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One dreadfully hot and sunny day, a campsite was accidently left burning. One measly ember shot out and landed on a tree. The tree immediately burst into flames and caught the nearby trees on fire too. Just as everyone thought that there was no life in there, a boy stumbled out of the flaming mass of trees. His eyes closed and he landed in the ashes. Paramedics rushed to help him, but declared him dead. He was rushed to the closest Emergency Room, but it was still a 20 minute drive. One paramedic recalled, When I saw him stumble out of that fire, I knew he was a goner. Thank god that he was still breathing.

BEGINNING: Jeez, it sure is hot! I complained. Well it sure isnt going to get any better by complaining about it! my mom shot back. Im not- Be quiet! Today were going to go hiking in the woods, so bring your camera! Dad always pretended to be a sales person whenever he spoke, so it was quite annoying. I stormed over to my tent while muttering, Why does she have to be so infuriating all the time? I vigorously pulled down the zipper and slumped on my cot. My tent was where I spent the majority of my time. I expected to see my brothers dirty clothes scattered around the tent, but then I realized that my brother was in Florida studying marine biology. Inside the tent I stored tons of machinery parts, and I fiddled around with them in my spare time. I slowly scanned over all the finicky little pieces of metal that I had accumulated over time. I needed my backpack, because it was a machine too. It had an automatic water dispenser that was accessible at the push of a button, and was specially designed to house plenty of equipment. I quietly slipped into my green camo jacket, and my hunting pants. Equipped with my backpack and my steel reinforced combat boots, I trailed my family out of the campsite. We had just barely reached the threshold of the woods when I stopped to glance over my shoulder at the campsite. The dark shadows of the tall trees loomed over the campsite, which was only dimly lit with the little fire that remained in the fire pit. I looked a little closer, and I spied a dark figure standing over the fire, tending it with a stick. I blinked twice, and the figure was gone, and all that was left was the dim glow of the fire pit. I shrugged it off, and ran to catch up with my family who had already started off into the thick woods. After a while of trudging and tripping over roots, we stopped for a lunch break. My stomach growled like thunder on a stormy night, and I picked up my sandwich and inspected it for flaws. When I finally declared that there was none, I started to nibble at my sandwich. I was occupied with enjoying and eating my ham sandwich when I notice my family jumping up and down and waving their arms at me. They were yelling something, but I couldnt quite make out the words. It sounded like, oblagosh! Qigol tush ariond! Then I looked around and saw the giant wall of fire slowly descending upon me. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}*

I slowly came to my senses in a white hospital gown lying in a stretcher. My wrists and ankles were strapped down and about a hundred needles were stashed in the garbage. I lifted my head and immediately felt dizzy and off-balance. One of the nurses put my head back down and gave me a glass of water. Only then did I realize how that my throat felt as coarse as sandpaper and it hurt every time I swallowed. I never thought that water could taste so good. Standing over me was a tall man dressed in a black trench coat, and his face was covered by a black bowler hat. He studied me as if I were a scientific experiment gone wrong. Hmm, interesting. His voice was smooth and hollow, almost like questioning my appearance. Do I know you? I inquired. Probably not, since your father, your FATHER, disbanded me from the family. He said accusingly. But now that your father has passed on, it is sadly my job to take you in. But listen up kid, I wouldnt have helped you if your darn father hadnt made me promise to do so. So dont expect me to treat you like princess tinkibell cause I aint doin it. He spat. Why do you hate my father so much? He was an okay man. OKAY MAN? Oh boy, I think you hit your head too hard. We were brothers, and brothers are supposed to help each other out, and maybe even look out for one another. But NO, he went off on his own way, sailed into America and started a new life. And did he remember me? NO HE DIDNT! So I was left in England, without a penny to my name. When I finaly raised enough pounds (or dollars for you Americans) to buy a ship ticket to go to America, it was the beginning of a new chance at life. The ships werent exactly maiden voyages at that time, but they got you across the ocean. Your father apparently had some friends in America, who just happened to own a really big company. So, he made lots of money, bought a house, and got a wife. While he was as happy as any man could be, I found out that not everything was all bread and butter. The Great Depression was just nearly over, so there were lots of job opportunities. They werent the best paying jobs, but soon I earned enough money to buy a ranch just far enough from Dallas to where it was peaceful. I stayed there for the remainder of my life, just a lonely man. He paused and stared into space, like he was trying to recall a lost memory. He got up and continued, We should better get goin, the sun is a settin. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* As we exited the hospital, the sun shone and the hot muggy air stank of rotten plants. The atmosphere felt like it had a few traces of death in it, and filled the air with depression. I thought about how all of my relatives had been reported dead or missing. I had to push back the urge to cry, and thought to myself, not now John, grieve later. Even though I had to choke back tears, I was also shaking my head in confusion. How did two colossally rare natural disasters happen almost simultaneously and that they both happened to my family? I thought about it all along the car ride back to my uncles ranch and decided that it could definitely not have been a coincidence. But before I could delve deeper into the dilemma, we pulled up into my uncles ranch. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}*

