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Administrarea Afacerilor, an II Mangu Laura-Simona Grupa 204

Brand Positioning The battle of the mind: McCormick vs. Fuchs

Introducing the concept:

The brand is defined as a set of valuable features that can be identified and associated by the customers, rationally or emotionally, with a business or product that its been providing. As Michaels Eisner, CEO Disney sais A brand is a living entity, enriched or diluted over time, the cumulative result of thousands of small gestures. The brand: -promises, guarantees and certifies; -creates emotional bonds stronger than any commercial resonable argument; -speaks to the consumer about his lifestyle, values and aspirations; -becomes legend: Ferrari, Nokia, Oxford etc.




Lets not confuse promoting a certain product with positioning it on the market.

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Promoting is part of the brand construction, while positioning is creating an identity in the mind of consumers. More specific, market positioning is what differs from one brand to another in the mind of buyers, or the place occupied in their perceptions over that product. The positioning often involves shaping consumers perceptions. It changes everything, evan the superiority of products/ services. For example, a few years ago, in response to increased consumer concern about bacteria and germs, some soap brands have begun to position themselves as antibacterial or as having the ability to remove approx. 99% of all bacteria. The message was so strong among buyers that those brands have increased sales. The funny part is that the soap, by definition, removes dirt and germs. So naming a soap antibacterial is redundant, but it sounds good to customers who want a reassurance that using that soap will remove the potential danger to their health. This process means positioning, convincing customers to buy that offer over other by emphasizing or creating a competitive advantage that puts that specific product in a favorable light. Features of positioning: It takes place in the mind of clients; It is based over the advantage offered to the customer; It is a relative concept ( a product is placed in a strong competition with those existing already); It has strategic character; It anticipates the results and the future activity of the competition.

A product can by positioned on the market by the following elements: - price; - quality; - quantity; - services provided; - distribution channels; - package.

Administrarea Afacerilor, an II Mangu Laura-Simona Grupa 204

There are 3 types of positioning: Functional; Emotional; Senzorial. Next, I am going to make a market research over two best known spice- makers in the world: McCormick and Co., and Fuchs, with references to their positioning strategies and marketing sistem.

McCormick is the biggest spice company in the world, with more than 250 brands
with high popularity and strong tradition among americans. With a history of 110 years, McCormick has gain its position of the oldest spice company and therefore, it gain ed the trust of clients for whom traditional and familiar are the most important. McCormick knew that 64% of customers buy products based on how long-living and experienced the company is. Also, it knew that positioning is what the client thinks about the brand. The company understood that the customers perception is a combination between reality ( the attributes, qualities of the product, price, type of need) and image created through advertising, PR, sales promotions. McCormicks strategies are based on several elements: Price positioning: McCormick is using its low prices to positionate as a cheap spice maker company. In fact, McCormick has the lowest prices on the international market for all types of clients, no matter their level of salaries. Its brands are so called for every pocket. The products are aiming all categories of customers, no matter race, culture, level of education, social status. To identity McCormicks main competitor I focused on looking out for companies with an international focus that occuppy the same shelf space of McCormicks main customers. I have identified 5 companies: ACH Foods, Campbell Soup Company, ConAgra Foods, Sara Lee Corp, Heinz Company. The first one is the main competitor due to its large number of sales and profit.

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A short comparation of prices of the best sold products: Product name Brack pepper Chili powder Paprika powder Mustard McCormick $ 11,14 $11,99 $12,67 $9,53 ACH $11,50 $12,30 $12,79 $9,79

Quantity positioning: McCormick is oriented in selling big quantities of spices in over 100 countries around the world. This kind of positioning alows the company to focus on large scale productions in order to reach every customer in every corner of the globe. In 2011, McCormick sold 100, 000 metric tons of basmati rice in India and Thailand. Distribution channels positioning: McCormick has always been preocupied in expansion its distribution channels, because they contribute to higher earnings. The main marketing channels used are: retailing inside/ outside stores, wholesailing. The strategy is high intensity of distribution because we are refering to spices, produced in large quantities. In some countries ( ex. Poland) McCormick uses selective distribution which means that products are available for selling only in few stores located near popular areas. Mc Cormick operates in two business segments: consumer and industrial. The Company's products are sold directly to customers and also through brokers, wholesalers and distributors.

Administrarea Afacerilor, an II Mangu Laura-Simona Grupa 204

As a resuls of my research over this giant company, I came to the result that the types of positioning used are emotional and senzorial. Emotional positioning uses McCormicks brand images, starting the moment of acquisition by the customer. The category that fits best with this type of positioning is represented by the organic spices which customers identity with health and proper life style. Although its popularity is not very big, it address to the specific public interested in bio-food. Few examples of organic products: Organic Bay Leaves, Organic Cloves, Organic Coriander, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Black Peppercorns. Senzorial positioning is based on sensory experiences resulting from specific brand attributes such as taste, flavour in order to meet the needs and expectations related to feelings and stimulation.

