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Childrens Poetry Reflection What I enjoyed about childrens poetry was that it shows more meaning than words

can say and can convey multiple meanings. I liked how poetry can be fun and not intimidating as I thought it was as a young reader. I also liked how it can express many feelings and have so many styles. One thing about poetry that I am excited about doing in my own classroom, is having my students pick a poem and then imitate it with their own words and background. Poems are interesting and can be a lot of fun in a classroom once a student get the hang of them. I think my students are apt to like about this genre is how funny poems can be and that they dont have to be serious or even follow a certain pattern; but instead can be whatever they want them to be.

List ways in which this genre can be of value to elementary school students: 1. Creating their own poems 2. Exploring different words 3. Word choice 4. Imagination 5. Creativity

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