My uncles ranch was as big as a mansion. It was a towering 100 feet tall, and had a countless amount of floors. It was huge, for a man who lived all by himself. He still hadnt told me his name, but I guessed he was a very quiet man. The ranch had a dark red barn and a giant meadow right next to it. There was also a giant pen with cows, sheep and tons of cattle. As we walked to his ranch, one of the cattle tried to eat my hair, but I shooed it away. So, you still havent told me your name yet. I provoked. Its Matthew, but call me Matt. He replied without looking at me. He led me into his house, which had a giant table decorated with a giant turkey, lavished in gravy, and a whole wide load of sides; a meal fit for a king. I thought you said that you didnt live with anyone else, so why do you need that much food? I inquired. Well, I have servantsIt didnt seem like he was too anxious to talk, or he was hiding something. Well eat, you will need the energy. He was right; my eyelids drooped over my eyes, and I looked like I hadnt eaten in years. The table was beautifully set and it flourished with food, chicken, potatoes, beans, bread, and even pizza! I sat down on one end of the table, and Matt sat on the other. I was too busy shoving food into my mouth that it would be unmannerly to even talk. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* After a huge and very satisfying meal, I was tripping over my own feet to get in bed. Matt told me that my bedroom was on the 2 floor, down the hallway and the 5th room to the right. How confusing. I jumped into my bed and instantly fell asleep. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* Leo! John! What happened here? Wheres my house? Wheres Mom and Dad? Im so sorry John. What do you mean? There was a terrible forest fire, and you were the only one to survive. So mom and dad are dead? Yes, but theres no time for grieving now, theres something you must know. What? You are special, only you have the power to stop the giants and titans from destroying the Earth. Me? Special? Nope, I think youve got the wrong guy.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Darn, I dont have much time left, you will soon wake up. But wait! Listen John, make your way to the Doors of Death located in Greece, well meet up there. Oh yeah, one more thing, you are a child of Hephaestus, so youre immune to fire. Wait, dont leave, Leo! Bye John, and remember what I said, meet me at the Doors of Death, on the Winter solstice. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* When I finally woke up, the suns rays had just began to pour into my bedroom. I remembered that I had a weird dream, but it remained foggy in my mind. As I headed down the winding carpet covered flowery stairs, the savory smell of breakfast drifted through the air and into my nose. I slowly slipped my fuzzy and fluffy slippers onto my feet, and pulled on my new blue Vneck shirt that I found in my closet. I followed the smell of pancakes and sausages like a detective following a hot trail, into the large, grand dining hall. Pictures of women, men, children, and almost everything else in the world draped the walls. Uncle Matt was calmly sitting in his plush recliner and eating his pancakes when I walked in. He gestured for me to grab some food from the table. I piled my plate with pancakes and sat down on the seat next to Matt. So, he started with his mouth still half-full, tell me what happened yesterday. Well, Im not quite sure; the memory is still foggy in my mind, I said carefully, not trying to let him know about my recent dream, I faintly recall a fire, sirens, and then-nothing. I made a dramatic effect with my hands. My uncle stopped stuffing himself and thought for a while, so I turned on his giant flat screen TV. I sat on the couch eating my sausages and watching football (ahem, sorry-soccer) on channel 65-98. Matt finally put down his plate and stared into the distance, like a lost child in a foreign place. Finally, after Matt finished chewing his pancake, he got up from his recliner and headed over to the sink to wash his plate. All I could hear was the faint chirp-chirp of birds outside and the dripping of water from the sink. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* It was about midday when I saw it, a large, metallic dome-shaped building in the middle of an empty field. Curious, I asked Matt during lunch, and his face contorted like he smelled something retched. Dont go there, he warned, it has been abandoned for years. Do you own a plane? I questioned. Yes he muttered, but dont EVER go in there! he quickly added. Fine. I raised my hands, but started thinking about what I could possibly do with that plane. Then it dawned on me. I could hijack the plane and fly to Greece to save Leo! But the only problem was that I needed someone to fly the plane. Seeing the thoughtful expression on my face,