In McCormicks case, the visual stimulation is mostly meet, being possible because of the bright colours, powerfull flavour and taste. By definition, spices that enrich the taste of food cause strong sensations to the main sense organs. Mass media and publicity The information stated so far described the market positioning, but how about social positioning? How do people see McCormick products? Because of the history background, old population is the main client for McCormick brand. Inevitably, they teach they children and grandchildren to use the same products, thus creating a culture that ensures the companys success for generations.

Administrarea Afacerilor, an II Mangu Laura-Simona Grupa 204

The most specific madia campaigns, with big impact over people and social opinion was the campaign Grill Mayor, that rewarded McCormick with the Best social Locationbased campaign. The participants had to check in using FourSquare technology on the grilling done by other people. At the and, the person with the most check-ins at his/her grill gets the honorary title of mayor of Hunt valley, Maryland for one day. Another campaign that envolved technology was spotted in New York City and included a billboard interaction with fans from Twitted, in Times Square. Both campaigns positioned McCormick as a company who cares about its clients, their preferences and dreams and of course, as a top organisation that uses advanced technology and it is continously developing in this technical area.

Fuchs- the german leader in the european spice market

Fuchs company is no 1s Europe spice producer and the 2nd in the world. The company is originated from Germany and its expansion was so big and its social impact so powerfull that today, it is the no1 choice of spice lovers. It has been awarded by Trusted Brands in 2012, as the most trusted spice company in Europe. Like McCormick itself, Fuchs is using price positioning, but in the oposite way. It is promoting premium products with higher prices than others, but also with high quality. For example, Fuchs Grill condiments is sold for $ 3,20/ per 175 g, while Kotanyi ( the main competitor on the european market) is selling the same product for $ 2,99. We meet again the distribution channels positioning. Fuchs is practicing retailing mostly, also wholesaling to main distributors ( Lidl, Carrefour etc.) As type of positioning on the market , Fuchs is using functional positioning. The client evaluates the performances of the product, in this case the spices with the highest quality, with no conservants, 100% natural.

Administrarea Afacerilor, an II Mangu Laura-Simona Grupa 204

Sensorial positioning has the same functions as it does to McCormick. It creates a certain addiction to smell, taste, flavour. 60 % of the customers choose spice products based on those elements, sais Fuchs Research Department. Best selling products are those with stronger flavour and colour: Fuchs Black Pepper, Mix for hungarian gulas, Spicy mix for american barbeque and Mustard. Mass media and publicity: Fuchs failed to positionate properly at its first media campaign. The management department agreed to position the brand on the shelf with other cheap products and therefore, the publics impression, that exists even today, is that Fuchs provides low/average quality products. Communication to public was also poor, there were no banners in public places or other information support about the campaign. So all the possible clients came to the conclusion that Fuchs is cheap, easy accessible brand, when the reality is different: Fuchs promises high standards of products manufactured with a speciaal taste, for medium to high prices. This was an example of ineffective positioning and misleading on the market. But the following media campaigns were succesfull, they led to increasing profit, attracting customers and gaining their loyality. In Romania, Fuchs used local celebrities to promote their Cosmin brand in a TV commercial. We are talking about Andreea Marin, a strong, appreciated woman with a solid background carrer and knowlegde about advertising. She associated her image with the spice companys brand, and the trust in it came almost instantly from the clients. Also, Fuchs is an important supporter of Andreea Marins Cherish Life Foundation. This creates a positive image for the company,that it cares about social problems and the people in need. A very important part of positioning is finding the right logo! Some say that a companys logo is the element with a bigger impact than the product itself. I personaly believe that the two came in a direct relation, one cannot create an identity without the other. Based on a research, more than 70 % of customers associate the product with a specific sentence and it is more probably to buy a certain product remembering its logo.

Administrarea Afacerilor, an II Mangu Laura-Simona Grupa 204

The two companies use strong logos, key words in order to conquer a place in every coustomers mind, to convince people with their message over the quality of their products. Mc Cormick has a very mind-keeping logo which states Brings passion to flavour or World of flavours, the second one corresponds to social campaigns where loyal coustomers have the chance to get contact with the company itself. On the other hand, Fuchs Company adds after the imposing Spice & Flavouring Technology , their official logo ... and add just a little more Fuchs. This can be interpreted as following: the company aims well educated potential coustomers and hopes to atract medium classes of society, but yet with the official logo, low class citizens can, of course became coustomers. While McCormick emphasizes larger mass of consumers, Fuchss most important aspect is the quality of his products, rather than quantity of future sales.

