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This new eBook 0ersion o# &Think and (row Rich) by apoleon !ill has
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this te8t helps you to begin 93:R ;ourney to disco0ering the Riches in your li#e.
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Table Of Contents
WH&T DO 'O( W&NT )O*T+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-
P(!LI*H.R'* PR./&C.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0
&(THOR'* PR./&C.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12
CH&PT.R 13 INTROD(CTION,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14
T!REE FEET FR3A (3@D.................................................................................................*B
' F1FT9-5ET @E$$3 1 PER$1$TE5E....................................................................../
CH&PT.R 53 D.*IR.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56
T!E $T'RT1( P31T 3F '@@ '5!1E>EAET..........................................................+
The First $tep toward Riches............................................................................................+
DE$1RE 3:T41T$ A3T!ER 'T:RE............................................................................,B
CH&PT.R 73 /&ITH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -8
The $econd $tep toward Riches.......................................................................................C-
CH&PT.R -3 &(TO-*(GG.*TION,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44
T!E AED1:A F3R 1F@:E51( T!E $:B53$513:$ A1D...........................DD
The Third $tep toward Riches.........................................................................................DD
CH&PT.R 93 *P.CI&LI:.D KNOWL.DG.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87
The Fourth $tep toward Riches.......................................................................................-,
CH&PT.R 43 I)&GIN&TION,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,04
T!E 43R2$!3P 3F T!E A1D......................................................................................BD
The Fi#th $tep toward Riches...........................................................................................BD
CH&PT.R 83 ORG&NI:.D PL&NNING,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,122
T!E 5R9$T'@@1E'T13 3F DE$1RE 1T3 '5T13................................................*//
The $i8th $tep toward Riches........................................................................................*//
CH&PT.R 03 D.CI*ION,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1-2
T!E A'$TER9 3F PR35R'$T1'T13......................................................................*C/
The $e0enth $tep toward Riches...................................................................................*C/
Do 9ou Feel Frustrated% $tuck 3r 30erwhelmed by the 5oncepts in this eBookF
Disco0er !ow To Begin Ao0ing Forward with FREE 'udio G >ideo Training at :
CH&PT.R 63 P.R*I*T.NC.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,191
T!E $:$T'1ED EFF3RT E5E$$'R9 T3 1D:5E F'1T!...................................*H*
The Eighth $tep toward Riches.....................................................................................*H*
CH&PT.R 123 POW.R O/ TH. )&*T.R )IND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,148
T!E DR1>1( F3R5E.......................................................................................................*D-
The inth $tep toward Riches.......................................................................................*D-
CH&PT.R 113 TH. )'*T.R' O/ *.; TR&N*)(T&TION,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18-
The Tenth $tep toward Riches.......................................................................................*-C
4!9 AE $E@D3A $:55EED BEF3RE F3RT9................................................*B.
CH&PT.R 153 TH. *(!CON*CIO(* )IND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16-
T!E 53E5T1( @12................................................................................................*+C
The Ele0enth $tep toward Riches..................................................................................*+C
CH&PT.R 173 TH. !R&IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,521
' BR3'D5'$T1( 'D RE5E1>1( $T'T13 F3R T!3:(!T........................../*
The Twel#th $tep toward Riches..................................................................................../*
CH&PT.R 1-3 TH. *I;TH *.N*.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,520
T!E D33R T3 T!E TEAP@E 3F 41$D3A.................................................................../B
The Thirteenth $tep toward Riches................................................................................/B
CH&PT.R 193 HOW TO O(TWIT TH. *I; GHO*T* O/ /.&R,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,510
T!E $1I B'$15 FE'R$........................................................................................................*+
T!E FE'R 3F P3>ERT9...................................................................................................../
$9APT3A$ 3F T!E FE'R 3F P3>ERT9...................................................................,
$9APT3A$ 3F T!E FE'R 3F 5R1T151$A ................................................................B
T!E FE'R 3F 1@@ !E'@T!...............................................................................................+
$9APT3A$ 3F T!E FE'R 3F 1@@ !E'@T!............................................................,/
T!E FE'R 3F @3$$ 3F @3>E...........................................................................................,.
$9APT3A$ 3F T!E FE'R 3F @3$$ 3F @3>E.........................................................,.
T!E FE'R 3F 3@D '(E....................................................................................................,,
$9APT3A$ 3F T!E FE'R 3F 3@D '(E..................................................................,,
T!E FE'R 3F DE'T!........................................................................................................,C
$9APT3A$ 3F T!E FE'R 3F DE'T!......................................................................,H
3@D A' 43RR9.........................................................................................................,D
Do 9ou Feel Frustrated% $tuck 3r 30erwhelmed by the 5oncepts in this eBookF
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T!E DE>1@J$ 43R2$!3P................................................................................................,+
T!E $E>ET! B'$15 E>1@..............................................................................................,+
!ow T3 PR3TE5T 93:R$E@F '('1$T E('T1>E 1F@:E5E$..................,+
$E@F-''@9$1$ TE$T K:E$T13$............................................................................C/
LF1FT9-$E>EL F'A3:$ '@1B1$ By 3ld Aan 1F......................................................CD
Do 9ou Feel Frustrated% $tuck 3r 30erwhelmed by the 5oncepts in this eBookF
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WH&T DO 'O( W&NT )O*T+
Is It Money, Fame, Power,
Contentment, Personality,
Peace of Mind, Happiness?
The Thirteen $teps to Riches described in this book o##er the shortest
dependable philosophy o# indi0idual achie0ement e0er presented #or the bene#it
o# the man or woman who is searching #or a de#inite goal in li#e.
Be#ore beginning the book you will pro#it greatly i# you recogni7e the #act
that the book was not written to entertain. 9ou cannot digest the contents properly
in a week or a month.
'#ter reading the book thoroughly% Dr. Ailler Reese !utchison% nationally
known 5onsulting Engineer and long-time associate o# Thomas '. Edison% saidM
LThis is not a no0el. 1t is a te8tbook on indi0idual achie0ement that came directly
#rom the e8periences o# hundreds o# 'mericaJs most success#ul men. 1t should be
studied, diested, and meditated upon. o more than one chapter should be read
in a single night. The reader should underline the sentences which impress him
most. @ater% he should go back to these marked lines and read them again. ! real
student will not merely read this book% he will absorb its contents and make them his
own. This book should be adopted by all high schools and no boy or girl should
be permitted to graduate without ha0ing satis#actorily passed an e8amination on
it. This philosophy will not take the place o# the sub;ects taught in schools% but it
will enable one to orani"e and apply the knowledge acNuired% and con0ert it into
use#ul ser0ice and adeNuate compensation without waste o# time.
Dr. Oohn R. Turner% Dean o# the 5ollege o# The 5ity o# ew 9ork% a#ter
ha0ing read the book% saidM LThe 0ery best e8ample o# the soundness o# this
philosophy is your own son% Blair% whose dramatic story you ha0e outlined in
the chapter on Desire.L
Dr. Turner had re#erence to the authorJs son% who% born without normal
hearing capacity% not only a0oided becoming a dea# mute% but actually con0erted
his handicap into a priceless asset by applying the philosophy here described.
'#ter reading the story <starting on page H.=% you will reali7e that you are about
to come into possession o# a philosophy which can be transmuted into material
wealth% or ser0e as readily to bring you peace o# mind% understanding% spiritual
Do 9ou Feel Frustrated% $tuck 3r 30erwhelmed by the 5oncepts in this eBookF
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harmony% and in some instances% as in the case o# the authorJs son% it can. help
you master physical a##liction.
The author disco0ered% through personally analy7ing hundreds o#
success#ul men% that all o# them #ollowed the habit o# e8changing ideas% through
what is commonly called conferences. 4hen they had problems to be sol0ed they
sat down together and talked #reely until they disco0ered% #rom their ;oint
contribution o# ideas% a plan that would ser0e their purpose.
9ou% who read this book% will get most out o# it by putting into practice
the Aaster Aind principle described in the book. This you can do <as others are
doing so success#ully= by #orming a study club% consisting o# any desired number
o# people who are #riendly and harmonious. The club should ha0e a meeting at
regular periods% as o#ten as once each week. The procedure should consist o#
reading one chapter o# the book at each meeting% a#ter which the contents o# the
chapter should be #reely discussed by all members. Each member should make
notes% putting down !## I$%!& 'F HI& '() inspired by the discussion. Each
member should care#ully read and analy7e each chapter se0eral days prior to its
open reading and ;oint discussion in the club. The reading at the club should be
done by someone who reads well and understands how to put color and #eeling
into the lines.
By #ollowing this plan e0ery reader will get #rom its pages% not only the
sum total o# the best knowledge organi7ed #rom the e8periences o# hundreds o#
success#ul men% but more important by #ar% he will tap new sources of knowlede in
his own mind as well as ac*uire knowlede of priceless value F+'M %,%+- '.H%+
P%+&') P+%&%)./
1# you #ollow this plan persistently you will be almost certain to unco0er
and appropriate the secret #ormula by which 'ndrew 5arnegie acNuired his
huge #ortune% as re#erred to in the authorJs introduction.
TR1B:TE$ T3 T!E ':T!3R
From (reat 'merican @eaders
LT!12 'D (R34 R15!L was .H years in the making. 1t is apoleon
!illJs newest book% based upon his #amous @aw o# $uccess Philosophy. !is work
and writings ha0e been praised by great leaders in Finance% Education% Politics%
Do 9ou Feel Frustrated% $tuck 3r 30erwhelmed by the 5oncepts in this eBookF
Disco0er !ow To Begin Ao0ing Forward with FREE 'udio G >ideo Training at :
Supreme Court of the United States
Washington, D. C.
$ear Mr/ Hill0 1 1
I have now had an opportunity to finish readin your #aw of
&uccess te2tbooks and I wish to e2press my appreciation of the
splendid work you have done in the orani"ation of this philosophy/
It would be helpful if every politician in the country would
assimilate and apply the 34 principles upon which your lessons are
based/ It contains some very fine material which every leader in every
walk of life should understand/
I am happy to have had the privilee of renderin you some
sliht measure of help in the orani"ation of this splendid course of
5common sense5 philosophy/
&incerely yours
<Former President and #ormer 5hie# Oustice o# the :nited $tates=
21( 3F T!E H 'D */ 5ET $T3RE$
LBy applying many o# the *- #undamentals o# the @aw o# $uccess
philosophy we ha0e built a great chain o# success#ul stores. 1 presume it would
be no e8aggeration o# #act i# 1 said that the 4oolworth Building might properly
be called a monument to the soundness o# these principles.L
F. 4. 433@43RT!
' (RE'T $TE'A$!1P A'('TE
L1 #eel greatly indebted #or the pri0ilege o# reading your @aw o# $uccess. 1#
1 had had this philosophy #i#ty years ago% 1 suppose 1 could ha0e accomplished
Do 9ou Feel Frustrated% $tuck 3r 30erwhelmed by the 5oncepts in this eBookF
Disco0er !ow To Begin Ao0ing Forward with FREE 'udio G >ideo Training at :
all that 1 ha0e done in less than hal# the time. 1 sincerely hope the world will
disco0er and reward you.L
F'A3:$ 'AER15' @'B3R @E'DER
LAastery o# the @aw o# $uccess philosophy is the eNui0alent o# an
insurance policy against #ailure.L
$'A:E@ (3APER$
LAay 1 not congratulate you on your persistence. 'ny man who de0otes
that much time . . . must o# necessity make disco0eries o# great 0alue to others. 1
am deeply impressed by your interpretation o# the JAaster AindJ principles
which you ha0e so clearly described.L
433DR34 41@$3
' AER5!'T PR15E
L1 know that your *- #undamentals o# success are sound because 1 ha0e
been applying them in my business #or more than ,/ years.L
O3! 4''A'2ER
43R@DJ$ @'R(E$T A'2ER 3F 5'AER'$
L1 know that you are doing a world o# good with your @aw o# $uccess. 1
would not care to set a monetary 0alue on this training because it brings to the
student Nualities which cannot be measured by money% alone.L
(E3R(E E'$TA'
' 'T13'@@9 234 B:$1E$$ 5!1EF
L4hate0er success 1 may ha0e attained 1 owe% entirely% to the application
o# your *- #undamental principles o# the @aw o# $uccess. 1 belie0e 1 ha0e the
honor o# being your #irst student.L
4.A.. 4R1(@E9% OR.
Do 9ou Feel Frustrated% $tuck 3r 30erwhelmed by the 5oncepts in this eBookF
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P(!LI*H.R'* PR./&C.
T!1$ book con0eys the e8perience o# more than H// men o# great wealth%
who began at scratch% with nothing to gi0e in return #or riches e8cept
T!3:(!T$% 1DE'$ and 3R('1EED P@'$.
!ere you ha0e the entire philosophy o# moneymaking% ;ust as it was
organi7ed #rom the actual achie0ements o# the most success#ul men known to the
'merican people during the past #i#ty years. 1t describes 4!'T T3 D3% also%
!34 T3 D3 1TP
1t presents complete instructions on !34 T3 $E@@ 93:R PER$3'@
1t pro0ides you with a per#ect system o# sel#-analysis that will readily
disclose what has been standing between you and Lthe big moneyL in the past.
1t describes the #amous 'ndrew 5arnegie #ormula o# personal
achie0ement by which he accumulated hundreds o# millions o# dollars #or
himsel# and made no #ewer than a score o# millionaires o# men to whom he
taught his secret.
Perhaps you do not need all that is to be #ound in the bookM no one o# the
H// men #rom whose e8periences it was written didM but you may need 3E
1DE'% P@' 3R $:((E$T13 to start you toward your goal. $omewhere in
the book you will #ind this needed stimulus.
The book was inspired by 'ndrew 5arnegie% a#ter he had made his
millions and retired. 1t was written by the man to whom 5arnegie disclosed the
astounding secret o# his richesM the same man to whom the H// wealthy men
re0ealed the source o# their riches.
1n this 0olume will be #ound the thirteen principles o# money-making
essential to e0ery person who accumulates su##icient money to guarantee
#inancial independence. 1t is estimated that the research which went into the
preparation% be#ore the book was written% or could be writtenM research
co0ering more than twenty-#i0e years o# continuous e##ortM could not be
duplicated at a cost o# less than Q*//%///.//.
Aoreo0er% the knowledge contained in the book ne0er can be duplicated%
at any cost% #or the reason that more than hal# o# the H// men who supplied the
in#ormation it brings ha0e passed on.
+iches cannot always be measured in money6
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Aoney and material things are essential #or #reedom o# body and mind%
but there are some who will #eel that the greatest o# all riches can be e0aluated
only in terms o# lasting #riendships% harmonious #amily relationships% sympathy
and understanding between business associates% and introspecti0e harmony
which brings one peace o# mind measurable only in spiritual 0aluesP
'll who read% understand and apply this philosophy will be better
prepared to attract and en;oy these higher estates which always ha0e been and
always will be denied to all e8cept those who are ready #or them.
Be prepared% there#ore% when you e8pose yoursel# to the in#luence o# this
philosophy% to e8perience a 5!'(ED @1FE which may help you not only to
negotiate your way through li#e with harmony and understanding% but also to
prepare you #or the accumulation o# material riches in abundance.
T!E P:B@1$!ER.
Do 9ou Feel Frustrated% $tuck 3r 30erwhelmed by the 5oncepts in this eBookF
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&(THOR'* PR./&C.
1 E>ER9 chapter o# this book% mention has been made o# the money-
making secret which has made #ortunes #or more than #i0e hundred e8ceedingly
wealthy men whom 1 ha0e care#ully analy7ed o0er a long period o# years.
The secret was brought to my attention by 'ndrew 5arnegie% more than a
Nuarter o# a century ago. The canny% lo0able old $cotsman carelessly tossed it
into my mind% when 1 was but a boy. Then he sat back in his chair% with a merry
twinkle in his eyes% and watched care#ully to see i# 1 had brains enough to
understand the #ull signi#icance o# what he had said to me.
4hen he saw that 1 had grasped the idea% he asked i# 1 would be willing to
spend twenty years or more% preparing mysel# to take it to the world% to men and
women who% without the secret% might go through li#e as #ailures. 1 said 1 would%
and with Ar. 5arnegieJs cooperation% 1 ha0e kept my promise.
This book contains the secret% a#ter ha0ing been put to a practical test by
thousands o# people% in almost e0ery walk o# li#e. 1t was Ar. 5arnegieJs idea that
the magic #ormula% which ga0e him a stupendous #ortune% ought to be placed
within reach o# people who do not ha0e time to in0estigate how men make
money% and it was his hope that 1 might test and demonstrate the soundness o#
the #ormula through the e8perience o# men and women in e0ery calling. !e
belie0ed the #ormula should be taught in all public schools and colleges% and
e8pressed the opinion that i# it were properly taught it would so re0olutioni7e
the entire educational system that the time spent in school could be reduced to
less than hal#.
!is e8perience with 5harles A. $chwab% and other young men o# Ar.
$chwabJs type% con0inced Ar. 5arnegie that much o# that which is taught in the
schools is o# no 0alue whatsoe0er in connection with the business o# earning a
li0ing or accumulating riches. !e had arri0ed at this decision% because he had
taken into his business one young man a#ter another% many o# them with but
little schooling% and by coaching them in the use o# this #ormula% de0eloped in
them rare leadership. Aoreo0er, his coachin made fortunes for everyone of them who
followed his instructions.
1n the chapter on Faith% you will read the astounding story o# the
organi7ation o# the giant :nited $tates $teel 5orporation% as it was concei0ed and
carried out by one o# the young men through whom Ar. 5arnegie pro0ed that
Do 9ou Feel Frustrated% $tuck 3r 30erwhelmed by the 5oncepts in this eBookF
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his #ormula will work #or all who are ready #or it. This single application o# the
secret% by that young manM 5harles A. $chwabM made him a huge #ortune in
both money and 3PP3RT:1T9. Roughly speaking% this particular application
o# the #ormula was worth si2 hundred million dollars.
These #actsMand they are #acts well known to almost e0eryone who knew
Ar. 5arnegieM gi0e you a #air idea o# what the reading o# this book may bring to
you% pro0ided you 7)'( (H!. I. I& .H!. -'8 (!)..
E0en be#ore it had undergone twenty years o# practical testing% the secret
was passed on to more than one hundred thousand men and women who ha0e
used it #or their personal bene#it% as Ar. 5arnegie planned that they should. $ome
ha0e made #ortunes with it. 3thers ha0e used it success#ully in creating harmony
in their homes. ' clergyman used it so e##ecti0ely that it brought him an income
o# upwards o# Q-H%///.// a year.
'rthur ash% a 5incinnati tailor% used his near-bankrupt business as a
Lguinea pigL on which to test the #ormula. The business came to li#e and made a
#ortune #or its owners. 1t is still thri0ing% although Ar. ash has gone. The
e8periment was so uniNue that newspapers and maga7ines% ga0e it more than a
million dollarsJ worth o# laudatory publicity.
The secret was passed on to $tuart 'ustin 4ier% o# Dallas% Te8as. !e was
ready #or itM so ready that he ga0e up his pro#ession and studied law. Did he
succeedF That story is told too.
1 ga0e the secret to Oennings Randolph% the day he graduated #rom
5ollege% and he has used it so success#ully that he is now ser0ing his third term
as a Aember o# 5ongress% with an e8cellent opportunity to keep on using it until
it carries him to the 4hite !ouse.
4hile ser0ing as 'd0ertising Aanager o# the @a-$alle E8tension
:ni0ersity% when it was little more than a name% 1 had the pri0ilege o# seeing O. (.
5hapline% President o# the :ni0ersity% use the #ormula so e##ecti0ely that he has
since made the @a$alle one o# the great e8tension schools o# the country.
The secret to which 1 re#er has been mentioned no #ewer than a hundred
times% throughout this book. 1t has not been directly named% #or it seems to work
more success#ully when it is merely unco0ered and le#t in sight% where T!3$E
4!3 'RE RE'D9% and $E'R5!1( F3R 1T% may pick it up. That is why Ar.
5arnegie tossed it to me so Nuietly% without gi0ing me its speci#ic name.
1# you are RE'D9 to put it to use% you will recogni7e this secret at least
once in e0ery chapter. 1 wish 1 might #eel pri0ileged to tell you how you will
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know i# you are ready% but that would depri0e you o# much o# the bene#it you
will recei0e when you make the disco0ery in your own way.
4hile this book was being written% my own son% who was then #inishing
the last year o# his college work% picked up the manuscript o# chapter two% read
it% and disco0ered the secret #or himsel#. !e used the in#ormation so e##ecti0ely
that he went directly into a responsible position at a beginning salary greater
than the a0erage man e0er earns. !is story has been brie#ly described in chapter
two. 4hen you read it% perhaps you will dismiss any #eeling you may ha0e had%
at the beginning o# the book% that it promised too much. 'nd% too% i# you ha0e
e0er been discouraged% i# you ha0e had di##iculties to surmount which took the
0ery soul out o# you% i# you ha0e tried and #ailed% i# you were e0er handicapped
by illness or physical a##liction% this story o# my sonJs disco0ery and use o# the
5arnegie #ormula may pro0e to be the oasis in the Desert o# @ost !ope% #or which
you ha0e been searching.
This secret was e8tensi0ely used by President 4oodrow 4ilson% during
the 4orld 4ar. 1t was passed on to e0ery soldier who #ought in the war%
care#ully wrapped in the training recei0ed be#ore going to the #ront. President
4ilson told me it was a strong #actor in raising the #unds needed #or the war.
Aore than twenty years ago% !on. Aanuel @. Kue7on <then Resident
5ommissioner o# the Philippine 1slands=% was inspired by the secret to gain
#reedom #or his people. !e has gained #reedom #or the Philippines% and is the
#irst President o# the #ree state.
' peculiar thing about this secret is that those who once acNuire it and use
it% #ind themsel0es literally swept on to success% with but little e##ort% and they
ne0er again submit to #ailureP 1# you doubt this% study the names o# those who
ha0e used it% where0er they ha0e been mentioned% check their records #or
yoursel#% and be con0inced.
There is no such thing as $3AET!1( F3R 3T!1(P
The secret to which 1 re#er cannot be had without a price% although the
price is #ar less than its 0alue. 1t cannot be had at any price by those who are not
intentionally searching #or it. 1t cannot be gi0en away% it cannot be purchased #or
money% #or the reason that it comes in two parts. 3ne part is already in
possession o# those who are ready #or it.
The secret ser0es eNually well% all who are ready #or it. Education has
nothing to do with it. @ong be#ore 1 was born% the secret had #ound its way into
the possession o# Thomas '. Edison% and he used it so intelligently that he
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became the worldJs leading in0entor% although he had but three months o#
The secret was passed on to a business associate o# Ar. Edison. !e used it
so e##ecti0ely that% although he was then making only Q*.%/// a year% he
accumulated a great #ortune% and retired #rom acti0e business while still a young
man. 9ou will #ind his story at the beginning o# the #irst chapter. 1t should
con0ince you that riches are not beyond your reach% that you can still be what
you wish to be% that money% #ame% recognition and happiness can be had by all
who are ready and determined to ha0e these blessings. !ow do 1 know these
thingsF 9ou should ha0e the answer be#ore you #inish this book. 9ou may #ind it
in the 0ery #irst chapter% or on the last page.
4hile 1 was per#orming the twenty year task o# research% which 1 had
undertaken at Ar. 5arnegieJs reNuest% 1 analy7ed hundreds o# well known men%
many o# whom admitted that they had accumulated their 0ast #ortunes through
the aid o# the 5arnegie secret" among these men were: M
!YR"S H. K. !"RIS
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These names represent but a small #raction o# the hundreds o# well known
'mericans whose achie0ements% #inancially and otherwise% pro0e that those who
understand and apply the 5arnegie secret% reach high stations in li#e. 1 ha0e
ne0er known anyone who was inspired to use the secret% who did not achie0e
noteworthy success in his chosen calling. 1 ha0e ne0er known any person to
distinguish himsel#% or to accumulate riches o# any conseNuence% without
possession o# the secret. From these two #acts 1 draw the conclusion that the
secret is more important% as a part o# the knowledge essential #or sel#-
determination% than any which one recei0es through what is popularly known as
4hat is ED:5'T13% anywayF This has been answered in #ull detail.
's #ar as schooling is concerned% many o# these men had 0ery little. Oohn
4anamaker once told me that what little schooling he had% he acNuired in 0ery
much the same manner as a modern loco-moti0e takes on water% by Lscooping it
up as it runs.L !enry Ford ne0er reached high school% let alone college. 1 am not
attempting to minimi7e the 0alue o# schooling% but 1 am trying to e8press my
earnest belie# that those who master and apply the secret will reach high stations%
accumulate riches% and bargain with li#e on their own terms% e0en i# their
schooling has been meager.
$omewhere% as you read% the secret to which 1 re#er will ;ump #rom the
page and stand boldly be#ore you% 1F 93: 'RE RE'D9 F3R 1TP 4hen it
appears% you will recogni7e it. 4hether you recei0e the sign in the #irst or the last
chapter% stop #or a moment when it presents itsel#% and turn down a glass% #or that
occasion will mark the most important turning-point o# your li#e.
4e pass now% to 5hapter 3ne% and to the story o# my 0ery dear #riend%
who has generously acknowledged ha0ing seen the mystic sign% and whose
business achie0ements are e0idence enough that he turned down a glass. 's you
read his story% and the others% remember that they deal with the important
problems o# li#e% such as all men e8perience.
The problems arising #rom oneJs endea0or to earn a li0ing% to #ind hope%
courage% contentment and peace o# mind" to accumulate riches and to en;oy
#reedom o# body and spirit.
Remember% too% as you go through the book% that it deals with #acts and
not with #iction% its purpose being to con0ey a great uni0ersal truth through
which all who are RE'D9 may learn% not only 4!'T T3 D3% B:T '@$3 !34
T3 D3 1TP and recei0e% as well% T!E EEDED $T1A:@:$ T3 A'2E ' $T'RT.
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's a #inal word o# preparation% be#ore you begin the #irst chapter% may 1
o##er one brie# suggestion which may pro0ide a clue by which the 5arnegie
secret may be recogni7edF 1t is thisM !## !CHI%,%M%)., !## %!+)%$
+ICH%&, H!,% .H%I+ 9%:I))I): I) !) I$%!6 1# you are ready #or the secret%
you already possess one hal# o# it% there#ore% you will readily recogni7e the other
hal# the moment it reaches your mind.
T!E ':T!3R
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T!E A' 4!3 LT!3:(!TL
!1$ 4'9 1T3 P'RTER$!1P
41T! T!3A'$ '. ED1$3
TR:@9% Lthoughts are things%L and power#ul things at that% when they are
mi8ed with de#initeness o# purpose% persistence% and a B:R1( DE$1RE #or
their translation into riches% or other material ob;ects.
' little more than thirty years ago% Edwin 5. Barnes disco0ered how true
it is that men really do T!12 'D (R34 R15!. !is disco0ery did not come
about at one sitting. 1t came little by little% beginning with a B:R1( DE$1RE
to become a business associate o# the great Edison.
3ne o# the chie# characteristics o# BarnesJ Desire was that it was definite.
!e wanted to work with Edison% not for him. 3bser0e% care#ully% the description
o# how he went about translating his DE$1RE into reality% and you will ha0e a
better understanding o# the thirteen principles which lead to riches.
4hen this DE$1RE% or impulse o# thought% #irst #lashed into his mind he
was in no position to act upon it. Two di##iculties stood in his way. !e did not
know Ar. Edison% and he did not ha0e enough money to pay his railroad #are to
3range% ew Oersey.
These di##iculties were su##icient to ha0e discouraged the ma;ority o# men
#rom making any attempt to carry out the desire. But his was no ordinary desireP
!e was so determined to #ind a way to carry out his desire that he #inally
decided to tra0el by Lblind baggage%L rather than be de#eated. <To the uninitiated%
this means that he went to East 3range on a #reight train=.
!e presented himsel# at Ar. EdisonJs laboratory% and announced he had
come to go into business with the in0entor. 1n speaking o# the #irst meeting
between Barnes and Edison% years later% Ar. Edison said% L!e stood there be#ore
me% looking like an ordinary tramp% but there was somethin in the e2pression of his
face which conveyed the impression that he was determined to et what he had come after.
1 had learned% #rom years o# e8perience with men% that when a man really
DE$1RE$ a thing so deeply that he is willing to stake his entire #uture on a single
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turn o# the wheel in order to get it% he is sure to win. 1 ga0e him the opportunity
he asked #or% because I saw he had made up his mind to stand by until he succeeded.
$ubseNuent e0ents pro0ed that no mistake was made.L
Oust what young Barnes said to Ar. Edison on that occasion was #ar less
important than that which he thouht. Edison% himsel#% said soP 1t could not ha0e
been the young manJs appearance which got him his start in the Edison o##ice% #or
that was de#initely against him. 1t was what he T!3:(!T that counted.
1# the signi#icance o# this statement could be con0eyed to e0ery person
who reads it% there would be no need #or the remainder o# this book.
Barnes did not get his partnership with Edison on his #irst inter0iew. !e
did get a chance to work in the Edison o##ices% at a 0ery nominal wage% doing
work that was unimportant to Edison% but most important to Barnes% because it
ga0e him an opportunity to display his LmerchandiseL where his intended
LpartnerL could see it.
Aonths went by. 'pparently nothing happened to bring the co0eted goal
which Barnes had set up in his mind as his DEF11TE A'O3R P:RP3$E. But
something important was happening in BarnesJ mind. !e was constantly
intensi#ying his DE$1RE to become the business associate o# Edison.
Psychologists ha0e correctly said that Lwhen one is truly ready #or a thing%
it puts in its appearance.L
Barnes was ready #or a business association with Edison% moreo0er% he
was DETERA1ED T3 REA'1 RE'D9 :T1@ !E (3T T!'T 4!15! !E
4'$ $EE21(.
!e did not say to himsel#% L'h well% whatJs the useF 1 guess 1Jll change my
mind and try #or a salesmanJs ;ob.L But% he did say% L1 came here to go into
business with Edison% and 1Jll accomplish this end i# it takes the remainder o# my
li#e.L !e meant itP 4hat a di##erent story men would ha0e to tell i# only they
would adopt a DEF11TE P:RP3$E% and stand by that purpose until it had time
to become an all-consuming obsessionP
Aaybe young Barnes did not know it at the time% but his bulldog
determination% his persistence in standing back o# a single DE$1RE% was destined
to mow down all opposition% and bring him the opportunity he was seeking.
4hen the opportunity came% it appeared in a di##erent #orm% and #rom a
di##erent direction than Barnes had e8pected. That is one o# the tricks o#
opportunity. 1t has a sly habit o# slipping in by the back door% and o#ten it comes
disguised in the #orm o# mis#ortune% or temporary de#eat. Perhaps this is why so
many #ail to recogni7e opportunity.
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Ar. Edison had ;ust per#ected a new o##ice de0ice% known at that time% as
the Edison Dictating Aachine <now the Ediphone=. !is salesmen were not
enthusiastic o0er the machine. They did not belie0e it could be sold without great
e##ort. Barnes saw his opportunity. 1t had crawled in Nuietly% hidden in a Nueer
looking machine which interested no one but Barnes and the in0entor.
Barnes knew he could sell the Edison Dictating Aachine. !e suggested
this to Edison% and promptly got his chance. !e did sell the machine. 1n #act% he
sold it so success#ully that Edison ga0e him a contract to distribute and market it
all o0er the nation. 3ut o# that business association grew the slogan% LAade by
Edison and installed by Barnes.L
The business alliance has been in operation #or more than thirty years. 3ut
o# it Barnes has made himsel# rich in money% but he has done something
in#initely greater% he has pro0ed that one really may LThink and (row Rich.L
!ow much actual cash that original DE$1RE o# BarnesJ has been worth to
him% 1 ha0e no way o# knowing. Perhaps it has brought him two or three million
dollars% but the amount% whate0er it is% becomes insigni#icant when compared
with the greater asset he acNuired in the #orm o# de#inite knowledge that an
intanible impulse of thouht can be transmuted into its physical counterpart by the
application o# known principles.
Barnes literally thouht himsel# into a partnership with the great EdisonP
!e thought himsel# into a #ortune. !e had nothing to start with% e8cept the
capacity to 234 4!'T !E 4'TED% 'D T!E DETERA1'T13 T3
$T'D B9 T!'T DE$1RE :T1@ !E RE'@1EED 1T.
!e had no money to begin with. !e had but little education. !e had no
in#luence. But he did ha0e initiati0e% #aith% and the will to win. 4ith these
intangible #orces he made himsel# number one man with the greatest in0entor
who e0er li0ed.
ow% let us look at a di##erent situation% and study a man who had plenty
o# tangible e0idence o# riches% but lost it% because he stopped three #eet short o# the
goal he was seeking.
3ne o# the most common causes o# #ailure is the habit o# Nuitting when
one is o0ertaken by temporary defeat. E0ery person is guilty o# this mistake at one
time or another.
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'n uncle o# R. :. Darby was caught by the Lgold #e0erL in the gold-rush
days% and went west to D1( 'D (R34 R15!. !e had ne0er heard that more
old has been mined from the brains of men than has ever been taken from the earth. !e
staked a claim and went to work with pick and sho0el. The going was hard% but
his lust #or gold was de#inite.
'#ter weeks o# labor% he was rewarded by the disco0ery o# the shining ore.
!e needed machinery to bring the ore to the sur#ace. Kuietly% he co0ered up the
mine% retraced his #ootsteps to his home in 4illiamsburg% Aaryland% told his
relati0es and a #ew neighbors o# the Lstrike.L They got together money #or the
needed machinery% had it shipped. The uncle and Darby went back to work the
The #irst car o# ore was mined% and shipped to a smelter. The returns
pro0ed they had one o# the richest mines in 5oloradoP ' #ew more cars o# that
ore would clear the debts. Then would come the big killing in pro#its.
Down went the drillsP :p went the hopes o# Darby and :ncleP Then
something happenedP The 0ein o# gold ore disappearedP They had come to the
end o# the rainbow% and the pot o# gold was no longer thereP They drilled on%
desperately trying to pick up the 0ein againM all to no a0ail.
Finally% they decided to K:1T.
They sold the machinery to a ;unk man #or a #ew hundred dollars% and
took the train back home. $ome L;unkL men are dumb% but not this oneP !e called
in a mining engineer to look at the mine and do a little calculating. The engineer
ad0ised that the pro;ect had #ailed% because the owners were not #amiliar with
L#ault lines.L !is calculations showed that the 0ein would be #ound O:$T T!REE
FEET FR3A 4!ERE T!E D'RB9$ !'D $T3PPED DR1@@1(P That is e8actly
where it was #oundP
The LOunkL man took millions o# dollars in ore #rom the mine% because he
knew enough to seek e8pert counsel be#ore gi0ing up.
Aost o# the money which went into the machinery was procured through
the e##orts o# R. :. Darby% who was then a 0ery young man. The money came
#rom his relati0es and neighbors% because o# their #aith in him. !e paid back
e0ery dollar o# it% although he was years in doing so.
@ong a#terward% Ar. Darby recouped his loss many times o0er% when he
made the discovery that DE$1RE can be transmuted into gold. The disco0ery came
a#ter he went into the business o# selling li#e insurance.
Remembering that he lost a huge #ortune% because he $T3PPED three #eet
#rom gold% Darby pro#ited by the e8perience in his chosen work% by the simple
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method o# saying to himsel#% L1 stopped three #eet #rom gold% but 1 will ne0er stop
because men say 'no' when 1 ask them to buy insurance.L
Darby is one o# a small group o# #ewer than #i#ty men who sell more than a
million dollars in li#e insurance annually. !e owes his LstickabilityL to the lesson
he learned #rom his LNuitabilityL in the gold mining business.
Be#ore success comes in any manJs li#e% he is sure to meet with much
temporary de#eat% and% perhaps% some #ailure. 4hen de#eat o0ertakes a man% the
easiest and most logical thing to do is to K:1T. That is e8actly what the ma;ority
o# men do.
Aore than #i0e hundred o# the most success#ul men this country has e0er
known% told the author their greatest success came ;ust one step beyond the point
at which de#eat had o0ertaken them. Failure is a trickster with a keen sense o#
irony and cunning. 1t takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost
within reach.
' F1FT9-5ET @E$$3 1 PER$1$TE5E
$hortly a#ter Ar. Darby recei0ed his degree #rom the L:ni0ersity o# !ard
2nocks%L and had decided to pro#it by his e8perience in the gold mining
business% he had the good #ortune to be present on an occasion that pro0ed to
him that LoL does not necessarily mean no.
3ne a#ternoon he was helping his uncle grind wheat in an old #ashioned
mill. The uncle operated a large #arm on which a number o# colored sharecrop
#armers li0ed. Kuietly% the door was opened% and a small colored child% the
daughter o# a tenant% walked in and took her place near the door.
The uncle looked up% saw the child% and barked at her roughly% Lwhat do
you wantFL
Aeekly% the child replied% LAy mammy say send her #i#ty cents.L
L1Jll not do it%L the uncle retorted% Low you run on home.L
L9as sah%L the child replied. 9ut she did not move.
The uncle went ahead with his work% so busily engaged that he did not
pay enough attention to the child to obser0e that she did not lea0e. 4hen he
looked up and saw her still standing there% he yelled at her% L1 told you to go on
homeP ow go% or 1Jll take a switch to you.L
The little girl said Lyas sah%L but she did not bude an inch.
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The uncle dropped a sack o# grain he was about to pour into the mill
hopper% picked up a barrel sta0e% and started toward the child with an e8pression
on his #ace that indicated trouble.
Darby held his breath. !e was certain he was about to witness a murder.
!e knew his uncle had a #ierce temper. !e knew that colored children were not
supposed to de#y white people in that part o# the country.
4hen the uncle reached the spot where the child was standing% she
Nuickly stepped #orward one step% looked up into his eyes% and screamed at the
top o# her shrill 0oice% 5M- M!MM-'& :'..! H!,% .H!. FIF.- C%).&65
The uncle stopped% looked at her #or a minute% then slowly laid the barrel
sta0e on the #loor% put his hand in his pocket% took out hal# a dollar% and ga0e it to
The child took the money and slowly backed toward the door% ne0er
taking her eyes o## the man whom she had ;ust con*uered. '#ter she had gone% the
uncle sat down on a bo8 and looked out the window into space #or more than ten
minutes. !e was pondering% with awe% o0er the whipping he had ;ust taken.
Ar. Darby% too% was doing some thinking. That was the #irst time in all his
e8perience that he had seen a colored child deliberately master an adult white
person. !ow did she do itF 4hat happened to his uncle that caused him to lose
his #ierceness and become as docile as a lambF 4hat strange power did this child
use that made her master o0er her superiorF These and other similar Nuestions
#lashed into DarbyJs mind% but he did not #ind the answer until years later% when
he told me the story.
$trangely% the story o# this unusual e8perience was told to the author in
the old mill% on the 0ery spot where the uncle took his whipping. $trangely% too% 1
had de0oted nearly a Nuarter o# a century to the study o# the power which
enabled an ignorant% illiterate colored child to conNuer an intelligent man.
's we stood there in that musty old mill% Ar. Darby repeated the story o#
the unusual conNuest% and #inished by asking% L4hat can you make o# itF 4hat
strange power did that child use% that so completely whipped my uncleFL
The answer to his Nuestion will be #ound in the principles described in this
book. The answer is #ull and complete. 1t contains details and instructions
su##icient to enable anyone to understand% and apply the same #orce which the
little child accidentally stumbled upon.
2eep your mind alert% and you will obser0e e8actly what strange power
came to the rescue o# the child% you will catch a glimpse o# this power in the ne8t
chapter. $omewhere in the book you will #ind an idea that will Nuicken your
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recepti0e powers% and place at your command% #or your own bene#it% this same
irresistible power. The awareness o# this power may come to you in the #irst
chapter% or it may #lash into your mind in some subseNuent chapter. 1t may come
in the #orm o# a single idea. 3r% it may come in the nature o# a plan% or a purpose.
'gain% it may cause you to go back into your past e8periences o# #ailure or de#eat%
and bring to the sur#ace some lesson by which you can regain all that you lost
through de#eat.
'#ter 1 had described to Ar. Darby the power unwittingly used by the
little colored child% he Nuickly retraced his thirty years o# e8perience as a li#e
insurance salesman% and #rankly acknowledged that his success in that #ield was
due% in no small degree% to the lesson he had learned #rom the child.
Ar. Darby pointed out: Le0ery time a prospect tried to bow me out% without
buying% 1 saw that child standing there in the old mill% her big eyes glaring in
de#iance% and 1 said to mysel#% J1J0e gotta make this sale. J The better portion o# all
sales 1 ha0e made% were made a#ter people had said J3J.L
!e recalled% too% his mistake in ha0ing stopped only three #eet #rom gold%
Lbut%L he said% Lthat e8perience was a blessing in disguise. 1t taught me to keep on
keepin on% no matter how hard the going may be% a lesson 1 needed to learn
be#ore 1 could succeed in anything.L
This story o# Ar. Darby and his uncle% the colored child and the gold
mine% doubtless will be read by hundreds o# men who make their li0ing by
selling li#e insurance% and to all o# these% the author wishes to o##er the suggestion
that Darby owes to these two e8periences his ability to sell more than a million
dollars o# li#e insurance e0ery year.
@i#e is strange% and o#ten imponderableP Both the successes and the
#ailures ha0e their roots in simple e8periences. Ar. DarbyJs e8periences were
commonplace and simple enough% yet they held the answer to his destiny in li#e%
there#ore they were as important <to him= as li#e itsel#. !e pro#ited by these two
dramatic e8periences% because he analy"ed them% and #ound the lesson they taught.
But what o# the man who has neither the time% nor the inclination to study #ailure
in search o# knowledge that may lead to successF 4here% and how is he to learn
the art o# con0erting de#eat into stepping stones to opportunityF
1n answer to these Nuestions% this book was written.
The answer called #or a description o# thirteen principles% but remember%
as you read% the answer you may be seeking% to the Nuestions which ha0e caused
you to ponder o0er the strangeness o# li#e% may be #ound in your own mind%
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through some idea% plan% or purpose which may spring into your mind as you
3ne sound idea is all that one needs to achie0e success. The principles
described in this book% contain the best% and the most practical o# all that is
known% concerning ways and means o# creating use#ul ideas.
Be#ore we go any #urther in our approach to the description o# these
principles% we belie0e you are entitled to recei0e this important suggestionR.
4!E R15!E$ BE(1 T3 53AE T!E9 53AE $3 K:152@9% 1 $:5!
(RE'T 'B:D'5E% T!'T 3E 43DER$ 4!ERE T!E9 !'>E BEE
!1D1( D:R1( '@@ T!3$E @E' 9E'R$. This is an astounding statement%
and all the more so% when we take into consideration the popular belie#% that
riches come only to those who work hard and long.
4hen you begin to T!12 'D (R34 R15!% you will obser0e that
riches begin with a state o# mind% with de#initeness o# purpose% with little or no
hard work. 9ou% and e0ery other person% ought to be interested in knowing how
to acNuire that state o# mind which will attract riches. 1 spent twenty-#i0e years in
research% analy7ing more than .H%/// people% because 1% too% wanted to know
Lhow wealthy men become that way.
4ithout that research% this book could not ha0e been written.
!ere take notice o# a 0ery signi#icant truth% 0i7:
The business depression started in *+.+% and continued on to an all time
record o# destruction% until sometime a#ter President Roose0elt entered o##ice.
Then the depression began to #ade into nothingness. Oust as an electrician in a
theatre raises the lights so gradually that darkness is transmuted into light be#ore
you reali7e it% so did the spell o# #ear in the minds o# the people gradually #ade
away and become #aith.
3bser0e 0ery closely% as soon as you master the principles o# this
philosophy% and begin to #ollow the instructions #or applying those principles%
your #inancial status will begin to impro0e% and e0erything you touch will begin
to transmute itsel# into an asset #or your bene#it. 1mpossibleF ot at allP
3ne o# the main weaknesses o# mankind is the a0erage manJs #amiliarity
with the word Limpossible.L !e knows all the rules which will 3T work. !e
knows all the things which 5'3T be done. This book was written #or those
who seek the rules which ha0e made others success#ul% and are willing to stake
everythin on those rules.
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' great many years ago 1 purchased a #ine dictionary. The #irst thing 1 did
with it was to turn to the word Limpossible%L and neatly clip it out o# the book.
That would not be an unwise thing #or you to do.
$uccess comes to those who become $:55E$$ 53$513:$.
Failure comes to those who indi##erently allow themsel0es to become
F'1@:RE 53$513:$.
The ob;ect o# this book is to help all who seek it% to learn the art o#
changing their minds #rom F'1@:RE 53$513:$E$$ to $:55E$$
'nother weakness #ound in altogether too many people% is the habit o#
measuring e0erything% and e0eryone% by their own impressions and belie#s. $ome
who will read this% will belie0e that no one can T!12 'D (R34 R15!. They
cannot think in terms o# riches% because their thought habits ha0e been steeped in
po0erty% want% misery% #ailure% and de#eat.
These un#ortunate people remind me o# a prominent 5hinese% who came
to 'merica to be educated in 'merican ways. !e attended the :ni0ersity o#
5hicago. 3ne day President !arper met this young 3riental on the campus%
stopped to chat with him #or a #ew minutes% and asked what had impressed him
as being the most noticeable characteristic o# the 'merican people.
L4hy%L the 5hinaman e8claimed% Lthe Nueer slant o# your eyes. 9our eyes
are o## slantPL
4hat do we say about the 5hineseF
4e re#use to belie0e that which we do not understand. 4e #oolishly
belie0e that our own limitations are the proper measure o# limitations. $ure% the
other #ellowJs eyes are Lo## slant%L BE5':$E T!E9 'RE 3T T!E $'AE '$
3:R 34.
Aillions o# people look at the achie0ements o# !enry Ford% a#ter he has
arri0ed% and en0y him% because o# his good #ortune% or luck% or genius% or
whate0er it is that they credit #or FordJs #ortune. Perhaps one person in e0ery
hundred thousand knows the secret o# FordJs success% and those who do know
are too modest% or too reluctant% to speak o# it% because of its simplicity. ' single
transaction will illustrate the LsecretL per#ectly.
' #ew years back% Ford decided to produce his now #amous >-B motor. !e
chose to build an engine with the entire eight cylinders cast in one block% and
instructed his engineers to produce a design #or the engine. The design was
placed on paper% but the engineers agreed% to a man% that it was simply impossible
to cast an eight-cylinder gas engine block in one piece.
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Ford said% LProduce it anyway.L
LBut%L they replied% LitJs impossiblePL
L(o ahead%L Ford commanded% Land stay on the ;ob until you succeed no
matter how much time is reNuired.L
The engineers went ahead. There was nothing else #or them to do% i# they
were to remain on the Ford sta##. $i8 months went by% nothing happened.
'nother si8 months passed% and still nothing happened. The engineers tried
e0ery concei0able plan to carry out the orders% but the thing seemed out o# the
Nuestion" 5impossible65
't the end o# the year Ford checked with his engineers% and again they
in#ormed him they had #ound no way to carry out his orders.
L(o right ahead%L said Ford% L1 want it% and 1Jll ha0e it.L
They went ahead% and then% as i# by a stroke o# magic% the secret was
The Ford DETERA1'T13 had won once moreP
This story may not be described with minute accuracy% but the sum and
substance o# it is correct. Deduce #rom it% you who wish to T!12 'D (R34
R15!% the secret o# the Ford millions% i# you can. 9ouJll not ha0e to look 0ery #ar.
!enry Ford is a success% because he understands% and applies the principles
o# success. 3ne o# these is DE$1RE: knowing what one wants. Remember this
Ford story as you read% and pick out the lines in which the secret o# his
stupendous achie0ement ha0e been described. 1# you can do this% i# you can lay
your #inger on the particular group o# principles which made !enry Ford rich%
you can eNual his achie0ements in almost any calling #or which you are suited.
93: 'RE LT!E A'$TER 3F 93:R F'TE% T!E 5'PT'1 3F 93:R
$3:@%L BE5':$ER
4hen !enley wrote the prophetic lines% L1 am the Aaster o# my Fate% 1 am
the 5aptain o# my $oul%L he should ha0e in#ormed us that we are the Aasters o#
our Fate% the 5aptains o# our $ouls% because we ha0e the power to control our
!e should ha0e told us that the ether in which this little earth #loats% in
which we mo0e and ha0e our being% is a #orm o# energy mo0ing at an
inconcei0ably high rate o# 0ibration% and that the ether is #illed with a #orm o#
uni0ersal power which 'D'PT$ itsel# to the nature o# the thoughts we hold in
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our minds" and 1F@:E5E$ us% in natural ways% to transmute our thoughts
into their physical eNui0alent.
1# the poet had told us o# this great truth% we would know 4!9 1T 1$ that
we are the Aasters o# our Fate% the 5aptains o# our $ouls. !e should ha0e told
us% with great emphasis% that this power makes no attempt to discriminate
between destructi0e thoughts and constructi0e thoughts% that it will urge us to
translate into physical reality thoughts o# po0erty% ;ust as Nuickly as it will
in#luence us to act upon thoughts o# riches.
!e should ha0e told us% too% that our brains become magneti7ed with the
dominating thoughts which we hold in our minds% and% by means with which no
man is #amiliar% these LmagnetsL attract to us the #orces% the people% the
circumstances o# li#e which harmoni7e with the nature o# our dominatin
!e should ha0e told us% that be#ore we can accumulate riches in great
abundance% we must magneti7e our minds with intense DE$1RE #or riches% that
we must become Lmoney conscious until the DE$1RE #or money dri0es us to
create de#inite plans #or acNuiring it.
But% being a poet% and not a philosopher% !enley contented himsel# by
stating a great truth in poetic #orm% lea0ing those who #ollowed him to interpret
the philosophical meaning o# his lines.
@ittle by little% the truth has un#olded itsel#% until it now appears certain
that the principles described in this book% hold the secret o# mastery o0er our
economic #ate.
4e are now ready to e8amine the #irst o# these principles. Aaintain a
spirit o# open-mindedness% and remember as you read% they are the in0ention o#
no one man. The principles were gathered #rom the li#e e8periences o# more than
H// men who actually accumulated riches in huge amounts" men who began in
po0erty% with but little education% without in#luence. The principles worked #or
these men. 9ou can put them to work #or your own enduring bene#it.
9ou will #ind it easy% not hard% to do.
Be#ore you read the ne8t chapter% 1 want you to know that it con0eys
#actual in#ormation which might easily change your entire #inancial destiny% as it
has so de#initely brought changes o# stupendous proportions to two people
1 want you to know% also% that the relationship between these two men and
mysel#% is such that 1 could ha0e taken no liberties with the #acts% e0en i# 1 had
wished to do so. 3ne o# them has been my closest personal #riend #or almost
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twenty-#i0e years% the other is my own son. The unusual success o# these two
men% success which they generously accredit to the principle described in the
ne8t chapter% more than ;usti#ies this personal re#erence as a means o#
emphasi7ing the #ar-#lung power o# this principle.
'lmost #i#teen years ago% 1 deli0ered the 5ommencement 'ddress at
$alem 5ollege% $alem% 4est >irginia. 1 emphasi7ed the principle described in the
ne8t chapter% with so much intensity that one o# the members o# the graduating
class de#initely appropriated it% and made it a part o# his own philosophy. The
young man is now a Aember o# 5ongress% and an important #actor in the present
administration. Oust be#ore this book went to the publisher% he wrote me a letter
in which he so clearly stated his opinion o# the principle outlined in the ne8t
chapter% that 1 ha0e chosen to publish his letter as an introduction to that chapter.
1t gi0es you an idea o# the rewards to come.
5My dear )apoleon0
5My service as a Member of Conress havin iven me an insiht
into the problems of men and women, I am writin to offer a suestion
which may become helpful to thousands of worthy people/
5(ith apoloies, I must state that the suestion, if acted upon,
will mean several years of labor and responsibility for you, but I am
enheartened to make the suestion, because I know your reat love for
renderin useful service/
5In 3<==, you delivered the Commencement address at &alem
Collee, when I was a member' of the raduatin class/ In that address,
you planted in my mind an idea which has been responsible for the
opportunity I now have to serve the people of my &tate, and will be
responsible, in a very lare measure, for whatever success I may have in
the future/
5.he suestion I have in mind is, that you put into a book the
sum and substance of the address you delivered at &alem Collee, and in
that way ive the people of !merica an opportunity to profit by your
many years of e2perience and association with the men who, by their
reatness, have made !merica the richest nation on earth/
5I recall, as thouh it were yesterday, the marvelous description
you ave of the method by which Henry Ford, with but little schoolin,
without a dollar, with no influential friends, rose to reat heihts/ I made
up my mind then, even before you had finished your speech, that I would
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make a place for myself, no matter how many difficulties I had to
5.housands of youn people will finish their schoolin this year,
and within the ne2t few years/ %very one of them will be seekin ;ust such
a messae of practical encouraement as the one I received from you/ .hey
will want to know where to turn, what to do, to et started in life/ -ou
can tell them, because you have helped to solve the problems of so many,
many people/
5If there is any possible way that you can afford to render so reat
a service, may I offer the suestion that you include with every book, one
of your Personal !nalysis Charts, in order that the purchaser of the book
may have the benefit of a complete self1inventory, indicatin, as you
indicated to me years ao, e2actly what is standin in the way of success/
5&uch a service as this, providin the readers of your book with a
complete, unbiased picture of their faults and their virtues, would mean to
them the difference between success and failure/ .he service would be
5Millions of people are now facin the problem of stain a
comeback, because of the depression, and I speak from personal e2perience
when I say, I know these earnest people would welcome the opportunity to
tell you their problems, and to receive your suestions for the solution/
5-ou know the problems of those who face the necessity of
beinnin all over aain/ .here are thousands of people in !merica today
who would like to know how they can convert ideas into money, people
who must start at scratch, without finances, and recoup their losses/ If
anyone can help them, you can/
5If you publish the book, I would like to own the first copy that
comes from the press, personally autoraphed by you/
5(ith best wishes, believe me,
5Cordially yours,
5>%))I):& +!)$'#PH5
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T!E $T'RT1( P31T 3F '@@ '5!1E>EAET
.he First &tep toward +iches
4!E Edwin 5. Barnes climbed down #rom the #reight train in 3range%
. O.% more than thirty years ago% he may ha0e resembled a tramp% but his
thouhts were those o# a kingP
's he made his way #rom the railroad tracks to Thomas '. EdisonJs o##ice%
his mind was at work. !e saw himsel# standin in %dison's presence. !e heard
himsel# asking Ar. Edison #or an opportunity to carry out the one 53$:A1(
3B$E$$13 3F !1$ @1FE% a B:R1( DE$1RE to become the business associate
o# the great in0entor.
BarnesJ desire was not a hopeP 1t was not a wishP 1t was a keen% pulsating
DE$1RE% which transcended e0erything else. 1t was DEF11TE.
The desire was not new when he approached Edison. 1t had been BarnesJ
dominatin desire #or a long time. 1n the beginning% when the desire #irst appeared
in his mind% it may ha0e been% probably was% only a wish% but it was no mere
wish when he appeared be#ore Edison with it.
' #ew years later% Edwin 5. Barnes again stood be#ore Edison% in the same
o##ice where he #irst met the in0entor. This time his DE$1RE had been translated
into reality. He was in business with %dison. The dominating DRE'A 3F !1$ @1FE
had become a reality. Today% people who know Barnes en0y him% because o# the
LbreakL li#e yielded him. They see him in the days o# his triumph% without taking
the trouble to in0estigate the cause o# his success.
Barnes succeeded because he chose a de#inite goal% placed all his energy%
all his will power% all his e##ort% e0erything back o# that goal. !e did not become
the partner o# Edison the day he arri0ed. !e was content to start in the most
menial work% as long as it pro0ided an opportunity to take e0en one step toward
his cherished goal.
Fi0e years passed be#ore the chance he had been seeking made its
appearance. During all those years not one ray o# hope% not one promise o#
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attainment o# his DE$1RE had been held out to him. To e0eryone% e8cept himsel#%
he appeared only another cog in the Edison business wheel% but in his own mind%
!E 4'$ T!E P'RTER 3F ED1$3 E>ER9 A1:TE 3F T!E T1AE% #rom the
0ery day that he #irst went to work there.
1t is a remarkable illustration o# the power o# a DEF11TE DE$1RE. Barnes
won his goal% because he wanted to be a business associate o# Ar. Edison% more
than he wanted anything else. !e created a plan by which to attain that purpose.
But he B:RED '@@ BR1D(E$ BE!1D !1A.
!e stood by his DE$1RE until it became the dominating obsession o# his
li#eM andM #inally% a #act.
4hen he went to 3range% he did not say to himsel#% L1 will try to induce
Edison to gi0e me a ;ob o# some so#t.L !e said% L1 will see Edison% and put him on
notice that 1 ha0e come to go into business with him.
!e did not say% L1 will work there #or a #ew months% and i# 1 get no
encouragement% 1 will Nuit and get a ;ob somewhere else.L !e did say% L1 will start
anywhere. 1 will do anything Edison tells me to do% but before I am throuh% 1 will
be his associate.L
!e did not say% L1 will keep my eyes open #or another opportunity% in case
1 #ail to get what 1 want in the Edison organi7ation.L !e said% LThere is but 3E
thing in this world that 1 am determined to ha0e% and that is a business
association with Thomas '. Edison. 1 will burn all bridges behind me% and stake
my ET1RE F:T:RE on my ability to get what 1 want.L
He left himself no possible way of retreat/ He had to win or perish6
That is all there is to the Barnes story o# successP ' long while ago% a great
warrior #aced a situation which made it necessary #or him to make a decision
which insured his success on the battle#ield. !e was about to send his armies
against a power#ul #oe% whose men outnumbered his own. !e loaded his soldiers
into boats% sailed to the enemyJs country% unloaded soldiers and eNuipment% then
ga0e the order to burn the ships that had carried them. 'ddressing his men
be#ore the #irst battle% he said% L9ou see the boats going up in smoke. That means
that we cannot lea0e these shores ali0e unless we winP 4e now ha0e no choiceM
we win, or we perish6 They won.
E0ery person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to burn his
ships and cut all sources o# retreat. 3nly by so doing can one be sure o#
maintaining that state o# mind known as a B:R1( DE$1RE T3 41% essential
to success.
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The morning a#ter the great 5hicago #ire% a group o# merchants stood on
$tate $treet% looking at the smoking remains o# what had been their stores. They
went into a con#erence to decide i# they would try to rebuild% or lea0e 5hicago
and start o0er in a more promising section o# the country. They reached a
decisionMall e8cept oneMto lea0e 5hicago.
The merchant who decided to stay and rebuild pointed a #inger at the
remains o# his store% and said% L(entlemen% on that 0ery spot 1 will build the
worldJs greatest store% no matter how many times it may burn down.L
That was more than #i#ty years ago. The store was built. 1t stands there
today% a towering monument to the power o# that state o# mind known as a
B:R1( DE$1RE. The easy thing #or Aarshal Field to ha0e done% would ha0e
been e8actly what his #ellow merchants did. 4hen the going was hard% and the
#uture looked dismal% they pulled up and went where the going seemed easier.
Aark well this di##erence between Aarshal Field and the other merchants%
because it is the same di##erence which distinguishes Edwin 5. Barnes #rom
thousands o# other young men who ha0e worked in the Edison organi7ation. 1t is
the same di##erence which distinguishes practically all who succeed #rom those
who #ail.
E0ery human being who reaches the age o# understanding o# the purpose
o# money% wishes #or it. (ishin will not bring riches. But desirin riches with a
state o# mind that becomes an obsession% then planning de#inite ways and means
to acNuire riches% and backing those plans with persistence which does not
reconi"e failure% will bring riches.
The method by which DE$1RE #or riches can be transmuted into its
#inancial eNui0alent% consists o# si8 de#inite% practical steps% 0i7:
First. Fi8 in your mind the e2act amount o# money you
desire. 1t is not su##icient merely to say L1 want plenty o# money.L Be
de#inite as to the amount. <There is a psychological reason #or
de#initeness which will be described in a subseNuent chapter=.
$econd. Determine e8actly what you intend to gi0e in return
#or the money you desire. <There is no such reality as Lsomething
#or nothing.=
Third. Establish a de#inite date when you intend to possess
the money you desire.
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Fourth. 5reate a de#inite plan #or carrying out your desire%
and begin at once% whether you are ready or not% to put this plan
into action.
Fi#th. 4rite out a clear% concise statement o# the amount o#
money you intend to acNuire% name the time limit #or its
acNuisition% state what you intend to gi0e in return #or the money%
and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to
accumulate it.
$i8th. Read your written statement aloud% twice daily% once
;ust be#ore retiring at night% and once a#ter arising in the morning.
'$ 93: RE'DM $EE 'D FEE@ 'D BE@1E>E 93:R$E@F
'@RE'D9 1 P3$$E$$13 3F T!E A3E9.
1t is important that you #ollow the instructions described in these si8 steps.
1t is especially important that you obser0e% and #ollow the instructions in the
si8th paragraph. 9ou may complain that it is impossible #or you to Lsee yoursel#
in possession o# moneyL be#ore you actually ha0e it. !ere is where a B:R1(
DE$1RE will come to your aid. 1# you truly DE$1RE money so keenly that your
desire is an obsession% you will ha0e no di##iculty in con0incing yoursel# that you
will acNuire it. The ob;ect is to want money% and to become so determined to
ha0e it that you 53>15E yoursel# you will ha0e it.
3nly those who become Lmoney consciousL e0er accumulate great riches.
LAoney consciousnessL means that the mind has become so thoroughly saturated
with the DE$1RE #or money% that one can see oneJs sel# already in possession o# it.
To the uninitiated% who has not been schooled in the working principles o#
the human mind% these instructions may appear impractical. 1t may be help#ul% to
all who #ail to recogni7e the soundness o# the si8 steps% to know that the
in#ormation they con0ey% was recei0ed #rom 'ndrew 5arnegie% who began as an
ordinary laborer in the steel mills% but managed% despite his humble beginning%
to make these principles yield him a #ortune o# considerably more than one
hundred million dollars.
1t may be o# #urther help to know that the si8 steps here recommended
were care#ully scrutini7ed by the late Thomas '. Edison% who placed his stamp
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o# appro0al upon them as being% not only the steps essential #or the accumulation
o# money% but neccessary #or the attainment o# any definite oal.
The steps call #or no Lhard labor.L They call #or no sacri#ice. They do not
reNuire one to become ridiculous% or credulous. To apply them calls #or no great
amount o# education. But the success#ul application o# these si8 steps does call
#or su##icient imaination to enable one to see% and to understand% that
accumulation o# money cannot be le#t to chance% good #ortune% and luck. 3ne
must reali7e that all who ha0e accumulated great #ortunes% #irst did a certain
amount o# dreaming% hoping% wishing% DE$1R1(% and P@'1( before they
acNuired money.
9ou may as well know% right here% that you can ne0er ha0e riches in great
Nuantities% :@E$$ you can work yoursel# into a white heat o# DE$1RE #or
money% and actually BE@1E>E you will possess it.
9ou may as well know% also that e0ery great leader% #rom the dawn o#
ci0ili7ation down to the present% was a dreamer. 5hristianity is the greatest
potential power in the world today% because its #ounder was an intense dreamer
who had the 0ision and the imagination to see realities in their mental and
spiritual #orm be#ore they had been transmuted into physical #orm.
1# you do not see great riches in your imagination% you will ne0er see them
in your bank balance.
e0er% in the history o# 'merica has there been so great an opportunity
#or practical dreamers as now e8ists. The si8 year economic collapse has reduced
all men% substantially% to the same le0el. ' new race is about to be run. The stakes
represent huge #ortunes which will be accumulated within the ne8t ten years.
The rules o# the race ha0e changed% because we now li0e in a 5!'(ED
43R@D that de#initely #a0ors the masses% those who had but little or no
opportunity to win under the conditions e8isting during the depression% when
#ear paraly7ed growth and de0elopment.
4e who are in this race #or riches% should be encouraged to know that this
changed world in which we li0e is demanding new ideas% new ways o# doing
things% new leaders% new in0entions% new methods o# teaching% new methods o#
marketing% new books% new literature% new #eatures #or the radio% new ideas #or
mo0ing pictures. Back o# all this demand #or new and better things% there is one
Nuality which one must possess to win% and that is DEF11TEE$$ 3F
P:RP3$E% the knowledge o# what one wants% and a burning DE$1RE to possess
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The business depression marked the death o# one age% and the birth o#
another. This changed world reNuires practical dreamers who can% and will put
their dreams into action. The practical dreamers ha0e always been% and always
will be the pattern-makers o# ci0ili7ation.