Matt quickly stormed over to the other room, cursing himself for telling me anything to begin with. I slowly walked up to my room, not even bothering to wash my plate. Upstairs, I rummaged through my clothes for my phone, which hardly even worked. After finding my phone, I ran over to my computer and typed airplane pilots for hire into the search bar. My eyes scanned the page, and narrowed down to one specific pilot, William Smith. My gut instinct told me to keep looking, but I somehow felt that this pilot was the one. I clicked on the link, and his phone number popped up. I shakily glided my fingers and punched in the numbers. I raised the phone to my ear and waited for an answer. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* MATT -- The Coast Guard salvaged this auto recording from the black box onboard the ship that Ron was on. -I was on a ship when I heard the awful news that Rons mom and dad had been killed in a tragic forest fire. I was heading back to Dallas while Ron was studying tropical fish and how they interact with their environment. The sky hazy, stormy sky rumbled thunder and flashed with lightning. Also, the locals driving and manning the boat acted very nervous. They kept looking up at the sky and quickly chattering in their native tongue. Then a spasmodic wind toppled the boat over, and trapped Ron under it. I began to panic, I dove into the water to save him, but I then suddenly realized that I couldnt swim. My breaths became shorter, and my vision started to fade. The last thing that I saw before I blacked out was an outstretched arm from a motorboat. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* After hanging up the phone, I climbed down the stairs and confronted Matt. Do you know what happened to Ron aboard his ship? Matt sat on his recliner and said nothing for a while, staring into space. Um Matt finally said, his voice quaking, I really dont know. Oh. I said, but I knew that he hiding something. I quickly climbed up the stairs and settled in my bed. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* The cold brisk air brushed against my cheek as I stood in the middle of the field waiting. It was one in the morning, so no one should have seen me. Then I heard the little tip tap of footsteps coming and quickly stood up a little straighter while adjusting my collar. Then a man dressed in a run-down shirt and a set of pants that were way too big for him walked out of the shadow of the barn. Whats up homie? he said in a much laid back tone. Uh, I dont know. I timidly replied. What ya mean ya aint know? There has to be something goin on, you get me? he implied.

Uh, okay. Can you fly a plane? Sure I can, Ive flew planes since I was 5 dawg! I mean over the ocean, to Greece. Huh? You never said that brother. Well can you or not? Sure I can, but whats in it for me? Couple hundred dollars. I lied. Well why not? Lets go! What? Now? ButBut... My things! Does it look like I care about your stinking things? Go get them, and make it quick! With that all set and done, I quickly hurried back to the ranch and entered through the back door. The ranch was dark at night, because it was so big and the rooms seemed to stretch for miles. I quickly glanced around surveying my surroundings, and my eyes settled on a camera, just a little bigger than my fist. I crept up for a closer look, and I quickly saw that the whole room had cameras stationed on the walls. Also, there were those lasers that triggered alarms when touched. I quickly realized that Matt must have put the ranch on lockdown whenever it turns night! I said to myself, Think. What other entrances can I go into the house with? Then I saw a ledge jetting out from the outer wall of the ranch. Sweaty from adrenaline, I hoisted myself up onto the ledge and then stealthily entered through my bedroom window. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* As I climbed in through the window, I noticed that my clothes were stacked on top of my bed in an orderly manner. Hmmm. I wondered to myself, I wonder why he did my clothes for me. I stealthily moved toward my closet and pulled out my suitcase. I hastily shoved my clothes in and latched the suitcase shut. I took my suitcase and the few belongings that I had and jumped out the window. When I was going down, my suitcase banged on the roof loudly, and I could hear Matt walking toward my room. I immediately felt a surge of panic, What if he sees me? I thought. I grabbed my suitcase and bolted to the airstrip, stumbling and tripping over rocks. Matt apparently didnt see me running, so he went back into his room to sleep. I started to calm down, I ran slower, and looked where I was running. My impromptu pilot was waiting for me at the airplane. He saw me coming and strapped on his helmet, then gestured for me to climb in the back. As the airplane took off, it made such a loud sound that the painting of Mona Lisa in Matts bedroom fell off the wall and hit him in the head. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* As our airplane soared above the clouds, I noticed that our plane was very small and rundown. It had only a couple of seats and the pilot seat was only separated by a thin glass frame. Besides all the shaking, the ride was actually very unstable, but the pilot flew at such fast speeds

