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The Parent

Melissas son Jack is 12 and has a severe form of epilepsy that affects his intellectual capabilities and behaviour. He needs one-onone care 24 hours a day. Melissa also has a daughter Ruby, and the family lives in Belmont, Victoria. Jack has a form of epilepsy known as LennoxGastaut. His development was normal until he was about three years old and the uncontrolled seizures began. His condition is expected to get worse with age. As a result Melissas family has to do Name: Melissa Smith everything separately. Melissa might take Age: 25 Occupation: Stay at Home Mum Ruby out while her partner, Paul, takes Jack out.

Main Points:
- Has a child with a disability - Family life is affected as a result - Willing to try new methods of rehabilitation - Needs more support

- To help the family come to terms with Jacks disability - Continue to have balanced family time - Ensure Jacks needs are met on a daily basis

Paint Points & Frustrations " Parents who have a positive attitude and who look at the advantages they have over other parents also tend to cope in a more healthy way."
Without family support, they rely on paid carers to get respite. The support accessible isnt flexible and is allocated on a case-bycase basis. This makes working particularly difficult she can get funding for a carer to pick Jack up after school and bring him home if shes sitting at home, but not when shes at work because it isnt classified as respite. Whats particularly frustrating is hearing about how society is so accepting of disability, and how disability is catered for in the community. Its total crap. Most parents I know with children with disabilities have a really hard time taking them out. As a parent youre given a really hard time when your child looks normal but doesnt act the way they should be acting. You can feel really defeated.

- Needs more support - The publics outlook on child behaviour and what they dont understand - Feeling helpless with Jacks condition

- Elizabeth makes a full recovery after rehabilitation - Back to her normal schedule - daily exercise with her husband - Independent - Regains all strength through physical therapy

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