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Global Warming Fact or fiction

Cristina Lopez Fernanda Aguilar

The current cycle of global warming is changing the rhythms of climate that all living things have come to rely upon, but people exaggerate and every climate change or natural disaster, and blame global warming.

Climate change is changing our economy, health and communities in diverse ways.

Global Warming in mexico

Given the high average altitude of Mexico, the temperature changes and raising sea level should have less impact on Mexico than most other countries. Still, low laying areas of Mexico will be affected significantly.

Energy efficiency may well be the most rapid and cost-effective tool to reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, yet it is still overlooked by many businesses and governments. Increases in energy efficiency must be seen as a crucial part of reducing CO2 emissions and minimising our dependence on fossil fuels.

Renewable energy generated from natural sources water, wind, solar, biomass or geothermal will play a key role in replacing the world's dependence on fossil fuel based energy sources, such as coal, oil and natural gas which are not renewable. This means once that source of energy has been used, it is gone!

Carbon-capture and storage (CCS) is technology that removes and stores the CO2 during the production of energy from fossil fuels. With further research and investment, CSS technology may prove to be the bridging technology needed to 'get us over the line

Preventing forest loss will go a long way to reducing the threat of climate change. Forests are the largest storehouse of carbon, after coal and oil. When they are destroyed by logging and clearing for developing massive quantities of CO2 is released into the atmosphere

Fact or Fiction
we believe it is a fact that the world is going through climate changes, and the man has contributed to this, but also we have taken advantage of this matter and any weather change blame global warming

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