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Chase Stokes April 28, 2014 Sociology 2:00pm Waiting for Superman Reflection The education system in America

is failing, plain and simple. The no child let behind program has been pushing children through the education system that arent ready to move onto the next grade. All of the kids in the movie, Anthony, Daisy, Francisco, and Bianca all had different areas where the education system was failing them. The schools were lacking in proper funding and motivated teachers. Without the proper teachers in every school how can the schools expect the students to be properly prepared for the next grade or even to further education into college. Behind the scenes of the kids are the parents or guardians willing to help in any way or give up anything for their kids to go to the proper schools and prepare for college. Without the proper high school the kids can almost guarantee that they will never get into a good college or even get the opportunity to attend a college. But it all boils down to the teachers in the schools. The schools in America need a good clean up, there are so many teachers just riding through their years without giving the kids any useful knowledge. These teachers give the students the minimum of the curriculum and push them along to the next teacher. This would set any kid up for failure. The kids dont have any voice in making any changes in our school system it is up to the generation now and for the future generations to look out for our kids when the are going through the American school system.

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