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Choosing Russias future

In the last discussion I had the role of a 23 year old army nurse who serves on the frontlines of the Russian army during World war one. Currently home on leave she had been awarded the St. Olgas womens service medal by the tsar himself. She is very loyal to her fellow soldiers and especially to her lover Mikhail. Her two years of service on the front has given birth to a very strong hatred of the Germans and makes her hope for victory, yet she knows Russia is losing the war, and all of the bloodshed and death makes her sick and tired of the fighting. Out of the four groups who are vying for power during the February revolution I think my character would choose the Bolsheviks for a number of reasons. The policies the Bolsheviks are promising to put into place appeal to my character for they promise an immediate end to the war, and more food to be spread out among the people. This last part appeals to her because while she was on the front she saw a lot of hunger from lack of food which added to the suffering the war caused the men, then the promised end to the war wasnt exactly what she wished for but after two years of fighting she seemed ready for it to end. Then certain events from the past reminded her of the revolutionary change that needed to happen. She thought about the 1905 revolution when the tsar appointed the Damas who had no power or authority whatsoever and from what she was seeing right now the current provisional government would be no different and nothing good would happen to Russia. The next thing that appealed to her was the Bolsheviks talks of overthrowing capitalism, she had seen how capitalism had starved, and overworked people and she agreed that something would have to be done about it. With these things in mind Lidiia the 23 year old army nurse voted for the Bolsheviks when the revolution ended and the tsar abdicated.

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