McCormick- SWOT Analyses

Strengths: 1. McCormick has build in aprox. 100 years a strong name that is deeply implemented in the consciousness of the american population. It is the oldest spice and flavour- maker company from USA territory and by that, the first choice in traditional american thinking. 2. In 2012, McCormick has been officialy recognized as the worlds biggest spice producer and manufacturer, as the numbers show it. It has the largest income as McCormick ensure its gains from selling its own brands and also, other brands around the globe, considering the partnership relations with them. McCormick is twice bigger than the next competitor, ACH Foods' Spice Islands so the competition is not a treath for its no 1 position in this slow-growing industry. Weaknesses: 1. The only aspect that can be considered a minus is that the company doesnt produce a line of bio or organic spices for this constantly extended domain. It is predicted that by the end of 2015, the organic food will take over 40 % of the market. This is a reason why every food sector organisation should provide a such department, in order to mentain its position on the market and the customers interest.

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Opportunities: 1. Growing popularity of the Asian, Japanese and Indian spices among americans offers the opportunity of developing business in this area of oriental cuisine, attracting more customers and of course, growing profit numbers. 2. International expansion is McCormicks goal for the next 4 years, in which it wants to cover over 20% of the emergent markets. 3. Future investments to make in other countries where the McCormick brand is not yet very well known. Because of the big investments, McCormicks sales grew up massively over the years, as the next diagram shows:

6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 2009 2010 2011 2012 1st trim 2nd trim

By studiyng the diagram, we can see that McCormick is constantly growing from the past 4 years because pf the good management strategy and leading. McCormick company is a Dividend Aristrocrat, which means is one of the small number of companies that raise their dividends every year, for at least 25 years. Investments play an important part in positioning process because it shows the people that McCormick is a big brand that takes risks in adding a variety of other products in its portofolio in order to satisfy every ones requests.

Threats: 1. The first threat is considered to be the growth of small, traditional store-brand products. If we imagine their domain as a pie, than McCormick holds 15 % of it, which means a very small part of this category of customers buyes McCormicks products.

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Distribution of percentage, store-brand products

McCormick 15%

Other brands 85%

The customers usualy buy store-brand products because they are cheaper and easy to acces. 2. Customers have an easy tendancy in the present days for oriental spices and exotic recepees, type of products that McCormick is not yet focused on.

Based on the above SWOT analyses, I believe McCormick should head in focusing on the Asian competition and the brand-stores products that are taking more and more advantage on the market.Of couse, it is obvious that the tradition of McCromick has a plus, most of its customers are used with familiar spice products, and this is what ensures the companys long term succes. But lets have a look over their future goals: they intend in adding new types of products and attack the market by making them a first. Mixing smoked paprika and tuscan beef stew flavouring might catch interest on the USA market. Over the other continents, McCormick intends to add 12 toppings and cake mixes to its dessert portofolio. Their latest tests over the customers preferences revealed that is it a strong need of new flavours and supplimentary tastes.

Fuchs- SWOT Analyses

Strengths: 1. Its no 1 position on the European market, 1st choice of East-European people and 2nd largest spices producer in the world.

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Fuchs is known as the biggest player on the european field, with a market share of 48 %, followed by austrian Kotanyi 30% and other producers 22%.



Kotanyi Other


2. It is owning research laboratories ( one of them spotted in Romania, the only one in East Europe) where they test customers reaction, what they prefer and of course, the possible success of inovated products on the market. 3. Powerfull media campaigns using local celebrities to acceptuate mass credibility. 4. Strong promoting of the consistency in flavour. 5. Growing market; the spices market is the only one not affected by the financial crisis. 6. It carries its own line of packaged organic spices and herbs.

Weaknesses: 1. Underestimation of the Fuchs products from its customers. Evan though Fuchs are premium products, people tend to associate them with cheap , middle class spices. 2. Non-orientation over the poor population. Fuchs spices are in average, more expensive than the income of the target consumers. Opportunities: 1. The possibility of entering on the asian market. Fuchs premium products will be high appreciated in the orient for their quality. Threats: 1. Growing sales of cheap brands such as Kotanyi, with a 5% rise in 2012. 2. Large number of competitors.

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Conclusion: The two companies, although they focus on the same market ( spice manufacturing), they target the same types of consumers, they never created difficulties to one another in the process of competition. This is because the spice market is in continuous expansion and the only direction it can go is up. In my opinion, both should maintain their curent marketing, positioning and management strategies, understand the market in which it operates, understand the customer and his need and also predict future movements of other products on the same market niche. As the above analyses shows, their growing profit will increase the popularity and success of the two firms, in which the consistency of actions and dedication have priority.

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