4e who desire to accumulate riches% should remember the real leaders o#
the world always ha0e been men who harnessed% and put into practical use% the
intangible% unseen #orces o# unborn opportunity% and ha0e con0erted those
#orces% Sor impulses o# thoughtT% into sky-scrapers% cities% #actories% airplanes%
automobiles% and e0ery #orm o# con0enience that makes li#e more pleasant.
Tolerance% and an open mind are practical necessities o# the dreamer o#
today. Those who are a#raid o# new ideas are doomed be#ore they start. e0er
has there been a time more #a0orable to pioneers than the present. True% there is
no wild and woolly west to be conNuered% as in the days o# the 5o0ered 4agon"
but there is a 0ast business% #inancial% and industrial world to be remoulded and
redirected along new and better lines.
1n planning to acNuire your share o# the riches% let no one in#luence you to
scorn the dreamer. To win the big stakes in this changed world% you must catch
the spirit o# the great pioneers o# the past% whose dreams ha0e gi0en to
ci0ili7ation all that it has o# 0alue% the spirit which ser0es as the li#e-blood o# our
own countryM your opportunity and mine% to de0elop and market our talents.
@et us not #orget% 5olumbus dreamed o# an :nknown world% staked his
li#e on the e8istence o# such a world% and disco0ered itP
5opernicus% the great astronomer% dreamed o# a multiplicity o# worlds%
and re0ealed themP o one denounced him as LimpracticalL after he had
triumphed. 1nstead% the world worshipped at his shrine% thus pro0ing once more
that L$:55E$$ REK:1RE$ 3 'P3@3(1E$% F'1@:RE PERA1T$ 3 '@1B1$.L
1# the thing you wish to do is right% and you believe in it% go ahead and do itP
Put your dream across% and ne0er mind what LtheyL say i# you meet with
temporary de#eat% #or Lthey%L perhaps% do not know that E>ER9 F'1@:RE
BR1($ 41T! 1T T!E $EED 3F ' EK:1>'@ET $:55E$$.
!enry Ford% poor and uneducated% dreamed o# a horseless carriage% went
to work with what tools he possessed% without waiting #or opportunity to #a0or
him% and now e0idence o# his dream belts the entire earth. !e has put more
wheels into operation than any man who e0er li0ed% because he was not a#raid to
back his dreams.
Thomas Edison dreamed o# a lamp that could be operated by electricity%
began where he stood to put his dream into action% and despite more than ten
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thousand #ailures% he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality.
Practical dreamers D3 3T K:1TP
4helan dreamed o# a chain o# cigar stores% trans#ormed his dream into
action% and now the :nited 5igar $tores occupy the best corners in 'merica.
@incoln dreamed o# #reedom #or the black sla0es% put his dream into
action% and barely missed li0ing to see a united orth and $outh translate his
dream into reality.
The 4right brothers dreamed o# a machine that would #ly through the air.
ow one may see e0idence all o0er the world% that they dreamed soundly.
Aarconi dreamed o# a system #or harnessing the intangible #orces o# the
ether. E0idence that he did not dream in 0ain% may be #ound in e0ery wireless
and radio in the world. Aoreo0er% AarconiJs dream brought the humblest cabin%
and the most stately manor house side by side. 1t made the people o# e0ery
nation on earth back-door neighbors. 1t ga0e the President o# the :nited $tates a
medium by which he may talk to all the people o# 'merica at one time% and on
short notice. 1t may interest you to know that AarconiJs L#riendsL had him taken
into custody% and e8amined in a psychopathic hospital% when he announced he
had disco0ered a principle through which he could send messages through the
air% without the aid o# wires% or other direct physical means o# communication.
The dreamers o# today #are better.
The world has become accustomed to new disco0eries. ay% it has shown
a willingness to reward the dreamer who gi0es the world a new idea.
LThe greatest achie0ement was% at #irst% and #or a time% but a dream.L
LThe oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg% and in the highest
0ision o# the soul% a waking angel stirs. DRE'A$ 'RE T!E $EED@1($ 3F
'wake% arise% and assert yoursel#% you dreamers o# the world. 9our star is
now in the ascendency. The world depression brought the opportunity you ha0e
been waiting #or. 1t taught people humility% tolerance% and open-mindedness.
The world is #illed with an abundance o# 3PP3RT:1T9 which the
dreamers o# the past ne0er knew.
' B:R1( DE$1RE T3 BE% 'D T3 D3 is the starting point #rom
which the dreamer must take o##. Dreams are not born o# indi##erence% la7iness%
or lack o# ambition.
The world no longer sco##s at the dreamer% nor calls him impractical. 1#
you think it does% take a trip to Tennessee% and witness what a dreamer President
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has done in the way o# harnessing% and using the great water power o# 'merica.
' score o# years ago% such a dream would ha0e seemed like madness.
9ou ha0e been disappointed% you ha0e undergone de#eat during the
depression% you ha0e #elt the great heart within you crushed until it bled. Take
courage% #or these e8periences ha0e tempered the spiritual metal o# which you
are madeMthey are assets o# incomparable 0alue.
Remember% too% that all who succeed in li#e get o## to a bad start% and pass
through many heartbreaking struggles be#ore they Larri0e.L The turning point in
the li0es o# those who succeed% usually comes at the moment o# some crisis%
through which they are introduced to their Lother sel0es.L
Oohn Bunyan wrote the PilgrimJs Progress% which is among the #inest o# all
English literature% a#ter he had been con#ined in prison and sorely punished%
because o# his 0iews on the sub;ect o# religion.
3. !enry disco0ered the genius which slept within his brain% a#ter he had
met with great mis#ortune% and was con#ined in a prison cell% in 5olumbus% 3hio.
Being F3R5ED% through mis#ortune% to become acNuainted with his Lother sel#%L
and to use his 1A'(1'T13% he disco0ered himsel# to be a great author
instead o# a miserable criminal and outcast. $trange and 0aried are the ways o#
li#e% and stranger still are the ways o# 1n#inite 1ntelligence% through which men
are sometimes #orced to undergo all sorts o# punishment be#ore disco0ering their
own brains% and their own capacity to create use#ul ideas through imagination.
Edison% the worldJs greatest in0entor and scientist% was a LtrampL
telegraph operator% he #ailed innumerable times be#ore he was dri0en% #inally% to
the disco0ery o# the genius which slept within his brain.
5harles Dickens began by pasting labels on blacking pots. The tragedy o#
his #irst lo0e penetrated the depths o# his soul% and con0erted him into one o# the
worldJs truly great authors. That tragedy produced% #irst% Da0id 5opper#ield%
then a succession o# other works that made this a richer and better world #or all
who read his books. Disappointment o0er lo0e a##airs% generally has the e##ect o#
dri0ing men to drink% and women to ruin" and this% because most people ne0er
learn the art o# transmuting their strongest emotions into dreams o# a
constructi0e nature.
!elen 2eller became dea#% dumb% and blind shortly a#ter birth. Despite her
greatest mis#ortune% she has written her name indelibly in the pages o# the
history o# the great. !er entire li#e has ser0ed as e0idence that no one ever is
defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.
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Robert Burns was an illiterate country lad% he was cursed by po0erty% and
grew up to be a drunkard in the bargain. The world was made better #or his
ha0ing li0ed% because he clothed beauti#ul thoughts in poetry% and thereby
plucked a thorn and planted a rose in its place.
Booker T. 4ashington was born in sla0ery% handicapped by race and
color. Because he was tolerant% had an open mind at all times% on all sub;ects% and
was a DRE'AER% he le#t his impress #or good on an entire race.
Beetho0en was dea#% Ailton was blind% but their names will last as long as
time endures% because they dreamed and translated their dreams into organi7ed
Be#ore passing to the ne8t chapter% kindle anew in your mind the #ire o#
hope% #aith% courage% and tolerance. 1# you ha0e these states o# mind% and a
working knowledge o# the principles described% all else that you need will come
to you% when you are RE'D9 #or it. @et Emerson state the thought in these
words% LE0ery pro0erb% e0ery book% e0ery byword that belongs to thee #or aid
and com#ort shall surely come home through open or winding passages. E0ery
#riend whom not thy #antastic will% but the great and tender soul in thee cra0eth%
shall lock thee in his embrace.L
There is a di##erence between 41$!1( #or a thing and being RE'D9 to
recei0e it. o one is ready #or a thing% until he belie0es he can acNuire it. The state
o# mind must be BE@1EF% not mere hope or wish. 3pen-mindedness is essential
#or belie#. 5losed minds do not inspire #aith% courage% and belie#.
Remember% no more e##ort is reNuired to aim high in li#e% to demand
abundance and prosperity% than is reNuired to accept misery and po0erty. '
great poet has correctly stated this uni0ersal truth through these lines:
L1 bargained with @i#e #or a penny%
'nd @i#e would pay no more%
!owe0er 1 begged at e0ening
4hen 1 counted my scanty store. .
LFor @i#e is a.;ust employer%
!e gi0es you what you ask%
But once you ha0e set the wages%
4hy% you must bear the task.
L1 worked #or a menialJs hire%
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3nly to learn% dismayed%
That any wage 1 had asked o# @i#e%
@i#e would ha0e willingly paid.L
DE$1RE 3:T41T$ A3T!ER 'T:RE
's a #itting clima8 to this chapter% 1 wish to introduce one o# the most
unusual persons 1 ha0e e0er known. 1 #irst saw him twenty-#our years ago% a #ew
minutes a#ter he was born. !e came into the world without any physical sign o#
ears% and the doctor admitted% when pressed #or an opinion% that the child might
be dea#% and mute #or li#e.
1 challenged the doctorJs opinion. 1 had the right to do so% 1 was the childJs
#ather. 1% too% reached a decision% and rendered an opinion% but 1 e8pressed the
opinion silently% in the secrecy o# my own heart. 1 decided that my son would
hear and speak. ature could send me a child without ears% but ature could not
induce me to accept the reality o# the a##liction.
1n my own mind 1 knew that my son would hear and speak. !owF 1 was
sure there must be a way% and 1 knew 1 would #ind it. 1 thought o# the words o#
the immortal Emerson% LThe whole course o# things goes to teach us #aith. 4e
need only obey.
There is guidance #or each o# us% and by lowly listening% we shall hear the
riht word.L
The right wordF DE$1REP Aore than anything else% 1 DE$1RED that my
son should not be a dea# mute. From that desire 1 ne0er receded% not #or a second.
Aany years pre0iously% 1 had written% L3ur only limitations are those we
set up in our own minds.L For the #irst time% 1 wondered i# that statement were
true. @ying on the bed in #ront o# me was a newly born child% without the natural
eNuipment o# hearing. E0en though he might hear and speak% he was ob0iously
dis#igured #or li#e. $urely% this was a limitation which that child had not set up in
his own mind.
4hat could 1 do about itF $omehow 1 would #ind a way to transplant into
that childJs mind my own B:R1( DE$1RE #or ways and means o# con0eying
sound to his brain without the aid o# ears.
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's soon as the child was old enough to cooperate% 1 would #ill his mind so
completely with a B:R1( DE$1RE to hear% that ature would% by methods o#
her own% translate it into physical reality.
'll this thinking took place in my own mind% but 1 spoke o# it to no one.
E0ery day 1 renewed the pledge 1 had made to mysel#% not to accept a dea# mute
#or a son.
's he grew older% and began to take notice o# things around him% we
obser0ed that he had a slight degree o# hearing. 4hen he reached the age when
children usually begin talking% he made no attempt to speak% but we could tell by
his actions that he could hear certain sounds slightly. That was all 1 wanted to
knowP 1 was con0inced that i# he could hear% e0en slightly% he might de0elop still
greater hearing capacity. Then something happened which ga0e me hope. 1t
came #rom an entirely une8pected source.
4e bought a 0ictrola. 4hen the child heard the music #or the #irst time% he
went into ecstasies% and promptly appropriated the machine. !e soon showed a
pre#erence #or certain records% among them% L1tJs a @ong 4ay to Tipperary.L 3n
one occasion% he played that piece o0er and o0er% #or almost two hours% standing
in #ront o# the 0ictrola% with his teeth clamped on the ede of the case. The signi#icance
o# this sel#-#ormed habit o# his did not become clear to us until years a#terward%
#or we had ne0er heard o# the principle o# Lbone conductionL o# sound at that
$hortly a#ter he appropriated the 0ictrola% 1 disco0ered that he could hear
me Nuite clearly when 1 spoke with my lips touching his mastoid bone% or at the
base o# the brain. These disco0eries placed in my possession the necessary media
by which 1 began to translate into reality my 9urnin $esire to help my son
de0elop hearing and speech. By that time he was making stabs at speaking
certain words. The outlook was #ar #rom encouraging% but DE$1RE B'52ED B9
F'1T! knows no such word as impossible.
!a0ing determined that he could hear the sound o# my 0oice plainly% 1
began% immediately% to trans#er to his mind the desire to hear and speak. 1 soon
disco0ered that the child en;oyed bedtime stories% so 1 went to work% creating
stories designed to de0elop in him sel#-reliance% imagination% and a keen desire to
hear and to be normal.
There was one story in particular% which 1 emphasi7ed by gi0ing it some
new and dramatic coloring each time it was told. 1t was designed to plant in his
mind the thought that his a##liction was not a liability% but an asset o# great 0alue.
Despite the #act that all the philosophy 1 had e8amined clearly indicated that
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E>ER9 'D>ER$1T9 BR1($ 41T! 1T T!E $EED 3F ' EK:1>'@ET
'D>'T'(E% 1 must con#ess that 1 had not the slightest idea how this a##liction
could e0er become an asset. !owe0er% 1 continued my practice o# wrapping that
philosophy in bedtime stories% hoping the time would come when he would #ind
some plan by which his handicap could be made to ser0e some use#ul purpose.
Reason told me plainly% that there was no adeNuate compensation #or the lack o#
ears and natural hearing eNuipment. DE$1RE backed by F'1T!% pushed reason
aside% and inspired me to carry on.
's 1 analy7e the e8perience in retrospect% 1 can see now% that my sonJs faith
in me had much to do with the astounding results. !e did not Nuestion anything 1
told him. 1 sold him the idea that he had a distinct advantae o0er his older
brother% and that this ad0antage would re#lect itsel# in many ways. For e8ample%
the teachers in school would obser0e that he had no ears% and% because o# this%
they would show him special attention and treat him with e8traordinary
kindness. They always did. !is mother saw to that% by 0isiting the teachers and
arranging with them to gi0e the child the e8tra attention necessary. 1 sold him the
idea% too% that when he became old enough to sell newspapers% <his older brother
had already become a newspaper merchant=% he would ha0e a big ad0antage
o0er his brother% #or the reason that people would pay him e8tra money #or his
wares% because they could see that he was a bright% industrious boy% despite the
#act he had no ears.
4e could notice that% gradually% the childJs hearing was impro0ing.
Aoreo0er% he had not the slightest tendency to be sel#-conscious% because o# his
a##liction. 4hen he was about se0en% he showed the #irst e0idence that our
method o# ser0icing his mind was bearing #ruit. For se0eral months he begged
#or the pri0ilege o# selling newspapers% but his mother would not gi0e her
consent. $he was a#raid that his dea#ness made it unsa#e #or him to go on the
street alone.
Finally% he took matters in his own hands. 3ne a#ternoon% when he was
le#t at home with the ser0ants% he climbed through the kitchen window% shinnied
to the ground% and set out on his own. !e borrowed si8 cents in capital #rom the
neighborhood shoemaker% in0ested it in papers% sold out% rein0ested% and kept
repeating until late in the e0ening. '#ter balancing his accounts% and paying back
the si8 cents he had borrowed #rom his banker% he had a net pro#it o# #orty-two
cents. 4hen we got home that night% we #ound him in bed asleep% with the
money tightly clenched in his hand.
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!is mother opened his hand% remo0ed the coins% and cried. 3# all thingsP
5rying o0er her sonJs #irst 0ictory seemed so inappropriate. Ay reaction was the
re0erse. 1 laughed heartily% #or 1 knew that my endea0or to plant in the childJs
mind an attitude o# #aith in himsel# had been success#ul.
!is mother saw% in his #irst business 0enture% a little dea# boy who had
gone out in the streets and risked his li#e to earn money. 1 saw a bra0e% ambitious%
sel#-reliant little business man whose stock in himsel# had been increased a
hundred percent% because he had gone into business on his own initiati0e% and
had won. The transaction pleased me% because 1 knew that he had gi0en e0idence
o# a trait o# resource#ulness that would go with him all through li#e. @ater e0ents
pro0ed this to be true. 4hen his older brother wanted something% he would lie
down on the #loor% kick his #eet in the air% cry #or itM and get it. 4hen the Llittle
dea# boyL wanted something% he would plan a way to earn the money% then buy
it #or himsel#. !e still #ollows that planP
Truly% my own son has taught me that handicaps can be con0erted into
stepping stones on which one may climb toward some worthy goal% unless they
are accepted as obstacles% and used as alibis.
The little dea# boy went through the grades% high school% and college
without being able to hear his teachers% e8cepting when they shouted loudly% at
close range. !e did not go to a school #or the dea#.
4E 43:@D 3T PERA1T !1A T3 @E'R T!E $1( @'(:'(E.
4e were determined that he should li0e a normal li#e% and associate with normal
children% and we stood by that decision% although it cost us many heated debates
with school o##icials.
4hile he was in high school% he tried an electrical hearing aid% but it was
o# no 0alue to him" due% we belie0ed% to a condition that was disclosed when the
child was si8% by Dr. O. (ordon 4ilson% o# 5hicago% when he operated on one side
o# the boyJs head% and disco0ered that there was no sign o# natural hearing
During his last week in college% <eighteen years a#ter the operation=%
something happened which marked the most important turning-point o# his li#e.
Through what seemed to be mere chance% he came into possession o# another
electrical hearing de0ice% which was sent to him on trial. !e was slow about
testing it% due to his disappointment with a similar de0ice. Finally he picked the
instrument up% and more or less carelessly% placed it on his head% hooked up the
battery% and loP as i# by a stroke o# magic% his li#elong DE$1RE F3R 3RA'@
!E'R1( BE5'AE ' RE'@1T9P For the #irst time in his li#e he heard
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practically as well as any person with normal hearing. L(od mo0es in mysterious
ways% !is wonders to per#orm.L
30er;oyed because o# the 5hanged 4orld which had been brought to him
through his hearing de0ice% he rushed to the telephone% called his mother% and
heard her 0oice per#ectly. The ne8t day he plainly heard the 0oices o# his
pro#essors in class% #or the #irst time in his li#eP Pre0iously he could hear them
only when they shouted% at short range. !e heard the radio. !e heard the talking
pictures. For the #irst time in his li#e% he could con0erse #reely with other people%
without the necessity o# their ha0ing to speak loudly. Truly% he had come into
possession o# a 5hanged 4orld. 4e had re#used to accept atureJs error% and% by
PER$1$TET DE$1RE% we had induced ature to correct that error% through the
only practical means a0ailable.
DE$1RE had commenced to pay di0idends% but the 0ictory was not yet
complete. The boy still had to #ind a de#inite and practical way to con0ert his
handicap into an e*uivalent asset.
!ardly reali7ing the signi#icance o# what had already been accomplished%
but into8icated with the ;oy o# his newly disco0ered world o# sound% he wrote a
letter to the manu#acturer o# the hearing-aid% enthusiastically describing his
e8perience. $omething in his letter" something% perhaps which was not written
on the lines% but back o# them" caused the company to in0ite him to ew 9ork.
4hen be arri0ed% he was escorted through the #actory% and while talking with the
5hie# Engineer% telling him about his changed world% a hunch% an idea% or an
inspirationM call it what you wishM #lashed into his mind. 1t was this impulse of
thouht which con0erted his a##liction into an asset% destined to pay di0idends in
both money and happiness to thousands #or all time to come.
The sum and substance o# that impulse o# thought was this: 1t occurred to
him that he might be o# help to the millions o# dea#ened people who go through
li#e without the bene#it o# hearing de0ices% i# he could #ind a way to tell them the
story o# his 5hanged 4orld. Then and there% he reached a decision to de0ote the
remainder o# his li#e to rendering use#ul ser0ice to the hard o# hearing.
For an entire month% he carried on an intensi0e research% during which he
analy7ed the entire marketing system o# the manu#acturer o# the hearing de0ice%
and created ways and means o# communicating with the hard o# hearing all o0er
the world #or the purpose o# sharing with them his newly disco0ered L5hanged
4orld.L 4hen this was done% he put in writing a two-year plan% based upon his
#indings. 4hen he presented the plan to the company% he was instantly gi0en a
position% #or the purpose o# carrying out his ambition.
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@ittle did he dream% when he went to work% that he was destined to bring
hope and practical relie# to thousands o# dea#ened people who% without his help%
would ha0e been doomed #ore0er to dea# mutism.
$hortly a#ter he became associated with the manu#acturer o# his hearing
aid% he in0ited me to attend a class conducted by his company% #or the purpose o#
teaching dea# mutes to hear% and to speak. 1 had ne0er heard o# such a #orm o#
education% there#ore 1 0isited the class% skeptical but hope#ul that my time would
not be entirely wasted. !ere 1 saw a demonstration which ga0e me a greatly
enlarged 0ision o# what 1 had done to arouse and keep ali0e in my sonJs mind the
DE$1RE #or normal hearing. 1 saw dea# mutes actually being taught to hear and
to speak% through application o# the sel#-same principle 1 had used% more than
twenty years pre0iously% in sa0ing my son #rom dea# mutism.
Thus% through some strange turn o# the 4heel o# Fate% my son% Blair% and 1
ha0e been destined to aid in correcting dea# mutism #or those as yet unborn%
because we are the only li0ing human beings% as #ar as 1 know% who ha0e
established de#initely the #act that dea# mutism can be corrected to the e8tent o#
restoring to normal li#e those who su##er with this a##liction. 1t has been done #or
one" it will be done #or others.
There is no doubt in my mind that Blair would ha0e been a dea# mute all
his li#e% i# his mother and 1 had not managed to shape his mind as we did. The
doctor who attended at his birth told us% con#identially% the child might ne0er
hear or speak. ' #ew weeks ago% Dr. 1r0ing >oorhees% a noted specialist on such
cases% e8amined Blair 0ery thoroughly. !e was astounded when he learned how
well my son now hears% and speaks% and said his e8amination indicated that
Ltheoretically% the boy should not be able to hear at all.L But the lad does hear%
despite the #act that I-ray pictures show there is no opening in the skull%
whatsoe0er% #rom where his ears should be to the brain.
4hen 1 planted in his mind the DE$1RE to hear and talk% and li0e as a
normal person% there went with that impulse some strange in#luence which
caused ature to become bridge-builder% and span the gul# o# silence between his
brain and the outer world% by some means which the keenest medical specialists
ha0e not been able to interpret. 1t would be sacrilege #or me to e0en con;ecture as
to how ature per#ormed this miracle. 1t would be un#orgi0able i# 1 neglected to
tell the world as much as 1 know o# the humble part 1 assumed in the strange
e8perience. 1t is my duty% and a pri0ilege to say 1 belie0e% and not without reason%
that nothing is impossible to the person who backs DE$1RE with enduring
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>erily% a B:R1( DE$1RE has de0ious ways o# transmuting itsel# into
its physical eNui0alent. Blair DE$1RED normal hearing" now he has itP !e was
born with a handicap which might easily ha0e sent one with a less de#ined
DE$1RE to the street with a bundle o# pencils and a tin cup. That handicap now
promises to ser0e as the medium by which he will render use#ul ser0ice to many
millions o# hard o# hearing% also% to gi0e him use#ul employment at adeNuate
#inancial compensation the remainder o# his li#e.
The little Lwhite liesL 1 planted in his mind when he was a child% by
leading him to BE@1E>E his a##liction would become a great asset% which he
could capitali7e% has ;usti#ied itsel#. >erily% there is nothing% right or wrong%
which BE@1EF% plus B:R1( DE$1RE% cannot make real. These Nualities are
#ree to e0eryone.
1n all my e8perience in dealing with men and women who had personal
problems% 1 ne0er handled a single case which more de#initely demonstrates the
power o# DE$1RE. 'uthors sometimes make the mistake o# writing o# sub;ects o#
which they ha0e but super#icial% or 0ery elementary knowledge. 1t has been my
good #ortune to ha0e had the pri0ilege o# testing the soundness o# the P34ER
3F DE$1RE% through the a##liction o# my own son. Perhaps it was pro0idential
that the e8perience came as it did% #or surely no one is better prepared than he% to
ser0e as an e8ample o# what happens when DE$1RE is put to the test. If Mother
)ature bends to the will of desire, is it loical that mere men can defeat a burnin desire?
$trange and imponderable is the power o# the human mindP 4e do not
understand the method by which it uses e0ery circumstance% e0ery indi0idual%
e0ery physical thing within its reach% as a means o# transmuting DE$1RE into its
physical counterpart. Perhaps science will unco0er this secret.
1 planted in my sonJs mind the DE$1RE to hear and to speak as any normal
person hears and speaks. That DE$1RE has now become a reality. 1 planted in his
mind the DE$1RE to con0ert his greatest handicap into his greatest asset. That
DE$1RE has been reali7ed. The modus operandi by which this astounding result
was achie0ed is not hard to describe. 1t consisted o# three 0ery de#inite #acts" #irst%
1 A1IED F'1T! with the DE$1RE #or normal hearing% which 1 passed on to my
son. $econd% 1 communicated my desire to him in e0ery concei0able way
a0ailable% through persistent% continuous e##ort% o0er a period o# years. Third% !E
's this chapter was being completed% news came o# the death o# Ame.
$chuman-!eink. 3ne short paragraph in the news dispatch gi0es the clue to this
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unusual womanJs stupendous success as a singer. 1 Nuote the paragraph% because
the clue it contains is none other than DE$1RE.
Early in her career% Ame. $chuman-!eink 0isited the director o# the
>ienna 5ourt 3pera% to ha0e him test her 0oice. But% he did not test it. '#ter
taking one look at the awkward and poorly dressed girl% he e8claimed% none too
gently% L4ith such a #ace% and with no personality at all% how can you e0er e8pect
to succeed in operaF Ay good child% gi0e up the idea. Buy a sewing machine% and
go to work. 93: 5' E>ER BE ' $1(ER.L
e0er is a long timeP The director o# the >ienna 5ourt 3pera knew much
about the techniNue o# singing. !e knew little about the power o# desire% when it
assumes the proportion o# an obsession. 1# he had known more o# that power% he
would not ha0e made the mistake o# condemning genius without gi0ing it an
$e0eral years ago% one o# my business associates became ill. !e became
worse as time went on% and #inally was taken to the hospital #or an operation.
Oust be#ore he was wheeled into the operating room% 1 took a look at him% and
wondered how anyone as thin and emaciated as he% could possibly go through a
ma;or operation success#ully. The doctor warned me that there was little i# any
chance o# my e0er seeing him ali0e again. But that was the D35T3RJ$
3P113. 1t was not the opinion o# the patient. Oust be#ore he was wheeled
away% he whispered #eebly% LDo not be disturbed% 5hie#% 1 will be out o# here in a
#ew days.L The attending nurse looked at me with pity. But the patient did come
through sa#ely. '#ter it was all o0er% his physician said% Lothing but his own
desire to li0e sa0ed him. !e ne0er would ha0e pulled through i# he had not
re#used to accept the possibility o# death.L
1 belie0e in the power o# DE$1RE backed by F'1T!% because 1 ha0e seen
this power li#t men #rom lowly beginnings to places o# power and wealth" 1 ha0e
seen it rob the gra0e o# its 0ictims" 1 ha0e seen it ser0e as the medium by which
men staged a comeback a#ter ha0ing been de#eated in a hundred di##erent ways" 1
ha0e seen it pro0ide my own son with a normal% happy% success#ul li#e% despite
atureJs ha0ing sent him into the world without ears.
!ow can one harness and use the power o# DE$1REF This has been
answered through this% and the subseNuent chapters o# this book. This message is
going out to the world at the end o# the longest% and perhaps% the most
de0astating depression 'merica has e0er known. 1t is reasonable to presume that
the message may come to the attention o# many who ha0e been wounded by the
depression% those who ha0e lost their #ortunes% others who ha0e lost their
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positions% and great numbers who must reorgani7e their plans and stage a
comeback. To all these 1 wish to con0ey the thought that all achie0ement% no
matter what may be its nature% or its purpose% must begin with an intense%
B:R1( DE$1RE #or something de#inite.
Through some strange and power#ul principle o# Lmental chemistryL
which she has ne0er di0ulged% ature wraps up in the impulse o# $TR3(
DE$1RE Lthat somethingL which recogni7es no such word as impossible% and
accepts no such reality as #ailure.
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>1$:'@1E'T13 3F% 'D
BE@1EF 1 'TT'1AET 3F
.he &econd &tep toward +iches
F'1T! is the head chemist o# the mind. 4hen F'1T! is blended with the
0ibration o# thought% the subconscious mind instantly picks up the 0ibration%
translates it into its spiritual eNui0alent% and transmits it to 1n#inite 1ntelligence%
as in the case o# prayer.
The emotions o# F'1T!% @3>E% and $EI are the most power#ul o# all the
ma;or positi0e emotions. 4hen the three are blended% they ha0e the e##ect o#
LcoloringL the 0ibration o# thought in such a way that it instantly reaches the
subconscious mind% where it is changed into its spiritual eNui0alent% the only
#orm that induces a response #rom 1n#inite 1ntelligence.
@o0e and #aith are psychic" related to the spiritual side o# man. $e8 is
purely biological% and related only to the physical. The mi8ing% or blending% o#
these three emotions has the e##ect o# opening a direct line o# communication
between the #inite% thinking mind o# man% and 1n#inite 1ntelligence.
!ow To De0elop Faith
There comes% now% a statement which will gi0e a better understanding o#
the importance the principle o# auto-suggestion assumes in the transmutation o#
desire into its physical% or monetary eNui0alent" namely: F'1T! is a state o# mind
which may be induced% or created% by a##irmation or repeated instructions to the
subconscious mind% through the principle o# auto-suggestion.
's an illustration% consider the purpose #or which you are% presumably%
reading this book. The ob;ect is% naturally% to acNuire the ability to transmute the
intangible thought impulse o# DE$1RE into its physical counterpart% money. By
#ollowing the instructions laid down in the chapters on auto-suggestion% and the
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subconscious mind% as summari7ed in the chapter on auto-suggestion% you may
53>15E the subconscious mind that you believe you will recei0e that #or
which you ask% and it will act upon that belie#% which your subconscious mind
passes back to you in the #orm o# LF'1T!%L #ollowed by de#inite plans #or
procuring that which you desire.
The method by which one de0elops F'1T!% where it does not already
e8ist% is e8tremely di##icult to describe% almost as di##icult% in #act% as it would be
to describe the color o# red to a blind man who has ne0er seen color% and has
nothing with which to compare what you describe to him. Faith is a state o# mind
which you may de0elop at will% a#ter you ha0e mastered the thirteen principles%
because it is a state o# mind which de0elops 0oluntarily% through application and
use o# these principles.
+epetition of affirmation of orders to your subconscious mind is the only known
method of voluntary development of the emotion of faith/
Perhaps the meaning may be made clearer through the #ollowing
e8planation as to the way men sometimes become criminals. $tated in the words
o# a #amous criminologist% L4hen men #irst come into contact with crime% they
abhor it. 1# they remain in contact with crime #or a time% they become accustomed
to it% and endure it. 1# they remain in contact with it long enough% they #inally
embrace it% and become in#luenced by it.L
This is the eNui0alent o# saying that any impulse o# thought which is
repeatedly passed on to the subconscious mind is% #inally% accepted and acted
upon by the subconscious mind% which proceeds to translate that impulse into its
physical eNui0alent% by the most practical procedure a0ailable.
1n connection with this% consider again the statement% '@@ T!3:(!T$
4!15! !'>E BEE EA3T13'@1EED% <gi0en #eeling= 'D A1IED 41T!
F'1T!% begin immediately to translate themsel0es into their physical eNui0alent
or counterpart.
The emotions% or the L#eelingL portion o# thoughts% are the #actors which
gi0e thoughts 0itality% li#e% and action. The emotions o# Faith% @o0e% and $e8%
when mi8ed with any thought impulse% gi0e it greater action than any o# these
emotions can do singly.
ot only thought impulses which ha0e been mi8ed with F'1T!% but those
which ha0e been mi8ed with any o# the positi0e emotions% or any o# the negati0e
emotions% may reach% and in#luence the subconscious mind.
From this statement% you will understand that the subconscious mind will
translate into its physical eNui0alent% a thought impulse o# a negati0e or
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destructi0e nature% ;ust as readily as it will act upon thought impulses o# a
positi0e or constructi0e nature. This accounts #or the strange phenomenon which
so many millions o# people e8perience% re#erred to as Lmis#ortune%L or Lbad luck.L
There are millions o# people who BE@1E>E themsel0es LdoomedL to
po0erty and #ailure% because o# some strange #orce o0er which they BE@1E>E
they ha0e no control. They are the creators o# their own Lmis#ortunes%L because o#
this negati0e BE@1EF% which is picked up by the subconscious mind% and
translated into its physical eNui0alent.
This is an appropriate place at which to suggest again that you may
bene#it% by passing on to your subconscious mind% any DE$1RE which you wish
translated into its physical% or monetary eNui0alent% in a state o# e8pectancy or
BE@1EF that the transmutation will actually take place. 9our BE@1EF% or F'1T!%
is the element which determines the action o# your subconscious mind. There is
nothing to hinder you #rom Ldecei0ingL your subconscious mind when gi0ing it
instructions through autosuggestion% as 1 decei0ed my sonJs subconscious mind.
To make this LdeceitL more realistic% conduct yoursel# ;ust as you would% i#
you were '@RE'D9 1 P3$$E$$13 3F T!E A'TER1'@ T!1( 4!15!
93: 'RE DEA'D1(% when you call upon your subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind will transmute into its physical eNui0alent% by the
most direct and practical media a0ailable% any order which is gi0en to it in a state
o# BE@1EF% or F'1T! that the order will be carried out.
$urely% enough has been stated to gi0e a starting point #rom which one
may% through e8periment and practice% acNuire the ability to mi8 F'1T! with
any order gi0en to the subconscious mind. Per#ection will come through practice.
1t cannot come by merely readin instructions.
1# it be true that one may become a criminal by association with crime%
<and this is a known #act=% it is eNually true that one may de0elop #aith by
0oluntarily suggesting to the subconscious mind that one has #aith. The mind
comes% #inally% to take on the nature o# the in#luences which dominate it.
:nderstand this truth% and you will know why it is essential #or you to
encourage the positive emotions as dominating #orces o# your mind% and
discourage M and eliminate negati0e emotions.
' mind dominated by positi0e emotions% becomes a #a0orable abode #or
the state o# mind known as #aith. ' mind so dominated may% at will% gi0e the
subconscious mind instructions% which it will accept and act upon immediately.
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F'1T! 1$ ' $T'TE 3F A1D 4!15! A'9 BE
1D:5ED B9 ':T3-$:((E$T13
'll down the ages% the religionists ha0e admonished struggling humanity
to Lha0e #aithL in this% that% and the other dogma or creed% but they ha0e #ailed to
tell people !34 to ha0e #aith. They ha0e not stated that L#aith is a state o# mind%
and that it may be induced by sel#-suggestion.L
1n language which any normal human being can understand% we will
describe all that is known about the principle through which F'1T! may be
de0eloped% where it does not already e8ist.
!a0e Faith in yoursel#" Faith in the 1n#inite.
Be#ore we begin% you should be reminded again that:
F'1T! is the Leternal eli8irL which gi0es li#e% power% and action to the
impulse o# thoughtP
The #oregoing sentence is worth reading a second time% and a third% and a
#ourth. 1t is worth reading aloudP
F'1T! is the starting point o# all accumulation o# richesP
F'1T! is the basis o# all Lmiracles%L and all mysteries which cannot be analy7ed
by the rules o# scienceP
F'1T! is the only known antidote #or F'1@:REP
F'1T! is the element% the LchemicalL which% when mi8ed with prayer%
gi0es one direct communication with 1n#inite 1ntelligence.
F'1T! is the element which trans#orms the ordinary 0ibration o# thought%
created by the #inite mind o# man% into the spiritual eNui0alent.
F'1T! is the only agency through which the cosmic #orce o# 1n#inite
1ntelligence can be harnessed and used by man.
E>ER9 3E 3F T!E F3RE(31( $T'TEAET$ 1$ 5'P'B@E 3F
The proo# is simple and easily demonstrated. 1t is wrapped up in the
principle o# auto-suggestion. @et us center our attention% there#ore% upon the
sub;ect o# sel#-suggestion% and #ind out what it is% and what it is capable o#
1t is a well known #act that one comes% #inally% to BE@1E>E whate0er one
repeats to oneJs sel#% whether the statement be true or false. 1# a man repeats a lie o0er
and o0er% he will e0entually accept the lie as truth. Aoreo0er% he will BE@1E>E it
to be the truth.
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E0ery man is what he is% because o# the D3A1'T1( T!3:(!T$
which he permits to occupy his mind. Thoughts which a man deliberately places
in his own mind% and encourages with sympathy% and with which he mi8es any
one or more o# the emotions% constitute the moti0ating #orces% which direct and
control his e0ery mo0ement% act% and deedP
5omes% now% a 0ery signi#icant statement o# truth:
T!3:(!T$ 4!15! 'RE A1IED 41T! '9 3F T!E FEE@1($ 3F
EA3T13$% 53$T1T:TE ' LA'(ET15L F3R5E 4!15! 'TTR'5T$%
FR3A T!E >1BR'T13$ 3F T!E ET!ER% 3T!ER $1A1@'R% 3R RE@'TED
T!3:(!T$. ' thought thus Lmagneti7edL with emotion may be compared to a
seed which% when planted in #ertile soil% germinates% grows% and multiplies itsel#
o0er and o0er again% until that which was originally one small seed% becomes
countless millions o# seeds o# the $'AE BR'DP
The ether is a great cosmic mass o# eternal #orces o# 0ibration. 1t is made
up o# both destructi0e 0ibrations and constructi0e 0ibrations. 1t carries% at all
times% 0ibrations o# #ear% po0erty% disease% #ailure% misery" and 0ibrations o#
prosperity% health% success% and happiness% ;ust as surely as it carries the sound o#
hundreds o# orchestrations o# music% and hundreds o# human 0oices% all o# which
maintain their own indi0iduality% and means o# identi#ication% through the
medium o# radio.
From the great storehouse o# the ether% the human mind is constantly
attracting 0ibrations which harmoni7e with that which D3A1'TE$ the human
mind. 'ny thought% idea% plan% or purpose which one holds in oneJs mind attracts%
#rom the 0ibrations o# the ether% a host o# its relati0es% adds these Lrelati0esL to its
own #orce% and grows until it becomes the dominating% A3T1>'T1( A'$TER
o# the indi0idual in whose mind it has been housed.
ow% let us go back to the starting point% and become in#ormed as to how
the original seed o# an idea% plan% or purpose may be planted in the mind. The
in#ormation is easily con0eyed: any idea% plan% or purpose may be placed in the
mind throuh repetition of thouht. This is why you are asked to write out a
statement o# your ma;or purpose% or De#inite 5hie# 'im% commit it to memory%
and repeat it% in audible words% day a#ter day% until these 0ibrations o# sound
ha0e reached your subconscious mind.
4e are what we are% because o# the 0ibrations o# thought which we pick
up and register% through the stimuli o# our daily en0ironment.
Resol0e to throw o## the in#luences o# any un#ortunate en0ironment% and
to build your own li#e to 3RDER. Taking in0entory o# mental assets and
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liabilities% you will disco0er that your greatest weakness is lack o# sel#-
con#idence. This handicap can be surmounted% and timidity translated into
courage% through the aid o# the principle o# autosuggestion. The application o#
this principle may be made through a simple arrangement o# positi0e thought
impulses stated in writing% memori7ed% and repeated% until they become a part o#
the working eNuipment o# the subconscious #aculty o# your mind.
$E@F-53F1DE5E F3RA:@'
First. 1 know that 1 ha0e the ability to achie0e the ob;ect o#
my De#inite Purpose in li#e% there#ore% 1 DEA'D o# mysel#
persistent% continuous action toward its attainment% and 1 here and
now promise to render such action.
$econd. 1 reali7e the dominating thoughts o# my mind will
e0entually reproduce themsel0es in outward% physical action% and
gradually trans#orm themsel0es into physical reality% there#ore% 1
will concentrate my thoughts #or thirty minutes daily% upon the
task o# thinking o# the person 1 intend to become% thereby creating
in my mind a clear mental picture o# that person.
Third. 1 know through the principle o# auto-suggestion% any
desire that 1 persistently hold in my mind will e0entually seek
e8pression through some practical means o# attaining the ob;ect
back o# it% there#ore% 1 will de0ote ten minutes daily to demanding
o# mysel# the de0elopment o# $E@F-53F1DE5E.
Fourth. 1 ha0e clearly written down a description o# my
DEF11TE 5!1EF '1A in li#e% and 1 will ne0er stop trying% until 1
shall ha0e de0eloped su##icient sel#-con#idence #or its attainment.
Fi#th. 1 #ully reali7e that no wealth or position can long
endure% unless built upon truth and ;ustice% there#ore% 1 will engage
in no transaction which does not bene#it all whom it a##ects. 1 will
succeed by attracting to mysel# the #orces 1 wish to use% and the
cooperation o# other people. 1 will induce others to ser0e me%
because o# my willingness to ser0e others. 1 will eliminate hatred%
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en0y% ;ealousy% sel#ishness% and cynicism% by de0eloping lo0e #or all
humanity% because 1 know that a negati0e attitude toward others
can ne0er bring me success. 1 will cause others to belie0e in me%
because 1 will belie0e in them% and in mysel#.
1 will sign my name to this #ormula% commit it to memory%
and repeat it aloud once a day% with #ull F'1T! that it will
gradually in#luence my T!3:(!T$ and '5T13$ so that 1 will
become a sel#-reliant% and success#ul person.
Back o# this #ormula is a law o# ature which no man has yet been able to
e8plain. 1t has ba##led the scientists o# all ages. The psychologists ha0e named
this law Lauto-suggestion%L and let it go at that.
The name by which one calls this law is o# little importance. The
important #act about it isM it 43R2$ #or the glory and success o# mankind% 1F it
is used constructi0ely. 3n the other hand% i# used destructi0ely% it will destroy
;ust as readily. 1n this statement may be #ound a 0ery signi#icant truth% namely"
that those who go down in de#eat% and end their li0es in po0erty% misery% and
distress% do so because o# negati0e application o# the principle o# auto-
suggestion. The cause may be #ound in the #act that '@@ 1AP:@$E$ 3F
T!3:(!T !'>E ' TEDE59 T3 5@3T!E T!EA$E@>E$ 1 T!E1R
P!9$15'@ EK:1>'@ET.
The subconscious mind% <the chemical laboratory in which all thought
impulses are combined% and made ready #or translation into physical reality=%
makes no distinction between constructi0e and destructi0e thought impulses. 1t
works with the material we #eed it% through our thought impulses. The
subconscious mind will translate into reality a thought dri0en by FE'R ;ust as
readily as it will translate into reality a thought dri0en by 53:R'(E% or F'1T!.
The pages o# medical history are rich with illustrations o# cases o#
Lsuggesti0e suicide.L ' man may commit suicide through negati0e suggestion%
;ust as e##ecti0ely as by any other means. 1n a midwestern city% a man by the
name o# Ooseph (rant% a bank o##icial% LborrowedL a large sum o# the bankJs
money% without the consent o# the directors. !e lost the money through
gambling. 3ne a#ternoon% the Bank E8aminer came and began to check the
accounts. (rant le#t the bank% took a room in a local hotel% and when they #ound
him% three days later% he was lying in bed% wailing and moaning% repeating o0er
and o0er these words% LAy (od% this will kill meP 1 cannot stand the disgrace.L 1n
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a short time he was dead. The doctors pronounced the case one o# Lmental
Oust as electricity will turn the wheels o# industry% and render use#ul
ser0ice i# used constructi0ely" or snu## out li#e i# wrongly used% so will the law o#
auto-suggestion lead you to peace and prosperity% or down into the 0alley o#
misery% #ailure% and death% according to your degree o# understanding and
application o# it.
1# you #ill your mind with F%!+% doubt and unbelie# in your ability to
connect with% and use the #orces o# 1n#inite 1ntelligence% the law o# autoM
suggestion will take this spirit o# unbelie# and use it as a pattern by which your
subconscious mind will translate it into its physical eNui0alent.
T!1$ $T'TEAET 1$ '$ TR:E '$ T!E $T'TEAET T!'T T43 'D
T43 'RE F3:RP
@ike the wind which carries one ship East% and another 4est% the law o#
auto-suggestion will li#t you up or pull you down% according to the way you set
your sails o# T!3:(!T. The law o# auto-suggestion% through which any person
may rise to altitudes o# achie0ement which stagger the imagination% is well
described in the #ollowing 0erse:
L1# you think you are beaten% you are%
1# you think you dare not% you donJt
1# you like to win% but you think you canJt%
1t is almost certain you wonJt.
L1# you think youJll lose% youJre lost
For out o# the world we #ind%
$uccess begins with a #ellowJs willM
1tJs all in the state of mind.
L1# you think you are outclassed% you are%
9ouJ0e got to think high to rise%
9ouJ0e got to be sure of yourself be#ore
9ou can e0er win a pri7e.
L@i#eJs battles donJt always go
To the stronger or #aster man%
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But soon or late the man who wins
1s the man 4!3 T!12$ !E 5'PL
3bser0e the words which ha0e been emphasi7ed% and you will catch the
deep meaning which the poet had in mind.
$omewhere in your make-up <perhaps in the cells o# your brain= there lies
sleepin% the seed o# achie0ement which% i# aroused and put into action% would
carry you to heights% such as you may ne0er ha0e hoped to attain.
Oust as a master musician may cause the most beauti#ul strains o# music to
pour #orth #rom the strings o# a 0iolin% so may you arouse the genius which lies
asleep in your brain% and cause it to dri0e you upward to whate0er goal you may
wish to achie0e.
'braham @incoln was a #ailure at e0erything he tried% until he was well
past the age o# #orty. !e was a Ar. obody #rom owhere% until a great
e8perience came into his li#e% aroused the sleeping genius within his heart and
brain% and ga0e the world one o# its really great men. That Le8perienceL was
mi8ed with the emotions o# sorrow and @3>E. 1t came to him through 'nne
Rutledge% the only woman whom he e0er truly lo0ed.
1t is a known #act that the emotion o# @3>E is closely akin to the state o#
mind known as F'1T!% and this #or the reason that @o0e comes 0ery near to
translating oneJs thought impulses into their spiritual eNui0alent. During his
work o# research% the author disco0ered% #rom the analysis o# the li#e-work and
achie0ements o# hundreds o# men o# outstanding accomplishment% that there
was the in#luence o# a womanJs lo0e back o# nearly E>ER9 3E 3F T!EA. The
emotion o# lo0e% in the human heart and brain% creates a #a0orable #ield o#
magnetic attraction% which causes an in#lu8 o# the higher and #iner 0ibrations
which are a#loat in the ether.
1# you wish e0idence o# the power o# F'1T!% study the achie0ements o#
men and women who ha0e employed it. 't the head o# the list comes the
a7arene. 5hristianity is the greatest single #orce which in#luences the minds o#
men. The basis o# 5hristianity is F'1T!% no matter how many people may ha0e
per0erted% or misinterpreted the meaning o# this great #orce% and no matter how
many dogmas and creeds ha0e been created in its name% which do not re#lect its
The sum and substance o# the teachings and the achie0ements o# 5hrist%
which may ha0e been interpreted as Lmiracles%L were nothing more nor less than
F'1T!. 1# there are any such phenomena as LmiraclesL they are produced only
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through the state o# mind known as F'1T!P $ome teachers o# religion% and many
who call themsel0es 5hristians% neither understand nor practice F'1T!.
@et us consider the power o# F'1T!% as it is now being demonstrated% by a
man who is well known to all o# ci0ili7ation% Aahatma (andhi% o# 1ndia. 1n this
man the world has one o# the most astounding e8amples known to ci0ili7ation%
o# the possibilities o# F'1T!. (andhi wields more potential power than any man
li0ing at this time% and this% despite the #act that he has none o# the orthodo8 tools
o# power% such as money% battle ships% soldiers% and materials o# war#are. (andhi
has no money% he has no home% he does not own a suit o# clothes% but !E D3E$
!'>E P34ER. !ow does he come by that powerF
!E 5RE'TED 1T 3:T 3F !1$ :DER$T'D1( 3F T!E PR151P@E
3F F'1T!% 'D T!R3:(! !1$ 'B1@1T9 T3 TR'$P@'T T!'T F'1T!
1T3 T!E A1D$ 3F T43 !:DRED A1@@13 PE3P@E.
(andhi has accomplished% through the in#luence o# F'1T!% that which the
strongest military power on earth could not% and ne0er will accomplish through
soldiers and military eNuipment. !e has accomplished the astounding #eat o#
1F@:E51( two hundred million minds to 53'@E$5E 'D A3>E 1
:1$3% '$ ' $1(@E A1D.
4hat other #orce on earth% e8cept F'1T! could do as muchF
There will come a day when employees as well as employers will disco0er
the possibilities o# F'1T!. That day is dawning. The whole world has had ample
opportunity% during the recent business depression% to witness what the @'52
3F F'1T! will do to business.
$urely% ci0ili7ation has produced a su##icient number o# intelligent human
beings to make use o# this great lesson which the depression has taught the
world. During this depression% the world had e0idence in abundance that
widespread FE'R will paraly7e the wheels o# industry and business. 3ut o# this
e8perience will arise leaders in business and industry who will pro#it by the
e8ample which (andhi has set #or the world% and they will apply to business the
same tactics which he has used in building the greatest #ollowing known in the
history o# the world. These leaders will come #rom the rank and #ile o# the
unknown men% who now labor in the steel plants% the coal mines% the automobile
#actories% and in the small towns and cities o# 'merica.
Business is due #or a re#orm% make no mistake about thisP The methods o#
the past% based upon economic combinations o# F3R5E and FE'R% will be
supplanted by the better principles o# F'1T! and cooperation. Aen who labor
will recei0e more than daily wages" they will recei0e di0idends #rom the
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business% the same as those who supply the capital #or business" but% #irst they
must (1>E A3RE T3 T!E1R EAP@39ER$% and stop this bickering and
bargaining by #orce% at the e8pense o# the public. .hey must earn the riht to
Aoreo0er% and this is the most important thing o# allM T!E9 41@@ BE
@ED B9 @E'DER$ 4!3 41@@ :DER$T'D 'D 'PP@9 T!E PR151P@E$
EAP@39ED B9 A'!'TA' ('D!1. 3nly in this way may leaders get #rom
their #ollowers the spirit o# F:@@ cooperation which constitutes power in its
highest and most enduring #orm.
This stupendous machine age in which we li0e% and #rom which we are
;ust emerging% has taken the soul out o# men. 1ts leaders ha0e dri0en men as
though they were pieces o# cold machinery" they were #orced to do so by the
employees who ha0e bargained% at the e8pense o# all concerned% to get and not to
gi0e. The watchword o# the #uture will be !:A' !'PP1E$$ 'D
53TETAET% and when this state o# mind shall ha0e been attained% the
production will take care o# itsel#% more e##ecti0ely than anything that has e0er
been accomplished where men did not% and could not mi8 F'1T! and indi0idual
interest with their labor.
Because o# the need #or #aith and cooperation in operating business and
industry% it will be both interesting and pro#itable to analy7e an e0ent which
pro0ides an e8cellent understanding o# the method by which industrialists and
business men accumulate great #ortunes% by ivin be#ore they try to et.
The e0ent chosen #or this illustration dates back to *+//% when the :nited
$tates $teel 5orporation was being #ormed. 's you read the story% keep in mind
these #undamental #acts and you will understand how 1DE'$ ha0e been
con0erted into huge #ortunes.
First% the huge :nited $tates $teel 5orporation was born in the mind o#
5harles A. $chwab% in the #orm o# an 1DE' he created through his
1A'(1'T13P $econd% he mi8ed F'1T! with his 1DE'. Third% he #ormulated
a P@' #or the trans#ormation o# his 1DE' into physical and #inancial reality.
Fourth% he put his plan into action with his #amous speech at the :ni0ersity 5lub.
Fi#th% he applied% and #ollowed-through on his P@' with PER$1$TE5E% and
backed it with #irm DE51$13 until it had been #ully carried out. $i8th% he
prepared the way #or success by a B:R1( DE$1RE #or success.
1# you are one o# those who ha0e o#ten wondered how great #ortunes are
accumulated% this story o# the creation o# the :nited $tates $teel 5orporation will
be enlightening. 1# you ha0e any doubt that men can T!12 'D (R34 R15!%
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this story should dispel that doubt% because you can plainly see in the story o# the
:nited $tates $teel% the application o# a ma;or portion o# the thirteen principles
described in this book.
This astounding description o# the power o# an 1DE' was dramatically
told by Oohn @owell% in the ew 9ork 4orld- Telegram% with whose courtesy it is
here reprinted.
B1@@13 D3@@'R$
L4hen% on the e0ening o# December *.% *+//% some eighty o# the nationJs
#inancial nobility gathered in the banNuet hail o# the :ni0ersity 5lub on Fi#th
'0enue to do honor to a young man #rom out o# the 4est% not hal# a do7en o# the
guests reali7ed they were to witness the most signi#icant episode in 'merican
industrial history.
LO. Edward $immons and 5harles $tewart $mith% their hearts #ull o#
gratitude #or the la0ish hospitality bestowed on them by 5harles A. $chwab
during a recent 0isit to Pittsburgh% had arranged the dinner to introduce the
thirty-eight-year-old steel man to eastern banking society. But they didnJt e8pect
him to stampede the con0ention. They warned him% in #act% that the bosoms
within ew 9orkJs stu##ed shirts would not be responsi0e to oratory% and that% i#
he didnJt want to bore the $tilhnans and !arrimans and >anderbilts% he had
better limit himsel# to #i#teen or twenty minutes o# polite 0aporings and let it go
at that.
LE0en Oohn Pierpont Aorgan% sitting on the right hand o# $chwab as
became his imperial dignity% intended to grace the banNuet table with his
presence only brie#ly. 'nd so #ar as the press and public were concerned% the
whole a##air was o# so little moment that no mention o# it #ound its way into print
the ne8t day.
L$o the two hosts and their distinguished guests ate their way through the
usual se0en or eight courses. There was little con0ersation and what there was o#
it was restrained. Few o# the bankers and brokers had met $chwab% whose career
had #lowered along the banks o# the Aonongahela% and none knew him well. But
be#ore the e0ening was o0er% theyM and with them Aoney Aaster Aorgan M
were to be swept o## their #eet% and a billion dollar baby% the :nited $tates $teel
5orporation% was to be concei0ed.
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L1t is perhaps un#ortunate% #or the sake o# history% that no record o# 5harlie
$chwabJs speech at the dinner e0er was made. !e repeated some parts o# it at a
later date during a similar meeting o# 5hicago bankers. 'nd still later% when the
(o0ernment brought suit to dissol0e the $teel Trust% he ga0e his own 0ersion%
#rom the witness stand% o# the remarks that stimulated Aorgan into a #ren7y o#
#inancial acti0ity.
L1t is probable% howe0er% that it was a JhomelyJ speech% somewhat
ungrammatical <#or the niceties o# language ne0er bothered $chwab=% #ull o#
epigram and threaded with wit. But aside #rom that it had a gal0anic #orce and
e##ect upon the #i0e billions o# estimated capital that was represented by the
diners. '#ter it was o0er and the gathering was still under its spell% although
$chwab had talked #or ninety minutes% Aorgan led the orator to a recessed
window where% dangling their legs #rom the high% uncom#ortable seat% they
talked #or an hour more.
LThe magic o# the $chwab personality had been turned on% #ull #orce% but
what was more important and lasting was the #ull-#ledged% clear-cut program he
laid down #or the aggrandi7ement o# $teel. Aany other men had tried to interest
Aorgan in slapping together a steel trust a#ter the pattern o# the biscuit% wire and
hoop% sugar% rubber% whisky% oil or chewing gum combinations. Oohn 4. (ates%
the gambler% had urged it% but Aorgan distrusted him. The Aoore boys% Bill and
Oim% 5hicago stock ;obbers who had glued together a match trust and a cracker
corporation% had urged it and #ailed. Elbert !. (ary% the sanctimonious country
lawyer% wanted to #oster it% but he wasnJt big enough to be impressi0e. :ntil
$chwabJs eloNuence took O. P. Aorgan to the heights #rom which he could
0isuali7e the solid results o# the most daring #inancial undertaking e0er
concei0ed% the pro;ect was regarded as a delirious dream o# easy-money
LThe #inancial magnetism that began% a generation ago% to attract
thousands o# small and sometimes ine##iciently managed companies into large
and competition-crushing combinations% had become operati0e in the steel world
through the de0ices o# that ;o0ial business pirate% Oohn 4. (ates. (ates already
had #ormed the 'merican $teel and 4ire 5ompany out o# a chain o# small
concerns% and together with Aorgan had created the Federal $teel 5ompany. The
ational Tube and 'merican Bridge companies were two more Aorgan
concerns% and the Aoore Brothers had #orsaken the match and cookie business to
#orm the J'mericanJ groupM Tin Plate% $teel !oop% $heet $teelM and the
ational $teel 5ompany.
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LBut by the side o# 'ndrew 5arnegieJs gigantic 0ertical trust% a trust
owned and operated by #i#ty-three partners% those other combinations were
picayune. They might combine to their heartJs content but the whole lot o# them
couldnJt make a dent in the 5arnegie organi7ation% and Aorgan knew it.
LThe eccentric old $cot knew it% too. From the magni#icent heights o# $kibo
5astle he had 0iewed% #irst with amusement and then with resentment% the
attempts o# AorganJs smaller companies to cut into his business. 4hen the
attempts became too bold% 5arnegieJs temper was translated into anger and
retaliation. !e decided to duplicate e0ery mill owned by his ri0als. !itherto% he
hadnJt been interested in wire% pipe% hoops% or sheet. 1nstead% he was content to
sell such companies the raw steel and let them work it into whate0er shape they
wanted. ow% with $chwab as his chie# and able lieutenant% he planned to dri0e
his enemies to the wall.
L$o it was that in the speech o# 5harles A. $chwab% Aorgan saw the
answer to his problem o# combination. ' trust without 5arnegieMgiant o# them
allMwould be no trust at all% a plum pudding% as one writer said% without the
L$chwabJs speech on the night o# December *.% *+//% undoubtedly carried
the in#erence% though not the pledge% that the 0ast 5arnegie enterprise could be
brought under the Aorgan tent. !e talked o# the world #uture #or steel% o#
reorgani7ation #or e##iciency% o# speciali7ation% o# the scrapping o# unsuccess#ul
mills and concentration o# e##ort on the #lourishing properties% o# economies in
the ore tra##ic% o# economies in o0erhead and administrati0e departments% o#
capturing #oreign markets.
LAore than that% he told the buccaneers among them wherein lay the
errors o# their customary piracy. Their purposes% he in#erred% bad been to create
monopolies% raise prices% and pay themsel0es #at di0idends out o# pri0ilege.
$chwab condemned the system in his heartiest manner. The shortsightedness o#
such a policy% he told his hearers% lay in the #act that it restricted the market in an
era when e0erything cried #or e8pansion. By cheapening the cost o# steel% he
argued% an e0er-e8panding market would be created" more uses #or steel would
be de0ised% and a goodly portion o# the world trade could be captured. 'ctually%
though he did not know it% $chwab was an apostle o# modern mass production.
L$o the dinner at the :ni0ersity 5lub came to an end. Aorgan went home%
to think about $chwabJs rosy predictions. $chwab went back to Pittsburgh to run
the steel business #or J4ee 'ndra 5arnegie%J while (ary and the rest went back to
their stock tickers% to #iddle around in anticipation o# the ne8t mo0e.
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L1t was not long coming. 1t took Aorgan about one week to digest the #east
o# reason $chwab had placed be#ore him. 4hen he had assured himsel# that no
#inancial indigestion was to result% he sent #or $chwabMand #ound that young
man rather coy. Ar. 5arnegie% $chwab indicated% might not like it i# he #ound his
trusted company president had been #lirting with the Emperor o# 4all $treet% the
$treet upon which 5arnegie was resol0ed ne0er to tread. Then it was suggested
by Oohn 4. (ates the go-between% that i# $chwab JhappenedJ to be in the Belle0ue
!otel in Philadelphia% O. P. Aorgan might also JhappenJ to be there. 4hen
$chwab arri0ed% howe0er% Aorgan was incon0eniently ill at his ew 9ork home%
and so% on the elder manJs pressing in0itation% $chwab went to ew 9ork and
presented himsel# at the door o# the #inancierJs library.
Low certain economic historians ha0e pro#essed the belie# that #rom the
beginning to the end o# the drama% the stage was set by 'ndrew 5arnegieM that
the dinner to $chwab% the #amous speech% the $unday night con#erence between
$chwab and the Aoney 2ing% were e0ents arranged by the canny $cot. The truth
is e8actly the opposite. 4hen $chwab was called in to consummate the deal% he
didnJt e0en know whether Jthe little boss% J as 'ndrew was called% would so
much as listen to an o##er to sell% particularly to a group o# men whom 'ndrew
regarded as being endowed with something less than holiness. But $chwab did
take into the con#erence with him% in his own handwriting% si8 sheets o# copper-
plate #igures% representing to his mind the physical worth and the potential
earning capacity o# e0ery steel company he regarded as an essential star in the
new metal #irmament.
LFour men pondered o0er these #igures all night. The chie#% o# course% was
Aorgan% stead#ast in his belie# in the Di0ine Right o# Aoney. 4ith him was his
aristocratic partner% Robert Bacon% a scholar and a gentleman. The third was Oohn
4. (ates whom Aorgan scorned as a gambler and used as a tool. The #ourth was
$chwab% who knew more about the processes o# making and selling steel than
any whole group o# men then li0ing. Throughout that con#erence% the
PittsburgherJs #igures were ne0er Nuestioned. 1# he said a company was worth so
much% then it was worth that much and no more. !e was insistent% too% upon
including in the combination only those concerns he nominated. !e had
concei0ed a corporation in which there would be no duplication% not e0en to
satis#y the greed o# #riends who wanted to unload their companies upon the
broad Aorgan shoulders. Thus he le#t out% by design% a number o# the larger
concerns upon which the 4alruses and 5arpenters o# 4all $treet had cast
hungry eyes.
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L4hen dawn came% Aorgan rose and straightened his back. 3nly one
Nuestion remained.
LJ Do you think you can persuade 'ndrew 5arnegie to sellF J he asked.
LJ 1 can try% J said $chwab.
LJ 1# you can get him to sell% 1 will undertake the matter% J said Aorgan.
L$o #ar so good. But would 5arnegie sellF !ow much would he demandF
<$chwab thought about Q,./%///%///=. 4hat would he take payment inF 5ommon
or pre#erred stocksF BondsF 5ashF obody could raise a third o# a billion dollars
in cash.
LThere was a gol# game in Oanuary on the #rost-cracking heath o# the $t.
'ndrews links in 4estchester% with 'ndrew bundled up in sweaters against the
cold% and 5harlie talking 0olubly% as usual% to keep his spirits up. But no word o#
business was mentioned until the pair sat down in the co7y warmth o# the
5arnegie cottage hard by. Then% with the same persuasi0eness that had
hypnoti7ed eighty millionaires at the :ni0ersity 5lub% $chwab poured out the
glittering promises o# retirement in com#ort% o# untold millions to satis#y the old
manJs social caprices. 5arnegie capitulated% wrote a #igure on a slip o# paper%
handed it to $chwab and said% Jall right% thatJs what weJll sell #or.J
LThe #igure was appro8imately QC//%///%///% and was reached by taking
the Q,./%///%/// mentioned by $chwab as a basic #igure% and adding to it
QB/%///%/// to represent the increased capital 0alue o0er the pre0ious two years.
