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Think and Grow Rich --- Napoleon Hill Rich Dad, Poor Dad --- Robert Kiyosaki Five

Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle --- Jim Rohn Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ --- Daniel Goleman How to Win Friends and Influence People --- Dale Carnegie Listening for Success --- Steve Shapiro Intrebarile sunt de fapt raspunsuri --- Allan Pease Unlimited Power --- Anthony Robbins Inteligenta emotionala in leadership (Primal Leadership) --- Daniel Goleman The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth --- John Maxwell The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership --- John Maxwell Awaken the Giant Within --- Anthony Robbins Gandirea laterala --- Edward de Bono

Acestea nu sunt toate cartile bune si consider ca daca incepeti cu acestea veti gasi in jurul vostru multa frumusete si multa incredere in voi si in viitorul care va asteapta.

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