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Carroll 1 Nancy Carroll Campbell English 1102 18 March 2014 Second Draft Reflection Writing my second draft wasnt

that difficult as I had already written down most of my thoughts in the fast draft and previous, scattered notes. In order to put this draft together I took the comments Professor Campbell made on my fast draft and narrowed down my research to more specific areas of discussion. I found that after creating my research presentation, I had collected an abundance of data concerning different angles of my topic, which assisted my paper tremendously. I did, however, encounter some trouble finding research related to specific questions I had. Some statistics were unable to be found due to the great unknown of the rising Internet world. A lot of my research pertaining to this topic came from informal blogs opposed to experts, which also posed a threat to my paper. A large piece of information about the social networking world comes from the social networkers themselves, not scientists, making it difficult to find and use credible information. The statistics I did find were not always related to my specific inquiry questions, so I had to beat around the bush at times. Although I was able to make my points clearer in the second draft, after receiving feedback from my professor and peers I realized I needed to expand and strengthen my final revision. The questions Professor Campbell proposed in my second draft aimed me towards more exploration of Internet addiction and more

Carroll 2 statistics related to the costs of online interaction and online dangers. I received positive feedback from my professor, so now I must touch up the final draft for complete clarity and add more in-depth research.

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