L@ater% on the deck o# a trans-'tlantic liner% the $cotsman said rue#ully to
Aorgan% J1 wish 1 had asked you #or Q*//%///%/// more.J
LJ 1# you had asked #or it% youJd ha0e gotten it% J Aorgan told him
LThere was an uproar% o# course. ' British correspondent cabled that the
#oreign steel world was JappalledJ by the gigantic combination. President !adley%
o# 9ale% declared that unless trusts were regulated the country might e8pect Jan
emperor in 4ashington within the ne8t twenty-#i0e years. J But that able stock
manipulator% 2eene% went at his work o# sho0ing the new stock at the public so
0igorously that all the e8cess waterM estimated by some at nearly QD//%///%///M
was absorbed in a twinkling. $o 5arnegie had his millions% and the Aorgan
syndicate had QD.%///%/// #or all its Jtrouble% J and all the Jboys% J #rom (ates to
(ary% had their millions.
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LThe thirty-eight-year-old $chwab had his reward. !e was made president
o# the new corporation and remained in control until *+,/.L
The dramatic story o# LBig BusinessL which you ha0e ;ust #inished% was
included in this book% because it is a per#ect illustration o# the method by which
$%&I+% C!) 9% .+!)&M8.%$ I).' I.& PH-&IC!# %?8I,!#%).6
1 imagine some readers will Nuestion the statement that a mere% intangible
DE$1RE can be con0erted into its physical eNui0alent. Doubtless some will say%
L9ou cannot con0ert 3T!1( into $3AET!1(PL The answer is in the story
o# :nited $tates $teel.
That giant organi7ation was created in the mind o# one man. The plan by
which the organi7ation was pro0ided with the steel mills that ga0e it #inancial
stability was created in the mind o# the same man. !is F'1T!% his DE$1RE% his
1A'(1'T13% his PER$1$TE5E were the real ingredients that went into
:nited $tates $teel. The steel mills and mechanical eNuipment acNuired by the
corporation% 'FTER 1T !'D BEE BR3:(!T 1T3 @E('@ EI1$TE5E% were
incidental% but care#ul analysis will disclose the #act that the appraised 0alue o#
the properties acNuired by the corporation increased in 0alue by an estimated
$1I !:DRED A1@@13 D3@@'R$% by the mere transaction which
consolidated them under one management.
1n other words% 5harles A. $chwabJs 1DE'% plus the F'1T! with which he
con0eyed it to the minds o# O. P. Aorgan and the others% was marketed #or a
pro#it o# appro8imately QD//%///%///. ot an insigni#icant sum #or a single 1DE'P
4hat happened to some o# the men who took their share o# the millions o#
dollars o# pro#it made by this transaction% is a matter with which we are not now
concerned. The important #eature o# the astounding achie0ement is that it ser0es
as unNuestionable e0idence o# the soundness o# the philosophy described in this
book% because this philosophy was the warp and the woo# o# the entire
transaction. Aoreo0er% the practicability o# the philosophy has been established
by the #act that the :nited $tates $teel 5orporation prospered% and became one o#
the richest and most power#ul corporations in 'merica% employing thousands o#
people% de0eloping new uses #or steel% and opening new markets" thus pro0ing
that the QD//%///%/// in pro#it which the $chwab 1DE' produced was earned.
R15!E$ begin in the #orm o# T!3:(!TP
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The amount is limited only by the person in whose mind the T!3:(!T
is put into motion. F'1T! remo0es limitationsP Remember this when you are
ready to bargain with @i#e #or whate0er it is that you ask as your price #or ha0ing
passed this way.
Remember% also% that the man who created the :nited $tates $teel
5orporation was practically unknown at the time. !e was merely 'ndrew
5arnegieJs LAan FridayL until he ga0e birth to his #amous 1DE'. '#ter that he
Nuickly rose to a position o# power% #ame% and riches.
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!OTH !O"E#T$ &ND #%C&E' &R. TH.
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T!E AED1:A F3R 1F@:E51( T!E $:B53$513:$ A1D
.he .hird &tep toward +iches
':T3-$:((E$T13 is a term which applies to all suggestions and all
sel#-administered stimuli which reach oneJs mind through the #i0e senses. $tated
in another way% auto-suggestion is sel#-suggestion. 1t is the agency o#
communication between that part o# the mind where conscious thought takes
place% and that which ser0es as the seat o# action #or the subconscious mind.
Through the dominating thoughts which one permits to remain in the
conscious mind% <whether these thoughts be negati0e or positi0e% is immaterial=%
the principle o# auto-suggestion 0oluntarily reaches the subconscious mind and
in#luences it with these thoughts.
3 T!3:(!T% whether it be negati0e or positi0e% 5' ETER T!E
$:B53$513:$ A1D 41T!3:T T!E '1D 3F T!E PR151P@E 3F ':T3-
$:((E$T13% with the e8ception o# thoughts picked up #rom the ether. $tated
di##erently% all sense impressions which are percei0ed through the #i0e senses% are
stopped by the 53$513:$ thinking mind% and may be either passed on to the
subconscious mind% or re;ected% at will. The conscious #aculty ser0es% there#ore% as
an outer-guard to the approach o# the subconscious.
ature has so built man that he has 'B$3@:TE 53TR3@ o0er the
material which reaches his subconscious mind% through his #i0e senses% although
this is not meant to be construed as a statement that man always EIER51$E$ this
control. 1n the great ma;ority o# instances% he does 3T e8ercise it% which
e8plains why so many people go through li#e in po0erty.
Recall what has been said about the subconscious mind resembling a
#ertile garden spot% in which weeds will grow in abundance% i# the seeds o# more
desirable crops are not sown therein. ':T3-$:((E$T13 is the agency o#
control through which an indi0idual may 0oluntarily #eed his subconscious mind
on thoughts o# a creati0e nature% or% by neglect% permit thoughts o# a destructi0e
nature to #ind their way into this rich garden o# the mind.
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9ou were instructed% in the last o# the si8 steps described in the chapter on
Desire% to read '@3:D twice daily the 4R1TTE statement o# your DE$1RE
F3R A3E9% and to $EE 'D FEE@ yoursel# '@RE'D9 in possession o# the
moneyP By #ollowing these instructions% you communicate the ob;ect o# your
DE$1RE directly to your $:B53$513:$ mind in a spirit o# absolute F'1T!.
Through repetition o# this procedure% you 0oluntarily create thought habits
which are #a0orable to your e##orts to transmute desire into its monetary
(o back to these si8 steps described in chapter two% and read them again%
0ery care#ully% be#ore you proceed #urther. Then <when you come to it=% read 0ery
care#ully the #our instructions #or the organi7ation o# your LAaster AindL group%
described in the chapter on 3rgani7ed Planning. By comparing these two sets o#
instructions with that which has been stated on auto-suggestion% you% o# course%
will see that the instructions in0ol0e the application o# the principle o# auto-
Remember% there#ore% when reading aloud the statement o# your desire
<through which you are endea0oring to de0elop a Lmoney consciousnessL=% that
the mere reading o# the words is o# 3 53$EK:E5EM :@E$$ you mi8
emotion% or #eeling with your words. 1# you repeat a million times the #amous
Emil 5ouV #ormula% LDay by day% in e0ery way% 1 am getting better and better%L
without mi8ing emotion and F'1T! with your words% you will e8perience no
desirable results. 9our subconscious mind recogni7es and acts upon 3@9
thoughts which ha0e been well-mi8ed with emotion or #eeling.
This is a #act o# such importance as to warrant repetition in practically
e0ery chapter% because the lack o# understanding o# this is the main reason the
ma;ority o# people who try to apply the principle o# auto-suggestion get no
desirable results.
Plain% unemotional words do not in#luence the subconscious mind. 9ou
will get no appreciable results until you learn to reach your subconscious mind
with thoughts% or spoken words which ha0e been well emotionali7ed with
Do not become discouraged% i# you cannot control and direct your
emotions the #irst time you try to do so. Remember% there is no such possibility as
$3AET!1( F3R 3T!1(. 'bility to reach% and in#luence your
subconscious mind has its price% and you A:$T P'9 T!'T PR15E. 9ou cannot
cheat% e0en i# you desire to do so. The price o# ability to in#luence your
subconscious mind is e0erlasting PER$1$TE5E in applying the principles
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described here. 9ou cannot de0elop the desired ability #or a lower price. 9ou%
and 93: '@3E% must decide whether or not the reward #or which you are
stri0ing <the Lmoney consciousnessL=% is worth the price you must pay #or it in
4isdom and Lcle0ernessL alone% will not attract and retain money e8cept
in a #ew 0ery rare instances% where the law o# a0erages #a0ors the attraction o#
money through these sources. The method o# attracting money described here%
does not depend upon the law o# a0erages. Aoreo0er% the method plays no
#a0orites. 1t will work #or one person as e##ecti0ely as it will #or another. 4here
#ailure is e8perienced% it is the indi0idual% not the method% which has #ailed. 1# you
try and #ail% make another e##ort% and still another% until you succeed.
9our ability to use the principle o# auto-suggestion will depend% 0ery
largely% upon your capacity to 535ETR'TE upon a gi0en DE$1RE until that
desire becomes a B:R1( 3B$E$$13.
4hen you begin to carry out the instructions in connection with the si8
steps described in the second chapter% it will be necessary #or you to make use o#
the principle o# 535ETR'T13.
@et us here o##er suggestions #or the e##ecti0e use o# concentration. 4hen
you begin to carry out the #irst o# the si8 steps% which instructs you to L#i8 in your
own mind the EI'5T amount o# money you desire%L hold your thoughts on that
amount o# money by 535ETR'T13% or #i8ation o# attention% with your
eyes closed% until you can '5T:'@@9 $EE the physical appearance o# the
money. Do this at least once each day. 's you go through these e8ercises% #ollow
the instructions gi0en in the chapter on F'1T!% and see yoursel# actually 1
P3$$E$$13 3F T!E A3E9P
!ere is a most signi#icant #actM the subconscious mind takes any orders
gi0en it in a spirit o# absolute F'1T!% and acts upon those orders% although the
orders o#ten ha0e to be presented over and over aain% through repetition% be#ore
they are interpreted by the subconscious mind. Following the preceding
statement% consider the possibility o# playing a per#ectly legitimate LtrickL on
your subconscious mind% by making it belie0e% because you believe it% that you
must ha0e the amount o# money you are 0isuali7ing% that this money is already
awaiting your claim% that the subconscious mind A:$T hand o0er to you
practical plans #or acNuiring the money which is yours.
!and o0er the thought suggested in the preceding paragraph to your
1A'(1'T13% and see what your imagination can% or will do% to create
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practical plans #or the accumulation o# money through transmutation o# your
D3 3T 4'1T #or a de#inite plan% through which you intend to e8change
ser0ices or merchandise in return #or the money you are 0isuali7ing% but begin at
once to see yoursel# in possession o# the money% DEA'D1( and EIPE5T1(
meanwhile% that your subconscious mind will hand o0er the plan% or plans you
need. Be on the alert #or these plans% and when they appear% put them into
'5T13 1AAED1'TE@9. 4hen the plans appear% they will probably L#lashL
into your mind through the si8th sense% in the #orm o# an Linspiration.L This
inspiration may be considered a direct Ltelegram%L or message #rom 1n#inite
1ntelligence. Treat it with respect% and act upon it as soon as you recei0e it.
Failure to do this will be F'T'@ to your success.
1n the #ourth o# the si8 steps% you were instructed to L5reate a de#inite plan
#or carrying out your desire% and begin at once to put this plan into action.L 9ou
should #ollow this instruction in the manner described in the preceding
paragraph. Do not trust to your Lreason when creating your plan #or
accumulating money through the transmutation o# desire. 9our reason is #aulty.
Aoreo0er% your reasoning #aculty may be la7y% and% i# you depend entirely upon
it to ser0e you% it may disappoint you.
4hen 0isuali7ing the money you intend to accumulate% <with closed eyes=%
see yourself renderin the service, or deliverin the merchandise you intend to ive in
return for this money/ .his is important6
$:AA'R9 3F 1$TR:5T13$
The #act that you are reading this book is an indication that you earnestly
seek knowledge. 1t is also an indication that you are a student o# this sub;ect. 1#
you are only a student% there is a chance that you may learn much that you did
not know% but you will learn only by assuming an attitude o# humility. 1# you
choose to #ollow some o# the instructions but neglect% or re#use to #ollow othersM
you will fail6 To get satis#actory results% you must #ollow '@@ instructions in a
spirit o# F'1T!.
The instructions gi0en in connection with the si8 steps in the second
chapter will now be summari7ed% and blended with the principles co0ered by
this chapter% as #ollows:
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First. (o into some Nuiet spot <pre#erably in bed at night=
where you will not be disturbed or interrupted% close your eyes%
and repeat aloud% <so you may hear your own words= the written
statement o# the amount o# money you intend to accumulate% the
time limit #or its accumulation% and a description o# the ser0ice or
merchandise you intend to gi0e in return #or the money. 's you
carry out these instructions% $EE 93:R$E@F '@RE'D9 1
P3$$E$$13 3F T!E A3E9.
For e8ample :M $uppose that you intend to accumulate
QH/%/// by the #irst o# Oanuary% #i0e years hence% that you intend to
gi0e personal ser0ices in return #or the money% in the 5apacity o# a
salesman. 9our written statement o# your purpose should be
similar to the #ollowing:
LBy the #irst day o# Oanuary% *+..% 1 will ha0e in my possession
QH/%///% which will come to me in 0arious amounts #rom time to
time during the interim.
L1n return #or this money 1 will gi0e the most e##icient ser0ice
o# which 1 am capable% rendering the #ullest possible Nuantity% and
the best possible Nuality o# ser0ice in the capacity o# salesman o#
<describe the ser0ice or merchandise you intend to sell=.
L1 belie0e that 1 will ha0e this money in my possession. Ay
#aith is so strong that 1 can now see this money be#ore my eyes. 1
can touch it with my hands. 1t is now awaiting trans#er to me at the
time% and in the proportion that 1 deli0er the ser0ice 1 intend to
render in return #or it. 1 am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate
this money% and 1 will #ollow that plan% when it is recei0ed.L
$econd. Repeat this program night and morning until you
can see% <in your imagination= the money you intend to accumulate.
Third. Place a written copy o# your statement where you can
see it night and morning% and read it ;ust be#ore retiring% and upon
arising until it has been memori7ed.
Remember% as you carry out these instructions% that you are applying the
principle o# auto-suggestion% #or the purpose o# gi0ing orders to your
subconscious mind. Remember% also% that your subconscious mind will act
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3@9 upon instructions which are emotionali7ed% and handed o0er to it with
L#eeling.L F'1T! is the strongest% and most producti0e o# the emotions. Follow
the instructions gi0en in the chapter on F'1T!.
These instructions may% at #irst% seem abstract. Do not let this disturb you.
Follow the instructions% no matter how abstract or impractical they may% at #irst%
appear to be. The time will soon come% i# you do as you ha0e been instructed% in
spirit as well as in act% when a whole new uni0erse o# power will un#old to you.
$cepticism% in connection with '@@ new ideas% is characteristic o# all
human beings. But i# you #ollow the instructions outlined% your scepticism will
soon be replaced by belie#% and this% in turn% will soon become crystalli7ed into
'B$3@:TE F'1T!. Then you will ha0e arri0ed at the point where you may
truly say% L1 am the master o# my #ate% 1 am the captain o# my soulPL
Aany philosophers ha0e made the statement% that man is the master o# his
own earthly destiny% but most o# them ha0e #ailed to say why he is the master. The
reason that man may be the master o# his own earthly status% and especially his
#inancial status% is thoroughly e8plained in this chapter. Aan may become the
master o# himsel#% and o# his en0ironment% because he has the P34ER T3
1F@:E5E !1$ 34 $:B53$513:$ A1D% and through it% gain the
cooperation o# 1n#inite 1ntelligence.
9ou are now reading the chapter which represents the keystone to the
arch o# this philosophy. The instructions contained in this chapter must be
understood and 'PP@1ED 41T! PER$1$TE5E% i# you succeed in transmuting
desire into money.
The actual per#ormance o# transmuting DE$1RE into money% in0ol0es the
use o# auto-suggestion as an agency by which one may reach% and in#luence% the
subconscious mind. The other principles are simply tools with which to apply
auto-suggestion. 2eep this thought in mind% and you will% at all times% be
conscious o# the important part the principle o# auto-suggestion is to play in your
e##orts to accumulate money through the methods described in this book.
5arry out these instructions as though you were a small child. 1n;ect into
your e##orts something o# the F'1T! o# a child. The author has been most
care#ul% to see that no impractical instructions were included% because o# his
sincere desire to be help#ul.
'#ter you ha0e read the entire book% come back to this chapter% and #ollow
in spirit% and in action% this instruction:
RE'D T!E ET1RE 5!'PTER '@3:D 35E E>ER9 1(!T% :T1@
93: BE53AE T!3R3:(!@9 53>15ED T!'T T!E PR151P@E 3F
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':T3-$:((E$T13 1$ $3:D% T!'T 1T 41@@ '553AP@1$! F3R 93:
'@@ T!'T !'$ BEE 5@'1AED F3R 1T. '$ 93: RE'D% 8)$%+&C'+%
(I.H ! P%)CI# E>ER9 $ETE5E 4!15! 1APRE$$E$ 93: F'>3R'B@9.
Follow the #oregoing instruction to the letter% and it will open the way #or
a complete understanding% and mastery o# the principles o# success.
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.he Fourth &tep toward +iches
T!ERE are two kinds o# knowledge. 3ne is general% the other is
speciali7ed. (eneral knowledge% no matter how great in Nuantity or 0ariety it
may be% is o# but little use in the accumulation o# money. The #aculties o# the
great uni0ersities possess% in the aggregate% practically e0ery #orm o# general
knowledge known to ci0ili7ation. Most of the professors have but little or no money.
They speciali7e on teaching knowledge% but they do not speciali7e on the
organi7ation% or the use o# knowledge.
234@ED(E will not attract money% unless it is organi7ed% and
intelligently directed% through practical P@'$ 3F '5T13% to the DEF11TE
ED o# accumulation o# money. @ack o# understanding o# this #act has been the
source o# con#usion to millions o# people who #alsely belie0e that Lknowledge is
power.L 1t is nothing o# the sortP 2nowledge is only potential power. 1t becomes
power only when% and i#% it is organi7ed into de#inite plans o# action% and
directed to a de#inite end.
This Lmissing linkL in all systems o# education known to ci0ili7ation today%
may be #ound in the #ailure o# educational institutions to teach their students
!34 T3 3R('1EE 'D :$E 234@ED(E 'FTER T!E9 '5K:1RE 1T.
Aany people make the mistake o# assuming that% because !enry Ford had
but little Lschooling%L he is not a man o# Leducation.L Those who make this
mistake do not know !enry Ford% nor do they understand the real meaning o#
the word Leducate.L That word is deri0ed #rom the @atin word Leduco%L meaning
to educe% to draw out% to DE>E@3P FR3A 41T!1.
'n educated man is not% necessarily% one who has an abundance o#
general or speciali7ed knowledge. 'n educated man is one who has so
de0eloped the #aculties o# his mind that he may acNuire anything he wants% or its
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eNui0alent% without 0iolating the rights o# others. !enry Ford comes well within
the meaning o# this de#inition.
During the world war% a 5hicago newspaper published certain editorials
in which% among other statements% !enry Ford was called Lan ignorant paci#ist.L
Ar. Ford ob;ected to the statements% and brought suit against the paper #or
libeling him. 4hen the suit was tried in the 5ourts% the attorneys #or the paper
pleaded ;usti#ication% and placed Ar. Ford% himsel#% on the witness stand% #or the
purpose o# pro0ing to the ;ury that he was ignorant. The attorneys asked Ar.
Ford a great 0ariety o# Nuestions% all o# them intended to pro0e% by his own
e0idence% that% while he might possess considerable speciali7ed knowledge
pertaining to the manu#acture o# automobiles% he was% in the main% ignorant.
Ar. Ford was plied with such Nuestions as the #ollowing: L4ho was
Benedict 'rnoldFL and L!ow many soldiers did the British send o0er to 'merica
to put down the Rebellion o# *--DFL 1n answer to the last Nuestion% Ar. Ford
replied% L1 do not know the e8act number o# soldiers the British sent o0er% but 1
ha0e heard that it was a considerably larger number than e0er went back.L
Finally% Ar. Ford became tired o# this line o# Nuestioning% and in reply to a
particularly o##ensi0e Nuestion% he leaned o0er% pointed his #inger at the lawyer
who had asked the Nuestion% and said% L1# 1 should really 4'T to answer the
#oolish Nuestion you ha0e ;ust asked% or any o# the other Nuestions you ha0e been
asking me% let me remind you that 1 ha0e a row o# electric push-buttons on my
desk% and by pushing the right button% 1 can summon to my aid men who can
answer '9 Nuestion 1 desire to ask concerning the business to which 1 am
de0oting most o# my e##orts. ow% will you kindly tell me% 4!9 1 should clutter
up my mind with general knowledge% #or the purpose o# being able to answer
Nuestions% when 1 ha0e men around me who can supply any knowledge 1
There certainly was good logic to that reply.
That answer #loored the lawyer. E0ery person in the courtroom reali7ed it
was the answer% not o# an ignorant man% but o# a man o# ED:5'T13. 'ny man
is educated who knows where to get knowledge when he needs it% and how to
organi7e that knowledge into de#inite plans o# action. Through the assistance o#
his LAaster AindL group% !enry Ford had at his command all the speciali7ed
knowledge he needed to enable him to become one o# the wealthiest men in
'merica. It was not essential that he have this knowlede in his own mind. $urely no
person who has su##icient inclination and intelligence to read a book o# this
nature can possibly miss the signi#icance o# this illustration.
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Be#ore you can be sure o# your ability to transmute DE$1RE into its
monetary eNui0alent% you will reNuire $PE51'@1EED 234@ED(E o# the
ser0ice% merchandise% or pro#ession which you intend to o##er in return #or
#ortune. Perhaps you may need much more speciali7ed knowledge than you
ha0e the ability or the inclination to acNuire% and i# this should be true% you may
bridge your weakness through the aid o# your LAaster AindL group.
'ndrew 5arnegie stated that he% personally% knew nothing about the
technical end o# the steel business" moreo0er% he did not particularly care to
know anything about it. The speciali7ed knowledge which he reNuired #or the
manu#acture and marketing o# steel% he #ound a0ailable through the indi0idual
units o# his A'$TER A1D (R3:P.
The accumulation o# great #ortunes calls #or P34ER% and power is
acNuired through highly organi7ed and intelligently directed speciali7ed
knowledge% but that knowledge does not% necessarily% ha0e to be in the
possession o# the man who accumulates the #ortune.
The preceding paragraph should gi0e hope and encouragement to the
man with ambition to accumulate a #ortune% who has not possessed himsel# o#
the necessary LeducationL to supply such speciali7ed knowledge as he may
reNuire. Aen sometimes go through li#e su##ering #rom Lin#eriority comple8es%L
because they are not men o# Leducation.L The man who can organi7e and direct a
LAaster AindL group o# men who possess knowledge use#ul in the accumulation
o# money% is ;ust as much a man o# education as any man in the group.
REAEABER T!1$% i# you su##er #rom a #eeling o# in#eriority% because your
schooling has been limited.
Thomas '. Edison had only three months o# LschoolingL during his entire
li#e. !e did not lack education% neither did he die poor.
!enry Ford had less than a si8th grade LschoolingL but he has managed to
do pretty well by himsel#% #inancially.
$PE51'@1EED 234@ED(E is among the most plenti#ul% and the
cheapest #orms o# ser0ice which may be hadP 1# you doubt this% consult the
payroll o# any uni0ersity.
1T P'9$ T3 234 !34 T3 P:R5!'$E 234@ED(E
First o# all% decide the sort o# speciali7ed knowledge you reNuire% and the
purpose #or which it is needed. To a large e8tent your ma;or purpose in li#e% the
goal toward which you are working% will help determine what knowledge you
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need. 4ith this Nuestion settled% your ne8t mo0e reNuires that you ha0e accurate
in#ormation concerning dependable sources o# knowledge. The more important
o# these are:
<a= 3neJs own e8perience and education
<b= E8perience and education a0ailable through cooperation o# others
<Aaster Aind 'lliance=
<c= 5olleges and :ni0ersities
<d= Public @ibraries <Through books and periodicals in which may be
#ound all the knowledge organi7ed by ci0ili7ation=
<e= $pecial Training 5ourses <Through night schools and home study
schools in particular.=
's knowledge is acNuired it must be organi7ed and put into use% #or a
de#inite purpose% through practical plans. 2nowledge has no 0alue e8cept that
which can be gained #rom its application toward some worthy end. This is one
reason why college degrees are not 0alued more highly. They represent nothing
but miscellaneous knowledge.
1# you contemplate taking additional schooling% #irst determine the
purpose #or which you want the knowledge you are seeking% then learn where
this particular sort o# knowledge can be obtained% #rom reliable sources.
$uccess#ul men% in all callings% ne0er stop acNuiring speciali7ed
knowledge related to their ma;or purpose% business% or pro#ession. Those who are
not success#ul usually make the mistake o# belie0ing that the knowledge
acNuiring period ends when one #inishes school. The truth is that schooling does
but little more than to put one in the way o# learning how to acNuire practical
4ith this 5hanged 4orld which began at the end o# the economic
collapse% came also astounding changes in educational reNuirements. The order
o# the day is $PE51'@1E'T13P This truth was emphasi7ed by Robert P. Aoore%
secretary o# appointments o# 5olumbia :ni0ersity.
L$PE51'@1$T$ A3$T $3:(!T
LParticularly sought a#ter by employing companies are candidates who
ha0e speciali7ed in some #ieldM business-school graduates with training in
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accounting and statistics% engineers o# all 0arieties% ;ournalists% architects%
chemists% and also outstanding leaders and acti0ity men o# the senior class.
LThe man who has been acti0e on the campus% whose personality is such
that he gets along with all kinds o# people and who has done an adeNuate ;ob
with his studies has a most decided edge o0er the strictly academic student.
$ome o# these% because o# their all-around Nuali#ications% ha0e recei0ed se0eral
o##ers o# positions% a #ew o# them as many as si8.
L1n departing #rom the conception that the Jstraight 'J student was
in0ariably the one to get the choice o# the better ;obs% Ar. Aoore said that most
companies look not only to academic records but to acti0ity records and
personalities o# the students.
L3ne o# the largest industrial companies% the leader in its #ield% in writing
to Ar. Aoore concerning prospecti0e seniors at the college% said:
LJ 4e are interested primarily in #inding men who can make e8ceptional
progress in management work. For this reason we emphasi7e Nualities o#
character% intelligence and personality #ar more than speci#ic educational
LProposing a system o# JapprenticingJ students in o##ices% stores and
industrial occupations during the summer 0acation% Ar. Aoore asserts that a#ter
the #irst two or three years o# college% e0ery student should be asked Jto choose a
de#inite #uture course and to call a halt i# he has been merely pleasantly dri#ting
without purpose through an unspeciali7ed academic curriculum.J
L5olleges and uni0ersities must #ace the practical consideration that all
pro#essions and occupations now demand specialists%L he said% urging that
educational institutions accept more direct responsibility #or 0ocational
guidance. 3ne o# the most reliable and practical sources o# knowledge a0ailable
to those who need speciali7ed schooling% is the night schools operated in most
large cities. The correspondence schools gi0e speciali7ed training anywhere the
:. $. mails go% on all sub;ects that can be taught by the e8tension method. 3ne
ad0antage o# home study training is the #le8ibility o# the study programme
which permits one to study during spare time. 'nother stupendous ad0antage o#
home study training <i# the school is care#ully chosen=% is the #act that most
courses o##ered by home study schools carry with them generous pri0ileges o#
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consultation which can be o# priceless 0alue to those needing speciali7ed
knowledge. o matter where you li0e% you can share the bene#its.
'nything acNuired without e##ort% and without cost is generally
unappreciated% o#ten discredited" perhaps this is why we get so little #rom our
mar0elous opportunity in public schools. The $E@F-D1$51P@1E one recei0es
#rom a de#inite programme o# speciali7ed study makes up to some e8tent% #or the
wasted opportunity when knowledge was a0ailable without cost.
5orrespondence schools are highly organi7ed business institutions. Their
tuition #ees are so low that they are #orced to insist upon prompt payments.
Being asked to pay% whether the student makes good grades or poor% has the
e##ect o# causing one to #ollow through with the course when he would otherwise
drop it. The correspondence schools ha0e not stressed this point su##iciently% #or
the truth is that their collection departments constitute the 0ery #inest sort o#
training on DE51$13% PR3APTE$$% '5T13 and T!E !'B1T 3F
F11$!1( T!'T 4!15! 3E BE(1$.
1 learned this #rom e8perience% more than twenty-#i0e years ago. 1 enrolled
#or a home study course in 'd0ertising. '#ter completing eight or ten lessons 1
stopped studying% but the school did not stop sending me bills. Aoreo0er% it
insisted upon payment% whether 1 kept up my studies or not. 1 decided that i# 1
had to pay #or the course <which 1 had legally obligated mysel# to do=% 1 should
complete the lessons and get my moneyJs worth. 1 #elt% at the time% that the
collection system o# the school was somewhat too well organi7ed% but 1 learned
later in li#e that it was a 0aluable part o# my training #or which no charge had
been made. Being #orced to pay% 1 went ahead and completed the course. @ater in
li#e 1 disco0ered that the e##icient collection system o# that school had been worth
much in the #orm o# money earned% because o# the training in ad0ertising 1 had
so reluctantly taken.
4e ha0e in this country what is said to be the greatest public school
system in the world. 4e ha0e in0ested #abulous sums #or #ine buildings% we ha0e
pro0ided con0enient transportation #or children li0ing in the rural districts% so
they may attend the best schools% but there is one astounding weakness to this
mar0elous systemM 1T 1$ FREEP 3ne o# the strange things about human beings is
that they 0alue only that which has a price. The #ree schools o# 'merica% and the
#ree public libraries% do not impress people because they are #ree. This is the
ma;or reason why so many people #ind it necessary to acNuire additional training
a#ter they Nuit school and go to work. 1t is also one o# the ma;or reasons why
EAP@39ER$ (1>E (RE'TER 53$1DER'T13 T3 EAP@39EE$ 4!3
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T'2E !3AE $T:D9 53:R$E$. They ha0e learned% #rom e8perience% that any
person who has the ambition to gi0e up a part o# his spare time to studying at
home has in him those Nualities which make #or leadership. This recognition is
not a charitable gesture% it is sound business ;udgment upon the part o# the
There is one weakness in people #or which there is no remedy. 1t is the
uni0ersal weakness o# @'52 3F 'AB1T13P Persons% especially salaried people%
who schedule their spare time% to pro0ide #or home study% seldom remain at the
bottom 0ery long. Their action opens the way #or the upward climb% remo0es
many obstacles #rom their path% and gains the #riendly interest o# those who ha0e
the power to put them in the way o# 3PP3RT:1T9.
The home study method o# training is especially suited to the needs o#
employed people who #ind% a#ter lea0ing school% that they must acNuire
additional speciali7ed knowledge% but cannot spare the time to go back to school.
The changed economic conditions pre0ailing since the depression ha0e
made it necessary #or thousands o# people to #ind additional% or new sources o#
income. For the ma;ority o# these% the solution to their problem may be #ound
only by acNuiring speciali7ed knowledge. Aany will be #orced to change their
occupations entirely. 4hen a merchant #inds that a certain line o# merchandise is
not selling% he usually supplants it with another that is in demand. The person
whose business is that o# marketing personal ser0ices must also be an e##icient
merchant. 1# his ser0ices do not bring adeNuate returns in one occupation% he
must change to another% where broader opportunities are a0ailable.
$tuart 'ustin 4ier prepared himsel# as a 5onstruction Engineer and
#ollowed this line o# work until the depression limited his market to where it did
not gi0e him the income he reNuired. !e took in0entory o# himsel#% decided to
change his pro#ession to law% went back to school and took special courses by
which he prepared himsel# as a corporation lawyer. Despite the #act the
depression had not ended% he completed his training% passed the Bar
E8amination% and Nuickly built a lucrati0e law practice% in Dallas% Te8as" in #act
he is turning away clients.
Oust to keep the record straight% and to anticipate the alibis o# those who
will say% L1 couldnJt go to school because 1 ha0e a #amily to support%L or L1Jm too
old%L 1 will add the in#ormation that Ar. 4ier was past #orty% and married when
he went back to school. Aoreo0er% by care#ully selecting highly speciali7ed
courses% in colleges best prepared to teach the sub;ects chosen% Ar. 4ier
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completed in two years the work #or which the ma;ority o# law students reNuire
#our years. 1T P'9$ T3 234 !34 T3 P:R5!'$E 234@ED(EP
The person who stops studying merely because he has #inished school is
#ore0er hopelessly doomed to mediocrity% no matter what may be his calling. The
way o# success is the way o# continuous pursuit o# knowledge.
@et us consider a speci#ic instance.
During the depression a salesman in a grocery store #ound himsel#
without a position. !a0ing had some bookkeeping e8perience% he took a special
course in accounting% #amiliari7ed himsel# with all the latest bookkeeping and
o##ice eNuipment% and went into business #or himsel#. $tarting with the grocer #or
whom he had #ormerly worked% he made contracts with more than *// small
merchants to keep their books% at a 0ery nominal monthly #ee. !is idea was so
practical that he soon #ound it necessary to set up a portable o##ice in a light
deli0ery truck% which he eNuipped with modern bookkeeping machinery. !e
now has a #leet o# these bookkeeping o##ices Lon wheelsL and employs a large
sta## o# assistants% thus pro0iding small merchants with accounting ser0ice eNual
to the best that money can buy% at 0ery nominal cost.
$peciali7ed knowledge% plus imagination% were the ingredients that went
into this uniNue and success#ul business. @ast year the owner o# that business
paid an income ta8 o# almost ten times as much as was paid by the merchant #or
whom he worked when the depression #orced upon him a temporary ad0ersity
which pro0ed to be a blessing in disguise.
The beginning o# this success#ul business was an 1DE'P
1nasmuch as 1 had the pri0ilege o# supplying the unemployed salesman
with that idea% 1 now assume the #urther pri0ilege o# suggesting another idea
which has within it the possibility o# e0en greater income. 'lso the possibility o#
rendering use#ul ser0ice to thousands o# people who badly need that ser0ice.
The idea was suggested by the salesman who ga0e up selling and went
into the business o# keeping books on a wholesale basis. 4hen the plan was
suggested as a solution o# his unemployment problem% he Nuickly e8claimed% L1
like the idea% but 1 would not know how to turn it into cash.L 1n other words% he
complained he would not know how to market his bookkeeping knowledge a#ter
he acNuired it.
$o% that brought up another problem which had to be sol0ed. 4ith the aid
o# a young woman typist% cle0er at hand lettering% and who could put the story
together% a 0ery attracti0e book was prepared% describing the ad0antages o# the
new system o# book-keeping. The pages were neatly typed and pasted in an
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ordinary scrapbook% which was used as a silent salesman with which the story o#
this new business was so e##ecti0ely told that its owner soon had more accounts
than he could handle.
There are thousands o# people% all o0er the country% who need the ser0ices
o# a merchandising specialist capable o# preparing an attracti0e brie# #or use in
marketing personal ser0ices. The aggregate annual income #rom such a ser0ice
might easily e8ceed that recei0ed by the largest employment agency% and the
bene#its o# the ser0ice might be made #ar greater to the purchaser than any to be
obtained #rom an employment agency.
The 1DE' here described was born o# necessity% to bridge an emergency
which had to be co0ered% but it did not stop by merely ser0ing one person. The
woman who created the idea has a keen 1A'(1'T13. $he saw in her newly
born brain-child the making o# a new pro#ession% one that is destined to render
0aluable ser0ice to thousands o# people who need practical guidance in
marketing personal ser0ices.
$purred to action by the instantaneous success o# her #irst LPREP'RED
P@' T3 A'R2ET PER$3'@ $ER>15E$%L this energetic woman turned ne8t
to the solution o# a similar problem #or her son who had ;ust #inished college% but
had been totally unable to #ind a market #or his ser0ices. The plan she originated
#or his use was the #inest specimen o# merchandising o# personal ser0ices 1 ha0e
e0er seen.
4hen the plan book had been completed% it contained nearly #i#ty pages o#
beauti#ully typed% properly organi7ed in#ormation% telling the story o# her sonJs
nati0e ability% schooling% personal e8periences% and a great 0ariety o# other
in#ormation too e8tensi0e #or description. The plan book also contained a
complete description o# the position her son desired% together with a mar0elous
word picture o# the e8act plan he would use in #illing the position.
The preparation o# the plan book reNuired se0eral weekJs labor% during
which time its creator sent her son to the public library almost daily% to procure
data needed in selling his ser0ices to best ad0antage. $he sent him% also to all the
competitors o# his prospecti0e employer% and gathered #rom them 0ital
in#ormation concerning their business methods which was o# great 0alue in the
#ormation o# the plan he intended to use in #illing the position he sought. 4hen
the plan had been #inished% it contained more than hal# a do7en 0ery #ine
suggestions #or the use and bene#it o# the prospecti0e employer. <The suggestions
were put into use by the company=.
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3ne may be inclined to ask% L4hy go to all this trouble to secure a ;obFL
The answer is straight to the point% also it is dramatic% because it deals with a
sub;ect which assumes the proportion o# a tragedy with millions o# men and
women whose sole source o# income is personal ser0ices.
The answer is% LD31( ' T!1( 4E@@ E>ER 1$ TR3:B@EP T!E
P@' PREP'RED B9 T!1$ 43A' F3R T!E BEEF1T 3F !ER $3%
!E@PED !1A (ET T!E O3B F3R 4!15! !E 'PP@1ED% 'T T!E F1R$T
1TER>1E4% 'T ' $'@'R9 F1IED B9 !1A$E@F.L
Aoreo0erM and this% too% is importantM T!E P3$1T13 D1D 3T
REK:1RE T!E 93:( A' T3 $T'RT 'T T!E B3TT3A. !E BE(' '$ '
O:13R EIE5:T1>E% 'T ' EIE5:T1>EJ$ $'@'R9.
L4hy go to all this troubleFL do you askF
4ell% #or one thing% the P@'ED PRE$ET'T13 o# this young manJs
application #or a position clipped o## no less than ten years o# time he would
ha0e reNuired to get to where he began% had he Lstarted at the bottom and
worked his way up.L
This idea o# starting at the bottom and working oneJs way up may appear
to be sound% but the ma;or ob;ection to it is thisM too many o# those who begin at
the bottom ne0er manage to li#t their heads high enough to be seen by
3PP3RT:1T9% so they remain at the bottom. 1t should be remembered% also%
that the outlook #rom the bottom is not so 0ery bright or encouraging. 1t has a
tendency to kill o## ambition. 4e call it Lgetting into a rut%L which means that we
accept our #ate because we #orm the !'B1T o# daily routine% a habit that #inally
becomes so strong we cease to try to throw it o##. 'nd that is another reason why
it pays to start one or two steps abo0e the bottom. By so doing one #orms the
!'B1T o# looking around% o# obser0ing how others get ahead% o# seeing
3PP3RT:1T9% and o# embracing it without hesitation.
Dan !alpin is a splendid e8ample o# what 1 mean. During his college
days% he was manager o# the #amous *+,/ ational 5hampionship otre Dame
#ootball team% when it was under the direction o# the late 2nute Rockne.
Perhaps he was inspired by the great #ootball coach to aim high% and 3T
A1$T'2E TEAP3R'R9 DEFE'T F3R F'1@:RE% ;ust as 'ndrew 5arnegie% the
great industrial leader% inspired his young business lieutenants to set high goals
#or themsel0es. 't any rate% young !alpin #inished college at a mighty
un#a0orable time% when the depression had made ;obs scarce% so% a#ter a #ling at
in0estment banking and motion pictures% he took the #irst opening with a
potential #uture he could #indM selling electrical hearing aids on a commission
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basis. '93E 53:@D $T'RT 1 T!'T $3RT 3F O3B% 'D !'@P1 2E4
1T% but it was enough to open the door o# opportunity to him.
For almost two years% he continued in a ;ob not to his liking% and he would
ne0er ha0e risen abo0e that ;ob i# he had not done something about his
dissatis#action. !e aimed% #irst% at the ;ob o# 'ssistant $ales Aanager o# his
company% and got the ;ob. That one step upward placed him high enough abo0e
the crowd to enable him to see still greater opportunity% also% it placed him where
3PP3RT:1T9 53:@D $EE !1A.
!e made such a #ine record selling hearing aids% that '. A. 'ndrews%
5hairman o# the Board o# the Dictograph Products 5ompany% a business
competitor o# the company #or which !alpin worked% wanted to know
something about that man Dan !alpin who was taking big sales away #rom the
long established Dictograph 5ompany. !e sent #or !alpin. 4hen the inter0iew
was o0er% !alpin was the new $ales Aanager% in charge o# the 'cousticon
Di0ision. Then% to test young !alpinJs metal% Ar. 'ndrews went away to Florida
#or three months% lea0ing him to sink or swim in his new ;ob. !e did not sinkP
2nute RockneJs spirit o# L'll the world lo0es a winner% and has no time #or a
loser inspired him to put so much into his ;ob that he was recently elected >ice-
President o# the company% and (eneral Aanager o# the 'cousticon and $ilent
Radio Di0ision% a ;ob which most men would be proud to earn through ten years
o# loyal e##ort. !alpin turned the trick in little more than si8 months.
1t is di##icult to say whether Ar. 'ndrews or Ar. !alpin is more deser0ing
o# eulogy% #or the reason that both showed e0idence o# ha0ing an abundance o#
that 0ery rare Nuality known as 1A'(1'T13. Ar. 'ndrews deser0es credit
#or seeing% in young !alpin% a Lgo-getterL o# the highest order. !alpin deser0es
credit #or REF:$1( T3 53APR3A1$E 41T! @1FE B9 '55EPT1( 'D
2EEP1( ' O3B !E D1D 3T 4'T% and that is one o# the ma;or points 1 am
trying to emphasi7e through this entire philosophyM that we rise to high
positions or remain at the bottom BE5':$E 3F 53D1T13$ 4E 5'
53TR3@ 1F 4E DE$1RE T3 53TR3@ T!EA.
1 am also trying to emphasi7e another point% namely% that both success and
#ailure are largely the results o# !'B1TP 1 ha0e not the slightest doubt that Dan
!alpinJs close association with the greatest #ootball coach 'merica e0er knew%
planted in his mind the same brand o# DE$1RE to e8cel which made the otre
Dame #ootball team world #amous. Truly% there is something to the idea that
hero-worship is help#ul% pro0ided one worships a 41ER. !alpin tells me that
Rockne was one o# the worldJs greatest leaders o# men in all history.
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Ay belie# in the theory that business associations are 0ital #actors% both in
#ailure and in success% was recently demonstrated% when my son Blair was
negotiating with Dan !alpin #or a position. Ar. !alpin o##ered him a beginning
salary o# about one hal# what he could ha0e gotten #rom a ri0al company. 1
brought parental pressure to bear% and induced him to accept the place with Ar.
!alpin% because 1 BE@1E>E T!'T 5@3$E '$$351'T13 41T! 3E 4!3
REF:$E$ T3 53APR3A1$E 41T! 51R5:A$T'5E$ !E D3E$ 3T @12E%
1$ ' '$$ET T!'T 5' E>ER BE AE'$:RED 1 TERA$ 3F A3E9.
The bottom is a monotonous% dreary% unpro#itable place #or any person.
That is why 1 ha0e taken the time to describe how lowly beginnings may be
circum0ented by proper planning. 'lso% that is why so much space has been
de0oted to a description o# this new pro#ession% created by a woman who was
inspired to do a #ine ;ob o# P@'1( because she wanted her son to ha0e a
#a0orable Lbreak.L
4ith the changed conditions ushered in by the world economic collapse%
came also the need #or newer and better ways o# marketing PER$3'@
$ER>15E$. 1t is hard to determine why someone had not pre0iously disco0ered
this stupendous need% in 0iew o# the #act that more money changes hands in
return #or personal ser0ices than #or any other purpose. The sum paid out
monthly% to people who work #or wages and salaries% is so huge that it runs into
hundreds o# millions% and the annual distribution amounts to billions.
Perhaps some will #ind% in the 1DE' here brie#ly described% the nucleus o#
the riches they DE$1REP 1deas with much less merit ha0e been the seedlings #rom
which great #ortunes ha0e grown. 4oolworthJs Fi0e and Ten 5ent $tore idea% #or
e8ample% had #ar less merit% but it piled up a #ortune #or its creator.
Those seeing 3PP3RT:1T9 lurking in this suggestion will #ind 0aluable
aid in the chapter on 3rgani7ed Planning. 1ncidentally% an e##icient merchandiser
o# personal ser0ices would #ind a growing demand #or his ser0ices where0er
there are men and women who seek better markets #or their ser0ices. By
applying the Aaster Aind principle% a #ew people with suitable talent% could
#orm an alliance% and ha0e a paying business 0ery Nuickly. 3ne would need to be
a #air writer% with a #lair #or ad0ertising and selling% one handy at typing and
hand lettering% and one should be a #irst class business getter who would let the
world know about the ser0ice. 1# one person possessed all these abilities% he
might carry on the business alone% until it outgrew him.
The woman who prepared the LPersonal $er0ice $ales PlanL #or her son
now recei0es reNuests #rom all parts o# the country #or her cooperation in
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preparing similar plans #or others who desire to market their personal ser0ices
#or more money. $he has a sta## o# e8pert typists% artists% and writers who ha0e
the ability to dramati7e the case history so e##ecti0ely that oneJs personal ser0ices
can be marketed #or much more money than the pre0ailing wages #or similar
ser0ices. $he is so con#ident o# her ability that she accepts% as the ma;or portion o#
her #ee% a percentage o# the increased pay she helps her clients to earn.
1t must not be supposed that her plan merely consists o# cle0er
salesmanship by which she helps men and women to demand and recei0e more
money #or he same ser0ices they #ormerly sold #or less pay. $he looks a#ter the
interests o# the purchaser as well as the seller o# personal ser0ices% and so
prepares her plans that the employer recei0es #ull 0alue #or the additional money
he pays. The method by which she accomplishes this astonishing result is a
pro#essional secret which she discloses to no one e8cepting her own clients.
1# you ha0e the 1A'(1'T13% and seek a more pro#itable outlet #or
your personal ser0ices% this suggestion may be the stimulus #or which you ha0e
been searching. The 1DE' is capable o# yielding an income #ar greater than that
o# the La0erageL doctor% lawyer% or engineer whose education reNuired se0eral
years in college. The idea is saleable to those seeking new positions% in practically
all positions calling #or managerial or e8ecuti0e ability% and those desiring re-
arrangement o# incomes in their present positions.
There is no #i8ed price #or sound 1DE'$P
Back o# all 1DE'$ is speciali7ed knowledge. :n#ortunately% #or those who
do not #ind riches in abundance% speciali7ed knowledge is more abundant and
more easily acNuired than 1DE'$. Because o# this 0ery truth% there is a uni0ersal
demand and an e0er-increasing opportunity #or the person capable o# helping
men and women to sell their personal ser0ices ad0antageously. 5apability means
1A'(1'T13% the one Nuality needed to combine speciali7ed knowledge with
1DE'$% in the #orm o# 3R('1EED P@'$ designed to yield riches.
1# you ha0e 1A'(1'T13 this chapter may present you with an idea
su##icient to ser0e as the beginning o# the riches you desire. Remember% the 1DE'
is the main thing. $peciali7ed knowledge may be #ound ;ust around the cornerM
any cornerP
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T!E 43R2$!3P 3F T!E A1D
.he Fifth &tep toward +iches
The imagination is literally the workshop wherein are #ashioned all plans
created by man. The impulse% the DE$1RE% is gi0en shape% #orm% and '5T13
through the aid o# the imaginati0e #aculty o# the mind.
1t has been said that man can create anything which he can imagine.
3# all the ages o# ci0ili7ation% this is the most #a0orable #or the
de0elopment o# the imagination% because it is an age o# rapid change. 3n e0ery
hand one may contact stimuli which de0elop the imagination.
Through the aid o# his imaginati0e #aculty% man has disco0ered% and
harnessed% more o# atureJs #orces during the past #i#ty years than during the
entire history o# the human race% pre0ious to that time. !e has conNuered the air
so completely% that the birds are a poor match #or him in #lying. !e has harnessed
the ether% and made it ser0e as a means o# instantaneous communication with
any part o# the world. !e has analy7ed% and weighed the sun at a distance o#
millions o# miles% and has determined% through the aid o# 1A'(1'T13% the
elements o# which it consists. !e has disco0ered that his own brain is both a
broadcasting% and a recei0ing station #or the 0ibration o# thought% and he is
beginning now to learn how to make practical use o# this disco0ery. !e has
increased the speed o# locomotion% until he may now tra0el at a speed o# more
than three hundred miles an hour. The time will soon come when a man may
break#ast in ew 9ork% and lunch in $an Francisco.
A'J$ 3@9 @1A1T'T13% within reason% @1E$ 1 !1$
DE>E@3PAET 'D :$E 3F !1$ 1A'(1'T13. !e has not yet reached the
ape8 o# de0elopment in the use o# his imaginati0e #aculty. !e has merely
disco0ered that he has an imagination% and has commenced to use it in a 0ery
elementary way.
T43 F3RA$ 3F 1A'(1'T13
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The imaginati0e #aculty #unctions in two #orms. 3ne is known as
Lsynthetic imagination%L and the other as Lcreati0e imagination.L
&-).H%.IC IM!:I)!.I')0M Through this #aculty% one may arrange
old concepts% ideas% or plans into new combinations. This #aculty creates nothing.
1t merely works with the material o# e8perience% education% and obser0ation with
which it is #ed. 1t is the #aculty used most by the in0entor% with the e8ception o#
the who draws upon the creati0e imagination% when he cannot sol0e his problem
through synthetic imagination.
C+%!.I,% IM!:I)!.I')0M .hrouh the #aculty o# creati0e imagination%
the #inite mind o# man has direct communication with 1n#inite 1ntelligence. 1t is
the #aculty through which LhunchesL and LinspirationsL are recei0ed. 1t is by this
#aculty that all basic% or new ideas are handed o0er to man.
1t is through this #aculty that thought 0ibrations #rom the minds o# others
are recei0ed. 1t is through this #aculty that one indi0idual may Ltune in%L or
communicate with the subconscious minds o# other men.
The creati0e imagination works automatically% in the manner described in
subseNuent pages. This #aculty #unctions 3@9 when the conscious mind is
0ibrating at an e8ceedingly rapid rate% as #or e8ample% when the conscious mind
is stimulated through the emotion o# a stron desire.
The creati0e #aculty becomes more alert% more recepti0e to 0ibrations #rom
the sources mentioned% in proportion to its de0elopment through :$E. This
statement is signi#icantP Ponder o0er it be#ore passing on.
2eep in mind as you #ollow these principles% that the entire story o# how
one may con0ert DE$1RE into money cannot be told in one statement. The story
will be complete% only when one has A'$TERED% '$$1A1@'TED% and BE(:
T3 A'2E :$E o# all the principles.
The great leaders o# business% industry% #inance% and the great artists%
musicians% poets% and writers became great% because they de0eloped the #aculty
o# creati0e imagination.
Both the synthetic and creati0e #aculties o# imagination become more alert
with use% ;ust as any muscle or organ o# the body de0elops through use.
Desire is only a thought% an impulse. 1t is nebulous and ephemeral. 1t is
abstract% and o# no 0alue% until it has been trans#ormed into its physical
counterpart. 4hile the synthetic imagination is the one which will be used most
#reNuently% in the process o# trans#orming the impulse o# DE$1RE into money%
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you must keep in mind the #act% that you may #ace circumstances and situations
which demand use o# the creati0e imagination as well.
9our imaginati0e #aculty may ha0e become weak through inaction. 1t can
be re0i0ed and made alert through :$E. This #aculty does not die% though it may
become Nuiescent through lack o# use.
5enter your attention% #or the time being% on the de0elopment o# the
synthetic imagination% because this is the #aculty which you will use more o#ten
in the process o# con0erting desire into money.
Trans#ormation o# the intangible impulse% o# DE$1RE% into the tangible
reality% o# A3E9% calls #or the use o# a plan% or plans. These plans must be
#ormed with the aid o# the imagination% and mainly% with the synthetic #aculty.
Read the entire book through% then come back to this chapter% and begin at
once to put your imagination to work on the building o# a plan% or plans% #or the
trans#ormation o# your DE$1RE into money. Detailed instructions #or the
building o# plans ha0e been gi0en in almost e0ery chapter. 5arry out the
instructions best suited to your needs% reduce your plan to writing% i# you ha0e
not already done so. The moment you complete this% you will ha0e DEF11TE@9
gi0en concrete #orm to the intangible DE$1RE. Read the preceding sentence once
more. Read it aloud% 0ery slowly% and as you do so% remember that the moment
you reduce the statement o# your desire% and a plan #or its reali7ation% to writing%
you ha0e actually T'2E T!E F1R$T o# a series o# steps% which will enable you
to con0ert the thought into its physical counterpart.
The earth on which you li0e% you% yoursel#% and e0ery other material thing
are the result o# e0olutionary change% through which microscopic bits o# matter
ha0e been organi7ed and arranged in an orderly #ashion.
Aoreo0erM and this statement is o# stupendous importanceM this earth%
e0ery one o# the billions o# indi0idual cells o# your body% and e0ery atom o#
matter% bean as an intanible form of enery.
DE$1RE is thought impulseP Thought impulses are #orms o# energy. 4hen
you begin with the thought impulse% DE$1RE% to accumulate money% you are
dra#ting into your ser0ice the same Lstu##L that ature used in creating this earth%
and e0ery material #orm in the uni0erse% including the body and brain in which
the thought impulses #unction.
's #ar as science has been able to determine% the entire uni0erse consists o#
but two elementsMmatter and energy.
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Through the combination o# energy and matter% has been created
e0erything perceptible to man% #rom the largest star which #loats in the hea0ens%
down to% and including man% himsel#.
9ou are now engaged in the task o# trying to pro#it by atureJs method.
9ou are <sincerely and earnestly% we hope=% trying to adapt yoursel# to atureJs
laws% by endea0oring to con0ert DE$1RE into its physical or monetary
93: 5' D3 1TP 1T !'$ BEE D3E BEF3REP
9ou can build a #ortune through the aid o# laws which are immutable. But%
#irst% you must become #amiliar with these laws% and learn to :$E them. Through
repetition% and by approaching the description o# these principles #rom e0ery
concei0able angle% the author hopes to re0eal to you the secret through which
e0ery great #ortune has been accumulated. $trange and parado8ical as it may
seem% the LsecretL is 3T ' $E5RET. ature% hersel#% ad0ertises it in the earth on
which we li0e% the stars% the planets suspended within our 0iew% in the elements
abo0e and around us% in e0ery blade o# grass% and e0ery #orm o# li#e within our
ature ad0ertises this LsecretL in the terms o# biology% in the con0ersion o#
a tiny cell% so small that it may be lost on the point o# a pin% into the !:A'
BE1( now reading this line. The con0ersion o# desire into its physical
eNui0alent is% certainly% no more miraculousP
Do not become discouraged i# you do not #ully comprehend all that has
been stated. :nless you ha0e long been a student o# the mind% it is not to be
e8pected that you will assimilate all that is in this chapter upon a #irst reading.
But you will% in time% make good progress.
The principles which #ollow will open the way #or understanding o#
imagination. 'ssimilate that which you understand% as you read this philosophy
#or the #irst time% then% when you reread and study it% you will disco0er that
something has happened to clari#y it% and gi0e you a broader understanding o#
the whole. 'bo0e all% D3 3T $T3P% nor hesitate in your study o# these
principles until you ha0e read the book at least T!REE times% #or +H +D then% you
will not want to stop.
!34 T3 A'2E PR'5T15'@ :$E 3F 1A'(1'T13
1deas are the beginning points o# all #ortunes. 1deas are products o# the
imagination. @et us e8amine a #ew well known ideas which ha0e yielded huge
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#ortunes% with the hope that these illustrations will con0ey de#inite in#ormation
concerning the method by which imagination may be used in accumulating
Fi#ty years ago% an old country doctor dro0e to town% hitched his horse%
Nuietly slipped into a drug store by the back door% and began LdickeringL with
the young drug clerk.
!is mission was destined to yield great wealth to many people. 1t was
destined to bring to the $outh the most #ar-#lung bene#it since the 5i0il 4ar.
For more than an hour% behind the prescription counter% the old doctor
and the clerk talked in low tones. Then the doctor le#t. !e went out to the buggy
and brought back a large% old #ashioned kettle% a big wooden paddle <used #or
stirring the contents o# the kettle=% and deposited them in the back o# the store.
The clerk inspected the kettle% reached into his inside pocket% took out a
roll o# bills% and handed it o0er to the doctor. The roll contained e8actly QH//.//M
the clerkJs entire sa0ingsP The doctor handed o0er a small slip o# paper on which
was written a secret #ormula. The words on that small slip o# paper were worth a
2ingJs ransomP But not to the doctorP Those magic words were needed to start
the kettle to boiling% but neither the doctor nor the young clerk knew what
#abulous #ortunes were destined to #low #rom that kettle.
The old doctor was glad to sell the out#it #or #i0e hundred dollars. The
money would pay o## his debts% and gi0e him #reedom o# mind. The clerk was
taking a big chance by staking his entire li#eJs sa0ings on a mere scrap o# paper
and an old kettleP !e ne0er dreamed his in0estment would start a kettle to
o0er#lowing with gold that would surpass the miraculous per#ormance o#
'laddinJs lamp.
4hat the clerk really purchased was an 1DE'P The old kettle and the
wooden paddle% and the secret message on a slip o# paper were incidental. The
strange per#ormance o# that kettle began to take place a#ter the new owner mi8ed
with the secret instructions an ingredient o# which the doctor knew nothing.
Read this story care#ully% gi0e your imagination a testP $ee i# you can
disco0er what it was that the young man added to the secret message% which
caused the kettle to o0er#low with gold. Remember% as you read% that this is not a
story #rom 'rabian ights. !ere you ha0e a story o# #acts% stranger than #iction%
#acts which began in the #orm o# an 1DE'.
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@et us take a look at the 0ast #ortunes o# gold this idea has produced. 1t
has paid% and still pays huge #ortunes to men and women all o0er the world% who
distribute the contents o# the kettle to millions o# people.
The 3ld 2ettle is now one o# the worldJs largest consumers o# sugar% thus
pro0iding ;obs o# a permanent nature to thousands o# men and women engaged
in growing sugar cane% and in re#ining and marketing sugar.
The 3ld 2ettle consumes% annually% millions o# glass bottles% pro0iding
;obs to huge numbers o# glass workers.
The 3ld 2ettle gi0es employment to an army o# clerks% stenographers%
copy writers% and ad0ertising e8perts throughout the nation. 1t has brought #ame
and #ortune to scores o# artists who ha0e created magni#icent pictures describing
the product.
The 3ld 2ettle has con0erted a small $outhern city into the business
capital o# the $outh% where it now bene#its% directly% or indirectly% e0ery business
and practically e0ery resident o# the city. The in#luence o# this idea now bene#its
e0ery ci0ili7ed country in the world% pouring out a continuous stream o# gold to
all who touch it.
(old #rom the kettle built and maintains one o# the most prominent
colleges o# the $outh% where thousands o# young people recei0e the training
essential #or success.
The 3ld 2ettle has done other mar0elous things. 'll through the world
depression% when #actories% banks and business houses were #olding up and
Nuitting by the thousands% the owner o# this Enchanted 2ettle went marching on%
ivin continuous employment to an army o# men and women all o0er the world%
and paying out e8tra portions o# gold to those who% long ago% had faith in the idea.
1# the product o# that old brass kettle could talk% it would tell thrilling tales
o# romance in e0ery language. Romances o# lo0e% romances o# business%
romances o# pro#essional men and women who are daily being stimulated by it.
The author is sure o# at least one such romance% #or he was a part o# it% and
it all began not #ar #rom the 0ery spot on which the drug clerk purchased the old
kettle. 1t was here that the author met his wi#e% and it was she who #irst told him
o# the Enchanted 2ettle. 1t was the product o# that 2ettle they were drinking
when he asked her to accept him L#or better or worse.L
ow that you know the content o# the Enchanted 2ettle is a world #amous
drink% it is #itting that the author con#ess that the home city o# the drink supplied
him with a wi#e% also that the drink itsel# pro0ides him with stimulation of thouht
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without into2ication% and thereby it ser0es to gi0e the re#reshment o# mind which
an author must ha0e to do his best work.
4hoe0er you are% where0er you may li0e% whate0er occupation you may
be engaged in% ;ust remember in the #uture% e0ery time you see the words L5oca-
5ola%L that its 0ast empire o# wealth and in#luence grew out o# a single 1DE'% and
that the mysterious ingredient the drug clerkM 'sa 5andlerM mi8ed with the
secret #ormula was. . . 1A'(1'T13P
$top and think o# that% #or a moment.
Remember% also% that the thirteen steps to riches% described in this book%
were the media through which the in#luence o# 5oca-5ola has been e8tended to
e0ery city% town% 0illage% and cross-roads o# the world% and that '9 1DE' you
may create% as sound and meritorious as 5oca-5ola% has the possibility o#
duplicating the stupendous record o# this world-wide thirst-killer.
Truly% thoughts are things% and their scope o# operation is the world% itsel#.
4!'T 1 43:@D D3 1F 1 !'D ' A1@@13 D3@@'R$
This story pro0es the truth o# that old saying% Lwhere thereJs a will% thereJs
a way.L 1t was told to me by that belo0ed educator and clergyman% the late Frank
4. (unsaulus% who began his preaching career in the stockyards region o# $outh
4hile Dr. (unsaulus was going through college% he obser0ed many
de#ects in our educational system% de#ects which he belie0ed he could correct% i#
he were the head o# a college. !is deepest desire was to become the directing head
o# an educational institution in which young men and women would be taught
to Llearn by doing.L
!e made up his mind to organi7e a new college in which he could carry
out his ideas% without being handicapped by orthodo8 methods o# education.
!e needed a million dollars to put the pro;ect acrossP 4here was he to lay
his hands on so large a sum o# moneyF That was the Nuestion that absorbed most
o# this ambitious young preacherJs thought.
But he couldnJt seem to make any progress.
E0ery night he took that thought to bed with him. !e got up with it in the
morning. !e took it with him e0erywhere he went. !e turned it o0er and o0er in
his mind until it became a consuming obsession with him. ' million dollars is a
lot o# money. !e recogni7ed that #act% but he also recogni7ed the truth that the
only limitation is that which one sets up in one's own mind.
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Being a philosopher as well as a preacher% Dr. (unsaulus recogni7ed% as
do all who succeed in li#e% that DEF11TEE$$ 3F P:RP3$E is the starting
point #rom which one must begin. !e recogni7ed% too% that de#initeness o#
purpose takes on animation% li#e% and power when backed by a B:R1(
DE$1RE to translate that purpose into its material eNui0alent.
!e knew all these great truths% yet he did not know where% or how to lay
his hands on a million dollars. The natural procedure would ha0e been to gi0e
up and Nuit% by saying% L'h well% my idea is a good one% but 1 cannot do anything
with it% because 1 ne0er can procure the necessary million dollars.L That is e8actly
what the ma;ority o# people would ha0e said% but it is not what Dr. (unsaulus
said. 4hat he said% and what he did are so important that 1 now introduce him%
and let him speak #or himsel#.
L3ne $aturday a#ternoon 1 sat in my room thinking o# ways and means o#
raising the money to carry out my plans. For nearly two years% 1 had been
thinking% but 1 had done nothin but think6
LThe time had come #or '5T13P
L1 made up my mind% then and there% that 1 would get the necessary
million dollars within a week. !owF 1 was not concerned about that. The main
thing o# importance was the decision to get the money within a speci#ied time%
and 1 want to tell you that the moment 1 reached a de#inite decision to get the
money within a speci#ied time% a strange #eeling o# assurance came o0er me% such
as 1 had ne0er be#ore e8perienced. $omething inside me seemed to say% J4hy
didnJt you reach that decision a long time agoF The money was waiting #or you
all the timePJ
LThings began to happen in a hurry. 1 called the newspapers and
announced 1 would preach a sermon the #ollowing morning% entitled% J4hat 1
would do i# 1 had a Aillion Dollars.J
L1 went to work on the sermon immediately% but 1 must tell you% #rankly%
the task was not di##icult% because 1 had been preparing that sermon #or almost
two years. The spirit back o# it was a part o# meP
L@ong be#ore midnight 1 had #inished writing the sermon. 1 went to bed
and slept with a #eeling o# con#idence% #or 1 could see mysel# already in.
possession o# the million dollars.
