2 ] ].BackColor =
//dir = 0;
//remaining = new List<int>();
//tmrWorkDelay.Enabled = false;
VL[ remaining[ 0 ] ].BackColor = VL[
remaining[ 1 ] ].BackColor = Color.LightGray;
dir = 0;
remaining = new List<int>();
tmrWorkDelay.Enabled = false;
output = "Final area: " +
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
double current;
int max = remaining.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < max; i++ )
if( ( !intersectsRemaining( i ) )
|| ( max == 3 ) )
int j = ( i + 1 ) % max, k =
( i + 2 ) % max;
current = getTriangleArea(
remaining[ i ], remaining[ j ], remaining[ k ] );
Brush fillColor;
output = area.ToString();
if( ( getAngleAt( remaining[
i ], remaining[ j ], remaining[ k ] ) * dir ) > 0 )
output += " - ";
area -= current;
fillColor =
output += " + ";
area += current;
fillColor =
output += current.ToString()
+ " = " + area.ToString();
fillTriangle( remaining[ i ],
remaining[ j ], remaining[ k ], fillColor );
makeLine( remaining[ i ],
remaining[ k ], Pens.LightGray );
VL[ remaining[ j ]
].BackColor = Color.LightGray;
remaining.RemoveAt( j );
//todo: ! show intersection
tmrWorkDelay.Enabled = (
!chkShowAll.Checked );
lblResult.Text = "Direct result: " +
useFormula().ToString() + System.Environment.NewLine + output;

private void fillTriangle( int i1, int i2, int i3, Brush
fillColor )
Graphics.FromImage( picBox.Image ).FillPolygon(
fillColor, new Point[] { v[ i1 ], v[ i2 ], v[ i3 ] } );
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti

private bool intersectsRemaining( int i )

int max = remaining.Count, prev = ( i + max - 1 ) %
Point dummy = Point.Empty;
for( int j = ( i + 3 ) % max, k; j != prev; j = k )
if( intersect( v[ remaining[ i ] ], v[
remaining[ ( i + 2 ) % max ] ],
v[ remaining[ j ] ], v[ remaining[ k = (
j + 1 ) % max ] ], ref dummy ) )
makeLine( remaining[ i ], remaining[ ( i
+ 2 ) % max ], Pens.Pink );
Graphics.FromImage( picBox.Image
).DrawEllipse( Pens.Red, dummy.X - RADIUS, dummy.Y - RADIUS, 2 *
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 240 );
return true;
//todo: show
return false;

private double getTriangleArea( int i1, int i2, int i3 )

Point p1 = v[ i1 ], p2 = v[ i2 ], p3 = v[ i3 ];
//double a = distance( p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y );
//double b = distance( p1.X, p1.Y, p3.X, p3.Y );
//double c = distance( p2.X, p2.Y, p3.X, p3.Y );
//double sp = ( a + b + c ) / 2;
//return Math.Sqrt( sp * ( sp - a ) * ( sp - b ) * (
sp - c ) );
return Math.Abs( ( p2.X * p3.Y - p2.Y * p3.X - p1.X *
p3.Y + p1.Y * p3.X + p1.X * p2.Y - p1.Y * p2.X ) / 2.0 );

Exemple de fisiere (poligoane) pentru testare:

test_degrees2. test_degrees1 test_degrees3 test_degree test_degrees5

txt .txt .txt s4.txt .txt

21 8 8 6 11
177 100 182 22 64 26 149 124 179 23
203 17 243 31 44 103 62 74 56 55
233 17 292 60 108 150 150 22 240 65
262 23 326 103 160 73 222 22 61 97
291 17 172 118 182 148 110 66 330 142
Conf. Dr. Marin Vlada, Universitatea din Bucuresti
321 17 35 103 296 129 222 83 166 100
338 41 86 52 174 83 6 320 51
347 74 128 30 295 28 0 1 142 46
332 100 8 8 1 2 342 30
349 125 0 1 0 1 2 3 237 11
177 136 1 2 1 2 3 4 208 29
21 132 2 3 2 3 4 5 11
44 112 3 4 3 4 5 0 0 1
19 79 4 5 4 5 1 2
20 49 5 6 5 6 2 3
55 51 6 7 6 7 3 4
47 16 7 0 7 0 4 5
89 43 5 6
97 14 6 7
126 21 7 8
152 45 8 9
21 9 10
0 1 10 0
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
10 11
11 12
12 13
13 14
14 15
15 16
16 17
17 18
18 19

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