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The story is about a special friendly relationship between an old man and a dog. Peter, was a 78 years old man who is alone in the world. His wife had died some time ago and he had no children. His only relatives in the world are is nephew called Tom and his wife Lily who invited Peter to live with them. Peter was very happy and accepted. The house was big, with a garden. Peter liked to be outdoors and did gardening. ne day, Peter knew the !amsay"s setter called #!$%&L$'. The dog was white. The body was flecked with brown. (n the daytime, the dog lay down outside waiting for the ) small !amsay children to come home from school and in the evening, he lay outside. *r. and *rs. !amsay paid him no attention. +ay after day, Peter and #reckles became more and more friends. They started to spend more time together. Peter was happy to be with #reckles. The bond between them became stronger. Their friendship grew into love. (t was the love of a dog for his master. ,ut unfortunately, one day, the !amsays decided to move out to the country. They moved away and #reckles with them. Peter felt his life became empty again. He had to learn to live with pain and disappointment. He very was sad. ne night, Peter heard a soft familiar scratching at his door. He didn"t believe his ears. (t was #reckles-- Peter was happy that #reckles hadn"t forgotten their bond. ,ut he knew it was no right because #reckles had a family. The !amsay.s children loved the dog. The old man"s heart was torn between /oy and anguish. He closed the door and telephoned to the !amsays. 0hen *r. !amsay arrived, #reckles still lay outdoor Peter"s doors. *r. !amsay was upset with the dog. Peter told the man that #reckles was a fine dog, and suggested him to be affectionate. (f he did that, he would never regret it. *r. !amsay reali1ed that Peter was right, he had never paid attention to the dog. #inally, *r. !amsay and #reckles decided to go ton new home. Peter knew it was over. He would never see the setter again. 2o home, #reckles, he said, go home boy.

La historia es acerca de la especial relaci3n de amistad entre un anciano y un perro. Peter era un anciano de 78 a4os. $staba solo en el mundo. 'u esposa muri3 hace un tiempo y no tenia hi/os. 'u 5nica familia en el mundo era su sobrino Tom y su esposa Lily, 6uienes lo invitaron a vivir con ellos. Peter estaba feli1 y acept3 encantado. La casa era grande, con un /ard7n. 8 Peter le gustaba pasar el tiempo afuera y hacer /ardiner7a. 9n d7a Peter conoci3 al setter de los !amsays. 'u nombre era #!$%&L$'. $ra un perro color blanco con manchas marrones. +urante el d7a, #reckles se acostaba afuera esperando por los ) ni4os pe6ue4os 6ue regresaran del colegio. : en la noche, se acostaba afuera. $l 'r. : la 'ra. !amsay no le prestaban atenci3n. +7a tras d7a Peter y #reckles se volv7an m;s y m;s amigos. %omen1aron a pasar m;s tiempo /untos. Peter estaba feli1 de estar con #reckles. $l v7nculo entre ellos se volv7a m;s fuerte. 'u amistad creci3 hasta convertirse en amor. $ra el amor del un perro hacia su amo. Pero, desafortunadamente un d7a, los !amsays deciden mudarse a las afueras 'e mudan le/os y #reckles con ellos. Peter siente 6ue su vida se vuelve vac7a otra ve1. Tiene 6ue aprender a vivir con dolor y decepci3n. 9na noche, Peter escucha un suave ladrido familiar en su puerta. <o cre7a lo 6ue escuchaba. $ra #reckles-- Peter estaba feli1 de 6ue #reckles no olvid3 el v7nculo 6ue ten7an. Pero =l sab7a 6ue no estaba bien por6ue el perro tiene una familia. Los ni4os de los !amsays lo amaban. $l cora13n del anciano se debat7a entre alegr7a y angustia. %err3 la puerta y llam3 por tel=fono a los !amsays. %uando el 'r. !amsay lleg3, #reckles a5n estaba recostado en la puerta del 'r. Peter. $l 'r. !amsay estaba molesto con el perro. Peter le di/o al hombre 6ue #reckles era un buen perro y le sugiri3 6ue sea afectivo con =l. >ue si lo hac7a, no lo lamentar7a. $l 'r. !amsay se di3 cuenta 6ue Peter tenia ra13n. $l nunca le hab7a prestado atenci3n al perro. #inalmente, el 'r. !amsay y #reckles deciden irse. Peter sab7a 6ue todo hab7a terminado. >ue nunca volver7a a ver al setter otra ve1. ?e a casa #reckles, di/o, ve a casa muchacho.

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