Le8t morning 1 arose early% went into the bathroom% read the sermon%
then knelt on my knees and asked that my sermon might come to the attention o#
someone who would supply the needed money.
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L4hile 1 was praying 1 again had that #eeling o# assurance that the money
would be #orthcoming. 1n my e8citement% 1 walked out without my sermon% and
did not disco0er the o0ersight until 1 was in my pulpit and about ready to begin
deli0ering it.
L1t was too late to go back #or my notes% and what a blessing that 1 couldnJt
go backP 1nstead% my own subconscious mind yielded the material 1 needed.
4hen 1 arose to begin my sermon% 1 closed my eyes% and spoke with all my heart
and soul o# my dreams. 1 not only talked to my audience% but 1 #ancy 1 talked also
to (od. 1 told what 1 would do with a million dollars i# that amount were placed
in my hands. 1 described the plan 1 had in mind #or organi7ing a great
educational institution% where young people would learn to do practical things%
and at the same time de0elop their minds.
L4hen 1 had #inished and sat down% a man slowly arose #rom his seat%
about three rows #rom the rear% and made his way toward the pulpit. 1 wondered
what he was going to do. !e came into the pulpit% e8tended his hand% and said%
JRe0erend% 1 liked your sermon. 1 belie0e you can do e0erything you said you
would% i# you had a million dollars. To pro0e that 1 belie0e in you and your
sermon% i# you will come to my o##ice tomorrow morning% 1 will gi0e you the
million dollars. Ay name is Phillip D. 'rmour.LJ
9oung (unsaulus went to Ar. 'rmourJs o##ice and the million dollars was
presented to him. 4ith the money% he #ounded the 'rmour 1nstitute o#
That is more money than the ma;ority o# preachers e0er see in an entire
li#etime% yet the thought impulse back o# the money was created m the young
preacherJs mind in a #raction o# a minute. The necessary million dollars came as a
result o# an idea. Back o# the idea was a DE$1RE which young (unsaulus had
been nursing in his mind #or almost two years.
3bser0e this important #act... !E (3T T!E A3E9 41T!1 T!1RT9-
$1I !3:R$ 'FTER !E RE'5!ED ' DEF11TE DE51$13 1 !1$ 34
A1D T3 (ET 1T% 'D DE51DED :P3 ' DEF11TE P@' F3R (ETT1(
There was nothing new or uniNue about young (unsaulusJ 0ague
thinking about a million dollars% and weakly hoping #or it. 3thers be#ore him%
and many since his time% ha0e had similar thoughts. But there was something
0ery uniNue and di##erent about the decision he reached on that memorable
$aturday% when he put 0agueness into the background% and de#initely said% L1
41@@ get that money within a weekPL
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(od seems to throw !imsel# on the side o# the man who knows e8actly
what he wants% i# he is determined to get O:$T T!'TP
Aoreo0er% the principle through which Dr. (unsaulus got his million
dollars is still ali0eP 1t is a0ailable to youP This uni0ersal law is as workable today
as it was when the young preacher made use o# it so success#ully. This book
describes% step by step% the thirteen elements o# this great law% and suggests how
they may be put to use.
3bser0e that 'sa 5andler and Dr. Frank (unsaulus had one characteristic
in common. Both knew the astounding truth that 1DE'$ 5' BE
TR'$A:TED 1T3 5'$! T!R3:(! T!E P34ER 3F DEF11TE
P:RP3$E% P@:$ DEF11TE P@'$.
1# you are one o# those who belie0e that hard work and honesty% alone%
will bring riches% perish the thoughtP 1t is not trueP Riches% when they come in
huge Nuantities% are ne0er the result o# !'RD workP Riches come% i# they come at
all% in response to de#inite demands% based upon the application o# de#inite
principles% and not by chance or luck. (enerally speaking% an idea is an impulse
o# thought that impels action% by an appeal to the imagination. 'll master
salesmen know that ideas can be sold where merchandise cannot. 3rdinary
salesmen do not know thisMthat is why they are Lordinary.L
' publisher o# books% which sell #or a nickel% made a disco0ery that should
be worth much to publishers generally. !e learned that many people buy titles%
and not contents o# books. By merely changing the name o# one book that was
not mo0ing% his sales on that book ;umped upward more than a million copies.
The inside o# the book was not changed in any way. !e merely ripped o## the
co0er bearing the title that did not sell% and put on a new co0er with a title that
had Lbo8-o##iceL 0alue.
That% as simple as it may seem% was an 1DE'P 1t was 1A'(1'T13.
There is no standard price on ideas. The creator o# ideas makes his own
price% and% i# he is smart% gets it.
The mo0ing picture industry created a whole #lock o# millionaires. Aost o#
them were men who couldnJt create ideasM B:TM they had the imagination to
recogni7e ideas when they saw them.
The ne8t #lock o# millionaires will grow out o# the radio business% which is
new and not o0erburdened with men o# keen imagination. The money will be
made by those who disco0er or create new and more meritorious radio
programmes and ha0e the imagination to recogni7e merit% and to gi0e the radio
listeners a chance to pro#it by it.
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The sponsorP That un#ortunate 0ictim who now pays the cost o# all radio
Lentertainment%L soon will become idea conscious% and demand something #or his
money. The man who beats the sponsor to the draw% and supplies programmes
that render use#ul ser0ice% is the man who will become rich in this new industry.
5rooners and light chatter artists who now pollute the air with wisecracks
and silly giggles% will go the way o# all light timbers% and their places will be
taken by real artists who interpret care#ully planned programmes which ha0e
been designed to ser0ice the minds o# men% as well as pro0ide entertainment.
!ere is a wide open #ield o# opportunity screaming its protest at the way it
is being butchered% because o# lack o# imagination% and begging #or rescue at any
price. 'bo0e all% the thing that radio needs is new 1DE'$P
1# this new #ield o# opportunity intrigues you% perhaps you might pro#it by
the suggestion that the success#ul radio programmes o# the #uture will gi0e more
attention to creating LbuyerL audiences% and less attention to LlistenerL audiences.
$tated more plainly% the builder o# radio programmes who succeeds in the
#uture% must #ind practical ways to con0ert LlistenersL into Lbuyers.L Aoreo0er%
the success#ul producer o# radio programmes in the #uture must key his #eatures
so that he can de#initely show its e##ect upon the audience.
$ponsors are becoming a bit weary o# buying glib selling talks% based
upon statements grabbed out o# thin air. They want% and in the #uture will
demand% indisputable proo# that the 4hoosit programme not only gi0es millions
o# people the silliest giggle e0er% but that the silly giggler can sell merchandiseP
'nother thing that might as well be understood by those who contemplate
entering this new #ield o# opportunity% radio ad0ertising is going to be handled
by an entirely new group o# ad0ertising e8perts% separate and distinct #rom the
old time newspaper and maga7ine ad0ertising agency men. The old timers in the
ad0ertising game cannot read the modern radio scripts% because they ha0e been
schooled to $EE ideas. The new radio techniNue demands men who can interpret
ideas #rom a written manuscript in terms o# &'8)$6 1t cost the author a year o#
hard labor% and many thousands o# dollars to learn this.
Radio% right now% is about where the mo0ing pictures were% when Aary
Pick#ord and her curls #irst appeared on the screen. There is plenty o# room in
radio #or those who can produce or reconi"e 1DE'$.
1# the #oregoing comment on the opportunities o# radio has not started
your idea #actory to work% you had better #orget it. 9our opportunity is in some
other #ield. 1# the comment intrigued you in the slightest degree% then go #urther
into it% and you may #ind the one 1DE' you need to round out your career.
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e0er let it discourage you i# you ha0e no e8perience in radio. 'ndrew
5arnegie knew 0ery little about making steelM 1 ha0e 5arnegieJs own word #or
thisMbut he made practical use o# two o# the principles described in this book%
and made the steel business yield him a #ortune.
The story o# practically e0ery great #ortune starts with the day when a
creator o# ideas and a seller o# ideas got together and worked in harmony.
5arnegie surrounded himsel# with men who could do all that he could not do.
Aen who created ideas% and men who put ideas into operation% and made
himsel# and the others #abulously rich.
Aillions o# people go through li#e hoping #or #a0orable Lbreaks.L Perhaps a
#a0orable break can get one an opportunity% but the sa#est plan is not to depend
upon luck. 1t was a #a0orable LbreakL that ga0e me the biggest opportunity o# my
li#eM butM twenty-#i0e years o# determined effort had to be de0oted to that
opportunity be#ore it became an asset.
The LbreakL consisted o# my good #ortune in meeting and gaining the
cooperation o# 'ndrew 5arnegie. 3n that occasion 5arnegie planted in my mind
the idea o# organi7ing the principles o# achie0ement into a philosophy o# success.
Thousands o# people ha0e pro#ited by the disco0eries made in the twenty-#i0e
years o# research% and se0eral #ortunes ha0e been accumulated through the
application o# the philosophy. The beginning was simple. 1t was an 1DE' which
anyone might ha0e de0eloped.
The #a0orable break came through 5arnegie% but what about the
DETERA1'T13% DEF11TEE$$ 3F P:RP3$E% and the DE$1RE T3
'TT'1 T!E (3'@% and the PER$1$TET EFF3RT 3F T4ET9-F1>E
9E'R$F 1t was no ordinary DE$1RE that sur0i0ed disappointment%
discouragement% temporary de#eat% criticism% and the constant reminding o#
Lwaste o# time.L 1t was a B:R1( DE$1REP ' 3B$E$$13P
4hen the idea was #irst planted in my mind by Ar. 5arnegie% it was
coa8ed% nursed% and enticed to remain ali0e. (radually% the idea became a giant
under its own power% and it coa8ed% nursed% and dro0e me. 1deas are like that.
First you gi0e li#e and action and guidance to ideas% then they take on power o#
their own and sweep aside all opposition.
1deas are intangible #orces% but they ha0e more power than the physical
brains that gi0e birth to them. They ha0e the power to li0e on% a#ter the brain that
creates them has returned to dust. For e8ample% take the power o# 5hristianity.
That began with a simple idea% born in the brain o# 5hrist. 1ts chie# tenet was% Ldo
unto others as you would ha0e others do unto you.L 5hrist has gone back to the
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source #rom whence !e came% but !is 1DE' goes marching on. $ome day% it may
grow up% and come into its own% then it will ha0e #ul#illed 5hristJs deepest
DE$1RE. The 1DE' has been de0eloping only two thousand years. (i0e it timeP
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*(CC.** R.<(IR.* NO .;PL&N&TION*
/&IL(R. P.R)IT* NO &LI!I*
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T!E 5R9$T'@@1E'T13 3F DE$1RE 1T3 '5T13
.he &i2th &tep toward +iches
9ou ha0e learned that e0erything man creates or acNuires% begins in the
#orm o# DE$1RE% that desire is taken on the #irst lap o# its ;ourney% #rom the
abstract to the concrete% into the workshop o# the 1A'(1'T13% where P@'$
#or its transition are created and organi7ed.
1n 5hapter two% you were instructed to take si8 de#inite% practical steps% as
your #irst mo0e in translating the desire #or money into its monetary eNui0alent.
3ne o# these steps is the #ormation o# a DEF11TE% practical plan% or plans%
through which this trans#ormation may be made. 9ou will now be instructed
how to build plans which will be practical% 0i7:M
<a= 'lly yoursel# with a group o# as many people as you may need #or the
creation% and carrying out o# your plan% or plans #or the accumulation o# money
M making use o# the LAaster AindL principle described in a later chapter.
<5ompliance with this instruction is absolutely essential. Do not neglect it.=
<b= Be#ore #orming your LAaster AindL alliance% decide what ad0antages%
and bene#its% you may o##er the indi0idual members o# your group% in return #or
their cooperation. o one will work inde#initely without some #orm o#
compensation. o intelligent person will either reNuest or e8pect another to
work without adeNuate compensation% although this may not always be in the
#orm o# money.
<c= 'rrange to meet with the members o# your LAaster AindL group at
least twice a week% and more o#ten i# possible% until you ha0e ;ointly per#ected
the necessary plan% or plans #or the accumulation o# money.
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<d= Aaintain PERFE5T !'RA39 between yoursel# and e0ery member
o# your LAaster AindL group. 1# you #ail to carry out this instruction to the letter%
you may e8pect to meet with #ailure. The LAaster AindL principle cannot obtain
where PERFE5T !'RA39 does not pre0ail.
2eep in mind these #acts:M
First. 9ou are engaged in an undertaking o# ma;or importance to you. To be sure
o# success% you must ha0e plans which are #aultless.
$econd. 9ou must ha0e the ad0antage o# the e8perience% education% nati0e ability
and imagination o# other minds. This is in harmony with the methods #ollowed
by e0ery person who has accumulated a great #ortune.
o indi0idual has su##icient e8perience% education% nati0e ability% and
knowledge to insure the accumulation o# a great #ortune% without the
cooperation o# other people. E0ery plan you adopt% in your endea0or to
accumulate wealth% should be the ;oint creation o# yoursel# and e0ery other
member o# your LAaster AindL group. 9ou may originate your own plans% either
in whole or in part% but $EE T!'T T!3$E P@'$ 'RE 5!E52ED% 'D
'PPR3>ED B9 T!E AEABER$ 3F 93:R LA'$TER A1DL '@@1'5E.
1# the #irst plan which you adopt does not work success#ully% replace it
with a new plan% i# this new plan #ails to work% replace it% in turn with still
another% and so on% until you #ind a plan which D3E$ 43R2. Right here is the
point at which the ma;ority o# men meet with #ailure% because o# their lack o#
PER$1$TE5E in creating new plans to take the place o# those which #ail.
The most intelligent man li0ing cannot succeed in accumulating moneyM
nor in any other undertakingM without plans which are practical and workable.
Oust keep this #act in mind% and remember when your plans #ail% that temporary
de#eat is not permanent #ailure. 1t may only mean that your plans ha0e not been
sound. Build other plans. $tart all o0er again.
Thomas '. Edison L#ailedL ten thousand times be#ore he per#ected the
incandescent electric light bulb. That isM he met with temporary defeat ten
thousand times% be#ore his e##orts were crowned with success.
Temporary de#eat should mean only one thing% the certain knowledge that
there is something wrong with your plan. Aillions o# men go through li#e in
misery and po0erty% because they lack a sound plan through which to
accumulate a #ortune.
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!enry Ford accumulated a #ortune% not because o# his superior mind% but
because he adopted and #ollowed a P@' which pro0ed to be sound. '
thousand men could be pointed out% each with a better education than FordJs% yet
each o# whom li0es in po0erty% because he does not possess the R1(!T plan #or
the accumulation o# money.
9our achie0ement can be no greater than your P@'$ are sound. That
may seem to be an a8iomatic statement% but it is true. $amuel 1nsull lost his
#ortune o# o0er one hundred million dollars. The 1nsull #ortune was built on
plans which were sound. The business depression #orced Ar. 1nsull to 5!'(E
!1$ P@'$" and the 5!'(E brought Ltemporary de#eat%L because his new
plans were 3T $3:D. Ar. 1nsull is now an old man% he may% conseNuently%
accept L#ailureL instead o# Ltemporary de#eat%L but i# his e8perience turns out to
be F'1@:RE% it will be #or the reason that he lacks the #ire o# PER$1$TE5E to
rebuild his plans.
o man is e0er whipped% until he K:1T$M in his own mind.
This #act will be repeated many times% because it is so easy to Ltake the
countL at the #irst sign o# de#eat.
Oames O. !ill met with temporary de#eat when he #irst endea0ored to raise
the necessary capital to build a railroad #rom the East to the 4est% but he% too
turned de#eat into 0ictory throuh new plans.
!enry Ford met with temporary de#eat% not only at the beginning o# his
automobile career% but a#ter he had gone #ar toward the top. !e created new
plans% and went marching on to #inancial 0ictory.
4e see men who ha0e accumulated great #ortunes% but we o#ten recogni7e
only their triumph% o0erlooking the temporary de#eats which they had to
surmount be#ore Larri0ing.L
3 F3@@34ER 3F T!1$ P!1@3$3P!9 5' RE'$3'B@9 EIPE5T
T3 '55:A:@'TE ' F3RT:E 41T!3:T EIPER1E51( LTEAP3R'R9
DEFE'T.L 4hen de#eat comes% accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound%
rebuild those plans% and set sail once more toward your co0eted goal. 1# you gi0e
up be#ore your goal has been reached% you are a LNuitter.L
' K:1TTER E>ER 41$M'DM ' 41ER E>ER K:1T$.
@i#t this sentence out% write it on a piece o# paper in letters an inch high%
and place it where you will see it e0ery night be#ore you go to sleep% and e0ery
morning be#ore you go to work.
4hen you begin to select members #or your LAaster AindL group%
endea0or to select those who do not take de#eat seriously.
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$ome people #oolishly belie0e that only A3E9 can make money. This is
not trueP DE$1RE% transmuted into its monetary eNui0alent% through the
principles laid down here% is the agency through which money is Lmade.L Aoney%
o# itsel#% is nothing but inert matter. 1t cannot mo0e% think% or talk% but it can
LhearL when a man who DE$1RE$ it% calls it to comeP
P@'1( T!E $'@E 3F $ER>15E$
The remainder o# this chapter has been gi0en o0er to a description o# ways
and means o# marketing personal ser0ices. The in#ormation here con0eyed will
be o# practical help to any person ha0ing any #orm o# personal ser0ices to
market% but it will be o# priceless bene#it to those who aspire to leadership in
their chosen occupations.
1ntelligent planning is essential #or success in any undertaking designed to
accumulate riches. !ere will be #ound detailed instructions to those who must
begin the accumulation o# riches by selling personal ser0ices.
1t should be encouraging to know that practically all the great #ortunes
began in the #orm o# compensation #or personal ser0ices% or #rom the sale o#
1DE'$. 4hat else% e8cept ideas and personal ser0ices% would one not possessed
o# property ha0e to gi0e in return #or richesF
Broadly speaking% there are two types o# people in the world. 3ne type is
known as @E'DER$% and the other as F3@@34ER$. Decide at the outset
whether you intend to become a leader in your chosen calling% or remain a
#ollower. The di##erence in compensation is 0ast. The #ollower cannot reasonably
e8pect the compensation to which a leader is entitled% although many #ollowers
make the mistake o# e8pecting such pay.
1t is no disgrace to be a #ollower. 3n the other hand% it is no credit to
remain a #ollower. Aost great leaders began in the capacity o# #ollowers. They
became great leaders because they were 1TE@@1(ET F3@@34ER$. 4ith #ew
e8ceptions% the man who cannot #ollow a leader intelligently% cannot become an
e##icient leader. The man who can #ollow a leader most e##iciently% is usually the
man who de0elops into leadership most rapidly. 'n intelligent #ollower has
many ad0antages% among them the 3PP3RT:1T9 T3 '5K:1RE
234@ED(E FR3A !1$ @E'DER.
T!E A'O3R 'TTR1B:TE$ 3F @E'DER$!1P
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The #ollowing are important #actors o# leadership:M
*. :4'>ER1( 53:R'(E based upon knowledge o# sel#% and o# oneJs
occupation. o #ollower wishes to be dominated by a leader who lacks sel#-
con#idence and courage. o intelligent #ollower will be dominated by such a
leader 0ery long.
.. $E@F-53TR3@. The man who cannot control himsel#% can ne0er
control others. $el#-control sets a mighty e8ample #or oneJs #ollowers% which the
more intelligent will emulate.
,. ' 2EE $E$E 3F O:$T15E. 4ithout a sense o# #airness and ;ustice% no
leader can command and retain the respect o# his #ollowers.
C. DEF11TEE$$ 3F DE51$13. The man who wa0ers in his decisions%
shows that he is not sure o# himsel#. !e cannot lead others success#ully.
H. DEF11TEE$$ 3F P@'$. The success#ul leader must plan his work%
and work his plan. ' leader who mo0es by guesswork% without practical% de#inite
plans% is comparable to a ship without a rudder. $ooner or later he will land on
the rocks.
D. T!E !'B1T 3F D31( A3RE T!' P'1D F3R. 3ne o# the penalties
o# leadership is the necessity o# willingness% upon the part o# the leader% to do
more than he reNuires o# his #ollowers.
-. ' P@E'$1( PER$3'@1T9. o slo0enly% careless person can become
a success#ul leader. @eadership calls #or respect. Followers will not respect a
leader who does not grade high on all o# the #actors o# a Pleasing Personality.
B. $9AP'T!9 'D :DER$T'D1(. The success#ul leader must be
in sympathy with his #ollowers. Aoreo0er% he must understand them and their
+. A'$TER9 3F DET'1@. $uccess#ul leadership calls #or mastery o#
details o# the leaderJs position.
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*/. 41@@1(E$$ T3 '$$:AE F:@@ RE$P3$1B1@1T9. The success#ul
leader must be willing to assume responsibility #or the mistakes and the
shortcomings o# his #ollowers. 1# he tries to shi#t this responsibility% he will not
remain the leader. 1# one o# his #ollowers makes a mistake% and shows himsel#
incompetent% the leader must consider that it is he who #ailed.
**. 533PER'T13. The success#ul leader must understand% and apply
the principle o# cooperati0e e##ort and be able to induce his #ollowers to do the
same. @eadership calls #or P34ER% and power calls #or 533PER'T13.
There are two #orms o# @eadership. The #irst% and by #ar the most e##ecti0e%
is @E'DER$!1P B9 53$ET o#% and with the sympathy o# the #ollowers. The
second is @E'DER$!1P B9 F3R5E% without the consent and sympathy o# the
!istory is #illed with e0idences that @eadership by Force cannot endure.
The down#all and disappearance o# LDictatorsL and kings is signi#icant. 1t means
that people will not #ollow #orced leadership inde#initely.
The world has ;ust entered a new era o# relationship between leaders and
#ollowers% which 0ery clearly calls #or new leaders% and a new brand o#
leadership in business and industry. Those who belong to the old school o#
leadership-by-#orce% must acNuire an understanding o# the new brand o#
leadership <cooperation= or be relegated to the rank and #ile o# the #ollowers.
There is no other way out #or them.
The relationship o# employer and employee% or o# leader and #ollower% in
the #uture% will be one o# mutual cooperation% based upon an eNuitable di0ision
o# the pro#its o# business. 1n the #uture% the relationship o# employer and
employee will be more like a partnership than it has been in the past.
apoleon% 2aiser 4ilhelm o# (ermany% the 57ar o# Russia% and the 2ing
o# $pain were e8amples o# leadership by #orce. Their leadership passed. 4ithout
much di##iculty% one might point to the prototypes o# these e8-leaders% among the
business% #inancial% and labor leaders o# 'merica who ha0e been dethroned or
slated to go. #eadership1by1consent o# the #ollowers is the only brand which can
Aen may #ollow the #orced leadership temporarily% but they will not do so
The new brand o# @E'DER$!1P will embrace the ele0en #actors o#
leadership% described in this chapter% as well as some other #actors. The man who
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makes these the basis o# his leadership% will #ind abundant opportunity to lead in
any walk o# li#e. The depression was prolonged% largely% because the world
lacked @E'DER$!1P o# the new brand. 't the end o# the depression% the
demand #or leaders who are competent to apply the new methods o# leadership
has greatly e8ceeded the supply. $ome o# the old type o# leaders will re#orm and
adapt themsel0es to the new brand o# leadership% but generally speaking% the
world will ha0e to look #or new timber #or its leadership. .his necessity may be
your 'PP'+.8)I.-6
T!E */ A'O3R 5':$E$ 3F F'1@:RE 1 @E'DER$!1P
4e come now to the ma;or #aults o# leaders who #ail% because it is ;ust as
essential to know 4!'T 3T T3 D3 as it is to know what to do.
*. 1'B1@1T9 T3 3R('1EE DET'1@$. E##icient
leadership calls #or ability to organi7e and to master details. o
genuine leader is e0er Ltoo busyL to do anything which may be
reNuired o# him in his capacity as leader. 4hen a man% whether he
is a leader or #ollower% admits that he is Ltoo busyL to change his
plans% or to gi0e attention to any emergency% he admits his
ine##iciency. The success#ul leader must be the master o# all details
connected with his position. That means% o# course% that he must
acNuire the habit o# relegating details to capable lieutenants.
.. :41@@1(E$$ T3 REDER !:AB@E $ER>15E.
Truly great leaders are willing% when occasion demands% to per#orm
any sort o# labor which they would ask another to per#orm. LThe
greatest among ye shall be the ser0ant o# allL is a truth which all
able leaders obser0e and respect.
,. EIPE5T'T13 3F P'9 F3R 4!'T T!E9 L234L
1$TE'D 3F 4!'T T!E9 $' 41T! T!'T 4!15! T!E9
234. The world does not pay men #or that which they Lknow.L 1t
pays them #or what they D3% or induce others to do.
C. FE'R 3F 53APET1T13 FR3A F3@@34ER$. The
leader who #ears that one o# his #ollowers may take his position is
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practically sure to reali7e that #ear sooner or later. The able leader
trains understudies to whom he may delegate% at will% any o# the
details o# his position. 3nly in this way may a leader multiply
himsel# and prepare himsel# to be at many places% and gi0e
attention to many things at one time. 1t is an eternal truth that men
recei0e more pay #or their 'B1@1T9 T3 (ET 3T!ER$ T3
PERF3RA% than they could possibly earn by their own e##orts. 'n
e##icient leader may% through his knowledge o# his ;ob and the
magnetism o# his personality% greatly increase the e##iciency o#
others% and induce them to render more ser0ice and better ser0ice
than they could render without his aid.
H. @'52 3F 1A'(1'T13. 4ithout imagination% the
leader is incapable o# meeting emergencies% and o# creating plans
by which to guide his #ollowers e##iciently.
D. $E@F1$!E$$. The leader who claims all the honor #or the
work o# his #ollowers% is sure to be met by resentment. The really
great leader 5@'1A$ 3E 3F T!E !33R$. !e is contented to
see the honors% when there are any% go to his #ollowers% because he
knows that most men will work harder #or commendation and
recognition than they will #or money alone.
-. 1TEAPER'5E. Followers do not respect an
intemperate leader. Aoreo0er% intemperance in any o# its 0arious
#orms% destroys the endurance and the 0itality o# all who indulge in
B. D1$@39'@T9. Perhaps this should ha0e come at the head
o# the list. The leader who is not loyal to his trust% and to his
associates% those abo0e him% and those below him% cannot long
maintain his leadership. Disloyalty marks one as being less than the
dust o# the earth% and brings down on oneJs head the contempt he
deser0es. @ack o# loyalty is one o# the ma;or causes o# #ailure in
e0ery walk o# li#e.
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+. EAP!'$1$ 3F T!E L':T!3R1T9L 3F @E'DER$!1P.
The e##icient leader leads by encouraging% and not by trying to instil
#ear in the hearts o# his #ollowers. The leader who tries to impress
his #ollowers with his LauthorityL comes within the category o#
leadership through F3R5E. 1# a leader is a RE'@ @E'DER% he will
ha0e no need to ad0ertise that #act e8cept by his conductM his
sympathy% understanding% #airness% and a demonstration that he
knows his ;ob.
*/. EAP!'$1$ 3F T1T@E. The competent leader reNuires no
LtitleL to gi0e him the respect o# his #ollowers. The man who makes
too much o0er his title generally has little else to emphasi7e. The
doors to the o##ice o# the real leader are open to all who wish to
enter% and his working Nuarters are #ree #rom #ormality or
These are among the more common o# the causes o# #ailure in leadership.
'ny one o# these #aults is su##icient to induce #ailure. $tudy the list care#ully i#
you aspire to leadership% and make sure that you are #ree o# these #aults.
$3AE FERT1@E F1E@D$ 1 4!15! LE4 @E'DER$!1PL 41@@
Be#ore lea0ing this chapter% your attention is called to a #ew o# the #ertile
#ields in which there has been a decline o# leadership% and in which the new type
o# leader may #ind an abundance o# 3PP3RT:1T9.
First. 1n the #ield o# politics there is a most insistent demand
#or new leaders" a demand which indicates nothing less than an
emergency. The ma;ority o# politicians ha0e% seemingly% become
high-grade% legali7ed racketeers. They ha0e increased ta8es and
debauched the machinery o# industry and business until the people
can no longer stand the burden.
$econd. The banking business is undergoing a re#orm. The
leaders in this #ield ha0e almost entirely lost the con#idence o# the
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public. 'lready the bankers ha0e sensed the need o# re#orm% and
they ha0e begun it.
Third. 1ndustry calls #or new leaders. The old type o# leaders
thought and mo0ed in terms o# di0idends instead o# thinking and
mo0ing in terms o# human eNuationsP The #uture leader in industry%
to endure% must regard himsel# as a Nuasi-public o##icial whose
duty it is to manage his trust in such a way that it will work
hardship on no indi0idual% or group o# indi0iduals. E8ploitation o#
working men is a thing o# the past. @et the man who aspires to
leadership in the #ield o# business% industry% and labor remember
Fourth. The religious leader o# the #uture will be #orced to
gi0e more attention to the temporal needs o# his #ollowers% in the
solution o# their economic and personal problems o# the present%
and less attention to the dead past% and the yet unborn #uture.
Fi#th. 1n the pro#essions o# law% medicine% and education% a
new brand o# leadership% and to some e8tent% new leaders will
become a necessity. This is especially true in the #ield o# education.
The leader in that #ield must% in the #uture% #ind ways and means o#
teaching people !34 T3 'PP@9 the knowledge they recei0e in
school. !e must deal more with PR'5T15E and less with
$i8th. ew leaders will be reNuired in the #ield o#
Oournalism. ewspapers o# the #uture% to be conducted
success#ully% must be di0orced #rom Lspecial pri0ilegeL and relie0ed
#rom the subsidy o# ad0ertising. They must cease to be organs o#
propaganda #or the interests which patroni7e their ad0ertising
columns. The type o# newspaper which publishes scandal and lewd
pictures will e0entually go the way o# all #orces which debauch the
human mind.
These are but a #ew o# the #ields in which opportunities #or new leaders
and a new brand o# leadership are now a0ailable. The world is undergoing a
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rapid change. This means that the media through which the changes in human
habits are promoted% must be adapted to the changes. The media here described%
are the ones which% more than any others% determine the trend o# ci0ili7ation.
4!E 'D !34 T3 'PP@9 F3R ' P3$1T13
The in#ormation described here is the net result o# many years o#
e8perience during which thousands o# men and women were helped to market
their ser0ices e##ecti0ely. 1t can% there#ore% be relied upon as sound and practical.
AED1' T!R3:(! 4!15! $ER>15E$ A'9 BE
E8perience has pro0ed that the #ollowing media o##er the most direct and
e##ecti0e methods o# bringing the buyer and seller o# personal ser0ices together.
*. EAP@39AET B:RE':$. 5are must be taken to select only reputable
bureaus% the management o# which can show adeNuate records o# achie0ement o#
satis#actory results. There are comparati0ely #ew such bureaus.
.. 'D>ERT1$1( in newspapers% trade ;ournals% maga7ines% and radio.
5lassi#ied ad0ertising may usually be relied upon to produce satis#actory results
in the case o# those who apply #or clerical or ordinary salaried positions. Display
ad0ertising is more desirable in the case o# those who seek e8ecuti0e connections%
the copy to appear in the section o# the paper which is most apt to come to the
attention o# the class o# employer being sought. The copy should be prepared by
an e8pert% who understands how to in;ect su##icient selling Nualities to produce
,. PER$3'@ @ETTER$ 3F 'PP@15'T13% directed to particular #irms
or indi0iduals most apt to need such ser0ices as are being o##ered. @etters should
be neatly typed% '@4'9$% and signed by hand. 4ith the letter% should be sent a
complete Lbrie#L or outline o# the applicantJs Nuali#ications. Both the letter o#
application and the brie# o# e8perience or Nuali#ications should be prepared by an
e8pert. <$ee instructions as to in#ormation to be supplied=.
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C. 'PP@15'T13 T!R3:(! PER$3'@ '5K:'1T'5E$. 4hen
possible% the applicant should endea0or to approach prospecti0e employers
through some mutual acNuaintance. This method o# approach is particularly
ad0antageous in the case o# those who seek e8ecuti0e connections and do not
wish to appear to be LpeddlingL themsel0es.
H. 'PP@15'T13 1 PER$3. 1n some instances% it may be more
e##ecti0e i# the applicant o##ers personally% his ser0ices to prospecti0e employers%
in which e0ent a complete written statement o# Nuali#ications #or the position
should be presented% #or the reason that prospecti0e employers o#ten wish to
discuss with associates% oneJs record.
1F3RA'T13 T3 BE $:PP@1ED 1 ' 4R1TTE LBR1EFL
This brie# should be prepared as care#ully as a lawyer would prepare the
brie# o# a case to be tried m court. :nless the applicant is e8perienced in the
preparation o# such brie#s% an e8pert should be consulted% and his ser0ices
enlisted #or this purpose. $uccess#ul merchants employ men and women who
understand the art and the psychology o# ad0ertising to present the merits o#
their merchandise. 3ne who has personal ser0ices #or sale should do the same.
The #ollowing in#ormation should appear in the brie#:
*. %ducation. $tate brie#ly% but de#initely% what schooling you ha0e had%
and in what sub;ects you speciali7ed in school% gi0ing the reasons #or that
.. %2perience. 1# you ha0e had e8perience in connection with positions
similar to the one you seek% describe it #ully% state names and addresses o# #ormer
employers. Be sure to bring out clearly any special e8perience you may ha0e had
which would eNuip you to #ill the position you seek.
,. +eferences. Practically e0ery business #irm desires to know all about the
pre0ious records% antecedents% etc.% o# prospecti0e employees who seek positions
o# responsibility. 'ttach to your brie# photostatic copies o# letters #rom:
a. Former employers
b. Teachers under whom you studied
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c. Prominent people whose ;udgement may be relied upon.
C. Photoraph of self. 'ttach to your brie# a recent% unmounted photograph
o# yoursel#.
H. !pply for a specific position. '0oid application #or a position without
describing EI'5T@9 what particular position you seek. e0er apply #or L;ust a
position.L That indicates you lack speciali7ed Nuali#ications.
D. &tate your *ualifications #or the particular position #or which you apply.
(i0e #ull details as to the reason you belie0e you are Nuali#ied #or the particular
position you seek. This is T!E 'PP@15'T13. 1t will determine% more than
anything else% what consideration you recei0e.
-. 'ffer to o to work on probation. 1n the ma;ority o# instances i# you are
determined to ha0e the position #or which you apply% it will be most e##ecti0e i#
you o##er to work #or a week% or a month% or #or a su##icient length o# time to
enable your prospecti0e employer to ;udge your 0alue 41T!3:T P'9. This
may appear to be a radical suggestion% but e8perience has pro0ed that it seldom
#ails to win at least a trial. 1# you are $:RE 3F 93:R K:'@1F15'T13$% a trial
is all you need. 1ncidentally% such an o##er indicates that you ha0e con#idence in
your ability to #ill the position you seek. 1t is most con0incing. 1# your o##er is
accepted% and you make good% more than likely you will be paid #or your
LprobationL period. Aake clear the #act that your o##er is based upon:
a. 9our con#idence in your ability to #ill the position.
b. 9our con#idence in your prospecti0e employerJs decision
to employ you a#ter trial.
c. 9our DETERA1'T13 to ha0e the position you seek.
B. 7nowlede of your prospective employer's business. Be#ore applying #or a
position% do su##icient research in connection with the business to #amiliari7e
yoursel# thoroughly with that business% and indicate in your brie# the knowledge
you ha0e acNuired in this #ield. This will be impressi0e% as it will indicate that
you ha0e imagination% and a real interest in the position you seek.
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Remember that it is not the lawyer who knows the most law% but the one
who best prepares his case% who wins. 1# your LcaseL is properly prepared and
presented% your 0ictory will ha0e been more than hal# won at the outset.
Do not be a#raid o# making your brie# too long. Employers are ;ust as
much interested in purchasing the ser0ices o# well-Nuali#ied applicants as you are
in securing employment. 1n #act% the success o# most success#ul employers is due%
in the main% to their ability to select well-Nuali#ied lieutenants. They want all the
in#ormation a0ailable.
Remember another thing" neatness in the preparation o# your brie# will
indicate that you are a painstaking person. 1 ha0e helped to prepare brie#s #or
clients which were so striking and out o# the ordinary that they resulted in the
employment o# the applicant without a personal inter0iew.
4hen your brie# has been completed% ha0e it neatly bound by an
e8perienced binder% and lettered by an artist% or printer similar to the #ollowing:
BR1EF 3F T!E K:'@1F15'T13$ 3F
Robert 2. $mith
'PP@91( F3R T!E P3$1T13 3F
Pri0ate $ecretary to The President o#
T!E B@'2 53AP'9% 1nc.
5hange names each time brie# is shown.
This personal touch is sure to command attention. !a0e your brie# neatly
typed or mimeographed on the #inest paper you can obtain% and bound with a
hea0y paper o# the book-co0er 0ariety% the binder to be changed% and the proper
#irm name to be inserted i# it is to be shown to more than one company. 9our
photograph should be pasted on one o# the pages o# your brie#. Follow these
instructions to the letter% impro0ing upon them where0er your imagination
$uccess#ul salesmen groom themsel0es with care. They understand that
#irst impressions are lasting. 9our brie# is your salesman. (i0e it a good suit o#
clothes% so it will stand out in bold contrast to anything your prospecti0e
employer e0er saw% in the way o# an application #or a position. 1# the position you
seek is worth ha0ing% it is worth going a#ter with care. Aoreo0er% i# you sell
yoursel# to an employer in a manner that impresses him with your indi0iduality%
you probably will recei0e more money #or your ser0ices #rom the 0ery start% than
you would i# you applied #or employment in the usual con0entional way.
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1# you seek employment through an ad0ertising agency% or an
employment agency% ha0e the agent use copies o# your brie# in marketing your
ser0ices. This will help to gain pre#erence #or you% both with the agent% and the
prospecti0e employers.
!34 T3 (ET T!E EI'5T P3$1T13 93: DE$1RE
E0eryone en;oys doing the kind o# work #or which he is best suited. 'n
artist lo0es to work with paints% a cra#tsman with his hands% a writer lo0es to
write. Those with less de#inite talents ha0e their pre#erences #or certain #ields o#
business and industry. 1# 'merica does anything well% it o##ers a #ull range o#
occupations% tilling the soil% manu#acturing% marketing% and the pro#essions.
First. Decide EI'5T@9 what kind o# a ;ob you want. 1# the ;ob doesnJt
already e8ist% perhaps you can create it.
$econd. 5hoose the company% or indi0idual #or whom you wish to work.
Third. $tudy your prospecti0e employer% as to policies% personnel% and
chances o# ad0ancement.
Fourth. By analysis o# yoursel#% your talents and capabilities% #igure
4!'T 93: 5' 3FFER% and plan ways and means o# gi0ing ad0antages%
ser0ices% de0elopments% ideas that you believe you can success#ully deli0er.
Fi#th. Forget about La ;ob.L Forget whether or not there is an opening.
Forget the usual routine o# Lha0e you got a ;ob #or meFL 5oncentrate on what you
can ive.
$i8th. 3nce you ha0e your plan in mind% arrange with an e8perienced
writer to put it on paper in neat #orm% and in #ull detail.
$e0enth. Present it to the proper person with authority and he will do the
rest. E0ery company is looking #or men who can gi0e something o# 0alue%
whether it be ideas% ser0ices% or Lconnections.L E0ery company has room #or the
man who has a de#inite plan o# action which is to the ad0antage o# that company.
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This line o# procedure may take a #ew days or weeks o# e8tra time% but the
di##erence in income% in ad0ancement% and in gaining recognition will sa0e years
o# hard work at small pay. 1t has many ad0antages% the main one being that it
will o#ten sa0e #rom one to #i0e years o# time in reaching a chosen goal.
E0ery person who starts% or Lgets inL hal# way up the ladder% does so by
deliberate and care#ul planning% <e8cepting% o# course% the BossJ son=.
T!E E4 4'9 3F A'R2ET1( $ER>15E$ LO3B$L
'RE 34 LP'RTER$!1P$L
Aen and women who market their ser0ices to best ad0antage in the
#uture% must recogni7e the stupendous change which has taken place in
connection with the relationship between employer and employee.
1n the #uture% the L(olden Rule%L and not the LRule o# (oldL will be the
dominating #actor in the marketing o# merchandise as well as personal ser0ices.
The #uture relationship between employers and their employees will be more in
the nature o# a partnership consisting o#:
a. The employer
b. The employee
c. The public they ser0e
This new way o# marketing personal ser0ices is called new #or many
reasons% #irst% both the employer and the employee o# the #uture will be
considered as #ellow-employees whose business it will be to $ER>E T!E
P:B@15 EFF151ET@9. 1n times past% employers% and employees ha0e bartered
among themsel0es% dri0ing the best bargains they could with one another% not
considering that in the #inal analysis they were% in reality% B'R('11( 'T
T!E EIPE$E 3F T!E T!1RD P'RT9% T!E P:B@15 T!E9 $ER>ED.
The depression ser0ed as a mighty protest #rom an in;ured public% whose
rights had been trampled upon in e0ery direction by those who were clamoring
#or indi0idual ad0antages and pro#its. 4hen the debris o# the depression shall
ha0e been cleared away% and business shall ha0e been once again restored to
balance% both employers and employees will recogni7e that they are 3
@3(ER PR1>1@E(ED T3 DR1>E B'R('1$ 'T T!E EIPE$E 3F T!3$E
4!3A T!E9 $ER>E. The real employer o# the #uture will be the public. This
should be kept uppermost in mind by e0ery person seeking to market personal
ser0ices e##ecti0ely.
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early e0ery railroad in 'merica is in #inancial di##iculty. 4ho does not
remember the day when% i# a citi7en enNuired at the ticket o##ice% the time o#
departure o# a train% he was abruptly re#erred to the bulletin board instead o#
being politely gi0en the in#ormationF
The street car companies ha0e e8perienced a Lchange o# timesL also. There
was a time not so 0ery long ago when street car conductors took pride in gi0ing
argument to passengers. Aany o# the street car tracks ha0e been remo0ed and
passengers ride on a bus% whose dri0er is Lthe last word in politeness.L
'll o0er the country street car tracks are rusting #rom abandonment% or
ha0e been taken up. 4heree0er street cars are still in operation% passengers may
now ride without argument% and one may e0en hail the car in the middle o# the
block% and the motorman will 3B@1(1(@9 pick him up.
!34 T1AE$ !'>E 5!'(EDP That is ;ust the point 1 am trying to
emphasi7e. T1AE$ !'>E 5!'(EDP Aoreo0er% the change is re#lected not
merely in railroad o##ices and on street cars% but in other walks o# li#e as well. The
Lpublic-be-damnedL policy is now passV. 1t has been supplanted by the Lwe-are-
obligingly-at-your-ser0ice% sir%L policy.
The bankers ha0e learned a thing or two during this rapid change which
has taken place during the past #ew years. 1mpoliteness on the part o# a bank
o##icial% or bank employee today is as rare as it was conspicuous a do7en years
ago. 1n the years past% some bankers <not all o# them% o# course=% carried an
atmosphere o# austerity which ga0e e0ery would-be borrower a chill when he
e0en thought o# approaching his banker #or a loan.
The thousands o# bank #ailures during the depression had the e##ect o#
remo0ing the mahogany doors behind which bankers #ormerly barricaded
themsel0es. They now sit at desks in the open% where they may be seen and
approached at will by any depositor% or by anyone who wishes to see them% and
the whole atmosphere o# the bank is one o# courtesy and understanding.
1t used to be customary #or customers to ha0e to stand and wait at the
corner grocery until the clerks were through passing the time o# day with #riends%
and the proprietor had #inished making up his bank deposit% be#ore being waited
upon. 5hain stores% managed by 53:RTE3:$ AE who do e0erything in the
way o# ser0ice% short o# shining the customerJs shoes% ha0e P:$!ED T!E 3@D-
T1AE AER5!'T$ 1T3 T!E B'52(R3:D. T1AE A'R5!E$ 3P
L5ourtesyL and L$er0iceL are the watch-words o# merchandising today%
and apply to the person who is marketing personal ser0ices e0en more directly
than to the employer whom he ser0es% because% in the #inal analysis% both the
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employer and his employee are EAP@39ED B9 T!E P:B@15 T!E9 $ER>E. 1#
they #ail to ser0e well% they pay by the loss o# their pri0ilege o# ser0ing.
4e can all remember the time when the gas-meter reader pounded on the
door hard enough to break the panels. 4hen the door was opened% he pushed his
way in% unin0ited% with a scowl on his #ace which plainly said% Lwhat-the-hell-
did-you-keep-me-waiting- #orFL 'll that has undergone a change. The meter-man
now conducts himsel# as a gentleman who is Ldelighted-to-be-at-your-ser0ice-
sir.L Be#ore the gas companies learned that their scowling meter-men were
accumulating liabilities ne0er to be cleared away% the polite salesmen o# oil
burners came along and did a land o##ice business.
During the depression% 1 spent se0eral months in the anthracite coal region
o# Pennsyl0ania% studying conditions which all but destroyed the coal industry.
'mong se0eral 0ery signi#icant disco0eries% was the #act that greed on the part o#
operators and their employees was the chie# cause o# the loss o# business #or the
operators% and loss o# ;obs #or the miners.
Through the pressure o# a group o# o0er7ealous labor leaders%
representing the employees% and the greed #or pro#its on the part o# the
operators% the anthracite business suddenly dwindled. The coal operators and
their employees dro0e sharp bargains with one another% adding the cost o# the
LbargainingL to the price o# the coal% until% #inally% they disco0ered they had
B:1@T :P ' 43DERF:@ B:$1E$$ F3R T!E A':F'5T:RER$ 3F 31@
B:R1( 3:TF1T$ 'D T!E PR3D:5ER$ 3F 5R:DE 31@.
LThe wages o# sin is deathPL Aany ha0e read this in the Bible% but #ew ha0e
disco0ered its meaning. ow% and #or se0eral years% the entire world has been
listening B9 F3R5E% to a sermon which might well be called L4!'T$3E>ER '
A' $34ET!% T!'T $!'@@ !E '@$3 RE'P.L
othing as widespread and e##ecti0e as the depression could possibly be
L;ust a coincidence.L Behind the depression was a 5':$E. othing e0er happens
without a 5':$E. 1n the main% the cause o# the depression is traceable directly to
the worldwide habit o# trying to RE'P without $341(.
This should not be mistaken to mean that the depression represents a crop
which the world is being F3R5ED to reap without ha0ing $34. The trouble is
that the world sowed the wron sort of seed. 'ny #armer knows he cannot sow the
seed o# thistles% and reap a har0est o# grain. Beginning at the outbreak o# the
world war% the people o# the world began to sow the seed o# ser0ice inadeNuate
in both Nuality and Nuantity. early e0eryone was engaged in the pastime o#
trying to (ET 41T!3:T (1>1(.
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These illustrations are brought to the attention o# those who ha0e personal
ser0ices to market% to show that we are where we are% and what we are% because of
our own conduct6 1# there is a principle o# cause and e##ect% which controls
business% #inance% and transportation% this same principle controls indi0iduals
and determines their economic status.
4!'T 1$ 93:R LKK$L R'T1(F
The causes o# success in marketing ser0ices EFFE5T1>E@9 and
permanently% ha0e been clearly described. :nless those causes are studied%
analy7ed% understood and 'PP@1ED% no man can market his ser0ices e##ecti0ely
and permanently. E0ery person must be his own salesman o# personal ser0ices.
The K:'@1T9 and the K:'T1T9 o# ser0ice rendered% and the $P1R1T in which
it is rendered% determine to a large e8tent% the price% and the duration o#
employment. To market Personal ser0ices e##ecti0ely% <which means a permanent
market% at a satis#actory price% under pleasant conditions=% one must adopt and
#ollow the LKK$L #ormula which means that K:'@1T9% plus K:'T1T9% plus
the proper $P1R1T o# cooperation% eNuals per#ect salesmanship o# ser0ice.
Remember the LKK$L #ormula% but do moreM'PP@9 1T '$ ' !'B1TP
@et us analy7e the #ormula to make sure we understand e8actly what it
*. ?8!#I.- o# ser0ice shall be construed to mean the per#ormance o#
e0ery detail% in connection with your position% in the most e##icient manner
possible% with the ob;ect o# greater e##iciency always in mind.
.. ?8!).I.- o# ser0ice shall be understood to mean the !'B1T o#
rendering all the ser0ice o# which you are capable% at all times% with the purpose
o# increasing the amount o# ser0ice rendered as greater skill is de0eloped
through practice and e8perience. Emphasis is again placed on the word !'B1T.
,. &PI+I. o# ser0ice shall be construed to mean the !'B1T o# agreeable%
armonious conduct which will induce cooperation #rom associates and #ellow
'deNuacy o# K:'@1T9 and K:'T1T9 o# ser0ice is not su##icient to
maintain a permanent market #or your ser0ices. The conduct% or the $P1R1T in
which you deli0er ser0ice% is a strong determining #actor in connection with both
the price you recei0e% and the duration o# employment.
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'ndrew 5arnegie stressed this point more than others in connection with
his description o# the #actors which lead to success in the marketing o# personal
ser0ices. !e emphasi7ed again% and again% the necessity #or !'RA313:$
53D:5T. !e stressed the #act that he would not retain any man% no matter
how great a K:'T1T9% or how e##icient the K:'@1T9 o# his work% unless he
worked in a spirit o# !'RA39. Ar. 5arnegie insisted upon men being
To pro0e that he placed a high 0alue upon this Nuality% he permitted many
men who conformed to his standards to become 0ery wealthy. Those who did not
con#orm% had to make room #or others.
The importance o# a pleasing personality has been stressed% because it is a
#actor which enables one to render ser0ice in the proper $P1R1T. 1# one has a
personality which P@E'$E$% and renders ser0ice in a spirit o# !'RA39% these
assets o#ten make up #or de#iciencies in both the K:'@1T9% and the K:'T1T9
o# ser0ice one renders. othing% howe0er% can be $:55E$$F:@@9
$:B$T1T:TED F3R P@E'$1( 53D:5T.
T!E 5'P1T'@ >'@:E 3F 93:R $ER>15E$
The person whose income is deri0ed entirely #rom the sale o# personal
ser0ices is no less a merchant than the man who sells commodities% and it might
well be added% such a person is sub;ect to EI'5T@9 T!E $'AE R:@E$ o#
conduct as the merchant who sells merchandise.
This has been emphasi7ed% because the ma;ority o# people who li0e by the
sale o# personal ser0ices make the mistake o# considering themsel0es #ree #rom
the rules o# conduct% and the responsibilities attached to those who are engaged
in marketing commodities.
The new way o# marketing ser0ices has practically #orced both employer
and. employee into partnership alliances% through which both take into
consideration the rights o# the third party% T!E P:B@15 T!E9 $ER>E.
The day o# the Lgo-getterL has passed. !e has been supplanted by the Lgo-
gi0er.L !igh-pressure methods in business #inally blew the lid o##. There will
ne0er be the need to put the lid back on% because% in the #uture% business will be
conducted by methods that will reNuire no pressure.
The actual capital 0alue o# your brains may be determined by the amount
o# income you can produce <by marketing your ser0ices=. ' #air estimate o# the
capital 0alue o# your ser0ices may be made by multiplying your annual income
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by si8teen and two-thirds% as it is reasonable to estimate that your annual income
represents si8 percent o# your capital 0alue. Aoney rents #or DW per annum.
Aoney is worth no more than brains. 1t is o#ten worth much less.
5ompetent Lbrains%L i# e##ecti0ely marketed% represent a much more
desirable #orm o# capital than that which is reNuired to conduct a business
dealing in commodities% because LbrainsL are a #orm o# capital which cannot be
permanently depreciated through depressions% nor can this #orm o# capital be
stolen or spent. Aoreo0er% the money which is essential #or the conduct o#
business is as worthless as a sand dune% until it has been mi8ed with e##icient
T!E T!1RT9 A'O3R 5':$E$ 3F F'1@:RE
!34 A'9 3F T!E$E 'RE !3@D1( 93: B'52F
@i#eJs greatest tragedy consists o# men and women who earnestly try% and
#ailP The tragedy lies in the o0erwhelmingly large ma;ority o# people who #ail% as
compared to the #ew who succeed.
1 ha0e had the pri0ilege o# analy7ing se0eral thousand men and women%
+BW o# whom were classed as L#ailures.L There is something radically wrong with
a ci0ili7ation% and a system o# education% which permit +BW o# the people to go
through li#e as #ailures. But 1 did not write this book #or the purpose o#
morali7ing on the rights and wrongs o# the world" that would reNuire a book a
hundred times the si7e o# this one.
Ay analysis work pro0ed that there are thirty ma;or reasons #or #ailure%
and thirteen ma;or principles through which people accumulate #ortunes. 1n this
chapter% a description o# the thirty ma;or causes o# #ailure will be gi0en. 's you
go o0er the list% check yoursel# by it% point by point% #or the purpose o#
disco0ering how many o# these causes-o#-#ailure stand between you and success.
*. :F'>3R'B@E !ERED1T'R9 B'52(R3:D. There
is but little% i# anything% which can be done #or people who are born
with a de#iciency in brain power. This philosophy o##ers but one
method o# bridging this weaknessM through the aid o# the Aaster
Aind. 3bser0e with pro#it% howe0er% that this is the 3@9 one o#
the thirty causes o# #ailure which may not be easily corrected by any
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.. @'52 3F ' 4E@@-DEF1ED P:RP3$E 1 @1FE. There is
no hope o# success #or the person who does not ha0e a central
purpose% or definite oal at which to aim. inety-eight out o# e0ery
hundred o# those whom 1 ha0e analy7ed% had no such aim. Perhaps
this was the
,. @'52 3F 'AB1T13 T3 '1A 'B3>E AED135R1T9.
4e o##er no hope #or the person who is so indi##erent as not to want
to get ahead in li#e% and who is not willing to pay the price.
C. 1$:FF151ET ED:5'T13. This is a handicap which
may be o0ercome with comparati0e ease. E8perience has pro0en
that the best-educated people are o#ten those who are known as
Lsel#-made%L or sel#-educated. 1t takes more than a college degree to
make one a person o# education. 'ny person who is educated is
one who has learned to get whate0er he wants in li#e without
0iolating the rights o# others. Education consists% not so much o#
knowledge% but o# knowledge e##ecti0ely and persistently
'PP@1ED. Aen are paid% not merely #or what they know% but more
particularly #or 4!'T T!E9 D3 41T! T!'T 4!15! T!E9
H. @'52 3F $E@F-D1$51P@1E. Discipline comes through
sel#-control. This means that one must control all negati0e Nualities.
Be#ore you can control conditions% you must #irst control yoursel#.
$el#-mastery is the hardest ;ob you will e0er tackle. 1# you do not
conNuer sel#% you will be conNuered by sel#. 9ou may see at one and
the same time both your best #riend and your greatest enemy% by
stepping in #ront o# a mirror.
D. 1@@ !E'@T!. o person may en;oy outstanding success
without good health. Aany o# the causes o# ill health are sub;ect to
mastery and control. These% in the main are:
a. 30ereating o# #oods not conduci0e to health
b. 4rong habits o# thought" gi0ing e8pression to
c. 4rong use o#% and o0er indulgence in se8.
d. @ack o# proper physical e8ercise
e. 'n inadeNuate supply o# #resh air% due to improper
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-. :F'>3R'B@E E>1R3AET'@ 1F@:E5E$
D:R1( 5!1@D!33D. L's the twig is bent% so shall the tree
grow.L Aost people who ha0e criminal tendencies acNuire them as
the result o# bad en0ironment% and improper associates during
B. PR35R'$T1'T13. This is one o# the most common
causes o# #ailure. L3ld Aan ProcrastinationL stands within the
shadow o# e0ery human being% waiting his opportunity to spoil
oneJs chances o# success. Aost o# us go through li#e as #ailures%
because we are waiting #or the Ltime to be rightL to start doing
something worthwhile. Do not wait. The time will ne0er be L;ust
right.L $tart where you stand% and work with whate0er tools you
may ha0e at your command% and better tools will be #ound as you
go along.
+. @'52 3F PER$1$TE5E. Aost o# us are good LstartersL
but poor L#inishersL o# e0erything we begin. Aoreo0er% people are
prone to gi0e up at the #irst signs o# de#eat. There is no substitute
#or PER$1$TE5E. The person who makes PER$1$TE5E his
watch-word% disco0ers that L3ld Aan FailureL #inally becomes
tired% and makes his departure. Failure cannot cope with
*/. E('T1>E PER$3'@1T9. There is no hope o# success
#or the person who repels people through a negati0e personality.
$uccess comes through the application o# P34ER% and power is
attained through the cooperati0e e##orts o# other people. ' negati0e
personality will not induce cooperation.
**. @'52 3F 53TR3@@ED $EI:'@ :R(E. $e8 energy is
the most power#ul o# all the stimuli which mo0e people into
'5T13. Because it is the most power#ul o# the emotions% it must
be controlled% through transmutation% and con0erted into other
*.. :53TR3@@ED DE$1RE F3R L$3AET!1( F3R
3T!1(.L The gambling instinct dri0es millions o# people to
#ailure. E0idence o# this may be #ound in a study o# the 4all $treet
crash o# J.+% during which millions o# people tried to make money
by gambling on stock margins.
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*,. @'52 3F ' 4E@@ DEF1ED P34ER 3F DE51$13.
Aen who succeed reach decisions promptly% and change them% i# at
all% 0ery slowly. Aen who #ail% reach decisions% i# at all% 0ery slowly%
and change them #reNuently% and Nuickly. 1ndecision and
procrastination are twin brothers. 4here one is #ound% the other
may usually be #ound also. 2ill o## this pair be#ore they completely
Lhog-tieL you to the treadmill o# F'1@:RE.
*C. 3E 3R A3RE 3F T!E $1I B'$15 FE'R$. These #ears
ha0e been analy7ed #or you in a later chapter. They must be
mastered be#ore you can market your ser0ices e##ecti0ely.
*H. 4R3( $E@E5T13 3F ' A'TE 1 A'RR1'(E. This
a most common cause o# #ailure. The relationship o# marriage
brings people intimately into contact. :nless this relationship is
harmonious% #ailure is likely to #ollow. Aoreo0er% it will be a #orm
o# #ailure that is marked by misery and unhappiness% destroying all
signs o# 'AB1T13.
*D. 3>ER-5':T13. The person who takes no chances%
generally has to take whate0er is le#t when others are through
choosing. 30er-caution is as bad as under-caution. Both are
e8tremes to be guarded against. @i#e itsel# is #illed with the element
o# chance.
*-. 4R3( $E@E5T13 3F '$$351'TE$ 1 B:$1E$$.
This is one o# the most common causes o# #ailure in business. 1n
marketing personal ser0ices% one should use great care to select an
employer who will be an inspiration% and who is% himsel#%
intelligent and success#ul. 4e emulate those with whom we
associate most closely. Pick an employer who is worth emulating.
*B. $:PER$T1T13 'D PREO:D15E. $uperstition is a
#orm o# #ear. 1t is also a sign o# ignorance. Aen who succeed keep
open minds and are a#raid o# nothing.
*+. 4R3( $E@E5T13 3F ' >35'T13. o man can
succeed in a line o# endea0or which he does not like. The most
essential step in the marketing o# personal ser0ices is that o#
selecting an occupation into which you can throw yoursel#
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./. @'52 3F 535ETR'T13 3F EFF3RT. The L;ack-o#-
all-tradesL seldom is good at any. 5oncentrate all o# your e##orts on
one DEF11TE 5!1EF '1A.
.*. T!E !'B1T 3F 1D1$5R1A1'TE $PED1(. The
spend-thri#t cannot succeed% mainly because he stands eternally in
FE'R 3F P3>ERT9. Form the habit o# systematic sa0ing by
putting aside a de#inite percentage o# your income. Aoney in the
bank gi0es one a 0ery sa#e #oundation o# 53:R'(E when bar-
gaining #or the sale o# personal ser0ices. 4ithout money% one must
take what one is o##ered% and be glad to get it.
... @'52 3F ET!:$1'$A. 4ithout enthusiasm one
cannot be con0incing. Aoreo0er% enthusiasm is contagious% and the
person who has it% under control% is generally welcome in any
group o# people.
.,. 1T3@ER'5E. The person with a LclosedL mind on
any sub;ect seldom gets ahead. 1ntolerance means that one has
stopped acNuiring knowledge. The most damaging #orms o#
intolerance are those connected with religious% racial% and political
di##erences o# opinion.
.C. 1TEAPER'5E. The most damaging #orms o#
intemperance are connected with eating% strong drink% and se8ual
acti0ities. 30erindulgence in any o# these is #atal to success.
.H. 1'B1@1T9 T3 533PER'TE 41T! 3T!ER$. Aore
people lose their positions and their big opportunities in li#e%
because o# this #ault% than #or all other reasons combined. 1t is a
#ault which no well-in#ormed business man% or leader will tolerate.
.D. P3$$E$$13 3F P34ER T!'T 4'$ 3T '5K:1RED
T!R3:(! $E@F EFF3RT. <$ons and daughters o# wealthy men%
and others who inherit money which they did not earn=. Power in
the hands o# one who did not acNuire it gradually% is o#ten #atal to
success. K:152 R15!E$ are more dangerous than po0erty.
.-. 1TET13'@ D1$!3E$T9. There is no substitute #or
honesty. 3ne may be temporarily dishonest by #orce o#
circumstances o0er which one has no control% without permanent
damage. But% there is 3 !3PE #or the person who is dishonest by
choice. $ooner or later% his deeds will catch up with him% and he
will pay by loss o# reputation% and perhaps e0en loss o# liberty.
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.B. E(3T1$A 'D >'1T9. These Nualities ser0e as red
lights which warn others to keep away. T!E9 'RE F'T'@ T3
.+. (:E$$1( 1$TE'D 3F T!121(. Aost people are
too indi##erent or la7y to acNuire F'5T$ with which to T!12
'55:R'TE@9. They pre#er to act on LopinionsL created by
guesswork or snap-;udgments.
,/. @'52 3F 5'P1T'@. This is a common cause o# #ailure
among those who start out in business #or the #irst time% without
su##icient reser0e o# capital to absorb the shock o# their mistakes%
and to carry them o0er until they ha0e established a
,*. :nder this% name any particular cause o# #ailure #rom
which you ha0e su##ered that has not been included in the
#oregoing list.
1n these thirty ma;or causes o# #ailure is #ound a description o# the tragedy
o# li#e% which obtains #or practically e0ery person who tries and #ails. 1t will be
help#ul i# you can induce someone who knows you well to go o0er this list with
you% and help to analy7e you by the thirty causes o# #ailure. 1t may be bene#icial i#
you try this alone. Aost people cannot see themsel0es as others see them. 9ou
may be one who cannot.
The oldest o# admonitions is LAan% know thysel#PL 1# you market
merchandise success#ully% you must know the merchandise. The same is true in
marketing personal ser0ices. 9ou should know all o# your weaknesses in order
that you may either bridge them or eliminate them entirely. 9ou should know
your strength in order that you may call attention to it when selling your
ser0ices. 9ou can know yoursel# only through accurate analysis.
The #olly o# ignorance in connection with sel# was displayed by a young
man who applied to the manager o# a well known business #or a position. !e
made a 0ery good impression until the manager asked him what salary he
e8pected. !e replied that he had no #i8ed sum in mind <lack of a definite aim=. The
manager then said% L4e will pay you all you are worth% alter we try you out #or a
L1 will not accept it%L the applicant replied% Lbecause 1 'A (ETT1(
A3RE T!' T!'T 4!ERE 1 'A 34 EAP@39ED.L
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Be#ore you e0en start to negotiate #or a read;ustment o# your salary in
your present position% or to seek employment elsewhere% BE $:RE T!'T 93:
'RE 43RT! A3RE T!' 93: 34 RE5E1>E.
1t is one thing to 4'T moneyM e0eryone wants moreMbut it is
something entirely di##erent to be 43RT! A3REP Aany people mistake their
4'T$ #or their O:$T D:E$. 9our #inancial reNuirements or wants ha0e
nothing whate0er to do with your 43RT!. 9our 0alue is established entirely by
your ability to render use#ul ser0ice or your capacity to induce others to render
such ser0ice.
