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1.- Write the adverbs in English.

Siempre Usualmente, normalmente A menudo Algunas veces Nunca

2.- Write the third person singular. Affirmative Come Catch Fly Open Clean Sleep Brush Go Drive Have* Be * Do Get up Play Ski Study Go out Negative

3.- Write the simple present. Write the adverb in the correct position. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I..(live) in London. He .(have) lunch at two. She .(get up/ always) at 8. My friend .....................................(usually /watch) TV in the evening. Daisy ..................................................(wash/ sometimes) her hands. I..(brush/always) my teeth. We ..(do /often) gymnastics. They (never/ go) horse riding. She (be /never) alone at night. John..(go out / sometimes) alone in the afternoon. She ..(always/ ski) in winter.

4.- Write the sentences in the negative form. 1. Charlie / not read/ books. Charlie doesnt read books.

2. Bob and Lois / not work/ in a shop. 3. Susan / not watch/ TV at night. 4. They /not love/ peas. 5. We /not brush/ our teeth in the morning. 6. Saul / not go/ on skiing holidays. 7. Kevin / not play/ volleyball. 8. They / not go/ swimming.

5.- Make questions. Write short answers. 1. Raul /play/ football? No. Does Raul play football? No, he doesnt

2. She /go/ to English lessons? Yes. 3. You / do / your homework every day? Yes. 4. Your dad/ paint/ the bedroom? No. 5. Manuel / go sailing? Yes. 6. They / ride/ a horse in the evenings? No. 7. The girl/ do / aerobics? Yes. 8. The children / play/ handball? No. 6. Translate. 1. Mi hermano nunca hace aerobic por la tarde. 2. T ves pelculas los fines de semana? S. 3. Nosotros no esquiamos, nosotros montamos a caballo todos los das. 4. Ella patina por la noche? No. 5. Mi hermana a veces nada los jueves. T nadas? S. 6. Ellos nunca van de vacaciones a esquiar. 7. Carmen juega al balonmano a veces. Juega l? No. 8. La profe siempre esqua por la maana en invierno.

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