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Crystal Raffiani Lucy Steele Free Response 1-15-2014 Othering Haunting Boundarys Othering is dividing people into categories

the good is us the bad is them. The small paragraph in the book says that othering is dividing people into groups; good and bad. It says that the good is us and the bad is them. I am assuming that us means most of the population and the bad is what is left, the monsters. The problem with that whole us and them thing is that its stupid, people have different views and beliefs on things. If I am us and someone like George Zimmerman is them: that would mean that I am good and he is bad. Though if you turn the tables, there are people out there who do not view George Zimmerman as a monster because he acted within the legal rights of his states. Would that make those followers bad to because they disagree with what my beliefs are? If that is the case wouldnt that make me bad for judging other because the view something different than I? See the whole thing is stupid because there is no clear us and them definition and you really cannot label it with a definition because its impossible. If you said them is defined as someone who breaks the rules, and they are considered bad. MLK JR. broke laws on purpose to prove a point about segregation and equality. Does the make MLK a bad man? The constitution even encourages civilians to break laws that are deemed unfair.

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