T'2E 1>ET3R9 3F 93:R$E@F
.B K:E$T13$ 93: $!3:@D '$4ER
'nnual sel#-analysis is an essential in the e##ecti0e marketing o# personal
ser0ices% as is annual in0entory in merchandising. Aoreo0er% the yearly analysis
should disclose a DE5RE'$E 1 F':@T$% and an increase in >1RT:E$. 3ne
goes ahead% stands still% or goes backward in li#e. 3neJs ob;ect should be% o#
course% to go ahead. 'nnual sel#-analysis will disclose whether ad0ancement has
been% made% and i# so% how much. 1t will also disclose any backward steps one
may ha0e made. The e##ecti0e marketing o# personal ser0ices reNuires one to
mo0e #orward e0en i# the progress is slow.
9our annual sel#-analysis should be made at the end o# each year% so you
can include in your ew 9earJs Resolutions any impro0ements which the
analysis indicates should be made. Take this in0entory by asking yoursel# the
#ollowing Nuestions% and by checking your answers with the aid o# someone who
will not permit you to decei0e yoursel# as to their accuracy.
$E@F-''@9$1$ K:E$T13'1RE F3R
PER$3'@ 1>ET3R9
*. !a0e 1 attained the goal which 1 established as my ob;ecti0e
#or this yearF <9ou should work with a de#inite yearly
ob;ecti0e to be attained as a part o# your ma;or li#e ob;ecti0e=.
.. !a0e 1 deli0ered ser0ice o# the best possible K:'@1T9 o#
which 1 was capable% or could 1 ha0e impro0ed any part o# this
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,. !a0e 1 deli0ered ser0ice in the greatest possible K:'T1T9
o# which 1 was capableF
C. !as the spirit o# my conduct been harmonious% and
cooperati0e at all timesF
H. !a0e 1 permitted the habit o# PR35R$T1'T13 to decrease
my e##iciency% and i# so% to what e8tentF
D. !a0e 1 impro0ed my PER$3'@1T9% and i# so% in what waysF
-. !a0e 1 been PER$1$TET in #ollowing my plans through to
B. !a0e 1 reached DE51$13$ PR3APT@9 'D DEF11TE@9
on all occasionsF
+. !a0e 1 permitted any one or more o# the si8 basic #ears to
decrease my e##iciencyF
*/. !a0e 1 been either Lo0er-cautious%L or Lunder-cautiousFL
**. !as my relationship with my associates in work been
pleasant% or unpleasantF 1# it has been unpleasant% has the #ault
been partly% or wholly mineF
*.. !a0e 1 dissipated any o# my energy through lack o#
535ETR'T13 o# e##ortF
*,. !a0e 1 been open minded and tolerant in connection with all
*C. 1n what way ha0e 1 impro0ed my ability to render ser0iceF
*H. !a0e 1 been intemperate in any o# my habitsF
*D. !a0e 1 e8pressed% either openly or secretly% any #orm o#
*-. !as my conduct toward my associates been such that it has
induced them to RE$PE5T meF
*B. !a0e my opinions and DE51$13$ been based upon
guesswork% or accuracy o# analysis and T!3:(!TF
*+. !a0e 1 #ollowed the habit o# budgeting my time% my e8penses%
and my income% and ha0e 1 been conser0ati0e in these
./. !ow much time ha0e 1 de0oted to :PR3F1T'B@E e##ort
which 1 might ha0e used to better ad0antageF
.*. !ow may 1 RE-B:D(ET my time% and change my habits so 1
will be more e##icient during the coming yearF
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... !a0e 1 been guilty o# any conduct which was not appro0ed by
my conscienceF
.,. 1n what ways ha0e 1 rendered A3RE $ER>15E 'D BETTER
$ER>15E than 1 was paid to renderF
.C. !a0e 1 been un#air to anyone% and i# so% in what wayF
.H. 1# 1 had been the purchaser o# my own ser0ices #or the year%
would 1 be satis#ied with my purchaseF
.D. 'm 1 in the right 0ocation% and i# not% why notF
.-. !as the purchaser o# my ser0ices been satis#ied with the
ser0ice 1 ha0e rendered% and i# not% why notF
.B. 4hat is my present rating on the #undamental principles o#
successF <Aake this rating #airly% and #rankly% and ha0e it
checked by someone who is courageous enough to do it
!a0ing read and assimilated the in#ormation con0eyed through this
chapter% you are now ready to create a practical plan #or marketing your personal
ser0ices. 1n this chapter will be #ound an adeNuate description o# e0ery principle
essential in planning the sale o# personal ser0ices% including the ma;or attributes
o# leadership" the most common causes o# #ailure in leadership" a description o#
the #ields o# opportunity #or leadership" the main causes o# #ailure in all walks o#
li#e% and the important Nuestions which should be used in sel#-analysis. This
e8tensi0e and detailed presentation o# accurate in#ormation has been included%
because it will be needed by all who must begin the accumulation o# riches by
marketing personal ser0ices. Those who ha0e lost their #ortunes% and those who
are ;ust beginning to earn money% ha0e nothing but personal ser0ices to o##er in
return #or riches% there#ore it is essential that they ha0e a0ailable the practical
in#ormation needed to market ser0ices to best ad0antage.
The in#ormation contained in this chapter will be o# great 0alue to all who
aspire to attain leadership in any calling. 1t will be particularly help#ul to those
aiming to market their ser0ices as business or industrial e8ecuti0es.
5omplete assimilation and understanding o# the in#ormation here
con0eyed will be help#ul in marketing oneJs own ser0ices% and it will also help
one to become more analytical and capable o# ;udging people. The in#ormation
will be priceless to personnel directors% employment managers% and other
e8ecuti0es charged with the selection o# employees% and the maintenance o#
e##icient organi7ations. 1# you doubt this statement% test its soundness by
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answering in writing the twenty-eight sel#-analysis Nuestions. That might be both
interesting and pro#itable% e0en though you do not doubt the soundness o# the
4!ERE 'D !34 3E A'9 F1D 3PP3RT:1T1E$
T3 '55:A:@'TE R15!E$
ow that we ha0e analy7ed the principles by which riches may be
accumulated% we naturally ask% Lwhere may one #ind #a0orable opportunities to
apply these principlesFL >ery well% let us take in0entory and see what the :nited
$tates o# 'merica o##er the person seeking riches% great or small.
To begin with% let us remember% all o# us% that we li0e in a country where
every law1abidin citi"en en;oys freedom of thouht and freedom of deed une*ualed
anywhere in the world/ Aost o# us ha0e ne0er taken in0entory o# the ad0antages o#
this #reedom. 4e ha0e ne0er compared our unlimited #reedom with the curtailed
#reedom in other countries.
!ere we ha0e #reedom o# thought% #reedom in the choice and en;oyment o#
education% #reedom in religion% #reedom in politics% #reedom in the choice o# a
business% pro#ession or occupation% #reedom to accumulate and own without
molestation% !##
.H% P+'P%+.- (% C!) !CC8M8#!.%% #reedom to choose our place
o# residence% #reedom in marriage% #reedom through eNual opportunity to all
races% #reedom o# tra0el #rom one state to another% #reedom in our choice o# #oods%
and #reedom
to !IM F'+ !)- &.!.I') I) #IF% F'+ (HICH (% H!,% P+%P!+%$
'8+&%#,%&% e0en #or the presidency o# the :nited $tates.
4e ha0e other #orms o# #reedom% but this list will gi0e a birdJs eye 0iew o#
the most important% which constitute 3PP3RT:1T9 o# the highest order. This
ad0antage o# #reedom is all the more conspicuous because the :nited $tates is
the only country guaranteeing to e0ery citi7en% whether nati0e born or
naturali7ed% so broad and 0aried a list o# #reedom.
e8t% let us recount some o# the blessings which our widespread #reedom
has placed within our hands. Take the a0erage 'merican #amily #or e8ample
<meaning% the #amily o# a0erage income= and sum up the bene#its a0ailable to
e0ery member o# the #amily% in this land o# 3PP3RT:1T9 and plentyP
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a. F33D. e8t to #reedom o# thought and deed comes F33D%
5@3T!1(% and $!E@TER% the three basic necessities o# li#e.
Because o# our uni0ersal #reedom the a0erage 'merican #amily has
a0ailable% at its 0ery door% the choicest selection o# #ood to be #ound
anywhere in the world% and at prices within its #inancial range.
' #amily o# two% li0ing in the heart o# Times $Nuare district o# ew
9ork 5ity% #ar remo0ed #rom the source o# production o# #oods% took
care#ul in0entory o# the cost o# a simple break#ast% with this astonishing
'rticles o# #ood" 5ost at the break#ast table:
(rape Fruit Ouice% <From Florida= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /.
Rippled 4heat Break#ast #ood <2ansas Farm=. . . . . . . . . /.
Tea <From 5hina=. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /.
Bananas <From $outh 'merica= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ./.X
Toasted Bread <From 2ansas Farm= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ./*
Fresh 5ountry Eggs <From :tah= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ./-
$ugar <From 5uba% or :tah= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . //X
Butter and 5ream <From ew England= . . . . . . . . . . . . ./,
(rand total . . . . . ../
1t is not 0ery di##icult to obtain F33D in a country where two people can
ha0e break#ast consisting o# all they want or need #or a dime apieceP 3bser0e that
this simple break#ast was gathered% by some strange #orm o# magic <F= #rom
5hina% $outh 'merica% :tah% 2ansas and the ew England $tates% and deli0ered
on the break#ast table% ready #or consumption% in the 0ery heart o# the most
crowded city in 'merica% at a cost well within the means o# the most humble
The cost included all #ederal% state and city ta8esP <!ere is a #act the
politicians did not mention when they were crying out to the 0oters to throw
their opponents out o# o##ice because the people were being ta8ed to death=.
b. $!E@TER. This #amily li0es in a com#ortable apartment% heated
by steam% lighted with electricity% with gas #or cooking% all #or QDH.// a
month. 1n a smaller city% or a more sparsely settled part o# ew 9ork city%
the same apartment could be had #or as low as Q./.// a month.
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The toast they had #or break#ast in the #ood estimate was toasted on
an electric toaster% which cost but a #ew dollars% the apartment is cleaned
with a 0acuum sweeper that is run by electricity. !ot and cold water is
a0ailable% at all times% in the kitchen and the bathroom. The #ood is kept
cool in a re#rigerator that is run by electricity. The wi#e curls her hair%
washes her clothes and irons them with easily operated electrical
eNuipment% on power obtained by sticking a plug in the wall. The husband
sha0es with an electric sha0er% and they recei0e entertainment #rom all
o0er the world% twenty #our hours a day% i# they want it% without cost% by
merely turning the dial o# their radio.
There are other con0eniences in this apartment% but the #oregoing
list will gi0e a #air idea o# some o# the concrete e0idences o# the #reedom
we% o# 'merica% en;oy. <'nd this is neither political nor economic
c. 5@3T!1(. 'nywhere in the :nited $tates% the woman o#
a0erage clothing reNuirements can dress 0ery com#ortably and neatly #or
less than Q.//.// a year% and the a0erage man can dress #or the same% or
3nly the three basic necessities o# #ood% clothing% and shelter ha0e been
mentioned. The a0erage 'merican citi7en has other pri0ileges and ad0antages
a0ailable in return #or modest e##ort% not e8ceeding eight hours per day o# labor.
'mong these is the pri0ilege o# automobile transportation% with which one can
go and come at will% at 0ery small cost.
The a0erage 'merican has security o# property rights not #ound in any
other country in the world. !e can place his surplus money in a bank with the
assurance that his go0ernment will protect it% and make good to him i# the bank
#ails. 1# an 'merican citi7en wants to tra0el #rom one state to another he needs no
passport% no oneJs permission. !e may go when he pleases% and return at will.
Aoreo0er% he may tra0el by train% pri0ate automobile% bus% airplane% or ship% as
his pocketbook permits. 1n (ermany% Russia% 1taly% and most o# the other
European and 3riental countries% the people cannot tra0el with so much
#reedom% and at so little cost.
T!E LA1R'5@EL T!'T !'$ PR3>1DED
T!E$E B@E$$1($
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4e o#ten hear politicians proclaiming the #reedom o# 'merica% when they
solicit 0otes% but seldom do they take the time or de0ote su##icient e##ort to the
analysis o# the source or nature o# this L#reedom.L !a0ing no a8e to grind% no
grudge to e8press% no ulterior moti0es to be carried out% 1 ha0e the pri0ilege o#
going into a #rank analysis o# that mysterious% abstract% greatly misunderstood
L$3AET!1(L which gi0es to e0ery citi7en o# 'merica more blessings% more
opportunities to accumulate wealth% more #reedom o# e0ery nature% than may be
#ound in any other country.
1 ha0e the right to analy7e the source and nature o# this :$EE P34ER%
because 1 know% and ha0e known #or more than a Nuarter o# a century% many o#
the men who organi7ed that power% and many who are now responsible #or its
The name o# this mysterious bene#actor o# mankind is 5'P1T'@P
5'P1T'@ consists not alone o# money% but more particularly o# highly
organi7ed% intelligent groups o# men who plan ways and means o# using money
e##iciently #or the good o# the public% and pro#itably to themsel0es.
These groups consist o# scientists% educators% chemists% in0entors% business
analysts% publicity men% transportation e8perts% accountants% lawyers% doctors%
and both men and women who ha0e highly speciali7ed knowledge in all #ields o#
industry and business. They pioneer% e8periment% and bla7e trails in new #ields o#
endea0or. They support colleges% hospitals% public schools% build good roads%
publish newspapers% pay most o# the cost o# go0ernment% and take care o# the
multitudinous detail essential to human progress. $tated brie#ly% the capitalists
are the brains o# ci0ili7ation% because they supply the entire #abric o# which all
education% enlightenment and human progress consists.
Aoney% without brains% always is dangerous. Properly used% it is the most
important essential o# ci0ili7ation. The simple break#ast here described could not
ha0e been deli0ered to the ew 9ork #amily at a dime each% or at any other price% i#
organi7ed capital had not pro0ided the machinery% the ships% the railroads% and
the huge armies o# trained men to operate them.
$ome slight idea o# the importance o# 3R('1EED 5'P1T'@ may be
had by trying to imagine yoursel# burdened with the responsibility o# collecting%
without the aid o# capital% and deli0ering to the ew 9ork 5ity #amily% the
simple break#ast described.
To supply the tea% you would ha0e to make a trip to 5hina or 1ndia% both a
0ery long way #rom 'merica. :nless you are an e8cellent swimmer% you would
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become rather tired be#ore making the round trip. Then% too% another problem
would con#ront you. 4hat would you use #or money% e0en i# you had the
physical endurance to swim the oceanF
To supply the sugar% you would ha0e to take another long swim to 5uba%
or a long walk to the sugar beet section o# :tah. But e0en then% you might come
back without the sugar% because organi7ed e##ort and money are necessary to
produce sugar% to say nothing o# what is reNuired to re#ine% transport% and deli0er
it to the break#ast table anywhere in the :nited $tates.
The eggs% you could deli0er easily enough #rom the barn yards near ew
9ork 5ity% but you would ha0e a 0ery long walk to Florida and return% be#ore
you could ser0e the two glasses o# grape#ruit ;uice.
9ou would ha0e another long walk% to 2ansas% or one o# the other wheat
growing states% when you went a#ter the #our slices o# wheat bread.
The Rippled 4heat Biscuits would ha0e to be omitted #rom the menu%
because they would not be a0ailable e8cept through the labor o# a trained
organi7ation o# men and suitable machinery% '@@ 3F 4!15! 5'@@ F3R
4hile resting% you could take o## #or another little swim down to $outh
'merica% where you would pick up a couple o# bananas% and on your return% you
could take a short walk to the nearest #arm ha0ing a dairy and pick up some
butter and cream. Then your ew 9ork 5ity #amily would be ready to sit down
and en;oy break#ast% and you could collect your two dimes for your labor6
$eems absurd% doesnJt itF 4ell% the procedure described would be the only
possible way these simple items o# #ood could be deli0ered to the heart o# ew
9ork 5ity% i# we had no capitalistic system.
The sum o# money reNuired #or the building and maintenance o# the
railroads and steam ships used in the deli0ery o# that simple break#ast is so huge
that it staggers oneJs imagination. 1t runs into hundreds o# millions o# dollars% not
to mention the armies o# trained employees reNuired to man the ships and trains.
But% transportation is only a part o# the reNuirements o# modern ci0ili7ation in
capitalistic 'merica. Be#ore there can be anything to haul% something must be
grown #rom the ground% or manu#actured and prepared #or market. This calls #or
more millions o# dollars #or eNuipment% machinery% bo8ing% marketing% and #or
the wages o# millions o# men and women.
$team ships and railroads do not spring up #rom the earth and #unction
automatically. They come in response to the call o# ci0ili7ation% through the labor
and ingenuity and organi7ing ability o# men who ha0e 1A'(1'T13% F'1T!%
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ET!:$1'$A% DE51$13% PER$1$TE5EP These men are known as capitalists.
They are moti0ated by the desire to build% construct% achie0e% render use#ul
ser0ice% earn pro#its and accumulate riches. 'nd% because they REDER
$ER>15E 41T!3:T 4!15! T!ERE 43:@D BE 3 51>1@1E'T13% they put
themsel0es in the way o# great riches.
Oust to keep the record simple and understandable% 1 will add that these
capitalists are the sel#-same men o# whom most o# us ha0e heard soap-bo8
orators speak. They are the same men to whom radicals% racketeers% dishonest
politicians and gra#ting labor leaders re#er as Lthe predatory interests%L or L4all
1 am not attempting to present a brie# #or or against any group o# men or
any system o# economics. 1 am not attempting to condemn collecti0e bargaining
when 1 re#er to Lgra#ting labor leaders%L nor do 1 aim to gi0e a clean bill o# health
to all indi0iduals known as capitalists.
The purpose o# this bookM! purpose to which I have faithfully devoted over a
*uarter of a centuryM is to present to all who want the knowledge% the most
dependable philosophy through which indi0iduals may accumulate riches in
whate0er amounts they desire.
1 ha0e here analy7ed the economic ad0antages o# the capitalistic system
#or the two-#old purpose o# showing:
*. that all who seek riches must recogni7e and adapt themsel0es to the
system that controls all approaches to #ortunes% large or small% and
.. to present the side o# the picture opposite to that being shown by
politicians and demagogues who deliberately becloud the issues they bring up%
by re#erring to organi7ed capital as i# it were something poisonous.
This is a capitalistic country% it was de0eloped through the use o# capital%
and we who claim the right to partake o# the blessings o# #reedom and
opportunity% we who seek to accumulate riches here% may as well know that
neither riches nor opportunity would be a0ailable to us i# 3R('1EED
5'P1T'@ had not pro0ided these bene#its.
For more than twenty years it has been a somewhat popular and growing
pastime #or radicals% sel#-seeking politicians% racketeers% crooked labor leaders%
and on occasion religious leaders% to take pot-shots at L4'@@ $TREET% T!E
A3E9 5!'(ER$% and B1( B:$1E$$.L
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The practice became so general that we witnessed during the business
depression% the unbelie0able sight o# high go0ernment o##icials lining up with the
cheap politicians% and labor leaders% with the openly a0owed purpose o#
throttling the system which has made 1ndustrial 'merica the richest country on
earth. The line-up was so general and so well organi7ed that it prolonged the
worst depression 'merica has e0er known. 1t cost millions o# men their ;obs%
because those ;obs were inseparably a part o# the industrial and capitalistic
system which #orm the 0ery backbone o# the nation.
During this unusual alliance o# go0ernment o##icials and sel#-seeking
indi0iduals who were endea0oring to pro#it by declaring Lopen seasonL on the
'merican system o# industry% a certain type o# labor leader ;oined #orces with the
politicians and o##ered to deli0er 0oters in return #or legislation designed to
permit men to T'2E R15!E$ '4'9 FR3A 1D:$TR9 B9 3R('1EED
F3R5E 3F :ABER$% 1$TE'D 3F T!E BETTER AET!3D 3F (1>1( '
F'1R D'9J$ 43R2 F3R ' F'1R D'9J$ P'9.
Aillions o# men and women throughout the nation are still engaged in
this popular pastime o# trying to (ET without (1>1(. $ome o# them are lined
up with labor unions% where they demand $!3RTER !3:R$ 'D A3RE P'9P
3thers do not take the trouble to work at all. T!E9 DEA'D (3>ERAET
RE@1EF 'D 'RE (ETT1( 1T. Their idea o# their rights o# #reedom was
demonstrated in ew 9ork 5ity% where 0iolent complaint was registered with
the Postmaster% by a group o# Lrelie# bene#iciaries%L because the Postmen
awakened them at -: ,/ '. A. to deli0er (o0ernment relie# checks. They
DEA'DED that the time o# deli0ery be set up to */: // oJclock.
1# you are one o# those who belie0e that riches can be accumulated by the
mere act o# men who organi7e themsel0es into groups and demand A3RE P'9
#or @E$$ $ER>15E% i# you are one o# those who DEA'D (o0ernment relie#
without early morning disturbance when the money is deli0ered to you% i# you
are one o# those who belie0e in trading their 0otes to politicians in return #or the
passing o# laws which permit the raiding o# the public treasury% you may rest
securely on your belie#% with certain knowledge that no one will disturb you%
because T!1$ 1$ ' FREE 53:TR9 4!ERE E>ER9 A' A'9 T!12 '$ !E
P@E'$E$% where nearly e0erybody can li0e with but little e##ort% where many
may li0e well without doing any work whatsoe0er.
!owe0er% you should know the #ull truth concerning this FREED3A o#
which so many people boast% and so #ew understand. 's great as it is% as #ar as it
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reaches% as many pri0ileges as it pro0ides% 1T D3E$ 3T% 'D 5'3T
BR1( R15!E$ 41T!3:T EFF3RT.
There is but one dependable method o# accumulating% and legally holding
riches% and that is by rendering use#ul ser0ice. o system has e0er been created
by which men can legally acNuire riches through mere #orce o# numbers% or
without gi0ing in return an eNui0alent 0alue o# one #orm or another.
There is a principle known as the law o# E533A15$P This is more than
a theory. 1t is a law no man can beat.
Aark well the name o# the principle% and remember it% because it is #ar
more power#ul than all the politicians and political machines. 1t is abo0e and
beyond the control o# all the labor unions. 1t cannot be swayed% nor in#luenced
nor bribed by racketeers or sel#-appointed leaders in any calling. Aoreo0er% 1T
!'$ ' '@@-$EE1( E9E% 'D ' PERFE5T $9$TEA 3F B3322EEP1(% in
which it keeps an accurate account o# the transactions o# e0ery human being
engaged in the business o# trying to get without gi0ing. $ooner or later its
auditors come around% look o0er the records o# indi0iduals both great and small%
and demand an accounting.
L4all $treet% Big Business% 5apital Predatory 1nterests%L or whate0er name
you choose to gi0e the system which has gi0en us 'AER15' FREED3A%
represents a group o# men who understand% respect% and adapt themsel0es to this
power#ul @'4 3F E533A15$P Their #inancial continuation depends upon
their respecting the law.
Aost people li0ing in 'merica like this country% its capitalistic system and
all. 1 must con#ess 1 know o# no better country% where one may #ind greater
opportunities to accumulate riches. Oudging by their acts and deeds% there are
some in this country who do not like it. That% o# course is their pri0ilege" i# they
do not like this country% its capitalistic system% its boundless opportunities% .H%-
H!,% .H% P+I,I#%:% 'F C#%!+I): '8.6 'lways there are other countries%
such as (ermany% Russia% and 1taly% where one may try oneJs hand at en;oying
#reedom% and accumulating riches pro0iding one is not too particular.
'merica pro0ides all the #reedom and all the opportunity to accumulate
riches that any honest person may reNuire. 4hen one goes hunting #or game% one
selects hunting grounds where game is plenti#ul. 4hen seeking riches% the same
rule would naturally obtain.
1# it is riches you are seeking% do not o0erlook the possibilities o# a country
whose citi7ens are so rich that women% alone% spend o0er two hundred million
dollars annually #or lip-sticks% rouge and cosmetics. Think twice% you who are
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seeking riches% be#ore trying to destroy the 5apitalistic $ystem o# a country
whose citi7ens spend o0er #i#ty million dollars a year #or (REET1( 5'RD$%
with which to e8press their appreciation o# their FREED3AP
1# it is money you are seeking% consider care#ully a country that spends
hundreds o# millions o# dollars annually #or cigarettes% the bulk o# the income
#rom which goes to only #our ma;or companies engaged in supplying this
national builder o# LnonchalanceL and LNuiet ner0es.L
By all means gi0e plenty o# consideration to a country whose people
spend annually more than #i#teen million dollars #or the pri0ilege o# seeing
mo0ing pictures% and toss in a #ew additional millions #or liNuor% narcotics% and
other less potent so#t drinks and giggle-waters.
Do not be in too big a hurry to get away #rom a country whose people
willingly% e0en eagerly% hand o0er millions o# dollars annually #or #ootball%
baseball% and pri7e #ights.
'nd% by all means% $T152 by a country whose inhabitants gi0e up more
than a million dollars a year #or chewing gum% and another million #or sa#ety
ra7or blades.
Remember% also% that this is but the beginning o# the a0ailable sources #or
the accumulation o# wealth. 3nly a #ew o# the lu8uries and non-essentials ha0e
been mentioned. But% remember that the business o# producing% transporting%
and marketing these #ew items o# merchandise gi0es regular employment to
A'9 A1@@13$ 3F AE 'D 43AE% who recei0e #or their ser0ices
A'9 A1@@13$ 3F D3@@'R$ A3T!@9% and spend it #reely #or both the
lu8uries and the necessities.
Especially remember% that back o# all this e8change o# merchandise and
personal ser0ices may be #ound an abundance o# 3PP3RT:1T9 to accumulate
riches. !ere our 'AER15' FREED3A comes to oneJs aid. There is nothing to
stop you% or anyone #rom engaging in any portion o# the e##ort necessary to carry
on these businesses. 1# one has superior talent% training% e8perience% one may
accumulate riches in large amounts. Those not so #ortunate may accumulate
smaller amounts. 'nyone may earn a li0ing in return #or a 0ery nominal amount
o# labor.
$oM there you areP
3PP3RT:1T9 has spread its wares be#ore you. $tep up to the #ront%
select what you want% create your plan% put the plan into action% and #ollow
through with PER$1$TE5E. L5apitalisticL 'merica will do the rest. 9ou can
depend upon this muchM 5'P1T'@1$T15 'AER15' 1$:RE$ E>ER9
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PER$3 T!E 3PP3RT:1T9 T3 REDER :$EF:@ $ER>15E% 'D T3
53@@E5T R15!E$ 1 PR3P3RT13 T3 T!E >'@:E 3F T!E $ER>15E.
The L$ystemL denies no one this right% but it does not% and cannot promise
$3AET!1( F3R 3T!1(% because the system% itsel#% is irre0ocably
controlled by the @'4 3F E533A15$ which neither recogni7es nor tolerates
#or long% (ETT1( 41T!3:T (1>1(.
The @'4 3F E533A15$ was passed by atureP There is no $upreme
5ourt to which 0iolators o# this law may appeal. The law hands out both
penalties #or its 0iolation% and appropriate rewards #or its obser0ance% without
inter#erence or the possibility o# inter#erence by any human being. The law
cannot be repealed. 1t is as #i8ed as the stars in the hea0ens% and sub;ect to% and a
part o# the same system that controls the stars.
Aay one re#use to adapt oneJs sel# to the @'4 3F E533A15$F
5ertainlyP This is a #ree country% where all men are born with eNual rights%
including the pri0ilege o# ignoring the @'4 3F E533A15$.
4hat happens thenF
4ell% nothing happens until large numbers o# men ;oin #orces #or the
a0owed purpose o# ignoring the law% and taking what they want by #orce.
.H%) C'M%& .H% $IC.!.'+, (I.H (%## '+:!)I@%$ FI+I):
&?8!$& !)$ M!CHI)% :8)&6
4e ha0e not yet reached that stage in 'mericaP But we ha0e heard all we
want to know about how the system works. Perhaps we shall be #ortunate
enough not to demand personal knowledge o# so gruesome a reality. Doubtless
we shall pre#er to continue with our FREED3A 3F $PEE5!% FREED3A 3F
The practice% by (o0ernment o##icials o# e8tending to men and women the
pri0ilege o# raiding the public treasury in return #or 0otes% sometimes results in
election% but as night #ollows day% the #inal payo## comes" when e0ery penny
wrong#ully used% must be repaid with compound interest on compound interest.
1# those who make the grab are not #orced to repay% the burden #alls on their
children% and their childrenJs children% Le0en unto the third and #ourth
generations.L There is no way to a0oid the debt.
Aen can% and sometimes do% #orm themsel0es into groups #or the purpose
o# crowding wages up% and working hours down. There is a point beyond which
they cannot go. 1t is the point at which the @'4 3F E533A15$ steps in% and
the sheri## gets both the employer and the employees.
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For si8 years% #rom *+.+% to *+,H% the people o# 'merica% both rich and
poor% barely missed seeing the 3ld Aan Economics hand o0er to the sheri## all
the businesses% and industries and banks. 1t was not a pretty sightP 1t did not
increase our respect #or mob psychology through which men cast reason to the
winds and start trying to (ET without (1>1(.
4e who went through those si8 discouraging years% when FE'R 4'$ 1
T!E $'DD@E% 'D F'1T! 4'$ 3 T!E (R3:D% cannot #orget how
ruthlessly the @'4 3F E533A15$ e8acted its toll #rom both rich and poor%
weak and strong% old and young. 4e shall not wish to go through another such
These obser0ations are not #ounded upon short-time e8perience. They are
the result o# twenty-#i0e years o# care#ul analysis o# the methods o# both the most
success#ul and the most unsuccess#ul men 'merica has known.
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T!E A'$TER9 3F PR35R'$T1'T13
.he &eventh &tep toward +iches
'55:R'TE analysis o# o0er .H%/// men and women who had
e8perienced #ailure% disclosed the #act that @'52 3F DE51$13 was near the
head o# the list o# the ,/ ma;or causes o# F'1@:RE. This is no mere statement o# a
theoryM it is a fact.
PR35R'$T1'T13% the opposite o# DE51$13% is a common enemy
which practically e0ery man must conNuer.
9ou will ha0e an opportunity to test your capacity to reach *uick and
definite DE51$13$ when you #inish reading this book% and are ready to begin
putting into '5T13 the principles which it describes.
'nalysis o# se0eral hundred people who had accumulated #ortunes well
beyond the million dollar mark% disclosed the #act that every one of them had the
habit o# RE'5!1( DE51$13$ PR3APT@9% and o# changing these decisions
$@34@9% i#% and when they were changed. People who #ail to accumulate
money% without e2ception% ha0e the habit o# reaching decisions% 1F 'T '@@% 0ery
slowly, and of chanin these decisions *uickly and often.
3ne o# !enry FordJs most outstanding Nualities is his habit o# reaching
decisions Nuickly and de#initely% and changing them slowly. This Nuality is so
pronounced in Ar. Ford% that it has gi0en him the reputation o# being obstinate.
1t was this Nuality which prompted Ar. Ford to continue to manu#acture his
#amous Aodel LTL <the worldJs ugliest car=% when all o# his ad0isors% and many o#
the purchasers o# the car% were urging him to change it.
Perhaps% Ar. Ford delayed too long in making the change% but the other
side o# the story is% that Ar. FordJs #irmness o# decision yielded a huge #ortune%
be#ore the change in model became necessary. There is but little doubt that Ar.
FordJs habit o# de#initeness o# decision assumes the proportion o# obstinacy% but
this Nuality is pre#erable to slowness in reaching decisions and Nuickness in
changing them.
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The ma;ority o# people who #ail to accumulate money su##icient #or their
needs% are% generally% easily in#luenced by the LopinionsL o# others. They permit
the newspapers and the LgossipingL neighbors to do their LthinkingL #or them.
L3pinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. E0eryone has a #lock o#
opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. 1# you are
in#luenced by LopinionsL when you reach DE51$13$% you will not succeed in
any undertaking% much less in that o# transmuting 93:R 34 DE$1RE into
1# you are in#luenced by the opinions o# others% you will ha0e no DE$1RE
o# your own.
2eep your own counsel% when you begin to put into practice the
principles described here% by reachin your own decisions and #ollowing them.
Take no one into your con#idence% EI5EPT the members o# your LAaster AindL
group% and be 0ery sure in your selection o# this group% that you choose 3@9
those who will be in 53AP@ETE $9AP'T!9 'D !'RA39 41T! 93:R
5lose #riends and relati0es% while not meaning to do so% o#ten handicap
one through LopinionsL and sometimes through ridicule% which is meant to be
humorous. Thousands o# men and women carry in#eriority comple8es with them
all through li#e% because some well-meaning% but ignorant person destroyed their
con#idence through LopinionsL or ridicule.
9ou ha0e a brain and mind o# your own. :$E 1T% and reach your own
decisions. 1# you need #acts or in#ormation #rom other people% to enable you to
reach decisions% as you probably will in many instances" acNuire these #acts or
secure the in#ormation you need Nuietly% without disclosing your purpose.
1t is characteristic o# people who ha0e but a smattering or a 0eneer o#
knowledge to try to gi0e the impression that they ha0e much knowledge. $uch
people generally do T33 A:5! talking% and T33 @1TT@E listening. 2eep your
eyes and ears wide openM and your mouth 5@3$ED% i# you wish to acNuire the
habit o# prompt DE51$13. Those who talk too much do little else. 1# you talk
more than you listen% you not only depri0e yoursel# o# many opportunities to
accumulate use#ul knowledge% but you also disclose your P@'$ and
P:RP3$E$ to people who will take great delight in de#eating you% because they
en0y you.
Remember% also% that e0ery time you open your mouth in the presence o# a
person who has an abundance o# knowledge% you display to that person% your
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e8act stock o# knowledge% or your @'52 o# itP (enuine wisdom is usually
conspicuous through modesty and silence.
2eep in mind the #act that e0ery person with whom you associate is% like
yoursel#% seeking the opportunity to accumulate money. 1# you talk about your
plans too #reely% you may be surprised when you learn that some other person
has beaten you to your goal by P:TT1( 1T3 '5T13 '!E'D 3F 93:% the
plans o# which you talked unwisely.
@et one o# your #irst decisions be to 2EEP ' 5@3$ED A3:T! 'D
3PE E'R$ 'D E9E$.
's a reminder to yoursel# to #ollow this ad0ice% it will be help#ul i# you
copy the #ollowing epigram in large letters and place it where you will see it
LTE@@ T!E 43R@D 4!'T 93: 1TED T3 D3% B:T F1R$T $!34
This is the eNui0alent o# saying that Ldeeds% and not words% are what count
FREED3A 3R DE'T! 3 ' DE51$13
The 0alue o# decisions depends upon the courage reNuired to render them.
The great decisions% which ser0ed as the #oundation o# ci0ili7ation% were reached
by assuming great risks% which o#ten meant the possibility o# death.
@incolnJs decision to issue his #amous Proclamation o# Emancipation%
which ga0e #reedom to the colored people o# 'merica% was rendered with #ull
understanding that his act would turn thousands o# #riends and political
supporters against him. !e knew% too% that the carrying out o# that proclamation
would mean death to thousands o# men on the battle#ield. 1n the end% it cost
@incoln his li#e. That reNuired courage.
$ocratesJ decision to drink the cup o# poison% rather than compromise in
his personal belie#% was a decision o# courage. 1t turned Time ahead a thousand
years% and ga0e to people then unborn% the right to #reedom o# thought and o#
The decision o# (en. Robert E. @ee% when he came to the parting o# the
way with the :nion% and took up the cause o# the $outh% was a decision o#
courage% #or he well knew that it might cost him his own li#e% that it would surely
cost the li0es o# others.
But% the greatest decision o# all time% as #ar as any 'merican citi7en is
concerned% was reached in Philadelphia% Ouly C% *--D% when #i#ty-si8 men signed
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their names to a document% which they well knew would bring #reedom to all
'mericans% or leave every one of the fifty1si2 hanin from a allows6
9ou ha0e heard o# this #amous document% but you may not ha0e drawn
#rom it the great lesson in personal achie0ement it so plainly taught.
4e all remember the date o# this momentous decision% but #ew o# us
reali7e what courage that decision reNuired. 4e remember our history% as it was
taught" we remember dates% and the names o# the men who #ought" we remember
>alley Forge% and 9orktown" we remember (eorge 4ashington% and @ord
5ornwallis. But we know little o# the real #orces back o# these names% dates% and
places. 4e know still less o# that intangible P34ER% which insured us #reedom
lon before (ashinton's armies reached -orktown/
4e read the history o# the Re0olution% and #alsely imagine that (eorge
4ashington was the Father o# our 5ountry% that it was he who won our #reedom%
while the truth isM4ashington was only an accessory a#ter the #act% because
0ictory #or his armies had been insured long be#ore @ord 5ornwallis
surrendered. This is not intended to rob 4ashington o# any o# the glory he so
richly merited. 1ts purpose% rather% is to gi0e greater attention to the astounding
P34ER that was the real cause o# his 0ictory.
1t is nothing short o# tragedy that the writers o# history ha0e missed%
entirely% e0en the slightest re#erence to the irresistible P34ER% which ga0e birth
and #reedom to the nation destined to set up new standards o# independence #or
all the peoples o# the earth. 1 say it is a tragedy% because it is the sel#-same
P34ER which must be used by e0ery indi0idual who surmounts the di##iculties
o# @i#e% and #orces @i#e to pay the price asked.
@et us brie#ly re0iew the e0ents which ga0e birth to this P34ER. The
story begins with an incident in Boston% Aarch H% *--/. British soldiers were
patroling the streets% by their presence% openly threatening the citi7ens. The
colonists resented armed men marching in their midst. They began to e8press
their resentment openly% hurling stones as well as epithets% at the marching
soldiers% until the commanding o##icer ga0e orders% LFi8 bayonets. . . . 5hargePL
The battle was on. 1t resulted in the death and in;ury o# many. The
incident aroused such resentment that the Pro0incial 'ssembly% <made up o#
prominent colonists=% called a meeting #or the purpose o# taking de#inite action.
Two o# the members o# that 'ssembly were% Oohn !ancock% and $amuel 'dams
M@3( @1>E T!E1R 'AE$P They spoke up courageously% and declared that a
mo0e must be made to e;ect all British soldiers #rom Boston.
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Remember thisMa DE51$13% in the minds o# two men% might properly
be called the beginning o# the #reedom which we% o# the :nited $tates now en;oy.
Remember% too% that the DE51$13 o# these two men called #or F'1T!% and
53:R'(E% because it was dangerous.
Be#ore the 'ssembly ad;ourned% $amuel 'dams was appointed to call on
the (o0ernor o# the Pro0ince% !utchinson% and demand the withdrawal o# the
British troops.
The reNuest was granted% the troops were remo0ed #rom Boston% but the
incident was not closed. 1t had caused a situation destined to change the entire
trend o# ci0ili7ation. $trange% is it not% how the great changes% such as the
'merican Re0olution% and the 4orld 4ar% o#ten ha0e their beginnings in
circumstances which seem unimportantF 1t is interesting% also% to obser0e that
these important changes usually begin in the #orm o# a DEF11TE DE51$13 in
the minds o# a relati0ely small number o# people. Few o# us know the history o#
our country well enough to reali7e that Oohn !ancock% $amuel 'dams% and
Richard !enry @ee <o# the Pro0ince o# >irginia= were the real Fathers o# our
Richard !enry @ee became an important #actor in this story by reason o#
the #act that he and $amuel 'dams communicated #reNuently <by
correspondence=% sharing #reely their #ears and their hopes concerning the
wel#are o# the people o# their Pro0inces. From this practice% 'dams concei0ed the
idea that a mutual e8change o# letters between the thirteen 5olonies might help
to bring about the coordination o# e##ort so badly needed in connection with the
solution o# their problems. Two years a#ter the clash with the soldiers in Boston
<Aarch J-.=% 'dams presented this idea to the 'ssembly% in the #orm o# a motion
that a 5orrespondence 5ommittee be established among the 5olonies% with
de#initely appointed correspondents in each 5olony% L#or the purpose o# #riendly
cooperation #or the betterment o# the 5olonies o# British 'merica.L
Aark well this incidentP 1t was the beginning o# the organi7ation o# the
#ar-#lung P34ER destined to gi0e #reedom to you% and to me. The Aaster Aind
had already been organi7ed. 1t consisted o# 'dams% @ee% and !ancock. L1 tell you
#urther% that i# two o# you agree upon the earth concerning anything #or which
you ask% it will come to you #rom Ay Father% who is in !ea0en.L
The 5ommittee o# 5orrespondence was organi7ed. 3bser0e that this mo0e
pro0ided the way #or increasing the power o# the Aaster Aind by adding to it
men #rom all the 5olonies. Take notice that this procedure constituted the #irst
3R('1EED P@'1( o# the disgruntled 5olonists.
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1n union there is strengthP The citi7ens o# the 5olonies had been waging
disorgani7ed war#are against the British soldiers% through incidents similar to the
Boston riot% but nothing o# bene#it had been accomplished. Their indi0idual
grie0ances had not been consolidated under one Aaster Aind. o group o#
indi0iduals had put their hearts% minds% souls% and bodies together in one
de#inite DE51$13 to settle their di##iculty with the British once and #or all% until
'dams% !ancock% and @ee got together.
Aeanwhile% the British were not idle. They% too% were doing some
P@'1( and LAaster-AindingL on their own account% with the ad0antage o#
ha0ing back o# them money% and organi7ed soldiery.
The 5rown appointed (age to supplant !utchinson as the (o0ernor o#
Aassachusetts. 3ne o# the new (o0ernorJs #irst acts was to send a messenger to
call on $amuel 'dams% #or the purpose o# endea0oring to stop his oppositionM
by FE'R.
4e can best understand the spirit o# what happened by Nuoting the
con0ersation between 5ol. Fenton% <the messenger sent by (age=% and 'dams.
5ol. Fenton: L1 ha0e been authori7ed by (o0ernor (age% to assure you%
Ar. 'dams% that the (o0ernor has been empowered to con#er upon you such
bene#its as would be satis#actory% Sendea0or to win 'dams by promise o# bribesT%
upon the condition that you engage to cease in your opposition to the measures
o# the go0ernment. 1t is the (o0ernorJs ad0ice to you% $ir% not to incur the #urther
displeasure o# his ma;esty. 9our conduct has been such as makes you liable to
penalties o# an At o# !enry >111% by which persons can be sent to England #or
trial #or treason% or misprision o# treason% at the discretion o# a go0ernor o# a
pro0ince. But% B9 5!'(1( 93:R P3@1T15'@ 53:R$E% you will not only
recei0e great personal ad0antages% but you will make your peace with the 2ing.L
$amuel 'dams had the choice o# two DE51$13$. !e could cease his
opposition% and recei0e personal bribes% or he could 53T1:E% 'D R:
T!E R1$2 3F BE1( !'(EDP
5learly% the time had come when 'dams was forced to reach instantly% a
DE51$13 which could ha0e cost his li#e. The ma;ority o# men would ha0e
#ound it di##icult to reach such a decision. The ma;ority would ha0e sent back an
e0asi0e reply% but not 'damsP !e insisted upon 5ol. FentonJs word o# honor% that
the 5olonel would deli0er to the (o0ernor the answer e8actly as 'dams would
gi0e it to him.
'damsJ answer% LThen you may tell (o0ernor (age that 1 trust 1 ha0e long
since made my peace with the 2ing o# 2ings. o personal consideration shall
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induce me to abandon the righteous cause o# my 5ountry. 'nd% TE@@
(3>ER3R ('(E 1T 1$ T!E 'D>15E 3F $'A:E@ 'D'A$ T3 !1A% no
longer to insult the #eelings o# an e8asperated people.L
5omment as to the character o# this man seems unnecessary. 1t must be
ob0ious to all who read this astounding message that its sender possessed
loyalty o# the highest order. This is important. <Racketeers and dishonest
politicians ha0e prostituted the honor #or which such men as 'dams died=.
4hen (o0ernor (age recei0ed 'damsJ caustic reply% he #lew into a rage%
and issued a proclamation which read% L1 do% hereby% in his ma;estyJs name% o##er
and promise his most gracious pardon to all persons who shall #orthwith lay
down their arms% and return to the duties o# peaceable sub;ects% e8cepting only
#rom the bene#it o# such pardon% $'A:E@ 'D'A$ 'D O3! !'5352%
whose o##ences are o# too #lagitious a nature to admit o# any other consideration
but that o# condign punishment.L
's one might say% in modern slang% 'dams and !ancock were Lon the
spotPL The threat o# the irate (o0ernor #orced the two men to reach another
DE51$13% eNually as dangerous. They hurriedly called a secret meeting o# their
staunchest #ollowers. <!ere the Aaster Aind began to take on momentum=. '#ter
the meeting had been called to order% 'dams locked the door% placed the key in
his pocket% and in#ormed all present that it was imperati0e that a 5ongress o# the
5olonists be organi7ed% and that 3 A' $!3:@D @E'>E T!E R33A
:T1@ T!E DE51$13 F3R $:5! ' 53(RE$$ !'D BEE RE'5!ED.
(reat e8citement #ollowed. $ome weighed the possible conseNuences o#
such radicalism. <3ld Aan Fear=. $ome e8pressed gra0e doubt as to the wisdom
o# so definite a decision in de#iance o# the 5rown. @ocked in that room were T43
AE immune to Fear% blind to the possibility o# Failure. !ancock and 'dams.
Through the in#luence o# their minds% the others were induced to agree that%
through the 5orrespondence 5ommittee% arrangements should be made #or a
meeting o# the First 5ontinental 5ongress% to be held in Philadelphia% $eptember
H% *--C.
Remember this date. 1t is more important than Ouly C% *--D. 1# there had
been no DE51$13 to hold a 5ontinental 5ongress% there could ha0e been no
signing o# the Declaration o# 1ndependence.
Be#ore the #irst meeting o# the new 5ongress% another leader% in a di##erent
section o# the country was deep in the throes o# publishing a L$ummary >iew o#
the Rights o# British 'merica.L !e was Thomas Oe##erson% o# the Pro0ince o#
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>irginia% whose relationship to @ord Dunmore% <representati0e o# the 5rown in
>irginia=% was as strained as that o# !ancock and 'dams with their (o0ernor.
$hortly a#ter his #amous $ummary o# Rights was published% Oe##erson was
in#ormed that he was sub;ect to prosecution #or high treason against his ma;estyJs
go0ernment. 1nspired by the threat% one o# Oe##ersonJs colleagues% Patrick !enry%
boldly spoke his mind% concluding his remarks with a sentence which shall
remain #ore0er a classic% 5If this be treason, then make the most of it/5
1t was such men as these who% without power% without authority% without
military strength% without money% sat in solemn consideration o# the destiny o#
the colonies% beginning at the opening o# the First 5ontinental 5ongress% and
continuing at inter0als #or two yearsM until on Oune -% *--D% Richard !enry @ee
arose% addressed the 5hair% and to the startled 'ssembly made this motion:
L(entlemen% 1 make the motion that these :nited 5olonies are% and o#
right ought to be #ree and independent states% that they be absol0ed #rom all
allegiance to the British 5rown% and that all political connection between them
and the state o# (reat Britain is% and ought to be totally dissol0ed.L
@eeJs astounding motion was discussed #er0ently% and at such length that
he began to lose patience. Finally% a#ter days o# argument% he again took the #loor%
and declared% in a clear% #irm 0oice% LAr. President% we ha0e discussed this issue
#or days. 1t is the only course #or us to #ollow. 4hy% then $ir% do we longer delayF
4hy still deliberateF @et this happy day gi0e birth to an 'merican Republic. @et
her arise% not to de0astate and to conNuer% but to re-establish the reign o# peace%
and o# law. The eyes o# Europe are #i8ed upon us. $he demands o# us a li0ing
e8ample o# #reedom% that may e8hibit a contrast% in the #elicity o# the citi7en% to
the e0er increasing tyranny.L
Be#ore his motion was #inally 0oted upon% @ee was called back to >irginia%
because o# serious #amily illness% but be#ore lea0ing% he placed his cause in the
hands o# his #riend% Thomas Oe##erson% who promised to #ight until #a0orable
action was taken. $hortly therea#ter the President o# the 5ongress <!ancock=%
appointed Oe##erson as 5hairman o# a 5ommittee to draw up a Declaration o#
@ong and hard the 5ommittee labored% on a document which would
mean% when accepted by the 5ongress% that E>ER9 A' 4!3 $1(ED 1T%
43:@D BE $1(1( !1$ 34 DE'T! 4'RR'T% should the 5olonies lose
in the #ight with (reat Britain% which was sure to #ollow.
The document was drawn% and on Oune .B% the original dra#t was read
be#ore the 5ongress. For se0eral days it was discussed% altered% and made ready.
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3n Ouly C% *--D% Thomas Oe##erson stood be#ore the 'ssembly% and #earlessly read
the most momentus DE51$13 e0er placed upon paper.
L4hen in the course o# human e0ents it is necessary #or one people to
dissol0e the political bands which ha0e connected them with another% and to
assume% among the powers o# the earth% the separate and eNual station to which
the laws o# ature% and o# atureJs (od entitle them% a decent respect to the
opinions o# mankind reNuires that they should declare the causes which impel
them to the separation. . . L
4hen Oe##erson #inished% the document was 0oted upon% accepted% and
signed by the #i#ty-si8 men% e0ery one staking his own li#e upon his DE51$13 to
write his name. By that DE51$13 came into e8istence a nation destined to bring
to mankind #ore0er% the pri0ilege o# making DE51$13$.
By decisions made in a similar spirit o# Faith% and only by such decisions%
can men sol0e their personal problems% and win #or themsel0es high estates o#
material and spiritual wealth. @et us not #orget thisP
'naly7e the e0ents which led to the Declaration o# 1ndependence% and be
con0inced that this nation% which now holds a position o# commanding respect
and power among all nations o# the world% was born o# a DE51$13 created by a
Aaster Aind% consisting o# #i#ty-si8 men. ote well% the #act that it was their
DE51$13 which insured the success o# 4ashingtonJs armies% because the spirit
o# that decision was in the heart o# e0ery soldier who #ought with him% and
ser0ed as a spiritual power which recogni7es no such thing as F'1@:RE.
ote% also% <with great personal bene#it=% that the P34ER which ga0e this
nation its #reedom% is the sel#-same power that must be used by e0ery indi0idual
who becomes sel#-determining. This P34ER is made up o# the principles
described in this book. 1t will not be di##icult to detect% in the story o# the
Declaration o# 1ndependence% at least si8 o# these principles" DE$1RE% DE51$13%
F'1T!% PER$1$TE5E% T!E A'$TER A1D% and 3R('1EED P@'1(.
Throughout this philosophy will be #ound the suggestion that thought%
backed by strong DE$1RE% has a tendency to transmute itsel# into its physical
eNui0alent. Be#ore passing on% 1 wish to lea0e with you the suggestion that one
may #ind in this story% and in the story o# the organi7ation o# the :nited $tates
$teel 5orporation% a per#ect description o# the method by which thought makes
this astounding trans#ormation.
1n your search #or the secret o# the method% do not loo #or a miracle%
because you will not #ind it. 9ou will #ind only the eternal laws o# ature. These
laws are a0ailable to e0ery person who has the F'1T! and the 53:R'(E to use
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them. They may be used to bring #reedom to a nation% or to accumulate riches.
There is no charge sa0e the time necessary to understand and appropriate them.
Those who reach DE51$13$ promptly and de#initely% know what they
want% and generally get it. The leaders in e0ery walk o# li#e DE51DE Nuickly% and
#irmly. That is the ma;or reason why they are leaders. The world has the habit o#
making room #or the man whose words and actions show that he knows where
he is going.
1DE51$13 is a habit which usually begins in youth. The habit takes on
permanency as the youth goes through graded school% high school% and e0en
through college% without DEF11TEE$$ 3F P:RP3$E. The ma;or weakness o#
all educational systems is that they neither teach nor encourage the habit o#
DEF11TE DE51$13.
1t would be bene#icial i# no college would permit the enrollment o# any
student% unless and until the student declared his ma;or purpose in
matriculating. 1t would be o# still greater bene#it% i# e0ery student who enters the
graded schools were compelled to accept training in the !'B1T 3F DE51$13%
and #orced to pass a satis#actory e8amination on this sub;ect be#ore being
permitted to ad0ance in the grades.
The habit o# 1DE51$13 acNuired because o# the de#iciencies o# our
school systems% goes with the student into the occupation he chooses . . . 1F . . in
#act% he chooses his occupation. (enerally% the youth ;ust out o# school seeks any
;ob that can be #ound. !e takes the #irst place he #inds% because he has #allen into
the habit o# 1DE51$13. inety-eight out o# e0ery hundred people working #or
wages today% are in the positions they hold% because they lacked the
DEF11TEE$$ 3F DE51$13 to P@' ' DEF11TE P3$1T13% and the
knowledge o# how to choose an employer.
DEF11TEE$$ 3F DE51$13 always reNuires courage% sometimes 0ery
great courage. The #i#ty-si8 men who signed the Declaration o# 1ndependence
staked their li0es on the DE51$13 to a##i8 their signatures to that document.
The person who reaches a DEF11TE DE51$13 to procure the particular ;ob%
and make li#e pay the price he asks% does not stake his li#e on that decision" he
stakes his E533A15 FREED3A. Financial independence% riches% desirable
business and pro#essional positions are not within reach o# the person who
neglects or re#uses to EIPE5T% P@'% and DEA'D these things. The person
who desires riches in the same spirit that $amuel 'dams desired #reedom #or the
5olonies% is sure to accumulate wealth.
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1n the chapter on 3rgani7ed Planning% you will #ind complete instructions
#or marketing e0ery type o# personal ser0ices. 9ou will #ind also detailed
in#ormation on how to choose the employer you pre#er% and the particular ;ob
you desire. These instructions will be o# no 0alue to you :@E$$ 93:
DEF11TE@9 DE51DE to organi7e them into a plan o# action.
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T!E $:$T'1ED EFF3RT E5E$$'R9 T3 1D:5E F'1T!
.he %ihth &tep toward +iches
PER$1$TE5E is an essential #actor in the procedure o# transmuting
DE$1RE into its monetary eNui0alent. The basis o# persistence is the P34ER 3F
4ill-power and desire% when properly combined% make an irresistible
pair. Aen who accumulate great #ortunes are generally known as cold-blooded%
and sometimes ruthless. 3#ten they are misunderstood. 4hat they ha0e is will-
power% which they mi8 with persistence% and place back o# their desires to insure
the attainment o# their ob;ecti0es.
!enry Ford has been generally misunderstood to be ruthless and cold-
blooded. This misconception grew out o# FordJs habit o# #ollowing through in all
o# his plans with PER$1$TE5E.
The ma;ority o# people are ready to throw their aims and purposes
o0erboard% and gi0e up at the #irst sign o# opposition or mis#ortune. ' #ew carry
on DE$P1TE all opposition% until they attain their goal. These #ew are the Fords%
5arnegies% Rocke#ellers% and Edisons.
There may be no heroic connotation to the word Lpersistence%L but the
Nuality is to the character o# man what carbon is to steel.
The building o# a #ortune% generally% in0ol0es the application o# the entire
thirteen #actors o# this philosophy. These principles must be understood% they
must be applied with PER$1$TE5E by all who accumulate money.
1# you are #ollowing this book with the intention o# applying the
knowledge it con0eys% your #irst test as to your PER$1$TE5E will come when
you begin to #ollow the si8 steps described in the second chapter. :nless you are
one o# the two out o# e0ery hundred who already ha0e a DEF11TE (3'@ at
which you are aiming% and a DEF11TE P@' #or its attainment% you may read
the instructions% and then pass on with your daily routine% and ne0er comply
with those instructions.
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The author is checking you up at this point% because lack o# persistence is
one o# the ma;or causes o# #ailure. Aoreo0er% e8perience with thousands o#
people has pro0ed that lack o# persistence is a weakness common to the ma;ority
o# men. 1t is a weakness which may be o0ercome by e##ort. The ease with which
lack o# persistence may be conNuered will depend entirely upon the 1TE$1T9
3F 3EJ$ DE$1RE.
The starting point o# all achie0ement is DE$1RE. 2eep this constantly in
mind. 4eak desires bring weak results% ;ust as a small amount o# #ire makes a
small amount o# heat. 1# you #ind yoursel# lacking in persistence% this weakness
may be remedied by building a stronger #ire under your desires.
5ontinue to read through to the end% then go back to 5hapter two% and
start immediately to carry out the instructions gi0en in connection with the si8
steps. The eagerness with which you #ollow these instructions will indicate
clearly% how much% or how little you really DE$1RE to accumulate money. 1# you
#ind that you are indi##erent% you may be sure that you ha0e not yet acNuired the
Lmoney consciousnessL which you must possess% be#ore you can be sure o#
accumulating a #ortune.
Fortunes gra0itate to men whose minds ha0e been prepared to LattractL
them% ;ust as surely as water gra0itates to the ocean. 1n this book may be #ound
all the stimuli necessary to LattuneL any normal mind to the 0ibrations which will
attract the ob;ect o# oneJs desires.
1# you #ind you are weak in PER$1$TE5E% center your attention upon the
instructions contained in the chapter on LPowerL" surround yoursel# with a
LA'$TER A1DL group% and through the cooperati0e e##orts o# the members o#
this group% you can de0elop persistence. 9ou will #ind additional instructions #or
the de0elopment o# persistence in the chapters on auto-suggestion% and the
subconscious mind. Follow the instructions outlined in these chapters until your
habit nature hands o0er to your subconscious mind% a clear picture o# the ob;ect
o# your DE$1RE. From that point on% you will not be handicapped by lack o#
9our subconscious mind works continuously% while you are awake% and
while you are asleep.
$pasmodic% or occasional e##ort to apply the rules will be o# no 0alue to
you. To get RE$:@T$% you must apply all o# the rules until their application
becomes a #i8ed habit with you. 1n no other way can you de0elop the necessary
Lmoney consciousness.L
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P3>ERT9 is attracted to the one whose mind is #a0orable to it% as money
is attracted to him whose mind has been deliberately prepared to attract it% and
through the same laws. P3>ERT9 53$513:$E$$ 41@@ >3@:T'R1@9
$E1EE T!E A1D 4!15! 1$ 3T 355:P1ED 41T! T!E A3E9
53$513:$E$$. ' po0erty consciousness de0elops without conscious
application o# habits #a0orable to it. The money consciousness must be created to
order% unless one is born with such a consciousness.
5atch the #ull signi#icance o# the statements in the preceding paragraph%
and you will understand the importance o# PER$1$TE5E in the accumulation
o# a #ortune. 4ithout PER$1$TE5E% you will be de#eated% e0en be#ore you start.
4ith PER$1$TE5E you will win.
1# you ha0e e0er e8perienced a nightmare% you will reali7e the 0alue o#
persistence. 9ou are lying in bed% hal# awake% with a #eeling that you are about to
smother. 9ou are unable to turn o0er% or to mo0e a muscle. 9ou reali7e that you
A:$T BE(1 to regain control o0er your muscles. Through persistent e##ort o#
will-power% you #inally manage to mo0e the #ingers o# one hand. By continuing
to mo0e your #ingers% you e8tend your control to the muscles o# one arm% until
you can li#t it. Then you gain control o# the other arm in the same manner. 9ou
#inally gain control o0er the muscles o# one leg% and then e8tend it to the other
leg. T!EM 41T! 3E $:PREAE EFF3RT 3F 41@@M you regain complete
control o0er your muscular system% and LsnapL out o# your nightmare. The trick
has been turned step by step.
9ou may #ind it necessary to LsnapL out o# your mental inertia% through a
similar procedure% mo0ing slowly at #irst% then increasing your speed% until you
gain complete control o0er your will. Be PER$1$TET no matter how slowly you
may% at #irst% ha0e to mo0e. 41T! PER$1$TE5E 41@@ 53AE $:55E$$.
1# you select your LAaster AindL group with care% you will ha0e in it% at
least one person who will aid you in the de0elopment o# PER$1$TE5E. $ome
men who ha0e accumulated great #ortunes% did so because o# E5E$$1T9. They
de0eloped the habit o# PER$1$TE5E% because they were so closely dri0en by
circumstances% that they had to become persistent.
T!ERE 1$ 3 $:B$T1T:TE F3R PER$1$TE5EP 1t cannot be supplanted
by any other NualityP Remember this% and it will hearten you% in the beginning%
when the going may seem di##icult and slow.
Those who ha0e culti0ated the !'B1T o# persistence seem to en;oy
insurance against #ailure. o matter how many times they are de#eated% they
#inally arri0e up toward the top o# the ladder. $ometimes it appears that there is
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a hidden (uide whose duty is to test men through all sorts o# discouraging
e8periences. Those who pick themsel0es up a#ter de#eat and keep on trying%
arri0e" and the world cries% LBra0oP 1 knew you could do itPL The hidden (uide
lets no one en;oy great achie0ement without passing the PER$1$TE5E TE$T.
Those who canJt take it% simply do not make the grade.
Those who can Ltake itL are bounti#ully rewarded #or their PER$1$TE5E.
They recei0e% as their compensation% whate0er goal they are pursuing. That is not
allP They recei0e something in#initely more important than material
compensationM the knowledge that LE>ER9 F'1@:RE BR1($ 41T! 1T T!E
$EED 3F ' EK:1>'@ET 'D>'T'(E.L
There are e8ceptions to this rule" a #ew people know #rom e8perience the
soundness o# persistence. They are the ones who ha0e not accepted de#eat as
being anything more than temporary. They are the ones whose DE$1RE$ are so
PER$1$TET@9 'PP@1ED that de#eat is #inally changed into 0ictory. 4e who
stand on the side-lines o# @i#e see the o0erwhelmingly large number who go
down in de#eat% ne0er to rise again. 4e see the #ew who take the punishment o#
de#eat as an ure to reater effort. These% #ortunately% ne0er learn to accept @i#eJs
re0erse gear. But what we D3 3T $EE% what most o# us ne0er suspect o#
e8isting% is the silent but irresistible P34ER which comes to the rescue o# those
who #ight on in the #ace o# discouragement. 1# we speak o# this power at all we
call it PER$1$TE5E% and let it go at that. 3ne thing we all know% i# one does not
possess PER$1$TE5E% one does not achie0e noteworthy success in any calling.
's these lines are being written% 1 look up #rom my work% and see be#ore
me% less than a block away% the great mysterious LBroadway%L the L(ra0eyard o#
Dead !opes%L and the LFront Porch o# 3pportunity.L From all o0er the world
people ha0e come to Broadway% seeking #ame% #ortune% power% lo0e% or whate0er
it is that human beings call success. 3nce in a great while someone steps out
#rom the long procession o# seekers% and the world hears that another person has
mastered Broadway. But Broadway is not easily nor Nuickly conNuered. $he
acknowledges talent% recogni7es genius% pays o## in money% only a#ter one has
re#used to K:1T.
Then we know he has disco0ered the secret o# how to conNuer Broadway.
The secret is always inseparably attached to one word% PER$1$TE5EP
The secret is told in the struggle o# Fannie !urst% whose PER$1$TE5E
conNuered the (reat 4hite 4ay. $he came to ew 9ork in *+*H% to con0ert
writing into riches. The con0ersion did not come Nuickly% B:T 1T 5'AE. For
#our years Aiss !urst learned about LThe $idewalks o# ew 9orkL #rom #irst
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hand e8perience. $he spent her days laboring% and her nights !3P1(. 4hen
hope grew dim% she did not say% L'lright Broadway% you winPL $he said% L>ery
well% Broadway% you may whip some% but not me. 1Jm going to #orce you to gi0e
3ne publisher <The $aturday E0ening Post= sent her thirty si8 re;ection
slips% be#ore she Lbroke the ice and got a story across. The a0erage writer% like the
La0erageL in other walks o# li#e% would ha0e gi0en up the ;ob when the #irst
re;ection slip came. $he pounded the pa0ements #or #our years to the tune o# the
publisherJs L3%L because she was determined to win.
Then came the Lpayo##.L The spell had been broken% the unseen (uide had
tested Fannie !urst% and she could take it. From that time on publishers made a
beaten path to her door. Aoney came so #ast she hardly had time to count it.
Then the mo0ing picture men disco0ered her% and money came not in small
change% but in #loods. The mo0ing picture rights to her latest no0el% L(reat
@aughter%L brought Q*//%///.//% said to be the highest price e0er paid #or a story
be#ore publication. !er royalties #rom the sale o# the book probably will run
much more.
