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51ll lessoo lloo lotm

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|anned Lesson Act|v|t|es
Act|v|ty Name Mock cooqtess

Approx. 1|me 1 closs petloJ (1 boot ooJ tbltty mlootes)

Ant|c|patory Set

kevlew qtopblc otqoolzet now o 8lll 8ecomes o low tbot stoJeots completeJ os bomewotk. Opeo fot ooy poestloos
ftom stoJeots. 1oto lo qtopblc otqoolzets to tbe ftoot.


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5bott lectote-style exploootloo of bow tbe octlvlty ls qoloq to qo.
-l wlll setve os 5peoket of tbe noose, Mt. welset os lteslJeot
-1be stoJeots wlll be spllt loto foot coopetotlve leotoloq qtoops, J commlttees- woys ooJ Meoos, IoJlcloty, oetqy ooJ
-5toJeots wlll tecelve o blll, ooJ wlll be oskeJ to moJlfy tbot blll lo commlttee.
-5toJeots wlll ose Netbooks to teseotcb tbelt lssoe.
-5toJeots wlll pteseot tbelt blll to tbe noose lloot fot Jebote ooJ votloq.
1each|ng Strategy:
ColJeJ ltoctlce

1be teocbet wlll move otoooJ tbe leotoloq qtoops, offetloq losttoctloo ooJ qolJooce os tbe stoJeots wotk tbtooqb tbelt


Iootool teflectloo oboot tbe teceot qovetomeot sbot Jowo ooJ bow stoJeots feel tbot tbey coo bettet ooJetstooJ tbe
sbotJowo oow tbot tbeyve moveJ tbtooqb o mock cooqtessloool sessloo.

Mater|a|s ltoblem set booJoot coples, blll templote coples.

51ll lessoo lloo lotm

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1bls octlvlty ls mostly jost oo lmplemeototloo of tbe ptevloos closss leotoloq/nw, so tbe stoJeots sboolJ be ptepoteJ.
8ot lf occommoJotloos ot moJlflcotloos ote oeeJeJ fot stoJeots wbo ote bovloq ttooble ooJetstooJloq, lt wlll be eosy to
lmplemeot tbose oo oo loJlvlJool bosls, os most of tbe closs petloJ wlll be speot lo coopetotlve leotoloq qtoops, wotkloq
oo tbelt owo.


Iootool ooswetloq tbese teflectloo poestloos to ossess ooJetstooJloq.

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