that the flight was almost halfway over in an hour. I suddenly woke up with a jolt as the plane suddenly lurched forward and I fell out of my seat. The plane spun around and flipped upside down. I suddenly realized that the pilot was asleep! I immediately scrambled to my feet and kicked open the door to the pilots room. I hoisted his body away from the controls and tried to control the airplane. I furiously tried to straighten the airplane, but it wouldnt do anything. If anything, it was plummeting faster to the ground. Panic surged through me, and I left the controls. Looking around, I spotted a blue parachute hanging on the left wall. I grabbed it and quickly strapped it onto my back. I said goodbye to the pilot, opened the door, and jumped out. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* Only then did I realize that I had absolutely no idea on how to parachute out of a plane. Too late, I thought. As I plummeted from the heavens, my heart seemed to slow down, and I faintly saw the airplane crash in a nearby field. BA-DOOM, BA-DOOM. I found the rope and pulled it down, releasing the parachute. As I soared above the buildings of Rome, I saw how beautiful the buildings were. I softly landed on the Coliseum, scaring plenty of pigeons. I removed my parachute and laid it neatly on the roof. A huge roar shook the marble foundation, and a figure shot up from the sky and landed next to me. Leo I said. Leo looked at me and grinned, Looks like Godzilla the 4th is awakening, lets kill him! He grabbed me by the shirt and jumped off the Coliseum roof, only to land perfectly on his feet. I was about to ask were the monster was, but I didnt have to. The wall behind me exploded, throwing me off my feet. Leo stood in place, his hands holding balls of fire. The monster belched and roared again, shaking the ground once more. I struggled to get to my feet, but I couldnt because of my left leg. Probably broken, I thought, Darn it! Leo quickly dodged out of the way when the monster roared and swiped at where he was just standing. Quick! Get to cover! He told me, his face covered in soot. I obediently crawled under a hunk of metal and watched the battle from there. I saw Leo narrowly dodge another attack, but then was hit by the monsters left claw. He stumbled and clutched his side, which was bloody and bruised. With his face tight with pain, he took his hands and shot the monster with everything he had left. The poor monster collapsed to the floor, nearly crushing Leo. Leo moaned and tried to sit up, but he winced and lied back down. I could tell that his final attempt to kill the monster had effectively drained him. Help! Someone help! I desperately called into the wreckage of the coliseum. Even though I knew it was pointless, but I tried again with no avail. I soon felt my own eyes closing as well, my mind fogging. With a raspy but quiet voice, I whispered to Leo once again, Its been a long time brother, but Im happy were back. And with that, the world turned black and I fell to the floor alongside my brother. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* John. Johhhhnnn. A cold gravelly voice moaned from behind me. I ran from something that I didnt know what it was, but for the fact that if it got me I picked up speed and dashed through the dark corridor, and the thing following me also did. As I neared the last corner, I glimpsed a dim light. I lunged into it, the warmth engulfing me. Only then did I realize what was

chasing me. The cold dark feeling. The shapeless body. The disembodied voice. I had just escaped death. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* When I open my eyes, I realize that I am laying in a hospital bed with a bunch of nurses standing over me. I try to lift my head, but the nurse gently puts a hand on my shoulder and raises her hand in an unmistakable gesture, stop. I weakly nod my head, and she offers me a glass of water. I slowly turn my head to the side, looking for Leo. I see him on a bed next to mine, still out like a rock. I smile a bit, and a tall man walks into the room. Its Uncle Matt, who is surprisingly glad to see me alive. He has stiches on his face, where the painting fell and hit him. Leo also just wakes up, and gets up groggily. He staggers across to me and places a hand on my shoulder, in a quiet voice, he says, You did well brother. But so did you, I never knew you could summon fire. Leo grins and gets up, while patting Uncle Matt on the back. So you must be Johns Uncle. Call me Matt. He quickly replied. Leo gets up and waves for us to join him. I ignore the nurses concerns about my head, and follow him out the door. We wind up at the nearby ice cream store, Leo paying for all of us. I get a monster hot fudge sundae (See what I did there) and Matt buried himself in a mint chip shake. Leo just ordered a chocolate ice cream, took it to the table and melted it with his fingers. Ta-Da! exclaimed Leo and he took a sip of his newly made hot chocolate. I laughed, and for a second, I forgot all about the sadness that existed in my life. All that mattered was that I was alive, here, with my brother. *{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}**{-:}{:-}* The End (For now)

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