Brie#ly% you ha0e a description o# what PER$1$TE5E is capable o#
achie0ing. Fannie !urst is no e8ception. 4here0er men and women accumulate
great riches% you may be sure they #irst acNuired PER$1$TE5E. Broadway will
gi0e any beggar a cup o# co##ee and a sandwich% but it demands PER$1$TE5E
o# those who go a#ter the big stakes.
2ate $mith will say LamenL when she reads this. For years she sang%
without money% and without price% be#ore any microphone she could reach.
Broadway said to her% L5ome and get it% i# you can take it.L $he did take it until
one happy day Broadway got tired and said% L'w% whatJs the useF 9ou donJt
know when youJre whipped% so name your price% and go to work in earnest.L
Aiss $mith named her priceP 1t was plenty. 'way up in #igures so high that one
weekJs salary is #ar more than most people make in a whole year.
>erily it pays to be PER$1$TETP
'nd here is an encouraging statement which carries with it a suggestion
o# great signi#icanceM T!3:$'D$ 3F $1(ER$ 4!3 EI5E@ 2'TE $A1T!
'RE 4'@21( :P 'D D34 BR3'D4'9 @3321( F3R ' LBRE'2LM
41T!3:T $:55E$$. 5ountless others ha0e come and gone% many o# them sang
well enough% but they #ailed to make the grade because they lacked the courage
to keep on keeping on% until Broadway became tired o# turning them away.
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Persistence is a state o# mind% there#ore it can be culti0ated. @ike all states o#
mind% persistence is based upon de#inite causes% among them these:M
a. DEF11TEE$$ 3F P:RP3$E. 2nowing what one wants
is the #irst and% perhaps% the most important step toward the
de0elopment o# persistence. ' strong moti0e #orces one to
surmount many di##iculties.
b. DE$1RE. 1t is comparati0ely easy to acNuire and to
maintain persistence in pursuing the ob;ect o# intense desire.
c. $E@F-RE@1'5E. Belie# in oneJs ability to carry out a plan
encourages one to #ollow the plan through with persistence. <$el#-
reliance can be de0eloped through the principle described in the
chapter on auto-suggestion=.
d. DEF11TEE$$ 3F P@'$. 3rgani7ed plans% e0en
though they may be weak and entirely impractical% encourage
e. '55:R'TE 234@ED(E. 2nowing that oneJs plans are
sound% based upon e8perience or obser0ation% encourages
persistence" LguessingL instead o# LknowingL destroys persistence.
#. 53-3PER'T13. $ympathy% understanding% and
harmonious cooperation with others tend to de0elop persistence.
g. 41@@-P34ER. The habit o# concentrating oneJs thoughts
upon the building o# plans #or the attainment o# a de#inite *DC *DC
Page *DH *DD *DH purpose% leads to persistence.
h. !'B1T. Persistence is the direct result o# habit. The mind
absorbs and becomes a part o# the daily e8periences upon which it
#eeds. Fear% the worst o# all enemies% can be e##ecti0ely cured by
forced repetition of acts of courae. E0eryone who has seen acti0e
ser0ice in war knows this.
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Be#ore lea0ing the sub;ect o# PER$1$TE5E% take in0entory o# yoursel#%
and determine in what particular% i# any% you are lacking in this essential Nuality.
Aeasure yoursel# courageously% point by point% and see how many o# the eight
#actors o# persistence you lack. The analysis may lead to disco0eries that will gi0e
you a new grip on yoursel#.
$9APT3A$ 3F @'52 3F PER$1$TE5E
!ere you will #ind the real enemies which stand between you and
noteworthy achie0ement. !ere you will #ind not only the LsymptomsL indicating
weakness o# PER$1$TE5E% but also the deeply seated subconscious causes o#
this weakness. $tudy the list care#ully% and #ace yoursel# sNuarely 1F 93:
RE'@@9 41$! T3 234 4!3 93: 'RE% 'D 4!'T 93: 'RE 5'P'B@E
3F D31(. These are the weaknesses which must be mastered by all who
accumulate riches.
*. Failure to recogni7e and to clearly de#ine e8actly what one
.. Procrastination% with or without cause. <:sually backed
up with a #ormidable array o# alibis and e8cuses=.
,. @ack o# interest in acNuiring speciali7ed knowledge.
C. 1ndecision% the habit o# Lpassing the buckL on all occasions%
instead o# #acing issues sNuarely. <'lso backed by alibis=.
H. The habit o# relying upon alibis instead o# creating de#inite
plans #or the solution o# problems.
D. $el#-satis#action. There is but little remedy #or this
a##liction% and no hope #or those who su##er #rom it.
-. 1ndi##erence% usually re#lected in oneJs readiness to
compromise on all occasions% rather than meet opposition and #ight
B. The habit o# blaming others #or oneJs mistakes% and
accepting un#a0orable circumstances as being una0oidable.
+. 4E'2E$$ 3F DE$1RE% due to neglect in the choice o#
A3T1>E$ that impel action.
*/. 4illingness% e0en eagerness% to Nuit at the #irst sign o#
de#eat. <Based upon one or more o# the D basic #ears=.
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**. @ack o# 3R('1EED P@'$% placed in writing where
they may be analy7ed.
*.. The habit o# neglecting to mo0e on ideas% or to grasp
opportunity when it presents itsel#.
*,. 41$!1( instead o# 41@@1(.
*C. The habit o# compromising with P3>ERT9 instead o#
aiming at riches. (eneral absence o# ambition to be% to do% and to
*H. $earching #or all the shortcuts to riches% trying to (ET
without (1>1( a #air eNui0alent% usually re#lected in the habit o#
gambling% endea0oring to dri0e LsharpL bargains.
*D. FE'R 3F 5R1T151$A% #ailure to create plans and to put
them into action% because o# what other people will think% do% or
say. This enemy belongs at the head o# the list% because it generally
e8ists in oneJs subconscious mind% where its presence is not
recogni7ed. <$ee the $i8 Basic Fears in a later chapter=.
@et us e8amine some o# the symptoms o# the Fear o# 5riticism. The
ma;ority o# people permit relati0es% #riends% and the public at large to so
in#luence them that they cannot li0e their own li0es% because they #ear criticism.
!uge numbers o# people make mistakes in marriage% stand by the bargain%
and go through li#e miserable and unhappy% because they #ear criticism which
may #ollow i# they correct the mistake. <'nyone who has submitted to this #orm
o# #ear knows the irreparable damage it does% by destroying ambition% sel#-
reliance% and the desire to achie0e=.
Aillions o# people neglect to acNuire belated educations% a#ter ha0ing le#t
school% because they #ear criticism.
5ountless numbers o# men and women% both young and old% permit
relati0es to wreck their li0es in the name o# D:T9% because they #ear criticism.
<Duty does not reNuire any person to submit to the destruction o# his personal
ambitions and the right to li0e his own li#e in his own way=.
People re#use to take chances in business% because they #ear the criticism
which may #ollow i# they #ail. .he fear of criticism, in such cases is stroner than the
$%&I+% for success.
Too many people re#use to set high goals #or themsel0es% or e0en neglect
selecting a career% because they #ear the criticism o# relati0es and L#riendsL who
may say LDonJt aim so high% people will think you are cra7y.
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4hen 'ndrew 5arnegie suggested that 1 de0ote twenty years to the
organi7ation o# a philosophy o# indi0idual achie0ement my #irst impulse o#
thought was #ear o# what people might say. The suggestion set up a goal #or me%
#ar out o# proportion to any 1 had e0er concei0ed. 's Nuick as a #lash% my mind
began to create alibis and e8cuses% all o# them traceable to the inherent FE'R 3F
5R1T151$A. $omething inside o# me said% L9ou canJt do itM the ;ob is too big%
and reNuires too much timeM what will your relati0es think o# you FM how will
you earn a li0ingFM no one has e0er organi7ed a philosophy o# success% what
right ha0e you to belie0e you can do itFM who are you% anyway% to aim so highF
M remember your humble birthM what do you know about philosophyM
people will think you are cra7yM< and they did=M why hasnJt some other person
done this be#ore nowFL
These% and many other Nuestions #lashed into my mind% and demanded
attention. 1t seemed as i# the whole world had suddenly turned its attention to
me with the purpose o# ridiculing me into gi0ing up all desire to carry out Ar.
5arnegieJs suggestion.
1 had a #ine opportunity% then and there% to kill o## ambition be#ore it
gained control o# me. @ater in li#e% a#ter ha0ing analy7ed thousands o# people% 1
disco0ered that A3$T 1DE'$ 'RE $T1@@-B3R% 'D EED T!E BRE'T! 3F
@1FE 1OE5TED 1T3 T!EA T!R3:(! DEF11TE P@'$ 3F 1AAED1'TE
'5T13. The time to nurse an idea is at the time o# its birth. E0ery minute it
li0es% gi0es it a better chance o# sur0i0ing. The FE'R 3F 5R1T151$A is at the
bottom o# the destruction o# most ideas which ne0er reach the P@'1( and
'5T13 stage.
Aany people belie0e that material success is the result o# #a0orable
Lbreaks.L There is an element o# ground #or the belie#% but those depending
entirely upon luck% are nearly always disappointed% because they o0erlook
another important #actor which must be present be#ore one can be sure o#
success. 1t is the knowledge with which #a0orable LbreaksL can be made to order.
During the depression% 4. 5. Fields% the comedian% lost all his money% and
#ound himsel# without income% without a ;ob% and his means o# earning a li0ing
<0aude0ille= no longer e8isted. Aoreo0er% he was past si8ty% when many men
consider themsel0es Lold.L !e was so eager to stage a comeback that he o##ered to
work without pay% in a new #ield <mo0ies=. 1n addition to his other troubles% he
#ell and in;ured his neck. To many that would ha0e been the place to gi0e up and
K:1T. But Fields was PER$1$TET. !e knew that i# he carried on he would get
the LbreaksL sooner or later% and he did get them% but not by chance.
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Aarie Dressler #ound hersel# down and out% with her money gone% with
no ;ob% when she was about si8ty. $he% too% went a#ter the Lbreaks%L and got them.
!er PER$1$TE5E brought an astounding triumph late in li#e% long beyond the
age when most men and women are done with ambition to achie0e.
Eddie 5antor lost his money in the *+.+ stock crash% but he still had his
PER$1$TE5E and his courage. 4ith these% plus two prominent eyes% he
e8ploited himsel# back into an income o# Q*/%/// a weekP >erily% i# one has
PER$1$TE5E% one can get along 0ery well without many other Nualities.
The only LbreakL anyone can a##ord to rely upon is a sel#-made Lbreak.L
These come through the application o# PER$1$TE5E. The starting point is
DEF11TEE$$ 3F P:RP3$E.
E8amine the #irst hundred people you meet% ask them what they want
most in li#e% and ninety eight o# them will not be able to tell you. 1# you press
them #or an answer% some will sayM $E5:R1T9% many will sayM A3E9% a #ew
will sayM !'PP1E$$% others will sayM F'AE 'D P34ER% and still others
will sayM $351'@ RE53(1T13% E'$E 1 @1>1(% 'B1@1T9 T3 $1(%
D'5E% or 4R1TE% but none o# them will be able to de#ine these terms% or gi0e
the slightest indication o# a P@' by which they hope to attain these 0aguely
e8pressed wishes. Riches do not respond to wishes. They respond only to
de#inite plans% backed by de#inite desires% through constant PER$1$TE5E.
!34 T3 DE>E@3P PER$1$TE5E
There are #our simple steps which lead to the habit o# PER$1$TE5E.
They call #or no great amount o# intelligence% no particular amount o# education%
and but little time or e##ort. The necessary steps are:M
*. ' DEF11TE P:RP3$E B'52ED B9 B:R1( DE$1RE
F3R 1T$ F:@F1@@AET.
.. ' DEF11TE P@'% EIPRE$$ED 1 53T1:3:$
,. ' A1D 5@3$ED T1(!T@9 '('1$T '@@ E('T1>E
'D D1$53:R'(1( 1F@:E5E$% including negati0e
suggestions o# relati0es% #riends and acNuaintances.
C. ' FR1ED@9 '@@1'5E 41T! 3E 3R A3RE
PER$3$ 4!3 41@@ E53:R'(E 3E T3 F3@@34
T!R3:(! 41T! B3T! P@' 'D P:RP3$E.
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These #our steps are essential #or success in all walks o# li#e. The entire
purpose o# the thirteen principles o# this philosophy is to enable one to take these
#our steps as a matter o# habit.
These are the steps by which one may control oneJs economic destiny.
They are the steps that lead to #reedom and independence o# thought.
They are the steps that lead to riches% in small or great Nuantities.
They lead the way to power% #ame% and worldly recognition.
They are the #our steps which guarantee #a0orable Lbreaks.L
They are the steps that con0ert dreams into physical realities.
They lead% also% to the mastery o# FE'R% D1$53:R'(EAET%
There is a magni#icent reward #or all who learn to take these #our steps. 1t
is the pri0ilege o# writing oneJs own ticket% and o# making @i#e yield whate0er
price is asked.
1 ha0e no way o# knowing the #acts% but 1 0enture to con;ecture that Ars.
4allis $impsonJs great lo0e #or a man was not accidental% nor the result o#
#a0orable LbreaksL alone. There was a burning desire% and care#ul searching at
e0ery step o# the way. !er #irst duty was to lo0e. 4hat is the greatest thing on
earthF The Aaster called it lo0eMnot man made rules% criticism% bitterness%
slander% or political Lmarriages%L but lo0e.
$he knew what she wanted% not a#ter she met the Prince o# 4ales% but long
be#ore that. Twice when she had #ailed to #ind it% she had the courage to continue
her search. LTo thine own sel# be true% and it must #ollow% as the night the day%
thou canst not then be #alse to any man.L
!er rise #rom obscurity was o# the slow% progressi0e% PER$1$TET order%
but it was $:REP $he triumphed o0er unbelie0ably long odds" and% no matter
who you are% or what you may think o# 4allis $impson% or the king who ga0e up
his 5rown #or her lo0e% she is an astounding e8ample o# applied PER$1$TE5E%
an instructor on the rules o# sel#-determination% #rom whom the entire world
might pro#itably take lessons.
4hen you think o# 4allis $impson% think o# one who knew what she
wanted% and shook the greatest empire on earth to get it. 4omen who complain
that this is a manJs world% that women do not ha0e an eNual chance to win% owe it
to themsel0es to study care#ully the li#e o# this unusual woman% who% at an age
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which most women consider Lold%L captured the a##ections o# the most desirable
bachelor in the entire world.
'nd what o# 2ing EdwardF 4hat lesson may we learn #rom his part in the
worldJs greatest drama o# recent timesF Did he pay too high a price #or the
a##ections o# the woman o# his choiceF
$urely no one but he can gi0e the correct answer. The rest o# us can only
con;ecture. This much we know% the king came into the world without his own
consent. !e was born to great riches% without reNuesting them. !e was
persistently sought in marriage" politicians and statesmen throughout Europe
tossed dowagers and princesses at his #eet. Because he was the #irst born o# his
parents% he inherited a crown% which he did not seek% and perhaps did not desire.
For more than #orty years he was not a #ree agent% could not li0e his li#e in his
own way% had but little pri0acy% and #inally assumed duties in#licted upon him
when he ascended the throne.
$ome will say% L4ith all these blessings% 2ing Edward should ha0e #ound
peace o# mind% contentment% and ;oy o# li0ing.L
The truth is that back o# all the pri0ileges o# a crown% all the money% the
#ame% and the power inherited by 2ing Edward% there was an emptiness which
could be #illed only by lo0e.
!is greatest DE$1RE was #or lo0e. @ong be#ore he met 4allis $impson% he
doubtless #elt this great uni0ersal emotion tugging at the strings o# his heart%
beating upon the door o# his soul% and crying out #or e8pression.
'nd when he met a kindred spirit% crying out #or this same !oly pri0ilege
o# e8pression% he recogni7ed it% and without #ear or apology% opened his heart
and bade it enter. 'll the scandal-mongers in the world cannot destroy the
beauty o# this international drama% through which two people #ound lo0e% and
had the courage to #ace open criticism% renounce '@@ E@$E to gi0e it holy
2ing EdwardJs DE51$13 to gi0e up the crown o# the worldJs most
power#ul empire% #or the pri0ilege o# going the remainder o# the way through li#e
with the woman o# his choice% was a decision that reNuired courage. The decision
also had a price% but who has the right to say the price was too greatF $urely not
!e who said% L!e among you who is without sin% let him cast the #irst stone.L
's a suggestion to any e0il-minded person who chooses to #ind #ault with
the Duke o# 4indsor% because his DE$1RE was #or @3>E% and #or openly
declaring his lo0e #or 4allis $impson% and gi0ing up his throne #or her% let it be
remembered that the 3PE DE5@'R'T13 was not essential. !e could ha0e
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#ollowed the custom o# clandestine liaison which has pre0ailed in Europe #or
centuries% without gi0ing up either his throne% or the woman o# his choice% and
there would ha0e been 3 53AP@'1T FR3A E1T!ER 5!:R5! 3R @'1T9.
ut this unusual man was built o# sterner stu##. !is lo0e was clean. 1t was deep
and sincere. 1t represented the one thing which% abo0e '@@ E@$E he truly
DE$1RED% there#ore% he took what he wanted% and paid the price demanded.
1# Europe had been blessed with more rulers with the human heart and
the traits o# honesty o# e8-king Edward% #or the past century% that un#ortunate
hemisphere now seething with greed% hate% lust% political conni0ance% and threats
o# war% would ha0e a D1FFERET 'D ' BETTER $T3R9 T3 TE@@. ' story in
which @o0e and not !ate would rule.
1n the words o# $tuart 'ustin 4ier we raise our cup and drink this toast to
e8-king Edward and 4allis $impson:
LBlessed is the man who has come to know that our muted thoughts are
our sweetest thoughts.
LBlessed is the man who% #rom the blackest depths% can see the luminous
#igure o# @3>E% and seeing% sing" and singing% say: J$weeter #ar than uttered lays
are the thoughts 1 ha0e o# you. JL
1n these words would we pay tribute to the two people who% more than all
others o# modern times% ha0e been the 0ictims o# criticism and the recipients o#
abuse% because they #ound @i#eJs greatest treasure% and claimed it. UMrs/ &impson
read and approved this analysis/
Aost o# the world will applaud the Duke o# 4indsor and 4allis $impson%
because o# their PER$1$TE5E in searching until they #ound li#eJs greatest
reward. '@@ 3F :$ 5' PR3F1T by #ollowing their e8ample in our own search
#or that which we demand o# li#e.
4hat mystical power gi0es to men o# PER$1$TE5E the capacity to
master di##icultiesF Does the Nuality o# PER$1$TE5E set up in oneJs mind some
#orm o# spiritual% mental or chemical acti0ity which gi0es one access to
supernatural #orcesF Does 1n#inite 1ntelligence throw itsel# on the side o# the
person who still #ights on% a#ter the battle has been lost% with the whole world on
the opposing sideF
These and many other similar Nuestions ha0e arisen in my mind as 1 ha0e
obser0ed men like !enry Ford% who started at scratch% and built an 1ndustrial
Empire o# huge proportions% with little else in the way o# a beginning but
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PER$1$TE5E. 3r% Thomas '. Edison% who% with less than three months o#
schooling% became the worldJs leading in0entor and con0erted PER$1$TE5E
into the talking machine% the mo0ing picture machine% and the incandescent
light% to say nothing o# hal# a hundred other use#ul in0entions.
1 had the happy pri0ilege o# analy7ing both Ar. Edison and Ar. Ford% year
by year% o0er a long period o# years% and there#ore% the opportunity to study
them at close range% so 1 speak #rom actual knowledge when 1 say that 1 #ound no
Nuality sa0e PER$1$TE5E% in either o# them% that e0en remotely suggested the
ma;or source o# their stupendous achie0ements.
's one makes an impartial study o# the prophets% philosophers% LmiracleL
men% and religious leaders o# the past% one is drawn to the ine0itable conclusion
that PER$1$TE5E% concentration o# e##ort% and DEF11TEE$$ 3F P:RP3$E%
were the ma;or sources o# their achie0ements.
5onsider% #or e8ample% the strange and #ascinating story o# Aohammed"
analy7e his li#e% compare him with men o# achie0ement in this modern age o#
industry and #inance% and obser0e how they ha0e one outstanding trait in
common% PER$1$TE5EP
1# you are keenly interested in studying the strange power which gi0es
potency to PER$1$TE5E% read a biography o# Aohammed% especially the one
by Essad Bey. This brie# re0iew o# that book% by Thomas $ugrue% in the !erald-
Tribune% will pro0ide a pre0iew o# the rare treat in store #or those who take the
time to read the entire story o# one o# the most astounding e8amples o# the power
o# PER$1$TE5E known to ci0ili7ation.
T!E @'$T (RE'T PR3P!ET
Re0iewed by Thomas $ugrue
5Mohammed was a prophet, but he never performed a miracle/ He was not a
mysticA he had no formal schoolinA he did not bein his mission until he was forty/
(hen he announced that he was the Messener of :od, brinin word of the true
reliion, he was ridiculed and labeled a lunatic/ Children tripped him and women threw
filth upon him/ He was banished from his native city, Mecca, and his followers were
stripped of their worldly oods and sent into the desert after him/ (hen he had been
preachin ten years he had nothin to show for it but banishment, poverty and ridicule/
-et before another ten years had passed, he was dictator of all !rabia, ruler of Mecca, and
the head of a )ew (orld reliion which was to sweep to the $anube and the Pyrenees
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before e2haustin the impetus he ave it/ .hat impetus was three1fold0 the power of
words, the efficacy of prayer and man's kinship with :od/
5His career never made sense/ Mohammed was born to impoverished members of
a leadin family of Mecca/ 9ecause Mecca, the crossroads of the world, home of the maic
stone called the Caaba, reat city of trade and the center of trade routes, was unsanitary,
its children were sent to be raised in the desert by 9edouins/ Mohammed was thus
nurtured, drawin strenth and health from the milk of nomad, vicarious mothers/ He
tended sheep and soon hired out to a rich widow as leader of her caravans/ He traveled to
all parts of the %astern (orld, talked with many men of diverse beliefs and observed the
decline of Christianity into warrin sects/ (hen he was twenty1eiht, 7hadi;a, the
widow, looked upon him with favor, and married him/ Her father would have ob;ected to
such a marriae, so she ot him drunk and held him up while he ave the paternal
blessin/ For the ne2t twelve years Mohammed lived as a rich and respected and very
shrewd trader/ .hen he took to wanderin in the desert, and one day he returned with the
first verse of the 7oran and told 7hadi;a that the archanel :abriel had appeared to him
and said that he was to be the Messener of :od/
5.he 7oran, the revealed word of :od, was the closest thin to a miracle in
Mohammed's life/ He had not been a poetA he had no ift of words/ -et the verses of the
7oran, as he received them and recited them to the faithful, were better than any verses
which the professional poets of the tribes could produce/ .his, to the !rabs, was a miracle/
.o them the ift of words was the reatest ift, the poet was all1powerful/ In addition the
7oran said that all men were e*ual before :od, that the world should be a democratic
stateB Islam/ It was this political heresy, plus Mohammed's desire to destroy all the CDE
idols in the courtyard of the Caaba, which brouht about his banishment/ .he idols
brouht the desert tribes to Mecca, and that meant trade/ &o the business men of Mecca,
the capitalists, of which he had been one, set upon Mohammed/ .hen he retreated to the
desert and demanded sovereinty over the world/
5.he rise of Islam bean/ 'ut of the desert came a flame which would not be
e2tinuishedB a democratic army fihtin as a unit and prepared to die without
wincin/ Mohammed had invited the >ews and Christians to ;oin himA for he was not
buildin a new reliion/ He was callin all who believed in one :od to ;oin in a sinle
faith/ If the >ews and Christians had accepted his invitation Islam would have con*uered
the world/ .hey didn't/ .hey would not even accept Mohammed's innovation of humane
warfare/ (hen the armies of the prophet entered >erusalem not a sinle person was killed
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because of his faith/ (hen the crusaders entered the city, centuries later, not a Moslem
man, woman, or child was spared/ 9ut the Christians did accept one Moslem ideaB the
place of learnin, the university/5
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CH&PT.R 12
POW.R O/ TH. )&*T.R )IND
T!E DR1>1( F3R5E
.he )inth &tep toward +iches
P34ER is essential #or success in the accumulation o# money.
P@'$ are inert and useless% without su##icient P34ER to translate them
into '5T13. This chapter will describe the method by which an indi0idual may
attain and apply P34ER.
P34ER may be de#ined as Lorgani7ed and intelligently directed
234@ED(E.L Power% as the term is here used% re#ers to 3R('1EED e##ort%
su##icient to enable an indi0idual to transmute DE$1RE into its monetary
eNui0alent. 3R('1EED e##ort is produced through the coordination o# e##ort o#
two or more people% who work toward a DEF11TE end% in a spirit o# harmony.
P34ER 1$ REK:1RED F3R T!E '55:A:@'T13 3F A3E9P
P34ER 1$ E5E$$'R9 F3R T!E RETET13 3F A3E9 'FTER 1T !'$
BEE '55:A:@'TEDP
@et us ascertain how power may be acNuired. 1# power is Lorgani7ed
knowledge%L let us e8amine the sources o# knowledge:
a. 1F11TE 1TE@@1(E5E. This source o# knowledge
may be contacted through the procedure described in another
chapter% with the aid o# 5reati0e 1magination.
b. '55:A:@'TED EIPER1E5E. The accumulated
e8perience o# man% <or that portion o# it which has been organi7ed
and recorded=% may be #ound in any well-eNuipped public library.
'n important part o# this accumulated e8perience is taught in
public schools and colleges% where it has been classi#ied and
c. EIPER1AET 'D RE$E'R5!. 1n the #ield o# science%
and in practically e0ery other walk o# li#e% men are gathering%
classi#ying% and organi7ing new #acts daily. This is the source to
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which one must turn when knowledge is not a0ailable through
Laccumulated e8perience.L !ere% too% the 5reati0e 1magination
must o#ten be used.
2nowledge may be acNuired #rom any o# the #oregoing sources. 1t may be
con0erted into P34ER by organi7ing it into de#inite P@'$ and by e8pressing
those plans in terms o# '5T13.
E8amination o# the three ma;or sources o# knowledge will readily disclose
the di##iculty an indi0idual would ha0e% i# he depended upon his e##orts alone% in
assembling knowledge and e8pressing it through de#inite plans in terms o#
'5T13. 1# his plans are comprehensi0e% and i# they contemplate large
proportions% he must% generally% induce others to cooperate with him% be#ore he
can in;ect into them the necessary element o# P34ER.
('11( P34ER T!R3:(! T!E JJ A'$TER A1DL
The LAaster AindL may be de#ined as: L5oordination o# knowledge and
e##ort% in a spirit o# harmony% between two or more people% #or the attainment o#
a de#inite purpose.L
o indi0idual may ha0e great power without a0ailing himsel# o# the
LAaster Aind.L 1n a preceding chapter% instructions were gi0en #or the creation o#
P@'$ #or the purpose o# translating DE$1RE into its monetary eNui0alent. 1#
you carry out these instructions with PER$1$TE5E and intelligence% and use
discrimination in the selection o# your LAaster AindL group% your ob;ecti0e will
ha0e been hal#-way reached% e0en be#ore you begin to recogni7e it.
$o you may better understand the LintangibleL potentialities o# power
a0ailable to you% through a properly chosen LAaster AindL group% we will here
e8plain the two characteristics o# the Aaster Aind principle% one o# which is
economic in nature% and the other psychic. The economic #eature is ob0ious.
Economic ad0antages may be created by any person who surrounds himsel# with
the ad0ice% counsel% and personal cooperation o# a group o# men who are willing
to lend him wholehearted aid% in a spirit o# PERFE5T !'RA39. This #orm o#
cooperati0e alliance has been the basis o# nearly e0ery great #ortune. 9our
understanding o# this great truth may de#initely determine your #inancial status.
The psychic phase o# the Aaster Aind principle is much more abstract%
much more di##icult to comprehend% because it has re#erence to the spiritual
#orces with which the human race% as a whole% is not well acNuainted. 9ou may
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catch a signi#icant suggestion #rom this statement: Lo two minds e0er come
together without% thereby% creating a third% in0isible% intangible #orce which may
be likened to a third mind.L
2eep in mind the #act that there are only two known elements in the
whole uni0erse% energy and matter. 1t is a well known #act that matter may be
broken down into units o# molecules% atoms% and electrons. There are units o#
matter which may be isolated% separated% and analy7ed.
@ikewise% there are units o# energy.
The human mind is a #orm o# energy% a part o# it being spiritual in nature.
4hen the minds o# two people are coordinated in a $P1R1T 3F !'RA39% the
spiritual units o# energy o# each mind #orm an a##inity% which constitutes the
LpsychicL phase o# the Aaster Aind.
The Aaster Aind principle% or rather the economic #eature o# it% was #irst
called to my attention by 'ndrew 5arnegie% o0er twenty-#i0e years ago.
Disco0ery o# this principle was responsible #or the choice o# my li#eJs work.
Ar. 5arnegieJs Aaster Aind group consisted o# a sta## o# appro8imately
#i#ty men% with whom he surrounded himsel#% #or the DEF11TE P:RP3$E o#
manu#acturing and marketing steel. !e attributed his entire #ortune to the
P34ER he accumulated through this LAaster Aind.L
'naly7e the record o# any man who has accumulated a great #ortune% and
many o# those who ha0e accumulated modest #ortunes% and you will #ind that
they ha0e either consciously% or unconsciously employed the LAaster AindL
(RE'T P34ER 5' BE '55:A:@'TED T!R3:(! 3 3T!ER
EER(9 is atureJs uni0ersal set o# building blocks% out o# which she
constructs e0ery material thing in the uni0erse% including man% and e0ery #orm o#
animal and 0egetable li#e. Through a process which only ature completely
understands% she translates energy into matter.
atureJs building blocks are a0ailable to man% in the energy in0ol0ed in
T!121(P AanJs brain may be compared to an electric battery. 1t absorbs
energy #rom the ether% which permeates e0ery atom o# matter% and #ills the entire
1t is a well known #act that a group o# electric batteries will pro0ide more
energy than a single battery. 1t is also a well known #act that an indi0idual
battery will pro0ide energy in proportion to the number and capacity o# the cells
it contains.
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The brain #unctions in a similar #ashion. This accounts #or the #act that
some brains are more e##icient than others% and leads to this signi#icant statement
Ma group o# brains coordinated <or connected= in a spirit o# harmony% will
pro0ide more thought-energy than a single brain% ;ust as a group o# electric
batteries will pro0ide more energy than a single battery.
Through this metaphor it becomes immediately ob0ious that the Aaster
Aind principle holds the secret o# the P34ER wielded by men who surround
themsel0es with other men o# brains.
There #ollows% now% another statement which will lead still nearer to an
understanding o# the psychic phase o# the Aaster Aind principle: 4hen a group
o# indi0idual brains are coordinated and #unction in !armony% the increased
energy created through that alliance% becomes a0ailable to e0ery indi0idual brain
in the group.
1t is a well known #act that !enry Ford began his business career under
the handicap o# po0erty% illiteracy% and ignorance. 1t is an eNually well known
#act that% within the inconcei0ably short period o# ten years% Ar. Ford mastered
these three handicaps% and that within twenty-#i0e years he made himsel# one o#
the richest men in 'merica. 5onnect with this #act% the additional knowledge that
Ar. FordJs most rapid strides became noticeable% #rom the time he became a
personal #riend o# Thomas '. Edison% and you will begin to understand what the
in#luence o# one mind upon another can accomplish. (o a step #arther% and
consider the #act that Ar. FordJs most outstanding achie0ements began #rom the
time that he #ormed the acNuaintances o# !ar0ey Firestone% Oohn Burroughs% and
@uther Burbank% <each a man o# great brain capacity=% and you will ha0e #urther
e0idence that P34ER may be produced through #riendly alliance o# minds.
There is little i# any doubt that !enry Ford is one o# the best in#ormed
men in the business and industrial world. The Nuestion o# his wealth needs no
discussion. 'naly7e Ar. FordJs intimate personal #riends% some o# whom ha0e
already been mentioned% and you will be prepared to understand the #ollowing
statement:M LAen take on the nature and the habits and the P34ER 3F
T!3:(!T o# those with whom they associate in a spirit o# sympathy and
!enry Ford whipped po0erty% illiteracy% and ignorance by allying himsel#
with great minds% whose 0ibrations o# thought he absorbed into his own mind.
Through his association with Edison% Burbank% Burroughs% and Firestone% Ar.
Ford added to his own brain power% the sum and substance o# the intelligence%
e8perience% knowledge% and spiritual #orces o# these #our men. Aoreo0er% he
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appropriated% and made use o# the Aaster Aind principle through the methods
o# procedure described in this book.
.his principle is available to you6
4e ha0e already mentioned Aahatma (andhi. Perhaps the ma;ority o#
those who ha0e heard o# (andhi% look upon him as merely an eccentric little
man% who goes around without #ormal wearing apparel% and makes trouble #or
the British (o0ernment. 1n reality% (andhi is not eccentric% but !E 1$ T!E A3$T
P34ERF:@ A' 34 @1>1(. <Estimated by the number o# his #ollowers
and their #aith in their leader.= Aoreo0er% he is probably the most power#ul man
who has e0er li0ed.!is power is passi0e% but it is real.
@et us study the method by which he attained his stupendous P34ER. 1t
may be e8plained in a #ew words. !e came by P34ER through inducing o0er
two hundred million people to coordinate% with mind and body% in a spirit o#
!'RA39% #or a DEF11TE P:RP3$E.
1n brie#% (andhi has accomplished a A1R'5@E% #or it is a miracle when
two hundred million people can be inducedM not #orcedM to cooperate in a
spirit o# !'RA39% #or a limitless time. 1# you doubt that this is a miracle% try to
induce '9 T43 PE3P@E to cooperate in a spirit o# harmony #or any lenth of
E0ery man who manages a business knows what a di##icult matter it is to
get employees to work together in a spirit e0en remotely resembling
The list o# the chie# sources #rom which P34ER may be attained is% as you
ha0e seen% headed by 1F11TE 1TE@@1(E5E. 4hen two or more people
coordinate in a spirit o# !'RA39% and work toward a de#inite ob;ecti0e% they
place themsel0es in position% through that alliance% to absorb power directly #rom
the great uni0ersal storehouse o# 1n#inite 1ntelligence. This is the greatest o# all
sources o# P34ER. 1t is the source to which the genius turns. 1t is the source to
which e0ery great leader turns% <whether he may be conscious o# the #act or not=.
The other two ma;or sources #rom which the knowledge% necessary #or the
accumulation o# P34ER% may be obtained are no more reliable than the #i0e
senses o# man. The senses are not always reliable. 1n#inite 1ntelligence D3E$
1n subseNuent chapters% the methods by which 1n#inite 1ntelligence may be
most readily contacted will be adeNuately described.
This is not a course on religion. o #undamental principle described in
this book should be interpreted as being intended to inter#ere either directly% or
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indirectly% with any manJs religious habits. This book has been con#ined%
e8clusi0ely% to instructing the reader how to transmute the DEF11TE P:RP3$E
3F DE$1RE F3R A3E9% into its monetary eNui0alent.
Read% T!12% and meditate as you read. $oon% the entire sub;ect will
un#old% and you will see it in perspecti0e. 9ou are now seeing the detail o# the
indi0idual chapters.
Aoney is as shy and elusi0e as the Lold timeL maiden. 1t must be wooed
and won by methods not unlike those used by a determined lo0er% in pursuit o#
the girl o# his choice. 'nd% coincidental as it is% the P34ER used in the LwooingL
o# money is not greatly di##erent #rom that used in wooing a maiden. That power%
when success#ully used in the pursuit o# money must be mi8ed with F'1T!. 1t
must be mi8ed with DE$1RE. 1t must be mi8ed with PER$1$TE5E. 1t must be
applied through a plan% and that plan must be set into '5T13.
4hen money comes in Nuantities known as Lthe big money%L it #lows to
the one who accumulates it% as easily as water #lows down hill. There e8ists a
great unseen stream o# P34ER% which may be compared to a ri0er" e8cept that
one side #lows in one direction% carrying all who get into that side o# the stream%
onward and upward to 4E'@T!M and the other side #lows in the opposite
direction% carrying all who are un#ortunate enough to get into it <and not able to
e8tricate themsel0es #rom it=% downward to misery and P3>ERT9.
E0ery man who has accumulated a great #ortune% has recogni7ed the
e8istence o# this stream o# li#e. 1t consists o# oneJs T!121( PR35E$$. The
positi0e emotions o# thought #orm the side o# the stream which carries one to
#ortune. The negati0e emotions #orm the side which carries one down to po0erty.
This carries a thought o# stupendous importance to the person who is
#ollowing this book with the ob;ect o# accumulating a #ortune.
1# you are in the side o# the stream o# P34ER which leads to po0erty% this
may ser0e as an oar% by which you may propel yoursel# o0er into the other side
o# the stream. 1t can ser0e you 3@9 through application and use. Aerely
reading% and passing ;udgment on it% either one way or another% will in no way
bene#it you.
$ome people undergo the e8perience o# alternating between the positi0e
and negati0e sides o# the stream% being at times on the positi0e side% and at times
on the negati0e side. The 4all $treet crash o# J.+ swept millions o# people #rom
the positi0e to the negati0e side o# the stream. These millions are struggling%
some o# them in desperation and #ear% to get back to the positi0e side o# the
stream. This book was written especially #or those millions.
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Po0erty and riches o#ten change places. The 5rash taught the world this
truth% although the world will not long remember the lesson. Po0erty may% and
generally does% 0oluntarily take the place o# riches. 4hen riches take the place o#
po0erty% the change is usually brought about through well concei0ed and
care#ully e8ecuted P@'$. Po0erty needs no plan. 1t needs no one to aid it%
because it is bold and ruthless. Riches are shy and timid. They ha0e to be
'9B3D9 can 41$!
#or riches% and most
people do% but only a #ew
know that a de#inite plan%
plus a B:R1( DE$1RE
#or wealth% are the only
dependable means o#
accumulating wealth.
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CH&PT.R 11
TH. )'*T.R' O/ *.; TR&N*)(T&TION

.he .enth &tep toward +iches
The meaning o# the word LtransmuteL is% in simple language% Lthe
changing% or trans#erring o# one element% or #orm o# energy% into another.L
The emotion o# se8 brings into being a state o# mind.
Because o# ignorance on the sub;ect% this state o# mind is generally
associated with the physical% and because o# improper in#luences% to which most
people ha0e been sub;ected% in acNuiring knowledge o# se8% things essentially
physical ha0e highly biased the mind.
The emotion o# se8 has back o# it the possibility o# three constructi0e
potentialities% they are:M
*. The perpetuation o# mankind.
.. The maintenance o# health% <as a therapeutic agency% it has no eNual=.
,. The trans#ormation o# mediocrity into genius through transmutation.
$e8 transmutation is simple and easily e8plained. 1t means the switching
o# the mind #rom thoughts o# physical e8pression% to thoughts o# some other
$e8 desire is the most power#ul o# human desires. 4hen dri0en by this
desire% men de0elop keenness o# imagination% courage% will-power% persistence%
and creati0e ability unknown to them at other times. $o strong and impelling is
the desire #or se8ual contact that men #reely run the risk o# li#e and reputation to
indulge it. 4hen harnessed% and redirected along other lines% this moti0ating
#orce maintains all o# its attributes o# keenness o# imagination% courage% etc.%
which may be used as power#ul creati0e #orces in literature% art% or in any other
pro#ession or calling% including% o# course% the accumulation o# riches.
The transmutation o# se8 energy calls #or the e8ercise o# will-power% to be
sure% but the reward is worth the e##ort. The desire #or se8ual e8pression is inborn
and natural. The desire cannot% and should not be submerged or eliminated. But
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it should be gi0en an outlet through #orms o# e8pression which enrich the body%
mind% and spirit o# man. 1# not gi0en this #orm o# outlet% through transmutation%
it will seek outlets through purely physical channels.
' ri0er may be dammed% and its water controlled #or a time% but
e0entually% it will #orce an outlet. The same is true o# the emotion o# se8. 1t may
be submerged and controlled #or a time% but its 0ery nature causes it to be e0er
seeking means o# e8pression. 1# it is not transmuted into some creati0e e##ort it
will #ind a less worthy outlet.
Fortunate% indeed% is the person who has disco0ered how to gi0e se8
emotion an outlet through some #orm o# creati0e e##ort% #or he has% by that
disco0ery% li#ted himsel# to the status o# a genius.
$cienti#ic research has disclosed these signi#icant #acts:
*. The men o# greatest achie0ement are men with highly de0eloped se8
natures" men who ha0e learned the art o# se8 transmutation.
.. The men who ha0e accumulated great #ortunes and achie0ed
outstanding recognition in literature% art% industry% architecture% and the
pro#essions% were moti0ated by the in#luence o# a woman.
The research #rom which these astounding disco0eries were made% went
back through the pages o# biography and history #or more than two thousand
years. 4here0er there was e0idence a0ailable in connection with the li0es o# men
and women o# great achie0ement% it indicated most con0incingly that they
possessed highly de0eloped se8 natures.
The emotion o# se8 is an Lirresistible #orce%L against which there can be no
such opposition as an Limmo0able body.L 4hen dri0en by this emotion% men
become gi#ted with a super power #or action. :nderstand this truth% and you will
catch the signi#icance o# the statement that se8 transmutation will li#t one to the
status o# a genius.
The emotion o# se8 contains the secret o# creati0e ability.
Destroy the se8 glands% whether in man or beast% and you ha0e remo0ed
the ma;or source o# action. For proo# o# this% obser0e what happens to any animal
a#ter it has been castrated. ' bull becomes as docile as a cow a#ter it has been
altered se8ually. $e8 alteration takes out o# the male% whether man or beast% all
the F1(!T that was in him. $e8 alteration o# the #emale has the same e##ect.
T!E TE A1D $T1A:@1
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The human mind responds to stimuli% through which it may be Lkeyed upL
to high rates o# 0ibration% known as enthusiasm% creati0e imagination% intense
desire% etc. The stimuli to which the mind responds most #reely are:M
*. The desire #or se8 e8pression
.. @o0e
,. ' burning desire #or #ame% power% or #inancial gain% A3E9
C. Ausic
H. Friendship between either those o# the same se8% or those o# the
opposite se8.
D. ' Aaster Aind alliance based upon the harmony o# two or more people
who ally themsel0es #or spiritual or temporal ad0ancement.
-. Autual su##ering% such as that e8perienced by people who are
B. 'uto-suggestion
+. Fear
*/. arcotics and alcohol.
The desire #or se8 e8pression comes at the head o# the list o# stimuli% which
most e##ecti0ely LstepupL the 0ibrations o# the mind and start the LwheelsL o#
physical action. Eight o# these stimuli are natural and constructi0e. Two are
destructi0e. The list is here presented #or the purpose o# enabling you to make a
comparati0e study o# the ma;or sources o# mind stimulation. From this study% it
will be readily seen that the emotion o# se8 is% by great odds% the most intense
and power#ul o# all mind stimuli.
This comparison is necessary as a #oundation #or proo# o# the statement
that transmutation o# se8 energy may li#t one to the status o# a genius. @et us #ind
out what constitutes a genius.
$ome wiseacre has said that a genius is a man who Lwears long hair% eats
Nueer #ood% li0es alone% and ser0es as a target #or the ;oke makers.L ' better
de#inition o# a genius is% La man who has disco0ered how to increase the
0ibrations o# thought to the point where he can #reely communicate with sources
o# knowledge not a0ailable through the ordinary rate o# 0ibration o# thought.L
The person who thinks will want to ask some Nuestions concerning this
de#inition o# genius. The #irst Nuestion will be% L!ow may one communicate with
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sources o# knowledge which are not a0ailable through the 3RD1'R9 rate o#
0ibration o# thoughtFL
The ne8t Nuestion will be% L're there known sources o# knowledge which
are a0ailable only to genii% and i# so% 4!'T 'RE T!E$E $3:R5E$% and e8actly
how may they be reachedFL
4e shall o##er proo# o# the soundness o# some o# the more important
statements made in this bookM or at least we shall o##er e0idence through which
you may secure your own proo# through e8perimentation% and in doing so% we
shall answer both o# these Nuestions.
L(E1:$L 1$ DE>E@3PED T!R3:(! T!E
$1IT! $E$E
The reality o# a Lsi8th senseL has been #airly well established. This si8th
sense is L5reati0e 1magination.L The #aculty o# creati0e imagination is one which
the ma;ority o# people ne0er use during an entire li#etime% and i# used at all% it
usually happens by mere accident. ' relati0ely small number o# people use%
41T! DE@1BER'T13 'D P:RP3$E 'F3RET!3:(!T% the #aculty o#
creati0e imagination. Those who use this #aculty 0oluntarily% and with
understanding o# its #unctions% are (E11.
The #aculty o# creati0e imagination is the direct link between the #inite
mind o# man and 1n#inite 1ntelligence. 'll so-called re0elations% re#erred to in the
realm o# religion% and all disco0eries o# basic or new principles in the #ield o#
in0ention% take place through the #aculty o# creati0e imagination.
4hen ideas or concepts #lash into oneJs mind% through what is popularly
called a Lhunch%L they come #rom one or more o# the #ollowing sources:M
*. 1n#inite 1ntelligence
.. 3neJs subconscious mind% wherein is stored e0ery sense
impression and thought impulse which e0er reached the brain
through any o# the #i0e senses
,. From the mind o# some other person who has ;ust released the
thought% or picture o# the idea or concept% through conscious
thought% or
C. From the other personJs subconscious storehouse.
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There are no other 234 sources #rom which LinspiredL ideas or
LhunchesL may be recei0ed.
The creati0e imagination #unctions best when the mind is 0ibrating <due
to some #orm o# mind stimulation= at an e8ceedingly high rate. That is% when the
mind is #unctioning at a rate o# 0ibration higher than that o# ordinary% normal
4hen brain action has been stimulated% through one or more o# the ten
mind stimulants% it has the e##ect o# li#ting the indi0idual #ar abo0e the hori7on o#
ordinary thought% and permits him to en0ision distance% scope% and Nuality o#
T!3:(!T$ not a0ailable on the lower plane% such as that occupied while one is
engaged in the solution o# the problems o# business and pro#essional routine.
4hen li#ted to this higher le0el o# thought% through any #orm o# mind
stimulation% an indi0idual occupies% relati0ely% the same position as one who has
ascended in an airplane to a height #rom which he may see o0er and beyond the
hori7on line which limits his 0ision% while on the ground. Aoreo0er% while on
this higher le0el o# thought% the indi0idual is not hampered or bound by any o#
the stimuli which circumscribe and limit his 0ision while wrestling with the
problems o# gaining the three basic necessities o# #ood% clothing% and shelter. !e
is in a world o# thought in which the 3RD1'R9% work-a-day thoughts ha0e
been as e##ecti0ely remo0ed as are the hills and 0alleys and other limitations o#
physical 0ision% when he rises in an airplane.
4hile on this e8alted plane o# T!3:(!T% the creati0e #aculty o# the mind
is gi0en #reedom #or action. The way has been cleared #or the si8th sense to
#unction% it becomes recepti0e to ideas which could not reach the indi0idual
under any other circumstances. The Lsi8th senseL is the #aculty which marks the
di##erence between a genius and an ordinary indi0idual.
The creati0e #aculty becomes more alert and recepti0e to 0ibrations%
originating outside the indi0idualJs subconscious mind% the more this #aculty is
used% and the more the indi0idual relies upon it% and makes demands upon it #or
thought impulses. This #aculty can be culti0ated and de0eloped only through
That which is known as ones conscience operates entirely through the
#aculty o# the si8th sense.
The great artists% writers% musicians% and poets become great% because they
acNuire the habit o# relying upon the Lstill small 0oiceL which speaks #rom within%
through the #aculty o# creati0e imagination. 1t is a #act well known to people who
ha0e LkeenL imaginations that their best ideas come through so-called Lhunches.L
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There is a great orator who does not attain to greatness% until he closes his
eyes and begins to rely entirely upon the #aculty o# 5reati0e 1magination. 4hen
asked why he closed his eyes ;ust be#ore the clima8es o# his oratory% he replied% L1
do it% because% then 1 speak through ideas which come to me #rom within.L
3ne o# 'mericaJs most success#ul and best known #inanciers #ollowed the
habit o# closing his eyes #or two or three minutes be#ore making a decision.
4hen asked why he did this% he replied% L4ith my eyes closed% 1 am able
to draw upon a source o# superior intelligence.L
The late Dr. Elmer R. (ates% o# 5he0y 5hase% Aaryland% created more than
.// use#ul patents% many o# them basic% through the process o# culti0ating and
using the creati0e #aculty. !is method is both signi#icant and interesting to one
interested in attaining to the status o# genius% in which category Dr. (ates%
unNuestionably belonged. Dr. (ates was one o# the really great% though less
publici7ed scientists o# the world.
1n his laboratory% he had what he called his Lpersonal communication
room.L 1t was practically sound proo#% and so arranged that all light could be shut
out. 1t was eNuipped with a small table% on which he kept a pad o# writing paper.
1n #ront o# the table% on the wall% was an electric pushbutton% which controlled the
lights. 4hen Dr. (ates desired to draw upon the #orces a0ailable to him through
his 5reati0e 1magination% he would go into this room% seat himsel# at the table%
shut o## the lights% and 535ETR'TE upon the 234 #actors o# the
in0ention on which he was working% remaining in that position until ideas began
to L#lashL into his mind in connection with the :234 #actors o# the
3n one occasion% ideas came through so #ast that he was #orced to write
#or almost three hours. 4hen the thoughts stopped #lowing% and he e8amined his
notes% he #ound they contained a minute description o# principles which bad not
a parallel among the known data o# the scienti#ic world.
Aoreo0er% the answer to his problem was intelligently presented in those
notes. 1n this manner Dr. (ates completed o0er .// patents% which had been
begun% but not completed% by Lhal#-bakedL brains. E0idence o# the truth o# this
statement is in the :nited $tates Patent 3##ice.
Dr. (ates earned his li0ing by Lsitting #or ideasL #or indi0iduals and
corporations. $ome o# the largest corporations in 'merica paid him substantial
#ees% by the hour% #or Lsitting #or ideas.L
The reasoning #aculty is o#ten #aulty% because it is largely guided by oneJs
accumulated e8perience. ot all knowledge% which one accumulates through
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Le8perience%L is accurate. 1deas recei0ed through the creati0e #aculty are much
more reliable% #or the reason that they come #rom sources more reliable than any
which are a0ailable to the reasoning #aculty o# the mind.
The ma;or di##erence between the genius and the ordinary LcrankL
in0entor% may be #ound in the #act that the genius works through his #aculty o#
creati0e imagination% while the LcrankL knows nothing o# this #aculty. The
scienti#ic in0entor <such as Ar. Edison% and Dr. (ates=% makes use o# both the
synthetic and the creati0e #aculties o# imagination.
For e8ample% the scienti#ic in0entor% or Lgenius% begins an in0ention by
organi7ing and combining the known ideas% or principles accumulated through
e8perience% through the synthetic #aculty <the reasoning #aculty=. 1# he #inds this
accumulated knowledge to be insu##icient #or the completion o# his in0ention% he
then draws upon the sources o# knowledge a0ailable to him through his creative
#aculty. The method by which he does this 0aries with the indi0idual% but this is
the sum and substance o# his procedure:
*. !E $T1A:@'TE$ !1$ A1D $3 T!'T 1T >1BR'TE$ 3 ' !1(!ER-
T!'-'>ER'(E P@'E% using one or more o# the ten mind stimulants or
some other stimulant o# his choice.
.. !E 535ETR'TE$ upon the known #actors <the #inished part= o# his
in0ention% and creates in his mind a per#ect picture o# unknown #actors <the
un#inished part=% o# his in0ention. !e holds this picture in mind until it has been
taken o0er by the subconscious mind% then rela8es by clearing his mind o# '@@
thought% and waits #or his answer to L#lashL into his mind.
$ometimes the results are both de#inite and immediate. 't other times% the
results are negati0e% depending upon the state o# de0elopment o# the Lsi8th
sense%L or creati0e #aculty.
Ar. Edison tried out more than */%/// di##erent combinations o# ideas
through the synthetic #aculty o# his imagination be#ore he Ltuned inL through the
creati0e #aculty% and got the answer which per#ected the incandescent light. !is
e8perience was similar when he produced the talking machine.
There is plenty o# reliable e0idence that the #aculty o# creati0e imagination
e8ists. This e0idence is a0ailable through accurate analysis o# men who ha0e
become leaders in their respecti0e callings% without ha0ing had e8tensi0e
educations. @incoln was a notable e8ample o# a great leader who achie0ed
greatness% through the disco0ery% and use o# his #aculty o# creati0e imagination.
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!e disco0ered% and began to use this #aculty as the result o# the stimulation o#
lo0e which he e8perienced a#ter he met 'nne Rutledge% a statement o# the
highest signi#icance% in connection with the study o# the source o# genius.
The pages o# history are #illed with the records o# great leaders whose
achie0ements may be traced directly to the in#luence o# women who aroused the
creati0e #aculties o# their minds% through the stimulation o# se8 desire. apoleon
Bonaparte was one o# these. 4hen inspired by his #irst wi#e% Oosephine% he was
irresistible and in0incible. 4hen his Lbetter ;udgmentL or reasoning #aculty
prompted him to put Oosephine aside% he began to decline. !is de#eat and $t.
!elena were not #ar distant.
1# good taste would permit% we might easily mention scores o# men% well
known to the 'merican people% who climbed to great heights o# achie0ement
under the stimulating in#luence o# their wi0es% only to drop back to destruction
'FTER money and power went to their heads% and they put aside the old wi#e
#or a new one. apoleon was not the only man to disco0er that se8 in#luence%
#rom the right source% is more power#ul than any substitute o# e8pediency% which
may be created by mere reason.
The human mind responds to stimulationP
'mong the greatest% and most power#ul o# these stimuli is the urge o# se8.
4hen harnessed and transmuted% this dri0ing #orce is capable o# li#ting men into
that higher sphere o# thought which enables them to master the sources o# worry
and petty annoyance which beset their pathway on the lower plane.
:n#ortunately% only the genii ha0e made the disco0ery. 3thers ha0e
accepted the e8perience o# se8 urge% without disco0ering one o# its ma;or
potentialitiesM a #act which accounts #or the great number o# LothersL as
compared to the limited number o# genii.
For the purpose o# re#reshing the memory% in connection with the #acts
a0ailable #rom the biographies o# certain men% we here present the names o# a
#ew men o# outstanding achie0ement% each o# whom was known to ha0e been o#
a highly se8ed nature. The genius which was theirJs% undoubtedly #ound its
source o# power in transmuted se8 energy:
(E3R(E 4'$!1(T3
'P3@E3 B3'P'RTE
41@@1'A $!'2E$PE'RE
'BR'!'A @153@
R'@P! 4'@D3 EAER$3
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E@BERT !. ('R9
3$5'R 41@DE
433DR34 41@$3
O3! !. P'TTER$3
'DRE4 O'52$3
ER153 5'R:$3
9our own knowledge o# biography will enable you to add to this list.
Find% i# you can% a single man% in all history o# ci0ili7ation% who achie0ed
outstanding success in any calling% who was not dri0en by a well de0eloped se8
1# you do not wish to rely upon biographies o# men not now li0ing% take
in0entory o# those whom you know to be men o# great achie0ement% and see i#
you can #ind one among them who is not highly se8ed.
$e8 energy is the creati0e energy o# all genii. .here never has been, and never
will be a reat leader, builder, or artist lackin in this drivin force of se2/
$urely no one will misunderstand these statements to mean that '@@ who
are highly se8ed are geniiP Aan attains to the status o# a genius 3@9 when% and
1F% he stimulates his mind so that it draws upon the #orces a0ailable% through the
creati0e #aculty o# the imagination. 5hie# among the stimuli with which this
Lstepping upL o# the 0ibrations may be produced is se8 energy. The mere
possession o# this energy is not su##icient to produce a genius. The energy must be
transmuted #rom desire #or physical contact% into some other #orm o# desire and
action% be#ore it will li#t one to the status o# a genius.
Far #rom becoming genii% because o# great se8 desires% the ma;ority o# men
lower themsel0es% through misunderstanding and misuse o# this great #orce% to
the status o# the lower animals.
WH' ).N *.LDO) *(CC..D !./OR. /ORT'
1 disco0ered% #rom the analysis o# o0er .H%/// people% that men who
succeed in an outstanding way% seldom do so be#ore the age o# #orty% and more
o#ten they do not strike their real pace until they are well beyond the age o# #i#ty.
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This #act was so astounding that it prompted me to go into the study o# its cause
most care#ully% carrying the in0estigation o0er a period o# more than twel0e
This study disclosed the #act that the ma;or reason why the ma;ority o#
men who succeed do not begin to do so be#ore the age o# #orty to #i#ty% is their
tendency to D1$$1P'TE their energies through o0er indulgence in physical
e8pression o# the emotion o# se8. The ma;ority o# men never learn that the urge o#
se8 has other possibilities% which #ar transcend in importance% that o# mere
physical e8pression. The ma;ority o# those who make this disco0ery% do so after
havin wasted many years at a period when the se8 energy is at its height% prior to
the age o# #orty-#i0e to #i#ty. This usually is #ollowed by noteworthy achie0ement.
The li0es o# many men up to% and sometimes well past the age o# #orty%
re#lect a continued dissipation o# energies% which could ha0e been more
pro#itably turned into better channels. Their #iner and more power#ul emotions
are sown wildly to the #our winds. 3ut o# this habit o# the male% grew the term%
Lsowing his wild oats.L
The desire #or se8ual e8pression is by #ar the strongest and most impelling
o# all the human emotions% and #or this 0ery reason this desire% when harnessed
and transmuted into action% other than that o# physical e8pression% may raise one
to the status o# a genius.
3ne o# 'mericaJs most able business men #rankly admitted that his
attracti0e secretary was responsible #or most o# the plans he created. !e admitted
that her presence li#ted him to heights o# creati0e imagination% such as he could
e8perience under no other stimulus.
3ne o# the most success#ul men in 'merica owes most o# his success to the
in#luence o# a 0ery charming young woman% who has ser0ed as his source o#
inspiration #or more than twel0e years. E0eryone knows the man to whom this
re#erence is made% but not e0eryone knows the RE'@ $3:R5E o# his
!istory is not lacking in e8amples o# men who attained to the status o#
genii% as the result o# the use o# arti#icial mind stimulants in the #orm o# alcohol
and narcotics. Edgar 'llen Poe wrote the LRa0enL while under the in#luence o#
liNuor% Ldreaming dreams that mortal ne0er dared to dream be#ore.L Oames
4hitcomb Riley did his best writing while under the in#luence o# alcohol.
Perhaps it was thus he saw Lthe ordered intermingling o# the real and the dream%
the mill abo0e the ri0er% and the mist abo0e the stream.L Robert Burns wrote best
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when into8icated% LFor 'uld @ang $yne% my dear% weJll take a cup o# kindness
yet% #or 'uld @ang $yne.L
But let it be remembered that many such men ha0e destroyed themsel0es
in the end. ature has prepared her own potions with which men may sa#ely
stimulate their minds so they 0ibrate on a plane that enables them to tune in to
#ine and rare thoughts which come #romM no man knows whereP o satis#actory
substitute #or atureJs stimulants has e0er been #ound.
1t is a #act well known to psychologists that there is a 0ery close
relationship between se8 desires and spiritual urgesM a #act which accounts #or
the peculiar beha0ior o# people who participate in the orgies known as religious
Lre0i0als%L common among the primiti0e types.
The world is ruled% and the destiny o# ci0ili7ation is established% by the
human emotions. People are in#luenced in their actions% not by reason so much as
by L#eelings.L The creati0e #aculty o# the mind is set into action entirely by
emotions% and not by cold reason. The most power#ul o# all human emotions is that
o# se8. There are other mind stimulants% some o# which ha0e been listed% but no
one o# them% nor all o# them combined% can eNual the dri0ing power o# se8.
' mind stimulant is any in#luence which will either temporarily% or
permanently% increase the 0ibrations o# thought. The ten ma;or stimulants%
described% are those most commonly resorted to. Through these sources one may
commune with 1n#inite 1ntelligence% or enter% at will% the storehouse o# the
subconscious mind% either oneJs own% or that o# another person% a procedure
which is all there is of enius.
' teacher% who has trained and directed the e##orts o# more than ,/%///
sales people% made the astounding disco0ery that highly se8ed men are the most
e##icient salesmen. The e8planation is% that the #actor o# personality known as
Lpersonal magnetismL is nothing more nor less than se8 energy. !ighly se8ed
people always ha0e a plenti#ul supply o# magnetism. Through culti0ation and
understanding% this 0ital #orce may be drawn upon and used to great ad0antage
in the relationships between people. This energy may be communicated to others
through the #ollowing media:
*. The hand-shake. The touch o# the hand indicates% instantly% the presence o#
magnetism% or the lack o# it.
.. The tone o# 0oice. Aagnetism% or se8 energy% is the #actor with which the
0oice may be colored% or made musical and charming.
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,. Posture and carriage o# the body. !ighly se8ed people mo0e briskly% and
with grace and ease.
C. The 0ibrations o# thought. !ighly se8ed people mi8 the emotion o# se8
with their thoughts% or may do so at will% and in that way% may in#luence those
around them.
H. Body adornment. People who are highly se8ed are usually 0ery care#ul
about their personal appearance. They usually select clothing o# a style becoming
to their personality% physiNue% comple8ion% etc.
4hen employing salesmen% the more capable sales manager looks #or the
Nuality o# personal magnetism as the first re*uirement o# a salesman. People who
lack se8 energy will ne0er become enthusiastic nor inspire others with
enthusiasm% and enthusiasm is one o# the most important reNuisites in
salesmanship% no matter what one is selling.
The public speaker% orator% preacher% lawyer% or salesman who is lacking
in se8 energy is a L#lop%L as #ar as being able to in#luence others is concerned.
5ouple with this the #act% that most people can be in#luenced only through an
appeal to their emotions% and you will understand the importance o# se8 energy
as a part o# the salesmanJs nati0e ability. Aaster salesmen attain the status o#
mastery in selling% because they% either consciously% or unconsciously% transmute
the energy o# se8 into $'@E$ ET!:$1'$AP 1n this statement may be #ound a
0ery practical suggestion as to the actual meaning o# se8 transmutation.
The salesman who knows how to take his mind o## the sub;ect o# se8% and
direct it in sales e##ort with as much enthusiasm and determination as he would
apply to its original purpose% has acNuired the art o# se8 transmutation% whether
he knows it or not. The ma;ority o# salesmen who transmute their se8 energy do
so without being in the least aware o# what they are doing% or how they are doing
Transmutation o# se8 energy calls #or more will power than the a0erage
person cares to use #or this purpose. Those who #ind it di##icult to summon will-
power su##icient #or transmutation% may gradually acNuire this ability. Though
this reNuires will-power% the reward #or the practice is more than worth the
The entire sub;ect o# se8 is one with which the ma;ority o# people appear
to be unpardonably ignorant. The urge o# se8 has been grossly misunderstood%
slandered% and burlesNued by the ignorant and the e0il minded% #or so long that
the 0ery word se8 is seldom used in polite society. Aen and women who are
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known to be blessedM yes% B@E$$EDMwith highly se8ed natures% are usually
looked upon as being people who will bear watching. 1nstead o# being called
blessed% they are usually called cursed.
Aillions o# people% e0en in this age o# enlightenment% ha0e in#eriority
comple8es which they de0eloped because o# this #alse belie# that a highly se8ed
nature is a curse. These statements% o# the 0irtue o# se8 energy% should not be
construed as ;usti#ication #or the libertine. The emotion o# se8 is a 0irtue 3@9
when used intelligently% and with discrimination. 1t may be misused% and o#ten
is% to such an e8tent that it debases% instead o# enriches% both body and mind. The
better use o# this power is the burden o# this chapter.
1t seemed Nuite signi#icant to the author% when he made the disco0ery that
practically e0ery great leader% whom he had the pri0ilege o# analy7ing% was a
man whose achie0ements were largely inspired by a woman. 1n many instances%
the Lwoman in the caseL was a modest% sel#-denying wi#e% o# whom the public
had heard but little or nothing. 1n a #ew instances% the source o# inspiration has
been traced to the Lother woman.L Perhaps such cases may not be entirely
unknown to you.
