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Joey Danial Waterfall rocks a hint of grass foam and and and and stones with um um um umumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumum blue

and white water rushing down a steep slote slope as spray bumps no splashes back up into the air creating a sort of mist near the base of the falls the mist obscures the bottom like a veil obscres the face of a women wth the water is in turmoil always rushing like a frienzeid frenzied stampede of buffalo? All running straight off the edge of a clif and while wfalling down, for a moment seem clear and calm and shine like a mirror reflecting the mist that ti will soon become Some of the water however takes another path, more violent the narrow path creates such turmoil and chaos that the calm water theat created it is unrecgonizeable unrecognizable lost to the insane rush to get to the bottom even before the fall, it seems that signs of chaos have already begun, the pure sapphire water marred by the white foam of disorder. For all the chaos of the water the stones are equally impassive. Unphased by the relentless struggle of the water surrounding it , the rocks hold fast againsthno the rocks remain, seemingly unaware of the incredible insanity that is the water, But the rocks are infact aware. As they slowly erodeas the water rushes past taking with it more and more of the ancient rocksas an the thing with thething with the thing with with but the stones valiantly silently hold in no restrain no what is the word wordwordwordword wrd um um um um m ummumumummmum I guess restrain the chaotic water from drestroying the outside, doing its s eternal duty of stoping water no matter the cost to itself its unknown altruism ignored by nearly all but the stones care not they will continue in their work while the water rushes away away away off to the unknown unknowable the misty beyond just like beyond no at the bottom of the waterfall , it goes offinto the inpenetrable mist that hangs heavy near the bottom of the falls.

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