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Chris DiFrancesco 2/24/14 3rd Exhibit: Moving to Michigan Benchmark: Teamwork/Communication Skills: TC101 and TC102

I moved to Jackson, Mi from Syracuse, Ny the summer before my freshman year. I hated it. I only hated it more when I started school, but I was accepted by my teachers and some of the students as well. Even though I wasnt accepted as much as I wouldve wanted at first I learned to accept it as well. Moving to Michigan was the best experience Ive had in my life if I reflect back on it. I had to adapt to the new surroundings, while making new friends; neither of these were easy for me because I dont deal with change well or make friends easily. I did not fall in love with Hanover-Horton until my sophomore year when I was introduced to engineering. I also realized after being at Hanover for a few years that it was full of great people and teachers. Even though they talked a little different than me, calling soda pop and calling sneakers tennis-shoes, I started to (TC101) understand the cultural traditions of others. The first few years I lived in Michigan I still didnt accept it as much as I shouldve and I realized thats because I hadnt went out of my way to get used to their customs and ways. So I started watching University of Michigan basketball and tried just letting myself like Michigan. (TC 102). I started to find things I liked about Michigan, like the strong engineering base and manufacturing. I feel like understanding and letting go is a big part of me getting used to living in Michigan, I know that my family had to move here and I know that I had to get use to it. I feel

like going through life with a chip on your shoulder will only ending hurting your future more. Learning how to accept the things I dont like will help me out in both my future and personal lives I may get transferred to a place I dont like or have to move for others reasons Im not fond of.

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