1ntemperance in se8 habits is ;ust as detrimental as intemperance in habits
o# drinking and eating. 1n this age in which we li0e% an age which began with the
world war% intemperance in habits o# se8 is common. This orgy o# indulgence
may account #or the shortage o# great leaders. o man can a0ail himsel# o# the
#orces o# his creati0e imagination% while dissipating them. Aan is the only
creature on earth which 0iolates atureJs purpose in this connection. E0ery other
animal indulges its se8 nature in moderation% and with purpose which
harmoni7es with the laws o# nature. E0ery other animal responds to the call o#
se8 only in Lseason.L AanJs inclination is to declare Lopen season.L
E0ery intelligent person knows that stimulation in e8cess% through
alcoholic drink and narcotics% is a #orm o# intemperance which destroys the 0ital
organs o# the body% including the brain. ot e0ery person knows% howe0er% that
o0er indulgence in se8 e8pression may become a habit as destructi0e and as
detrimental to creati0e e##ort as narcotics or liNuor.
' se8-mad man is not essentially di##erent than a dope-mad manP Both
ha0e lost control o0er their #aculties o# reason and will-power. $e8ual
o0erindulgence may not only destroy reason and will-power% but it may also
lead to either temporary% or permanent insanity. Aany cases o# hypochondria
<imaginary illness= grow out o# habits de0eloped in ignorance o# the true
#unction o# se8.
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From these brie# re#erences to the sub;ect% it may be readily seen that
ignorance on the sub;ect o# se8 transmutation% #orces stupendous penalties upon
the ignorant on the one hand% and withholds #rom them eNually stupendous
bene#its% on the other.
4idespread ignorance on the sub;ect o# se8 is due to the #act that the
sub;ect has been surrounded with mystery and beclouded by dark silence. The
conspiracy o# mystery and silence has had the same e##ect upon the minds o#
young people that the psychology o# prohibition had. The result has been
increased curiosity% and desire to acNuire more knowledge on this L0erbotenL
sub;ect" and to the shame o# all lawmakers% and most physiciansM by training
best Nuali#ied to educate youth on that sub;ect-in#ormation has not been easily
$eldom does an indi0idual enter upon highly creati0e e##ort in any #ield o#
endea0or be#ore the age o# #orty. The a0erage man reaches the period o# his
greatest capacity to create between #orty and si8ty. These statements are based
upon analysis o# thousands o# men and women who ha0e been care#ully
obser0ed. They should be encouraging to those who #ail to arri0e be#ore the age
o# #orty% and to those who become #rightened at the approach o# Lold age%L
around the #orty-year mark. The years between #orty and #i#ty are% as a rule% the
most #ruit#ul. Aan should approach this age% not with #ear and trembling% but
with hope and eager anticipation.
1# you want e0idence that most men do not begin to do their best work
be#ore the age o# #orty% study the records o# the most success#ul men known to
the 'merican people% and you will #ind it. !enry Ford had not Lhit his paceL o#
achie0ement until he had passed the age o# #orty. 'ndrew 5arnegie was well
past #orty be#ore he began to reap the reward o# his e##orts. Oames O. !ill was still
running a telegraph key at the age o# #orty. !is stupendous achie0ements took
place a#ter that age. Biographies o# 'merican industrialists and #inanciers are
#illed with e0idence that the period #rom #orty to si8ty is the most producti0e age
o# man.
Between the ages o# thirty and #orty% man begins to learn <i# he e0er
learns=% the art o# se8 transmutation. This disco0ery is generally accidental% and
more o#ten than otherwise% the man who makes it is totally unconscious o# his
disco0ery. !e may obser0e that his powers o# achie0ement ha0e increased
around the age o# thirty-#i0e to #orty% but in most cases% he is not #amiliar with the
cause o# this change" that ature begins to harmoni7e the emotions o# lo0e and
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se8 in the indi0idual% between the ages o# thirty and #orty% so that he may draw
upon these great #orces% and apply them ;ointly as stimuli to action.
$e8% alone% is a mighty urge to action% but its #orces are like a cycloneM
they are o#ten uncontrollable. 4hen the emotion o# lo0e begins to mi8 itsel# with
the emotion o# se8% the result is calmness o# purpose% poise% accuracy o#
;udgment% and balance. 4hat person% who has attained to the age o# #orty% is so
un#ortunate as to be unable to analy7e these statements% and to corroborate them
by his own e8perienceF
4hen dri0en by his desire to please a woman% based solely upon the
emotion o# se8% a man may be% and usually is% capable o# great achie0ement% but
his actions may be disorgani7ed% distorted% and totally destructi0e. 4hen dri0en
by his desire to please a woman% based upon the moti0e o# se8 alone% a man may
steal% cheat% and e0en commit murder. But when the emotion o# @3>E is mi8ed
with the emotion o# se8% that same man will guide his actions with more sanity%
balance% and reason.
5riminologists ha0e disco0ered that the most hardened criminals can be
re#ormed through the in#luence o# a womanJs love. There is no record o# a
criminal ha0ing been re#ormed solely through the se8 in#luence. These #acts are
well known% but their cause is not. Re#ormation comes% i# at all% through the heart%
or the emotional side o# man% not through his head% or reasoning side.
Re#ormation means% La change o# heart.L 1t does not mean a Lchange o# head.L '
man may% because o# reason% make certain changes in his personal conduct to
a0oid the conseNuences o# undesirable e##ects% but (E:1E REF3RA'T13
comes only through a change o# heartMthrough a DE$1RE to change.
@o0e% Romance% and $e8 are all emotions capable o# dri0ing men to
heights o# super achie0ement. @o0e is the emotion which ser0es as a sa#ety 0al0e%
and insures balance% poise% and constructi0e e##ort. 4hen combined% these three
emotions may li#t one to an altitude o# a genius. There are genii% howe0er% who
know but little o# the emotion o# lo0e. Aost o# them may be #ound engaged in
some #orm o# action which is destructi0e% or at least% not based upon ;ustice and
#airness toward others. 1# good taste would permit% a do7en genii could be named
in the #ield o# industry and #inance% who ride ruthlessly o0er the rights o# their
#ellow men. They seem totally lacking in conscience. The reader can easily
supply his own list o# such men.
The emotions are states o# mind. ature has pro0ided man with a
Lchemistry o# the mindL which operates in a manner similar to the principles o#
chemistry o# matter. 1t is a well known #act that% through the aid o# chemistry o#
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matter% a chemist may create a deadly poison by mi8ing certain elements% none o#
which areM in themsel0esM harm#ul in the right proportions. The emotions
may% likewise% be combined so as to create a deadly poison. The emotions o# se8
and ;ealousy% when mi8ed% may turn a person into an insane beast.
The presence o# any one or more o# the destructi0e emotions in the human
mind% through the chemistry o# the mind% sets up a poison which may destroy
oneJs sense o# ;ustice and #airness. 1n e8treme cases% the presence o# any
combination o# these emotions in the mind may destroy oneJs reason.
The road to genius consists o# the de0elopment% control% and use o# se8%
lo0e% and romance. Brie#ly% the process may be stated as #ollows:
Encourage the presence o# these emotions as the dominating thoughts in
oneJs mind% and discourage the presence o# all the destructi0e emotions. The
mind is a creature o# habit. 1t thri0es upon the dominatin thoughts #ed it.
Through the #aculty o# will-power% one may discourage the presence o# any
emotion% and encourage the presence o# any other. 5ontrol o# the mind% through
the power o# will% is not di##icult. 5ontrol comes #rom persistence% and habit. The
secret o# control lies in understanding the process o# transmutation. 4hen any
negati0e emotion presents itsel# in oneJs mind% it can be transmuted into a
positi0e% or constructi0e emotion% by the simple procedure o# changing oneJs
T!ERE 1$ 3 3T!ER R3'D T3 (E1:$ T!' T!R3:(!
>3@:T'R9 $E@F EFF3RTP ' man may attain to great heights o# #inancial or
business achie0ement% solely by the dri0ing #orce o# se8 energy% but history is
#illed with e0idence that he may% and usually does% carry with him certain traits
o# character which rob him o# the ability to either hold% or en;oy his #ortune. This
is worthy o# analysis% thought% and meditation% #or it states a truth% the
knowledge o# which may be help#ul to women as well as men. 1gnorance o# this
has cost thousands o# people their pri0ilege o# !'PP1E$$% e0en though they
possessed riches.
The emotions o# lo0e and se8 lea0e their unmistakable marks upon the
#eatures. Aoreo0er% these signs are so 0isible% that all who wish may read them.
The man who is dri0en by the storm o# passion% based upon se8 desires alone%
plainly ad0ertises that #act to the entire world% by the e8pression o# his eyes% and
the lines o# his #ace. The emotion o# lo0e% when mi8ed with the emotion o# se8%
so#tens% modi#ies% and beauti#ies the #acial e8pression. o character analyst is
needed to tell you thisMyou may obser0e it #or yoursel#.
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The emotion o# lo0e brings out% and de0elops% the artistic and the aesthetic
nature o# man. 1t lea0es its impress upon oneJs 0ery soul% e0en a#ter the #ire has
been subdued by time and circumstance.
Aemories o# lo0e ne0er pass. They linger% guide% and in#luence long a#ter
the source o# stimulation has #aded. There is nothing new in this. E0ery person%
who has been mo0ed by (E:1E @3>E% knows that it lea0es enduring traces
upon the human heart. The e##ect o# lo0e endures% because lo0e is spiritual in
nature. The man who cannot be stimulated to great heights o# achie0ement by
lo0e% is hopelessMhe is dead% though he may seem to li0e.
E0en the memories o# lo0e are su##icient to li#t one to a higher plane o#
creati0e e##ort. The ma;or #orce o# lo0e may spend itsel# and pass away% like a #ire
which has burned itsel# out% but it lea0es behind indelible marks as e0idence that
it passed that way. 1ts departure o#ten prepares the human heart #or a still greater
(o back into your yesterdays% at times% and bathe your mind in the
beauti#ul memories o# past lo0e. 1t will so#ten the in#luence o# the present worries
and annoyances. 1t will gi0e you a source o# escape #rom the unpleasant realities
o# li#e% and maybeMwho knowsFMyour mind will yield to you% during this
temporary retreat into the world o# #antasy% ideas% or plans which may change
the entire #inancial or spiritual status o# your li#e.
1# you belie0e yoursel# un#ortunate% because you ha0e Llo0ed and lost%L
perish the thought. 3ne who has lo0ed truly% can ne0er lose entirely. @o0e is
whimsical and temperamental. 1ts nature is ephemeral% and transitory. 1t comes
when it pleases% and goes away without warning. 'ccept and en;oy it while it
remains% but spend no time worrying about its departure. 4orry will ne0er bring
it back.
Dismiss% also% the thought that lo0e ne0er comes but once. @o0e may come
and go% times without number% but there are no two lo0e e8periences which
a##ect one in ;ust the same way. There may be% and there usually is% one lo0e
e8perience which lea0es a deeper imprint on the heart than all the others% but all
lo0e e8periences are bene#icial% e8cept to the person who becomes resent#ul and
cynical when lo0e makes its departure.
There should be no disappointment o0er lo0e% and there would be none i#
people understood the di##erence between the emotions o# lo0e and se8. The
ma;or di##erence is that lo0e is spiritual% while se8 is biological. o e8perience%
which touches the human heart with a spiritual #orce% can possibly be harm#ul%
e8cept through ignorance% or ;ealousy.
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@o0e is% without Nuestion% li#eJs greatest e8perience. 1t brings one into
communion with 1n#inite 1ntelligence. 4hen mi8ed with the emotions o#
romance and se8% it may lead one #ar up the ladder o# creati0e e##ort. The
emotions o# lo0e% se8% and romance% are sides o# the eternal triangle o#
achie0ement-building genius. ature creates genii through no other #orce.
@o0e is an emotion with many sides% shades% and colors. The lo0e which
one #eels #or parents% or children is Nuite di##erent #rom that which one #eels #or
oneJs sweetheart. The one is mi8ed with the emotion o# se8% while the other is
The lo0e which one #eels in true #riendship is not the same as that #elt #or
oneJs sweetheart% parents% or children% but it% too% is a #orm o# lo0e.
Then% there is the emotion o# lo0e #or things inanimate% such as the lo0e o#
atureJs handiwork. But the most intense and burning o# all these 0arious kinds
o# lo0e% is that e8perienced in the blending o# the emotions o# lo0e and se8.
Aarriages% not blessed with the eternal a##inity o# lo0e% properly balanced and
proportioned% with se8% cannot be happy onesMand seldom endure. @o0e% alone%
will not bring happiness in marriage% nor will se8 alone. 4hen these two
beauti#ul emotions are blended% marriage may bring about a state o# mind%
closest to the spiritual that one may e0er know on this earthly plane.
4hen the emotion o# romance is added to those o# lo0e and se8% the
obstructions between the #inite mind o# man and 1n#inite 1ntelligence are
Then a genius has been bornP
4hat a di##erent story is this% than those usually associated with the
emotion o# se8. !ere is an interpretation o# the emotion which li#ts it out o# the
commonplace% and makes o# it potterJs clay in the hands o# (od% #rom which !e
#ashions all that is beauti#ul and inspiring. 1t is an interpretation which would%
when properly understood% bring harmony out o# the chaos which e8ists in too
many marriages. The disharmonies o#ten e8pressed in the #orm o# nagging% may
usually be traced to lack of knowlede on the sub;ect o# se8. 4here lo0e% romance
and the proper understanding o# the emotion and #unction o# se8 abide% there is
no disharmony between married people.
Fortunate is the husband whose wi#e understands the true relationship
between the emotions o# lo0e% se8% and romance. 4hen moti0ated by this holy
trium0irate% no #orm o# labor is burdensome% because e0en the most lowly #orm
o# e##ort takes on the nature o# a labor o# lo0e.
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1t is a 0ery old saying that La manJs wi#e may either make him or break
him%L but the reason is not always understood. The LmakingL and LbreakingL is
the result o# the wi#eJs understanding% or lack o# understanding o# the emotions
o# lo0e% se8% and romance.
Despite the #act that men are polygamous% by the 0ery nature o# their
biological inheritance% it is true that no woman has as great an in#luence on a
man as his wi#e% unless he is married to a woman totally unsuited to his nature. 1#
a woman permits her husband to lose interest in her% and become more
interested in other women% it is usually because o# her ignorance% or indi##erence
toward the sub;ects o# se8% lo0e% and romance. This statement presupposes% o#
course% that genuine lo0e once e8isted between a man and his wi#e. The #acts are
eNually applicable to a man who permits his wi#eJs interest in him to die.
Aarried people o#ten bicker o0er a multitude o# tri0ialities. 1# these are
analy7ed accurately% the real cause o# the trouble will o#ten be #ound to be
indi##erence% or ignorance on these sub;ects.
Man's reatest motivatin force is his desire to please woman6 The hunter who
e8celled during prehistoric days% be#ore the dawn o# ci0ili7ation% did so% because
o# his desire to appear great in the eyes o# woman. AanJs nature has not changed
in this respect. The LhunterL o# today brings home no skins o# wild animals% but
he indicates his desire #or her #a0or by supplying #ine clothes% motor cars% and
wealth. Aan has the same desire to please woman that he had be#ore the dawn o#
ci0ili7ation. The only thing that has changed% is his method o# pleasing. Aen who
accumulate large #ortunes% and attain to great heights o# power and #ame% do so%
mainly% to satis#y their desire to please women.
Take women out o# their li0es% and great wealth would be useless to most
men. It is this inherent desire of man to please woman, which ives woman the power to
make or break a man/
The woman who understands manJs nature and tact#ully caters to it% need
ha0e no #ear o# competition #rom other women. Aen may be LgiantsL with
indomitable will-power when dealing with other men% but they are easily
managed by the women o# their choice.
Aost men will not admit that they are easily in#luenced by the women
they pre#er% because it is in the nature o# the male to want to be recogni7ed as the
stronger o# the species. Aoreo0er% the intelligent woman recogni7es this Lmanly
traitL and 0ery wisely makes no issue o# it.
$ome men know that they are being in#luenced by the women o# their
choiceM their wi0es% sweethearts% mothers or sistersM but they tact#ully re#rain
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#rom rebelling against the in#luence because they are intelligent enough to know
that 3 A' 1$ !'PP9 3R 53AP@ETE 41T!3:T T!E A3D1F91(
1F@:E5E 3F T!E R1(!T 43A'. The man who does not recogni7e this
important truth depri0es himsel# o# the power which has done more to help men
achie0e success than all other #orces combined.
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CH&PT.R 15
T!E 53E5T1( @12
.he %leventh &tep toward +iches
T!E $:B53$513:$ A1D consists o# a #ield o# consciousness% in
which e0ery impulse o# thought that reaches the ob;ecti0e mind through any o#
the #i0e senses% is classi#ied and recorded% and #rom which thoughts may be
recalled or withdrawn as letters may be taken #rom a #iling cabinet.
1t recei0es% and #iles% sense impressions or thoughts% regardless o# their
nature. 9ou may >3@:T'R1@9 plant in your subconscious mind any plan%
thought% or purpose which you desire to translate into its physical or monetary
eNui0alent. The subconscious acts #irst on the dominating desires which ha0e
been mi8ed with emotional #eeling% such as #aith.
5onsider this in connection with the instructions gi0en in the chapter on
DE$1RE% #or taking the si8 steps there outlined% and the instructions gi0en in the
chapter on the building and e8ecution o# plans% and you will understand the
importance o# the thought con0eyed.
T!E $:B53$513:$ A1D 43R2$ D'9 'D 1(!T. Through a
method o# procedure% unknown to man% the subconscious mind draws upon the
#orces o# 1n#inite 1ntelligence #or the power with which it 0oluntarily transmutes
oneJs desires into their physical eNui0alent% making use% always o# the most
practical media by which this end may be accomplished.
9ou cannot entirely control your subconscious mind% but you can
0oluntarily hand o0er to it any plan% desire% or purpose which you wish
trans#ormed into concrete #orm. Read% again% instructions #or using the
subconscious mind% in the chapter on autosuggestion.
There is plenty o# e0idence to support the belie# that the subconscious
mind is the connecting link between the #inite mind o# man and 1n#inite
1ntelligence. 1t is the intermediary through which one may draw upon the #orces
o# 1n#inite 1ntelligence at will. 1t% alone% contains the secret process by which
mental impulses are modi#ied and changed into their spiritual eNui0alent. 1t%
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alone% is the medium through which prayer may be transmitted to the source
capable o# answering prayer.
The possibilities o# creati0e e##ort connected with the subconscious mind
are stupendous and imponderable. They inspire one with awe.
1 ne0er approach the discussion o# the subconscious mind without a
#eeling o# littleness and in#eriority due% perhaps% to the #act that manJs entire
stock o# knowledge on this sub;ect is so piti#ully limited. The 0ery #act that the
subconscious mind is the medium o# communication between the thinking mind
o# man and 1n#inite 1ntelligence is% o# itsel#% a thought which almost paraly7es
oneJs reason.
'#ter you ha0e accepted% as a reality% the e8istence o# the subconscious
mind% and understand its possibilities% as a medium #or transmuting your
DE$1RE$ into their physical or monetary eNui0alent% you will comprehend the
#ull signi#icance o# the instructions gi0en in the chapter on DE$1RE. 9ou will also
understand why you ha0e been repeatedly admonished to A'2E 93:R
DE$1RE$ 5@E'R% 'D T3 RED:5E T!EA T3 4R1T1(. 9ou will also
understand the necessity o# PER$1$TE5E in carrying out instructions.
The thirteen principles are the stimuli with which you acNuire the ability
to reach% and to in#luence your subconscious mind. Do not become discouraged%
i# you cannot do this upon the #irst attempt. Remember that the subconscious
mind may be 0oluntarily directed only throuh habit% under the directions gi0en in
the chapter on F'1T!. 9ou ha0e not yet had time to master #aith. Be patient. Be
' good many statements in the chapters on #aith and auto-suggestion will
be repeated here% #or the bene#it o# 93:R subconscious mind. Remember% your
subconscious mind #unctions 0oluntarily% whether you make any effort to influence it
or not. This% naturally% suggests to you that thoughts o# #ear and po0erty% and all
negati0e thoughts ser0e as stimuli to your subconscious mind% unless% you master
these impulses and gi0e it more desirable #ood upon which it may #eed.
The subconscious mind will not remain idleP 1# you #ail to plant DE$1RE$
in your subconscious mind% it will #eed upon the thoughts which reach it as the
result of your nelect. 4e ha0e already e8plained that thought impulses% both
negati0e and positi0e are reaching the subconscious mind continuously% #rom the
#our sources which were mentioned in the chapter on $e8 Transmutation.
For the present% it is su##icient i# you remember that you are li0ing daily% in
the midst o# all manner o# thought impulses which are reaching your
subconscious mind% without your knowledge. $ome o# these impulses are
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negati0e% some are positi0e. 9ou are now engaged in trying to help shut o## the
#low o# negati0e impulses% and to aid in 0oluntarily in#luencing your
subconscious mind% through positi0e impulses o# DE$1RE.
4hen you achie0e this% you will possess the key which unlocks the door
to your subconscious mind. Aoreo0er% you will control that door so completely%
that no undesirable thought may in#luence your subconscious mind.
E0erything which man creates% BE(1$ in the #orm o# a thought impulse.
Aan can create nothing which he does not #irst concei0e in T!3:(!T. Through
the aid o# the imagination% thought impulses may be assembled into plans. The
imagination% when under control% may be used #or the creation o# plans or
purposes that lead to success in oneJs chosen occupation.
'll thought impulses% intended #or transmutation into their physical
eNui0alent% 0oluntarily planted in the subconscious mind% must pass through the
imagination% and be mi8ed with #aith. The Lmi8ingL o# #aith with a plan% or
purpose% intended #or submission to the subconscious mind% may be done 3@9
through the imagination.
From these statements% you will readily obser0e that 0oluntary use o# the
subconscious mind calls #or coordination and application o# all the principles.
Ella 4heeler 4ilco8 ga0e e0idence o# her understanding o# the power o#
the subconscious mind when she wrote:
L9ou ne0er can tell what a thought will do
1n bringing you hate or lo0eM
For thoughts are things% and their airy wings
're swi#ter than carrier do0es.
They #ollow the law o# the uni0erseM
Each thing creates its kind%
'nd they speed 3Jer the track to bring you back
4hate0er went out #rom your mind.L
Ars. 4ilco8 understood the truth% that thoughts which go out #rom oneJs
mind% also imbed themsel0es deeply in oneJs subconscious mind% where they
ser0e as a magnet% pattern% or blueprint by which the subconscious mind is
in#luenced while translating them into their physical eNui0alent. Thoughts are
truly things% #or the reason that e0ery material thing begins in the #orm o#
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The subconscious mind is more susceptible to in#luence by impulses o#
thought mi8ed with L#eelingL or emotion% than by those originating solely in the
reasoning portion o# the mind. 1n #act% there is much e0idence to support the
theory% that 3@9 emotionali7ed thoughts ha0e any '5T13 in#luence upon
the subconscious mind. 1t is a well known #act that emotion or #eeling% rules the
ma;ority o# people. 1# it is true that the subconscious mind responds more Nuickly
to% and is in#luenced more readily by thought impulses which are well mi8ed
with emotion% it is essential to become #amiliar with the more important o# the
emotions. There are se0en ma;or positi0e emotions% and se0en ma;or negati0e
emotions. The negati0es voluntarily in;ect themsel0es into the thought impulses%
which insure passage into the subconscious mind. The positi0es must be in;ected%
through the principle o# auto-suggestion% into the thought impulses which an
indi0idual wishes to pass on to his subconscious mind. <1nstructions ha0e been
gi0en in the chapter on auto-suggestion.=
These emotions% or #eeling impulses% may be likened to yeast in a loa# o#
bread% because they constitute the '5T13 element% which trans#orms thought
impulses #rom the passi0e to the acti0e state. Thus may one understand why
thought impulses% which ha0e been well mi8ed with emotion% are acted upon
more readily than thought impulses originating in Lcold reason.L
9ou are preparing yoursel# to in#luence and control the Linner audienceL
o# your subconscious mind% in order to hand o0er to it the DE$1RE #or money%
which you wish transmuted into its monetary eNui0alent. 1t is essential%
there#ore% that you understand the method o# approach to this Linner audience.L
9ou must speak its language% or it will not heed your call. 1t understands best the
language o# emotion or #eeling. @et us% there#ore describe here the se0en ma;or
positi0e emotions% and the se0en ma;or negati0e motions% so that you may draw
upon the positi0es% and a0oid the negati0es% when gi0ing instructions to your
subconscious mind.
T!E $E>E A'O3R P3$1T1>E EA3T13$
The emotion o# DE$1RE
The emotion o# F'1T!
The emotion o# @3>E
The emotion o# $EI
The emotion o# ET!:$1'$A
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The emotion o# R3A'5E
The emotion o# !3PE
There are other positi0e emotions% but these are the se0en most power#ul%
and the ones most commonly used in creati0e e##ort. Aaster these se0en
emotions <they can be mastered only by :$E=% and the other positi0e emotions
will be at your command when you need them. Remember% in this connection%
that you are studying a book which is intended to help you de0elop a Lmoney
consciousnessL by fillin your mind with positive emotions. 3ne does not become
money conscious by #illing oneJs mind with negati0e emotions.
T!E $E>E A'O3R E('T1>E EA3T13$ <To
be a0oided=
The emotion o# FE'R
The emotion o# OE'@3:$9
The emotion o# !'TRED
The emotion o# RE>E(E
The emotion o# (REED
The emotion o# $:PER$T1T13
The emotion o# '(ER
Positive and neative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. 3ne or
the other must dominate. 1t is your responsibility to make sure that positi0e
emotions constitute the dominating in#luence o# your mind. !ere the law o#
!'B1T will come to your aid. Form the habit o# applying and using the positi0e
emotionsP E0entually% they will dominate your mind so completely% that the
negati0es cannot enter it.
3nly by #ollowing these instructions literally% and continuously% can you
gain control o0er your subconscious mind. The presence o# a single negati0e in
your conscious mind is su##icient to destroy all chances o# constructi0e aid #rom
your subconscious mind.
1# you are an obser0ing person% you must ha0e noticed that most people
resort to prayer 3@9 a#ter e0erything else has F'1@EDP 3r else they pray by a
ritual o# meaningless words. 'nd% because it is a #act that most people who pray%
do so 3@9 'FTER E>ER9T!1( E@$E !'$ F'1@ED% they go to prayer with
their minds #illed with FE'R and D3:BT% which are the emotions the subconscious
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mind acts upon% and passes on to 1n#inite 1ntelligence. @ikewise% that is the
emotion which 1n#inite 1ntelligence recei0es% and '5T$ :P3.
1# you pray #or a thing% but ha0e #ear as you pray% that you may not recei0e
it% or that your prayer will not be acted upon by 1n#inite 1ntelligence% your prayer
will have been in vain.
Prayer does% sometimes% result in the reali7ation o# that #or which one
prays. 1# you ha0e e0er had the e8perience o# recei0ing that #or which 93:
prayed% go back in your memory% and recall your actual $T'TE 3F A1D% while
you were praying% and you will know% #or sure% that the theory here described is
more than a theory.
The time will come when the schools and educational institutions o# the
country will teach the Lscience o# prayer.L Aoreo0er% then prayer may be% and
will be reduced to a science. 4hen that time comes% <it will come as soon as
mankind is ready #or it% and demands it=% no one will approach the :ni0ersal
Aind in a state o# #ear% #or the 0ery good reason that there will be no such
emotion as #ear. 1gnorance% superstition% and #alse teaching will ha0e
disappeared% and man will ha0e attained his true status as a child o# 1n#inite
1ntelligence. ' #ew ha0e already attained this blessing.
1# you belie0e this prophesy is #ar-#etched% take a look at the human race in
retrospect. @ess than a hundred years ago% men belie0ed the lightning to be
e0idence o# the wrath o# (od% and #eared it. ow% thanks to the power o# F'1T!%
men ha0e harnessed the lightning and made it turn the wheels o# industry. Auch
less than a hundred years ago% men belie0ed the space between the planets to be
nothing but a great 0oid% a stretch o# dead nothingness. ow% thanks to this same
power o# F'1T!% men know that #ar #rom being either dead or a 0oid% the space
between the planets is 0ery much ali0e% that it is the highest #orm o# 0ibration
known% e8cepting% perhaps% the 0ibration o# T!3:(!T. Aoreo0er% men know
that this li0ing% pulsating% 0ibratory energy which permeates e0ery atom o#
matter% and #ills e0ery niche o# space% connects e0ery human brain with e0ery
other human brain.
4hat reason ha0e men to belie0e that this same energy does not connect
e0ery human brain with 1n#inite 1ntelligenceF
There are no toll-gates between the #inite mind o# man and 1n#inite
1ntelligence. The communication costs nothing e8cept Patience% Faith%
Persistence% :nderstanding% and a $15ERE DE$1RE to communicate. Aoreo0er%
the approach can be made only by the indi0idual himsel#. Paid prayers are
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worthless. 1n#inite 1ntelligence does no business by pro8y. 9ou either go direct%
or you do not communicate.
9ou may buy prayer books and repeat them until the day o# your doom%
without a0ail. Thoughts which you wish to communicate to 1n#inite 1ntelligence%
must undergo trans#ormation% such as can be gi0en only through your own
subconscious mind.
The method by which you may communicate with 1n#inite 1ntelligence is
0ery similar to that through which the 0ibration o# sound is communicated by
radio. 1# you understand the working principle o# radio% you o# course% know that
sound cannot be communicated through the ether until it has been Lstepped up%L
or changed into a rate o# 0ibration which the human ear cannot detect. The radio
sending station picks up the sound o# the human 0oice% and Lscrambles%L or
modi#ies it by stepping up the 0ibration millions o# times. 3nly in this way% can
the 0ibration o# sound be communicated through the ether. '#ter this
trans#ormation has taken place% the ether Lpicks upL the energy <which originally
was in the #orm o# 0ibrations o# sound=% carries that energy to radio recei0ing
stations% and these recei0ing sets LstepL that energy back down to its original rate
o# 0ibration so it is recogni7ed as sound.
The subconscious mind is the intermediary% which translates oneJs prayers
into terms which 1n#inite 1ntelligence can recogni7e% presents the message% and
brings back the answer in the #orm o# a de#inite plan or idea #or procuring the
ob;ect o# the prayer. :nderstand this principle% and you will know why mere
words read #rom a prayer book cannot% and will ne0er ser0e as an agency o#
communication between the mind o# man and 1n#inite 1ntelligence.
Be#ore your prayer will reach 1n#inite 1ntelligence <a statement o# the
authorJs theory only=% it probably is trans#ormed #rom its original thought
0ibration into terms o# spiritual 0ibration. Faith is the only known agency which
will gi0e your thoughts a spiritual nature. F'1T! and FE'R make poor
bed#ellows. (here one is found, the other cannot e2ist/
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CH&PT.R 17
' BR3'D5'$T1( 'D RE5E1>1( $T'T13 F3R T!3:(!T
.he .welfth &tep toward +iches
A3RE than twenty years ago% the author% working in con;unction with the
late Dr. 'le8ander (raham Bell% and Dr. Elmer R. (ates% obser0ed that e0ery
human brain is both a broadcasting and recei0ing station #or the 0ibration o#
Through the medium o# the ether% in a #ashion similar to that employed by
the radio broadcasting principle% e0ery human brain is capable o# picking up
0ibrations o# thought which are being released by other brains.
1n connection with the statement in the preceding paragraph% compare%
and consider the description o# the 5reati0e 1magination% as outlined in the
chapter on 1magination. The 5reati0e 1magination is the Lrecei0ing setL o# the
brain% which recei0es thoughts% released by the brains o# others. 1t is the agency
o# communication between oneJs conscious% or reasoning mind% and the #our
sources #rom which one may recei0e thought stimuli.
4hen stimulated% or Lstepped upL to a high rate o# 0ibration% the mind
becomes more recepti0e to the 0ibration o# thought which reaches it through the
ether #rom outside sources. This Lstepping upL process takes place through the
positi0e emotions% or the negati0e emotions. Through the emotions% the
0ibrations o# thought may be increased.
>ibrations o# an e8ceedingly high rate are the only 0ibrations picked up
and carried% by the ether% #rom one brain to another. Thought is energy tra0elling
at an e8ceedingly high rate o# 0ibration. Thought% which has been modi#ied or
Lstepped upL by any o# the ma;or emotions% 0ibrates at a much higher rate than
ordinary thought% and it is this type o# thought which passes #rom one brain to
another% through the broadcasting machinery o# the human brain.
The emotion o# se8 stands at the head o# the list o# human emotions% as #ar
as intensity and dri0ing #orce are concerned. The brain which has been
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stimulated by the emotion o# se8% 0ibrates at a much more rapid rate than it does
when that emotion is Nuiescent or absent.
The result o# se8 transmutation% is the increase o# the rate o# 0ibration o#
thoughts to such a pitch that the 5reati0e 1magination becomes highly recepti0e
to ideas% which it picks up #rom the ether. 3n the other hand% when the brain is
0ibrating at a rapid rate% it not only attracts thoughts and ideas released by other
brains through the medium o# the ether% but it gi0es to oneJs own thoughts that
L#eelingL which is essential be#ore those thoughts will be picked up and acted
upon by oneJs subconscious mind.
Thus% you will see that the broadcasting principle is the #actor through
which you mi8 #eeling% or emotion with your thoughts and pass them on to your
subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is the Lsending stationL o# the brain% through
which 0ibrations o# thought are broadcast. The 5reati0e 1magination is the
Lrecei0ing set%L through which the 0ibrations o# thought are picked up #rom the
'long with the important #actors o# the subconscious mind% and the
#aculty o# the 5reati0e 1magination% which constitute the sending and recei0ing
sets o# your mental broadcasting machinery% consider now the principle o# auto-
suggestion% which is the medium by which you may put into operation your
LbroadcastingL station.
Through the instructions described in the chapter on auto-suggestion% you
were de#initely in#ormed o# the method by which DE$1RE may be transmuted
into its monetary eNui0alent.
3peration o# your mental LbroadcastingL station is a comparati0ely simple
procedure. 9ou ha0e but three principles to bear in mind% and to apply% when
you wish to use your broadcasting stationMthe $:B53$513:$ A1D%
5RE'T1>E 1A'(1'T13% and ':T3-$:((E$T13. The stimuli through
which you put these three principles into action ha0e been describedM the
procedure begins with DE$1RE.
T!E (RE'TE$T F3R5E$ 'RE L1T'(1B@EL
The depression brought the world to the 0ery border-line o#
understanding o# the #orces which are intangible and unseen. Through the ages
which ha0e passed% man has depended too much upon his physical senses% and
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has limited his knowledge to physical things% which he could see% touch% weigh%
and measure.
4e are now entering the most mar0elous o# all agesMan age which will
teach us something o# the intangible #orces o# the world about us. Perhaps we
shall learn% as we pass through this age% that the Lother sel#L is more power#ul
than the physical sel# we see when we look into a mirror.
$ometimes men speak lightly o# the intangiblesM the things which they
cannot percei0e through any o# their #i0e senses% and when we hear them% it
should remind us that all of us are controlled by forces which are unseen and
The whole o# mankind has not the power to cope with% nor to control the
intangible #orce wrapped up in the rolling wa0es o# the oceans. Aan has not the
capacity to understand the intangible #orce o# gra0ity% which keeps this little
earth suspended in mid-air% and keeps man #rom #alling #rom it% much less the
power to control that #orce. Aan is entirely subser0ient to the intangible #orce
which comes with a thunder storm% and he is ;ust as helpless in the presence o#
the intangible #orce o# electricityM nay% he does not e0en know what electricity
is% where it comes #rom% or what is its purposeP
or is this by any means the end o# manJs ignorance in connection with
things unseen and intangible. !e does not understand the intangible #orce <and
intelligence= wrapped up in the soil o# the earthM the force which provides him
with every morsel of food he eats, every article of clothin he wears, every dollar he
carries in his pockets/
T!E DR'A'T15 $T3R9 3F T!E BR'1
@ast% but not least% man% with all o# his boasted culture and education%
understands little or nothing o# the intangible #orce <the greatest o# all the
intangibles= o# thouht. !e knows but little concerning the physical brain% and its
0ast network o# intricate machinery through which the power o# thought is
translated into its material eNui0alent% but he is now entering an age which shall
yield enlightenment on the sub;ect. 'lready men o# science ha0e begun to turn
their attention to the study o# this stupendous thing called a brain% and% while
they are still in the kindergarten stage o# their studies% they ha0e unco0ered
enough knowledge to know that the central switchboard o# the human brain% the
number o# lines which connect the brain cells one with another% eNual the #igure
one% #ollowed by #i#teen million ciphers.
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LThe #igure is so stupendous%L said Dr. 5. Oudson !errick% o# the
:ni0ersity o# 5hicago% Lthat astronomical #igures dealing with hundreds o#
millions o# light years% become insigni#icant by comparison.
1t has been determined that there are #rom */%///%///%/// to *C%///%///%///
ner0e cells in the human cerebral corte8% and we know that these are arranged in
de#inite patterns. These arrangements are not hapha7ard. They are orderly.
Recently de0eloped methods o# electro-physiology draw o## action currents #rom
0ery precisely located cells% or #ibers with micro-electrodes% ampli#y them with
radio tubes% and record potential di##erences to a millionth o# a 0olt.L
1t is inconcei0able that such a network o# intricate machinery should be in
e8istence #or the sole purpose o# carrying on the physical #unctions incidental to
growth and maintenance o# the physical body. 1s it not likely that the same
system% which gi0es billions o# brain cells the media #or communication one with
another% pro0ides% also the means o# communication with other intangible #orcesF
'#ter this book had been written% ;ust be#ore the manuscript went to the
publisher% there appeared in the ew 9ork Times% an editorial showing that at
least one great :ni0ersity% and one intelligent in0estigator in the #ield o# mental
phenomena% are carrying on an organi7ed research through which conclusions
ha0e been reached that parallel many o# those described in this and the #ollowing
chapter. The editorial brie#ly analy7ed the work carried on by Dr. Rhine% and his
associates at Duke :ni0ersity% 0i7:ML4hat is JTelepathyJF
L' month ago we cited on this page some o# the remarkable results
achie0ed by Pro#essor Rhine and his associates in Duke :ni0ersity #rom more
than a hundred thousand tests to determine the e8istence o# JtelepathyJ and
Jclair0oyance.J These results were summari7ed in the #irst two articles in !arpers
Aaga7ine. 1n the second which has now appeared% the author% E. !. 4right%
attempts to summari7e what has been learned% or what it seems reasonable to
in#er% regarding the e8act nature o# these Je8trasensoryJ modes o# perception.
LThe actual e8istence o# telepathy and clair0oyance now seems to some
scientists enormously probable as the result o# RhineJs e8periments. >arious
percipients were asked to name as many cards in a special pack as they could
without looking at them and without other sensory access to them. 'bout a score
o# men and women were disco0ered who could regularly name so many o# the
cards correctly that Jthere was not one chance in many a million million o# their
ha0ing done their #eats by luck or accident.J
LBut how did they do themF These powers% assuming that they e8ist% do
not seem to be sensory. There is no known organ #or them. The e8periments
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worked ;ust as well at distances o# se0eral hundred miles as they did in the same
room. These #acts also dispose% in Ar. 4rightJs opinion% o# the attempt to e8plain
telepathy or clair0oyance through any physical theory o# radiation. 'll known
#orms o# radiant energy decline in0ersely as the sNuare o# the distance tra0ersed.
Telepathy and clair0oyance do not. But they do 0ary through physical causes as
our other mental powers do. 5ontrary to widespread opinion% they do not
impro0e when the percipient is asleep or hal#-asleep% but% on the contrary% when
he is most wide-awake and alert. Rhine disco0ered that a narcotic will in0ariably
lower a percipientJs score% while a stimulant will always send it higher. The most
reliable per#ormer apparently cannot make a good score unless he tries to do his
L3ne conclusion that 4right draws with some con#idence is that telepathy
and clair0oyance are really one and the same gi#t. That is% the #aculty that JseesJ a
card #ace down on a table seems to be e8actly the same one that JreadsJ a thought
residing only in another mind. There are se0eral grounds #or belie0ing this. $o
#ar% #or e8ample% the two gi#ts ha0e been #ound in e0ery person who en;oys either
o# them. 1n e0ery one so #ar the two ha0e been o# eNual 0igor% almost e8actly.
$creens% walls% distances% ha0e no e##ect at all on either. 4right ad0ances #rom
this conclusion to e8press what he puts #orward as no more than the mere
JhunchJ that other e8tra-sensory e8periences% prophetic dreams% premonitions o#
disaster% and the like% may also pro0e to be part o# the same #aculty. The reader is
not asked to accept any o# these conclusions unless he #inds it necessary% but the
e0idence that Rhine has piled up must remain impressi0e.L
1n 0iew o# Dr. RhineJs announcement in connection with the conditions
under which the mind responds to what he terms e8traMsensory modes o#
perception% 1 now #eel pri0ileged to add to his testimony by stating that my
associates and 1 ha0e disco0ered what we belie0e to be the ideal conditions
under which the mind can be stimulated so that the si8th sense described in the
ne8t chapter% can be made to #unction in a practical way.
The conditions to which 1 re#er consist o# a close working alliance between
mysel# and two members o# my sta##. Through e8perimentation and practice% we
ha0e disco0ered how to stimulate our minds <by applying the principle used in
connection with the L1n0isible 5ounselorsL described in the ne8t chapter= so that
we can% by a process o# blending our three minds into one% #ind the solution to a
great 0ariety o# personal problems which are submitted by my clients.
The procedure is 0ery simple. 4e sit down at a con#erence table% clearly
state the nature o# the problem we ha0e under consideration% then begin
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discussing it. Each contributes whate0er thoughts that may occur. The strange
thing about this method o# mind stimulation is that it places each participant in
communication with unknown sources o# knowledge de#initely outside his own
1# you understand the principle described in the chapter on the Aaster
Aind% you o# course recogni7e the round-table procedure here described as being
a practical application o# the Aaster Aind.
This method o# mind stimulation% through harmonious discussion o#
de#inite sub;ects% between three people% illustrates the simplest and most practical
use o# the Aaster Aind.
9y adoptin and followin a similar plan any student of this philosophy may
come into possession of the famous Carneie formula briefly described in the
introduction/ 1# it means nothing to you at this time% mark this page and read it
again a#ter you ha0e #inished the last chapter.
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TH. =>e%ressio#= ?as a blessi#g i# >isguise,
It re>uce> the ?hole ?orl> to a #e? starti#g-%oi#t
that gi@es e@er$ o#e a #e? o%%ortu#it$,
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CH&PT.R 1-
TH. *I;TH *.N*.
T!E D33R T3 T!E TEAP@E 3F 41$D3A
.he .hirteenth &tep toward +iches
T!E LthirteenthL principle is known as the $1IT! $E$E% through which
1n#inite 1ntelligence may% and will communicate 0oluntarily% without any e##ort
#rom% or demands by% the indi0idual.
This principle is the ape8 o# the philosophy. 1t can be assimilated%
understood% and applied 3@9 by #irst mastering the other twel0e principles.
The $1IT! $E$E is that portion o# the subconscious mind which has
been re#erred to as the 5reati0e 1magination. 1t has also been re#erred to as the
Lrecei0ing setL through which ideas% plans% and thoughts #lash into the mind. The
L#lashesL are sometimes called LhunchesL or Linspirations.L
The si8th sense de#ies descriptionP 1t cannot be described to a person who
has not mastered the other principles o# this philosophy% because such a person
has no knowledge% and no e8perience with which the si8th sense may be
compared. :nderstanding o# the si8th sense comes only by meditation through
mind de0elopment from within. The si8th sense probably is the medium o#
contact between the #inite mind o# man and 1n#inite 1ntelligence% and #or this
reason% it is a mi2ture of both the mental and the spiritual. 1t is belie0ed to be the
point at which the mind o# man contacts the :ni0ersal Aind.
'#ter you ha0e mastered the principles described in this book% you will be
prepared to accept as truth a statement which may% otherwise% be incredible to
you% namely:
Through the aid o# the si8th sense% you will be warned o# impending
dangers in time to a0oid them% and noti#ied o# opportunities in time to embrace
There comes to your aid% and to do your bidding% with the de0elopment o#
the si8th sense% a Lguardian angelL who will open to you at all times the door to
the Temple o# 4isdom.
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4hether or not this is a statement o# truth% you will ne0er know% e8cept by
#ollowing the instructions described in the pages o# this book% or some similar
method o# procedure.
The author is not a belie0er in% nor an ad0ocate o# Lmiracles%L #or the
reason that he has enough knowledge o# ature to understand that ature never
deviates from her established laws. $ome o# her laws are so incomprehensible that
they produce what appear to be Lmiracles.L The si8th sense comes as near to
being a miracle as anything 1 ha0e e0er e8perienced% and it appears so% only
because 1 do not understand the method by which this principle is operated.
This much the author does knowM that there is a power% or a First 5ause%
or an 1ntelligence% which permeates e0ery atom o# matter% and embraces e0ery
unit o# energy perceptible to manM that this 1n#inite 1ntelligence con0erts acorns
into oak trees% causes water to #low down hill in response to the law o# gra0ity%
#ollows night with day% and winter with summer% each maintaining its proper
place and relationship to the other. This 1ntelligence may% through the principles
o# this philosophy% be induced to aid in transmuting DE$1RE$ into concrete% or
material #orm. The author has this knowledge% because he has e8perimented with
itM and has EIPER1E5ED 1T.
$tep by step% through the preceding chapters% you ha0e been led to this%
the last principle. 1# you ha0e mastered each o# the preceding principles% you are
now prepared to accept% without bein skeptical% the stupendous claims made here.
1# you ha0e not mastered the other principles% you must do so be#ore you may
determine% de#initely% whether or not the claims made in this chapter are #act or
4hile 1 was passing through the age o# Lhero-worshipL 1 #ound mysel#
trying to imitate those whom 1 most admired. Aoreo0er% 1 disco0ered that the
element o# F'1T!% with which 1 endea0ored to imitate my idols% ga0e me great
capacity to do so Nuite success#ully.
1 ha0e ne0er entirely di0ested mysel# o# this habit o# hero-worship%
although 1 ha0e passed the age commonly gi0en o0er to such. Ay e8perience has
taught me that the ne8t best thing to being truly great% is to emulate the great% by
#eeling and action% as nearly as possible.
@ong be#ore 1 had e0er written a line #or publication% or endea0ored to
deli0er a speech in public% 1 #ollowed the habit o# reshaping my own character%
by trying to imitate the nine men whose li0es and li#e-works had been most
impressi0e to me. These nine men were% Emerson% Paine% Edison% Darwin%
@incoln% Burbank% apoleon% Ford% and 5arnegie.
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E0ery night% o0er a long period o# years% 1 held an imaginary 5ouncil
meeting with this group whom 1 called my L1n0isible 5ounselors.L
The procedure was this. Oust be#ore going to sleep at night% 1 would shut
my eyes% and see% in my imagination% this group o# men seated with me around
my 5ouncil Table. !ere 1 had not only an opportunity to sit among those whom 1
considered to be great% but 1 actually dominated the group% by ser0ing as the
1 had a 0ery DEF11TE P:RP3$E in indulging my imagination through
these nightly meetings. Ay purpose was to rebuild my own character so it would
represent a composite o# the characters o# my imaginary counselors. Reali7ing% as
1 did% early in li#e% that 1 had to o0ercome the handicap o# birth in an en0ironment
o# ignorance and superstition% 1 deliberately assigned mysel# the task o#
0oluntary rebirth through the method here described.
B:1@D1( 5!'R'5TER T!R3:(! ':T3-$:((E$T13
Being an earnest student o# psychology% 1 knew% o# course% that all men
ha0e become what they are% because o# their D3A1'T1( T!3:(!T$ 'D
DE$1RE$. 1 knew that e0ery deeply seated desire has the e##ect o# causing one to
seek outward e8pression through which that desire may be transmuted into
reality. 1 knew that sel#-suggestion is a power#ul #actor in building character% that
it is% in #act% the sole principle through which character is builded.
4ith this knowledge o# the principles o# mind operation% 1 was #airly well
armed with the eNuipment needed in rebuilding my character. 1n these
imaginary 5ouncil meetings 1 called on my 5abinet members #or the knowledge
1 wished each to contribute% addressing mysel# to each member in audible words%
as #ollows:
LAr. Emerson% 1 desire to acNuire #rom you the mar0elous understanding
o# ature which distinguished your li#e. 1 ask that you make an impress upon
my subconscious mind% o# whate0er Nualities you possessed% which enabled you
to understand and adapt yoursel# to the laws o# ature. 1 ask that you assist me
in reaching and drawing upon whate0er sources o# knowledge are a0ailable to
this end.
LAr. Burbank% 1 reNuest that you pass on to me the knowledge which
enabled you to so harmoni7e the laws o# ature that you caused the cactus to
shed its thorns% and become an edible #ood. (i0e me access to the knowledge
which enabled you to make two blades o# grass grow where but one grew be#ore%
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and helped you to blend the coloring o# the #lowers with more splendor and
harmony% #or you% alone% ha0e success#ully gilded the lily.
Lapoleon% 1 desire to acNuire #rom you% by emulation% the mar0elous
ability you possessed to inspire men% and to arouse them to greater and more
determined spirit o# action. 'lso to acNuire the spirit o# enduring F'1T!% which
enabled you to turn de#eat into 0ictory% and to surmount staggering obstacles.
Emperor o# Fate% 2ing o# 5hance% Aan o# Destiny% 1 salute youP
LAr. Paine% 1 desire to acNuire #rom you the #reedom o# thought and the
courage and clarity with which to e8press con0ictions% which so distinguished
LAr. Darwin% 1 wish to acNuire #rom you the mar0elous patience% and
ability to study cause and e##ect% without bias or pre;udice% so e8empli#ied by you
in the #ield o# natural science.
LAr. @incoln% 1 desire to build into my own character the keen sense o#
;ustice% the untiring spirit o# patience% the sense o# humor% the human
understanding% and the tolerance% which were your distinguishing
LAr. 5arnegie% 1 am already indebted to you #or my choice o# a li#e-work%
which has brought me great happiness and peace o# mind. 1 wish to acNuire a
thorough understanding o# the principles o# orani"ed effort% which you used so
e##ecti0ely in the building o# a great industrial enterprise.
LAr. Ford% you ha0e been among the most help#ul o# the men who ha0e
supplied much o# the material essential to my work. 1 wish to acNuire your spirit
o# persistence% the determination% poise% and sel#-con#idence which ha0e enabled
you to master po0erty% organi7e% uni#y% and simpli#y human e##ort% so 1 may help
others to #ollow in your #ootsteps.
LAr. Edison% 1 ha0e seated you nearest to me% at my right% because o# the
personal cooperation you ha0e gi0en me% during my research into the causes o#
success and #ailure. 1 wish to acNuire #rom you the mar0elous spirit o# F'1T!%
with which you ha0e unco0ered so many o# atureJs secrets% the spirit o#
unremitting toil with which you ha0e so o#ten wrested 0ictory #rom de#eat.L
Ay method o# addressing the members o# the imaginary 5abinet would
0ary% according to the traits o# character in which 1 was% #or the moment% most
interested in acNuiring. 1 studied the records o# their li0es with painstaking care.
'#ter some months o# this nightly procedure% 1 was astounded by the disco0ery
that these imaginary #igures became% apparently real.
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Each o# these nine men de0eloped indi0idual characteristics% which
surprised me. For e8ample% @incoln de0eloped the habit o# always being late%
then walking around in solemn parade. 4hen he came% he walked 0ery slowly%
with his hands clasped behind him% and once in a while% he would stop as he
passed% and rest his hand% momentarily% upon my shoulder. !e always wore an
e8pression o# seriousness upon his #ace. Rarely did 1 see him smile. The cares o# a
sundered nation made him gra0e.
That was not true o# the others. Burbank and Paine o#ten indulged in witty
repartee which seemed% at times% to shock the other members o# the cabinet. 3ne
night Paine suggested that 1 prepare a lecture on LThe 'ge o# Reason%L and
deli0er it #rom the pulpit o# a church which 1 #ormerly attended. Aany around
the table laughed heartily at the suggestion. ot apoleonP !e drew his mouth
down at the corners and groaned so loudly that all turned and looked at him
with ama7ement. To him the church was but a pawn o# the $tate% not to be
re#ormed% but to be used% as a con0enient inciter to mass acti0ity by the people.
3n one occasion Burbank was late. 4hen he came% he was e8cited with
enthusiasm% and e8plained that he had been late% because o# an e8periment he
was making% through which he hoped to be able to grow apples on any sort o#
tree. Paine chided him by reminding him that it was an apple which started all
the trouble between man and woman. Darwin chuckled heartily as he suggested
that Paine should watch out #or little serpents% when he went into the #orest to
gather apples% as they had the habit o# growing into big snakes. Emerson
obser0edML o serpents% no apples%L and apoleon remarked% Lo apples% no
@incoln de0eloped the habit o# always being the last one to lea0e the table
a#ter each meeting. 3n one occasion% he leaned across the end o# the table% his
arms #olded% and remained in that position #or many minutes. 1 made no attempt
to disturb him. Finally% he li#ted his head slowly% got up and walked to the door%
then turned around% came back% and laid his hand on my shoulder and said% LAy
boy% you will need much courage i# you remain stead#ast in carrying out your
purpose in li#e. But remember% when di##iculties o0ertake you% the common
people ha0e common sense. 'd0ersity will de0elop it.L
3ne e0ening Edison arri0ed ahead o# all the others. !e walked o0er and
seated himsel# at my le#t% where Emerson was accustomed to sit% and said% L9ou
are destined to witness the disco0ery o# the secret o# li#e. 4hen the time comes%
you will obser0e that li#e consists o# great swarms o# energy% or entities% each as
intelligent as human beings think themsel0es to be. These units o# li#e group
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together like hi0es o# bees% and remain together until they disintegrate% throuh
lack of harmony.
These units ha0e di##erences o# opinion% the same as human beings% and
o#ten #ight among themsel0es. These meetings which you are conducting will be
0ery help#ul to you. They will bring to your rescue some o# the same units o# li#e
which ser0ed the members o# your 5abinet% during their li0es. These units are
eternal. T!E9 E>ER D1EP 9our own thoughts and DE$1RE$ ser0e as the
magnet which attracts units o# li#e% #rom the great ocean o# li#e out there. 3nly the
#riendly units are attractedMthe ones which harmoni7e with the nature o# your
The other members o# the 5abinet began to enter the room. Edison got up%
and slowly walked around to his own seat. Edison was still li0ing when this
happened. 1t impressed me so greatly that 1 went to see him% and told him about
the e8perience. !e smiled broadly% and said% L9our dream was more a reality
than you may imagine it to ha0e been.L !e added no #urther e8planation to his
These meetings became so realistic that 1 became #ear#ul o# their
conseNuences% and discontinued them #or se0eral months. The e8periences were
so uncanny% 1 was a#raid i# 1 continued them 1 would lose sight o# the #act that the
meetings were purely e2periences of my imaination/
$ome si8 months a#ter 1 had discontinued the practice 1 was awakened one
night% or thought 1 was% when 1 saw @incoln standing at my bedside. !e said%
LThe world will soon need your ser0ices. 1t is about to undergo a period o# chaos
which will cause men and women to lose #aith% and become panic stricken. (o
ahead with your work and complete your philosophy. That is your mission in
li#e. 1# you neglect it% #or any cause whatsoe0er% you will be reduced to a primal
state% and be compelled to retrace the cycles through which you ha0e passed
during thousands o# years.
L1 was unable to tell% the #ollowing morning% whether 1 had dreamed this%
or had actually been awake% and 1 ha0e ne0er since #ound out which it was% but 1
do know that the dream% i# it were a dream% was so 0i0id in my mind the ne8t
day that 1 resumed my meetings the #ollowing night.
't our ne8t meeting% the members o# my 5abinet all #iled into the room
together% and stood at their accustomed places at the 5ouncil Table% while
@incoln raised a glass and said% L(entlemen% let us drink a toast to a #riend who
has returned to the #old.L
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'#ter that% 1 began to add new members to my 5abinet% until now it
consists o# more than #i#ty% among them 5hrist% $t. Paul% (alileo% 5opernicus%
'ristotle% Plato% $ocrates% !omer% >oltaire% Bruno% $pino7a% Drummond% 2ant%
$chopenhauer% ewton% 5on#ucius% Elbert !ubbard% Brann% 1ngersol% 4ilson% and
4illiam Oames.
This is the #irst time that 1 ha0e had the courage to mention this.
!ereto#ore% 1 ha0e remained Nuiet on the sub;ect% because 1 knew% #rom my own
attitude in connection with such matters% that 1 would be misunderstood i# 1
described my unusual e8perience. 1 ha0e been emboldened now to reduce my
e8perience to the printed page% because 1 am now less concerned about what
Lthey sayL than 1 was in the years that ha0e passed. 3ne o# the blessings o#
maturity is that it sometimes brings one greater courage to be truth#ul% regardless
o# what those who do not understand% may think or say.
@est 1 be misunderstood% 1 wish here to state most emphatically% that 1 still
regard my 5abinet meetings as being purely imaginary% but 1 #eel entitled to
suggest that% while the members o# my 5abinet may be purely #ictional% and the
meetings e8istent only in my own imagination% they ha0e led me into glorious
paths o# ad0enture% rekindled an appreciation o# true greatness% encouraged
creati0e endea0or% and emboldened the e8pression o# honest thought.
$omewhere in the cell-structure o# the brain% is located an organ which
recei0es 0ibrations o# thought ordinarily called Lhunches.L $o #ar% science has not
disco0ered where this organ o# the si8th sense is located% but this is not
important. The #act remains that human beings do recei0e accurate knowledge%
through sources other than the physical senses. $uch knowledge% generally% is
recei0ed when the mind is under the in#luence o# e8traordinary stimulation. 'ny
emergency which arouses the emotions% and causes the heart to beat more
rapidly than normal may% and generally does% bring the si8th sense into action.
'nyone who has e8perienced a near accident while dri0ing% knows that on such
occasions% the si8th sense o#ten comes to oneJs rescue% and aids% by split seconds%
in a0oiding the accident.
These #acts are mentioned preliminary to a statement o# #act which 1 shall
now make% namely% that during my meetings with the L1n0isible 5ounselorsL 1
#ind my mind most recepti0e to ideas% thoughts% and knowledge which reach me
through the si8th sense. 1 can truth#ully say that 1 owe entirely to my L1n0isible
5ounselorsL #ull credit #or such ideas% #acts% or knowledge as 1 recei0ed through
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3n scores o# occasions% when 1 ha0e #aced emergencies% some o# them so
gra0e that my li#e was in ;eopardy% 1 ha0e been miraculously guided past these
di##iculties through the in#luence o# my L1n0isible 5ounselors.L
Ay original purpose in conducting 5ouncil meetings with imaginary
beings% was solely that o# impressing my own subconscious mind% through the
principle o# auto-suggestion% with certain characteristics which 1 desired to
acNuire. 1n more recent years% my e8perimentation has taken on an entirely
di##erent trend. 1 now go to my imaginary counselors with e0ery di##icult
problem which con#ronts me and my clients. The results are o#ten astonishing%
although 1 do not depend entirely on this #orm o# 5ounsel.
9ou% o# course% ha0e recogni7ed that this chapter co0ers a sub;ect with
which a ma;ority o# people are not #amiliar. The $i8th $ense is a sub;ect that will
be o# great interest and bene#it to the person whose aim is to accumulate 0ast
wealth% but it need not claim the attention o# those whose desires are more
!enry Ford% undoubtedly understands and makes practical use o# the
si8th sense. !is 0ast business and #inancial operations make it necessary #or him
to understand and use this principle. The late Thomas '. Edison understood and
used the si8th sense in connection with the de0elopment o# in0entions% especially
those in0ol0ing basic patents% in connection with which he had no human
e8perience and no accumulated knowledge to guide him% as was the case while
he was working on the talking machine% and the mo0ing picture machine.
early all great leaders% such as apoleon% Bismark% Ooan o# 'rc% 5hrist%
Buddha% 5on#ucius% and Aohammed% understood% and probably made use o# the
si8th sense almost continuously. The ma;or portion o# their greatness consisted o#
their knowledge o# this principle.
The si8th sense is not something that one can take o## and put on at will.
'bility to use this great power comes slowly% through application o# the other
principles outlined in this book. $eldom does any indi0idual come into workable
knowledge o# the si8th sense be#ore the age o# #orty. Aore o#ten the knowledge is
not a0ailable until one is well past #i#ty% and this% #or the reason that the spiritual
#orces% with which the si8th sense is so closely related% do not mature and become
usable e8cept through years o# meditation% sel#-e8amination% and serious
o matter who you are% or what may ha0e been your purpose in reading
this book% you can pro#it by it without understanding the principle described in
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this chapter. This is especially true i# your ma;or purpose is that o# accumulation
o# money or other material things.
The chapter on the si8th sense was included% because the book is designed
#or the purpose o# presenting a complete philosophy by which indi0iduals may
unerringly guide themsel0es in attaining whate0er they ask o# li#e. The starting
point o# all achie0ement is DE$1RE. The #inishing point is that brand o#
234@ED(E which leads to understandingM understanding o# sel#%
understanding o# others% understanding o# the laws o# ature% recognition and
understanding o# !'PP1E$$.
This sort o# understanding comes in its #ullness only through #amiliarity
with% and use o# the principle o# the si8th sense% hence that principle had to be
included as a part o# this philosophy% #or the bene#it o# those who demand more
than money.
!a0ing read the chapter% you must ha0e obser0ed that while reading it%
you were li#ted to a high le0el o# mental stimulation. $plendidP 5ome back to this
again a month #rom now% read it once more% and obser0e that your mind will
soar to a still higher le0el o# stimulation. Repeat this e8perience #rom time to
time% gi0ing no concern as to how much or how little you learn at the time% and
e0entually you will #ind yoursel# in possession o# a power that will enable you to
throw o## discouragement% master #ear% o0ercome procrastination% and draw
#reely upon your imagination. Then you will ha0e #elt the touch o# that unknown
LsomethingL which has been the mo0ing spirit o# e0ery truly great thinker leader%
artist% musician% writer% statesman. Then you will be in position to transmute
your DE$1RE$ into their physical or #inancial counterpart as easily as you may lie
down and Nuit at the #irst sign o# opposition.
F'1T! >$. FE'RP
Pre0ious chapters ha0e described how to de0elop F'1T!% through 'uto-
suggestion% Desire and the $ubconscious. The ne8t chapter presents detailed
instructions #or the mastery o# FE'R.
!ere will be #ound a #ull description o# the si8 #ears which are the cause o#
all discouragement% timidity% procrastination% indi##erence% indecision% and the
lack o# ambition% sel#-reliance% initiati0e% sel#-control% and enthusiasm.
$earch yoursel# care#ully as you study these si8 enemies% as they may e8ist
only in your subconscious mind% where their presence will be hard to detect.
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Remember% too% as you analy7e the L$i8 (hosts o# Fear%L that they are nothing but
ghosts because they e8ist only in oneJs mind.
Remember% also% that ghostsM creations o# uncontrolled imaginationM
ha0e caused most o# the damage people ha0e done to their own minds% there#ore%
ghosts can be as dangerous as i# they li0ed and walked on the earth in physical
The (host o# the Fear o# Po0erty% which sei7ed the minds o# millions o#
people in *+.+% was so real that it caused the worst business depression this
country has e0er known. Aoreo0er% this particular ghost still #rightens some o#
us out o# our wits.
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CH&PT.R 19
.ake Inventory of -ourself, !s -ou
+ead .his Closin Chapter, and Find
'ut How Many of the 5:hosts5 !re
&tandin in -our (ay
BEF3RE you can put any portion o# this philosophy into success#ul use%
your mind must be prepared to recei0e it. The preparation is not di##icult. 1t
begins with study% analysis% and understanding o# three enemies which you shall
ha0e to clear out. These are 1DE51$13% D3:BT% and FE'RP
The $i8th $ense will ne0er #unction while these three negati0es% or any o#
them remain in your mind. The members o# this unholy trio are closely related"
where one is #ound% the other two are close at hand.
1DE51$13 is the seedling o# FE'RP Remember this% as you read.
1ndecision crystali7es into D3:BT% the two blend and become FE'RP The
LblendingL process o#ten is slow. This is one reason why these three enemies are
so dangerous. They germinate and grow without their presence bein observed/
The remainder o# this chapter describes an end which must be attained
be#ore the philosophy% as a whole% can be put into practical use. 1t also analy7es a
condition which has% but lately% reduced huge numbers o# people to po0erty% and
it states a truth which must be understood by all who accumulate riches% whether
measured in terms o# money or a state o# mind o# #ar greater 0alue than money.
The purpose o# this chapter is to turn the spotlight o# attention upon the cause
and the cure o# the si8 basic #ears. Be#ore we can master an enemy% we must
know its name% its habits% and its place o# abode. 's you read% analy7e yoursel#
care#ully% and determine which% i# any% o# the si8 common #ears ha0e attached
themsel0es to you.
Do not be decei0ed by the habits o# these subtle enemies. $ometimes they
remain hidden in the subconscious mind% where they are di##icult to locate% and
still more di##icult to eliminate.
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T!E $1I B'$15 FE'R$
There are si8 basic #ears% with some combination o# which e0ery human
su##ers at one tune or another. Aost people are #ortunate i# they do not su##er
#rom the entire si8. amed in the order o# their most common appearance% they
The #ear o# P3>ERT9 Y at the bottom o#
The #ear o# 5R1T151$A Y most o# oneJs
The #ear o# 1@@ !E'@T! Y worries
The #ear o# @3$$ 3F @3>E 3F $3AE3E
The #ear o# 3@D '(E
The #ear o# DE'T!
'll other #ears are o# minor importance% they can be grouped under these
si8 headings.
The pre0alence o# these #ears% as a curse to the world% runs in cycles. For
almost si8 years% while the depression was on% we #loundered in the cycle o#
FE'R 3F P3>ERT9. During the world-war% we were in the cycle o# FE'R 3F
DE'T!. Oust #ollowing the war% we were in the cycle o# FE'R 3F 1@@ !E'@T!%
as e0idenced by the epidemic o# disease which spread itsel# all o0er the world.
Fears are nothin more than states of mind. 3neJs state o# mind is sub;ect to
control and direction. Physicians% as e0eryone knows% are less sub;ect to attack by
disease than ordinary laymen% #or the reason that physicians D3 3T FE'R
D1$E'$E. Physicians% without #ear or hesitation% ha0e been known to physically
contact hundreds o# people% daily% who were su##ering #rom such contagious
diseases as small-po8% without becoming in#ected. Their immunity against the
disease consisted% largely% i# not solely% in their absolute lack o# FE'R.
Aan can create nothing which he does not #irst concei0e in the #orm o# an
impulse o# thought. Following this statement% comes another o# still greater
importance% namely% A'J$ T!3:(!T 1AP:@$E$ BE(1 1AAED1'TE@9 T3
TR'$@'TE T!EA$E@>E$ 1T3 T!E1R P!9$15'@ EK:1>'@ET%
4!ET!ER T!3$E T!3:(!T$ 'RE >3@:T'R9 3R 1>3@:T'R9.
Thought impulses which are picked up through the ether% by mere chance
<thoughts which ha0e been released by other minds= may determine oneJs
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#inancial% business% pro#essional% or social destiny ;ust as surely as do the thought
impulses which one creates by intent and design.
4e are here laying the #oundation #or the presentation o# a #act o# great
importance to the person who does not understand why some people appear to
be LluckyL while others o# eNual or greater ability% training% e8perience% and brain
capacity% seem destined to ride with mis#ortune. This #act may be e8plained by
the statement that every human bein has the ability to completely control his own
mind% and with this control% ob0iously% e0ery person may open his mind to the
tramp thought impulses which are being released by other brains% or close the
doors tightly and admit only thought impulses o# his own choice.
ature has endowed man with absolute control o0er but one thing% and
that is T!3:(!T. This #act% coupled with the additional #act that e0erything
which man creates% begins in the #orm o# a thought% leads one 0ery near to the
principle by which FE'R may be mastered.
1# it is true that '@@ T!3:(!T !'$ ' TEDE59 T3 5@3T!E
1T$E@F 1 1T$ P!9$15'@ EK:1>'@ET <and this is true% beyond any
reasonable room #or doubt=% it is eNually true that thought impulses o# #ear and
po0erty cannot be translated into terms o# courage and #inancial gain.
The people o# 'merica began to think o# po0erty% #ollowing the 4all
$treet crash o# *+.+. $lowly% but surely that mass thought was crystali7ed into its
physical eNui0alent% which was known as a Ldepression.L This had to happen% it
is in con#ormity with the laws o# ature.
There can be no compromise between P3>ERT9 and R15!E$P The two
roads that lead to po0erty and riches tra0el in opposite directions. 1# you want
riches% you must re#use to accept any circumstance that leads toward po0erty.
<The word LrichesL is here used in its broadest sense% meaning #inancial% spiritual%
mental and material estates=. The starting point o# the path that leads to riches is
DE$1RE. 1n chapter one% you recei0ed #ull instructions #or the proper use o#
DE$1RE. 1n this chapter% on FE'R% you ha0e complete instructions #or preparing
your mind to make practical use o# DE$1RE.
!ere% then% is the place to gi0e yoursel# a challenge which will de#initely
determine how much o# this philosophy you ha0e absorbed. !ere is the point at
which you can turn prophet and #oretell% accurately% what the #uture holds in
store #or you. 1#% a#ter reading this chapter% you are willing to accept po0erty% you
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may as well make up your mind to recei0e po0erty. This is one decision you
cannot a0oid.
1# you demand riches% determine what #orm% and how much will be
reNuired to satis#y you. 9ou know the road that leads to riches. 9ou ha0e been
gi0en a road map which% i# #ollowed% will keep you on that road. 1# you neglect to
make the start% or stop be#ore you arri0e% no one will be to blame% but 93:. This
responsibility is yours. o alibi will sa0e you #rom accepting the responsibility i#
you now #ail or re#use to demand riches o# @i#e% because the acceptance calls #or
but one thingM incidentally% the only thing you can controlMand that is a $T'TE
3F A1D. ' state o# mind is something that one assumes. 1t cannot be
purchased% it must be created.
Fear o# po0erty is a state o# mind% nothing elseP But it is su##icient to
destroy oneJs chances o# achie0ement in any undertaking% a truth which became
pain#ully e0ident during the depression.
This #ear paraly7es the #aculty o# reason% destroys the #aculty o#
imagination% kills o## sel#-reliance% undermines enthusiasm% discourages
initiati0e% leads to uncertainty o# purpose% encourages procrastination% wipes out
enthusiasm and makes sel#-control an impossibility. 1t takes the charm #rom oneJs
personality% destroys the possibility o# accurate thinking% di0erts concentration o#
e##ort% it masters persistence% turns the will-power into nothingness% destroys
ambition% beclouds the memory and in0ites #ailure in e0ery concei0able #orm" it
kills lo0e and assassinates the #iner emotions o# the heart% discourages #riendship
and in0ites disaster in a hundred #orms% leads to sleeplessness% misery and
unhappinessM and all this despite the ob0ious truth that we li0e in a world o#
o0er-abundance o# e0erything the heart could desire% with nothing standing
between us and our desires% e8cepting lack o# a de#inite purpose.
The Fear o# Po0erty is% without doubt% the most destructi0e o# the si8 basic
#ears. 1t has been placed at the head o# the list% because it is the most di##icult to
master. 5onsiderable courage is reNuired to state the truth about the origin o#
this #ear% and still greater courage to accept the truth a#ter it has been stated. The
#ear o# po0erty grew out o# manJs inherited tendency to PRE9 :P3 !1$
FE@@34 A' E533A15'@@9. early all animals lower than man are
moti0ated by instinct% but their capacity to LthinkL is limited% there#ore% they prey
upon one another physically. Aan% with his superior sense o# intuition% with the
capacity to think and to reason% does not eat his #ellowman bodily% he gets more
satis#action out o# LeatingL him F1'51'@@9. Aan is so a0aricious that e0ery
concei0able law has been passed to sa#eguard him #rom his #ellowman.
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3# all the ages o# the world% o# which we know anything% the age in which
we li0e seems to be one that is outstanding because o# manJs money-madness. '
man is considered less than the dust o# the earth% unless he can display a #at bank
account" but i# he has moneyM E>ER A1D !34 !E '5K:1RED 1TM he is a
LkingL or a Lbig shotL" he is abo0e the law% he rules in politics% he dominates in
business% and the whole world about him bows in respect when he passes.
othing brings man so much su##ering and humility as P3>ERT9P 3nly
those who ha0e e8perienced po0erty understand the #ull meaning o# this.
1t is no wonder that man fears po0erty. Through a long line o# inherited
e8periences man has learned% #or sure% that some men cannot be trusted% where
matters o# money and earthly possessions are concerned. This is a rather stinging
indictment% the worst part o# it being that it is TR:E.
The ma;ority o# marriages are moti0ated by the wealth possessed by one%
or both o# the contracting parties. 1t is no wonder% there#ore% that the di0orce
courts are busy.
$o eager is man to possess wealth that he will acNuire it in whate0er
manner he canM through legal methods i# possibleM through other methods i#
necessary or e8pedient.
$el#-analysis may disclose weaknesses which one does not like to
acknowledge. This #orm o# e8amination is essential to all who demand o# @i#e
more than mediocrity and po0erty. Remember% as you check yoursel# point by
point% that you are both the court and the ;ury% the prosecuting attorney and the
attorney #or the de#ense% and that you are the plainti## and the de#endant% also%
that you are on trial. Face the #acts sNuarely. 'sk yoursel# de#inite Nuestions and
demand direct replies. 4hen the e8amination is o0er% you will know more about
yoursel#. 1# you do not #eel that you can be an impartial ;udge in this sel#-
e8amination% call upon someone who knows you well to ser0e as ;udge while
you cross-e8amine yoursel#. 9ou are a#ter the truth. :et it, no matter at what cost
even thouh it may temporarily embarrass you6
The ma;ority o# people% i# asked what they #ear most% would reply% L1 #ear
nothing.L The reply would be inaccurate% because #ew people reali7e that they are
bound% handicapped% whipped spiritually and physically through some #orm o#
#ear. $o subtle and deeply seated is the emotion o# #ear that one may go through
li#e burdened with it% ne0er recogni7ing its presence. 3nly a courageous analysis
will disclose the presence o# this uni0ersal enemy. 4hen you begin such an
analysis% search deeply into your character. !ere is a list o# the symptoms #or
which you should look:
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&-MP.'M& 'F .H% F%!+ 'F P',%+.-
1D1FFERE5E. 5ommonly e8pressed through lack o# ambition" willingness to
tolerate po0erty" acceptance o# whate0er compensation li#e may o##er without
protest" mental and physical la7iness" lack o# initiati0e% imagination% enthusiasm
and sel#-control
1DE51$13. The habit o# permitting others to do oneJs thinking. $taying Lon
the #ence.L
D3:BT. (enerally e8pressed through alibis and e8cuses designed to co0er up%
e8plain away% or apologi7e #or oneJs #ailures% sometimes e8pressed in the #orm o#
en0y o# those who are success#ul% or by criticising them.
43RR9. :sually e8pressed by #inding #ault with others% a tendency to spend
beyond oneJs income% neglect o# personal appearance% scowling and #rowning"
intemperance in the use o# alcoholic drink% sometimes through the use o#
narcotics" ner0ousness% lack o# poise% sel#-consciousness and lack o# sel#-reliance.
3>ER-5':T13. The habit o# looking #or the negati0e side o# e0ery
circumstance% thinking and talking o# possible #ailure instead o# concentrating
upon the means o# succeeding. 2nowing all the roads to disaster% but ne0er
searching #or the plans to a0oid #ailure. 4aiting #or Lthe right timeL to begin
putting ideas and plans into action% until the waiting becomes a permanent habit.
Remembering those who ha0e #ailed% and #orgetting those who ha0e succeeded.
$eeing the hole in the doughnut% but o0erlooking the doughnut. Pessimism%
leading to indigestion% poor elimination% auto-into8ication% bad breath and bad
PR35R'$T1'T13. The habit o# putting o## until tomorrow that which should
ha0e been done last year. $pending enough time in creating alibis and e8cuses to
ha0e done the ;ob. This symptom is closely related to o0er-caution% doubt and
worry. Re#usal to accept responsibility when it can be a0oided. 4illingness to
compromise rather than put up a sti## #ight. 5ompromising with di##iculties
instead o# harnessing and using them as stepping stones to ad0ancement.
Bargaining with @i#e #or a penny% instead o# demanding prosperity% opulence%
riches% contentment and happiness. Planning what to do 1F 'D 4!E
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3>ERT'2E B9 F'1@:RE% 1$TE'D 3F B:R1( '@@ BR1D(E$ 'D
A'21( RETRE'T 1AP3$$1B@E. 4eakness o#% and o#ten total lack o# sel#-
con#idence% de#initeness o# purpose% sel#-control% initiati0e% enthusiasm% ambition%
thri#t and sound reasoning ability. EIPE5T1( P3>ERT9 1$TE'D 3F
DEA'D1( R15!E$. 'ssociation with those who accept po0erty instead o#
seeking the company o# those who demand and recei0e riches.
A3E9 T'@2$P
$ome will ask% Lwhy did you write a book about moneyF 4hy measure
riches in dollars% aloneFL $ome will belie0e% and rightly so% that there are other
#orms o# riches more desirable than money. 9es% there are riches which cannot be
measured in terms o# dollars% but there are millions o# people who will say% L(i0e
me all the money 1 need% and 1 will #ind e0erything else 1 want.L
The ma;or reason why 1 wrote this book on how to get money is the #act
that the world has but lately passed through an e8perience that le#t millions o#
men and women paraly7ed with the FE'R 3F P3>ERT9. 4hat this sort o# #ear
does to one was well described by 4estbrook Pegler% in the ew 9ork 4orld-
Telegram% 0i7:
LAoney is only clam shells or metal discs or scraps o# paper% and there are
treasures o# the heart and soul which money cannot buy% but most people% being
broke% are unable to keep this in mind and sustain their spirits. 4hen a man is
down and out and on the street% unable to get any ;ob at all% something happens
to his spirit which can be obser0ed in the droop o# his shoulders% the set o# his
hat% his walk and his ga7e. !e cannot escape a #eeling o# in#eriority among
people with regular employment% e0en though he knows they are de#initely not
his eNuals in character% intelligence or ability.
LThese peopleMe0en his #riendsM#eel% on the other hand% a sense o#
superiority and regard him% perhaps unconsciously% as a casualty. !e may
borrow #or a time% but not enough to carry on in his accustomed way% and he
cannot continue to borrow 0ery long. But borrowing in itsel#% when a man is
borrowing merely to li0e% is a depressing e8perience% and the money lacks the
power o# earned money to re0i0e his spirits. 3# course% none o# this applies to
bums or habitual neJer-do-wells% but only to men o# normal ambitions and sel#-
L43AE 535E'@ DE$P'1R.
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L4omen in the same predicament must be di##erent. 4e somehow do not
think o# women at all in considering the down-and-outers. They are scarce in the
breadlines% they rarely are seen begging on the streets% and they are not
recogni7able in crowds by the same plain signs which identi#y busted men. 3#
course% 1 do not mean the shu##ling hags o# the city streets who are the opposite
number o# the con#irmed male bums. 1 mean reasonably young% decent and
intelligent women. There must be many o# them% but their despair is not
apparent. Aaybe they kill themsel0es.
L4hen a man is down and out he has time on his hands #or brooding. !e
may tra0el miles to see a man about a ;ob and disco0er that the ;ob is #illed or
that it is one o# those ;obs with no base pay but only a commission on the sale o#
some useless knick-knack which nobody would buy% e8cept out o# pity. Turning
that down% he #inds himsel# back on the street with nowhere to go but ;ust
anywhere. $o he walks and walks. !e ga7es into store windows at lu8uries
which are not #or him% and #eels in#erior and gi0es way to people who stop to
look with an acti0e interest. !e wanders into the railroad station or puts himsel#
down in the library to ease his legs and soak up a little heat% but that isnJt looking
#or a ;ob% so he gets going again. !e may not know it% but his aimlessness would
gi0e him away e0en i# the 0ery lines o# his #igure did not. !e may be well
dressed in the clothes le#t o0er #rom the days when he had a steady ;ob% but the
clothes cannot disguise the droop.
L!e sees thousands o# other people% bookkeepers or clerks or chemists or
wagon hands% busy at their work and en0ies them #rom the bottom o# his soul.
They ha0e their independence% their sel#-respect and manhood% and he simply
cannot con0ince himsel# that he is a good man% too% though he argue it out and
arri0e at a #a0orable 0erdict hour a#ter hour.
L1t is ;ust money which makes this di##erence in him. 4ith a little money
he would be himsel# again.
L$ome employers take the most shocking ad0antage o# people who are
down and out. The agencies hang out little colored cards o##ering miserable
wages to busted menMQ *. a week% Q*H a week. 'n Q*B a week ;ob is a plum% and
anyone with Q.H a week to o##er does not hang the ;ob in #ront o# an agency on a
colored card. 1 ha0e a want ad clipped #rom a local paper demanding a clerk% a
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good% clean penman% to take telephone orders #or a sandwich shop #rom ** '. A.
to . P. A. #or QB a monthM not QB a week but QB a month. The ad says also% J$tate
religion. J 5an you imagine the brutal e##rontery o# anyone who demands a good%
clean penman #or ** cents an hour inNuiring into the 0ictimJs religionF But that is
what busted people are o##ered.L
T!E FE'R 3F 5R1T151$A
Oust how man originally came by this #ear% no one can state de#initely% but
one thing is certainM he has it in a highly de0eloped #orm. $ome belie0e that this
#ear made its appearance about the time that politics became a Lpro#ession.L
3thers belie0e it can be traced to the age when women #irst began to concern
themsel0es with LstylesL in wearing apparel.
This author% being neither a humorist nor a prophet% is inclined to attribute
the basic #ear o# criticism to that part o# manJs inherited nature which prompts
him not only to take away his #ellowmanJs goods and wares% but to ;usti#y his
action by 5R1T151$A o# his #ellowmanJs character. 1t is a well known #act that a
thie# will criticise the man #rom whom he stealsMthat politicians seek o##ice% not
by displaying their own 0irtues and Nuali#ications% but by attempting to besmirch
their opponents.
The #ear o# criticism takes on many #orms% the ma;ority o# which are petty
and tri0ial. Bald-headed men% #or e8ample% are bald #or no other reason than their
#ear o# criticism. !eads become bald because o# the tight #itting bands o# hats
which cut o## the circulation #rom the roots o# the hair. Aen wear hats% not
because they actually need them% but mainly because Le0eryone is doing it.L The
indi0idual #alls into line and does likewise% lest some other indi0idual 5R1T151$E
him. 4omen seldom ha0e bald heads% or e0en thin hair% because they wear hats
which #it their heads loosely% the only purpose o# the hats being adornment.
But% it must not be supposed that women are #ree #rom the #ear o#
criticism. 1# any woman claims to be superior to man with re#erence to this #ear%
ask her to walk down the street wearing a hat o# the 0intage o# *B+/.
The astute manu#acturers o# clothing ha0e not been slow to capitali7e this
basic #ear o# criticism% with which all mankind has been cursed. E0ery season the
styles in many articles o# wearing apparel change. 4ho establishes the stylesF
5ertainly not the purchaser o# clothing% but the manu#acturer. 4hy does he
change the styles so o#tenF The answer is ob0ious. !e changes the styles so he
can sell more clothes.
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For the same reason the manu#acturers o# automobiles <with a #ew rare
and 0ery sensible e8ceptions= change styles o# models e0ery season. o man
wants to dri0e an automobile which is not o# the latest style% although the older
model may actually be the better car.
4e ha0e been describing the manner in which people beha0e under the
in#luence o# #ear o# criticism as applied to the small and petty things o# li#e. @et us
now e8amine human beha0ior when this #ear a##ects people in connection with
the more important e0ents o# human relationship. Take #or e8ample practically
any person who has reached the age o# Lmental maturityL <#rom ,H to C/ years o#
age% as a general a0erage=% and i# you could read the secret thoughts o# his mind%
you would #ind a 0ery decided disbelie# in most o# the #ables taught by the
ma;ority o# the dogmatists and theologians a #ew decades back.
ot o#ten% howe0er% will you #ind a person who has the courage to openly
state his belie# on this sub;ect. Aost people will% i# pressed #ar enough% tell a lie
rather than admit that they do not belie0e the stories associated with that #orm o#
religion which held people in bondage prior to the age o# scienti#ic disco0ery and
4hy does the a0erage person% e0en in this day o# enlightenment% shy
away #rom denying his belie# in the #ables which were the basis o# most o# the
religions a #ew decades agoF The answer is% Lbecause o# the #ear o# criticism.L
Aen and women ha0e been burned at the stake #or daring to e8press disbelie# in
ghosts. 1t is no wonder we ha0e inherited a consciousness which makes us #ear
criticism. The time was% and not so #ar in the past% when criticism carried se0ere
punishmentsMit still does in some countries.
The #ear o# criticism robs man o# his initiati0e% destroys his power o#
imagination% limits his indi0iduality% takes away his sel#-reliance% and does him
damage in a hundred other ways. Parents o#ten do their children irreparable
in;ury by criticising them. The mother o# one o# my boyhood chums used to
punish him with a switch almost daily% always completing the ;ob with the
statement% L9ouJll land in the penitentiary be#ore you are twenty.L !e was sent to
a Re#ormatory at the age o# se0enteen.
5riticism is the one #orm o# ser0ice% o# which e0eryone has too much.
E0eryone has a stock o# it which is handed out% gratis% whether called #or or not.
3neJs nearest relati0es o#ten are the worst o##enders. 1t should be recogni7ed as a
crime <in reality it is a crime o# the worst nature=% #or any parent to build
in#eriority comple8es in the mind o# a child% through unnecessary criticism.
Employers who understand human nature% get the best there is in men% not by
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criticism% but by constructi0e suggestion. Parents may accomplish the same
results with their children. 5riticism will plant FE'R in the human heart% or
resentment% but it will not build lo0e or a##ection.
&-MP.'M& 'F .H% F%!+ 'F C+I.ICI&M
This #ear is almost as uni0ersal as the #ear o# po0erty% and its e##ects are
;ust as #atal to personal achie0ement% mainly because this #ear destroys initiati0e%
and discourages the use o# imagination. The ma;or symptoms o# the #ear are:
$E@F-53$513:$E$$. (enerally e8pressed through
ner0ousness% timidity in con0ersation and in meeting strangers%
awkward mo0ement o# the hands and limbs% shi#ting o# the eyes.
@'52 3F P31$E. E8pressed through lack o# 0oice control%
ner0ousness in the presence o# others% poor posture o# body% poor
PER$3'@1T9. @acking in #irmness o# decision% personal
charm% and ability to e8press opinions de#initely. The habit o# side-
stepping issues instead o# meeting them sNuarely. 'greeing with
others without care#ul e8amination o# their opinions.
1FER13R1T9 53AP@EI. The habit o# e8pressing sel#-
appro0al by word o# mouth and by actions% as a means o# co0ering
up a #eeling o# in#eriority. :sing Lbig wordsL to impress others%
<o#ten without knowing the real meaning o# the words=. 1mitating
others in dress% speech and manners. Boasting o# imaginary
achie0ements. This sometimes gi0es a sur#ace appearance o# a
#eeling o# superiority.
EITR'>'('5E. The habit o# trying to Lkeep up with the
Ooneses%L spending beyond oneJs income.
@'52 3F 11T1'T1>E. Failure to embrace opportunities #or
sel#-ad0ancement% #ear to e8press opinions% lack o# con#idence in
oneJs own ideas% gi0ing e0asi0e answers to Nuestions asked by
superiors% hesitancy o# manner and speech% deceit in both words
and deeds.
@'52 3F 'AB1T13. Aental and physical la7iness% lack o#
sel#-assertion% slowness in reaching decisions% easily in#luenced by
others% the habit o# criticising others behind their backs and
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#lattering them to their #aces% the habit o# accepting de#eat without
protest% Nuitting an undertaking when opposed by others%
suspicious o# other people without cause% lacking in tact#ulness o#
manner and speech% unwillingness to accept the blame #or mistakes.
T!E FE'R 3F 1@@ !E'@T!
This #ear may be traced to both physical and social heredity. 1t is closely
associated% as to its origin% with the causes o# #ear o# 3ld 'ge and the #ear o#
Death% because it leads one closely to the border o# Lterrible worldsL o# which
man knows not% but concerning which he has been taught some discom#orting
stories. The opinion is somewhat general% also% that certain unethical people
engaged in the business o# Lselling healthL ha0e had not a little to do with
keeping ali0e the #ear o# ill health.
1n the main% man #ears ill health because o# the terrible pictures which
ha0e been planted in his mind o# what may happen i# death should o0ertake
him. !e also #ears it because o# the economic toll which it may claim.
' reputable physician estimated that -HW o# all people who 0isit
physicians #or pro#essional ser0ice are su##ering with hypochondria <imaginary
illness=. 1t has been shown most con0incingly that the #ear o# disease% e0en where
there is not the slightest cause #or #ear% o#ten produces the physical symptoms o#
the disease #eared.
Power#ul and mighty is the human mindP 1t builds or it destroys.
Playing upon this common weakness o# #ear o# ill health% dispensers o#
patent medicines ha0e reaped #ortunes. This #orm o# imposition upon credulous
humanity became so pre0alent some twenty years ago that 5olliersJ 4eekly
Aaga7ine conducted a bitter campaign against some o# the worst o##enders in the
patent medicine business.
During the L#luL epidemic which broke out during the world war% the
mayor o# ew 9ork 5ity took drastic steps to check the damage which people
were doing themsel0es through their inherent #ear o# ill health. !e called in the
newspaper men and said to them% L(entlemen% 1 #eel it necessary to ask you not
to publish any scare headlines concerning the J#luJ epidemic. :nless you cooperate
with me% we will ha0e a situation which we cannot control.L The newspapers Nuit
publishing stories about the L#lu%L and within one month the epidemic had been
success#ully checked.
Through a series o# e8periments conducted some years ago% it was pro0ed
that people may be made ill by suggestion. 4e conducted this e8periment by
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causing three acNuaintances to 0isit the L0ictims%L each o# whom asked the
Nuestion% L4hat ails youF 9ou look terribly ill.L The #irst Nuestioner usually
pro0oked a grin% and a nonchalant L3h% nothing% 1Jm alright%L #rom the 0ictim.
The second Nuestioner usually was answered with the statement% L1 donJt know
e8actly% but 1 do #eel badly.L The third Nuestioner was usually met with the #rank
admission that the 0ictim was actually #eeling ill.
Try this on an acNuaintance i# you doubt that it will make him
uncom#ortable% but do not carry the e8periment too #ar. There is a certain
religious sect whose members take 0engeance upon their enemies by the
Lhe8ingL method. They call it Lplacing a spellL on the 0ictim.
There is o0erwhelming e0idence that disease sometimes begins in the
#orm o# negati0e thought impulse. $uch an impulse may be passed #rom one
mind to another% by suggestion% or created by an indi0idual in his own mind.
' man who was blessed with more wisdom than this incident might
indicate% once said L4hen anyone asks me how 1 #eel% 1 always want to answer by
knocking him down.L
Doctors send patients into new climates #or their health% because a change
o# Lmental attitudeL is necessary. The seed o# #ear o# ill health li0es in e0ery
human mind. 4orry% #ear% discouragement% disappointment in lo0e and business
a##airs% cause this seed to germinate and grow. The recent business depression
kept the doctors on the run% because e0ery #orm o# negati0e thinking may cause
ill health.
Disappointments in business and in lo0e stand at the head o# the list o#
causes o# #ear o# ill health. ' young man su##ered a disappointment in lo0e which
sent him to a hospital. For months he ho0ered between li#e and death. '
specialist in suggesti0e therapeutics was called in. The specialist changed nurses%
placing him in charge o# a very charmin youn woman who began <by pre-
arrangement with the doctor= to make lo0e to him the #irst day o# her arri0al on
the ;ob. 4ithin three weeks the patient was discharged #rom the hospital% still
su##ering% but with an entirely di##erent malady. !E 4'$ 1 @3>E '('1. The
remedy was a hoa8% but the patient and the nurse were later married. Both are in
good health at the time o# this writing.
&-MP.'M& 'F .H% F%!+ 'F I## H%!#.H
The symptoms o# this almost uni0ersal #ear are:
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':T3-$:((E$T13. The habit o# negati0e use o# sel#-
suggestion by looking #or% and e8pecting to #ind the symptoms o#
all kinds o# disease. LEn;oyingL imaginary illness and speaking o# it
as being real. The habit o# trying all L#adsL and LismsL
recommended by others as ha0ing therapeutic 0alue. Talking to
others o# operations% accidents and other #orms o# illness.
E8perimenting with diets% physical e8ercises% reducing systems%
without pro#essional guidance. Trying home remedies% patent
medicines and LNuackL remedies.
!9P35!3DR1'. The habit o# talking o# illness%
concentrating the mind upon disease% and e8pecting its appearance
until a ner0ous break occurs. othing that comes in bottles can cure
this condition. 1t is brought on by negati0e thinking and nothing
but positi0e thought can a##ect a cure. !ypochondria% <a medical
term #or imaginary disease= is said to do as much damage on
occasion% as the disease one #ears might do. Aost so-called cases o#
Lner0esL come #rom imaginary illness.
EIER51$E. Fear o# ill health o#ten inter#eres with proper
physical e8ercise% and results in o0er-weight% by causing one to
a0oid outdoor li#e.
$:$5EPT1B1@1T9. Fear o# ill health breaks down atureJs
body resistance% and creates a #a0orable condition #or any #orm o#
disease one may contact.
The #ear o# ill health o#ten is related to the #ear o# Po0erty%
especially in the case o# the hypochondriac% who constantly worries
about the possibility o# ha0ing to pay doctorJs bills% hospital bills%
etc. This type o# person spends much time preparing #or sickness%
talking about death% sa0ing money #or cemetery lots% and burial
e8penses% etc.
$E@F-53DD@1(. The habit o# making a bid #or sympathy%
using imaginary illness as the lure. <People o#ten resort to this trick
to a0oid work=. The habit o# #eigning illness to co0er plain la7iness%
or to ser0e as an alibi #or lack o# ambition.
1TEAPER'5E. The habit o# using alcohol or narcotics to
destroy pains such as headaches% neuralgia% etc.% instead o#
eliminating the cause.
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The habit o# reading about illness and worrying o0er the
possibility o# being stricken by it. The habit o# reading patent
medicine ad0ertisements.
T!E FE'R 3F @3$$ 3F @3>E
The original source o# this inherent #ear needs but little description%
because it ob0iously grew out o# manJs polygamous habit o# stealing his #ellow-
manJs mate% and his habit o# taking liberties with her whene0er he could.
Oealousy% and other similar #orms o# dementia praeco8 grow out o# manJs
inherited #ear o# the loss o# lo0e o# someone. This #ear is the most pain#ul o# all
the si8 basic #ears. 1t probably plays more ha0oc with the body and mind than
any o# the other basic #ears% as it o#ten leads to permanent insanity.
The #ear o# the loss o# lo0e probably dates back to the stone age% when
men stole women by brute #orce. They continue to steal #emales% but their
techniNue has changed. 1nstead o# #orce% they now use persuasion% the promise o#
pretty clothes% motor cars% and other LbaitL much more e##ecti0e than physical
#orce. AanJs habits are the same as they were at the dawn o# ci0ili7ation% but he
e8presses them di##erently.
5are#ul analysis has shown that women are more susceptible to this #ear
than men. This #act is easily e8plained. 4omen ha0e learned% #rom e8perience%
that men are polygamous by nature% that they are not to be trusted in the hands
o# ri0als.
&-MP.'M& 'F .H% F%!+ 'F #'&& 'F #',%
The distinguishing symptoms o# this #ear are:M
OE'@3:$9. The habit o# being suspicious o# #riends and
lo0ed ones without any reasonable e0idence o# su##icient grounds.
<Oealousy is a #orm o# dementia praeco8 which sometimes becomes
0iolent without the slightest cause=. The habit o# accusing wi#e or
husband o# in#idelity without grounds. (eneral suspicion o#
e0eryone% absolute #aith in no one.
F':@T F1D1(. The habit o# #inding #ault with #riends%
relati0es% business associates and lo0ed ones upon the slightest
pro0ocation% or without any cause whatsoe0er.
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('AB@1(. The habit o# gambling% stealing% cheating% and
otherwise taking ha7ardous chances to pro0ide money #or lo0ed
ones% with the belie# that lo0e can be bought. The habit o# spending
beyond oneJs means% or incurring debts% to pro0ide gi#ts #or lo0ed
ones% with the ob;ect o# making a #a0orable showing. 1nsomnia%
ner0ousness% lack o# persistence% weakness o# will% lack o# sel#-
control% lack o# sel#-reliance% bad temper.
T!E FE'R 3F 3@D '(E
1n the main% this #ear grows out o# two sources. First% the thought that old
age may bring with it P3>ERT9. $econdly% and by #ar the most common source
o# origin% #rom #alse and cruel teachings o# the past which ha0e been too well
mi8ed with L#ire and brimstone%L and other bogies cunningly designed to ensla0e
man through #ear.
1n the basic #ear o# old age% man has two 0ery sound reasons #or his
apprehensionM one growing out o# his distrust o# his #ellowman% who may sei7e
whate0er worldly goods he may possess% and the other arising #rom the terrible
pictures o# the world beyond% which were planted in his mind% through social
heredity be#ore he came into #ull possession o# his mind.
The possibility o# ill health% which is more common as people grow older%
is also a contributing cause o# this common #ear o# old age. Eroticism also enters
into the cause o# the #ear o# old age% as no man cherishes the thought o#
diminishing se8 attraction.
The most common cause o# #ear o# old age is associated with the
possibility o# po0erty. LPoorhouseL is not a pretty word. 1t throws a chill into the
mind o# e0ery person who #aces the possibility o# ha0ing to spend his declining
years on a poor #arm.
'nother contributing cause o# the #ear o# old age% is the possibility o# loss
o# #reedom and independence% as old age may bring with it the loss o# both
physical and economic #reedom.
&-MP.'M& 'F .H% F%!+ 'F '#$ !:%
The commonest symptoms o# this #ear are:
The tendency to slow down and de0elop an in#eriority
comple8 at the age o# mental maturity% around the age o# #orty%
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#alsely belie0ing oneJs sel# to be LslippingL because o# age. <The
truth is that manJs most use#ul years% mentally and spiritually% are
those between #orty and si8ty=.
The habit o# speaking apologetically o# oneJs sel# as Lbeing
oldL merely because one has reached the age o# #orty% or #i#ty%
instead o# re0ersing the rule and e8pressing gratitude #or ha0ing
reached the age o# wisdom and understanding.
The habit o# killing o## initiati0e% imagination% and sel#-
reliance by #alsely belie0ing oneJs sel# too old to e8ercise these
Nualities. The habit o# the man or woman o# #orty dressing with the
aim o# trying to appear much younger% and a##ecting mannerisms
o# youth" thereby inspiring ridicule by both #riends and strangers.
To some this is the cruelest o# all the basic #ears. The reason is ob0ious.
The terrible pangs o# #ear associated with the thought o# death% in the ma;ority o#
cases% may be charged directly to religious #anaticism. $o-called LheathenL are
less a#raid o# death than the more Lci0ili7ed.L For hundreds o# millions o# years
man has been asking the still unanswered Nuestions% LwhenceL and Lwhither.L
4here did 1 come #rom% and where am 1 goingF
During the darker ages o# the past% the more cunning and cra#ty were not
slow to o##er the answer to these Nuestions% F3R ' PR15E. 4itness% now% the
ma;or source o# origin o# the FE'R 3F DE'T!.
L5ome into my tent% embrace my #aith% accept my dogmas% and 1 will gi0e
you a ticket that will admit you straightaway into hea0en when you die%L cries a
leader o# sectarianism. LRemain out o# my tent%L says the same leader% Land may
the de0il take you and burn you throughout eternity.L
ETER1T9 is a long time. F1RE is a terrible thing. The thought o# eternal
punishment% with #ire% not only causes man to #ear death% it o#ten causes him to
lose his reason. 1t destroys interest in li#e and makes happiness impossible.
During my research% 1 re0iewed a book entitled L' 5atalogue o# the
(ods%L in which were listed the CE,EEE ods which man has worshiped. Think o#
itP Thirty thousand o# them% represented by e0erything #rom a craw#ish to a man.
1t is little wonder that men ha0e become #rightened at the approach o# death.
4hile the religious leader may not be able to pro0ide sa#e conduct into
hea0en% nor% by lack o# such pro0ision% allow the un#ortunate to descend into
hell% the possibility o# the latter seems so terrible that the 0ery thought o# it lays
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hold o# the imagination in such a realistic way that it paraly7es reason% and sets
up the #ear o# death.
1n truth% 3 A' 234$% and no man has e0er known% what hea0en or
hell is like% nor does any man know i# either place actually e8ists. This 0ery lack
o# positi0e knowledge opens the door o# the human mind to the charlatan so he
may enter and control that mind with his stock o# legerdemain and 0arious
brands o# pious #raud and trickery.
The #ear o# DE'T! is not as common now as it was during the age when
there were no great colleges and uni0ersities. Aen o# science ha0e turned the
spotlight o# truth upon the world% and this truth is rapidly #reeing men and
women #rom this terrible #ear o# DE'T!. The young men and young women
who attend the colleges and uni0ersities are not easily impressed by L#ireL and
Lbrimstone.L Through the aid o# biology% astronomy% geology% and other related
sciences% the #ears o# the dark ages which gripped the minds o# men and
destroyed their reason ha0e been dispelled.
1nsane asylums are #illed with men and women who ha0e gone mad%
because o# the FE'R 3F DE'T!.
This #ear is useless. Death will come% no matter what anyone may think
about it. 'ccept it as a necessity% and pass the thought out o# your mind. 1t must
be a% necessity% or it would not come to all. Perhaps it is not as bad as it has been
The entire world is made up o# only two things% EER(9 and A'TTER.
1n elementary physics we learn that neither matter nor energy <the only two
realities known to man= can be created nor destroyed. Both matter and energy
can be trans#ormed% but neither can be destroyed.
@i#e is energy% i# it is anything. 1# neither energy nor matter can be
destroyed% o# course li#e cannot be destroyed. @i#e% like other #orms o# energy%
may be passed through 0arious processes o# transition% or change% but it cannot
be destroyed. Death is mere transition.
1# death is not mere change% or transition% then nothing comes a#ter death
e8cept a long% eternal% peace#ul sleep% and sleep is nothing to be #eared. Thus you
may wipe out% #ore0er% the #ear o# Death.
&-MP.'M& 'F .H% F%!+ 'F $%!.H
The general symptoms o# this #ear are:M
The habit o# T!121( about dying instead o# making the
most o# @1FE% due% generally% to lack o# purpose% or lack o# a suitable
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occupation. This #ear is more pre0alent among the aged% but
sometimes the more youth#ul are 0ictims o# it. The greatest o# all
remedies #or the #ear o# death is a B:R1( DE$1RE F3R
'5!1E>EAET% backed by use#ul ser0ice to others. ' busy person
seldom has time to think about dying. !e #inds li#e too thrilling to
worry about death. $ometimes the #ear o# death is closely
associated with the Fear o# Po0erty% where oneJs death would lea0e
lo0ed ones po0erty-stricken. 1n other cases% the #ear o# death is
caused by illness and the conseNuent breaking down o# physical
body resistance. The commonest causes o# the #ear o# death are: ill-
health% po0erty% lack o# appropriate occupation% disappointment
o0er lo0e% insanity% religious #anaticism.
'#$ M!) ('++-
4orry is a state o# mind based upon #ear. 1t works slowly% but
persistently. 1t is insiduous and subtle. $tep by step it Ldigs itsel# inL until it
paraly7es oneJs reasoning #aculty% destroys sel#-con#idence and initiati0e. 4orry
is a #orm o# sustained #ear caused by indecision there#ore it is a state o# mind
which can be controlled.
'n unsettled mind is helpless. 1ndecision makes an unsettled mind. Aost
indi0iduals lack the willpower to reach decisions promptly% and to stand by them
a#ter they ha0e been made% e0en during normal business conditions. During
periods o# economic unrest <such as the world recently e8perienced=% the
indi0idual is handicapped% not alone by his inherent nature to be slow at
reaching decisions% but he is in#luenced by the indecision o# others around him
who ha0e created a state o# Lmass indecision.L
During the depression the whole atmosphere% all o0er the world% was
#illed with LFearen7aL and L4orryitis%L the two mental disease germs which
began to spread themsel0es a#ter the 4all $treet #ren7y in *+.+. There is only one
known antidote #or these germs" it is the habit o# prompt and #irm DE51$13.
Aoreo0er% it is an antidote which e0ery indi0idual must apply #or himsel#.
4e do not worry o0er conditions% once we ha0e reached a decision to
#ollow a de#inite line o# action.
1 once inter0iewed a man who was to be electrocuted two hours later. The
condemned man was the calmest o# some eight men who were in the death-cell
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with him. !is calmness prompted me to ask him how it #elt to know that he was
going into eternity in a short while. 4ith a smile o# con#idence on his #ace% he
said% L1t #eels #ine. Oust think% brother% my troubles will soon be o0er. 1 ha0e had
nothing but trouble all my li#e. 1t has been a hardship to get #ood and clothing.
$oon 1 will not need these things. 1 ha0e #elt #ine e0er since 1 learned F3R
5ERT'1 that 1 must die. 1 made up my mind then% to accept my #ate in good
's he spoke he de0oured a dinner o# proportions su##icient #or three men%
eating e0ery mouth#ul o# the #ood brought to him% and apparently en;oying it as
much as i# no disaster awaited him. DE51$13 ga0e this man resignation to his
#ateP Decision can also pre0ent oneJs acceptance o# undesired circumstances.
The si8 basic #ears become translated into a state o# worry% through
indecision. Relie0e yoursel#% #ore0er o# the #ear o# death% by reaching a decision to
accept death as an inescapable e0ent. 4hip the #ear o# po0erty by reaching a
decision to get along with whate0er wealth you can accumulate 41T!3:T
43RR9. Put your #oot upon the neck o# the #ear o# criticism by reaching a
decision 3T T3 43RR9 about what other people think% do% or say. Eliminate
the #ear o# old age by reaching a decision to accept it% not as a handicap% but as a
great blessing which carries with it wisdom% sel#-control% and understanding not
known to youth.
'cNuit yoursel# o# the #ear o# ill health by the decision to #orget symptoms.
Aaster the #ear o# loss o# lo0e by reaching a decision to get along without lo0e% i#
that is necessary.
2ill the habit o# worry% in all its #orms% by reaching a general% blanket
decision that nothing which li#e has to o##er is worth the price o# worry. 4ith this
decision will come poise% peace o# mind% and calmness o# thought which will
bring happiness.
' man whose mind is #illed with #ear not only destroys his own chances o#
intelligent action% but% he transmits these destructi0e 0ibrations to the minds o#
all who come into contact with him% and destroys% also their chances.
E0en a dog or a horse knows when its master lacks courage" moreo0er% a
dog or a horse will pick up the 0ibrations o# #ear thrown o## by its master% and
beha0e accordingly. @ower down the line o# intelligence in the animal kingdom%
one #inds this same capacity to pick up the 0ibrations o# #ear. ' honey-bee
immediately senses #ear in the mind o# a personM#or reasons unknown% a bee
will sting the person whose mind is releasing 0ibrations o# #ear% much more
readily than it will molest the person whose mind registers no #ear.
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The 0ibrations o# #ear pass #rom one mind to another ;ust as Nuickly and as
surely as the sound o# the human 0oice passes #rom the broadcasting station to
the recei0ing set o# a radioMand B9 T!E $E@F-$'AE AED1:A.
Mental telepathy is a reality. Thoughts pass #rom one mind to another%
0oluntarily% whether or not this #act is recogni7ed by either the person releasing
the thoughts% or the persons who pick up those thoughts.
The person who gi0es e8pression% by word o# mouth% to negati0e or
destructi0e thoughts is practically certain to e8perience the results o# those words
in the #orm o# a destructi0e Lkick-back.L The release o# destructi0e thought
impulses% alone% without the aid o# words% produces also a LkickbackL in more
ways than one. First o# all% and perhaps most important to be remembered% the
person who releases thoughts o# a destructi0e nature% must su##er damage
through the breaking down o# the #aculty o# creati0e imagination. $econdly% the
presence in the mind o# any destructi0e emotion de0elops a negati0e personality
which repels people% and o#ten con0erts them into antagonists. The third source
o# damage to the person who entertains or releases negati0e thoughts% lies in this
signi#icant #actM these thought-impulses are not only damaging to others% but
they 1ABED T!EA$E@>E$ 1 T!E $:B53$513:$ A1D 3F T!E PER$3
RE@E'$1( T!EA% and there become a part o# his character.
3ne is ne0er through with a thought% merely by releasing it. 4hen a
thought is released% it spreads in e0ery direction% through the medium o# the
ether% but it also plants itsel# permanently in the subconscious mind o# the person
releasin it.
9our business in li#e is% presumably to achie0e success. To be success#ul%
you must #ind peace o# mind% acNuire the material needs o# li#e% and abo0e all%
attain !'PP1E$$. 'll o# these e0idences o# success begin in the #orm o# thought
9ou may control your own mind% you ha0e the power to #eed it whate0er
thought impulses you choose. 4ith this pri0ilege goes also the responsibility o#
using it constructi0ely. 9ou are the master o# your own earthly destiny ;ust as
surely as you ha0e the power to control your own thoughts. 9ou may in#luence%
direct% and e0entually control your own en0ironment% making your li#e what you
want it to beM or% you may neglect to e8ercise the pri0ilege which is yours% to
make your li#e to order% thus casting yoursel# upon the broad sea o#
L5ircumstanceL where you will be tossed hither and yon% like a chip on the wa0es
o# the ocean.
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T!E DE>1@J$ 43R2$!3P
T!E $E>ET! B'$15 E>1@
1n addition to the $i8 Basic Fears% there is another e0il by which people
su##er. 1t constitutes a rich soil in which the seeds o# #ailure grow abundantly. 1t is
so subtle that its presence o#ten is not detected. This a##liction cannot properly be
classed as a #ear. 1T 1$ A3RE DEEP@9 $E'TED 'D A3RE 3FTE F'T'@
T!' '@@ 3F T!E $1I FE'R$. For want o# a better name% let us call this e0il
$:$5EPT1B1@1T9 T3 E('T1>E 1F@:E5E$.
Aen who accumulate great riches always protect themsel0es against this
e0ilP The po0erty stricken ne0er doP Those who succeed in any calling must
prepare their minds to resist the e0il. 1# you are reading this philosophy #or the
purpose o# accumulating riches% you should e8amine yoursel# 0ery care#ully% to
determine whether you are susceptible to negati0e in#luences. 1# you neglect this
sel#-analysis% you will #or#eit your right to attain the ob;ect o# your desires.
Aake the analysis searching. '#ter you read the Nuestions prepared #or
this sel#-analysis% hold yoursel# to a strict accounting in your answers. (o at the
task as care#ully as you would search #or any other enemy you knew to be
awaiting you in ambush and deal with your own #aults as you would with a
more tangible enemy.
9ou can easily protect yoursel# against highway robbers% because the law
pro0ides organi7ed cooperation #or your bene#it% but the Lse0enth basic e0ilL is
more di##icult to master% because it strikes when you are not aware o# its
presence% when you are asleep% and while you are awake. Aoreo0er% its weapon
is intangible% because it consists o# merelyM a $T'TE 3F A1D. This e0il is also
dangerous because it strikes in as many di##erent #orms as there are human
e8periences. $ometimes it enters the mind through the well-meant words o# oneJs
own relati0es. 't other times% it bores #rom within% through oneJs own mental
attitude. 'lways it is as deadly as poison% e0en though it may not kill as Nuickly.
How .' P+'.%C. -'8+&%#F !:!I)&. )%:!.I,%
To protect yoursel# against negati0e in#luences% whether o# your own
making% or the result o# the acti0ities o# negati0e people around you% recogni7e
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that you ha0e a 41@@-P34ER% and put it into constant use% until it builds a wall
o# immunity against negati0e in#luences in your own mind.
Recogni7e the #act that you% and e0ery other human being% are% by nature%
la7y% indi##erent% and susceptible to all suggestions which harmoni7e with your
Recogni7e that you are% by nature% susceptible to all the si8 basic #ears% and
set up. habits #or the purpose o# counteracting all these #ears.
Recogni7e that negati0e in#luences o#ten work on you through your
subconscious mind% there#ore they are di##icult to detect% and keep your mind
closed against all people who depress or discourage you in any way.
5lean out your medicine chest% throw away all pill bottles% and stop
pandering to colds% aches% pains and imaginary illness.
Deliberately seek the company o# people who in#luence you to T!12
'D '5T F3R 93:R$E@F.
Do not EIPE5T troubles as they ha0e a tendency not to dissappoint.
(ithout doubt, the most common weakness of all human beins is the habit of
leavin their minds open to the neative influence of other people/ This weakness is all
the more damaging% because most people do not recogni7e that they are cursed
by it% and many who acknowledge it% neglect or re#use to correct the e0il until it
becomes an uncontrollable part o# their daily habits.
To aid those who wish to see themsel0es as they really are% the #ollowing
list o# Nuestions has been prepared. Read the Nuestions and state your answers
aloud% so you can hear your own 0oice. This will make it easier #or you to be
truth#ul with yoursel#.
&%#F1!)!#-&I& .%&. ?8%&.I')&
Do you complain o#ten o# L#eeling bad%L and i# so% what is the
Do you #ind #ault with other people at the slightest
Do you #reNuently make mistakes in your work% and i# so%
're you sarcastic and o##ensi0e in your con0ersationF
Do you deliberately a0oid the association o# anyone% and i#
so% whyF
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Do you su##er #reNuently with indigestionF 1# so% what is the
Does li#e seem #utile and the #uture hopeless to youF 1# so%
Do you like your occupationF 1# not% whyF
Do you o#ten #eel sel#-pity% and i# so whyF
're you en0ious o# those who e8cel youF
To which do you de0ote most time% thinking o# $:55E$$% or
o# F'1@:REF
're you gaining or losing sel#-con#idence as you grow olderF
Do you learn something o# 0alue #rom all mistakesF
're you permitting some relati0e or acNuaintance to worry
youF 1# so% whyF
!re you sometimes Lin the cloudsL and at other times in the
depths o# despondencyF
4ho has the most inspiring in#luence upon youF 4hat is the
Do you tolerate negati0e or discouraging in#luences which
you can a0oidF
're you careless o# your personal appearanceF 1# so% when
and whyF
!a0e you learned how to Ldrown your troublesL by being
too busy to be annoyed by themF
4ould you call yoursel# a Lspineless weaklingL i# you
permitted others to do your thinking #or youF
Do you neglect internal bathing until auto-into8ication
makes you ill-tempered and irritableF
!ow many pre0entable disturbances annoy you% and why
do you tolerate themF
Do you resort to liNuor% narcotics% or cigarettes to LNuiet your
ner0esLF 1# so% why do you not try will-power insteadF
Does anyone LnagL you% and i# so% #or what reasonF
Do you ha0e a DEF11TE A'O3R P:RP3$E% and i# so% what
is it% and what plan ha0e you #or achie0ing itF
Do you su##er #rom any o# the $i8 Basic FearsF 1# so% which
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!a0e you a method by which you can shield yoursel#
against the negati0e in#luence o# othersF
Do you make deliberate use o# auto-suggestion to make your
mind positi0eF
4hich do you 0alue most% your material possessions% or
your pri0ilege o# controlling your own thoughtsF
're you easily in#luenced by others% against your own
!as today added anything o# 0alue to your stock o#
knowledge or state o# mindF
Do you #ace sNuarely the circumstances which make you
unhappy% or sidestep the responsibilityF
Do you analy7e all mistakes and #ailures and try to pro#it by
them or% do you take the attitude that this is not your dutyF
5an you name three o# your most damaging weaknessesF
4hat are you doing to correct themF
Do you encourage other people to bring their worries to you
#or sympathyF
Do you choose% #rom your daily e8periences% lessons or
in#luences which aid in your personal ad0ancementF
Does your presence ha0e a negati0e in#luence on other
people as a ruleF
4hat habits o# other people annoy you mostF
Do you #orm your own opinions or permit yoursel# to be
in#luenced by other peopleF
!a0e you learned how to create a mental state o# mind with
which you can shield yoursel# against all discouraging in#luencesF
Does your occupation inspire you with #aith and hopeF
're you conscious o# possessing spiritual #orces o# su##icient
power to enable you to keep your mind #ree #rom all #orms o#
Does your religion help you to keep your own mind
Do you #eel it your duty to share other peopleJs worriesF 1#
so% whyF
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1# you belie0e that Lbirds o# a #eather #lock togetherL what
ha0e you learned about yoursel# by studying the #riends whom you
4hat connection% i# any% do you see between the people with
whom you associate most closely% and any unhappiness you may
5ould it be possible that some person whom you consider to
be a #riend is% in reality% your worst enemy% because o# his negati0e
in#luence on your mindF
By what rules do you ;udge who is help#ul and who is
damaging to youF
're your intimate associates mentally superior or in#erior to
!ow much time out o# e0ery .C hours do you de0ote to:
a. your occupation
b. sleep
c. play and rela8ation
d. acNuiring use#ul knowledge
e. plain waste
4ho among your acNuaintances%
a. encourages you most
b. cautions you most
c. discourages you most
d. helps you most in other ways
4hat is your greatest worryF 4hy do you tolerate itF
4hen others o##er you #ree% unsolicited ad0ice% do you
accept it without Nuestion% or analy7e their moti0eF
4hat% abo0e all else% do you most DE$1REF Do you intend to
acNuire itF 're you willing to subordinate all other desires #or this
oneF !ow much time daily do you de0ote to acNuiring itF
Do you change your mind o#tenF 1# so% whyF
Do you usually #inish e0erything you beginF
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're you easily impressed by other peopleJs business or
pro#essional titles% college degrees% or wealthF
're you easily in#luenced by what other people think or say
o# youF
Do you cater to people because o# their social or #inancial
4hom do you belie0e to be the greatest person li0ingF 1n
what respect is this person superior to yoursel#F
!ow much time ha0e you de0oted to studying and
answering these NuestionsF <'t least one day is necessary #or the
analysis and the answering o# the entire list.=
1# you ha0e answered all these Nuestions truth#ully% you know more about
yoursel# than the ma;ority o# people. $tudy the Nuestions care#ully% come back to
them once each week #or se0eral months% and be astounded at the amount o#
additional knowledge o# great 0alue to yoursel#% you will ha0e gained by the
simple method o# answering the Nuestions truth#ully. 1# you are not certain
concerning the answers to some o# the Nuestions% seek the counsel o# those who
know you well% especially those who ha0e no moti0e in #lattering you% and see
yoursel# through their eyes. The e8perience will be astonishing.
9ou ha0e 'B$3@:TE 53TR3@ o0er but one thing% and that is your
thoughts. This is the most signi#icant and inspiring o# all #acts known to manP 1t
re#lects manJs Di0ine nature. This Di0ine prerogati0e is the sole means by which
you may control your own destiny. 1# you #ail to control your own mind% you
may be sure you will control nothing else.
1# you must be careless with your possessions% let it be in connection with
material things. -our mind is your spiritual estate6 Protect and use it with the care
to which Di0ine Royalty is entitled. 9ou were gi0en a 41@@-P34ER #or this
:n#ortunately% there is no legal protection against those who% either by
design or ignorance% poison the minds o# others by negati0e suggestion. This
#orm o# destruction should be punishable by hea0y legal penalties% because it
may and o#ten does destroy oneJs chances o# acNuiring material things which are
protected by law.
Aen with negati0e minds tried to con0ince Thomas '. Edison that he
could not build a machine that would record and reproduce the human 0oice%
LbecauseL they said% Lno one else had e0er produced such a machine.L Edison did
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not belie0e them. !e knew that the mind could produce '9T!1( T!E
A1D 53:@D 535E1>E 'D BE@1E>E% and that knowledge was the thing
that li#ted the great Edison abo0e the common herd.
Aen with negati0e minds told F. 4. 4oolworth% he would go LbrokeL
trying to run a store on #i0e and ten cent sales. !e did not belie0e them. !e knew
that he could do anything% within reason% i# he backed his plans with #aith.
E8ercising his right to keep other menJs negati0e suggestions out o# his mind% he
piled up a #ortune o# more than a hundred million dollars.
Aen with negati0e minds told (eorge 4ashington he could not hope to
win against the 0astly superior #orces o# the British% but he e8ercised his Di0ine
right to BE@1E>E% there#ore this book was published under the protection o# the
$tars and $tripes% while the name o# @ord 5ornwallis has been all but #orgotten.
Doubting Thomases sco##ed scorn#ully when !enry Ford tried out his #irst
crudely built automobile on the streets o# Detroit. $ome said the thing ne0er
would become practical. 3thers said no one would pay money #or such a
F3RD $'1D% L1J@@ BE@T T!E E'RT! 41T! DEPED'B@E A3T3R
5'R$%L 'D !E D1DP
!is decision to trust his own ;udgment has already piled up a #ortune #ar
greater than the ne8t #i0e generations o# his descendents can sNuander. For the
bene#it o# those seeking 0ast riches% let it be remembered that practically the sole
di##erence between !enry Ford and a ma;ority o# the more than one hundred
thousand men who work #or him% is thisMF3RD !'$ ' A1D 'D
53TR3@$ 1T% T!E 3T!ER$ !'>E A1D$ 4!15! T!E9 D3 3T TR9 T3
!enry Ford has been repeatedly mentioned% because he is an astounding
e8ample o# what a man with a mind o# his own% and a will to control it% can
accomplish. !is record knocks the #oundation #rom under that time-worn alibi% L1
ne0er had a chance.L Ford ne0er had a chance% either% but he 5RE'TED '
3PP3RT:1T9 'D B'52ED 1T 41T! PER$1$TE5E :T1@ 1T A'DE !1A
R15!ER T!' 5R3E$:$.
Aind control is the result o# sel#-discipline and habit. 9ou either control
your mind or it controls you. There is no hall-way compromise. The most
practical o# all methods #or controlling the mind is the habit o# keeping it busy
with a de#inite purpose% backed by a de#inite plan. $tudy the record o# any man
who achie0es noteworthy success% and you will obser0e that he has control o0er
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his own mind% moreo0er% that he e8ercises that control and directs it toward the
attainment o# de#inite ob;ecti0es. 4ithout this control% success is not possible.
5FIF.-1&%,%)5 F!M'8& !#I9I&
9y 'ld Man IF
People who do not succeed ha0e one distinguishing trait in common. They
know all the reasons for failure% and ha0e what they belie0e to be air-tight alibis to
e8plain away their own lack o# achie0ement.
$ome o# these alibis are cle0er% and a #ew o# them are ;usti#iable by the
#acts. But alibis cannot be used #or money. The world wants to know only one
thingM!'>E 93: '5!1E>ED $:55E$$F
' character analyst compiled a list o# the most commonly used alibis. 's
you read the list% e8amine yoursel# care#ully% and determine how many o# these
alibis% i# any% are your own property. Remember% too% the philosophy presented
in this book makes e0ery one o# these alibis obsolete.
1F 1 didnJt ha0e a wi#e and #amily . . .
1F 1 had enough LpullL . . .
1F 1 had money . . .
1F 1 had a good education . . .
1F 1 could get a ;ob . . .
1F 1 had good health . . .
1F 1 only had time . . .
1F times were better . . .
1F other people understood me . . .
1F conditions around me were only di##erent . . .
1F 1 could li0e my li#e o0er again . . .
1F 1 did not #ear what LT!E9L would say . . .
1F 1 had been gi0en a chance . . .
1F 1 now had a chance . . .
1F other people didnJt Lha0e it in #or meL . . .
1F nothing happens to stop me . . .
1F 1 were only younger . . .
1F 1 could only do what 1 want . . .
1F 1 had been born rich . . .
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1F 1 could meet Lthe right peopleL . . .
1F 1 had the talent that some people ha0e . . .
1F 1 dared assert mysel# . . .
1F 1 only had embraced past opportunities . . .
1F people didnJt get on my ner0es . . .
1F 1 didnJt ha0e to keep house and look a#ter the children . . .
1F 1 could sa0e some money . . .
1F the boss only appreciated me . . .
1F 1 only had somebody to help me . . .
1F my #amily understood me . . .
1F 1 li0ed in a big city . . .
1F 1 could ;ust get started . . .
1F 1 were only #ree . . .
1F 1 had the personality o# some people . . .
1F 1 were not so #at . . .
1F my talents were known . . .
1F 1 could ;ust get a LbreakL . . .
1F 1 could only get out o# debt . . .
1F 1 hadnJt #ailed . . .
1F 1 only knew how . . .
1F e0erybody didnJt oppose me . . .
1F 1 didnJt ha0e so many worries . . .
1F 1 could marry the right person . . .
1F people werenJt so dumb . . .
1F my #amily were not so e8tra0agant . . .
1F 1 were sure o# mysel# . . .
1F luck were not against me . . .
1F 1 had not been born under the wrong star . . .
1F it were not true that Lwhat is to be will beL . . .
1F 1 did not ha0e to work so hard . . .
1F 1 hadnJt lost my money . . .
1F 1 li0ed in a di##erent neighborhood . . .
1F 1 didnJt ha0e a LpastL . . .
1F 1 only had a business o# my own . . .
1F other people would only listen to me . . .
1F U U U and this is the greatest o# them all U U U 1 had the courage to see mysel# as 1
really am% 1 would find out what is wron with me, and correct it, then 1 might ha0e
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a chance to pro#it by my mistakes and learn something #rom the e8perience o#
others% #or 1 know that there is something 4R3( with me% or 1 would now be
where 1 43:@D !'>E BEE 1F 1 had spent more time analy7ing my
weaknesses% and less time building alibis to co0er them.
Building alibis with which to e8plain away #ailure is a national pastime.
The habit is as old as the human race% and is fatal to success6 4hy do people cling
to their pet alibisF The answer is ob0ious. They de#end their alibis because T!E9
5RE'TE themP ' manJs alibi is the child o# his own imagination. 1t is human
nature to de#end oneJs own brain-child.
Building alibis is a deeply rooted habit. !abits are di##icult to break%
especially when they pro0ide ;usti#ication #or something we do. Plato had this
truth in mind when he said% LThe #irst and best 0ictory is to conNuer sel#. To be
conNuered by sel# is% o# all things% the most shame#ul and 0ile.L
'nother philosopher had the same thought in mind when he said% L1t was
a great surprise to me when 1 disco0ered that most o# the ugliness 1 saw in
others% was but a re#lection o# my own nature.L
L1t has always been a mystery to me%L said Elbert !ubbard% Lwhy people
spend so much time deliberately #ooling themsel0es by creating alibis to co0er
their weaknesses. 1# used di##erently% this same time would be su##icient to cure
the weakness% then no alibis would be needed.L
1n parting% 1 would remind you that L@i#e is a checkerboard% and the player
opposite you is T1AE. 1# you hesitate be#ore mo0ing% or neglect to mo0e
promptly% your men will be wiped o## the board by T1AE. 9ou are playing
against a partner who will not tolerate 1DE51$13PL
Pre0iously you may ha0e had a logical e8cuse #or not ha0ing #orced @i#e
to come through with whate0er you asked% but that alibi is now obsolete% because
you are in possession o# the Aaster 2ey that unlocks the door to @i#eJs bounti#ul
The Aaster 2ey is intangible% but it is power#ulP 1t is the pri0ilege o#
creating% in your own mind% a B:R1( DE$1RE #or a de#inite #orm o# riches.
There is no penalty #or the use o# the 2ey% but there is a price you must pay i# you
do not use it. The price is F'1@:RE. There is a reward o# stupendous proportions
i# you put the 2ey to use. 1t is the satis#action that comes to all who con*uer self
and force #ife to pay whatever is asked/
The reward is worthy o# your e##ort. 4ill you make the start and be
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L1# we are related%L said the immortal Emerson% Lwe shall meet.L 1n closing%
may 1 borrow his thought% and say% L1# we are related% we ha0e% through these
pages% met.L
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oing (e)ond *Thin+ , row #ich-
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